Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 19, 1868, Image 1

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-fcFLftrsoa's Lloc-, 11 Floor, KjJI F-fttranaa,
XlroTrxrrillc, . 2Vcl.
"Mc copy one yew
- iveo'jiiM one year.,
Ten mule one rear . 1 W
Twenty copies one year SO W
And Tlain akd Fawct Job Woek, dofte in
good style and at reasonable rate.
t rv..f v-
Card, of five lint or lesa, $5 a year. Ed
additional line tl.
Attorneys at Uw an Innd amta,
Offloe In Conrt House, with Probate Judge.
Attormcya Cealora al IWr
Oao-No. TO McPheraon a El K P at!"-
At(ya( .aw.SHellrlCbaery,
Ofllce In District Court Ivoorn.
Attarncy at Law atul Laad ATt.
Office In Court House, first door, ireat aide.
wm. H. Mclennan,
Attorney and Coielor at Lw,
. Nebraska City, .Nfcbraska.
Attorney and CuniUr at Law,
- Tecuioaeu, Jolinaon Co Neb.
Attorney at Law amd War Claim Agent,
Pawnee City, Pawnee Co., fr'eb.
Attarnay at Law 4t Heal Batata Agent,
Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska.
Ilaal Estate Agent and Jnatlee fPatt,
OflJce In Court llouhe, firat door, west aide.
Id Agent, A Land Warrant Broker.
No. 31 Main Htreet.
Will attend to paying Tuzrt for A'on-retidcntM.
I'crtoruU atteniu yiven to making Locations.
LantU, improved and unimproved. Jot aale on
reasonable term. 1 r
Real Katnta nnd Tax Paying Agent.
Office in District Court Room.
ITT3 give prompt attention to the tale of Real
JZilate ana I'aymcnt of 2 axe throughout the
AemoAa Land IHttrict.
Collector Tor the City f BrownrlUa,
- WM attend to the J'aymriU of laxei far Jfon
JUsident Land Oumert in Sevtafta Xmnty.
Oorretpondence Solicited.
fri Kearney, Xebratka,
WiU locate lands for Intending settlers, and
rlvr-anr information required concerning
Uie land of (South-Western Nebraska. lt-a
Office No. i Main Btreet.
Phyalclan, Snrgean and Obslatrlelajs,
Office Holladay A Co'a Drug Store.
OraAnnted in lfc'.l ; Located in Jirou nrille in
1 Hitf. I In on hand eomptete eU of A mputattng.
Trephining and Otrfetncal ItutruinrtU,
1. K.i1pecial attention given to ObtUtrtCM and
the diteatct of Women and Children.
CV. 8TEWART, M. D..'
Olce No. 81 Main Street.
Office Joura-7 to 9 A. J., and I to 2 and H to
V. M.
To the Nebraska Eye and Ear Infirmary,
will recommence practice at Brownvllle,
May lt, lbtW.
Dealer in
Dry Onods, Omcerlea, Baata, Shoes, Ac.
No. Main Ktreet.
Wholttale and Retail Dealer in
General Merchandise, and Commission
and Forwarding Merchant,
... No. Sft Main Street,
Cora Planters, Plow, Stores Furniture, Ac,
always on hand. Highest mark et price paid for
Hides, PrIU, Fart and Qvntry Produce.
Dealer in Foreign and Domestie
No. 53 Main Street.
Daalers In General Marahandlso,
No. a McPherson's Block, Main St.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Orngs, BSedlclnea, Paints, Oils, ate.
No. 41 Main Street.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer t in
Drngs, Books, Wallpaper A Stationery
' '. No. Z Main Street.
. . No. a Main Street.
T flat on hand a superior stock of Roots and
JShoes. Custom Work done with neatness and
No. 5 S Main Street.
JTas on IiomA a good assortment of Gent's,
Ludie-m, Misnes' and CluJ'tren's Boot and Shoes.
Custom Work dou mm (A nenUu-ss and dispatch.
jLcjHitring done on short nottce.
Dealer in Stoves, Tinware, Pnaapa, AcM
No. 19 Main Street.
nannTactnrera Dealara In Ttnwara.
No. Main SU, McPhenon'a Block.
fi'HotW IIarktare, Otrjienter's Tool Hlack
smith's Furnishings, Ae., constantly on hand.
No. Mnln Street.
Whips and Lashes of it-ery description, and
plastering Hair, kt-pt oh hand. (Jush paid for
Manufacturer and Dealer in
No. 60 Main Street,
Mending done to order. Snt'sftriinn rv,-f
T-t ". No. Main Street
. ' Tt&aemeat, No. 44 Main Street.
. Je best R"ij and Liquors kept constantly
No. 4 7 Main Street.
' The best Wines and Liquors kept on hand.
TTVI azend to V sale rf Rrd and Personal
prcpertv v Uie i c-mA pwz ihstrieL Terms
- i r v a.
Vol. 13.
Cards of Cva Xlnea or leaa, $5 a year. Each
a4fitonal line, fl.
peIyxvakia HOUSE.
, . nt. (W DrHAt
Good accommod&tlona. Boarding fcy the
day or week. The traveling public ara nrl
td to rive him a call. ; 'tr
. rnnss A WHITE. Proprietors.
On Levee Street, between Main and Atlantlo.
This House is convenient to me tsteam jsoat
r i. v, fcuiiiuii vart of the City. The
best ottZmmodations in the City. Ao point wtU
be spared in making guests comfortat.U. Good
titable and OrrraU convenient to Ute House.
L. D. ROBISON, Proprietor.
Front St., between Main and Water.
A oood Feed and Livery SUihle in connection
with the Haute.
Sakcry and ConXeetlonery,
No 37 Stain Street,
n mit.ii at rfluMMl rates a choice
uuen J ki3 i www - -
stock of Groceries, Provision, Confectioner-
lea, eus., etc
Bakery, Confectionary and Tay Store.
No. Main Street.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Oysters, Fruit, etc., on hand
Dealer in Confectioneries, Toys, etc.
No. 4 Main Street.
Notary Pnhllc and Conveyancer,
And agent for the Equitable and American
Tnni n I l Tf lntunnce unninuiics.
Notary Pnblle and Conveyancer.
Office In J. L. Caraon'a Bank.
Agent for " Xational Life" and "Hartford
Livetituck" Insurance Onnpanies.
Notary Pnblle and Conveyancer,
Office in County Court Koom.
Notary Public.
County Cierjt.
Dlacksmlthlng and Horse Slrajtlng,
Shop No. 80 Main Street,
Will do Blackrmithing of all kinds. Makes
Horse Shoeing, Ironing of Wagons and S leighs,
and Machine Work a Heciality.
Shop on First, between Main and Atlanlic
All work done to order, and satisfaction guar
ranteed. JOHN FLORA,
Shop on Water St., South of American House.
Custom Work of all kinds solicited.
J. L. ROY,
No. 35 Main Street,
it of Rath Rooms. Also a
choice stock of VentLeman's Sotions.
Aspinwall, Xebraska.
The highest market price paid for anything
tl.o k-,mur can raise. We will buy and sell
everytliing known to the market.
Storage, Forwarding and Commission
And Dealers in all kinds of Grain, for which
they pay the Highest Market Vice in Quh.
JVo. S8J$ Main Street,
Hare on hand a splendid etock of Goods,
and will make them up in the latest styles,
on short notice and reasonable terms.
Wagon Maker and Repairer.
Shop West of Court House.
Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Cultivators, dc, re
paired on short notice, at low rates, and war
ranted to give satisfaction. .
Washington Cty, D. C
Will attend to the prosecution of claims be
fore the Department in person, for Additional
Bounty, Back Pay and Pensiona, and all
claims accruing against the Government du
ring the late war. 4(Hf
Office in District Court Room.
Xotarv public and United States War Claim
i II,-; nttfmi in thr nrnMfClltinn nf ClormS
before' the Department, for Additional Bounty,
tt,ick Pnu nnd Pensions. A 10 the collection of
Semi-Annual Dues on Pensions.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc., ete.
No, 3 Main Street.
Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, and all varie
-w s v v .
ties of hpectacUs constantly on hand. Repairing
done in the tieatest style, at short notice. Charges
moderate. H ork warranted.
Is at all time prepared to play for the pub
lic at any point within 130 miles of Ibis city,
on reasonable terms. Address,
41-3nt D. C sxrra. Leader.
, Rooms, Main, bet 1th A 5th St a.
Lessons ewe an ( tisno. Organ, Metodeon
Ouitsrmnd i'sxsHsstxon Htving k4 tight rears
trperiemes at ttscker Music in Aew York is
cojlsaf a ft viae stisfociion.
Homae, Carriage and Sign Painter.
No. Main SL, upstairs.
Graining. Guildinrj. Closing and Paper Hang
ing done on short notice, favorable terms, and
Bookseller and News Dealer.
City Book Store,
No. 50 Main Street, Postofflce Building.
No. 47 Main Street, up stairs.
Persons wishing Pictures executed in the latest
style of the A rt, will cail at my A rt fjallery.
Probate Jndge and Jnstieo 'of the Peace
t tit f ntin i v
umct in uoun iiouh uuuaizsg.
Agent for tb M. TJ. Express Csw, and
v'. u. i eiegrapn ;o.
No. t Mcrhersons Block.
' Role agt-nt for R. W. smith's l'atenl Truss
Bridge The strongest and beet wooden
brWijc now in URe.
Landscape Gardener eh Hortlcnltnrtst.
WM platd crops in Gardens, and euliioaet
BrownvUle City Meat Market.
No. 60 Main Htreet.
TTUJ pmr the highest market price far paod Retj
tWK, V ttT7V , U-M. W)1i
If we knew the woe and heartache,
Waiting for as down the road.
If our lira could taste the wormwood.
Would we waste the day In wishing
For a time that ne'er can be ;
Would we wait In aach Impatience
For our ships to come from aeaf
If we knew the baby fingers . . ,
: Preseod ap&lnat the window-pan - -Would
be cold and sUiT to-morrow
Never trouble us again
Would the bright eyea of our darling
Catch the frown upon our brow,
Would the print of rosy Angers
Vex ns then as they do now T
Ah, theaa little lee-cold fingera.
How they point our memories back
To the hasty words and actions
Strewn along our backward track!
How thoe little hands remind as.
As in snowy grace they lie, '
Not to scatter thorns but rosea
For oar reaping by and by.. -
Strange we never prize the nmsle
Till the sweet voiced bird haa flown ;
Stranre that we should alight the violets
Till the lovely flowera are gone;
Strange that summer skies and sunshine
Never swm one-half so' fair
As when winter's snowy pinions
Shake their white down In the air!
Lipit from which the seal of silence
None but God can roll away.
Never blossomed In such beauty
As adorns the mouth to-day ;
And sweet words that freight our memory
With their beautiful perfume.
Come to us in sweeter accents.
Through the portals of the tomb.
Let ns gather op the sunbeams.
Lying all around cur path ;
Let as keep the wheat and roses.
Casting out the thorns and chaff;
Let us And our sweetest comfort
In the blessings of to-day.
With a patient hand removing
All the briars from our way.
Personal Experiences Atmos
pheric Phenomena.
A private letter received by a gen
tleman in this city from his nephew
in Oakland, near San Francisco, gives
the following interesting account of
some personal experience during the
recent earthquake in California :
Ban Francisco, October 23, 1868.
"I had just left home, and had
reached the street in front of my house,
when I heard a noise like a strong
rushing wind through the trees,
and on looking up to the oaks found
their branches in a fearful commotion.
As the morning was very sunny, and
there was no indication of wind, I
thought it strange that a gust should
spring up so suddenly. Presently I
felt the earth rock, and then knew
that it was an earthquake, I stood
etill a few minutes to watch the thing,
and it rapidly increased in violence,
and soon I saw chimneys toppling and
falling. I beat a hasty retreat home,
and found the family just coming out
of the house very much frightened.
By this time the work was done, and
old Mother Earth resumed her wonted
serenity, the shaking having contin
ued about one minute.
"I think I have felt more alarming
motions at previous shocks, but this
continued much longer, and it is to
this fact that the increased damage
done must be referred. We had three
chimneys broken off, but not thrown
down. One was so badly cracked
that I had it taken down. The other
two were cut off smooth, twisted round
about fifteen inches and .left standing.
I had several vases broken, &c, but
aside from this sustained no loss. Wil
liam's and Dick's houses were un
harmed. A bout one-half of the chim
neys were cut off, and of this number
say one-third thrown down. Some
buildings lost their firewalls and awn
ings, and much glass was broken in
Oakland, but the damages were not
'The papers give so full account of
the damagesdone in this city that I
will refer you to the enclosed account
for the detail. In taking a ramble
throueh the citv I am sum'rised at the
little damage done. In my part of
the town no apparent harm is done.
The buildings whose walls have been
seriously cracked are being braced up.
Iso well built edifice has been harmed
to any extent worth mentioning.
There iiave beeti a treat many rumors
of loss of life, but as far as I know the
fatalities number four iu this city and
one at Han Leandro.
"Bv the wav. our trade vesterdav.
the day after the shake, was unusually
The San Francisco Bulletin has the
"J? or several weexs preceeaing tue
earthquake the climate phcuomena
have been more remarkable along this
coast than at any given period for
mnnv nrpviona vftrs. The atmos
phere has been dull -and oppresive,
and so cnargeu witn yapor as to at
tract general attention. It is not an
uncommon occurrence to have a few
days of smoky atmosphere in the au
tumn, a lew weeKs oeiore me rains
set in. This usuallay results from fires
in the woods, which are often exten
sive in the coast range. And although
there were severe fires in this region
at.d more extensive ones in Oregon,
thov do not furni&h anv satisfactory
. v
.V.A ...... I. j..a nhnnAmA.
SOiUUOll IV tlJC ttUliusuuciiv iiutiiumc-
. . A 1 1
na under nonce, i ne vapor exienueu
seaward from one hundred to three
nundred miles westerly, and landward
in an easterly direction, beyond the
aim of the Sierra, makinir a breadth
of not less than five hundred miles.
"We find the same phenomena as
far north VVashincton Territororv.
in the Puget Sound region, and as far
south ss San Diego county, the south
ern limit of California, or extending
loiur the roast for a distance of fifteeu
hundred miles. The territory where
the same phenomena has been wit
nessed is probably much larger than
t W desrrihod. We have onlv named
ennh ovtrpme noints&s we have heard
from at this date. The atmosphere
nnd so charged with. smoke
or other vapor, that after nightfall
. . . . i i i . -
voaoo u naviirannir me uav aim oacra-
mpntn river were obliged to wait for
daviisrht. Vessels attemotinir to en-
ter Coose bay, in tne soutnern part ui
. . .. r
Oregon, were deiainea outsiue oi uie
bar, in 6ome instances, for five or six
nuta A r nthpr mast, norts creat dif-
w v. Vr no aaa a. v -
Acuities were experienced in making
the entrance even at mid-day. The
atmosnhere had what old settlers
termed a humt Rmell ' but was nr
oppressive at times than that known
tit roii it from the hurnintr of forests.
"It is now reasonably certain that
this condition of the atmosphere was
not caused bv fires either in Oregon or
this State. There have been no fire
sufficiently extensive to account for
these peculiarities. There have been
alortf the coast ranee
for fortv miles, and yet the smoke wa
noticanle in this city naruiymDre uiau
a week. The phenomena must be re
fprred rr anmo other cause havinir a
close connection with the earthquake
- . w . . . . .1 . .
or yesterday, it is saia uiai iu same
fttmoenhprif. neetili&rities are recoe-
nized in South America as Immediate
ly preeeedlng an earthquaKe. Ana
there are many in this vicinity' who
talked confidently-about 'earthquake
weather.' The atmospheric phenome
na have wholly disappeared, no trace
of it having been noticed since the oc
currence of the earthquake. The
change In this respect la a very notice
able one.
"The climatic peculiarities have
been most remarkable during a great
er part of the present j'ear. . Both at
home and abroad there have been sud
den changes of temperature, and such
vagaries as not only to attract attention
but to give rise to. unpleasant forebo
dings. In England, during the sum
mer, it. was intensely hot and dry.
Hurricans have been very destructive
in equatoiral regions ; atmospheric dis
turbances haVe been wide-spread and
extraordinary. The (lulf stream in
the Atlantic is said to have shifted
over nearer to the European continent.
The whole volcanic system of South
America, including also the volcanoes
at the Hawaiian, Islands, have been
very active of late. The result of the
earthquake in South America, and the
volcaniceruptions at the Islands, have
just been recorded. Meteoric phenom
ena for the last two years have also
been most remarkable. , The distur
bing forces above and beneath have
been unusually active over a consid
erable portion of the globe. It would
appear, from the grouping together of
the most noticeable of this class of
events which Ixave occurred during
the last few mouths, that the present
is one of the most remarkable eras of
physical and climatic changes which
has been known for centuries. Wheth
er these changes are for the better or
worse is a problem we do not under
take to solve.
"The earthquake was not accompa
nied by any tidal phenomena. The
waters of the bay were quiet, ana
there was no preemptible fluctuation.
The undulating motion 'was from an
opposite direction of the earthquake
which occurred In October, lSbo. ine
force was from the southeast in the
one yesterday, while that in 1S5 was
from the northwest The focus
of the earthquake j'esterday, or the
point where the greatest apparent
force was exerted, was at no great.dis-
tance from the town of Haywood, on
the opposite side of the bay. A large
one-story brick warehouse, and appar
ently a very strong one, was complete
ly demolished, and all the brick buil
dings of that town and of Centreville
were either thrown down or -ruined.
Frame buildings in or near the latter
town were also thrown down, and cat
tle were thrown off their feet. . The
focus of the earthquake of 1865 was not
far from the town of Santa Cruz. It is
certain that the greatest apparent
force yesterday was exerted within a
circle of sixteen miles, of which Hay
wood was very nearly the center, ban
Francisco was just beyond the line
of the greatest disturbance, but nearer
to it than that of any other notable
earthquake of which we have any re
cord. The stalest Extra Train.
Since George Francis has been lying
in an Irish prison, he has frequently
issued a small sheet called the Train
Extra, and has invarlbly mailed us a
copy. The last numoer contains nis
farewell address to England, une
writer insists that since the day when
Cadmus first invented letters, they
were never used for forming such an
extraordinary series of words as the
document contains, we agree to that.
The lastcertainly out-Trains Train. It
is spread-eagleism triumphant and
sublime. Head it :
"A good-by to England. My P. P.
C. With the cowardice of the bully
and the serpent wiles of the sneak, the
miserable minions of this base liovern-
ment, with their infernal Alabama in
trigue, having insulted my flag and
country as well as the Irish people
through my person, I, George Francis
Tra'n, an American citizeu, incarcer
ated in a British hostile for being true
to Ireland, do hereby solemnly swear
to return to America and demand jus
tice for the Irish race at the bar of the
American Congress. No bloodhound
on the scent, no Indian on the trail,
will be surer of his game. With my
fingers on the iusler vein of Eneland.
so help me God. I will never let go
until America becomes America, and
Ireland has an Irish nag over an Irish
Republic, free from the damnable in
justice of ages. Revenge is wild injus
tice. Ireland shall be revenged. The
payment of the Alabama claims and
the release of the American citizens
has already been balanced by the na
tional insult to the Chinese Ambassa
dor because he happens to be an Amer
ican, 'lime will show who has the
most power the American Minister
dining with the British noble, or the
American citizen dining with the
Irish peasant.
George Francis Train.
Four Corners, Marshalsea, Oct. 1868."
Fashion In Furs
All fura of lower crade thn eMa
are cheaper this season than last.
. . 1 r . m . . a
iuiiiK iias laiien iwemy-nve per cent.
Reliable furriers sav tnev are selling
rerdy-made sets of mink for less mon-
.1 it ..1.2 A At
ey uinii me sums uusi iiieui.
Small collars, boas, and sacques are
the fas.hihna.hle ehoiee in ahgnu
Two styles of collars are shown. The
X. 1 - -v .
most tiressy enape is tne imperial col
larine. verv small, onlv eirh inhao
T y IllVtlO
deep behind. .with short, square fronts
ininmeu wim tne uuis or tne animals.
Ladies who consider comfort tha fii
essential, prefer the new pelerine cane
l . u . l . : l i i - '
MiKiibiy ptJiuieu uacit ana rront, and
sufficiently large to afford protection
to the chest and shoulders. The half
cape with long square ends is entirely
out of fashion. The Princesse boa in
troduced this season isagraceful style,
short in front, and shaped to fit the
nexa. suun, siraigni boa, tied at
the throat or fastened by passing the
head of the animal through a loop is
in .favor with young ladies, but the
long Bertha boa is more dUtingue
The fur cloaks are gracefully shaped
Macoues, made thirty-four inches long
with coat sleeves standing collar and"
pockets. The large clumsy canes are
not in keeping with the present stvle
of street dress, and have entirely dis
appeared. Sacques are more comfort
able, as they fit closer x the figure.
Muffs are smaller even than last
season. The round shape is preferred
for full dress, the fiat pocket muff
suspended by a cord around the neck
for shopping and skating. Three"
four, and sometimes five darfe stripes
adorn mink mufS. The end are
trimmed with asingle tassel of brown
bullion attached to a diamond-shaped
head, or with the tails of the animals
pendent from .a pamenterie acorn.
Changeable silk linings are not used,
babies haveawift lining of eiderdown.
Two more unfortunate. '
Weary of breath. " .
Rahly Importunate.
Gone to their deatSt
" T t! OD tenderly.
Lift them with ear
Handle them gingerly
Seymour and Blair i " -'
V! ( ha- . ; y 'a .
V AV'An rUVAVMi 'I A- y( y
' Wvi ! IN AN . L V) I j A
Ufe la IscbrctUa.
A citizen of Nebraska thus posts up
an eastern correspondent who f peered
a variety of questions at hixa as to the
territory and life there :
"What kind of a country do you live
in?" '
"Mixed and extensive. It is made
up principally of land ana water."
What kind of weather ?"
"Long spells of weather are freqner.t.
Our sunshine comes oU principally
during the day time."
-"Have you plenty of water, and how
"A good deal of water scattered
about, and generally got in pails and
whiskey." . V
"liirtKrrdr.- -s V
Rather so. when you have to go half
a rr?ne ana waae in mud knee deep to
get it"
"What kind of buildings?"
'-llegoric, Ionic, Tuscan. anti-Balo-rie,
log anl lbft. The buildings are
chiefly out of doors, and so low be
tween Joints that the chimneys all
stick out through the roof."
"What kind of society. ?"
"Good, bad, hateful, indifferent and
"Any aristocracy ?"
"Nnry one."
".'What do your people do for a liv
ing, mostly?"
"Some work, some laze arounn. one's
a shrewd business manager, and sev
eral drink whiskey."
t'ls it cheap living there ?"
''Only five cents a glass and the wa
ter thrown in."
"Any taste for music?"
"Strong. Buzz and buck saws in
the day time, and wolf howling and
cat fighting nights."
"Any pianos there?"
"No, but we have several cqw-bells
and a tin pan in every family."
"What could a genteel family in
moderate circumstances do for a liv
ing?" "Work, shave notes, fish, hunt,
steal, or if pinched, buy and sell town
The Printer' Estate.
The printer's dollars where are
they?v A dollar here and a dollar
there, scattered over numerous small
towns all over the country, miles and
miles apart how shall they be gath
ered together ? The paper maker, the
building owner, the journey man com
positor, the grocer, tailor, and numer
ous others too tedious to mention, have
their demands, hardly ever so small
as a single dollar. Butthe mites from
here and there must be dil igently gath
ered and patiently hoarded, or the
where with to discharge the liabilities
will hever become sufficiently bulky.
We imagin the printer will have to
get up an address to those widely scat
tered dollars something like the fol
lowing: "Dollars.halves, quarters, dimes
and all manner of fractions into which
you are divided, collect yourselves and
come home ! Ye are wanted. ' Com
binations of all sorts of men that help
the printer to become a proprietor,
gather such a force and demand with
truih good reasons you rappearence at
this counter, that nothing short of a
sight of your face will appease them.
Collect yourselves, for valuable as you
are in the aggregate, single you will
never pay the cost of gathering. Come
in single file that the printer may
f rm you into battalion, and send you
forth again to battle for him and vin
dicate his credit"
Sled?ln? a Parson
I was a passenger on a steamer from
Panama to San Francisco when the
rush of travel on that line was im
mense. We were badly crowded, and
there was no room for chairs or tables,
yet we were bound to have our game
of "old sledge." A Baptist minister,
smitten with the lust for gold, had de
serted his-flock, and occupied a sleep
ing place on the floor of the cabin.
He was a large, corpulent man, and
finding him a sound sleeper, four of
us squatted around him, and commenc
ed playing on his broad stomach, scor
ing the points of the game on his
black vest. We played for several
hours, undisturbed except by an occa
sional snoring-of uncommon strong
force. I had won considerably, and
one of ray opponents, Jim Doyle, be
coming excited at my turning up
"Jack," brought down his fist on the
lower part of the parson's stomach
with great force. The pious old gen
tleman was awakened thereby, and
looked up with some surprise; but
seeing the state of the case, quietly re
marked: "Boys, go on with your
game, but if you intend to pound me
in that way, you'd better let me turn
How to Foretell the Weather.
We find an article in some of our
exchanges giving directions how to
foretell the weather. We do not know
M. author is. as the article is not
credited to any paper and it has no
signature, we coppy me iouowing:
"The sensibility of many animals
and plants to the varying conditions
of the atmosphere is so great that a
careful study of their movements will
often, indicate with certainty ap
proaching changes in the weather.
When a storm is impending the spider
shortens the threads of his web, and
lengthens them out again when the
storm is about to pass away; careful
observers even pretend to foretell how
Inn ir fl ne weather will last from the
degree to which the web is extended.
If the spider is quiet, u is a sign oi
rin hut when he troes to work during
a shower, be sure it will soon clear off.
The swallow is also an inraiiibie bar
ometer, flying low, uttering a low.
rilalntive cry, beiore a rain, out, sau
ng back and forth high in the air,
during settled weather ; when a voi
lent tempest is about to break out, he
soars even to the clouds and adopts a
from his ordinary one."
Horatio was a greedy lad
Who cried ami shouted for
As many cake as could be given.
And then would steal some more.
TJlvsaes was a quiet boy.
And to his ma did say
-please let us have a peace," and then
Went quietly away.
So when the next cake-feast was given
Well knowing 'lUtlo's tricks,
. Columbia gave him only seven,;
And 'Lyases twentjt-six!
The Rock ford fill.) Chief lnrU in its Issue
of November 5th, a representation of a large
monument, on which is Inscribed:
"Dtwtv On Tuesday, the Sd day of Novem
ber, A.D. 1H, of hard drink, disloyalty and
chronic ewwdn-as. Demo-racy, agad about
43 vears. In vooth it wrs firm and loyal ; in
Its latter davs it was corrupt, stiff-necked and
rebellious. K. K- K.
"Ye party known
As copperhead.
Beneath this stone
- Llea very dead.
Good devil, now yon've got your grip,
Jl ewreml not to let It slip ;
For If ywi do, you know full well.
There'll be secession, sure. In hteU. ...
"Of afch U not the kingdom of Heaven."
a iixzz:
What a moment! Whit a doubt !
All my nose, inside and out,
Allmy thrn!lae,tickUr.g,cas8tlc
Pyramid, rhinosMerrmtlc,
V ants to sneeze end cannot do It.
Now It yearns me, thrliis me, stir trsmc.
Now with rapturous torment wnusr? me;
Nowsars,Snee,y&ufoul; rettUrouilt.'
Shoe shee oh I 'tin most dti laid
lhi lahl most del lshl
(Hang It! I shall sneeze till aprlrg)
SnuXf'a a most delicious things
DemneraeSe Salllsuy.
We had a little party once.
In which we took no pride;
Bat ah ! It trtsd to carry Bi&ir,
And doublal up and died.
Agricultural Department.
This Department of our paper is ender the
conn ol of Col. R. W. Fckxas, to whom
all communications on "Agriculture"
should be addressed.
Planting Grapes, .
Six feet by eight, used to be the dis
tance apart recommended by nearly
all grape growers, to set vines. When
we first commenced planting in Ne
braska, we adopted this plan, but have
long since found it a mistake, especial
ly for trellis training. Hereafter we
shall plant eight by ten feet, and ten
by twelve feet, owing to varieties. We
find even the Delaware, in four or five
years, wants more room than six by
eight We know it seems almost im
possible to the beginner that the little
vine he i3 scattering out six by eight
feet apart with but two buds, can ever
grow to such proportions as to enter
lace or crowd each other, and that it
looks like a waste of ground; but ex
perience will tell the tale. As to waste
of ground, the space between the vines
can all be used for the cultivation of
some small sized crops until the grapes
need the room.
Some of our Delawarea have grown
canes the past season .eight and ten
feet in length; Diana -still longer;
Concord, Rogers No. 15, and other va
rieties still beyond that
Fralt Steallnj.
A griculturat Editor A dvertiser :
I would like to draw the attention
of parents and children to an evil
which ought to be stopped at once,
Fruit Stealing. My taste runs In the
fruit line. I have expended time,
money and care in trying to raise
fruit; and after all my exertions,
hopes, &c. find, just when the fruit
gets half ripe, some scoundrel thinks
he has better rights, steals the fruit,
injures the trees, and laughs in his
sleeve as having done a smart trick.
Now I hold that the man who has
planted fruit trees ought to have its
first fruit; as it is a well known fact
that all fruit trees are not adapted to
our climate, so that a fruit, culturist in
trying to raise fruit, reports the kind
adapted to our soil, and. others
reap the benefit of his experience.
To illustrate the injury done to my
self and community I will state I have
some fine trees of the White Winter
Pearmain (considered by some a tender
variety,) ten years old, which never
before bore fruit. I watched them
carefully,, intending to bring them to
our County Fair ; but, lo 1 and behold!
preso gone! Not even a trace left
I planted an orchard seven or eight
years ago, and have quite a number of
trees in bearing; but am so unfortu
nate as to have the fruit stolen every
year since. Now, as regards the
White Pearmain, if a person comes
and says, what kind of a tree is this?
does it bear-well ? is it hardy ? i3 the
fruit good worthy of general cultiva
tion? what can I say? If I knew, the
thief, I might send to him for infor
mation. It is not of dollars and cents
of which I complain; but the injury
done to others who wish to plant trees
in not being able to report of the dif
ferent kinds adapted to Nemaha
County, Neb. Rock Ckeek.
Fairview Farm, Xov. 2, 1863.
We sympathize with our friend
"Bock Creek," in his misfortunes-
losing his fruit It ia vexatious to be
thus treated. Some men and boys are
naturally mean and vicious in such
respects, and we know of no rule to
meet their case, especially as there is
always "to be catching before
hanging." Kindness works well
oftner than anything else. We
have never been troubled with the
boys robbing our trees or vines. The
boys about us have long since learned
that we always divide with them,
and that when the fruits are ripe, they
will get a share by asking for it. We
do not know what the characteristics
of our friend are in this respect, but
make the suggestions for what it is
The Prairie Farmer.
This valuable western agricultural
paper is just about to enter upon its
twentieth volume. The paper, as its
name indicates, is devoted to prairie
farming, and is therefore suited pecu
liarly to Nebraska farmers, who we
hope will give it a liberal patronage.
Much improvement was made in the
Farmer the past year, and the pub
lisher promises increased efforts the
coming year. One hundred dollars in
gold is offered for the largest club for
next year, and in addition the mem
bers of the club to receive their paper
for 1870 free. The Farmer ti published
weekly at Chicago, 111., by the "Prairie
Farmer Company.1 Terms, $2.
We see by this week's issue of Col
man's Rural World, that the proprie
tor offers to send to all who subscribe
now foi 1SS9, the remaining number
of this year free. Thosa wishing to
patronize a live western agricultural
Journal, can now do so on themes
liberal terms. It is published weekly
at taper year. Address, Norman J
Colman; St Louis, Mo.
No. 6.
Thirteen Jloatii la Xext Tear.
Not exactly ' accordlcT to thecco
Etan Almanac, bat in its calendar cf
the publishers of the American Ag
riculturist. That 13, they offer to re
ceive subscribers now, and all through
this month, for 1SC3, and throw la the
month of December without charge.
The offer is worth looking at, merely
on account of the odd month, for we
consider any number of that paper
richly worth the cost for a whole year.
We advise everm man, woman and
child,.whatever his or her calling, to
be sure and obtain the reading of the
Agriculturist. It is of large size, pack
ed full of valuable, reliable informa
tion. No 08 can read it a year, or
even a single number, without gather
ing eor practical hints that will, in
the end; far more than repay the cost
It al30 contains every year hundreds
of beautiful, interesting, and instruc
tive engravings, which are alone worth
the price, if not a word of reading
matter were given. Fifteen cents will
secure a post-paid copy for November,
or $1 ,50 will secure the paper from now
to the end of 1S69, and a good invest
ment it will be our word for it. Ad
dress the publisher, Orange Judd &
Co., 24o Broadway, New York.
We will furnish the American Ag
riculturist one year for $1, to all new
cash subscribers to the Ifeoraska Ad
vertiser. The Cultivator and Country
We have before spoken of this ex
cellent agricultural paper, and feel that
we cannot speak too often, or say too
much in its favor. We have been a
subscriber for the past fifteen years,
and like it, all in all, better than any
other. Being published where it is,
some may think its matter not entire
ly applicable to the "far west" The
general principles of agriculture are
the same everywhere, and its princi
pal editor is perhaps the oldest and
most experienced man in service. The
Country Gentleman is now about en
tering upon its thirty-ninth volume.
Published weekly by Luther Tucker
& Son, Albany, New York. Terms,
mmmsmsmsmklslSSSmsssSMmmnm mmm
At the recent exhibition of the
Grape Growers Association of New
York, over one thousand feet of table
was used in making the display. Sev
eral exhibitors used over one hundred
plates. After testing the varieties and
awarding the premiums, interesting
discussions were had on various sub
jects connected with cultivating the
grape. There seemed to be a general
conclusion that we plant too close to
gether. Ten by twelve feet apart was
thought to be about the proper dis
tance. Mr. Barney, of the firm of Ellwan
ger & Barney, Rochester, New York,
writes to the American Journal of
Ilorticulturr, that he raised the past
year, on five-eights of an acre of
ground, sixty-four hundred quarts of
Wilson's Albany Strawberries, which
averaged in price eightcents per quart
This is at the rate of ten thousand,
two hundred and forty quarts per acre,
paying $219,20 per acre.
Charles Reemelin, of Cincinnati,
and author of the "Wine Maker's
Manuel," says : "As the wine trade
becomes a free trade, it will inevitably
become a more honest trade. All
Government has ever done by its pro
hibition, or protective tariff, is to help
rogues cheat fools and rob honest
Condition or the Crops In the
United States.
From the last monthly report of the
Commissioner of Agriculture at Wash
ington, we make the following ex
tracts as to Wheat and Corn:
"Wheat. The correspondence of
Augus- and September has been volu
minous and indefinite concernine
wheat, furnishing numerous and con
tradictory elements in a calculation of
quantity. Statements of disappointed
expectations in threshing are abund
ant; a little rust here and there, the
chinch bug, and other causes of fail
ure are found ,- the grasshopper at cer
tain points in the distant west has
been a burden to wheat growers. On
the other hand, cases are mentioned
of a three-fold acreage with half an
average yield, giving a fifty per cent
aggregate increase notwithstanding
the loss ; numerous returns declare the
present the largest crop in many
years ; and the majority, in view of
tne general increase m acreage, show
a better result than that of last year,
after accounting for losses in the yield.
W A. 1 A A a . w
it may oe stated, however, that the
average yield per acre of the whole
country i3 scarcely equal to that of
is!, out tne increased area sown will
secure an aggregate somewhat larger
luau wie proauct or tnatyear.
The Slates indicating a decreased
product are as follows, 10 representing
an avenge yield: New Hampshire,
9.8; Connecticut, 9.6; North Caroli
na, y.4; bouth Carolina, 8.9; Geonria,
e.a; AiaDama, 8.4; Texas, 6.6; Wis
consin. 9.8.
Other States give an increase: Maine
10.8; Vermont, 10.9; Massachusetts,
10.6; New York, 10.3; New Jersey,
10.1 ; Pennsylvanio, 10.3; Delaware,
10.5; Maryland, 10.2; Virginia. lf-5;
Mississippi, 12.5 ; Louisiana, 11 ; Ar
kansas, 12; Tennessee, 10.7; West
Virginia, 11.8; Kentucky, 11; Mis
souri, 13.5 ; Illinois, 13.4 ; "Indiana, 11;
Ohio, 10.8; Michigan, 10.6; Minneso
ta, 15; Iowa, 10.8; Kansas, 11.5;
The September reports of condition
when harvested represent the follow
ing States below the average ; Maine,
.o ; iSew Hampshire. 9.5: rew jer
sey, 9.3; Delaware, 7; Virginia, 8;
North Carolinia, 7.5; South Carolinia,
8.3: Ueorria. 7.3: Alabama, b i :-us
slssiDDi. 8.3: Texas. 4.8: Arkansas,
9.1; Tennessee, 9.1; Kentucky, 8.5;
Illinois. 9.2; Wisconsin, 9.8: Iowa,
9.5; Nebraska, 9.8; and the following
up to or above the average: Vermont,
10.3 ; Ma3sachusette, 10 ; New York,
10.3; Pennsylvania, VM; Maryland,
X TL-j C .'- Zj V '"" -Ciei-jar?,
C.-t I-rrt ::-).........
rcinab'-'r-'-t trrvrt;;'Tie-s Crcs. (ir- Lr.j cr
I ach A-iiit'.ccs'l L;n
C-, cue y cat. ........
Cca Column, s:x montts.
Cn9 Coisnii, three rr.oatj...
I'alf Ccliaa, ot:2 year
I':f Ccl-rart, six month'?
I '.si! Cohr!3, U.r?9 E3n.h3..
Forti Co: a ran, one yesj
' "J
r ourta Co.una. sncn.;
Fourth Coliirm, thrrc rrc.n:i,A
Eshth Column, r.e yesr ...
I.Uitii Coluran, six months.....
Eiat.i Cr iurnn, three tr.Rtts.
Stray Notlca, fpeii heni!
Transient ad vertisrTnrr.ts r7l
is in adi
10.1; West Vinrir.ia, 10.1; 'M!rr.rf
10.6 'Indiana. 10.5; Oaio, 13; Mi. Li
rars, 10.5;"2.Iionesct3, 11.4 ; II." "zf -10.8."
"Cc?.n Th!3 crop h gtr.rr-IIy r-'
ported in fine condition, and ia zzzzl
sections i3 sorapMlj vrtlzx'.r ' s to
be in little danrtsr frcm first In p-;
tion9 of the wc-.. especially so In j. U '
of Kansas, and Nebraska, "tbs -rc-utV
and the gr?.s hoppers have raRtrla'Iy
injured the crop ; tut the season
June has teen generally fivcril'.?,
and, with the unprecedented lncif"Ts,
in Via oroa ra n t a-1 O r,lY f .- ? f .
AAA fcA CWt... IUkt V P J k l ,
or about nine per cent. tL era nu-t te
an areregate yitld cf this rreat stapis. .
New" Hampshire rt-pcrta the avrr--3
condition of the" crop September 1:,
as compared with same time lt yrar,
at 11 tenths, (or 10 per o?r.t t - tier ;)
Vermont 13-tenths; Mr-al:u3?tt?t
10.4; New Jerev, 10.5; Nortu Caro
lina, 10.8; South Carolinia, 12.7;
sissippi. 12.5 ; Louisiana, CO; Te";3,
Ar!cnt5sa3. 11; T..-n::r?e. 11.1;
Ke&tucfcy, 12; IliinciiT, 1); C 10;
Wisconsin, 12; Minnesota, 13.1; Io-ra
10.9; while Maine indicates a decline
to 9.3 tenths ; Rhode Island, 7.5 ; Nev '
York, 9.S; Pennsylvania, S.3; Dela
ware, 8; Maryland, 9.8 ; Virginia, 9.6;
Georgia, 8.3 ; Florida, 8.5 ; Alabama,
8.5 : West Virginia, 9.4 ; Missouri, 3 j
Indiana. 9.8; Michigan, 9.2; Nttraiita
7; and Kansas, 5.8.
Iulchlnsr Grapes.
"F. G.," a correspondent of tho
Rural World, among other gcod things
said in regard to mulching the grape
The best mulch I can give seen to
be the weediness of the garden. Jast
fall I dressed the ground of a Clinton
grape vine, of some e!rht years stand-'
ing, with, principally, the tops of
beet3. This formed a bed cf several
feet around the vine, and of seme six
inches ia thickness. This I covertd
with several bushes of leaves. The
whole I sprinkled over with ground
so as to pack it somewhat, and prevent
the wind from taking the leaves away.
This spring the ground was level, and
there was but a thin stratum of leaves
and root-tops. It seemed but & trl'd ;
but as I have had experience in theso
trifles before, I trusted to it The vine'
is growing beyond precedent net,'
mind you, in leaves and wood, but la '
clusters. It 13 kept pruned close,
pinched at the last cluster, and, all.
else is removed, except what shoots are
wanted for next year's fruit These
shoot3 are growing finely but not
better probably than at ether years.
The fruit is better, decidedly. The"
clusters are very large, well apresd
which is a lack in the Clinton and
bid3 fair to out-do everything of its
kind. The bunches are all of a size,
and all sholdered a quality which tv"
not generally attributed to this sort .
I was led to th3 more particularly. .
by a similar effect upon a vine last'
year. This was an Isabella, and never
did anything till treated, accidentally,,
in this way. It had also been neglec-'
ted up to this time. Butthe difference'
was all difference. . There had been,
but a few clusters, not exceeding half,
a dozen and the vine was as many
years old. But a heap of refuse wa'
piled around it, that and the year be
fore killing probably one vine, a '
there was too much of it and served
as a mulch and a manure at the same
time, and a vegetable manure, which
for years has seemed favorable to rue
for fruit, especially quality. The vine
thl3 (past) year, pruned, and manured
and mulched the ground itself being
rich produced oneof the largest crosa
of fruit I have ever seen, reminding
me or the vineyards at Herman, ifcu ,
was in New York. The vine bore too
much and it ripened its fruit large, ;
rich, luscious bunches, which the lady
of the house would not permit to bo
lessened at the time of tWnnmg, tho'
they were somewhat, but not enough,"
it seems, to save the vine.
There was not that growth of wood
which other manures or top-dressings
would have produced, as the vine had
but litte wood grown, and that of an
unripe, sickly appearance. '
The growth of my present vine, of
which I have the care, is all that one
could wibh. I have extended the ex
periment by mulching others com
mencing two or three weeks ago. Of
course there 13 no effect a3 yet tho
as a mulch it answers a good purpose
in the drouth we are having. Some
six or eight vines are thus receiving
the refuse (with always a little soii
of a fat garden. I shall report in due
time. "
Meantime, the weeding3 of a gar
den sould never be wasted ; nor any
green stuff, whether weed-, or grass,
or what not. Apply as mulch : apply
green, and cover slightly with soil, or
not, as you please. A little vegetable
element goes a great ways, and has a
crood inliuence udoii oualitv." F.fl.
w - - rf - " " .
Burning Straw at the TTet.
This practice, which crevaila r.n c-n.
erally in the new settlements, is ex-,
ceedingly wasteful. No sis;ht ia more
common than immense plies of straw'
leu to rot in tne neid3, orgivea to tho
torch, a the nnirkat mthv! f m
dance. The a2he3, Indeed, are restored -
to tne earth, but not to the soil. Tha
few square rods on which they lie are
scarcely benefited. All the organic
part of the plant is dissipated and lost
bv the burninsr. It will be siid in
justification of the practice, that thcra
is no market for the straw, and it i3 an
incumbrance upon the soil, and per
haps, aUo, that the land is rich enough .
without it. Every farmer should havo
a good home market for straw. Great
U3e is made of a portion of it for fod
der by our best farmers, and the ma
nure from the extra stock thu3 kept U
returned to the soil. It i3 largely used
for bedding, and the cattle yardaar?
kept thickly covered wiih it It wruld
pay better to spread it upon the soil
where it grows, and plow it in, than
to burn it. It helps make a cheap and
warm hovel for cattle, before the settler
has time to build his barn. Save thV
straw, for even the virgin soil will
soon need it to keep up it3 fertility.,
American Agriculturist.
During the recent Saratoga races,
the following singular wager w&V
won. In the bar room of tha Union.
Hotel a number cf the sporting frater
nity were assembled, and in thecourso
of the miscellaneous coversation car
ried on, an effleial from New York
City declared hi3 ability to eat tha
corks that had been drawn from evrv
bottieof wine" that had been dranV
by the company daring the evenl--A
Congressman In the crowd offered
to bet 3100 on each cork that" ha
couldn't do it The bet wa3 arCeed
and the believer in "l.'t df'i--"
mediately set tor work, and in a
minutes won S2,5C0, havi- r ''7
ted and swallowei that 'nu'-p"- 't'r
corks. The "ccrkist." to d-ysV-!"
wards, declared th? he had not sph
ered the least inceavnionc from h?
rry anppr.