Oar AmtUertmed Arrti Wx. t1awxbt, at Nemaha City, lv. A- Hawlev, at Clifion. . Otu. G. bTAKT, at AfpmwalL Oar AdvertUi Agents. SnrriFLD A IUMS, 124 line ft. St. Louis, j. is. Willi m-s. vt "litntit L " K L lTn ruaL, 57 larK iiow, .Newlort Jl'LE KEAllULEArX, St. Jo-pll, Ma OmjK, I'ltBVKX & t'O., Chlcuso, ill. . :o..k (.oitfKX & Tavlok, ciu-inuaa,Uhio. H. IL 1'arvis, Cincinnati, Ouio. A. I-'. Licol A Co, iktetou. ilass. Arrival and Departure of Hall. Southern &. Katern Arrive at 12 o'clock X - Impart at I1- r u Northern 4 Eastern Arriw at 4 o'clock r at lteparuat " ax Beatrice Arrives Tuaaya, Thursdays and iat unlays, at 7 o'clock f . . , De;artA Mondays. Wednesdays ana Fn-iys at f o'clock a at Grant Arrive Tuurmlavs at 8 o'clock P X l-pru TtiunKiaya at J o'clock a at W ji?ic Usursl o'clock A X to 8 P X 1 ViutuLiiMa to V A X, and 5 to 6 P X A. P. ALVli.-U. !'t Master. LOCAL. MATTERS. J. Lm CoHvapis Editor. BI1 OVTN VILLE, THURSDAY. SEPT. 3, IStiH. Walt for HcU I s Clothing. IT C Lett, Land Aent, Brownville. Baa ail i Improving Lis Lumber Yard, Haxah Harvesters for aaie by TUdel. Waited A Uaruem Maker at liaur'a. The Silrer baurt. at Tneo. Hill & Go's. Flour e-priiij; and Kail Whtat, at iicGee's. . Wine and Cider fraaes lur a.le at " Eain fell long an ireory on Saturday and Bunday litoU J I Caaea' Turablung-Maciiinetilor sale by F. A. Thdel & Co. Go to Win. F. WiLson for your staple and Fancy CiroocTiei. A Few Thousand bningie for auie cheap at the Advertiser ollice. John Deere'a genuine iiuliae I 'lows, Ouu for tale by Tlieo. & Co. AH Ke w will be Lue;ock of Clothing open ed In .N'u. Tu, Sf pteinbcT 1st. Hetaeil'a Clothing will not be haifaworn out from laying on the ahclf. John B Wilton naa good news to the af fiicied in our special column. Th9 Eepublicana of Fair view organize a Grant and Colhix Club to-night. Hetaeil will be here with a treinendious lock of doming September 1st. The proprietors of the City lirewry are put ting in a vault twenty fott dep. H. Teare & Co'a store room looks like bu siness. New goooj list received. ft .strict Court for thia County will com mence on the Zl Monday In beptember. Fekin Breaking- Plows 3X) T. t H. Smith. & Co s make, for sale by J. C Denser. Mr. Lowery is building a residence on At lantic, between beveuih and Eighth streets. $30,000 Worth of Clothing will Deepened In 'o. 7Q, McPherson's lilock, i'pteiiiber 1st. Blooded Caif A tine blooded bull calf for aale. Enquire of J. M. Zook, at Md'herson's mills lirownvlUe. J Ia, JJIcGee, of the firm of MeGee & Co., has pe Lust for new g-xkls. lie will return toon with a rousing stork. Go to the Itazar and see those fine Dress Buttons and Trimming, Just received, cor iier Main and Third street. A- J. Berry, one of our enterprising me chanics. Is building a fine residence on Wa ter, between Sixth and Seventh streets. From 3,000 to 5.000 Bats, and some Lumber for sale, for caj-h or work. A. W. MofiGAS. "Wanted All the Butter and Epjs and Chickens In the county. TEAKE A CO Xa W. Boots and Shoes. A large and well se lected stock,nnsurpaed In extent or quality, on the road for J. L MeGEE & CO. Eemeinber the old reliable Loot Ptich, "Vhe ler &. "Wilson Sewing Machines. War ranted for three year. Agency at the Bazar. Wm. H. Uootct, Real Estate Agent, has Home choice Building Lots In Erownville, which he will sell cheap to persons wishing to Improve. All those wishing Dreswea, Oimks, etc. Tnaile in the latest aud most Improved styles, will do well by giving Mrs. M. E. Bargla a call at the Bazar. The Teachers Institute, of Nemaha County, met In this city next Saturday at 10 A.x. Every teacher In the county should be present. Go to the Iiarar and see the new arrival of Wbrvlcr A Wiiaoo Sewing Machine, which defy competition. Mrs. M. E. Barjis, Agnt. Wear the Grant andf Colfax Fin ; ' They're men that cannot fail; It Is the tlciet that must win ; Marsh has tire Tins for sale ! J. S. Hetael ha now' on the way from New York to this city, a stock of Clothing and Gent s Furnishing Goodd unsurpassed In ex tent and variety In the west. The Champion Mower No. Sis unexcelled for simplicity, durability and efficiency by any single mower now made, tehellenberger Bro's have them on hand and for aale. The Baptist Aaaociation met in this city on Friday aud adjourned on Sunday evening. They had a pleasant time, with the excep tions of the inclernaney of the weather. The Immense stock of Boots and Shoes ynst received and opened by RobL Tea re 4 Co. la the finest and best ever opened in this mar ket, and offered at greatly reduced prices. W m. H Hoover. Conveyancer, will give prompt attention to the making of Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds and all instruments per taining to real estate. Office In District Court room. Boots! Boots!! Boots!!! Shoes! Shoes!! A" we are expecting a large New Stock of Boots and Shoes, we will sell our present as sortment of Boots and Shoes at greatly-reduced prices. TEAUE 4 CO. J. W. Bliaa has now a stock of General Merchandise In store in London sufficiently large and varied to supply all the wants of the community round atwut that place. Farmers give him a call, he is as true a taan to trade jas you cauX.nd In a day's journey. Teare & Co. are men with whom 11 Is a pleasure and satisfaction to deul ; accommo dating, gentlemanly and fair, with a wiii-se-leeted stock to sell from, they have our best wishes for their success. EH bo urn. J enkins & Co. This firm has now on the other side of the river several ear loads of Pine Lumber and more constantly coming, which they will cross to this city as the new ferry arrives ; In the meantime they rill sell on very reasonable terms on that side, Stoves of the latest and most improved patterns, taking in longer wood, using less wood, and doing better service, Just received and for sale 20 per cent, cheaper than ever offered this side of Albany. N. Y., by WILT. DEN. Pioneer Price Dictator. A Fact Worth Knowing. Ia that Wm T. Den Is actually selling Paints, OiU and Glass cheaper than any other house In this city, while his articles are not a whit Inferior to any. This Is a big Item to all persons who are building. Call and see his goods, and yon will surely trade with W. T. DE?C, Pioneer Price Dictator. HcFall & Co., are making as fine Ward robea. IK, etc.. a we ever aaw. Hanniford A Hughes' Furniture has just arrived, and ifl splendid assortment, not surpassed this tilde of St. Louis. Call and see their double Spring Lounges. Ura. Schenk'a new place and new goxls are Just what the latlk-a of lirownville a l-mjj-e- fji and see the la.itet styles and the iitt frtshions for Bepten:rr, lost reeci'red from New York, and more on the road. Kaddlea.-J Bauer has now on hand a com plete stock of geut B and lady's saddles. His stock has been bought with care, every saddle beinc of the best material, showing good workmanship aud Cui.vh. He is a No. 1 man to trade with, and is worthy of patronage. Drowned On last Friday, Charles Lucas" little daughter was drowned in the river, one mile above town, fche -was playing with a younger brother In a skifT,and fell over back ward into the water. frhe was eight years old. Her body has not been recovered. The Democratic oak and eottonwood pole raising was a fizzle on Saturday last. Kadam Humor hath It that the Hag was of the stars and stri2es pattern The F.ed, White and Blue" tnd didn't suit. Another rumor hi that the pole, like their candidates, was of unsuitable materiai. Arrived at Last I Hew Goods!! Hew House!!! X ewStore!!!! Greatest bargains ever offered in the west can be had in New Clothing, New and elegant l"rims, Habi, etc, just received and iened by the man that never was undersold, that is D. MAY, Regulator- Assets of the N. W. Life Ins. Co..f. SLXiO'X No. ol 1'ulicit l.vsued in J uue last 1.14) Am i ol Freiuiunis piud on policies- ljl,iti: The aUjve is taken from their monthly re port for June, and shovrs the iucreaftbag pros perity of this company. See the advertise ment of the company, and bend for a policy. The lectures on liit Friday and Saturriay nights-,' by illvs Augusta St. Clair, wtra good. Mi St. Clair dix-s not travel for pleasure, but to study -eharaJ;i.-r, sotnerr, country, habits, and the political and social relations, and the has a happy and an interesting way of tetting orth minutely In a lecir:e what she thua learns. Strange but True that Win. H. Small s splendid lot of y ueensware and Glass ware is lading away like dew beiore the morning han and he ha been forced to order a new lot, which will be here in a lew days. He intends to build up this trade and keep a full stock, so that he can supply any demand our citizen may make upon him. A Want that has long been felt In our city, and much deplored, is soon to be sup plied. J. S, Hetzell w ill be here the next ten days or two weeks, with a stock of Clotiiing and Gent's Goods, as would do credit to a larger city than ours, and such goods as for make, wear and price, will knock in the shade anything that has been olfered since the war bean. A Eemedy for the EtiL vSee Dr. De Witt's advertisement, and if a great many young men of this and other portions of re fcjate will consider a moment lor their own future welfare, they will kill this appetite for tobac co chewing and smoking; it is expensive as well as injurious and unbecoming a gentle man. Kna for a package, and eradicate the noxious disease. Great Excitement!! Mountain Fever Haging!!! Crons A White have caught it Want to sell the lease, fixtures and improve ments of Star Hotel, low for cash. A good location, and doing a good business. A for tune for any one wanting a Hotel business. For further information address CROSS & WHITE, 41-St Proprietors star Hotel. Buy your Faints andniLs, Buy your Window G and Putty, Buy your Wall Paper and Window Shades, Buy your Paiut, Scrub and Cloth Brushes, Buy your School Books and Stationery, Buy your Toilet Soap and Perfumery, Buy your Iure Drugs and Medicine, Buy all you need in the drug line from Mc- Creery t Nickell's large and well selected stock. New Claim Agency. Ed D. Smith, who is necessarily in Washington the greater por tion of his time, has determined to give his personal attt-ntion while there to the collec tion of all claims against the Government for Bounty, Back-I'ay, Pensions, tc, that may be entrusted to hiin Now is the time for all who have such business to tran&act to employ a soldier, whose heart Is with his comrades and their widows and orphans, to attend, in person, to the adjustmentof their claims. We have no hesitaucy tu recommending him. Organization of Ladie'a Idite Society of Christ's Church Ou Tuesday evening last the ladies of the Episcopal Church met at the residence of Mrs. Worthing, and the folluw ing ladies were chosen officers for the ensu ing year: Mrs. Hackney, President; Mrs. Thomas, Vice Presi dent; Mrs. Porter, Secre tary; Miss Bunting, Treasurer. Mrs. Cogs well, Mrs. Uauk and Hrs. Bear, were chosen a directors. A large number were in atten dance, and after the business of the meeting was over an elegant entertainment was pro vided. May God bless their labors. Adjourned Sale of Lota. The sale of lots at Eiiico.n has been adjourned until the 17in ineU There will be ottered at txiat time all tue lots unsold in the old town site of Ean cafcter, wuicii include the "odd numbered'' biocikS in and around the University Place and Xarket Square. Ak) two hundred or more unsold lots in the neighbornood of Liucotn llr, wuich will Include some of the moi desirable lots in the city. This will be the laat oiler of lot at the Capital, and per sons desiring to purchase, will note tne lacU The Capiu.1 Building is neariy completed ; the sit VVorks are in active operatian ; the U. S, Laud Ufik-e has been removed from Ne brasta City to Lincoln ; the country is luting rapidly developed, and the city is building up with a rapidity tnat will soon luuike it the in terior town ot the state. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. To all t.nite in tued of .Vnc CtotJung now, I would respectiuily say, wait but a lew weeks and I Hui be prepsJed to supply your wants from as lare and well-as&orted a stock as, I believe, ever opened in Nebraska, and at prices low, and, perhaps, lower tuan any ou have ever purcuased at since the war. I can gUAirauie tiiat I will have no Shoddy gooUa, or -siop-svuop' worji in my store, as my Clot hing have been made up under my own supervision from Goods purcuased in the bolt by myself. It snil be my endeavor to give entire satiatactiou both in my Goods and Prices, and can saiely say to all it whi pay you to wait a snort time and examine my stock and prices beiore purchasing. J. S. HETZEL. May's Campaign bong Aih : -o, Susannah." Every Lady in the land Surely must conless May ha the best and cheapest goods, V herewith to make a dresa ; And such a lot of Notions line As ne'er was seen before. He first came into brownville The lYice Regulator. New Tants and Coats and Hats and Sich,' He has a bnui new stock. fco fine and cheap, he's sure to make Our merchants -w alk the chalk. . Then go to May's emporium, Tls No. 27, And dress so fine and nice and gay You'll tkink you are in heaven. ROM! REMOVED ! Bccrilr-tor Gone Up ! Gone up Wficref Ii"o 27, 5 Boors Above the Old Stand! n, 3LkVS STOKE. Pine Finishing Lumber at IFAf. JL SI ALL'S. Pine tViUng, in abundant at Hif.f if. fl. SXJLLL'S. Gold ha fluctuated at the range of IZT ft, 146 during the past vreci, closing e,t - The New York Shipping List says : The shir men ts of treasure to foreirrl conn tries from this port, sinre tb first of Janua ry, reaHi nearly sixty-five millions of dollars, which is some one hundred per cent more than the average for the ptiKt ten years, and it L estimated that the e.. and bullion re quirements between tsu'f and the end of De cember are likely to rw from fifteen to twent v five millions in excels of the supply that will probably ome a pon the market. Unless the exports of produce end manufactures rise to very largo proportions then, there would seem to be real basis for a further rise in gold, since the foreign merchandise imports con tinue disproportionately iarsre, while the Treasury has been so largely depleted by re-ent hee.vy disbursements that the expedi ent of seliii Kold cjtnnot. be relied upon as an efftvtive ;v;ent for keeping down the pre mium. It i these eonsiderutionSf in tn neetion with the rancor of party politics, which have produced a perceptible uneasiness in business circles, and it remains to be seen what their effect is to be Later in the season. Govern ment securities have ruled weak and lower pretty much throughout the week, though closing with rstlver more firmness. The demand for shipment to Europe has to a great extoiit ceased, the discussions In Con gress and out In favor of a reduction of the interest on the debt having had a baneful In fluence upon the market, and now that the foreign support is to an extent withdrawn, holders are disposed to sell, hence the decline in prices. We quote as follows U. S. ts of lvd, ex inL... L . S. ir-tL I. S. 5-2), small -1U ...ItiVK U. S. 5-:1m. Registered, U S 5-js, W.i, L" S iT-'J-fi, lVij, 1" s t--1., intst Jan. and July, ItTV, -ir:V, I" s lanre, U S small,.. ...i(r;j U S ?-;?), June, L S7-i)s, JUiV. CompoundsMay, lvi. Jis Sepu Oct.,ls;,. epownvixix maiulets. FLOURWInteTf sack " Spring CORN 1 i.usbel MHIIV bushel BAC'uN Hams V fc Siioulders ft tt- 00 IJtl 2 li 20 2" f 2.") 4-1 23 2i : 25 75 : mi 2") 21' 12 ' 'S J :-) 10 7-5 2D 2") ) Side V It).. LARD Canned t SVi:L'P Golden Y gal " SiiL'ar House r. gal COFFEE Java r ltio r Ih CHEESE New York Factory V Couniry v lb TEA Imperial r E - Black vm. - " YHinie Hvson t tt CANDLES MtarV Tallow Y- 8 APPLE.S-Dri.l V B Green r bushel- PEACHES Dried r - POTATOES New r bushel... " Sweet r pound. COAL Oily r gallon F.(iis f. diz BITTER f HONEY r E ONIoN p bushel SALT pr barrel LUMBER Cot ton wood ptr 1D0-. tak " Walnut 1 -1 ol) U) (X () 2T 5) U) () Ul 15 6 W OH 40 Pine J' SHINGLES "ottonwood per I'M 2 .-i-l " line -.3 5c-a7 L.TH Cottonwoxl ier l'MJ 7 1 ine C miI lrv Hard per cord..., HIDES lry per tt " Green . WHEAT i all per bushel Spring WOOL per Jf COGSTTELL'S GEEAT TVEslTElir Liveiy, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES ! Corner Main and Levee Streets, Brovmvilie, Nebraska. Buys, Sells and Exchanges stock, cm PHQPERTY, Has Iiree St.c k Corrall close to Pteam Fer ry Landing. Stable accommodations for Fifty Horses. Sinele an i Match Horses, Buggies and Car riages always on hand for sale. -y No. 49, STAPLE ASD FAXCY DRY GOODS ! Embracing; sJl tne Novelties of the eeson. Also a large and we selected stock of CLOTHING ! GEXTS FURXISniXQ GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS A17D CAPS, GROCERIES, Queens-ware, Hardware, SALT, LIME AND . C S II E IT T ! Our GockU were bought of first hands, and ire think tec can offer euch induce mcnts to purchasers as cannot fail to suit those winking to buy. Call and see for yourselves. All Hinds of Produce taken in Hx Change for Goods. NORTHWHSTIIRN Mutual Life Insurance Company, GENER-VL OFFICE, 116 main Street, Miiwauieif, Wis. Ats 3, OO.OftO Membervhip X3.0O0 I"olicie issued 1T 10,000 Risks covered l-o7 20,250,000 Till! visrorous company now ranks among the tweuty-hve New York companies, tiiiri in number of members; fifth in amount of assets. It Li a Purely Mutual Company. That i, an association of policy holders, managed by men selected by themselves, for themselves. Each moml.nr is a lull partner in t tie whole business, with liability limited to tne amount actually invested. It thus adapts it piuns to the benefit of its members, adopts all improvement and aims to le a Iloclel Life Insurance Co. 11 wa one ol lue hit to adopt uie popular future know in insurm'"ecirclesa.the NuN F )KFEiTINtr l'LN, and now applies lrto ail tne policis It issnt-R. It Is th only company that adopts the full benetit or ine mne pysiem witnout doins 3 credit buness or destrong the cash princi rile. Iilicv hoMer? permitte.1 to travel anywhere in tne 1 .-ii.t- aim iuiupt', out r is its in the far South not sotiht. Few arprpeiate the advantase of ihs lo tion at the West, where money can safely be l.ianeo ai un mm luau uie xtst. 1 1.0 00 LOAUED FOR 50 TZARS, At w eeriu c'liijujunu mxeresr pi-otiace 1,4-20,15 At & per cent, compound interest nnxiuoes 46,901,61 At 1" per cent compound interest produce.. .117,390,65 Divi&cns Ilnst be Iarge. Liiviaeus jwtute annually, o comment three years after date or policv, but to euual Distributed to Policy Holders Onlv There being no 8to kholders to absorb the surplus, or control me company lor aelriah purposes. LETTER SEXTON, President. A. "vT. KELLtiU, Secretary. HERBER SHITH, General Agent. I. T. LnrX, State Aeent for Iowa and Ne braska, trace, uraay r-t. Davenport, Iowa. J. IL, liAEISOrr, Diat. C-St Clecwood, Iowa, pin ie Skiing, a choice aod foil rtork. at dWi . lis 1171,' r:rhl Relicts. Tthat U neater tiaja a tmaoti cleaa fce or arm ? Tbea send for Elner's laaiufele Depilatory for removing n inperfloous fcair from the boiJ i"brt Pla m Icjury U tta skin- The n ctwtinata eaes cured ia from ten to fifieea days- Taoasaod havenseJ It f l'.h lacxew. Price per pcxe $1 or two fcf e:3, sect port pid to any adiresa wita fall dirtf Uca for tj onrecept of price. A(Mre T. V. aiXSS, Chemist C3 oute 01. s. To tie Colored People. I hTt ducovered a prparaUoa to uraUMen the hair. I raa aalaly guarantee my preparaUoa to traightea tha most kinkey hair a any peraon, ao as it will be as atraigtit aa the bair of an Indian, cumbers bave nsed it wita access. Warrani ta give entire aatiafaction and to do what it seta fartn 1 tht abora la a 11 case. Sent poat paid wits fail directions for use to any adiress on roce.pt of price. Ono bottle for fjl.60 or two fr0. OneboUle will answer for a per and keep the hair straight fox arer. AMras K. V. RIXkH., Chemist, 4i9 OUva St., St. Loui. Ma. 1 Good Xtwi to tne Afflicted. Five vears azo, while traveling through South Americaior my health, I dverei remedv which will permanently caxe of Spermatorhea or .Seinmai weakne, caused bvseii-alKise or sexual excess in ma ture years, in from two toflve wet -s. it can be used without the knowlclge ot any one. .sent seeurtlv sealed from obbervation, ana warranted to eUe-t a permanent cure or mor.ev refunded. l'ri-e S-3 per package suffi cient to cure the most inveterate caie. 11 letters of inquiry cheerfully aTjweir-i. Address, JUlLN B. ILTV. Xn 12-45-ly St. LOUIS, MO. Vara Solon's Papuleara Lotion- The greatest remedy ever discovered for Dis-aes of tiie tOri?. Cures every kind or unsi-htlv eruptions of the face. Removes without fail implex. lYeckeU. Jloih UlUche, VunlL.t or JiUick to'urun, ln. Sc., and as a beauUtier it has no equal. For gentlemen after shaving it is invaluable. ljuli, alter trying it, will use no other. " I-apuiean Lotion " is tiie only reliable rem edy ir diseases and Llemishes of the akin. lYiee one dollar. Prepared only by S. L. VAN fOLON, St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Druggists generally. ' Lly Saptrflaoni Hair Removed from the Face, Forehead, or any other part of the body, in five minutes, with out inj urv to the skin, by the Oriental Lusina. Warranted. Mailed for jl by O. DTJNANE, n43ly tit. Louis, Mo. Scientific "Wonder. Tells how to make all kinds of Patent Med icines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cosmetics, Wines, Cordials, Soaps, Hair lyes. Oils, De pulatories. Pomades, Curling Fluids, House hold Recipes, and hundreds of other articles in daily demand, easily made and sold at lance profits. It contains ail the latest dis cories secrets, arts, dec. A most wonderful l.ook. Third Edition. Fifty thousand al ready sold. Poht pud to any aaurewjiorao cents per copy, Dy UJ-J f.. V " Y7 niViy St, Louis, Mo. WASTED. Teachfr. Student, and other intelligent Hen sad Women, in a business paying $t00 to $200 per morth, according to abilitr. For particular a ad dress ZEIG: ER, JtcCOdTr &. Co., Lombard Block, Chicago, 111. n-M-iy To the Ladies. For one dollar oniy. T are selling Silk, Shiwls, Drr and Fancy Goods of eery description; also Silver Ware, Furniture, fcc. TaltuEle Presents, from $3 to $500 sent free of charge, to agents send ing clubs of ten and upwards. Circulara sent free to any address. WTETH fc. CO. (Successor to Messenger &. Co. 42 Hanover St., Boston, Kass. P.O. Box 2931 13-H-gm Deafitesa, Catarrh, Consumption and Cancer Cured. A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption and Cancer? their causes, means of speedy relief and ultimate cere. By a Pupil of the academy of Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address for 10 cents. Latter from Bob'tMcMurdy, D.D., LL.D., Grand Prelate of Grand Encampment of V. S., and Editor ot the .VaiZ Treevuuon t New TokK; Sept. 17, 1867 Dr. STlLLWEU. was in charge of Uraca C torch Hospiui, Alexandria, Va., during the war. 1 fre quent y, almost ddily, for months, visited this Hos pital, and had erery means of knwicg his reputa tion for efficiency aud SKIL1 it was i ilb most creditable character, aa4 his succeaa In the treatment of patients was remarkable. KUBfcKT MCM.LU.Ul. Oroahic Tibrator It fits into theear, is aof perceptible, reraovtt tinging noire i the head, and enaolesdeaf persons to hear distinctly at church and pubdcassemblies. This intrameat will often pro duce results almost miraculous and indeed in cases of long standing deafness, it will relieve in a short time. It may be adjusted with the ease of spec tacles. DR. STILL WELL will be professionally at 31 East Washington place, University Buildings, . T., daily, 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, when he will beat his rooms 1032Piae Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12.16-ly SimlUa Siwlllboa Caraatar. Humphreys H-nxEpathiC Specincs Eave proved, from the mobt ample experience, an enure success) simple, prompt, ettcicnt and reliable. They are the only med.cmes periectly adapted to popular use simple that mistakes cannot be made in using them ; to harmles as to be free fiviu danger, aid so efficient as to be always reliable. They have raised the hi ghest commendation from ai.', and wil always render satisfaction. Nos. Cent. 1 Cures Fevers, Congestions, InSamation..Jii do Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic-i do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Cryiaa -colic or Teething of infants..". Luarruu-'a of children or adults i"i I'ysentary, Griping, liilious CoiicJi3 Caolera-morbus. omiting li Coiijihs, Col Is, Bronchitis . Z Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceaehe 'S HeadiM-he,sick iieadaehe, Vertigoii Liyspepsia, ihliious Stomach... '.'-j suppressed, or Painful Periods Wtiiies, too profuse 1'eriods Croup, Coua. Dinieult lireathina:.'i Salt lUieuih, Eryaipeia., Eruptiohs.1 Kheumatism, lliieumatic Fams 'JH t ev er & Ague. Cuiil Fever, Aauesi Files, blind or bleeding ) i pthalmy, and sore or wwik Eyeso) Catarh,aix-uteor chronic, InhueuzajiJ Wooping-chouuh, violent cougiis-.-fi Asthma, oppressed breathing 5) iar lisehames. impaired hearins5) l do rTotuhi.enbinieil glands, Bweliinits-V) '1 do Oeneraliebilit y.pnysical weakness-ill do Dropsy, nd scanty Vecretions. J) 'M do Sea-Sickness, sicknesis fromridimr 5) Kidnev-iiiseatse. Gravel...". 2 do Nervous ik'bilitv. Seminal Emis sions, involuntarv iiseliarre.l () 29 do Sore Mouth, Canaer....- cJ) ) do Urinary Weakness, wetting beds.oJ :?1 do Painful Periods, with spasms Ji do Sutierinirs at clianee of Uie 1 IA ii do Epilepsy. sniisms. st. Vitus Dancel ) i do Liphtheria, ulcerated sore throatlol Family cases of 35 to 70 large vials, mo- roccj or rosewood case, containing a - apeciflc for every ordinary disease a family is subject to, and books of di rections, from , $10 to $25 Smaller Family and Traveling Cases, with 20 to 23 vials, from $5 to 9 Spec Lots for all Private Diseases, both for Curing and Preventive Treatment, in vials and pocket cases ; $3 to $5 Pond' Extract cures Burns, Bruises, Lameness, Soreness, Sore Throat, Sprains, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Luiubaeo, Piles, Boils, Stints Sore Eyrs, Bleeding of. the Langs, Nose, stomach, or of Pile; Com., Ulcers, Oidsores. Price 50 cts. to $1,15. Tuese Remedies, except Powd's Extract, ty the case or single box, are seut to any part of the coun try, by maii or express, free of charge, on receipt of the puce. Address Hcmprb.cy'1 Specific Homeopathic medicihe Co., Office and Depat No. b6i Broadway, N. X. Dr. Humphrer is consulted daiiy at his oCice, per- Muaily or by letter, as above, for all forms of dis ease. . for tale by McCOXAS sx CO., 15-y Brownvi.le, Xeb. Manhood! How Lost, How Restored! A1 5 Just published, a new edition of Dr. jZT1l Culverweti'a Celebrated Essay o the n radical care (without medicine) of SpermaiorThcea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoteocy, af ental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Jfarriage, etc ; also. Consumption, Epi.epy and Fits, induced ly self induigence or sexeal extravagance. 3" Price, in ealrS envelope, otfly six cents. Tne celebrated author, la his admirable essay, clearly demonstrates front a thirty years' successful pract.ee, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, aud effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, ao carter what his coaditioa may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tS This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth-and every una in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad drese , postpaid, 00 rece.pt of stx cents, or twe stamps. Also Dr. Cniverwen's Marriage Guide;" price 25 ceats. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE fc CO., !My in Bowery, New xor, P. 0. 6. Erlde a. iid Eridegrooin. Essays foryo-ng mn on the interesticg ie'. tion of Bridegroom to Bride in the in;itu:L.o of kme. a Guide to te matrimonial felicity, asd true happiness, seat ty man m tl itter ea veloie ree of chane. Aaire?3. E'JWXED ASSO CIATiOX, Box Fj PiiIa?e!T tia. Pa. Dr. Mat fa Conception Preventive Is nsed by rer three hunlred thousand ladies of the Atlantic States aloae, aixi by a lsr? number in the West, who wouid not be wiihont it for ten times its cost. It is to thia Preventive oai the mothers of those States owe their immunity from larje families. It is absolutely certain, cunfenieat to and witbal benencial to health. Abortion ia criminal, then use means perfectly moral and proper. Send stamp for pamphlet containing full parUcalare. Address. DR. A. G. WTLBER, (P O Box 3C32) 719 Bt. Charles street. . I1-17-ly ST. Lons, Mo. Dr. Whittier Eaa been longer enied in the treatment of Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than any other Pbysiaan In St Louis. Syphilis in all Us forms, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Stricture, Orchids, Diaberes, and all affections of the Crmary and Sexual Organs, are treated with the f reatest success. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and Impotencr, aa the result of se.f-abme in youth, or sexcal ex cesses in maturer years, whicb produce aume f the following eJect.- as blo-.cbea, debiiity. dizmi aess, dimness of sight, confusion of t'Jeas, evil forebodini's aversiou t society uf females, loss of memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage improper caa be cured. Perrons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarraea, Liver Ctjmplaint, Hernia, Rup ture or any other chronic aflevtion, may rely npua receiving a raiicai cure. Parties !ar attentica given to alt Female Cm rnaiDts; InnamnvatioB and Ulceration of the Womb, Leucurrhea, Chlorist, Stjrinty, fcc. Most Cases can be properly treated without an interview, and ntediccres gent by mail or express, secured free from observation. Cor.au!tato byletieroratofflce free. Chance moderate and rare guarranieeJ. 53"" Office, with hospital accommodations f'r P tiears. Ko. 611 St Charles street, between Sixth and Seventh, St. Lnuis. Ho. Everybody can get, in a sealed envelope, my theory and treatment of Sexual and Crimry Dis eases, eoouining fell symptom lists, for two pos tage stamps; aisO; my paper relating to Chronic and Female Complaiats, f jr a three cent stamp. 12-n-ly An Address To the Kervou and Debilitated, whose suffering have been protracted trom bidden cause, and whoee cases require prompt treatment torendw existence desirsble. Ii you are surer tug or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what effect dies it produce upon your general he-tlth? Dj you feel weak, debi.ltaied eafity tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Doe your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre quantiy get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, miiky. orflocky, or is it ropyoD setting? Or does a. thick scum rise to the (op? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhi e? Do you have spells of snort breathing or dy;,ep ia ? Are your soweis constipated ? Do yon have spells of fuming or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory impairei ? Is your m.otl constantly dwell ing opon thi u"ject? Dj yoi leei du;l, listless, moping, tired of company, or life? Do you wish to be left alone, U get away from everybody? Does any little thing m&ke you start or jump ? Is j our sleep broken or rest'.ese ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you eijoy yourseif in society as we.l ? Do you pursue your business with the same ner;y ? Do you feel as nincb conuden"e In yourself? Are yonr spirits da 11 and t!ax;ing, given to flu of melancholy? It so, do not lay it to yonr liver or dyspepsia. Have you reetlfr'S nisbts? Tou-Lack weak, your knees weak, and have but little apetite, and you attrib ute this to dypeia or liver complaint? Now. reader, teil-&bu:e, veaerial diseases baaly cured, and sexual ex ess', are all Capable of produc ing a weakness of the generative organs. The or gans ot feneration, when in perfect health, make the man. Did yon ever think that those boid, defi ant, energetic, persevering, succwjtul business men are always those whose generative organs are ia perfect beaiih ? Ton never near aucb men com plain of being melancboliy, of nervousness, f pal pitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't became sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant la the company ot ladies, and look you and them-right in the face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them I do not mean thoee who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. Thee will not only ruia their constitutions, but also those they do business wiia or for. How many men from had!y cured diseases, from the effects or seir-abuse and excess, hare brought about thai stale of weakness in those organs tua: has reduced the general system so much as to ia dace almost every other disease idi.y, lunacy, paralysis, spin', affections, suicide, and aitiiosi ev ery other form of disease wbich huuidnity is heir to, and the real cause o? the trouble scip.e y ever suspecteo, and have doctored for all but the right one. Disease of thee orran require the use of a dii retie HELUiSULD S FLUID EXTRACT hV CiJCU the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure lur diseases of the Ba2Jer, kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility, and all dieaes of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in iiale or emale, from what ever ciuse originating, and no matter of how long sianiiiug. If no treatment is submitted to. Consumption or Insanity may en-ue. Our flesh and blotxi are sup ported from these sources, aud the health and hap piness, anJrhat of Posterity, depends upon the prompt use of a Teliaole remeCy. Heimbold's Extract Bacha. established upward of 19 years, prepared by H. T. HELKBOLD, Druggist. 69 1 Broadway. Ne Tork, and 1C4 bouth 10th St., PUiiadelpfcia, Pa". Paicr $1.23 per bottle, or bottles tor $ 59, delivered to aay address. Sold oy all Druggists everywhere. Scientific ! Rational ! Safe ! ' 33 Ii. IAWKI2fCrZS Compound Extract of "BOSADALIS," Rcornmcnded by SCTEXTiriC 2IEX E Villi YWUERE AS THE BEST Remedy yet Discovered roB Disease of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys AN D A3 A GEXERAL HEAL TU RESTORER ! BOSADALIS Purifies the Blood, Improves tne jippezize, Aids Digestion, Corrects the Secretions, And Imports Tone, Strength and Vivacity to the Whole System. So that persons nsina; it feel that they enjoy an entire new me. BOSADALIS Is Eecommcnded by the Ec$t Phy-ii clans Everywhere, BEAD THE FOLLOWING FEQM De. F. Olijt Daxjtelt.t, now of this City Formerlv Profes-or of Physiolosrv anl Path-olorf-al " Anatonir in the MMdl Georsift vtcliral Polletre. 'hief SnrirfHin Stateof S"uth Carrlina. during the -ar, Vice-President Georgia Medical Association : Ti- fyiww-.! h.ivp TOref;iTlv PTTimined vour formula forthv Kt SADLIs. and recm mendetl it to several of niv natients. The rtjml'irralion is a hartv on3 and must-prove a potent reniedv in airdi.-e-.uses requiring the -.1-. r ,: I H.h von success. F. OLIN D ANN ELL Y. Baltimore, April 22, 1 . Baltimore. Id Marchl. 1W. I IWiev1 lr. Lawrence's -R(.SAL)ALIS'' to lie the Ret Alterative In Use, and there fore cheerfull v reonimend it as stih. "TUUiiA.S J. BOYKLN, M." D. Baltixoke. FeV.uary.lCtb 1. Dr. J. J. Isucrw :- Ix-arSir I take plv nre in recomraendinz yonr ItOtSAlJALLs as 1 a verv powerful alterative. , 1 ours truly, i vr . c--s.xv.i, j. We know Pr. Lawrence s TVvd:ili3 to be a Pate and reliaijle Alterative. sce-. and t-'Ute pleasare in rwommending it to the profess ion ana pnoiic. J H Moore, M P. L A smith, M I), J H Vintea-L M t, R H Itarham, M P, V Duiran. M I. K Bnrnes, M D. ItWKina. 31 Vl S Woo I ward, M I, V T Prpwer, M P. aa- J BuUoek, M L, Wixsox, N. Jan aary Tth, 1SUX .For TerrmoniiU of Uesiakkabi-K Crura 55e "Koeadalisi Almanac" lor Una vt-ar- Prepared at the Laboratory of Dr, J. J. Lawrence & Co., SI Ecittimrre Stri, BALTIMORE. SIHTH z, DTTTEH, WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS, CHICAGO, General Acents for the 2forth JYesfcr? States, to whom orders euould be aoareseea. ' to purxiiAsrr OP SEWIIIG LIACHIIIES THE FLORENCE LOCK-STITCH C 1 ; I - 1 ' J EEYEE3AEEE FEED Sew id Q U Has a?ain carried of the highest honors at the principle Fdirstbe present season, cucimencing with the Sew England Arrioa,tural Fair, at Providence, in September wbere it was awarded The Highest Prize, immediate'y after which came the Xw Tork State Fair at Buffjlo in Octuber, where the ojtumitiee awarded if the First Prize double Thread Tlachine. Then came the great Annual Pair of Se England, that i.f the Mechanic's Association, at Lowell, where the highest priie the ONLY GOLD MEDAL awarded to any Fatuity Sewing Machine, was riven to THE FLOBSKCE ! and that too ia fair competition with other First Class MacMaes for Cve c-nsecutive week where it Las been exam ined by the best mechauics in the country and pro nouueed the best constructed and most reliable H a chme, and one that, on account of its s.mpiicity woud Accomplish More Work la a Elore Satisfactory LTaniier Than AnyOTHES SEWING MAHIlvE EVE It IXATXTED! At the Fair of the Maryland Institute, which c!osed a four weeks session at BUimre ou the Tth uf .November, the superiority of the FLORENCE was axain confirmed ty the committee on Sewin X wbir.es. who unanimonaly awarded it the GOLP JtEDAL,th highest prize the Institute cunfers. Ob the Wth of September the Great Fair and Ex hibition of the American Institute was ovened in Kew Tork. As usual theaisp.ay vf SewicgXacit-nes was Ur?e and the competituxi strong, but after s:m weeks trial the friewisof the FLORENCE had the satUfsrtlon of seein their favotite again triumphant and f r the seood time beariuc off tiie lushest honors of the American Irmitite. KeluW we give an extract frm the Report of the committee on beia Itachiues read at the close of theF,ir: "The wfio!e numler of Sewing Machines on eihi- bitiou is thirteen, of these, twe e are entered fur competiti .n. The article bejritii the number 130 (VLUHKNCE SKWINIt MCfliTTE) is decided tot tut lltt on Kxblbltiou. It m ist a'so be suted luoaeuully. That this is better than ibj of its class knottn to the Judges. "irs MERITS ARE : 1st. Good Material and Thorough Workmanship. 2d. Kore absolute Novelty than marks the usual Improvements in Sewing Machines. 2J The ingenious arranjrement of a positive mo tion for adiosrin? the thread during the passage of the shuttle and gathering up of it ia the taieh ol the stitch. 4th. The reversible feed. fcth. The variety of the work that can be foal up on it. We therefore decide that it receive the award of first class. Sinel "Wir PRATT. IRA S C APT. LJ K.XoWLE3.M 'This is to certify that the foreoin is a true ex tract frjnl the Report of the Juii::esof Sewing ata- chines at theJTth AiiQulFiir fvTI JXO W CHAMBERS, Sec Buard Manager. Sew Tork.Xov. 17th. 1S67." It would seem as thuoh this 8ncce-?3iun of tri nmpbs shou.d be suficlent to c nvi.,ce any unpreju diced person of the great superiority of the FLORENCE SEWIH6 MACHINE over all others, an if more isnee.led to con Arm the above, we micht ad that, ir. 131. the Comjaoy on.y sold 50 Machines, whilst now there are over . D Thus establishing its reputitioa berond tpieition. Every MacMne is TVarraiited I ! n. PiaAirr, GEX: U'ESTETiX A GKST, 812 st. , Eat side, between , Washington Atb. t Green, Circulars, Price Liz. r.d samples of work fur nished on application. J OM "W. HTNDEI150TT, Agent, 12-llMy For Brownville and Nemaha Co. rWEVTY -EIGHT SIZES Or THE C ULL B RATED 1 '-. : Are now made by the Excelsior Manufacf uring Comp'i ST. LOTJTIS. 1 nnrE TFT.L-Ky" AND VERI rxiri. I L VK C.x KIN'.i STOVE hsve ben before U ubhc since 14.2. r.cn sucwrun ;- r " , their poDuianr.r, uatil tl.e nan has become fa ll liar in every househoU hi Uie est and South, he demand for our Vow Olisxftei Osxl? lit vear ws srreaterthaa weeald supply with th Ues then made; anticipating a sthl greater de land darinst the prwnl year, we have msvie pat ras for seseral additiocn! sues, and are preiarel i man ufac tire lO to IliO CHARTER OAK STOVES. per day, of TWrwTT-EIGIITDirrEItLVTSIZXS. We (Tuarsxtee the operation of every stove w jamifacture, and Oder as retTnce anv one of the taov thHisHr.l9 that have ben wid. -wherevei lev'mav be found. Neither Tabor or haj een spared to make onr NEW CHARTER OAK PEHFECT cooiln'G STOVE, nd we o7-r ft to f.ie tr5e a the EE5T CO" IUOTEy, 3rT PUKABLE aad LNITOial peratin; COOKING P Vi: in tiie niari-t. Jn a-thuon to our KXTLN-IVE MOVE BUSr XSjweare peeparet toolfr to ?toe Peaiert 'insmiais and others in the trade, the lararst an'.. Kt cwmilote asartment cf Metal and 'tinners' lock ia the West. OarsmnnKnt with tne St. oai starcpirizCorapaoy enai se us to rive l:lerU irminrs tt larre biiTers of t KENCH i-l.31FEI IXNLD ISOXWAliE and Tinarrs sujipiiee. lav.n? recent! r rtHirl t pn-es of all article ol urO'S ILLSRAlTUEh, we believe ittalers and oo-iekeei-ers wZl tnd it to their interest to send or Cat aiojrae ars-i rYi Lif . and exaautie our price eitre purciiasiax elaewhtre. AudreaS nxcrxsioii 5iAxrro co., St. Loau, iliisoaru ioIdbv BrctrrxiVe, yb. it hi I 1 . ' : Ml C Q Za U r 01 o 1 T3t W7. r ' It 3 -1 1-1 w m CT2 I -3 HI Erf m DO X L $H2 3 Hardwire, S' j'-', a ; ' --', Jlcrrf-rr-, S' ':, llr Hxrdtcar;, &';':, liazr', M m 1 r nti-J,rrj I.-on and Pi ':'.v'y .'.-' Iron end JW'.V, Piiistur'g Iri n CncJ Xa;t : i c'j Si Char:rO'ikS',i:, Charter 0tk Stfjre Charter Oak &:ov:s, rx-les a;fi::ssrrtmr.t of evcrytllrs? Jt-4 ia a nri eia.-s liailUiiiiht Liii MiiiC STOEE! Which will he to'Ju loir as tU fctrsil "for cash: To a" irho f,i--r tri'h At;ihc Sla c! the BIG 3Z3 STZAD I k the pla to bt:y FURNITURE AND UFHOLSTEBY 3r-rALL Co., Ke-p cr,n'antly on har.d rt comp'tta as mtnt 01 Sofas, ZudsliaJi. VTTrbn, Fur'a'xs, EiKki t'-. What .Vj.'j. 1' Rar, luVin K.uhen and mnd Par:jr Tji.Vs. Par' or Chair. ATa-o-'e Tweed "r 1 - j L-' ) !7 , Crib. Oj-.c Cmforfa, Lcntnnt l Settees. mm Sate -. Plain. V ' " Stand. ' " ilattrnse. Tf-a, Bed Soring Children' Caifii Gt. Oiit and Rotmwd - J:nj, SAeeU. Pulov. Pitttf i.if 1, ett,, etc SH0T7 CASISd; OFTIE TTOHZ IT ADS to ohid: And anything arl 'v:rs".Ti!riz rin'.red to av tip plain or tmcy rrou.-f kef piu AI of their ware is either man a factored cr , put up under their special superir.ten''.nr. which enaU-s thtm to sell jKjnml articles at smaller prices than Eastern raauuitar! , rootls. Our Hearse 0 a t is at the r io' of th pni l:? at ar.y tle M may b nt"etel. and Is gotten up nas Crt atjl ah any Luther east. Limucfiflim ciSES 1- L of all sizes cuustautly on hand. At Ens ternPrlcom We are doiEa: l.u-iiiie on rSTKICTTLY CASH PITTS dPT.TT AT A Small Profit. and hy attntl'in to htsino and the want c.f th.e rorantnnity, exptin the faturt-ain th p:t.t to receive the patronsze of the pnl-Ua jrnerally. JTrY A T.T. & CO. Country Llcrclia Z3. kw DAIIIY3IEX, rAiinzns, othzhs, coystss TO'.a ASIIES, BEESWAX, BEANS, EUTTZTJ. EGGS, FLOUR, AND MEAL, FLAX, COT TON, DRIED FRUIT, GREEN FRUIT, fS FURS AND SKINS, ' G RAIN AND WOO Ie, poultry, naval stores, glnseno, ii0fs, fe-vttiers, provisions, 0il3 hemp, tallow , Lard, tobacco, sorgo! molass e.s SEEDS, ga:ie, To JOSIAH CAHPZIii.Li Genera! Comnilssicn LlercSiar NEW YORK CITY. And rcccii r hii trrek'y Piir Currani of Prwvte fnd Clwerir, th: rival izorr''z Price Currant lUh'.dll (he Cni'ed Siatts. Send ic:? a Price Currant. HorHrsr Kites 6 Cirds Fu: FREE. Lile)ral AdvsLnees ZlaA ea Conafga zneztta. Established May 1, 18 C3. first Cas Re-'ereace gien wben reared. JACOB MAROHN, . : icHAirr t att, on, IlcPienon'a l.r- BLOCK. J Dealer ia clothing: Also A'-it f.T " - , I! "'I'; 2 5 ) i i o- V .--"