Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 19, 1868, Image 4

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    .-J. S. CntJUCII, Editor.'
.i , -, . ,
on the? 14t!i for
- Son. Tliaycr
The United States li.ive recorrn
the free Govcrnnient jnjt established
liv the rcvcluttonlcis in Ppain.
The Baptists of Salem, Neb., jre
erecting a-cnurcu. x. iizaci 1?
mreh. ft. A. Tisdcl is
out a S. E. Addition to
about to lay
that town.
- Dr. "NYm. M". Daily, formerly of this
county, has assumed charge of the
Amgo Southern 'cbrankian. Success
attend him.
St. Louis his voted down the prop
osition to take $2,000,000 stock in the
St. Louis, . Chillecothc and ' Omaha
The N. Y. Jlcrahl contains . long
n-iK-atkm accounts of a Cuban fillcbus
tvrinjr. cxiedition. The Tribune don't
believe a word of it. 1 u
. The Liberal Government in Spain
have taken measures to stop the un
just w ars waged by the crown upon
ibe South American States.
. The Chicago fc Northwestern Jlall
rcnl liavemade arrangements to throw
a temporary bridge across the Missouri
river at Ie Soto, thus making direct
f-onncct ion with the -Nebraska Air
Line. ' .
. The new Railroad liridgo at Quincy
was crossed by a train for tiie first time
on the Cth. A locomotive, tender and
twenty-three cars were nearly two
hours in crossing, the bridge showing
. scarcely a prcceptiblc tremor. ,
;" The .Washington ovationistt were1
considerably disappointed last Satur
day by Gen. Grant's arrival in Wash
ington, so unexpected and quiet that
he reached "his borne before anyone
hardly lnew he was in the city. - 7 i -
AVe learn from the St Loats. Demo-
rrat that the American Express "eom-j
pany arid the Merchants' .Union Ex
press company have become consoli?
dated, under, the name cf the Ameri
can Merchants' Union Express ?om-
pany.'.v- ;; . ' '.. -t
' Tut'United States Senate, aAer the
4 th cf .March next, .will bo divided,
jHsIitically : Republicans, 5S ;: .Demo
crat, 10; three State i unrepresented,
fl ; whole number of Senators, 74., Of
Uieselarc from the reconstructed
Btates, including Tennessee.
, 'Gen.. Hovar4rtKrts $3,977,000 cx
jmuded for the Freeiman's Bureau
daring Che pa.t fiscal year, and recom
mends its didconlinuance from Jan
uary ltt, 1SG0, yet recommends a con
tinuance of Freedmmans Hospitals at
Washington, Richmond, Sandusky
and New York.
Omaha feels comparatively "big" if
we-iuay Judge from the number of
comparisons: Thus the Republican
copies the vote of some smaller city
than Omaha with the. Omaha vote, and
remarks complacently "OniaJia etill
ahead." It has not yet compared
with the vote of Brownville!
The ten Western States of Ohio, In
diana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Missouri, Minxesota, Kansas
arid Nebraska, gave a majority, of
000 for Gen: Grant. Thc"e Slafts,';
which contain more than one-third of
the population of the Union, voted
K)lid against Seymour and rcudleto
nianism. , ' " ' '
; The financial stringency produced
in the money market by the cojiper
licad scheme to produce a panic has
more than ceased,' as gold is lower
than when the attempt was made;
. and-; the' peoples emphatic, endorse
ment of "Let us have Peaee," has
utrcngthcned the credit of the Nation
the world over,
The officers of the Grand Lodgo of
L.O. of O. F. ciosen at the recent ses
sion of the Grand Lodge for the ensu
lug year arc as follows: Alvin San
ders, Omaha, G. M. ; J. 31. Hacker,
Brownville, Dp. G. M. j Dr. Aug. Ro
. der, Omaha, G. W. ; John Evans,
. Omaha, G. Seo. ; D. C. Sutphen, Oma
ha,' G: Treas. ; Jonas Hacker, Brown-1
vIUe,G. Rep.; F. Teinplin, Neb. City,
G. Orator. ,
Railroad Mcctinsr at Falls City.
. Editor yetreuka Attrrrtincr?-
' At,tho Railroad. meeting at-Fnls
CitVj Richardson county, on the lith
InsL, quite an interest was manifested
oii5 Ihe part of the people' of Rlcbard
9611 and other counties in favor of the
'Great Nemaha Valley Railroad."
-licmarks 1 were made by several of
the leading men from counties along
the proposed road in favor of imme
diate action.1 A motion to organize
was adopted unanimously.
T'A committee consisting of Hon. Ih-
-m . t 'a. y " rv
em lteavis. or carceni. v. u
Booit.. Hon. Uinman Rhodes, J. W.
Holt, and Hon J J. Gardner, was ap
pointed to draft articles of Corporation,
and report at next mectiag.
.AcommitUc of seven was appointed
to tirrnnre resolutions expressive of
the sense of tho meeting, consisting of
W. D. Scott, Maj. Sargent, Hon. J. J.
Gardner, Hon. Isham Reavis, J. W.
Holt, and Geo. Abbott.
'Secretary waa instructed to notify
tho citizens of Richardson, Pawnee,
Nemaha, Johnson, Gage, Lancaster,
Seward, and other counties interested,
of the next meeting. .
Adjourned to meet at Tecumseh,
Johnson county, on Saturday, Novem
ber mL
-A great deal of Interest was manifes
ted and a desdre on the part of all pres
ent to push forward the enterprise.
Tho people of the Great Nemaha Val
ley are wide awake to their Interests
and will now strike for the develop
ment of South-e&itern Nebraska, and
to thU end they will demand a portion
of tho Public Lands. "The counties of
Fvi::harison, Pawnee Johnson, Gaga
ar. I .Lancaster are alike Interested lu
L: movement, and will push forward
to a kucceBsfulconaplctlon, the "Great
N .:;;." ha Valley Railroad. .,
Fortj-rirst Congress.
norsn or EErnrsirNTATiVES.
The result for Representatives in
Congrpps in States that have elected,
i -
is ns follows :
f Maine
Ite-p. T)cm.
isr.a ....
V.c Tn
J 3
Vermont j 3
Massachusetts IQ
Uhode Iflund.. 2
New York 17
Pennsylvania. 15
Ielii w&re....
Maryland : 4
N. Carolina...... 5
H. Carolina .1
Ivif!.-m l
t isi-on-dn. ...... 5
.nr.nesota 1
Iowa ....... 6
Missouri 5
Kansas........ 1
Nebraska 1
Nevada 1
California 2
Total.-.. -.139
i Kr?jtuc-. ......
Wen Virginia 3
Nrw Jerev... 2
Republican majority, 75.
Peimsj ivanla OClclal.
The full official vote of Pennsylva
nia' is received and announced. The
result is:'. " '."'''.
For Grant ...
For bcymoor...,
Grant's majorltr
Total vote... ...
.. Four years ago the vote tood ,
For I4Meo!n......M.....
For McClelHn ..
Lincoln's mrtjo'rltv.
Total vote...
Increase 1 vote la fonr years .. $2,935
The Kepublican majority in-Octohcr
was 9,677, which shows a gain of13,
221 votes for Grant. Most of the frauds
perpetrated in October were prevented
in November, which accounts for half
the majority the Republican gain in
Philadelphia alone being over 5,000. :
Railroad Tp and Down
Missouri Hirers
Editor ycbratia Advertiser:
' The bulk cf the' wealth of Nebraska
is contained, rt" the , counties laying
along th Missottrf,, river. Now what
shall the liver counties do in regard
to building a Railroad un and down
the Missouri river, from the Kansas,
line to 'Dacota, Nebraska? AH. the
trade of Nebraska w;ll be on, the line
of this road. The grain of. Nebraska
comes to the Missouri river. .. JIow
shall we send thk gruin and produce
westward? Iariswer; byihevUnion
Pacific Railroad, through X)maha by
means of this road tip and dow.n.the
Missouri river. Let politicians look
to this matter." ' '" Observer.'
Editor' ycbraslca 'Advertiser :' , ' . ' '
1 - Last -Week' I visited thoTtown of
GallalihVpavlces County,Mo,It has a
beafrtifu! location on the high prairie,
overiookliig" the great valley of the
Grand River, with plenty of building
material close at hand. ' J '
Our former friend and fellow:towus
man," lion. li.. Li. Dodge, is perma
nently located at Gallatin, and has just
been ejected as 1 Judge of Common
Pleas, with Probate Jurisdiction. His
many friends ; and former patrons of
Nemaha will rejoice to " hear that his
legal ability and unswerving integrity
is appreciated by the good people of
Daviess county. ', , .
I had the pleasure of being present
at a railroad meeting in Gallatin,' held
for the purpose of voting $150,000 for
the Chilicothe and Omaha Railroad,
which runs up the valley of the Grand
River, within three-quarters of a mile
of Gallatin. The meeting was ably
addressed by Judge R. L. Dodge, Mr.
McGcc, State Register Elect,' and
others of Daviess "county, and by Hon.
Joel Asper, Representative to Con
gress, of Chilicothe. CJ W. W.
, TIi Result in Nebraska.
1- '' " Majority' for
Grant. Seymour.
. Douglas county
, Nf maha
Richardson '
Paiee ' ' u '
. Lancaster '
. 32
' 5
Cass. ,
'Hall . .
''Platte" "
Dakota ;
. Dixon
' II '
. It
L'EauqC't "
Dodge , "
' Washington"
Gago '
Seward .
York . ,
. II
. 00:
Grant's majority
The Adjutent General of the Army
has made his annual report to. the
Secretary of War. - The actual strength
of renmentsin fcervice.on ino o-Jia.
nt Si'ntejiiber was 43.741 men
besides there were 4,340 men more . iu
the. Eugineer, Ordnance aud. other
branches cf the service. An , unusu
ally large number of discharges have
been granted during the year on indii
vidual application, and these, with
the ordinary disehargesand casualties,
arc rapidly diminishing the regiments,
except cavalry, which aro necessarily
kept in force because of Indian opera
tions. . :
It is stated that -4,500 men will be
discharged before New Year by reason
of the expiration of their terms of en
listment. The number of desertions
last year were 2,700 lass than the pre
vious year. ..The number of deserters
arrested was nearly 1,000 more, aud
t he proportion of losses by disertion to
the strength of the army is considera
ble less than last year. In order to
still further reduce the expenses and
strength of the military establishment
the detachments at the reeruting der
pots have been reduced as much as
possible, and schools of instruction
have been suspended. No recruting
nfmnv kiml Uut for the Navy has been
going on einee the end of h st July,
and there areoniy live siauon iur r
rrntini? in this arm cf service. Reg
iments on the Pacific coast have, as
far as was possible, to avoid the ex
pense of transportation, been suppli
ed with recruit obtained in Califor
nia. The fctreegth of all eolorcd regi
ments in the service is nearly up io
the required standard. . - f
Wmi. J. Abbott, Post Master at Lin
coln, Neb., has ' been arresteJ upon
charge of robbing the mail, valuables
having been lost at dijrerent times be
tween Nebraska City and Lincoln for
a year past, Abbott' was formerly a
resident of Nebraska City. He is now
under arrest at Omaha, The penalty
upon coavictioa for an oSTenso of this
kind h ten years In the penitentiary.
Indian Tcace Commission.
vV- Vafhingtox, Nov. 15.
Col. Tappan, 'of the Indian Peace
Ccnimisrwoir, l as just arrived here and
revnrts that all the Indians n present
ed 1'V those who met the Com in U -loners
tlii-i vear, including those -with
whom Comrussioner Auger and
Culloin roun Hod. lumbering in the
aggregate r early TOKk) souls ate at
peace, removing to, or already nn, the
reservations act apart for them, and
are not disappointing the expectations
and hopes of the Commissioners. On
theconirary, the Kiowas, Cnmanches,
Arranahoes and Cheyennes, number-
rj ing Korae 5000 or men,: women and
children, arc . upon .the , war paui.
Against them a considerable army is
now operating for a ' non-fulfillment
on the part of on r treaty stipulations
with these Indians.
The people of Nebraska City and
Otoe county appear to have a "White
Elephant"on their hands, in theshape
of the "Midland pacific 11. R. Co"
The ieople voted to nswist the compa
ny to the amount of 150,000 in county
bonds, to be used in conjunction with
an equal amounfbf money furnished
by the CoIVancI to be Issued ln stated
sums. The' company done ;i little
work and then the Democratic County
Commissioners issued them the whole
150,000 in bonds. The jeo!e begin
toseewheic they can pay a large
amoant of interest, but the whistle of
the locomotive appears a loncrwa.v oil?
We are of the opinion -that The Com
pany have builtubout all the Railroad
they intend tor-at' present. i 'latts
mouili JlcraM. .
Tho New York Tribune criticises
Mr. Reverdy Johnson's courtesies to
Laird of England.-sharply, and pays
"he has. shown himself a. tody, and a
snob, and unworthy to be the rep r
sentativeof true American citizens?'
and we shall feel as long ashe remains
at the court of England that .this- na
tion is not replesented there,, but dis
graced." 7 ' ' " "
, m " ' ' ' -
Gen. Grant while on his .way to
Wahington made but one epeeeh-rr
thus, at Belleville, Illinois ;f "Gentle
men :.l see many ofyoti in u'niforms.
You laid them off three years ago, you
can ncv lay them otF-again, and '.'we
will have peace. : Good night"; "
A new ''Post Orfic6 has been estao
Ilshed in Saline ' i'oiinty,' between
Swan City and Big Sandy- The namc:
of theonice is -Equality-Vp. JIMr. A.'
DL'6.-JjU(c Valley Uncord, . . ' .,
The VL: U. Ex. tV; have concluded
to oj)en an oftice at Pawnee City n jl
Atl'tt et Ltnvl . . -
n j1 ' S. O: & Q.' "Wi DORSEY,
Dealers in Land "Warrants.
Duy and Sell Ile al estate and
Land IVanantjj.
Select & Locate Governmeiit Lands.
Alarce Quantity of First Class Lands for
sale In Nemaha, Richardson; 1'a nee, John
son and Gage Counties, Nebraska, to which
the attention of purchasers is speciaily invi
ted. .
., ; -; No. 9 Fourth Street, t .
ST. JOSEPH, 3XO. . '
i: . I';. ; .
WholoKal and lletall Dealers in
Chickering & Son's Pianos
"Which were" awarded the " '
Cross of "the LEGION of HONOR,
. .anl :f k
- AT PARI3 EXPOSITION, 1367. . ,ii
- : ' . i : i . also
i . . -.: i i :
vrsi. MA'nc & co., 4 -:
' II ALI.CT, DAYXS: &. "CO.,
National. Combination&Cab:net
, : .,.
31ason & Ilamllns :
Cabinet, Portable,
Metropolitan Organs. V
All orders taould be addressed to -
JAUES It. DTE, A8et,
. , Brownville, IVeta.
5-6m ' ' - -
Ca(( MOyTU ltmembcr, it is so.
OUU A rents can make it. Farmers' sobs,
any ienon can do it- e have a new chap,
liceiifl bewinf Machine, the best ever made.
It wiU sew, fcilr hem, tncfc, braid and eiu
broider.anddoall work done by highly priced
machines. Costs only 1S; think of that be
Eide $7.) : One agent wanted for every county.
Sample mac-hine at less than regular price to
one igeat. jmou pie of work, terms, tc, free.
This is a new thine. Bend and eee samples.
. Address,
51.2m Hinsdale. JI.
Governor's Proclamation for a
Ua- cl' TuanliifrlvinT. .
In (rra
of r.ll na;
the ilfsi J
ii pf n tlie aul
; rocV"'t'onof theBivIncorlin
;ll Hi V( il ns i
onai blossincs
t of f United
'rites lias calli
i.'ic Innri to got
tiie thilavof
worship of tho
nksgiving and
r-or.lo thron?!iout
; XhurKlay,
Novi-tnbcr, 1-,
Lor l our tiod v-
li the pu'jl
a pray t r, t
prr. ?-f.
Jioraovt r,
-y-pV of il,!s Stnto, ?v tliclr
.onart.--! that "TUf Oover-;;-mat:
:), sot opart one cJhv
Lpc ilatui f , hav
nor )lall, ty pr..
In -acli ytvr as
solemn an.i rihlic
tliiiiikPiiivir.K t" A'.mi-t'.V l' d for
hts Ues-
ln?9 to ua as a slate on.r rsation.
JVou; thereore, enrneslly v-eondlncr his n(
tion of the lYf-si-lent, and eUerriuliy giving
voice to the will of the people,",-1 av4i Sut
ler. (Tiiwntor f l!e-Knt of Xeliraska, tlo
nprrycall np.on nit wirhin tho borier? of
t thlsStJite citizens ami Traircors, ,t ahrt--iri
from liieir nvoeflTionM. on the t:nh
day of November, to assemble. in tiie
. enftornary phu-cs of woif-hip nn-1 before
Owl's altar recount thanksgiving thci
many riwsins.maieriai aiM spiritual, wnieh
have been beMownd upin us ns a people.
And while n2sf-J In these' jnateiul devo-
tions let all beliohl howtonntant hi.s i.een the
Hand that proto-hs and Mess., to the end
that ns inTlonals atid as- n nation oil may be
Imbued with thespirltorb-ujublu yet Implicit
tru?t tntbeLord.
I further call upon the citizens to charac
terize the day by letting prat it tide find ex-rrt-en.iirtiin
' deedS- of ht-nevolenco as wt-U as
in wriij ,ot lliankivinR. Kpe'ially do I
call upori tlii-rn to 'k. out anu minister to
tiie wants of the poor, the needy, and the
.suffering, tliose mad so by the wars for our
oountry. I mil uion them to wek out all
that are In distress, .Jiom whatever cuse,
and hear to them reli'-f-that the land may be
filled with g!a.lnes-tJiaf. every heart and
dwelling, on that day, bo- converted into a
temple of tlioiiksiiviiij: and praise.
' In testimony v.-nereof, I have herenntD Ret
my hand and iuiil to be affixed the Great
Seal of the State, tliis 7th day of Xovember,
Dv the Governor:
. - T. Y. Kexjard, Secy, of State.
Proposals for Printing. '.
Material; Fold ing; Rtitchinfr and Blnd
Jb for.the tt;ittof Kcbrn-iUa ! -
To Printers and olliers J '
- trnr 1b provisions Of fin AH -of the Leg
islature of Neliraska, apjerovett June 18, 18o7,
of which the following is an nltract:
Sction l. Tlie sve-reiaro of tatc. Auditor
and Treasurer', shall, !erinnin lir the first
week in Novem!er,, and every 2d yjar
thereafter, advertise thirty duyafttr Proposals
for State Printine, for two years from tho 4th
Tuesday in December next following. .--8ec.
2. "Defines the labor, and material to be
bid for, as com position, paper and press-work;
r(iiuires the officers to fiublisb an attract of
the law; and deserting the manner of deter
mining the lowest blddors taewlalti cases. -Bee.
A. Classifles the eycral kinds ef Xi.
tracts. ".,?.
Sections i, S, nnd 7 Define the strlcs of the
d-ifTorent3UnUs bf prlntina: ppquirod.'.:'
Sections 8 and 9 I)irects how compoftitloii
andpress worlvh4ll beiueisured. , ,.
See 10 Kequires contractor Jo dellverp'rint
ed matter to the Secretary W -State. " "'
Sec 11 ltoquiresfeach 'suweasful bidder to
trivel)ond in not less than r-2Ji$) orinore than
S..)lfKl. for the faithfnl fnlfilimmif nf 1iis rnrf-
tract. r-r.iA
Heofiaoa. J2; 13, 14, 16 f(iid J7j;plake pro
visions foe receiviug Uidsjiiud pou trading
for folding -ttitchii and, bindir.g printed
matt'.'- . - ' '
.bertlon, lS.nnd Pi-nvide the manner f
.making out bills and adjusting accounts ven
der this law. .
. Kf ctlons IS) and 21 Provide for the payment
of -contractors hrirnndor,, . ,, -.
Bee 22 l'rovides Tor penalties for delayaJjo.
executing work. ;
Sec 1 Heoulrfsjseref rirv.rf State and
clerks of tt.A Knuces rif -11 Iy:is!attiretofur
nlsh to the printers true copies of all matters
to be printed. . . . t
Sec. 24 K co v.I res Secretary of State to class
ifythelaws for publication and prepare in
dexes to law and journals. !i
See 25 -Provides for re-lotting contracts in
case of failure of eotil raet ors.
see 2(t Relates to printine done in 1?8. ; '
The Bndersined will rcciere proposal for
furnishiuu jiaper composiiion - pres-work
folding stitching and binding, for the tise of
the Irfrislatlve and Executive departments
of the Slate of Nebraska, for two years -freni.
Tuesday the 22J day of Doeombf r, A. D., 180.
Sucli proposals will be recieved until 12
o'clock, noon, on -Monday', December 7th,- A.
D. l.sw, at the office of riie Secretary of State,
In Lincoln, Nebraska. ...
-The classification 'of work will 'he 'found
herein-bblow. lieh ela;s will 1h the sulje?t
of a separate contract. The estimate for: de
termining the lowest bid will le made , upon
the basis of the schedule of classes following.
Bids will be made lit the following form :
-1 or we) propose and will bind -tournish
the work and materials required to do the
printing in Class No. , at the followim
rates ; (specify only the kinds of work or -material
in theclats Ind for. - - , ,- ';, .
cents per l'wO mis for composition. . .
" " en I re of rarer.
.'- cniire of 24 impression's- for
' press work. ' :
" " 101 sheets for folding.
.' " ' m sheets for stftchinar. .
- " " 100 m per ."covers for pamphlets
- i to lnciu'te composition and
.' . Tre-j-s work. . . .,
" ' h() paper covers for Laws and
. ..' Journal Inclusive Of compo-
' 100 copies for stitching, blndinc
and lettcrinsLawsand Journals
in law siieep. ' -
And further, flgrce; t)int all work, shall
be done In the best style, and all materials
furnished shall be of full weights and quali
ty as coutmcid for; ar.dthatall work shall
be executed and delivered at the times .men
tionedln and required h-- contract.
. . . . - . r t . Bidder.
Such bid shall be accompanied by a guaran
ty as follows:
We hereby fruarranty Hint who propose
to perform Iaior and furnish, material under
a contract for printing in Class No , able
to earry out fully Burh 'contracts as .ask
for, with the.Slate of Nebraska; and that we
will enter Inp bonds, as sureties for the said
fortht? fi?.l and faithful perTornianco of
their contracts. ... .
Signed -. Proposed
Proposals' must be sealetl and endorsed
"ProKsals for State Printing," and deposited
at the office of the Secretary of State before
12 o'clock in., on Monday, Dec. 7th, IS'iS.
The successful bidders will be notified Im
mediately after a decision is made, and they
will be required to enter into contracts and
tdve the required bonds on or before Monday,
Dee. 21st next following;.
The con tractors will be paid for their work,
after having deposited their accounts, with
specimens, .vouchers and orders, they shall
have been certified to by two of the contract
ing ofllcers, by Auditor's warrants upon the
.State Treasury on or before the 4Ui Tuesday
in December iu each year, following the date
of the contract. '
Billt and Reschiiini in BUI Firm.-
ems. composition, small pieatyp, per
quires flat cap, 14ft to tne ream.
qtrires of.21 impressions press work.
r-cms coua position,, pica, -ye and nay
lists. "-,.'
qnfres flat cap. cnt for yea andnaylists.
quires of 21 impressions each, of press
work. . -,:)..,: j . ; 1
- '. CA&VNo.2.. :
Senate and House Journal, Covemor' Meswx
pes, 0'ilcer't JtefiarU-in U JouriutU. Super
lioyal Octavo I'orrn. . t .. r .
- enis long primer cornVoslttod. "r' ' 1
quires paper 40 ft to ream.
- quires iicss Work 24 impressions.)''.'
... . - CLASS No & i-2 ,v. .-'
Reports, CommunicrUionf and Pamphlet Docu
, metUs separate from Joiirnals. Octavo.
ems long primer composition.
' quires of paper X)It to rfeain.
. quires, 21 imp press work. 1
CL.VSSNo.4. : ' '
General tend Load, Laws, ' Joiixt JZrsoTutions,
Memorials, in-one tiqwrroyal octavo volume
ems long primer composition.- ,
quires super royal 40 id paper. . -.
quires,-21 Impressions, press work; '
. CLASS No. 5. ' , .,
Letter heads,blanks and circulars,
rai of composition, 'breviof measnre
' ments for letter heads, circulars and all
ruled blanks. , .. . .
quires U pheet letter 12 ts to ream.
- . full - ' ;
i press work fn letter heads.
". liat .letter, lOtt stoream for Wks.
" press work on let ter blanks.
flat cap, 14x17, Jits.
. press work. -; .'
, " . folio past 17x22,1(1 lbs
" press work. ,..
' , " note xh). 5R'S.
. press work.
- " red &. blue ruling one din e. ion.
. - ' " " " two
NOTE. In all the above classed ru!" work,
or figure work In -columns without rules' will
le measured one and a half times lor com po
sition; aud rule and figure work twice, .
... 'CLASS No. 8. . . .',';!
Folding and stitching bills and resolutions' and
folding and stUchiug of pamphlet documents,
and covers, - -
sheets of flatcap, onefold, per liV) sheets.
- stitched per 100 sheets.
paper covers for octavo pamphlets. In
cluding composition, paper and press
work, per lOo covers.
covers put on such pamphlets, per 100
sheets Voided octavo (four times) i-ef 100
. CLASS No, 7. ... .
Folding, stitching, cavers and binding for Laws
d Journals. .
sheets; foMed octavo, per 100 sheets.
paper covers tar Law and Journals, In
clusive of papers, composition and press
work, 1X covers.
.oopk-s binding of Laws and Journals In
faper covers, including stitching, per
UU copies. .... -
copies binding of Laws and Jonrrjals,
. inlaw sheep including material, stilch
. ' lne and lettering. '
State Treasurer,
r State Auditor.
S-3t '" Secretary of State,
Pine Flooring, full stock, n t
ivM. H. SMALL'S.
Pine BUDgles and Lath nt i
lit JFS
,sl t 1 V
VWUlA l'l U
-. ' , . ever brought to the citjfcf.;,-i
- -" 'consisting' of
-,.-- . . - -i . . i . i '
' Sofas, Foldias Lonn
Seer eiaries arid vBock Cases
OSco Desks. Wash. Stands,
e r t n: a. i
Jsarseilockers.'Diningand BrcakfastTables-
"Narse Rockers. Diningand BrcakfastTablesr
Offleei'Ilirtor and Dining Pom'Chalrs, antl I
cwrythlngsualiy round in a .
-; . .1 . i . ."I i , . . -
;12-l-lV :., . , ... V... ! ' ' -
'i'.' - '.CXTY BAKEEY ,
No. 31 Cor."MaidSVstSts; f.ppsileCity DrtigSt'ore.
, WILI-IAM ALLLN, Froprietox.y
y.tes. vaKes, itrcsti lircau,
: CohfVctlonerjv J.i.?!it aud
i i Jaticy Groceries ,.. .
Constantly ) on -Hand .4
Jresh Bread Delivered -Daily! !
-ii:.-m i cl ; u1. , :. '',
First Class FmilyFlonr--Varrante.
. t-.;ii. ; uv.'fin i, i n'l . t.; :' !' :
FreeExprttt Rufprthtbin(JUpf.?n$ gustomtr
-.'III $IpOK ' X. TROS., '"
MaBUfaeturers and Xeal'trsin Native Lumber
of all kinds, lengths, breadths aud thickncs,
1 i ' '' '' -X t '" ,
They own and run wieof the bestSaw.Jklills
in tiie Statu. aJ will lurnioii ', '
: ... . Usi! ftt.l . t.
with a bill of Lumber of best quality,' on
short notice, at tmr Lowest Market Price.
Xdth ' and Piclrets 1
,,-... Always on hand for stile. , ;
Tbey also sell cheap at their storo in Hills
dale ail staple Dry Goods and Groceries, and
such articles as are in general use.
Kcmeniher the. business, the men, and the
places " -. ' -. - 1-1 jr
Scientific I Rational ! . Safe
Gornpound Extract of;
-..,' Kecoin mended by .';.-.
, .,'.v ,, A THE BEST .
Remedy yet Discovered
- ' -i! T. : A i . i L !'-...
Disease:! of the Dirod, Liver,- Kidney '
"1 i
Purifies the Bkoc ..;
Improves thv Aftpeiitei ,. .-iS .,-..
., Aids Digestion, , . ., '. f:.
... ;,. -Correot-the Secretiom
And Imparts Tpnc,' Strength and ;':
. , . Vivacity to the . Whole System.
. '. ' . .; 1 : i ! : '-y, ' -j ' ' ; ti '
So that persons usirrg it- feel that they enjoy
an entire new life, ...
.;''' )l-
Is Recommended by the
- Best Physician's, Everywhere
bead the foixowixg . rno
Dr. F. Oltii DANNELtY,- now of this City
Formerly Professor of .Physiology aud Path
ological Anatomy" in the Jllddle Georgia
Medical Collece. Chief SurKeon State ot South
Carolina,' "during the war, A'jcs-Presideut
Georgia Medical Association: ; . .
Mr, Emrrrnce : I bnve carei'nlly examfued
your fonnuli ftirtliu R08ADL1S, and recom
mended it to several of my-patient.. Thel
combijwUon is a happy one, and must prove
a potent remedy in all diseases requiring the
virtues of agreataitratlveinodicine. : I wish
you tucceHtb ; -..rvr- t. . - - .
.'..-!- .. . F. OLIN PA'ELLY.... -
Baltimore, April lsos.
; Baltimore, Md., -Match!, ISfiS.
I beIie,vo Drn Lawrence's ,4U0sjADALISi"
tobe the i.eM Alterative In fse, and there
fore chetrfullv rewmmeiid it as' su;h. '
' - BALTiMORK.'Fcrruary lfrth lS.! .
Dr. J. J. ' Ijawrence;- Dear Sir I tnket'leas-'
urein recommend) u your Ii0ij-VDALX3 as
a very powerful alterative.
Youi-a truly, - Pw VT. CLVRR, M. !,'
We know Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalis to be
a safe and reliable Alterative, &.C., and take
pleasare In reeommendius to the profess
ion and public ...
J II Moore, M D, ' E P.arnes, M D. ' -'.'
L A Hmith, M D, " R W Kin, M !.. '
J II Winstead, AI D. S Wixxlward, M D,
R II Barhani, M D, W T Brewer. M D,
W G Duggan, M D, W J Buliock, M D,
WiLSors, N. C.; Jan nary 7th, 1863.
3.For Testinionial of Remarkable Cures
Sj "Rosatdaiis Almanac' for this yeartj-
j . , Prepared at the Laboratory of
Dr. J. J. tawrenco & Co.,
' ':-' i .
! 44 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE.
General Agents for the North Western
States, to whom orders should be addressed.
. nW-6m
Pine Biding, a choice and full stoek, at
, WM. li. SMALL'S.
Qneensware, largest assortment ever in this
rlty, at WM. H SMALL'S.
i ; -' ' ' I ' ' ' ' "
. .. r. . -i.-. - '' ., Ml.' ;.
to the Interest of thepnHic; and bavin
chase? my CLbrniNG, (made nndcrmy 6wn
supervision) exclusively for cash, 1 can sell as
low, if not lofrcr, than any .
'I t
. i. A
i-- . . ;
r. :-
. , il; -:
n :
fn tho Town or Conn ty. I beg to call your
atte&tion to ray
& Well
selected stock of
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
as can be
Here Is a ehance for tho best bargains, as I
have no dead stock on hand, all beinj entirely
new. The public aro Invited to .c&U ami ex
amine for tbemselyes, . . .,. i,
BIcPheraons'j Klock,
where everything la tie Clothlnsllna can be
found. , .' " J11IJL.T
1 1 K
COS'S dyspepsia rrns. -cor'S
dvsi-'fsia crEs.
s. . J - ' . 4 4S ' ' ' ' - - f . i
COS'S DTSPBPSTA CC!LB.::-: ' ' ' l
-.'.- .J -' , , COB'S DYSPKPStA CtRl. '
Tbis wrld rsDowned rtmtily r'f taa -anfjUiiBi
Indlsestlon, . Sicli Sloniaca,
Sourness or Acirllf jof 8tom
acbIllMins. ofTooil, ria
tulcnejv Lassitude,
YYearincss, XJ1I- .
j ' . llousnes, and
! all , disor-" , ' ' .
; dcrs of" ' ' " . .
j TJs Sloraacli and- IIqttcIs,
- Ti nrcrd icftr the attention n? trial f sufferers
bows its rmratrt ii'i tbotisanj different lurm..
ucb Sick neJk, Heni)Bt, DciT4ion. nen
eral ieusa nf uneiarM sod faeliog tbat you ar
nat well. F.kxJ distre.-'s-es ru. rise and crs on
Tunr ? torn st b ; brra'tt i lait utin at time. Is flu.-t.ed
and hot: don't reel as' if yotreoold or stir
abunt, aud worse ot a:l. lailieettluD or C'nstipatiof:,
are noihiaf mere . ( tharr ipepsis. Tbou
randa upon thousands sutler and die tbl war, and
nejtber tiiem?erves nor tfceif vbysirlans knuw'wbct
ail them, except tbat tbey reurly djint.
&ealr,w reptat it. tbis is all l-spepsia. If
roil woo id hare prouf of oUr ataifcient', i yoo woo Id
fve yourselves wtcbildren train au early grave, K
yoa.eukt Dre tealta and energy ,apj fttBfi,
agaia we ttgybtt to try one bottle of
,(. rmt't bua i.',fi i.1'--'r!
. Toa will. tee koweooB It wllldisjVyoprbad feel
iDS and glouiuy fuieofMtlnaa. Bow toon it will
chae away any peci of Dypepi. How aooo It
will (tire you. caw life and vigor, and bow roon It
wiii.Biaaes wel. ptas or woman l yoo., For, nr
own sake, fur tbs aske of everybody aaflferiaf,'we
beg, we entiestyovf to try it. ' "
- - V ' - ' V ., - . k .. ;- .' , -
For Liter tpoPlal11 and RII--J
lou Dcrangeracntv
Itlti JTereitrRenedy. while lor Fever ao4 If oe,
and all tBedistaes waich are leaerated la mi
awjaicc4iatiie, it Us ceruio ureveutttiTe ad curt,
I -f
. i-.l
x ' ? tii A ;xi '
: 1
Mr, Lester Sexton, a wholesale mir
chant of thirty years, in iniicaukcc,
one of the most reliable' ancT careful
men in the Siatesays, under date.
. i Xnwintr, Wit , ao. Jt.lc68.
Messra. C. G. Clark, It Co Neva Haven, Ct.
Boik myself and Wtte have aMt Cue's Dyeptpaia
Care, and it baa proved PSRFECTLX aati. factory M
a rewedy,- I bae KO beiutiua in sayiog taaljvs.
nave received b skat bkmimt rrnni ita oe.
. .. : t. . Very rep6cUuJly
- . . . .
" '-- .4 .,a
A Great Blessing."
From Rev. L. F. WARD Avon. Lor-
aine Co., O. '
Messrs. sTaono AsTSOsa, '
r-.4c..-.. ,i DrBiiatA, ClereJaad. O.
Gentlemen : It elves tss treat flea ore to slate
tbat aiy wife bas derived great benefit from tbe tue
of Cue's Dyspepsia Cure. She has beeo for s num.
ber of yera ereatiy troubled wila Dyspepsia, ac
companied with violent raroxysme ef eoutipation,
which so prostrated ber tbat the was all tbe while,
tor Biontbit, suable to do anything. She took at
your InBtame Coe's Dpepeia Care, and Ls de
rived GREAT BENEFIT f KoM IT, and is cow ci ta
paiativeij well. Siie retards iLismedicioe as s
great bies.iuij. '
i ' J". '. Traly yetfri,
U f. WAHD.
"Extreme Case Cured.
From Rev. ISAAV AJKEN, Alle
gheny, Pa. , . . .. . ,
Joiifm FLrxiKS, Dnifglst, ' ' -
804 Market St., Pitt.boritb.
' Sir: 1 f'lr (treat pleasure in statins that.' after
having offered from Djspepsis for about flfteea
years, at some period mutu more tfin ibr.
bve been entirely mred by thctie-if Coe's Dy
pepsis Cure My friend know of late years
my case ha been aa extreme one. I bad (treat aif
fe ing from eatirf my kind of food sn-! un an aver
age would Vomit about ofib-kird t.f my meala, in a
auur Indigestible dim. When tbe severe attack
would come, I wuold lote all Hreugtft aod beetierly
bslpleos. S. me ef tbe attacks woold bs so revere
tbat for daye together I would not euin anytclns.
on my stomach, save a tittle dry toaxt and tea. For
years I knew not wbat it was to Jans ajveeunaechso
boars witotiV intense ina. Frout tbe time 1 t.H.t
tbe Bntl dooeof this rue .icii.e I cetl vuiuitiug,"
gradually all soreuesa parsod wy, and flesb and
streogth retaraed end ever since I have been able
to eat any kind of fo.4 let upon, tbe table. Six
months bave now passed without any symptoms of
tbe return of tbedieise. My cese waa loostdered
by all, even ihysldano, so' Blarvetlona, that for s It was feared It might be ftcUiiou ; but I am
do W o well cuovioced. that I bve bees not merely
relieved, but perwaaeatiy cored, that I can con
scieutioasly recommend Coe's Pypepei Core to
11 victims of dyfep'i.
- . ' isa'ac
""Lsts Futor of tae Eeaver St. 31. K. Church, - jr-.Vli-'JI.
Heme Testimony.
, . J "t Kiw Haves, Ct., Jon l, 1S7.
Messrs. 0, G. Class K Co. . '
Gents : Being anxious, from the great benefit
derived to assist in spreading the fame of Coe'a
Dyspepsia Core, I weuir state my case. Some
thing over a yer ago, I bad violent attack ef Df
arrboM, which lasted eisbt weeks, during which
time I employed three rnricisn, bnt withotr
lief, until I tried Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. The first
uose neipea me; 1 took it three limee s day for s
wees, ana was entirely cored; and I believe to-
csy mat it saved my life. Being attacked in a sim
ilar way this season, I took ob dost, wnieti on! me
ail right. I wonld advise every laniily to keep it
on nana reaay for immediate use, la cms of Sam
sier or Bowel Complaint.
: Tbe above Mr. Dunn is is oar employ, sad weca
voncn lor tue aoore eiatemeBt beinz true
Will also M foond ioval noble Is ell cae of IHr
rba. Dysentery, Colic, Summer CcmpIaiBts, Grl
piog, and in fact overf disordered condition of the
stomsch... . .
Sold ty tiruifgUt. in city or country everywhere
at St per bottle, or by applicatioa to
: - Or. Clark & Co.,
Sole Proiirieeors, Few Haven, Ct,
J im A, j..- - - - .. - .-
- - r - - - - . - . ... rf .
lyEZArrijiSTz::: , -
At t.e city r.f
t-.iy cf Novcm t-'r, a.1
ThvvtTidctslsnt! hereby no'le cf fs!e
appointment r i '.Jathew of
Vv'a-hln?ton Precinct. Nei.iA...i Coanty Vp.
brai,-wiila said District, wh f.3
adjudznd a banknipt npon h'? own petition
by th LUtrlct CoorS of ,iM 1 :in i. . '
jlI District of Nebra-ska, s.s. At th.i .; 1.
l.rownvilie. the Cth dav cf N, , a i,.
Tne undersigned hcrpbr cfves n.-it !.-' ir :
appointment as A'gneA Cf C. lius
sell. of Nebraska Cirv.Gi,, O-ui-ifv, Nebras
ka, within "jaid:D;.trIct.--- i j l.ii :.n
jrwlir'vl a bankrupt upon bi-i o-vn potiaon. by
the Iiistrlct Court of i I -'-rrU . .
Vvf. II. IVxtVF.' Ao"rnf
Distri.-t of N'ebras4cf. h. .At tlieel?r of
HroTat:r. .he"' iti
lw. " .
The nndofshmed berebv elves notW nf hi.
appointment as A'sineeoi.-iiirmond Soemua
Of iirownvl'.!.'. . Wnnih connlv. N'
within srtid Ih.-rict. who has ben tuitadmi
.. . c i i li u Hji i c re- . .-r
retition, by te
iJ-rriCt C4)UT01 i- Cl.-.
u-il . W 31. H.
.HOOVER, Assignee,
Dixsozzyiox or pa it TyEr.snip
, police is hereby given, that the co-partnership
heretof. re existln- between cJEl
T. Dorsey.Lnther Hoadley anxj fitu-nli
Dorsey, under the firm name of Dorser
UUi .Vtit.U, , UC Ui
LUTif Kit h6at t
UHAKLI-a O. iHjiv-SKY.
TJSTUAY yOTICK. -Taken np by the on
Jj dersigned, at Sherman, Nemaha euantr
NtfOmsJlA, on the- aith isv of October 'I jS
one Red Ow, with crip orr of both earsl .
Also, at the same time and place, two last
Spring Calves, botli. heifers, and both silt la
tho lei tear. IC A. STKWAKT.
- V KS7A TF..- In pursuance of an order of
the District Court eff the County of Nemaha
and the Jstate of Nebraska, Krntd on the
ltith day of September, A. D.,1 - s, at thClty
of Drown iHle, on the date :-iresid I will
offer for sale at pubir-a--etiou or vendue, on
Tuesday, the 1st day of Iecernber, A. D.
at 1 o'clock p.m., non the premium, the fol
lowing drr;bi real estate, lfuate in ths
County'-Pf Ncmah.f arid State of tr;sa,
to-wit: The north east (juarter of th north
ent quarter, aiwl lot fiv (5) and eisht of
the north east fractiofial nuarter of section
fifteen (15 township Z ve north of rn?j
fourteen (H eet, eontirfnlnit H? S5-1U are.
Terms made known on dav of ;
. r . ii- v. ri roups.
AdmlhTntrator of tho Ltia cf Vii.ui k,"
well, deceased. , f-- 5-3t
yOTICK. Taken nn hr thenn- .
iZl dersigned. Jiving ft:nr
miles Xorth.Mt
or nrowuvuirt, on tin' : iiny rf Oct )h-rV-a
Day Horse Pony, sujpxv,d toLetwojfr
old last spring, thirteen hand hirb, wuU
thre white feet, 6-3 B. K CHAPMAN. -
I-STBAY AOrCTT-Takon np bvthesub
!i sertberoa -his 6rm in ;i.-r lloeie Pre-
cinct, one two year old .Rsd; Heifer, a slit la
left ear, a little white on back and hWtv.
5-St' - . H. WAHStAff: .
I?STRA Y NOTICE. Taken rtp bvtbinn
li dersi?ned, livinsr In ilen Rrk PmHnct
a brown or hlark Mare Iony, snrposvi to b
one year old sVU'lo fonbeail; was taken np
on the 4th .or thijnopUi. . . ... -- .
PROBA TE .0 TICE Estate of H. C. Waif '
deeeaed. -N'oiir- 4-hereby given that
the Probate Cburt of Nemaha county. Ne.
braskahasnpiK)intrl Sarah Wait adminis
tratrix of ther etute of Hiram
eeao,L hue, otsoid axtaty of Strm.hx mnd
ni at tiie sa: i court has. aj'pmnu-d Deoember
r ,h.' Iwk- Aril 1-rh- Mar luth. Jnr.e7th.and
Jubjr llth. istn), at 10 o'clock a.nj. as the tmes,
and the conrt room In. Drownville as the
place,, jfir r.xHiiiininT.aji4 allowiDjr claim
ajjaanstsajd state. Tliowe Laving uch claims
are requlrej to prenetit them to eald court on
or before tbe-lat day above appointed orthey
wul be forever barred. A. W. XvKOAX.
4-41 Probata J-smI.
ESTRA J yorirjz -Taken up by the nn
dersisned at Hickory Grove. Iu Wahlns
ton Irecinet. Nemaha county, Nebrank.
fourteen miles Went of Brown vine, on his!
premises, on the Hth dav of October, mn, one
Iron Oray Mare, Two. Years Old punt, dsrte
mane and tail, no other marks pre-elvsMr.
' : rt-pl GEOltOK5f.OTTE.VH.
O TRA Y yOTI rK-Notice
Is herebr (tiven
rf n.i 1 a IUmI ftrA
lj that the nnderslened. llvlna in
Preclnef,. eiuaha County, Nelaka, -as
r niey, one rear olc? pnst.
S-5' JA.Vto MATIX.
A pre nf wanted lor
The men who govern ooreoantry, make Its
a.w?'.J? r',u!jt 1 battle, charmed u
with their eloquence, founded ont colleges,
control onr raflroarts, manuritctorles, and our
finances one attractive volome, full of vivid
interest, life-like illustrations and character,
ixtic anecdote, ty! well-filled pa I2fln
KteeUportraits, and the lives r ( over 50 men.
Prl' low to suit the tiiiies. The ciioapet as
feil as the most Intcrestiuhott puhsbe4
within five years. Sales immense. Every
body wants to know the, life history of these
men. bend for circular to
Phi adelphiA, Pa. Cincinnati. xt Chicago,!!!.
l- or St. Ixmis. .Mo.
. . . .. 0S5
Dl. i I!
If retailed at s price within the react of all.
This Mich i no Or-es s alraiskt adla. Baku tka
UK'S: STITCH (silks bom sW.L kaesseif
adjusting te' sioa. aed can in ev.ry variety of
eewiog. -It will-hem, fell Mnf. rd. braid. eeaW.
quit, tuck, reftle aed gather) wn w..rk equally
well on silk. linen, woolen or cotun reo.;i. witti
ilk, linen, or co tVio thread.
.i'ki!;.(i ' ' 4 ' e . V. t '
.li.l-. I ." ; i - w : j !
Warranted for Fiye Years
Onr AcnU wi:i be supplied with duplicate parts
of tbe Machine, in es of accident. It makes P'O
cisel; the same stUch tn-U by t!;e Sit-ger. Hhoeler
k. Willenn. Gowe, and Florence Machines. " It has
the Coder-feed, like the Sestof high-priced Ma
chines, end la the only low-priced Shuttle Machine
ra the market tbat ha' this feed We .re eaabied
toaeil a-first clsa SIICTTL2 MACHIXI at s very
low price, on account ofita SicipUcity, and cease
qaeut low enst of Minufactaruisv ' cemyari?
ua CofiipitvAied ULiiK.s.
If wlih to arrange with Agects, male or f ems! e,
to represent the American Shuttle Seeing Machine
in each State, Coonty, sad Town in the United
S'ates and Ontario. Extra inducement to Ixpet-
lenced Asrenu. For fall parttcslars, sa to Salary
or Com nil. ieo. adress ....... "
G. V, li", Andrews,
o. fj-"ir Central Acsatr"'
.-:-,'.'. D.troit. Mich,
H. B Wit the benegl ef oar Aieate we have err
ranged with parties who have Goods suitaple for
Sewing" Machine Agents to sell. - We wtli sad
BOCl OK SAMPLES aod fall parUJelars on recent
of un red stamp. Q. Y- f- XSPo
Qeperal Ageot, Petroit, Mich. 1--,T
The Brownville Ferry Company bare now
running between
North Star and Phelp3,'Citjr llt?
the new and eommot his steam Perry
This boat Is entirely new. with poweiand
capacity to cross everything that na come.
in any weainer, . . ,
For croinir Cattle into or out of this Lard
Di tr let thin U Uk to, uoiat This htmJ. la
espe-ially flttfyt up to ensure s&Xty in cros
lne stock, and laro cMt;l; pena r atlmadr
erected at the St. "Joe. A C. R. Ipt at Phelpej
City. We rMi Insur tbe travellnar publlo
ttuu all in our fwr shall be don U make
UuUiuUt..vrfcrt.;.a tm tlilU-url '
Kiver. Llro-srnvliiB V.rrv C.
li-2-ly ' ' -
Gla-ssware-, a splendid asertmt In ntcre
and tor sal at WH U SMJ LL'S
Pinja Flhlxi LaxaUt at
Vt OiTC A'dJ .;
IN District "f Ni:
l.rownvilie, tlje C;h