Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 28, 1868, Image 2

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    Nebraska- SUtocrttscr.
For President In 1608,
For Vlee-Praeident,
Freiidenttal Electors
T. M. MARQnETTS, of Cass County.
L0CIS ALLKWAHR, of Richardon.Co..
J. P. WAEN'KB, cf Dakota County.
Member cf Con;zref!
JOHN TAFTB, of rouslas County,
Tor OoTeuor
DAVID BUTLER, of Pawnee County.
For secretary of State
T: P; K.ENNARD, of Washington County.
For Treasurer
JAMES SWEET, of Otoe County.
For Auditor cf State
JOHN GILLESPIE, f Nemaha County.
District Attorney Firt Judicial District
O. B. I1EWETT, of Nemaha Conr.ty.
County are requested to meet is 'Mass
Meeting at McPhersbn's New Hall on
Saturday, Hay SOihat 1 o'clock,
To ratify both the National and State
Nominations recently made.
Many VoTxaa-
We elsewhere print the proceedings of
the Chicago: Republican Convention,
wherein is set forth the platform of the
Republican party -ot the Nation the line
cn which the battle is to be fought the
coming summer, and" concerning which
there ought to be no dispute among loyal
The party takes no backward step in
its national policy. It moves right on to
the front, and takes its position boldly
and squarely upon the solid doctrines of
universal freedom ; of the admission of
the Sorthern Slates to representation
under the constitutions lately adopted ; of
loyal suffrage in States to be admitted
hereafter; of the reduction of taxation
as rapidly as the national faith will per
mit ; cf the extension of the national
debt over, a fair period for redemption ;
of the establishment of the national cred
it on that basis which insures the lowest
rate of interest; of economy in adminis
tering the national goverament ; of grat
itude to the soldier and sailor, and of
their obligation to their orphans and
widows; of tha duty of fostering emigra
tion; of sympathy to all strugling for
their rights, and of that charity which ex
tends the right hand of fellowship to
those of the rebel army who have forsa
ken their treason and are accepting in
good faith "the situation. n They with
equal force denounce all forms of repu
diation as a national crime ; denounce
the heresy of monarchial governments
that once a citizen always a citizen," as
a rule cf barbarism; and denounce the
treachery, usurpation and abuse of An
drew Johnson. And upon such a plat
form stand our heroic leaders General
Grant and Schuyler Colfax, with the
emblem of victory in their hands.
The nation has surely spoken, and her
flat must be performed. The decree
has gone forth that the present policy,
inaugurated by Lincoln and executed by
Congress, must be handed down to pos
terity through the instrumentality of
Grant and Colfax, and all tha powers of
the infernal world cannot prevail against
it. We are resigned hand her down.
We clip the following from the Ne
braska City JVeir of a recent date:
The Democrat la Nemaha cotrntj are beginning
to organise for the fall campaign. Some of tbetn
faror the nomination of E. W. Thomas for Chief
Justice of tbe State. Should the Democracy elect
a Chief Justice the Constitutional right of Air.
Eatler to appoint would be tested."
We can assure the JVor that the
Democracy have but little heart for or
ganization. We admit, however, that
they are a plucky set of fellows, and
would work like tigers on anything like
an even thing. They are clever enough
to discern that politically the City, Coun
ty, State and National White Houses,
present and prospective, are a long way
beyond their reach, and this cools their
ardor and makes organization irksome.
E. W. Thomas is a gentleman, a scholar,
end a very liberal minded Democrat.
His legal attainments, and his moral
honesty and his social refinements emi
nently fit him for the bench or bar ; and
were we compeled to take our Chief Jus
tice from the -ranks of the Democratic
fold, we know of njae we would so eoon
take as him. Should he be a candidate
the Democracy would insist upon weight
ing him too heavy to give him any
chance in the race.
Col. R. W. Furnas sent us from Chi
cago a telegraphic dispatch of the nom
inations for President and Vice Presi
dent oa the day they were made. He
also brings the Chicago Tribune contain
ing full proceedings of the convention.
The Colonel is enthusiastic over the ac
tios of the convention, and looks upon
the success cf the ticket as beyond que,
. The Rev. J. T. Baird of this place
will address the Philornatheaa society of
the State Normal School at Peru on
the evening cf June 12th. The public
are respectfully invited to attend.
The County Teachers' Institute will
meet r.t" Lo'adon on the Gth of June. We
, sincerely hepe every teacher in the coin
ty will le present.
Ensrlxiecr's Report ortJi Broirn
ville, Fort ILcaxncy and Paci
fic Railroad. -Ilcport of tlie
Financial A"grcnt.
Brownville, May 20th, 1SCS.
Pursuant to a call a number cf the cit
izens cf Nemaha county met at Mcpher
son's Hall to hear the report of Engineer
Smith oq the probable cost and practica
bility cf a railroad from Brownville to
Big Sandy, and the report of the Finan
cial Agent of the Brownville, Ft. Kear
ney and Pacific Railroad Co., in regard
to the prospect of raising funds for mak
icg a permanent survey of the same.
R. F. Barret, Esq., was called to the
Chair. Dr. McPherson- stated the ob
ject of the meeting, and called upon Mr.
Smith for a report, who made the fol-
Mowing :
Browvtillc, Nib., May2Ist, ISCS.
To the Pretident and Directors of the Brownville,
Ft. Kearny f Pacific li. Jt.
Eih : I reictiuUy submit the following report of
a reconnoisfaiice of tbe Soothern Route of the proposed
Railroad from Brownville to Bit; Sandy on tbe Little
Blue river. The proposed ro'ite passes tbroush tbe
following counties Nemaha, JoLnson. Gace and Jef
ferpon touching tbe county teats Teruuiseh and Beat
rice, and as nearly as is practicable through tbe centre
north and south, also ne tr the principal aettlci&enU
and cultivated pontons thereof.
The dibtance will be approximately about ninety-five
tulles The country for tbe first thirty-Ova miles la
watered by the Little Nemaha, Muddy and Big Nemaha
with tieie numerous branches. Although tbe streams
are froiaeiiibt to ten miles apart, yet the intermedi
ate space is badiy cut tip wi h ravines running In a
southerly direction, all of which would have to be
crossed at a heavy expense for g adlng and waterways ;
but try following some of tbe branches or creeks lead-
In nearly ia tbe rlpttf direction, a tolerably fair route
can be found without heavj grades or very expensive
work, but the route will be necearlly circuitous.
The divide west of the Big Nemaha is drained by
Tankee Creek, with Us numerous tributaries running
nearly to all paints of the compass by Turkey creek
cunning south-east, and by Muddy, Cedar and Bear
creeks cn the west, emptying into the Big Blue
This divide is, however, n,t so badly cut up as the
above mentioned ones
From Beatrice westward the divide is drained by
Cub. Creek, on the west by many branches of Little
Sandy and ty Rock creek, the two letter emptying into
the Little Bine. This divide Is more level than any
prtion heretoire passe i over, extending from a half
to two miles in wld h. and about twenty-two miles in
leneth. The divide north r,f Cobcreelt is also very large
and level, and cither of them offers a g od route.
The population of the counties west cf Nernaha is
small, but rapidly increasing in numbers. The princi
pal settlement are found along the streams. By the
time your road wou'd reach thcin. they will have more
than doubted, and will be better aU'e to bear their
tha re in pushing forward this nitr'h needed road.
Of tbe soil I seel hardly peak. You all know its
rich qualities and capabilities, when cultivated, cf
yielding heavy crops nf urala of all kn.ds.
Timt er along the roate, su:tab!e for bridging purpos
es, is bard to find; and a further development of coal
for fuel for locomotives will be found uecenary, orelse
fuel will bave to be tranfported from the river for use
alons the line of the road. I am at present of cpinion
that it will be found cheaper to obtain bridge material
from the MitKissifpi river and transport it here, than
to build the necehsary bridges of the timber of the
Stone is found in larjro quantities on all the principal
ptreams, principally masosia lime etone. It nuke
good iime, and well adapted lor bridge abutments acd
culverts. I ehouid recommend the ue of fUoe ror
waterways Id preference to imp rtitig timber for trustle
work, besides the farther advajtaje of then having a
permanent road-bed. a matter of decided economy in
maintaining a roal-bed herea'ter.
In order to find the most practicable route to leave
tbe Missouri river, I bave examined the principal ra
vines in tbe neighborhood, both north nd eonth of the
town. Tbe ravine leading through South Brownville is
tbe only practicable one to reach the divide between the
Missouri and Little Nemaha rivers; but to ascend by
that will retder necessary a Heavy grade, and a deep
summit cut, although not a long one. The ravine Inio
which it leads opens into tbe Little Nemaha bottom a
considerable distance south of Br.wnvilie.
The route down the bottom to Nemaha City offers no
hevy grade, no heavy work, but will be some fonr or
Ave miles longer to Long's Branch (by which the most
favourable rcute across the Nemaha divide is fouDd.)
quite a serious item as f-tr as iron and ties and main
tenance of roadway is concerned, but less power would
be required to move heavy fclght or passenger trains
by this route than by th.e South Brownville or louey
creek routes.
The Honey Creek route leaves the Missouri bottom
about three ny!e above the town. It offer a very fair
route so far as I have examined it; but would also ren
der necessary an ascending and dwcndinn graae, with a
summit cut to cron the divide to the Little Nemba.
It is however, I think, tbe best route to go to the Little
Nemaha to connec t with Lung's Branch, and cross the
divide to Muddy creek.
The general direction to Long's Branch is for the first
mile west. It then bears around to south-west, and fi
nally reaches the divide at the lowest p-iint in a south
erly direction about six miies from, lu mouth. The
corresponding draw on tbe west iide leads eouth-wi-st
to the Muddy creek, striking it at a point where the
river takes a general direction south. Following up
Muddy creek the main fork Is crossed uear SteinmanV,
and tbe south fork (incorrectly so called) is followed in
a north westerly direction to it had.
The ronie br wemaha City would ascend Pa rick's
bvancb to its head, then would have to cros tbe heads
of a number of ravines between it and a point suitable
to descend to Mud.iy creek. It wonli probably be two
or three mile shorter. Snrveys alone can determine
which cf the two r utes wou d be beat to d pt. Al
though more expensive, It would be more direct, wlih
J nut as favourable grades ; an I I am inclined to favor
this Soctberc rou e. Taedivide between Mn ldycretk
and the north fork of the Great Nemaha ia badly cut tip
by ravine cf Long Branch running south-easterly, and
Spring creek waters running north) but a very fair
route can be found acro.ts to B-ity's branch leading to
Tecutn.'eb, thecoucty-seat of Jolinion cmiuty.
Fr)m Tec'tm,-eb. west two routes offer. The south
foute asccuaa by a branih directly west of Tecuuveh
croe-ing the divide to toe head waters of Turkey creek.
wLirh it fallowed to the real maioylivtde soae 12 miles
south-west of Tecumscb. But In irder to beid the
south fork of Tankee creek the line would bave to fol
low the divide m me six miles eonth, and into tbe lower
tier of aections of the townbhlp soutn cf Trcumseh. It
then beirs n rtb to the head waters of Cedar creek,
descending which far two or three miles tUe nature of
the country easily allows u to cross over on to Bear
creek, and thus reach the Bine at Beatrice, the county
seat of Gace county.
The northern route wou'd ascend the Nemaha to Tan
kee creek in a north-westerly direction about three
miles, then follow Tankee creek some four or five
uilea to a point from which the divide on tbe north
could be reached, following it to the bead water of
Bear creek to descend to Beatrice on tbe Big Bine.
Both of these route have their advantages and dis
advantages. Tapkee creek bottoms are crooked and
veiy n-rr-iw, the creek in many cases washing the foot
of high point, rendering necessary heavy work or else
bridges to cross tbe creek several times On the south
ern route tbe work would' lew expensive
but longer, and the divide at some points Is crooked
with hhort elbows.
I atro examined two routes west of the Blue, between
Big Sandy on the Little Blue, at which p ilot we shall
connect with the Atchison and Ft Kearney railroad
surveys now being made. The northern route, after
reaching tbe divide from Cub creek is very level and
broad, having butone or two sloughs nf any account to
CToa. it forms a great circle of which Cub creek is
the chord, and bears north nearly to Swan City. An
ea-y descent can be sot by a branch of ihe Little Sandy
to tbe Little Blue. Tlietoute south of Cubcreek think
will be found more direct and shorter, with easy grades
and light work.
Surveys alonecan decide wbicb. of the many routes
will be found the test, most direct, cheapest t build,
and best suited to meet the waias of the community.
That a possible route across Southern Ne
braska 1 have not tue least doubt An approximate es
timate is subjoined i't ibe probable, cost to grade and
bridge the road for nitiety-flve miles. Bridges wi.i be
required over the two Nemahas, Muddy creek, and
souicou Tanks creek (if that route be adopted) also on
Cedar and Bear creeks, and over the Big Blue and
the Sandys.
15 miles at $6 675 por cillcay $623,000.
As an estimate of the rr bab:a al of a permanent
survey, and the time reqairtd to make the same, to
gether with maps profiles and estimates. I submit the
following : Time required from seven to eight months;
cost about 1 3,00o.
Respectfully submitted.
J03KPH 8, KM ITU, Civil Engtoeer.
Dr. J. W.Blackburn, Financial Agent,
made the following report:
Ncmahs county appropriates, ' - $1,000
Individual subscription, S0O
Gage county appropriation (subject to ratification
oi the people at a special election.) - - 1,200
Commissioners of Johnson county propose at their -
next meeting to submit a proposition for - 1,200
Jefferson county for , - 760
Dr. McPherson stated that it would
cost 56,000 or 7,000 to make a perma
nent survey.
On motion, resolved that the financial
agent be requested to solicit subscriptions
to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars.
The agent reported further that lead
ing men cf Johnson, Gage and Jefferson
said that their counties would subscribe
liberally to the capital stock of the
Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific
On motion the meeting adjourned.
R. F. BARRET, Pres.
Gov. Buckingham has been elected TJ.
S. Senator from Connecticut, to succeed
the Johnsonized Dixon.
Congress is determi r.P.-l tn 1
the 15th of July.
Grant Analyzed.
A. D. Richardson, in his forthcoming
life of Grant, says:
Some still see in him only the darling
of fortune energetic mediocrity, which
has blundered into success. I think such
axe misled by two-of his pecular qualities:
I. His unimaginaiiveness. When he
has nothing to say, he says nothing. In
private he fills no interstices of conversa
tion by remarks upon the weather, or in
quires after the babies of his visitor.
In public he can make no speeches simply
of form or compliment; and since the
world cared to hear his opinions on affairs
his official position has never allowed
him to speak freely. But in public or
private, when he has anything to utter
by tongue or pen, he says it with ex
treme rapidity and clearness! in terse,
marrow, idiomatic English. Even then
he clothes his thoughts in no flowers of
rhetoric, but present them in the plainest
horaelist words. Napoleon's memorable
sayings are all of this order : 'From ihese
summits forty centuries look down upon
you.' Wp will carry our victorious'
eagles beyond the pillars of Hercules.'
Grant's are the exact antipodes: 'I have
no terms but unconditional surrender.'
4I propose to move immediately upon
vour works.' I shall figh it out on this
line if it takes all summer.' 4I found
the armv like a balkv horse.' 'General
Bailer was bottled up.' Said the dram
atic Corsican. after Ausieilitz: 'Soldiers
I am satisfied with you. You have deco
rated your eagles with immortal glory.'
Said the matter-of-fact American to his
shooting men, after Port Gibson: 'Sol
diers, 1 thank you. That is all I can say.
You have done a good day's work to day
but you must do a belter one to-morrow.'
No shining rhetoric, no poetic gushes;
only the simple, unadorned fact.
"II. He is the most undramatio of men.
Scott was nicknamed by his enemies
'Fuss and Featheis. Grant has less
fufsand fewer leathers than any other
public man of his day. He believes,
with the Chinese proverb, that 'That
which is is.' He accepts things just as
he finds them, not troubling himself about
the 'Eternal Verities' bat doing promptly,
thorougly and subordinately the duty
which lies right befjre him, however
prosaic and disagreeable. He acts his
convictions instead of talking them.
'H3 is utterly genuine and
guiltless. He still preseives in his high
estate the sweetness and simplicity of
his country boyhood. Altogether free
from cant, his lips, obeying the teachings
of his mother, have uttered nooaih, been
soiled by no coarseness.
"He is a miracle of serenity and self
poise. During the terrors of Belmont,
when an aide, with pallid cheeks, cried,
'Why, General, we are surrounded!'
there was no perceptible change in his
pleasant face or calm vpice as he answer
ed, 'Then we will cut our way out. 'Three
years later, as he read Lee's dispatch
proposing the surrender of the army of
Northern Virginia, he was equaly un
moved ; no elation shone in his face or
sounded in. the ordinary tone ia which he
asked, Well, General Rawlins, how do
you think ihat will do ?' 'Tried by both
extremes of fortune, and never disturbed
by either,' he remains as simple and un
affected to day as in his years of poverty
and obscurity."
Proposed Recess.
Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. President, I
move that the Senate proceed to the con
tideration of the concurrent resolution
of the House of Representatives in refer
ence to an adjournment.
Tha motion was agreed to; and the
Senate proceeded to consider the follow
ing concurrent resolution of the House of
Representatives :
Jletoleed by tt flime of Ii'preentatice$,(iho
Senate concurring,) That at the adjjurnment on
Saturday, tbe 16tu ioataut, a recess bo taken until
Monday, the 2jlh Instant. .
Mr. TIPTQN. Mr. President, I am
clearly of opinion that our constituents
are already disgusted at the number of
adjournments we have recently had, and
I think that as the majority with which
I am identified are responsible for these
adjournments it is high time that we be
gin to look them in the face. If we
adjourn now for one week, we then have
a precedent for adjourning for the New
York convention We know that the
fall campaign will occupy the attention
especially of members of tha House of
Representatives who are to be re-elected
and we know the interest lhar Senators
will take in that campaign, and conse
quently we are to have a short summer
session. The result of an adjournment
now is to cut off the maturing and con
summating of private bills and bills of a
local character, dearer to some of our
constituents than matters of general leg- j
lslation, and more needed in their esti
mation. It is on our part, therefore, I
think, a relinquishment of the private
bills and bills of a local character to take
this adjournment now and the consequent
audiiitional adjournment which will fol
low hereafter. For this reason, as the
summer session must necessarily be
ehort, I am utterly opposed to an 'ad
journment at this time. I am especially
opposed to that adjournment from the
fact that the reconstructed States of
which we have talked so much, and in J
whose introduction here we are undoubt
edly so deeply interested, are waiting at
our doors to' be admitted ; and when a
bill for their admission shall pass it has
to run the gauntlet of the veto, end we
do not expect its return here under tea
days from the time of its consumation,
and then it is to be passed over the veto
again, as has been the history hereto
fore. Consequently, if we are to admit
these States at tnis session, it is high
time that we act upon the question, and
act promptly. Every interest that ap
peals to us as individuals and as repre
sentatives of the party that if responsible
to this country for its legislation at the
present time imperatively demands that
we be found at our posts continuously
untill we adjourn for the session.
As to putting the Hall in better trim
for the summer, I see nothing in that
suggestion. If we remain here now, we
shall have a session of but perhaps six
weeks, and there is no remodeling neces
sary either for our comfort, or our health.
In no view which I can take of the
question can I see any reason whatever
wny we should adjourn now after the re
peated adjournments we have eo recently
had, and which have worked cut such
marvelous resuks as they have in the
consumaticn of the vote cf thi? morning.
T7 tbe aar:sancsaiat ia tie "Frew" of
tho murriajs cf A. F. Barrey to Miss Julia Siidlaj,
all ef Nebraska Citj. "Wo chirjt tho orsniitioa
of Good Teruplan wi,th tb.s recti It.
Sprinklo CarbolaU of Lima M JnT f
yo wUb to driTo rf grwanoppers. So say oar
Nebraska exehangM.
C. H. Gen anccaacei that bid tai& id inch .
to permit him Uasrami his editorial datiej again.
Ia tho election of trustees for the to-sra of Lin
cola citj tho Democrat wro beaten two to one.
"Tho Great Western," now telegraph com pan 7
is about establishing lines of telegraph ia this
The Jaoob Bass sank frith load of Raslroad
ties 150 miles above Omaha at Omaha Bend.
Tho streeta of Nebraska CilJ aro lo bo sprinkled
soon. -
Tbo News says tho grading of fivo and three
fourths miles of tbe MidUnd Road has bean let.
Our State exeharjgss ara noting the extensive im
migration eorting into all parU of the State.
' Wo notice a communication in tbo Press, stating
tbat a town by the name of Pleasant Ilill has been
recently laid off at tho conter of Saline County.
The people of Arsgo hare appointed L. Algewahr
toconfer with the Counail Bluff Railroad Compny
in reference U a Steam. Ferryboat to operate at
that point.
Mr. Siterle's bwa and corn crib abiut two m:le3
west of Ralo, was burned on tho 18th, destroying a
largo quantity of corn and ona valuable horse. So
says the "Register."
The Royal Arch Misons of Richardson county are
requested to meet at Falls City on tho 15th of June.
We understand that the Grand Lodge of tho I.O.
of G. T. meet in Omaha, June 17th.
Washington, D. C. May 13th.
Jarvis S. Church Dear Sir : I am
not astonished that the friends of railroad
in Nemaha county are very aniious to
hear from their measure, the Brownville
and Fort Kearney Railroad.
Impeachment blocked everything, and
still holds all measures of the kind back.
Before it came up, the officers of the
Central Pacific road from Atchison, Kan
sas, west, '"were here in full force for ad
ditional aid for their road, which is com
pleted one hundred miles, and although
they got a report, and their bill became
a special order, and was backed up by
old and powerful friends, it has hung
fire for more than two months. And
when we get through the trial it will
have the precedence ; but I am of opin
ion even it will not get attention till
after the waning Stales from the South
are admitted ; and then so many mem
bers are to be re-elected next fall that
there will be an effort to get away early,
and so mauy more are fearful of making
grants or appropriations that no one can
guess what measures will receive final
action. The Hr)n. Mr. Cavode, appreci
ating these influences, said in my hearing
to Dr. McPherson aDd Col. Furnas, just
hefore they left for home I would
rather enter into bond with security for
the passage of y6ur bill, after the elec
tion, than promise anything now." Mr.
Pomeroy, chairman of the committee on
lands, is our fast friend, and whatever
can be will be dtrne for us.' - If any one
thinks I am indiferent as to the result,
hey do me great injustice. My town
lo in Browtjvilltr and loud DPtir LiUIlg's '
Bridge, need the stimulus of a railroad
as much as any man's property in the
Slate, so in a selfish point of view I could
not be other than anxious. I wih the
road for the good of all ; and knowing the
enterprise of the age demands it, no
tffurt shall be spared in that direction.
I am very1 truly.
The Washington correspondent of the
St.' Louis Evening Dispatch snys those
who have hitherto been slow to believe
that Chirf Justice Chase vas seriously
being pressed for the Democratic nom
ination, have been compelled to change
their minds by the appearance this mor
nitig, in the telegraphic-dispatches furn
ished to ari0u3 Democratic pipers by
ihe official stenographer at the White
House, of an article commending Air
Chase to the New York Convention as the
strongest candidate. The idea put forth
and which is undoutedly approved, if not
inspired,, by the President, is that there
is a general feeling, in consequence of
the strength of the Republican nomina
tions, that the most available candidates
must be chosen by the Conservatives ;
that, ihose most prominently urgd for
the nomination unite in this view ; that
there is quite a general concurrence in
the idea that the Chief Justice could un
ite all factions among the Conservatives;
could carry seventy Southern electoral
votes, and would . command mere Con
servative Republicans and disaffected
Radicals than any other man that could
b nominated.
It is needless to say that the publica
tion of this remarkable dispatch, coming:
from the source, it does, ' exciies much
comment. It is regarded as a corrobo
ration of the statements which have hith
erto encountered same doubts, that Mr.
Chase would accept the Democratic nom
ination, and as throwing light upon his
anxiety to procure Johnson's acquittal,
as well as intriguing with the colored
clergy-who have been assembled herein
General Conference.
Closing. The United States Circuit
Court. Judge Dundy presiding, is ex
pected try close the current term this
week, and it is possible will adjourn to
day. A very large amount of business
has. been done during the sitting of the
court. Judge Dundy has despatched its
buisness with great industry and prompt
ness, and has won universal regard for
the dignity and urbanity with which he
has presided and esteem for the legal
ability and learning which he has dis
played in his adjudication of the many
and intricate cases which have come he
fore him. Republican, May 26.
Bidfosd Phicinct. May 27.
J. S. Chchch -Sia; The Republi
cans of Bedford Precinct propose to or
ganize a Republican Club Saturday
evening, May 30th, at the Randall
School House. Yoa are respectfully in
vited to address the meeting on that
Yours Truly,
The abandonment of the Powder-Riv-er
country closes up the northern over
land route. .
Proceedings of the CtUcnsa Con-.
Sticajo, UjZ9.
Tho convention re-assomblsd at 6 o'clock, tbo
committeo on cred ectialj not boia ready to re
port, Hamilton Harris chairman commit teo cn per
manent organization reported.
The announcement cf the name of Gen. Joseph
R. Eawley for Permanent Presidtct was. received
with tremendous applause.
On motion, tho convention adjourned till lOa'cloci
to-morrow morning. ....
Chicago, May 21.
Tho Convention was call d to ord er at 10 J5.
Prater by Rev. Doctor Culver, of Chicago.
The Presideat announced that tho committee on
resolutions bad sent word that they would bo ready
to report before 11 o'clock.
Jlr. Spencer, of N. T., moved that tho resolutions
of tb Union League presented yesterday bo spread
npon the records.
31r. Conwaj, of La., called for a reading.
Mr. Spencer said bis motion looked to a matter
of coucteft on'y, and its adoption would not com
mit the conveniion to the ir endorsement. He mov
ed that the resolutions be recaled from tho com
mittee. The resolutions to which be referred,
wuh a view to being rooordsd, it was deferable to
make a record to the foci that thee resolutions
bad been presented. The resolutions were read.
They declare the Union League of rital importance
to the success of the Republican party, and pledge
tha loyal North to uphold andprotect the loyal
people of tbe South ; express high appreciation of
the patience and forbearance of ttie negroes of the
South, their devotion as Union soldiers daring
the war, and declare them entitled to the ballot;
declare impartial suffrage a cardinal principle 01
t'ie Republican party . endorse Congress ; consider
the bour parsed for hesiUticn, compromise or ltu
ioncy towards those whosjpportordjfeni traitors ,
denounce President Johnson and the Repablican
Senators who disappointed the kopesof ertry loyal
hfsrt in the land b) voting for the acquittal of
President Johnson when they knew him guilty of
the crime chaiged. Finally, they reco&vnend the
nomination of Grant.
The onlj point in tho resolutions excitirjj much
feeling was that denouncing tho non-impeaching
Senators, whi3h was received with great applause.
Haussarek, ex-minister to Ecuador, was called
out, and made an eloquent party speech. There
was Some confusion in the lobby; interrupting,
Hau sarek said tho convention probably was not
in a spirit at this time to hear a speech on the po
litical situation, and bo was not prepared, and
proposed to suspend. Cries go on, go on. The
chair called for order in tho lobbies. Haussarek
proceeded to read hi oration. 1
General John M. Palmer of Illinois, wis called.
Mr. Palmer deplored tha election of Johu3on and
the failure of tbe impeachment. Johnson stood in
the way of the country, and should bave been re
moved. Great cheering. Impeachment was a sub
stitute by modes of civilization for revolution and
do apitation. Johnson was an obstruction and
should tavo been removed. Renewed cheers. But
we nsw propose to fubinit theSa Unes again to
the people for their dacisn at tbe ballot-box, and
obtain a verdict which shall place these questions
beyond all dispute. He urged an open, clear, certain
platform, which shall leave no doubt as to its pur
pose or meaning ; and in conclusion, urged such
nomination for Vice Pesidant ai shall leave no
temptation nor auassinatien of-Grant. Cheers.
If the Baltimore Convention had made no mistake
in 1S64, Abraham Lincoln woaid be ia Washington
to welcome Grant on fourth of March next. Ureat
On motion of Mr. Cochrane, Senater Thayer of
Nebraska, was called for. Music, Star Spangled
Banner by five bandi. App!ause
Mr. Thayer declined, bickles and Tremaina
were called both absent.
Mr. Thompson, chairman of tho committee npon
resolutions appeared ani reported tha. following
resolution :
1. We congratulate tho country on the assured
succouoftke reconstruction policy of Congre3 , as
evidenced by the adoption in a majority of the
States lately ia rebellion ; of the constitutions se
curing equal oivil and political rights te all, and
regard it as tbe duty of the Government to sustain
these constitutions and prevent tha people of such
States from being remitted to ay-state of anarchy or
military rule.
2. The euarrantee by Oonrjess 0 f equal suffrage
to all loyal men in the South was demanded by
every consideration cf pablio safety aad gratitude,
and of justice, and must be maintained; while the
question of suffrags ln loyal States properly be
longs to the people of those States.
3. We deneunce all forms of repudiation as a
national crime, and national honor requires the
payment of public indebtedness in the utmost good
taiih to our creditors at horns" and abroad, not only
according to the letter, but spirit of tho laws under
w rrv . . m-m vwmwwum . . . . .
4. It is due to the labor of tho nation that tax
ation should be equalised and reduced as rapaidly
as the national fai&h will permit.
5tb. The national debt, constructed as it has been
for the preservation of the anion for ail time to
come, should be extended over a fair period :or re
demption, and it is the duty of Congress to reduce
tha rale of interest thereon whenever ii can ba
6 th. That the best policy to diminish our burden
of debt is so. to improve our credit that capitalists
will seek to lend us m ney at lower rates of inter
ett tj.m we now pay. and must continue to pav so
long as repudiution partial or total open or covert
is threatened orsuspected (app'aaie).
7th. The government of the Uni tet States shou'd
be administered with studied economy. The cor
ruption htch have been so hm 'fuily nurd ancr
foctered by Andrew Johnson call loudly for radical
reform, (loud cheers:).
8th. We prefo'indiy deplore the untimely and
tragic desUh of Abraham Lincoln, a$i- regret the
accession ef Andrew Joliuson to the Presidency
who has acted treacherously to th paop e who clear
ed biin, and the causa he wasl.db-od to support,
hrts uurprd higli legisUtive aad judicial funo'.i'.ns,
ba re' used to execute the law, has used his high
office to in iuce thr officers to v o!at Iaws, hs
employed his executive power to ren der insecure the
lives, prurty. peace, liberty and I ifo of our citinui,
has abused the prdning power, has deiounoed
the entire legislation as unconstitutional, has per
sistency and habitually resisted by every mean in
his power every proper attempt at the reconstruction
of the states lately in rebellion, has perverted tbe
public patronage into an engine of wholesale cor
ruption, and cas beea justljimpeached for high
crimes and misdemeanors, (good g od.).
9th. The d trine of Great Britain and other
European powers, that because man is onee a
subject he is always so, must be resisted at every
hazz.ird by the United States, as a relic of the
feudal timertot authorised by the law of nations
an 1 at war with our national honor acd independ
ence. Naturalized Oitisons Are entitled to be pro
tected in all their rights of citizenship as though
they were native born. No citizen of tt-e United
States, native or naturalized, must be liable to ar
rest or iroprigou ment by foreign powers for acts doo
or words spoken in this country ; and if so arrested
and imprisoned it i3 the duty of the Government
to interfere in his. behalf.
10ih. Of all who were faithful in tho trials of
tbe late war, there were none entitled to more ei
pecial honor than tbe brave soldiers nd seamen who
endured tbe hardships of the ctmp and cruise, and
imperiled their lives in the service of the country.
Tha bounties aal pension approoriatad by law
for these brave defenders ef the Union are obliga
tions never to be forgotten. (Cheers.). Tho wid
ows and orphans of the gallant dead are tbe wards
of tbe. people, a sacred legucy bequeathed to the
United Stitec protecting care. (Applause.)
11th. Foreign emigration, which ia the past
has added so much to the wealth and increased tho
resources of this nation, tho asylum of all nations,
should be restored bv a liberal and just policy.
12th. This convention declares its sympathy
with all oppressed peopla who are struggling for
their rights.
The following are the supplementary resolutions
adopted as part of the platform .
Resolved, That we rocogni9 the ereat principles
laid down in the Declaration of Independence as
tne true foundation of a democratic government.
and we hail wit gladnoss every effort toward mak
ing these principles a living realty on every inch
of American soil.
Resolved, That wo highly eo&mond tho epirit cf
magnanimity and forgiveness with which men have
served in the rebellion have so frankly aad honest
ly co-cperated with as in restoring the peace of
tho country, and aro reconstructed. They ire
received back into tha Union of tho loyal people.
w taror too removal or tne restrictions imposed
on the rebels as soon as tho spirit of rebelion has
died out.
Adopted nearly unanimous.
A motion was made to proceed to ballet for Pres
Logan, in the name of tho loyal people and soldiers
of the Republican party, nominated U lyases S.
The wholo convention rose to their feet amid
great cheering, waiv Eg of bats and handkerchiefs ;
prolonged applause, three cheers for Grant, with
music -Hail to tho Chief."
The States wore called. Each voted for Grant.
Georgia's vote was annoanoed by Gov. Brown,
who said Goorgia Republicans, many of whom were
originally secessionists, recognized tha maxim
enemes ia war; in peace, friends. Durini the
progress of tha call, each successive vote was receiv
ed with great enthusiism. Sickles, rising to east
rew York, was received with cheers. The Territo
ries were also called, each having two, except Colo
rado, which was allowed six.
The chair announced six hundred and ftr rctes.
all for Grant. There was irrfcat cheerio? asthevota
wa nanonaced. A new drop curtain ia tho reir of
the Etue was uncovered, r.reseatini a fine nortniit
of Grant, support! by Libciiy. Above was the
motto "MaLa Hiu."
Muck;, "Hiil to the Chief" and "Tankee Doodle"
On motion, threo tiinis three J"beers wer Sven
for tha Ectaine",
Tho convention joined ia singing "Rally Round
tho flag, accompanied by tho taci. Hero tho. on
thusiasra wa iciiscribabla.
Oa moUon,the President was authorised toUio
graph tho nomination to Grant.
Solo and trio champon iong ; masio by, GecrgoF.
Root, entitled "Fight it out here, on the old Union
line Tho socg wa3 rceived with great favor.
Schofield, of N, Y..iaovei to proceed to tho nom
ination of Vine President.
Fierce, of Yirjtaia. nominated. Henry Wilson, of
ChafHin, cf Ma., second i, and eulogized Wil
son , warmly sketching his life and. services.
Lane, of Ind., nominated tho triad, truo and trus
ted patriot, Schuyler Colfax. (Great oheering.)
Parker, of N. J., seconded Colfax aj a candidate
and representative of tho young men; lovsd by
them for tbe characteristics of heart and mind.
Duteher, of Mich., supported Colfax in every men
tion, of whose name was hailed with cheers. Colfax
Etock seemed rising.
Brown, of Pennsylvania, said that Alleghaney
County would give Colfax 10,0J0 mijority. Othr
Pennsylvaniaas, interrupting, sail that Brown was
acting against instructions. Brown replied thas
r his eourty gve tho whole Rapublicin majority of
tho State and he would vote Colfax first, last, and
all the time.
Hausarek,for Ohio, presented tha champion cf
hunnn rights, B. F. Wad, a child of the. people
and a self-made nun. Wild chsers Oaeofsu:h
incorruptible men that the people know him as
"Honest Ben Wade.w Let the eonveotion sy to
him for the people," Well done thou good and faith
ful Servant."'
Schurz, for larg9 majority of the Missouri del
egation, seconded Wade's nomination ; if nom in v
tei there will be no temptation to assassinate Gen.
Spaulding, of Ohio, said for the first time, his
State bad united on a candidate, it would give
Wado forty-twe votes.
Jones, for North Carolina, supported the veteran
Ben. Wade. His S'ata was ready to Wade in.
Tremaine, of New Y rk, nominated her favorite
son, Reuben . Fenton. Cheers. Sketched his
public career, eulogized hirtha'acter, urged him as
the ereat political orgtn'zer,and the soldier's frieai ,
argued earnestly to show Fenton's strength before
the people, and claimed tnat nis nomination woiia
secure a victory !n New York. (Cheers.)
Storrs, of Llinofc, oquently supported Fenton
as a standard nearer, in canvass uereatmg uoratio
Seymour. At this time Chicago Republicans were
heard firing one hundred guns for urant s nomma
Logan announced that Illinois would oast fifteen
votes for Fenton, eleven for H-imlin, raj threo for
Wood, for Kentucky, nominated, ex-Attorney
General Speed.
Marylaad nominated John A. Crtsswell. Md., ho
said he bad asked his delegation to refrain from
obeviDg Ihe instruction! of taa Mtrylant Convea
ti'u to vote forhim. They .declined peremptorily;
he must acquiesoe, reserving the right to cast his
vote for Wile.
Forney, of Pennsylvania, as chairman of the Ro
publican Convention cf that State, nominated An
drew J. Curtin.
ileClure preneoted Curtafu's claims a3the repre
sentative of three hundred thousand Pennsylvania
republicans, reminding the comm. tteo that as tont
State casts her vote next November, so will be tne
decision of the election, repeated cheers. Wilson
from Iowa nominated James iltrlaa- Waitrmre of
South Carolina onioned Wilson, cheers, Keifer of
Alabima named William D, Kal'y of Pennsylvania,
partial applause and boistrons laughter, pooner
of Wise n-in. supported Ui niii stuei his dalesa-
tioa gva Fenton Mven vules, Colfax six, Him. in
tw, Curtin oaer l'ttrronaily n tnou-at it wiw to
retntve the m staka made at the L.vtimore coaven
tion, when Ilm!ia wv di-r!-:--d for Johnn,Saep
lev for 31a".n nominated tiamun. Cheers.
The vote stood Waao 201, Colfax 137, Fenton
Id?, W.I.son 87.
The couvention proceeded to call tha roll for Vice
President, much splitting ef delegation occurred,
Fenton bad U2 votes, Wads 113. Wilson 132. Kol-
ley aix, Golfax 119, Curtin 62. Hamlin 30, Hrlan
IS, Creswell Id, Pomeroy 1, -peed 22. W nolo sum
ber 640. Necetsary to cheice 32. Speed's nam
Second bal rt; Wade 113, Colfax 118, Wado 163.
Ferrton, Itl.Hamiin 30, Curtin 45. .
Third ballot, Wade, 178 Colfax 165 Fenton 139,
Wilson 99, Curtin AD, Hamlin 2b.
Fourth ballot Wade 2Uf Colfax 135, Fenton 141,
Wilson, S7, liimun 25.
Fifth ballot. Wade 20$, Colfax 225, Fenton 110,
Hamlin 19, V, ili 51. Before this vote was an
nonnced veneris delegations changed their votes i a
favor of Lolfax, till it became evident that Colfax
would soon be nom na'ed, when delegates from
all parts of the Uaion. oontiuutd to change their
ot-s as rapidly as thy could be recorJe.1. tin toe
Feutoa 75, Wilson 11.
Sherlflfa Sale.
i'otice Is bere'iT Riven tbat pursumtto a venditic
nl exponas, or rIer of s.iie, to rue di rcted arid ;s-;n'.-l
by the clr t: o tbe District Court o Xeuiihi cou.,;y,
Nebraska, iu the cje of J ha L. . Ca'S'jn against Isjac
B. WaUt-ri an d Benjamin F. Lnshbaugh, I will oflr
for sale t public auction at the fror.t door of He
Phersous Old Ila.l in the city of Brownville, tbat be
ing the p ace where thj ;ast term ol said court for said
ouuty was held,
OS T IE 29 h DAT OF Jt'XS. 1563.
at one o'clock P. M. o: said dir, tbe following real es
tate, to-wit? The norU.-east ijurter of the sooth-et
quarter of section twenty-tax ia township Six 6)
north of ranee fifteen (15), eaat, ia Nemaha ounty,
SUte of Nebraska.
Dated this the2ot'a dy t-t May, A. D. 1S63.
n35-4w SSeriJT ai.d Special Master.
Sheriff' Sale.
Notica Is hereby piven that pnrsnsrt to a vendition
exponas, or order 0 sale to ine directed and issued by
tbe Clerk of the Distric t Co irt oi Nmnha count, Ne
braska, in tbe sase f James O. Carbon atraiust Urnhi
Aien, J obi L. Carson ami Kra-raus D. Allen. I will
offer for t-aleat public auction, at tho front door of Mc
Pherson's Old Hall, in tbe city of BrowiiTill-, tbat
re ng the place wbre the last term of said court for
aid coun'y was held,
OS MONDAY. THS 29th DAY OP JUNE, 1363, .
at one o'clock P. M. of said ddj the fot owini real es
tate,to wit: The south east quarter of sec tiin sevea
(7), in u waship five (5 , north of range fifteen (Id)
eist in Nemaha ciiinty. Stat of Nebraska.
Dated tbla this the 25;h day f May, IS63.
n3i-iw SneritT and Special Master.
Notice In Bankruptcy.
District Court of the United Sttte, for tht District ef
NebrisS 13 Bankraiitcy. In the matter of Egbert
h. Dickey, Binkrut. District of Nebraska, as
This is to (five not ce that on the 21 st day or lfy,
1S63, a Warrant of'cy was issued ont of the
Districs Conrt of tho Lnited States for the
District of Nebraska. a'ain-t tbe estate ot
Robert IT. Dickiy of Nebr-ska City, in the
coun'y of Oto, in raid District, adjudged a bankrupt, on
his own retiiion; that the piyment at any deb- and
the delivery of any proportv belonging to nch bankrupt
debtor to him, or for bis ue. and the transfer of a'iy
property by him. are forbidden by lav, and that a
rawetii of the creditor of raid b mtrupt debtor, to
prove their debts, and to choose oie or more assignees
of his estate, will be held at a Court of BnArupt-y,
to be boiden at theCourt House bailding ia Browuville
Nebraska, be tore S. M. Bicb. Esq., Bezister in Bank
ruptcy for naid district, on the 20tn day of June, A. D.
1S63, at 10 o'cioc A. M. C. B- YOST
34-1 1 U. S. Marshal for said Dist rict or Messenzer.
Notice In Bankruptcy.
District Court of the. United States, for the District of
Nebras. In BanArvjpt.y. In the mat er of Frao
cl W. Mclutire, B tn npt. District of Nebsast. as.
This Is to give nut cc that on the 21st .lay of May,
1S63 a Warrant of Bai-iropt.-y was isn?i ont of the
Ditrids Court of the Uni'el Sta.e, for ihe District of
Nebraska, against the estateof Frari'.is W Mclntyre.of
Ashland, in the ounty of Sanders, in aaid district,
who was adjedsod a bankrupt on t is own peiition. tbat
the pymfnt of any debt, an-! the delivery of any
property belormin? to snch bantrujit debtor to htoi or
for bis use, aod tbe transfer of any proper'y by biai are
forb dded by law; and that a mee;iog of toe creditors
of said oarot-npt to p'ore their tiebt. and to chootie oi.e
or more assignees of his estate, will be held a' a Court
of Bariifcrnp cy, to be bolJen at the Court FJoue la
Browuv;Oe, Nebras&a, before S. M. Bicb.. 2.q , Regis
ter it Bankruptcy for said District, on tbe 20th day of
June, A..D. 13b8, at 10 o'cloci A.M.
35-2t TJ. S. Marshal for said District or Messenger.
Probate Notice.
Estate of S. G. Daily, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that William Dailv and Sarah
M. Daily, Administrator and Admistratrix of the estate
of Samuel G. Daily, deceased, have filed their admin
istration account for settlement with the Probate Court
of Nemaha county, Nebraska, ac.i that the raid court
has appointed the 8th day of Jid, 1363, at 10 o'clock
a. m., as the time, and the cSlce of the Jnige of said
court at Brownville, in said county as the place, for
examining and allowing said account, at which time
and piace any person Interested may appear and contest
the same.
Dated May ISth, 3SS3.
4-3t A. W. MORGAN, Probata Jpd;e.
s Sheriff' Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that cn the 11th day or June,
1363. at 1 o'clock, p. M. of said day. I will offer for sale
at public auction at the front entrance of McPherson's
Hall, In Brownville, Nemaha County. Nebraska, that
being the .place in which the last term of the District
Court for said county was held, tbe following desert oed
real estate, to-wit : Lot cumber nine (9) in block num
ber tKg (ft.) in Middle Brownville, and lot number three
(3) In block number twenty-three (13) in Brownville in
Nemaha County, Nebraska all the said real-etate hav
ing been taken as tfce pr perty of Benjamin nkox, on
an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Ne
maha County, Nebraska, ia a cause wherein Sigmond
Seeman iPiainti!T and Bomjamin Hickox is Defendant,
aad ia favor of said Sizm.'i;d Sc-exan, and to ire diretted
as Sr.eri3" of .siid county cf Nemaha
Given under my hand tMs 6:U day of Ifiv, 13j3.
3i-5t D A V.DSON PLASTERS, Sheriff
VTatural Leaf, Fine Cut, Grara Jnice and Navy
Reported Kxpressly for theA '
tb Westeru Unloa Telej5,ApVc-(, I
l " ' 1 1
Wa5ixctox, May go i
tne benate ..j .
vote on the 3i article on Imrea
which resulted ayes 3-3, cayj igl
3d article was then vot?d on with'.?'
result. On notion the Senate as ad-'
of Impeachment adjourned sice die "
May 27ih. Stanton resigned the V 1
Office yesterday ajad General Tly '
took pp3ses3i.on Secretary of War '!
interim 1 '.
CisrcissATi,. O. May 27'
McCccle and Coburn'a r.ri? eli'.
appointed for to day for a prua 0f
and the belt. McCoole waj t:t') :
near cold Springs, Indiana., at ibreV '
clock, A. M., by the sheriff of Dearbcr !'
county, and taken to Lawrences? "a-"
there put under a $3 000. bond fcr:
appearance day after to-morrow .J'
then left at 10, A M., for the U t
ground. All the trees commanJin, I
view of the ring, were filled with l.
and boys who appeared determined C
set it out on hat line, if it took ait d,,
At 2.30. P. HI.. Coburn was arres'i'.
just as he was entering the Ric?,
the fight. will rrobably be put offer
present. " ""'j
Washisctox. May 25.
Cary oQfered in the House a resiJ
tion providing that no bridge shail herv I
after be built over the Qhio River
span over channel le33 thaa fihundre ;
fet. Adopted. j
Order of Attachment. t
G. M. Henderson, PlfT., vt Charle LibbT, V
Before R. V. Hugh Josiice of tbe Pe; uf'xaL.
countv, State of Nebrnka
On the 13th dy of May. A D. ISSS, said Jn.tu. !
sued anorder of attachment in t..e !..., entit;e4,rj,
of action for the sum of $!S,19 and cost
a. r.nrcH3.j r
I t
Probate Xotlce.
State of Nebraska, C- nnty of Nemaha
Notice w hereby piven that I. A W Mirem.p-,;,, ,
Judge of the C-'unty f Neci,-h and S'ate of Xttrvti
have appointed the first day i f Hit 1qK8 th t;m,
hearin? the application ofNithm Ma!r tn r4J i
pointed Administrator of the esue of iid.uo Ht.c
deceased, late of sail CoutT aat State.
33-31 A. W MORGAN Probate Ja1rs. j
VTiM attend to tbe sale of Real and Perontl
Property in the Neniiha Latd Distrit:. i;
J. W. BLISa. vl0-33tf B. V.HrGnn 1
N. It. GRIGC$! j
Attorney at LaT7 h Esal Estiie Ag2:t
n3l ly Deatrlce, Nebraska.
jiise 1st, m.
Own Hanufacturfi
Men's and Boy's Clotnini
Whica I offer to tie PutUe at ti
Very Lowest Prices
WV nf n,v',rls wis made U? B''
own supervision, frora Goods bong at d'.rec f'a
Faotorj, thus rreventicj tba usual s
profit intervening between ma ana v j
wbich enables me to Warrant all Goods i
p m
Til tiiv a " i
alii I
1 f
J v
well and durably maJ,anJ lVarran.s a
assertion that I can sell mj G-wd -,rt '
such Cods tvere ever olt'ered Ll "
34. ' J. S. HETZE--