Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 24, 1868, Image 3

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    Omr Amthwrtaed Agenta.
VTl. Hawxbt, at Nemaha Cit J-.
It- A. Hawlet. at Clifton.
Oeo. G. bTAKi, at AfpinwalL
Our Advertising Agrnti.
PnrrrKLD A Eatos, 124 Pine U, Kt, Louis.
J. K. NVilu vs. ST Chestnut st-. "
K M. Pkttijsuiij .77 Park lUw, New York.
foov. tBCRK A t o., Cniouro, ill.
txii, Oobcej A Tatlok, Cincinnati, OMo.
K 11. Pakvik. Cincinnati, Ouio.
A. t Lincoln A Oo IJoKton. Aiasa.
. .Arrival and Departure of TIb!.
Southern A Lantern Arrive at 12 o'clock K
lxpnru.atl " PM
Iforthern A Kastera Arrives at 4 o'clock r m
lM-partat 8 am
Beatrice Arrived Tuesdays, Thuradaya and
haturday. at 7 o'clix-t: p m
Tepan WiHKlarn, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 8 o'clock am.
Grant Arrive Thursday at 8 o'clock r u
Imparts Thursdays at M o'clock a Jt
'Jttt Vltice Honrs 1 o'clock a H to 8 F X
Hutulmftti to f A X, and it lotiPM
A. P. AlAli.SU, Poet Master.
SU Joseph and Council Bluff Hall road.
Going Xorth.
HU Joseph 8 rti a. in.
Amuuua 8 -JU
X Ottawa w 8
yorhr 9 U"
Fowl City 9
I5ielow lo Ml
Craig ID 40
Corning 11 m
Pbelpe II 50
WnlKun 12 u p.m.
Hamburg 12 30
l- uii City
Amazon a
t. JoM-pli
1 00 p.m.
2 15
2 J
8 16
3 40
4 50
4 aO
6 1-i
a 51
6 20
J. L CoLhapp, Cditor.
full stock of baddies at Bauer's.
H C Lett, Laud Agent, Ilrownvllle.
School Books at the City Dm; Stori.
The BUrer fctkirt, at Tiieo. lill! A Co s.
Hour ffprlng and Fall Wheat, at McGae's.
Treah Bread delivered to order.
If you want a good Hat, go to J. L. McGee
A. Co s.
J. I LcGee Co. key lUo Ui Groceries
In town.
AX May Be-ulaior.
1U0 Overcoats Just
Go to Hay's
Regulator lor Boys Cape
Go to May's Jlesulator 1 No Goods mis
Go to Mav's Ilezuiatori Call for New
Style 11 U.
A. Ko 1 4 year old Horse for Sale.
julre at tun oliioe.
For the bet Cottonwood Shingles, go to J.
1 McCiec & Co s.
Go to At ay 'a .Regulator,
suits Jut opened.
-JjQ Caaslmere
Carrels and Kegs, of every description, at
J. L. Mctiee A Cos.
Qa to llii'a ecator! Call for the
Gent's tauumtic fsuiu
A I'ew Thousand Bningles for side cheap
at the Advvruer otace.
John Deere's genuine Moliue Plows, Suu
for sale by 'l'he. 11 ill A Co.
1000 .Feet Dry Cottonwood Lumber for
sale oy J hum M cdlbrd.
All Hew will Ik- the stock of Clothing open
e In No. "0, by Ji. m. ilei-el.
HetseU's Clouting will uot be half woru
out iroin laying uu tiie siielf. '
Go to liUy'i lleguiator ! 100 doz. Under
shirts and liratt ersjuht opened.
Tlie Fair comluuea oierSat
urtlaj. A full stock of Blacksmith's Iron.Hteel and
Furnishing ai Hhelieubet ger Bro s.
W0 T. A II. Smith
Peain Breakong i'lo
A Co"s make, for sale by J. C lK-user.
130,000 Worth ol Ctothing will beoiened
In No. 70, Mcl'heriion's Block by J. b. lleuek
Tanning Mills lor s-de at S-Si: f below
A Good ttpan ef liore lor saie. Apply
to John C. Luiier, at ute l'ionecr tetove and
Tin Store.
Hanniford & Hughes have now ou hand
very variety and styleof Furniture that any
one limy desire.
anted All the Butter and Egs aud
Chk-kenii in the county.
Xdies Co to May's ltegulator And exam
ine his stock of Dret Goods and Trimmings.
You can save 20 per cent.
J. I. lioGee Co. defy Jew or Gentile in
the way of new and choice troods, al reason
able rales. Call and see them.
Warranted The best Custom Made Boots
and Shoes ever brought to thiscity. Call and
see them, at J.L. McGee A Co s.
Ko one who has ever used one of McFall A
Co'b Metal ic Cmmcs, or one of their own man
ufacture, will ever desire any other kind.
"Wm- H. Hoover, Ileal Estate Agent, ha
ervrae choice Building Lota in Brownville,
which he will sell cheap to persons wishing to
The Immense stock of Boots and Shoes
Just received and o)eed by liobt. Teare A Co.
Ut the finest and best ever opened in this mar
set, and o tiered at greatly reduced prices.
A Good Bhoeraaker can End steady em
ployment by applyhag to A. ROBISON,
Dt. H. i In favor of paying the U. S. dt bt
In ereenbacks. Levi Pprlngle would line the
Doctor to set the U. S. an example; or Is it
outlawed. Doctor?
Jos Shuts has Just received a new and
splendid stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew
elry. Joseph is true and tried, and under
stands his bu-inebs thoroughly. Give him a
Tst The first frost of the season fell last
Friday night. It was only slight. Injuring
only the tenderest vegetation. Last Tuesday
night we had a severy frost, which will doubt
less nip most everything gret:n.
Swan & Bro's style is to keep no inferior
of damaged goods whatever. We have known
them to send back large hills of goods bexause
they were inferior to what they had ordered.
It is always safe to deal with such a house.
We Buy Our Faints and Oils,
t - Window Glass and Lamps
- 44 School Books and Letter Pa
per, "all we need In the Drug line at the
City Drug Store, where we find the largest
stock and lowest Prices.
Arrived at Las. ! New Goods!! Uew
House!!! New Store ! !1 . Greatest bargains
ever ottered in the west can be had in New
Clothing, New and elegant Prints, Hats, ebi.
Just received and ojwnsd by the man that
never was undersold, thiol is
L. MAY, Regulator.
How strange that Dr. n. should have
armed-in-armed It with Morton at thePlatts
mouth convention, the day that " that scala
wag " Morton assisted him to the IT. S. As
sessor hip, and now fellowship with "that
sea 11a wag " that is, it would be 6trange for
any man of principle.
A Fact. I have been long enough in this
city, and long enough in the School Book
trade, to be uudentood when I say I will not
be undersold lu School Books, Stationery, etc.
by any house lu the city. You will save
money by buying your School Books of
Marsh at the Post Office.
'Tie ssid that the man who writes the
' sharp things " for the Democrat used to be a
conducter on the under-ground railroad at
Falls City, and used to pride himself on the
number of negroes he had helped run off ; and
even now is not at home unless surrounded
by a lot of negroes. How is this. Doctor?
Bentenoed At Hie term of the District
Court Just closed John J. C Miller was sen
tenced to six years imprisonment for Grand
Larceny. Edward O'Pelt to three years Im
prisonment for Grand Larceny; and O. J.
Mitchell to three months imprisonment for
stabbing John Gibson some two years ago.
Hetsel has Arrived ! His goods are on the
way; all neatly made; of new material; and
gotten up in the latest styles. Hold on to
your "old clothes" yet a little while, for the
benefit of choosing -from a large and full
stock of everything that man can desire to
deck his corporial diversities cannot be over
The Zlost Magnificent Stock of Goods
ever opened in this city is now ready for in-
sjH-ction and sale at Theo. Hill A Co's. His
line of Ladies' Cloaks, Dross Goods, Hats,
and In fact every thing that ladles wear from
the lowest to the highest grades of society is
unsurpassed for extent and variety west of ,
St. Louis. More anon.
Goto Hay's BeguX&tor 1 The largest stock
of Clothing In the west.
Qo to H ay's jgtorl 00 Cassimere
Overslilrts Just received.
Go to Hay's Begulator ! The only One
Prim Clothing House in the city.
Go to May's Begulator ! The largest
stock of Dry Goods In the West.
Go to May's Begulator! A handsome
stock of Cloak Trimmings just received.
The attention of our readers is called to the
advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure in an
other part of this paper. This truly Valuable
Medicine Is recomended by all who use it.
Read the certificates.
Office May's Regttlator, )
Brownville, Sept- 21th.
My placw of business will be closed on Sat
urday. Sept. 26th, owing to Jewish holliday.
No business transacted on that day.
Dr. H-, of the Democrat; has been sued at
this terra of court by Dan. Lewis, for pay
ment for services rendered by him to said
Hoiladay, and recovered Judgement of over
00. About all the good it will do him. The
Doctor has had this young man working for
him f r nothing eight or ten years, and re
fused to pay him anything for his services.
This appears to be the Doctor's beet "holt."
In five years this debt will be paid by out
lawry. A first rate editor for the repudia'
Out Perry Boat. This Institution has
charg -d 1 uinds since our last. The boat was
brought here by R. F. Barret, who, up to last
Saturday, had not paid the purchase money.
The owners had sent orders that if she was
not paid for by last Saturday night, she was
to start back to Muscatine, Iowa, Monday
morning. Still she ran on until Monday
evening, when, as Mr. Barret had not paid
for her, Messrs. McGee, Harman Bally not
being willing that this boat Should leave.
have entered into arrangements by which the
boat shall remain. We are yet in hopes that
this matter will be straightened up without
trouble, yet a great number of our heaviest
capitalists are determined that Brownville
shall not be without a steam ferry. Our hopes
for an amicable settlement of this matter are
based upon the fact that a great portion of
the benefit of having a ferry will be rendered
nugatory if It is possessed by its proprietors
in trouble and kept in tribulation. Settle it,
gcntlemen.if possible.
Bates of Ferriage charged by the Brown
ville and North Star Ferry:
4 Horses and Wagon loaded
4 " " " empty
2 " " " loaded
2 " " " empty
2 " " Buggy
1 "
4 Oxen and Wagon, loaded
4 " " " empty
2 " " " empty
3 " " " loaded
Horses lead or loose, each
Cattle per head.
W.t i ne-ter than s .moo clean Uct or arm ?
Then sen. for JUuer's JnfHble Depilatory toe
removing si 1 superflnon hair from tae body withort
Data t inlnrr ta the skin. The most otMtiaat
cues cired In from ten to fifteen cays. Tnonssnds
fcsvenscd it witasDcceM. Price per pscksgs $!.
or two for $2,25, sent post paid to any addresa with
foil dircti'ina for uu receiDt of price. AtWreas
F. V. E.INEE. Chemist 409 OUe" St. St. Loois Jlo.
To the Colored Peopla.
I have discovered a preparation to straigtiten the
hair. 1 can aafaly guarantee my preparation to ,
1..S.K1.. k. kinbao hir on nr person, so
a it will be as atiaight as the hair of an Indian,
numbe-a have nacd it with iucceaa. Warranted ta
give entire aaUafacuon and to do what it aeu forth
in the above in a 11 case. Sent post paid ,ail
directiuna for use to any sddreaa on receipt of
On buttle for 1A0 or two fori 10- Onebottle
will answer for a person and keep the hair straight
foi ever. Address K. T. BIK&R, Chtmlst, 4o9 Olive
St., St. Lout, it j.
Geod Sews ta the Affiicted.
Five years ao. while traveling thiongh South
America for my health, I discovered a remedy which
will permanently enraany case of Spernmtorhea or
ftemiual weakness. caaed by aelf abase or aexnat
excess in mat are years, in from two U Ave weeks.
Item be used without the knowledge uf any one.
Sent cnreiy sealed from observation, and warran
ted to effect a permanent cure or money refunded.
Pice, 5 per package sufficient ti cure the most in
veterate case. All letters of inqony cheerfully
answered. Address.
iafily JoHN B. wilTOK, St. Louis, Mo.
Slmill. CI t . .
oimuioas israntir.
T . 1 m
ijj,arcys ttoracepaUuc Specifics have proved.
from the most ample experience, an entire auccess t
simple, prompt, efficient acd rehab! e. They are
the only medicines perfectly adapted w popular use
aimpie that mistakes cannot be made is asine
them so harmless as to be free from danger, and
SO efficient U to b !vm raliM. T5-. i . i
J .MWJ ... . J
raised uie hi gfcest commendation from all, and wll
alwaya render satisfaction.
1 Cures Fevers, Congestions, lcflsmation..
.uir worms, worm Fever, worm Colic. 26
3 cures Crying-colic r Teetaing of Infanta J25
4 cures bisirhoea of children or lduHs.1 i8
6 cures Drsetitary.TJriping or Billions coiic...Jo
6 curus Ch dera-morDus, VomitiBg.., . 36
7 cares Coughs, colds, bronchitis I
8 cures Keuraigia, toothache, faceciie 3&
9 cures Headache, kick headache. verUpo 25
to rrs CHASERS
o r
10 cures Dyspepsia, billions stomach.
11 cures Suppressed, or jmiuful period
19 cures Vhites, too prof ute periods.
13 cures Croup, cough, difflcult breathing...
14 cures Halt rhame, erylpelas. eruptions..
15 cures JUieumaUsm, Theumattc pains,.
16 cuies Kever ad apue, chill fever, ague 0
17 cures Piles, bd or b.eedins 50
18 cures Opthaimy. and sore or weak eyes..60
19 cures CaUrh, accute tr chronic influenx. 0
i0 cures Whoopiug-cugh, violent coughs 60
il cures Astima. oired brethicz ..60
2t cores Ear dibchatges, impaired heating.-
23 cures Scrofaia, enlarged glands, swellings,
cures General debi.ity, i-biical weakueaa
25 cures Drupsy, and scanty aecretiuos.... .
3 cures Sea-sickr.esh, sickneM from riding
21 cures Kiduey-diseases. Gravel
curts lservuu. debility, seminal eniisaiuns,
i ? a
. r i
.60 H i 1 1 1 1 1
..6o 23
1 ci
Voluntary discbai es..
29 cures iMtie niuuth, eauaer...,
Hogs or sheep, each .
Footmen, each.
Lumber per M, handled by ferry man
1 25
. 1 00
. 1 00
, 75
1 25
1 00
1 00
2 00
1 50
Teachers. Students, and other Intelligent Men
and Women, in a business paying $100 to 200 per
month, cording to abiiitv." Fur particulars ad'
dress ZK1G. EE, JtcCUKDT A Co., Lombard Block,
Chicago, 111. 12-2l-ly
1 00
..,1 WO
I 60
Tan Solon's Pap-lean Lotion.
The greatest remedy ever discovered for the dl(-
easesof tue Skin. Cures every kind of unsightly
eiuptions of the face. Removes, without fail,
Pimple. FrecktU. Moth Blatchet. Comodmei or
Black Wotm Tan, 4"C, and as a beautifier it has
no tqual. For gentlemen after shaving it is iuva.
uab.e Ladies, after trying it, will use no other.
" Papultan Lotion" is the only re. iable remedy
for aiseases and blemishes uf the Skin. Price one
dollar. Prepared ouiy by
8 L. TAN E0IX1K, St. Lonis, Ko.
For aale by Druggibts generally. 12-45-ly
Boots. Boots and Shoes at A. Itobison's
from the iefX manufactories In Chicago, New
York, Rochester and Buflulo, which I will
sell cheaper than any house this side of St.
Joseph or west of here. Give me a call Ite
fore purchasing, for I mean what I say.
French leather of the best brands for custom
work made to order. A. IIobisos.
A Want that has long been felt In our
city, and much deplored, is soon to be sup
plied. J. S, Hetzell will be here the next ten
days or two weeks, with a 6tock of Clothing
and Gent's Goods, as would do credit to a
larger city than ours, and such goods as for
make, wear and price, will knock in the shade
anything thai has been offered since the war
Tlie Fair continues over Sat
Freight per 100 ft
Man and Horse
The undersigned have purchased the Steam
Ferry Boat Mary J. Arnald, and will run her
over the Missouri river between Brownville,
Nebraska and North Star. Mo., at all reason
able hours In the day time. She is a safe
boat, and will be manned by a careful and
gentlemanly set of officers. The traveling
public are invited to make the crossing of
the river at Brownville at above rates.
McGee, Harman A Bailt.
Buperflnous Hair
Removed from the Face, Forehead, or any other
part of the body, in five minutes, without injury
to the skin, by the Oriental kusma. Warranted.
Kailed for $1 by O. DtAAaE,
12-43 ly St. Louis, lio.
Scientific Wonder.
Tells how to make all kinds of Patent Medicines,
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cosmetics, Wines, Cor-
dials. SUM. Hair Dres. Oils. Depuiatcries, ro
ulades, Curling Fluids, Household BeceipU, and
hundreds of other articles in daily demand, easily
made, and sold at lame profits. It contains all the
latest discoveries, secrets, arts. fcc. A most won
derful book. Third Edition. Fifty thousand al
ready aold. Post paid to any address for 60 cents
per copy, by OLLN DUKAKK,
12-43-ly St. Louis, If o.
30 cures t'riuary weakness wetliug beds.
31 cures Painful periods, with pams
si cures auderiLgs at chance ol tue,
33 cures i.pueoT. spaui, l Vitus d.e
a cures bipdieria, u.crraled sore throat..
amny caaea ut 6 w 70 large vials, nio-
ruc&. or rosewood case, containing a
speciflc for every ordinary disease a
famlir is subject to. and books of di
rections, from $' to $35
Smaller Ftmiiyaud i'rave.iug Cases, with
20 to 2d vial., from o " 3
Specifics tor all Private Diseases both lor
i.nrinu and Preveutive Treatment, in
via is and tvicket 2to $5
Pond' Extract cures Bums, Bruises, Lameness,
Soreness. Sore Tnroat. Spr.ins, Toothacae, aaracbe,
Kenra.Kia. Rheumatism, Lumbago, rues, Jioiis,
Stincs. Sore Eves, Bidding ol uie nuusn xob,
Stomach, or of Piles; Corns, C leers, Oid&ores
a-Pric ou cts to
These Remedies, except Pond's Extract, by the
case or single box, are sent to ai.y pan or me coun
try, by mail or express, free ol cnarge, on reteipi oi
the price.
Address HcMPHRtva pi:ci it-
Homeopathic hedicimx Co.,
Office acd Ueput No. 662 Broadway, K. T
Dr. Humohrev is cousuitrd dai.y at his office, per
sonally or by letter, as above, for all forms of dis-
ease. For aale by
atcCUMAS a tu.,
15-y Brownville, Neb,
Has again carried of the highest honors at the
; principle Fairs the present season, commencing with
i the New England Agricultural Fair, at Providence,
in September waere it was awarded
The Highest Prize,
immediately after which came the Xew Tort State
Fair at Buffalo in October, where the committee
awarded if the
First Prize double Thread Kachine.
Then came the great Annual Fair of New Kngland,
that of the
Mechanic's Association,
at Lowell, where the highest prize the
awarded toanyFamiiy Sewing Machine, waa given to
and that too in fair competition with other
First Class Machines
for five consecutive weeks where it has been exam
ined by the best mechanics in the country and pro
nounced the best constructed and most reliable Ma
chine, and one that, on account of its simplicity woutd
Accomplish More ' I'M
i). corcr:i.
1:0.27. Xt v
DeaUs -i la
ITardir ret ?ove , 7mu are,
Jlardu . re, iov ., Tuwarc,
Hardwuti, Tinware,
r 'O.rni'X'rg rmre ?rs
f 0.'; : rj;-v-j r..ncc v.'irz,
ta,0w'U aVV line Wirh
PliUbhry Iron awl Va7,
Pit! hury Iron and Ya '.',
IHiUbunj Iron and SaiU,
Mechanics Tools,
Mechanic 4 TLo'jt
Charter OaV Stoves,
Charter Oak St-jves,
Charter OaFSt ne,
Besides aalasKortnient of everything kept
in a tii-st cla
Which will be gold as low as Hie lowtd '
To all who favor ut with a cat!
To all old friends and Customers and
the Public generally, for all
time to' come.
In a
An Address
To the Nervou and Debilitated, whose iuffeTing
TSE5 K?tMuerEa Efore Satisfactory liniier
desirable. It you are suffering or have Buffered
. 1 . ; ,..1, vd what a rX aw t a4jbsz it
produce upon your geueral health? D.. you feel AllTOTHEB SEWJlTG MAEHTE
. a utile extra I "
Iiast 8turday was memorable for both the
great amount of drunkenness on our streets
nd the meetins of f be Democratic Conven
tion. The former Is suposeu to have leen hut
the natural forerunnerof the latter; and from
the nominations made. It would seem to have its influence not that the candidates
crink but Lord deliver ns from such law
Building Material. There is no point in
this Land District where such an abundance
of building mateflkl can be had as at this.
All kinds of native timber is plentiful, and
with two Pine Lumlr Yards all kinds of
ine Lumler can he had here as cheap if not
cheaper than at any point on the river, with
all kinds of Tine Doors, Window Sash. Moui-
i mis, ect- Remember this, ye builders.
Hew Goods Ilauk A Iloltxinger have
been receiving a large lot of Groceries of every
description, and more are coming. They are
determined not to be excelled In good goods,
lair dealing or low rates.
lira. Bchenk's new place and new goods
are Jqst wliat the hulirn of Brownville ad
mire. Call and see the laotesl styles and the
latest fashions for Hepiember, Just received
from Xf York, and more on the road.
William LT. Hoover. Real Estate Agent,
has for sale a nuralier of choice tracts of land
In Nemaha county, and choice building lots
In Brownville,
'Wear the Grant and Colfax Pin;
They're men that cannot fail;
It is the ticket that must win ;
Marsh has the Pins for sale S
3. S. LTettel has now on the way from Xew
York to this city, a stock of Clothing aud
Gent's Furnishing Ooods unsurpassed in ex
tent and variety In the wesL
lay m. H. Hoover, Conveyancer, will give
pforsnl attention to tlie making of Deeds,
Mricaee. Bonds and all instruments per
taining to real estate. Office in District Court
Personal Our sanctum has been favored,
within the pasi week, by the presence of Mr.
jiace, of Tippecanoe. O. He is ou a business
trip, and is well pleased with this country.
V'e hope soon to have him permanently
among us, as men of his capital, business
capacity and energy are always heartily wel
come. 8 tart & Brother, at Aspinwall, will pay
in ecuth the highest market price for Spring
and Winter Wheat, Corn, Eye, Barley, Oats,
Beans, Potatoes, Bacon, Butter, Ktgs and
Ilidea, and in fact every thing known to the
market. Farmers wishing to contract grain
can be furnished with sacks at any time.
Organised- The Gun squad of this city
met at their room on Wednesday evening of
last week, and went into a permanent organ
ization by electing Smith P. Tuttle Captain,
Jos. Kelly 1st Lieutenant and John BoseflelJ,
Sd Lieutenant. Tlie squad number about
twenty members, all old soldiers and under
stand handling their piece, which by the way
Is a good one, and will do service in the Re
jmblieen cause
Brownville is now in full railroad connec
tion with the balance of the world. Persons
may now come here, and within three hours
be either in KU Joe, or Council Bluffs, and in
thirty hours in Chicago or 8t. Louis and in
fifty-four hours in New Y'ork or Philadel
phia. This point is now equal to any on the
river, and superior to many as a starting
point to travel from. From the interior it can
Ix? reached by the Brownville and Beatrice
stages, aud from here regular coaches will
convey passengers across the river to the
railroad depot- This is the starting point
and the nearest and surest, for travel from
this Land District East, and the best Inlet to
those eomiu West. Remember this, travel
ers, and save time and money.
Sunshine and Shadow in JN ew York Cit y
By Mathew Hale Smith, more familiary
kuownas " urleig?i," the correspondent of
the Boston and New York press. We have
received from the publishers a few advanced
sheets of this forthcoming book. From its
table of contents we shall expect it to be one
of the best books issued by the press. It will
I valuable to the old, to the frequent visitors
to New Y'ork, to the merchants and minis
ters from any part of the country, to the stu
dent of human nature, to the lover of the
marvelous, to the speculator, to the ambitious
money maker, to those who visiting the city
would shun its pitfall, to the general student
of history, to every philanthropist, christian
and lover of missionary enterprises, to those
who would read intelligently in the dally
journals about the city and the oecurranees
therein, and to, in short, every citizen in
It has ninety-two chapters, teaching of as
many subjects, all of which are matters of
interest to the general reader. Mr. Smith's
acknowledged ability as a writer, and bis
well established reputation as a correspon
dent are sufficient guarantees of the quality
and style of the work. His professional ex
perience has given him abundant opportu
nity for collecting material ; and his peculiar
talent for narration is allowed lt widest
s'fpe in describing high life and low life in
New York. The ixtok will be printed from
new electrotype plates, on good paper, nnd
will be appropriately illustrated with twelve
full paged engravings. It will contain over
seven hundred closely printed octavo pages.
and will le furnished to subscribers at tlie
lollowinc low price : In extra fine English
cloth, sprinkled edge, $3; gilt, $:i,5), and will
be sold only by suiscription. Agents are
wanted in every town and county to canvass
for it. For full particulars and terms address
the publishers. J. B. Burr A Co., 1 Asylum
.st liartforn. Con.
Dr. Blott's Conception Preventive
la used by over three hundred thousand ladies of
the Atlantic States alone, and by a large number in
the West, who would not be without it for ten
Limes ita cost. It is to this Preventive that the
mothers of those States owe their immunity from
large families. It is absolutely certain, convenient
to sie and withal beneficial tohealth. Abortion ia
criminal, then use means perfectly moral and
proper. Send stamp for pamphlet, containing
full particulara. Address,
(P 0 Box 3092) 719 6t. Charles street,
ll-17-ly St. Lorn, Mo.
To the Ita (lies.
For one dollar only. We are selling Silk, Shawls,
Dry and Fancy Goods of every description; also
Silver Ware, Fumhure, Ac. Valuable Presents,
from $3 to $500 sent free of charge, to agents send
ing clubs of ten and upwards Circulars sent free
to any address. WTETH A CC.
(Successor to Messenger A Co.
42 Hanover St., Boston, Mass.
P.O. Box 2931 ia-l-6m
Deafness. Catarrh. Consumption and
Cancer Cured.
A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption
and Cancer: their causes, means of speedy relief
and ultimate oare. By a Pupil of the avcademy ol
Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address for lt cents.
Letter from Bob'tMcMurdy, D.D., LL.D.,GranJ
Prelate of Grand Encampment of U. S., and Editor
of the Actional Freemason :
New Tokk Sept. 17, 1867
Dr. StiLLwell was iu charge of Grace Church
Hospital, Alexandria, Ta , during the war. 1 fre
quent y, almost daily, for months, visited this Hos
pital, and bad every means ol knowing his reputa
tion tor rrriciEMcv aud skill, li was of tbe
most creduable character, and bis success in the
treatment of patieuts was remarkable.
robkkt acaiaui.
Organic Vibrato It fits into, inof
perceptible, remove tinging noistt in the head, and
enaoles deaf persona to hear distinct ly at church and
pubiicassembiies. This instrument will often pro
duce results almost miraculous and iudeed incases
of long stauding deafness, i will relieve in a short
time It may be adjusted with the ease of spectacles.
DR. STILLWELL will be professionally at 31
East Washington place, University Buildings, N.
T., daily, i0 to 4, except Tuesdays, when he wi:
beat his rooms 1032 Tme Street, rhilade.phia Pa.
U, nfsmi, ,iS. r.d.
To aU thotf in need of JWtr Clothing now, I
would respectfully say, wait but a few days
and I will lie prepared to supply your wantu
from as large and well-assorted a stock as, I
believe, was ever opened in Netraska, and at
prices as low, and. perhaps, lower than any
you have ever purchased at since the war. I
can guarrantee that I will have ho 'shoddy'
goods, or slop-shop' work in my store, as my
Clothing have been made np under my own
supervision from Goods purchased In the bolt
by myself. It shall be my endeavor to give
entire satisfaction both in my Goods and
Prices, andean safely say to all It will pay you
to wait a short time and examine my stock
and prices lefore purchasing.
Gold Is tending downward, ranging from
llVsitalU. Speculation in gold has almost
ceased. Silver is quoted at 131.
Governments are firm. We notice a slight
advance In the new bonds. We quote Gov
ernments as follows:
r. S. int,..
U. H. ;-3s, isu,.
l . is. .-3is.
....i i.r:.
small. .....
IT. S. 5-'Jis, Registered,
l iHJllS, 1 4...... i i .... ,........
IT S 5-J s,
U S o-Liis. intst Jan. and July,
IT, lS7,...w.....
U S 5-21I8, 18it.... ..
U t 1'i-w, large.
U S HM is, small,
US7-.)s, June,
1 t t
Compounds. May, 11
Aug., li",.
" Sept.. loj, . 11!
- OcU,18u 117
In future 7-30s must be sent to Wasnlngton
for conversion.
Manhood! How Lost, How Restored!
lust published, a new edition of Dr.
Culverweli's Celebrated Esttayuu the
dical cure (without medicine) of
Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary
Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Puysica
Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc : also
Consumption, Epi.epsy and Fits, induced by self
ihdu pence or sexual extravagance.
JCj Price, ia staird tnveiope. only six cents.
ine ceieorateu aumor, iu nis admirable essay
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarming consequences of se
abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous
use of internal medicine or the application of the
knifej pointing out a mode of cure at ooce simple,
certain, and effectual , by means of which every suf
ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may
cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
tj" Tu'8 Lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, pstpaid, on rece pt of six cents, or two stamps
A!so Dr.Cuiverwelra "Marriage Guide; price 25
cents. Address the Publishers,
40-ly 127 Bowery, New Tork. P. 0 4,586
weak, debnitaied easily tired? Does i
exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Doe
your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre-
qaantly get out of order ? Isyour nriue sometimes
thick, miikv. orflocky.or is it ropy on setting? O?
does a thick scum rise to tbe top? Or is a segment
at the bottom after it has stood awhi e? Do you
have soells of abort breathing ar dyspep ia ? Are
your bowels o-nstipated ? Do you bavt spells of
tainting: or rushes of blood to the head? Isyour
memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwell.
ing upon ibi subject? Do you feel dm 1, listless,
moping, tired of company, or life? Do you wish to
be left alone, to cet away from everybody? Does
any little thing make yon start or jump? Is jour
sleep broken or restless? Is tbe lustreof your eye
as brilliant? The bloom on your cneei as origntr
Do vow enjoy yonreil in society as we.l ? Do yon
unrsue vour business with tbe same nergy? Do
yon feel as mncn confidence tn yourself ? Are yonr
splrilsduli aud flagging, given to uisoi uieiaucooiy,
If so, do not lay it to your .iver or dyspei s:a. Have
yon restless nights? Tou back weak, your knees
weak, and have but little apt lite, arm yon attrib
ute this to dysueia or liver complaint
Now. reader, sell-abu.'e, venerial diseases baaly
cured, and sexual exceises, are all capable of produc
ing a weakness of the generative organs, ineor
eansor aeneration. when in perfect health, make
the man. Did yon ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, euccessiui uueiuesa
men are alwaya those who.-e generative orsans are
in perlect beatlb ? Ton never uer sucu men com. of heinz nie ancholty, oi nervousness, i pat.
Dilation of the heart. They are never afraid they
cannot succeed tn business ; they don't become sad
and discouraged ; they are always polhe and pleas-
aut in the company ol lauies, anu ioo you auu.
them right in the face none of your downeast
looks or anv other meanness about them. I do
not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by
running to excess. These wnl not only rum tneir
constitut ons. but also those they do business wita
Or for. I OTVttrf 4 V, urn n I f r vn t r in i
How many men from badly cured diseases, from iiiai sue uiuai nuyi v vciiicma m :
the effects oi self-abuse and excess, nave orougnt I SPWirtfl PiaohlflM
hint that state of weakness in those organs that! V
has reduced the general system so much as to in
duce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and a. most ev
ery other form of disease which humanity is heir
to, and the real caase of the trouble scarcely ever
snspectei, and have doctored for all but the right
Diseases of thpe organs rejnire the use of a diu
CHVim tbe great Diuretic, ami is a cerlaiu cure for
diseases oi ihe Bladder. Eidneys. Uravei, nropsy,
Organic Weakne-S Female Complaints, General
Debility, and al! diseases of the Cnnary Organs,
whether existing in Male or einale, from what
ever canse originating, and no matter of bow long
If no treatment is submitted to, Consnmptionor
Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are sup
ported troui these sources, aud tbe health and hap-
piuess, and; bat of Posterity, depends upon me
prompt use of a reliaole retueCy.
Heimbold'a Extract Bucbu, established upward
of 18 years, prepared by a
H. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist.
691 Broadway Ne Tork, aud
104 boulh 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Price $1 i& per bottle, or 6 homes tor $6 50,
delivered lo any address. Sold oy all Druggists
At the Fair of the Maryland Institute, which
closed a four weeks session at Baltimore on the 27 ih
ol November, the superiority of tbe
was again confirmed by the committee on Sewing
Machines, who unanimously awarded it the GOLL'
MEDAL, the highest prize ibe Institute confers.
Ob the 12th of September the Great Fair and Ex
hibition of the Americas Institute was opened in
New Tork. As usual thedisplay of Sewing Mach'nes
waa large and the competition strong, but after an
weeks trial the friends of the
had the satisfaction ef seeing their favoiite again
triumphant and for the second time bearing off the
highest honors of the American institute.
Below we give an extract fr.m the iteport of the
committee on Sewing Machines read at the cioae of
the Fair;
The wfiole number of Sewing Machines on exhi
bition is thirteen, of these tweive are entered for
competition. Tbe article bearing the number 730
(VLORKNCE SEWING MACHINE) is decided to be
Tat ileal on Exhibition. It must a so be
stated iiiCideutalty That this u better than any o
ua naa a-oirn to lite juaye.
-ii 's Mt.Jiirs jinx :
1st. Good Material and Thorough
2d. More absolute Novelty than
Scientific !
nil! Sifal
Compound F.xtract of
Recommended by
Ilcmcdy yet -Discovered
Disease of tlie UlootL, Liver, ILiXaey
Pitrifitt the Blood,
Improve the Appetite,
AUU IHgtxtion;
Corrccfn the Secretions,
And Imparts Time, Strength and
Vivaci'y to the Whole System.
So that persons ntng It feel that they enjav
an entire new UXm.
I Iiccommcnded by the
tt Phyxiciaiu Everywhrws
At iiie Si?n of tlie
2d The ingenious arrangement of a positive mo
tion for adjusting tbe thread during the passage of the
shuttle and gathering up of it in the finish of the
4th. The Teversible feed.
6th. Tbe variety of the work that can be done up
on it.
We therefore decide that it receive the award of
first caas.
Signed WM. PRATT.
"This is to-certify that the frfegoing is a true ex
tract from tbe Keport of tbe Judzes of Sewing Ma
chines at the J7th Annual Fair lit7
Sec Board Managers.
New Tork, Nov. 17th, 1S67."
It wouid seem as though this snccesslon of tri
umphs sbou.d be sufficient to convince any unpreju-
diced person of the great superiority of the
over all others . and if mnre is needed to confirm
the above, we might add thai, it. 1S61. tbe Company
only aotd 60 Machines, whilst now there aTe over
j J
j J
is the place to buy
Pr. F. Or.ix Tun-nf.llt, now of thi City
Formerly lrofesxr of I'h vsin.rv aui.i rtli
oloeicul Anatomy In Ihe Mi.i lln t-on::
Medieal Collre, t hief Surgeon Staiof South
Carolina, duriiiz the voir, Vioe-lTesiient
Georgia Medical Airiati. n :
Mr, lAiwrHrr ; I hiive carefultr examined
your formula frr the lit ks.v!L1s an'l rwoni
mendeti it to several of my put ion m. The
combination is a lmppy one," and must prtvj
a potent remedy in all' iliMtni.ten reiuirt:.z the
virtues of B ereataiterative nietliciue. I wlnti
you saccejoi.
Baltimore, AprU , lv.
T5ALTI.HOKK, JlD., Mreh4,
I believe Ir. Ijiwriiee'i ''lit sAl.V LIS''
to be the Best Alterative In I'se, and there
fore cheerfully r-eoriimend it um such.
Kaltimokk, Fe!uary l'th l-Vt.
Dr. J. Jl LuH-rmr . ietrsir I tjike
nre in reeoiuiuendina' your ICOtsAIiALI.S a
a very rxiwerful alterative.
Yours truly, K. W. CAItn. M. D.
We know Ir. Lawrence'- Rosadalis to be
safe and reliable Alterative, dir., and ia-
pleuMare in m-omniendinj; it to the rroiea
lon and public.
J II Mre, M T), F. Rirnos. M I
I. A smith. M I. it v.' k in- M f
J If Winstead, M P, H Woorlwarl, M'j
it ii isarnam. .i 1, w T Krewer. AX I,
W t VUSKMI. M I. V J liullfx if Af I,.
"Wilson, X. January 7th, KL
tFor Testimonial of Kkm ahkart.e ri-us-j
isee "Ilosudiilis Almanac" for thw
Prepared at the Laboratory ot
Dr. T. J. Luvi'CTirp Cn .
44 BitUimore Street, EALTIZIOIZK
Thus establishing its reputation beyond question.
On any article in our line. We will aell for cash to
General Aaents for the North Ar.f.
States, to whom or!-rs thould be ail(ireL'
Moore's Ife of Schuyler Colfax, pub
lished by T. B. Tetersou A Brothers, is an ac
curate and reliable narrative, written by one
familllar with theBubjectof his 6ketch. It is
brief but comprehensive in its biographical
details, and fuU of Interest to every one lov
ing to contemplate our humanity in the un
folding and growth of its higher typos" of
character. Tlie pen of fancy lias not drawn
the portraiture, but in statements, that might
SO into court as evidence, we are introduced
to a man whose genial kindness is delighful
end refreshinR to contemplate as the inno
cense of childhood. This volume is also val
uable because through its rigid narrative of
fact, it shows that the political life of Mr. Col
fax has been so successful, not because he has
been so lucky, nor lecause as a political trim
mer he has so nuinaged in some way to
always catch the breeze of popuhir favor, but
because his public life has been the growth
and development of political principles that
emiuated from the Uws and obligations of
righteousness. From this volume it is seen
that from the )eginnin5 of his political ca
reer adherence to the right has teen his mot
to. From this volume it is seen that by fol
lowing this sign with his richly endowed
nature, he has attained his present eminent
position and wide influence. The life af Mr.
Colfax very largely embodies his Editorials, j
letters, addresses and speeches, and as these
are all authentic, the volume has a worth it
could not otherwise posses-. This feature of
the book makes it an invaluable record of
oueof our most distinguished men. It also
make it such a life of Mr. Colfax that no
friend or admirer of his will 1 wlliina; to be
without It, It is published by T. B- Peterson
Brother. Philadelphia, In a large anodecl
mo volume, of four hundred pages, bound in
, I'.tm copy, and will be sent to
ny place, post-paid,on receipt of that amount
by the publishers.
FLOUR Winter fisack.. $7 00
" Spring ............... 5 00
COKX V bushel... ............... ...50S..5
MKATi r1 bushel 1 00
BACON Hams V ft) ; . 20
- Shoulders lb IS
Sides V tt 20
LAKP Canned V th 20
SYKUP olden v gal 1
Sugar House cat l
COFFEE Java r1 lb 5
" ItioV ft 2jtoS)
CHEESE New Y'ork Factory V lb 2."
" Counirv y ft) 2n
TEA Imperial V lb 2 1
- Black V lb 175
Young Ilvson f lb . 2 '
C VPLES star ft 2T
Tallow TP ft l!u
ArriXS Pried ? ft 12
" Green V bushel
PE C7IES Iriel V lb
l'OT aTOES New ? bushel
rv e"i T pwt uu... .
COAL OIL H gallon
j. r no.
1 J ITT r- i r
nnvj'.Y V ft ..
UNION "? bushel
KLT Pr lorrel
LUMPI'I Cottonwood per 100
; Walnut
4 . Pine 8
SLTIN5LI5' Cottonwood per lOUO 2 rUn.: Zi
1 ine 1 dOW oil
1 30
1 25
4 AO
2 00
A (
A 0i)
LATI i Cottonwood per looO
y-(M ry Hard per cord
IIIDI Pry per ft
GTeen ..
WHEAT Kail !er bushel
WOOh P0' -
7 on
9 i
6 U'
1 o;
PllXCR &. REYXOLDSsVopriVfors
jg!it street, two blocks from R, R. Depot,
ST. JOSEPH, MO. 4oly
Pine Siding, a choice and fnll stock, st
Dr. "Wtiittler-
uaa oeen longer engaged in the treatment of
Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseasea than any
other Physician in St Louis.
eypnius in an us forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet
Stricture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of
the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with
the greatest success.
opermatnorrnea, sexual Debility and Impotency
aa the result of aelf-abu.e in youth, or sexual ex
cesses in maturer years, which nrrwinr-a ,
the following effects, as blotches, debility, dizxi
neas, dimness of eight, confusion of ideas, evi
forebodings, aversion U society of females, loss of
memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage
improper can be cured.
Persons snffarino' frAm r,nM.n.n:. .
. .. vousumynoa, Dyspepsia.
Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia, Rup
ture or any other chronic affection, may rely upon
receiving a radical cure.
rarucuiar attention given to all Female C-un-
pialnts; Inflammation and Ulceration of the
Womb, Leucorrhea, Chlorisi, Steriiity, Ac. Most
cases can be properly treated without an interview,
acd medicines sent by mail or express, secured free
from observation. Consultation by letter or at office
FKEE. Charges moderate and eora e-n...r.i
EJoaice, ith bospit! accommodationa f..r pa
wems. si7M Chanes street, between Sixth
and Seventh. St. L..nis Mo
V x. mr.-1.. 1 . .
...... llu Sei, aeaied envelope, my
theory and t eatment of Sexual and Urinary Dis
eases, containing mil symptom lists, for two pos
tage eiamps ; iso, my paper relatine to Chronic
and Pema le Complaints, for a three cent stamp.
Bride and Bridegroom.
Estays for young, mm on the interesting rela
tion of Bridegroom to Bride to tbe institution of
XrTiage a Guide to the matrimoiaal felicity, and
irue happiness. Sent by mail in sealed tetter en
velopes ree of charge Address, BOWASD ASSO
CIATION, Box P Philadelphia, Pa.
. v - -".mm - -a i i .
Keep constantly on hand a complete assort
ment Ol
Sofa, Beaittead Wardrobe,
Bureau, Rockinn fhai't.
Sprinq Bed, Wah Standi.
i'ht Knit Hat Rack
WW '.I.. . V . , .
Kitchen .- Kitchen
and nd
Parlor ' Parlor,
Chair, 4z . t Table.
Marb'e rZL J-' m.!IS6 Center
Stands, U
Lovnce C- V - f Spring.
Settees W . String
KUihen Ul. Z, 1 Cribs,
Sate lv;,-k:j Ojici
Plain V a f' Chair
Stand ' Comfort,
Mattresses Tete-tetes,
Bed Soring. Children's Cabs and Gigs,
Gilt and Rosewood Moulding,
Sheet, Pillows. Pillow
Shps ete., etc
And anything and everything required to tev
np plain or fancy housekeeping
All of their ware is either manufactured or
put up nnder their special superintendence,
which enables them to sell sound articles al
smaller prices than Eastern manufactured
Our Hearse
Every llacliine is Warranted!! On Credit to Nobody.
612 K. 4th St.. Kast side, between
Washington Ave. A Green,
t. LouiN, Mo.
Circulars, Price List acd samples at work fur
nished on application.
JOHN W.IIII?roilSOI, Agent,
12-12-ly For Brownville and Nemaha Co.
We buy for cash, siuf we shall aell for cah.
having no badeebta, we pmpose to give
our customers the beneili
arising from
Is Low Prices and Beat Goods.
We Khali keep a full assortment of staple and
fancy Goods. Notion, etc, and while we sball sell
Staples as low ss any bouse in the country. w shall
not charge iS per cent more for H alary, Notions,
ac., utan they are worvn to Mavras proflu."
is at the service of the public at any tlnre'it
may be needed, and is gotten np in as flnestyU
as any farther east.
of all sizes constantly ou iiaud,
V t Eastern Prices
We are doing business on
Small Pi-ofit
and by attention to business and the wants ol
the community, expeet in the future as In the
past to receive the patronage of the public
generally 1 cFAIa & CO.
A new line of
WAKE. suitable alike for
And take pleasure jn calling the attention
ot Store Hardware and general dealers to the
many desirable qualities ot this NEW WAKE,
not only aw sn article of trane, but A UTILI
Tl combining as it does, NEATNESS, C'ON
of utensils tbat are in everv dav ne, in the
nro?t tmnortaut of all HOUSEHOLD PE
PAKTiLENTS. We desire and reqttest every
housekeeper to fee our TEA KETTLES,
PANS, as we are sore thev have only to be
een to be appreciated.
Man v of the articles are made entirety of one
piece of wrought iron which, daring the pro
cess of tnanuiucture, receives several coat
ings of block tin ; this leaves a surface, when
finished, perfectly smooth, easity aert clean
and entirely protected as-amst rust, ihe cost
is but Uttie more than common tin ware, and
every article will do ten times the serviee.
The shape enables ns to psck the various sixes
in nest, so a to occupy but little space, and
being but a little heavier thavi tinware, toe
eoet of tnmafiortatioTi is very small. At pres
ent out aiwortment eons ism in part of
Tea Kettle. Camjt Kettle
l&et Pan, liinti Pans. Kae
rasas, Oish Kettles, Fry J'itmA,
ladJe Iipprs, ate.
We are now preparing a new Catalogue and
Price List, and believe Stove and Hardware
paalers will find it to their interest to tend
tor a copy of-each before pure tawing: else
where. Address
Excelsior 5Ian n tactarin z Co.,
Sold bv
EnixijrrxnGii sno
Baa en exhibition the great art variety of
Fancy and Staple Dry Goods
C L 0 T 0 Ml G
Of any bonee iit tht) trade and his arrangements
are such that he receivas the latase
Aa fkew appear In 3fjw Tart eliwrrsf tify.
cossiea tors
SEEDS, GA3inf-&akA
jcsijlh caiipii:;t--i
General CommJssfon Merchant.
442, 444 St 445, T7ahin-ton St
And rer?irc hi weekhr Prirr C.rrnnl
oProrlttce and Gro'eric, thr ,,tfM)t '
evnrm,,1ri. Irfr Currant ;Wy
lihed in the Unifrd Stat.
Send for a Price Crirraat-
Ulx?iral Adran cet ??ae as Coaaifa
meets. -
Established Alay 1, 18C3.1
Firat Class Xeferenre $ iven when renuirnl. S4-ly
Pine Finishing Lumber st
rrv. r. rxjur.