Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 20, 1868, Image 3

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    Our Authorized Agen t at
. Wx. Hawxby, at Nemaha City:
j rV.,IlAU.F'K,at Clifton. .
I Cj.o. G.fst.vKf, &t Armwall;
5 --
'. Our Advertising Agents.
t RrtriFln & Eaton, L.'4 Tine St., St. Louis.
I J. H Vk JXtlAM-S J7 Chestnut St.,
s. M. I'kttingill, 37 Park liow, Xew York.
JCLK llKAURlPF-ACX, St. Joseph Ua
Oxik, COBCRS A ., Chicago, I1L
Cook, (Joburx A Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio.
H. H. Parvix, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. F. "Lincoln & Co., Boston, Mass.
and Departure of Hails.
Southern & Intern Arrives at 8 o'clock A st
" " Departs at li " P M
Northern & Eastern Arrives at 1 o'clock p m
- " Departs at. VA " P Jt
Beatrice Arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Katurds vs. at 7 o'clock p m
DeimrW Mondays, V'dneday and Fridays
at 8 o'clock am
Grant Arrives Thursdays at 8 o clock PX
Iv-part Thursdays at 8 o'clock A M
r. I i ; .... 1 1, 7 Vrlrwlr A r t1 K P V
Sunday & to 9 A M, and .5 to 6 p M
A. D. MAKS1I, Post Master.
. J. L. Colkapp, Editor;
"VTalt for Ilctw I s Clothing.
Seamless Sicks at Teare A Go's.
y s
Medals tor tlie Campaign at Marsh's.
II C Lett, Land Agent, P.rownviilo.
Marsh Harvesters for sale by Tlsdel. --
"Wanted A Harness Maker at Itaur's.
tT The Silver Skirt, at Theo. Hill & Co's.
I flour Spring and Full Wheat, at MeGee'a.
t Wine and Cider Presses for sale at '.
,' W. T. DEN'S.
JI Cases' Thrashing Machines for sale 1 y
f A. Tlsdel $t Co;
A Few Thousand Shingles for sale cheap
tit the Advertiser office. . '
John Deere'a genuine Moline riows, 500
for sale by Theo. Hill & Co.
All New will be thestoek of Clothing open
fcd In No. 70, September 1st.
Pine Lumber of the finest quality at the
tied Store, cheaper than ever.
HeUell will be here with A trcmendious
Block of Clothing September 1st.
District Court for this County will com
mence on the 2d Monday in September.
Fekin Breaking Plows 2u0 T. & II. Smith
Co's make, for sale by Theo. IliU & Co's.
Casimere Suits for $12.00,
I30,Q0Q Worth of Clothing will beopened
ino.7piMcrterBon'H Block, SeptemJjer 1st.
From 3,000 to 5.000 Bats, and some
Lumber for sale, for cash or work.
( A. W. Morgan.
"Wheat, Oats and Eye Wanted, for which
J. L. McGee & Co. will pay the highest mar
ket price in cash.
Do you desire Furniture that will last?
Upholstery goods tlwt M'ill wear? Go for
Ihera at McFall & Go's.
Boots and Shoes. A large and well se
lected .stock,uiisurpa.ssed In extent or quality,
an the road for J. L. McGEE &. CO.
Wm. II. Hoover, Ileal Estate Agent, has
ome choice Building Lots in Brown ville,
which he will sell cheap to persons Ashing to
Go to the Bazar and sec the new arrival of
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, which
lefy competition. Mrs. M. E. Bargis,
' We have had several very refreshing rains
In this section and throughout the dbunty,
lately, aud barring the grasshopf per damage,
corn is looking well.
J. S. Hetzel has now on the way from New
.York to this city, a stock of Clothing and
tknt's Furnishing Goods unsurpassed in ex
tent and variety in the west.
The Latest Wonder in town is at Teare
Co's, and that is, the Silver Hoop Skirts. If
iny Lady never saw one it will pay to go and
froc it, and seeing is buying.
The Champion Mower No. 8 is unexcelled
for simplicity, durability and efficiency by
ny single mower now made Bhellenbcrger
Bro's have them on hand and for sale;
Wm. IL Hoover, Conveyancer, will give
prompt attention to Jhe making of Deeds,
Mortgages, Bonds and all instruments per
taining to real estate Office in District Court
Hauboldt & Zeca have received a part of
their stock. of gent's piece goods, which are
ns nice as can be found this side of New York.
They know how to make 'em up In the latest
Boots 1 Boots!! Boots!!! Shoes! Shoes! !
As we are expecting a large New Stock of
Boots and Shoes, we will sell our present as
sort m en t of Boots and Shoes at greatly re
duaed prior. TEARE A CO.
Wfi hear that a party of young folks were
Ft David Culbertson, near Glen Rock, one
veiling last week, and while there some mls
chievpus person cut their horse's lialters, and
turned them all loose.
CPine Xj umber By reference to our adver
tising columns It will be found that the Red
tnore Lumber Yard Is fully prepared to sup
ply the county with Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Doors, Sash, etc
Lumber Yard. ll. A. Christy.'doing busi
ness, as we learn, for Gilbert, Jenkins & Co.,
of OKkosh, Wis is having an office con
structed on the corner of Main aud -Mi, where
he will open up a regular pine lumber yard.
The Nebraska Baptist Association will
meet in the First Baptist Church of Brown
Ville on Friday the 2sth day of August, at 10
o'clock A.MM for the transaction of busints
tippertalning to the general interests of the
tiiurch in Nebraska
Full Stock for Once Wni. II. Small has
rtalnly a full and spleadid 6tock of Queens
ware and Glassware, widch he Intends here
after to make a speciality of, and Judging
from his taste in the selection of this stock,
ihe has found his V. forte." .
' J. K. Frets, as will be" noticed by our ad
vertising columns, has bought out the paint
ahop .and Interest of Louis Waldter. Mr.
Fret" is a. No: 1 painter, and is worthy of the
patronage of this community. If you desire
anything in his line give Lim a call; it will
pay you. .
r "
Stove of the latest and most Improved
patterns, taking in longer wood, using less
wood, and doing better service. Just received
end for sale "30 per cent cheaper than ever
oftred this side of Albany, N. Y., by
rioneer Price Dictator.
Groceries and Dry Goods- W. F. Wilson
Vasbeen for the past two weeks constantly
receiving additions to his choice ktock of
Groceries and Dry Goods, and Is now willing
and prepared to do as fair rrrall who fcive
Mm" t'ieir patronage as any man In to-ven:
Go and see him and price his poods.
Where you buy goods of a dt-aler, who buys
cf another, who buys of another, who in turn
buys of the manufacturer, you have to pay
f roflt enough to satisfy alt four.' Iletzell had
his goods made up himself frord piece goods
bought by the quantity right from the factory.
A dollar saved is as good as two dollars
earned ! ! ! '
A Fact Worth Knowing. Is that Wm.
T. Den is actually selling Paints, Oils and
Glass cheaper than any other house in this
c5ty, while his articles are not a whit inferior
to any. This Is a big item to all persons who
are building. Call and see his goods, and you
wlU surely trac with W. T. DEN,
Tioneer rrioe Dictator.
Saddles.-J: Bauer ho nowon hand a com
plete stock of gent's and lady's saddles. His
stock has been selected with care, every wad
dle being" Of the best material, well put to-f
getht'r; ar!d finished with neatness and taste.
Mr. Bauer is deserving of the patronage of all
who desire anything l i hlshne for his en-;
deavr to supply the wants of all: '
Justice's Court. Tl:e examination in tho
case of Charles S". Clayton's State evidence)
against Garrison, O'Pelt, Shadley and More
head, resulted in requiring of the two former
bonds in the sum of tOOeach; and of the lat
ter $300 each, for their appearand"" at the hexl
term of the court for trial. ' . i
The Journal, of yesterday, in an article to
its "Readers," says: "We present td our read'
ers as fair a corpse of Meachahts, Mechanics
and Professional men can be found any
where.". We" proteKti. Our Slerchants, Me
chanics and Professional men are emphatic
ally live men ; energetic, enterprising business
men; nary corpses; no, not any.
A Want that has long been felt in our
city, and much deplored, is soon to be sup
plied. J. 8, Iletzell will be here the next ten
days or two weeks, with a stock of Clothing
and Gent's Goods, as would, do credit to a
larger city than ours, and such goods as for
make, wear and price, will khflck in the f hade
anything that has been offered since the war
began. -- ;
"How much did it cost the city in experi
menting last summer on the kind of a culvert
l)cst calculated to rill up a certain Council
mans lot." Democrat.
Dr. McPhersdn paid every dollar that was
expended on the Culvert, rrni put it in at Tils
own expense. Now, how much-id the au
thor of the above make In trying to steal Air
enough from the city to fill ht.i earner lot?
. r V
Buy your Paints and Oils, ' s '
Buy your Window Glass find rutf.y, " :
Buy your Wall Paper and Window Shades,
Buy your Paint, Scrub and Cloth Brushes,
Buy your School Booksand Stationery, ; ;
Buy your Toilet Soap and Perfumery,
I?uy your Pure Drugs and Medicines, "-.
Buy all you need in the drug line from Mc
Crecry &. Nickell's largo and well selected
Big Bakery. No one is more prompt to
respond to the growth and wants of this
community than Wm. Rossell, pioneer baker:
He is now having erected a house, with all
the necessary conveniences, to do all in that
line that may be called for, and has employed
one of the best bakers the west affords to run
the establishment Mr. Rossell Is determined
to spare neither time or means to satisfy all
who may favor him with their patronage, and
with bis enterprise must succeed;
Brownville Steam Ferry Coming The
New Steam Ferry Boat for this place left
Muscatine, Iowa, on the 15th, inst., under
command of CapU Jas. A. Emmons. She will
come loaded with fine lot of Fine Flooring
Dressed Siding, etc, which will be otfered for
sale immediately on her arrival. Here will be
a splendid opportunity to all who are in need
of Pine Lumber to get a No 1 article rciion
uble Sins will probubly.Le hero about next
Friday or Saturday, the 25th or ith. lle;
member, the Lumber will be sold immedia
tely on the arrival of the boat
Removal. Uanuiford & Hughes hav re
moved ,helr stock of Furniture to the second
story of Mcpherson's Blocks in the room east
of the 'Advertiser' Office, until they can build
or procure a room on the ground floon They
have now a splendid stock of Furniture on
the way which will be here la a few dayat
They have already earned an enviable repu
tation for selling goods at reasonable rates,
and li. V. Hughes will be prepared to wait up
on all M ho may wish to buy. Remember tiie
There's beaut in the primrose.
And sweetness it hath, too;
And pretty is the Violet
With its sweet azure hue.
The girls are pretty, bless 'em,
And it is true, theyasay.
That no one lives can dress 'em
As cheap and line as May.
And men may cheaply spruce up,
Fine as in days of yore,
If they will only patronize
The price Regulator.
Then all I ask is come and see
Mj- good., and learn their price", r
Knowing you never can go way -
Without something cheap and nice.
To all those in need of ,Xcw Clulhing now, I
would respectfully say, wait but a few weeks
and I will be prepared to Bupply your wants
from as large and well-assorted a stock as, I
believe, was ever opened la Nebraska, and at
prices as low, and, perhaps, lower than any
you have ever purchased at since the war. I
can guarrantee that I will have no 'shoddy'
goods, or -slop-shop' work In my store, os my
Clot hitijr have been made up under iuy twn
supervision from Goods purchased in the bolt
by myself. It shall be my endeavor to give
entire satisfaction both in my Goods and
Prices, and can safely say toalj it Will pay you
to wait a short time and examine my stock
and prices before purchasing.
I take this method of returning to you niy
sincere thanks for the liberal patronage you
have extended to me during the time I have
been with you; and assure yoiij at the same
time, that I will leave nothing undone to
supply the community at large with any and
everything pertaining to. my line, on the
"SmaU Projit Principal." I have succeeded In
procuring the Largest Store House in this Oil,
which I have leased for a term of yars, and
will be ready to throw open the gates of the
Regulator on MOXDA Y,A UG USTlOtK, Where
I shall be pleased to meet you all. Remem
ber NO; 27, five doors above hiy old store ,
Sign: JlfAl"S STORE. " '"
Why P Last Thursday night was "made
hideous" by the tfasle of niuch Democratic
bad breath in cheering, up to as late as 12
o'clock, over a telling and Democratically
eloquent Fpeech before the Democratic Club
of this city, by one Col. Gleason, (as we learn)
late of the rebel army, unwashed and un
kempt of his treason. Thoseof our Republi
can friends who heard his remarks say it was
the most bitter, treasonable effort they ever
heard. Now, our question is, why was this
light in the Democratic, tabernacle so cooly
treated by our Radienl Democratic co tempo-!
rary? Not even a personal notice telling of
his heroic exploits in the service arjainst his
country, horof the many hairbreadth escapes
from his Just deserts of hanging for his trea
son Is this as it should be ?
Personal MaJ. Lushbaugh is In town, as
Jovial and pleasant as even
Edi Smith, Messenger to the U SSe"nat ar
rived at his home in this county a few days
since We are to hint indebted for rasdiy val
uable favors. Ed. is brim full of enthusiasm
for Grant and Colfax, and will be a! valuable
auxllliary in this county. ' i'
John W. Sage," Traveling Agent for the Ne
braska City Pre, called on us yesterday, ne
is here soliciting advertisements for the forth
coming State Fair Premium List. Here is a
splendid chance to advertise to advantage,
lit Will remain in town for a fewdays.
Mr; Mettag, editor and proprietorof the
Ilagerstown, Md lleraUl and Torch, gave ns
a call this week. He appeared highly delight
ed with this country and climate "May his
shadow never grow less."
If our friend Colhapp local of the AdrertUnr,
would pay up what he has been owing us for
S,' in r'acoof sneaking around like
r1 kll,Urg ll,' we n'Kht bcable to adjust
the financial emimrrassment mentioned.
Jfrou nvilte Democrat.
The ulove appeared In the Democrat of week
tVforc List. We have conplfed with the re
quest, and settled with the Doctor, and without
reminding hira of all ho was owing u, we had
the satisfaction of lett ing him know that he
was all along in our dbt, ana is yrtt This
much for his personal drive at us.
Now for what concerns the public.' Is the
Doctor now prepared to adjust that little
"Judgment" of Si32 the city obtained
against him at the Fall Term of the District
Oourt in 1SC0, for money received by him as
Mayor of the city of Brownville? Of course
he will, as he has "our little account." Or
will he "sneak around" worse than "ahecp
killing dog," (thank you. Doctor, for that re
mark,) and pay one-half of the city's Judg
ment against him, as he agreed to last sum
mer, but didn't
Great Excitement!!. Mountain Fever
Bsglng ! ! ! Cr6ss & White Have caCgtit It.
Want to sell the lease, fixtures and Improve
menta of Star Hotel, low for cash" A good
location, end doing a good business. ' A for
tune for cny one wanting a Hotel "htit.lnessl
For further information addrosa
CROSS & wnrTE,
44-3t Proprietors tarHoteL
Tot 11 Next Thirty Buys I will aell
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
and ger.eral merchandise at .
Greatly II cdiiccd Prices,
to make room splendid new stock of
Fall and Winter Goods; which 1 khall go East
for on or about tho lath of September. My
goods, were all bought when they were at
their lowest prices, and great bargains can be
secured by buying goods at my store within
the next thirty days. ., ? "
41-2W. .. , G.-M. HENDERSON.
Regulator Gone Up !
f , . . Gone vp Where f ,.
No. 27, & Doors Above the
Old Stand !
'Gold rose toil 50 on Thursday last, the
highest point reached within the past two
years. It declined, however to 51474, the
closing price.. i ." S.
It Is a significant fact that the price of gold
has Bteadily advanced since 'the New York
Convention met, The prices of all articles
which-are influenced by gold have also ad
vanced. This is the natural result of the
Democratic howl of repudiation.
Governments are steady at following quo
tatiorig : .
U. S. 6s of Ptflj ex lnt:..:..;.";.......:.....:.':..'
U. f". o-Jm, IM..,..,. ins
U.S.5-2Sj ." nm?H. H3V
U. S. 5-20s, Registered. r -...-..100 V?
U S 5-38, im F..-.. 1K;'2
u no-ais, i.-hvj, ,.-"vi
V S 5-'Js. intst Jan. a4 JuJY- -..Hw.
IT U rlii . . '
.t 7 J W A'.fji , ......... ..m.h.. ....
U S lM0s, lanre,...
U 8 i)- i(s, small,.. ......... ....iw.......
u S 7-s jane,,;
U tS7-3JK, Juiy........t
Compounds, May, lsti-l, .
Aug.; lsc-v :
Sept.. lstn,
44 Oct.JSG."),
. . - . ". . 'i .
- - - Office Chicago Journal o, r- ,
Wednesdayeveuing.Aug. 12. )
DRY GOODS. The martet has been
charactariwHl by n nr'irr 1 ' r foiling the
past We?k, a ful I vin s I, i f r i. cuiiiiMcady.
Tliere im ,-e: r-r--o.-: u it ui; i vr'oiu
FiUU.-.-n,- "' ' - ' " ''
sortmcm& ': - . . :' ", - "r: . - '
will oneu not .ji.iui its
the vol
lume of trade wili probably exeei a..',
us season, The decline in pola h'i :
eoitonisnot likelv to'ect rrices. durm
the opening t)f t he Fall tifclo; as i?oods are
l " Hling relatively lower thuii the cost of
"Git6'ckHIlSsi The market is rather
nioreaui mated; and staples rule firm at quot
ations. Sugars are up c In New Ycrk, but
prices here are unchanged; Coffees here
ruled hltiher during the week at gold rates,
but at the close prices are eating off. Star
Candles are up "e. Smoking Tobacco is high
er. ' . -CATTLIThere
has been no marked
change in tue Cattle market since theclosing
of lasi. week's report; it still reniaing dull,
drooping and unsatisfactory. Drovers have
frequently expressed the oxirllon during the
the week," that neveri-dnriuR the period they
hud been connected with the cattle trade in
this city, had they ever seen such a week of
intense dullness as the one Under review.
Unless a reaction takes place in the market
the supply will be quiet sufficient lor the
present deLiand for a week to come and drov
ers will do well to govern themselves accord
lnglv. The market closes dull at a decline of
"jj.'il 25 V 190 frs. The shipments for the
W'jek emlingTuesday evening amount to 5,908
head and the receipts 6,891 head. Prices have
ranged at $2(2 2 70 for interior grades; $3a1
40 for common cattle; $4S 5 for medium steers
to good for city slaughter; 5 50(6 for fair
steers in good tlesh. 6 2V.iG u0 for good well
fatted finely formed steers, and for ,
extra beeves. ' ' '
FLOUR Winters sack i 00
. " Sprinq: 5 00
u Ti-iwheallar
CORN H bushel
M EAI V- busliel
BACON Hams lb....
" Shoulders p
" Sides ? Pi .......k
LARD Canned y It.
S YRUP'-Goldcn cal
" Sutrar House 'f yal..:
COFFEE Java V ft-.'-
" Rio ? lb
CHEESE New York Factory
1 (i
sr ii
ib Z. LYl
- " Conniry B.. a
TT71 "J S 9 'S
x iinrt' f " vu" " I
. " Ji!;vckVl... M
CANDLES Star y. Ib 25
" Tallow -p V 21)
APPLES Dried "j ft. :....S3i
tirecn l u shel "...T:.- 2 Srt'
PT'ACnES Dried i Ib a t
I'UTAT KS New 4 busheL;i i
COAL OIL" gaUon...:....; 7o
FXitrS V doz s....u.;.;u..:.i;.;;;;:.iA-5f
RUTTEK -f ft. ; 2".
HONEY T o : : so
ONION V. bushel 1 25
" terrji 10
SALT nor barrel 4 .V)
LUilBLit Cottonwood per 100 2i
: rak.....-.u...;:.u:......;i 60 (X
. U'olnut . v ... Sft (tt
T'lnn , . fri
SinNdLRS)tlonwood per li&Jtjo(ha '
" . - Iine - rfM
LATH Cottonwood per 1000..-.. .7 (kH
9 00
6 00
i ro
1 00
WOOTw-Drv Hard per cord.,
HIDE-Dry per ib ....
Green v
WHFAT Fall per l)Uslrel..
" Spring
Ine Flooring, full stock, nt
Fort Kearney;, fteln'askd. ;
NVlll locate lands for intendingsettlers, and
give any information required, concerning
the lands of South-Western Nebraska. 12-4 j
Pine Siding, a choice and full stock, at
. ... 1 WM.H. SMALL'S.
. : Consisting of
Glass, Putty and Cement,
! Oflicc at
TIig 3ro7nville Transfer Company,
Un;'er the management of
Is now Eunnfng Regular Ontnibusses froni
"CrotsTiville to tlie Railread Terminus
. ct the Couocir Bluffs and St, Joseph Railroad,
.JAt Ilortli'Star, ILXo., .
Twj Miles frctn Brownville and North Star Ferry
Oocd Omr.inwsses. Clce Connections.
. t ifti Cha.rge lIodr$.tt
flood Sews to the Adlcted.
Five years, r-o, hll.t ravelin toron J
South America-tor my health , I fi"
remedy which will vermMrtrcmuiT
case ct Ppermatorhea or -ZfX11
caused by self-abufe or "u5xpc3 V.
... in fmm two to five weeKs. it ma
used without the knowledge of any
Sent socurelr sealed from oUcrvation, and
warranted to vilect ti permanent cure or
morfueiV Price h per package suffl
"entto curethe most inveterate case. AU
12-4. ; - -. . St. Lotii8,Mft '
Van Solon's Pap-lean. Lotion. i
The greatest remedy ever disj7eaf
Diseasls of the Skin. 9r wry kind of
unsightly eruptions the face Removes
without fail Pimple, FreckeU, MaWf,
Omodina or Black U 'orrn Tad c-
beautifler it has no equal, lor genuemen
after sliaving it is invaluable.
Indies, after trying it, will D?. r'
" I-apulean Lotion is the only rpfttb!e.'!m
edy )r diseases and Blemishes of the bhxn. .
lTlca one dollar. . ,- crr-v
Prepared only by ft. L. ANSOJJ .
For sale by Druggists generally. 12-45-ly
Superfluous Hair
Removed from the Face, Forehcal, or any
other part of the body, in five minutes, with
ont injury to therein, by the Oriental Rusma.
Wan-untcd. .Mailjd for SI by .
J. i '--'
St. Louis; Md.
Scientific Wonder.
Tells how to make all kinds ofTatent Med
Lold Recipes, and hundreds or ouer ai k
in daily demand, easily "1?i1?n1t5? f
larze nrofits. It contains all the latest dis
ifrU Sreta. arts. Ac A most wonderful
(lliriuii it7. rifiiifi'i v "'--o - . . i
Third Kdltion.
Kiftv thousand al
ready sold. Post paid
cents percopy, by .
to anv address for 50
St. Louis, Mo. ;
Teicneri, Students, and oilier . Intelligent Jfcn
and Women in businesg paying $100 to $200 per
mmth. .ccordin. to sbllitr. For partlcnJrs
dre5 ZEIOI ER, McCtJEDT & Co., Lombard Block,
Chicago, lib
12-21-ly '
To the Ladies. j
For one dollar onlt. 'Wrb are Belling Silk, Shtwls,
Cry and Fancy Goods oi every description ; also
Silter Ware, Furniture,' &c. Talnable Presents,
from $3 to $500 sent free of charge, to agents send
ing club of ten acd upward. Circulars sent, free
to any ad.u-eas. WTETH & CO. .
(Successor to Messenger & Co.
42 Hanoer St.,Botbn, Mass.
P. O. Box 293l
Deafu :tJ . s ij
rrh, Consumptldn bnd
. -rr Cured.
k X Treatise cn Ve,. , CaUrrfc, Consun ption
I - - .,. .i..
and Csrvsty tbelrcaus,- means er bpu, r.ii
au4,ulUmateure. Ejia-,upl of the Academy of
Medicine", Paris. Sent to any address for 10 centa
better from ttob't McMordy, D.D., LL.D., Gran,
Prelate of Grand Encampment of t7. S., and Editor
of the National Freemason :
- - KEWToax, Sept.-11,1867 :
Tr. StillweLt, was in charpe of Grace Church
!')-ltal, Altian!'lm, Ta , during the war. Ifre--,en..y.lm
' dai t, for uonths, visited this HoS
i hsd every means of knowing his reputa
, irinv.rct ut KitL. It was of tbe
' r ' a;..:e raT.-r, auJ hi -uccesa in the
l o.t'. n''.t.ts w. ri-msr'-'.hie.
' 0S6A.U. . ' i 1. nu " i -ot
perceptible, remo m . .. .. f,'i-
ciiaolesdeaf persons to hct iHmh-i..., ' 'h m wiaud
public assemblies. Thialnstru.iifcut uifapro
duce resuIU almost miraculous an J lni!fe i lo cases
of long standing deafness, it will relieve in a short
time. It may be adjusted with the ease of spec
tides. ; .- '
DK. St'ltLwLti will be professionally at Jl
East Washington place, CnlTersity Buildings, N.
T;, dally, 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, wbeahewil!
beat aiarooms 1032 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Fa.
Slmilla Similibns Curantur.
Humphreys numcrpathic Speciflca have proved,
from the most ample experience, an entire successj
siuiiJle, prompt, efficient and reliable. They are
the only mel;ciae perfectly adapted to popular ase
so simple that mistakes cannot be made In using
thera ; eo harmless as to be free from danger, and
so efficient as to be always -reliable. They have
raised the highest commendation from 'til; and t1l
always render satisfaction. j
Nos. Cent, j
1 Cure3 Fevers, Congest Ions, Inflaraation. ..S
o -i ai',.. '.-.- W'ii-Tn 'i.i 'A
it Kt 111 lil, n VI ill i - " v. . v.' .
Cryinsj-colic or Teething of lniautu
Diarrhoea of children or adults ."JA
Dysentary, Griping, Bilious Colic.25
Cholera-morbus, Vomiting....,, 25
Coughs, Colds, l.ronchitis 25
Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache...25
Headache, sick Headache, Vertigo25
Dysiepsia, Rillious Stomach 25
Suppressed, orl'alnful Periods 25
Whites, too profuse Periods 25
Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.5
Salt linen ni, Erj-sipelas EruptIons5
Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25
Fever A A sue, Chill Fever, Agues..50
Piles, blind or bleeding 50
Opthalmy, and sore or weak Eyes..50
Catarh,necutjorchroniCj lnflnensaoO
Wooping-chough, violent coughs. ..50
Asthma, oppressed breathing.... 50
Ear Discharges, impaired henring.
Serot'ula.enlarged glands. swellings-)0
(ieneralDebility,puysical weakness-V)
Dropsy, and scanty Secretions... ...50
Sea-Sickness, sickness frJln riding 50
K id ney-1 ) i sease, Gra vel 50
Nervous Debility, Seminal Emis- 1
-stions, involuntary Diicharges.l 00
Sore; Canker...: .50
Urinary "Weakness, wetting beds...50
Painful Terlotls. with Spasms... 50
Vf do
U do
2-2 do
21 do
2ti do
7 do
28 do
do Sufferings at change of life. 1 00
no" Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus Dancel 00
do. Diphtheria, ulcerated 8orethroatl 50
ST do.
Family cases ol 35 to 70 large vials, no'.
rocco'or rosewood case, containing a :
f t "Specific for everyotdihary disease a
J family is subject to,, and books ot dl-
rections, from
Smaller Family and Traveling Cases;
..$10 to $33
20 to 28 vials, from.
Specifics for all Private Diseases, both for
Curing and Preventive Treatment, In
1 vlats and pocket cases 43 to $.
Pond't Extract curbs Burns, Bruises, Lameness,
Soreness, Sore Throat, Sprains, Toothache, Earache,
Neutalpla, TtKeumati?m Lumbago, files, Bolls,
Stings, Sote Eyes, bleeding of the Lungs, Nosej
Stomach; or' of Piles; Corns, Ulcers j Old Sores ;
Price 60 cts. to $l.6.
These Remedies, except Toud's Extract, bjr the
case or single box, are sent to any part of the coun
try, by mail or express, free of chargs, on receipt of
the price.
Address Hcmphbet's SPECirtc
Homeopathic Medicine Co.)
Office and Depot No. 662 Broadway, N. T. .
Dr. Humphrey is consulted daily at his office, per
sonally or by letter, as above, for all forms of dis
ease. , For sale bv
HcCOMAS a. CO., i
15-y Brownville, Neb.
ManhoodI H6tv Lost, IIovv iieatored!
,ns' publibhed, a new edition of Dr.
jt'yPCulverwell,s Celebrated Essay oa the
'-'- radical cura fwithnnt TiiniliriB.. nt
Epermatorrhaca, or Seminal Weakness. Involuntarr i
oeminai ixsses, impotency, Mental and Fhysi-al
incapacity, impediments to Marriage, etc f also.
Consumption, Epilepsy and Fit, Induced tj self
Indulgence or cexual extxaTagance. .
S3" Price, in sealed envelope, only six centa.
The celebrated author, in his admirahi
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful, that iha alarming consequences of self
abuse may be radically cured without the dangeroue
use of internal medicine or the application of the
knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple
ccrtaiu,"ahd effect nil, by" rneahs of which every'suf
fefer, no matter what his condition may' be, may
cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
53 Tb's Lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man in the land. - - - i r
Seut under seal, in a plala envelope, to any ad
dress, postpaid, onrece ptof six cents, or two stamps.
Alo Dr. Cui verwell'a " Marriage Guide J " price 25
cents. Address the Publishers,
CHAS. J. C. LIX! & CO.,
o-ly 127 Bowery, New Tort, P.O. 4,686.
Bride and Bridegroom. -
Essays for young men on the Interestrne: rela
tion of Bride.rroom to Bride in the institution of
Marriage, a Guide to th matrimonial felicity, and
trne happiness. Sent bv mail in sealed ittr en
velopes free of charge. Address, HO WARD ASSO
CIATION, Bjx P., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Mott's Conception Pre-rentiwe
Is seed by over three hundred thousand lidies of
the Atlantic States alone, and by a Jarge number in
the West, who would not be withont ttnr n
times ill cost, it is to this Preventive that the
mothers of those States owe their immunity from
large families. It is absolutely certain, convenient
to uie and wittal beneficial toheaUB. Abortion la
criminal, then use means perfectly, moral and
Proper. Send stamp for pamphlet,- containing
-upart;ciari. Address, .
(? 0 Box 3092) : Tl 4. eh-T4 iireet. '
icines, Perfumery, loiiei Arui, r n V fw
Wine-s Cordials, Soaps, Hair Dyes Ols, De-
11-17-Iy , - t ; : - ST. LflCH, Mo.
Dr. Thlttier
' Has teen longer engaged in tte treatment of
Chronic, Sexoal and Female Disesset thaa any
other Physician ia St. Lonia.
8yphl!is la all its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet,
Stricture, Orchllli, Eiaietes, and all aiTections of
the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with
the greatest success; j
8permathorrbet, Sexual PeMIity and Impotency,
as the result of self-abute la youth, or sexual ex
cesses la tnaturer years, wiich produce some of
tfc9 following erects, as tlotcbe3, det!!Hjr, ai7!
ness, dimness of eight, confesion of Ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion to society of females, lossof
memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage
Improper an tie ctired.
fereons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia,
Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Comf lalnt, Eernla, Enp
ture or any otter chronic ac tion, may rely upon
receiving a raiicai cure.
Particular attention given to all Female Com
plaints; Inflammation and Ulceration of the
Womb, Leucorrhea, Cblorlsl, Starlllty, Ac. Most
cases can be properly treated without an Interview,
and medicines sent by mad or express, secured free
froib observation. Conaulta'.ion by letteroratofflee
rtEE. Charges modcrst j and cure guarranteed.
530Plce, with hospital accommodations for pa
tients. No. 617 St. Charles street, between Sixth
and Seventh, St. Louis, Mo.
Everybody can get, in a sealed envelope, my
theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Dis
eases, containing full symptom lists, for two pos
tage stamps; aiso, my paper relating to Chronic
ant Female Complaints; for a three cent stamp.
. lf-17-ly j
An Address
To the Nervous and Debilitated, whose sufferings
have been protracted f rum bidden caDf-es, and whose
cases require prompt treatment to render existence
tleirable. If you are sobering or bave suffered
from iLvjl-jntary discharges, w$t eTect does it
produce uprmyonr general health? Do you feel
weak, debilitated, easily tired ? Docs a little extra
exertton produce palpitation of the heart? Doe
your liver, or urinary br?ans, or yonr kidneys, fre
quantly get out of order 9 Is y out urine sometimes
thick, milky, or flocky, or is it ropy on setting? ' Of
does a thick scum rise to tbe top? Or is a sediment
at tu a bottom after it has stood awhile ? .Do you
bave spells of short bresthhiR or dyspepa ? Are
your bowels constipated 1 Do you have ppells of
fainting or rushes of blood to tbe head? Is your
memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwell
ing opon this subject? Doyodfeel dull, listless,
mopifag; tired of company, or life 1, Do yoa irlah td
be .left alone, to get away from everybody V Does
any little thing make you start or Jump? Is yonr
sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of ycur. eye
kfc brilliant?- Tbe bloom" ch "ouf cheek as tTight?"
Do you enjoy yourself in shitty as we.l ? Do yow
pursue your-business with tbe same energy? Do
yoa fee asmachconfdenre In yourself? - Are yonr
spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy?.
If so, do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have
you re&tlesa nights ? Yoa' back weak, you: knees
weak, and have but Iittl apeti'p, nd you. attjib-
Jite this t dyspepsia or nver complaint? . ;
Now, reader, selt-abuie, venerial diseases baoly
cured, and sexual excesses, are al 1 capable of produc
ing a weakness of tbe generative organs. The or
gaas of generation, wtien in perfect health, make
the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi
ant enerjfctlc, persevering, succe.-sffl basiuess
mtn are always ihosei whose generative org ins are
In perfect beatlh ? Ton never near .ich men com
plain o being melanrboPy, of oervonsness, of pal
pitation ot the heart. T y a e never afraid tney
cannot suec3ed in buslac . ( I iiey (ion't become sad
nldlsconragel 5 tli'jy ara always P')li e and pleas
ant in' the company i-t ladles, and lock yoa and
them right in tbe face nuue ct ynu downcast
looks or any other meanness aboat laetn. I do
not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by
running to excess. These Will not only ruin tbeir
constitutions, but also tbotb they do business with
or for.
- How wary men f rem badly cured diseases, from
the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought
about that state of weakness in those organs that
has reduced tbe general system so much as to in
duce almost every other disease idiocy, Inrracy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, aud almost ev
ery other form of disease which humanity is heir
to, nd tbe real canse of the trouble scarcely ever
suspectet', and have doctored for all but the right
Diseases of these organ jnu're the rise of a dlu.
CHU 1 tbe great Diuretic, and is a certain care for
disease u. the Bladder, Kidneys Gravel, iropsy,
Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General
Debility, aad all diseases of the Urinary Organs,
whether existing in Male or teinale, from what,
ever cause originating, and no matter of bow long
If no treatment is submitted to, Consnmpt loner
insanity may ensne. Our flesh and blood are sup
ported from these source, aud the health and hap
piness, andihat of Posterity, depcndi upon tbe
prdnlptnse of 'a fe'iaule remeSy.
Helmbold's Extract BuChu, estlblished upward
ef. IS years, prepared by
H. T. nKLMCOLD, Druggist.
CB1 Broadway, Jie V.-ik, niid
T04 South, Philadelphia, Pa.
PRICE $1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles tor $6.60,
delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists
everywhere. -
"Yix-cs -t.-vr) sinixjjjjs:
mHE COMING Fall, "Winter and Sprinp;, I
will make the reueivinar of orders for all
Kinds of Fruits, Vines imd.Shrubs a b'iisiness.
My stock will all be from the nearest and
m t x liable Nurseries. Everythinjr sold by
me will be WABBA TED as to name and
to live, when put out undr-r my directions. I
have in Fruit, the present season, all the
hardy and some of the tender varieties of
Grapes, to which I invite the attention of all
interested in Grape, culture in Nebraska.
it0-oo2 It. W. Flknas.
Scientific ! Rational ! Safe !
r Compound Extract of
llecommended by
Remedy yet Discovered
Fob 1
Diseases of tte Blood, LiVer, Kidneys
rurifite the filoocl,
Improves the Appetite
j; ! Aids Digestion.
Corrects the secretions,
And Ihiparts Tone, Strength and
Vivacity to the Whole Sgi
So that perrons uslns It feel that they enjoy
an entire new lifet
Is Recommended by the
Best Physicians Everywhere.
"Dti. F. Olin Danxelly, now of this City
Formerly Professor of Physloloey and Patli
ol'Xili'al Anatomy in the Middle Georgia
Medial College, Chief Surgeon Stateof South
( ; rolina. during the war, Vice-President
Georgia Medical Association":
Mr, Laivrence:l have carefully "examined
your formula for the ROSADLIS, and recom
mended it tt several of my patients. The
combination is a happy one, and must prove
a potent remedy in all diseases requiring the
virtues of a great alterative medicine. I wish
yoa success;
.Baltimore, April 22, 18RS.
TfALTisroRE, MD:f TiiarcTi4, I3ft.
I believe Ir. Irrcnee's "HOSADA LIS"
to be the Best Alterative in Use, and there
fore cheerfullv recommend it as such.
BALTraoRK, Febnarjr 10th ISfiS.
jTM" J; J. Lawrence DearSir I takcpleas
uro in recojnmending your ItOSADALiS as
a rery powerful alterative.
Yours truly, It. V. CARR,.Mf D.
We know Pr. Lawrence's be
a safe and reliable Alterative, c, and take
pleasare in recommending it to tbe profess
ion and public
J H Moore, MP, K Barnes, IT P,
L A Smith, M P. 11 W Kim;. M P.,
J H AVinstea!, M P, S V4'olward, M P,
R.1I Uarliam, M P, Vv" T Brewer, M P,
W G Puggan, M. P, W J Bullock, M P,
Wiisos, N. C, JaniTary7th, ISfiX
,For Testimonial of Rewartcabi.'e
See "Rosadalis Almanac" for this year.-ar
Trcpared at the Iiboratory of
Dr. tt . j. Lawrence & Co.,
4 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE,
General Agents for the North Western
States, to whom orders should be addressed.
ji'ST OPrxrD
Norta East tycncT Main and Fourlh Sts.', :
articles, fv'Ii ns Trim mini:. Glow,
Tydlea, Ilanditerclilcf, Zypurs, &c.
I'iirticular attention piid to Stamping,
Bra and Sti'-hins, of all kinds.
Also would call your attention to tha
for which I am the Aent. I feel safe in say
ins.that the "Vt;ecler fe Wilson Sewing Ma
chines are the best ever brought before the
public. They are simple a nl durable; easily
kept in repair; work without noise; sew
withSreatrapi.Iity, in akin the Lockstitch
that will not Kip, and sews from the corse&t
to tho f! nest art i le.
Especial invitation to all to romo and se3,
and' examine my stock anil machines for
themselves. MI-3. M. 1 BARGIS. :
n;J-ly Brownville'
Clucago anrllTcrtk-v7esteriE.Wt
Grand Consolidated Line !
Shortest and Jfost Expeditions Route
to all J'cinfs East and South ! ;
Trains leave the depot at Council JJlufTs in
connx;tion -with trains on the Council Blufis
and St Joseph Railroad, ns follows;
(.Council Bluiis time)
Express at 1 1 30 a.m., excert Sundav?. :
Mail at . 8il.Tp.m, except Saturdays,
arriving In Chlensro at 1 p.m and 5 tun, mak
ing ciose connections with the Michifrm Cen
tral, Michigan. Southern, Pittsbursr, Fort
ayne and Chicago, Chicago and Great Eas
tern, Chicago and Alton, Illinois Central, and
ali other Eastern and Southern Railroads, for
Toledo, Cleveland, Detroit,
Dunkirk, - Buffalo, Sus. Bridge,
Albany, Montreal, Quelc.
Springfield, Worcester, Boston, !
Ilew.lTorlr, Pliilatlelpliia,
lMttsburgli, Ilarrlsburgh, Baltimore,
Washington, Wheeling, Columbus,
Cincinnati, Iwlsville, St. Ix.uls,
Ch'o, Memphis, Vlcksburg,
"tvett oi iii.vrs s,
Savin J Tiv. and Securing Cbmfort and Szfelyf
Baggage Checked Through to all principal
points and no extra charge for transicr
through Chicago.
Passensrers have choice f Routes via Chl
cago, enjoying all the modern improvements
in use on first-class railways.
Superior arranged sleeping edit bri night
Passengers for fny roirit Fast or Sonth, to
avail themselves of the many advantages
otl'ered by this company, should be particular;
to ask lor, and 6ee tnat tneir ucKets read:
Via GMcago h North-western E.W.
Cr. I,. urxiiAP, Gen'l Sup't.
J. P. IIoiiTos.N.W.Pas'r Ag't.Chicaga
li. r . I'ATRiCK, oen l as r Agent.
The Short All-Eail Lino East.
To Chicago,
St. Lour
1 ndlanapolis,
. Cairo,
New York,
Nisara Falls,
etc., &c.
Is the old reliable central route, tho
Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R. Line.
Take the Hannibal and St. Joo Railroad line
of Missouri River Packets from Brownville
to St. Joseph, where connections are made
Two Daily Express Trains
On tho 'Hannibal and St Joe Railroad run
through from St. Joseph to Qnincy without
change of cars, -
With-Chicago, Burlington, and tulncy, and
Toledo do., Wabash and Western Railrcals,
for all points Fast, North and South.
Close connections made a Macon with North
Missouri Railroad for St. Louis, and at Han
nibal with daily Missouri Rirer Packet for
St. Ixuis. Meals and state Rooms free. Leav
in' every evening on arrival of trains from
ilie west, cud arriving i t. - Louis next
mom in sj in spasoc lor v ' .u?ss, and to con
nr.'ct witu ( 'Mi .;:o, ' and St. Lonls, Terre
ii.'H-.te, ' m i ,--'Louis, and Ohio and
M' -'pi lailroat for all points East,
Noi in and South,
New Sleeping Cars run on Night Trains.
Buy - )U- ih rough tick. tvia Hannibal and
St. Ji.'. " pa Railroad r.t i-ir ticket offices in
Omaha. Council Blutis, Plattsmouth, Ne
braska City, to St Joseph, and on each Packet
in the lir.e, and enjoy tke consciousness of
having taken the short, cheap and quick
route ea; t.
P. B. Ceoat, wn'l Ticket Agent.
II. II. Cocrtuight, fien'l Fr't Agent.
C. W. Meai, General Sperittendent.
Excelsior Manufacturing Comp'y.
L.VIi COUIUXG STOVES have been before tbi
ublic since 1S.V2. Eecn sucoeoling year baa addeii
their popularity, until the nttnie has become fa
liliar in every household in the West aud South,
lie demand for our
iewCliai'tcr Onl
lit year was greater than weceuld tunplf with th
tzes then made; anticipating a ?till greater de
landdwing Uie present yuar, we have made pat
rns for several add.tionl sizes, and are prepare
i manufacture ISO to 111 O
per day, of
We guarantee the operation of every stove w
vanufitcture, and offer as reference anyone of th
laiiy tlioustinds that have been eold. wherevet
lev may be found. Neither labor or expense has
ee'n spared to make our NEW CHARTER OAK
nd we offer it to tlie trade as Uie, BEST COX
peratirig CoOK.IXGTOVE in the market.
Jn addition ta our EXTENSIVE STOVE BUSI
flESS we are prepared to offer to Stove Dealers
'inamiths and otliers in the trade, the largest and
lost comuletc assortment of Metals and Tinners'
lock in the West. Our arraae-enient with the St.
j ..tiitnor 1'iimnnnr pmiiile ns to irive liberal
iscottnts to larsr- buyers of r KEXCil STAMPED
TXXED IRON v Altti. ana ,iinnw'3' upplle.
liivn recehtly rediiced the prices of all articles ot
ur 6VN MANUFACTURE, we be'.ieve dealers and
aril I Ani it tn tliilr intirpit. to send
or Catalogue and Price List, ami examine our pricea
eiore purcnaai nn c. num --
St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold by '
Brownville, Neb.
mm 1? n
Are now made by the
Mutual Lif9 Insurance Company
US Main Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Assets $3,!?00,'000
Membership 3,000
Policies issued 17 ; .r.... 1 0,000
Risks covered l.sU7...:.:.i....i: 20,"-30,000
This vigorous company now ranks among
the twenty-five New York companies, third
in number of members; Firru in amount of
It is a Purely M'tHal Company.
Thnt Is, nrr association of rblicy holders,
manag.vl by men selected by themselves, for
themselves. F-'wli member -Is a lull partner
in the wboltf business, with liability limited
to the amount actually invested.
It thus alnpts Us plans to the benefit Of its
memlers, adopts all improvements and aims
to be a t
Model Iafo InsTntrnce Co.
it whs one of tne first to adopt tiie pojular
feature k now in insurance circles as the NON
FORFL1TING PLAN, and now applies it to
all the policies it issues.
.It is tiie only company that adopts th full
benerR of the note nystem without doin a
credit business or destroying the cash princi
ple. . . -
Policr holders permitted to travel anywhere
In the Cited suites and Europ'j, but risks in
the far South not, sought:
Few appreciate tlie advantage of its loca
tion at the West, where money can safely be
loaned at higher rates tht.n the East.
31,000 LOANED TOR 50 "TEARS,
At 6 per cent, compound interest
pro-luces SlS.-SO.lS
At S per ceut. compound interest
produces 40,901,61
At 10 p1" cent compound interest
proluces 11 7,390,85
Dividcns Xlust "bo Large.
Dlvidens mado nnual!v, to commence
threeyears afterdate of policy, but to equal
In number the years of insurance, nml
"Distribatetl to Policr Holdcars Only.
There beirut to stocrlvhoidors to absorb kiie
surplus, or control the company for selfish
pufl-jse; - -
, ..FTKR SEXTON, President.
A. KELLUU, Secretary.
HERBER Sr.IITH, General Agent.
I.T. MARIN, State Agent for-Iowa and Ne
braska. Office, 49 Rrady fet. lavonort, Iowa-
J. IL, MADISON, Dist. Agt.
13-Z Glenwood, Iowa
d. hay's coLurnr.
r i
3;; -A
3 .?j dH
Shelieribcrner Dro'i,
4, -
- ' ' - ;rf:--a:cr3 in ;
Hardware, Store., T'nirarr,
Ifardu-are, Store", Tiirarc,
Hardware, Stoves, Timvare,
ro.cnovn. w:,
" 50,C0U -' n h
Pittsburg Iron and Xaif., - v
Pittsburg Iron and Nai's,
ltlnbury Isoi and N'.'.i'.,'tnif'x Tools,
' ' f-W'f?i'o" Too!,
X'cchziiic's ToU,
Charter OakSloves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Resides a;fuirnsortmentnf every l:lr. k"?t
in a tirst clas.s
Which icill be totdjas low the lowtf
To all uhofitror ?.? vi'h a a".
At the SI531 ot the
Is the I 'ace to buy
Keep constantly ors hand a complete assort
ment of
. Sof,is, tiidtteads, Wardrobe,
.Burea-.i, JiOrtiT Chai-t, 'I
: Sprina Bedt, Wat Standi,
IVhat Aots, ii
Kitchen KUcktp
and ' " i-xd
Parlor PatUrr,
Lhairt, t If, Tablf.
Marb'e rJJ,"' - - Ait 1 Center
Topped- r iJ' ' 'Tab'eu . .
Stands, f, Lovnje
Lounges, :
Settees. w
Kitchen .
Safes. l
) Swi
. Cribt,
, Cbairt.
C Cm forts,
k Ttte-ttttt,
Bed Springs. Children t Cast aw utgs.
Gilt and RoteieooA Mouiling,
Sheet., Pillows, PilUn
, Slips, ete., etc
Andanythl i and everything required to set
lip piJ.n or fancy housekeeping
All of their'ware Is either manufactured or
put up under their special superintendence,
which enables them to sell sound articles at
smaller prices than Eastern ttmnuiactuxcJ
Our Hearse
hfl.G .ft 0 0
Is at the service of the public at any time it
may be needed, ami 13 gVAten Up la as finestyl
as any fartiier cusL
of all sizes constantly oa hand.
At I - astern rrioosi
We arc doing business on-
S.mall IPro'fiti
ami by attention to tusincss and the wanfsof
the community, expect la the future as In tho
past tonvelve tho patronye of the publl;
generally. LIcFALI & CO. "'
Cor-11 try Ucrcliant-
corsics Toca
TO -
General Commission Merchant
442, VasiintoaSU
And receive his weekly .Price Ctirrayii
0 Produce and Groi-cnes, Uie moat s
complete Price Currant pid
liihedia the United States,
Send for a Price Currant.
Marking Plate3 & Carth Furi-is-ie-d
Liberal Advances Hade on Consign
zneits .
Established May 1, 18GS.
First Class Reference ien when rciuired. 2i-iy
jc a-a
lt!a Street, oypositt
lierson :
J .- 1 S -
f -'r-Ml T.-OHTC.
Brown-vine, 3b.
j in
- a-Vr JL JtJi JLft Jf a
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