Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 03, 1868, Image 2

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j CO
J. S. CHURCH, Editor,
National Bepafrlican Nominations.
For Prebident In 1868,
For Vle-Irilctenl,
for Presidential Electors
W r Jlf. MA Ii Q VETTE. of Cass Co.
JL ALLGEWA 11R, of Ricbnrdson,
J. E. WARS Mi, of DakoU. Co.
Member of Con prow
Mcm JOIIX TAFEE, cf Douglas Co.
Tor Governor
DA VID n VTLER, of rawnee Co.
For SecTFtary of Stnie
T.F. EEXXARD, of Wa&hin gton.
Fur Treasurer r.f state
JAMES SWEET, of Otoe County
For Auditor of State
District Attorney, 1st J ud ieial District
O. B. 1IEWETT, of Nemaha Co.
Republican Co. Convention.
A Convention of the Republican rartv of
v emu ha County will le held at the Court
. IIoum? In Brownville, at Vt o'clock r. M. on
Saturday, Ihcllth of Srjilcmbcr,
to nominate the following o.f.cers, tolo voted
sr nt the election on the kecond Tutelar in
let r 1 wr t
One County Commissioner for 1st District,
our Representatives to the legisiaiure,
)ne State Senator and
Ivietrates to the Senatorial District Con.,
onJ tu tmnwict such other business ns may
Ik- of Interest to the party. The Republicans
of each precinct are requested to hold mc t
Innit their resrectlve r!-"X's of holding l-
ttious, on Saturday the - Hi lay of Answt,
I', to elect delegates to said County Conven
. The precincts are entitled to the following
TiumtK-r 01 delegates :
. 20
Nemaha City. ....
Washington 2
Ifcvlford ..
Cilen Rock... ......5
Jienton .
Peru 11
1 lillfrlflH : O
Bv order of the Republican Central Com
mll'tee. JOILS L. CARSON, Ch'n.
A. J. Hitter, Sec
Senatorial Conrentlon.
Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of
Nemaha, Richardson ana jonnson counties,
that a Senatorial Convention will be held in
Wednesday, September 16, 1808,
at 2 o'clock, p sr., for the purpose of nomina
ting a Senator for the Third Senatorial Dis
trict, The representation is fixed as follows:
Nemaha county 1s to have rive delegates;
Richardson, five: Johnson, two.
Rv order of the following members of the
Elate Central Committee:
J a k vis s. Church, for Nemaha Co.,
Herman Rhodes, for Johnson Co.,
E. K. Cunningham, for Richardson Co.
Republican Ilcctings.
Gen. JOHK K.TTHTER. V. 8. 8entor for K
lratka, will address tfce people at the following
limes sad placet:
Drownvlll, Thursday . Sept, 3d, in tba evening
Arago, Friday, Sepl 4 h. I p. m.
Eulo, Friday. Sept. 4ib. Id the eTening.
Falls City. Saturday, Sept. 6th, in tte evaning.
Salem, Monday, Sept. 7ib, in the evening.
Tablo Hock, Tburtxlay, Sept. 8th I p. ra.
Pawnee City, Tbarnday. Sept. tli, lo the eveninc
Tecumseh. Wednesday, Sept. 9th, in the evening.
Beatrice, Tsumday, Sept. IGth, in the evening.
6n Cicty, Friday, Sept. 11 in, In the evening.
Camden, Saturday, Sept. I?ih, In the evening.
Kebruka City Monday, Sept. 14th, in the even
in,. if onnt Pleasant. Tbnraday, Sept. 16th, 1p.m.
Weeping Water. Thursday, Sept. 16tb, in the eve
ning. Lincoln, wetaesdaT, Sept. llth.
Mjlford, Thursday, Sept. 17th, 1 p. m.
Seward Tbnraday, Sept. 17tb. in the evening.
Ashland. Friday, Sept. 18th. in the evening.
Rock Bluffs Saturday, Sept. 19h, 1pm.
Plattsrooutn, Saturday, Sept. 19;h, la the even
ing. Grand Is'and, Thursday, Sep.' Sid, in the even
Columl'ns, Wednesday, Sept. 23d, In the evealcg.
ortb Bend, Thursd y, Sept. 24th, 1 p. m.
Fremont, Thursday, Sept 24th, in the evening.
Sailing's Orove, Saturday, Sept. 26 th, afternoon
and evening.
Gov. Butler, and perhaps other speakers, will
be with Gen. Thayer at most of the above appoint
ments Local committees will please plv the proper
Buticea and make ail necessary arrangements.
other appointments will be announced in due
time. By order,
R.rt. State Central Committee.
"We notice bv the Press that the
Land Office is being moved to Lincoln
Toppleton charges Governor Buttler
with favoring the building of rail
roads In Nebraska, and complains of
Taffe because he did not favor increas
ing the Public Debt for this purpose
The Thelps City liccord, published
over the river at Phelps City, MoM is
another republican candidate for pub
lic favor. It is a good paper, and looks
welL Send to the Record printing
company for a specimen copy.
The delegates from Peru Precinct
are instructed to go for T. J. Majors,
for Senator r from Brown ville Precinct
for A. P. Coggewell, and from Nemaha
Citv Precinct for DeForest Porter.
The ballance of the delegation are un
instructed. 60 far as we are able to
Poppleton hosts that the Democratic
party would not vote a man nor a dol
lar to suppress the rebelion would not
vote a dollar to pay the soldiers their
wages ; and arraigns the Republican
Tartr because thev pay the soldiers
off in green backs.
II. II. Sherman, a representative of
the Herald of St. Joseph, is in
this city, soliciting subscribers for the
daily. We get this paper at noon of
the day of issue. It contains the la
test telegraphic dispatches, and comes
to Brownville one day in advance of
all other dailias.
Next Monday is the day to com
mence the registration of votes. Ev
ery person wishing to vote must be
registered in the precinct where he re
sides. The Republican Clubs must
see to it that every Republican vote is
registert" at the earliest possible mo
ment next week; certainly before
next Wednesday night-
The Daily Plebeian, published by
W. II. H. Waters, at Nebraska city,
is before us. It i3 Republican in pol
itics, neat in its mechanical appear
ances, and contains the usual reading
matter of a daily paper, and a very
generous supply of advertisements.
We very cordally place it upon our
exchange list. Terms to yearly sub
Ecribers, $10.
We call the attention of our readers
to the special premiums offered by the
Nemaha County Agricultural Society,
and donated bv some of our enter
prising business houses, to be found in
our Agricultural Column on the fourth
page. This Is a commendable move,
and is indicative of the interest felt in
the coming fair. We understand this
list will be increased.
Senator Thayer will speak before
the Republican Club of this city to
night at McPheasons Hall. The com
munity are invited to attend. The
ladies want to hear the Senator. Let
them by all means come. A general
attendance of the Clubs throughout
the county is requested. Turn out,
voters, without distinction of party,
, find hear your Senator discuss the pol
itical issues of the day.
"We lay before our readers the speech
of the great, powerful, Democratic ora
tor and Ccngresslontd. nominee for
the district of 2cl r .-ka the Hon. A.
J. Poppleton the fcttorney for that
gigantic monoply the U. P. R. R.
Co. It is the electioneering Fpeech
he is delivering throughout the State.
It was delivered in Rrownville on
last Saturday, before an audience of
Republicans and Democrats.
We state the speech eylogestically,
as follows:
The Republicans have read some
out, and ethers have left the party;
the bogus Democrats are now leading
the Republican party; therelore li
this continues, the Republicans will
receive their Waterloo defeat by next
November. "
2nd. Government aid for R. R. has
produced great results in Indiana,
Illinois and Iowa, and would produce
the same results in Nebraska,
Taffe votes for Wilson's resolution
which, in view of the enormous
public debt, witholds aid for the
present, from any road. ; . ,
Therefore Taffe is opposed to produ
cing such vast results in Nebraska, by
aidFng the building of rail roads there
in as has been the result of govern
ment legislation for Illinois and Iowa.
3rd. The Radical speakers offer to
build railroads from every point on
the river where they speak, running
West. Poppleton would like to build
one only from Brownville. Therefor
Prmnloton Ls the best man to send to
- L l
4th. Taffe is in favor of pay ing the
debt created by suppressing a Demo
cratic rebellion, in accordance with
the spirit and letter of the law under
trh'rh the Kame was created. The
Democrats, who never voted a man,
nor a dollar, for ' that purpose, prefer
ronttrliotiort. Therefor send demo
cratic Poppleton to Congress.
5th. Taffe voted to create our
nnniin rleht. for the purpose of
, ...
suppressing the democratic rebellion.
Tnfr.i mftmrs to increase it at the
present time, so as to aid the Brown
ville railroad. -
Therefore, vote for Toppleton for
Congress, who i3 in favor of increasing
the public debt for the purpose of aid
ing railroads.
If some of the conclusions do not
so readily follow where the truth of
the premises are conceeded. it is not so
much the fault of the orator as the
honelessnes3 of the cause which he
We can say for Mr. Poppleton and
his friends, that he is really long wind
ed. and at times, eloquent. Yet these
are not virtues so eminent as to over
balance the evils to- be inflicted by
a fatal policy, and so Nebraska has no
further use for his services in Con
L,ist of Delegates
Elected to attend the County Con
vention which convenes September
12th, in Brownville:
Brownville Precinct. Ed. D
Smith, W. D. Lewis.Wesley Penny,
A. J. McFoll. J no. L. Carson, J. W
Coleman. Evan Worthing, John Crea-
son. J.'K. Bear, Chas. Keiswetter, 11.
L. Matthews, J. W. Bliss, R. W. Fur
nas, John Mcrherson, U. b . Stewart,
L. Walter, 8. II. Clayton, A- G. Gates,
G. W. Fairbrothcr, and J. W. Black
Bedford. W. S. Hughs and G.
Glen Rock. Jonathan Farnham,
Jonathan Gill, J. R. Daily, Emer
Is eal and Jacob Graham.
Nemaha City. John Barnes J.
II. Drain. John Blacklaw. O. K. Fish
er and Frank A. Hacker.
AsriNWALL. Thos. Iliggins, Wm.
Linn, Washington Culp, William
Larkin, Asa K. Start, Ephram Coop
er and Ethan Gnmn.
St. Deroin. A. J. Ritter, Geo.
Vandeventer, Peter Fraker and James
T 1 li i VlTTr Ti-kfl olt OTI TTlfTfTTTTa
William Star. Horner. John
Peru. F. Irwin, W. G. Glasgow
G. Clark, Z. II. Denman, A. Carlisle
II. Roberts. T. M. Green. J. F. Ncal
A. Tynan, S. P. Majors and
Washington. Alfred Mathews
and Geo. lloag.
Benton. Henry Stineman ana
John Dirks.
Douglas. W. T. Dundas. John
Leach and Robert Dillon.
J. 8. Morton, of the Xctcs, made a
speech to the people of Brownville on
last Saturday. It was made in Mor
ton's best style. He Is a very good
speaker. He patches over a good many
acres of prarie with the national debt
created for the suppression of the late
rclellion bv Democrats. We looked
every moment to hear him belch forth
with his severest invectives against
the Democratic party and its leaders
in I860, for creating that rebellion
which cost the nation so much of blood
and so many acres of burdensome debt
for its suppression. Morton evidently
thinks of that party and its leaders
but forgot to mention them. He has
our sympathy. We deplore the enor
mity of the debt and its causes as much
as he appears to.
We have received, and read with
some decree of profit, VoL 1st, of
Alexander II. Stevens' History of
" The war between the States " which
consists of a collection of testimony,
arranged by him in proof of his theory
of State rights under the constitution.
It is an argument to quiet his, and
others', concienees, for engaging in
what we term a rebellion against the
general government, but what he
seeks to show was but at most, a " war
between the States. " All who would
like to know on what testimony and
argument the State right's advocates
pin their faith and all who mean to
be well posted should know will do
well to obtain and read this history.
Itissoldonly by subscription. Agents
wanted In every town and county.
Apply to Zeiglre, McCurdy & Co., St.
Louis, Ma, orZegler, McCurdy &Co.
Lombard Block, Chicago, IIL
Poppleton says that if Government
aid in building rail roads In Nebraska,
it will be the means of enriching the
farmers and developing the resorces
of Nebraska' and charges Gov. Butler
with, favoring this very policy, and
for this reason should not be re-elected.
Poppleton arraigns the Republican
party for the creation of the- National
Debt. He arraigns Taffe for! not" In
creasing the Public Debt, by extend
ing Government aid to R. R. .
PoppIeton?s gpeccb.
As a candidate for Congress I come
before you as is the custom, to discuss
the political issues of the day. . Who
compos the Democratic party of to
day? ' The men who founded the Re-
publican party and furn-snea u wun
brains, are now working with the De
mocracy. Seward, Chase, Fessenden,
Grimes, Henderson, Trumbull, Ross
and other great leaders of the Repub-
ican party were read out of it3 ranks
by that plank in the Chicago Platform
which declares that Jonnson "was
ustly impeached of high crimes and
misdemeanors, and properly pronoun
ced guilty by the votes of thirty-five
Senators." Mr. Doohttle and thous
ands of others who have heretofore
swelled the Radical vote, are with us
to-day. - : ,; . -
The men who set the Radical party
upon its feet, are all outside the organ
ization to-day. They refused to follow
where madness ruled the hour. Who
now compose your Republican party ?
A few bogus Democrats are its leaders
and are ruling the party to-day. If the
Democracy continue to receive as large
accessions as they are now daily re
ceiving up to the ides of November
next, the defeat the Republicans will
be more overwhelming than the Wa
terloo of Wellington over Napoleon.
I will now turn my attention to lo
cal matters, which will be tedious and
perhaps not interesting.' -
In 1354 when I started weiir, to seek
r5y fortune, Iowa had no rail roads ;
and but a few years previous lilinois
had no rail roads, no Chicago, no far
mers' cottages, no elevators or no cul
tivated fields. Now you will find
these evidences of civilization in either
State on every hand. They are span
ned and crossed several times by rail
roads, and the country is prospering
beyond all precedent, and why ?
What has wrought this great change?
It i3 the rail roads that have been built
by Government aid. They are im
mense enterprises developing this vast
country. . .
Without these, farmers forty or fifty
miles back from the river cannot sell
their wheat and corn for as' much by.
twenty-five to forty cents per bushel
as can those on the river.
Illinois is a great State. She is des
tined to be a powerful State, and I
predict that Chicago will eventually
be the largest city in the Union. In
traversing that great State you can't
get out of sight of corn fields, the iron
horse and the elevator. All this has
been brought about by the inaugura
tion of the extensive rail road system
completed by Government aid.
Eighteen hundred years ago coun
tries were isolated. Now space has
been annihilated, and they have been
brought to our very doors by the swift
ness of our iron horse. ' In 18-54 there
was no rail roads in Iowa. By the as
sistance of Gov. aid roads now cross
the State or are projected from several
Why does not Nebraska receive
Government aid for roads. The Gov
ernment by subsidies, land grants and
Government bonds is aiding the IT. P.
R. R. and its various branches from
Omaha, Leavenworth and Kansas
City. Why should these cities have
exclusive privileges over other points
for which nature has been as bounti
ful as for them? Let Government
give you aid for rail roads and you can
build as well as they. You can't With
out, nor could they. Our markets are
hereafter to be found at the various
posts In the Rocky Mountains. This
is a vast region, and enterprise and
capital are bound to make a market
for the vast grain fields of the great
State of Nebraska, and we must have
rail roads to reach that market with
our surplus produce.
Now Taffe has been In Congress two
years, ami what bill has been intro
ducedwhat resolution has been of
fered what vote has been given to
encourage these State enterises? I
have looked through 0000 pages of the
Congressional Globe, and I find that
he has done nothing to aid ourprojec
ted enterprises.
I do find he voted several times to
grant power to negroes in ten States of
this Union : that he voted for a bill for
a long gold loan which was pocketed
by the wisdom of a sagacious President
He also voted against aiding any com
pany in building rail roads in Nebras
ka, for he voted for a bill introduced
by J. F. Wilson of Iowa, declaring it
at the present time, in view of the
magnitude of the public debt, inexpe
dient to extend aid to the U. P. R. R
or to any other rail road company.
can understand why Wilson could in
troduce and vote for such a resolution
because Iowa has got all she expects
but the only reason I can conceive
whyXaffe should vote for such a poll
cy is because he is opposed to aiding
rail roads in Nebraska.
Gov. Butler Is speaking in Richard
son county. He told the people of Rulo
he was going to build a rail road from
that point west, and if he comes to
Brownville he will build one for you
I live at Omaha, where we have had
all we want, and I can if elected be
free to act for the balance of the State.
I can do more for you thanany other
man, for my position for the past few
years as Atty. for the U. P. R. R. has
brought me into the society of rail
road officials and monied men, both
republicans and democrats, whose
confidence I have ; and this enables
me to offer you better inducements for
your votes for Congress than. Taffe or
any other man in the State. .
The Republicans found the Govern
ment with but a trifling debt, and af
ter eight years of rule the ascertained
debt is now 2,GO0,000,O00, theunascer-
tained debt, about 4,000,000,000, total,
about 7,000,000,000, or equal to about
one half of the entire valuation of all
the property, real, mixed and personal
in the United States in 1SC0. This is
jiothing more nor less than an im
mense mortgage upon all you own and
must be- paid. Grant is pledged to
pay it la Gold, and Seymour is
pledged to pay it in Greenbacks.
The- idea of paying the debt in
Greenbacks is not exclusively a Dem
ocratic one, but was as well the pol
icy of Sherman, Schenk, Morton,
Stevens, and other great Republican
nc:;i: to roLt,ov7i
r.r.ixr:LiCAiv jiijoritt
Tlae Gallon Listens Trltli Joy!
The Republicans have carried the
State by 30,000 majority r-4eicg the
largest majority ever . given. They
have elected the entire Republican
Ticket. '
, , itsfr -JTM " - T
We do not believe in; the policy of
giving rags to the plowholder and
gold to the bondholder, but rags to
both and gold to none. The ; Green
backs were issued to pay off the sol
diers, and are receivable for all loans
to the Government.
The tax gatherers are around us on
every hand. The farmer works hard
for his income of $1000 a year ; has to
pay his City, County and State taxes ;
but the bondholder, whose interest
amounts to $1000 a year, performs no
labor and pays no taxes. Such is the
result of Republican poliey, and. the
gap widens every year. One grows
poorer and the other richer;
The Republicans want to issue long
gold bonds for the public debt. The
Democrats are for the immediate pay
ment of the public debt in green
backs. . . -
After a two hours speech the orator
became hoarse. He was obliged to
suspend operations. - ' ;'
From I Jed ford Precinct.
. . Randal's School House, .
August 25, 1SG8. . ;
Club met pursuant to adjournment.
President Tucker in the Chair. "Min
utes of the previous meeting read and
approved. ' . .
Hon. George Crow being present,
was called out and made an able speech
which was attentively listened to by
an audience of true men. . ' ,
Quite a number of democrats being
present, an opportunity was' given
them to speak on the issues now be
fore the people. Maj. Storms, late of
Richmond, Va., was called on to ex
pound to them their principles. He
made quite a supplient plea for the
rebels and their cause. Mr. Crow and
Mr. William Bryant ably responded
to Mr. Storms, Mr. Crow was fully
up to his opponent and gave the ene
my a good drubbing. -
Moved and carried that the thanks
of the club be tendered Mr. Crow for
his speech.
On motion the club adjourned to
meet at the Randal School House
Tuesday evening Sept. 1st, 1868.'
C. Tuckek, Pres. ,
H.-L. Randal,' Sec.
From Glen Hock Precinct.
The Grant and Colfax, club of Glen
Rock held their weekly meeting at
Highland, Tuesday evening, Aug; 25,
and adopted the following resolutions
Jicxolvcd, That a general invitation
is extended to all Republican speakers
to address the club at any of our reg
ular meetings.
Jieolved, That we invite discussion
by both parties at any of our regular
meetings, or wnenever convenient.
The next meeting will be held at
Collin's School House, three , miles
north of Highland, Saturday evening
Sept. 5th R. A. DAILY President.
P. B. Zuvek Sec. pro. tern.
Railroad Letting.
The Board of Directors of the M. &
M. A. L. R. R. met yesterday to con
sider the bids for grading the road, but
in view of the absence of several mem-
bersand other matters not yet in read
iness, they adjourned till Saturday
next, when the contract will be let and
we presume, work will commence
very soon thereafter. Bids have been
received from responsible parties, and
we think there will be but little delay
in the commencement of this great en
terprise. Canton Mo.) Press.
Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 28.
The rebels in Conway, Perry and
Columbia counties, are in rebellion,
and tue courts have been broken up
by armed men. The rebels areseveral
hundred strong, and the Union men
are falling back, . though fighting.
An engagement occurred at Lewis-
burgh on Sunday. . Gov. Clayton has
gone therewith a small force, and will
exhaust all peaceful means, but will
suppress tne rebellion.
Senators Johnson, Wheeler and
Barker and Dr. Johnson, are victims
of an attempted rebel assassination, of
wnom Johnson is dead, but the oth
ers are still alive.
At a session of the Fenian Conven
tion, Sunday, President Savasre de
livered an address urging the members
to vote tor either Democrats or lie
publicans in the coming political
campaign, who were favorable to the
I enian cause. He insisted upon re
signing, and his resignation was acc
epted. Subsequently a union of the
two Savage wings of Fenians was
ellected, and met as one bodv.
A new constitution was adopted at
last night's session, and remained In
session until after one o'clock this
morning. ;
New York. Ausr. 31.
Allen, the wickedest man in New
t i i i i .
xorii, wnonau oeen preparing lor a
reform made up his mind on Saturdav.
closed his Water Street dance house,
attended Howard Mission service, de
voutly engaged in prayer, and last
evening held prayer meeting in his
old Water Street den. '
Little Rock Ark., Aug. 30.
tjrov. Clayton has returned from
Lewisburg. The insurrection is qui-
cu;u. me court is reinstated and
trials have been resumed. The diffi
culty commenced by the rebels break
ing up the court with an armed force,
and at the same time disarming Union
men. The latter soon collected, and,
one hundred strong, took position'in
a cotton field, and whipped 300 rebels.
Several rebels are shot and some are
missing, uov. UJay ton on arriving,
addressed the insurgents, ordering
them to disperse. In the meantime,
the sheriff arrived with a posse 300
strong, and quiet was restored.
. New York, Sept 1.
The Tammany delegates to the Al
bany convention were selected yester
day, instructed to vote as a unit for
Hoffman for Governor.
Nashvill, Sept. L
The House to day concurred in the
Senate's resolution to appoint a com
mittee composed of two Senators and
three Representatives to lay before
President Johnson the condition of
affairs In Tennessee and request him
to-send a sufficient U. S. military force
to the State for protection of the peo
ple, . '
It ia now nronosed to run the ex
rtckedistmaa In New York for Con-
Gen. Craig, President of the Hanni
bal and St. Joseph Rail Road, is in
this city. He will pleae accept our
v,ot,v0 fnr a tvis over his road. The
luauA v x
General and his joad have hosts of
friends in this section, lie lias Deen
trying his practiced eye at th prairie
chickens on the wing, as we are told,
witr. mnA success. The General has
also an eye to,business, while here.
He is studying the topography of the
country over which we propose to
. , Tl
send the Iron Horse irom mowuviue
As the Hannibal and St. Jo.
company Vow - own the St. Jo. and
Council - Bluffs road, tne uenerars
interests come to our very thrcshholds,
and it may not be at all improbable
. , J 1 1 r.i-t
that he contemplates largely xu eauug
in our own rail road enterprise. Let
the Iron horse move..
Poppleton arraigns the Republican
party for the swarms of ta,x gatherers,
and complains because Taffe did not
increase the debt so these tax gatherers
could demandof the farmermore taxes.
"List of Letters.
Remaining in the Post Office, at Brownville, Ne
braska, September 1st, 1S63 :
Allen Mrs Lat tn namnei
Brown Kdward S
larber J E
B(?s Thomas J T I
Baruhouse Thomas
Cook Mrs Maggie Af
Crichton Arcbiba'e
Clifton Mrs maud '
Cnry WaronK
Davig Miss Parol 11 a J
Fisher P K
Graver Reab.-n
ooss James 0
Gray Jobn
Gerole George L
Golahwalt rrof if B
Haywood Miss Mary
Hill Win T
' Lee Thomas C '
McCullocn Leonard R
Morris P
Oak Daniel " ""
Plummer Mrs Aognsta
Parson Normaa
Sutten Mr F h
Skelllns A B
Snyder Henry
SutciiSe Miss Kmrfc -Snyder
Sales Sally
Sanders J W
Reading 0 O
Thompson Mrs Sarah
Walbrrn Calvin
Weber RiekwG
Hansen Mr
Weber Miss Fanney
Howland Miss Elixabeta Wiiisn Edgar
Hawkna Almyra Young F R
Johnson Mr N
Pertins calling for Uiese letters will please say
"Advertised." A. D. MAR3H, P M. .
Kilbourn, Jenkins & Co.,
7; In all kinds of
Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, &c.
Office and Lumber Yard, Cor.
Fourlli and Main Sts.,
Wo Manufacture oar own
Material iu the Pineries of Os
kosn, Wisconsin, and can sell
at llo-fTcr rates than any Lu tu
ber Yard In the West.
Leave off Using (Is at Polsenous
Weed, Tobacco.
- One bos of Dewitt's preparation is warranted to
destroy the appetite for tobacco In any person.
no matter how strong the habit may be. it fail
tn an j east tne money wui oi refunded. Uuixi-
re-ts have used it who are willing to bear witness
to the fact that De Witt's preparation completely
destroys the appetite for tobacco and leaves the
person as free from any desire for it as before he
commenced its use. It is prerectly safe and harm
less is all cases. The preparation acts directly up
on the same glands and secretions affected by to
bacco, and through thffe upon the blood, thorough. y
cleaning the poison of tobacco from -the system.
No more banketing aHer tobacco after using De
Witt's preparation. Recollect it Is warranted.
The following ere a few selected from - the mnl of recnmmendailnns in our poasesion;
From C. A R-dgers. St Louis Mo.)
'' : St. LOUH April ilst, 1863.
' I herdby certify that I have used tobacco for twen
ty years past, and for the last ten years I have
used two pounds per month . I have made attempts
to leave off at different tlinas. I have left off one
year at a time, but always continued to banker
after it nntil I used DeWitt's Preparation, which
has completely cured me of the appetite for to
bacco. I would reccoinmeud all who are affected
with this terrible habit to try the Preparation.
From John Snipe, St Lotus, Mo.
'' ST, LOCI3 June. 1 r 1663.
This Is to certify that I oavej used tobacco for
eighteen years; tried many times to leave off,
but have suffered so much from a dizziness in my
head and goawing at my stomach that I have soon
given up the trail. A friend advised me to use
your Preparation, and it ompletely cuTert me
From W. A- Smith Columbus, Ohio.
Colcmbcs, July 10th, 1361.
I hereby certify tbt one box of your Preparation
entirely removed ail the use of tobcco.
From Wm. Espy, Springffel, Mass J
Springfield, Auguftfith, IS63.
I used one box of your Preparation and It cured
me. Wm. ESPT.
I merely give these as a sample of what lam
receiving daiiy. All letters tu inquiry cheerful ly
answered - Price of Preparation. 1 per box. If
to be sunt by mail i5 cents additional for postage
Money sent by mail at my risk. . Address
n7-y - ' St. Louis Mo.
The "Short All-Bail Line East.
To Chicago , &ahville, Harrinburg,
Detroit Cairo, Balttimore,
Toledo, Mimphis, IVathington,
St Low. Cohimbu Philadelphia,
Lafayette, Wheeling. Net$ York
indianavoli. PiiUb-ura. Boston
Cincinnati. Buffalo, Louisville,
Xia arm Fall, 4c, ire.
Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R. Line
Is the old reliable central route.
Take the Hannibal and St. Joe. Railroad line of
Missouri River Packets from Brownville to St. Jo
sepbr where connections are made with
Two Daily Espresa Trains
On the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, run
through from St. Joseph tc Quiucy without change
With Chicago, Burlington, and Qincy, and Toledo
do.. Wabash rnd Western Railmadsj for all points
Fast, North and South.
Close connection! made a Macon with North' Miss
ouri Railroad for St Louis, and at Hannibal with
daily Missouoi River Packet for St. Louis. Meals
and State Rooms free. Leaving every Evenin g on
arrival of trains from the west, ami arriving in
St. Lonis next morning in season for business, and
to connect wbih Chicago, Alton and Si. Louis,
Terre Haute, Alton and St. Loais, and Ohio and
Mississippi Baliroada, for all points East, North
and South.
Kew Sleeping Cars na on Night Trains.
By your through tickets via Kannible and St.
Joseph Railroad at .tneir ticket efflces In Omaha,
Oooicil Bluffs, alattsmonth, Nebraska City, to St.
Joseph, and. on each Packet in the line, and enjoy
tb cuQociounoes. of having taking the shert,
cheap and quick route eaet.
p. B. GROAT, Gen'lTieket Agent.
H. H. COCRTiIGHT, een'l Fr't Agent.
- . W. MEAD, General Superiendent.
Exchange Bonght and Sold on all the prin
cipal cities. Alo dealer la Gold auid Silver
Coin, Gold Dust and -..,,..
Deposits received, payable at sight. Inter
est paid on time deposits by special agree
ment. Taxes paid for non-resideatfl.
All kimla of TJ. . Bonds wanted.
in BAiiimrpTCY.
IX 7M.VA'KrPrCIV-UnitedBtates Ti-itrict
. Court, Ifistrict of Nebraska, 88. Tr wiiom
it mny concern : Take notice hereby, that a
rUtton has Ixen, to-vrit, on the Liih dav
ACinist, A.I. 1 tiled in s-tM District Court
byKolx-rt H. licker, of Nebraska City, in
said District, -w ho has len heretofore duly
declared a bankrupt un'i- r the Act of Con
ercs entitled An Act to Establish a Uni
form System cf bankruptcy throughout the
United States," approved March 2, for a
discharge, and certificate thereof, from all
his debts and other claims provable under
said act, and that the 2 it It dav September, A.
L , l.yix, at 10 o'clock, A.M., before S. M. Ulch,
Esq., Register in bankruptcy, at his ofiice in
the city of Brownville, is the time and place
assigned for the hearing of the. name; when
and where you may attend, and show cause,
ir any you nave, why the prayer of said pe
tition should not be granted.
Clerk of the U. S. Dist. Courtforsaid DIst.
AXER UPTCY XOTICE. In the District
Court of the United States for the District
braska, S3. In the matter of Sisrmond
Seeman, bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. Notice
is hereby given that aWarrant in Bankruptcy
has been issued by said court against the es
tate of Sigmond Seeman, of the county of
Nemaha of the state of Nebraska, in said
District, adjudged a bankrupt npon the peti
tion of his creditors, and the payment of any
debtsand the delivery of any property belong
ing to said bannrnpt,to him or tohis nse, and
the transfer of any property by him, are for
bidden by law. A meet ins; of the creditors of
said bankrupt to j rove their debts and choose
one or more ajjrnees of his estate will be
held at a court of Bankruptcy to be holden at
Brownville, in said district, on the llth day
of Septemlvcr, iS, at ten o'clock, a. m., at the
office of S. M. Rich, one of the Registers in
Bankruptcy of said court. C. K. YOST,
loXJt Marshal ard Messenger.
Consisting of
DO ons;
Glass, Putty and Cement,
. I have this day sold my entire interest in
the painting business to J. K. Fretz. Thank
ing my friends for the literal patronage be
stowed on me for the past eleven, years, I
hope tney will continue tne same to my suc
cessor in business, as Mr. Fretz is an experi
enced painter, competent to perform all
work entrusted to hint in a workmanlike
manner, and on reasonably reduced cash
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to me will please come anil settle the same.
August 10th, 18UH LOUIS WALDTER,
The undersigned will continue
Ornamental Painting,
Guildlng, Glazing, Pa pr hanging, fcc.
No. 15 Slain. Street,
(One door east of Hank & Holtzlnger's
Queenswareand Grocery store,)
. n-tf .
virvias ivr shrubs:
THE COMING Fall, Winter and Spring, I
will make the receiving of orders for all
kinds of Fruits, VI n es and Shrubs a business.
My stock-. will all be from the nearest and
most reliable Nurseries. Kverything sold by
me will le WARRANTED as to name and
to live, when put out under my directions. I
have in Fruit, the present season, all the
hardy and some of the tender varieties of
Grapes, to which I invite the attention of all
interested In Grape culture in Nebraska.
ito-aW li. w. Furnas.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable !
Ben. Rogers, Proprietor.
Nos. 82 and 81 Main Street
Dealer in all kinds of stock. Horses bought,
sold and exchanged. Stock boarded by the
day or week.
The Propritor has recently erect ed an entire
new, large ami conimodeous Stable, near the
old Brownville House. His stock is all fresh
and vehicles new. The public can be accom
modated at all hours,
' A stock corrall, with an abundant supply
of pure water, attached to the stable. 4-ly
Peru Livery Stable.
Dealer in
AAl KintlH or Stoelc.
Horses Bought, Soil, or Exchanged.
Stock Boarded by the Bay or Week.
MI 8TABL.E3 A KB STOCKED with Rood Horses
and buggies. Persons wishing conveyance to anjr
purtion of the Keuialia Land District can be accom
modated The
Pern & Brownville Coach
Leaves MI 3TABLH3 every morniDg al 10
o'clock, a.m. Passengers or packages safety con
veyed, orders left with the Postmasters will be
promptly attended to. (xii316m)
No. 53 Main Street, Brownville.
Has Just opened and will constantly
V keep on hand a large and well assorted
tai-stocn of genuine articles in his line.
Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and Jew
elry done on short notice.
Both Daily Trains of the Hannibal and St.
Joseph Railroad from the west make close
connection at .Macon City with the above
line, arriving in St. Louis and connecting di
rectly with all morning and afternoon trains
out of St. Louis for
New York,
Boston, -Baltimore,
Indiananolia. Chicago,
Louisville, Nashville
And all Points East, North or South.
The only direct and legitimate route
from the
West to St. Louis and the East.
. Time to the Eastern cities as QUICK as
can be made by any route, with
Tickets via the above line can be purchased
at all Hannibal & St. Joseph ticket olHces in
the west.
Fair the same as by any other Ewde!
Barton Rates, President.
John P. Laird, Gerr'l Sup't.
H. H, Wheeler, Gen'l TCt Ag"t,
Joseph Gambler, Gen'l Fr't Ag't.
P. II. Early, Agent.St. Joseph,
Xm 1,1. Dunn, General Western Agent.
)ine Flooring, full ,tock
TyEOISTRA ITS XOTICE. -Notice is hereby
JLv given to ie legal voters or
Ti nslilnton I'reclact,
finite of Nebraska,
thnt t.h iirvierslirne.! l'Mitrar of voters of
said precinct, will commence tUe registration
of voters of aid precinct on
Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SCS,
at my residence In sai I precinct, at 9 o'clock
A.M., and will continue in session three days.
All persons who claim a r :h: to be registered
as a voter in said precincr, t-iust apptir then
and there, and make proof of the same aa pro-
viuea oy tar.
4u-2t HERMAN UTECTIT, Registrar.
T EGISTRARTS XO TICK. Notice is hereby
IV given to the legal voters of
St. Dcroln Precinct,
In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska,
that the unJers!ne1, Registrar of voters of
satu precinct, will commence the registration
of voters of said precinct on
Monday, the 1th September, A.D. lSO,
at the store of A. J. Ritter, in said precinct,
a 9 o'clock A. M., and continue in session
three days. All persons who claim a right to
be registered as a voter in said precinct, must
appear then and there, and make proof of the
same as provided bv law.
K?--t GEO. VANDEVENTER, Registrar.
REGISTRARS OTICE. Notice is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Denton Precinct.
in the county of Nemaha, State of Nebraska,
that the undersigned, licgistrar of voters of
said Precinct, will commence the registration
of voters of said Precinct on
Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SG8.
at my residence in said Precinct, at 9 o'clock
a.m., and will continue in sessiou thrt days.
All persons who claim the right to be regis
tered as a voter in said precinct, must appear
then and there, and make proof of the same as
provided by law.
40-2t IIENRY STINEMAN, Registrar.
K EG 1ST R A ICf- O TI CE Notice is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Glon Rock Precinct,
in the county of Nemahn, state of Nebraska,
that the undersigned. Registrar of voters of
said precinct, will commence the registration
of voters of said precinct on
Monday, the 7th September A.D. 1SGS,
at my residence in said precinct, at Q o'clock
a.m., and will continue in session three days.
All persons who claim a right to be registered
as a voter in said precinct musts appear then
and there, and make proof of the same as pro
vided by law.
4l-2t W.R PHILLIPS, Registrar.
I) EGISTRARTS XOTIVE-Hotice is herebj
j given to the h-gal voters of
Xemaha City Precinct,
in the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska,
that the undersigned, Registrar of voters of
said precinct, will commence the registration
of voters in said precinct on
Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SGS,
at the ofiice of J. P. Crother, Justice of the
Peace, In Nemaha City, in said precinct at
9 o'clock a.m., and will continue in session
three days. All persous who claim a right to
be registered as a voter in said precinct, mtutt
appear then and there, and make proof of the
same, as provided bv law.
4t-2t JOHN BARNES, Registrar.
KEGISTRA R S XO TIQK. Notice is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Bedford Precinct,
In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska,
that the undersigned. Registrar of voters in
said precinct, wlil commence the registration
of votes iu said precinct on
Xonday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SGS.
at my residence in said precinct, at 9 o'clock,
a.m., and will continue In session three days.
All persons who ciaim a right to be registered
as a voter in said precinct, must appear An
and there, and make proof of same as pro
vided by law.
4.'t WM. S. HUGHES, Registrar.
REGISTRA TVS XO TICK Xotlce is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Douglass Precinct,
in the county of Nemaha, State of Nebraska,
that the undersigned. Registrar of voters of
said Precinct, will commence the registration
of voters of said Precinct on
Monday, September 7th, A. D., 1SG8,
at my residence, in said Precinct, nt 9 o'c'ofjr,
a. m., and will continue In session three days
All persons who claim a rilit to be registered
as voters in said precinct me. appear then and
there and make proof of the same as provided
by law.
jft-Lt ' WESTLEY DUNDAS, Registrar,
REGISTRA R-S XO TICK Notice is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Lafayette Precinct,
in the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska,
that the undersigned. Registrar of voters of
said l'reclnct, will commence the registration
of voters of said Precinct, on
Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SG3,
at Lafayette Mills, In said precinct, at 9 o'clock
A.M., and will continue in session three days.
All persons who claim aright to be registered
as a voter in said precinct, muxt appear t.'ten
and there, and make proof of the same as
provided by law.
20-L't WM. H. HAW-LEY. Registrar.
REGISTRAR S XOTICE. Notice is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Pern Precinct,
in the county of Nemaha, State of Nebraska
that the undersigned, Registrar of voters of
said Precinct, will commence the registration
of voters of said Precinct, on
Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SC3,
at my store in Peru, In said precinct, at 9
o'clock a.m., and will continue in session
three days. All persons who claim a right to
be registered as a voter in said precinct,
appear then and there, and make proof of the
same as provided by law.
--t D. C. COLE, Registrar.
I) EGISTRARS XO TICK Notice is hereby
V given to the legal voters of
Asplnwall Precinct,
In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska,
that the Registrar of Voters of aaiii Precinct
will commence the registration of voters of
said Precinct on
Monday, September 7th, A. D., 1S08,
at my office in said Precinct, and will contin
ue in session three days. All persons who
claim a right to be registered mwU appear then
and there and make proof of the same as pro
vided by law.
-t J. M. PAULIN, Registrar.
REGISTRA RS XO TICE -Notice is hereby
given to the legal voters of
Rrownville Precinct,
In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska,
that the undersigned Registrars of Voters of
said precinct, will sit for the purpose of regis
tering the namr-sof the voters of said precinct
attheottice of R. V. Hughes, In the city of
liiuiriiiiiic, tTjmiiifu'.'ing oil
Monday, the 1st September, A.D. 1SG8,
at 9 o'clock a.m., and will continue in session
from day to day 'Sundays excepted) duriti"
the hours prcscriled by law, until the 15th
day of September A. D. Istw.
All persons entitled, otherwise, to vote at
the ensuing OctotxT election, will take notice
inai tueir names must be re;ere(, otherwise
they will be debarred from voting at said
election, In accordance with the statutes in
such cases made and provided.
Witness our names as the Registrars of said
precinct, mis istn iny or Anmtst. A. D. lam.
G. W. FAIRliROTHER,)' .,
-2t It. V. II L'GHES, j Registrars
JUST orcAcu
at me
ladies' icy BUI !
North East corner Main and Fourth Sts.,
V articles, such as Trlmmlngi, Glorei,
Tyctiea, Handkerchief, Zyplirs, 4tc.
Particular attention paid to. Stamping,
Brnding and Stiching, of all kinds.
Also would call your attention to the
Wheeler & "Wilson Sewing Machine
for which I am the Agent. I feel safe In say
ing that the Wheeler fc Wilson Sewing Ma
chines are the lxst ever brought lief ore the
public. They are simple ami durable; easily
kept in repair- work without noise; sew
withgreat rapidity, making the Lockstitch,
that will not Iliw, and sews from the corsest
to t tie tinest article.
Especial invitation to all to come and see,
and examine my stock and machines for
themselves. MRS. M. E. BARGIS.
nt!-ly Brownville
Ul Jill II I1C,
The Brownville Transfer Company,
3 Under the management of
jacob no Guns,
la now Banning Regular Omnibuses Irom
Brownville to the Hallroad Terrain txa
of th Conned Blnffa and St. Joseph Railroad,
At IJortli Star, IIo.,
Two Miles from Brownville and Nortb. Star Feiry
Good Omnttmsses. Close Connections.
do-tf Clarse Moderate.
ine Shingles and Lath at
Probate Jodge and Justice of tlae Peace
Umce in Court House Building.
Agent for the SI. v.. I0xpri. Co., and
... Acgrapa a. ov
No. 1 McPherson'a Block.
ce .. LerO-y
j given that on Tuesday, t,.e tiay of
Octoi,er, A.D. l.-.S an eirt-te.n wKl be held
at the usual piav of houiing fi!oi;i- la
each precinct Li Nemaha cou.i.ry.NtUaiA,
for the election of
One mem'oer ci Cor.grtss,
One Governor,
One Secretary of Stat.-,
One State Treasurer,
One State Auditor,
One Distri-t Attorney foP lt Judicial Dist
One State Senator.
One Strife Senator for the counties of F.Ich-ardsrn,-.Johnson
nnd Nemaha,
Four Mem hers of Ii-nseof Ker-rpseora'l-yo
One County Commissioner fr 1st District!
One Ase-sr frr ich Precinct, . '
Three. Indies of Flection for each Precinct.
Two ( 'lerks of Fiction for each Precinct,
One SV.porvfsor for eacu Koad District, and
such other cflVe as fnay be required by law.
Which election will 1 openei at o"'clx-k
in the morninz, and will eonttnueepen until
6 o'clock in the altermxm of the same day
By order of the Board of County Commis
iy 1'iucr ui inr- uouni iji lonntr lommlj
doners this cy cf Argu.t. .ID. '-fi.-i
m-7t JAM EX M. HACKEIw, ou nty ( lerk.
sioner tnis :
T)ROIJ ATE XOTICE.-To all uhom it mm,
i vwif-rm.- xn.n u;;am s. j torn, A'lmln bunas ma, of the Estate of Jefferson
I,. Combs, deceased, has made up plication to
to the Probate Court of Netaahu County Ne
braska, to make a final settle
tatc, and the Tourt has set the 17th day of
September, Is,, at 10 o'clock, a. as the
time and thelW-ate Judge soiTice in Brown
ville as the place of hearing said settlement.
4Mt A. W. MORGAN. IYobaf e Jn,t
IRORA TE XOTICE. Not i.-e Is hereby riv
en that the Probate Court of N-rt.v
County, Nebraska, has appointed the lm.h
day of September, l.s.s, at lo o'clock, a.m. "m
the time for proving the will of John li.
Reamer, deceased, laieof Washington County
Maryland; the said wlil having been depos
iled with said court.
The hearing In this case will le In the Pro.
bate court rom,in Brownville, In said county
of Nemaha.
Imted Augif? lh, P'N.
!'-! A, W. MO in i aV, Probate Judge.
T EGAL XOTICE. Francis H. D. Hunt
Li Guardian of Georr X, Mot t alias Georvii
S. Ebbs. I'laint'rr" vt. Th VaiiarYl:-.,
Mott alms Geo. S. Kbl-.s rn Tn lh. T
Court of 4rnalu County, vtnte of Nebraska.
I'lirSUHnt t t lltf (irii.T Of (Hinrt rr ia
- -v..-, t
hereby tftven to the net of kin if the ssid
(ieorS. Mott alias (bf.rg! X, Ejw. and to
all persons inTere.Med lathe estat of the said
ward,tottpcar iefure tliesai 1 court In Brown
ville, in the said county of Nemaha, on Tues
day the day of SeptcnilK-r, A.D. 1n,", then
and there to show cause why license should
not be granted to the said guardian to sell tl
rea. estate oi a;a wara, to-wit; Th north
half of section number in townsnip nam
ber 4 north. In Ran ire nnmlr it a.,t ttt.-, i
in said county of N.emah and State of Ne-
nrastva, or snen part of said land as maybe
necessary for the sunnort omi
said ward.
And it Is further nrrtertv" tr,.,f
be published for three successive week In the
Nebraska Advertiser.
vnveu mis iiiu uav or .nziist. irx
4)-.'St O. I. M A MIX tn,1,'a 1
MASTERS SALE.-Xotlce Is hereby givers'
that pursuant to an order of sale issuedf
by the District Court of Nemaha County, Ne
braska, nnd to in !iret..t in
John S. Lemon and Isaac T. Hose, part net
as Lemon, Hoea& Co., vs Levi Johnson ami
John H. Croxtou, I will, on Monday the 7'H
day of September, A.D. In 8t one o' locK
p.m., anneironi ooor or McPherson' Hail,
in the citv of Brownville in wxi.i
l-cing the place where the last term of" said
court was ncid. otler for saie at public auction
to tne nigiiest i l.l.ler, it.r cash, the following
premises, to-wit: The north east quarter of
the north west quarter. of section twent -.i-
fy; and lot one 1 1 1 of section twenty-five
except a tract of land described as follows
commencing at the north pa-t corner of
tot one (t, inence running south forty rt-ts,
thence west fortv rods, thence nnrllislttv.
three rods, to the Missouri river, thence down
i ne river tome piareor i.r!nn nig. contnlnln
twelve ami eighty-seven hundredth acres, all
in township four II,) north of rnne sixteen,
(Itbeast. 1 hat part of lot one tnlxinMmn.
taming inirr y-seven an I sixty-three hua
dreth acres (T7 0.M0O) nnd the whole amount
to be sold being 77 IvMik) a-.-rcs.
Master in Chancery.
Augrsst 5th IsTiS. -i;t-ot sale
Notice is hereby ;Ivcn. that hv vlrt ne of n ri
order issued under the hand of tlio Land CVm
mlssloner of the State of Nebraska, and Ii '
pursuance of the Statute of such state, enti
tled, "An act to provide for the RegMry of
School I,mnbs Ac, approved Junei, lv,7, I,
James M. Hacker, County Clerk of thu
County of Nemaha, will.
un inei iui day or September
next, at ten o'clock in the forenrHjr,ond con
tinue till twelve oJclMl, norm, ft that ria',
otter for sale at my or! ice. it the Court House
In Brownville. In said county, in th orrier
advertised, nt public auction, and sell to the;
niijiiesi oi.Kier, nut, at not than tuk
appraised vam k, nor, in any case, for les
than the minimum price of st-.vtx 1llars
per rtcre, the following deMi!ed piece or
parcels of land, situated in the Conn tv of Ne--inaba,
and State of Nebraska, known l
"School Land." belonging to to thesaid State
of Nebraska, in parcels ol not exceeding forty
acres of prairie, or ten acres of timber hinds
for the use and benefit of the "School Fund''
of said State of Nebraska, and that such s.ile
will De conttnue.l from day today, from th
hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, to
twelve o'clock noon, (Sunday excepted, un
til un micii lanos snail on ucri, to-wit :
5 i
Kilt '
t, X)
''; 1)
West half
South east quarter
Lots fl, 7, 8 A !, w hf A se rkr sw qr W
East half nnd north westur
South west quarter
South half
Lots I, 2, T and sw qr of nc qr
North east ounrter
South west quarter
rtn east (Htarter 2s
l t "
South cost quarter 33 5
South west quarter 5 4
Southeast quarter 5 4
South, east quarter H i
fash In hand, or at the option of the pur
chaser, ten per cent cash down on praiilc
lands, and flay per cent on other lands, at
the time of sale to be paid to the C.u:iy
Trensurer, of said County, with a prorrii-wory
note for the unpaid money payabl"
on or before the 1st tiay of January, A. I. ls0,
with interest annually, payable 'in advance,
at the rate of ten per cent pr Annum, tip t
the first day of January next after the date of
such note, and on the tlrt day of January
tlwrealter, n; to the firt day oi January,
next succeeding, such payment. iN-ured by
the endorsement or signatures, k Joint rnir
kers, of two responsible freeholders f si.ld
County of Neiiiaba,on all sums of five Hun
dred Ifcdlars or les, and one additional en
dorser, or Joint maker, of like responsibility
and residence, for every additional nun at
Five Hundrcj Dollar or fractional pars
thereof, of said nn; aid purchase tuoncy. auU
tlie execution bv tlie purchaser pirctijirg
on crolit in duplicate, one of which will l
retaine! by the County Treasurer of said
County, for the useof the State, and the other
to le delivered to the purchaser, the contract
of sale hereinafter mentioned.
Tlie purchaser paying the full amount of
the purchase money for the lands purchased
at such sale, the Treasurer of shuI t'ounty wlil
deliver a RecHpt nnd a I'nplicate i:--tipt,
contalningadescription of the land sold, and
nn acknowledgement of the payment of th
purchase money, and on presentation of
either of which to tlie Land Oimmlssloner at
any time alter fifteen days from the date of
such Receipt ahail entitle th" purchaser to a
title, to sai.nand. In fee simple from thesaid
State, and the delivery of a deed on the anr
render to such Com misd oner of the other Re
ceipt; and to purchasers, purehasin gen cred
it, the said treasure will execute in dupli
cate, one of which shall be delivered to Go
purchaser and the other retained for the use
of the State, efter being signed bv th pur
chaser, a contract of sale for the" land pur
chased, conditioned that, upon the pHViont
of the unpaid purchase money, and tlie inter
est thereon according to the couddiou of
such note, the purchaser shall lie entitled to
duplicate Receipts of payment and purchase
for such laud; that no waste shall b com
mitted upon the land therein descrild, that
no timber hall be cut thereon, except tim
sary fire wood of the occupant of such land,
and for Improvements thereon, and Jn cas
default shall be rrule In the payment of th
interest or principal or any part thern.f, or If
ny such conditions shall be Woken that then
the lands therein described shall 1esurren
ed by the pureu.iser, his heirs or assig n
with the improvements thereon, to the s:.te
and said contract shall be void and of no
Dated, Brown ville. Jnne 2TV1, l:s.
n39 ' County Clerk.
Second Street, bet. Main and Water.
Wish to Inform the Ladles of Brownville
and vicinity, tiiat they have Jost commenced,
a Urst class
:7nnv shop, .
Where work will be dene with gre.t care ami
neatness, and after the latest Eastern styles.
Bleaching done in the very latest atylesJarul
on short notice.
Latest styles of Ladies' and Children's Hat
and Bonnets constantly on hand. Also laUt
patterns of Ladies' Dress Good, Cloak, and, .
Children Clothing cit on short notice.
Glassware, asp'end'd assortment in store
and for ale at WM U SUA IE 3
LE C TIO X EG 77 CE. '