Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 10, 1868, Image 3

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Our Authorized Agents
Wx. IIawxbt, at Nemaha City.
li. A. llAWLEY, at CliftOO.
Uso. G. hxakt, at AspinwalL
Our Advcrtiftlng Agents
Siiej-ield & Eatox, 124 Pine at., fct, Louis.
J. K. V'ILLI MS, 97 Chextnut Bt,, 44
8. AL I'kttinoill, 37 Park Kow, New York.
Cook, Cobckn k Co., Chicago, 111.
Cook, Cobi-rn & Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio.
H. 1L Pahvin, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. t Lis co u & Co., BohUin, Maes.
Arrival and Departure of LI ails.
(southern & Latrn Arrives at I'i o clock u
Departs at 44 P M
Northern & Eastern Arrives at 4 o'clock p u
" " Departs at 8 AM
Beatrice Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays aud
(Saturdays, at 7 o'clock p M
Departs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at e-o CIOCK a M
Grant Arrives Thursdays at 8 o'clock P M
m -parts Thursdays at 8 o'clock a m
Putt Vjjice Hour? o'cloc k a m to 8 P M
Sunday b to U A M, and 5 to 6 p m
A. D. MA1W11, Pott Master.
J. L Celiiapp, Editor
. Jk. full stock of Whips at liaur s.
School Bocks at the City Drug Store,
Marsh HarTesters for sale by TisdeL
The Silver Skirt, at Theo. 11111 & Co's.
If you want a good Ilat, go to J. L. JIcGec
A Few Thousand Shingles for sale cheap
at the Advcrti&cr office.
Barrels and Kegs, of every description, at
J. L. McUee &. Co's.
John Deere's genuine Mollne riows, 500
for sale by Theo. Hill & Coi
All New will be the stock ol Clothing open
ed In No. 70, Svptvinber 10th.
Iletrell'a Clothing will not be half worn
out from laying ou the shelf.
XL Teare & Co's store room looks like bu
siness. New goods just received.
Pekin Breaking Plows T. & II. Smith
A Co's make, for sale by J. C. Deuser.
130,000 Worth of Clothing will be opened
La No. 70, McPherson's Block, fcieptembcr 1st.
Fanning Xliils for sale at JJti: 9 below
eotst, jAMii Mtit oia.
Wanted All the Bultcr aud Egi;s and
Chickens in the county.
TEARE & CO., No. CO.
W. F. Wilson has Just received a new and
ppleudid stock of .Staple Groceries, which we
can rucomincnd.
J, It. Lie Gee & Co. defy Jew or Gentile in
the way of new aud choice fcoods, at reason
able rales. Call and see them.
Warranted The best Custom Made Boots
and Shoes ever brought to this city. Call and
see them, at J. L. McGee & Co's.
Judge O B. Ilewett and Hon. E- W.
Thomas, attorules of this city, are at Falls
Oity attending the District Court
No one who has ever used one of McFall &
Co's Mctallc Cases, or one of their own man
ufacture, will ever desire any other kind.
School will Commence on Monday .-You
wiU save money by going to the City Drug
8tore for your School Books, where you wi'a
find a full assortment.
The Champion Mower No. 31s unexrled
for simplicity, durability and ellicieucy by
any single mower now made, felu-l.'enberger
Bro s have them on baud aud for sale.
The immense 6tock of Boots and Shoos
Just received and opened by Robt Teare Jt Co.
Is the finest and best ever opened in this mar
set, and offered at greatly reduced prices.
Wm. H. Hoover, Conveyancer, will give
prompt attention to the making of Deeds,
..Mortgages, Bonds and all instruments er
talning to real estate. Olfice in District Court
room. '
Grand Promenade Concert The Brass
Band of Brown villo will give a concert on the
evening of the 21th, for the purpose of raising
funds to procure a new t-vt of silver instru
ments. Boots! Boots'! Boots!!! Shoes! Shoes! !
As we are expecting a large New Stock of
Boots and Shoes, we will sell our present as
sortment of Boots and Shoes at greatly re
duced prices. TEARE & CO.
The attention of our readers is directed
to the advertisement of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure
In another part of this paper.
This truly Valuable Medicine is recomended
by all who use it. Read the certificates.
Hannifof d & Hughes' Furniture has Just
arrived, and is a splendid assortment, not
surpassed this side of St. Louis. Call and sec
their double Spring Lounges.
Mrs. Schenk's new place and new goods
are Just what the ladies of Brownvllle ad
mire. Call and see the lastest styles and the
latest faHhions for September, Just received
from New York, and more on the road.
William H. Hoover. Real Estate Agent,
has for sale a number of choice tracts of land
In Nemaha county, and choice building lots
In Brownvllle.
John Middleton has now on hand such a
supply of Harness, Saddles, etc, as will surely
supply all, and of such make that entire sat
isfaction is sure. Call and see his outfit. He
will give you a bargain, we know.
HumpLrie'a Homeopathic Medicines,
Bold only by McComas &. Co., is giving great
satisfaction to all who are using Wiem. They
are especially adapted to all diseases of chil
dren. Have you a headache? Get No. 9; it
never fails.
A Physician whose skill can be entirely
relied upon, is a blessing to any community.
This is entirely true of Doctor Whittier, of
St. Louis, who confines himself to the treat
ment of chronic and other classes of disease
mentioned in his card, appearing in nnother
column. The Doctor's reputation is Union
wide. A Want that has long been felt in our
city, and much deplored, is soon to be sup
plied. J. S, Hetzcll will be here the next ten
days or two weeks, with a stock of Clothing
and Gent's- Goods, as would do credit to a
larger city than ours, and such goods as for
make, wear and price, will knock in the shade
anything that has been offered since the war
Improvement In our city, is going on with
a vigor that bids fair to rival last fall, when
over two score of houses were built after this
season. Judge Wheeler is preparing the
ground for a large residence ; R. V. Muir has
the cellar for a fine residence already comple
ted; we are at work; A. J. Berry has Just
finished a fine residence; Mr. Lowry is doing
the same ; Jasper O'Dell has Jast improved
his residence, and many other are moving
In the matter of Improvement.
Dr. Holladay, of the Democrat, we wotiee,
has concluded to M let theeontract " of using
us up to a "believer in Christianity" and"X,"
both so well Informed as to our career that
reply is almost useless. "X" was evidently
too big a coward to be at White Stone Hills,
and the other has not sense enough to know
kA extract from an original article. "X," we
would refer to CoL Furnas, Capt, Hill, or any
of company "E" wiio were on that memora
ble' field, of whom he may ascertain Just the
dimensions of the falsehood he has told; and
of the other, we hope the cause he pretends
to defend, will make a better and wiser man
of him. But the question naturally occurs to
as : has the Doctor let that other Job, i. of
paying his Just indebtedness to the city?
That 20,20 which he pocketed as Mayor some
ten or twelve years since, with interest, is a
matter of more serious interest to our people
tlian what Colhapp has done or left undone.
and we do not propose to let him hide his
defalcation behind a mask of hat to us.
Walt for Hetzel's Clothing.
II O Lett, Land Agent, Brownvllle.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McGee'.
J I Cases' Thrashing Machines for sale by
F. A. Tisdcl A Co.
J. It. McOee A Co. keep the best Groceries
in town.
Our Steam Ferry left St. Joseph Tuesday
For the best Cottonwood Shingles, go to J.
L. McGee A Co's.
Is the Hog Law a dead letter ? The town
seems alive with hogs.
A full stock of Blacksmith's Iron, Steel and
Furnishings ai Shellenberger Bro's.
O. M. Henderson is now East, and will lay
in a spieuoia assortment of Fall Goods.
Street Improvement la going on bravely
under the supervision of our energetic Street
Wm. H. Hooveri Real Estate Agent, has
some choice Building Lots in Brownvllle
which he will sell cheap to persons wishing to
District Court for this County will hold
its regular session in Brownvllle, t ommenc
lng next Monday.
Bain, so much wished and craved for
month or 6lx weeks since, has been coining
down rather brisk for a few days.
All those wishing Dresses, Cloaks, etc..
made in the latest and most Improved styles
will do well by giving Mrs. M. E. Bargls a call
at the Bazar.
Wear the Grant and Colfax Pin ;
They're men that cannot fail;
It is the ticket that must win ;
Marsh has the Pins for sale I
J. 8. Hetzel has now on the way from New
York to this city, a stock of Clothing and
Gent's Furnishing Goods unsurpassed in ex
tent and variety in the west.
Wm. HoEsell Is now prepared to supply
this community with Bread. Go and buy
your ticket, and he will deliver you fresh
Bread at your resideuct once a day, warm
from the oven.
As caterers to the public palate in the way
of Staple or Fancy Groceries, Swan & Bro.
are unexcelled. Their constant eifort is to
build up their business with such a stock as
they can recommend; in fact the best the
Eustern or Western markets offords. Also,
Wooden. Willowware, ecu
Arrived at Last! New Goods!! New
House!!! Uewb tore ! I ! I Greutest bargains
ever ottered in the west can be had in New
Clothing, New and elegant Prints, Hats, etc.,
Just received and opened by the man that
never was undersold, that is
D. MAY, Regulator.
Sign of Progress. No better sign of the
progress of our city has lately shown itself
man the new Bread Wagon of Win. Rossell,
Baker and Coniectioner of this city. He is
now prepared to supply all with A No. 1
bread, lrcbh for breakiast, dinner or supper.
He is progressive.
Hetzel is Coming! His goods are on the
way; all neatly made; of new material; and
gotten up in the latest styles. Hold on to
your "old clothes" yet a little while, for the
benefit of choosing from a large and full
stock of everything that man can desire to
deck his corporial diversities cannot be over
-.9 Browbvill Steam Ferry left St.
Joseph lor this place yesterday morning. She
is under command ot Capt. James Emmons,
ant comes laden with a large lot of l ine
Lumber, of all kinds, which must be sold im
med iately on her arrival here. Here will be
a spleudid opportunity to get a No. 1 article
at a reasonable price, fehe will be here to-day
r to-morrow. Remember, ye in want of Pine
Lumber, it will be sold !
"Every Road Leads to London," is an
old saying not applicable to the Loudon in
this county, as on the south it is alnioht inac
cessible. This is no as it should be, for irre-t-lH-ctive
of the demand of the settlement at
Loudon, a road through from the south, by
which you do not have to go a mile or two
out of your way, is a matter of public need,
and we hope they whose duty it is, will at
tend to it.
Dr. John M. Burnett, Surgeon Dentist,
lately of Springfield, Illinois, is making
preparations to locate in this city, where he
will enter upon the business of his profession.
lie will put up teeth from a full to a partial
sett, on Gold, Platina, Silver or Rubber, in
the most approved manner After an ex
perience of eighteen years he doubtless is an
expert at the business. The Doctor will till a
place much needed in our city. His arrival
will be duly chronicled. His office will be
over the City Drug Store.
Our Thanks are due Mrs. Hays and Mrs.
Moor, of Muddy township, for a generous do
nation of delicacies from the supper table of
the ball held in that township last Tuesday
night, for the benefit of the Muddy School
House. We learn that this was one of the
best dances ever held in this section ; fifty
live couples present, and all went merry as
a UMirriage bell." The supper was excellent,
as we must Judge from the viands sent us.
John Hays, Jesse Hays and Thomas Moore
were the managers. The music, by Prof's
Dye and Berkley of this city, was No. 1. We
shall long regret our inability to comply with
the kind invitation to be present.
Adjourned Sale of Lots. The sale of lots
at Lincoln has been adjourned until the 17th
insL There will be ottered at that time all
the lots unsold in the old town site of Lan
caster, which includes the "odd numbered"
blocks in and around the University Place
and Jlarket Square. Also two hundred or
more unsold lots in the neighborhood of
Llucolu Park, which will Include bonie of the
most desirable lots in the city. This will be
the last oiler of lots at the Capital, and per
sons desiring to purcie, will note the fact.
The Capitol Building is nearly completed ;
the Salt Works are in active operatian; the
U. S. Land Office lias been removed from Ne
braska City to Lincoln ; the country is being
rapidly developed, and the city is building up
with a rapidity that will soon make It the in
terior town of the State.
To all those in need of yew Clothing now, I
would respectfully say, wait but a few weeks
and I will be prepared to supply your wants
from as large and well-assorted a stock as, I
believe, was ever opened in Nebraska, and at
prices as low, and, perhaps, lower than any
you have ever purchased at since the war. I
can guarrantee that I will have no 'shoddy'
goods, or -slop-shop' work in my store, as my
Clothing have been made up under my own
supervision from Goods purchased In the bolt
by myself. It shall be my endeavor to give
eutlro satisfaction both in my Goods aud
Prices, andean safely say to all it will pay you
to wait a short time aud examine my stock
aud prices before purchasing.
Ambition is the motive power that mbves
the world, builds up empires, and leads all
from the plane of barbarism to social, civil
ized life, with all its comforts, both here and
hereafter; if that ambition be Well directed.
It takes many different forms, mostly merit
orious. For instance, we have men ambitious
to serve the people as Presidents, Vice Presi
dents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors,
Legislators, and so on down to the Constable,
who is ambitious to serve his friends by grap
pling with crime In 1U lowest walks. Again,
we have men ambitious to serve their fellow
men as ministers, doctors, lawyers, and
"slch ;" yet as noble an ambition as we know
of, and one as deserving of commendation,
patronage and trust as any. Is that of Theo.
11111 & Co., of this cltT wnose sole ambition
is to please and benefit the public by keeping
as fine and large an assortment of Dry Goods,
as cannot fail to please and satisfy all, and to
seU them at such prices as will enable even
the poorest to obtain the comforts and even
the luxuries of life. Such an ambition, we
repeat, is worthy of commendation and,
praise, -TheywUlCghtltoutonthlUne.'
The Republican Club meet to-night
J. 8. Church has gone to St. Joseph on a
business trip.
Notice. D. May's Regulator will be closed
Wednesday, September 16th.
The Pole to be raised next Saturday will be
one hundred and fifty feet long.
A Good Span of Horses for sale. Apply
to John C. Duser, at the Pioneer Stove and
Tin Store.
Mr. Allen now has his new Confectionery
and Bakery on the corner of First and Main
Streets, in full blast. He is now prepared for
anything In his line. Call and see him.
A Good Move. The Commissioners have
contracted with Moses Coner for the erection
of an Oak and Iron Cell In the basement o
the Court House Building. The sides, top and
bottom will be of oak, sheeMron, gravel and
nails, and will doubtless hold any ordinary
We Buy Our Paints and Oils,
" " " Window Glass and Lamps,
" " " School Books and Letter Pa
all we need in the Drug line at the
City Drug Store, where we find the largest
stock and lowest Prices.
Mr. Bam'l Star, of D. Mays store, has Just
returned from a short visit to St. Joseph, and
Induced Mr. Seaton.of that city, to accompany
him, which will doubtless result in a perma
nent stay of the latter In our midst, and the
addition of another business house, as Mr,
Seaton Is already seeking a house to open up
in. Mr. Hauman, of the house of S. McCib-
bons, Wholesale Boot and Shoe deader, St. Jo
seph, also came up on a visit. These gentle
men are welt p'.eased with the appearance of
our city.
Tanner' Meeting. At a meeting of Tan
ner Recruits, held last evening, for permanent
organization, CoL Furnas was called to the
Chair and J. C. McNaughton to act as Secre
tary. On motion proceeded to the election of
permanent Officers, resulting as follows:
Captain, A. R. Davison, 1st Lt., R. C Berger,
2d Lt., W. D. Lewis, 1st Sarg't, Charles Brel
gel; four Seargents to be appointed by the
Captain. 100 uniforms were ordered. Ad
journed to meet this, Thursday, evening for
drill, when the list will be opened for recruits.
May's Campaign Sons-
Ara : "O, Susannah."
Every Lady in the land
' Surely must confess
May has the best and cheapest goods,
Wherewith to make a dress j
And such a lot of Notions fine
As ne'er was seen before,
He first came into Brownvllle
The Price Regulator.
New Pants and Coats and Hats and 6ich,'
He has a bran new stock.
So fine and cheap, he's sure to make
Our merchants "walk the chalk."
Then go to May's emporium,
'TIs No. 27,
And dress so fine and nice and gay
You'll think you are in heaven.
A Believer in Christianity, without re
gard to politics," seriously charges us with
the authorship of a "Democratic Lord's
Prayer," which we published in our issue of
June 25th. We cannot claim it It was
copied not from the motive charged but to
show the deplorable state of the opposition
to " equal rights to aU," which required such
a garbled prayer for fear that even a silence
in this respect would commit them to tho
doctrine that a black man ha a soul and is
human. We know the author of the above;
and as this is his second lecture to us, we will
simply say, (thanking him for his known so
licitude for our welfare), that our verbal reply
to his first will also answer this. He, being a
self-styled "believer in Christianity," we
kindly admit to him the right to blackguard
us upon an article which every man of com
mon sctise knows was copied and not original ;
and further, that he may relieve his "chris
tian soul " in the matter of reform, and bring
us to a realizing sense of our duty toward
that party who have nearly ruined our coun
try to enslave a portion of mankind, of which
he is doubtless a shining "christian " light
we otter him the use of our files for 1S61, '6o.
CG, '07 and 'OS, where he may find food for an
other lecture. Call and see us.
We had the pleasure for lt was a pleasure
of listening last uight to a portion of the
speech of Jas. R. Porter, Democratic nominee
for Governor of Nebraska. When we entered
he was pointing at a bouuet of flowers, and
delivering himself thusly;
"No Radical dare come near these flowers
as his breath would blast and wither them.
(Cheers.) I know, gentlemen, 2hat no Radi
cal's wife gathered those flowers ; no, it must
have been some noble Democratic lady, with
a large heart, whose bosom was open to the
whole world. (Cheers.) I would not be a
Radical's wife for the whole world ; poor, de
mented thing, startin' up at dead of night a
shriek! n' copperhead! rebel!! (great cheering.)
Now I don't talk to you moral talk, but I talk
to your pockets. When these radicals get up
and make you a flowery speech, and get up,
and get up, and up, until they look over into
Missouri, into Iowa, yes, away off into Mas
sachusetts, I say don't let 'em fiool you with
any of their duplex financial schemes, but
vote for your own pockets, (cheers.) When
you go to the polls, you go to the polls, you
are at the polls, remember you are at the polls
to vote foryour wife and for your children,
you vote for them too, now remember when
you go to the polls that this is the only way
to get an honest expression of the people, (Im
mense applause.) Remember this, for your
self, for I have known o great many men, and
I guess you have too, get rich minden' their
own business, (cheering and encouraging re
marks such as "that's so," "he's old butter
fly," "his head's located" and "go in child.")
Two years ago I was in your little town and
heard in one of your churches that reverand
radical high-priest, Chivington, and he said
if he ever got to heaven "he would get brass-
toed boots and stand on the battlements of
heaven and kick rebels and copperheads into
hell," Immense cheering, in which we joined
and left him hoping that his friends would J
never be so unfortunate as to meet the feroci
ous Chivington. Many intelligent Democrats
wilted beneath Porter's tharp fire Into the
radical ranks. There Is a rumor current that
Porter Is hired to stump the State for the ben
efit of the Radical Ticket,
A Short Vi6it to the Country Such as
we, ye local, have Just enjoyed, is both agree
able and disagreeable. For ten or twenty
miles from the Missouri river little meets the
eye but such rs gives one the agreeable and
pleasant feeling of being in a land of plenty,
where a bountiful harvest smiles upon every
hand the field, the orchard and the garden ;
each giving evidence of a rich soil, not serU
ously affected by the dy spell of June and
July. In the scope of country named the
crops, although riot quite an average, will yet
be large, and all-sufficient for the wants of
the community and to spare; while as you
go farther west the effect of the drouth be
comes more and more apparent, until you
reach 150 miles from the river barren fields and
plains, which, between the drouth and grass
hoppers, have but little left to sustain man
or beast. In our experience of twelve years
In Nebraska we have not known of the like,
or anything near approximating thereto in
the scope of country named ; and, unexpected
as it is, it comes with a terrible emphasis upon
the new settlers in that region. Yet they
should not, in our opinion, leave or cry down
the country for that, because there is abund
ance cf evidence that this is a great excep
tion; and those who remain will reap the
harvest of wealth Western Nebraska Is sure
to develope to the hardy yeoman.
Returning to our own county, we cannot
fail to note with, pleasureable satisfaction the
many evidences of improvement new
churches, new school houses, new residences,
new barns, new fences of wire, and thousands
of miles of young and thrifty hedge plants
greet one on every hand, giving evidences of
a growth at once sure and thrifty; with rea
sonably good roads, good brWges across our
streams, hills spotted with fine herds of fat
cattle, fields thronged with hardy husband
men, kitchen and garden gay with the song
of blooming matron and maiden and youth,
and thousands of smiling trophies of love,
extracting the lacteal nourishment to invig
orate them for the building up of an empire
where, less than a score of years since. " the
Indian maiden sported with the spotted
fawn." Oh ! who wouldn't be a fanner 1
Business, in this city, is opening up well
for a successful Fall Campaign for our mer
chants. Strancsrs from the East,West, North
and South are in our city trading and looking
up locations, all apparently well satisfied.
Thn nmiTiir Veil FashionB. It will glad
den the heart of every, lady of Brownvllle
and the surrounding country, to know tnai
the Broadway styles will be Introduced at
May's Regulator, with a magnificent assort
ment of Dry Goods, direct from the largest
Dry Goods House In the world A. T. Stewart
& Co's, of New York. My stock will consist
of Scotch and Mackenzie plaid serges, (green,
blue, purple and Bismark colors,) which are
especially fashionable for suits. Striped Ser
ges for suits wll 1 also be very stylish. Those
who are fond of gay colors will be charmed
with the Vclour plaids, which are entirely
new; also the Plaid French Poplins. These
areaold for train dresses, and are very hand
some for the house. I will also have a beau
tiful assortment of KM Ladies Sackings, Wa
terproof Cloth, and everything pertaining to
a first class Dry Goods nouse. The new
goods will be here this week, and ready for
sale on Monday next.
Call and examine my stock. No charge to
show goods. D.MAY,
FLOUR Winter? sack . .. SI 0
" Spring r .
CORN bushel &X'l-
MRAT 5 hiiKhel 1 00
BACON Hams ft -
" Shoulders & ...
" Sides ? a
LARD Canned w
SYRUP Golden ? gal
suear House w cai........
" Rio b ft
tr .
a .
CHEESE New York Factory fi ft
Couniry lb ;
TTM Tmr.erinl ' fc
..... .a .-. -
" Klflekro
" Young Hyson a tt 2 Of)
CANDLES Star $t lb
Tallow 'a m
APPLES Dried lb
" Green w bnshel
POTATOES New bushel
1 50
Sweet v, pouna.....
COAL OIL ? gallon
tiCKirS doz
1 25
4 50
ONION bushel
SALT per barrel
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100..,
2 00
5 00
5 00
" pine 3 50(37 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000.....2 50a 3 25
" Pine 3 50(a-7 50
LATH Cottonwood per 10U0 - 7 00
Pin 9 00
WOOD Dry Hard per cord . 6 00
XiiULrt ury per ro i
" ureen o
WHEAT Fall per bushel: 1 50
" Spring - 1 00
WOOL per B 40
Attention, EveryDody.
What is neater than a smooth clean face or arm ?
Then send for Rioer's Infaliabie ueptiawry lor
removing all superfluous hair from the body withort
pain or Injury to the skin. The most oDstinaie
eases cured In from ten to fifteen days. Thousands
hate used lt with success. Price per package $1,30
or two for $2,25, sent post paid to any address with
full directions for use on receipt of price. Address
V. RIKKR, Chemist 409 Olve St. St. Louis Mo.
To the Colored People.
I have discovered t preparation to straighten the
hair. 1 can safely guarantee my preparation to
straighten the most klnkey hair on any person, so
s it will be as straight as the 'hair of an Indian,
numbers have use it with sntcess. Warranted to
give entire satisfaction and to do what it seta forth
in the above In a 11 cases. Sent post paid with fuil
directions for use to any address on receipt of pnee.
One bottle for $1,60 or two for$2,60. Onebottle
will answer for person and keep the hair straight
fol ever. Address F. V. RIXKR, Chemist, 409 Olive
St., St. Louii Mo. .
Good ewi to the Afflicted.
Five years ago, while traveling through South
America for my health, I discovered a remedy which
will permanently cure any case of Spermatorhea or
Seminal weakness, caused by self abuse or sexual
excess in mature years, in from two to five weeks.
It can be used without the knowledge of any one.
Sent sscurely sealed from observation, and warran
ted to effect a permanent cure or money refunded.
Pice, 5 per package sufficient to cure the most in
veterate case. All letters of inquiry cheerfully
answered. Address,
12-45ly JOHK B. WILTON', St. Louis, Mo.
Van Solon's Papultau Lotion.
The greatest remedy ever discovered for the die-
eases of the Skin. Cures every kind of unsightly
eruptions of the face. Removes, without fail,
Pimplet, FreckeU, Moth Blotches, Comodinet or
Black Wormt, Tan, $c, and as a beautifler it has
no equal. For gentlemen after shaving it is inval
uable. Ladies, after trying it, will use no other.
" Papulean Lotion" is the only reliable remedy
for diseases and blemishes of the Skin. Price one
dollar. Prepared only by
S. L. VAN SOLON, St. Louis, Mo.
For sa'.o by Druggists generally. 12-45-ly
Superfluous Hair
Removed from the Face, Forehead, or any other
part of the body, in five minutes, without injury
to the skin, by the Oriental Rusma. Warranted.
Mailed for $1 by O. DUNAKE,
12-43 ly St. Louis, Mo.
Scientific 'Wonder.
Tells how to make all kinds of Patent Medicines,
Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cosmetics, Wines, Cor
dials, Soaps, Hair Dyes, Oils, Depuiatcrles, Po
mades, Curling Fluids, Household Receipts, and
hundreds of other articles in dally demand, easily
made, and sold at lsrpe profits. It contains all the
latest discoveries, secrets, arts, fcc. A most won
derful book. Third KJition. Fifty thousand al-
eady sold. Post paid to any address for 60 cents
per copy, by OLIN DCNANZ,
12-43-ly St. Louie, Mo.
Dr. Mott'a Conception Preventive
Is used by over three hundred thousand ladies of
the Atlantic States alone, and by a large number In
the West, who would not be without it for ten
times its cost. It is to this Preventive that tbe
mothers of those States owe their Immunity from
large families. It Is absolutely certain, convenient
to me and withal beneficial tohealth. -Abortion is
criminal, then use means perfectly moral and
proper. Send stamp for pamphlet, containing
full particulars. Address,
(P 0 Box 3092) 719 st. Charles street.
12-17-ly ST. LOUIi, MO.
Teacbers, Students, and other intelligent Men
and Women, in a business paying $100 to $-00 per
month, according to ability. For particulars ad
dress ZE1G1 ER, McCCRDT & Co., Lombard Block,
Chicago, 111. 12-21-ly
To the Ladies, .
For one dollar only. We are selling Silk, Sntwls,
Dry and Fancy Goods of every description; also
Silver Ware, Furniture, ac. Valuable Presents,
from $3 to $500 sent free of charge, to aets send
ing clubs of ten and upwards. Circulars sent free
to any address. WTETH fc CO.
(Successor to Messenger Si Co.
42 Hanover St., Boston, Mass.
P. 0. Box 2931 ll-r-6m '
Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption and
Cancer Cured.
A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption
and Cancer their causes, means of epeedy relief
and ultimate core. By a Pupil of the academy of
Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address for 10 cents.
Letter from Rob'tMcMnrdy, D.D., LL.D., Grand
Prelate ot Grand Encampment of TJ. S., and Editor
of the National Freemason :
New Tor. Sept. 17, 1S67
Dr. Stillwell wis in charge of Grace Church
Hospital, Alexandria, Va , during the war. 1 fre
quently, almost daily, for months, visited this Hos
pital, and had every means ot knowing his reputa
tion for rrrrciEKcv and skill, lt was of tbe
most creditable character, and bis success In the
treatment of patients was remarkable.
Okoakic Vibrator. it flu into tbe ear. Is not
perceptible, removes tinging noue in the head, and
enaoles deaf persons ttfhear distinctly at church and
publicassemblies. Thia instrument will oftenpro
duce results almost miraculous and indeed in cases
of long atanding deafness, lt will relieve in a short
time. It may be adjusted wita the ease of spec
tacles. '
DR. STILLWELL will be professionally at 31
East Washington place, University Buildings, N.
T., daily, 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, whea he will
beat nisrooma 1033 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
siannood! How Lost, How Restored!
Just published, a new edition of Dr
CulrerweU't Celebrated Essay oa the
K i i M,w Seminal Weakness, InvolaaUrr
lnT.. es' lmpotenc ni PUysiesl
rZZ "npeaimenu t MarrUge, etc ; also
imTn... on 'P'18' "1 iaducedbr self
-- r, r exo1 extravagance.
.i Price, in saiBfi nvAir.A -1 .
cieany demonstrate from a thirty yearg' successful, that tbe alarming consequences of aeli
sbuse may l radically cured without the dangerous
use of internal medicine or the application of the
mie, pointing out . mKle of cure at once aimple,
certain, and effectual hr mum r whis mn .. r.
ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may
CDIJilme!f cn"ply, privately and radically.
This Lecture should be in the hands of every
juuiu uu every man in tne land.
Sent nnder seal, in a Dlain envelope, toanvad
dress , postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two staniDg
Also Dr. Cutverwell's " Marriage Guide" price 25
emu. Auaress me Publishers,
40-ly 127 Bowery, New Turk, P. p. 4,666.
Bride and Bridegroom.
Essays for young men on the Interesting rela
tloo of Brideeroom to Bride in the institution o
Marriage, a Guide to the matrimonial felicity, and
irue nappiness. Sent by mail lu sealed letter en
velopes ree of charge. Address, HO WARD AS30
nation. Box P., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Whittier
aas oeen longer engaged in the treatment of
Chronic, Sexual and F-smale Diseases than any
uiuer rnysician m St Louis.
arDIiilia In all Hm n v..
Stricture. Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of
the Urinary aud Sexual Organs, are treated with
uv sicaiest success.
Spermatorrhea. Sexual Debilitv and ImDotencv
the result of self-abuse in youth, or sexual ex
cesses in maturer years, which produce some of
me loucwing effects, as blotches, debility, diwi
ness, dimness of sisht. confusion of ideas, evil
foreboding, aversion U society of females, loss of
memory and sexual cower, and rendering marriage
improper can be cured.
Persons suffering from Consumption. Dyspepsia.
enronic uiarrnea. Liver Complaint. Hernia, Rap
ture or say other chronic affection, may rely upon
receiving a radical cure.
,! reticular attention given to aU Female Com
j j:-i'-.t Inflammation and Ulceration of the
Hojt.-. Lucorrhea. Chlorisi. Sterility. &.C. Most
-'8--M properly treated witboutan interview,
I lii'- ..XUQa lOQI UJ U1A11 Ul CAJI BCVUI CU 1 I CC
tu'L'i observation. Consultation by letter or at office
Free. Charges moderate and cures gusrranteed
5Ljr"On1ce, with hospital accommodations for pa
tieuis. No. 617 St. Charles street, between Sixth
and Seventh, St. Louis, Mo.
Everybody can get, in a sealed envelope, my
theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Dis
eases, containing full symptom lists, for two post
tage stamps ; aiso, my paper relating to Chronic
and Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp.
12-17- ly
Slmllla Si mil 11ms C'urantur.
Humphreys Homcepathic Specifics have proved.
from the most ample experience, an entire success
simple, prompt, efficient and reliable.' They are
the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use
so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using
them ; so harmless as to be free from danger, and
so efficient as to be always reliable. They have
raised the hi ghest commendation from all, and wil
always render satisfaction.
Kos. Cents.
' 1 Cures Fevers, Congestions, Inflamation .25
2 cures Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 25
3 cures Crying-colic or Teething of Infants 25
4 cures Diarrhoea of children or adults 26
6 cures Dysentary, Griping or Blllious colic 25
6 curus Chulera-morbus, Vomiting 26
7 cures Coughs, colds, bronchitis... . 26
S enres Neuralgia, toothache, faceiche 25
9 cures Headache, sick headache, vertigo 25
10 cures Dyspepsia, billions stomach 25
11 cures Suppressed, or paioful periods ......25
12 cures Whites, too profuse periods 25
13 cures Croup, cough, difficult breathing 26
14 cures Salt rhunie, erysipelas, eruptions ..25
15 curesheuniatiFm, rheumatic pains, 26
16 cures Fever and ague, chill fever, agues.. 60
17 cures Piles, blind or bleeding. 60
IS cures Opthalmy, and sore or weak eyes......60
19 cures Catarh, accute or chronic influenza.... .....60
20 cures Whooping-cough, violent coughs.M......60
21 cares Asthma, oppressod breathing........ ...... .60
22 cures Ear discharges, impaired hearing. .....60
23 cures Scrofula, enlarged glands, swellings 60
24 cures General debility, physical weakness 60
25 cures Dropsy, aud scanty secretions 60
26 cures Sea-sickness, sicklier from riding 60
27 cures Kidney-diseases, Gravel 60
23 cures Nervous debility, seminal emissions. In
voluntary discharges 1 00
29 cures Sore mouth, eanker 60
30 cures Urinary weakness wetting beds 60
31 cures Paiuful periods, with spasms....... 60
32 cures SufleriLgs at chance of life 1 00
33 cures Epilepsy, spasms, St. Vitus dance 1 oo
31 cures Diptheria, ulcerated sore throat. I 60
Family cases of 35 to 70 large vials, mo-
roc Co or rosewood case, containing a
specific for every ordinary disease a
family is subject to, and books of di
rections, from $10 to $35
Smaller Family and Traveling Cases, with
20 to23 vials, from $5 to $8
Specifics for all Private Diseases, both for
Curing and Preventive Treatment, iu
vials and pocket cases $2 to $6
Pond' Extract curt1? Burns, Bruises, Lameness,
Sureuess, Sure Throat, Sprains, Tothache,-Karache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, rues, iiuiis,
Stings, Sore Eyes, Bleeding of the Lungs, Nose.
Stuiuach,or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, OldSores.
UJr Price 60 cts. to Ji,7o. t
These Remedies, except Poud's Extract, by the
cae or single box, are seut to any part of the cun
try, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt oi
the price.
Homeopathic Meoicine Co.,
Office and Depot No. 662 Broadway, N. Y.
Dr. Humphrey is consulted daily at his office, per
sonally or by letter, as above, for all forms of dis
ease. For sale by
15-y Brownville, Neb.
At the Sign oi tlic
is the place to buy
aXeF-AJl.lLi fc Co.,
Ket p constantly on hand a complete assort
ment of
Spring Beds,
What Nots,
Beadsteadt. Wardrobes,
Rockinn Chains,
Wash Stands,
Hat Racks
Parlor .f-ff- '
Chairs, epgs., . T
i-L i aoies,
Stands, t
Lounges --v.
Settees. mf
Bed Springs. Children's Cabs and Gigs,
(Hit and Hosewooa Mouiamg,
Sheetk, Pillows, Pillow
Slips, ete., etc
A'nd anything and everything required to set
up plain or farx-y housekeeping
All of their ware is either manufactured oi
put tip under their special superintendence,
which enables them to Sell sound articles at
smaller prices than Eastern manufactured
Our Hearse
Is at the service of the pnbllc nt any tirhfe it
may be needed, a nd is gotten up i n as fl ne sty le
as any farther east.
of nil sizes constantly on hand,
At Eastern Prices
Vfe are doing business on
Small Profit
and by attention to business and the wants ol
the community, expect In the future as In tbe
past to receive the patronage of the publio
generally. EIcFAXL & CO.
T)ine Ceiling, In abundance, at
fcl i ' .... . i I
to run chase i! s
0 P
Sew Mad
Has aeain carried nf lh Motiaet Vinnn vi
principle fairs me present season, commencing with
the New EnZlailil Airrtrnltliral Fair .( Pr.vri.lnm'A
mociJHuiuer wnere n was awarded
The Highest Prize,
mmediately after which came the New Tork State
Fair at Buffalo iu October, where the committee
awaraea lr tne
First Prize double Thread Machine
Then came the great Annual Fair of New England,
that or the
Mechanic's Association,
at Lowell, where the highest prize the
awarded to any Family Sewing Machine, was given to
and that too In fair competition with other
First Class Machines
for live consecutive weeks where it has been exam
ined by the best mechanics in the country and pro
nounced the best constructed and most reliable .Ma
chine, and one that, on account of its simplicity would
Accomplish More Work
In a
More Satisfactory Manner
At the Fair of the Maryland Institute, which
closed a four weeks session at Baltimore on the 37th
uf November, the superiority of the
was again confirmed by the committee on Sowing
Machines, who unanimously awarded it the GOLD
MEDAL, the highest prize the Institute confers.
Oil the 12th of September the GreatFair and Ex
hibition of the American Institute was opened in
New York. As usual tbedisplay of Sewiug Machines
was large and the competition strong, but after six
weeks trial the friends of the
had the satisfaction of seeing their favoiite again
triumphant and for the second time bearing off tbe
highest honors of the American Institute.
Below we give an extract from the Report of the
committee on Sewing Machines read at the close of
"The whole number of Sewing Machines on exhi
bition is thirteen, of these, twelve are entered for
competition. The article bearing the number 730
(FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE) is decided to be
The ISest on Kxlilbltlou. It must also be
stated incidentally. That this is better than any of
lis ciass Known to me juages.
'll'S MJiKiTS A KJu :
1st. Good ITaterial arid Thorough
2d. more absolute novelty than
marks the usual Improvements in
Sewing Machines.
2d. The inpenlous arrangement of a positive mo-
ion for adjusting the thread durinir the passage of the
huttle and gathering up of it in the finish of the
4th. The reversible feed.
6th. The variety of the work that can be done np-
on it.
We therefore decide that it receive the award of
first class.
Signed WM. Pit ATT,
"This is to certify that the forecoing is a true ex-
ract from the Report of the Judges of Sewing Ma
nines at the 37th Annual Fair 1S67
Sec Board Managers.
New Tork, Nov. 17th, 1SG7."
It would seem as though this succession of tri
umphs should be sufficient to convince any unpreju
diced person of the great superiority of the
over all others, and if more is needed to confirm
the above, we micht add that. It lSBl.tbe CompaDV
only sold 60 Machines, whilst now there are tver
Thus establishing Its reputation beyond question.
Every Machine is Warranted 1 1
612 N. 4th st. , East side, between
Washington Ave. i. Green,
St. Louis, ZXo.
Circulars, Price List and samples of work fur
nished on application.
!-12-ly For Brownvllle and Nemaha Co.
A new line of
suitable alike for
And take pleasure jn callinjr the attention
ot Stove, Hardware and general dealers to the
many desirable qualities ot this NEW WARE,
not only as an article of trade, hot of UTILI
T Y. combining as it does, NEATNESS, CON
of utensils that are ir every day use, in thn
nroHt important of all HOUSEHOLD IE
P KT51ENT3. We desire and request every
housekeeper to see our TEA KETTLES,
PANS, as we are sure thev have only to be
Been to be appreciated.
Many of the articles are made entirely of one
piece of wrought iron which, during the pro
cess of manatacture, receives several coat
ings of block tin; this leaves a surface, when
onLhed, perfectly smooth, easily kept clean
and entire-ly proU-cted against rtist. The coat
is but little more than common tin ware, and
every article will do tea times the service.
The shape enables ua to pack the various sizes
in nesta so as to occupy but little space, and
being but a little heavier thau tinware, the
cost of transportation is very small. At pres
ent onr assortment consists in part of
Tea Kettles, Camp Kettle.
' nra l'a n't, DlhIi Pnns, Katie
Pans, Dih Kettle, Try Pan.
Ladles, Dippers, i
We are now preparing a new Catalogue and
Price List, and believe Stove and Hardware
Dealers will find it to their interest to send
for a copr ofeach before purchasing else
where. Address
Excelsior Manufacturing Co.,
ST. LOU13, MO.
mm i
a 4
'iwmioo sjlvti a:
I 8 I
Shellenberger Ero'.",
.. ITo.
. . t2Icri;erssias Elocli,
Dealers ia
JTardu-are, Slaves, 71n(vdrct
Hardn-arCy Moves, Tinware,
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
- ft 0,0 Of) Mica Fence Kir-,
50,001) Mite Fence M'ire,
50,000 MUea Fence Wire
Fittsourg Iron aud Na.4,
Fittshitrg Iron- and Nai'i,
Fitlsbarg Iron and JSTau'$,
Afcchanic's Too?,
Mechanic's Tool,
McdtanUi'9 Tools
Charter Oak Stores,
Charier Oak Staves,
Charier Oak Stove-,
Besides aiiHacsortment of everytlii ns ier
in a Qrt cUtsa
Which will be sold as law as the kneeti
To all who favor us with rt call.
Scientific ! Hational Sofa I
Compound Extract of
recommended by
Remedy yet Discovered
13 Li eases of the Blood, XJrer, Kilney
A2D A3 A
ROSADALIS the Flood,
improves the Appetite
Aids Digestion,
Corrects thp. Ffrftlorut.
And Imparts Tone, Stre-nth and
r ivaay to the Whole cyszem.
So that persons nslnct it fool that they enjoy
uxi enure new mo.
Is Eecommended by the
Best Fhymcians Everywhere,
Dr. F. Oijjt DAjrinuT. now of thin City
Formerly Profesxor of I'h ysiolotrv and Path
ological Anatomy In the Middle OeornlJ
Medical Collec. Chief 8urs?xn state of utri
Carolina, during the war, Vlce-Fresident
Georgia Medical Association:
Mr. Lawrmrf.l have carofuMy examined
your forrrvnla forthe KOSADLIS, and recom
mends! ii to wvenu or my ptitienta. in
combination Is a happy one, and mUMt prove
a potent remedy in ail !lsnc requiring the
virtues of a great alterative medicine. I wlsU
you success.
Baltimore, April ii, 1.
Baltimore, Md., March!, 13.
I believe Dr. Uwrence' "ItOSADALI.V
to be tiie Ht Alterative In Uao, and there
fore cheerfully recommend it a sih-Ii.
TllOMA.S J. li01KI,3I. V.
Baltimokk, Febnary 10h ivs.
Dr. J. J. iAiierenre - l'arSir I tnke r.lraa-
nrein recommending your lUXSADALJ.-j a
a very powerful alterative.
l ours truly, K. W. CAlUs 21. IA.
We know Dr. Lawrence' Rrwndali to be
a safe and reliable Alterative, Ac, and take
pleasare in recommending it to the profes-
ion ana punnc.
J II Moore, M D,
LA Smith, M IK
J II Winstead, M D,
t: Rrirnrs, M p,
H W Kins, M !.,
8 Woodwnr.1, M D,
V T Hrewer, M 1,
V J Uullot k, M D,
It ii itariiam, m i.
V O Duggan, M 1),
Wilsox, N. C, January 7th, li.!.
-.For Testimonial of Kemabkablk CntF3
.See "Ilosadali Almanac" for this yearly
Trcpared at the Laboratory of
Dr. J. J. Lawrence & Co.,
211- Baltimore Street, BA L TI2I0RE
General Aarents for the- North Wes!ern
States, to whom order should be addressed.
n vj-nm
Country Her chants,
General Commission Merchant
442, 4i 1 Sc. 4 46, Washington St
And receive his weekly Frice Currant
of Traduce a net Groceries, the mml
comptete Frice Currant pub- ,
I Lifted ii the United States.
Send for a Price Currant.
Marking Plate3 & Cards Fundsiei
Liberal Advances Made on Corrsi;
Established May 1, 18G8.
First Cls Befence grvea when required.
Pine Finishing Lumber at