Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 16, 1868, Image 3
sflrirasha ilvcrtiscr. ej tZ2 Oar Atborlxed Agents. trt IIavxbt, at Nemaha City. Ih A. IIawixt, at Gifton. Gej. G. Stakt, at ApinwalL Ou ATertllg Agaata. Shefieu) A EAroy, IZi Pine rt, St. Louis. J. 3. VI iXiXas, f7 Chest nut 6t, tv M. TrmitJiiJ S7 Park How. New York. JriJE IltAUBir eacx. Sit. Joseph, Mo. Yk.k, Cuanu & Ca, Chicago, I1L Cooe, Cubcex & TjsTLoa, Ci aciunati. Ohio. 1L Paevi, Cincinnati, Ohi-iL A. K. Lincoln A Cx, Eoeton, slaes. LOCAL MATTERS. J. L. Colixpp. Editor. EF.OWN VILLE, TnUDSDAT, JULY 15, IsoS. Our New Dreu. firel no small degree of pride in present ing to our patrons. tMi week, "Thi " lbk is ka ADvrJtTisrx" in an entire new dress, in which filing we Lope they will indulge us. As printers, we hare alwaya aimed at neat ness in the appearance of our paper, knowing that fcy this not only would oar ahllity be Jc ii, but also the enterprise of the city from which it ercinates and advertises, and th party whoe organ it is. All have a joint In ter with us in the manner, matter and ap pearance of the Advxjitisek, as the best in tiex to ettern people of the progress and en terprise of t'.ln section of the Vv'est. blow to mike haate wbere doubt obocured the way, we have nunle the increase to eight col umn only at the demand of our business, which has never bee better; and we stand ready, at all times, to keep pace with the wants of this community us we'd in the manner of our paper e- the matter it contains. To on r citizens, we would say, that there is no way in which you can aid in building up tcVn and county t-o materially as ty sending TejuLu'ly to your eastern friends the Advxk- tisex, with its weekly budget of city and -county items, showing mlnately their pros jerity and advantage?. Such a weekly mes senger cannot go for one year without pro ducing a "western fever' in the neighborhood in which it falls. To the li-rubJ ican Party we may saft ly say that its majority can be greatly increase! by mating the ADrrnTtsia a regular visitant to the fireside of every voter in the county. We shall at all times and upon all proper oe iLSions advocate the friaclpiesof the nub liean party, and claim the favor of the party la ailing us In making it what the orsan of the banner liepcbiiccn county of Nebraska should be eurpassai In ruanaer and matter ty no paper In Nebraska. A&rEETUEB invaluaLIe to every family. ClcbTeex: copia 5L73 each; 1) copies tiSi) each : aecpics ii-) each. From now till art-T the e-cciioa ropies f.i'JOL. sinla copy 60 cents; 1) Canvassed Hams at Swan Bro's. Turnip Seed at the City Drug Store. IT C Letti Land Aent, Brownville. Harsh narrestere fur sJe by TIsdeL Ionr cpring aa i Fall Wheat, at McGee's. CamM Berry & Co.. have pUyed out." Frail vr average. , in this avctio, yitli beyond the Dried Apples. Eacjn. Pickled Tork, eic at Swan & Lru fc. Fish, of all kinds L Swan & Ero"6. r uk harvest trade at J I Cases' Thraihlng ! T. A. Tladcl i. C. lucliinca f jT 6ale by Capt. Barret is now on east afier a Steam Ferryboat for this city. Jl Tew Thousand Ehi.glej for sale cheap at the Advertiser office. Jean Dere t.-ecine ilollne Plows, iJO fr by Theo. IliU i Co. Slain. We tad a splendid rain last Satur day night and Sunday morning. Pekin Breaking: Flows 2 ) T. II. Smith & Co s make, for sale ty Theo. Hill A Co s. Enckwhea Seed, of Cie Snert quality, on hand and fr sale cheap at tlv? Re-d Store. The Bepublican Club meLat ilcftierson's IIa.ll nextThurxlay evecic;. Tern out all! The WTicai Harvest is nearly through In this county. The yield Is large and the grain sjood. Ou Girl AVatd t" do Washing and Iroatag, highest wages paid. Apply e.t SLar Hotel. 40-3 Ordinances See the new City Ordinances In today's paper. II Tgs mast be restrained from ruHrnitir at large. "Wra. H mall. of the Red Store, Is bran, to keep up with the tim-a. Every bofct brings fresh goods fcr tbe Bed Pto!e. X- D Harsh. Book and News-Joaler In the Post Office, is eotntIy in recvipt of some thing new, and keeps everything in his line. The Ap in wall- Abbott Concert Troupe fare one of its Parlor Cc certs 4-n McPlieroii's 1111 last night, which gave very general sat isfaction. The Tint Esptiit Church, of this City, Is now, through liie energy f ITcm. A. W. ilorgan,enc!os?d, and forms ob of the chief wnaments of our cit y. ' XT a. H. Hoover. Conveyancer, will give prompt attention to the making of Deeds, Moi-tgies, Eon-is and all instruments per taining to real estate. Oo to the Red Store to get your Queens- Ware, Glawi.rr, Willow ware, Buckingham ware and staae ware. Best assortment ever opened in Brownville. Charge. G . W. G-.rrLson has rw-In taken harg of tbe Ftany!vnia IIuiiM! ir. this c.ty, Michael Fink retiring. Fr. m Its register we Judge the House U dain.5 well. The Chitrpion Kower 'x S is unerceilel f r simplicity, durability and efficiency by y ingle mower now iaaUe- htllcnocrger Ere's have them on hen 1 and for sale. ImreTements The City Government has Lad a clvert c-kiistructHl acrot-s Main and one Across Water streets. We government that will do til within its j-ower for the gene eal welfare. JLrsty AdTertifemnt- See the call f. r contract for ptthiK up 9) tons of JJsy at Ft. Jan lers.l. T. Hvre U a p!ndld opportuni ty fr some of citizrris to "pat iujT.? In their purv." Government p.ys Weil for its work, aad pays promptly. JXery Ect. The weether, f-r the pastVn ys has been extremely hot, mre so than It lias been In this I jcaliiy for i.uht years. One of oar citizeus, Mike Birroda, was slightly wun-struck laet Friday. Enterprisins; We notice that our enter prising townsman, Mr. Wait, ha got a n?u ittt Dray running upon our sir acts. This is not the first dray eve r run In this city, that fcAoor belongs to Wm. Roas::i, who, we be lieve, run one before the war. It Is Rumored upon our streets that the Dry GooUs and Clothing Regulator,- It Hay, has rented the commodious store rooms just -moated by James Berry ii-'-J" has be come a permanent fixture to the business of this elty which the public would not whling ly do witboct. A Fonr Legsed Chicken. Phin Jones, of this city, brought to ar oe during the p t week quite a curi-jfelty, a livir.g chicken with four lees. Theyouug rooter ijKoar six weeks old and promises to liv ta a good toa?h old aje. Ierous fond of the "drumsticks" will tloubtless go for this kind of chicken. SPECIAL CARD. On and after Monoay, July .th, I will close out my entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Poplins, Lenors, Mozam .biiaes. Lawns at ft'inoiute cot. In addition to I be aive, ail other pomis not nujje rated -lli at all times be sot 1 as low, or lower, taaa ny other rtouoe in tbisciiv. An exawin. I ton of roods and price Ultl biore buy rx elsewhere. D.MAY. liul&tor. Fer Sale Cheap Seven Cne Erood Mares with foal, good workers ; also, firework hors es, and three two horse "Ws-ons. A. P. COGSWELL, Great Western Stable. P A Tisdel Co., ta to-day's paper, In vites the attention of our formers to his sup ply of Agricultural Implements. Ke buys only from mant&sturers and receives them by the car load, andean sell them as low as they can possibly be bought anywhere. Give h mi a call! "Everything IT ice" We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement. In anoth er column of this Issue, headed "Everything Nice." This Is the title of a new weekly by E. ileilordy, P. O. Box 5C03, New York City. See terms cf subscription and premiums of fered and send for sample number. The Bed Store will receive this week 5" XX) feet of PliTe Lumber, 50,0u0 Pine Shingles, 50.000 Pine Lath, 100,000 feet Cottonwood Lumber, 33.000 Cottonwood Shingles, Doors, Sh&h,- Blinds, Nails, Putty and Glass. Wm. SatAU, I nraberint Cosiness Houses-By our E us in ess Directory", on 1st page, it will be seen that we have numbered each Louse. This we have done upon the only permanent plan that could be adopted, that is, commencing from the river and numbering west, allowing two numbers to each lot, vaeairt or occu pied. We hope this will meet the favor of our patrons, and that each building may be numbered. Eptseepal Visitation The lit. Rev. Robert II. Clarkson, D.E Bishop of Nebras ka, will (D.V.) consecrate Christ's Church, Brown vde, to the worship of Almighty God, on Sunday, July 2fth, and at the same time adminLsterthe Apoetolic RIteof Confirmation A coUertion will be tnkea op, to be applied to the building fund of the parish. )St Gxo. R. Davis, Rector. Out Thanks are due Vncle Samuel Snider for a very liberal donation of Iloney brought in during the past week. He is cne of the whoie-socleii farmers of Nesiaha county, and has the printers' best wishes for prosperity In tli is world and eternal bliss in the next. Ed. Smith, Messenger of the U. S. Senate, has our thanks for valaabie Lite Washington and New York papers. J. H. Hadison, of Glen wood, Iowa, District Agent of the North Western LITe Insurance Company, is in town ts.b;rg applications for policies in that company. IlSI policies were issued in March for i 1-,121-ix - April " snifrt. Irz3 - - May " J 113. ThL company is one of the test Life Insu rance Companies In the United States. It stands at the head of the list. Take a policy and secure your family against want at your death. Attentioa Fellow-Sportsmen: The 1st day cf August is drawing close by And O, Prairie chicken and Woodcock get ready to fly. For W. T. Den will be after yon with a keen eye And before 12 o'clock on that day many a brace will die By W. T. Den. with the aid of his Sect dog and gun so spry. And now, fellow-prrtsman, get ready, and net on that dt.y back out on the sly ! For your Powder and Shot, Gun and Gun Trimmings end Sporting Outiits, Powder, FliiSk, Shot, Pouches, Gun Tubes, Wire Cart ridges and Gun Wads, bu of Wm. T. Den, and save your money. Cheeper than any other house in Brownville. Proceedings Republican Club. Cj-CB Iioorat, Aav: -stiek Oftice,) J ily l?tti, ) Club met pursuant to adjournment.' President Carson in the Chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. On motion O B Hewett was ailed to the eoninvitu to tssist in organizing Clubs. Chairman of committee on Finance report ed 5190 subscribed. On nvxlon the Club re-rentd the editorial room of the Nt traka Adverti-er for the bal ance of the season fr tt a. of Clab meetirs and n uuiic-n Reejamg Eovm, for the stun of Hj Ir moatlx. Jni. I Carson then introinced the allow ing. which was unanim.xiily adopted: W'nELEAS, The IVmrv rat le Convention, this day in sTwi'n in Nt-w York, have nemmated Hvrati Seymour and Fran P. Blairtoopix tin. irariand iultLoaxtu- Pretodent Vi'e Pridrat. Jieaolrmi, By the HpaUtoanlabof Brown -vilie. that the nomination of toeymour and Blair is approved. Hcaolrfl, That the nominations aforesrdd are ernineiitiy proper Joe a lei-at, arv.1 a fur tlier assnr&nce of an esy victory to the Grtat National Rr-pubiiccji Par ty at the ensuing No vt mbpr election. O B Hewett being called upon addressed the Clan. On motion the regru'ar metinzs of the Club wan ctrz-ito p-w ery Thursday evening. cm rs. ot Km fcjourned 1 xaeet Tnursday evening. July luili. I L CARSON, Pres. J L Coin ait. Sec Gold is firm, closing at 11 Governments are dull and lower. The Re pu liators plank In the Democratic Platform has caaed a rcsh to S.-IL and 5-2s have de clined to 1 "? cent. The Ilouse proposition to tax Government Bonds Is also having Its eSTect. Our quotations are as follows : Coupons of 1, UJ1 ;u 1 12,'; do XI IV, iUT do "84, do C iil.j.Ilil?; do new l-iiilo; do Ijv"41)c; do l-rra 17,; liMJ r, lLC, il07"8; 7-JO's, l'4 al'Jb;,. The New York Skipping Lisi says : Te txcitcnaSiiattdrasthe House propo sition to tax Government Litd1s has measur abiv sabfidl. The ways and Mans eoram:t lehas accompanied tlr'brll which it was in structed to report f r the taxation of bonds with a protest that siinid indue a recronsi 1 eration of th principle inTolvel in Monday's vote; and it i ouit probable that the p.ropo siti'Vi will bo atni a1ti. The rest portion of the prs thror.ghoat tbe country Justly ri.ariK'U-riz. tbi attempt to irapx a tax on ti.e Interest of ati jnil securities as a na tional erine. and spik of s clearly qr:itt ma-a a breach of the faith npon which the l-n'is were i.-il, as it wouid be to endorse the scht-me to re-ieem the priricipal with de precistos enrrency. TheeC'eet 01 such a mefs ure. if su"-sr'ul." would be disastrous to the -.n.lhi..Mrs and the ciovernruent alike. The bonus now payinz six percent interest would hereafter p-iy "but five arid tw-ritth. percent; tho r iyirinveprc.nt would hpretiitr pay but lour aivc a half xr cjt '; arid bonds pay ing thiv f t-r cent would hre Cter pay but two and seven-tenths per cent. The New York C vwiic-re.commenting on the money market, says : There is aw-ng th hanks a disposition to hot i themx-lvM prepiivd f.r an unuRualiy early rtr m.m i for movirisr th crnps, which is especial !ycr parent in n indi-'poition to dis count ni late low rates. The wol crop is cans: ns a demand i. -t laou from the Wes t. atiI as ex:-hacgo nr,r rule? r.t Cincinnati ct ou cens discount, rr.rn-ncy isbeslnnms to be re mitted totnat city, ssome of the stork brokers are tryine to make arrange wionXs for advances upon sto ks tor 9 ciavs, with a viw to brins; inx over the strir-fn- that c?:a!Iy occurs in the iaiist of tiie er-p seaSc n ; but t'.e banks i n ..t :.ivor si?h op--raii';n-v In ti.e sprtnij vc: f.'rlo'H iacr,u pr.ince arose frr.m the bivrws bavluc in this wsy t;ei up a large f-ruoiat of m-.-nry. and beini' compelled to sacriiit.-e tlH-ir ranantil? cus'oraefs for the convoy Ifurp of s7-oeuir.tor. This error was grnrl!y a attae time, and itis not likely to t repeated this s"aoa. BROW WILL H 51AR.ETS. FLOUR -Winter V sack : pririr . . 5ft Buckwheat 2i bushel OORX- tH.L ? lu.riel BACON Hams P hhnclilrs f ' " S.dcs'-ti LATID Onnred" SYr.CT (iolden sral. . 13 , 1 . 15 10 . 2 ST.:car Hi. use c gal COFFEE-J -vs? t. " i:i v CHEESE Nesr York Factory ? t'Kiniry t E TE.X. Imperial r ,. . 1 . 4o or 3) Ymini IIvbom i ft . 2 i CANDSXa star V '.. Tallow f- APPLEfv-D-M f, ' jri H ishW PEArTTES l-ried v IS F )TAT 'h-New v buihell AI. OII gicn E "J dOZ 1 20 . 15 . 2 23 . I 15 . 2 ( 4 5) 1 60 . Si t") . 5i) M to CO a 25 9 W 7 OQ 9 W 6 00 15 I 50 1 W IH'TTFU to , IIONKY ? t . ON ION-"? Hhcl.-. Sets t a uart .. SALT fT lLTTl . LU HEEii 'ty'tua wood uer 1 ) fvk " Walntit" . rine SHINGLES otton wood per I0u) LATn-oitonwood per I'S'ft - Iina HWIWDry liarct per cordI liliES l ry per 5 " " Grrvu . " WIIEAT-Fall per busheiZTZ"" Spring " V-OOL-per S-JL 1( Is the name of a NEW WEEKLY PAPER TO BE ISSXJEx) ON THE 13& DAY OF JUNE EVERY THING it I C I? Will be a Reproduction of ALL THE BEST NOVELS, STORIES, POE1IS AND ESSAYS, " that appear IX THE ENGLISH OR CONTINENTAL MAGAZINES. A LIBERAL SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE AND AGRiCULTCRXi A Home and Foreigh Column of FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE trill be a leading feature of this unique paper, giringa full account of the MOVEMENTS AND DOINGS OF ALL DISTINGUISHED AiiERP CANd AT HOiLE AND ABROAD. O A DISPASSIONATE REVIEW of the POLITICAL WORLD by the ABLEST WRITERS and Political Economists will complete the character of this INDEPENDENT AND INTERESTING JOURNAL, la which will be found " every thing ska" of both hemisphere. will be issued we? kip. 46 by S3 inchee will be the size, THUS GIVING MORE READING MATTER TAAN ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. tST SIXTEEN PAGES OF READING MATTER. -1 This atalces it THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE WORLD. Original Decimal System of Premises, Giving to erery TENTH $4,00 Subscriber who sends the money direct to this office. Three Dollars in Silver; to every HUNDRETH $4,00 Subscriber Fifteen Dollars in Gold ; and to every THOUSANDTH $4.69 Subscri ber One IXulKlrcd Dollars In Gold. We are in dared to do this frmn the fact that hundreds of our subscribers live where a club would be out ef the question. No subscriber who sends less than $4.00, or fails to send that sum DI- ?-Xi2??h7eT06)TT'.b b' Check' or &y Express), will be entitled to Ihe benefits f the Decimal Systera. This is the only PapeT in the United States having the Decimal Svstem of Premiums. J f?01." rlJT. t0 CVerrJ5?IH standard weight, f !-i5t!n. GVf 4exeTy Hl DKETH Subscriber, U. S. standard wei-ht. $1C0,C0 In Gold to every THOUSANDTH Subscriber, standard weighL All Liters to be" ojnd fn the order In hich they come, and the Premi ums will be awarded 1a accordance therewith ' Premiurrls sent by Express at our rfek. and State in falL !LChcck3 and Bant Draft3 Pajlblc to the order of EVERY THING drSetSr1 03ce' 432 Eroo:ile trec York City. Ad C 22c3iniDY, P. O. Eox 5303j eirlforttCIlT. TO CLERGYMEN. Any defjryman ending i i Ifill receive three conies of the parer one r. 13 00 four ' ' " " TEIi22S-SinsI Copies, Ten Cents. Per Year; $4,00. CLUB RilfES; Five Copies, - - - $IS 00 Ten Copies. - - - m Fifteen Copies, Twenty C&pies - 47 00 - CO CO Addrcs3 r. O. Box New York City Xti TE. pace devoted to Advertising limited tiro po?c. Eaicz 00 per For sale fr all 2Tevs lbealars. f m a- a av v 3 Write your name, town, county (with extra copy to better tti of ciiihi) (with extra copy to getter op of cibi) - E. SIciiTJRIJY: . - 70. Tuxo. rrrr.T. & co ITo. T6, I 2X'Pliersoa?8 ClocL. DDI GOODS, ! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, j Ladle's, Gents' 4 Children' E00TSAUD SHOES,' QTTZrr3T7ARS, ! t CLASSTTAKE, J I Hats and Caps, AGRICULTURAL ;ir.TPT.irriEirrs, j ' FURS, 2TOTIOXS, ! ISO CARPETS,! i Forming, perhaps, the j i Host Complete 1 ! A 3D I i Extensive Stocli ! I offered to j i liTlioIesale cr Eetail i i i PIJ1TCIIASI21S, West of tLe ilissouri FJrer. f Never havin? been out done for extens of Stocii or LF air dealing they inert; the conndence ana p&tronage or ALL! ! No T6. TTE ARB NOW MANTTACTCTLIXG, TS it cosszenos with tub ST.LOOSSTJLlIFnG COIP'XT, A nexr line of TTXXED 3t POLISHED WROUGHT EEOX WAJiE, niUble fcUAe for HOUSEHOLD XItTEHS on CAMP usn. And tike pleianre in eaH;ng the KltraUoa Ot Store, flrdwve and renerl (Wlert to the many desirable qualities ot this JTLW WARE, ruAoolT as as article of tr!, butofUTiLI TT, aa it doe. XEATNESS. LOS VESiO'CE ao.1 LAHOE SA"lXG in the care of GtensiL Ut are in ererr (Iat use, ia ttim most ireportaat cf a'd HOCSfcllOLU DE PARTiLfcyrS. We d-ire and regnet ert-rr botivkptpfT to eee our TEA K LTTT.KS, SAL'CE PASS, PIPPEIW, PI-U PANS, W ASQ BASINS, PULLSHEO FRY and STEW PA33, a we are sare toer LaTe only to be seen to be appreciated. Maay of the articles are made entirely of on piece of wrought iron which, during the pro ceaa of manoiactare. receiTvs eerenl coat tugs of block tin; tnia lexies a surface; when flnuoed, perfectly smooiiJ, easily kept clean and entirely protected against rtist. The cost ia bat Urtie more than common tin ware, aad every article will do ten tunea the service. The enape enables oa to pack the Tarioos sizes ia nests so as to occapy but little space, and being but s little heavier thaa tinware, th cost of transportation is vefy small. At pres ent oar assortment eonsit3 in part of Tea Kettles, Camp Keltic. JleM Pmai, fiiaU Pmu. Saaf rsuas, Dfarfi Kettle. Fry Pass, iJMtles, Dippers, Wke, e- We ars now preparing a new Catalorne and Price Lit, and belieTe Svire and Hardware Daalers wul and it to their interest to send for a copy of-esch before purchasing eise where. Addrrw Excelsior 3Xanu facforiiis Co.. ST. LOU13, 110. o!dbY SHTT.T.F.yHERGER BROS BrotcnriUe, Xeb. At tiie SIxn ot the BIG BED STEAD ! Is the place to bay FURRiTUREAKD UPHOLSTERY SXcTVi.Til & Co., Keep constantly on had a complete assort- Soft, BtSiUUtdi. VTirirobtr, .Vr. HtRck SrsaT k It ?c Ltt Lonjeti I Spn9. SZtni. Comfort, Mittresst, Trtt-teta, ed Svrinf. Cludm'i Ct$ end Gig, CUt end Rotncooi MeJdixg, Sit:, iHiews. P-Jlw Slips, ttt., etc SHOW CASES & OFFICE WORK MADE TO ORDER! And anythrn? and etfrythloz reqnired to set u$ piua or iancy nooseieepiiis All of their ware Is either manufactured or pat opurit jir sp-3eLal superintendence, which enallc3 tieni to sell sound article at smaller prices thaa Eastern mannTactare! goods. Our Hearse V) V i u ) lm al the serriee of the mihlic at any time It may be cearifti and is gotten p In as fine style as any farther east. OfflllC BURIAL CMS of all sizes constantly oa hand, JLt, Eastcrii Prices. Ta are doii Wsiaeea ca STZHCItt CASH FIICJCiPLXS AT A Small Profit, and by attention to business and the wants of the eommusity, expect In tie fatnre as in the past to receive the ratrjnae of the pnhilc fecrraUr- jlcFALL tt CO. Ho r i d. trATTfl 3- o 4 rJE l11 ll i . ,1 0 0 r SI 1 A S5 g CI'S iULllUtil ITo. ?4f SlcPherxsa'i DIocli, Dealers la l7ardirGre, Stoves, Tinicorct JlartLware, Move, Tinzcare, UzrdiTGre, &ovc, Tinvrare,- K 0,0 CO Zfilea Fence TTt B0.CC0 2Xles Fence Wire, 50,000 JFJcs Fence THre, Pittntrg Iron and Xait PiiUbisrg Iron (zrrd Na ils, FOi&urg Iron and Xails, . 2Icha7ilc Tool ilczhanit Tool, ITecAanic't Toolt, Charier Oak Siovetx CJiorter Oak Stove, Charter Oak Slaves, Besides a fall assortment of eTcrythins ke jt in a nrs; cusss HE ED STOVE DIB STORE ! Which tn'tV be told as lour as the lowest FOR CASH ! To all icho favor us tcilh a calL Sole Agents la Southern Sebras. Atchison" and Holt Ccsmty, lioo far th9 eeapeo i jmtm THE BEST R! THE WORLD!! ALSO p PL1FPER D TUB BEST FLOWXO W MADE! RATI JET Iz IXWIS, Ho. 49, 3X.VI' STREET, DEALERS Y3t STAPLE AXD FAXCY DRY GOODS ! ILa.3ra.cin2 all tha JJaveltles of the Season. Also a lare and well selected stock of CLOTHING ! c .elvis' np.yisnixQ goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AliO CAPS, GROCERIES, QnecnsTrare, Hnrdxrarc, SALT, LIME AXD CEIIENT! Our Good tccrc boijhi of first hands, and ice think tee can offer such induce ments to purchasers as cannot fail to suit those tcishinj to bvy. Call and see for yourclvef. AVI Kind of Produce takes ia Ex C2uuis for Goods. JOHN 1 CARSON. BANKEE, BROTTXriLU: XEBEAWTA. Eichanze Boozht and PId cn all the prln Mraii rif ie. Al&t dealer In G'-ld and silver Coin, Gold Dust and GOVSItriMZNT B02IDS. rTNAe't rojwklr Tor-aiiTp at nfhL. Intr est paid on time dix51' bT pial osree- ment. raxes poia ir mTPU'iiA All kin-'s of U. S. rnd wanted. TIIE BRIXllEXinorF Separater snd Cleaner ! Mannictnrl and sold by J. G ARSIDE, ATCHISON, KAS-V3w The trial cf this machine at Tarioss Ccnnty , and State Fair, and the judgment of eTery one who ses an-i u. It. on:te:n p ronoun eins; ErinkerhofTs Corn Sheiler the tt ever : inventch Withl a man ran-Leil h: eror , of com at his le:nre vrithoct an assistant. : and thereby sare in a hort time rsre than : thnn the ct of a hV:f-r. t Thi Cora SLeLler Ils tcJtf-n the t. rt prvm!-. nm for thre y-irs past et the -w Ycr!; j SLite Fair, when bat partially prf tet. It : has sinf ix-en l-ruzhi to a dtce cf jrfec- j tln. whirb nukes it rrrc let?. t The foiiow-in Is the rrpjrt of the Jvdz? on tlii marh ue. at tin great triad of Airri- ' cultaral Implmf-nti held at Ano'im, in Joly. In. nnd r the ansnpicea cf t!e New j York Aricnltnrai Hocicty." Amon in-2 marni en rThlh-lTlm Tas a Ha.i Corn Si-.eller, Svr-itvr and O-tane'-, : exh biteil byJ. linkerhcrZ. Atstcra. N. Y. . e have careinl.'r examined asd thorr.T2?hiy i tented thi maciijn'. and hsve no hsir:::oa ' In rronocnHnz it the I;iT COKN SKF.L- ; I F: VK ENF.ii SAVv. Ir alapts ; itself to ears cftny size or shape. SJu-ili eleaa, ! aud witu prrtt rapidity and ease, and tbe Mine operation eparat.5 the com fr"-ra the . cob, a d the chaiT from the wre, ad deiir- j er tne com i.iy for market ; Sx.d It re- . q aires but the Labor of t nt ene per-on rr op- j erate I?. The -whole a2hir is sui pie is con struction, and rtarsW". . J. s. GO 'JXD. Pro. N. T. Aj. So. . P. Ronr N, Az. Ed. N. Y. Tnrnn. KjlTOrP. - - -. jTSfs of .Vri?nl-aral Fair Omsilf.ees, ' ana opinion 01 a zr:rui : arju vz. I ctner jour nals, mi?h; he ci;ei rrat lensrrh,bct we content with "the follow ins letter 1 M feppfr t .ja an Uuiversal F-x position.) J l-i.rk Row. Times PuIMs.) New Yosr.tee. tth, ivus. i 313. J. BnurKEHiiorr. !-. w irr lly I Advisory Coram: uee. 34 pointed to -iect Im- 1 niraf-s'x fr Eihikiuon at the Universal 1 L3tpcition in Paris. In lr7.have5eirted sni ; f reejmendM to me roar Cora Shtiler as the ; beM la Ansericsv. , j I feave aenrfel C'vcir rtporf , and will J.-.?. 1 ward yonr "heller, if delivered here rervtj f r ; shipmeiit. on or tore January it, l- 7. j Yours Truly. i. C DEJtBT. j?i-ice; 825 and 630. , t According to CnUh and size oThaliice wheeL Sample sheller Eh-peJ ca reeclpt of the I .price, a i -rTi?rtei to clve mil taction, or Jachine wia be taken back and the i money lefanded upon noUce within a reason- i atue time. Address, rni. T. niLl.T, A sent, H-5-!y BrrTnTlH, SHELL i Pi i jlSTo. '27, BEOtrVILLE, Dealers Li IStn's and Lzji' CLOTHING ! Tonnisinna gqqdsi HATS AND CAPS! TEUXKS ! CARPET-BAGS. Gloves, Hosiery, Blanlicta, Umbrellas, c We have jit-si received, and ici" Jc-'p const anil j cn har.d, a XrxrsO and xrell Assorted Gtoc!i t:' above, and all other artlc' in our line, ict.ich ice t-jp.r to the public at -ry I.OT7 Prices f r CASH! JACOB MAEOIIN. HERCHATiT TAILOR, v, j Sieel. c; ?.-:. j vsL-y, ilcPiarsoa'a " It f ' i h. x' j 2 rri3 i READY UkZZ t f ? AlaO Arent f r .i iiachejt: C. ATJXTIIAIf & Co's SWEEPSTAKES. THI CSZT G5TI53 "S7ESP3TAE23" THZSiIUC lit -15 E. C. ACTMK9. j IIZTT IT. TTtC. TWO STYLES OF H0F.SE FCEH3. Tha IraproTcd u Carey" Pcer, (3oth siiit ail trs kcre. nrc co7iPiry3ATiNG- poyt pcth ctht aad Us Bona.) A. Uiiilj isiitLa rtLt? a:2s tiris- to " era ia lest Trar.:.;n ia tli rhriiirixi" Z:-'zlr Li nsrs diearaeaila ta J: tl ta Lit? firirs rai Iiia tlt titir wcrl is z: rV-J a ta 1 -: taIsaIIs tLxs ly reisca tf fcni. izi tisy cai act U too csnf J ii sel-ctLi a rh'-ii T: SweeTstt'ies r? t - accrITred tfl Cf th TSirHiTT ilach.a faesHy, a i Jt nipmcr strBr?!. daraiii!rTnrrtry, drt.'r, r;: 0 aai)v.aad r?"Tj Tut t'lH''nz a!! f'aa.if fraia faster aaii ictur thaa as sUrr la ts ar aeiiwicfd- Tt3 4Tr r'Trr ftrVrrM Try this la9rnBacbjaeh tevral jntcrs?iv; aj.n fcrtarpr. aiH ai"erooj tn:vu irtv j m- SwrxTSTASM. ta en, wy asd tnor'rr. T- t- t ssaciuacs aad adTertiarsi (a Eiisirsd r i J-o. This Is ths casetica cf TzezzzezCcirz. r?sit f-rey. aal taia? nalrr fAte ecr. T Toid tha eoaat'f :. trit eTrr pvi r lh earJ. MC. ACLTUAX A CO.. JJi-VTrnrtti. C. Cii," ia filt letura, a,ai-gicia4;y a aides ef tha Scjariurr. Tha Gennlna STreeTstaies rsshls the tambvr to pic li j tsitooffi, arivicra 1:7, for im pair, lti awa loorr tSa oth-r, ravr asic gramutia aa4 vrxattu. tUe aiif a,.,. , f wita 1cm Uaor. aa4utka hia ta itisct twM aa4 SMut prolitbJ fc. Th firaer eirs it a m'er-Ti. ri tie aa extra pn prr ry-rai- lt ;jr-,..j- !ea fro a tb bU. iptrM a-rct:y f.-ia th, ra,cleE fit fer mr-i .:uoet. vx;.'. UT-, ( fraia. tfora its 3r with ts ata.t ,.--. y aai rronomt, aa4 rf.)-, D9t a ratz ct aoa ai tsaau aluat tbeai oa s;ose. Tha elegant "Patent PiTct Sula C-ar-la t ba louaoiiiy oa tieswxx?sTAAi. j0ufi."PiT:t CIeani? Aprrt-j" en, abies taa oprrilcr to octroi ti creci . n of . biaat,aad posirioa af th tiTa, aad ca .t5, TT ee l-zitt sraia, wuhont wt. a, fa.t M t ba throl. th chJ asi i.rt Uriar f suil noca tha jraia lfjr u iaUt Ut tut ex ii err.:orj, Hcrss rcwer rtn-r ra, 0ir cr Jocks, sold sejarately. w--4 t"iri. x wnzT wim"!T !)' i-rJ w ,., aitia Taa-SrtEXTASJJ" i, ut.,t Call or s-i and gti a 7rt cr r' riia afU tfarnptia an i A -r ,v ' . - ' '"'i bi2t aa4 tha Trrt!"-AX., ; ir For aai J u m. f