3 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, im. jl S. CHURCH, Editor. Rational Republican Nominations. For President In 1SGS, ULYSSES S. GRAinY For Vice-President, SCHUYLER COLFAX. EEPUELI0A1T STATE TICKET. For Presidential Electors r. m. ma K(r Km:, ot cam co. Jj. ALLGEWA HR, of Richardson, ' J. F. WARNER, of Dakota Co. Member of On press J01IX TAFFE, of Douglas Co. For Governor DA YITt BUTLER, of rawnee Co. For Secretary of Stte T. P. KEXXARD, of Washington. For Treasurer of State JAMES SWEET, of Otoo County For Auditor of state JOHX GILLESPIE, of Nemaha. District Attorney, 1st Judicial District O. B. 11EWETT, of Nemaha Co. Republican Co. Convention. A Convention of the Repuhlicnn party of Nemaha County will be hold nt the Court llouso In Brownville, nt 1) o'clock r. m. on Saturday, theYlfli of September, to nominate the following officers to l vol ed lor at the election on the second Tuesday In October: One Onnty Commissioner for 1st District, Four Representatives tolhe Legislature, One State (Senator and Ikdegates to the Senatorial District Con., nd to transact such other business as may r ol iTrterest to the party. The Republicans of each precinct are requested to hold meet ings at their respective placet of holding el tvilons, on Saturday the :S'th day of August, Ifctirt, to elect delegates to Bald County Conven tion. The precinct are entitled to the following number oi delegate; Anplnwall.,., pmnlift1 City... .. Wafchingvn Bedford .. 'I GlenRock ...............5 Pern 11 ttrownvnte; Ijiyfayette. 20 5 5 2 St. Deroln... Benton . Douglas Bv order of the Republican Central Com ... mittee, JOHN lu CARSON, Ch n. A. J. RlTTF.R, Sec Senatorial Convention. Notice Is lierebv given to thelegal voters of Nemaha, Richardson and Johnson counties, that a Senatorial Convention will bo held in Brownville, Wednesday, September 10, 1SGS, nt 2 o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of nomina ting a Senator for the Third Senatorial Dis trict. The representation Ik fixed as f illows: Nemaha eounty Is to have five delegates; Richardson, five; Johnson, two. By order of the following members of the State Central Committee: Jarvis K. Church, for Nemaha Co., Hfrman RiionKS.for Johnson Co., K. Cunningham, for Richardson Co. There will be a grand rally of Re publicans In Lincoln on the lGth of rjeptembcr. The best speakers in the Btate will be present. The Republicans are at work all over the- Ftate. "We hare letters this week from almost every section, giv ing us words of good cheer. .The Republicans of the county will remember to attend the precinct cau cuses which come off next Saturday. Bee the call and don't fail to be pres ent. Grand "Worthy Chief Tempiar J. M. Taggart, addressed the citizens of Tecumseh on the 22nd Inst., on- the pubject of temperance. He will be in Brownville on, Friday night of this week. The Republicans of Tawnoe county were addressed at Tawneo City, on last Saturday, by Gov. Ruttler, Dr, Presson, G. W. Collins, Col. Pressou, J. B. Bond and Jan-is S. Church The large hall was well filled. TVnx. Pavy sends us-a good account from Bedford, and is the first to re Fpond to our suggestions of last week. Let all do likewise, and we will tell you in a very short time how Large a majority the Republican ticket will receive at the October election. John Ingham, of Pawnee City, a Boldier wounded at the battle of the Wilderness in the right arm, had the same taken off on Sunday last.. He died on Monday. He was in feeble health, and the bone of the arm was enlarged and the substance eaten out. Education is becoming a necessity hereabouts ! Who'll give five dollars to helpeducate thedamphools ZDcm oerat. Doctor, if you really intend going to school, we will throw in for one, when' the hat is passed. The primary department may be full, but there is always room for one more. Judge Isaac S. Hascall, of Omaha, formerly a member of the Senate from Douglas county, and one of our most sensible and forcible speakers, will address the people in tiro interest of our cause, at Rulo on tho night of Thursday, August 27th, Falls City, Friday, August 28th, at Arago, Satur day, August 29th. Mr. II. A. Laselle, of Beatrice, sends us the minutes of the Republican club of Beatrice. We had received and published the minutes from another source in our last week's issue. We hope Mr. Lasclle will favor as again. II. P. Freeman is President, II. A. Laselle is Secretary, and Fordyce Ro-, per is Treasurer of the club. I The School Directors of each school district will take notice that they are required to make out and file with the County Clerk, a full report as set forth In section forty-eight cf the revised school law, on or before the 10th of September. Recollect that your right to a portion of the school fund provi ded by the Radicals of the State de pends upon this report. The Republican County Convention of Pawnee County convened in Paw nee City on last Saturday, and nom inated J. B. Bond for tho Legislature, and selected the following delegates to represent that county iu the Fourth Senatorial District Convention, to be held at Lincoln next Saturday, to-wit : luban Jordan, G. W. Collins, Andrew j Fellers, Dr. McCaslia, Geo. M. Hum phrey and Peter Shtlhorn. Has Bro. Marsh had the hat passed i around to him yet? Out with your weasle skin. Democrat. Marsh says the hat was first passed to him by the party who swung around the circle the party which the Doc tor frarcrni7.e! with about two years ago and his paicrs were demanded in less than fifteen days thereafter, for want of the contribution. Marsh also says the " low down Radicals," who sent the Doctor as a Representa tive to Omaha4 a few years go, have not been around yet. Doctor, when the Radicals decide to go " low down - .....-r. 'I trt vmlnrt tliia pnni. i III, llltuxim;a, j-j ....... ' .... 1 1 ' f i rtfirn, th-oy will give yut ami, ii roti are at homo. The Republican Club Of this city had a very large turn out last Thursday evening to hear an address from Gov. Butler. Mcpher son's Hall was literally crowded, the ladies of our city forming & good por tion of the assemblage. The Governor was introduced by Capt. Carson, President of the Club, and made a very effective speech. He handled the past and present Demo copperhead party without regard to the feelings of men whohad attempted to destroy our Government ; he traced the history of Democray from Floyd to Seymour, and from the first shot at Sumpter to tho late New York Con vention, showing that the same dia bolical spirit tlint animated and prompted the first still lives to-day in the same form and under the same banner. He gave an able review of the financial and otlier questions of the day. His remarks throughout were high-toned and received amid cheers. Senator Tipton lengthen called for made a characteristic speech. Hit hits time thick and fasten 1 it's not often that even a party so corrupt and trea onable as the Democracy gets such an eloquent and thorough scoring asit re ceived at his hands that night. The people ot Nebraska may well fee proud of these two public servants, and will hail with pleasure the present glowing prosects for their re-election. The Club adjourned at a late hour to meet this craning. . Democratic IJes vs. Facts. Editor Xcbranka Arfvtrltier : A day or two since a Democrat of this city, arguing that the Democratic party were the friends and advocates of economy in "the administration of national affairs, asserted that 44 under this Radical administration the na tional debt had increased during the last month thirty-two millions of dol lars, and was constantly increasing instead of diminishing." The Demo crat of last week, still higher in fig ures, and with a capacity for falsehood which is at once astonishing and de plorable, places the amount at fifty three millions! Other and better in formed Democratic journals than the down-street concern, seeking to make political capital out of this same thing place tho figures at thirteen million dollars. The Missouri Democrat, in noticing this matter, says : " The Concod Patriot savs the in create of thirteen millions in two months on the debt is 'the result of Radical economy." Yet the increase was caused by a payment of over seven millions for Alaska, ana over six mil lions to the Pacific railroad, Patriot justified the Alaska purchase, and supports the policy of granting subsi dies to the railroads : Is tnis ncnest, then ? Meanwhile, Radicals M ill ask whether it pays to consent to expen ditures for the benefit or at the request of Conservatives, only to be abused for those same expenditures as proofs of Radical extravagance." ' Thus we See that the greater portion of this apparent increase of thirteen millions was the price agreed upon by our Secretary of State (holding office under a Democratic President,) to be paid for ice bergs and polar bears ; while the balance was simply the pay merit of an installment of a debt con tracted long before the present time, and for the building of a railroad through our own State; and surely no sane man will deny the advantages which will accrue to the whole couu try, and particularly to the State of Nebraska, from the completion of the Pacific Railroad. Now, let us see if it is a fact that "our National debt is constantly in creasing instead of decreasing." We call attention to the following article from the New York Bank 'Note Re porter: So much has leen said and written about tlx; corrupt and extravagant manner in which the Federal Govern ment has been administered during the last year or two, that it is pleasant to meet with facts and figures, from official sources, which must go far to correct erroneous impressions in this connection. In view of the fact that the present Administration has been compelled not only to carry an' im mense burden bequeathed by the re bellion, but to close up the confused accounts, restore civil order through f vast region devastated and unsettled by the conllict, and repel assaults upon the public credit, we were not prepar ed for so satisfactory an exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of the Gov ernment for the fiscal year just closed, a that furnished by Special Commissioner-Wells, of the Treasury Depart ment. From this exhibit we give the more important figures, as follows : Receipts. The National receipts of Revenue, from all sources, for tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1SC8, were substan tially as follows: Customs ffiold) .. Iftt,.7V;fo: Internal Revenue (currency)- -.. lW.odo.ixw Miscellaneous (currency) 47X)!),O)0 Public I.rfind.s and Direct Tax (cur rency; 2,S00,0W Total . .. 40C .300,000 Expenditures. The expenditures of the Govern ment on account of interest on the public debt, for the fiscal year ending July 30,1868, was.$141,u3-5,.rl,13. The aggregate expenditures of the several departments for the Government for the same period, were $220,014,874,50, makiug a total expenditure for the nscal year, endinc: June 30. 1SG3 of $371.-'"0,22-j, and leaving an estimated surplus of receipts over expendi tures of $31,740,777. REDUCTION OF TAXATION. The amount of taxes abated or repealed since the close of the war has been estimated as follows; Iy Art of July 1-1, 11 $00,000,000 V,y Act of March A l.-I7 4',M),000 By Act of lelj. 3, lsi8r (exemption of raw cotton) - :,7iP,0iM By Act of Marcli ol 4 l,."ii0,(Xl) Total $l(7,'J(St,000 Since July, lSo, furthermore, the ad ditional tax o per cent, on incomes in excess of o.Otfc) has been repealed, and the exemption on ail incomes has been increased from $000, to $l,0:x). The taxation formerly imposed on the iross receipts accruing from the trans portation of merchandise, has also been entirely removed. Coincident with the above reduction taxation, or from the 31st of August. 1S', to thcoiith of June ISCX, the oygrcratc of the National indebtedness, including fish in the. Treasury, exhibits a reduc tion, in round numbers, o$2-0,(HX),000. On this statement of the debt, the re duction of the interests, calculated at 'l per centum, would be $1",000,000 ii many. Thus, heavv as the expenditures have been during the last year,, they have not only been met by the ordi nary revenues of Government, with out a resort to Jc;;ns, but after-omewhat reducing the -principal c-f the debt,; an estimated surplus of nearly thirty five millions of dollars was left. Leaving out the interests on the debt and the pensions and bounties of sol diers and sailors, which fire, as A matter of course, inevitable, the diil ertr.ee between the expenditure or the present administration immediately preceding the war, is not proportion ately as great as the difierence in the population of the country at the two periods, or the changed conditions of the nation would seem to warrant. After reading which we submit the following propositions : That when a DenKcrat asserts that the National debt is increasing instead of decreas ing," he is guilty of a wilful and de liberate falsehood! :. M From the Aspimvall Club. West Aspinw at,l Precinct,) . August 24th, 1868. ; j Friend Church : The Republicans of Aspinwall Precinct met at Lar kin's school house on Saturday even ing, Aug. 22, for the purpose of organ izing a Grant and Colfax Campaign Club- The meeting was organized by call ing Ezra Rogers Jo tho chair and Wm. IT. Larkin secretary, ' " The club adopted the usual articles of organization On motion, the club precoeded to the election of the following perma nent officers : Thomas Iliggens, Pres ident, John B. Fisher, Treasurer, and Wm. II. Larkin, Secretary. ; On motion, John W. Hcjeman was appointed to solicit members to the club. .. .... : On motion, it was Resolved, That the Secretary corres pond with Jarvis S. Church, request ing him to address the club at the next meeting, and assist the club In per fecting an organization. On motionj the club adjourned to meet at the same place on Wednesday evening, Aug. 2G, at 7 o'clock, P. M. When a man undertakes to tell or write a deliberate falsehood he is cer tain to get "mixed up" in facts and figures, which is aptly illustrated by the following from last week's Demo crat: "In one month the national debt in creased fifty-three million dollars, or at the rate of thirteen million dollars per week, one million eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand, one hundred and forty-two dollars and eighty-five cents per day, seventy-seven thousand three hundred and eighty .dollars per year, and one thousand two hundred and eighty-nine dollars per minute, arid over twenty-one dollars per sec ond!" . Tho study of arithmatic, so impor tant a branch in the education of every man, save a Democrat, seems to have been wholly forsaken in the case of the worthies who wield the quill in the Democrat office. Even a poor, dispised African could make a neater calculation than the above. For in stance, that when the national debt increases $53,000,000 a month, it in creases at the rate of $77,3S0 per year! Shades of Ray and Greenleaf defend us! - ' A Lodge of Good Templars under name of Vesta Lodge No. 3S, was in stituted by G. W. C. T. Taggart, at Vesta, Johnson county, on Wednes day last, Aug. 19. The order is taking rank hold in Johnson eounty. The following officers were elected: P. W. Straw,- W. C. T.;- Harriet Moore, W. V. T.; J. W. Hall, W. S.; D. L. Talbott, W. F. S.; W. O. Buckley, W. T.; Jas. Moore, W. M.; Ella Moore, W. G.; Chas. Strong, W. S.; Hessey, Cook, R. H. S.; Anness Talbott, L H. S.; A. R. Loomis, A. S.; A. R. Loomis, Lodge Deputy. The people of Gage county met in county convention at Beatrice last Saturday. The Rev. A. S. Tinkham was chosen chairman, and Dr. Levi Anthony secretary. . Nathan Blakely was nominated for the Legislature on the third ballot, and Phillip Gascoi- gue, J. B. Weston, W. Wild and W. B. Rogers were chosen delegates to the Fourth, Senatorial Convention at Lincoln City next Saturday. James M. Pettlgrew was nominated for Com missioner, and Geo. Gals for Assessor, Public Debt. Fi-om Hon. Ben). Stanton's Speech in IVIwcling. I wish to state one or two plain propositions . about the payment of bonds in greenbacks. Every man understands perfectly that when a government borrows money arid gives its bond, it creates the relation of debtor and creditor be tween the borrower and lender, and that the same principles of common honesty that regulate dealings between two individuals regulate the rights of the borrower and of the lender, al though one be a government. The . Government of the United States has borrowed money and given its bonds. The question is, in what shall the bonds be paid ? You say in 41 greenbacks." What is a greenback ? A promise to pay. That is, you pro pose now, when your creditor comes to you, to say: 44 Certainly, I am ready to pay my bond." What will you pay it in ?" " I will give you a new note." "Well what will you pay ttje note in? When that comes due will you give me another note? What is it ultimately to be paid in?" ( Nowj if this-government owes two thousand millions of-bonds, aud re deems them with two thousand mill ions of greenbacks will it owe any less? It will have given two millions Of new notes for precisely the same amount of other notes. And how are the new notes to be paid? I do not see that vou have reduced your debt any. You have delayed the day of payment that's all. 44 O, but," says the party, 11 we will got rid of the interest." Now, will that do among honest men? 1 have Captain McUiure's note for a thousand dollars, bearinginterest at six per cent. He comes to me ana says: l want to pay you. I will give you a new note, payable in twen'ry years, without interest." Now ii lie lias power to compel me to take it, and does compel me, is not he a scoundrel? Applause. If you propose to redeem vonr greenbacks by the accumulated and surplus products of the count'', you may be able to redeem them at the end of twenty years, and in the meantime you pay no Interest. The result is that you propose to the public creditor instead ol payinjr his bonds In mnnnv you will pay hiniby giving him anew note, payable at the end of twenty years, Now what is a note for $100 worth, payable intwentv veara with out interest? It is worth precisely that sum which in twentv voin noni pound interest, will amount to $100, and that i3 about $2-5. Then, if I understand it, the proposition is that you will redeem these bonds by giv ing practically $25 for a $100 bond and compelling t ho creditor tn a if Now, between man and man, and be- j tween government and Its creditors is that honost? When these gem tlem en talk toycm about paying these bonds in green backs they stop just there, it never occur? to tnem that green backs have to Le paid some day that they are mere government credits. and that substituting them for bonds is merely changing the form -of the debt, and not changing the amount of it at all, unless you intend to repudiate a portion of the debt, to-wit : the in terest. Fori take it,if I give my bond pay able with interest, it is' iust as mixcn a repuuiaiiou 10 repudiate ! 1! A. -i. the interest as to repudiate the princi pal!' It is partial repudiation, and on long obligations much the largest portion, for the interest on a note running at six per cent, is equal to the principal every sixteen and a fraction years. . AXortli Carolina Conservative Declares lor Grant. Tho following synopsis of an address published', by Chief Justice R. M. Pearson, of North Carolina, to the Conservatives of that State is well worth perusal. Judge Pearson is himself a Conservative, but the defi ant and threatening attitude of the rebels in his midst, their loud clamor for revolution and war, has Induced the more sturdy men to consolidate against them and advocate the elec tion of Grant and Colfax: . -To the Coiiservative Party: , I am alarmed at the condition of the country, and fear we are drifting into another civil war. In my opinion the "war clouds" are as dark now asi in the winter of 1860-G1. . We were then promised " peaceable secession ;" we are now to have 44 peaceable nullifi cations. " Under these circumstances I feel it to be a duty to make known the reasoning by which I have arrived at the conclusion that every man who has an interest at stake, and who wishes to have peace and avoid blood shed, should vote for Grant and Col fax. Being a member of the Conser vative party, and having been elected Chief J ustice of the Supreme Court on the nomination of both parties, by a unanimous vote of the people, it is fair to presume that I have their confi dence, and that what I say will be considered calmly as the advice of a friend who has no motive save the Eublic good. I trust to beheld justifi le by the emergency, for expressing my opinion, and to be allowed todo so without being drawn into the vortex of politics :. with my views silence would be criminal. God Almighty! forbid a war of races ! Violent politi cians avow their purpose to agitate, turn things upside down, nulify, and bring on another war, rather than sub mit to let the negroes vote aud hold office. But is it not the part of wis dom and patriotism to accept "the situation and try to make the most of a bad bargain, rather than make bad worse? 1 cannot, as others seem to be able to do, exclude from my mind the fact that the South attempted a revolution and was subjugated and our condition is one of the bitter fruits of rebellion! 44 Let us have peace." This is the point on which my opinion rests The New York Convention, declares our State government, mere creatures of usurpations, and of course not enti tled to the allegiance of the people; and it proclaims the reconstruction acts of Congress 44 unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void" omitting the word null, lest it might call up unpleascnt recollections of the days of nullification, when the strong will of Jackson prevented war. If the recon struction acts are void, so are the reconstruction measures of President Johnson, and the negroes are still slaves. This leads to war. But it is said" slavery and secession " are dead issues. Why, or how? Admit, how ever, that the only object is to deprive freedmcn of their political rights. How can that be effected ? Some say 44 it is to be done by the bollotand not by the bayonet." How ? question. The freedmcn That is the are now in to vote: of possession of the rio;ht course if they vote the Constitution cannot be amended, so the only mode is to carry out practically7 the doctrine that the reconstruction acts are void, and our Constitution is of no effect. This is nulfication, and disguise it as they' may, it must result in war. History furnishes no instances of four millions of people, backed, as they are in our State, by a clear majority of 20. 000 votes, being deprived of political rights which they have enjoyed for years. It cannot be done without a civil war. It is against the order of nature. ' I will specify instances where, bad was made worse by violent politicians. 1. We labor under a supposed in convenience in not being allowed to carry slaves into the Territories, and owing to tho prejudice against slavery a fugitive slave could not be reclaimed under the net of ; Congress without more cost than his value. To remedy this the South seceded. We lost all our slaves! 2. At the Fortress Monroe Confer ence it was in our power to be restored to all the rights of a State, provided we would submit to gradual emanci pation ; that is, every negro born after a day to be fixed, should be free at the age of twenty one. But the cry was, out," when it was known we could not open' the spring compaign without a reiufocemcnt' of 200,000 negro soldiers which was impossible, or if possible, fatal to our cause. The result was a surrender without terms, followed by instant emancipation, with four mill ions of frecdmen in our midst! So bad was again made worse ! 3. What was to be done with the freedmcn ? The idea of four millions of people, not slaves, existing in our midst'withoutsome political right, was out of the question. At that time we had it in our power to put all things right by submitting to qualified negro suffrage. That is, let every freed man who could read and write, or owned, say, $100 worth of property, have the right to vote. Not much harm would have come of this for the negro vote would have been scattered and neu tralized. But no ! ! " This is a white man's Government." Prejudice ex cluded reason. How did it result? The State is reduced to a millitary district with a provisional government subject to the order of the 4 General commanding." The freedmen are entitled to full suffrage and the right to hold office. These terms, imposed by the General Government, have been submitted to and acted- upon. A clear majority of 20.000 votes has fixed the matter. So bad was again made worse ! Let me ask, why did General Lee surrender? Because he could not help it! For the same reason" we must submit to the political, not the ociaitior tuat is a. thing under our own control) equality of the freedmcn. This is 44 tho situation " the question is, shall we go on and again make bad worse, or shall we try to make the best of it? . . The freedmcn have still an undefin ed impression that there is a determi nation to deprive them of political equality. 'Ihis makes them 44 pull together;'' remove the pressure and their vote will be neutralized. How is this pressure to be removed ? By giving them assurance that we "acuuiesee." and are content to allow them politic al equality. How is that assurance to le civen? By elee.tinir Grant and Colfax. Then we shall have peace and the country will have repose, whieh it so much need. But elect the candidates -of the other party. Thiccer- not , it is an open declaration or war. ana they will stand firm in solid eoiumn ofvoTrf ua ciuwrtpd bv what has been called in d'erL lon,-' the mean white nipn " hut sunnorted by enough to civethem a majority of 20,000 votes. What is to be the result? Agitation, of course, but there is reason to fear wnrP m.iv Come of it. Has it eyer been known that four, millions of people, after enjoying political rights for years, could be reduced to vassalage without a civil war? And such a civil war! The mind revolts at its contemplation. The war we have just passed through is as nothing compar ed to it. -Mv conclusion is, we must concede to tho freed men political equality, if we can only satisfy them we do so in good faith by voting for Grant and Colfax. Then there will be an end of the strife. The contemplation of war and bloodshed will be put far from us. The freedmen will become satisfied that it isfor their good interest to allow us to have the guidance of public af fairs, and the innate power and vigor of the white man will convince the world that we are able to carry a wcightof four millions imposed on us by the unaccountable decrees of Provi dence, and still work out our destiny as the grandest Republic that has ever been ;no"wn among the nations. R. M. Pearson. Richmond Hill, N. C, July 20, .1868. Consisting of ;;T:jCEilIIIGi:-'; FjLOORIIJ'G, FHIISHHTG, SHINGLES, LATH,' DO O R S ASH Glass, Putty and Cementr Office at RED STORE. NOTICE. Ihave this day sold my entire Interest In the painting business to J. K. Fretz. Thank ing my friends for the liberal patronage be stowed on me for the past eleven years, I hope they will continue the same to my suc cessor In business, s Mr. Fretz is an experi enced painter, competent to perform all work entrusted to hira in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonably reduced cash terms. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to me will please come and settle the same. August JOth, 1803. LOUIS "WALDTER, The undersigned will continue HOUSE, SIGN,CARRIAGE, AND Ornamental Painting, Guildlng, Glazing, Paperhangtng, &c. No. 15 Main Street, : (One door east of Ilauk & HoltzinKer's ' . 4ueensvare and Grocery store,) BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. J. IE. FRETZ. n'll-tf ELEPHANT" Livery, Peed and Sale Stable ! Ben. Rogers, Proprietor. Kos. 82 and 84 Main Street BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA. Tealer in all kinds of stock. Horses bought, sold and exchanged. Stock boarded by the day or week. The Propritor has recently erected an entire new, large and cornmodoous Stable, near the old Brownville House. His stock is all fresh and vehicles new. The public-can be accom modated at all hours, DA.Y Oil NIGHT. i A stock corrall, with an abundant pupply bf pure water, attached to the btable. ... 4-ly Peru Livery Stable. CHARLES GEADE, Dealer la Lll IviiidM of Stoclt. Horses Bought, Sold, or Exchanged. Stock Dortrded by the Day or. Week. "MY STABLE 3 ARE 8TOCKED with Rood Horses ami bnpRieS. Persons wisliinn conveyance to any portion of the Nemaha Land District can be accom modated. The . Pern & Brownville Coach. Leaves MY STABLES every morning at 10 o'clock, a. M. Passengers' or packages safely con reyeU. Orders left with the Postmasters will be promptly attended to. (xli316m) LEACH & SIMPSON, MILLINEES& DEESS MAKERS, Second Street, bet. 3fai?i and Water. . BRO WXVILLE, "Wish to Inform the Ladles of Brownville and vicinity, that they have just commenced a lirst class -MILLINERY SHOP, Where work will be done with preatcare and neatness, and after the latest Knsiern styles. Bleaching done iu the very latest styles, and on short notice. Latest styles of Ladies' and Children's Hats and Bonnets constantly on hand. Also latest patterns of Ladies' lress Good, Cloaks, and Children's Clothing cut on short notice. M'ISS KUNICE LKACn. MISS MAKY A. SIMPSON". JUST OI'EXED AT THE LADIES' FillCi BAZAR I it-.. . . North East corner Main and Fourth Sts., i WELL SELECTED STOCK OF LADIES' J article, such as Trimmings, Glsves, Tydles, Handkerchief, Zyphre, fcc. Particular attention paid to Stamping, Brading and Stichlntr, of all kinds. Alao would call your attention to the ' Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine for whieh I am the Agent. I feel safe In say ins? that the Wheeler Jfc Wilson Sewing Ma chines are the best ever brought before the public. They are simple and durable; easily kept in repair; work without noise; sew with great rapid it y, making the Lock St itch that will not Kip, and sews from the corsest to the finest articie. Especial invitation to all to-come and see, and examine my. stock and machines for themselves. MIW. M. E. HA KG IS. nlW-ly Brownville "ALL ' ABOABD." Tha Brownville Transfer Company, Under the management of JACOB ROGERS, Is now Running Regular Ommbneees from Bro-omville to tho Railroad Terminus ot the Council BUT and St. Joseph BailroaJ, At liortli Star, EIo., Two Miles from Brownville and North Star Ferry , . Landing. Gootl Omnibusses. Close Connections. o-tf Charges 5Iolers.te. tifies to the freedmen that we are content to let things stand as t..ey - iLL COS'S TlTrr mm bid, COB'3 DTSPKJ'StA CL'RK. COE'S DYSPEPSIA Cms, COS'3 DISi'EfSIA CURE. COS'S DTSPKPSIA CrRK. cofs dtspepsia eras. ., COS'S DVS?tPSlA CCSE. COK'S DTSPEPSIA CCRB. C0fi'3 DYSPEPSIA CURB. COS'S DfSPBPSIA CCHK This worM renowned remedy for the unfailing core of DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, SIcK Stomach, Sourness or Acidity otStom acli, Illsins ofl ood, Flatulency,- L.iisittide, Weariness, IJil liousness, and all , disor ders of The "Stomacli and Howels, Is nrged upon tba attention and trial of sufferers from this most horrible ol all diseases. Dyspepsia shows its ravages la a thocs.md different forms, such as Sick Headache, Heartbcrn, Depression, gen eral tense of uneasiness and fading that yon axe not well. Food distresses you, rises and sours on your stomach; breath is bad skin at times la Hushed and hot; don't feel as' if you could more or stir about, and worse of all, Indigestion or Constipation, are nothing more of less than Dyspepsia. Thou sands upon thousands suffer and die this way, and neither themselves nor their physicians know what aiis them, except that they are surely dying. Reader, we repeat it, this is alt. Dyspepsia. If you would have proof ot our statement, if yon would save yourselves and children from an early grave, if you would have health and energy and strength, again we teg you to try one bottle of COE'S DYSPEPSIA CUKE. You will see how toon it will dispel your bad feel lot s and gloomy forebodings. How soon it will chase away any species of Pyspepsia. How soon it will give you new life and vigor, and how soon it will make a weil min or woman of you. For yonr own sake, for toe sake of ever) body suffering, we beg, we enti eat you to try it. For Liver Complaint and Bil ious Derangements, It Is a Sovereign Remedy, while for Fever and Ague, and all those diseases which are generated in a mi asmatic climate, it is a certain preventative aadcure. j&1 ' J- Mr, Lester Sexton, a wholesale mer chant of thirty years, in Milwaukee, one of the most reliable and careful men in the State, says, tinder elate, . Milwaukee, Wjs., Jan. 24, 1868. Hexsrs. C. O. Clark, k. CO., New Haven, Ct. Both myself and wtfe have used Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, and it has proved PERFKCTLX satisfactory as a remedy. I Ihave NO hesitation in saying that we have received GREAT BKNKFIT from Us ue. Very respectfully, LSSTisa sexto r. ii A Great Blessing." lF)-om Pcv. L. F. WARD Avon, Lor- eiine Co., O. Messrs. Strong k AkIIstrOso, Druggists, Cleveland, O. Genttmten : It gives me great pleasure to state that piy wife has derived great benefit from the use of Coc's Dytpepsia Cure. She has been for a num ber of years greatly troubled with Dyspepsia, ac companied with violent paroxysms of constipation, wnuh so prostrated cer that t-ue was all the while, for months, unable to do anything. She took, at your instance, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, and has de rived GREAT BENEFIT FROM IT, and is now com paratively, well. She regards this medicine as a great blessing. Truly yours, L. f WARD. " Extreme Case " Cured. From Rev. ISAAC AIKEN, Alle yJicny, Fa. Joseph Fleming, Druggist,. 804 Market St., Pittsburgh. Sir : I fake gTeat pleasure iu stating that, after having suffered from Dyspepsia for about fifteen years, at some periods much more than othtrs, I have been entirely cured by the use of Coe's Dys pepsia Cure. My friends know that of late years my case has been an extreme one. I bad great suf fering from eating any kind of food, and on an aver age would vomit about onh-th'ird of my meals, in a Sour indigestible mass. When tbe severe attacks would come, I would lose all strength and be utterly helples-s. Some of the attacks would be so severe that for days together 1 would not retain anything on my stomach, save a little dry toast and tea. For years I knew not what it was to rasa flveconsectivo hours without Intense pain. From the time I took the first Uoe of this medicine I ceased vomiting gradually all soreness passod away, and flesh and strength returned, and ever since 1 have been able to eat any kind of food set upon the table. Sis months have now passed without any symptoms of the return ot the disease. My case was considered by all, even physicians, so marvellous, that for a time it was feared it might be fictitious i but I am noWso well convinced, that I have been not merely relieved, but permanently cured, that I can con scientiously recommend Coe's Dyspepsia Cure to all victims of dyspepsia. ISAAC AIKEN, Late Pastor ot tbe Beaver St. M. K. Chnrcb, Alleghany. Homo Testimony. JTw hater, Ct., Jnno 1, 1S67. Messrs. 0. G. CLantx fc Co. , Gtntt: Being anxious, from the great benefit derived, to assist in spreading the fame of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, I woulrt state my case. Some thing over a year ago, I had a violent attack of Di arrbcea, which lasted eight weeks, during which time I employed three physicians, but without re lief, until I tried Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. Tbe first dose helped moil took it three times a day for week, and was entirely cured; and 1 believe to day that it saved my life. BeiDg attacked in a sim ilar way this season 1 took one dose, which put me il right. I would advis every family to keep it on hand ready tut immediate use, in ease of Sum mer or Bowel Complaint. The above Mr. Dunn is in onr employ, and we can vouch lot the above statement beinn troe . E. ARNOLD k CO. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. Will also be found Invaluable In all cases of Diar rhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Summer Ccmplaints, Gri ping, and in fact ovsry disordered condition of tie stom.tch. ' . Sold by DrurgUtsln city or country everywhere at $1 per bottle, or by application to C. G. Clark & Co., Sole Proprieeors, Xcw Haven, Ct. 4i.lyeeen. U SI 1 3 XO TICE. Notice Is hereby j ike ii - J-l voters of lilnr n Precinct, REGlSTn givvi i yof 5 iersl'" :. wi. . c J-.i, state of Nebraska. C lU'sristmr of voters of : , ::m-n;e the registration ;act on t the i: i pret J of voters oi Monday, the 1th Scienter, A.D. 1SGS, at my res! I, nee In mM precinct, hi f-,i-rt r. -ht tr be registered ad a voter lu said preciix-S, must appear then and thrre, and make prof of the same as pro vided by lay. , . i-2t HKIUIAN UTECHT, Registrar. T EOISTRAIVS XOTICEolice la hereby JLv given iu iiioit-y;n ruma i St. Deroin Treclsct, In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska. that the undersigned, Kt.iri.stmr oi voitr ui naid precinct, -w ill commence the registration of yotors ot said precinct on , Monday, the 7th Se2otcmber, A.D. 1SCS, ut the store of A. J. Tlltter, In said precinct, t o'clock A. M. and continne in session three days. All persons vrho claim a risrht to be registered as a voter in said precinct, nwt appeur then and f.Vrc. and make prooi oi we same as provided nv mvr. 4(-t GEO. VANDFA ENTKTl, Iteeistrnr. T EGISTRAR'S XOTICE.'Sotice I hereby XV given to the legal voters of Ilcnton Prcclncf. in the county of Nemaha, State of Nebraska, tnat tae undersigned. Kegistrar oi voters oi said Precinct, will commence tho registration of voters of said lrecinct on Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SG8. at ny residence in said Precinct, at 9 o'clock A.M., and will continue in session three days. All persons who claim tho riirht to be regis tered as a voter in said precinct, fnuxt appear then and there, and make proof of the same as provided !v law. 4ti-2t 1IKN11Y STINEMAN, Registrar. I) EG ISTli AR SXOTICIl .Notice ia hereby , given to the legal voters of . , - Glen Rocli I'rccJnct, In the eonntv nf Nemab-t, state? of Nebraska, that the under-ned. li.nistrar of voters of said precinct, will commence tho registration of voters of said precinct on, - . Monday Ahe 7th September, A.D. 1SC8, at my residence in said precinct, at 9 o'clock A.X., and will continue in session three days. All persons who claim a riuht to be recislered as a voter in said precinct mtjrf appear then and there, and make proof of the same ag pro vided by law. It5-2t B. rniLLIPS, Registrar. REGISTRA R'S XO TICE. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of Aemaba Citj Precinct, In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska, that the undersigned. Registrar of voters of said precinct, will commence the registration of voters in said precinct on Monday, the 7th Scjitcmbcr, A.D. 1S08, at the office of J. P. C'rother, Justice of the Peace, in Nemaha City, in said precinct, at !) o'clock A.m., and will continue in session three days. All persous who claim a right to be registered as a voter In said precinct, vm.it appear tuen and there, and make proof of the same, as provided by law. 4-'t JOU.N HAitN'KN, Keeistrar. I EGISTRAR'S XO TICE. Notice Is hereby t given to the legal voters of IJedford Precinct, In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska, that the nnderslirned. Registrar of voters in said precinct, will commence the registration of votes in said precinct on Nonday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SG8 at my residence in said precinct, at 9 o'clock, a.m., and will continue in session three days. All persons who claim a right to be registered as a voter In said precinct, must appear then ana mere, nnu maice proof of same as pn vitieti oy law. 4i-LT wm. S. lirtiHES, Registrar. REGISTRA R'S XO TICE Notice 13 hereby given to the legal voters of Douglass Precinct, in- the conntr of Nemaha. State of Nebraska. that the nnderslirned. Reeistrar of voters of sam precinct, wll I commenco the registration or voters or said Precinct on Monday, September 7th, A. D., 1SG8, at my residence, in said rreclnct, at S o'clock, a. m., antl will continue In session three days All persons who claim a right to be registered a,s voters in said precinct wwjdnppear then and thtre and make proof of the saie as provided bv law. ij-t AVESTLEY DTJNDAS, Registrar. I EGISTRA R S XO TICE. Notice Is hereby V given to the legal voters of Lafajetle Precinct, In tho county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska, that the undersigned, Registrar of voters of sail I'recinet, will commence the registration of voters of said I'recinet, on Monday, the 7th September, A.D. 1SGS, at Lafayette Mills, in said precinct, at 9 o'clock a.m., and will cont inue in session three days. All persons who claim aright to le registered as a voter in said precinct, mttxt appear thm and fcrf, nnd make proof of the same as provided by law. 126-Lt WM. II. IIAWLEY. Registrar. 1) EGISTRA R S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby ii given to the legal voters of Peru Precinct, in the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska, that the undersigned. Registrar of voters of said Precinct, will commence the registration of voters of said I'recinet, on Monday, the 7th Sejrfcmbcr, A.D. 1SGS, at my store In Peru, In said precinct, at 9 o'clock a.m., and will continue in session three days. All persons who claim a right to be registered as avoter in said precinct, nw.tt appear tfu n and there, and make proof of the same as provided bv law. --t D. C COLK, Registrar. REGISTRARS XOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to the legal voters of ' Aspimvall Precinct, " In the county of Nemaha, ittof Nebraska, that the Registrar of Voters of said I'recinet will commence the registration of voters of fcaid l'rpcinct on - Monday,- September 7th, A. D., 1808, at my offlce in said Precinct, and will contin ue iu session threo days. All persons who claim a right to be registered must appear then and thre and make proof of the anie as pro vided by law. -V-t J. M. PAULIN, Registrar. 1) EGISTRA R"S XO TICE Notice la hereby t given to the legal voters of llrovrnville Precinct, In the county of Nemaha, state of Nebraska, that the undersigned liezistrars of Voters of said precinct, will sit for the purpose of regis tering the names of the voters of said precinct at the office of R. V. Hughes, in the city of Rrownville, commencing on Monday, the 1st Scjrfcmbcr, A.D. 1SG8, at 9 o'clock a.m., and will continue in session from day to day (Sundays excepted) durin" the hours prescribed by law, until the I'Alx day of September A. P. IsiW. All persons entitled, otherwise, to vote at the ensuing October election, will take notice that their names mv.it be rerUtered, otherwise they will be debarred from voting at said election, in accordance with the statutes in such eases made and provided. Witness our names us the Registrars of said precinct, this Hth. day of August. A. D. lsv. G. W. FAIRBRimiER,) n . . V2t R. V. HUGHES, Registrars 12X BANKRUPTCY". TOTICE OF ASSIGXEE APPOIXTMEVT 1S District of Nebraska, ss. At the City of Rrownville, the 0th day of August, lsjiS. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of James A. Frame, tf N'l iriuilr :i f'iti? lfrw wnntv VhIim w L-. Within said District, who ha lx!t;ii adjmiL'eti a Imnkrupt on his own petition, by the Dis trict Court of said district. 1 H-o (i WM. II. HOOVER, Asxignee. BAXKRUPTCY XOTICE. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, ss. In tho matter of Siemond Seeman, bankrupt. In Bankrtiptcy. Notice Is hereby given that aWarrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said court asalmt the es tate of Sigmond Seeman, of the county of Nemaha of the state of Nebraska, in said District, adjudged a bankrupt upon the peti tion of bis creditors, and the payment of any debtsand thedellvery of any property belong ing to said bankrupt, to him or to his use, aud the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a court of Rankruptcy to be holden at Brownville, in said district, on the 11th day of September, lswt at ten o'clock, a. m., at the otfletjot'S. M. Rich, one of the licgisters In Bankruptcy of said court. C. K YOST, Vj-'H Marshal and Messenger. - JOHN Xm CARSON, BANKEE, BRO WXVILLE XEBRASEA. Exchange Bought and Sold on all the prin cipal cities. Also dealer in Gold and Silver Coin, Gold Dust and GOVZmilXEOT BONDS. Deposits receive.!, pnvable at sight. Inter est paid on time deposits by special agree ment, l axes patil for non-residents. All kinds of U. S. Bonds wanted. CLOCKS, "WATCHES, AND JEWELE Y. No. 59 Main Street, Brownville. JOSEI'lI SIIUTZ," ? Has just ox-nel ami will constantly keep on hand a large nnd well assorted 6lu.ist,otlv ot genuine armies in u nm-. ReDairin" f Clocks, Watches, and Jew elry done on short notice. ALL WORK WARRAXTED. in I? LECTIO X NOTICE ' li Klven that ,m Tnen , J at t.a. iXHrar-r.U. precinct in Ncruai'a H- ' for the election of Wy .Nc ' f hoi. la tne memnor of ( otvtcss One Governor,. a ' One f-cre ary ff Staia One State Trasur-r One state Aaditor, i me I'isirici .f.rMJudlcUlDUt, One state Senat ardson, Johns.n and X mTatirtcf -w-. t s ri a T r v y --. Conrn: That William 5 Hom wJ?TV I Ooml-s. deceased, has made aiHicatlVitIl to the Prolate Court of Nernaha o.unt braska. to make a final cff !-...,... .. tate. and the Court h,-vt the 17th riv7,f soptemlHT at hi o'clock, a. m., M the time and theTrobafo Jtide'sorhrviri llniwn villeasthe pbice of hej-, ring said Kettle,...,, A. W. MORG AN, lYoUu Judge. me nine ior pr-vuig inn wui or J hn 1), Reamer, decvnsfr'd. laterf Wanhington Countv Maryland; the said will having btn dopol! itcd with sjiifl court. The hr aring in this case will 1h In thTm- baf e court room, in Rrownviiie, in said county of Nemaha. . , 4C-1 A. W. MURtJA.V. Prnliat Jiu'jo LEGAL XO TICE. Tranc"! IL D. Hunt, iuar ban ol Georges. .Mott albm Cnor S. Ebbs. I'laintitr vs. The Es'atc of (,ctv. m. Mott alias Geo. .. EVbs, l)ct. In fli Ttiytricft U "irt of Nitniha County, SMtof NebrxAka. Pursuant to tlie order of said court, not ia hereby given to th next of kin of the s.il,J Georges. Mott alius Gvrvr S. Eblw. anun all persons intreste.l iu the estate of the snij wara,ioHppear w:ore tnesai l court In lirown Viile, In tlie said countv of Nein;4hj- on Tn.- day the loth day of ScptcmU r, A.L. 1 th"n and there to show eausp why If, -en.se h.uM not be granteI to the said sruardiari to wll tne real estate of said wanl to-wit; The north half of section numhrr 23, in t-wnsliip num. ber 4 north, In Itange number 1 cast, Bitaatd In said county ef Nemaha and State of Ne braska, or snch part of said land as may be necessary for the support and etlueatioa of said ward. And it is further ordered that thl nntlfA be published for three successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. Given this 17th day of Aiinst. V3t O. M T07TCE Rue P. HuUhlns, F. M. Trrwns- ley, Andrew J. Pell and Ihomss II. Wi wall, non-residents of the .state of Nebraska, will take notice that Kmmor uh f th county of Nemaha, In the State of eOrasra l ' . . . . k. . t.i. . . . . . his petition in the District Court of sal, Ne maha county and state of Nei.rnska, against the said Ru P. Ilutcliins, F. M. low7Vv xVndrewJ. Pell and Thormw II. Wisv.'all,"d ants gave a mortsraire to one Jacoti Collins. who assigned the same to EmmorLaAh th plain till' hereLn, on the north east quarter of sxtion i, town 5, range 11. in said countv of ... ............ iiv.iiu. imi in Liih khiii ;i.r..r,,Y sand dt.llars, according to a cert-da promis sory note, referred to in said mortem. Therefore the said Rue P. llutctiius, F. M ' Townsley, Andrew J. 1U U and Thomas II. Wlswall are notitltl that thev are rejuirwl to appesir and answer said petition acoirdlng to the statute in such cases madu and provided. t. , t, , , EMMuR LASH. . Ey J. N . Reynolds, his Att'y. August 4th, l.xiS. ntT-ft MASTERS SA LK.-XoUce Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale Issued by the District Court of Nemaha County Ne braska, and to me direct.-.! in the cu.-m of John S. Lemon and Isaac T. H.isea, partners as Iemou , Hosea & Co., vs Levi Jotiason and John 11. Croxton, I will, on Monday the 7th day of September, A.D. IvX, nt one o'clock P.M., at the front door of McPhcrson'a IIll In the city of Rrownville, In said county, that " being the place where the last term of saUt court was held otter for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the ftdloinir premises, to-wit: The north east quarter of the north west quarter, of -ctlon twenty-six (tj), nnd lot one 1 1) of .itlon twenty-n v c) except a tract of land tl.cribed as follow: commencing nt the north east corner of aald lotono(l), thence running south forty rods, thence Mest forty ro Is, thence nirthslxtv three rwtls, to the Missouri river, tiiencedown the river to the rlacoof be-'innln ' conr.i!nin tr twelve and eihty-wven bunlrenh acrex, ail in townsliip tour (1.) north of range sixtet u. (I'D fiu.t. 'I hat part of lot one to le sol 1 cn taining thirty-seven and sixtv-fiir. him- dretli iwres : Ki-llnh and the wholo amount to be sold being 77 tvi-liio a-r-s. CIIARLJ-..SG. IxirwKY. Master ill Uuiiipitt August "th 1S. l.",t school"' lands; Notice Is hereby given, that bv virtue of ai order issued under the hand of the Iwid Com missioner of the State of Nebraska, and In pursuance of the Statute of such state. nti tled, "An act to provide for the IV-isirv of School Lands, 4c., approved June Jt, 1m, I, Jamkh M. II.w keu, County Clerk of the Countv of Nemaha, will. On llielltli day of September next, at ten o'ebx k In the forenoon, nnd con tinue till twelve o'clock, noon, of that day. oiler for sale at my otl'nv, in the Omrt Houw in Lrownville, in aid county, in the order advertised, nt public auction, Unl . 11 to tbe highest bidder, but, AT NOT I.KS TH. TIIK ai'I'kaiski) valvk, nor, ia any case, for le?H tliau the minimum price of skvk.v Ii.i.aks ler acre, the following tlescrlUs! piet-e- or , parcels of land, situated In the County of Ne maha, and State of Nebraska, known a "Sohool Irfind," belonging to to the aald Sraror of Nebraska, in parcels of not exo-eillng forty acres of prairie, or ten acre of timtM-r land for tbe use and benefit of the "School Fund' of said State of Nebraska, and that such imUt will 1hj continued from day today, from th hours of ten o'clock In the foreni'ii, t. twelve o'clock noon, (Sunday excepted), un til all such lands shall be ottered, to-wit : a 9 V J t I. H - Description All All All All All All All West half South east quarter All All All :ii to m li M .irt l'J M .'hi is 1-'. mi wi M MO 3-J 1 Kt M fyUt K-wr rr .TJV :vi bs l tr lw , ha l'-tt 1 1 All Ixts 6, 7, 8 A 9, w hf & sc qr w qr ;Vi Ml All .irt 3rt All East half and north west or South west quarter .south half Its 1, 2, ;l and sw qrof nc qr Northeast quarter South west quarter North east quarter South east quarter South west quarter ii South east quarter 5 South wist quarter TUIMS OF S tLr. Cash In hand, or at the option of the pur chaser, ten per cent cash down on priirl lands and fifty per cent on other laud, at the time of sale, to be paid to tlu County Treasurer, of said County, with a prornbiry note for the unpaid purchase mou-y y yabl. on or Is'fore the 1st day of January, A. IX lv, with Interest annuady, rKtv.-tiiU1 In oi)Tr, at the rat r ten pr vent nniiuiu. up to the first day of January nextafter thedateof such not-, and on the first day of January thereafter, up to the first day of Jnimry. nxt succeeding, such payment, mturri by the endorsement or signatures, as Joint ma kers, of two responsible fre'hoidern o." salt! County of Nemaha, on all sums of Five Hun dred Dollars or 1-sm. and one additional en dorser, or Joint maker, of like respttsuaht r ainl residence, for every additional sum of Five Hunlred Dollars or fractional part, thereof, of said unpaid purchano money, arul the execution by the purchaser purchasing on ercht 1n duplicate, one of which wl.l retained by the County Treasurer of said County, for the use of the State.and tbeother to be delivered to the purcluiser, the contract of sale hereinafter meotioned. TIT L II. The purchaser paying the full amount of, the purchase money for the lands pure lias I at such sale, theTreasurer of sjiil County will deliver a lieeeipt anl a lMiplittte K-c-!p, containinga de-ription of tlie land sold, nod an acknowledgement of the payment of the purchase money, and on present. ttion tC either f which to the I .and CommlsloBer at any time alter Iifte-n days from trie date of such lu-celpt shall entitle the purchaser to a title, t said land. In fee simple from the said State, and the delivery of a deed on the sur render to such Commissioner of the other Re ceipt; and to purchasers, pun-haslng on cre. it, the said treasure vri'A execute in dupli cate, on" Of Whl-!l Kliail le delivered to the", purchaser and the'othcr n taine.! f.,r tbe use of the State, after t ing signed by t!ie pur chaser, a contra- t of s;tle f,,r the" land pur chased, conditioned that, upon the pavmcnt of the unpaid pur'-Ii.t-e mon-y,and t ):' Iiit.-r-est thcre'in ae-rd!ng to the condition cf such ntte. the pnrcliaser shall x entitled to duplicate Receipt.; of payment and purchase for such Ian. 1; that r.o waste shall 1. ct.m mltted upon til.- liuid therein dincnU-d. tiuit no titaiRT shall tcut thereon. ex- t h.een SJirv tire wood of the nwm-ir,t r.f r,..i. l i and for improvements tie-reon. an 1 in case default sliail be made in tue paynu n: f t;. urierest or p ri n.-.pal f'T an r pa rt t h reof or If anysnch cr.nditlons shall U l.roken that then the lands thertin ilcnlwl vli:,:i . ct ry tbe pnrch.i.-r, Ms fj.-Lrs or a.-.ign with the iinprcjv-me:iTs thereon, t i t;i';;'e, and said contract shall be void and vt no elleeU - . Dated, RrownvlUe, June Sid, WiS. JAMij 1. HAf KFH. Cousty CU-rk. 1 our Memlersnf IIiino ir ,r&-,t ., One County cv.mrrmsrncr f X 7 n,tft:!v"'. One Assessor fr p-.u-h Pr-'n.-t Strict. Three Jn-'!gvs of Llection for each T i . Two Ch rks of Election for i-XcT n,cl OneSuFcrv-Uor for each R,,, ?ur 'r and such other otMcrs as rn-ir r ron"irJi kI-, n 1 Which election will l orVn.VJTLoV "T: in tie mornmj, and win c nt' LJl Z 0 o'clock in tii..fternrn of tVp T iUntil By order of the Hoar 1 of V TfU, sinners this C.-,th day of A.iVuM T 'T 4tl-7t JAM KSM. Hack kr, vA r cw PROBA TE XOTir-E-SoUce is hcr.-hv riv en that tbe Probate Court .f Ne"m . County. Nebraska, has appiinftl the in.!,- lay of SepteuiUT, at Iuo'cLm-. a v. ...