V r (V if "If v f f M f tr?": our Aulbotixtd Agent. R. A. IIavlkt, nt t'iifTon. , . . , Our-AdTrtUirt Agnta. - , . n f hT.TiT.VD A Eato 12t Tine t.f Ft. Lonts. J. H. Williams, tniTif'Htnut t, -H. M. Petti cu I'L, 87 1'iirk lVw. New Torlo J CLE Itr.ArBILK.ACX, Ht JOM-pfl. ilO. . Oook, t'onuR A I'o., Cbiwt-'O, Jlu OS, CXkci.s ATATi-jJvUincinuatl.Cmo, H. 11. PAKVIN.Clnolnmui. Ohio. A. y. J iSGuw A Uon Hoaton. Maan. Arrirfcl'&nd Dcpartar of HaLU. fioti them A Eatr a Arrive at 12 o'clock M , - JjcparUi at 12 " M Northern A Eastern Arrives at 4 o'clock P M , - iA-,rtat 8 " AM Halo. Arrive at 8 o'clock, ax.'' - Iraruat8. IVru, Arrive at 12 " X - " lterxtrU at 2 M PM Hentxicc, Arrive MonJsrs, Wednesdays ana Frklay, nt 12 o'clock M . . Depart Tuew.laya, ThurtMlay and hat urtlaya, at 1 o'clock P M Grant Arrive Frlunya at 4 o'clock v u - lK'paii Thunulaya at 8 o'clock A X Port Office Jow 7 O'clock A MtoTPM tjundais torn 19 to ax. . A, D. MAlwlI, rofct Master. St. JcpU and Canncll Bluff Railroad. TIME SCHEDULE No. 1. Gwlng KwrtH. HU Joseph 8 00 a.m. Going South. Hamburg 1 50 p.m. Atnlsoua Noriawaw 8 2 WatJtoa 2 15 42 V 05 9 m l'helpa Corning Craig lilgloW Forest City Forbea Ntxlaway Amaiona St. Jf'ph 2 30 3 16 8 40 4 .SO 4 60 6.15 JfM 6 54 6 2 Forest City 10 oo 10 40 4'ornlng lhelpa WaUton llamtmrp 11 04 11 M 12 U p.m. 12 30 LOCAL MATTERS. J. X CoUvayp, Editor. EROWNVILLE. THURSDAY. NOV. 19, 180ft. C&owed Under. Locals. Tot your Boy'i and Ladles Skates, go to the .Pioneer Stove Store. 3aep "Warm 1 Buck , Gloves, Heating Stove and Overshoes given away at Ta T. Den's Pioneer Store, Oo and see him. Xadles' Purs At nill's. "Win. H. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu rance Agent, Is prepared to make out all pa :prs necessary to the conveyance of Real Es tate. Office Court Room, Brownvillc. - - - - - J. S. Church has not yet returned from Iowa. Iost. On Saturday morning last, a Black Jet Breast Tin, In the shape of a cross, bor dse4 with gold, with a pearl In the center. AXheral reward win be given the finder by resuming the same to Miss Laura Collins. - Win. 8mU has his new house on "Bird's Tolnt," In this city, finished. Those wishing Magazines, Papers, and Pe riodicals for 1809 will please remember now Is the time to eubecrihe, thereby receiving the benefit of Club Rates, and also the January numbers, as some of the magazines are pub lished a mouth in advance. A. D. MARS II. J as. Dye gives a tinging exhibition at Mt. Ziou Church, on Monday evening, 2Crd Inst. Physician v.'hose skill -can boeutlrely relied upon. Is a blessing to any community. This Is eminently true of Doctor Whittler, of St. Louis, who confines himself to the treat ment of chronic and other clast-es of disease mentioned in his card, appearing in another column. " -. - LlcFherson's Hall Is now being plastered, and when completed will be one of the finest la the State.-. I f ! i . . , ! Wlnteri with its cold seA.:hing winds and snow, Its stoppage of all out door employ ments entirely, and In-door work to a great extent, Is upon us. In our midst are some persons who may suffer from want. Forget - not that fortune's reverses may drag thee down to want, and now "remember the poor." . Good! Vacu&m Oil Is good fr Harness, foe Boots and Shoes, Baggy Tops, etc. It Is good! ! 1 For sale at J. W. Middlcton's. Oar Farmers are finding almost a home .market for their surplus corn to farmers In tbelnlerlorwho ureteft almost destitute by the drouth and grasshoppers, A great many loads of corn changed bands on our streets within the past week, being emptied out of one wagon Into auoLhcx, and hauldd back .Into the interior. , " Vsa 1C Dye win sell and deliver first class Pianos and Organs in Southern Nebraska and Atchison County, Mo., for the Eastern Retail -Price, and warrant the same for five years. ":S the new advertisement of C O. 4 G.V. Dorscy, Real Estate and Land Agents, In to duy's paper. Their facilities for the business engaged In are unsurpassed by any firm on the Missouri river; and their names, wher fver known, are a sure guarantee for fair dealing. Those in want of lands, lota, of In formation as to the lands In this District, can do no better Ahan address them or, tak.3 tlie Mcpherson's 8 kiting Rink Is already quite attractive to small boys, who skate on iiith Impunity, and slip up some times. The ice is hardly strong enough yet for heavy skating. The business of our city, taring the pres ent season now drawing to a close, we believe Jaalmost double that of any former season. The efforts of our merchants to draw the trade naturally tributary to this .point, have been signally successful, and must continue so, so Jong as their present spirit of fairness to cus tomers continues. Vie believe the bulk of goods sold in our city during this season will double tbatof any -former orte, with profits less than any year 6ince '6L Yet, in view of tbejermanent drift of trade -hit her wards, all conclude that they have done well and they Jiave. You'll sorely think yorT re In the 6ky, . - On such downy beds oXease . . Which at McFall A Co s. you buy; They cannot fall to please. - '.3odey'e Lady's Book. This fine old stan dard periodical for December, is on hand, and the best, In point of literary material and beautiful Illustrations, that we have ever oooii. The fashion plaice are not only very .elegant designs, but usually fine specimens 9f art and coloring. , A," chief excellence and Attraction of the Lady's Book consists of tba pure morality Inculcated by Its reading mat. tr. "No sentence Is ever found in its pag:es that would bring a blush to the cheek of the ex sr wfcem It Is especially lntendvd, and tvtryportloaot Its variety conveys a lesson of morality that Is calculated to teach its Traders the beauty of virtue and goodness, : TTantd-i-Ail the game In the country, uch as Geese, Ducks, Prairie Chickens, Quails, Turkeys, Rabbits, Squirrels, Elk, Doer And UiUlalo, at the City Meat Market, whexe Hie highest market jprcfc cash' will pal. We would cull attention to the advertise ment of C.W. Wheeler, Bridge Uolraad Bole Agent for Smith's Patent Truss Bridge for Nebraska and North Missouri. C. W. Wheeler has built five of the Smith Truss for our county this year, and they are pronounced by all woo see them to bo the bext urifi.uow In cse. The maEter in wfcich the post and braces are arranged, effectually prtvnts them from fplitilng, thus giving the ehllre . cohesivo strength of tho full size of all the timbers, which renders It almost impossible .fcriny of them to give way, the fibers of the .timber hat irg to be separated before they can .do a.' Being entirely of wood, except Ciethrouslt bolts, this bridge is holly free from the ill effects of expansion and contrac Uqo. It Is the pnly bridge, now in uselhnt to a perfect cross brace to prevent careening. This is a matter of great importance. It has the best bottom lalteral brace. This bridge has unequalled strength, with much less materha tan l orOiuarUjr used. This ren ders i,i prscUcul W er - i bridges of longer pan thau can be done ou ary ol her plan. We btUcvcthemto be the be voodcu bridges built, and worthy of general adoption by all Cesidr tj a cheap, ctroeg, ontU aii suUtanilal ttrartu.x-e." ' ,The best Teas in the Wet!, at UHl & Co'b. - riour-Sprlng and F&ilTieat, at McGee's, at reduced pr1'"vs. , ... . w . . ;AKol year oil Horse for Sale. J''1 quire at this offloe. v John Deere's genuine Mollne Plows, for sale by Theo. Hill A Co. Gent's Piece Qoods.-Oreate6t variety in the market at Hill ACo's. - '. , 4 ; Pekin Breaking Plowi-200 T. 4 H. Smith & Co s make, for sale by J. a Peuscr. . The fulles stock of Hardware West of the Mississippi, at SheUenberger Bro'a Spring Wheat Flour-Wcrrantcd good and satlsiaction guaranteed, at the Red Store. 45 pieces Merrimack W. mnls and 20 pieces Corheoc ; ITlnts just opeued at; fTheo. Hill a Co's.; - " , 1 1 I $1200 aiid All Expenses Paid Ai vertlsement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine in our advertising colamnB,., . . r . Chester White Pigs.-0ne pair pure Ches ter White Pigs, three montbs old; price, 520. Apply to R. W. FURNAS, Brownvillc, Mis Ulary Hamilton, real lence corner of Atlantic and 4th streets, U prepared to do all kinds of Stitching. Braiding, Silk embroider ing, eteon short notice and reasonable terms. Our style of Job Work is giving very gen eral satisfaction, and encourages us to say that wo can do nearly ss neat a Job as St. Louis or New York can turn out, and within an ace as cheap. S000 Peach Trees ' I have for sale 5000 one and two vearold Seedling Peach Trees, grown from choice selected seed. Price, 510 per 100 or 130 per liwo. " "R. W. FURNAS, : 4-2 Brownvllle. See the advertisement in to-days paper of "sealed preposals for printing," for the state of Nebraska. This Is a big thing for large offices who can turn out work rapidly, but is severe on country' offices, curtailing the pat ronage that should fall to them by a great many dollars. Its a Republican move, and we've nothing to-say. Ladies' and Gent's Shawls at Den's. Falls Crrr, Neb., Nov. 13th, 1SC3. ProLJsmes H. Dye: . Dear Sib : I talc much pleasure in saying that the Piano that I purchased from you le- eentlv. of the "New York Union Co's" manu facture, has been thoroughly, tested by com nelant muslciansr and has proved to bean instrument of superior dualities, I have no hesitation in recommending thce Pianos to all persons who wish to buy"muSlcal Instru ments of this kind, as the best, cheapest, and most reliable of any sold in the western country. Very truly, Ac, ISHAM REAVIS. Do you want a good Mattress? Go to Mc Fall A Co's. ; Why not save twenty-five per cent, by buy ing your Toilet articles and Fancy Notions at the City Drug Store. The Concert of Vocal and Instrumental MuMc at Albany, Kansas, on the night bf the 10th Inst, under the direction of James R. Dye, of Brownville,'tNebrasta, was a com plete success. Men, women ana cniiarcp turnfd out from every direction, and were highly pleased with the entertainment. The proceeds. were applied for the payment of a Burdett Organ purcliased, for the Congrega tional Church. The organ gave general satis faction. G. W. BROWN. Creese are Just now migrating frequently and iu numerous quantities. Pillows, Comforts, Mattresses, ad all Elnds of Furniture In full assortment, at McFall Co"a. ' The Ifational Debt- There are various Bcherucs and speculations in reference to the public debt, but after ail their figuring and theorixlng, this vaKtamocunt of revenue must be raised by taxetion; and we say to one and all, If you would be the better prepare'! to meet this heavy ixj'tuM purchase your "Cry Goods at A. May's Price Regulator. He gives the best bargains In that line, and if the peo ple could do as well in proportion, with all their other purcJiases, we could congratulate them on soon being able to liquidate the na tional debt and never feel it. ; Pillows for sale at KcFail dt Co's. Boots & Shoes are selling unprecedentedly low at Hetzel's. . , This is truly the "age of progress," and the American people are, beyond doubt, far ahead of all others. This is clearly demon strated by the Sewing Machine which Is, strictly speaking, an American invention. In this branch of manufacture the Empire Sewing Machine Co., office C16 Broadway, New York City, stands pre-eminent. Their Improved Manufacturing Machine" has no rival. It is built on sound mechanical prin ciples is simple in construction easily un derstood, and not liable to get out of order. Its sewing qualities, particularly on cloth and leirther, cannot be equalled: and as such we recommend It to our friends ami the public generally. See advertisement.' " " Choice Fruit and Fancy Candles, at Allen's City Bakery. Extras. A full supply kept constantly on hand for every machine sold by F. A. Tisdel A Co. . . ; Extraordinary. This age Is remarkable for extremes. The development of science and art within the past few years Is a wonder to the world; the great degree of enterprise and commercial improvement in our country is without a parallel in hl&tory, and yet, with all of these marks of pre-eminence, there is nothing more gratifying and directly inter esting than to know that our city and vicin ity are, blessed with the best Clothing store In the West. "Best goods and at lowest prices," is the motto of this establishment, and all will know, without designating it, that of A. May's Regulator, 27 Main street ' Verily the world moves. Siberian Squirrel and Coney Furs at Hill A Co's. ' . Hanniford A Hughes' Fall stock of Fur niture has arrived, and contains everything in that line. Go and see 'em. Kllbonrn, JcnVAns A. Co Jlanufuc turt rs and Wholesale and Retail dealers, in all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Plclrets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc. Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main street. Brae eh Yard at Phelps City, Missouri. We manufacture our own material in the Fineries of O-shkosh, Wis., where we have in operation one of the largest manufactures of everything ma " In Pine in the world, and obtaining our Luj iber direct from the tree, as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard in the West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail p routs. We shall always kef" hand a full supply ot everything our i. .e, so that those In want may always rely opvii getting what they de sire. We simply a.,k all to examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we can ensure satisfaction in both. II C Jjetti Ixiiil Agent, lirownvllle. . Sugar Leaf Drips, the finest article In town, at Hill & Co's. The November number of Peter's U. S. Mu sical Jieview cojatalcsthe following choice new Tfrusic: A heart that beats only for thee," and "When I went home with Iielle," two me songs by theauthorof "NoraO"Near' a 6acre3 ftong by Dishop, entltlel -Scek and ye shall find ; "Pleasant Thought Mazufka," by Chi. KtatocL, arul "Lore of lh Angels," a beaulCal March by Packer. TUU iiU.8ie Is written especially for the Review, and Is pub lished In sheet form W a cost of 12,40. In ad dition to the music, the following neairjg matter appears: Poetry Auto ta Festivals, andNeUIe; Soldiers'' Music; Popurar Soc ; Early Years of Meyerbeer; What jltb the Bells Saying; Our Village Annals; Maslc la Poetry; -TOhetic Veman; Xew Matlc; Re view, etc masking in all thirty-two large bages. The Kevlew is published by J. L. Pe ters, 13S Broadway, New Yorlr,t J2per year. SBTnflecorl&vrSecTit?. .v - f eed$ forLnalyxlnsr. 4 The Commissioner of Agriculture lias made tpplicatlon to me for specimens of Corn, Oats nd Wheat from Nebraska, fc analyzing pur-,-awi If tome of oar farmers ttIU be good - r.T.igU to furnish me with one.or tro pounds ach of the above named grains, it will be an i :;"''k kumodatlon all around, and may result ' creat good. Send or bring soon as possible, imens from both' unbind, and bottom would be desirable. R. W. FUKKAS, Prest. St Bd. Ag. Furs All kinds at Hill A Co's. "a full stock of Harness at Bauer's. Tasty. Thaos Otter Hoods at Hill A Co. Ladies' Furs. Mink and Fitch, at Hill A Co's. ' i : A. Splendid assortment of Albums cheap. jriFt received at City Drug Store. ;, k' Stoves are C very necessary article In every rell jregalateci family, and tho SheUenberger, Bro's have every variety and style. We learn that A. S.- Holladay is about to remove his Drug Store to the Old Land Office Building, to make room in his building for a Wholesale Liquor Store. "The Holadays arecomlng! For.nice and appropriate presents go to A. D. Marsh's. . Teare &, Co. make It a speciality to keep a full Stock of choice staple and Fancy Gro ceries. Prof. Docker The most polite and oblig ing gentleman Inthlsclty, Is now presiding at the counter of Tears A Co., which fact warrant us in saying that there is where you get your true accommodation. I Mean Business, I Do. I am selling my splendid stock., of Mufflers, Scarfs, Gloves, MltUi Overshoes, etc.,et, riglu do wn and no mistake. Call .and be convinced, at J. 8. Hetael's, No. 70 Mcrherson's Block. Ermine Furs At Hill A Co's. ' 5 , a Notice. The Berry Washlngtonlan Asso ciation wlll.meet next Sunday, Nov. 22d, 18C8, at 3 o'clock, over the old Land Office Building. Comfortable seats and good fires. All are in vited foattend ; especially new members with the necessary qualifications. W. H. SMALL, President. Latest Lady Washington Beaver Hoods, at Hill A Co's. ' ' . Ho, Stop! Stop! I Stop!!! Go and try Hetzel's Pulse Warmers, Scarfs, Waterproof Boots, Artie Over Shoes, Fur Caps, Fur Gloves, Lamb's Wool Gloves,. Lamb's Wool Milts, Iamb's Wool Undershirts and Drawers. The good timo has come. J. S. Hctael, No. TO McPhersoni Block. ; . .1 ; Beautiful. Those Queen Elizabeth Beaver noods, at Hill A Co's. - Cold Ears. Not a pleasant thing, at any time; but when the ear is exposed to the bleak winds of a Nebraska prairie they are liable to bocOme frost-bitten. Hetzel, at No. 70, Mc- Pherson's Block, has a preventive consisting of Muffiers made of Beaver, Otter.'Mink and Coon Furs. Scarfs from pure wooL Call and see. . - . . ... ..... The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Coe s Dyspepsia Cure in an other part of this paper. This trujy .Valuable Medicine is recoineiided by oil who. use it Read the certificates. " I seen her at the window, It was tny dear Lneinda, - j .-' .' . She looked so sweet . . V ;' - And dressed so neat,- .' I'd gin my life to have been dah! '. Wiy 7 ,Eecause she buys her dress goods and trimmings at Teare A Co's. .All kinds of Woolen Gooda,"most season able at Teare A Co's. Q. S Beall, opens up this evening in our High School building, u temporary Business College, teaching. Penmanship, all styles, Book Keeping, etc. His method is essentially his own, and possesses points of advantage which those desiring to Improve tlielrhand write, or l&u-n Btol Keeping, should avail themselvt-s of at once. The river Is nearly closed at this point with mush ice, and running very slow. - 1 m mm You have a desire to do well in this world as most people have, and desire of coure to make your money buy you as good an article as tho market affords at as low rates as possi ble. This can be done at the wholesale and retail dry goods 6tore of Theo. Hill A Co.', who keep nothing but what they can warrant, and can and do sell at as low rates as any house in the west Our word for it, you will save money by dealing with them. For Bob Sleigh Shoes and Sleigh Cutter Wood Work, go to the Fioneer Stove Store. "Blow, blow thou wintry wind, Thou art not so unkind As friends remembered not And that man certainly is his own greatest enemy w ho doth not cloth himself from that magnificent stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Mitts, Gloves, Rubber Goods, Muflers, Scarfs, Overshoes, etc., which Is being sold cheaper than the cheapest all on the eastern one price system, at No. 70, McPhareon'B Block. . A few of the choicest Groceries the sun ever shone on, at Theo. Hill A Co's. Halrj'a Patent Meat Cutter and Stuffer, for sale ty SheUenberger Bro's, Is the most complete thing of the kind ever invented. It works more steadily and easily than other meat cutters, doing, with the same amount of power, four times the amount of work ; it custthe meat without tearing it; "it can be easily kept clean ; the knife is kept sharp by the action ofthe rollers; M-Ith stuffer attach ment it stuffs with greater rapidity and uni formity than any other stufijug rna-iilne in use, and the work of both can le duiic at one operation. . . , For Boots and Shoes that will wear, and at prices as low as any, go to Teare A Co's. I Will venture the assertion that no live man In America can sell No. 1 Clothing, Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes and Fur Goods cheaper than J S Hetzel, No 70 McPherson's Block. He believes that honorable competition is healthy and therefore asks nooddsof any man, bellevelng that he bought as cheap as any one could bey in the New York market for cash, he, without vaunt or blow, defies nil combi nations or competition, and asks the puiJic to call where they, may be shown through the entire stock free of charge. Buy where you can do the beet, stJ8 Hetzen's, McPherson's Block ' 1 ' ' ' -" ' .. -' Old Lad las wanting ft soft shoe to fit over their corns nicely, will call at McGIbbons' store, where they will find Just the thing. They are so nice. Final Kesult ! Just received at the Red Store : DryEeans, Cove Oysters, llomijoy, Can Peaches, Dry Apples, J Can Strawberries, Dry Peaces, Can Blackberries, Dry Currants, Can Peas, Dry Cherries, Can Corn, Raise ns. Can Quinces, Can Tomatoes, Mustard in Jars, Mustard inglass bottles Mustard Dry, -Black Tepper, White Pepper.. Citron, Dry IUackberries, Dry llucklbcrrles. Pearl Durley, Tapioca, Mackaronl, . Kemoved. TheDorsey Bro's have remov ed their Land Offleeto McPhersoii'a Block. They sat upon :he front door mat, Where softly shone the moon, - And listened to the music that Came from the beer saloon. Ills manly arm did round her twine. Their lips In kisses met; And when he asked, Wilt thou be mine?" She said, "I will, you bet " - v . And as they heard the laelodeous call, For lager beer aud bretzcls, Says she, You look so sweet and neat In those clothes you bofigbt at IleUels." KORAL. - " ; Eemember, young man, as yoa strive for love, . . " . Th "feathers make the bird," So buy your goods of JJet zel, ' Ar.tt yrm'il alntys be preferred. " . EIlCAVNVILLi: UAmLCTS. FLOUR Winter sack Sf 00 44 ' rpiinir 4 50 CORN T bushel, old 76 ....... - new ,..".50 MEAL ii bushel 75 BACON Hams lb - 20 " Shoulders V tt - I M Sides tb 20 LART Canned & S i'RUP Golden ( gal . 1 60 " Susar House gal. ............. 125 COFFEE J a va v 46 Rio V ft 233:33 CHEESE New York Factory $ B 25 " Country li) . 20 TEA Imperial f. fc. 2 '5 " Black V 1 73 " 'Ynuntr Hyson R - 2M CANDLE tnr V ft . 25 " Tuliow. U ' 20 APPLES Dried lb...: .-. 15 Green bushel 2 00 PEACHES Dried i lb & POTATOES New . bushel 75 " Sweet pound o COAL OIL f4 gailon.... 70 EGGS 5 doz 25 BUTTER f lb 3040 HONEY-?, ft) . 25 ONION V bushel 125 SALT per barrel 4 50 LUMBER Cottonwood per 100.. 2 00.2 25 Oak 6 00 " Walnut 5 00 " Pine 3 57li0 SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000-.. 5t"-1 00 " Pine ;. tX&7 50 LATH Cottonwood per 1000.. 7 00 Pine 7 50 WOOD Dry Hard per cord 6 00 HIDES Dry per lb 15 Green.. 8 WHEAT Fall per bushel , I 50 " Spring 4 fcOmOO WOOL per lb 1D25 awiwiiwjmagwria!Bt!!wi''' va h CLOCKS, V7ATCHSS, AND JEWELEY, No. 59 Ilain Street, Brownvllle. JOSEPH SHUTZ, f-? nas Just opened and will constantly 7 keep on hand a large and well ussorted Isiock of genuine articles in his Lne. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, end Jew elry done on short aotice. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ine Ceiling, in abundance, at . W M. 1L SMALL'S. KEISWETTER A EIRSMAN, Brownvllle City Meat Market. No. 60 Main Street. Will pay thehiytie.it vvtrkit price for good Bee Cattle, LYilces, Siecp ana Hogs. SPECIAL NOTICES. "Woman. Female, owing to the peculiar and important re lations which they Bnstain, their peculiar organ ization, aud theonice they perform, are subject to many huBerinns. Freedom rr ta lhe-e contribute in no small degree to their happiness and welfare, for none can be happy ho xte ill. SJ. only , but no one of these rarioas lemale comp airus can long be sufferei to run on without colving tbe general hcaith of the individual, ai d ere long produce perma nent sickness and pertuature decline. Nor is i' pie- ant 10 eonsnlt a pDynciaa lor the relief of these various de.icate affections, and only upon the must uracnt necessity will a true woman so far sjcrifice her greatest charmastodo this. The sex will then thank ns for placing in their hands simple tpec:ncs which will he louud efficacious in relieving aud curing almost every one of those tronbiesorae com plaints peculiar to the sex. HelmsoLu s Extract of Bvchu. Hundreds suffer ou in silence, and hundreds ot others apply vaiuiy to druggists aud doctors, who either uiere.y tantaiUe tbem with the h"pe ol a cure or apply remedies which make theiu worse. I would not wish to assert anything U t Would do injustice to theaftiicted but 1 am obliged to say that although it may be produced from excess-ive exhausti' n 01 the poweiauf lite, by. laborious employment, unwhol esome air and tovd, profuse nieusu union, jtue u.-.e of tea aud coflee, and frequent childbirth, it is lar of.euer caused' by direct irritation, applied 10 the mucous membrane of the vagina itself We review the cau-e o these distre-sing com plaints, it is most ptiuful to conteiflp-atff the at tendant evils ronsequent upon them. It is but sim ple justice to tbe subject tv euumt rs' e a few of the many additional cases wh cli so. tatgcly affect tha lire, health, happiness of woman iu all classes of society, and which consequent y, fleet more or less directly, the we. tare of the eutire hum nt family. Tbe mania that exis.s for .prec.'CioUs etucatlou and maniage. cause: the years that natara designed fjr corpoicai development to be wssiedaud pe. vei led in the restraints of dress, the arly c .1. Augment of tchool, ana especially in th uuhea:tuy axcitemeat ol tbo bah-rooia Thus, with the b'dy b li-Uo. b4, 'and the nncd unduly excited by pleasure, perver ting id midnight revel the hours uesigoed by iiati.re for sleep aud rest; tue wort ot destruction is ba.f accomplished. In consequence of this early strain up n her sys tem, uui ecesary trTort is requited bv the dcMicue Vvtaiy to reiaiu hor i i u tl n m Sib-o! at a later day, thus a.graniig the cvh Woen ni excite ment is over, alio bf 1 in prospective ccps the mind morbidly sen-uiTtt to imp e si mi while the now couuet restraint ul la.-liivHbie d es.-, b",utly foi bidoing the exenise inuispeuiiuiti to the attain ment and relentn n of org uic health and strength ; the exposure to n.'-'iitair; ite sudden change of temperature H- mi l!rottiu rlcc'i by exresueddiiciiig, u.ust, of necessity produce tiieir legitimate t-tlext Atlast.au esriy mai riago can the ciinmx of miseiy, and the unr,.rt uuaie 01 e. hitherto so utterly regard ess of the piai i dictates and remonstrances of her doncate nature, beci.mes an unwil inn subject of medical treatment Ttns is but a tmUifut piciurt of the expeneoue of ihu saudi of our oung women Loi g bef jietht abi.l'y to exercise the functions of the generative oigaus. tccy tequiie an education of their peculiar uervou system. C'.mj or or h.it is called the tissue, whxh is, 111 cou.m ou wi:h the lemaie breast and lips, evidently under the control of mental emotions aud associations at au early pe riod cf life; and. as we snail subsequently see, rlese emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberity, to habits which sap the very life cf their victims ere nature has self-Completed their devel opment. For Female Wea ness and Debility, Whites or Leuconhoea. Too Profuse Menstruation Exhaustion, Too Long Continued reriods. for Froiap-us and Bearing Down, or ProUpsus L'teri, we otTer the most perfect spec nc knuwu : IUlmbolu t Com jou.vu Extract or bucHP. in rec irons fur ue, diet, and advice' aiCoiiipttuy Females in every pe.iod of life, from infancy to extreme old age, will Hud it a ratuedy Ui aid nature iu the discbarge i f its functions, dtrengih is the tl"ry of uianhiKdand womanhood. UELMBOLD'g Extract Buchi' is more strengthening tnau auv of the prepai alious of Bark or Iron Infinitely sa:er, and moie pleasant Helmbolu s Kxtract Bu chu having received the indorsement .f the mot piommeut physicians in tbe United States, is now effertd tu atUicted humanity as a certaiu cure for the following diseases and symptoms, from what ever cauee or gmaui g : General Debility Mental and Physical Depresston. Imbecility. Deteimiiiaii.n of Bicod to the Uead, Coi.fnsed ideas, Uy.tena ucnerai irriuhiiity. Kestlessuess aud Sieepie s tiess at Kight, Absence of Muscular ErBc euc. Luk of Appe lie, Dyspepsia, Emaciation Low. snint. Disorgatiixatton or Faralysisof the Organs uf (ien. cration, Palpitallot. of tne fieart, and, iu fact, all ihe coticomitauta of a nervous and Debt iuted state of the system. To insure thegeuuine. cut this out Ask tot Uelmbold s. Take no other. Sold by Druggials and Dealers everywhere i?rice ttl i!5 per boitle, or six bottles loi 46 60. Delivered m ony address. Describe symptoms in all couimuni- cauons. Aduresa II. T HELM BOLD. l)inr Chemical Warehou.-e t94 B. oadwav. Shv Turk Aone are teuuine unlest. uoue ut iu steei-en graved wrapper, with fac-siuiiie ot my l:hamical nareaouse. an t signed H T. UfcLMBOLD A Lecture to Young Men. Just Published, in a Sealed Euvel. ope. Price six cents. - A Lecture on the Xatnr Tri meut aud Radical Cui e of Spermatorrba; a or Sema ual VVeukue.s. Involuulary Emissions, Sexural Debility, and ImpeUnueuU to Maniage generally Nervouuess, Consumption, Epilepsy, aud Fits! Mental and Physical tucapasity, resulting from Self Abuse, k.c By ROBERT J CULVERWELL, M D . Author of the ' Green Boik " &.c. Ibe world renowned author, in this admirable LecTOre, clearly proves from bis own expenence tt-av the awfui coinequeuce of Se'f Abuse may ie edectu . 1 ly removed wi. Lout medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougis, instru rucnts. ringa, or cordials, pointing cut, a ruoue of ure at once certain and etltctual, by which everv Seut under seal, to any atidtes?,' in a plain sealed enveM. on the receipt of aix ceuts, or two postage sumps. Also,Dr.Culverweir-Marriage ouide price 24 cents. Adress the Pubii.-her CHA. j. j klLliE & CO - 127 Bowery, KewWk, P. Q 4,'fi86 Good Xewi to the Afflicted. Five years ago, whila travel. ng thiouuh 8..nh America for my health, I discovered a remedy wh.ch win perm.i.eui.y cure any ce of SpermaUMheaor hemioal weakness, caused by seif abuse or seaua excebs in mature years, in from -wo to fivo wVm It can be useu With.-ul the knowledge ot any one" Sent s-corei, ea.edir..n. observation and warranl ;ed to etffeci . termanet cure or money reTundM Pice, s,S er package sutticient t cnr the n,:,"i ml e eraie esse. Ail leuers of iuiiuuy tbetrfulVv ai.seted. AdJ 1 7 cnetrfulij 12 4a.y J.UX BIAOS Lout,. Mo. To the Colore! People. I have d.scov-red a preparation to straighten th hair I can safely gu.rantee mv preparation to sir.ightea the most kink, ba n, tlr. " to a. ,t win he as sfaigut as'the ha" 0?'. numbe.s have used 11 with success. W.-ran-e'l ia give .uf9 saufacfon and to do what it seislurth , ibe above n alrcases. Sen, pust l ' dtreiti-na for e t.uy address on relent of n- cL Bride and Dridegroom. Essays for y..u..g m -n on the interesting r-la- Manage -. t.u.de to the m,trim,.nial fel icuy true happiness, .Sent t, man u seated .eneV en velopes 'ree of charge A id eS4 IlO'AiTn CIATIOX, B,x P., PhiU'leijhi. p. AllU Aii- Snptrflnoas Hair ' a !t. Louts, Mo. . - WAITED, Tethers. Student,. n,l nhr IntslllgerTt K """' """"'"H to Dlltv for MUlf.i, -A cure bsmeif che-piy, tuivateiy, and radical; THIS LfccTLRIS WILL PHOVB A BOOX TU Tiior ' BANDS ANU TJJOi;3Ai US. ' W' ku:. dcrfui , ready so. t pr copy, l j l-4j-jy ivJdrrss for 60 ejeti OLI.V DV.N"Ai'K St. L. nls,M3. Dr. 3Iotts Conception Preventive I n-ed by orer three hnn.'reJ iboinsand ladies of tbeAtiaDtw State alone. au.I by a lirgp n'lmber in the West, who wou'd not be without it fur ten time its cost. It is to tbis Preventive ibjt the mothers nt those $Uies owe their immunity from Urire families. It is absolutely certain, r neiilent to itii withal be.iieaoia I toheaith. Abortioo is cniuiaal, then use means perieitly wjral and proper. Send stamp for pampblet cootainicg full V.ri:cniars. Audreys, DR. A. G. WlLBER, (PO Box 3092 7i st. CharleHMreet. l?-n-ly st. Louis, Mo. Dtanteii, Catarrh, Contnmptlou and Cancer Cured. A Treatise on Dearnes,. Catarrh, Consumptton and Cancer? their causes.-means of Bpeedy relief and ultimate cure. By a Pupil of tbe Academy of Medicine. Paris. Sent to any address lor lv) cents. Letterrrom Rob'tMcMurdy, D D , LL.D., Grand Prela'eof Grand Euranipment of U. S and Editor of the National Fretmaton : New Yokk. Sept. 17, 1S87 Pr. BTILLwell was in c.Wge of Grace Chnrch liospitii, Alexandria, Va , diiriiic the war. I fre- queuv y.aimosiuaily, for montbs, visited this Hos pital . and bad every means ot kmwttig his reputa tion ror efficiency and skxll. It was of tbe mot creditable character, auj his success in the treat ment of patieuts was remsr ahie. BOBKRT MCSICRDT. cmaAKic Vibrator n b;s into the ear, is not perceptible, remove tingtng noi&ies in the head, and enao.es deaf, persons to hear di.-ttuct ly at church and pubucasseutiMies. This in,trumeni will often pro duce rasuiualmost miraculous a-rid indeed in cases of long stauding dearness, u will relieve in a short tims " It may he adjusted with tbe ease f spec tacle i. - DS. STTLtWELL wiK bo professionally at 31 Bast Washington place, Cniveriity Buildings, N. T.. ds'ij, 10 to 4. excepVJ'uesdays, when ha will bet roaii 1032 Pine blreet, i-hiladelphia. Pa. Attention, Everybody. What 14 neater than a smooth clean face or arm ? Then send for Rii.er'a Itifali. bie Depi atory for removing all superfluous tiairfrom thebodv withort pain or injury to ike skin. The mcst obstinate case cured In from tia toflneen days Thousands baveued it with success. Price per package $130 or twej for $2,25, sent post jMid. to any address with full d:rentions for use on receipt of prke Address F. V. RISER, Chemist 409 OUve St. St. Louis Mo. Dr. AVhlttler Bas Vicen longer engaged in the IreattrvaT of Chroiilc, Sejtual and Feuiaie Diseases than any other Physician in 8t Louis. Syphilis in all Its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Orchiiis, Diabetes, and all affections of tbe Urinary aud Sexual Organs, are treated with the greatest surces. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility aud ImpotencyJ as tbe result of self-abu.e in youth, or sexual ex cesses in matnrer years, which produce some of the tollowlog ertect.-, as- bloicues, debility, dizzi ness, rtimnes of sight, confusion of ideas, evil foreboding, aversion u society of females, loss of memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage improper can he cured. Persons sullering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, CnroUiC Diairhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia, Rup ture or any other chrtTtiic affection, may rely upon receiving a radical cure. Particular attention given to all Female Com piaints; Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Leucorrhea, Chlorist, Steri.ity, &.c. Most cases can be properly treated witooutau interview, and. medicines sent by mail or exp'ess, secured free from observation. Consultation t etter or at office FREK. Charges moderate and cures guarrauteed. 5j-Otllce, with hospital accommodations for pa tients. No. 617 St Charles ttreet, between Sixth and Seventh, St. Louis, Mo. Everybody can get, in a sealed envelope, my theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Dis easesf coutair.ing lull symptom lists, for two pos tage stamps; also, my paper, relating to Chronic and Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp. 12.17-ly Simllla Slmilibus Curantur. .Humphreys H -mrrpathic Specifics have proved, from the most ample experience, au entire success simple, prompt, emci.ut and reliable. They are the only uied cmcs penectiy adapted to popular use sj simple thai misuses cannot be made in using laetu; so iiarmle.-s as to be free from danger, and so edicient as to be always reliable. They huve raised the In gbcit commendation tiom aU, and wil always render satisfaction. Nos. Cents. 1 Crs Fevers, Congestion, Inflamation 25 2 eureri Worms, Worm Fever, Worm C"hc S 3 cure Crying-coiic or leethitig ot infant 23 4 cuies l'iavvLo2a ot children 01 adm e 25 6 cures Dysenlavy, Griping or Biin .u coic 2.') Sruruscn iera-ui..rous, vomiting 7 cures Coughs Coids. brouchit s -.'a b cures Neuiaigia, toothache, ficd.ciio , i5 Semes Headache, sick headache, vertijjo -0 IU cures Dyspepsia, bnlioUistouiacL. ...;. -ij 11 ciiit-s Suppressed, or painlal periods ; Ui 12 cures Whiles, too prol use periods 25 13 cures Croup. Cough, diRicu.t bifathmg If Tnrea St. 11 ilaum, itry .ij fcla -1 .u.u.ii;:is . la cures Khcuniatisiii, rheumatic p.n,... 18 cm es Fever aud ague, chill lever, agues 60 l7curesFi.es. blind or bjeeding 60 1 cures 01 '-ha inv-, and sure or n-e,.k eyes 60 19 cures Cataih, accute ir chrjinc !.nt!uenz 60 W0 cures W hooping-c ugh,. violent coughs 60 21 f'ires Astlima ppressid breath: ng 60 2i ? ures Ear d;schaige3, impaired sealing ..60 ii cui es roluia, euiai geu giainis, swellings 60 it, cures tieneral ueui uy, physical wtakiiess 50 25 cures Dropsy, and scauiy secretions.... ..60 2b cui tis 8ea-sick' ess, sickness from rniiu;.......v...60 27 cures Kidney. diseases, Grat C.'.. 60 2b cures Nervous debility, seminal emissions, iu- , voluntary dischi ges 00 23 cures aoie mouth, eaukei t...60 30cures Urinaiy weakness wetting beds ..60 31 cures Famrai periods, with pa-ms 60 32 cures Suflei ii gs at chance of hie . 100 3i cures Fpnepsy spasms, St Viius dance 100 3 cures Dipiheria, u.cerated sore throat 1 60 tauii.y cjses of 35 to 7o large vials, mo rocrx or rot-ewood case, containing a ' specitlc for every ordinary disease a rf " family is subject to, and bovks of di rections, from ..$10 to $35 Smaller Fimilyand Traveling Cases, with 20 to2S via!... from $5 to $3 Specifics tor all Private Diseases, both lor . Cunug and Preventive Treatment, in vials and pocket cases $2to$5 Pond's Extract cures Burns, Bruises, Lameness, Soreness, Sore Turoat, Sprains, Toothache, Earache, Nottragia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Piles, -Boils, Stings. Sore Eyes, Bleeding of the Lungs, Nose, Stuisach, or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, Oldaores. -tfjf-Price 50 tls to l,"5.-t9L These Remedies, except Pond's Extract, by the case or single box, are sent to any pai t of the coun try, by mail or express, frea cf charge, on receipt of the pt ice. Address Hu.mphbey's Specific HO.MtOPATHIC MtCICISE CO , Offlce and Depot No. Mi Broadway, N. Y. Dr. Humi'hrey is consulttd dai y at his oflice, per- Boualty or Ly letter, as above, lor an lorms 01 uu- ease.- For sale oy - . . . McCOMAS CO., jg - Browuviile, Neb. Van Solon'a Papulean Iiotion. The greatest remedy ever discovered for the dif easesof t;.e Skin. Cures every kind of unsightly e nttions of the face. Removes, without fail, PimpUt. Frtckrl. Moth Wotches. Comodmet or Slack Worms Tan, ire, and as a heautitlor it has n.. tqual For geni'emen atter shaving it is inval uab e Ladies, after trying it, will ue no other. " Papuiean Lotii n" is the only reliable remedy for diseases and blemishes of the Skin. 'Price one dollar. Prepared only by S L. VAN SOLON, St. Louis, Vo. For sale by Druggists general ;y. 12-15-ly ;c no. oo, s - ' Corner Slain and 31 Streets, EROWNVILLE- NEBRASKA. Hrsa H. E. Barkis, Dealer in Faiicy Goods and Notions, Which she will sell at reasonable prices. She H constantly in receipt, of "ew aud Ele gant Patterns lor Dress and Cloak Making, 1 - to which she pay6 particular attention. Fluting, Stamping;, Slit eking, Braid ' , tag, done to order. liiifi ti nsoirs ..." LOCK STICII SEWING MACHINE! Awarded tho -' ' s . at all the principle Tairs in the World. Ev ery Machine warranted for three years. In structions free. .' OFFICEAT THE BAZAR. 3-tf : . D 0.1 GOODS of the 1st : Styles Just Received by in .GB, .'.... & jO. AT No T6. i Ho. 76, SX'PIiersoiiS UIoclc j Dealers in Mi GOODS, GROCERIES, i hardware, . 1 . ' . . Ladle's, Gents' & ChlMrens E00T3 AND SHOES, j QUEEXSWAXtE, I " GLASSWARE, jHats and Caps, ; IMPLEMENTS; ! r u 11 s , j j XO TIOXS, A 3TD ! CARPETS, j Forming, perhaps, the j Most Completo j AND ! i Extensive SlocI I i olTered to j Wholesale or Eetail t PURCHASERS, Wcbt of the Missouri River. i I - Never having: been out-. aone for extent of stock or Fair fleallntf;. thcr merit the confldeiice and patrouego of ALL! i Ho 7Q. Oar Goods were nil oiiglit for Casli And we are prcparcJ On the Cash Sys fceiii To give the Public snsh bargains as will E FY CO P E T I T 1 0 From any sourse ! Call and Examine Goods iPrices Piue LmiilierYart Constating of SIDING, CEILING, . FLOORING, T2NISHING, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS, SASH, " Glass, Putty and Cement. Oflice at RED STORE. FWfiXTV-EIGHT SIZE OF THK CELLUUATEI ixcelsiar Manufacturing Comp'j. X. LOUIS. pHESK Vi:i.T.-KNOWN AND VERY VOW L LAit Ct 0'ilNi s 10VK3 hive ben before t!u .ti.lic biuce i3.")2. acn suvjce;irjr year has aildei tiieir iK.piiUritr, natil the nwiie has become fa iilir i i every h-jrwehokl in Uie West atii South, lie ikni;ud lor our VowClmrtor Osil i-.r year wm greater than we c-u!i sn'-yly with tlw zvi tiieti r.;.''"; anticipatir.g a greater uiti't'ltirini tlie iiifseut year, we have n.a'le pat vi:s 1 -.vrai ai-Ution jl sizes, and are prepared" )lii-t!.'i!J't'.,re lv0 to j:0 OAK STOVES. . j:er dsy, of TIT C.T r-IO IIT D I ITfUEXT SIZES. U'e ptifaratiKe the oiwraricm f every etove w laiitilactiire, unci olier as reference any otie f th wu v- tiiiiu.iiiii ts that ivive bn fcold. v herevti iev"m;iy be lu:ini. eit:i-r lab.ir or ev.i.nse liaj -en sitaieU to make our NEW CIIAUim OAK. j I'LKFECT COOIilACJ STOVE, n l we offer it to f.ie trade hB the P.KST COX. IKl'trTKI), '.')T DritAHLK and I'NUOitll l-rati).? CuOKINCiSTOVh in the m-.rWct. In s.i.i.tioii t. ur LXTfcNMVE MUVE LTSI "KS rrt are pre;.;ir"i to o2T-r to St" Dealtrt' 'iu:tittiw and otitis in the ti :i 1e, the- Urzst an iM-f e'liniili-te aS'jrtniuiit of MetaU and Tinner tck 111 tti? Wc.:. Ottr aiTunte.-iitut w;ia th St. iiii fintplti Cenpanr n:il.!i'S tojrive liieral :sr..i4'!ts t hii ir-Uiveri of I iiL-NCH SlAiiPtD lNM:i MtoNWAKK and linnrrs tupt He, l.ivttv ri-r-v.li rriai'-d T'ne pl ires of all articiei t tr i S M A N'L'K AC 1 Cilo, be!i eiicak-ri aud iMi't-.-eper Ti;I lirvi it to ttetr interest to aend - ';t ;.'-ue ni; 1: ice Lh: .:-.l-1 ourpricej ' in- iri' i.i.-i n,' i -l.-;-vi ivic A'l'iri ii St. LotUi, lliiiOOJrt. nt M. Are how rjft!e by the , ' " . jUroirnnlle, Xe6. V ITo. 27. X . AT IIOIE' To all old Friends and Customers and the Pnblic generally, for all time to come. Veiv sto n e Rf ev; g o o d s HEADQUARTERS FOR a 6 7 1L 0 D 0 HEADQUARTERS FOR r wk will xor na UNDERSOLD On any article ia our linr. Wc w ill e'.l tur each to arij b-Aiv, On Credit to Nobody. VT buy forcash, anri we shall ell for cash. havitig no bid debt?, f pn-p to give onr cu.toier the benefit arisinj from and THE GASH SYSTEM In Iow Prices and Best Goods. DRY GOODS we shall keep a ful assortment of sta fancy Gocxls. Notions, etc., an while w U Staples as low h any house In the tf 'iirjtrj, sllfe'l no chatre 25 per cent more for II. siery, we shall at, thin they tit wociu to "average prjlltXutlons, tor Tim TUE EEGULATOld lids oo eiln'oiiiuQ the greatest variety cf Fancy and Stap! Diy Goods I ii e C L 0 1 OAEP T s Of any boaee ia the trade, and bi arrangementd ' ar suca that he receive the u:et II 0 V E L T I E S FILL TAD J ?Ieriicrsnrs'3 r.lzc'. ivalers i'-i J tartl trare , A-ore, Tim. Hardware, '-'oi?, Tinu cO.cn a 50,C'JO -Vv nttuhurff Iron awl Xal Vis-; Iron and Xnl. ntteburg Iron and Xcii are, F. s iv 3 1 J j ITT 1! ire. 1 Tfr ' t v; a io Chorttr Oa?: S'p PVt. Charier Oak Move?, Charter Oak Siotr.f Eosldoa afall n'ortmmt tvi in a first clx-a DHID171DE STOEE ! Which win lc so!! a low the LivrJ TOW CASTI! To a7' u hrt f;or v.-i with a ca.'l. RAIirZlT z LZ Ho. 49, rvr.vix STKEGT, tfali rs in sta ri. e a yn r. i .vc v Hm.lsT2.clng all the IvoTeltie of ih casoa . Also a Lirge and well s' lctdl stock cf CLOTHIXG ! OLWTS'l F URXISJIIZ i G OOl BOOTS AND SHOES, HAT3 AIiD CATS, GROCERIES, QnecnsTcoro, Hardrare, salt, li mi: asd CSHEXTT! Our (JooiU were bought of first fuinjt, and tec think tee can cjTtTruch induce' menU to purchasers as cannot Jail to ' suit these wishing to buy. Call and sc for yourselves. All Kinds of Produce taken ia ILr Change for" Goodj. At the Sisn ol the BIG BSD STSA3 ! is fie pliue t-.i buy FUR9ITUREAH0 UPHOLSTERY Co., " Kot p const in tly iti l.nn 1 a com p. j u nt of to art. Sof-is, VejJslecJt. U'ir,fro iJKrenui, S ir in it Ri ds, WUct .ult. IlliClit"! ( Waih Stai t-. Fiat Hack, Kite He it ', ' " and Kitchen and Parlor P.lrlor. Stixmi.i. Loun- Lonnift f Spnnvs. , , . J .Sa t,-! SetliCn. J Aittkai '. S,:Jt.. run. i -- Chiirx, Lornfsrtt, T,t'-teta, t C'I.'.jc and d Mvu'ti .mi. Sicnd4. MattrtifrX, lit'. Sfiri.'.r;. rh:;,!- ei Cit uii Ri'inri Stiff I'illjict, i'j'i.t; etc., e'e Mi SHOW CASES 6 OFFICE W0P.S IIABS TO ORDER J And iinytliltii; an I pveryThlnir r'qulrp! to set up pitun vt lain-y l.iiUx lvc i li? All uf tli' irv. aro i ; i:i rin;:r t'.f.ictttrfvi or put up utvl'-r their p i.il mij rin!tnih'ncei ' t hiclj i-ik l.I.s tin iu to st 11 sni nl nitl!i-sat Kiiia.uT j'l.'O.s tana l...ttitt iiiair.ii'acturcJ ir'Hl.i . Our iroapso V) r r, I.: at tii'! s.;t I f.f the may l: net-i.. I. ami is as any Ltrth; i- t;ut. l-c' V.J at nny lline it vt'.i'U up Inas Ciiv.'.tyli QlTillC BDDIiL CASES of all si, s cn-tint'.y c a h;;;i !, I , 1 1 X f O H V are cl"lr.r; l ulr.cs:, on STRICTLY CASH PRICIPLTS AT A Small Piolit and hy nttcnflon to hrtsit! i nj tho wants of in- tiit ii ras in tf1.- the comuvinitv, rn''-! in t 1 ast to rM.-eiV(j gnncrally. thu piirrotn!; jf tlin publi McFALZ. & CO. JOII2I L. CARS OX, BROWyVILLL .X. 2AS7CA. Fxchnri','e Eorr.-ht ar.-l Fr,;.' on ill tho prin- GOvi:ii:r:,ii:iTT o::d3. lHrKv;':li rr-' iv-S. j-t est f'uM ori ti-r, iV-..i lUf'ltt. T'' p:;I I i r ' All k Ml.'t r. I'. S, -:: ut slhf. InN-r. -in by s;k-'iul urec "-1-ri-; h :it . :icz:. I !iav t'ny sol I rr.v f ntlre luV r.-t tu tho pfiin!::; U;ir.w to. jr. K. Fretz. Thar.k lnac ny irlou.j-, ii.r xi.fW.iczl ronf t'-Ft'j-.i. I on ii!,-, f..r ti.e prtt tPrtrtu ytars. I "'-T-e th.v v. :.: c-.nt'.:i.i tl.f satii.? to my to.--r-vor m h-r$.;acs-?, n .Mr. Frttz is an expfri tncfl piiiti-r, ujiart tent to rorti.rT:i nil u-.i tu i,,;a in a wr:.i;i.ir. manner, ana r.-anatly rt-Jucvl All w ?rn lir.o-xkv: tr-.erwlven la-kLte to nit; tv;n r I. u-' and .; 'o ;ip... T..e un L-t'.z2.':1 w! C'lT .13 HOUSE, SIGrijCARRIAGE, Omamcntnl Pnii:tiu Calldlng, Claxln, rr-perhataS Ho. 15 I-Iain Street, (On dor.- iv.t of ir & II'.;'z;R2.-r'i line ii .v-ar&a:i.l Cr j'.-cxy sicrif,) brow.n villi:, i:i5i:aska. J. lv. J "1 ZIYI? 'Si. nil-if "AL I. ABO ABB." (7 -' i I 1 'UIUI)tl Tls Ero:7n7il!t Transfer Lin$ t Ci --r tL r ezipntuf O T"t o r. Si-ou:nwiR3 o iho Railroad Tepmian. ot taa Cau.ica Blt-.Ts m St. j;,e;a IS.ilroaJ, TwMi:ejiTvi3 Browuviile S;a .North SiT Teny Coal bnlousjca. til n--. i V D DRY GOODS ! L. ' "D w a trx. wi j ti r f. - - n - - A tfcerarrear in 'tw TirX almost s