I ) , "Vi; COLHAPP.EDITOR. : "jcnVyVlLLE, Til U k Si A Y, JUNE 11,188. -TrrFIELU EATON. 12 ri'M Swt and Sitt -lL.LIAMS.t7 C-Arfntif if, A'. cor. 64. J 5 llf ,u'l.'uei; Atfi.l in M. Louis tor Itat " "J,.,) tttrtid to aiaking collections and purchas iftM City St Louis- 'vTILllAM UaWXBY is ourauthoiued Apent to nubrij'tions fur tbo AJcerlitcr in Ncma- .,Ci'v IVecinct. i" UawlEY Is cor authorized A pent to receive ! ij,u..n f-r ie Advertitir, t Caitoo. i'cKO.G. STAKT U onr autboriied Agent at Aspin ' yt iLET OUODS MAUKLT, read it. 1CE LOT of Shoes at Uackney'f. TlSDELtag Studebakcr Wagons. I 7ISDEL ta8 wo Horse orn P!nters 1 pQ TO Dor?cy A Bro'a and get a nice Hit. 1 GLEN r.OCK FLOUR atTheo. Uill 4 Co's. j j D May D- Eiea Competition ! that's his forte ! j jjrjy yoUR MACHINE OIL from J. L. McGee. CA5VASSEDIIAiI3andIJeeftSwan ABro's I nO'OARIAX CRASS Seed at J.L.McGee i.Cos i I fl. C. LETT, Land Agent, Brownville.Nebragka. sELF-SEALING FRUIT JARS at Swan 4 Bros, j SITING trd Fall Wheat Flour at McGee A Co's. WHITE FISH.Mackeral, Trout, Ilerring, etc., at jn A --'; i JOHN I'MERE'S genuine Molina Plows,500 at Tbw. Hil'A Co.'f. I s',VARD RESIGNED and Teare A Co., still sell to pease ad. j TOE FOURTH OF JULY ! Wake up, cilirens! b&ve a grand Celebration. i i WHY i- Ma j't Clothing all of the latest style and ;itticLfcb!e ? How are jou old stock ? EROWXVILLE CITY COXDS taken for Goods ;.t KOIi T TEARE A CO'S. I TBE EROWXVILLE CITY MILLS are turning tnt as Cue an article of Flour as can be made. TRADE with TEARE & CO., who hare the littl stock of Goods ever opened in this market. I I'EKIN RUF.AR1NU PLOWS 200 T. A jjiih 4 Co.' male at Theo. II 1 11 A Co.'s. n. ALL I'LKSONS indebted to ns will ple-?e call nd settle immediately. LORSEY A LRO. LIGHTNING ROUS AND PUMPS sold and put ,;,in i u and county, by John C. Dai sek, j SAVE YOUR LIFE by buying the non-explosive Crb"n c.latJ. L. McGee A Co.'s, wai ranted to fund the test. i T.M. F. WILSON, the contractor, is grading the .ot of Atactic s-troot a.i fast as the circumstance ;J duiit t-f. K'iEV A Llil)., are constantly rceeifing ionn:- ' ;Lirg Dew i the way of Clothing aud Ijientleintfu's a.'ii lnig G'.d. ; y,!l.ll "i. d a It w as by any ; and r.oonepersn .arJ tr.'.re t'u.iu anotner, by li. li. Thtmpson, ;ir nviilc Da.ninin. THE NEMAHA RIVER Las been very high foi ten da j s, so hiU lLat the mills Lre Lcei. i'Wd 10 fri. p. ' UIAVEaNo.1 Stallion for sale. For pedigree, Vf,c-;i..n II. I. MANViNG, ..-it A wx'.t nf.nhv.'ettof Iirownvil e. i AN OLI STOCK 1 IT V Tbccip-iticn sy i-o. il.w tLcn it that the latent ttyle prints arc tk.iu 'utLti.p at I). May's? Toil SALK. The n .nh-e8t quc.rter or tec. 17, town 5,rnt.e 10. J. iiLjH u rounty, 7 inik-s frm Tc utbteh. I'i ice $; per acre. For tr ji i ply to J. C. Mc. AUGlli'ON, Bruwiiville. - ' WOY surh great ru.-h fur U. May's Dry Gt-od.--ii Ciuthing ? The people are smirSed with lh li guliitvr and willing to trade with Liin. THE CIRCUS will te here to-day. That ;t is i. fdCi'cui w e have little doubt, aud deserving ol tie patronage of the 6h. w going public. 10 YOU LESIliE to spend all you earn, save f'uUii&g, l.ae nothing, still jnyirg "war pt ices" ii. -ass tf "pence and plenty" ? lhen don't trid. with D.May. ; WE .NOTICE that Tim M'Laughlin is Laving uaterand fhelving j ut in h is store room corner f jlain and third erects, which, we learn, is for aMil- .ncry ttd Ladies' Fancy Xftion CEtabiishini'&t. t Weli-drcsscd Wives and babies, Ar.d a well filled purso alwsy Are bound to blc'3 all who do Tjeir trading at D. May's. j IEV!JC;:.T PATER. Dr. Holladay is about to fiaU k ;tJ :.c enteri.rise of starting a radical Dcra wratic i -;kper in this city. The business is not new to him, and, barring the politics, we wish him acct. EPISCOPAL CHURCa OPENING.-Oa Sunday wit. the 1 4th, the n- w Episcopal Church will be r-fned fur divine service at the usual hours. A seriaoa appropriatq to th e occasion will be preached GEO. R. DAYIS, Rector. , KELIGIOUS.-Elders Barrow and Edwards, of iLe (JLrictun denomination will hold tubiic wor ,&PtJiLn W. Bcnnet's new residence half mile t of this city, next Saturday evening and Sun 4y. fcLTIIINKSI hear aspiritfrom the mystio world .TiEg: "Lorg have I viewed your world, from end to nd (its round, old boy,) and lew finer stocks of furniture fc Uphohtry have I ever seen than McFall 4 Cos." U, w:nked and vanished. : THE EROWXVILLE BAND has been re-organ ltd ntder the leaderhip of C.inton Smith, upon Uju that promises to make it a permanent inti t tu'un. Although their practice has been very lim i 4 they did n,m fine playiny lat Tuesday even gat the Festival. lilE BAPTIST CHURCH, corner 4th and At- t,tic, is progressing rapidly. The wails are nearly P and u wih be enclosed as soon as possible. J udge Ji"Ean ia certainly deserving of credit for his en lKJ io puling the work, and those having Eub fibtd should aid him by being prompt. 1-CMLER. Seventeen wagon loads of Pine Lum , Ww taken from this city to Tocumseh. With railroad done from Council Bluff to opposite this We re connected by rail with the ereat Pine nt of the north, and the best place to outfit the '""riur m picc Lumber is fr. m Brownville, as the god people of Tocamseh have already realized THE FLORENCE SEWING MACtHNE. Thi , -liine u making rapid ttndes in the affections of lpleof this Iicd District. Mrs. John S. """tt, of Nemaha City, is prepared to furnish wJf machine, and give thorough instructions to op- : tri' without additional cost. J(m W. BENNETT'S ctw res dence, just west 11 city on his farm, is now completed, and is "I tbe fmpct tr. tK. M. TV.V lK innrtv f Wftrl .".th, master buihW h.A,. . iftu t: credit m. p . .v i ith a. i e CeDBlt.'ht"Jgh 'r m urge a heart as usubliy falls to the lot canoot 11 this house alone.cannot do the fth u'e' aritlmatio without assistance t This U 'P'en(t;j ... i t . ' mn5' "UL. Within the rast week Wool has come Bto th is mrV ;n - x "rieirj f;, . n-v . .v ' rowij 1 " E S country la beccmirg more apparent every year, W E SHALL hereafter sell our Flour which took the 1st rremium at the lato Couctj Fair-as cheap . as any of the same grade, and can warrant it to be good. Eor sale at McGae & Co's and Wm. Vfal lace's. THOMPSON CRO'S A LOVELACE, tSDo you want to enjoy a rich treat? TLo you like to 6ce your wife and children well dressed ? ZZ7"Dj )w like t3 wear good clothes? tSTDo you like to buy things reasonable ? TDo jou like fair dealing? . Yea, ve illy," all these mayes'l thou Do and have much money left Ly trading at D . May's Dry Good and Clothing R-guUtor ! " TECUM SEH ITEMS. The citizens of Tecumsch and vicinity will hold a mas meeting to-morrow, June 12th, to decidi upon the myt appropriate manner in which to celebrate the coming 4th cf July. N'ew bu-ine.-s houses and residences are going up rapiily. Mes.-rs. Bryant & Myeos are erecting a large building which is to be filled with a stock f Goods soon as fin.si.cd. Judge DcLorg, Alexander Uivins and Henry Taylor are each erecting large residences. The Court bousa is being pushed for ward with tigor, and will be a very fine building. FARM i OR SALE. 40 acres lying within one mile of Jemaba City and three miles cf lirownvillo all in cultivation ; hat an inexhaustible stream of clear spring water running tbrough it ; a cabin with a epleudid spring f water near by upon the prem .ses. Apply to tf G. W. FAIRUKOTUER, MARSH IS DETERMIXD to make Lis the best and principal Bock and News House In Nebraska. In addition to his just getting a full supply of Dickens' Works, (Library Edition,) has just receiv ed Scott's Wavrly Novels. We are torry for the one who has not read the above named books, and cannot but pity those who do not with to. Come buy, come one, ctmo all. NEMAHA CITY ITEMS. Qaite a row occurred here last Thursday, a regular "free fight," in which it was hard to tell whether "the God of battle" lent towatd right or might. The engagement waxed so hot that our reporter left. A gentleman on a visit to a sister in this city was drowned in the Nemaha river one day last week. He was one of a fishing party, and undertaking to swim the river, when about the middle sank to rise no more. He was soon taken out but was too far gone to be resuscitated. PERU ITEMS. The citizens of this plce have organised a Cemetery Association, and are going to work in earnest to secure a proper resting place for their dead. The Rev. F. M. Estabrwk arrived on the 5th. He takes charge of the M. E. Church of tbisplaco for the enduing year. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE.-I will sell an improved farm of 160 aCrea, fJ miles west of this city, for $1.C0J. It has a hede fenco all around it and is hedged in 40 acre Juts; each ftrty Las Tun ing water on it : with a No. 1 dwelling house. good barn and tenant house on the premises. 160 acrcE of the beat tand in Nenuha County 14 raiks westcf Brownville at per a.-n 30-tf CilAS. McPIILRSON. J. B. HOOYER, of Nemaha City, is now doing a very lirge Dry G;od ar.d Grocery business, having, pet haps, the most conplete 8?ft,rtment r-f General Merchandise in the county. lie has drawn to that f..int an iia:ceLse jatr tsge fn m the surr-jucd'r.g ccuntry, and is doing a libera! bu-intsr. Ho is also ia the Grain and' ProJuee bvsinefs, fir convenient handling and shipping of wh.ih he has erected 8 arge WarcLouso at Appiowull. Ilia facilities f.,r r-l.iipir.g Grin are euii to tUat of any honss in the count, siii lu pays every cent the market will Tlil: FESTIVAL, at McPher.'s Ha!!, Tue?d;.y was a very pleatat afi'iir.and every one whom we l ive convened with enjoyed k hugely. They scv depart m-. nts to k in as fallows : Ft admii-iion -f "0 00 .. 47 50 . 8 CO 17 00 St 1-0 $168 50 Fi.-r Re (,'rc.itn and Strawberries At the Hat St jud 1'iT ttie.a!e f C-ke tor saleef LallotU for Silver Basket' Total A vote was t. ken during the evening to ascertain -ho was th5 m -rt p. .uhr lady present, who was to r-eive a Siver Basket, twenty-fire cents being the ,rice of a V'.te Tho v,.te rc.-u'.t:d Mrs McNauhl n, 81, Mrs. Alary Blackburn, 76, Scattering, 13. PERSONAL. Mr. Cyrus F.sher, of the O.la- loota IJcrahl, is now the gutst cf his uncle, Hon. R. Fis cr.ef this city. TLey left yesterday Li 1'awueo C.ty. Rev.J. M.Stokes J3 canvassing f.,r Hon. A. H. Stephe-u'a History of the War. See advertisement of the book in another column. Mr. Stokea is also akirg Subscriptions fo' tho Mca of our dty," by L.P. Brockett, M.D., issued by ZeigUr, McCurdy A Co. This book gives a sLort but precise history of all the leading Repub'icxn Statesmen ar.d Gene rals of the Union Army of tbe present time. It is a book that should be ia the libxary of every family. Sold only by subscriptions. Rev. ham 1 J . Mi. If, one ol the Utncral Agents of the American Tract Society, is iu this city soliciting sub ecriptions. Fiuaucidl and Uommcrcial. FIXAXCIAI,. Gold continues steady, ranging at about 139. The market for Government Securities ha been quite firm and active, with g-Kd demand. The Comroercai and Finaneml Curomde re views the New York money market asfo;lws: The redemption of the Mav Compound Interest Notes has Lad an lmiwrtant elK-el in easing the innr kt. About if 22,l)'JU,t;yo of & por cent ccrttflcates have been issued in exchange for these notes, repre senting about IS.000,000 ol principal and nearly 4.000.000 of interest : and the payment ol the in terest-bearing legal tender has so ir augmented the lesal reserve. Bcs.de, the ready convertibility ol the certificates into plain legal tenders induces the bankers to run closer upon tneir reserve man wnen a large portion cf it consisted cf cotes redeemable only at maturity and carrying a large amount oi m tcrest. The last bunk statement reflected the effect of tbe redemption of tbe compounds. The legal tenders show an it ciease of J4.fi 19,000, due chiefly to the interest upon tbe compounds, wmoh, as above stated, was paid in 3 per cent certifi cates. The net drposns were up $1,194,000, and the loans down S343.000. In the specie deposits there was a de crease of 42,000 ; so that the itcrease ia tho cur rency deposits was l,655,t)J0. There is very little commercial employment for mjnev. The city trade boinz dull, little papei is being made of a character that commands ready curreucy, and prime paper is ooght alter eagerly bKCtlUK percent. There is Some docbt as to how long this plethoric condition cf the money market may last. The loans of the banks lange hia,and the legal tender reserve is lower than uaal ut this soasoa of tbe year; to that any extraneous demand, such, for instance, as for niuvini: t.ae wool crop or tno purchase of bread- stuffs, might soon change materially the aspect of (he market. CHICAGO MARKET. OJlt e Chicago Journal Commerce $ Price Current, Juue 3d, 1S63. DRY GOODS. The market has ruled dull throughout tho week, and tiiere are no new foatures tort iori worthy of esieci I comment. Prijos are wiiboat any very im; ortant charge. Indian rchard Peppreil nnd tj-oiior I X L irown Sheeting are shaded somewhat from previous list, but as stocks cf dctirabla makes are not heavy, cither in Hgents cr jobbers Lands, any marked decline is net probable. Ble-ched Meetings are quiet, and the demand is confined to 1 iug orders to complete assoitments. Lonsdale an I Ara.keag A, are le off, the former sel ling at Iflj and thj latter at 18c. Print, are steady for the new style?, though somewhat irregular for - old Ameru-aas and Lan2eter are lc lower ami ling at 12' c, the market closing dull and heavy ! CATTI.i: There has scarcely any chnnge oc- ! currtd t0 notd in tb0 Cattle Market since our last of : weefa renort. Th m irket cpeaed Tnurslay with a Meady cemaud, end so continued until all good a I marketable "ck were lavorablu. buv j marketable s?'K.k wa- uboio a. j-asiera wtrs j were lavorablu, buyers c i-crated with confidence, an.i r,rvions rtitta r w ell ut ain : d. The frrsh : reeeii.u were 1.100 bead. and 1 .SOS head of allgrades :. nV-nn.-ed hands during the dav. at rnccs rarcmg : a... ' i from 4 50,3 b 60 lor cointu n mixed lots, SSi&i'l for far to god buUhers Caitlo, 7 25-?7 75 for cr.ra- nion to fair shipping Beeves, and JgScjtJ'J for good to extra iroooth shippicg Sleerj. nnnwvrir.Tr. w inKPTS. Flour-Winter V s 17 S0f 3 00 pnng sack ' o 00 6 50 liuckwheat ! 15 7 60 C5 15 12 15 0 62 75 17 15 17 15 50 25 20 13 40 33 orn uusael Meal V beshe! Bacon n ims lb " S'aouliers Tb u Sides Tt Canned Lard Vt 5 12 uoiden Syrapc) gal 1 50 Scgnr House Molasses Vl sral 1 f (0 Sugar New York A. B-' " Brown lb Coffee Java & " Rio gib Cheeso N. Y. Factory B Country lb 18 16 40 25 25 15 1 75 1 25 2 25 20 12 1 50 20 40 25 40 25 15 25 13 0J 75 15 30 00 15 Tea Imperial y ! " Black y lb " Youn Hyson Q lb Candles Z1 lb Apples Dried plb " Green 1 bushel Dried Peaches II lb 15 PoUtoe buthel 75 Coal Oil y gal. 75 12 20 25 50 10 t'2S f. df Butter $ lb Honey y lb Onions y bushel u Sets y qt-. Beans None in markot. Salty bbl 4 00 Pickery djj 10 Lumber Cotton woody 1C00 20 00 " Oak 45 00 - Walnut 45 00 " Pine 45 00 15 25 00 50 00 50 00 85 00 3 25 9 CO 7 00 9 00 6 CO 15 6 1 50 40 Shingles Cottonwood yi000- " Pine Lath Cottonwood y 1003 Pine y 1000 Wood y cord Hides Dry yfi " Green Wheat, per bushel WckI, per lb 3 CO 9 00 6 50 8 50 4 CO It 5 1 25 30 SPECIAL NOTICES. ADDBESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEEIL1TAT ed whose suTerins bave been protracted irotn biddeu causes, aDd wbos-e cases require prompt treat merit to renuei existence desirable. It you are suftcrt ing or bave euft'ered from involuntary dixcbarites. wba effect does it produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Doesalittle extra exertion produce palpitation of tbe beart? Doeb your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidney fre qsantly get out of order? Is your urine sometimes ttiiclt, milky, or flocky, or is it ropy on setting? Or does a thick tenni rise to tLe top? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Da you have fpells of short breathing cr dyspep-ia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do yon havo spells of fainting or rushes t,f blood to tho head? Is your memory im paired? Isyourruifid constantly dwelling upon this suijert? Do you feel dull, listless, niopin?, tired of company, or life? Do you wish to be left alone, to pet away from everybody? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? Is jcur sleep broken or restless ? i the iustreof your eye as bnlliaut? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yocreif in socie ty as we.l ? Do you pursue your business with the 6atiie!nerpy P Do you feel as iuuch confidence inyour hclf? Are your spiritsdull and flagplcs, given to Jits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspersia. Have you reftlees nights? You back. weak your knee weak and bave but little apctite, and yon attribute this to dyspepfia or liver complaint? Now. reader, seli-ebu.e, venerial lifascs bsuiy cured, and texual excesses, are all capable of produc ing a weakness of the peneraiive orsans. The organs of feneration, wbeu iu perfect bealib, make tbe ui:m. Did you ever thiDk that ltu.-e bold, detlant, energetic, perteveriag, succeslul busine.-s men are always thote whose generative organs are in ptrtectheatlh ? Toti never near sneb men complain of being melancholly, of nervousness, l palpitation of the beart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they Joa't become sad and discouraged; tbey arc always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right la the face none of your downcast looks or aDy other meanness about them. 1 do not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by rnnoins to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. IIow many men from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about tbt state of weakness iu those organs that has reduced the penertl system so much as to induce al most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and a.most every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cau.e of the troublo scarcely ever suspectet", and have doctored for all but tbe mlit one. Dise ises of the-e orr'' rrjiiirc the rieof a !i'iret ic. IlELMUULD' S FL U1D EXTRACT UCU U U the fire.it Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of ibe Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak-ne-S, Female Ccmplaiuts. General Debility, and all Hr-cacsof tbe Urinary Orgaus. wbetLer existing in Male or --emale, lrom whatever cause originatiui and i matter of hew long standiug. If no treatment is submitted to, Consutuptlon or In sanity may ensue. Oar flesh and buod are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and hat of Posterity, depends upon tbe prompt use of a re'.iaole remec'y. netuibold's Extract Bnchu, established upward of 9 years, prepared by U . T. II ELM BOLD, Druggist. 594 Broadway. Ne York; and 104 cuth lOib St., Philadelphia. Pa. Price St 25 per battle, or 6 bottle for $Q 60 deliv ered toany ad.lre-s. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. DOCTOR MOTT'S COXCEPTIO. II1EVETITC. "TS ued ty over tnrce cunared thousand ladles : J- the Atlantic States alone, and ly a large nunibS tn the West, who wou'.dn.t be withont it ftr ten times its cost. It is to this Frventlve hat tbe iaiotbers if those Slates owa their immunity from Urge families. It isabsolutely certain, C'-nTenicnt o ue and withal beneficial to health. Abrtiou is rinilnal, then use means perfectly moral and pro uor. Send stamp for pamphlet containing full particulars. Address, r. A. G. Wilbcr, (P O Box 3C32) 719 at. Charles street. 12-17-ly St. Louis, Mo. INFOKMATIOII. lnfoTmation guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair uton a bald head or beardless face, aiso a recipe lor tneremovalot I imples, Motcacs, Ernnlions, etc., on the skin, leaving tho same soft, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing. TllOS. V. C 11 A I'M AM , Dbf mist 823 Broadway. New York. Drs. Wesley & Pierce Have f r many years treated Private Diseases with unexampled success, having bad twenty years ex- ' periencein tbe Hospitals of this and other conn- tries. Tbey have devoted their whole time and energy to the tieatmeut of private complaints;; their snccess In the treatment of those U.ug stand- ' irig and difficult ca'es such as were formerly con- sldered incurable, is sufll ient to reeoruruend them , to the public as worthy of the extensive patronage . which tbey have received. The universal and nn failin success in the treatment adopted by them, has proved, beyond a doubt, that a permanent care for tie worst cat es of Constitutional Syphilis, Gon orrhoea, Stricture in any form, all Mercurial affee I tions, diseases of the Skin, Kidneys and Bladder ! can be obtained. 1 ' Also, the effect of a solitary babit ruinous to body aud mind, producing blotches, debility, lmpo- i tency, dizziress. dimnes of sight, &.c, &.C., and j rendering msrrisge improper, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of tbe m.t exalted talent anil brilliant intel- i lect, may rely upon a permanent cure. No charge for advice or consultation. All communications strictly confidential. Send two three cent stanics ; for treatise relating to ail private diseases. No Mercury used. Ofilep hours from 9 a. m. to 7 p rj. j Sunday, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Office 413 Ouve &t. Addrets all letters to P. O. Box -2603, St. Louis, Mo. 12-1 Sly T1EAFNES3, catarrh, co M SUMPTION AND CANCER CURED. A Treatise on Deafness, Catartb, Consumption and ancer ; their causes, meaus of speedy relief and ult mate cure. Ey a Pupil of the Academy of Medicine Paris. Sent to auy address for VJ cents. Letter from Kob't McMurdy, D.D., LL.D., Grand Prelate of Grand Encampment of U 3, and Editor of the Xationcl Freemason : New Yoke. Sept. 17, 1SC7 Dr. Stillwell was in charge of Grace Church Hospital, Alexandria, Va during tbe war. I frequcut y, almost daily, for months visited this Hospital, and bad every met ns of knowing his reputation for efficiency aud skill. It was of the most creditable character, and bis success- in tbe treatment of patient was remarkable. Robert iSCitTRDY. Organic Vibrator. It fits into the ear, is not perceptible, remove sing ing noitvt in the head, vti ena&iesdeaf persons tobear distiuctly at church and public assemblies. lLislu etrument will often produce reults aimsst mireculous and icdeed In cases of long standing deafness, 1. wli relieve In a shurt time. It may be adjusted with the ease of M;ectacles. DR. STILLWELL will be professionally at 31 Eas Wa.-Lhifitou place University Buildings, N. Y.. daily .0 to 4, except Ti er-days, when be will be at bis rooms l032Piue Kticet, i'bilBde.phia Pa TJ-lS Iy TXT ANTED- Tfjcftrrs. Siudcnte, and other intelUseDt Men and Women in a busiuess pay ing 100 to $JOO per motiib, ac ordicg to ability For particulars addre? ZEtGLKR, SlcCURUY 4t CO i Lombard BlXk.Chicagj, III 12-21-17 Nftils.Pails, TTell Buckets, Soives, Ac, at SWAS & BUO'S. DOCTOR WH1TTIER j HAS been longer engaged in the treatment of ! Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than auy : other Physician In St Louis. Syphilis in all its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stn-ture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with the greatest success. Spermatorrhea, Eexual Debility and Im ' potency, as the resnli of self-abu.e iu youth, or sexual excesses in matnrer years, which produce sorueof the loilcwing eflectii, as blotches, debility dirzmess, dimness of sight, confesionof ideas, evil forebodings, aversion ta society of females, loss of; memory and texual iKwer, and rendering marriage1 improper -can be cured. j Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia.; Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia, Rap-, ture, or any other chronic affection, may rely upon roceivlng a radical rure. i Particular attention given to all Female Cera-' rlaints; Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb, Leucorrbea, Chloriv., Stsrt'.ity &c. Most cases can be properly treted withou t an interview, acd medicines sent by mall or express, secured free from observation. Consultation by letter or at oBlce free. Charges moderate and cures guarra.itled j S3Ofilce, with hospital accommodations for pa tieuta, No. 617 St. Charles street, tetween Sixth and Seventh, St-Louis, Mj ' JilVEHY BODY can get, In a' sealed envelope, my Theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Diseases, containing full symptom list, for twr postage stamps ; alsO, my Paper relating to Chronic ana Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp. i 12-17-ly ! ERRORS OF YOUTH- A gentleman who suffered for years from Ner7 oas Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion , will, for the Eako of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, tho receipt and directions' for making the sim; le rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B, OGDEN, . 31 lyP 42 CeJer Street, New Ycrk ST. JOSEPHJBU JAMES HOKIGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la PUM P lo eveey variety, for HAND AND POWSR. ALSO WROUGHT, GALVEN'IZKD IRON AND LEAD 9 Rubber Hose and Packing, STEAM WHISTLES, GAUGES, LIGHTS INQ CONDUCTORS COPPER, ETC., Na. IS Third Street, near Edmond, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. 5t3Orders solicited and promptly flllod at lowest rales. v 12-1123 3m. John finger. w.h.docglas. PINGER & DOUGLAS, Yf liolesale Dealers OUEESNWAKE GLASS WARE., $C frC, NO. 7 Fourth Ttreet. St JOSEPH, LIO. 4oly R. T. Underbill A. N. Eaton. UNDERHILL & EATON, ommissioiiMcrchaiits7 So 2. city nuiidins LOUIS M . REFERENCES: Second National Bant, St Losls Al'en, Copp & Nisbet, St. Louis. Brroch State Bank of I .wa. Dur uque. Joaustoue & Bacon, Bankers, Ft. Madlsoa, Ia. Isaac Scarritt & Co,, Alton, III. Blair &. Atwood, Altcn, III. Soda Crackers, Ginger Snaps, end Aerated Crack ere, a SWAN 4 BRO'd. W00LW0RTH & COLT, is kal ab 4KD DEALERS IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, Paper Hangings, And Printers' Stock, No- 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo. Cash Paid for Rags. Union Foundry, MACHINE SHOP ilURNSlDE, CKOWTIIEB & E0GEK3 PROPIUETORS, Cor. Oth & Messanie Sts., t. Joseph, Mo. PTEAM ?NGmES WADE IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS ;0F ALL K!DS IRON FRONTS Made to order on short notice and satisfactory to all parties. A?sr agents for GA11DNKR& ROBERT SON'S IMPROVED PATENT GOVEIiNOR.-4 4-ly Dried Peaches Apples, Blackberrtei, Cherries a SWAN & BRCS ITVjr a choice aiticlo of Tea. go to i? SWAX & BUO'S. ft m fc if c5 2 O K ) - S S O fe g I a i?c5sei "--.sin :! ifva f 5 55, 1 O J O 1 1 ; tr Til 0 5 S S ff 'j S o - s HAY'S COLUini. iSr J va taVl r n34 Lipt r3 2 J 3 63 73 1 iinnioo s,i?n pCW99EaXBc4 M.m m. .j aa m 4 o o 69- CO - C. ATJLTIIA1I & Co's "SV7EEPSTAHES.' ?.0.tcJ TUB ONLY GENUINE SWESPSTAE2S" 6i TKHS1ILXG JLiCIILXE. C. Auxthax, I Ilrxav IT. Taticr, Manufacturer, I Gcn'I Western Ag't, Canton, Ohio. Chicago, lil. TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS. Tho IraproTed " Cares " Power, (Doth eight and ten horse.) THE 1 COHYH17S&TIT Gn POVTEII, (Both eight and ten horse.) Alaudahls amhilicn eikta aracngtire-sHsrs to " era 2ie test machine ia the Iie:ghhorhcod.,, ITcthing li 'acre disagrseatb to thea ihzi to tav9 farmers coa Tlaia tLat thdr vrori i3 rot properly ci to l:e Taluatb tbia by iaocca cf breakage?, aal tiey caa aot ho too carcfal ia sclflctiag a raackn;. Tho Sweepstnlces fa tna accredited head of the Threshing Slachine family, and its superior strength, durability, simplicity, eoso of draft, f tyla jt finish, and capacity for thre&hins and cU-aui'n grain faster and better than any other in the world, are acknowledged. Ths great reputation achievd by this favorTk8 machinchas led several unscruptiioii-t manu fiicturers, an-i numc-rous acct-uts, to attach the nam ' Swekpstakes," in one way and another, to tl'ii machines and advertisements to mislead and deceive. Tliis i3 the essence of meanness down right piracy, and Bailin? unJer false colors. To avoid the count'rf-i'-. tliat cvory machino lia the card, "C. AULTMAN & CO., MANvrsc-ri-REus, Caul m, Oli w." in pilt letters, conspicuously ou botlt aides of the S parator. Tho Gcnuina Sweepstakes enables the thresher to pick his customers, seldom steps for re pairs, lasts much longer than others, saves ranch, grumbling and vexation, does tho sar.ia amount f work with vtn labor, and enables Lim to select tho best and most profitaMo joba. The farmers give it a preference, pn;i -often an extra price per bushl, because it threshes Clean from the lu ai'.s, paraten perfectly from tho straw,' cleans fit for ninrkct without waste, g.ives all the prain, does its work with the utmost speed, safo ty au l economy, and does not keep a au of men ud teams about them cu expense. The elegant "Patent Pivct Eido Gear'' Is to b fouud only ou tho Sweepstakts. Our "Patent Cleaning Apparattia" en ables the operator to control tbe direction of the blast, and position of the seives, and clean either neavy or Iirlit grain, without waste, as fast as It ean be threshed, the chaff and dirt lein separated from tho grain befcre it ilriie the teive at all. Separators, Horse Powers, Etrvw Stack ers, Gears or Jacks, soli separately, wheii jesired. A written warranty delivered with every machine. Tho " SWUEPSTAKE3" is usnaly a very icarca article after harvest, and parties should order early. Call or send and get a pamphlet circular, giving a full description and particulars, toptber with numerous certificates, and the names and resi dence of over three thousand persons who Lave b xight and used the Swekvstakes in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, AViaconsiu, aud Kansas, alonu. For tale by THEODORE HILL & CO., Xo. 'IO, IcP3icrso!r.-i E!or!i, - 3m llroaruville, Xel)rask.a. U'. H. KIMBEUL1N, OCULIST AND AUEIST. Will Treat till Di-Mses of tre hye and Lur. Rooms at the Star Hotel, Tenders his services to the citizens of this ci'y ar.d viclniiy. May to ronsulte-t at tha above place from the 1st to the n th of ertcli mouth. And at the featern House, Salem. Ricknrdson county . JiCbiain, from tbe lOlh to the List of each mouth. 12-1 My W O OD ' S Ecaucr aud Blower! B rzS LZ-T-- .''.s ':.':. "1 -- - - .- M" ,J WALTER A. WOOD Reaping & Mowing Machine COMPANY, IIOOSIC FALLS, S. Y. This machine was awarded tho First Grand Prise, T32E I3IPERI.VL CROSS, of the Legion cf lienor, and two grand GoIdHedala sf the Pari3 Exposition of 1887, ar.d is pronounced the Best MacMne in t&e World. Call and pet a Pamphlet giving cuts of ilachlncs aai it Dart a, ttfifh Jei r twijoriurtv ROBERT TEARE fc CO., 33-tf Sole Agents. JOHN L. CARSON, '? rr- - y 4J JL 4d .! J -A i.m U aJ CJ Srowxs-villo, Iw"oT3. Exchange bought and sold on all tbe principal Cities. Also, dealer ia Gj.o. aril Silver Com, goveIiieieiit bohbs. Deposits received, payable r.t sight. Interest paid on time Deposits by especial agreement Taxes paid for non-residents. All kinds cf U.S. BONDS WANTED JOHN L. CARSON. r.l TJ : MISS LEACH, JIIS3 MAET A. SIMPSON LEACH &. SIMPSON, Milliners & Dress-Makers WLh to inform tho ladies of Erownville and -vicinity that they has just commenced a first class MILLINERY & DRESS-MAKING Where work will be done with great care and neat ness, and after the latent Eastern stv!cj. Bleaching and Iiepairins dono iu the very latest itle and cn short r.otico. Latc.-t stjles of Ladie '3 and Children s Ilata and Bcnaet Constantly kept on ha:id, a'c lat-'?t pat tern tf Ixtdic l)r3ei. Cloaks, and Childrens clo thing cut on short notice Second Street, between Main c Water EROWXVILLE, NEBRASKA. Aug.3a,186S. x-47-ly j : , for GEO. O. START. A. A.T.UT GEO. G. STAP.T ci BnOTIIi: Dealers ia all kinis of GRAIN AiiD CCUMTRY FHOIUuE, ASPISV'ALL. XEDRASZA. ELlThe bishest market price paid for ar.Tthin trie Firmer can rai.-e. Wo will Ley and sel' e'l-rythlua tmrtrn to the mtrket. vl2-nr:S-tf jcFiierson's Ilocli. !Vc.tC inn 3. HILL L CO., Tealers i l DRY GOODS, Groceries, IIARDV.TAHE Ladies' Gent's aa Cbildren'. BOOTS and SPIOES, Quecnsuarc, G LASS V," A RE, and . Caps Agticiillural ISIPLEMIaNTS,- PUES, NOTIONS, CAE PETS, Forming, rcrlnp'. the most complete aul es tensivo atock i-Uere-1 to Whole-save or Retail purchasers west of tie Missouri Liver. Never having l.eea cutdene for estc-r.t of Stock or J air dealuus, they mertt tbecur.iTl ence and p.itrona?e of Aii l; DOESEY &. BB0.', 2 21a!n Street, BROWNVILLE. Dealer ia Ien and Boy's 5 - .1 ? l ' v. 1 .1 1 ! - i'ra r-..J : 2 i: '.. 'A Z - ; 1 iJ il la J U burnishing- Goods, HATS and GAPS, 0 6f S AIID SHOE S mm. ufiiiBEBS. 3 c a a p e t - B AG S liiirffiiffiY. Blankets and Umbrellas- Have just received and will keep con stantly cn Land a large and well assort ed stock of tbe above, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they cfTer io the public at VERY. LOW PSIECS TP o XI y jjiuxjjj2xlJ xi a,S 4? STAPLE AND FANCY Embracing all tbe nQVELTiES 01 "e Seaeon- Aho, a large and well-selected stock of , ;i;s -1 y ? J ii j j j vJ v-&-aV i Genl3 Furnishing Goods, BOOTS &. SHOE HATS AISTD CAP'S. & xi v j u :a 1 x b -A A'D- ,Vi f .ft si ft. - - c fL :C flt fp . AND Our Good 4 were bon'it t.f fr?t hand?, and nj think W8 can oiler sach iniacem.ntJ to piirchaer Hi cannot fail to tuit thoso wL-Lir t buy. Call and see for yotir?elve?. All kinds of Produce taken in exchan re "5 uooda 50 if- Ci CO w x n o 8. Iplo at t i r.zh "ay, Ack ieat tiei .tola lab, 13 for 9t, una iry iter t'.va ,res b? eea nx ore ex- of o the ear :ral tha wo . my eh- ! In tcfj i or i oil ica.j 323 nlf! ten f tht . he' i re cz:l i in! :oz ' hsl hs t tl tl 1 11 O! J I 1 :o ie:: s VI. "r xc; . i ri; e? ei i nt 1 t Ci tv! en. ft a ci; f- 1 X! . i IC i t: it i i t; , i i I ' I)