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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1868)
A fje Qtivcvtiscv 'rrPP EDITOR. fflTflLLE. THURSPA YtMA Y 23,18fi8. cs:i57wTnAEATON. 124 Pine Street and. S V VrTsiiiboiiel Agent id m.mmu- roriui rt '....,! to making collections and purcbas Tiu nAWXBT i. our authorized Agent to Tb'criptioD for th rfrCrtr in Jicma- fritv Precinct. I1-'' . .,ilM,r authorized Arent to receive A.:.i,Vn. tor.tb Advertiser, at Clifton. 5bK - oTAl-' tionr atborlied Agent at Aspln- - " IV II UnAi-.p fM Tltui ... ...... , yrff GOODS at D.Myii. TRy Wood's Reaper and Mower. JI5PCL has Studebaker Wagons. rjsDEL has Two norse Corn r.anters. CO TO Dorsey 4 Bro's and get a nice Hat. CLE r'0CK FLorR fctThco- UiIJ 4 Co'B' D MJ P- F'e Competition I that's his forte I n; C LETT, Land Agent, Brownville, Nebraska. fOMEmoreof tbose nne iigaw jnar reeeivea oy SWAN A BRO. TWO FL0KE5CE Sewing Machines for sale at Hii cSre. p-pp CIDER VINEGAR, the cennine thinpr, at EVERYBODY says the Wood Reaper ,nd Mower tbs best id every respect. PEORIA STEEL FREAKING PLOWS for sale rT Sbelieoergcr on nil i'D SEE a sample of Wood's Reaper - - njno t nij MILK TA?iS, Crocks, Jars, etc in great Tanety at 5ID A Bro s. JOHN' DEERE'S genuine Moline riows.500 at fbfo. Hill A Co.'s. CO TO Met wry ickciis ior t amis, uiass, Will Pspcr and Cheap Drugs. THE FROWNVILLE CITY MILLS are turning est Ce n rtiIe r ,our cftn b ttaae. TY.K1S BREAKING PLOWS 20 J T. A H. Sajiih 1 Co.'s icsVe at Tbfo. Hill A Co.'s. . a. ill. l. O. K. VK liissionary in etiarge oi me Epi p.p.iviur.u.u ALL PERSONS indebted to us wi? pla-se call nd ie t!a immliate'.y. DORSEY A BRO. Lir.nTXIXO RODS AND PCMPS aMd and put op, in tewn and county, by Jons C. DitrsKR. VAT YOU T Crrtinly you My! It is May vA in fact, rou Let it will pay to trade wi;h ' D. MAY. A MOVE i on f.-ot to secure a switch from the C B. A St. Joe railroad to the river opposite this ; EUREKA Spring BI Bottoms, the downyest. lofte't, p'caaiitet and, in the lonr run. oheapt bed ever invented at McFALL A CO'S. KILK sr.ld as low as by any j and - no one person charged more than another, by B. B. Thompson, Browoville Dairyman. SEVERAL INDIANS were in the City Monday. The Tisits of the"nobl red man" and 'red woman" ire bMutifulIy diminishing in frequency. VlTfr. tJj:T$-a!l eo! r? rround a-. rttdj ' t n.f, ?kle ry George iWrkley, C-rrinf, j". cd II -r Pfcir. ler, oyer V C .st' Trr. St.r. F0n 11;E. Tie bt.b - vart;r r tia 3,rft-f 30, 7hiioa cfur.ty, 7 miles from Te iaaeh. Price $3 per acre. For terms apply to J. C. McK AUGHTON, Brownville. fl"EEP XOT, fair dangter of Eve, thy wants are understood and appreciated, and at prices within toy means may be tad choice Dress Goods, and any- I tbingthy heart can long for, at D. MAY'S. E0RE SUICIDE. Judge Wheeler loftabor?e lt week in the N $?i.ha river at the site of the old Wedile Bridge. The hrrse during a fit of blind fUggerj walked into the river and was drownod. PEft0XAL. Maj. B. F. Luehbaugh, from 1'arjlsnd, called upon us during the past week. Corwin Tip on, son of Senator Tipton, has just arrived from Washington, after a two year's absence. TCI-.EEKLY STAGE TO BEATRICE. The Western Staee Company are now running a Tri Weekly Line of Coaches from this city to Beatrice. Thisisagoud thing and haa been long needed. We doultnotthe company will be financially well re garded. ' ALL PERSONS who have not paid their sub scriptions to the EpiKsopal Church Building fund are requested to make immediate payment to Wm. H. Hoover. Treasurer, thereby saving the trouble of collection. G.R.DAVIS, Rector of the Parish of Christ's Church, . Brownville. NEW GOODS COMI G ! J. L. McGee will re- turn in a few days from the east with a rousing lot of New Dry Goods of every description, which he J cm bought far cash at late red need prices and on wbich he defies comnetition in rrrard to rricos and I ... i style of goods. J. L. McGee & Co., will not be wdersold ! !! FARM FOR SALE.-40 acres lycg within one ails of Nemaha City and three miles of Brownville in cultivation : baa an inexhaustible stream of lear spring water running through it; a cabin with I splendid spring of water near by upon the prem Apply to tf G. W.FAIRIJROTUER. "'JAN WANT'S BUT LITTLE HERE BELOW," jstlereU foreihat little has cost him so much that h has been forced to "en-small" even on that ; this time has parsed; in Clothing, Piece Goods, Hats Caps, Roots, Shoes, etc.. I can fit you out at such prioei as will warrant every man in going well and omfurtably clothed. D. MAY THANKS, to non. J. M.Thsyerfor acopy of the Political Manuel for '67-'8 To non. John Taffe for various Congressional documents. To Hon. S.M.Rich for a corr of Putnam's Month ly, f iom which we publish in this issue an article on Schuyler Colfax. B0Hn nr fij . tn Al. titr.lart W.J rA .u.i;n, home Mr. Bowker. at Rulo, was taken to Rulo, and w preliminary elimination, was oouni over ior W it the next term of Conrt, and. in default of , , .... l - r-. ioagea in w,e jauat wj. BBOT mrin . v. u.mnwmr t. r,ast. and ufator ' plsyed eut, W. T. DEN is now th Delator of the Corn and Caljco trade, Ac. Ae., Ac. .v-t.-.-uk . .,mni,t. tock of Summer Goods. Clotbir Ladies Cat Ac. Vichdefw.n.Mi?t;- .;iih..a.4mnM Cfcfland see W T DEN. S.M. ntrvt , r v .- v ;..if Wirely to tha practice of tases before the Land ce is alreadv receiving a err fair r.ractioe. and. p- ' w believe, deservedly. He is a good lawyer and ttl7 be relied on as capable and worthy. Those hav- "gtcything in this line te attend to will Cni bim o the Court Honse Building 1st door west side. EY. D.MAY, the recently appointed pastor of at M.E. Church, of this rlty, has arrived, and held n-;cs lat; Sunday, and, we pretame, will have rt2u',ar services hereafter. We were much plaaiei . iC" L: manner and sermon laEt Sunday, and be l,f T lis location hcie will to of great becet to i-nrfPif(Hoiy one-Tenth r tne range, unerea at a great bargain . For further par- . i .ud ibe Interest on the June "cuiars inquire of J. J. Pnrcell, at Long Branch P frl9 T6l,of nroM nrille Street Improve- ' T. II. Fisher, Brown villa. ,fBtBondi,ii PIC-MC Last Saturday Misses Johnson and ''C'raautity. SHERIFF PLASTERS, last Saturday, arrested citv,ayoath, by the namacf Geo. Tatter. wuo.t, no iwotDerprIon8r. broke fail from PUtt.. mouwi on ma nth, the other two were recaptured at neDnuiadty. Mr. Plasters has turned Patterson tw vo ine nnena of Cut county. Mr.IWers is proapj ana energetio a Sheriff ai this county has ever had. 'HF!rirvTiir mnn - ...... -...a are indebted o .h...Ut ic.Mr, A. l . Marsa, for a , rc.enuai jueoai, whc& may be seen -t-vuur mosianjnneaav "when we take our waia abroad." lie ha ordered an eren bush ai - f. V. "J;,.! 1. "L" "7 'I M.n . piaa 0l -snowing goods" to the serious attention of our merohants ! CHEAP FARM FOR SALE. Lies on Long Branch 18 miles west of Aspin wall, contca 140 acres. Most of it bottom, half or more under cultivation, some uiEDeranaa good dwelling house and other Jm- provements. In a good settlement, and eood stock vrey, teachers in the Union .School of this city t gave their Departments a Pio-Nic, aad from the little folks we learn that they had a very pleasant time, and plenty cf good things to eat. These Teachers bave certainly succeeded in getting the esteem and love of their scholars, and we n?ver knew of chil dren making more rapid progress, IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. I will se'.l an improved farm of ICO acres, 9 miles, west of this city, for f 4.003. It has a hedge fenoe all around it and is hedged in 40 acre lots; each forty has run- ing water on it ; with aNo. 1 dwclline house, eood I bara and tenant house on the premises. 160 acree of the best land in Nemaha County 14 miles west of Erownvnie at Z4 per acre. THE SAL;3 of the great dry goods house of Field, Lei ter & Co., for the year ending May 1st, J reaches the large sum of $9,799,470, whih exceeds mat or any otuer bouse here over two and a qttar- ler minions, ana is surpasses tn ixew lorn oy only to houses. It is larger than any four houses in ct t;. r;-:.T, rkiM v.. . -'' w u y ua ui puuu c"kor"-"'-'cuy' 4rlwn" -May iwi, AKg. to notice inai ite journey I "School Master" is "at home." In his las', issue be pitches into us for our notiae of his blunders, and, in bis ansorit style, spcass or ine "averiuer ana pvvui.itrg, cana up.u tun Kw ocu-o m """s" KeyHdoli" to excuse his blunders, and then for a railroad meeting the 0ih and gets out his paper ontbeZIstl "U rn t lay t tie nattering unction 10 yoursonl," neighbor, that the "boys of trie Alver- I-.. . .r z -J.I u$er wiiimaKeaprapiioeoi-nuniing mputuu- 1 . m .1 t J J ? I lacuoie saeet. ior me ammuniuon airjauj uSoa is wonn mnre man tne game. uwmBmn make a "botch in quoting his own article 1 LECTURE. Prcf. Wilson, not having reached herein time to Lecture lat evening, will deliver his first Lecture this, Thursday, evening, on the Flarmo nial Philosophy m-re generally known as Spirit ualism. Mr. Wilson has the reputation or being. one of the most able and eminent Lecturers upon that subiect in the Cnit-d States. This will be something new in our city, and a rara opportunity to investigate, and test, to some extent, a subject of which many have a curiosity to learn. These lec tures are not delivered for profit, as the professor charges only enoogh to pay expenses, and the charge at thedoor will be light and only sufficient to pay this and nothing more. The Lecttire will be deliver ed at McPherson's old Hall.' r' : (' j! :ture to morrow and Saturday ever '- CniCAGObaswifr- during the past in citement whpr. ? Nation tf G t' ckeer i yet no gre. of Nemaha t ' henD.i: closed the jirj.( ini , beinz soli t Store. FOSTER eulngiieoa. yet we cacr Nemaha conr call and ex; i. . sortment of Fur' in onr line. the waLts of tli shall not be unc Platte or North if our own goods, and c .r.t w.i:: r ; .-a triaas ' - article i i? to yea. So J 'j c ie petition sell. Leave your moi, j reft, in preference to L men. If we cannot sell yoi. cheap as any other man, we. come all ye who wish to bu. from all quarters. McFALL i CO., BroT z x ;I!e, Nebraska. TO TIIE PEOPLE OF NEMAHA d a IN ING COUNTIES. We have ope and Retail Furniture House in Nebr we expect to do business, and , by making oi.? j ower than any house this side of St. Louis, we ex- to cdtnmand the trade of all South Flatte- jjny have been buying in St. Joseph and other points on the Missomi river, paying aemucSormore ..... ,r, m,ll far nearer home Uur stock is large ana complete, and we aareyou tie will always keep up with the times in stock and prices, len yeats ex perience in the business and large cash purchases enable us to sell goods low or lower than any bouse in the West. We want your trade and ask y0U to examine our stock. A. A. ARRISON CO- Nebraska City, Neb. THE AMERICAN FARMER'S HORSE BOOS, publii-hed at Chicago by J. S.Go man at Lo, at Cinci nnati by C. F Vincent, nnd at Philadelphia and St. Louis by Zeigler, MeCurdy 4 Co., is-certan ly the most complete work on the subject ever published. Embracing, in addition to the subjects usually treat ed of in similar works, a full description of the causes n,t nature of several diseases peculiar to the Ameri can horse, together with oiginal, simple and effective modes of treatment, including those of somediseas- es heretofore considered incurable ; and,al?o,an ex tended treatise on stock raising and stock manage ment. The whole especially ad apted to the use of J the Farmer, and so compiled as to be clear to the com prehension cf all. No fa rmer can afford to do with out a copy. Houston Russell has obtained the sole Agency for this county which be will thoroughly caavass, and for the benefit of horse-flesh we hope niKnTtndv and practice it. lianas i'" them published in both English andGennan. i . . YZRXJ ITEM3.-Is Thursday John Patterson bad stolen from the drawer till cf his store some $22.50, eonsistin,? of four fire dollar bills, and soma change. Mr. Patterson was engaged throuzb the day and, on taking in one of the five dollar bills, had daubed painton it at the right hand corner. Immediately oa mis ing the money t Be t'61 !1 btt8iBe9S men of pora wtch fo I Mrtaia five dollar bill, marked as described with raint. and let him know if offered at their counter In tha afternoon of tha same day airs, a.t, the Missouri side oi r.v.r, 6u. of Mr. Burns and offered this $5 bill in payaent After she left the store, Burns took the hill to 1 at lersen. who immediately identidad it as Lis, with caint on it as described. Mrs. Medley was sought .v w,,0.r aha ot the bill ; she first said she bad never had it ; Burns was brought and con vf u ws avi'Va - Timed her that be took it in payment CI oeriin artit. Sha then siLl h mut have Uken it of Kawlcy as charge for a flO bill in payment oi cerr tain articles the got there. Hawleyconvineea ner that it wju a five dollar bill else let bim flare, auer whioh she thicks it wm the cce she j'i;kei up cn thettreet. I Festival for the benefit of IValmrt Grove r,,,t,. The Ladies of tha He miter Anwi.tinn Tiara concluded to hare a Festira! for the benefit of the Cemetery, at McPherson's New Toesdav evening June 9th', 1S63. Committee Appointed to Solicit Aid: Miss IX. licPhe.r.nn. !Tr V. W Tt,.. u,. t.; t;. I ' " --- N. Nelson, Miss Annie Bunting, Mrs. Crane, lira, Uoovor, Miss Mary Blackburn. Committoor TaUe : Mrs. Gates, Mrs. JIcFberson Mrs. Lett, Mrs. Jamla faon, Mrs. Dill, Mrs. Denser. rnj?!'"' Mr,. lU.ny, llrs.Uoss, Mrs.BritiEever, Mrs. Rainy, Mrs.Rossell.Mrs.Brat-.j ton, tort. Harsh, HUs A$is? UcCord, Mrs. Furnas, Mrs. Barret, Mrs. Deurar and Mrs. Thurnaan. Committee to Solicit Aid are requested to meet at Mr. McPherson's on Saturday eveningnext. A RICH SCENE transpired in our Land OSce j during a trial last week. The case was one in which an "apparently" single man and single woman had emigrated and, ccidently, taken adjoning Home steads. For a while' they stayed, or seem?d to stay, asunder, but finally concluded to merge their Home steads in the holy bonds of wedlock, -and were, or seemed to were, married, when some ungodly mm , without fear of "putting asunder what God h-Uh joined together," jumped her quarter, over which is the present oontest. During the examination the attorney for the jumper went for ;he husband on the date of the marriage, which did not seem to correspond with the ostensible western marr'aze. At this point of the examination, without previous notioe, the husband made a bolt for the doer and for the brush in North Brownrille; to hide his bashfalness at speaking of his mairiage to a woman "before folks." Uutband returned next morning. the trial went on, and who holds the woman's quar- ter J?t the question. MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE B Ft. K.t P. R. R. May 22d, 1868, Board met pur suant to call. John McPherson, President, in the Chair. Joseph Smith. Engineer of th Company, made a report of his prehmiaary survey, (which will be found on our 2d page.) The Financial rrrt .t ,r,mmt. t , ... . . eioners oi uonnson county nad agreed to submit a proposition to a vote or the people of the County to subseribe $1,200 to aid in making a Survey of the B. Ft. K. A P. railroad, that the Commissioners of Gage County have agreed to submit a similar pro- position to give $1,200, and that Jefforson County would submit a similar proposition to cive $750 i Dal tao Uounty of Nemaha had subscribed $1000 and her citiiens had subscribed $350. On motion, resolved that we proceod to make a permanent Survey as soon as funds are raised. 0n motion, resolved that the Financial Airent ba requested to raise $1,500. individual substitution from theeitiiens of Nemaha County. On motion, resolved that the President and as miny of tha Board of Directors as can make it con venient will attend a railroad Miss Maering at Te- cumsh on Saturday, May 30th, at 2 o'clock, P.M. On motion adjourned. JOHN McPHERSON, Pros. J. W. Blackburn, Seo. WEIGHING ON THE FARM. A half bushel measure is considered indispensable by every firm er, lie does not soil bis potatoes or irrain. raeismr at the C0DtenU of tho bin or the ;la oa the floar it must be measured. With thisinstrumeat athani. he may kjp.ow just how much corn is fed to the hog and poultry; how many oats to the horses; how much seed is sown upon the land, and many other pqints equally valuable to know,. Bat a good weigh ing scale is possessed by comparatively few, al though its use wouid in many ways be even more valuable than that of the half-buihel. For in- I -nee. in sell inr live stock, the weizht is usually 'vnhttd by the. .drover or, butcher buying at the '-' d r. .' -rg- exf-"ri?n.;9 e:-::L!-.s tlu layer ' " v C ' TT'-' f e. t - I thss . t s; t. w-e. A C'-.l Fa: i L..r.;4g sij.D . rases le w-uiJ n t its cost inaf.-w such '... The weight of wool, butter aud other iucts, should be ascertained at home, to pre- ikes and dishonesty in weighing after the : reben sent to m.irbet. I no weight f grain 1 , the gain of cattle under different system; j, exactly when an animal ceases to in- - J'eeding, and mwj other important facts ! y be determined by havire a roud scale. It partof the furniture of every larm. Fsir iieshave bern named in this connections cly reliable, naving been adopted rs the i this end other countries. Cultivator jial and Commercial. teen no charge worthy of note in the . The closing price is 133J- ? arehixher, and more active, havirg 1 " cent, throughout the whole list. k in the Chicago platform has un- th;'renit tiiis . lueuifc. The out all be fi : loss the f and afte- ' 5-20'f, ' , r-so's,(about$,ooo)mut jmj loin. AO avoia aeiay nnu th culd be made immediately. On J I .ne Isti'a conversion 'Will be made into j 'enroll nfT TTolders therefore wh Coupon otT. uoiders, tnereiore, wu . .. . . i ,. . .i i in tue present momn win gam uuu 1 ' t. at the present price of gold. . . . yBROWVILIE MARKETS. Flour Winter $ sack $7 50?3 00 Sprinc 9 sack ft 00 6 50 Buckwheat 3fi 7 0 I Corn 3 bushel 65 65 15 12 15 12 1 50 I to 13 16 40 25 25 15 1 75 1 25 2 25 20 12 1SA 75 75 12 25 25 1 50 65 75 Meal V bushel Uacon Hams ! Ib 17 " Shoulders lb- 15 17 15 Sides lb. Canned Lard BE) Goldou Syrup gal 50 25 20 SugT House Molasses gal Suijar New York A. V fi." Brown ) lb 18 40 Coffee Java ?) Ib Rio 1 lb 33 Cheese N. Y. Factory lb. " Country lb'.- 20 Tea Imperial ? lb 40 " Black t lb--- u You ng Hy son & fi 25 40 25 15 25 Candles 15 Apples uned J Tb 44 Green bushel Dried Peaehe 2 Potatoes $ bushel 18 0 75. 15 Coal Oil y gal Ejrgs $ do... Gutter lb-- nmey lb Onions bushel u Sets 1$ qt- Poan4--None in market. Salt $ bbl Pickels )d s Lumber Cottonwood 1000 Oak Wlnut Pine Shingles Cottonwood 1000 Pine Lath Cottonwood 1000 Pine fi 1000 Wood cord - Hides Dry V 2 . Green 30 ; oo 15 10 00 10 15 25 00 i 20 00 . 45 00 .......45 00 .. .. .. .45 00 3 00 '. 8 00 6 50 8 50 4 00 11 5 50 00 50 00 85 00 3 25 9 00 7 00 8 00 6 00 15 6 CLBCK.&TOC1SS, AND T S3 mr77m E5 Xa 2L 2 ! .JOSEPH SHUTZ Has just received and will constantly keep on hand a large and well selecteastocK oi genuine ar- jolesin is line. One Door tees of Grant's Store, Broicn- ville, JYebrasKa. Cf Clocks: Wichesnd J j done oa the short- estNotice. WORK WARRANTED. Brownville. Neb.. March 15th. 1S. 10-55-ly Uarriaeo and Celibacy. AFS9T OF WARSIW .ND ItfSTHrCTIOX TO Yonig Mkk. Alsw, Diseases and Abuses which TrmaaontlT prostrate the Vital Powsrs, with sure mean ofreuef. Sent Free of Ch arse, ia sealed lelUr envelopes. 'Addresj, " - Dr. J.SKI1.LLN HOUGHTON, Eoward Asioclatics, rhiladelj Lia, Pa. Jutiary, lit 1867. 1-y C. AULTIIAIT s Go's "SUEEPSTASE.q: TUB pXXY GISTJIITB "S7EEPSTA1TES" THJIESIII50 flACHIJE. C. AnTKiH, I IIiaT IT. Tatlcs, lianuf;icturer, I Gtjn l Western Ag't, Canton, Ohio. Chicago, III. TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS. Tho Improved "Carey" Power, (Both eight and ten hone.) TIIE COMPELS ATTTTQ " PQ WEB, (Both eight and ten horse.) A Lrc&alls ambition exists among threshers to " ewa t best machine b the neighborhood." ITotilag la more disagreeable to. them than to have farmers com plain that their work, is not properly done, ox to lesa valuable time by reason of breakages, and the caa aot 18 too carefal in selecting a machiie. The Sweepstakes rs the accredited bead of the Threshing Machine family, and its superior strength, durability, simplicity, ease of draft, style of finish, and capacity for threshing and cleaning grain faster and better than any other in the world, are acknowledged. . Tho great reprrtation achieved by this favorite machine has led several unscrupulous manu facturers, and numerous agents, to attach the nam "Sweepstakes," in one way arfd another, to their machines aijd advertisements to mislead and deceive. This is th.o essence of meanness down right piracy, and sailing under false colors. To avoid the counterf -ft. see that every machino Las the card, "C. ADLTMAN A CO., Mantjf actus iks, Canitn, Ohio," in ptft letters, conspicuously on both -. sides of the Separator. The Qcntiine Sweepstakes enables the thresher to pick his customers, seldom stops for re- pairs, Lists mnch longer than others, saves mnch grumbling and vexation, does the same amount of work tv it li less labor, and enables him to select the Lest and most profitable jobs. The farmers 'give it a preference and often an extra price per bushel, because it threshes clean from the h-ads, separates perfectly from the straw, cleans fit for market without waste, saves all the grain, does its work with the utmost speed, safe ty and economy, and does not 'keep a gang of men ud teams about them on expense. The elegant Patent Pivot Side Gear" Is to be for. ad only onthe SwEErsraKis. Our "Patent Cleaning Apparatus" en ables the operator to control the direction of the blast, and position of the seives, and clean either neavy or lijrht grain, without waste, as fast as It an be thrashed, tho chaff and dirt being separated from the grain beor it ttrilet the stive at all. Separators, Horse Powers, Straw Stack ers, Gears or Jacks, sold separately, when desired. A written warranty delivered with every machine. The " SWEEPSTAKES " is usualy a very icarce article after harvest, and parties should order early. Call or send and get a pamphlet circular, giving a full description auf particulars, together with numerous certificates, ajid the fames and resi dence of over three thousand persons who have bought and used the Swmpstakbs in Illinois, Iowa, llinneaota, Wisconsin, and Kansas, alone. For taie by THEODORE HILL & CO., IVo. 16 McPlierson's Block, n31 - 3m Brotrnvtlle, Nebraska. h - ;xvcr Ueaier la . . . KINDS OF STOCK. ALL Horses nought, Sold, or Exchanged. Stocf. Uoarded by tue Lfay or Hcea. MY STABLES are stocked with good horses and bnpies. Persons w ishing conveyance to any portion of the Neinaba Lund District can be accommodated The FEPtl) and BROWNVILLE CO 1CU Leaves MX STAHlittS every m-rning at 10 o'clock, a. M. Passengers or packages safejr con veyed. Orders left wiili the Postmasters will te pro npt- ly attended to. (xii316m) CHARLES (iEADE. Adjourned Sale of Lots IX Lincolu, Nebraska. Tinil' UNEERSIGNED WILL OFFER For Sale ai Public Auction, at Lincoln, Nebraska, at 10 a. m. Tuesday, June dlh, 1S6S, hnnt Thron riiiniired Lots in said town, being the num- ber nnsoid at the time of the adjournment of thp sale last fall The lots are appraieu, ana win oe soia w hiehest cash bid.ler above the aDpraisemeni. LlnC(,in js tIie capital of Nebraska, an, - i was founded by authority or tue Legislature, iv s:tnatea in the mo rent ie region or .t . iu,lni nmrontrr iatiaTpA hv nature to be the lnnc- tlon 0, not iesa than four -f ftve trunk lines of railway. 1' adjacent to the most yaloaoie aaiine region in ine r.r,acitv for immeneeli profltable ' ' r -. . . .. worKing has already been tausiacioriiy lesieu About one tnounana iota w er boiu v iiuum i i fail, at prices which ran from 20 to 60 por cent, above the appraisement; and this spring, so rapid has been tha settlement and erowtb. of th e town, and so lair and certain its prospects, lots have said second-banded at rmm Throe tnSiT Hundred per cent, in advance .heir cost. The State House, building from the pro- ceeds oi be sales last fall. Is approaching completion. it will be ready ior occupation nj aepicuiuci , u. time the Sta'e Government wm Deremoveai uncoin. At the June sale there will also be offered a Section of School Land, adjoining the city. In tracts of a lew acres each. DAVID BTJiLKR, l x. p KBNNARD, Commissioners. 2S-9t nd JOHN GILLEdf IK, J "WO OD ' S licapcr and lower ! WALTER A. WOOP Reaping & Mowing Macli COMPANY, IXOOSXC Ie. Y, .This machine was awarded the. First Grand Prii THE I3irERIAI- CllOSS, of tbe Legion of Honor, and two grand Gold Med the '" - . ' . Paris Exposition of 18G and is pronounced tho BestMacfiineinfteWorl Cf II and gt a rani-hlet giving cU of Macbine; its j arts, witL c'p'.ai'.s as to superiority RQllEUT TEAHE & CO., Sole Agcn S3-tf Nails.IVila, Well Bucket?, Seives, Ac, at ' riWAK & Llii f'- ' . - - ' - -.c 1 ..X IIAY'S COLUUII. o 00 .a Q W H W 0 visory &3 E3 3 II, E i r t ( ! t , ., . ! ! .J .2 3 J 3 Hi J9 1 BOTI i 9 3 $3 I o usHH ii iaa 1 II the miiiLEsmorr SEPARATOR AND CLENER. GEO. Ilasufactured and Sold "by J.GARSIDE& CO., atchison.'kansas. TIIE trial of ttis machine at various County and State Fairs, and the judgement of everyone who eeos and ns it, unite in pronouncing Brio kernoofTs CornShelier the best ever invented. With it a mac can shell his crop of corn at his leisure wUhout an as sistant, and thereby save in a short time more than the vst ct a She! ler. Thia Corn Shel ler has taken the first premlnm for tbrea years past at the New. York State Fair, when but partially perficted. Itbas since been brought to a decree of perfection, whi. h makes it complete. The following is the report of the Jndes on this machine, at the great trial of Agricultural Implements beld at Auburn, N. T. In July. 18HS. under the aus pices of the New Tork State Agricultural Society : Among the machines on exhibition wai a Hand Corn Shelter, Separator and Cleanei, exhibited by J. Brink erhoff, Auburn. N X We have carefully examined and thoroughly tested this machine, and have no hei tatlon in pronouncing it the BEST COR.V SHELL Kit WU IYER SAW. It readily adapts itself to ears of any size or shape, shells clean, and wiih great rapidity and ease, and the same operation separates tbe corn from the cob, and the chaff from the corn, and delivers the corn read; for market ; and it requires bnt the la bor of eut one person to operate it. The whole affair is simple In construction and durable. J. S. GOULD. Pres N. T. State Ag. So. B. P. JOHNSON, Sec. ' " S. ROBISON, Ag. Xd. N. T. Tribune, B. X. TODD, Times. Report ef Agricultural Fair Committees, and pin Ion of Agribaltnral and other Journals, mieht be cited at great length, but we con teat ourselves with tbefol. lowing letter as capping them all : (Copy cf Letter from U. S. Agent for Parit Vnier eat Exposition X SUN Would V. S. Agency for Paris Universal Kxpositien. No. 4SPjrk Row, Time Banding. New Tol, Pec. 8th, 1866. VS. J. BUIXrEIiHOFF, Riq Dear Sir : Sfy Ad Committee, appointed t.fselect Implements for exhibition at the Universal Exposition in Paris, iu 1667, have se'ected and rocommended to me,. your CORN SHELLKR as tbe best tn America. I have accepted their report, and will forward your Sfceller, If delivered here, ready for shipment on or before January 1, 1367. Tonrs Truly, J O. DERBY, U S. Agent, ke. Trice 525 and $30, According to finish and size of balance wheel. Sample shelters shipped on receipt of the price and warranted to give satisfaction , or the Machine will be taken back and the money refunded upon notice within a reasonable time. Address WM. T DEN, Ag't, 18-23-dnm f Brownville, Nebraska. JOHN L. CARSON, 3 85 A" EM Exchange bought and sold on all the principal Cities. Also, dealer m Gold and Silver Com, Gold Dust aad GOVEBNLIEHT B0ITDS. Deposits received, payable at sight. Interest paid on time Deposits by especial agreement Taxes paid for ncn-resident3. All kinds r,f D S. BONDS WANTED JOHN L. CARSON. J. V. D. PATCH, .Manufacturer and Dealer In CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware Constantly on hand all varieties of Spectacles. Repairing done in the neatest style, and at short notice. Charges moderate Work warrantrd. City Ding Store, EROWSVILLE, JS'FBRASK A MRS. J.-M. GRAHA1M, TEA CHER OF 'MUSIC. LESSONS CIVEN ON THE PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON. CUITAR AND VOCALIZATION. Having had eight years experience at Teacher of Music in New York it confident of giving satisfaction. Room? Main, bet. 4'h & 5'h sts. o-ly EROWXriLLE. NEBRASKA. DUALEB3 m Ok STAPLE AND FANCY Embradugallthe ijmiri T1CQ ' th SeMon' ItiklallLU A'jo, a large and well-selected stock of Gents7 Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND OAFS. in A JVD- 4-1 n r- t s- Nrtn n r t r Our Goods were bought of first hands, and we think we can offer such inducements to purchasers as cannot fail to suit those wishing to buy. Call and see for youre.ves. All L-inds of Produce taken ia exchange for Goods 50 W. H. K1MBERLIN. OCULIST AND AURIST. AYul Treat all diseases ot ire eye ana tar. Rooms at the Star Hotel. Tenders his services to tbe citizens of this city and Vicinity. May be consulted at tha above place Iron the 1st to tbe If th of each month. And at the Salem Honse, Sdiem, Richardson county, Nebraska, from the 10th to the last of each month. 12-1 Hy TAr a choice a tide of Tea, go to J? SWAX k BRO'. Daniel Francis & Co.,' STEAM M 0 1ST U M E N T A. I, MOBILE 70BES jgEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment Plain and Ornamental Monuments. MIS3 The Trade snr'ied .with Bl-xlts and Slals oae to orier. Sawing ST. LOUIS, ?,IO. 31. , BOYD, Aent, tmt mm T3 The Brovnvilla Transfer Company. Under the macasenietit of JACOB HOG EH 3 Is iro-w. Harming Eagular Omaibtisei trczx CroTvnTlllelotlic EallrorJ tcrhlnl of the Council BlnffS and St. Joseph Railroad, at North Star, Atchisoa County, Ml, 2 miles from Bro'Tiville and North Star Ferry Land;:, Good Omnibuses. Cins. Connections. SO-tf Charges Moderate O. STAXT. A. A. STAJiT GEO. G. START Cc EltOTIIEI Dealers tn all kinds of GRAIN AND CQUIITRY FHOBUSc, ASP IN WALL, X TB R ASK A. 53" The highest market price paid for anything tha Farmer can raise. We wl bey and sel' erery thing xuown to the market.' vl2-n23-tf R. F. BARRETT, Proprietor "of the NET7 STEATJ FERRY BOAT, SET, and owner of tho entire Ferry Franchise at , rcnOYFXTILXE, EBK4SILA, respectfully represent to the Traveling Pnblia - . r : . . .... 1 f- . a. that they can be rernei, over vao aywun .ici. Brownville, promptly and withoet dalay, at all hours in the nay time The capacity of the boat will accommodate Flltecn Loaded Wagons aad Teams OR 100 HEAD OF IiEEK CATTLE, AT ONE TRIP. B:o-u Xo.G. JjcPlicrson's IJIocIi. Xo.lG TIIZO. HILI S; CO., Dealers la DRY GOODS, Groceries, HARDWARE. Ladies' Gent's aa Children's BOOTS and SHOES, ,uecnsTFarGt , GLASSWARE and Agricultural I3IPLE3IEXTSa "furs, notions", CAEPETS, Forming-, perhaps, the. most complete and ex tensive tock3srel t- -AShoiesave or K"t.l porctasers '4 of Ilia M;sc"iri K.ver. ' Never hivir-s t-a ent'i.'.na lor ex.ciit oi Stot k or r air dealiniti, Uiey merit theoo3 ence and patrortage fit Ali H Xo.lG. McriiersonN DOSSEY & BRO., Main Street, BEOWNYILLE. 1 Dealers in Men and IJjy'a Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES WIS. ITALIBCBS. C fl.EPET-BAG0 1 ! mm. HDSIBRY. Blanket3 and Umbrellas 1 Have just received and vi ill keep coa stantly on hand a large and well assort ed stock of the above, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they cer to the puhlicat . ' . VERY LOW PEIECS .-pa ICMCS LEACH, 133 MART A. SnaTSCTT LEACH fi SIMPSON, ; Milliners' & Dress-Makers Wish to inform the ladies of Brownville and vicinity that thej has just commenced a first class . MILLINERY & DRESS-MAKING "Where work wEl be done with great care and neat ness, and after tbe latest Eastern stjlej. Bleaching and Repairing done ia the very latest Btle and on short notice. Latest Etj les of Ladic's and Child rea s ITiti aal Bonacts eoH;'.aDt:y hc-Kt on h'A, a!'o pt-, trr s of Laaies Dr6o, toiki,ani CL".lr:a3 c'.3 thing cut on sliort stloa . , . Second Street, between Maia frc V"al3r ' EJlOWjfFILLE,. XEflR.iSKA. ' ; T s n Si n o o 0 aeafs ""8. r-3 I?l8 i ed at 9 at?. ) i t r.cix "y ieit tiei tola ab, v-U for ce;f ry iter i'.va i M tha T ' 'up tea feni orci of J thft ear iral thd toy lh- x!a. Ia tof ioS IC9. if ue-1'ca-tha Ud re- . u iaa iva I . 3d' ! cn. ! i is i I hs; - ta j t3 . i ! oa jcic : :C.U sti-ea- rill t3 t-a rth gel es, I er-j tndj itlyj inyj :wj nt tad. :cl-et- .dC- 3a-' ir cf tor ic:, .lyj 3S? i93 rr 2r- ar; ie- a.; ej ti t ? I 0 u y' '