Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 13, 1868, Image 5

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    Our AntUrlad Agent. '-
VTic ITawzbt, at Nemaha City.
rll. A, llAWLcy, atClifkon.. - - - - -Oeo.
at AfpinwaU.
I 1 t ' ' 1 i
I I ,' Oar AdrtrtULng Agentt.
T FnrtrtrxD & Eaton, 124 Pine U, St. Loula,
H, Williams, V7 Cheat not sk, - 44
K M. Pkttisgill, S7 lark Row, New York.
Oooit, Oobcrx & Co., Chicago, 111.
Cook, Cobch Taylor, ci nclnnatl, OMo.
8. H. Parvin, Cincinnati, Ohio.
A. F. Licclk A Con ltaion, Mass.
' Arrival aa.! departure of Ilaila.
Southern A Eastern Arrive at 8 o'clock a m
Departs at 44 p m
Northern Eastern Arrives at 1 o'clock p m
Depart at 1 " ru
Beatrice Arrives TueaJaya,. Thursday and
Satuxdn vs. at 7 o'eUcii p n
Departs Mondays, Wednesdays ana Fridays
at 6 o'clock a u
Grant Arrive Thursday at 8 o'clock P JC
IX'parta Thursdays at o'clock a M
Post OJTLoe Havrs1 o'clock A K to 8 P M
Sunday to 8 A M, and 6 to 8 p if
A. D. MARSH, Poet Master.
- - J. X CoUtapp, Editor.
Xiime, at Middleton's.
..Wait for ITetzcI'a Clothing.
TTine Shiaglet at Red Store.
Seamless Sacks at Red Store.
For Good Badd ea, go to Bauer's.
Plastering Hair at Middleton's.
Jfavls and Tobseeo, at Teare and Co.
,JI C Lett. Land Agent, Brownville.
tllarah Harvester for sale byTlsdel.
TThe 8ilrer Skirt, at Theo. Hill & Co's.
" Molasses and Vinegar at Teare and Co.
Flour Spring and Fall Wheat, at McOee'a.
Tor the Best Frui t Jr go to the Red Store.
The choicest things In the Literary line, at
A Tine F look of Qeesa for sale at the
BtarHoteL J '
' Wanted a large lot of good fresh butter, at
Teare A Co. .
If you W ant the beet Upholstry, go to Mc-FallACo'a-
" - J -
J I Cases' Thrashing Machines for sale by
F. A. Tlsdel A Co. -
A. Few Thousand Shingles for sale cheap
at the Advertiser office.
A Few More Cans of those delicious fresh
Peaches at Teare A Go's. v '
John Deere'a genuine Mollne Plows, 500
tor sal byTneo. Hill & Co. '
All New will ie thestock of Clothing open
ed In No. 70, September 1st, , .. '
2 F. Boyd moved Into hta new residence
on Nemaha street last vk.
Pine Lumber of the finest quality at the
Red Store, cheaper than ever.
Hetsell will be here with a tremendlous
stock of Clothing September 1st.
Knives A Forks, Qaeensware and Glass
ware, Kuar and Coffee, at Teare A Co.
' m" II
D strict Couit for this County will com
mence on the 2d Monday In September.
Pekin Breaking Flows-?T. A II Smith
A Oos mako, for sale by Theo. II iU & Co's.
Casimere Suits for 12 00.
'$30 000 Worth'of Clothing will beopened
in No. 70, McPiicrson's Block, 8epteinUr UU
Potatoa. Chicken, Butter, Eegs aud all
kinds of country produce wanted at Teare
A Oo's.
8syP You want a good article of Furniture
when vou buy, don't you T Then buy of Mc
Fall&Co, ;
Tere & Co wi'.l!.t bet on; always up
to the tim.- C--.1I nud w-etmii' n rst enitall
mcntof 1 ;i,'l -wh1s.
Hegn!ftor Play ed Out all Competition!
Come to my new store before you buy.
From 3,000 to 5.000 Bats, and some
Lumber for sale, for cahh or work.
A. W. Morqan.
WTit. Os'f and Rye Wanted, for which
J. L. M'-Ge Co. will pay the highest mar
ket prl-'e in cash.
Gfa!ippers made their re-nppea ranee in
force In this vicinity lat Tuewlay, dropping
down from above In countless thousands.
Don't you want Choice Photograph of
Grant and Colfax ? McFall & Co. have them
In square and oval frames at reasonable rates.
Wm H. Hoover. Ral Estate Agent, has
-some choice Building Its in Brownville,
which he will sell cheap to persons wishing to
. ,. ., .
Coi, Furnas and the E litor of the Adver-
tisef left" yesterday forPlnttsmonth,to attend
a meeting of the State Central Committee to
be held Lhere to-dny.
Mr.-Allen, the proprietor of our city ba
kery, is erecting a commodeous building for
lils increasing business, on Main street. Just
ifbove Sfays Regulator. - .. . -.
' t. 8. Hiitael has now on the way from New
York to this city, a stork of Clothing and
Gent's Furnishing Goods unsurpassed in ex
tent and variety" in the West. ' , .
The Champion Mower No. S is unexcelled
for simplicity, durability and efficiency by
any single mower now made. Shellenberger
lUm'm rnTe t -rm hTi-nd for !.
Wm H. Hoover, Convevancer, will give
prompt attention to the making of Deeds,
Mortgages, Bonds and all instruments per
talnina to real estate. Office in District Court
Sweet are the uses of Adversity." for
thev teach all in words of living light how
to enlov the pleasures of prosperity by groing
to May's for their Goods where they can be
had at prices lower than even before the war,
The attention of our readers ia directed
to, the advertisement of Coe's lyspeiia Cure
In another part of this paper.
'Tliistfuly Valuable Medicine Is recomended
by all who use it, - Read the eertmeates.
rvneratioD. Thenew "St. MaryVFpis-
eopal Church in Peru will be consecriilcd on
Sunday, Aug. Jth, by Bishop ClarkKon, assist
ed bv Dr. Oliver. Rev. Geo. G. Gu-smauu and
other ministers. Divine Mrvioe at 11 a. m. and
4 p. m,
Look out for Wheat and oats. Farmers,
W. T. Den pays the highest market price in
frr UTieAt Oats. Hides and Produce, and
sells his Ploughs and Stoves, Hardware, and
Furniture at cost and a living profit, and
wont be undersold.
-The best Republican in the County."
Heretofore we had not bellevea in me irum
of the bost of this individual, yet, as poison
witlkllL and he is administering his to the
readers of the 'Democrat' In nauseaUng if
Mtiinr e will have to cave. Hels
doing good work,
ri. u 7. airbrother A J. M. Hacker, Con
vej-ancers. One or both of them can always
be found at the County Clerk's Office, and who
hii moke Deeds. Mortgage fttiURJ lnstru
menu of writUng pertaining to conveying
Land, as promptly, cheaply and neatly as can
be done elsewhere.
The American Farmer"a Hagaiine
This Magazine for August is an improve
ment over the proceeding numbers. It has
already taken rank at the head of the agricul
tural publications of the Union. Specimen
copies may be obtained by enclosing stamp,
and addressing C. 6, Burnett, Publisher, Lock
Box 3?2, Cincinnaiti, Ohio.
Gres.t Excitement!! liountiln Fever
H&ffiEg ! 1 ! Cross A White have caught it
Want to sell the lease, fixtures and Improve
ments 6t Star riotel, low for cash. A good
location, and doing a good business. A for
tuneor any one wanting a Hotel business.
For further information address
i i -. - ; . ' CROSS A WHITE,
' 4i-4t Proprietors Star IIcteL
r . .
The following officers were Installed on last
Friday night, at the Good Templer's Lodge in
this city : W. A. Polock, W C T ; Laura Col
11ns, WL 8; Mrs. McCord, WBS; Emmily
Carrell, W V T ; W. S. Blackburn, N M ; Mrs.
S. L Church, W A M ; D D. Muir, WS ; Mrs.
Mary Boyd, WAS; J. G. Russell, W F 8; a
W. Kennedy, W C; Bettle Tannar, W J G ;
Albert Smith, W O G.
Removal. Hanniford A Hughes have re
moved their Etock of Furniture to the second
story of Mcrherson's Block, in the room east
of the 'Advertiser' Office, until they can build
or procure a room on the ground floor. They
have now a splendid stock of Furniture on
the way which will be here In a few days.
They have already earned an enviable repu
tation for selling goods at reasonable rates,
and R. V. nughes will be prepared to wait up
on all who may wish to buy. Remember the
To all thote in need of New Clothing now, I
would respectfully say, wait but a few weeks
and I will be prepared to supply your wants
from as large and well-assorted a stock as, I
believe, was ever opened in Nebraska, and at
prices as low, and, perhaps, lower than any
you have ever purchased at since the war. " I
can guarrantee that I will have no "shoddy'
goods, or 6lop-shop' work in my store, as my
Clothing have been made up under my own
supervision from Goods purchased in the bolt
by .nyself. It shall be my endeavor to give
entire satisfaction both In my Goods and
Prices, and can safely say to all it will pay you
to wait a short time and examine my stock
and prices before purchasing. -
Proceedings Republican Club.
Aug 6th, 1868.
Club met pursuant to adjournment.
Capt Carson In the chair.
In compliance with the request of the Club
as expressed at its last meeting, Col. Furnas
delivered an earnestly aloouent speech, being
frequently interrupted by the cheers of his
Capt. Presson, of Tecumseh, being present
was next called out, and responded by giving
an account of how the good work is progress
ing in Johnson county. His account was
cheering to all true lovers of liberty, and was
frequently interrupted by applause.
A. P. Cogswell was called out and respond
ed In a short and telling speech, making many
points from his actual knowledge, which were
received with rapturous applause.
C G, Dorsey then introduced the following
resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of this Club are
due and are hereby tendered to Messrs. Fur
nas and Cogswell .fox their very able address
es this evening.
' DeForrest Porter reported progress on Gun
Squad Uniform Petition, and was granted
further time.
R. C. Berger and James Medford, a commit
tee appointed to solicit names to the Consti
tution, reported thirteen members added dur
ing the evening.
C. G. Dorsey and Dr.McFherson, a commit
tee appointed to solicit subscriptions in the
room, reported SS5.00 added to the Fund of the
Club. .
On motion the Secretary was ordered to
draw an order on the Treasury in favor of
Jno, L Carson of sufficient amount to pay for
the Club Flag an 1 other charges if there are
any upon the frame
On motion the Ciuh agreed to send out two
persons to address the people of Washington
and Benton Precincts ou Friday and Saturday
August 14th and Lth.
On motion each and every member of the
Finance Committee was requested to use per
sonal effort to increase the subscription to the
Club Fund and to report at next meeting.
On motion the thanksof the Club were ten
dered to the Club for their splendid music and
financial aid.
On motion adjourned till Thursday Aug 13th
J. L CARSON, Pres.
J. L. Colhapp,' Sec '
Thieves CarnivaL
On the evening of July 29th"Mr. Chaffee's
bed room was entered, and from his pants
pocket was taken one knife, one large key,
his pocket book contalningabout$35in money
and notes for about $100, and thirteen postage
stamps. On Friday night August 7th, the
residence of John Shuck in Nemaha City was
ransacked throughout by some unknown
thief; Mr. Shuck loosing a knife he had car
ried lor fifteen years; Mrs. Shuck loosing her
pocket book containing $5, one pocket handr
kerchief, and one small pen knife. Herchll-
dren's clothes were scattered over the floor.
On the same evening J. B. Hoover's resi
dence, In Nemaha City, was "run through."
nis pants taken from under his pillow, his
pocket book, containing over three hundred
dollars taken, his revolver, knife, his wife's
bretitpin, handkerchief, and gold watch were
all taken, at least were missing next morn
What is remarkable these persons are gen
erally easily awakened ; and Mrs. Shuck es
pecially complained of being drowsy and
sleepy when not In the open air, for two or
three days afterwards, and all the rest under
the Influence of some quieting drug for a few
days after awaking on Saturday morning.
During three weeks past a dark complex
ion od, suspicions looking fellow by the name
Charles S. Clayton, without any visable
means of support, and who seemed to be
shedding old dirty clothes for new ones, has
been Iwardiag at Mrs. Emmons's boarding
house in this city. He is about five feet five
Inches high, and weighs near 140 pounds.
Has a dark piercing eye, over hung by a heavy
dark eye bow; forehead running up and
sloping back. Hair black and 6hort; wearsa
heavy moustache and goatee. He looks
straight and boldly at you, with a blank, ex
pressionless countenance, and closely watches
the emotions and countenances of all qestlon-
ers, without In the least degree changing hi
On Sunday morning last this man engaged
a livery team for a ride. Wm. II. Hoover,
having his eye on the man when he left, went
into the boarding house with the Sheriff, and
recognizing some of his brother's property
made an affidavit of his belief in the guilt of
this man, had a warrant Issued, took the
things found there, and the gentleman on
his return, into custody, and had hini brought
on Monday morning before his honor Judge
A. W. Morgan, for examination. Mr. Chaffe
Identified some of the articles found as his,
Mr. Shuck and his wife identified some, and
Hr. and Mrs. Hoover identified some. Eesldes
the articles identified there was a tlOO bllL a
") bill and several twenties, tens and fives,
which exactly corresponded with the cash
stolen In size and very near In quantity.
The prisoner hud his attorney, but did not
attempt o explain his possession of the iden
tified articles, or ask the witnesses a single
question. He s enied to look on as a disin
terested listner at the trial, wr an open and
Intelligent countenance ; caring more to note
the exact temper of the two or three hundred
men and boys who surrounded him. He had
perfect control of every muscle of his face,
which betrayed no emotion or feeling what
ever during the whole examination.
LVTER. Chas. Clayton, the prisoner above
spoken of, turned State's evidence yesterday,
implicating in the recent robberies in this
city and at Nemaha, G.- W. Garrison, Ned
O'Pelt, Charles Morehead, aud Dan. Shadley.
Ills evidence In the preliminary examination
before Justices Hughs and Morgan yesterday,
Implicates all of these men In the stealing or
hiding of the property taken. He claims that
what was taken Friday night at Nemaha was
not to be divided until on the Sunday night
on which he was arrested, and that he had
not possession of any of the articles to his
knowledge at that time, but that they must
have been put where they were found while
he was out riding on Sunday. He also claims
that one or two of the above named were
with him on each expedition, and that they
knowing the premise best, went Into the
houses which were entered, while he gener
ally stayed out and watched.
The evidence for the defeuce up to our going
to press had nearly proven analibi In thecase
of Morehead and Shadley in the NemahaClty
robbery, and expected Jo do the same In all
the case.
The Democrat, of last yetk, pltfifully
whines that we have become personal, and In
forms us that he Is going for our personal
character this week. He is perfectly welcome
to Inaugurate this as soon as he desires. He
for Lick of brains first went to the butcher
for an ide; which we assisted him in venti
lating. Ee went for the official acts of a Re
publican Council, we went for his official de
falcation, whereupon he says we owe him a
"little account,". ad calls us "a nigger."
Thus stan ds the case. Now for the personal
ities, Dr.!
I take this method of returning to you my
sincere thanks for the liberal patronage you
have extended to me during the time I have
been with you; and assure you, at the same
time, that I will leave nothing undone to
supply the community at large with any and
everything pertaining to my line, on the
"Small Profit Principal." I have succeeded in
procuring the Largest Stare House in this City,
which I have leased for a term of years, and
will be ready to throw open the gates of the
Regulator on MOXDA YA UG USTiOth, where
I shall be pleased to meet you all. Remem
ber No. 27, five doors above my old store.
Mo ore's Life of Hon. Schuyler Colfax.
T. B, Peterson; A Brothers, No. 806 Chestnut
Stree, Philadelphia, have in press and will
publish in a few days, "The Life of Hon.
Schuyler Colfax," written by Rev, A. Y.
Moor, of South Bend, Indiana, who was for
twenty years, as pastor and friend, in the
entire confidence of Mr. Colfax, and had
access to the files of the paper published by
Mr. Colfax for twenty years, and to the Con
gressional Globe : knows all his past history
and all who have known him from boyhood.
He began this biography two or three years
ago, so that it is not one of the hurried .and
ephemeral publications so common In elect
Ion years. Mr. Moore is a gentlamen of fine
talent and culture, and there is no doubt but
that his biography of Mr. Colfax will be Wor
thy of Its distinguished subject. .
The following letter from Mr Colfax, to
Rev. A. Y. Moore will explain itself: .
' WASHrNOT0jr, D. C, May 30, 1S6S.
"My Dear Mr. Moore:
"As your prediction of a year ago has been
realized, I have no further objection to your
publishing any sketch, more or less full, or
my life, you may have prepared. As you
were for a dozen years a fellow-townsman
of mine, and a valued friend. I suppose you
know as much about my history as the- pub
lic would care about knowing; and al
though my engrossing duties here leave me
no time to revise the manuscript, I have no
fear that your work will not be a faithful one.
"Yours, very truly,
. "Schuyler Colfax.
"Rev. A. Y. Moore, South Bend, Indiana"
It will be published in a large duodecimo
volameof five hundred pages, printed from
largetype, and on the finest and best of white
paper, with a portrait, on steel, of Mr. Colfax,
executed by one of the first artists in the
county, from photographs taken of Mr. Col
fax within the last week ; the whole bound
in cloth In the most substantial manner.
Price S L50 a copy. Canvassers wanted every
where. Large discounts. Copies will be
sent to any one at once, post-paid, on receipt
of price, by the Publishers. " -
For the Next Thirty Days I will sell
Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
and general merchandise at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
to make room for my splendid new stock of
Fall and Winter Goods, Which I shall go East
for on or about the 15th of September. My
goods were all bought when they were at
their lowest prices, and great bargains can be
secure! by buying goods at my store within
the next thirty days.
44-2w 1 . G. ML HENDERSON.
Regulator Gone Up !
Gone tip Where t
No. 27, 5 Doors Above the
Old Stand !
Gold has ruled strong during the week, and
the price has steadily advanced, closing In
New York at 14
The Chicago Journal of Commerce says :
The foreign trade movement, the apprehen
sion of a break In the currant speculation on
the Bourses of Germany, the steady growth
of political excitement in prospect of the
election, and the fear of outbursts in the
South, combined to produced a very feverish
feeling in the Gold Room. This In connec
tion with the uuprecedentedly large exports
of specie, and the Increasing tendency of the
imports concurrently with a falling offln the
exports of produce, have produced an expec
tation that the supply of gold in the country
is likely to be reduced to an unusually low
ebb. ,
One million dollars of the Alaska money
was shipped on the 5th.
Governments were weak during the week,
but closed higher. We quote as follows:
U. S. 6s of 18S1, ex lnt, .
U. 8. 5-30S, 1862,
U. 8. 5-3)8, " small,
U. 8. 5-208, Registered,.............,
U 8 5-2, IStM,
U 8 5-208, 180,-)
U 8 5-3, lntst Jan. and July,..
US 5-20, 1867
U 8 10-4OS, large ,
U 8 10-408, small......... .
Compounds, May, 18tlr,..-
' Aug., ISM ,
Sept., 1S65,
44 Oct., 1865, 117
In commercial matters the prices of all
commodities which are Influenced by the
price of gold, have advanced. Business is
brisker, and buyers are now making their fall
purchases in many departments of trade.
- Office Chicago Journal of Commerce,
Wednesday evening, Aug. 5. J
DRY GOODS. The market has been
characterized by a degree of activity during
the week. Prices have ruled steady and firm.
Quotations are without any very essential
change and with the hih cost of production
and the rapid advance in gold, which to-day
reached lV the market rules very strong,
an active demand would tend largely to ad
vance present prices. Domestic Woolens are
rather quiet aud foreign dress goods are in
light demand.
GROCKIilKS The market rules quiet
and prices unsettled Owing to the rapid ad
vance in Gold Colfees are materially highe.
Sugars and Syrups are lower, stocks are on
the increase, and the market rules dull. Teas
are firm with gold rates. Rice and Tobacco
CATTLE. Shipper were receiving tel
egraLus thai their previous shipments to the
markets below were being sola out at a sacri
fice, end they declined to operate. The de
mand on local account was fair, but buyers
made prices to suit themselves, and the re
duction in many cases reached 75 per cent.
For 8tock cattle there was absolutely no de
mand, as it was stated that several deaths
from cattle plague, or Spanlsh fever," had
occured among the Texas cattle herded out
Bide, and a few among the native cattle.
FLOUR Winter sack $7 00
" Spring 5 00
" Buckwheat n , 2
CORN bushel ;. 5055
MEAL 1 bushel k.5
BACON Hams lt 18
" Shoulders ....... 15
" Sides tt - 15
LARD Canned ft) 15
SYRUP Golden?, gal 1 ft)
" Sugar House gal l 25
COFFEE Java n...... 4-5
" Rio lb 27Ua33
CHEESE New York t actory ft.. . 25
" . Couniry E 20
TEA Imperial lb 2 2i
" Black m. . 2 25
" Young Hyson lb 2 00
CANDLES Star lb . 2",
M Tallow ft . . 20
APFLES Dried ft " 15
" Green bushel -...... 2 25
PEACHES--Dried tt ... . 20
POTATO KS New bushel 1 00
COAL OIL gallon 75
EtOS dor . - 15
BUTTER ft 25
ONION bushel 1 25
" Sets quart . 10
SALT per barrel 4 50
LUMBER Cottonwood per 100 . 2 50
' ()Hk..H.I..W.mMI.Wl(HHMW 50 00
" Walnut 50 00
- Pine 85 00
SHINGLES Cottonwood per 1000 2 503 25
- . Pine 9 00
LATH Cottonwood per 1000. 7 00
- Pine 9 00
WOOD Dry Hard per cord 6 00
HIDES Dry per fi 15
" Green . - 6
WHEAT Fall per bushel .. 1 50
" Spring 1 00
WOOL per 8) 40
Kn.rfr!5u01l Hair
Removed from the Face, Forehead, or any
other part of the body, in five minutes, with
out injury to the skin, by the Oriental Rusma.
Warranted. Mailed for tl by
nj2y St. Louis, Mo.
- Scientific Ttfonder.
Tells how to make all kinds of Patent Med
icines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Cosmetics,
Wines, Cordials, Soaps, Hair Dyes, Oils, De
pulatorles, Pomades, Curling Fluids, House
hold Recipes, and hundreds of other articles
in daily demand, easily made, and sold at
large profits. It contains all the latest dis
coveries, secrets, arts, &c - A most wonderful
book, Third Edition. Fifty thousand al
ready sold. Post paid to any address for 50 OLXNDUNAKg
n4iy St. Louis, Ma
Tecber, StndenU, nd other Intelligent Men
and Women, in .business paying $100 to $200 per
month, according to sbilltr. For particulars ad
dress ZEIGIER, McCUBDT A Co., Lombard Block,
Chicago, 111. . 12'2My
To tie Ladles.
For one dollar only. W. are selling Silk, Bhtwls,
Dry and Fancy Goods of every description; also
Silver Ware, Fnrnitnre, Ac. Valuable Presents,
from $3 to $500 sent free of charge, to agents send
ing clubs of ten and upwards. Circulars sent free
to any address. WTETH A CO.
(Successor to Messenger A Co.
43 Hanover 8t.. Boston, Mass.
. T. O. Box 2931 W-IMm
Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption and
Cancer Cured.
A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption
and Cancer their causes, means of speedy retle?
and ultimate cure. By a Pupil of the Acadeir. j cf
Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address for 10 sea's.
Letter from Bob't ITcM nrdy, D.D., LL.D., Grtad
Prelate of Grand Encampment of U. S.,endE:ior
of the National Frtematon : 1
Niw YORK Sept. 17, 1867.
Dr. Stiixwili. was In charge of Grace Church
Hospital, Alexandria, Va during the war. I fre
quently, almost dally, for months, visited this Hos
pital, and had every means of knowing his reputa
tion for efficiency and skill. It was of the
most creditable character, and his success in the
treatment of patients was remarkable.
Organic Vibrator. It fits Into the ear, is not
perceptible, removes singing noises in the head, and
enables deaf Dersons to hear distinctly at church and
public assemblies. This Instrument will often pro
duce results almost miraculous and iadeed in cases
of long standing deafness, it will relieve In a short
time. It may be adjusted with the ease of spec
tacles. DR. STILL WILL will be professionally at 81
East Washington place, University Buildings, K.
Y., daily, 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, when he will
beat his rooms 1032 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Simllla Simlllbus Curantur. -
Humphreys Homoepathic Specifics have proved,
from the most ample experience, an entire success)
simple, prompt, efficient and reliable. They are
the only medicines perfectly adapted to popular use
so simple that mistakes cannot be made in using
them; so harmless as to be free from danger, and
so efficient as to be always reliable. They have
raised the highest commendation from all, and wll
always render satisfaction.
Nos. Cents.
1 Cures Fevers, Congestions, innamation...ij
2 do Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Col lc.25
do Diarrhoea of children or adults 25
do Dysentary, Griping, Bilious Collc.25
do Cholera-morbus Vomiting ........25
do Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
do Nenralela. Toothache. Faceache. 25
do Headache, Sick Headache, yertigo25 1
ao uyspepsia, uiuiuus uiuiiiik;u u..
do Suppressed, or Painful Periods 25
do Whites, too profuse Periods 25
do Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.,25
do Salt ftheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions25
do Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25
do Fever & Ague, Chill Fever, Agues.A)
do Piles, blind or bleeding 50
do Opt halmy, and sore or weak Eyes50
do Catarh,accuteorchronic, Influenzal
do Wooping-chough, violent coughs...50
do Asthma, oppressed breathing... ......50
do Ear Discharges, impaired hearlngJiO
do Scrofula,enliirged glands. swellinf;s50
do GeneralDebllity .physical weakness-V)
do Dropsy, and scanty Secretions- 50
Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding 50
Kidney-Disease, Gravel .50
Nervous Debility, Seminal Emis
sions, involuntary Discharges...l 00
Sore Mouth, Canker 50
Urinary Weakness, wetting beds...50
Painful Periods, with Spasms 50
Sufferings at change of life. I 00
Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus Dancel 00
Diphtheria, ulcerated sore tuxoatl 50
Family cases of.35 to 70 large vials, mo
rocco or rosewood case, containing a
specific for every ordinary disease a
family is subject to, and books of di
rections, from $10 to $35
Smaller Family and Traveling Cases, with
20 to 23 vials, from , (5 to &3
Specifics for atl Private Diseases, both for
Curing and Preventive Treatment, in
vials and pocket cases $2 to $5
Pond's Extract cures Burns, Bruises, Lameness,
Soreness, Sore Throat, Sprains, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Piles, Boils,
Stings, Sore Eyes, Bleeding of the Lungs, Nose,
Stomach, or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, Old Sores.
3 Price 60 cts. to $1,75.-5
These Remedies, except Poud's Extract, by the
case or single box, are sent to any part of the coun
try, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of
the ptice.
Address Humphrey's Specitic
Homeopathic Medicine Co ,
Office and Depot No. 663 Broadway, N. T.
Dr. Humphrey is consulted daily at bis office, per
sonally or by letter, as above, for all forms of dis
ease. For sale by
15-y Brownvllle, Neb.
Dr. IVhlttler
Has been longer engaged in the treatment of
Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than any
other Physician In St. Lonis.
Syphilis in all its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet,
Stricture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of
the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with
the greatest success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and Impotency,
as the resnlt of self-abuse In youth, or sexual ex
cesses In maturer years, which produce some of
the following effects, as blotches, debility,
ness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion U society of females, loss of
memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage
improper can be cured.
Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia,
Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia, Rup
ture or any other chronic affection, may rely cjx.a
receiving a radical enre.
Particular attention given to alt Female Coin
plaints; Inflammation and Ulceration el li-t
Womb, Leucorrhea, Chlorisl, Sterility, Ac. Most
cases can be properly treated without an interview,
and medicines sent by mail or express, secured free
from observation. Consultation by letter or at office
frek. Charges moderate and cures guaranteed".
530fflce, with hospital accommodations for ps
lients. No. 617 St. Charles street, between Sixth
and Seventh, St. Lonis, Mo.
Everybody can get, in a sealed envelope, my
theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Dis
eases, containing full symptom lists, for two pos
tage stamps; also, my paper relating to Chronic
and Female Complaints, for a three-cent stamp.
Manhood! How Lost. How Restored!
J ust published, a new edition of Dr.
Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the
radical cure f without mediclncl of
Spermatorrhoearor Seminal Weakness, Involuntary
Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical
Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc ; also,
Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self
indulgence or sexual extravagance.
3" Price, in sealed envelope, only six cents.
The celebrated author, in his admirable essay,
clearly demonstrates from thirty years' successful
practice, that the alarming consequences of self
abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous
use of internal medicine or the application of the
knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once eiple,
certain, and effectual, by means of which every suf
ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may
cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
tS This Lecture should be in the hands of every
youth and every man In the land.
Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad
dress , postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two stamps.
Also Dr. Cul verwel l's " Marriage Guide ; " price 25
cents. Address the Publishers,
40-Iy 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. IfiSi.
liride and Bridegroom. " : J
Essays for young men on the interesUng rela
tion of Bridegroom to Bride ia the Institution of
Marriage, a Guide to the matrimonial felicity, and
true happiness. Sent by mall ia sealed letter en
velopes free of charge. Address, HOWABJ) ASSO
CIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Mo'tt's Conception Preventive
Is used by over three hundred thousand ladles of
the Atlantic States alone, and by a large number la
the West, who would not be without it for ten
times Us cost.. It u to this Preventive that the
mothers of those States owe their immunity from
large families. It is absolutely certain, convenient
m we and withal beneficial tohealta. Abortionla
criminal, then use ineans perfectly moral and
proper. Send stamp for pamphlet containing
f nil particulars. Address,
(P O Box 3092) 71S st. Charles street,
H-17-ly St. Louis, Mo.
An Address
To the Nervous and Debilitated, whose sufferings
have been protracted from hidden canses, and whose
cases require prompt treatment to reader existence
desirable. If you are snC'crtng or have suffered
from involuntary discharges, what effect does it
produce upon your general health? Do you feel
weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra
exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does
yonr liver, r urinary organs, or your kidneys, fre
quently get out of order? Is yonr urine sometimes
thick, milky, orflocky,or Is it ropy on setting? Or
does a thick scum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment
at the bottom after It has stood awhile ? Do yon
have spells of short breathing er dyspepsia ? Are
your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of
fainting or rushes cf blood to the head? Is your
memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwell
ing upon this subject? Do you feel dull, listlesa.
moping, tired of company, or life? Do yon wish to
ne left alone, to get away from everybody? Does
any little thing make you start or J amp ? is jour
sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye
as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright?
Do you enjoy yourself in society as we.l ? Do you
pursue your business with the same energy ? Do
you feel as much confidence in yourself ? Are your
spirits dnll and flagging, given to fits of melancholy?
If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have
yon restless nights ? Tour back weak, your knees
weak, and have but little apetite, and you attrib
ute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint?
Kow, reader, self-abuse, venerial diseases baoly
cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of produc
ing a weakness of the generative organs. The or
gans of generation, when in perfect health, make
the man. Did yon ever think that those bold, defi
ant, energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always those whose generative organs are
In perfect heatlh ? Tou never hear such men co ra
pid's cf being melancholly, cf nervousness, of pai
'itaci'iu of the heart. They are never afraid they
fa.-. out succeed in business ; they don't become sad
an 2 d scmraged ; they are always polite and pleas-
act lu Me company of ladies, and look you and
them r: la the face none of your downcast
looks or any other meanness about them. I do
not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by
running to excess. These will not only ruin their
constitutions, but also those they do business with
or for.
How many men from badly cured diseases, from
the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought
about that state of weakness in those organs that
baa reduced the general system so much as to in
duce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy,
paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost ev
ery other form of disease which humanity is heir
to, and the Teal cause of the trouble scarcely ever
suspecteC, and have doctored for all but the right
one. -
Diseases of these organs require the nse of a diu
CH U la the great Diuretic, and Is a certain cure for
diseases or the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy,
Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General
Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs,
whether existing in Male or emale, from what
ever cause originating,, and no matter of how long
If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or
Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are sup
ported from these sources, and the health and hap
piness, andthat of Posterity, depends upon the
prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Heimbold's Bxtract Buchu, established upward
of IS years, prepared by
' - H. T. HELMBOLD, DrnggUt.
, 694 Broadway, New Tork, and
104 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
PRICE $1.25 per bottle, org bottles for $6.60,
delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists
everywhere. . - -
milE COMING Fall, Winter and Spring, I
A will make the receiving of orders for all
kinds of Fruits, Vines and bhrubs a business.
My stock will all be from the nearest end
most reliable Nurseries. Everything sold by
me will be WABBAHTED as to name and
to live, when put out under my directions. I
have in Fruit, the present 6eason, all the
hardy and some of the tender varieties of
Grapes, to which I invite the attention of all
interested in Grape culture in Nebraska.
140-O52 K. W. Fumkas. -
The. Brownville Transfer Company,
Under the management of
Is now Sunning Kegular Omnibusses from
Brownvllle to the Railroad Terminus
of the Council Bluffs and St. Joseph Bailrosd,
At North Star, IIo.,
Two Miles from Brownville and North Star Ferry
Good Omnibusses. Close Connections.
oO-U Charges Moderate.
Scientific ! Rational ! Safe I
Compound Extract of
Recommended by
Remedy yet Discovered
Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys
Purifies the Blood,
Improves the Appetite,
Aids Digestion,
Corrects the Secretions,
And Imparts Tone, Strength and
Vivacity to the Whole System.
So that persons using it feel that they enjoy
an entire new life.
Is Iiccommended by the
Best Physicians Everywhere.
Dk. F. Olix Dakxelxy, now of this City
ological Anatomy in the Midi lie Georgia
Medical College, Chief Surgeon State of South
Carolina, during the war, Vice-President
Georgia Medical Association :
Mr, Laicrence : I have carefully examined
your formula forthe KOSADLIS, and recom
mended it to several of my patients. The
combination is a harpy one. and must prove
a potent remedy in all diseases requiring the
virtues 01 a great alterative meuicme. 1 wisn
you success.
Baltimore, April 22, lta.
Baltixoke, Md., Marcht, 1808.
I believe Dr. Lawrence's "ROSADALIS"
to be the Best Alterative in Use, and there
fore cheerfully recommend It as such.
TtAi.Ti5roRE. Febuarv 10th 1363.
Dr. J. J. Lawrence.-- Dear Sir I take pleas
ure In recommending your ROSADALIS aa
a very powerful alterative.
Yours truly, R. W. CARR, M. D,
We know Dr. Lawrence's RosadalU to be
& afp anrt rpllnhla Alterative. fcc. aild taJCe
pleasare in recommending it to the profess
ion ana puouc
J H Moore, M D,
L A Smith, M D,
J H Winstead, M D,
R 11 Barham, M D,
W G Duggan, M D,
E Barnes, M D,
R W King, M D
S Woodward, M D,
W T Brewer, M D,
W J Bullock, 31 D,
Wilson, N. C, January 7th, 1S63.
3-For Testimonial of Remarkable Cukes
See "Rosadalis Almanac" for this ye
. Prepared at the Laboratory of
Dr. J. J. Lawrence & Co.,
. 4 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE
General Agents for the North Western
States, to whom orders should be aaoresseu.
. n40-6m
to rur.c:iAi:zr.,s
0 F
Has again carried of the highest honor at the
principle Fairs the present searon, commencing with
the New England Agricultural Fair, at Providence,
in September where it was awarded
The Highest Prize,
Immediately after which came the New York State
Fair at Buffalo In October, where the committee
awarded It the
First Prize double Thread Machine.
Then came the great Annual Fair of New England,
that of the
Mechanic's Association,
at Lowell, where the highest prize the
awarded to any Family Sewing Machine, was given to
and that too in fair competition with other
First Class Machines
tor five consecutive weeks where It has been exam
ined by the best mechanics in the country and pro
nounced the best constructed and most reliable Ma
chine) and one that, on account of lta simplicity would
ill 1
Iloro Satisfactory Manner
Than ' ..
At the Fair of the Maryland Institute, which
closed a four weeks session at Baltimore on the 27th
of November, the superiority of the
was again confirmed by the committee on Sewing
Machines, who unanimously awarded it the GOLD
MEDAL, the highest prize the Institute confers.
Oh the 12th of September the Great Fair and Ex
hibition cf the American lns.itute was opened in
New York. As usual the display of Sewing Machines
was large and the competition strong, but after alx
weeks trial the friends of the
had the satisfaction of seeing their favoiite again
triumphant and for the second time bearing off the
highest honors of the American Institute.
Below we give an extract from the Report of the
committee on Sewing Machines read at the close of
the Fair:
"The whole number ( Sewing Machines on exhi
bition is thirteen, of these, twelve are entered for
competition. The article beariDg the number 730
(FLORKNCB 8EWING MACHINE) Is decided to be
The Itest on Exhibition. It must also be
stated incidentally, That this is better than any of
its class known to the Judges.
no Ann:
1st. Good Material and Thorough
2d. More absolute Novelty than
marks the usual Improvements in
Sewing Machines.
2d. The ingenious arrangement of a positive mo
tion for adjusting the thread during the passage of the
shuttle and gathering up of it in the finish of the
4th. The reversible feed.
6th. The variety of the work that can he done up
on it.
We therefore decide that it receive the award of
first class.
Signed WM. PRATT,
"This Is to certify that the foregoing is a tree ex-
tract from the Report of the Judges of Sewing Ma
chines at the 37th Annual Fair 1367.
Sec Board Managers.
New York, Nov. 17th, 1S67."
It would seem as though this succession of tri
umphs should be sufficient to convince any unpreju
diced person of the great superiority of the
overall others, and if more is needed to confirm
the above, we might add that, it IS61, the Company
only sold 60 Machines, whilst now there are over
In Use!!
Thus establishing its reputation beyond question.
Every Machine is Warranted ! I
612 If. 4th at.. East ide, betweeri
Washington Ave. A Green,
S t. Lotiis, Mo.
Circular, Price List and samples of work fur
nished on application.
12-12-ly For Brownville and Nemaha Co.
A new line of
suitable alike tot
And take pleasure Jn eallintr the attention
"Ai Store. Ilarctware and general denier to the
an desirable qnalitlee ol thia NEW WARE,
nTt onlJ an article of trade, but of UTILI
TY combining aa it does, NEATNESS, COX
of utensila tbat are in every ear nse, tn thn
K-lronortant of all HOUS&lOlA) DE
RA UTMEST3. We desire and request every
housekeeper to eee onr TEA KETTLES,
PANS, a we are sure thev Lave only to im
Been to be appreciated.
Many of the articles are made entirely of one
piece of wrought iroa which, during the pro
cess of manniacrcre, receives several coat
intrs of block tin ; thia leavea a surface, when
finished, perfectly smooth, easily kepttlean
and entirely protected ajrainst rust. The eost
is bat little more than common tin ware, and
every article will do ten times the service.
The shape enables ua to pack the various sizes
in nests so as to occupy but lictie space, and
being but a little heavier thau tinware, the
eost bl transportation is very small. At pres
ent our assortment consists in part of
Xea Kettle, Camp Kettle.
JleM Pan, Dish Pans, Sanre
Pans, DlMi Kettles. Fry Fm,
iMtilest Dippers. te dee.
' We are now preparing a new Catalogue and
Price List, and believe Stove and Hardware
Dealers will find it to their interest to send
for a copy of-each before purchasing else
where. -Address
Excelsior ?Xanufacturi9S Co.
EX. LOU13, MO.
- oldbr
- Brozcnville, iScf.
mi Im
1 a
- 1
r si
Lh -2
minioo sjLvn g
1 1 1
1 1' 1
F ' "i
0"" 1
- )
lt& iC4 - - '
Hardware, Slox-fS, arc,
Hardware, St-ovea, Tinware,
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
' r n r nni-Vt-.v r-r.ce v
Pittsburg Iron aud 2?ails,
Iittjburg Iron and 2'ai's, - -PiiUiurg
Iron and XaiU,
Mechanic?' Ts'&t
Mechanic's Too's,
. Mechanic's T'i,
Chatter Oak'Slovcs,
Charter Oak Stoves,
Beside a?jUMortmerit of everyti-c kepi
la a&rst cia&s
Which will be sold'jis lew ci the lowest
To all who favor us with a calf.
At flie Ela ci tlxi'
ia the place to bay ...
Keep constantly on hand a completa a-ort-jnent
of .
Sofas, Btaitttads, VTarirob,
Eureaits. Xoctiny Chai't,
Sprint Beds,
What Note,
Wash S.'a4
Hat Racij.
Chair, r
' Ttb-'es
Marble .
' Loang
I Sjmnjt.
i Sxilj
. Cribs.
I os-a
Bed Springe. Children's Cals and Gi;,
O ut ana Kotewooa M'aiainj,
Sheet k, Pillovs, Puijy
Slips, it., etc
And anything and everything required, to sot
up pkun or fancy hou.stkeeping
All of their ware la either manufactured or
put up under their special superintendence,
which enables them to sell sound article at
smaller prices than Eastern zaanufactar!
Oli Hearso
Is at the service of the puMlo at any time It
may be needed, and isgottenup lnas Cnettyl
as any farther east.
of all sizes constantly on hand,
A.t I2 a h t o i il Priooni
We are doing business on.
Srciall Profit,
and by attention to business and the wants of
the community, expect In the future as la the
past to receive the patronage cf the pahlia
generally. HcFAlX & CO.
Country Uer cliants,
f Alliums, & OTHERS,
cosmos rota
josiah cAnpn:m:ii
General Commission Merchant,
412, 146,TVaiiastoa EU
And receive his weekly Price Curraroi.
of Produce and Groceries, the mat
complete Price Currant pub
' . lUhed in the United States.
Send for a Prico Cnrrrt
HarHsg Phte3 tZzxh zzriA '
2? XI S3 12 .
Liberal A-Irisx Iaa c Czzclzx
Established May 1 1S83.
Fiat C ws Bef ereaca Uvea wts 3 rec-iraJ. M-l 7
inmcuAirr tailor,
' .13
Dealer ti
1 . I
j Also Agent for
' T T A r ' 1 7 7T