, Ll.QTV'XVIIJLE. TIIUTiSDAY, I-rov. l.i, K . Ln. Tfcajci left ca ILe 14th for Tlie Unite J Btatos hare recoil 2 cd the free Goverement Juet e&tatliihci by the revolutionists in Spain. The LaptUU of Salem, Neb., ure crcctinsr a church. D. A. TUdel U abort to lay out a S. E. Addition to t-w ioWfl- .Dr. V'ni.'ll. Uaily, formerly of this ccrur.tylhj abeurned charge of the Arro Southern Xcbrasklan. .Success tilcsiLira. - , " - LL LouI haa voted down the rop c it: to take 2,000,000. stock in the EL' Louis, " Chillccotbe and Omaha Railroad. .The IT. Y. Herald contains long creation accounts of a Cuban Cllcbus ti rlngxpeditlcn. The Tribune don't believe a vrord of it. .The Liberal Government in Spain have taken measures to stop the un just vrarg waged by the crown ujon the South American States. The Chicago & Northwestern Kail rvti. have made arrangements toth row a temporary bridge across the Missouri river at De Soto, thus making direct connection with the Nebraska Air Line." - . - The new R&ilroad Bridge at Quincy was crossed by a train for the first time on the t)th'. A locomotive, tender and twcntythreo -cars were -nearly two hours In crossing, the bridge showing scarcely a preceptible tremor. The Washington ovationi-U were considerably disappointed last Saturn day by Gen. Grant's arrival in V(ft, A ingtoa, so unexpected and quiet that he reached his home befofe anyone hardly knew he was in the city. ,Yt learn from the St Louis Demo crat that the American Express com pany and the Merchants' Union Ex press company have become consoli dated under the name of the Ameri can Merchants' Union Express com pany. .Tn United States Senate, after the th of March next, will be divided, Iol!tlcally : Republicans, 6S ; Dcmo-cj-aU, 10 ; three States unrepresented. 6 ; trhole cumber of Senators, 74. Of three, 16 are from the reconstructed HUte; Including Tennessee. ' Gen. Howard reports $3,977,000 ex pended for' the Freedman'a Bureau duiing the past fiscal year, and recom mends ite discontinuance from Jan uary 1st, 1S69, yet recommends a con tinuance of Freedmmans Hospitals at Washington, Richmond, Sandueky and New York. . Omaha feels comparatively "tig" if -re may judge from the number of comparisons: Thus the Republican copies the vote of some smaller city than Omaha with the Omaha vote, and remarks complacently "Omaha still ahead." It has not yet compared yr ith the vote of Brownville ! The ten Western States of Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Michigan, "Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, gave a majority of 2S3, 000 for Gen. Grant. These States, vhlch contain more than one-third of the population of the Union, voted olid against Seymour and Tcndleto nianism. 1 The financial stringency produced Jn the money market by the copper head scheme to produce a panle La more than ceased, as gold is lower than when the attempt waa made ; and the peoples emphatic endorse ment of "Let s have Peace," has ttrcngthened the credit of the Nation the world over. The cfUcers of the Grand Lodge of L O. of O. F. chosen at the recent ses sion of the Grand Lodge for the ensu ing year are as follows : Alvin San der, Omaha, G. M. ; J. M. Hacker, Rrowuville, Dp. G."M. ; Dr. Aug. Ro der, Omaha, G. W. ; John Evans, Omaha, G. Sec. ; D. C. Sutphen, Oma La, G. Treas. ; Jonas nacker, Brown ville, G. Rep. ; F. Tcmplin, Neb. City, (J. Orator. railroad "lectin? at Falls City. Editor Nebraska Advertiser: At. the Railroad meeting at Falls City, Richardson county, on the 14th Inst., quite an Interest was manifested on the part of the people of Richard ton and other counties In favor of the "Great Nemaha Yalley Railroad." Remarks were made by several of the' leading mea from counties along the 'proposed road in favor of imme diate action. A motion to organize was adopted unanimously. A committee consisting of lion. Ish a'ca Reavis, Major Sargent, YV D Scott. Hon. Hlnman Rhodes, J. Holt, and Hon J. J. Gardner, was Ap pointed to draft articles of Corporation, and report at next meeting. . A committee of seven was appointed to prepare resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, consisting of V. D. Scott, Maj. Sargent, Hon. J. J. Gardner, Hoa. Ishara IUavia, J. W. Holt, and Geo. Abbott. ' Secretary was instructed to notify the citizens of Richardson, Pawnee, Nemaha, Johnson, Gage, Lancaster, Seward, and other counties Interested, of the ccxt meeting. Ajourced to meet at Tecumseh, Jchctca county, oa Saturday, Novem ber Hit. . '.: A j;rc-t deal cf interest was manifes to 1 and a dciire on the part of all prcs ?::t p--h forward .the enterprise. Th2 r-'-T'" c Great Nemaha Val Icv ere wlio awake to their Interests s-i will now'ttrike for the 'develop-x-"-.t cf Ecuth-c-'cra Nebraska, and to iVis end they cna & portion v, Lcdi.- The counties of i-v.T.c a Johnson, Gage ; VT 't:rarc till; o interested in 1 ' " " ' r - v, i 11 ru&h forward 'lea, th9 "Gre:t rcrhaYt'. l.C " Citi; The result for IleprescnUtives in Congress in rotate Is as follow: thr; ha" cT,1ctcc, tatn. rtop. Dcm. Maine 5 Vermont 3 MaHnachusTttilO ... IlhoJp Island .. n .:. Nct York - 13 IVuttfyivania.15 9 pclaware.. . 1 Maryland 4 N. Carolina.. & j. 8. Carolina S 1 1 uiilani , ,, I 4 TfiMw T - 1 Kentuckj-.. 8 ArkRna 2 Went Virginia, S - - . Sew -J. 2 I 8' Oi, l! -s na . 1 ?' ..jiin 'i ? .oi... 1 i(Xnsln..- & Juinnesota.. 1 Iowa-....... 6 Mlssonrl... 0 Kangaa 1 Nebraska.-... 1 California 2 Oregon ... . Republican raHjorlty,7". . - . Pcnnsylrania OClcIal. : . The full official vote of Pennsylva nia 1? received and announced. The result is: -r firant or Seymour..... Granfa majority.. iotal vote... ...... ..(kXhUb'S Four years ago the vote stood : For 1,1 n roln Kor McClrlUa.-. Lincoln's majority., loihi vote...M Increased vote In four year... b'2,?ti5 The Republican Inajority In October was 0,677, which shows a gain of 1S, 221 votes for Grant. Mostof the frauds perpetrated In October were prevented in November, which accounts for half Uhe inajority the Republican gain In Philadelphia alone being over 5,000.' KaIIoaarp and Down the SUssourl Klver. ' Editor Xvbraka Advertiser : The bulk of the wealth of Nebraska is contained in the counties laying along the Missouririver. 'Now what shall th river counties do in regard to building a Railroad up and down the Missouri river, from the Kansas line to Dacota, Nebraska? All the trade of Nebraska will he on the line of this road. . The grain of Nebraska comes to the Missouri river. How shall we send this, grain jind produce westward? I answer, by the Union Pacific Railroad through Omaha by means of this roatf up and down the Missouri river. Let politicians look to this matter. Observer.- Editor Nebraska Advcrti$er: Last week I visited the town of Gallatin, Daviess County, Mo. It has a beautiful location on the high prairie, overlooking the great valley of the Grand River, with plenty of building material close at hand. . ' - : - - ' Our former friend and fellow-towris-man, Hon. R'. L. Dodge, is perma nently located at Gallatin, and has just been elected as Judge of Common Pleas, with Probate Jurisdiction. His many friends, and! former patrons of Nemaha will rejoice to hear that bis legal ability and unswerving integrity is appreciated bf thc"good people of Daviess county. ' I had the pleasure of being present at a railroad meeting In Gallatin, held for the purpose of voting $150,000 for the Chillcothc and Omaha Railroad, which runs up the valley of the Grand River, within three-quarters of a mile of Gallatin. The meeting was ably addressed by Judge R. L. Dodge, Mr. McGce, State Register Elect, - and others of Daviess county, and by Hon. Joel Aeper, Representative to Con gress, of Chilicothe. C. W. W. Tbe Result In Nebraska. - Majority for Grant. Seymour. Douglas county 372 Otoe . " -r3 . Nemaha . " fclO Richardson " ' 421 Pawnee " 445 Lancaster " 204 Cass " 341 Hall " 134 Platte " 3S Cedar " 27 Burt " 1B2 Dakota 3. Cuming " 32 Johnson- " 235 Saunders M 78 Dixon " 5-. L'EauqC't" 21 Dodge 171 Washington" 315 SUntoa " -5 Gage " . 25 Seward " G5 Butler 45 York " 5 Merrick . " ' ; 36 Sarpy " ' ; Saline Madson " Jefferson " 75 4337 49 10 10 39 45 Grant's majority 42S3 Estimated. The Adjutent General of tho Army has made his annual report to- the Secretary of War. The actual strength of regiments In service on the 30th of September Was 43,741 men ; besides there were 4,340' men more in the Eugineer, Ordnance and other hrnnrhi of the service. An unusu ally large number of discharges have been cranted during the year on indl- vidual application, ana unw,,"" the ordinary discharges and casualties, arPMniiiiv riimiaishin? the retriments. except cavalrv, which are necessarily kept In force because oi inaian opera tions. . .' It Is stated that 4,500 men will be .Ispharced before New Yearbvreason of the expiration of their terms of en listment. The number of desertions last year were 2,700 less than the pre vious year. The number of deserters arrested was nearly 1,000. mere, and the proportion of losses by d: rtion to the strength of the army w c iidera blo less than last year. In order to still further reduce the expenses and strength of the military establishment the detach mentis at the reerating de pots have been reduced osmuchas Eossible, and schools of instruction ave been suspended. No recruting of any kind but for the Navy has been going on since tho end of last July, und there are only five station for re cruting in this arm of eerviee. Reg iments oa the Pacific coast have, as far as was possible, to avoid tho ex pense of tranFportaUon, been suppli ed with recruits obtained In Cahkr- nia. The strength of all colored regi ments in the service U nearly up to the required standard. Wm. J. Abbott Post Master at Lin- cola, Nfcb., has beta arrested upon charcre of robtinz tho mail; valuables havinr been lost at dircrcnt limes U- tween Nebraska City and Lincoln for a yc-rpast.-.- Abbott was formerly a resld :at of Nebraska City. He is now und.Tr arrest tt Omlha. The penalty upon .conviction for an offense of ,th:.i kini is tn vtan in the rcnitcntiary. V, . i ' . ..... Ovr3ml.--:oni . t ' "Is1 .;ta"; the ;d ec vti .-aw.'.imefth Col -ui; n er tht year, ineludi: - those ith wi. .oirw 'sioner:- Anger .ud Cullcn. ouTif? led, nui ering in Jhe agsrregi : 3 tic:.:.y. 0 boOI; -ra at pc;i rt moving to, o s Jrtady t,i, the reservations set apart Tor them and are not disappointing the expectations and hopes of the Commissioners. On thecomrarjvthe Kiowas, Camanchcs, Arrapahofs ami Cheyenne, cumber ing Home 5000 or COOOmen, wonicrfand children,.. erer upon the war ;patb, Agau.pt them a considerable army is now operating' for a non-fulfillment on the part of our treaty stipulations with these Indians. - , - z. The people" of Nebraska City and Otoe oounty appear to have a "'White Eleph'snVon their hands, in the shape of tW "Midland. paciac. It. R. Co" The people voted to a it the compa ny to the amount of $loO,000 In countv bonds, to be used In conjunction with an equal amount of jnoney furnished by the OA.,' and tc be issued '-in stated surus. The company done a little work a?id then the Democratic County Commissioners issued them the whole S150,C0'J in bonds.-, -The, popld begin to see where they can pay a large amount of interest, but the hittle f the locomotive appears a long way otf. We are of the opinion that the Com pany have builtaboutall the Railroad they intend tor at present. Plattz mouthJleraId.fi: Tho New York Tribune criticises Mr. Reverdy Johnson's courtesies to Laird of England sharply, and says "he has shgjvn himself a, tody and a snob, and unworthy to be the repre sentative of true .American citizens; and we shall feel as long as he remains at the court of England that this . na tion is not represented there, but dis graced." r Gen. Grant, while on his way to Washington, made but ona'. speech thus, at Belleville, Illinois: "Gentle men : I sec many of you in uniforms. You laid thim offthree years ago,'you can now laj' them off. again, . and we M ill have ?ace. Good night." A new Post 01S?e'ha9 been estab lished in Haline . County, between Swan City iind Big Sandy. The name of the office is Equality P.M., Mr. A. Dike. Blue Valley Itecord. The M. U. Ex. Co. have concluded to open an office at Pawnee City, KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHABI.E3 G. DORSEY. GeORQE W. DOESET. Atfy atjjaw. ... i. ; C. O. & G. W. DORSEY, REAL ESTATEAGENTS f ' A"D . ' i Dealers in LandAvarraxits. Cny and Sell liVaVlLRtatc and Land lVarrants. . Select h Locate GDvenunent Lands. ATTEND TO CONTENTED CASES IN THE U.S. LAND OFFICE, AND PAY TAXES; A large qmintttj' of First Class Lands fbr sale In Nemaha, Richardson, Tawnce, John son and Gage Counties, Nebraska, to which the attention of purcliaBers Is'VpecIally Invi ted: " , ' Office-BEOWNYILLE, NEBi Branch Once -BEATRICE, NEB. - - : - , . . . . YESTEUI DEPOT OF lUSIC ! i P. L. niTYZTT & SOIT, No. 9 Fourth Street, ; . SX. JOSEPH, 3XOl: 1 MUSIC PUBLISHERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PUHOSID OBGIOS, - r Chickering k Son's Pianos . Which trere aTrtrdai the . Cress cf the LEGION of H0N0E, and FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT PAIU3 EXPOSITION, 1867. : , . ALSO W1I. KSADE & CO., . HALXCT, DATIS & CO., NEW YOBKUNIOKGp. PIANOS.1-' ' BURDETT, l alnna!, Combination & Cabins! OEGAKS, 'llason & HaxnUn's . Cabinet; Poirtablo, - -: :-' . and " 4 ' ' - . f , ' - ' Metropolitan Organs: - . i All or.rs ihouli bo addrewsei to v JAIIS3 n. DYE, Act, - - .-. ; . 1 - . - . vw - . . Brownville, rsTcl C'OAA JIOyriT .'Remember, It so. p-Uli AeenJjJ can make it. l-'axmera' sone. any person enn doit. We have a new cheap, lioened lwina: Machine, the let ver macie. It will aew, fell, bem, tuck, braid and ein broirter.anddoaa work done by highly prl -ei rcaflilnea. .CosU only SIS; think of that ! fide One agent wanted for every conn! r. Snjn;Ie machine at lees Uian reeular prke to one t rent. Bamrl-of work, U-xms, 4c, free, XlilB U A new thiES. Send and eje aompies. A.P.TTtTiilA')T S. 11. COMPANY " " Zh?m - -Hujedala. IS. II. il i vay of ) OX the J;ig and Li ourt 1 vi pra.. ; i '-ovf the ople c t .h t -, y thelf Lo SatU! , lav t-n;i ' - U;at ,"1 r " ' ;,,vrr - nail, " p- lamuo ,srtn, . ' V . ,.i-chyt..r as a Liy i solemn t . . tUi.Hk skiving t Almighty OoJ for ,Uis Lies lnira to ua aa a fctate and Nation. f A'ow.therffwe, earnestly m-oondln thl ac tion of the I'resldent, and cheorfuUy ptving voice to the will of the rxph,T?lJtri 1-ut-ler. Governor--( (Stai of NeWraka, io hereby mil -npon Ell -within the borders of thisHtoto citir.rotd itrnxinr-rn. to aist-ilu from thflr secular nvorations, bn the 2ali day of November? vrnl t ssemble ia the cus-tornary places rf woishlp and bftore Goda altar recount !vlt!i,thark.5lvlrg the manybleslnt;s,inatf r!;il and spiritual, which have leen bestowed-ui)ou. us as n people. And while ensatced In ihese gratefnl devo tions let 11 beiiold howeoBstant has been the Hand that protect and blesses, to tho end that as InvlaualB and as a nation all may be imbued with the spirit of humble yet Implicit trust in thelrd. . I further call-upon the citizens to charac terize the dajr by k'ttin? pratltude find ex jiresslon In Ieeds of bri4iTolenoe as welt'as in word of thanksgiving., EypeeiRlly do I call upon them to seek out and minister to Uir wants of the poor, the needy, rmd the Buifering, those made- so by tlie wars for on r country. 1 call upon them to seek out all that are' In distress, from whatever raa.se, and bear to them relief that the land may be filled with gladness that every heart and dwelling:, on that day, be converted into a temple of thanksgiving and praise. ; In testimony whereof, I have hereunto net my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of tlie State,, this 7th dav of November, 133. , DAVID BUILElt. By the Governor: " ; - T. r. Kenjjakd, Secy, of State. Proposals for Printing Material, Folding, Stitchingand Bind ing for the State of. Nebraska.', -To l'rlnters and others : ' Under the provisions of an Aet of the Leg islature of Nebraska, approved Jnnn 18, iSiJ. of which the following is an abstract: , . Section 1. The Kerretaro of State, Auditor and Treanuer, shall, beginning in thefli-st week in November, "lSJlS, and everv2d year thereafter advertise thirty day for PropMils for State I'rintlng, fortwo years from the 4th Tuesday in December next following. Sec. Deibues thelabor and material to be bid f)r,as eomiwMiitlon. paperand press-work; requires the ortieers to publish an abstract of the Jaw; and describe the manner of deter mining the lowest bidders in certain eases. . Sec. a. Classifies the several kinds of con tracts. Sections 4, 3k 8 and 7 Define tlie styles of the different kinds of printing required. Sections 8 aiyl 9 Directs how composition and press work shall be measured. Sec 10 Requires contractor to dellyerprint ed matter to the Secretary. of State. Sec 11 Requires each .successful bidder to plve bond in not less than $2,ii()0 or more than .",000, for the faithful fulfillment of his con tract. Sections 12,13,11, 15. 10 and 17, make pro visions for receiving bids, and contractiug for folding stitching and binding printed matter. Sections IS and 19 Provide the manner of making out bills and adjusting accounts un der this law. Sections 20 and 21 Provide for the payment of contractors hereunder, , Sec 2 Provides for penalties for delayg in executing work. " Sec 23 Reqnires fleer era ry of State t$id clerks of thslloufe of the Legislature to fur nish to the printers true copies of all matters to be printed. ' See, 2t Jieqnlres Secretary of State to class ify the laws frr publ i rtion and prepare ln dexes to laws and journals. Sec 2-" Provides for re-letting contracts In case of failure of contractors. - r -See, 'id. Relates to printing done in 1868 : The undersigned will reeieve proposals for furnishing ' paper eoniposltlon press-work folding, stitching and binding, for the use of the Legislative and Kxecntive departmeats of the State of Nebraska, for two veara frrin Tuesday the 2d day of Decern ber,A. D., lfit Such proposals will bo recieved until "12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, December 7th, A. D. 18(3, at the ollicc of the Secretary of Staie. in Lincoln, Nebraska. . The classification Of work will be fotrnd hereiJi-below. Each class will le tho subject of a separate cent ra-t. The estimate for re termining the lowet bid Will be made upon the basis of theschedule of classes following: . Bids will b made in the following form j . : I or we) propose and wilUnnd to furnish thework and -mateil.Tls required to lo the printing in Class No. , at tlie friowrng rates ; specify only the kinds of work, or ma terial in Wie class bid for. cents per 1000 rms for composition. ' quire of paper. " " quire of 24 Impressions for pres-s work. - - lfto sheets for folding. " M m sheets for stltehlng. " . " loOpjiperfcovers for pamphlets to Include composition sjf dJ . " 100 paper covers for' Laws and Journals inclusive of compo fcttion aud press work. " '- 100 copies for stitching, blndlns :!. and lettering Laws and Journal -In law sheep. And further agree that all work shall be done In the best style, and all materials furnished shall be of full weights and quali ty as contracted for; and that all work shall be executed and delivered at the times men tioned In and required by c6ntract. 'r . Bidder. Such bid shall be acoompanled "by a guaran ty na follows: We hereby guarranty that who propose to perform labor and furnish material under a contract for printing In Cltnw No , able to carry out fully 6uch contracts as ask for, with the State of Nebraska; and that we will enter into bonds, as sureties ror tnesaia for the full and faithful performance of their contracts. Signed ....w,.. ....... ) Proposed Sureties. Proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposals for State Printing." and deposited at the office of the Secretary of State before 12 o'clock m.. on Monday. D6e. 7th. 168. The successful bidders will bo notified 1m- mediiitel.v after a decision is made, and they will bereouired to enter Into contracts and give the required bonds on or before Monday, Dee. 2ist next tollowlng. The con tractors will be paid for their work. r naving aepositea ineir accounis, wn srKH'lmens. vouchers and orders, they shall have been certified to by two of the contract ing officers, by. A editor's warrants upon. the state Treasury, on or before tne 4tn luesaay In December in each year, following the date oi me contract. CLASSIFICATION No, 1. Bills and Jiesolutitxs in Bill Form. ems composition, email pica type, per low, quires flat cap, Ulb to tho ream.' ouires of 24' impressions press work- ems composition, pica, yea and nay nsis. ouires flat can. cut for yea and nay lists, quires of 24 impressions each, oi press worn. . '' CLASS No. 2. Senate arid House Journal, Governor' t if essa get, OUUccr' Reports in the Journals. Super Hoyai Octavo form. ems long primer composition. ' - ' quires paper 40 lb to ream,. quires press work (21 impressions.) CLA&SNo-a. Reports, Cbmmunications and Pamphlet Docu ments, separate from Journals. Octavo. ems long primer composition- quires of paper 40 B to ream. quires, 24 imp. press work. . CLASS No.4. General and Local Livs, Joint Resolutions, Memorials, in one super royal octavo volume ems long primer composition. qniressuperroyal. 40 lb paper. quires, 24 impressions, press work. CLASS No. 5. ; ! :' Letter 7ieads,bla!ik anl circulars, - ' ; ems of composition; brevier measure ments for letter heads, circulars and all ruieu Dianks. , , quires 1 sheet letter 12 lbs to ream.' . full r '. , press work on letter heads. " Hut letter, lOlhs to ream for bl'ks. 14 press work on letter blanks. ' , " flat cap, 14x17, 14 lbs. - ' " " " press work. - M . " 44 folio past 17x22, 16 Rs. , ... . press work. " note 8x10, 5 fts. - " press work. , '.' reil blue ruling one dirt c.lon. NOTE In all the above classea niile work, or figure work In columns without rule iil be measured one and a half tunes lor coni- Biiiua; nuu ruie anu ugure ur& mice. ' ; ' CL-SS No. 6. ' ' fc fbldino and stitchina bills and resolutions, and folding and stUchiug of patnpfdet docuiie,Us, and covers, ... . , . sheets offlatcap.one fold, per 100 sheets. 7 " " " " stithel per 100 sheets. paper covers for octavo amphlet8. In cluding composition, paper and press work, per luO covers. covers put on such pamphlets, per 100 covers. sheets folded octavo (four time) pep 100 " bheeUi. . . CLASS No. 7. Folding, slitchitiff, covers aud binding for Laws nd Journals.- she tsj folded octavo, per 100 sheets. ; IMir r covers for La ws and Journals, in- eluiv( of papers, composition and press . . work, UHt covers. copies biuding of Laws and Journals, in paptr covers, includins stiUdilng, per lmi copies. rj-ios bindirig of Ijiws and JonrniTs, tn law sheep including material, etitoh inj; and letieriiig. , " A. KOUNTZE, i ..... ' "State Treasurer, JOHN GILLESPIE. : State Auditor. T. P. KENN AKD, 5-5 1 -Secretary of State. ine Plooring, full stock, at IFAf.H.eifXL'S. PLnc Slilngles and Lath at - - : " . . . 1(7. II. SMALL'S. SilllFOOO "i lit :JR nave celytl tt . ' , Largest an Ilcsi A. 101 ac r- , ad-'J .... S51 , . apvii f i w ' : ever brought to the city of . , BKOW?S YILLI1, ' - cons'.stlnj of ' ' ' : 1 " " " ' r . ' Sofas, Folding; Lonnscs, Secretanes; and Book -Cases OIuc Desks. Wash Stands, BEDSTEADS, CANE ROCKERS, Narse Rockers, Dining and Breakfast Tables Office, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, and everything usually found In a -' ' FURNITURE STORE! I2-4-ly CITY BAKERY - AND coixEECTiorsEizY : : No. 31 Cor. Main lstSts. (opposite City Dreg Store. WILLIAM ALLEN, Proprietor. . . i lIes. ' Cakes, Fresh 1,1 Dread, ConfcctloneiT, L.l$nt and FancyC5rocerjes" Constantly ; on Hand ! .! Fresh Bread Delivered Daily t ! First Class FatnUyFlour Warranted. Free Express Hun for thebencjit of my Customers. i J. K. SHOOIv & BROS., ' iJanufaeturers and Dealers In Native Lumber of all kinds, lengths, bread t lis and thickness, : : . . ''AT- "' NI-IA COUNTY, NEBRASKA. They own and run voof the best Saw Mills in the state, aud will furnish MECIIAKICS. AXO BIILDEIIS with a bill of Lumber of lest quality,' on snort nonce, at iu-Mwei9HV(ArKei .rrice. X&thJanc Pibliet3 . . . . Always on hand for sale. They also sell cheap at their store In Hills dale all staple Dry Goods and Groceries, and such articles as are In general n?e. Remeaiber tlie business, the men, and the piace. ... l-jy Scientific!," KatienaHv. Safef f DR.LAREXCE,:;. Compound Extract of BOSADALIS,' 44 Recomincnded by SCIENTIFIC MEX E VER Y WHERE . ' AS THE BEST Remedy yet Discovered rou Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidney AND AS A GENERAL HEALTH RESTORER! .- ROSADALIS . Purifies the Jjlood, . ' Jmproves the Appetite, . Aids Digestion, , ' Corrects the Secretions, And Imparts Tone, Strength and ' Vivacity to the , Whole System. So that persons using it feel that they enjoy an entire new lire. ROSADALIS. Is Iiecommended by the ' ' ' Best Phyidan8 Everywhere. BEAD THE FOLLOWISG TBOM Da. F. Olix Danxelly, now of this City Formerly ProfeKsor of Phvsiolocv and Path- olotrical Anatoiov in tile Middle Georgia :uemsl Coiled t'hM'i ire State-o HouUi Carolina, during the war, Vice-President Georgia Medical Association r -Mr, Laurence: I hara care&illv xamlned your formula forthe KOSADLIS, and recom mended it to several of my putieuts. The combination is a happy one, and must prove a potent remdv In all uibeases requiring the virtues of a great alterative medicine. I wish you success. w, F.: CLIN DANNELLY. Ealtimore, April 22, im. Baltimore, Md., March4, 1S'. I believe Dr. Lawrence's "ROSADALIS to be the Beat Alterative in Use, and there lore cheerfully recommend it as snob, - . . i .. : . THOMAS J. BOYKIN, SI. D. . 'y! - Bat.timoke, Febuarj- 10th 13. i 1Jr' . lxtwrcnce- liearSir I tflkepleas urein reconnnending your ROSADALL3 aa a very powerful alterative. - 1 ours truly, li. w. CARR, M. D. e know Dr. Lawrence's Rosadalls to 'be a sate and reliable Alterative, Ac, and take pieasare In recommending it to the profess ion and public. J II Moor M D, E Barnes, MD. . K W King. M D., S Woodward, M D, W T Brewer, SI 1) J II "Winstead, M D R II Barham, M D, W G Duggan. M D. J liUUOCK, iv WILSON, C- JannarvTth. isftt. For Testimonial of Remarkable Cukes . liosaOalis Almanac" for this year- . . epared at the Laboratory of " : Dr. J. J. Lawrence & Co., BaUimorre &'reeir BALTIMORE. ' , cnrrn cz, dtyeh; ; 'WHOLESALE DE UG GISTS, . CHICAGO, General A b tales, to whom orders should be addressed. no-t ia . ; - Pne Siding, a choice and full stock, at WM. II. SMA LV8. Queensware, largost assortment eve In this cllr. at .... Mil. U SHALL' 9. 1 1 HETZIX'G COLUI.Hr. ITc icD "to tb Pr " li , . . . , v.. rJeir and Taslilonalble sJocIi of ' CLOTHING, (NO SHODDY), Is now offered to the Fublic at J. S. HETZEL'S CLOTHING STORE, No. .10 liaia Street, . . ' who Is a r-a r-a-t U15. to the Interest of the public ; and having pur chased toy CLOTHING, (made under my own supervision) exclusively for cash, I can sell as low, If not lower, than any . . - . v T-7 . A - J in tho Town or County. I beg to call your . . -:. siienuon o lay : Large & Well selected stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOiES,' Gent's Furnishing Goods, as can be sU J-- H3" THE "WEST. Ilero Is a chance for the best bargains, as I have no-dead stock on hand, all being entirely new. The' public are invited to call and ex amine for themselves, ! Ml - Mcriiersoiis'a Block, " tDiJ ill? V 6iJlVj where everything; in the Gothicg lino can be found. si-ur. i . " coirs f : V . tt MSI (ill. COX'S DTSPFPSIA CCRE. COH'S DYSPrPSIA CCIIB, : . COS'S PISPSrSL CTB. cOfi'S dtspkpsm rnts. coys pysri.rsrA ctsk. CUS'3 DYSPEPSIA Cl'aS. -- t 4 COK'S DTSPTPSTs CCTtS. ' - COX'S BISPEPSIA CrRK. COK'S DISPSPSiA CC3S. This world rtaowned rtote-ly far Uis anajllcf ar of , . . . i' ' r r DYSPEPSIA, Indlrcslioa, Sicli Stomacli, Sourness or Acidltjorstom acli, Illsins ofl-'ood, Tla tulcncy, Iassitude, Weariness,' LJil llonsncss, and all disor ders or TIlo Slcmacli and Eorrels, Is nritd two thetiotioQ nd trial f iufffTer, from ibt nost horrible of all disari. Dyspepsia bows its ravages in a thousand different turtua, tach as Sick Hewlaiba. Hertba, Depretsioa, gen eral senn f uneDess aiul raeiiotc that too arc not well. Fi'Ot d.stres?e you, rises and soars uo your stomach ; breath l bad ; skin at times I nasbeJ and hot; don't reel as' tt yes could move or stir abunt. and worreof all. Indigestion or Constipation, are noihlnn more f le tbao Dyspepsia. Thou sands npon ihouanils softer and die tbi way, and neither tr.tm el mi nor their physirUns know what alls tbem, except that they are surely dying. Searicr, we repeat it. this is ail Dyspepsia. If too would have proof or our statement, if yon would save yoarxelves tnd children from au early grave, if yon won id have health and energy and strength, again we les yea to try one bottle or COE'S DTSPEFSIA CUEE. Toawi!) see how soon it illdl?pel yonr bad feel- lh and gloumy foreooums. now soon it will cltae away any specie of Dypepia. Bow soon it willfcive yon new life and vigor, and how toon It will wake a wed man r woman of yoo. For yonr own sake, fur tbe sake of everybody soflering, we teg, we enti eat yoa to try it. For Liver Complaint and 1211- , . lous Derangements, It is a l'of erei?n Remedy, while for Fever and Agne, aud all those ilmtwes which are generated in a mi- s aiatic climate, it is a certain treventative and cure. r Jr Lester Sexton, a ichofesale mer chant of thirty years, in Mihcaukce, dne6f the" mist reliable and" cafeful men in the State, says, under date, : v. .Milwaukee,, Wis., j,a. 24. 1SC3. Messrs. C. G. Clark, it Co., Neic Uaven, Ct. Jlolb myself and wtfe have used Cue's Dyspepsia Cure, and it has proved PERFECT LX satufactcry as a reiueay. I ihve O be-ittion in faying ttiat we have received GH2AT BSSEP1T from lu use.-'' s . Very respeewily. , . LKoiaa 5SIT0X. . t ,.t it A Great Blessing," From Eev. X. F. WARD Avon, Lor- ainc Co., O. - ' " Mesrs. Stboho a AKY1THO50, Prnggists. CSevelamL 0.. Gentlemen : It give me great pleaxnre to slate that my wife ba derived great benetlt from tbe nse of Cue's Pynpepsla Cure. Sbe has been for a nam ber of year greatly troubled with Dyspepsia, ac companied wiia violent r-sroxysnis of constipation, bicn so prostrated er mat ue was all the while. for mouths, nnable to do anything. Sbe took at your lftntam e Oe's Dyt.pepla Cnre. and has de rived GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT. and Is tow com. paratively well. She regards this medicine as a great Dlesslns. Truly yenrs, L.T. WA&D, V"" i is a txireme tase tiirea. From Eev. ISA A C AZKE2 Alle gheny, Pa. Joscrq TlejkIks, Pnigsist, ;;. . 804 Market St., rutsbnrgb. Sir; 1 fke treat pleasure ia stating that, after bavin sneered iron Djspepaia for about at teen years, li nm periods much more thin otbtrs. I have been entirely cured by tbe n of Coe's Dys pepsia Cnre My (riendx know that of late years my case nas neen an extreme one. I bad great sir. f B' log from eating my kind of food and un an aver age woald vomit about onh.thtrd tf my meals. In a sour muisei'iioie ni. wben tbe severe attacks would some, I would loe all strengtb and beetterly helpless. S 'me of tbe attack would b se severe that for days together 1 would not retain anything on my stomach, save a little dry toad and tea. For years I knew not wbal it was to i ass flveo nsectivo hours wi'.i ont intense pain. From tbe time I t" k the flrst doie of this me'iicloe 1 cesed vomiting, gradually all soreness pawd away, and flesh and strength returned and ever since I have been able to eat any kind of f.jod set upon the table. Six monins nave now passed without any symptoms of the return of tbedisease. My case was considered by all, even physicians, so marvellous, thai for a tins it was feared it might be fictitious ; but I am noWso well convinced, that I have been not merely reuevea, out permanently cured, tbat I can con scientiously recommend Coe's Dypepsls Cure tt in victims or dyjyepsla. ISAAC AtKIV Late Pastor ef the Beaver St. M. . Chnrch, ,t, Alleghany. Homo Testimony. Ni HAVE", Ct., June 1,1867. Messrs. C. G. Claek it Co. '' ' Cents: Being anxious, from the rreC hnflt aerivea to assist in spreading tha fame of Coe's lryspepsts Cnre, I woul' slate) my case. Some thing over a year ago, I had a violent attack f Dt. arrbo?a, which lasted eifht weeks, daring which Usa t employe tires rnysuias. bst wUhoat re lief, until I tried Cie's Ev-eDsia Cure. The flrst dose helped me; f it tnree times a day for a wees, ana was ennre'y cured; and 1 believe to day tbat it saved tny life. Being attacked in a sim ilar wax this season, 1 i-r i ! doee, wnia pul me ail right. 1 would .!?; ry fauiilv to keee it on baud ready tr imrr.t.&.a -so, iu case of Sam- mer or sowei complaint. C. DCXX. The above Mr. Pr.rn i In ortr eplny, and wecan vouch far tae above staigient hem? trae - X. A&SQLD it CO. :0E'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. Will a 1m be found invaluable iaall cases of m.r. rboea. Dysentery, Colic, Summer Ccmplaiau, UrW ami in tact every disordered condition of the tomach. Sold by Dnuaist io dtv or eoantrv srmiiita A$l per bottle, or sy spplicatioa to . C. O. Clarli & Co. Sole Ercpriccors, Xcui Haven. Ct. i.iyteen. . . - XT IN District of ' .At t i cfNov?ir.. --cf '..VI. The irndr.-Hl rr.fd Yr? - appointment r., "'ecf fcii Washington Ii,. .- -.athw,of ljudgt a takr' w., owVr. r by tll,, Li: (.H.. J r..V.-lOQ, KJt ... v.-I. IL i: ' j v v " VTO TICK OF A rrr'TNZZArpr) I vrvT, j" "ay oi ' oveai br,Xi Tl;e OT5rTerirzne.I hrj Pt: .... appointment as A-r f Njc r l 1 sell. of N-brakn-v, Ci-v Countv Jad-jed a ban krupt upon h it wn pi the Di5trict C"irt of saM I ki'ot by iL' l-r TT 1'...... , .. AT O TICK OF A .( iXEXA FIX) I V rlfrvZ Iim-'avi'Io Uio r.1 day it jj ;t-'' "f The nndersirrmxl hereby r arrlntmcnt us Asijtneeof;g!nonil -Wm v. ..v . . . v . ' . . . i . ( efr". within naid District, who has twn ic-'rx&aZi n bankrupt upon a creditor's petition, by fhi tWC V 11. XLUVYKH. Am!i.. . -t-- Porsey, under the firm name of Itorurr Iloadley t Co., haj fhi),ivriisoIv,l bv mal tual consent. GK'OIICK v. iH'jfsftv - ' - ' " M'THK!! IfO mr rv ' 6-t-pd IHAKIJr.H (1. 1XJ1WEV. IJSTRAY XOTICE.-Tzken up by tho an. li dersisned, at Sherman, Nemaha county Nebraskit, on the Jbih dy of tvtooer, lx one UeU Cow, with crop oJot Unh ears. Also, at th KnnA tim( rn.l t.' - t i . Pprini; Calves, both, heifei-, nv: NifhsMtia iitc irn ritr. jg. i t, V A 111. A BJfTN ISTR. t TOR'S SALE OF REAL -- - " - - r v.. va iw ' I J the I H-4t frfH i 'nllFt, f t h I Vtir t .f V.'Am,w -. - - - - - xva u fcj r .ClUCilJI and the State of Nebraska,, (trnnted on the of IimwrrvirV r.rr th rt-iia ifn..... i t offi-r forsU at pibilc auction or vendue on Ti. . V , 1 . . .1 . . t i . . T at 1 o'cloek. p.- a., np the premises, the foil lOWlriS fiOSTfll rO!ll HSl.lt.. iltn.l. I . County' of Nern.?l;i and S-iate of Nebraska. ."-.. . . .. li.....! cn nuai lit in in north rat quartet and lot live (iiand eight (iv. cf the north east fracUnal ti muter of aeetion fifteen (15), township Are .,,, north f rmnM fonrteea (lit, east, contaiain H" ivi'M acn-a. tUi AliUWU Jl U.AY Ot I? w XJfn it l-.'v AdmTnlstrator of the iitate of Wiiuan St a- V?TRj? Y .frja-T-fcea up by the sm- I J dersimeL living fnnp vv..i. . .. ... " a, ui m- wv of Brownville, on the 2d dav of October la a Bar Horse Pony suppoti.-d to be fro year. TfSTRA T A07CL-Taken by th iub. I J aexUinr. on hia farm i C- elnct, one t wo year old Kxl Heifer, a slii in t t V v. as. A . A lli.lll V lilLt lill f HT B n .1 . I I H. W A CrST A FT. I ASTRAY AOrCaTalcen up bTthwtm J dersignefl, living in Ctien Rock Pre-inn a Brown or Biack Ure Pony, suppow to b one year old. star in forehead ; was taken uo on the 4th of this month. PROBATE NOTICE Ftate of Gldwn Meader,deceamd. Notice Is hereby ifiven that, the Pmimtm '-ii r.r v..i.- ?.. . . ......... . . a ..viuda ,)unij State of Nebraska, has appointed t hit Court ivwiuui miiu couniy as inepiaoe, and the fol lowing timt-a, to-wit: r.ignrn uav of .Marcli, l.i. Tv elfih day or April, h j, n 1 ' Tenth dav of M.i v I.: ) t u . . . r each said days as the time for the barter ex- allowing or ujsaiiowtnc all claims airaintt h oifit.n :i. der, deceased, late of Nemaha Coanty. Ne- All 11fllTftm ll I.M.A.fn.1 . , . I- ... . u mi. wuLni i v t.i uax above appointed shall tx forever barved. Dated N oveni ler 7 1 b. l-. a. s . .HUJKiA N, rrolaU? Jwlx. Natttzx V. MtADtM, AdminUtrator. -lV PROTtA TENVTTCir-rW.e of IT. C Walt, deceased. Notice it hereby :lven that the I"rohuf IVturr u x- nraxKana appointed Srah Wait adminis tratrix of the estate of Hiram t'. Wait, de ceased, late ofsa.i'1 ec-uatv of Neinsha; aud that the said court has aj rx int.ii Jx-fmber ltP' Arr11 12xh' lUh' Jnn JaiIv 12th. l,-;, at 10 o'ci-k a.m. a the time. and the court room in i!rnri.m. .v..: . . - r -' ' ..... i . "U 11 1 , 9 plae, for examining mi l allowinx claim ra!nf mM esrate. Those ha vinsr kik h claims are rerjuire.1 to present thera to wild court on u tZ. r . aooveanpoinuxl or thy oi:i;a v 4-lt Probaus Jud 1?STIlArX0TTCEL-Tafn up br the on J dersiznedat Hickory (Jrovp. In Waalnz- fourteen mile West r.f BrT,wriville. on hlsj i.rrmfv on ine lit n tiny of Oefober, Wa. on Iron tr:lV- M1PP Tur V., iil. I ..... mane and tail, no other murkt rre--ivttM. QtTRAY NOTICE. U herehw yn Q. tlath undersizned. llvinj? In lifora ireclnct, Nemaha County. N.braskn. haa taken-urt. on tha bnh ,r iw..i... i. . Iron Gray Filiey, one year oid pnst! ' i JAZits itATIN. ".igt'iit.ti iiEii or - our. DAY.. Tlie men who govern onr roantry, make ita laws, have fuu!it iU bittle, charm. -o with tlieir elooiini fM,n!.i control oar nuiroa.U. manufaetwltn, a jnr nuf. iiv8 VClllillP, fUJl Of V IVid interest, life-like illustration and character-' iwtio anecdote, &y; well-Ciled pagej flna stwl portraits, and the lives of over 50 men . Price low to suit th t!ni..u tv, i, . r well as the most lnteretinr book cn'-.'!shei ....... ,.t, .rri,,. mieti iT.mpnw, .very body want to know the in htr kL men. tend for circular to Phi adelphia, I'a.. Cincinnati, a, Chicago, IIL, 1-1-1 or St. Louis, Aiow 025 THE AHERICAI1 SHUTTLE 1m ml-llrf mt . r.p.A .tv:K . v. . -- - -""" m icacaor ail. LOCK STITCH (aiike en bom aid.), kaa a sel adjaaiinf tension, and can do every vartatv f sewmg Itwiiihe,retl nd, cord, fcr.id, aim. well o silk, bnen, w-o,.a or c.tun gu-.is.wvu ilk, lioea. or ceitua threads THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE' S ewingMacliine IS Warranted for Five Years ia m uniii IDatbae th a feed w. ... to sell a first clas SnfTTLJ! MACHIN I at a very , low pries, on account tfiu Simu-ictt. quent low e.,.t of Mim.'.ctcrtD, la ctmfintoS whh Coxj?!.cated M scjiaes. ' - f AGENTS. W . wl.V I. ....... : " iiiiwhii Agenu. maiearfernale,. to represent the Araerlcaa Sauttle Se wing af-cHia. is l each State, Coonty, and Tow la tse UaiUwt - - iau pariicsiaxs. ae ls Sai-rr or CoiuiuiMioa. sdxsw . . . . 7 G.V.ir.AadreTrs- . ; : . . Detroit. ZLi? If. B- Fir tha bereft f .n, v raosed wita r.r. mn h... i ...... . ' MachiB lems t sell. w i , e j BOclOFSAili. , acd fsil par Hen 1 ar s o rer. t of one red Stat. .tr.. r: v u .v., General Agent. r.t, u.ci.' it CtV' AT ErowxtTlJlD, r;cbrssr The Erownville Ferry Company taVo Cj T "EROVIiVILLE, Ji:,- AMD North Stir and Phelps City, Zlot, the new and eommot lies Steam Ferry This bont is entirpl v' n . -ov capacity to err, everything Uuu mm in any weathtr. 5 TOIa. i. -"v-. n j; v ;itiie into or on r f v . v erected at the st I. r. ri " LT. this the most r, K?Z --- ia-a-ly -'i.uvu. rrj VA ana tor &ae at iiniooirpf f "U3iOg LUi.1 t DISSOLUTION- OF PAR TNJCRS ?jp Notice is h-reby given that the co-prt. ner-'hlp heretofore existin? between tj7f V. Dorsier, I.uther iload.ey and C harlp- of ,h. v s 11 b "PPll dapllc1e part, i ,?'rMcb'n-' cse ef accident. It uakts f e- a'wrn lu ,UtCh m,',(, bT th" a'r "-. Wheels WTrlT. T.taa r'rnc M:bines. It has the Cader-feed. like the best.f high-pricj Ma cbine,sod lathe only low-ortr-rt .,, , .