Jvw-vi;.- r i v flM jT. - aT I i CHUEOH, GOLHAPP 6 CO., pr.crmrror, . Hrhersok' I'cKk, noor, Han Entrance, BroTvnvillc, IVeT. TERIIS: One oovy one ynr 8 ? on Klve copies one year 8 To Tn coj.ioa one year Twenty copit one j-ear.. 1 to . iO 00 BOOK WORK, And Pi-Aiir ad Fanct Job Woek, done In good Bt yle and at reasonable rates. Cards of five lines or less, ? a year. Each additional line JL Dc FOREST PORTER, . Attrey at l.w aad Ltfed Ajtat, Offlc In Court nous, -with Proljate Jodge. . TIPTON, HEWETT A CHURCTI, Attormcyf ad ConmtUn at Lw, OCVce Ko. 7 McPbrwon'a B1a-k. up gtalrs. TIIOMAS & KROADY, Attya at Law A Solicitors la CKaneery, Ofl In District Court IVom- S. M. RICH, Attoraey at Uw and Lad Agent. Office In Court Honne, flrst door, ywt aide. WM. H. McLEXKAX, AtUraey aad CenUr at Law, Nebraska City, Nebraska. . li. t 1'CRKIJfS, Attorney and Caaattlor at Law, Tecumneh, Johnson Co., Neb. CHESTER F. NYE, Attorney at Law and War Claim Agent, Pawnee City, fawnee Co.. Neb. X. K. GRIGGS, Attorney at Law A Real Estate Agent, Beatrice. Ga?e County, Nebraska. LAND AGENTS. It V. 1TUGHES, Ileal Estate Agent and Justice of Peace, OSce In Court House, first door, west side. BARRET &. LETT, Land Agents A Land Warrant Brokers. Xo. 81 Main Sircct. WiU attend to payuHJ 7 axes for Xon-rcsidcnls. Personal attentivn ytien to iwikxny Locatioiis. Land, improved tuid unimproved, for tale on reasonable term. WM. 1L HOOVER, Jteal Estate attd Tax Paying Agent. Office in District Court Room. Will giie prompt attention to he tale cf Ural Estate and Itymciit vf luxes throughout tin: Kematta Land District, JOXAS HACKER, Collector for tht City of Brown-rllle, WUl attend to the l'aymeid of Taxes for iV JZestdent IstinU Ou-rurrt tn .Vwiato (JjuiUy. (JurresiHjiUtrnce tinUated. DORSET, HO AD LEY & CO., Heal Estate Agents.and Dealers In Land Warrants and College bcrlp, Xo. 27 Main Strett. Buy and ril imprwed and uniiiijrrovcd land. Euy, tell end locate issnd U urratut, and A'jrx cuUvral -rrp. tXireJul teUciuint of (Jovtm mrnt LanUtjur Loraituti, JlumesiaiU, and Jre emjiti'tm mads. jlUctul to tlinicstrd JloiiuuttciiL, and Wre-etitpiufR cu. i Itic ljmnd ujice. L.et tert of iitf iry promptly atd curtj uuy unsuertd. VurrcJij'uitdi Hce olu:Ucd, McUVUGIILIX t 1UCIL Tteal Estate and Land Agents, Wui aUeitd to makinj telectioii of Land for Emiiranl, or Local unu Jor Sun-rraintU ; at tend to coiUctted cotes 0are the Land Vpicc, and wiU do all business pertaining to a Jirtl class Real Estate Agency. PHYSICIANS. IL L. MATHEWS, PHT81CIA3T A!SD SCIIGEOX. Offict? No. 2 1 Main Btreet. A. 5. HOLLADAY. M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office Hollad ay fc Co'a Drug Store, Graduated in lfvil ; Located in BromivUle in ISoti. J'ju on hand omjdete irts of Amputating, JYrphuung and iMfStelncxd Instrument. i. n. special attention given tn Obstetrics and Ve disease if U'ontea ami Children. C F. STEWART, L D., PHYSICIAX AXD SIRCEOS, Ojnce Xo. 21 Main Street. Office Hours-?; to 9 A. 3., and I to 2 and 6Ji to - i r. m. W. IL KIM BERLIN, OCCL1ST AXD At U1ST, , Rooms at the Star Hotc-L WiU Treat all disease of Vie LZye and Ear. MURCIIAJ.TJISE. GEORGE MARION, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac., Xo. Main StreoU WM. T. DEX, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commission and r'orwardlng .Merdisut, Xo. 26 Main htrett. Oom Planters, J lows, Stoves, Furniture, dr., atway on hand. JItghest market price patdfur litdtt, J-ttU, J-trs and Country jTvduce. G. M. UEXDERSOX, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES, Xo. S3 Main Street. J. L. McGEE &. CO. Dealers In General Merchandise, Xo. 2 Mcl'herhou's Block, MtJn St. DRUG STORES. HOLLADAY A CO., Wholesale and Rctad Dealers in Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc., Xo. 41 Main Street. McCREERY fc XICKELL, Wholetalt and JieiaU Dealers in Drugs, Books, Wallpaper A Stationery No. 32 Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. CHARLES U ELMER, BOOT AXD SHOE MAILER, So. 62 Main Street. Has a hand a rttjrior stock of Hoots and Shoes. Custom Work done urUh neatness and durjtatcK. A. liOISIWN, BOOT AXD SHOE MAKER, No. 5 8 Main Street. Has on. Kami a pol assortment of Gents, Ladtc's, bases' and ChiUiren't Boot and it hoe. Custom Work done with neatness and dispatch. Repairing done on stiort notice. HARDWARE. JOHN a DEUSER, Doaler In Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Ac. No. 1 9 Main Street. SHELLENB ERG ER BRO S Manufacturers ATalers In Tinware, Ko. 1 4 Main St-i McTherson's Block. Stove. Hardware, Carpenter' t Tools. Black snulA 's liriulijjif, do., constantly on hand. SADDLERT JOHN W. MIDDLETON, UARXESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc No. 64 Main Street Whips and Lashe of every description, and Jtastcrtng J lair, kept on luuul. Vumi paid Jor J 1 iocs. 1. IL, EAUEIi, Manufacturer and Dealer tn ' nARXESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc Xo. 60 Main Street. Mending done to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. SALOONS. CHARLES BRIEGEL, BEER 11 ALL AXD LCXCII ROOM, No. 2 Main Street. GARRISON & ROBERTS, BILLIARD HALL AXD SALOOX, Baaement, No. 4S Main Street. Tht best Wine and Liquors kept constantly en nana. vx-nu. JOSEPH HUDDARD A CO, SALOOX, No. T Main Btreet. The tost Wln and Liqnort kept cn hand Cards of five lines or t" a year. Each additional line, tL riOTXES STAR HOTEL. STEVENSON & CROSS, Proprietors. On Levee Street, between Main and Atlantic. This House is convenient to the Steam If oat Ijandinrj, and the business part of tfic City. The vest accommodation in the C liy. So pains u-ill be nared in making guests coutfnrtahle. Good Nolle and OtrraU convenient to the House. PEXXSYLVAXIA HOUSE. MICHAEL FINK, Proprietor. Jfo. 46 Main Street Meal at an Hours, cr for Regular Boarders, at the usual rates. AMERICAX HOrsE. L. D. R0B1S0N, Proprietor. Front St, between Main and Water. A good Feed and Livery Stable in connection tcaJi Vie JIuvse. - " BLACHSLHTIIS. J. II. EE.VS0N, Blacksmlthlng and Horse Shoeing, Shop No. 8 0 Main Street, nrrr W Trinfl-rmithinn nf nil kind. Make Tfrrr Khnriyirr Irnniuo of WaoonS and SleiUhS. and Machine Work a MpevialUy. J. V.. i J. C GIBSON, BLCKSMITIIS, Shop on First, between Main and Atlantic All tcork done to order, and satisfaction guar- rantevd. JOHN FLORA, BLACKSMITH, Shop on Water St, South of American House. Custom Work of all kinds solicited. COXTECTIONERECS. WILLIAM EOSSELL, Confectionery and Toy Store. No. 40 Main Street Fresh Bread, Cakes, Oysters, Fruit, etc., on hand J. P., DEUSER, Dealer In Confectioneries, Toys, etc. No. 44 Main Street WILLIAM ALLEN, City Bakery and Confectionery, No. 3T Main Street. Fancy Weddinn Oikes furnished on short no tice. Best Family Flour constantly on hand, OTARIES J. a McNAUGnTON, Xotary Public and Conveyancer. Office in J. L. Carson's Bank. Aarrd fyr " National Life" and "Hartford Livt Stock " Insurance Ootir, anirs. FAIUliROTIIER fc HACKER, Xotary Public and Conveyancer, Office in County Court Room. O. VT. r ATRI'SOTnEIt, JAMES m. hackee, Notary iniblic tjouury cierit. ATNTENG LOUIS WALDTER, House, Sign and Ornamental Painter. Shop No. 15 Main Street G. T. BERKLEY, House, Carriage and Sign Painter. No. C6 Maia St, np stairs. Graininn.Guildinrt.dlazina and Paper Hang ing dme on short notice, favorable terms, and uarranted. NEWS DEALERS. A. D. MARSH, Bookseller and Xews Dealer. City Book Store, No. 50 Main Street Postoffice Building. BARBERS. W -N- W W J. L. ROY, BARBER AXD HAIR DRESSER. No. 55 Main Street TTns n mtfmrf'rt mil of Utilh Utoms. Also a choice st'jck of Gentleman's J'oixons. RAIN DEALERS GEO. G. START & BR0-, DEALERS IX GRAIX, PRODUCE, Ac. Aspinwalt, yebrajska. The highest market nrlce ikiM for anythinc the Farmer can raise. We will buy and sell everything; known to the market WORTHING & WILCOX, Storage, Forwarding and Commission mercnants, And Dealers in all kinds of Grain, for which Oicy pay the Iligliest Murkrt JYice in OMh. AUCTIONEERS. BLISS & HUGHES, GEXERAL ACCTIOXEERS. WiU attend to the sale of Real and Personal Property in the Xematia Lai id District. Terms reasonable. JAGOMARERS FRANZ HELMER, Wagon Maker and Repairer. Shop West of Court House. W 'actons, BvT'ies. Piou s. Cultivators, Sc., re- patrt-d on short notice, at low rales, and unr- ranzea to gne sat taction. TCOTGRAPHERS A. STAFFORD, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, No. 47 Main Street up Btalrs. Persons u-Uhing lectures executed in the latest style of the Art, uUl call at my Art Gallery. GARDENERS E. n. LURCHES, Landscape Gardener A Horticulturist. Will plant crops in Gardens, and cultivate same by contract. EOJJNTY CLAIM AGENTS. SMITH. F. TUTTLE, C. S. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR. OfTir-e in District Court Room. Xotary Public and United Statrt War Claim A . n . Will attend to to prosecution of claims bejore the Department, for A dditlonal 'Botmtv, Back J ay and ltnsMn. AUo the collection ct Scmi-Annual Due on I'cnsums. J. V. D. PATCH. Manufacturer and Dealer in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc., etc. No. 32 Main Street t Sirr and Silver-Plat -d Ware, and all Ues vf t-ctacles constantly on hand. Repairing done ut the neatest ttyle, at short notice. Charges moderate. Work warranted. KEIS WETTER A EIRRMAX. BrownvlUe City Meat Market. No. 60 Main Street IXUSIC. METROPOLITAN BRASS BAND. r.t.u w IIA.Il, XEBlSKA. Is st all time prcpnred to plnr for the rnb 11c at any point within l.V) miles of this citv on reasonable terms. Addn-J 5 ' 41'3m ! C S jf'rrH, Lender. MRS. J. M. GRAHAM, TEACHER OP MCSIC. Rooms, Main, bet 4th & 5th Sts. Leuon riven on Ae Piano, Organ, Melodeon, Guitar and 1 aeration. Having k,d eight veeri experience a, teacher of Wi,, k"2Z confident ef firing tatitfaciion. A. W. MORGAN Probate Judge and Justice of the Peace Oflee In Court House Building. M,MMo"asmMnMaMMwas JXWXLERS BUTCHERS. IAAA I V I i,V The Fundln? Kill. The House has matured, and will probably pass, a bill to fund at a lower rate of interest the present funded Debt of the United States. Its prin cipal features are as follows: 1. The new bonds are to be redeem able at the pleasure of the Govern ment after forty years. 2. They are to draw interest at the rate of $3,65 on every $100 due. That is to sav: Each Five-Twenty" bond of $1,000, which now draws iiiO inter est per annum, is to be exchanged for a new bond drawing but $36 interest per annum. 3. The new bonds are to be abso lutely untaxable by Federal, State or local authority. 4. In lieu of our present Sinking Fund, the sum of $135,000,000 in spe cie per. annum, collected each fiscal year from Duties on Imports, is feet apart and pledged to the payment of the interest and reduction of "the prin cipal of our National Debt. 0. 2io commissions shall hereafter be paid on the exchange of one form of National Debt for another, or on the sale of any coin or bullion for ac count of the Treasury. 6. All exchanges of bonds on be half of the Government are to be effected by public competition, after advertising for proposals. 7. Henceforth, the income tax due or accruing upon our existing bonds is to be deducted at the Treasury in pay ing the interest on such bonds. 8. All authority to issue new bonds of the United States, save in exchange for old ones, is revoked and annulled. This bill has good features ; but is it a practicable measure? In other words : Is it probable that those who now hold 1,000 bonds of our Govern ment, whereon they draw an interest of $00 each per annum, will rush to the Treasury and offer them for ex change into new bonds of like amount drawing but $3G$ each per annum? "NVonldn't it be advisable to pay a half per cent, to whoever shall induce them (or part of them) to do so. "We shall certainly be glad to hear that the holders of our Five-Twenties are ready and eager to make such an exchange ; but we do not understand the inducement. And we apprehend that the cutting off of all commissions precludes all hope of any general or rapid refunding of our Debt. As to the $135,000,000 clause, it seems to savor of Repudiation. Here are the provisions of law which it proposes to repeal : 1. All the Duties on Imports to be collected and paid in coin ; 2. Said coin to be specially devoted, Fint, to the payment in Coin of the interest on the bonds and notes of the United States ; Second, to the annual purchase or payment of one per centum of the entire Debt of the United States. That is to say : 13y existing laws, the whole revenue from imports is to be collected in coin, and the total in terest of onr National Debt paid there from, with one hundredth part of the principal every year. It seems to us that the House bill substitutes a less for a more complete security to the National creditors, and so is unjust. e ardently trust that a good Funding bill may be passed at this session, and that the rate of interest may not be fixed so low that no one will accept it. Da let us have the work of funding our National Debt in an Americal Consol well begun at the earliest moment. But let us have no quackery, no demagoguism, and no taint of repudiation. JV". Y. Tribune. Frank Blair's Platform. "We have no wish to misrepresent the sentiments of our opponents, and so we give place to the full text of the Blair platform. The acta of A. J. are mild and conservative compared with what this disappointed and ambitious member of the Blair family proposes to do. He is a Louis Napoleon with out the latter's brains or shrewdness. The idea of a Presidential coup de etat, a taking of the responsibility with a vengeance, the result of which is to be-the utter subversion of consti tutional government ; the declaration that certain laws are null and void, may be democratic enough to suit the rebels, in whose interests the liws are to be set aside, but will hardly meet the approval of thinking men and loyalists. Frank P. Blair the man who managed the burning operations in Sherman's march through Georgia to the sea-board will be in a mad house before he will find himself in a position to carry out his little pro gramme for the destruction of our Be publiean form of government. "We commend the Blair platform to the careful perusal of our Conserva tive and Democratic friends. Nation al (Geo.) Republican. The Dirtiest Thing Yet. When General Grant left "Washing ton to come West, he was followed by a sneaking spy in the employ of the New York World, who wrote dirty letters of personal abuse to that paper about the General's trip. The only fact which this hired sneak really discovered during his journey was that three glasses of beer were actually taken into the car which General i iron f o n i a t-q t-ttt nWm 1 -n occupied, but wliether the saidbeer was consumed by the General or bv others of the party the 6meller could not positively state. The same con temptible spy, after trailing around after the General, when he went to visit relations in Ohio, and finding nothing bad to report, was finally ob served and accosted by a friend of the General, and the fellow admitted that he was sent bv the Tl'orW to find out what he could to the discredit of the General but that he had orders to re port nothing in his favor. According to reliable information over 8,000 persons left the port of Bre men alone, during the week preceding Easter, for the United States. Dissat isfaction with the condition of public affairs, and the fear of an impending war has taken so firm a hold upon the people of Southern Germany in partic ular, and even of Austria that it seems as if the number of immigrants for the current year would only be limited by the capacity of the carrying fleet. The immigration fever has never, until lately, became epidemic in Aus tria, but now, the people of certain districts seem to be animated with a universal desire to throw off their allegiance to despotism, and seek new homes in the republic beyond the sea. The New York Commonwealth is getting up a life of Seymour. It fur nishes the following chapter as an "advance sheet;" CHAPTER XTI. SERVICES OF GOVERNOR HORATIO SEYMOUR IN BEHALF OF HIS COUN TRY DURING THE REBELLION. Mr. Seymour was of no service to his country during the rebellion. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, Treasury Frauds George II. I'enuieion. Correspondence JS. Y. Tribune. The Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton, in his ppeech at Grafton, Va., which I read in the Tribune of this date, referring to the fraud3upon the Treasury, holds the Republican party responsible for the prevailing corruption. As a neigh bor of Mr. Pendleton, and one who knows something of the "Whiskey Ring, I win, with your permission, ay a word on this subject, and what I write will not be denied by Mr. Pendleton, or any one speaking au thoritatively for him. ,,. 1L . It is well known to the public that the taxes on whisky are stolen to the extent of $00,000,000 to $75,000,000 per annum. It is further known, that this money goes chiefly into the pock ets of the members of the Whisky Ring, who are the partisans of Presi dent Johnson are sustained and pro tected by him, and he, in turn, is sus tained and protected by them. In Cincinnati, no man can be appointed to office, or if he can be turned out by the President "without the advice and consent of the Senate," can be retained in office, without the permis sion of the Whisky Ring. These facts are known to Sir. Pen dleton, even better than they are to your correspondent. As it is in Cin cinnati, so it is throughout the country. It i3 amazing, thereiore, that Geo. H. Pendleton should boldly proclaim the Republican party responsible for frauds committed by Democrats ap pointed to, or kept in office by a Dem ocratic President, against the efforts of a Republican Congress. But, furthermore: The Whisky Ring in Cincinnati is composed of about twenty persons, who receive and distribute the spoils, and of these men, and of the corrupt Government officials who co-operate with them, every one i3 a partisan of the Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton. The man who acted as the confidential friend of Mr. Pendleton in the New York Conven tion participates in the profits of the Whiskey liing, and the personal in fluence and money of the entire gang were used in behalf of Mr. Pendleton previous to and in the Convention. Still further: By referring to the telegrams published in the report of the Impeachment Managers, you will find two or three of the most confi dential character addressed to Mr. Pendleton by C. W. Woolley, who represented the Whisky Ring at Washington. And this same Woolley attended upon the New York Conven tion, in the interest of Mr. Pendleton, and kept that gentleman fully advised of his pro -pens. In fine, Mr. Pendleton, in Cincin nati, is completely in the hands of the Whisky Ring. Had he been made President, the Ring would have con trolled the appointments ; and should he bemad? Secretary of the Treasury, under Seymour, in the event of the success of the Democratic party in November, the Ring would still con trol the revenue offices. It does not lie with Mr. Pendleton, therefore, who is surrounded by and absolutely tied to, the Whisky "Ring, to rise in public and hold the Republi can Congress responsible for the Treasury frauds, or to promise reform in the event of Seymour's election and his own elevation to the position of Secretary of the Treasury. I do not believe Mr. Pendleton to be per sonally corrupt,' and as a man I have great re-spect for him, but unfortu nately he is in a position where he could not, if he would, shake off the Whisky Ring. He has accepted their favora to such an extent that he i3 vir tually sold to them. ClNCLNNATI. Attention, Republicans ! With the nomination, at New York, of Horatio Seymour, by the National Democratic Convention, the Presiden tial campaign has been virtually open ed, and is going to be fought, by both parties,. with energy and vigor. It is, therefore, time that the Re publicans of this County, should also organize, and being to agitate for the good of our cause. At the last Rep ublican County Convention, the Cen tral Committee was instructed to ap point an Executive Committee for each precinct, who were to tend to the organization of clubs, the distribu tion of campaign documents, ic. But, as is well known, a good many changes have been made of late in the several precincts and as we have received large accessions to our population by immigration, the Committee is unable to appoint such Executive Committees. The shortest, easiest, and most prac tical way to efiect an organization, would, therefore, be that the Repub licans of the several precincts meet, organize in clubs by choosing officers, and send a statement of the names of officers, with time and place of meet ing to the Southern Acbraskian, for publication, in order to insure concert of action. Republicans, organize, our oppon ents have done so already and although our State is sure for the Republican ticket, yet our county is rather a doubt ful case, "This fall we have to elect State and County officers.'and we should work, with all legitimate means to redeem our county and re-establish our good old reputation. iiet us go to work with a hearty good will and with such leaders as Grant and Colfax, we shall con quer our county as Grant conquered Vicksburg and Richmond. L. ALLGEWAHR, Member of Central Committee. dr. Trumbull, of Illinois, has intro duced into the United States Senate a bill concerning the rights of married women, which gives them everything that the law can give them, except the privilege of voting. It provides that every married woman shall hold, enjov. convev. dpt-ip nH her property, make contracts, and sue and be sued in all matters relating to her property, precisely as if she were single. There is no reason why the uia snould not pass. Just such a law uao ureu m iorce in- ranee for half a centurv, and one nearly as liberal in New York fnr tn-ontr t-r.. ,,.;v,nrlt . . lutuuui doing any mischief, but, on the con trary, a great deal of good. It is time that every vestige of the feudalism of the dark ages, which went on the as sumption that men's wives were their uuuc uuj Willi. NOOe- Cent mnn wants hi nrifatn nnn v.;a debts out of her property, or to take j-fc tor ms own use without her consent ; and Mr. Trumbull would merely enact what public opinion has - - On oner of the Long Island Sound ooais, on 'lhursday mght last, the in quiry was made of . "RliftHo Tdonrl Democrat (a delegate to the Tammany wimtnuouj wny "sucn an unpopu lar ticket was nominated ?" "Oh was the reply, "as the party was bound to be beaten anyhow, it was uauugat tesc xnai -we should have good whipping while about iL" a VV, i 1 i i ! I i f I . ; I. I I THURSDAY, JULY 30, Gen. Grant's Habits. A COrresnandpnr. xrritra tTi fnllnw- ing note, and as the same hiquiry is frequently made by others who hon estly fear to trust the highest office in u: nation in the nands or a man given to the excessive use of intoxicat ing liquors, we give some space to the matter in reply to our correspondent's w men is as loiiows : Editor liladp. Thprp ft prpat deal of inquiry here in regard to Gen. vramys moral character; and in re gard to his use of spirituous drinks. There are a good many copperheads who charge that he is a great drunk ard. Please inform us through the columns of the Blade whether there is any foundation for these charges or nfrt, and oblige, Mant Readers. We thought the silly charges trump ed up some time ago acrainst Gen. Grant'a character for sobriety had been so thoroughly refuted that they would need no further attention. Some months ego. Theodore Til ton editor of the New York Independent was in Washington, and was imposed upon with the silly story that General Grant had been seen on a Sunday drunk on the streets of Washington. With greater haste than wisdom he hurried effa letter to his paper giving currency to the charges. It was a mean thing for a man in Mr. Tilton's position to do, and he was soon heartily Ashamed of it, and sorry that he had allowed himself to be thus imposed on. There was not a particle of truth in the story, and Mr. Til ton, as soon as he was satisfied that he had been im posed upon, made the amend honora ble. We know that during the war stories of Grant's drunkenness were circulated by his enemies, but on in vestigation the charges were, in every instance, found to be without founda tion in truth. The lamented President Lincoln remarked to one who went to him with this charge against Grant, that he wished all his Generals would use Grant's whisky. Before the Chicago Convention this charge against General Grant was thoroughly investigated by a number of gentlemen who felt very keenly the disgrace that has been brought up on the country by Andrew Johnson's drunkeness, and who were determin ed to oppose his nomination if there should dc any truth in the charges. They were soon completely satisfied that the charges were maliciously false in every particular, and that Gen. Grant was a man of strictly temperate habits. If the Democrats to whom our cor respondent refers will consult the most influential and respectable papers of their party, they will find that this charge against the General was some time ago abandoned by them. There are, of course, through the country, some insignificant Democratic sheets, of neither character nor influence which persist in the charge. It mat ters not to such as these whether it is true or false. It serves their purpose to injure as they think, a political opponent, and that is all they care for. Gen. Grant Is a regular attendant at one of the Methodist churches in Washington, and those who know him best are the most emphatic in their praises of the purity of his life. His public history has been such a3 to give the lie to the vile charges of dissipation. Oar correspondent and his friends, who have had some anxiety concern ing this matter, may quiet their fears. They will never have occasion to blush for General Grant when he becomes President, as thev and the whole coun try have had to do for Andrew John son. From the Toledo Blade. The "Black. Man." BY JOSH BILLINGS. The Black man emigrated tew this free and pius country about 200 years formerly, in the lower story of a ves sel ; he was kindly furnished with a free ride, anisome rice and water for vittles. Inimejitly on hiz arrival he com menced biznes, for other folks, on our Eastern coast, and had plenty to do. He was very ekonomickal in his habits of cloths, wearing but fu, and those seldom, made out of cassimere. He okkashunally changed his loca tion, ' moving into an adjoining State, but in these journeys he was always furnished with a guide, so that there was no danger of getting lost. In these trips he seldom took his family with him ; they were allowed to remain at hum or made excursions to other States in search of work un der the guidance of experienced guides. Once in a while the Black Man would stray in the cold bitter North, and get cruelly lost t Hiz guides would mourn for mm then and search for him but his fam ily soon get reconciled to the loss. Everybody sed, where he lived, that he was the happiest critter that had ever been discovered yet, with noth ing to do but work, and a kind guide to" watch over him all the time, and mourn for him when he got lost. But the Black Man is a very phool ish critter". After 200 years ov this blis3, he grew cross to his guides, and would not fol low the guides, and the conzequentz iz that the guides have got mad, and I am afraid that the Black Man will have to take care of himself now. He will find it very different now from what it was before. He has got to educate his own young ones now, and learn them how tew spel correcktly, one of the most difficult things in the world ; and he bas got tew vote, and keep his familee togeather, and pay when he rides in the street kars. I am afraid that the Black Man haz made a mistake ; if he has it is a bad one, for his guides will never take him into their hands again never. They are mad, and don't like the way the Black Man quit them when they wuz driv with buznis and after they had took so much care of him for so many years. I feel sorry for the guides ; they al- wuz seemed to nave a grate interest in the Black Man, but they are mad now, and I don't know as I blame them much, for Black ingratitude iz the poorest kind of pay. It nerhans would be well enufffor me to stait for the benefit of new be ginerl, the Black Man formerly resi ded in Africa before he came here to look for work. John Pool, elected as Senator in pAtHTroia liv thd T,rris;1atlire of NOTth Carolina, for the long term, is a native of the State, 45 yeare old a former Democrat in politics, and a very able nlihod fpntlenian. Gen. Joseph C. Abbott, elected for the short term, was born in ivew Hamp shire, and has resided in the Sonth since his retirement from the Lmon army. He was at one time a journalist- A spirited candidate Frank Blair. 1868. The German Element.- A few days since we published a translation of the resolutions passed at a German ratification meeting, held at Turner Hall on last Saturday eve ning. The resolutions breathed the true spirit of Republicanism, and one especially should be heeded by Re publicans that which demands for the German element full recosmition at the hands of the party with which they act. They furnish us with several hundred active, earnest, in telligent votera, and are entitled to representation on the ticket to bo sup ported at the November election. The j Germans have men among them cap-! able of filling and of the positions ofj which they may aspire, and their j claims are such that it would be suicidal policy, as well as great injustice, to ignore them. The German element is quietly, but surely, making itself a power in the country. Men not yet old can remember well when the pres ence of an emigrant from- Central Europe was not -a common thing in many of the larger towns, and per haps in some of the larger cities. Forty years ago, there probably was not a German resident in St, Louis, and certainly not in Chicago, unless he was a wandering trapper, led to the western wilds by the spirit of adven ture. In less than half that time the Teutonic element in Boston, aside from a Jews, was hardly noticeable. In fact, aside from the few representa tives left behind of the Hessian sold iers at the close of the Revolutionary war, and a liberal admixture in the settlements of Pennsylvania, the aggregate of German people was not enough to hardly justify a remark in the decennial census. Now. after the lapse of a generation, how changed the condition of the country in this respect I The great central hive ha3 sent forth its vast swarm of living muscle and brain, till the Northern, Western and Mid dle States, actually teemes with the new importation of Europeans. And they have not brought ignorance, in dolence and vice with them as house hold treasures, nor "have they as a general thing come empty handed as to pecuniary means. The German is a self-reliant individual. Personal independence, .is bred in the bone, and ne does not believe in begging his way through the world. He does not fear hard work, or personal hard ship. He is a3 brave a3 he i3 strong, and as shrewed as he is brave. He has education. He knows how labor can be turned to wealth, and he never "put3 his hand to the plow and looks back." Perseverance is written in every line of his face, and imprinted on the muscles of his hands. The females heartily second the labor cf their husbands, and eontentedly delve that a penny may be laid away for the "rainy daj's." The result is, that in every com munity where these people have locat ed you see thrift. With ordinary health, the German people march on to certain prosperity. In many towns in the Middle States, where there was not a dozen Germans twenty years ago, there is now a large number, and they hold, in many cases, more than half the real estate and personal prop erty, and probably not one of them brought over a thousand dollars with him into the country. In the same towns the morals have been improved by their coming: there are better schools ; more churches ; greater var iety of busines3 ; better mechanics ; more enterprise, and more public sDirit. Let a German only see the profit from a certain course or a cert ain enterprise, and he is ready to in vest and so ahead. There is no deny ing the fact that they are an invalua ble people to the country, and more especially to the West. Their strong arm3 will subdue the broad prairies, develop the varied resources, and help civilize the wilderness.' There is a small amount of intemper ance amons them, andin the line of ereat crimes they are as free as any peo ple living; Their intellectual culture 13 of a" high order, and is seen in their influence on politics, art, religion and mechanics. AV ho can be named that will make a better speech than some of these men ? Or who left a better record on the pages of history written dv tne reoeiiion man muimuues oi A H" A I li.'i J these ? They are with the Union party to-day, with rare exceptions. rr-l I , U 1 .t TTr,, r-f A lit V JvLIU W ii.li; O.L uc ui tiuiuu, Ml freedom, of equal rights, and they do not shirk the cost of fighting for them when they are endangered. Give 113 eight or ten millions more of this peo ple, and we shau have the elements of a conglomerate race, that will, when mixed, defy the world at large Gen. Blair's Letter. From the Augusta (Go.) Republican, As We have commented with some severity upon the recent letter of Gen eral Blair, it is but fair that we should let our readers understand what view is taken of the subject by the organs of the Democratic party. For. this purpose we quote the following pas sage from a remarkable editorial in the New York World of last Monday : The Democratic partv has doubtless made itself responsible, to some ex tent, for the recent utterance or its candidates. It is responsible for those of Governor Seymour a well as for those of General Blair. Governor Seymour, in his Cooper Intitute speech, made the financial question the grand pivot of bi3 policy, and put forth views which must command the approval of all honest and enlightened men. Gen. Blair, in hU letter, makes the overthrow of negro reconstruction the all important thing, and belittles the financial ouestion. With candi dates thus publicly differing, what did the Democratic Convention decide I By nominating Governor Seymour for the position oi real autnoruy, it gave its practical endorsement to his views; bv nominating General Blair for an office without any power, it affirmed indeed its detestation of negro govern ments, but reserved the question how thev are to be dealtvnth for future de cision. Had the candidates changed places, the convention would doubtless have made a mistake. The next Dem ocratic President can make no civil or military appointments without the eonsent oi tne liepuoiican benate: and while Mr. Blair would have been unable to get hi3 nominations con firmed, Mr. Seymour will probably find no difficulty. If Mr. Seymour should die in omce, the Senate would compel Mr. Blair to keep all his pre decessor's civil appointees, including the Cabinet, and would allow him to give no new officers to the army. Brick Pomeroy claims that he sends to regular subscribers in phrasta. 12S8 numbers of the La Crosse Demo crat. John Morriasy bets $1,000 to $50 that Seymour will not be elected, and oners to ao it nrty times. - lne x'enaietori Escort are now known as the Pendleton Pall-bearers y ( , 1 1 b Xo. 42. Grant! Place Amvnz Great Generals. Marshal Marmont classifies generals nto four categories, counting first 'those who have never lost a Dattle. whose courage and judgement were aual to every emergency," such as exander and Ca?sar in ancient times, and Gustavu3 Adolphus,- Turenne, Conde, Luxembourg, and Napoleon till 1S12, in modern times." In the second class he places "those who, if they have often gained victories, have sometimes lost them," in spite of des perate righting and g-ood generalship. Among these are the Archduke Charles, Suwarrow and Wellington. The third category contains "those generals who have been habitual! v unfortunate in war, but have never al- owed their armie3 to be destroyed. nor been personally GisctTuraged. al ways offering a menacing front and .pressing the enemy with fear." Such in ancient times were Sertoriua and Mithri dates, and in more modern times Wallenstein and William III of igland. Finally, the fourth catego ry contains "that numerous - class, common to every country and every epoch, who have lost their armies with out serious fighting, or without ma king the enemy pay dearly for his vic tory." In describing the qualities of great leader, .Marmont speaks of a union of intelligence and courage, but prefers, if either be in excess, that it should be courage, for reasons which are obvious. Another writer declares that the distinctive characteristic -of genius, is the apparent ease and sim plicity with which it accomplishes the most difficult things. Now, let Grant be tried by these rules, and what rank must be assigned to him in history? Where must he be placed? Clearly in the highest category of great soldiers : but, in order that this may betill further beyond the pale of dis pute, let us consider the grounds for this conclusion somewhat more in detail. Grant having been educated at West Point, the first military school of America, if not of the world, and hav ing served under both Taylor and Scott, had at the outbreak of the rebel- ion received ail the training, both theoretical and practical, that was re quisite to a thorough understanding of the military art, as applicable to warfare in America. In the very out set of his more recent career, he showed plainly that he had not been an idle or unobservant student of hi3 profession. He was from the first al ways op posed to that spirit of martine tism which Fredrick the Great suc ceeded in making the basis tf military discipline m nearly all modern armies. and helieved in developing the indi viduality of the soldier as much as possible, trusting to his intelligence and patriotism for a full performance of duty, instead oi reiving exclusively upon the capacity of officers to contrei brute maases. lie had the sagacity to preceive that the system of Fredrick, while it might do well enough for feu dal Europe, before the day3 of the rev olution, could not be made to apply to citizen-soldiery, and he therefore wasted no time in trying to enforce the strict rules of fixed military estab lishments. He did not make the usual mistake of supposing that the common soldier was ignorant ana thoughtless, and, therefore, to be con siuered as a mere machine to be pro vided with a musket or saber, and then to be harassed into a reluctant performance of duty, but was profond ly impressed with the idea that the volunteers were intelligent citizens or the republic, whose business had been to become' acquainted with public af fairs, u ithal, he was not unmindful of the necessity of drill and organiza tion, for the purpose of insuring cohe rence and uniformity of effort, though he acted upon the.reasonable supposi tion that volunteers would obtain more of the practical knowledge of warefare in a week's campaign than a year's arming in a camp of instruc tion. He has been often heard to say that the officer who could not tell that hi3 movements were in the way of successful execution by reading the faces of his men, was already defeated : he believes that American soldiers are as smart as town folks," and what they do not know, . or czri uot find out, is scarcely worth Knowing. Looking at the army in this light, he wisely devoted more time to the selec tion of good officers, and the weeding out of bad ones, than in wortang from the men upward. The Modern Democracy. The present hostility of the modern Democratic party is directed chieny against Gen. Grant, the Republican Congress, and the measures adopted for the reconstruction of the Southern States. In I860, when they had at least one branch of Congress, and could have held Mr. Lincoln in chec as Andrew Johnson so well argued in December of that year, their hostility was against the majority of the North ern veovlc. from whom they proposed to sever forever; and in this work they were as much a unit as they are to-dav. In VJy their nostuitv was aireciea aaainst Mr. Lincoln. He was as bit teiiy traduced fn the North as in the South. Their calumnies of him were not surpassed by their present abuse of General Grant. hen they failed to defeat him, their despair was illus trated by the mot gloomy predictions But for the Kepubhcans they would have divided the Union in 1SG0, in 1SG3, and in Once more they appeal to the ballo boxes to conumate what they failed to enect on the battle held. If they succeed it will be the imm diate reopening of the disaffection turbulence, and anarchy rapidly ceas ing under the Iaw3 of Congress. 1 hey have no remedy for their own diseases. Indignant at the success of the check resulting from their own in gratitude, they simply offer to throw the nation bacs mto rebellion and war. United in hunger for office and hate of Grant and Congress, they are hope lessly divided in regard to the admin istration of the Government, unless it is the plan of restoring the slave power which Vie' dare not avow. One faction proffers repudiation o the nat.onal debt. Another proffers the overthrow of the republican governments of the South by an appeal to the sword. And still another would confine suf frage in the same section to the men who organized the retiellion. The mere recapitulation of their schemes and their schisms reveals the terrible danger of entrusting those wicked men with power. Every true Conservative has only to contemplate thi3 view of the case to be convinced of hi3 duty in the coming election. The fact is, there are few of the lead ing men of this modern Democratic party whose records are not a warn ing against trusting them wtth the responsibilities of Government, and at the ides of November the people will overwhelm them with defeat. EachsutS'eqtseni 1-. ru;n. 1-ioainess Cards, (.".ve izes cricks.. Each AdJLtiorwl Li3. One Coiurcn, one year.. . 5 1 f ) ' 5 i ) C 5 f J f-i C i cr c J i 3 C ) One Column, six etc. One Column, tiroe nc.i3. naif Column, one yar- Half Column, six taon'-r,' Half Column, three m.oz.;zs-. Fourth Coiuran, one year-. . Fourth Column, six rxscnt-H . Fourth Col -j ma, three moulLs- Elsdth Column, one year ,, F.uhta Column, six mon:hs. Eiihm Coisnn, threa mon1- Stray NctWa. teach head;. t Transient ad venisemen'-s payatlela adra sc THE "My voice i3 still tzt war.,; Llzir. Democrat!? tactiC3: DcolLitla and Seymour. Grant '3 plaa: iScry 1:3 and do more. Horatio's frenzy Seymour's address to "my friends" in front cf tha Cit7 Hall, July, 1SC3. Seymour obtained ths Denccratli nomination by declining it, aid Judge Chase lost It by seeking it- The Tivtan Timet (Democratic), tzx influential Indiana journal, fc 5j tciicd. Seymour and Blair overboard. Blair i3 going to stump Ohio. Tba Pendleton pall-bearers are preparing to give him an obsequious recepuon. A Cincinnati rarer enggesta thai the Republicans offer a dav of than3 for the happy ridasca cf; th Blr ' lazaijy. The two srldiera : . "Let tie FtosL ent disperse tha carpet-tag Sut governments." x. ias. M-t us have Peace." s. usisr. The Cincinnati Commercial szjs 11 is tne unceasing complaint, ci uj cratic newspapers th.it Grant will not talk. It might not, however, ba a source of regret to them if Seymcir had talked less. Judge Chsc was the fractional cur rency candidate of the Democracy for a T rr L i i - vw K iv resiaency. auxs ls uis icsj r u.j he received nactionai vote wiiic went un to 4 xotes. History will de cide whether he ought to be classed &J a decimal or vulgar fraction. The Indianapolis Journal says ct the Pendleton escort; "If their favor- ite bad been nominated they wouia have come back with their colors fly ing ; but a3 it was, they "Folded their dusters Lie A rata. Ana as silently stole away." The Philadelphia Press says th Democrats have taken care to nomi nate a candidate lor resident wno was in favor of the last rebellion against the Government, and a candi date for Vice President who has pledged himself in favor of the next rebellion against the GovemmenL When people are drowned, cannon are sometimes fired for the purpose cf raising their bodies. The Democrats are firing cannon over the head of Seymour and "Blair, but there i3 no hope of getting their heads above wa ter. If they do it will certainly be La hot water. At a recent dinner party in Boston several conservative gentlemen an nounced their intention to vote for Mr. Chase, whoso nomination was momentarily expected. On learning that Seymour was nominated, ail agreed that nothing was left for them to do but to vote for Grant When the news of the nomination of Seymour and Blair reached Woos ter, Ohio, the unterrified thereabout fired a salute in honor ct the event, and pointed the cannon toward tha North, whereat a Grant reran standing; near quietly observed that they wera "firing the cannon the same way they did during the war." A notorious hotel-keeper, in New York, himself a Democratic flunkey of the first water, and whose house, ftom the beginning of the war to this day, bas been the resort of Copper heads and traitora, 13 said to cave re marked recently i "I know that tha South is being reconstructed, for there ha3 been more tobacco spit on my carpets during the last three month3, than there wa3 daring the whoia war." L About a year ago Horatio' Seymour, m a speech at Albany, recitea the fol lowing well known paradox, It had not escaped hi3 memory at the timo of the new York convention, but Til den and Church prevented him from rushing err the stage and repeating it after all the States had declared for him a3 the nominee for President : " I can ad I can't, I will and I won't I'll d 1 U I del. And I'll be d -d li I donX" The following i.s the opening sen tence of Gen. Frank P. Blair's speech at a Union meetin in St Leu 13, after the fall of Sumter : "Me Chaifoian and Gentlemen: The Rebels who inaugurated this war shall riot win by it as much territory as they can carry off under their finger-nails!" Extract from F. P. Blair's letter bidding for the Democratic nomina tion for the Vice Presidency: "There is but one way to restore tha Government and the Constitution, and that is for the President-elect to declare these (the Reconstruction) acts and null and void. Compel tha army to undo its usurpations, disperse the carpet-bag State Governments 1 &.C., Ac Misunderstood the Text. A worthy deacon hired a journeyman farmer from a ne rgh bor ing town for th summer, and induced him though he was unaccustomed to church-going to accompany the family io church on the first Sabbath of his stay. Up on their return to the deacon's house, he asked the hired man how he liked the preaching. He replied : "I don't like to hear any minister preach politics." "I am very sure you heard no poli tics to-day," said the deacon. "I am sure that I did," said tha man. "Mention the passages," said tha deacon. "I will. He said, 4If the Republi cans scarcely are taved, where will the Democrats appear?" "Ah," said the deacon, "you mis take. These were the words : "If the righteous scarcely are saved, how will the ungodly and'wicked appear? " "Oh, yes "..said the man, "he might have used those words, but I know deuced well what he meant " The Hartford Pot says : "Mr. Pen dleton cannot complain that his rmrna was dropped suddenly. It was tha most graunaly dropping possible. It was dropped syllable by syllable and letter by letter. For Lastance tha Escort came in early in the week with a loud, distinct, and clearly pro nounced 'Hurrah for Pendletom Tha halls and corridors of the hotels, tha lobbies of Tammany, and the bar rooms of the metropolis were full of it. In a night or two it changed. Through the chink of glasses ths sound came, 'Rah fr Pendlan.'. A little later, legs became uncertain, and voices husky, and the cry wis' "Rahfr Pend'lum.' Then collars wilted, greenback badges began to disappear the defiant tone grew softer and thicker, as the sounds gurgled up from full hearts and stom achs, 4 'Ray r Pe'h'l'n.' And at last one melting morning, just at dawn cf day, Policeman 930 found clinging to a lamp post near the Fifth Avenue Hotel, a dilapidated patr t, aprareled in a mildewed linen du?: r, aaa a half a greenback badge, wh to all in quiries, . made the sola r ply, 'Hie PTl'n It was the last c . iha Eacort"