Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 12, 1868, Image 2

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J. C Cnur.CH, Editor.
rr-ourrrriLLE, TirunaPAY. xov. 12, isgs
Otlumwa, Iowa, was nearly defray
ed by fire cn the SDlli. Loss $300,000.
The Republican majCTity In Penn
sylvania In the October election I3 o21
clally 8,571.
Fifteen miles more of the St. Joe I:
Denver Railro.3 : has just been put un
der contract.
C. A. Heresheimer has retf -e' from
the Rulo register. D. W. Erook takes
charge as editor and proprietor.
Iowa pave 50,000 for Grant and 5,000
for the Constilut -onrl AiDi'idmcn'g-
onQ of them being Impartial suffrage.
Beech's Hall and the residence of
Richard Gibes In Ilamburgh, Iowa,
were destroyed by .fire last Friday
night, ?
Five hundred men will be ft work
on the Omaha Pacific II. R. Bridge,
across the Missouri by the 1st of De
cember, 60 say the papers.
The Kcwn says "the count ryw? ih
the exception of two or three little
green f pots, here and there has been
entirely scooped." Yes, verdency Is
now synonymous with Democracy.
7 Fremont, Dodge County, Neb., only
-.tout two years old, registers S53
roters and sustains one o; the neatest
f.nd li vilest Radical papers in the
State the Tribune. That's gsod for
Prairie Fires seem just now quite
frequent. It would be well for all to
remember that the parties setting out
a fire can be made responsible for all
damage done. This may induce a
little caution.
The Morning Plebeian, Nebraska
City, has its name changed to Morn
ing Chronicle. W II. II. Waters feels
now assured of its complete ssreces?,
and hoists the name of Chronicle, as a
permanent thing. Success to him.
Atchison county gives 95 majority
for Grant and about the same for ev
ery Republican running on their
State and County ticket, clinched
with a majority cf 493 for suffrage.
Glorious Atchison, her progress is rad
ically right and permanent.
. Two cents, says the editor of the"
Omaha Herald (Deni.) will buy his
political interest in this country. An
honest admission, though late, for he
has not seemed to care two cents for
the political interest of the country
ever since ha has been conducting the
Tlurs TIock, November 2, 1808.
E&'.lor Adcirlieer:
I would most respectfully enquire
how the School Money is apportion
ed and by whom ? On refering to our
faithful County Clerk's report I find
that upwards of $10,000 was (o be ap
portioned to the District Schools of
Nemaha county this year. Now, nr,
School District contains forty-two
children under 21 years and over live,
and the sum wo have received up to
the present time, aid for the past year,
is $40 10; if each School District- re
ceived the same sum in proportion to
its scholars, it follows that Nemaha
county is the banner county for babies
for in the same ratio Nemaha county
contains 10,000 children. Now, Ma
Editor, I am not fault Ending, but ak
information on this subject in good
Truly yours,
Rock Creek.
Each School District levies its own
tax for School purpose, wii'el' tax is
placed upon the tax duplicate a:ni is!
collected with the other taxes, and so !
much of said tax levied upon each
district and collected from the tax
payers of such district is payable to
School purposes In said district; less
one per cent, for collection. Thus
each district levies its own tax and
tpportions it by the promptness of its
own tax payers. As soon as our old
County Clerk finishes up his state
ments for past years which we are
informed will be soon and has them
published, and our new Clerk does
the same, everything will be explained
by their figures satisfactorily to all.
So wait.'
tU Louis and Xebraka Trunlt
We are pleased te be able to an
nounce to our readers, and the citizens
cf this county, more particularly, that
a project is now on foot, with the most
Cattering prospects of immediate-success
to consummate a long needed,
' much desired, and all important en
terprise. We refer to the extension of
the St. Ix)uis Pacific Railroad. This
"roai is now completed, as all are
"e, to Leavenworth, Kansas, and
.ime has arrived when it must ex
ad up the Missouri river, to at Ient
naha for the present, and ere long to
ootuh. This enterpris e our people
iiave talked much and thought fa
.J vcrably cf, and it is only now ueces
tzsj to let them know that the pros
pects for the hasty completion of the
road are all that could reasonably I e
deared. The plan is to run the road
through Nebraska immediately on the
tank cf the Missouri river. Thus the
road wilL In this county, pass through
every river town in it. A company is
ia proccs3 of organization, composed
cf men in all the principal points in
Ntlrsska, St. Louis and New Yoik,
who mean business, and will, in all
probability, commence work yet this
' winter, and early in the spring com
mence operations all along the line.
This however will depend somewhat
C3 the aid the enterprise will receive
frcm the different localities through
v Li:h it is proposed the road will run.
We give the public this much infor
rr.rJca now, that the matter may be
Ulhed, and thought over. It will be
cur fortune to know ci all times what
is being done, and whst ii proposed to
1 3 uc5 in this matter, and we prom-
1.2 to keep cur'rc-dcM posted. We
vlll cn-y f. I i t'.-t this is cn all impor
tant eul ', ,: tt we ful confident our
cntire7c-i-: ' HI glvo collie ration.
I. em;:..
M r-f
r 5? c
3 S
Rep. jy fetors...
Dem. Elector
1?S 03 FT H S3 -25 W5 73 54
..60 C tf U 2 16 177 So 13 7
Rsp. Majorities. .M "3 80 S3 17 343 51 t 3 47 Z) 40
Gaint ince Oct. IS lj 13 8 15 Cl II CI 14 2 3
Total Democratic vote S,l,
Tviul Republican vote Ct,7,
Tolal tote jxAlcd l,Zl
Hejullican Slajorlty GIG I
Presidential vote in Nebraska.
The following table of majorities we
find in the Omaha Ecpul lican of Nov.
10th. Only eighteen counties are offi
cial, those with a prefixed are esti
mated upon partial returns. The re
sult is a glorious index to the loyalty
and patriotism of our State. No State
in the Union haidone better in propor
tion to her population, and there may
be seen our own county proudly bear
ing the radical banner of the State.
Majority fov
Grant. Seymour.
Douglas county
Richardson '
Lun carter
Cjiss .
Dixon .
Stanton 44
Uage "
Seward '
Butler "
Grant's majority
Tiie Result.
AVe compile the following statement
of the result of the Presldentiol election,-
by majorities, as near as it, can
be ascertained from the telegrams to
date, and also the electroal vote of
each State enumerated :"
Rep. Dem. - Rep Dem.
OUcial Vote of
Alabama " 10,000 19
Arkansas 5,000 4
California 15,000 5
Connecticut 3,041 6
Delaware 618 3
Florida 3
Georgia 5,000 10
Illinois 50,003 15
Indiana 11,000 13
Towa 40,000 8
Kan?a? 8,000 3
Kentucky 75.000 11
Loui-iana 75,000 6
Maiiie 3,C00 7
Maryland 45,000 6
Mass. 71,522 12
Michigan 30,000 3
Minnesota 10,000 4
Missouri 3,232 3
Nebraska 4,242 3
New Hamp. 3,000 5
New Jersey 2,00(1 7
New York 6,000 33
X. Carolina 8,000 10
Ohio 35,000 21
Oregon- 2,000 3
Penn. 6,000 8
ft. Inland 20,000 8
Tenn. 40,000 12 ,
Wrmrmt 30,000 5
YV Virginia 8,000 4
Wisconsin 25.CC0 8
403,843 215.S83
Grant's taaj. 247,563
Vote of Our targe Cities.
The following it the vote of the
principle cities, nearly all of the figures
being official :
Nw York
14. 1 HI
8,.r03 .
I'lilladelptila .',; 1
CiiicHKO .il.fii!
K:;llimore . V,U'i
C'incinnam:.. 1H,iW.
) Boston . 15,831
Kan rjancl8co-..ll,''!7
JUiffalo ii,ti(f
M. Louis 72i
AHnny 6,2;:i
I'ittsburg... 8,H74
lwtroit ...... 5,i8
MUwaakpe 4.Sii!
H-K-Iipstfr 5,4! fl
lyuisvllie ..
Tror. .
, 4,!X1
. 4,m
, 4.818
Yic3-President Colfar at Pittsburg.
Enthusiastic Reception.
Pittsburg, Nov. 5. Hon. Schuy
ler Colfax, Vke Prefidnt elect, ar
rived here this ewning. He was met
at the Union depot by an immense
crowd, who received him with enthu
siastic cheers which he acknowledged
by bowing. He is here in fulfillment
of a promised visit to Gen. Morehcad,
who met him at the denot and tonk
Jiim to hi residence, in the Eleventh
ward. Here Mr. Colfax was enter
tained at a sumptuous banquet, a large
number of prominent citizens being
present.. During the evening he was
serenaded by a Tanner club and a
great multitude of citizens. During
theevening he made two brief speeches
He complimented the citizens cf the
county of Allezhany upon it mag
nificent majority for the right on
lie said tliere Is a trinity of princi
ples in the victory of Tuesday liberty
tor all, justice for all, protection for ali,
and by that sign we conquered. There
was another reason why this young
and patriotic party succeeded it de
clared that we ought to enfranchise
rather than enchain, elevate rather
thau crush, build up rather than tram
pie down, and because we bore our
cause down to the humble and help
less. Though denounced by all the ene
mies of right in this broad land, we
went forward to conquer and win sal
vation for the Union, 1;3 we gave em
ancipation to the slave. Applause.
When, in this contest, we were the
only party in this broad land that
dared to stand by . the downtrodden
and helpless people of the South
against the party that, dishonored us
as a nation, andVhen upon our heads
were invoked .the .blessings of those
who loTed our country.
I know you rejoiced cn the night of
the election over the victory which we
won. I know yoa rejoiced over the
result; but some were rejoicing in
their hearts who did not show what
was passing in their minds they were
the tried Union men of the Suth who
rejoiced not in their public squares,
but hung upon the outskirts of hostile
crowds to learn whether they were to
have protection, or whether their
dourest r:!4- '.ould be outraged;
and whtii : res sped the news
that the t .: voice of the r ' " '?
had spoken . : t there : '
rrctectioa to i..ein, the lo;
lue South gathered '
hearthstones and thanked i.
liis Providence had protected them.
There are two sharply defined ques
tions which have been settled -by the
voice of the. reople. The Democratic
-:atfom de.I: red in the portion of It
v,nttcM by Y.'ade Hampton, thfii"the
reconstruction measures of Congress
were unconstitutional, revolutionary
and void," tind the American people
trampled that platform Under their
feet a-i they had trampled the platform
which tour years before declared the
war a failure, and demanded a cessa
tion of hostilities. The voice of t he
people, from whose decision there is
no appeal, has declared that the recon
$truction measures of Congress are not
unconstitutional, revolutionary and
void. We have declared the voice of
the people, is to be obeyed .and the law
to be enforced,' whether rebels like
them or dislike them. Cheer.
The second principle which hai
been settled by the popular vote is.
that every man has a right to e:o
South or North, East or West, so long
as he is devoted to the principles of
our government, and le protected by
itagainstoutrag?and wrong. Cheers.
To-day the only place in this bro..d
lanu where the people are prevented
from singing the battIe-song.s of the
war, such m "Down with the traitors
md up wifh the stars" is in the blood
stained fields of the South, where your
soldiers fell. You could sing those
songs among the banditti of the Alp
or among the thugs of India. The
only pluee where you could not sinf1,
them is over the graves of dead
soldiers.'. Hut we are going to have a
ltnd so free and so loyal, presided over
' .v ; rin so true to his country, that
i m t sing those song1 anywhere.
. .Ve. I speak of President
:rorn his own utterances. You
will find, before he wrote those mag
netic word.4, "Let u.3 huv pecel'.1 if
yon look back to his acceptance .ipeee'i
when the committee waited upon him
and I remember hearing the words
as I afterwards cad them that he
said he was for peace und ciuie! and
protection everywhere; and What he
says he generally doc. . Cheers.
He will bring to the duties devolving
upon him as President, the same ener
gy, the same ability and the will that
has hitherto characterized him, and
when he says there shall be peace and
quiet, and protection everywhere,, let
tiaitors beware, for he means what he
fcr.y8 and will carry it out A- voice,
'string up Wade Hampton. ' -
I cm tell you one thing, my frinda ;
this party that ha been smuggling for
the supremacy and carried two North
ern States, (New York and New Jer
sey) by unblushing frauds, that has
carried six Southern States by the
votes of men who had no sympathy
with our flag; that party will never
appear before you r.gain until they
have new 'eaders. Cheers. And
vht-y will huve ;o get soaie now prin
ciples besides. I do not think Wade
Hampton will make any more plat
forms fo.- the Democratic party I do
cot think Vallr.ndigham will nom
nate any more -fresiuenti. I do not
think Preston and Iorre t will nomi
nate any more Vice-Presid3nt-;.
As for the future under the admlnis
tration of Gen. Grant I look forward to
an era of peace and prosperity ; 1 an era
of development in all manufacturing
and all agricultural interests, which
are the very backbone of any nation
beneath the circuit of the sun: with
Grant's zeal to t top every wasteful ex
penditure or you trea uiy, and hi
opiosition to every event to imneril
your business; with Grant, who, un
der a Divine 1'rovidence, has been
called to fill the Presidential chair, I
trut we liall h:ve itture of unex-
ampeled public prosperity, Prolong
ed chcers.j
Brief speeches were made by Gen
end More head. General Sweitrer, Ma
jor Brown and Judge s?hiunon in re
spouse to a serenade, from a Club ot
Tanners. Subsequently Speaker Col
rax made a brief speech reiterating
the sentiments expressed altove, Mr.
Colfax left for Washington this morn
ing at three oMock. . .
Nebraska falls inio the line of solid
Union Stiite. The permanency of
the party ascendancy is now secured
uur victory tms iau lias te. n more
brilliantthan ourexpeetationa, Oanha
the Philadelphia of Nebraska goes
Kepublican as well as trie State, and
the vote is decisive. , 1
Two thousand four hundred miro -ity
in a poll of eighteen or twen-y
thousand scattered over a territory
nearly twice as large as Pennsylvania
is itself almost annihilated : but when
closely examined, we find that our
tweiity-fourhundred totalis the least
Important part of the triumph, Our
majority ia gradually and effec
tually distributed all over the
Stabi. 'We have the Legislature al
most, unanimourly. It is p -obable
that there is not a single Democrat in
th Senate, and not more than six of
them in the House. In the election
of attorneys of the several judicial dis
tricts the Democracy have beeu as un
fortunate as they were in the State
Senate. . We have elected "all,' the
district attorneys. . .
We have fairly swept the State down
to the county officers. There we find
the Democracy as badly off as they arc
in the Legislature. They have carri
ed only fivk counties in the State,
and those among the least populous;
while every one of the leading coun
ties has gone against them. Even
their principle strongholds have been
wrenched irom them, and there is lit
erally nothing left.
Nebraska, it must never be forgot
ten, is a State in which colored people
vote. Equal and i exact justice has
been dealt out to All by. the liepubli-
cans ol tnat young mie, iuiu ueijum
their reward. It is the lesson ol tne
In tnis connection it ma.v wen
enough to add 4hat Nebraska h&s a
stringent and rigia registry iaw. iu
years ago her Legislature gave It her,
and no Supreme Court was found out
there to declare it unconstitutional.
To be sure it encounters the bitterest
opposition of the Demcracy, but that
is considered in that plain-spoken re
gion one of itschlefest recommeuda-.
tions. ' '
Nebraska, bordering on the far-off
Territories, and connected, . through
the Union Pacific Railroad, directly
with the fearful cities of the Plains,
peopled by roughs and desperadoes of
every grade and kind, was peculiarly
exposed to fraud and violence. They
could easily come in by bauds and
overawe the honest citizens, and in a
conntry where men openly carry re
volvers strapped around their waists,
and long knives in their boots, with
out at all offending against the fash
ion, it was not to be wondered at if vo
ting was at times a rough and risky
matter. As it was, however, the reg
istry law effectively prevented all
fraudulent voting, ballot-box stuffing,
and violence, and o n election day life
was safer and law more sacred in
Omaha than Philadelphia. Forney'
Weekly Press.
The election of Grant, within twelve
hours after it was generally known,
reduced tbe premium on gold J of one
per cent., and added more than half a
cent to tiie value of every greenback
or National bank dollar in circulation.
This would increase the purchasing
power of the volume of the currency
to the extent of nearly three and one
half millions of dollars. Thus do the
beneficent effects of a Republican tri
umph, ovi rv '. Iming in its propor
tions, l- i: ' 'felt months in ad-
7 f . ,.,
juration Zt Joe.
: t liberal ideas axe
:.d of Cuba to . the
jklejoicin.'i at -the Home of
our President, Ciect. .
Special F ;atch to Chicago Tr'' ae. '
Gali nA, November '4. -12. mid
night. This has been the" proudest
ev.Tiin.. In rM the hist jry of Galena.
Ti.e city, heretofore Pomocratloyes
terday L ave a majority for her distin
guished citizen, Gen. U. ri. Grant, for
President of the United States. The
co-jnty gives him a larger i i.ijority
!iy 400 than it gave Mr. Liueln in
104. This magniCeent ' result, "togeth
er with th. t'-iumpli-'TiteloetM no'Gen.
Grant, was.celebrated here thin even
ing by a grand tor blight' 'pp cession.
i)onfires,illuminatio'isT uud other de
monstrations of y.- ;The -Galena
Tanners, 'with two" bands of music
and a procession oi ci Jzens numbering
sevenir thomand, marched 'otlie resi
dence of Galenv -Grant, in t'rotit o1"
which a splendid dip!"iv o-'fr.'Vwjks
was sent up, after which nvming
cheers were given for 'the. President
elect. In rsponsii to repeated calls
the General stepped" out' upon the
piaza, and adressed the multitude as
follows: ' - .
Friend and fellow-citizens ofGale
ni: J t!i i!)U "oii for till; additional
mark of your kindness. SurVicienk.-- L
supose, has now been heard of the
resultsofthelate election toshowupon
whom it has fallen to administer the
affairs of the nation lor the next four
years. I n -et is no ejrotism in
me to -ay that 'he ehoi-e has fallen on
tne.' The responsibilities of the posi
tion I feel, but accept; them without
fear if I can have s-imeKtMio-l
which has been giVen to rre lhu far.
I thank you and all othery who hare,
fouirht together in this contest a con
test in which you are all interested
personally as much as, and perhaps
mora iba i I am. I now takeocca' ion
to bid you gi.o.i bye, j-. I leave here
?-mori ow "ttr W.hiii'Jo iMid sh.ll
probaM.y sci but fe-.v of yoi' agj.iii "or
some j'ears to come, although itwould
give me great pleasure to make an
annual pilgrimage to a place where ; I
h :e enjoyed myself so much as I
ha-e hereduring the past few months.
At theconclusion ofthis first Speech
of the President elect, the crowd gave
nine deafening cheers for (?c e d
Grant, after which they p. o( ceded 10
theresidenceof Hon. E. B. Washbu ne
who has just been re-elected to Con
gress, for his ninth te "u, by an over
whelming majority . A i ie-- i a e rous
ing cheers were given for Mr. Wash
bui ne. be was loudly called for, p id i
responded by tendering hi ;. heariTe't
and g-a'efnl ll".-iks to his old neigh
bors fad friend . for the magnificent
demonstrations before him, and for
the opportunity of mingling his con
gratulations with theirs at the splen
did victory which had yesterday beet)
achieved ly the loyal people of the
country J 1 the election of one of our
own citizens to the highest office in
ihe gift of a co)t.1diag peope and to
the grandest position i -' he world.
Great applause. The election of
General Grant means that the coun
try shall have peace ; t f it toe pcoj'e
shu.ll have an honest are cwiomi al
.idmiuhmuion of the government;
that tlidag nha'd 'ie evei -w.iert . tr
spected ; the righ. r v liberty and;
property ot ail men, of all colors and
climes, shall be protec.ed and vindi
cated throughout the length and
bread ill of the land., cheers. All
good people inu-t rejoice in a result so
:m:;pi iou , and .which bears peace
happiness and prosperity .to a great
nation. and which challenge the pro-
foundest interest of all lovers of li.e
ty and good government throughout
the world.
Mr. W.i-hbr.-ne i.I)en .vM,;
return tome v.u.t ,r 'e; !.
iicii: ! from w; "
ci.. lie again 'Xtc '.'''
."""It thanks to In- -;:t-c
l0:S - id ."..l 1 -. . i it -. I
.lip'O. ,'ll .t"i p i"on-;.:
de o: ion, ? : J aiiv. . !;;!. ui
e'oused emotions , ' ois
Jed io the
.-Mi-! iM
.'Ci, 1 Kj
: - ill', ' i-
- it "
no language coi'!! exprt s
WhTi Mr. W'l.shtiiime had conclu
ded, Hon. W. H. Allison jut re-elect i
edtoCongies ro.i: the Third district
ol'-w.".. mwde routing jeech, fl tcr
-'hch ; lie ow 1 . pvs d. ..,
'J ilt 'Cil:Oil"t.V.tioil of (! e Gxa'.- lg
was the gruudo--- .eve-- iinexsi m
G: J- h:i. Tile iiltthiin.; -:o:i of private
Rdidc-hces weiO ar.gnidi.'cu.u.H'
The Sout.'K rn vote.
Ve ieel atlilerty io -ay "now. wind
policy hereto "ore Ims ibrhidden; tmd
that is, that we t-hall le mo.-i airreeably
disappointed if the Republicans carry
any other Southern states than
North Carolina, 'Tennessee, and Hor
ida. AVemay possibly' carry AKbaiua,
but we refrard that extivmely doubt
ful. All know that the l--:UiG(ral.-
had it in their power, by their v.iem
of intimidation, violence and fraud,' fo
carry these other States ; and we know
they M-ere wicked enoujrh to doit: 1 ne
election in the South lias not been the
expression of the free and untrammel
led popular will. We shall take occa
sion nerealter to explain in aeian
all these matters, "and to expose the
murderous infamy of the Sroutaern
fVmnoratift rvirtv Of one thinsr we
are assured, however, and that is. that
Grant will receive as many electoral
votes in tne South a Seymour does in
the North. '.
TheeleHion of Gnint settle nnauj,
we hape, some very important princi
ftnrscment bv the
1 1 V. AW ' -
merican people of the general policy
reconstruction In the South. It is a
of reconstruction
plain declaration to the persistent se
cession element, that this policy will
sfullv carried out. if it l.-'ikes
the four years of Gram's administra
tion to carry it out, and the more con
spicuous and unreleni;n the South
ern opposition to this policy may. be.
can only result in making its terms
the harsher. We should think that
the so-called Democratic chivalry oi
the South have learned by thi time
that they cannot bully the American
m a . . V a
people. I ne oesc ana i tie a nest way
for our section to eret a!onr now, fs to
drop all political animosity, get in n
good humor, cease all proscription for
opinion's sake, and our word for 'it, '
the members of the Republican party . '
in the South will actively strive to in
fluence the General Government to be
geuerousas well as ju?t. RtputtHcan
Gen. Howard tells a gootl tory
planter who assembled all his
in thespring, and told them they iiiu- i
vote for the Democrats, or he would j
'not employ them. ThedarkieW waimt ,
until the cotton was whitening' :i"n i
Called on him and1 told -him tht.J.;
he must give his word to vote the
Radical ticket or thev would leave in
a body And he did it. : ;
- of : - : . ' ':
- . IN .
. WITH , -? '
' BY
Cnsdn J. Ixsing, ' '
Author of "Field Books of the Revolution,"
"Eminent Americans," etc, etc
It will be fonnd a consise record of
Tiie Ixdiax Nations, ' "
- THF. PlSCOVF.Rira Of N A VI a A TO RS, -
; The Growth of Colonies, ' 1
Thk Indian Wars. . . ..
Tue War of thk Re volition,
Thk War of Ixli
The War with Mexico, and s
History of the Latb Civil War. .
In this single volume mav be a found a rec
ord of every important event from the dis
covery of the. "country to the present time.
Including short biographical sketches cf ail
the distinguished men who have figured ia
us History.
Ttie acent. Mr. Bartlett. will rive the re -1-
ing public of Nemaha and adjoiulns; counties
an opportunity to examine and obtain a c-y
of this truly valuable work. 5-.;
In the Case of Aylcmvorth, is. Har
rington, which was carried from this
court to the Supreme Court,
recently been decided, an i
principle was settled in rea
tition fences. It as'l eM
owner of lan J was only unn
tions to the .r 'joining ,wne
up partition; fences, m t!.
cattle of persons who did i
d has
i to par
that . an
to k' -p
t if l!ie
iot iivn
ot t--in
Is o'' :s
any aljoinin,' Iun
his premises th rn uii ti..'la
neighbors he ini-zhc maintain tresp;
for the injury done by them, notwith
standing the" partition ;ence- between
him antl such neighbor were not of
lawrul hir!,th. - - - - -
An Irf: rRin' wa - stau -U-.v -on' t he'
border or & cTpe w th an .!,!, tnty
broken jdece of :i firelock in his hands,
and his eyes tnot intently and insidi
ously fixed on a particular spot. . A
neighbor of his .happening to ' pass
there a.-ked him what he was about.
.'Hush!'' said pat.;' :"a rabbit is eom
ingout there presently, and I'll pepper
it, I tell you." . . '
"What! ", with that thing.!
why, you fool, your gun is quite out
of order!, and. be Jabers, it has uot
even got a cock, I see !" .
"Pitt! my d.uTmg, the rabbit don't
know that!" .
Ci 'ldren are impart. al judges,5 and
their judgement, as in the following
case, should Ijo heeded. A girl in a
neighborinsr city haJ often heanl of
the fame ofa popular preacher, and
desired her mother to t;ke her to his
church. vThe mother gratified her re
quest, and.when the little child (was
returning lionie, she looked up and
said: :4Mofher, I dontlike thepreacn
ing of Mr. yV "and wh.v do you
not ?" "Because, -Mother,, he speaks
of God just as if fie was his sou-sin.'! s
rVormnl School Enlrtiiiriment.
The yoiiTif? Lartle and Gentlemeh of IUr
Normal Kol-o 1 will clv n entertainment
at the Nonnal Shool Bmk.imr in'l'eru, on
FrMay eve.!iino Nov , 2'Jth, isus. Tlie pro
cvfis to le devoted to the fitting of the room
rf the Philomatheaa Society, connected with
tnescnooi. . .
The following will be the Programme far
th occasion r '
Miwie MAnthem. ' ' : :'
Pr.,yeT by llev. J. M. Taylor. : .:
Mnsic "Glix-r."
Address hy Col. O. H. Irish.
Music--"quartette." ' ' !
CVmady. i;
The Seven Phases of Woman' Life. -'
-Scene 1st The Infant. "Mitsle.
' Scene 2d.-The Child at Play. Music. '" ' :
.Scene 3d. The School Girl. Music. '
,s-fnc 4t.h. Coquette (Trio) "The , Three
LovcvV Comic. '"
Srcne.'th. .Jopcment, (Solo) "Poor Jilted
.Jonathan. '', .
Scene 6th. The Mother, "Motcer's Trials."
Mnsie. - i
- Scene 7th. The Old Woman, (Song) "Fret
ful Old Lady." v ... .
Supper. . . . : . , .. . :
Experiments with the Electrical Machino
and Galvanic BAtterv.
Music "Quartette'"-- i ;
. (.'losing remarks by Prof. J. M. MrKenzie.
Music. The Liist grand campinsi ground."
There will be refreshments consisting of
Oysters, Canned Fruits, Ac.
Admittance iiOs, supper SOcta. Tiotets can
le obtained at theouW door . t 6 o'clock P.
M. Exercises will commence at 7 P. M. "
. All are cordially invited to attend.
CVniinitl.c of Arrangement. Henry
P. )b-rts, M V.l!i;ini. i). T Hav.l. n. Miss
Annie M jo. hcad, and M ss Mattie Lambcr
ion .... ..:,'! . - . , . .
At Be"trVe,Xov. Gti, lsast by the Rev. A. L.
T iith- m, Nathat Hu'KEf.y and Maggie
C TlNKHAM.d gNterofthe offlc.iatliig min
S er, all ot Beitrf 'e.
' .: th" -'!;j ,' i; ., .:" v
(-'jI.VKLK.-j Ou'an, . n ;.
SfJAX S i:. , Ad tl '..
!' itum,
II and
' r-io..
..' t:is.
)!f;.s c- 'j'-y.
v-l virrti 1 1 firipi r
!X. JOSEPH, ?ro.
hole-tale and Retail Dealers in
' . .. ! '
:My Mil
Chickeririq t Sen's Pianos
Tvliich were awarded the
Cross of the LEGION of - H0N011,
. and ;
AT PARI3 E-pOSITIC'X, 1867. .
1TM. It!V IRC & CO.,
i. -
H JiTna!, C rnbmaiiQn&Cab n:l
MasjaA. ilititi I i'n
Caoixist, Portable,
- - - - . . " . .
i and.
Metropolitan Org
, t All orders sbonld be addressed to- .
JAI.IE3 R. DYE, Agent,
v : : Brownville, IVeb.
A MOXTII f Remember ' it la no.
Agents on mnlcit. Fanners' Rons.
ny person can c! ; v a have a new cheap,
lieensed-.sewins; M . !une, the tx-st ever made.
It wi U few fell, bom, turk braid and em
broider1, and do a. I work done by highly priced
machines. Cos. is only i; -think of that be-
s'ae;.?: un aent wantc i r j n
t ample machine .'it I t
r:e agent. 8aw r
1 is n rn '
I .lr, f-l
; Hi m Vni'm r. - nt-f.
Governor's rroclamatlon for a
Day oi TLuira2i.s5ivl2ir.
In eratefnl recognition of the Div: origin
of all national as well as personal i -sin-s
Uie President of t'ue United f-t.- t s 1 sciiit d
Mpon tli peop tl ''tit t' b' I to s- t
. .rt -1 ot-r ve . .i c r-- ty, the - .luv.f
..over.: cr, Wis, In the p-ddic wors:.'! or
Lord c.rG'Kl with pri yer, th-'iks-iv and
iior- vtr.'the people' o? thi Stat-'. 1
- ivcr-
Lesrisi.-; : ..ire, !..ive n i 1 t!i;a "Tl
nor !!.-: ;i, by rxtatiii t. .n, .et piirt
in mi''; yeir :is a da if moIl-.u:! r.
t!' i;ilci 'ivintr to Ahui -'f v J1 tr J
ne (t:r
i:ri to us as atate nini Nation.
.Voc, thrr"ore, earnestly s. condln t!:i". ne
tion of tiie Itc -ident. and chrerftslly civlr.
voice to the wiii ' li e ieiipJc. I. Iiivid 1 ut
ter. Governor of th state of N-!raka, 1
hereby call ii!)o:i nil within the bo.U-r of
t liis State, citizen and trnnccrs to a'jutnin
from tbGir -seeular avrK-ut ious, n t ie i'-'.h
lay of .Vf)vcintjcri nrtd to ns'-:i.v - te
-iistom;Try-places of woihip u un v in-f-n-'1
(to1'8 altar, recount. with tliar.'jsuivins the
many llcssi:is,m.itfnnl and spiritual, whi'-h
have leen lnstowcd ujfn us us n. peojac.
And while enTrjed In tliere pratrfi.t devo
tions let all b'hol I hor constant has been the
Hand that protects and blrsse-?, to the end
that ar; invlditfil and ns a nation nil mav be
imbued with the spirit of humble yet Implicit
trust in the Lord.
I further call upon the citizen to charac
terize uie nay ny leumff srraritude r.nd ex
pression in dds of benevolence as well as
in words of thauksgivin?. Especially do I
call upon them to set.'ic out and minister to
the wants of the poor, the needy, and the
suffertn,!, those marl.? so by the wars for our
country. I te'.l open them to seek oat all
that are in distress, from whatever cause,
and bear to them relief that tlic land may be
tilled with gladnes9-that every heart and
dwellinj;, on that day, Ijc converteti into a
temple of thanksgiving and pra se. . .
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto net
my hand and caused to le afll-iel the Great
S.-alof the State, this 7th day of Xo- mlxr,
. y th Gover n or :
T 1'. Jwknnard, Secy, of state.
PrelAmtlon by thi President.
By the President of the United Statics of A merica:
In the year which isnow drawlnsrto anend,
Ihe art, theskHI, and the labor of the people
of the United States have been employed with
greater dillixence and yinor-and on brtiadcr
fields than ever before, and tiie fruits of the
earth have been gathered into the rranary and
the storelioase in marvelous abundance.
Our highways have been lennthened.and new
and prolific regions have beeu occuphnl We
are permitted to hope that lon, protracted
political and sectional dsenssion's are, at no
distant day, to give piax-'cto returning harmo
ny and friib'rmil aC'cctlon throughout the
Republic. Many foreign States have entered
Into liberal agreements with us, wliih) nations
which are far off, and which heretofore have
been unsocial and exclusive, have become
our friends. The annual period of rest which
we have reached lit henUh and tranquility,
and which is cronwned wiUi so many bless
,igs, is,by vniyer tl rr n.j. nt, a convenient
and suitable one f.v cultivating personal piety
and practi rin tr pni. lie devotion. I, therefore
leuommend that Thursday, the twenty-sixth
day of November next, beset apart and obser
ved by all the people of the United states as
a day for public praise, thanksgiving and
prayer to the Almighty Creator and JDivitu
Kulor of the universe, by whose ever watch
ful, merciful and gracious providence alone
States and nations, no than familiea and
individual men, do live aud move and have
their being-
. In witness whereof, I have Iiercun.- kc! i.i.v
hand and caused the seal of the United Suites
to I yG fl ffl t
Done at the City of "Washington, this 12th
day of OcUber, in 'th year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and
of the Independence of the United States the
By the President.,
' illiam H. Seward, Secretory of st ..e.
T' the Ncbrnslia l ye r.'id liar in " mar,
v ill rcoi.i. ('in? piri. tico tit fl." jViltL-,
Mi'y InI, J .
BIFORD t mil
llave received the
largest and Rest kiori it.enl
; v., it.' 'city of ' j ' '
j ' . . u i . ' : coiifistiui " .
. Scfas, Fcldins Iomics,
SecrGlgiJjs and Book Cases
' 15 XZ 1) .S rJD' 13 D S
:r, Rockers, Dining t
O.Ticc, Parlor;' d,.Dl. ...
d Break fast Table s
Itoom Ch :r, s.i;
' a . ;
cveo ill lug uiua- ; x . .
12-4-ly ' : -". "
...... i
. :?NoV-99,
Corner Llaia and 3d Streets,
iXlrs. II. E. Bargi3,
, ' Dcalt-i" iu
Fancy Goods nd Notions.
Which she will sell at resisonable prices,
she is c-tnstivntly in receipt of New and Ele
gant Patterns for ;- ; '
Dress and Cloak Making,
to which she pays particular attention.
Flatlng, Stamping, StitcMns, Braid
ing, dona to order. ,
. , Awarded the -. -
at all the rirtncf pie Fairs in the W orl b
ery Machine warranted for three ye:irs
Btrnctloos free, t ' '
c:l.b'icr a choice and Hill rtO"-"5r, t -.9
5iO.E0, acnoice u SMALL'S,
9 "Tm-mm fi f
j Sc
Compound Extract of
d by
Rcncily yet Discovered
-"iot tLo Blood, Liver, IUJisey
Purifies the Plood,
Improve? tJe Appetite,
Aidi Digestion,
Corrects the Secret iom,
And Imparts Tone, Strength and
Vivacity to the Whole System.
so that persons nsing it feel that they enjay
an entire new life.
Is Recommended by the'
Best Physicians Everywhere.
Er. F. Olin Danxeli.t, now of this City
Formerly Professor of Physiology and Path
ological Anatomy In the .Middle Georgia
Medical College, chief Surgeon Stateof South
Carolina, during the war, Vice-President
Georgia Medical Association :
Mr, Lawrence: I have carefully examined
your formula forthe UOSADLiS, and recom
mended it to several of my patients. The
combination is a happy one, and must prove
a potent remedy in ail diseases requiring the
virtues of a great alterative medicine. I wish
you success.
Baltimore, April '22, l&tt.
lUXTiiionE, Mo., March!, 13.
I believe Dr. 1-awrence's "ROSADALIS"
to be the Rest Alterative in Use, and there
fore cheerfully recommend it as such.
Baltimoke, Febnary 10th liS.
JT, J. J. Larvrence . DearSir I takepleas
nre in recommending your ROSADALIS as
a very powerful alterative.
Youra truly, . R. W. CARXt, M. D.
- "We know Dr. tawrence's' Rosadalis t" be
a safe and reliable Alterative, &c, und take
pleasare Id recommending it to the profess
lun and public
J H Mr rc, M D, E Dames, M D,
L A Smith, M 1, R W King, M 1.,
J II Winstca d, M I),' S Vo,lward, M 1),
R II rarham, M 3 , W T lirewrr, M t).
W a Duggan, M D, W J Dullock, M D,
Wilson, N. '., January 7th, 18J.
,For Testimonial of Remarkable Cures
sot"R )sadalis Almanac" for this yearey
Preparol at the Lalxiratory of
Dr. J. J. Lawrence & Co..
!4 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE
CJcneral Agents f r thu North "Western
States, to whoia orders should be addressed.
Country merchants,
r AHi-rsns, others
.vViw--'. . GKEEX FRUIT, &u.
; ; ; . TO
JOsiAH CAnpurrrER
- GErieralCommission Merchant
" 12, 441 & 448, WaeMngton St.,
And receive his weekly Price Currant
. oj I'roauce ana Groceries, the most
complete Price Currant pub
lished in the United States.
Send for a Price Currant.
Marking Plates & Card3Tiirnis3ied
. ' IT-It EE.
Liberal Adraace Had on Consign
Established May 1, 1868.
First C! Beftrcc: given wbeu repaired. . SI
No 31 Cor Main At lt Sts. ( pposite1.' . DrugStire.
TVLLXIA1I AXJXN, Proprietor.
Pies,,, Cakes, FresXi Cread,
ConfcctJonerj . 1A? and
Fancy Ciroceriex
Constantly on Hand ! !
Fresh Bread Delivered Daily ! I
First Cla FamilyFlour Warranted.
' .. Expre Run for the bens Jit of my Ctutr.mert.
J., II SHOOK & 13KOS.,
Mannfactnrers and Tealertn N'ative Lt .
of ail kind.s, lengths, breadtiis and t.'.i ..
,. ..... IIILLSDAL T.: .
They own and rnn oneof the b:s:
in the State, and wiii
with a bill of LomU r of best q-.ij.Jiry,
short notice, at the .Lowest Martet irice.
Lath and Pic!iet3
Always on hand for sale.
Tliey also sell cheap at their store In nilJs
(Lile all f-taple Pry Oocxls and Groceries, and
such articles as are in general use.
Remember the business, the men, and the
place. 4 ,., i-Jy
"piae Ceilin?, in abundance
H DirrxisriiATor.s sale cr rtr
- e oi an orar of
county rf Ncmha
the DUtri'-t tmirt t;
and the istate f ';
ldT.i day of septemnor, A.j. I
of Brownvi!!'. on f " ?.i a;
offer for n ' j at pnf..'c . n
j tne
at t:.e City
""ald. I wu
or ven ine. r,
A. 1). l . ,x
RD 1 O CI' x y.w., ufa in'- rif,:i!srn, te ,,1.
lowina; ti'.TibcI real ef ::, in the
County of Neranha and state of Nebraska
to-wit: Tbe north east quirter of the north
east quarter, and lotn five and eifht (. of
the north cast fractional quarter of sertion
rttrcen (1, township riv? : , nortii of raaj
fourteen (14-, east, contaiuir. li." ocrn.
Terms niade known cn v of
. i:. V. JIUGlii.
Administrator of the U.-.; of 'iVLUaai f
1S1RA Y A'orC-'. Ta:-:-n up j th trn-
lit dor
rs.'tift, I i v i ! ior r'n
s ..rt!:-w-st
Cu t,,.?
fit row iviif. vu i.if-i "
a Ilav Horse I'ony
oM lat spring, t
th rt w hi tj i'tt-t. -
supi.xw'd to L' two yearn
'rtctn bar; N b "with
P.. 1. Cli.Vi ;.(AN.
I ASTRAY ZOl ICE. Taken up bytlwsuh
i scriiier, on his mrm in Olt-n Itocic lr"
cinct, one two year old Red lit it'er, a in,
left ear, a littb wl.lteon ba-k :nd b:iv.
5-ot . s. V.'A(i.LU F.
ntTPJ V (".r.y A' T;i'rtn n r. 1. v,
i v j . - ' . - . - - ' - - . .... . . 1
Hi dersln-d, living in i!en iUx-'iC Precinct,
a I'.rown or r.iack Mare Pony, sat pocd to lio
C'Tir . -,ir i', sTar In forehead; wa.- tuXcn up
on the Uh rt this month.
ot F. A. POWLFR.
ryR-nATi ; a ottcf. r-ti;. cf oidn
L Mi'iiii't,ii'fa"i. f :i-e i. hcTtry riven
ttiatthe Probate Court of Ncmnl.a t ounry.
State of Nebraska. Iv.i aprxifntc-1 th(( 'otirt
R(M)tn. f jxi(H'otinty an tit. pl.c-c, and the fol
lowing times to-wit:
KUtith hv of March, l- 1,
Twelfth day of April. l-r. nn.l
Tenth d.iy of 'iiy, 1 ... m s.."c:m!i p.m. of
each said d i vs as tiiotinicsf r the !;errit:,i'X
nminin nml nl'owtnij or i!i;!oin3' ail
claims axninst the said fstateof (.i.lcrin Mu
(ier. dect-aseti, late of Nemaha County, Ne
braska. All claims n't presented by the lat d.iy
a'-"ve j.p pointed ko-i11 Ih- f-rev-r barred.
Dattu NovcmU-r 7th. 1 -;--.
A. VV. MOlttiAN, Probate Jnd'?.
Nattti:' 1'. M E A ! k , A ti s ni n i rrn top. . 5-13
1-ROJiA Til NOTICE Estate of II. C. Walt,
deceased. Notice in hereby riven that
the Probate Court of Nejn xlia county, Ne
braska has appointed S:u-- U. Wait adminis
tratrix of the estate oi lurum CWait, de
ceased, late of said county of Nftivha; ntia
that the said court h is appointed Ixfeinber
14th, IstiS, April l-.'th, M;iy l. th, June Ttii, anL
Jnly 1-th. lMf. at lio'ckelr a.m. as the tint's,
and the court nxuri in Krownviiie m th
place, fur examining juid allowing r (alias
against said estate. 1 noe having sm n t-iaiius
are required to prcnt tliem to said court on
or before the last day above appointed or they
will be f.ri vcr barix-d. , A. V . MoItti.vN,
4-4t Probate Jude..
ESTRAY NOTICE Taken up by the mi--dersignedat
Hiekory Grov, In W(Mijr
ton Precinct. Nemaha county, Nebraska,
fourteen miles West of J;rownvule. on bit
Fn mises, on the 14th day of O roi-r, 15CS, one
ron Gray Mare, Two Year old past, dark
mane and tail, n i other mrirk T're'ivl.!.
4-ot-pl GEDiitiE N. triKNs.
nereoy etiven mat. iietij:nnin i. i,u;i-
baugh ha.s b.en 'appointed by tne Probate
C'ourtof Nemaha County, Nebraska, Admin
istrator with the will annexed, of the estate or
John D. Kcamer, late of Washington county
Maryland, deceased, and that toe Kaiu'court
ha.s appoiutcil the toiiowiiii; aj the times for
hearing and allowing claims ;ud es
tate at th Court Iboin in Urownviile, in said
count v of Nemaha, to wit: March Mb, April
11th. May lith, 1Mj., id len oYlocit .. M.
All i-btns not presented at or before the
last hcariuij above ;.pijinted, i-hftl be bcrrvd..
A. W Mi P.( JAN.
2-lt rrobaie Jud".
QTRAY tVOrCa-oti. is
hcrel y riven
yj that tue Utl.lersliKil. nvits:
Hi luiord
Precinct, Neinu'ut County. Nebraska, baa
taken up, on the l"t!t of Octor, Im, one
Iron Gray Pilley, one year o!d pnst.
2-ot JAMI-S f.TIN.
in::! or oun day.
The men who srovem onr country, biake Its
laws, have fontfht its lattles, i liarmed us
with their eloquence-, f..uin!ed uur colli des,
control our railrotvN, mamtfacb rics end onr
finances one attract ive volume, full ot vivid
Interest, life-like illustrations and character
istic anecdote. ti) w- ii-filUd pa'tes 12 tine
stetd portraits Rn'l the lives of over j0 m. n.
Price low to suit the tirn-'S. The ci enres? r.t
well a the most Intf rostinz book fut.Ii.shcd
within five years. Stie nnifn--. Kvi-ry
body wants to know the ht'o asst. ry of ttcse
men. fcend for cinular t
:- .i'lLl.U. MeCritDY' A CO.
uiad-'ph.:.. I'm.. Ciff'nnnt!. o., -U' ayo.Ill.
1-1 ? o - i. I.ou;s. Mo.
Second Street, bet. J.ain r:vl Wder.
WisVe-, to Inform the T d!e of Prownville
and '1 .dty, that k!jo tirst
Whc're work will be done wit; -treat cere nnd
nejitness, and after the- latest Kc.stem styles
Kleai-hins done in the ry latent tt yhs, and
on short not i.e.
Ijitest styles of Lades' and Children lint
and JJomiet ftimfmiy .n bund. Also latest
lerus 01 ui !c . .ress ;.. Is. lmk
Childr it s t'lwtl'in ' notice.
, fnd
No. 53 3Iain Street, Brownville.
Just .;; tied iu,,j onnsfantly
:c j. ..n hand .1 t :r-- nn I well ussortii'l
.rtM.K K oi genuine articles lu h U ine.
llepalrii!"; "f 1o"' s 'at-lnt,
and Jew-
.y io.ifo,i sit rt n.
ticc.4 '
t n
Is retail?! t a Dries wI'Mti , .....k
Li-v X (Uke toib l tes), ta a tit.
a.ljui.iijg tn :m,. n,i cr, d evj,-, yariety of
tiWllldfia, ,-, ,.,rt. I ra ,1
".' ". i. tne a- satL?r ; wii v . r;
. f 'UaPy
ilk, UJCC, VT OMlLlii tiitpad.
or ' n t
- vinr.iS'Xacliiiie
c VV
ice io? Five Years
Oa , .f.l b HQDDtiKl With ilr.n! i,-.f.
o. iUMacb.D inc.,oe-f at-eVnt It uup pra,
ciel tbe .a ne Uicb nidb iy t.i nu gcr. Wbr,e
kWiiU.B. Uo, aixl rutiue Xciiiie li tii
the UnJer-red lika the brt t,..i u
to sell a flr e!m. an'ii.K m achivb .1 a .r
c prxa. on aooouat ofit i.iup icttr, n I coe-se
que -t lOW tool of MiniirarttlriU,. ;n rin:;ri..,n
1 Cuoaplicated M..u:ea.
V Ci- II
W ti,1! ,i)rvi..',!'i 4 mi.
. .
1 Bjc'i S lr C-.-!j a'J.I T.- in t... I-n,tH
S ateiid Oa. .no. (fnrj l-i..-. , itnL. - ..r
or C '-imi-Bi .a. adcv:
G. V II. AndrirKT3,
General Agent,
Detroit. Zilch,
N B l-r th ben at u' aur AseuU wa b ar
rtr:;r't itn pa trp f.rtne aneabia for .
tiOCt. OK S MrLi: j fan r -mo iar on rf PV
Ge :ei;ii Aeciii. Detr'.it js.cli U
nrovnville, Xcbiail.a.
The li--vni--- F--r. tVn.p-i. luve now
- r
a Mivk.
e rry Go.
Gla-wwnre, a spleadi J a- L
and f.r ilo at . ' .
pine nxisMEg Lumber H MJLL1.r