' . f r- '-riirr -'HV I'lV "1 1-" i. i. li .i ili.i., luL,.. "41 KiJ. Agricultural Department. XT- V7 rUTiNAC, i:DiTor.. Olifto', ?rn aha CorTr,? Hay I7th, 1S33. j J'r. Editor :lxi the absence cf cur resells yea may thick that ih3 Clifton Farmer's Club has " flattened cut," &s ycur ccrrcir-- " II. Meddle some," cf the regions round about, chins. Eut tuch, I zn ghl to slate, is net the case. We have, it is true, teen usable to keep up cur regular tneetics (which ere now essii-mcnthly) cn account cf sickness in the neighborhood, and cne death a child cf Mr. Aldrich which, with the press cf work at this zzzzon, employed all the time vre had. The club net cn the 15. b, and with incrtcsd, interest. There was a good attendance, and ell had a gcod Lint to cfTer; in tfact this club practice what they preach, the slanders cf "Meddle some" to the contrary, notwithstanding. We have all to. a can put cut cur own nursery cf fruit trees, such as apple, peach, plum, pears, and the small fruits in great variety, besides evergreens, for est trees and grapes. The male mem ' bers discussed the cssge hedge and the general crops now demanding our special attention, while their better-babes were talking nbcut the dairy, poultry and the fiowen. There are some few difference cf cpinicn in regard to pinching off the tap root cf seedlings and transplanting in nursery row to promote ihs grov;h cf fiberous roots near the surface, and so gain a year cr two in fruiting in this dry climate, but it is being generally adopted. The grasshoppers are eating thousands cf young trees for us, as soon as up, but we shall be able to save a few with care. What we prcpsse tojii-is to awaken an interest in fruit culture. Were it not for the united eflorts cf-the club nest of these trees would net be here at all; so ycu can readily see what a club cf this kind can do towards making this. a fruit county, cr at least give an inteihgent reason for their failures. . It was moved and carried that we re turn a vote cf thanks to Senator T. W. Tipton for books, seeds, Sec, cent to the club. . Also moved and carried that we meet regularly twice a month in the afternoon during the summer,, at the farm- cf cne the men:l:r, to view the place, compare notes, end benef.t by each others success cr failures in Che different departments cf agriculture, making it a good social chat, and profitable to all! ' We meet Friday, Slay 29;h, at 2 o'clor-': P. M., at J. Gilbert's.. All are invited. R. A. HAWLEY, Sec. TLc Application cf Ilnunrc. It is a matter cf great importance to the farmer to know how and when to apply his manure to the land-, to get the greatest crops and give "the mosf benefit to the land at the same time. I have experimented considerably, and the man ure drawn cut and spread, late in the fall, will, give greatest amount of corn 'and wheat cr rye, to follow with- clover, than any way I can use it. I drew cut and spread msnure cn three acres in the fall, and when the snow was cnlhe ground I drew out and spred cn two acres more, and in the spring, after the frost was all cut, I manured two acres and . Plowed it in plowing also the other five acres and which were in the same field, and equally good land. The corn was planted the first week in May, and all hoed and tended alike. Attarvest time it was all cut. up by the roots and shocked in the field; when fit to husk, the fall-manured corn measur ed sixty buthels to the acre, the winter manure fifty bushels, and that manured in the spring only fcrty-five. The ground was sown with rye, and there was about the tame difference to lock at, but I did not ihras.h and measure it separately. On tne clover I do not think .their was as much difference between the fall and the winter manured, but that manured in the spring was tut little mere than half as gcod as that in fall. If manure is drawn cut for corn in the spring it should be plowed in immediate ly, cr it will lota a large portion of its goodness. I have sometimes plowed in the manure in the fall, but have give up that as being too expensive as the ground must be plowed again in the spring to give the young plants a goCd early start. I have manured for four - years in the fall, winter and spring, and each year I am more in favor cf fall manuring to the extent cf alliht manure I have, and in every case tbefsdLis largely ahead cf the spring manure pieces. If the manure is drawn cut in fall and winter, it hastens the spring work, which is quite an object sometimes, and gives the farmer lime to do mere thoroughly his planting and sowing, and put his land in good shape for crops,' which' will repay Icr all extra t;rue h3 cay c.ccso to occupy m mellowing the ground for the recep- lien cf the A writer in the Journal cf Agricul ture (St. Louis) says: "At present the manufacture cf Eorghum is cn the . de cllno. Farmers l;k9 it as well as ever and pay a good price for what they uss, luLtb.ra is no sale for the surplus. City censumsn have a prejudice egainst it cn neeeunt cf its looks and color ; and the refineriu refuse to pay ncra than half th3 cc:t cf r.3 manufacture. As it does net pur cn this account, nearly all the Isrge, skillful makers are going cut cf the turners; it being impossible to sell tl.2 surplus crcp for mere than 25 to CO cents a gallon, at which price, taking cut tho ccet cf crmmiseion, freight and lerr-I;, a lees cf fully CI a txrrclis in- v Education::! Deportno::!. cr. x.c x.i'irr:i; ma: or: i m In 4 ' 1- -. m.a withoat a freed the it not a betrayal cf th3 tru-. I:?.; nei in them? ww-b. w. w The law anticipate? th-.t th person cquiint iraents, ; really examining t?ach:;a i-.-M IV.!; 5 himself with their literary aitai; r.nd then A ; tiheves them r.uahUca to teac.i a com mon sc in the wt LA i k And with that certificate they ive risht to er "are a eel any v. lie re ia the coun- tv. New it is slrurly thai a p.: re en can accurately j.:Je of the qualifications cf another by hearing him answer a few simple questions that any child ten years eld should be able to an swer. Nothing short cf a rigid examination can show the qualifications of any person, end it is due the teacher, who has" thoroughly qualified himselr, that he have a thanco to show his ability. The people put confidence in the man ic-v select as Examiner, and when a person shows his Certificate they, of course, think he .ought to be able to do ail it says he is qualified to do. The law makes the Examiner a safe- guard aguinst-imposition, but," if he does not do his duty he bicomes a positive in jury instead cf a help. The excuse that the District in which the teachers expect to teach is backward, is noexeuss at all ; that is the way to keep it backwird for ever; the most backward districts, need the very best teachers. Let not the Examiner be a party in upholding un qualified teachers and very soon we shall have teachers who are. really worthy.of that name. It is doing those teachers who spend their time and money to fit themselves well for their work great injustice to put them on a level with those who have never" tried to educate themselves, and who are totally incompetent to instruct a student properly in any branch of study, We feel if the standard cf qualification is raised it must be in part, at least, the work cf the County Examiner. We are not making these remarks", ai strictures upon any one particularly, for we find the Examiners throughout the State too lax entirely, as the schools will abundant ly show. Let us have thorough Examinations even if Certificates are granted, it will show that the Examiner is not making it entirely a farce. ' Ccr Trip. We found Beatrice a fine growing lit tle place, with manufacturing facilities equal to any town in the west. The Blue, which runs west -of the town is a beautiful stream, with power sufficient in its pellucid current to drive all spindles and looms in the Old Bay State." Be atrice is just beginning to grow; we noticed more indications of building there than in any other town we visited. The lumber is not cf as good quality as that wfl hare r.n tha River but ato'na nf ihft . finest quality is convenient and abundant. We could not admire those buildings erected with the two kinds cf stone (light and dark), the dark colored caused the whole building to appear dingy. But dwellings built of the . light colored all together made a fine appearance. Those who ar6 putting up frame buildiDgs, use nine tor the outside. This.we ihiuk-is wise in ihcm as it pays better to enclose with pine at almost any price, rather than use Nebraska Cottonwood. We were there on Monday forenoon, and it was really a sight to see the num ber of people thronging the stcres. If the people should crowd the counters of our merchants on the River towns in the sime proportions they would really think the people had lost their wits and were all leaving the country and "coming to town." Beatrice certainly was a live place while we were there. We spoke to people on Saturday evening. Owing to the rain that afternoon our audience wast not large, but we found them wide awake and ready to work for Education gen eraly, and especially in Beatrice. We were highly pleased with the enthusiasm mannifeEted cn that subject. There-are men there whope pockets fairly bum to contribute towardbuilding up an Educa tional interest in Beatrice. We know of no better point off the river to, start a Seminary School, and we believe Chat a man with proper energy can now lay the foundation of a school that will not only do much for Beatrice butwillbea great benefit to the educational interests of our State. We found the people of Blue Springs alive, Educationally; putting forth an earnest effort to erect a school house. We believe they will succeed for they feel the. need cf it greatly. We saw cne of the best constructed mill dams across the Blue there we ever saw. , ' At Pawnee City we found the people fully alive and etraining every nerve to keep the growth cf the village up to the rapid increas'e of the surrounding coun try. There is no need that we should speak cf the enterprise, cf the people of Pawnee City. Their deeds speak louder than any words of ours can. Like old I Massachusetts, "There she is; behold her and judge for yourself." We spoke at Salem to a group cf ten cr ritteen men ana Doys. i-ans uity is too near horns to need any comment. We spoke there in the new M. E. Church. They are erecting an Episcopal Church, the basement of which they intend to fit cp fcr a high bchocl. We did not speak at Aspinwall es we intended, frcm the fact that buisness at home was such that we had to be there quite early cn Satur day, and it was buisness we did no: know cf when we made cut our appointments, so wc hep 5 ths good people cf that place will not think loo hard cf us for not ful filling cur engagement. We hope to be able t3 visit the place yet and ma'ie the acquaintance cf its citizens, and se3 how Cchoel matters prosper with them. We enjoyed our trip well and returned feeling a greater respect fcr the enter prize and energy cf the people cf South ern Nebraska. One thing we could not help noticing, that where the people were the most wide awake cn ail mitter3 cf importance the Educational interest occupied avery prominent place, and our largest gatherings were at uch places. To the kbi friends who entertained us cur sincere thankr, and we hep 3 that the day is not far distant when we shall see cur educa tional interest fully up to the demands cf the times, ar..d tL 3 children cf cur Etnt3 Viflvo nil thp P. J rs ! r p rf p l-nrm-'h tnnrcugn Education. P.M. r?rr rr ri I . .ii.iju4.ij,a...ui.;.i HARDWARE STOVES, TINWARE HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE HARD WARE, STO VES,t TINWARE 50,000 Miles Fence Wire,' 50,000 Miles Fence Wire, 50,000 Miles Fence Wire, PITTSEURG IRON iz NAILS, PJTTSBURG IRON & NAILS. PITTSEURG IRON & NAILS, Mechanic's Tools, Mechanic's Tools, Mechanic's Tools, CHARTER OAK STOVES, CHARTER OAK STOVES, CHARTER OAK STOVES, Canton Clipper Plows, Canton Clipper Plows, Canton Clipper Plows.. Sole Agent in Southern Nebraska, and Atchucn and Holt co., Mo. for CHAMPION REAPER MOWER CHAMPION REAPER & MOWER CHAMPION REAPER & MO WEPv The Best in the World. The Best in the World The Best in the World. Besides a full assortment of everything kept in a first class AND H'JrtLDvJJfl S'Ji'OMSli! Which will be sold us low as the lowest FOE CASH To all who favor us with a call. 23-ly At the Sign of the Stead. U the place to buy , , FURNITURE i UPHOLSTRY ! ! ! Ei f--i VjrU3 L v'a Keep contt&ntlj on baud a complete assortment cf Sofas, Wardrobes, P.ocking Chairs, -"Wash Stands IUt Racks, Tables, : - -""ti Kitohen BeJstcadi, Beaurcaua, Sprinzs beds, "What Nota Chairs, Kitchea c r and - - r - and Parlor Parlor, Mar- toped S tands Lounge?, f Tabli US' Metalio Cases, Lonage rings, Settees, Mattresses, Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands ; Roekin? Cribs, Tete-tcte8 Swing Cribs, OfHee Ch&irs, Comforts, Bed Springs, Children s Cabs and Gigs, Piano Stools, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, eto., etc., etc., etc. Show Vases and office work made to order - a And anything and everything required to set np plain or fancy housekeeping. All of their ware is either manufactured or put up under their special superintendence, which enable thern sound articles at smaller pricas than eastern manufactuted goods. OUR HEARSE t V A AA--. is at the service of the publio at any time it may be needed, and is gotten np in as fine style as any farther east. Iletalic Burial Ca of all sises constantly on hand, at eastern prices. We are doing business on strictly cash principles At a imall profit, and by attention to business and the wants of the community, expect in the future as in the past to receive the patronage of the pub lio generally. MTALfrfe CO. FAIRBANKS' - ET AKDAF.O SCALES, J OP ALL KIXLS. FAIKMNKS, GEEENLEAF & CO. 220 Lake Street. Chicago. 239 I'arket Street, St. Louis. VZT 3 CAEETCL TO BUY Oa.LY 1 33 GSXTLVI.JJ T rooms, Salt, Axes. Powder, Shot and Lead at JL SWN & BROTHER'S 31. W. TAHCI1'S PATEKT ATMOSPHERIC P citable and Stationary SODA FOUNTAIN Manufactured and sold by the Patentee, 5CS Uortli Forth St.. St. Louis. 3Io. This Fountaio is admirably adapted for use in small towns and at public gatherings Full directions go with each, and recipe for making syrups. . Price $T5. Send for dos-crlptive pamphlet. TO COirSTJlMPriVEs. The REV. EDWARD A T7JLS0N will send (free of charge) to all who desire the prescription with the directions for racking and using the sim ple remedy by hich Lewascurel ofa langaSTec tioaand that dreai disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the evicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it wi 11 ecst thern no-thins, and rr.sy rrore a blein. r:.easeaidr3J3 EEV. ED u'AED A WILSGNT, Ka. 15 Southend 5., WiHiasibar, New York during- cur journey e exte .. ' . - . i .. : - ,.- s. It SPECIAL NOTICES. i mini mi, I,!,, i u TOl hjmjjwii -ukb" huwpi " mr n ..ww"", T3 T!ed lyottT 1 -S. Atlantic St three hundred la;:? .tes alone, andty a lar?j naracer in C:e West, who wold not It witr.ovn hit ten tines itaeosf. It 1 to ttis Preventive ihat ttt mothers of those States owi their IxrauEify from isree fam':;."'. It Isabsolctely certain, Cf ntf lent rn cn end vithal teneScial to heaita. Aborti n it criminal, then c?e means perfectly mcr&l and pro per. Send ataaip for pamplilet, coritainir.g I particular. Address, Dr. A. . VilTicr; . (PO Pox 2032) ' "13 St. Cbarles street, 12-17-ly St. Lens, Ho 11 JL14 X Uli- lnfoTxitioa ruaranteed to prodaca Inxcriant grovtb of bair upon ft balJ heal cr tearaeji use, a!ao a racipe for the renseyal of Pimples, tlotcbai, . . - . .i. t trupticna, etc, orjtue g'iirj, leaving ine and be&atifal.can be obtained without charge bj ftddreisisr. TU03. F. CHAPMAN', Chemist 23 Broadway. Iiew lorS. ADDRESS TO TnS NEKVOU3 AND DEEIUTAT sd whose saTeringa have been protracted from hiddec caases. and whose cases- require prompt treat ment to render existence desirable. I? you are surfeit tn? or have aoaeredfrom ItTolantary discharges, wna eSect does it produce upon yonr general health? Vo yon feel weak, debilitated, easily ureas uoesa.iuia extra exertion proaace paiptiaiioa or ui omv uoe your liver, or urinary organs, or your aidneys. rre- qaantly get out or orner y i yoar unuo mhdhiiiim , thick, milky, or flociy, or-ia it ropy oa setting? Or doesa thick acuta rise to tcetcpr ur is a seGimeui v the bottom after it has stood awhile uoyouuare spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated 2 Do you havo spells of faintinj or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory im paired? Isyourmitid constantly dwelling upon inn euMeot? Do you feel dull, listless, rr.opin?, tired of company, or lire vo yon-'wisa woe icmiuue, wjrt away from everybody uoes any nine isns ms you start or Jnmp ? Is jour sleep brokea or restless? Is the lustreof your eye as brilliant? The bloom oa your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourielf in socie ty as we.l r Do you pursue your iiiMne wun isio aatne energy? Do yon feel s much confidenre in your self? Are rour spirits doll and nagging, given 10 nt3 or melancholy?- If ao, do not lay it to your liver or dyspersla. nave ycu restless nights?- You back weak your knees weax,? ana nave ouv uuie piuc, -.. yon, attribute una wuyi:pepi or u?tr coujiaiuir Now. reader, aelf-abuse, venerlal diseases baoly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable f produc ing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when In perfect health, make the man. Did you ever tcint cuat tnose coia, aenani, enerseuc, persevering, successfnl business men are always those whose generative organs are in penecmeawa r 10a never near auch men complain of being melancholly, of nervousness, cf palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't become Bad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company or lacies. ana look you and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness boutthem. I do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by rnnnini to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or How many men from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness In those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce al most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, sdnal affections, suicide, and aimost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspectet", and have doctored for all but the ngnt one. Diseases of these organs reanire the nseof a dloret Ic. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU i the great Diuretic, and la a certain cure for diseases of tha Bladder. Kidneya. Gravel, Dropsy, Organic weak ness. Female Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Uale or female, from whatever cause originating and do i&atter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to Consumption or In sanity may ensue. Oar flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that or Posterity, depends upon the prompt use or reliaole remeiy. Helnibeld'e Kxtrael Buchn, established upward of IS years, prepared by . If. T.HBLMBOLD, Druggist. -. . 69 Broadway. New Tork, and , 104 South 10th St., Philadelphia. Pa. Price 81.25 per bottle, or S bottles for $6.60 deiiv ered toany address. Sold by all Druegista everywhere Drs. ' Wesley Cz Pierce Iavefr many yeara treated Private Dise.ifea with unexampled success, baviry? hJ twenty years es- ries. They have devoted theii whole time and energy to the treatment of private complaints ; heir success in the treatment of those loci stan l- j ng ana aimcmii cases sncn aa were rorrneriy con--idered incurable, is sufficient to recommend them ;o the public as worthy of the extensive patronage which they have received. The universal and ua ailin success rn the treatment adopted by them, its proved, beyond a doubt, that a permanent cure for the worst cases of Constitutional Syphilis, Gon orrhoea, Stricture in any form, all Mercurial a (Tec '.ions, diseases of the Sain, Kidneys and Bladder can he obtained. Also, the effect of a solitary habit ruinous to body and mind, producing blotches, debility, impo tency, dizzicess, dimness of sight, &c, &x., nd rendering marriage Improper, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, may rely upon a permanent cure. - No charge for advice or consultation. All Communications -trictly confidential. Send two three cent statrsrs ror treatise relating to ail private diseases. No Mercury used. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 7 p ui. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 2 p. ro. Office 13 Olive St. Address all lettera to P. O. Box 2803, St, Loais, Mo. 12-U-ly jlEAFiiESS, OATARitn, con- A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh,. Consumption and ancer; their causes, means of speedy relief and nlti- j mate cure. By a Pupil of the Academy of Medicine, ram. sent 10 any aaaress ror to cents. Letter from Eob't McMurdy. D.D.. LL.D.. Grand Prelate of Grand Xdcampment of V S, and Editor of New Tokk. Sept. 17, 18S7 Dr. Stiixwxlx. was in charge of Grace Church Hospital, Alexandria, Ta., aurmg me war. 1 frequently, almost daily, for months, visited this Hospital, and had every mesns of knowing his reputation for irFrciENCT and skill. It was of tne most creditable character, and his success In the treatment cf patients was romarkabie. Eobiht MCMsEOT. Organic Vibrator. It fits Into the ear, is not perceptible, remove tina tng nouttin the head, aod enable deaf persons to hear amuncuy at church and public assemblies. Thia in- atrument will rten produce results almsst miraculous and indeed incases of long standing deafness, li will relieve in a short time. It may be adjusted with tha ease or spectacles."1 . DR. STILL WJELL will be professionally at 31 East wasnington place, University Buildings, N. T., daily, 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, when be will be at his rooms 1032 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 13-16- ly DOCTOR WHITTIEIt HAS been longer engraved in the treatment of Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than any ther Physician in St Louis. Syphilis in all Its forms, Gonon-hea, Gleet, Stricture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of the TJrinry and Sexual Organs, are treated with the greatest success. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and Im potency, aa the result of self-abuse in youth, or sexual excesses- In matnrer yeara, which produce wmeol the following effects, as blotches, debility, diazinees, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil j forebodings, aversion t society of females, loss of j memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage luiyiuyer on-oe curea. - j Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia, Eup-: ture, or any other chronic affection, may rely upon roceiving a radical rnre. Particular attention given to alt Female Cen- plainta; Inflammation and Ulceration of tie womo, Lencorrhea. Chlorisis, Sterility &c Most cases can be properly treated without an interview, and medicinea sent by mall or express, secured free from observation. Consultation by letter or at office free. Charges moderate and cures guarrantied 83Ofl3ce, with hospital accommodations for pa tents, No. 617 St. Charles street, between Sixth and Seventh, St. Louis, Mo . i EVERYBODY caa get, ia a sealed envelope, my Theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Diseasea, containing full symptom lists, for twe postage stamps ; aUO, my Paper relating to Chronic ana Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp. 12-17-ly j ERRORS OF YOUTH. . A gentleman who suffered for years from Nerr ous Debility, Premature Decay , and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake ofsuf-j iericg numamty, send free to all who need it, the roceipk ana airections for malting ise single rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishinr tt flLaapini. 1. - f ."1 uruu vj tag aavertiser s experience, can aa in wmsmj,ja periecseonaaenco. JUU.Ii, UGDSX, S4IyP 42 iCeder Street, New York WAKTED-in every county in the United States, A GOOD MAN to sell by sample, Chamberlain's Combination Square, Plumb, Level and lievel. The greatest invention of tha asru. and one tht -.r Mechanic, Workman and Parmer In the land will Send address with name, State County, and Post CrB:e piaiuij wnuen, and we will send circulars and ternn. 8J-1I W. 5. BAT0IIELD2R & CO., Pittsburg, Pa. rriTQI "IT r. See? constant!? cn hxni alt kir-U cl ; 1 ; 1.1 - i; 4 ! v' a'V'w--nri' SIKXEr.'3 ritElIIUil GAI.'C; PLOV, warranted the ' most perfect Plow made, "WALKING AND HIDlNa CCXTIVATO?.3, sovEn and STiaaiN'G rLo'.vs, i'OLEKOAKD f ND ROD BliBAKIN'O VLOV, S, VAGGOXS, EEAPER3 AND MOVVESS, j i. cas3 co's TriP.ssn:xGt,iiACiiiX3 STUDEZ&XEUl WAGONS, IIAKD AKD POWETl COEN SHELLKT13, WAGGON TIIIitBLE3, a good assortment - hand, SASH, DOOKS AND BLINDS, all sizes an 1 WOOD ANT) IRON FUilFS, PAXUtO MILLS, and everything the Farmer Wants. Call and see us, on 1st, between Main a BROWXVILLE, NEBRASIC Livery, Feeiand ible. Main Street . BROWNVILLE. NEBRA. Dealer in all kinds of Stock Horses Eons i and Exchanged. Stock boarded by the L. week. The Proprietor have recently erected an entire new, large and commodons h table on Main htreet near the old Brownville House. Their Stock is ail fresh and Vehicles new. The public can be accorn- , modated at all nour,day or night. A stock corr&ll with an abundant supply of pure water atached to the Stable, 41-ly JACOB MAROHN. IJer chant Tailor, Main Street opposite McPhertov.' Block, BROWNVILLE" NEB- - ALSO AGENT FOR raBiB PIONEER PAINT SHOP LOUIS V! ALDTER, 3 XT :J 23 3 ni . il ; S : CO a '3 m Grainer, Gik'sr," GhzbT, AMD P AP E R- HAN G I II White WasbiDg and Kalceminiiig den All work done in a workman like sorteis notice. TERMS. OABH1 EIXO?oai.s.ia street, Shellenberger's Oil Staaj. A jb.i. i- U,: rV - i -'V-" ! v i V N a i ! ? - f X !' k i I W , "r- " i UN - V ill 4- r And every other kind cf Goods at the Lowest ilarket Price, and to DEO? ITT AND SEE IIS, Corner 7" la In ami Second StrcetsSIcFIierson's Tiu BRO WIST REAP E R S ,- CORW SlIELLERS, T BIacksrnith'3 Drills Saw Gummers, HAY RAKES, FortaLleanl Stationray ENGINES, ConstanlIjr on Hand or Order r ed at Siiort TiO' tlcc. EACH ARTICLE WARRANTED!! 13 wotjIJ call particTilar attention to onr Self aser.--', w, etc., Is fast superceJing all J 7 staple J . 0 are making constant additions, ari . 3 selling at prices low as any establish : .2nt west of the Mississippi river. AU7Y OF CUR GOODS WE CHALLEHGE COPETITia -uFLOUR OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR . COUNTRY PRODUCE.: mm-EIGHT SIZES OF THE CELEBRATED t Are now made by the Excelsior Manufacturing Corap'y.' ST". LOUIS. mHESlS WELTKKOVTN AND VEST POFU- A UK COOIUNU STOVES have been before the public since 1802. .acn succeeding rear haa added to their ponulantv . u:itil the name ha3 become fa miliar in every bouaeiioil in Uie S'e3t and Soutn. The demand for our Now OliJii'tei Oak last vearwaa srreaterthan weceald supplv with the sizes then made; anticipating1 a stia greater da mand during the prppnt year, we have made pat terns for several additional sizes, and are prepared to manufacture lfJO to lliii CHARTER OAI STOVES, per day, of TTVOTT-n OIIT 5irFEISENT SIZES. We etiarantee the operation of every stove we manufacture, and offer aa reference anyone of the many thousand! that have b?en sold, wherever they may be found. Neither labor or exrnse has been epared to make our NEW CIIAIiTLIi OAK a PEHFECT COOXIJkG STOTK, aod we offer it to the tra-le 83 the EEST CO- STRUtTTELl, M0 4T DURABLE and UNUOiUI c?eratici? COOKl2G STOVE in tbs mark-t. Ja Motion U oirr EXTLNilVE STOVEEUSI KLSSwoare prt arel to offer to Stove Lealers, Tiusrtiiths andotiiers in the trade, the largest and most comDlete asscrtraeut of 3Iefal3 acd Tinners' Stock in the West. Our arrangement with the ist. LoaU Stanipinz Ct;rapany enaK lfs n to rive liberal discounts t l.'.-e hurera of t ilKNXII b'l.VMrED TINNED ir.ONWAliE .and Tinners' Supplies. Ilav'.n-? rcenl r redacd the prices of an articles of our O'N ALAN tr A CT'UUli, we believe dealers and housekeepers wUl and it to their interest to send for Catalosrue-snd Price LLsf, and examine our prices before purchasinj elsewhere. Address EXCiSIOU ZZAXVT'G CO., SC. Louij, Hiaso'ii. o!i by SHELLENBARGER ERO'S, Brownville, Neb. W1 Feacie, 'Apples, EUckherrisi, Cherries a .J I. J DEALERS III nails, J ore. aiiee iJouons, ra r (1 ci kept ia a Western Stcrs, which prove it, ITJuB, NEBRASKA Jil "1 FORKS, HAR ROW P L 0 T S , Fanniai3choli,.ji- BELLS, - t ire wnistn i - X bIeCas.rr!c - Rakinz or Drorpinj Reaper, whi.-h for a?y dni:1 others. Price of combined JUchiDe $19;. AI. t, AGLE BRICK MACHINE Pned are OLE AGENT for the TATE OF ITE33A2A. We invite all woo intend mafcin Brick the coniin; season tocill tni maii t that a! 1 who onc( see the Machine in operation and learn the eas :-.aii't "y of work, etc., will tun.w asi ie 'he ol.i wnj or makini Brict by tuci ? W A E R A N T tie Machine to be well mde, of good aiittrii ::h one Team aui Five Hands it will make f a Better . Qu4;y--tii" -mu t-e irnof tjtiiri .' re thrt tie llachine caT do, hatwliAt we ciaim we WaHIa:.': ::! T, illrICi, we:.:aha city. rz3. AND PROVISIONS. a large and well assorted stocS and Fancy is " i smuii smiLBUs tcEusni nnir n n eys nocoPAinic sprcirici HAVE PROVEN, FROM THE MOST iK experiance, aa eptr success; Simple--ry E,ient,anl Reliable. They are the onj j icinoa perfectly adapted to popular tise x' tha. mistakes canr.ot b made ia faicg ti-" harmles as to be free from darjger.acd w.t"V aa to be always reliable. They have highest commendatioa from ail, aod wJ ' render satisfaction. Nob. Ces 1, Cures Fevers, Coagestlon, Iaflamatns 2. , 8. , 7, , '0, 11, . 13, 1, 16, 16, " Crjing-CoUc, or TeeiMn of ic.aaa, ' Diarrcea of children or aiuiu. " Dysentery. Gripinir, BilUoas Co..s " Choiera-IJlrbus, Vomitinir, " Neuralaria, Tootfcacbe. '"I"' " Headaches- Sick-Heaiache, Yeru ' Dyspepsia. Billion STomach Surpresfed, or pamfal PenodJ. ' Whites, too prof med Period. " Crcup, Coogb. diffleuit bre:&i3 " Bait lihfeun.lryiipeiat, K.opi .loos li 3 3a H It M il fc h ii it It k " Bait Rheum, srysipelan, Jtp"- " EheumatisEi, RbeumaticPams " Plies, bin -r bleelmg " Opthaiirjy aaJ iw-reor wes J'?,. " Catarrh. -Jute or caroaia.laaof ' Whoop as Couo-h. vio'.cnt Cot4 " Asthma oppresep Bretibwi ' Ear Discharges, impair! f " Scrofula, euUnedGunds, S'"1" " General debility, physicial wm" Drop?7 and acasiy Secrevions " Sea-Sickness. skknoKi fromria-s 17, 13, 19. 20, a 22 23 24 23 e 27 23 ' Xidney-Dneise, Gravel ,.. I.'ervou.? Debility, Semina-13 j3 siOfs invoiantary Disctargei jt " Fore lier-sth, rmker . , f " Urinary Weaiaess, wevtinoea y Painral Periods, with Spasm rj( " Fu tiering it change of li'e , . . 29 30 31 3-3 33 " l.nleis v. Spasms, St. Titn " 3 Lhena, alceratea sor FA2T.LY CSSS3. cnSe,contaInln5 a s11;; for every ordinary desea a family Is subject lc,anj cJ aboolicf clirecUocs, mailer Famiyaa4 20 to 3 viu. raveling cMe,T-jJui3 P3 dies for all P rivate'Deases, Curing and for Preventa?9 T'' meat- 3ts la viais ana poiet ewe, Fcr Sab ly JXcCOMASS (U-22-jIy) 7-TT r f