TllL'ftSDAY, JULY 80th, ISO?.. AGRICULTURAL. R. W. Furnas, Editor. sTS-The Kejuha Cooty Ag eictlcea l a-i Mechanical Association will hold Its ThM Annual Fair at Brownville, Septem. her 22nd, 23rd, 8itl and 25th, 1S68. Competition open to the world. , . i m ' Ttt "Prairie Farmer" comes to us In a new dress, enlarged and greatly improved in its appearance, "We con gratulate the Farmer in its success. An Omission. By mistake the following class "Field crops," in the Tremium list of the Nemaha County Agricultural and Mechanical Association, was omitted in the printed list. It should have appeared as class No. 9. It now stands as class 9J : Class 9 Field Crops 1st 2nd Best Left One acre vTheat a t One acre Corn 4 i One acre Oats 4 2 ' One acre Barley .............. ..... 4 2 One ncre Potatoes....-4 2 One acre Bagar Cane......-....--....-..- 4 2 1. The land shall be measured bv gome competent person, who shall make affidavit of the accuracy of the measurement ana tne quantity or ground. r. The applicant shall make afii dflVlt nOOrff i n t tn the fn?rnc onnoroH to the quantities of grain raised on the ground entered on the Premium List, which affidavit must accompany tne applications ior premiums togeth er witu a sample 01 tne grain. (FORMS OF AFFIDAVITS.) ' County, ss. A. B., being du- 1 XT CTt'Arn cova Vla nn.nwifnltr v- nno J If Vi il. a A-V VLA1 iX LV iy iiiVOO- tired the land upon which C. D. rais ed a crop of the past season, ana tne quantity or laud is acres, and uo more. B. Sworn to before me, this - day ISO-. Justice. ly sworn, says that he raised a crop of the patt season, upon tne land measured by A. B., and that the quantity of grain raised thereon was bushels for measures, as the case may be and no more ; and that the statements In regard to the man ner of cultivation etc., are correct, to the best of his knowledge. Sworn to, before me, this day of - , 1&0-. Justice. now Pure YTInes arc Slade. "NVe copy the following article from the last Iiural World. We copy it be cause it is an excellent article upon , the subject, and also because it is fur ther evidence of our own views here tofore expressed : "I see in a late number of the St. Louis Democrat, that a French noble man, Count Folignac, arrived here lately for the purpose of buying a tract vi inuu m mis piate anu engaging m wine grape-culture. If this is so, then it is sale to say that J." ranee is betrin- ning to turn her eyes to this quarter ui uui wauuj, aim luis inigiii, ue uau- ca as one or tne signs of the times. But this fact reminds me of the ef forts now being made by another no bleman, an Italian, to Improve the manufacture of wine in Italy by imi tating the best processes now used in the loremost wine districts in r ranee. His efforts are likely to prove very serviceable to all vintagers, as the publication of the following relation by the Italian press, will show. Hoping earnestly that in it there might be some thing interesting to the vintagers of Missouri, I translate from the Italian, and hope that. If not in compatible, you will give the benefit cf it or any part or It, to your readers. St. Louis July 1. J. eter bCAXZl. Count Augustus de Gori, of Flor ence, sent into Burgundy Mr. Joseph Mucei to examine and study, on the tpot, tne process under which wine is made in that country. From -Mr. Mucei's relation a great many teach incrs might be obtained Cor this branch of industry here at home, and to help the cause we give it the publicity of the press, that it may prove advanta geous to many of our lelfow-citizens, who are now engag-d in the pursuit of wine-maKlug in Uaiiiorma, 44In the art of wine-making all ma nipulation is banished in Burgundy, such as mixing prapes of dmerent va rieties. adding coloring substances or alcoholic ingredients, and even dried grapes. In the vinej-ards of Burgun dy tho following rules are rigidly en forced : 1st. The planting of that particular variety of grape vine, best adapted to the soil ana there tne varieties are only two, the Pinol on the hills, and the Gainet on the plains. 2d. The grape vine is there planted at the average depth or 10 centimeters. and the ditch filled up with the same dirt therefrom extracted, mixed with deposits gathered from the gutter of the roads, and dirt from the edges of tho fields. The space between the vines is from 70 to SO centimeters. Only one shoot is allowed to each vine and only one bud, or at most two is left thereon. In Oc tober the young vines are pruned and cut at the same height of the flake, to-wit : CO to 70 centimeters. The Burgundian ex pects from his vines not so much as to quantity, but ' the choicest quality. The ground is hood five times through the year, and with the greatest dili gence. No animal manure is applied as the wine would prove too soft, and not so durable. Only the ashes obtained from burning the recluse of the wine press, are used for manure, and it is sullicient. 3. We are at the vintage, at the great festival and merry-making all over the country, ana tne most 1m portant affair of the year. The ripe ness of the crop is tested from day to dav. An Instrument lor this purpose has been invented, and if it does not announce the requisite degree of ma turity, then the municipal authority enforce a postponement of the vintage. From the degree of ripeness the vinta ger ascertains not so much the quan tity as the quality of his wine, and can therefrom make sure of its value. "What is more he can, from year to year, turn out an article of uniform quality, simply bv leaving more or less of the rasps, llasp is what is left of the bunch deprived of the berries, to ferment with the must, With an ordinary ripeness of the grapes, one half of the rasps are rejected ; greater the ripeness larger the proportion of rasps allowed to ferment. The must is left to ferment from five to eight days, when it i3 run oil". Too long fermentation macerates the rasps, forming thereby elements that would in time corrupt the wine. When the must has been run off at the proper time, it has already taken from the mass left behind its indispensible in gredients, that is the tannin (tannino). By so doing the macerating of the rasps is avoided, and all aroma and puritv saved that goes to make the wine delicate, rich and durable. The mass left after fermentation is made to give out under the press the residue which is added to the whole. Large casks are then filled, and a second fer mentation allowed to go on gently and calmly. After this second fermenta tion the wine is collected in other casks of about two ectolitres capacity leav- ini? thp ftfdimpTit. hphind. 6th- The clarification is the next Ira- j by taking the wine to other casks by means of a sucking siphon of gutta-percha. The white of three eggs for each ectolitre is sufficient for this purpose : at the beginning of the following win ter this process of clarifvinsr and changing casks is repeated ; and, fi nally, those who aim at perfection, or who prefer to keep their wine bottled, repeat the same process the next spring. Burgundy wine is never sold before it attains two years of age, and whoever in that district should try to 6ell an imperfectly ripo wine, would disgrace himself. It is a matter of self-love." ttmmmmmmmmmm im imu www HARDWARE. SIIELLEUBERGEn BHD'S Ho. 74, McPhcrson's Block, Dealers In Hardware, Stores. Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, r Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, 50 000 MHz Fence Wire, BO'OOO Mite Fence Wire, 50000 Miles Fence Wire, Pittsburg Iron and Nail3, Pittuburg Iron and Nails, Pittsburg Iron and Xails, Mechanic's Tools. Mechanic's Tools, Mechanics Tools, Charter Oak Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, ChaHer Oak Stoves, Besides a full assortment of everything kept lna urst ciasa IIMDH MID STOVE STORE ! - Which will be told as low as the lowest FOR CASH! To all who favor us with a calL Sole Agents In Southern Nebraska, Atchison and Holt County, Ho., for the V EEAPEOISIOIYER THE BEST IN THE WORLD!! ALSO P QLIPPER p THE BEST PLO W NO W MADE TE ArJ! NOW MANTTFACTTTBJXG, LS CONXIXTIO: ITU TUB ST. LOUIS STA3IP1XG COMPLY, A new line of TIXXED & POLISHED WfiOUGIIT IE0N WAKE, suitable alike for HOUSEHOLD HIXEXIS' OK CA3IP USE. And take pleasure Jn calling the attention ot Stove, Hardware and general dealers to tlie many desirable qualities of this NEW WARE, not only as an article of trade, but of UTILI TY, combining as it doeg, NEATNESS, CON VENIENCE an.1 LAliOU SAYING in the enre of utensils that are in everv dav use, in th must Important of all HOUSEHOLD DE PARTMENTS. We desire and reqnvt every housekeeper to see our TEA KETTLES, SALCE PANS, DIPPERS, DISH PANS. WASH BASINS, POLLS HED FRY and STEW PANS, as we are sure thev have only to tm seen to be appreciated. Many of the articles aremade entirely of ons piece of wrought iron w hich, during the pro cess of manufacture, receives several coat infra of block tin; this leaves a surface, when finished, perfectly smooth, easily kept clean and entirely protected against rust. The cost Is bat little more than common tinware, and every article will do ten times the servioe The shape enables us to pack the various 6iiea in nests so as to occupy but little space, and being but a little heavier thau tinware, the cost ortransportatlon is very small. At pres ent our aso tnjent consists in part of ' Tea Kettle, Camp Kettle, Me lan. niti Pans, Kan re Pans, UUh Kettle, Fry Hans, Inri 1 es lllppers, Ae., f. We are now preparing a new Catalogue and Price List, and believe Stove and Hardware Dealers wiU find it to their interest to send for a copv of-each before purchasing -elsewhere. Address ExcelsiorManiifacfuringCo ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold br SILELLENBERGEIl BROS., Brownville, Neb LIVERY STABLES. COGSWELL'S GREAT WESTERN Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES ! Corner Main and Levee Streets, BroTtmville, Nebraska. Buys, Sells and Exchanges ' STOCK, CITY PROPERTY, LANDS, &c, &c. Has Large Stock Corrall close to Steam Fer ry Landing. Stable accommodations for Fifty Horses. Slnele and Mateli Horses, Buggies and Car' rlages always on hand for sale, 40-y ELEPHANT Livery, Feed and SaleSlables! Ben. Rogers, Proprietor. Noa. 82 and 84 Main Street BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA. Dealer In all kinds of stock. Horses boufrht. sold and exchanged. Stock boarded by the day or week. The Propritor has recently erected an entire new large and eonirnodoous Stable, near the old Brownville House. His stock Is all freh and vehicles new. The public can be accom - DAY Oil IVIGIIT. A stock corrall, with an abundant surply of pure water, attached to the stable. 4-ly "ADVERTISER," BOOK AUD JOB OFFICE, WITH NEW PRESS A3) NEW TYPE Isprepalredtodoallklndsof PlalnorFaacy Job Work promptly aad reasonabir I. STY 51 DP.Y GOODS. Ho 7G. TCTXO. HILL & CO. ' Ho. 76,!"- nrnicrson's Block Dealers la 3 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ladle's, OenU' & Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Hats and Caps, L inpLEiiEirrsJ FUR Sf NOTIONS, AND CARPETS, Forming, perhaps, the Host Complete .: i y Extensive Stock offered to Wtolesale or Retail; PURCHASERS, West of the Missouri River. Never havine been . out done for extent of Stock orj f-'nir rtMlin?. thev merit the; confldeuce and patronage of ALL! No 76. RAINEY & LEWIS, No. 49, STREET, DEALERS 19 STAPLE AXD FANCY DRY GOODS ! Embracing; all the Novelties of the Season. Also a large and well selected stock of CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNJSniNG GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AHD CAPS, GROCERIES, Queensware, Hardware, SALT, LIME AND CEMENT! Our Goods were bought of first hands and we think we can offer such induce ments to purchasers as cannot fail to suit those wishing to buy. Call and see for yourselves. All Kinds of Produce taken in Ex- Change for Goods. CLOTHmGL DORSET & BRO., ISTo. 27. MAIN STEET, BROWNVILLE Dealers in Men's and Boys' CLOTHING ! GETS'Tr.E3XEISr'S FOeillSlllilG GOODS! HATS AND CAPS! Boots ii Sloes TRUNKS ! VAXIECES, CARPET-BAGS, Gloves, Hosiery, Blanliets, Umbrellas,, etc. We have fust received, and will keep constantly on hand; a Large and Well; Assorted Stock pf the above, and all other articles in our line, which toe offer to- the public at very LOW PricC3 for DRY GOODS AGRICULTURA C A. S H FARII HXPLEXXEirTS. C.AULTIIAlI&Co's "GUEEPSTAnEO THE 0JTLT GE2TOT2n8 "ST7EEPSTAKES" THBESIUSG MACI1I5E. 0. AriTA5, Host II. Tatlok, Gen'l Westera Ag't, Chicago, 111. Manufacturer, Canton, Ohio. TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS. Tho Improved "Carey" Power, (Both eight and tea horse.) THU COUPE ITS ATEVQ POWKH, (Both eight and ten hone.) A feudal! ambition exists among threshers to " ova tha best machine in the neighborhood." Nothing la note dkarreeahle to them than to naTe farmers com' plain that their work is not properly flone, 01 to lost Tuoahle tune Ij reason ci breakagea, and they can act be too careM in. selecting a maohine. Trie 8veer8ta'ke8 rs the accredited head of the Threehini; Machine family, and iti enperior strength, durability, eimpUcity, ease of draft, ityle of Bnish. and capacity lor tbresning; and cleaning grain faater and better than any other la toe world, are aoanewieageo. - rt great reputation achieved by this fcTerue machine ha led several unscrupulous mano- facturers, and numerous agents, to attach the nam SwESMTAKM," In one way and another, to thou machines and advertisements to mislead and deceive. This is the essence of meanness down- right piracy, and sailine under fake colors. To avoid the counterfeit, see that every machine baa the card, "C. AULT1IAN A CO., MAircrACTCSBRS, Cmtfis, Ohio," in gilt letters, conspicuously on both ides of the separator. The Genuine Sweepstakes enables the thresher to pick his customers, seldom stops for re. pairs, lasts much longer than others, saves much rrumblinir and vexation, does the same amount ot work with less labor, and enables him to select the best and most pron table jobs. The farmers give it a' preference, and cuen an extra price per Dusnel, because It threshes clean from the heads, separates perfectly from the straw, cleans lit Tor mar net without waste, saves all the grain, does its work with the ntmoet speed, safe ty and economy, and does not keep a gang of men ad teams about mem on expense. The elegant " Patent Pivot Bide Gear Is to be found only on the SwetpsTAlxs. Our "Patent Cleaning Apparatus' en ables the operator to control the direction of the blast, and position of the selves, and clean either aeavy or lieht grain, without waste, as fast as It an be threshed, the chaff and dirt being separated rrom tne grain oejor u itnke$ un teive at uli. Separators, Horse Powers, Strew Stack ers, uears or j acsis, sola separately, wneu desired. A written warranty delivered with every machine. The " SWEEPSTAKES " is usual v a very scarce article after harvest, and parties should order eariy. Call or send and get a pamphlet circular, riving a full description ana particulars, togethei with numerous certificates, and the names and resi dence of over three thousand persons who have bought and used the Swupstakis in Illinois, Iowa, uanssoia, vi isconsia, ana iutnsas, aione. For sale by- THEODORE KILL &C0., ' No. 76 McPherson's Block, Brownville. 11 34-3 in THE imilYKERIIOFF Separater and Cleaner ! Manufactured and sold by . T . GABSIDE, ATCIIISON, KANSAS. The trial of this machine at various County and State Fairs, and the judgement of every one who sees and uses it, unite in pronoun cing Brinkerhoff's Corn Shelter the best ever invented. With it a man can shell his crop of corn at his leisure without an assistant, and thereby save in a short time more than than the cost of a sheller. This Corn Sheller has taken the first premi um for three years past at the New York State Fair, when but partially perfected. It has since been brought to a degree of perfec tion, which makes It complete. The following is the report of the Judges on this machine, at the treat trial of Agri cultural Implements held at Auburn, N. Y., in July, ISM, under the auspices of the New York Agricultural Society. Amon the machines on exhibition was a Hand Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner, exhibited by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn, N. Y. We have carefully examined and thoroughly tented this machine, and have no hesitation In pronouncing it the BEST CORN SHEL LED, WE EN EH SAW. It readilv adapts Itself to ears of any siae orshape, shells clean, and with great rapidity and ease, and the same operation separates the corn from the cob, and the chair from the corn, and deliv ers the corn ready for market ; and It re quires but the labor of but one person to op erate it. The whole aO'air is simple in con struction, and durable. J. S. GOULD, Pres. N. Y. Ae. So. B. P. JOHNSON, Sec. " s " S. RO BISON, Ag. Ed. N. Y. Tribune. 8. E. TODD. " " " " Reports of Arlcultural Fair Committees, and opinion of Agricultural and other Jour nals, might be cited at great length, but we content ourselves with the following letter as capping them all : (Copy of Letter from U. S. Agent for Paris Uuiversal Exposition.) No. 40 Park Row, Times Building. ,, , New York, Dec. 8th, 18i6. f Mb. J. Brinkerhoff, Esq Dear Sir: My Advisory -Commit tee, appointed to select Im plements for Exhibition at the Universal Exposition in Paris, inlSCT, haveselected and recommended to me your Corn Sheller as the beet in America. I have accepted their report, and will for ward your Shelter, If delivered here ready for shipment, on or before January 1st, 18(7. Yours Truly, J. C. DERBY. Price, 5 and $30. According to finish and 6lze of balance wheel. Sample shellers shipped on receipt of the price and warranted to give satisfaction, or the Machine will be taken back and the money iefunded upon notice within a reason able time. Address, TFM. T. DCXX, Agent, v!2-5-ly Brown vlll Nebraska. EVERYBODY! LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! LOUIS WADTER, No. 1 5 Main Street, Shcllenberger's old staud BEOWNVILLE, NEB. '" a . 1 "y "1 and 07 ' ORNAMENTAL !; KPiU f; JNJ,1 s Grainer, Guilder, Paper Hanger AND IILSEMINKH ! At the same place yon will find J.K. FRETZ fully prepared to do-all kinds of Carriage and Ornamental Paintings All work executed in a workmanlike style, on short notice and reasonable CASH TERI.IS! Only the best material used. Give us a calL . RememberrNa 15 Main Street, BROWNVILLE. Th& Nebraska AdertiseF BEST AND LARGEST WEEKLY IN THE BTATE1 r u i I ) 1 Pi i 2 If"' -s S DHY GOODS AIID GR0CEHIE3. E OB'T T3S DEALERS IN DRY GOODS & BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, YANKEE" NOTIONS.," . Crockery, Glass HOSIERY AND WHITE GOODS. And every other kind of Goods kept In a Western Store, which we will FOR Wbenever yon are in Town Call and See Us! Corner Main and McPherson's Block, BROWNVILLE, IVIKITSIV. GENERAL Groceries and Provisions We have on hand a large and well assorted stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, To TCliicli we are making constant additions, and which we are selling at Price3 as low as any House west of the Mississippi IN THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS WE DEFY COMPETITION ! JESTFLOUR OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS." HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 12-40 STTOSEPH ST. JOSEPH, MO. IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Iran lei aid "Wagon, Carriage and Plow Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL I3XI?Il.Ii:3XEIVXS, s Springs, Axes, Axels, Shovels, Spades, Files, Rasps, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts Nutts and Washers, Nails, Ilorse Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Saws, etc. Castings nnd Ilollow-waro, Sugar Kettles And irons, Skillets and Litis, Stew pots, Rake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. RLAClvSMITII'S TOOL.S, Anvils, stocks ana iics, lieiiows, sieageana Hand Hammers, Vices, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyre Iron, &c. OUTFITINO GOODS. Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains. Wagon Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Picks, Gold stuit. 1,000 celebrated Moliuc lJiows. Eagle Mowers, SrSZttUS I M'Cormick's ReMpoewraera.?d Kallers Horse Corn Planters, Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Shellers, Hay Rakes, etc., etc. Fairbanli's Standard Scales. Buying my goods direct from manufacturers I offer greafr Tnriiipmpnfn t.n IVhn.rsnJp. Jiwierst at. Union Foundry and MacUneZShop. Bumside, Crowther & Rogers, PROPRIETORS. Cor. 8th and Afessanie Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Steam EnginesMade&Repaired IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, Mill Works of all Kinds. Iron Fronts made to order on short no tice, and satisfactory to all parties. Also accent for Gardener & Robertson's Im proved Patent Governor. 4i-ly J. Pfeiffers' larlile iris, CORNER 6th and ST. CHARLES Sts. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Also Dealer In LIBE, HUB, HDBII, Plaster, WHte Sand, Fire Brick. &C, &c.f &c, &.C. li-loly WOOLWORTH & COLT, BOOK BI-NDfiBS An d Dealers in Book, Stationery, Paper HANGINGS, AND PRINTERS' STOCK. ' No. 12, 2d St., St. Joseph, Mo. CA SH PAID FOE BAG Si W. M. WYETII & COM ' "Wholesale Dealer in WM, CUTLERY, Harness, Skirting and all kinds of SADDLERS LEATHERS HARDWARE, SADDLES, BRIDLES, &v wAcents for Ditson's Circular Saws and MABVIIJ'S SAFES. No, 6 South Third, bet. Felix & Edmond Ste, 6T. JOSEPH, MO. . 451y S AS3S & GO. GROCERIES ai Wails CASH! Second Streets, DEALERS IN SWAN & BRO. II Pans, etc. Hubs, Spokes and Bent- (Innxtnhip? st Tmn rtnrl Xfp.pi. iVhrehniiJtp. f St. Joseph, Ho. JOHN PIXGEB VT. H. DOUGLAS PINGER & DOUGLAS, Wholesale Dealers in nnrriicMii rr ni ACCvinnr &c, &c. No. 7, Fourth street, ST. JOSEPH. MO. 451y LEMON, HOSE A & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc., No. 5 Fourth Street, ST. JOSEPH. A large stock always on hand. Orders so licited, satisiactio n guaranteed. 4;-iy DANIEL FRA1TCIS & Co. Steam Monumental MARBLE WG0K8! ST. LOUIS, MO. Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment Plain 6 Ornamental Monuments The Trade supplied with Blocks and Slabs. Sawing Done to Order. 21. F. BOYD, Agent, 21-ly Brownville, Nebraska UNDBRHILL & EATON, Commission Mercliants, No. 2 City Buildings, St. Louis, Mo. REFFERENCES: Second National Dank St. Louif", Mo. Allen, Copp fc Nisbet, Sit. Louis, Mo. Branch State Bank of Iowa. Debuqoe. Johnston & Bacon, Bankers FtIadison, la. Isaac Scarrit &Co., Alton, 111. Blair & At wood, klton. 111. James A. Jackson & Co, WHOLESALE STAPLE AIID FANCY GROCERS A N D Coramiaslon 3Jerclxants, No. 107 North 2nd St., ST. LOUIS, MO. Consignments of Country Prod we solitlted. From our experience in this brand of busi ness and by piving it our personal attention, we feel confident we can make It to tne in terest of parties to give us their shipments. 43-ly J. A. FIXER. T. K. BET ? OLDS. SOUTHEItir HOTEL. PISER& REYXO L, Proprietors Eight street, two blocks from R. R. Dvpot, ST. JOSEPH, MO. 4517 eavy mm IGPiIGt LTURAL 1 THE LARGEST DEfOT 07 3 A H J J i 3KT 353 23 UHL REDUCED FTJBST $z BBADLEY'S SULKY AND WALKING CULTIVATORS! TICTORIOUS AT ALL FAIRSI r-Ahead of all in the Field ! Order Early !- IMPROVED Cayuga Chief Eeaper and Ilower. PRICE JOHNSTON'S Sweepstakes of the World ! I Challenge all Self-Eake3 to a WAGONS AND CARRIAGES STTJDEBAHES T7AGOHS. THE BEST TFAGOXS 3IADE ! MARSH HAHYESTER. TWO MEN DO THE BINDING and RIDE ALL THE WHILE Samples Xoiv on Hand of all the Machines we Sell! Come s,23Ld See I?Eo I And see if I cannot suit you In goods and PRICES ! I buy my Machinery by the car Ibad thus saving freight. A full supply of all kinds of Farm Machinery in their season. F. A. Tisdel & Co., Cor. l3t Atlantic Sts., Erownvllle. H . T . MINICK, DSALEtt HGniCULTURAL IUPLECIEHTS & BRICK MillS E 31 A U A c I T Y Nebraska. REA?EK3, COItX SHELXXB3, Blacksmith's Drfll, SAW GCMMEBS, HAT RAKX3, Portable and Station ary KSGIXE3, 53CoDstaiit!y on band or ordered at short notice. 3 EACH ARTICLE We WOUld Call esncclal attention to nnr Rrrf - rr.,..-; pu draught, management, work, etc, is fast superceding ail others Combined Machine ti. EAGLE BRICK 3IACIIINE Tot wfcich wa are SOLE AGEXTS tor TTcbrassi. Frice MUU O J vJ i 1 J J J IN SJ IS. J PRICES ! S125.C0. SELF -RAKE! Cuts Six Feet! Trial, macHce against MacMna IS X E 31 A IX A c I T Y Nebraska. SsUy CuItlTstors, roats, nxrws. Farm, Schoo' Hous r and Chares Bells, S KJWe will sell at .f be lowest posslb . rites for Cash I WARRANTED! TLaVtn;. anil fnvirrlritr wMK tnr mt. mm