Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 10, 1868, Image 1

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Mcrherson'fc Block, 2d Floor, Hall Entrance,
Brownvillc, IVcl.
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One copy one year-
Jt 200
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Fire copies oue year.- .
Ten conw one year..
twenty copies one year-
And Flatx and Fancy Jon WorK, done In
pood style ant nt rciis. iu 'uie rates.
Vol. 12.
No. 48.
Di I" rr-A ! I
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A ! i i fr!;i v ru Aiir
(Sv Hi i.l'r ill
Oi.-V A A. V I U
11 1 I ' : t l I II
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Rtnrrul Unsintss ifsrfcs.
Cards of five linw or 1, ?" a year. Each
ii'! 1 it i'n( 1 linf $1.
Attorney at Law aud Land Agent,
Office In CVmrt House. Mlth Vro'nte Jnde.
Attorneys d Counnlori t
Office No. 7 0 MePlierpon- r.UK-k, up Mairs.
tiiomas & ur.'.tAuy,
Attyt Law bolicltort In Cnaneery,
ORiee. in Irtstrl"t Court It'oni.
Attorney t L.w and Land Agent.
Office in Court limine ft ivt door, vest de.
Attorney and Conelor at Lavr,
N.-braska Cltr. Nrbra.-ka.
ii. f. ri:i;iiixs.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
T(v:u;h, J.hns. )nCo.,b.
Attorney at Law and W ar Claim Agent ,
I'avnee City, I'awnce Co.. Nrb.
Attorney at Law at Real E.tale Agent,
Beatrix, finyg Pountv. N'''rnkr.
1L V. El'GHES.
tlral Estate Agent and JnstJeeof Peace,
Office in Court House, first door, went wle.
UAiuurr & LETT,
Land Agent A Land Warrant Urolter.
No. SI Main btreeU
Will atlrvd to pntinrr Tajre far Xm-rcti1mi.
Prrtmiat attntlin girm to iitnking LucUum.
IsinsU, intj'nnvI uivl unimjrroved, Jur tale oti
TeaJKnnhif. tmit.
Ileal Estate and Tax Iylnpf Agent.
Office in District Court Koom.
XTUl oivc irnnin,! aUcii!iu to the ! of Jral
JjtULtf ami
Jirmtdia Ixintl Jxxtrict.
CoUector for tle City of Brownvllle,
Kill eUtrtul to the iWjmeiU of Taxet for Xon
JieMidetd Jjntul tmtwr in Studui VJUidy.
fjurreiftndrnrr truirtfrd. .
ioiisi:y, HOADLEY CO.,
Real Estate Agents.and lealers InLand
-Warrants and College trcrip,
No. 27 Min Slrwt,
Buy and srl! imjrrorcd mul tint,,., rovrd lands.
Huv'urll ond lonitr Lni(l irrti):.", u,t Apri
ruUural V-ri'. tUrul h-i-lto,ix uj
vt Land l-r Jx-aUo,,. ll,v stvuil-. ul lrr
m,ti t,,u-tr. Atlrml to ( ,nlrKt,-d J lows, rnas
ami jTr-f inu'.ton cist l the Unni ()ui: loi
ter of uupnn jrr(,ia,J!!-sd cartjully answerrd.
CXtrretftuiuXi -tof toiu
Heal Estate and Land Agent,
Will attend to making trlrctitm of Land for
Emigrant, or Ltralum for AwifW; at
tmd to contrttcd car be.'ort Uu- Land Oftre, arul
will dit all OusiiuM pcrlauung to a Jiru class
Itral tettvtr A'.fnr)h
Fort Kenmcy, Xebraxka.
Will locate lands for intending settlors, and
give any information required comrerunif?
tlie lnndtof South-Western Nc'ira.tka. l-'-t-J
Oflicc N. 81 Main Street.
Pnysielan, Snrgeon aid Obstetrician,
Office HolUuiiiy & Co s lru Store.
Graduated in 1 : Lttrnted in JirownriUr in
11 is on eu:,ijil . is of A iiijiutitlm;,
Trriihuung and tHin! trical Instrument.
j, smtkiI atteiUfX ,'" ''" '" O'lxtetrir and
the diseaxex of Women and Vh,l'iren.
OJlcr No. 21 Main StrevU
07W Hour 7 to l A. and 1 to Z and C to
' -iJ'.
IUwins at the Star HoteL
Vrrtif nl diseases of the and I'sir.
iMalir in
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shots, &.C.,
No. 9 Main Street.
Wholede and lleiail lealer in
General McrcHandlse, and Commission
and Forwarding Merciiant,
No. ttO Main Stl'eeL
Orrn Pinnt'rs, Jlou x, Stoves, h urn i! ure, Ac,
always on hand. lUyiu-xt nwrket price pauljor
Jtde. Jflts, l ur ami (ivntr llixtuee.
Iffmer in Foreign and lxnnetic
No. 5 3 Main Street.
Dealers In General Merchandise,
No. 7 McFherKO'i's l!li k. Mum St.
Wtiolexale and lletail Lkvd-rt in
nrug," Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc.,
No. 41 Main Street.
Wholesale and lletail Iteudcrt in
Drngs, Books, AVallpaper Stationery
No. 3 Mnin Strwt.
Cl l A U EES H ELM Ell,
No,tU Main StreeL
Tins on hind a urrinr stoek of Boots and
Klioes. Custom Work done u dh neatness and
No. 5 S Main s: rect.
Ila on hand a good assortment of Gent's,
Jjadie'r, Misses' and Children's ll4xand .shoes.
Custom Work done trith neatness and disnitcn,
Jeiiirinn on xiiort noli'-e.
Dealer in Stoics, Tinware, Pnmps, &-eM
No. 1 Main Street.
Manufacturers Dealers in Tinware.
No. 7 4 Main SL, MtFbersou'6 Block.
fttov, IIrrdirare, CarjK-nlrr's Tools, Jlltek
smith's f-'irrnorhiiw:. '., rn.rii on hand.
No. 64 M.Un Street.
Wh!ps and Lashes of every derri4Um, and
rtuxtcnng Hair, kept on hand. Cash paid fvr
Manufacturer and Dealer i,
No. 60 Main Street.
yfmdinn dttnf foor7.T. ,Kitixfuriim minranfmt.
blacks Jirriis.
XHacltsmltuing and Horse Slioelng,
Shop No. 0 Main Street.
WIU do Dl'tckxinithing of all l.-imls. XTlcs
Jlorse fthnrinc. Irttntn vf ll'cmu and Sleighs,
and AI ir June Work a . feiaiui.
J. W. A- J. C. GIBSON,
phop on First, lietwcen Main and Atlantic.
A'l cork done to ordtr, and tulisfaction guar
rrtntced, JOHN FLORA.
Bhop on Water SL, South of American House,
Custom Work of" ell kind toUoiid.
T ' Si'' Si-
Cards of five line or les, a year. Each
CROSS &. WTLITE, Frorriftors,
Qn ijevee Street, between Main ajd Atlantic.
This lion is conrenient to the Steam P.oai
Land,v). and tliehvxine jtail of the City. The
lext arcijwnuAlol'-mi in the C't'.v. A Jain wiH
t" sixreed in totting gmexts mu,forta'ite Good
ita!,!e rnd (IrrrrJI rownirrJ to the House,
L. D. ROBISON, Vmprlr'toT.
Front St., ltween,Main nud Vater.
A pood Feed and Livery Hiablc in connection
v lh the House.
Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store
No. 40 Main StreeU
Frrxh Bread, Odes, Ousters, Fruit, fc, onJutnd
Dealer in Courtetioueries, Toys, etc.
No. 44 Main Street.
City Bakery an? Confectionery,
No. 37 Main Street.
Fancy Wedding Coles fitruUhed on sliart no
tice. Lent J-aiiiil.u J- lour const a ni ry on nana..
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Office in J. L. Carbon's Rank.
Agent far " XatUnial Life" and " Harford
Lire &ock " Jnsnranee irnnjianie
Notary Pnbllc and Conveyancer,
Office in County Court Room.
County Clerk.
Notary l'uliuc
No. 52 Main Street.
Basement, No. 46 Main StreeL
The ,rst ll'tne and Liquors ket constantly
on hand. Vl2-n2l.
No. 47 Main Street.
The lest Wines and Liquor kept on hand.
House, Carriage and Sign Painter.
No. 66 Main St., up stairs.
Graining.Guilding, Glazing and fapcr Hang
ing done on s.'iort notice, favorable terms, and
Bookicller and News Dealer.
Cily Look Store,
No. 50 Main Street, Fostoffiee Building.
J. L. ROY,
No. 55 Main Street,
His a sjilendid suit of Bath Jloims. Also a
choie xffx-i; rf 4''n'''Orwn's Xi't-oitx.
A sri n iraU, XcbrasJca.
Tlio ti iirjiowt inni lrr't orifc n;ii;l for anvtilin!!
the Farmer can raie. We will buj- and sell
everytiiiiiu known to the market.
Storage, Forwarding and Commission
A rid Dealers in all k'nidi of Grain, for u hich
thri t-n" the Ifiahest far let rie in fYwh.
Xo. 5H.'i 3Iain Street,
Have on hand a splendid stock of Goods,
and will make them up in the latest styles.
on Miori lK.nccpjiii rcMsonaoie iei mis.
Will attend to the sale of Jlal and Personal
lYoi'erf ij in tlie Xt inaiui Land District. 2'crins
AYagon Maker and Repairer.
Shop West of -Court House.
Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Cufliealors, J'C., re
jHiireit on short u-uiee, at lot-1 rates, and utr
rant'fl to crtv xafis:oe!ion.
No. 47 Main Street, up stairs.
Persons visit ing Pictures executed in the latest
'ii' of tin- A rt, trill eo',1 at in it A rt tJnl'ern.
Landscape Gardener &, Horticulturist.
Will ,lar.t crops in Gardens, and cultivate
satnt' hn contract.
Washington City, D. C.
Will attend to the prosecution of cl iims be
fore the Department m perKon, for Additional
Bounty, Back Fay and Pensions, and all
claim accruing against the Government du
ring the late war. 46-tf
Of!c in Iiistrict Court Room.
Xotary 1-uhhr and I'niled States War Claim
Agent. Will attend to tite ravoimrt of claims
b-tore the 1 jxiri meni, fur Additional Bounty,
J.nck Jiy ami J'enxi ns. Also the coueelion oj
Seini-A i nnal Dnrs on l'nxion.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Clocks,, Jewelry, etc., etc.
No. 32 Main Street.
Silver and Silver-Hated Ware, and aU varie
ties of Sm-tiu-le conxtfiiitlffon linnd. llepairing
aone in the neat em xtiic, at short notice. Cliargcs
inod-rite. 1('irJl- ti-mivintifi.
Brownvllle City Meat Market.
No. 60 Main Street.
TT7(7 pay the h iqhext market price for good Beef
Otttlr, I (,,., Snrr-n and lions.
Is at all times prepared to p!nv for the pub
lic at any pir.t wiiuin l"t miles of this city,
on reasonable terms. Addn-ss,
41-Jln D. c. SMrrn, Leader.
Rxms, Main, let 4th A 5th Sts.
lessons civen on the Piano, Organ, Meloiron,
uvitorand localization. Havinij had eiqht years
7J'nf of Music in Aew York is
-viLr e f "r,"e Mistariion.
Btiiirti 'gBrR'y "TifT-ii tmmfm i m. m t i ., jij... '.II!
A. W. M0RG.VN,
Probate Judge and Justica ofthePM
Office in Conrt House Buildiniz.
Agent for the M. r. Elpre Co and
. L. Telegrapn Co.
2 o. T2 itcrherson' Block.
Ulysses S. Grants
0J te yrfhnd ZcpulZLaan Party. AdciAcd ct CiiccffO, IScy Zl, -16CS.
The following platform, reported by
the Coramittee on Resolutions, was
unanimously adopted by the NAtiona1
Republican Convention in session at
Chicago :
Tbe National Republican party of
the United States, assembled in nat
ional Convention in the city of Chicago
on the 20th day of May, 1808, make
the following declaration of princi
ples :
First YVe congratulate the country
on the assured success of the recon
struction m-oiects of Consrress, as evinc
ed by the adoption, in a majority of
the States lately in rebellion, oi con
stitutions securing equal civil and
political rights to all, and regard it as
the duty of the government to sustain
these institutions and to prevent the
people of t?ueh States from being re
mitted to a state of anarchy.
Second. The guarantee of Congress
of equal suffrage to all loyal men of
the South was demanded by every
consideration of public safety, of grat
itude, and of justice, and must be
maintained, while the question of
suffrage in all the loyal States proper
ly belongs to the people of those States.
Third. "Vc denounce all forms of
repudiation as a national crime, and
honor requires the payment of the na
tluoal indebtedness in the utmost good
faith to all creditors, at home and
abroad, not only according to the letter
but the spirit ot the laws under wiiicn
it was contracted.
Fourth. It is due to the labor of the
nation that taxation should be equal
ized and reduced as rapidly as the
national faith will permit.
Fifth. The national debt, contracted
as it has been for the preservation of
the Union for all time to come, should
be extended over a fair period for re
demption, and it is the duty of Con
gress to reduce the rate of interest
thereon whenever it can possible be
Sixth. That the best policy to dim
inish our burden of debt is to so im
prove ourcredit that capitalists will
seek to loan us money at lower rates of
interest than we now pay, and must
continue to pay 60 longas repudiation,
partial or totd, open or covert, is threat
ened or suspected.
Seventh. I he government pi the
United States should be administered;
with the strictest economy, and the
corruptions which have been so shame-
lullv nursed and lostered l3 Andrew
Johnson call loudly for radical re
Fighth. "We profoundly deplore
the untimely and tragic death of
Abraham Lincoln, and regret the ac
cession of .Andrew Johnson to the
Presidcncv, who has acted treacher
ously to the people who elected him
and the cause he was pledged to sup
port ; has usurped legislative and jud
icial functions ; has refused to execute
the laws ; has used his high office to
induce other officers to ignore and vio
late the laws : has employed his ex
ecutive power to render insecure the
pro?perity, peace, liberty, and life of
the citizens : nas abused tue pardon
ing ower ; has denounced the Nation
al Legislature as unconstitutional:
has persistently and corruptly resisted,
by every means in his jxnver, every
proper attempt at the reconstruction
of tlie States lately in rebellion ; has
perverted the public patronage into
an engine of wholesale corruption, and
has been justly impeached for high
crimes and misdemeanors, and prop
erly pronounced guilty by the votes
of thjrty-hve Senators.
Ninth. Ihe doctrine of Ureat lirit-
ain and other European powers, that
liecause a man is once a subject lie is
always so, must be resisted at every
hazard bv the United States as a relic
of the fedual times, not authorized by
the law of nations and at war with our
national honor and independence.
Naturalized citizens are entitled to be
protected in all their rights of citizen
ship as though they were native born,
and no citizen of the United States,"
native or naturalized, must be liable
to arrest and imprisonment by anv
foreign power for acts done or words
spoken in this country. And if so ar
rested and imprisoned, it is the duty of
the Government to interfere in his
Tenth. Of all who were faithful in
the trials of the late war there are none
entitled to more especial honor than
the brave soldiers and seamen who
endured the hardship of campaign
and cruie,and imperiled their lives in
Ihe service of their countrv. The
bounties and pensions provided bv
law for these brave defenders of the
nation are obligations never to be for
gotten. The widows and orphans of
the gallant dead are the wards of the
people, a sacred legacy bequeathed to
the nation's protecting care.
Eleventh. 1-oreign emigration.
which in tlie past has added so much
to the wealth and development of the
resources and the increase of power of
this nation, "the asylum of the op
pressed ofall nations," should be fost
ered and encouraged by a liberal and
just policy.
Twelfth. This convention declares
its sympathy with all the oppressed
people who are struggling for their
On motion cf Gen. Carl Schurz, the
following additional resolutions we
unanimously adopted as part of the
JResoIvcd, Thatwehighlv commend
the spirit of magnanimity and forbear
ance with which the men who have
served in the rebellion, but now frankly
and honestly co-operate with us in
restoring the peace of the country and
reconstructing the Southern State gov
ernments upon the basis of impartial
justice and equal rights, are received
OaCK III WJ liie uuuiuiuaiuu ui lue n ai
people: and we favor tlie removal of
the disaualifications and restrictions
imposed upon the late rebels in the
same measure as their spirit of loyalty
will direct, as may be consistent with
the safety of the loyal people.
Sclmyler Colfas
jicsolvect, That we recognize the
great principles laid down in the
l Twdsimtinn of Independence
as the true foundation of democratic
government, and we nau witn giau
ness every effort toward making these
principles a living reality on every
I 1 1 I r 1 til - lilt 1 1V:U.JLL DlflAo
From lh Xational (Go,) Republican.
To Conservatives.
It is not essential that a supporter of
Grant and Colfax should be a Repub
lican, nor a believer in Reconstruction
Acts, nor in the wisdom and justice
of colored suffrage. A. citizen may
believe the cardinal principles of Re
publican party to be erroneous, the
requirements of Congress unreason
able and unjust, colored suffrage wrong
and yet consider it his duty to support
General Grant for President In
short, man j good men agree entirely
in theory with the Democrats, and
yet consider it a sacred duty to vote
and work against their candidate for
the Presidency. "Why? Because the
Democratic platform, the declarations
of Rlair, and of Toombs, and Hill, and
liarupton. and Jrorrest, propose war
as a remedy for these evils. Hence,
every person that votes that ticket
declares, by such a vote, that he, too,'
favors war. Ihere is no escape trom
this conclusion. The Fourteenth Ar
tical isapartof the Congressional plan.
Congress, the President, and the Su
preme Court have recognized it as an
integral part of the Constitution of the
united States. Ihere is no possible
way to set aside the requirements of
thi amendment, nor to ignore the
Southern State Governments that par
ticipated in its adoption,- except by
tlie despeite aud uncertain remedy
of revolution. This, Blair proposes
to do. This, Toombs and Hill by
their arguments, advocate.
Now tlie question for the white men
of Georgia to determine is this : Do
they prefer another war, with all its
horrors, to pe muting the black men
to vote? Are the lessons of the past
to be taken for naught? Seven years
ago, in and loomns induced tne
people to go to war to secure to the
South the right to carry there slaves
into the territories. The people shed
oceans of blood in this contest. Wives
were made widows, children orphans,
persons of affluence beggars. What
was the-result? Did the South secure
her rights to the territories?" No: but
she lost her riirht to slavery in the
States, which had never before been
questioned. Thus the South did not
gain what she fought for, butlost what
she had.
Now war is again proposed, and by
whom ? The identical politciains that
Lurried tne south into the last unsuc
cessful contest. What assurance have
the Democrats thet they will be any
more successful in the next war. War
is a desperate remedy, and even the
party that is victorious are incalculable
sufferers. But there is no possible
chance of success by a resort to the
bayonet If the South could not whip
the Government when the negroes
were all in slavery, and when the
white were almost unanimous, and
when her leader had made the most
Unlimited preperations how can she
expect to succeed when the blacks are
free and nt nig for a right which the
country has guaranteed to them, and
when the whites can not be united?
It is all well enough to talk about
" dying in the last ditch," etc. Such
boasts sound well ; but the experience
of the past proves that those who use
such expressions take care to keep
away from any sort of ditches for
fear they should accidentally find the
"last" one.
We speak of Georgians who have
wives and children to care for, and
prefer other business to fighting. The
old leaders of the South are Radical.
They propose the most Radical meas
ures force. General Grant is no
Radical. He is not an extreme man.
He is generous and brave. We be
seech the white men of Georgia to
trust him. lie is for peace. He has
no hard feelings toward the people of
the South. He feels that the authors
of the late war were bad men : Geor
gians! You think so, too.
Rosecrans and 5ic Mexican
Mission Vermont Election.
New York, Sept. 2.
Gen. Rosecrans, in conversation at
the Astor House, yesterday, said that
he did not believe the Southern lead
ers were to issue an address, as had
been reported. In regard to the Mex
ican mission, he says that the policy
will be one of kindness and concilia
tion, and that filibustering or annex
ation movements will not be favored.
In the Board of Health, yesterday,
the regulations adopted by the State
Commissioner in reference to the cat
tle quarantine, were approved. They
direct that all droves arriving betaken
to one of the two quarantine yards.
The Times says the election in Ver
mont demonstrates the popularity of
Grant, and shows the power of Re
publican principles.
The Herald 6ays the Republican
victory in Vermont is owing partly to
the unwise course of the Southern
lire-eating orators proclaiming their
devotion to the rebel flag, and the
Vermonters went to the ballot box as
if expecting to right the old battle over
The World says that the Republi
cans triumphing in Vermont is like
the Dutch taking Holland : The Dem
ocrats allowed the election to go by
default, its result not being considered
as indicative of the sentiment of the
The Tribune says that the victory
in Vermont supasses its highest hopes.
The Democrats made a desperate strug
gle. It was the issue of Sumter over
again, and the result ia a decisive vic
tory. A baseball player had hi3 right eve
entirely destroyed by a ball struck
from a bat at Iloboken last week.
Out SI an Card Bearers. .
"Up, freedmen, In yonr might and glory.
Little child and old man hoary;
Youth matured, and man of prime,
Stand to duty how's the time.
Sho-w the enemy that yon hate
Every enemy of the State.
Shall we yield to despot lle?
ShaU recusant, black with iilc,
Great In nothing, without name,
Robbed of Senatorial fame.
Assert again the cause that perished?
Not while heroes live who cherished
Truth and honor more than life,
And bared their bosom in the strife.
No, the nation now will rise;
Denounce the recreants and dispise.
Since Grant, the 6oldier and the man.
Consents to head our glorious van.
Hang out your banner on the wall.
Unfurl youfguidons,one and all ;
You ne'er have joined in any fight
Like this. The sacred cause of right,
"Cstabli'i'.ied ence on t-nttle fi.-ld,
Ivomaius to us, we cannot yield.
Come from the mountains and the plains,
O' all the lands, join your refrains,
Lend all your strength, the nation calls
For volunteers to line her walls. '
An army springs from near and far;
Xerxes ne'er led euch ranks to war.
"lieign of Terror."
MoNTEZTTMAS, Macon Co., Ga.,
August l!6th, 1S68.
Editor Rational Republican :
That the whole Slate, with theauth
orities over the same, may how knows
the Colored people are treated in our
coutny Dooly I write thrs. I am now
out or tne woods, where I hive been
for a week hidden to save my life, not
daring to go home for food or clothing ;
which is a comforteble home have a
wife and little ones their with pigs
i . i i ... , .
aau cmcK.ens, wun a good corn and
cotton crop, now neglected, because I,
as a free colored man, saw proper to
aid in the organization of a Grant and
Colfax Club near me, stth a Constit
ution endorsed by Colonel Ed. Hurl
bert, President of the Central Grant
Club of Atlanta. Now. sir. I have
not been charged with any crime for
wmcn iony or nity men snouid be
after me, but simply a Republican,
wanting -to see the liberties of my
race secured. These armed men are
Democrats, sworn to kill me and all
men getting up these clubs ; some of
them are officers of the law, Judges of
tne uourts, and bhenlls. They are
persecuting us under the name of
keeping order and suppressing insur
rections among my race. They patrdl
the roads, as of old, to catch slaves
out after times they beat us with
sticks if we have a social gathering
during week days, it's found out soon
the house is surrounded bv armed
white men from a distance, and by
order it's broken up our -women are
taken trom us, and abused in such a
Way I shall not here relate. At church.
armed white men sit to watch us. We
can not enjoy ourselves, and therefore
our churches are never filled like oth
er sections we fearing some difficulty.
and prominent men of color will be
putmjail. I mean Republicans, for
they are always the most intelligent
But J must speak futher of our Clubs:
One was organized near Vienna, Dooly
county. All protested before hand
that they intended nothing to the
whites but on the day of meeting fear
ing troubie, they went out of town, to
meet on a colored friend's plantation.
Soon after being organized, the place
was surrounded, and the President,
Hugh Dean, forced off to jail, under a
strong guard of whites, well armed.
The Judge of the County Court and
Sheriff of the county swore they
would not recognize the negro as
having the right to vote and hold
office, and they should not have Grant
Clubs in that county; that if they
could not defeat Grant any other way,
they would kill the last dammed negro
in that county. Another of the Club
was knocked dawn for claiming that
the colored people had the right to
meet and peaceably discuss their rights,
and all the rest were frightened away.
After this success by a hundred and
fifty armed whites, they went up to
where another Club had been organiz
ed this was some six miles off and
finding the meeting had gone through
with its business, they hunted for
some of its members ; ran women and
men into the woods from several plant
ations, where they were at work. All
these whites, being armed, were on
horseback. A detachment, with a
Constable with it, came by Mr. Pitts
man's plantation, late in the evening.
After pacing a lot of colored men at
work, three returned, came up to two
of the men sitting on the fence, and
aid to Jerry Brown: "You are one
of the scoundrels who had a gun at
the Club meeting come along with
us don't yon run, or we will shoot
you." Their guns levelled, so he had
to go. Down near Mr. Wallace's Mill
he was tied to a tree, and shot dead
part of his head, was shot away, shot
in the head, back etc. The man was
inquired for next morning, and some
of the same command told us where
the body could be found. When found,
the hogs was hold of it. How many
colored men have been killed and
thrown in the swamps, God only
knows. Be it said, to our race's credit,
we have not killed a white man since
we have been freed in this county.
These white citizens are going about
declaring we are not free ; are taking
our shot guns away from us. They
all have army guns, most shoot sever
al times. Most of the colored people
I talk to are going to leave the eounjy ;
but to go now, the whites would have
all our crops, which it seems they
desire. The jail is full of Grant Club
men, who are persuaded every day to
join the Seymour and Blair party, but
they refuse ; so they are kept in jail
otherwise they would be set free.
A Dooly Colored Man.
Gen. Grant and Hon. E. S.
lYalibume in Galena.
Chicago, Sept,
. Hon.E. B. Washburn, representa
tive in Congress from this State,
reached his home in Galena this morn
ing, and was most cordially greeted
by his friends. The Republicans of
Galena propose to give Mr. Wash
burne a formal welcome some night
this week. The Tanners will turn out
en mass, and the occasion will be one
of decided interest
Gen. Grant and family reached then
home in Galena this morning. The
Gcne'ral proposes to remain in Galena
till some time in October.
m s t i. .
Gov. Stevenson Inaugurated.
Louisville, Sept. 1.
Gov. John W. Stevenson was to
day inaugurated Governor of Kentuc
ky at Frankford, in the presence of a
vast assemblage.
Hartford, Sep, 2.
Ex-Governor Thos. H. Seymour
died here this morning of typhoid ft
Gen. ILoaslrect'j Opinions.
The Tribune this mem in et prints the
following account of an interview al
leged to have taken place yesterday
between Gen. Longstreet and a re
porter of that paper :
"Y'esterday a chieftrdn of the late re1
bellion, Gen. James Longstreet, arriv
ed in New York. Since the wax he
accepted tlie situation and has used
his influence to counsel and guide his
people and to lead thera safely back to
an enduring peace, Y'esterday even
ing a reporter of the Tribune called
upon the General at the New Y'crk
Hoteh Imagine seate d at a table a
tallwell built man in a suit of black.
The face is a kindly, pleasant one, the
beard is sandy and grizzled, and the
cheeks are flushed. The forehead is
high, and the eyes are gray and soft
in expression. The mouth, squarely
cut, denotes decision, and there is that
quiet, resolute air about liim that re
minds one of Gen. Grant, whom he
strongly resembles in looks and man
ner. Although iVom an at
tack of fever," he bore himself resolute
ly above pain, and after dinner con
versed freely upon affairs in the South
ern States. As a portion of the con
versation bears directly upon the com
ing campaign, I give it in full :
"Reporter. Do you think we shall
have better days in the Southern
"General Longstreet. Assuredly.
The cotton crop has teen very large
tnis year, and we will soon nave capi
tal of our own to work upon.
"Reporter. Suppose Seymour" is
elected, do you think we will have an
other war?
"General Longstreet I cannot say
as to that, but I believe that ifhs is
elected it will open all those old issues,
and we will have trouble ; but I don't
think he will be elected.
"Reporter. What do you think of
Grant ?
"General Longstreet. He is my
man. I believe he is a fair man. I
met him at West Point. I think h?
is above meanness. His silence is
"Reporter. There is one thing I
would like to ask. It is in regard to
the negro?
"General Longstreet (smiling). I
will tell you all 1 know.
"Reporter. Will he keep his con-
contracts in regard to labor?
"General Longstreet I can relate
my own experience. My men have
worked well. They like to have a
white man come out in the field and
tell them what to do. There was al
ways a class of lazy men who would
sit in their houses and give their orders.
These men deserved to have trouble.
"Reporter, And in regard to jury
trial.- I mean negroes upon a jury
"General Longstreet. In some case's
that is bad for instance, where an
action involves an account Negroes
generally are ignorant upon intricate
matters of business. But if a district
ia HisnnaoH in rn t!(tVi. with tViom tha
jury may be divided white and black.
Ihey (the negroes) soon learn and
appreciate the position.
"Reporter. About negro suprem
"General Longstreet Ah, that can
never be : it is sillv to think of it.
They can never be stronger than they
are to-day, and the whites of the South
know it, but they are mislled by the
"Reporter in regard to the acts of
"General Longstreet I advise ray
friends to accept them, and come into
the Union and try to bring peace and
prosperity. I told the people of Al
abama if they would not le guided by
the politicans they would come out all
"Reporter And j-ou think it will
come out all right ?
"General Longstreet I do. The
crops are large. The cotten crop is
worth $200,000,000. That i3 a step to
ward bringing about the desired result.
Chase was my man. I think if nomi
nated he could have been elected, and
the Southern people would rally about
him without knowing it. I cannot
vote for Seymour, but any way I think
good times are not far distant."
If anybody has forgotten Mr. Rob
ert Ould, the Rebel Commissioner
for the exchange of prisoners, it is
not the fault of that gentlemen him
self, for he has lost no opportunity of
keeping his name and his former funct
ions before the public. The mission
which he seems to have" chosen since
the close of the war is that of shifting
the burden of responsibility for the
sufferings of Union prisoners in the
SoutR from the shoulders of the Con
federate authorities, where it belongs,
to the officers of our own Govern
ment, who never relaxed their efforts
to secure the liberation of our captive
soldiers by a fair exchange. It will
be remembered that he was surround
as a witness on the Wirz trial, and his
testimony, had it been given on that
occasion, might have settled the ques
tion forever; but unfortunately the
Court ruled it irrelevant, and he was
not examined Since then he has
been perpetually charging the blame
upon one person, after anotheraccord-
ing as the fancy took him. First he
indicted Mr. Lincoln's Administration
in the lump. Then he fixed the fault
upon Secretary Stanton, isext ne
turned upon Gen. Butler, and the
other day, in a letter to The Rational
Intelligencer, lie made out uen. tr rant-
to be the guilty man. somebody
hereupon has opportunely called to
mina a letter oi jtir. uum a it me
Rebel Gen. Winder, which has re
peatedly been published, and proves
Conclusively mat. iue uuii-uciatc
proffers of exchange where honestly
accepted by our Government, and
that While we returned Southern pris
oners in health and strength we re
ceived in their place unfortunate
wretches whom cruelty and starvation
had reduced almost to thedoorof death.
The letter was written from City Point
while the exchange was in progress,
and is well worn, reprinting Itruns
as follows :
Sib: A flag-of-truee boat has ar
rived with 3-50 iolitit al prisoners, Gen.
Barrow and several other prominent
men among them.
I wish 3-ou to send me at 4 o'clock,
Wednesday morning, all the military
prisoners (except officers) and all the
political prisoners you have. If any
of the political prisoners have no hand
proof enough to convict them of being
spies, or of "having committed other
offenses which should subject them to
punishment, so state opposite their
names. Also state whether you think,
under all the circumstances, tbey
should be released.
Hie arrangements I hare made works
largely in our favor. W6 get rid of a
set of miercZle wretches, and receive
some of the best material I ever saw.
Robert Ocld, Agent of Exchange.
Brig. -Gen. Winder.
When a man looksjat you and sweara,
don't he take a cursory glance ?
OfUcial Correspondecce a to
Fenian Prisoners Tandel
lsm oftaeTnrlisIn Crete, &c
New York, Sept. 2.
A ccorresporulenee took place re
cently between Mn Seward and Lord
Stanley, through the medium of Mr.
Moran, American Charged' Affairs at
London, and Mf. Thornton, the Brit
ish Envoj at Washington, on the
subject of tlie Fenian prisoners. Warren
one Castelio. who are naturalized .citi
zens of the United States. This cor
resjxmdence has been published in
full in the London journals, but the
main points are simply these: Mr.
Seward writes to Mr. Moran, with a
request to read the letter to LordS.m
ley, to the effect that the House of Re
presentatives of the United States has
passed the resolutions requesting the
President to take such measuees as
shall appear proper to t-ecure the re
leasT from imprisonment cf Messrs.
Warren and CasttHo, imprisoned In Britain for words and rtetsspek
cnuaduoncin this country, therein'
ignoring our naturalization laws ; and
to take such other steps to secure their
return to our flag with such ceremo
nies as are appropriate to the occasion ;
and he therefore asks the uncondition
al surrender of those prisoners.
Lord Stanley, in his reply through
Mr. Thornton, says as regards the
imprisonment of Messrs. Warren and
Castello, I have to point to you that
the allegation, on wbich Mr. Se ward's
request for their release is founded,
is that they were convicted for words
spoken and acts committed in the
United States, rests on a total miscon
ception of the facts. These prisoners
were convicted of felon3 at the Com
mission Court for the county cf Quinn,
held in October last, the most promi
nent overt act insisted upon andproved
against them being that the had
come over to Ireland and cruised" along
the coast with the intent to effect
a landing of men and arms in Ireland
and in order to raise an insurrection
against the Queen. The evidence ad
duced against these prisoners, in the
course of the trial of words spoken
and acts committed by them in the
United States, was gien in strict ac
cordnace with the rules of war as paf
of the testimony connecting them
with a I enian conspiracj' which had
existed in the county of Dublin, and
which county the commission court
set, and which conspiracy had for its
object the subversion of her Majesty's
authority and the establishment of a
Republic in Ireland.
A letter from Syria, published in the
Post, sa3's the Turks have lately com
mitted another act of vandalism in
Crete which should hot escape the
notice of rivilirpd Europe and Amer
ica. The olive trees, heavy with the
crop, which promised to sustain the
half starved Christians cf the heroic
isle have been entirely destroyed,
tfhd the women and childreu may be
forced by famine to yield to the Otto
man :power.
The Turkish commander in-chief
has also issued an order for tbe heads
of families to bring back to Crete all
refugees, under penalty of confiscation
of their lands and tenements.
I. o. or G. T.
The following preamble was passed
by the Brownville Lodge No. 20, 1. O.
of G. T., on Friday, Aug. 21st :
Whereas, The Grand Lodge of Good
Templars of the State of Nebraska, at
its last session in Omaha, declared
that they were not a pol:tical body,
but that in accordance with their pro
fession the3' could not vote for men
for official position who deal in intoxi
cating liquors, nor for men who habitu
ally use intoxicating liquors as a bev
erage: the3r, therefore, would respect-
fulhrequest of the pahtlcal parties of
the day, to put no man in nomination
for anj- office in the gift of the people
of the State of Nebraska, who is not
a temperance man, and.
H terras, V5 hue we, the Good lem-
plers of Brownville, disclaim all inten
tion of dictating to the political con-
ei!iious vrnu.iuey snaiiMr sikuiiiui put
i.: I. t 1 -11 . i ,i . . a
in nomination for offices still we think
it is due to the tempeance feelirig of;
this community, that no man shall be I
nominated for our support who hab-
itualljr uses intoxicating liquor as
abeverage. We therefore, recommend
to the favorable consideration of all
nominating conventions about to tie
held in the county of Nemaha, the
action and wishes of Good Templars as
above indicated. We also ask the co
operation of the other Lodges of Good
Templars in the county.
D. D MriR, Sec.
An XTIira Democrat.
From the X. 1". Evening JW.
Some men are insane enflugh to
think Horatio Seymour a great man.
The loudest admirer of tlie Governor
that we have heard of, however, is a
well-known lawj-er of Watkins, N.
Y'., who expressed his admiration of
the great deelincr in the following
forcible, if not elegant language, a
few days ago: "Horatio Seymour,
sir," said he, " is the greatest man
that God Almight ever made, unless
I must except Wilks Booth."
The following doggerel lines, exhib
ited on tlie wall at the town of Wat
kins, are attributed to the same law
3Terl Here's to the marf
That pulled thetriscr
That killed the old cilsh
That freed the niser."
Democratic State Convention.
Boston, Sept 2.
The followiag nominations for State
officers were made by the Democratic
Convention :
For Governor John Quincy Adams,
of (uiney. For Lieut Governor
Reuben Nobb, of Westifield. For Sec
retary' of State Charles Bumblecomb.
For Treasurer Henry Arnold, of Adams.-
For Auditor A.F. Deveroux,
of Salem. For Attorney General Wm.
C. Eudicott, of Salem.
Frank Blair has been in Wyoming
Territory. A correspondent of Cincin
nati Commercial, writing from Ben
ton City, Aug. 1", saysr "I will here
mention the visit of Gen. F. 1. Blair,
though I do not intend to include it
among the 'tragedies' above mention
ed. He arrived last evening on an
excursion train, took supper at the
California Restaurant, wtw serenaded
by the gamblers' band, made a hort
speech in front of their tent and went
on hi way: and Benton stands where
it did. I think these people would
suit Frank. They all vote whisky
and hate niggers, a'nd have no partic
ular objections to changing their politic--
or religion, whenever business
interests demand it."
Acraz' woman, living in Pittston,
Me., cut the throat of her child, a
little girl two years old, with a razor,
on Wednesday of last week The moth
er Bhowed no sign of perturbation
over the deed, it appearing to her cra
zy mind a perfectly natural and proper
thing for her to do.
A country Ijat, f .'--cakirg r.f the
dresses of children, very aen.-i. iy says :
Males Ll! and winter (ires-.: s l.:rh ia
the neck and moderately 1 rg in th
skirt, and then with lor'g drawer, n
nice "boule-vard" skirt, hih boot.
and warm stockings, there rred be net
fear of taking cold. I'.ven fr party
wear, nothing prettier has eszr been
discovered than high, grrci dirc
of bright colored i::erin:, r.r.d little
over-dresses, short skirt and bodkv cf
black silk; and how much aor sen
siple than the short ft:H-kir: cf white
muslin, standing out like tho-e of a
little ballet dancer, and leaving ncek
and limbs erpos-ed to iho col J or
draughts of air. Tbe re U no need to
make little girls mir.ature grandmo
thers, but it would le welltomako
their dress a matter cf far less import
ance to them during their childhood
and the years that ought to be emplo
yed .in study and ia preparation wt
the bu?ino.-3 of lire.
How Vxi.:...;;cv Tiir.:v;. T:. C -ning
(N. Y) Journal say3 of Brick
"Seventeen year3 ago lie wa em
ployed in thi cilice, earning five dol
lars per month and his board. Now
he is probably worth one-third of
million of dollars. He was offered
$100,000 to advocate Chase's norrwi-'
ation at the DcmocraticConvention,
with a like sum if nominated, lit"
refused, knowing that the readers cf
the La Crosse Democrat hated the
"nigger" too intensely, but the effir
showed his power as the Great Mogul
of the Copperhead wing. He threat-
enedtoboltif Chose was nominated,
and thus, though he lost Pendleton,
he kept off Judge Chr-se, ad. gav3
Sevmore the chance to n:n.
Every morning at sunrise there is si
squad of men seen searching the for
ests that adjoines the famous pam.1
ling resorts at Baden. They are ap
pointed bj' the't to hunt
out the bodies of suicides, scarcely a
morning passes that several are not
found. A short time since, at Yv'ies
baden, a young Er.gli.-h Rnhlcman
lost hli all at the taLie. He Mew out
his brains then, xmd there with a re
volver. His lody was carried away;
the gamblers wiped off the blood from
the table with their handkerchiefs,
and remarked, "Gentlemen. wewill,
not delay the game !" The play went
on as usual. The ladies did nat faint
the were too absorded in the clink
of the gold.
A man who was mowing in Luzercd
county, Pa,, a few davsago came upon;
a rattlesnake, which he cut in twr
with his sfwthe. He then took thd
half containing the head in his hand,
and was. bitten on the thumb the farg-i
remaining in the wound until haw it it
drew them. His comrades immediate- ,
ly tied a bandage as tightly as po-eMo"
around his arm to keep the pol-on fr ni :
spreading to a vital part, and sorted,
for medical assistance. His hand
-led to an enormous size, and fina'.y
burstopen.and the poison penetrating
bej'ond the bandage up the arm' tho
unfortunate man died in afew hours,
trronninr and shriekinir with nx-onv
and terror
For the population, millionaires ara
more common in America than i:i
Europe. There is a manufacturer on
this side of the water, whose income
is $lo,ooo.o0 per annum, and head
the list ; "Rusian Iwwary is the second,
and an Englishman owning va-t
proerty in the East Indies is tho
third. The Baron Rothschild, senior,
whom every one ha Leon accustomed
to the eleventh in rank. Emperor
and kings are away in the back irroumh
The richest of all the lot is the man
who has family, charit- to his neigh
bor, a clear conscience, a contented
mind and a good home.
Says Mr. Pollard in his Lot OvuA
Tteg'ained, "It is notorious tliat thi
people of the South never understood
exactly for what they were fighting,
and on this subject they recievtd only
the most confused instructions from
their leaders." Before they suffer'
these same leaders to inveigle thcra
iuto a "war of raeps," or an attempt
to overthrow the Reconstruction acts,
the people of the South would better
demand plainer instructions from
them. "Going it blind" in the way
the j' did, according to Mr. Pollard,
cost them pretty dear.
It is very little wonder that North
ern men going South should take nn
more than a carl't,bag. since they
stand so light achaeceof seeing their
baggage again, or even of returning.
However, some l,2io,0i) carp t-bag-gers,
under General Grant, contrived
to stay South as long as they cared to,
and some eight or ten thousand, under
Butler, were kindly entertained by
the relel.s at their own expense. Af
ter such illustrations, who can com
plain of Southern hospitality ? Rcto
York Tribune.
A farmer livingin Lee county, ILL,
being engaged in plowing at adi-.taneo
from his residence, requited his wife
to send his dinner to him by his littlo
son. The bo- failed to come. On bin
return home in the evening, he inqui
red the reason. She replied that shd
had sent him. Search was intituted
to assertain what lcconie of the ly.
When it was discovered that he had
been killed by some wild animal.
His head and one arm were found,
the remainder of the lxly having
been eaten.
Since he was nominated. General
Blair has tdked and acted as if he w:n
to be President, and his brother thinks
he will be. Caleb Cushing -fiys "rey.
mour, if elected, would not live a year :
the Blairs would have him in a" rnad
house" And the whole Democratic:
party, Smith and North, accept the
nomination of Blair after his b t-
it, i cso vi.e- a t- ti uuet vnij ii wtr i!.."
cation of the meaning of the part v.
The ticket, in fact, has all its -:r :ig! h
in its hind legs it is a Kar.gar'o toil
et '
The citizens of Yyaud;;tte, Kan-as,
are greatly exasperated at a man in
that town who has lecn arested for
ill-treating and finally murdering hi
stepson, a child but "u few days"over
two years of age. He u.-ed to sit hint
on a high stool and then knotk bin
off, lift him to the l!.or by tho hair
of his head, and finalv- kilild him by
beating in his .-kull with a stone.
Two men at work on a farm in King
ston, N. H., had a pitchfork light Vn
Friday of Lost week, and one of them
being deeply stabbed in the brea-t,
deid in the course of an hour; the
survivor lied to the wooi-, and at
Lv-t accounts had not .been captured.
A tailor presented his account to a
gentleman fcr settlement "I'll look
fr-rr your bill- " said the gentleman
" Very good, " Paid the tailor, " tut.
pray don't overlook it. "
The malady of our first parento the
failling sickness.