Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 30, 1868, Image 2

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    TIIurtSDAY, JULY 30th, 1SCS.
J. S. CHURCH, Editor.
For President In 1868,
For Vice-President,
For Presidential Elector
T. M. MA E Q UETTE, of Cass Co.
L. ALLGEWAHR .of Richardson,
J. F. WARS EH, of Dakota Co.
Member of Congress
JOHN TAFEE, of Douglas Co.
For Governor
DA VID B VTLER, of Pawnee Co.
For Secretary of state
T. P. KENNA RD, of Washington.
For Treasurer of state
JAME3 SWEET, of Otoo County
For Auditor of State
District Attorney. 1st .Judicial District-- .
- O. B. IIEWETT, of Nemaha Co.
Nebraska state ralr.
. From CoLFuniaa Just returned from
the meeting of the State Board of Ag
riculture, we learn that the Nebraska
State Fair will thisjcar beheld at Ne
braska City, commencing October 7th.
Republican Central Commit
The membersof the Republican Cen
tral Committee, of Nemaha Connty,
are requested to meet at the Republi
can Club Rooms, in Mcpherson's
Block, in Brownvllle, on next Satur
day, August 1st, at 1J o'clock, P. M.
A full attendance 19 absolutely neces
sary for the transaction of the business
which will come before it.
We learn from visitors recently at
Pawnee City, that Messrs. Curtis &
Ftavy, merchant at that place, are
erecting a new store building, which
will be, when finished, one of the
best in the State. The wall are stone,
the front being beautifully hewn pil
lars from rock found in the vicinity.
The house will be CI feet in length, 24
in breadth and three etories high in
cluding basement, making 32 feet.
The roof will be of tin ; and the entire
building fire-proof.
Brick Pomeroy, in the La Crosse
Democrat, of July 6th, previous to the
Democratic nomination, said: "It is
now as we write, as it has been for
months, and will ever be in the future,
a warfare between the slimy, corrupt,
reckless, dishonest, money-using poll
tical tricksters of New York, and the
young Democracy of the great West,
so rapidly becoming the seat of empire,
when we can both reward friends and
punish enemies."
It seems that New York is ahead.
The picture is well drawn and true
We publish on our first page this
week, for the benefit of our many
readers in Salem, Fall City, Monteray ,
Long Branch, Middleburg, and El
more precinct, in Richardson County,
the'callof Mr. Allgewahr, of Arego,
and wc hope it will be responded to
in that spirit which insures success. -Richardson
is a Republican county,
and she must give no uncertain sound
inlhe" approaching October election.
Organization and work must be done.
Personal aperations are as nothing.
Local interests must be sacrificed, if
needs be; and alljmust yield -something
for' the public good. Let all
Republicans come to the rescue, and
organize for the public good. We
hope soon to learn that Richardson
county is organized from center to
cercumfcrence, and ready for the con
flict. We know that ome precincts
are already in line ; let the others
closely follow, and we have no fear
for Richardson county.
Opposition "Without Principle.
The Democratic party is emphati
cally an opposition party. When the
North is for war then it is a peace
party. When the Nation declares
"Let their be peace," then it is a war
party. When Uncle Sam calls for
"three hundred thousand men"
then it is opposed to the draft, oppos
ed to coercion, opposed to increasing
the army. When the Nation wants
sixty thousand troops to keep the reb
els at bay, then it is for the reduction
of the army. When Congress propos
es to reduce the army from fifty-three
regiments down to thirty, then the
Democratic members vote solid against
reduction. When the nation thinks
it wise to keep the rebel Stdtcs on
probation until they show fruit meet
for repentance, then it is clamorous
for immediate restoration. When
Congress proposed to admit North
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida and Arkansas into the Union
as fully reconstructed, its Democratic
members vote solid against it. When
the Nation i9 for paying the National
debt, in accordance with the spirit
and the letter of the law, it is for re
pudiation. General Grnnt.
Our citizens learned, last Tuesday
morning, that Generals Grant, Sher
man and Sheridan, would be at the
Brownville Depot of the C. B. & St
Joe. R. R:, at 11.30 A. M., and a host
of Republicans and two Democrats em
barked upon CapL. liarret's ferry, and
tvfVp. in a sliorTiime. landed 'li the
.. -j-, , . - , t
"classic shores" of Scott City, Mo.,
whence they were conveyed by omni
bus to the depot, arriving thirty min
utes ahead of time.
After dinner, at the Fisher House,
the crowd ranged itelf around the de
pot, seeking comfort in an atmosphere
ranging from 05 to 105 In the shade,
and from the jokes, tough yarns, and
witicisms passing round, we should
judge, enjoying the situation.
, At last the shout start?, " the cars
are coming;" the whistle shrieks,
and the cars are here. The conductor
informed the crowd the Generals were
in the rear car. The editor of the Ad
vertiser makingextra good time was
the first to gain the " presence," and
thake hands with Generals Grant,
Sherman, Sheridan, Harney and Blair.
By this" time the cars were literally
crammed. The Generals arose and
eiood the hand shaking admirably, ap
parently enjoying the pleasure of the
meeting asvmuch as we. But soon the
whistle calls us off from the pleasant
interview; we leave the cars, which
fctart amid the cheers andj?houts of the
crowd, bearing the future President on
toward his future home the White
House. ' - , . . ' .
The Seymour Record. . j
When the Tweedle Hall convention
was held in New York, in January
A. D. 1861, James Buchanan wes
President of the United States, and
Congress was controlled by the Dem
ocratic party. State after State In the
South were holding conventions for
the purpose of withdrawing from the
Union. And the great question of the
hour among rebels and there sympa
thizers was, how shall we render sec
cession a success, and among loyalists
the equally great question arose for
solution how shall this insurrection
be suppressed. A convention Was
called in Washington to effect a com
promise and save the Union. The
Unionists of that convention were
prepared to grant any reasonable re
quest so that the Union might be pre
served. To them entrusted as to what
should be done, the reply of
the. rebel " element which had the
control of the entire South, was, give
Us a piece of paper, pen and ink and
tell us to write our own terms and it
shall be nothing short of eternal and
entire separation. The Union must
and shall be desolved. Now what
project does that truly loyal man Gov
ernor Seymour offer for the settlement
of our difficulties, at the Tweedle Hall
convention in January, 1861. In hi3
speech there he saj-s: "Let us also
Bee if successful coercion by the North
is less revolutionary than successful
secession by the South. Shall we pre
vent revolution by being foremost in
overthrowing the principle of our gov
ernment and all that makes it valua
ble to our people and distinguishes it
among the nations of the earth?"
Up to this time nothing had been
thought of except to maintain the
Union by force of arms if they must,
by peaceful means if they could. All
peaceful means had been tried and
failed, and the loyal heart was turn
ing to the last resort, but to be told by
Governor Seymour that "successful
coercion was as revolutionary on the
part of the North as successful seces
sion on the part of the South." That
to coerce the South the North would
be "foremost in overthrowing the
principle of our government and all
that makes it valuable to our people
and distinguishes it among the nations
of the earth." Then what does the
Governor suggest as a remedy for our
political Ills? Two months later he
says to Judge Charles H. Rugglesthat
"the best thing for the North to do is
to seek admission into the Southern
Confederacy under the Montgomery
In September, 1802, Mr. Lincoln is
sues his proclamation of Emancipa
tion, after which we have Seymour de
claringthat "if the Union could not be
restored except by emancipation, then
it ought not to be restored." During
the entire period of the war, in his
speeches and messages, we find more
of criticism of the government and its
policy of punishing rebels of the
North and South than ought else, and
never a word of commendation.
Seymour's Loyalty needs Con
We arise from the psrusal of an able
matured article in the Omaha Herald
wherein the editor of that paper la
bors to prove that Gov. Seymour is,
and has been, a truly loyal man
When "Gen. Lee and his noble army'
invaded Pennsylvania in 1S63, Secre
tary Stanton telegraphed the Govern
or of New York for troops to repel the
invaders. The Governor replies "
will order the New York and Brook
Ivn troops to Philadelphia at once.'
It is a fact that the Governor, as did
the Governors of other States, sent
troops as desired immediately. For
this the President and Secretary were
very thankful and so informed Gov
ernor Seymour through his assistant
Now, this is the sum and substance of
the proof aduccd in favor of the Gov
ernors loyalty. To our mind there
are several questions arising for which
the Herald may have satisfactory an
swers. Why did not the President
ami his war Secretary send their
thanks to the Governor of Ohio, Indi
ana, Rhode Island and Massachusetts,
for they likewise sent troops ? Why
is it necessary to labor so hard to prove
Governor Seymour's loyalty? Why,
if it is necessary, is there so little
proof of the fact? Why does not
somebody trT to prove Gen. Grant's
loyalty ?
Does this labored effort on the part
of the Democratic press to bring them
selves and their standard bearer with'
in the spirit and terms of loyalty in
dicate a great undercurrent of Union
ism on the part of the great mass of
voters, or is it a mere subterfug
mere trickery on the part of the Her
ald and its coadjutors to catch a few
votes that they otherwise could not
get. Why was it that Governor bey
inour was regarded as a trusted friend
in the ranks of our enemies and fear
ed as a foe by the loyalist ? Why was
it that the rebels shouted for Seymour
when the news of his election as Gov
ernor of New York reached their
camp, and why was it they felt so
sorrowful two years later at his defeat ?
These questions under all the eircum
stances- Mill suggest themselves to
every. fafrniinded-man, and it may be
well that he have some satisfactory
argument to rest his faith upon before
voting the Seymour-Blair ticket.
The mere fact that such questions do
arise in the minds of the intelligent
voters, taint the ticket as a little un
sound, so it would be well to clear the
matter up at an early day. But in
doing so don't be too zealous in your
work or place too mucn stress on weaK
and isolated facts, else the voter may
presume to the prejudice of your tick
et, that you have no better in reserve
If the record is clear and unanswera
ble, be bold and fearless ; if otherwise,
we suggest great caution.
The St. Joseph (Mo) Union says:
"Last Fall.. Frank P. Blair mssed
down the Mississippi River on a steam
er which lay forsome time at our levee.
A number of our citizens wentaboard
to pav their respects to him. At length
conversation turned upon the relative
merits of Grant and Sherman, when
one of the gentlemen present expressed
it as His opinion that Sherman, was-
much the abler man of the two. To
this remark. Mr. Blair promptly re
plied, "By G dl Grant knows more
than Sherman and all the balance of
them banged into one!"
The Democratic Platform Re
pudiated. Section First, " We demand the Im
mediate restoration of all the states to
their rights in the Union, &c."
Section Sixth of the Democratic
Platform, Bays, "We demand the re
duction of the standing army and
navy. The abolition of the Freed
men's Bureau."
Congress has had a bill before it for
the "immediate" admission of the
Southern States " to their rights in the
Union," and on its final passage, and
on each preliminary vote thereon, the
Democratic members voted solid
against the "restoration," and every
Republican voted for it. President
Johnson, whom they declare, in their
platform, "is entitled" for opposing
Congress, "to the gratitude of the
whole American people, and on behalf
of the Democratic party, we tender
him our thanks for his patriotic efforts
in that regard," vetoed the bill for the
"restoration" of the five States "to
their rights in the Union." And the
Republicans, unaided by a single Dem
ocrat, but opposed by every one, voted
for such " restoration," and the bil
became a law, "the President and the
Democrats to the contrary, notwith
Again : Congress has had a bill be
fore it to reduce the regular army from
fifty-three regiments, its present count
to thirty regiments, all told, and on its
final passage in the-Senate, twenty
eight Republicans voted for the reduc
tion, and none against, and four Dem
ocrats voted against its reduction, and
none for it. Thirty Senators were ab
sent. Thus, in -very important partic
ular, the Democratic Platform has
been repudiated in the " house of its
friends." What shall we say then. Are
the real sentiments of the Democratic
nartv so odious to the country that
A at - -
they dare not seek to maintain them
before the American people, and so set
forth a set of principles which they
will not maintain, but when pushed
to the wall, go for wholesale repudia
tion of the platform. Are Democrats
reduced to circumstances so straighten
that they seek to do indirectly wha
they know they cannot obtain au
thoritv to do directly. No wonder
then that the judgment of the Ameri
can people to-day is that the Demo
cratic leaders cannot be trusted. Let
justice, right, liberty, morality and
good government march on, then, in
spite of their opposition if they must
For the Advertiser.
Creditable Records.
In looking over the columns of trash
01 the Brownville smut machine, an
article headed, "Has no Creditable Re
cord," drew inv special attention. JJr,
Holladay, the editor of the smut ma
chine, aforestud, manifests great indig
nation towards Republicans lor inti
mating that Frank Blair has no cred
itable political record. The Doctor
undoubtedly is so indignant because
he, the Doc, on a very small scale, is
just like Blair. Truth is, Blair's poli
tical record is not creditable, no more
than is the record of the sapient editor
of the said smut machine. Blair is a po
litical weather-cock and trickster, and
Is, therefore, unreliable, so is the Doc
tor, as every one acquainted with him
knows. Since the commencement of
the rebellion, the doctor has done the
following things which prove my as
sertion, viz : Published .a rebel paper,
published a Union paper, made JJemo'
cratic speeches, made Union speeches,
has declared himself a Democrat, has
declared himself a Republican, favored
negro suffrage, and opposed negro suf
frage, favored arming negroes to sup
press rebellion, made Republican
speeches, was nominated and elected
by Radicals to the Territorial Council,
and has held ofhee under A. Johnson
Now he betrajrs the friends who gave
him the only honorable positions he
ever had, is again publishing a rebel
paper, and like Blair, the " dorg has
turned to his vomit." The Doctor
beiner compared to General Blair.
should not elate him too much, and it
is hoped he will not get reder in the
face than the common red jacket is
wont to make him. It is no credit to
the Doctor to be like Blair, which he
is "has no creditable record." The
Doctorexclaims,"0! the unmitigated
baseness of ingratitute " yet every is-
AT 1 . 1 t 1
sue uie saiu. binui macnine is nueu
with lies, and slanderous fabrications
about General Grant and his sol
diers. All loyal people exclaim, O!
me uasencss or sucn xngratituae is
equalled Jonly by the hypocrisy of the
giinoiet-eyed editor or the smut ma
chine. Again the Doctor says: "A
certain class of men lie for effect, ano
ther because it was bred in their bones."
How is it with the Doctor? What
makes him lie so much? Maybe his
bones have something to do with it
how is your bones. Doctor? O, they
are a bad set of old bones if lying is
any sign of bones sixteen lies in one
article of five inches in length on first
euiumai column:: ve'ii turn these
bones over to Dr. Blackburn's Phren
ologist, and demand a report forthwith
Yours, in earnest,
I nltcd Baptist Association.
July 29th, 18G8.
Notice is hereby given, that the
United Baptists, of Nebraska, will
meet in convention on Friday, before
the fourth Sunday in August, 1808,
with the Vesta Church, of the United
Baptists, of Johnson County, Ne
braska, to organize an association : all
iuai hiou w jiui uupuic wim us in me
Convention, will meet with us by dele
gations. We give an Invitation to all
whomay wish to come. Our motto is.
to employ our labor and efforts, first at
home, and in our own county ; to mor
alize and Christianize our fellowman :
and when that work is done, and well
done, we will sro abroad with the cos
pel, and invite the more distant sons
of man to come, and that without
money and without price. We ask
the privilege to U3e our money where
we can uo me most good.
The introductory sermon will be
given by Elder II. P. Freeman, at 11
Ira Moore.
Nebraska papers please copy.
For the following, we are indebted
to McFarland, the gentlemanly clerk
of the Land Office, of this city :
Is umber of acres entered at the Land
Office, afr Brownville. Nebraska.
during the fiscal year ending June
30th, 1SGS.
Entered with Agricultural Scrip, 25,firf,312
"""""T1- ll,!U.Vt)
with Cash,.. 2,i: iT
."il wrran ts ZZlVA
" a.s Final HompaUyuls wn T in
Selections by State of Nebraska, 18,307728
TotaJ, 60,226,922
The Douglass Democrats think it
wonderfully strange that their stand
ard bearers should be fie same Frank
Blair who denounced them in moh
unmeasured terms in the speeches
which he made in Indiana during the
campaign of 1300, when he branded
the Democracy as a "vile,- miserable
arty," and abused Douglas and Hen
ricks so fiercely that Voorhes called
him- (Blair) the "prince of black
guards." . . .
geyrnour in 'C3.
From the Albany Evening Journal,
published Immediately after the New
York riots, we extract the following,
not doubting but our Democratic
friends may their find the same man
upon the same platform they then en
dorsed. The Journal charges:
1. That on the 4th of July, 1863,
Horatio Seymour instructed the Unit
ed States Government and the lower
orders of the city of New York, that a
mob could proclaim the law of .pub
lic necessity as well as the Govern
ment. 2. The mob did make the proclamat
ion. and enforced it with fiendish acts
of barbarism and bloodshed.
3. Governor Seymour called that
mob together, expressed his sympat hy
with it, said that it should be satisfied,
... . 1 J 1 Al 1
and thai ne wouiu nave ine arart sus
pended and stopped.
4. Governor undertook to readPresi
dent Lincoln a lecture in Constitution
al law, directing his attention to the
"temper of the people." and threat
ened him with other acts of violent
resistance, if he pursued the course
entered upon.
We charge Horatio Seymour, in
that and kindled acts, with having
fmrsued a course of conduct designedly
n aid of the Rebels and to the retard
ing of the Union cause, and allege that
his skirts are crimson ayed with the
blood of many men, North and South
whose lives would have been saved
had he consistently and persistently
refused an manner oi open and secret
countenance and support of the Re
We charge Horatio Seymour, by
the moral support which he gave Re
bellion, and the moral discourage
ment which he uniformly gave the
Union efforts, with having prolonged
the war, as well as contributed much
to its origin, and that thus he was the
cause of the expenditure of mihons o
treasure which otherwise would have
been saved.
We charge that but for the conduct
of Horatio Seymour and Horatio Sey
mour's friends, the war would have
been triumphantly closed long before
It was, to the saving of thousands of
lives and millions of money.
We charge that the Rebel Govern
ment was only able to keep its people
with It the last half ot the war, by
encouraging them to believe that the
Seymours and Vallandinghams of the
rsorth would in the end so revolution
ize popular sentiment, that their de
mands would be granted. And it was
not until the Presidential election of
1S04, that this delusion was dispelled
But if Seymour himself had refused
the South his countenance, this feeling
would not have existed, and the war
would have ceased long before it did.
We therefore hold-that Horatio Sey
mour is jointly accountable with ..the
originators of the Rebellion, for the
fearful result of the war, and his con
uucl in regard to the drait serves as
an illustration of it.
: SrRINODALE, Neb., )
July Gth, 1868.
Hon. O. B. -Hewett Dear Sir:
Appreciating, as we do, the value of
your labors in the cause of education
and hoping that you will attend the
coming session of the State Teachers'
Association, let me suggest the pro
priety of bringing before that body the
question of what school books should
be used m our common schools, itou
cannot imagine the needless variety of
books now in our interior schools.
Go with me, for instance, into the
school room, we will observe that the
teacher calls a single scholar to read ;
next two will be called : then, perhaps,
four or more will be called with but
two books in the class, the teacher look
ing over on one of these, or setting on
at a distance, leaving the scholars to
correct each other.
Now, upon examining these classes,
we find them all in the same cla'ss
reader, that is the first reader, second
reader, or third reader, as the case may
be. bv as many different authors as
there are classes ; such as Saunders,
McGunie. Parker, &c. ISow, the rea
son of this, is we have all come from
different parts of the country, where
these several books are used.
The reason why this continues to be
so, certainly is not ior the want oi
means or of disposition to apply the
correcton ; but there are so many vari
eties they know not which to get. A
teacher may cet a set of books for this
school, another set will be required for
the next school.
Now. it does seem to me that the As
sociation ought to pass resolutions of
preference for the best series of school
books, and recommend their adoption
in our public schools, by this means
we should soon have a uniformity.
feuch a resolution would indicate to
book dealers the kind of books to keep
for sale. How many days constitute
a month? Another vexatious subject
which often causes misunderstanding
and may, perhaps, be properly decided
and made uniform throughout the
State by the action of the Association
Twenty-six days constitute a month
m nearly all employments. I hirteen
weeKs constitute one-quarter oi tne
year, which would be seventy-eight
days. Now, some claim, seventy-two
days to constitute a Quarter: others
claim sixty-six days : some claim sixty
nve daj-s, and others, still, claim trrat
sixty days shall constitute a quarter.
Now, if you think these are proper
subjects to come before the institute,
please bring them to notice. I am
sir, our most obedient. &c
Asa Emerson.
St. Deroin, Neb.,
July 23. 1868.
Editor AdvertUcr:
At a Renuhliran mepfinc held at
St. Deroin, Neb., Dr. L. Rice was
chosen Chairman and Geo. Vande-
venter, Secretary. After the object of
tne meeting was stated by the Chair
man, Mr. Do Forest Porter, Hon.
George W. Fairbrother, of Brown
ville. being present, were called upon
to address the meeting and responded
in short, concise and forceable
speeches. After which the meeting
went into a permanent organization
of a Grant and Colfax club, and unon
motion A. J. Ritler was elected per
manent chairman, Dr. L. Rice, Secre
tary, ueo. v andeventer, Cor-Secreta
ry, and Dan Fraker, Treasurer. After
wnicn tne regular club constitution
was adopted
After which the chair nnnointed
Peter Fraker. J. P. Wal tz and fipn.
Vandeventer a committee to solicit
names to constitution. On motion
the club adjourned to meet one week
from next Friday night at School
house, at 4 P. M
Lorenzo "Rick. Ch'n.
Geo. Vandeventer. Sec.
Our Railroad.
We take pleasure in savinsr that ne
gotiations are pending for the supply
of iron and rolling-stock for the M. &
M. R. A. L. Railroad, and as soon as
these arrangements are perfected the
first division, from West Ouinpv in
Memphis, will be put under contract,
as responsible parties are ready and
waiting to commence to work. It is
probable that the iron horse will be
upon the tracK between Canton and
Quincy by Christmas. Canton Press,
23d. '
The Providence Journal, in an ar
ticle on "the Blairs," says: "We op
pose Frank not for the imM hohaa
done, but for the evil he has promised
to do, and which he is capable of do
ing, and shown a disposition to a
coniplish.". "To be or not to be?" blares Sey
mour. November answers "Not to
A Proclamation Dy The Presl
Washington, D. C, July 22.-By
the President of the United fotates
f 'Congress en
titled "An Act to admit the fctates of
South Carolina. ionua, uuu""
nM, and Alabama to represents
sr, in r-nnPTPsa " passed the 25th
r iSils. it is declared that
it is made the duty of the President
rfv.?Ti tn davs after receiving offi
cial information of the ratification by
the Legislature of either of said States
of a proposed amenumeui w iuc Wu
aHhfHmi known as "Articie XIV," t
issue a proclamation announcing that
fact " "
A nd whereas, a letter was received
this day by the President (which letter
being addressed to the Preident bears
date of July 16. 1868, and was transmit
itUK hvand unoer the name of Wm. H.
Smith, who therein writes himself
of Alabama), in which let
ter was inclosed and received at the
same time by the President a paper
nnrnorting to be a resolution of the
Spnjite and House of Representatives
of the General Assembly of the State
of Alabama, ratifying the said pro
posed amendment, which paper
attested bv the signature of Charles
Miller as Secretary of State, under a
seal purporting to be the sef 1 of the
State of Alabama, and bears the date
approval of July 13, 1S68, by William
11. smitn as uovernor oi saiu otate
Now. therefore, be it known that
Andrew Johnson. President of the
United States of America, in com
pliance with execution of the act
of Congress before mentioned, do issue
this, my proclamation, announcing
the fact of the ratification of the said
Amendment by the said Legislature
of Alabama, in the manner herein
before set forth.
In testimony whereof, I have sign
ed these presents with my hand, and
have caused the seal of the United
States to be hereto affixed.
Done, at the City of Washington
this 20th day of June, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight nun
dread and sixty-eight, and of the In
dependence of the United States of
America, the ninety -third.
Seal. Andrew Johnson.
By the President :
Vm. H. Seward, Sec. of State.
Cincinnati, July 24
The Democrats of Cincinnati held a
monster ratification meeting and
opened the campaign to-nigh t. A bou
10,000 persons were present and great
Xl ' 1 I TT ft
eniuusiasm prevaneu. jion. veorge
H. Pendleton, George E. Pugh and
others were the speakers. Mr. Pen
dleton spoke at length on his financia
theory, stating that fcevmour anc
Blair are pledged to it. He endorsed
Seymour in very strong language,
Mr. Pugh said the Demo
cratic party demanded that
the national banks be abolished
and the public debt be paid in green
backs, and declared that there could
be no peace in the country until Rad
ical rule was overthrown.
Charleston, S. C, July 24
General Canby has issued an order
committing to the civil authorities un
der the Constitutions approved by
Congress, all the authority conferred
upon and heretofore exercised by him
in the States of JN orth and South Car
Washington, July 25.
SENATE The bill giving lands to
the .Denver racmc liailway, was de
bated -oyer an hour and passed. Sev
eral minor bills were referred.
Mr. Howard called up the bill ex
tending the provisions of the act for
the issue of Agricultural College scrip
to the recently rebellious States. Pas
sed - r
The bill providing that the railroad
lands be sold only to actual settlers,
was passed.
Ihe President has decided to recog'
nize Southern State officers elect until
the supremo court can decide upon the
constitutionality of the Reconstruc
tion acts of Congress, the plan for do
ing which Air. Evarts is now said to
be preparing.
Mr. Jefmes, for Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, is being opposed
bitterly by most of the Radical Sena
tors, especially those from the South,
and he will probably be r jeered.
St. Eouis, July 2j
The new postal law passed bv both
nouses oi uongress yesterday is an
important measure. The provisions
of most interest in the Weat are as
follows : The return of all letters on
which the name of the sender is en
dorsed, if not called for in thirty days;
reduces the lees on money orders
doubles the compensation of postmas
ters for the payment of money orders :
allows weekly newspapers sent to reg
ular subscribers in the county where
published, to be delivered free of pos
tage from the post office nearest the
place of publication; authorizes the
issue of duplicate money orders for
such as have been lost : makes it a
felony to counterfiet money orders :
makes it a felony of high order to use
postage stamps the second time know
ingly ; declares it shall be unlawful to
deposit in the post office any letters or
circulars concerning lotteries or gift
enterprises of any kind, on any pre
text whatever empowers the Post
master General to negotiate and con'
elude an international money order
arrangement : provides that sureties
on bonds of defaulting postmasters
shall not be liable unless the Govern
ment institutes suit within three
years alter the rural settlement of ac
counts ; allows certified copies of post
masters' returns to be used as evidence
in courts of criminal prosecutions.
Baltimore, July
The losses by flood yesterday will
foot up several millions dollars.
The morning of the 24th a light rain
began to fall which changed to almost
a deluge beiore noon, and atternoon
the river began to rise at the rate of
two inches an hour.
At Ellicott City the destruction of
life and property is great. Thirty-
houses were swept away, some con
taining whole families, were carried
with the current and drowned. Sev
eral bodies have been recovered to-day
at or near the Keiay House, about
eight miles below.
Several days must elapse before an
accurate estimate of the loss can be
made. The loss of life in Balto City
a I m .
is not positively Known.
The President has signed the fol
owing bill which is of great impor
tance to National Banks :
Be it enacted, &c. : That for the
sole purpose of reducing and retiring
the remainder of the compound inter
est notes outstanding, the Secretary
of the Treasury is authorized and di
rected to issue an additional amount
of temporary loan certificates, not ex
ceeding $2-50,000,000; said certificates
to bear interest at the rate or three
per cent, per annum, princ'pal and in
terest payable in lawful money on de
mand; and to be similar in all respects
to certificates authorized by an act
entitled "An act to provide ways and
means for the payment of the com
pound interest notes," approved
March 2nd, 1867; and said certificates
may constitute and be held' in any
National Uank owing or holding the
.a i
same as part oi a reserve in accord
ance with the provisions of the above
mentioned act of March 2d, 1867.
Baltimore, July s.
The number of persons missing and
drowned from Ellicott City, as receiv
ed to-nightj reaches 37; number mis
sing and drowned in Baltimore 6.
On the fiat boats below the Riley
House eight dead bodies were received
to-day, and nine yesterday. Most of
them have been recognized by friends
and relatives from Ellicott City.
Washington, July 26th, 1SGS.
SENATE Sundav evening 3ession
Sherman presented the credentials
of Williard Warner, Senator elect from
Alabama, for terjn ending March,
1871. Mr. Warner came forward and
was sworn in.
Mr. Nelson, of Virginia, was sworn
in as a member of the House, nve mm
utes before the adjournment.
The Senate, while in executive scs
sion, confirmed a large number of im
nortant nominations, among Which
were the following :
W. S. Rosecrans. Minister to Mex
Im? T T,. Dicker. Assistant Attorney
-General; C. P. Haywood, Collector of
Tntprnal ?.flwniifl. Third District of
Missouri. '
General Blair's letter of acceptance
excites little comment. The Commer
cial Advertiser says : Frank Blair is a
dangerous man, and he continues to
write and speak as he has done, he
will soon have ample rope to hang
himself." The Post savs: "It will do
more harm to the Democratic candi
dates than Blair's former letter which
spcnred his nomination. Itusesthe
term 'peace' in the same sense that it
was nspd bv the Copperheads during
thf war. find leaves little doubt of
Blair's action if once in power."
The Baltimore Commercial, of Fri
dav evening last, gives credit to i
Democratic orator, General Thomas
F. Bowie, for thus addressing his fel
low mrtisans :
If there be any class of men I would
sooner tax, it would be men
who furnished the means to carry on
the most unholy, wicked, and cruel
warinhistorv- rApplauae.l I would
not tax them as property, but I would
because I can read vpon the face of
these bonds a contribution to an unholy
and wicked purpose1
Mutual life Insurance Company
116 Main Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Assets - $3,500,000
Membership - 23,000
Policies issued 187 10,000
Risks covered 1807 30,35 0,000
This vigorous company now ranks among
the twent j'-flve New York companies, thikd
in number of members; fifth in amount of
It is a Purely Mutual Company.
That in. -fin association of policy holders.
managed by men selected by themselves, tor
themselves. H.acn memoer is a iuli i;inuer
in the whole business, with liability limited
to tho amount actually invested.
It thus adapts its plans to the benefit of its
members, adopts all improvements and aims
to be a
Model Life Insurance Co.
It was one of the first to adopt the popular
feature know in insurance circles as the ?UJN
FOltFEITING PLAN, and now applies it to
all the policies it issues.
It is the only company that adopts the full
benefit of the note system without doing a
credit business or destroying the cash princi
ple. Policv holders permitted to travel anywhere
in the tited States and Europe, but risks in
th far 8outh not sousht.
Few appreciate the advantage of its loca
tion at the West, where money can safely be
loaned at higher rates than the tMSU
At 6 per cent, compound interest
produces ijio,u,ta
At S per cent, compound interest
produces 40,901,61
At 10 per cent compound interest
produces 117,390,85
Dividens Must be Large.
Divldens made annually, to commence
three years after date of policy, but to eiiual
in number the years of insurance, and
Distributed to Policy Holders Only.
There being no stockholders to absorb the
surplus, or control the company for selfish
ijr-wiiK &fc;.,viu.M, iTesiaeni.
A. W. KELLGG, Swretary.
HERBER SMITH, General Agent.
I.T. MARIN. State Agent for Iowa and Ne
braska. Oflice, 43 Brady St. Davenport, Iowa.
J. II. MADISON, Dist. Agt.,
Glen wood, Iowa.
i CEHN. That the Probate Court of Ne
maha county has appointed the 21st day of
August. ims. at the office or the Probate
Judjje of Nemaha county, in Brownville, at
ten o clock, a.m., as the time ot hearing the
application or jona3 uraue to oe appointed
Administrator of the estate of Samuel Crane,
deceased. A. W. MOIIOAN,
42-3t Probate Judge.
Sternberg. Adolph Samuels and Louis
Samuels, partners of the firm of Samuels,
Sternberg & Co., PUTs., vs. Sigmond Seeman,
Dert. in the District uourt ot JNemaha Coun
ty, State of Nebraska.
The said defendant, Sigmond Seeman, is
hereby notified that the mid plaintiffs,
Jacob Sternberg, Adolph Samuels, and Louis
Samuels, partners of the firm of Samuels,
Sternberg & Co., will proceed to take deposi
tions of witnesses in the said case, of Samuels,
Stcrnlerg& Co., plaintitls, vs. Sigmond See
man, defendant, at the oflice of John McKil
lop & Co., No. 125 Pine Street, in the City of
St. Louis, St. Louis County, in the State of
Missouri, on the 20th day of August, A. D.
lSti. between the hours of ten o'clock A. sr.
and nine o'clock p. m with authority to ad
journ from day to day untUall such deposi
lions snau nave Deen taKen.
hfttel this 24th dav of .Tnnp. 1STA.
41-St O. B. IIEWETT. Att'y for riff's.
i N will be bids received, to be accompanied
Dy plans ana speeincauons, payable in casn
or bonds, for the building of a Bridge across
the Bist Muddy on a County lload crossing
said stream at the farm of John Hanna, in
Bedford Precinct, on section 29, township 4,
north of liange 14. east. The bids to be re
ceived on the 1st Monday in August. lSi8, at
which time they will be accepted or rejected
at the discretion or t he noam.
Brownville, July 13th, 1868. 140-O43
Internal Revenue Tax Xotice.
Office of the Collector )
Is.Uev. District of Nebraska, f
Nebraska City. July 1st. IrsfcS. )
V hereby given, that the Annual Tax List
of Taxes Assessed in accordance with the
provisions of the Act of Congress: To pro
vide Internal Revenue to support the Gov
ernment, to pay interest on the public debt
and for other purposes, approved June 30th
1864, and the amendment thereto, has been
returned to me by the Assessors of this Dis
trict, and that said taxes are now due, pay
MAND, and that I will, in person or by de
puty, attend at the office of S. P. Tuttle, As
sistant Assessor U. S. Internal Revenue, in
Court Room, in Brownville, on the 21st, 2M
and 2?d days of July, 1808, for the purpose of
receiving said taxes.
All persons who shall neglect to pay tne
amount of their taxes, hereby demanded on
or before the day last above named, will be
liable to pay a penalty of live per centum ad
ditional, and a fee of twenty cents for service
of a special demand and notice, together with
four cents a mile travel fees, actually and
necessarily traveled to make the serv ice there
Office Hours from 9 o'clock, a. m., to o,
. m.
July 1st. 40-2t Collector.
i -, i ;
The Brownville Transfer Company,
Cnder the management of
Is now Banning Eegular Omnibusses from
Brownville to the Railroad Terminus
of the Council Bluffs and St. Joseph Railroad,
At lTortli Star, Mo.,
Two Mile from. Brownville and Itorla siernenj
Good OmnlTmsses. Close Connections.
ao-tt Charges moderate.
Second St. Tet. Main and Water,
nf Thrown vllle
and vicinity, that they have Just commenced
a first class
Where work will be done with great care and
nn,nn, thn loioct Vjudem styles.
Bleaching done in the very latest styles, and
on short notice. . ... . TT.
Latest styles of Ladies' and Children, s Hats
and Bonnets constantly on hand. Also latest,
patterns of Ladies' Dres Goods. Cloaks, and
Children's. Clothing cut on short notice.
Tfloi ""7ir'4- r t cs
By W. II. IIoovek, Real-Estate Agent :
Southwest Visecll, town 5, range 11, 160
acres. Improved.
Nor: hwest ' sec 21, town i ran ge 1 1, 1G0 acres.
Dwelling House and two lots in Browuvllle.
B y J axes McNaughtox : "
Northeast of sec 17 town 5 range 10; in
Johnson county, 7 miles from Tecumseh.
Bt Babekt & Lett, Land Agents:
40,U0 acres of ImprovM and -unimproved
land, for sale on reasonable terms,
0 P
Serai Made
Has in carried of the hightst honor at th
principle Fairs the present season, commencing with
the New England Agricultural Fair, at Providence,
in September where it was awarded
The Highest Prize,
immediately after which came the New Tork State
Fair at Buffalo ia October, where the committee
awarded it the
First Prize double Thread Machine.
Then came the great Annual Fair of New England,
thato the '
Mechanic's Association,
at Lowell, where the highest prize the
awarded to any Family Sewing Machine, was given to
and that too in fair competition with other
First Class Machines
for five consecutive weeks where it has been exam
ined by ttie tiest mechanics in the country and pro
nounced the best constructed and most reliable Ma
chine, and one that, on account of it simplicity wouid
Accomplish More Work
la a
More Satisfactory Planner
At the Fair of the Maryland Institute, which
closed a four weeks session at Baltimore on tbeii?Ui
of November, the superiority of the .
was again conSrmed by the committee on Sewing
Machines, who unanimously awarded it the UOI.l)
MEDAL, the highest prize the Institute confers.
Oh the 12th of September the Great Fair and Ex
hibition of the American Institute was opened in
New York. As usual tbedisplay of Sewlug Maclrnes
was lame and the competition stroDg, but after s.x ,
weeks trial tbe friends of the
bad the satisfaction of seeing their favoiite again
triumphant and fur the second time bearing off tbe
highest honors of the American Institute.
Below we give an extract from ihe Report of the
committee on bewing Machines read at the cluse of
the Fair:
"The whole number of Sewing Machines on exhi
bition is thirteen, of these, tweive are entered for
competition. The article bearing the number 730
The llent on Exhibition. It mngt ai be
stated incidentally. That thi it better than arm of
itt class known to th Judge.
1st. Good Material and Thorough
2d. More absolute Novelty than
marks the usual Improvements in
Sewing Machines. -
2d The ingenious arrangement of a positive mo
tion fr adjusting the thread during fie passage ot the
shuttle and gathering up of it la the finish of the
4th. The reversible feed.
6th. The variety of the work that can be done up
on It.
We therefore decide that it receive the award of
first class.
Sisne-J WM. PRATT.
"This ts to certify that the foregoing Isatrua ex
tract from the Keport of the Judges of Sewing Ma
chine at tbe 37th Annual Fnir lb67
Sec Board Managers.
New Tork, Nov. 17th, 1867."
It would seem as though this succession of tri
umphs should be sufficient to convince any unpreju
diced person of the great superiority of the
overall others, and if more is needed to confirm
the above, we might add that, lc 1861, tbe Company
only sold 60 Machines, whilst now there are over
I! Ill fa!!
Thus establishing its reputation beyond question.
Every Machine is Warranted ! !
vzi. e. piaAirr,
613 N. 4th st a Kant side, between
Washington Ave. & Green,
frit. LouiM, 3-Io.
Circulars, Price List acd samples of work fur
nished on application.
12-12-ly For Brownville and Nemaiia Co.
Exchange Bought and Sold on all the prin
cipal cities. Also dealer in Gold and silver
Coin, Gold Dust and '
Deposits received, payable at sight. Inter
est paid on time deposits by sjxeial agree
ment. Taxes paid for non-residents.-All
kinds of U. S. Bonds wanted.
No. 59 Main Street. Srownville.
(9 Has Just opened and will constantly
jpV keep on band a large and well assorted
MniMV"tn''lf of genuine articles in his line.
Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and Jew
elry done on short notice,
mHE COMING Fall. Winter and Spring, I
-L ,"I make the receiving of orders for all
Ki nus oi r ru l ts, v lnes and tehrubs a busi ness.
My Stock Will all Is from the nearest nml
most reliable Nurseries. Kverythlng sold by
m will be WAE2ANTED as to name and
to live, when put out under ray directions. I
have In Fruit, the present season, all the
hardy and soma ar iha tonHo, virioti.. r
Grapes, to which I invite the attention of all
ln,trt,ed ln Grape culture in Nebraska.
court on
n the in day Pf j'u. w' la aU
g and Julius C. ffi.'H T eili
-usiness unler tbe nr-nToJ.'
Amberg i
txrg A Lowenstein. in tha'r , " c Am-
Umllton county, Ohio. Ia Pnnkrantl
To said Sigmond Seeman You Trl P' w
notified that a petition h LJ02 ,V? hwbT
you as above surd. xfat 7," L' nst
berg&Loewenstein hav. pd m.
you to the amount of r .S v? i,k fJas
from September 1 uh, lx wnich rn,i?h,i?rwt
rust j r i r- r.
in saia petition the fo!!oxr,T, .., v.
. . - nnvuri v
niDtcv ar al!!! '"V:- J'.CMi'
' '-,(ll.L V 1 I E
ment of vonr i ,r rr, . i i . . y a J7-
" : v mt iJMifr. Ana pava
..... .. ....... u jmriii iiierefjt. All of 1.1
actsalleg-dto We been committed with i
Y ounre required to appear before ttia f
office in Btrownvllle, iS
braska, n the 22d day of Angus!, l" to show
cause why the Dravpr nf .
not be grated. sTf V"
TN BA NKRUPTCY. This l. to glvenT
1 That on the Mb. day oi" Julr, A p
arrant In liankruptcy was inward -zainia
the Estate of James A. Frame of Nebraska
bra-ska, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on
his own petition : tl"mt ih navmmt. r
debts and delivery of any property belonging
to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, nd
the transfer of any property bv him are for
bidden by law; that a meetinz of the creditor
of the said Bankrupt to prove their debt and
to choose one or more assiirnees of hi estate,
will be held at a Court of llankmntrv to ha
holden in the Court Hwiae In Brownviilo, Ne
braska, before H. M. Rich. lWister. on the 6th
day of August, a d, 1)S at li) o'clock, a. m. .
U. S. Marshal for said District.
U0-O43 As Metwenger.
"vrancf: of assignee appointment.
XI District of Nebraska, ss. AtthcitTcf
Brownville, the 6th day of July, lvsx. Xhe
undersigned hereby gives notice of his r-
pointment as assignee of Charles P. Patlison,
of Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska,
within said District, who has been aLudzea
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by tii
District Court of said District.
HO-Q42 VM. II. IIOOVEK, Assignee.
1 District of Nebraska, m. At th citr of
Brownville, the 6th day of July, l;-. The
undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment as BHsignee of Andrew J. Scott, of
Nemaha City, Nemaha Co.. Nebraska, within
said District, who has been adjudged a bank
rupt upon uis own petition by the District
Court of said Stat.
1 10-012 WM. II. IIOOVErs Assignee,
y District of ebraska, ss. Atthecitvof
Brownville, the Kth day of Jolv, lx. The
undersigned hereby givei notice of hia ap
pointment as assigns of George W. Brinker
of Nebraska City. Otoe county, Nebraska.'
within said district, who has been adiudifej '
a bankrupt upon h!s own petition, by th
District Court "f said District.
110-O12 WM. II. HOOVER, Assignee.
i District of Nebraska, ss. Attheritycf
Brownville, the fith day of July, WW. The
undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment as assignee of John r.allantln.
I of Nebraska City. Otoe county. Nebraska.
within snicl District, who has bet-n adiudgM
a bankrupt upon his own petition, bv vh
District court of said District.
m-o42 WM. II. HOOVER. Assign Of.
1 District of Nebraska, ss. At theitv of
Brownville, the 6ih day of July. J;s. The
undersigned herein-gives notice of his op
qointment as assignee ofWHUam Ballantinx,
nmJ .
District court of said district.
140-012 WM. II. HtMJVER. Asslimee.
XN District of Nebraska, ss. Atthecitvof
i.rownviue. me titu day ot July, i-'. inn
undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment as assise of Abram S. Rhodn.
of Nebraska CItv. Ot-? county. Nebraska.
within said District, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt upon his own
upon his own petition, by th
District coirrt of said dfsf rift,
i 10-012
WM. II. HOOVER, Assignee.
Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an
order Issued under the hand of the Ijnd Com
missioner of the State of Nebraska, and la
pursuance of the Statute of such Sta'e. enti
tled. "An act to provide for the Ifc-Jtistrv of
School Land. Jcc, approved Jtine'JI, l.vrr. I,
James M. Hacker, County Clerk of the
County of Nemaha, will.
On tliel itli day ol September
next, at fen o'clock in the forcntn, and con
tinue till twelve o'clock, noon, of that day,
offer for sale at my office. In the Court Houso
in Rrownville, In said county. In the order
.advertised, at public auction, and sell tc the
highest bidder, but, at ot less tha.x tub
appraised value, nor. In any case, for
than the minimum price of skvf.m Dollars
per acre, the following described piece or
parcels of land, situated In the County of Ne
maha, ami State of Nebraska, known a
"School Land," belonging to to the said State
of Nebraska, In parcels of not exeeeding forty
acres of prairie, or ten acres of timber land
for the use and benefit of the "School Fund"'
1 of said State of Nebraska, and that such sale
will be continued from day to dav. from thj
hours of ten o'clock In the forenoon, to
twelve o'clock noon, 'Sunday excepted), un
til all such lands shall be oiiered. to-wtt :
trlct (. ourt of th i t-"e r'-
of Nebraska, i;-1 for lu
1 Seeman, ajain mtier of g.'z-
onof hHrnr.r..'"' a rU;!on i,.r
flue In one day. for tbe i7lvn
debtor to the ordrr of petition ra 8aia
- . . . . 7 J-i ll
Description r " I1 S
I g I I
AU ;w 4 12
All 36 5 12 6r
AU : 6 12
All 1 4 13 64d
All ?H 4 11 6)
All ih ry n e)
All 31 11 K-tO
West half 11 & 13 :tX
South east quarter 11 6 13 1
All .TtJ 13 64
All 14 4 II 1
All ZT, 4 II 6-n)
All 14 5 11
Lotsfl, 7,849, whf Jkseqrswqr'W 5 11
All M 8 14
All oii i U 1
All 14 n r, 6fi
East half and north west qr VA 5 1 -I)
South west quarter 14 tt IS l
South half ,'5i 6 1 .tX
Lots 1, 2, 3 and sw qrof ne qr 3rt 8 ii 3d
Northeast quarter M 5 II 11
South west quarter 22 5 11 !
North east quarter IN 5 II 1
South east quarter 32 5 II !
south west quarter 5 4 II IrtfJ
South east quarter 5 4 II 140
South east quarter 6 4 14 lJJ
Cash in hand, or at th option of the cur.
chaser, ten per cent cash down on prairf
lands, and ilftv per cent on other lands, at.
1 the time of sale to be paid to the County
Treasurer, of said County, with a promissory
note for t fie unpaid purchase monev DnvsMe
I on or lcfore the 1st d;ty of January, A. D. ly0,
with Interest annually, payable in advance,
at the rate of ton per cent per annum, up to
the arst day of January next aftor tin date of
such note, and tne tirt day of January
thereafter, up to the frt d;y f Jaauary.
next succeeding, such payment, secured bv .
! the endorsement or xiirnj':irs. km Joint m.t
kers. of two responsible fret-hoider of said
County of Nemaha, on all sums of Five Hun
dred Dollars or less, sn J one additional en-
dorser. or Joint maker. oILike responsibility
and residence, for every additional sum of
Five Hundred Dollars or fractional part '
1 thereof, of said unpaid purchase money, and
the execution by the purchaser purchasing
on credit In duplicate, oneofwhit:h will r
retained by the County Treasurer of said
County, for the use of the tate. and the other '
to be delivered to the purchntfr. Uie contract
of sale hereinafter mentioned.
The purchaser pavlnz the full amonnt cf
the purchase money foe the lands purchased
at such sale. thcTreasnrer of said County will
deliver a Receipt and a Inipliet Kecelpt
containing a description of the land sold, and
an acknowledgement of ihe payment ot Ui
purchw monev. and on presentation of
either of which to the lAnd Commissioner at
any time after fifteen davs from, the dale of 4
sueh ICeceir.t shall entitle the purchaser to a
title, to said land. In fee simple from the said
state, and the delivery of a deed on the snr-
renuT to sucn Commissioner of thecther Re
ceipt ; and to purchasers, purchasing on cred
it, tne saiu treasure will execute in dur'1- '
cate, one of which shall be delivered to the
purchaser and the other retained lur tbe n
of the State, after beinjr siuned by the pur
chaser, a contract of sale for the land pur
chawed, con litioned that, upon the payment
of the unpad purchase money, and the inter
est thereon according to the conditions of
such note, the purchaser shall be entitled to?
duplicate Receipts of payment and purchaso
for such land; that no waste shall be com
mitted upon the land therein dcx.rlbel, that
no timlT shall be cut thereon, except neces
sary tire wood of the occupant of such land,
and for improvements thereon, and ln casj
def;mlt Rhall be mule l:t the payment of the
Interest or principal or any part thereof, or If .
any such comlitlons shall le broken that then
the lands therein described shall be snrren
ed by the purchaser, his heirs or a-i!rns
withthe Improvements thereon, to theStt
and said contract shall be void and of no
Dated, Brownville, Jnn 2d,
nra County Clerk.
Agent for the M. l EiprtM Ce., and
XV. V. Telegraph Ce.
No. 7a Mcrherson's Block, tip stairs. .