A f f xiiscx. t JOHN Ii CO COI.HAPP.EDITOH. Street and E. cor. llh. is lot tbia and purcbas- JTVBtM CiUSt Louis I 'tTILLlAM HAWXBY in cur authorized A treat to -tire nirri 'iiou iur iao Aucermtr interna ! bl Ci:y IVecinct. , hawlet U "or authorized rent to receive 1 jcrtption U me Aa-ceriuer, at Cii-ton. j "cEO. G. fUST authorised Agent at Aspla yEWGOODSatP.Miy's.. ylSDEL has Stadebaker Wagons. has Two Dorse Corn Planters. CLEX KOCK FLOUR at.Tbeo. Hill & Co's. ' P. U7 'c Cou.petition ! that's bis forte I a C. LETT, Laud gent, Erowavi:ie, Nebraska. E?.E3S COODa Latent styles, just receiTed, at 1 TWO FLOr.EXCE Sewing ilachincs .for sale at i JOHN DEERE'S genuine llcline ri&ws.JOO at jdecHiUiCo-'f. ' 1 A FINE '-OTof Sogar Loaf Drips Syrup and ?jj:Mse at Swan k Bro. -" 7 - j THE EP.OWXVILLE CITV MILLS turning IjjUjCian article f F'cur ascan be m&de.' j rECiV-BSGAKIXULOVs"-: 2l-0 T.; 4 B. f SiUh 4 Co.'s make at Theo. Ilil! &. Co'. ' ' LOUD ! TJjw ceuld wo now live with- ;cstJ(or D. HAY. 1 ALL PERSONS indebted to us will p!e"re call iiiKUloimeiiaJ, DORSEY BUO. CANVASSED IIm, ooit in the. market, and c--&: Cured Smoked Beef at Swan & Bra's. . ! LIGHTNING RODS AND POMPS sold and put 'op, in town and county, by Joast C. Dkl ski 1 ' JIILE sold ss low as by any ; and ro oae pcrscn 'chur-ed mere than another, by B. B. Thompson, Browcville Dairjmin. ? DORSET BflO. bave the largest and ccmplet MlsertJicrit of Ilats ever oScred in Rrowapille. C:iai see tbca. :. i A GOOD OPENING is now offered in this city for : idling Swoc t Potatoe Plants; we know of none be u;riiJ ia tbw city. LIIED PAINTS all colors ground ar,d ready U iii,for1e by Gecrgo Berkley, Carrinje, Sign ui Uou9 Painter, over iJ-Comu Drug Store, ; FOX SALti. The nonh-easc quarter of eec. 17, town 5,rir.ge 10, Johnson eaunty, 7 miles from, Te ccaieh. Price $3 per acre. . For terms aj-ply to I J.C.McNAUGUrON, Brownville. j rORSEY 4 LROTUERJ).irj just recivod anew nl couij!ete stock vf Clothing, and gentltmco's turiii.-oing Goods, which they tlftr a little cheaper ' iUd atiti-war prices. J SWAN A BRO., have jut received some of the fatt chewing tobsooo we evor saw this fr Vet, it ui the freuiuui at the lat St, Louis Fair. Call 1 id fce it, ye Lvers cf tbe weed. j WEEP NOT, fair daugter of Eve, thy wants are inieM'.oud and appreciated, and at prices within ', thy tceaos may be bad choice Dres Goods, and any- ; i jig thy heart can long for, at p. ilAY'S. i I II FALL 1 CO., have received", Ju ting the past ; ttek.a ruusiog stock of Furniture, tec-mi ngly uear Ijtboitluai. Ttieyare determined to keep a xuli tuck aad their rojin i cramsl full of all kinds that bij be called lor. and they ?ell very rcaoniille. 1 j A. ROBISON, Boot and Shoe Maker, on Miin itree t, ia this city, Las just stuck out a new combi ' lu'.iui Sign, aLich is a credit to its pintr, L. j Wa d:eT,arid a god Sign of Rubi.ou cn!crjriEe ' Torrrity. He is as good a workman as ever 'nstdbisawl. : I SEW ilEAT MARKET.- Messrs. B.dcn i Mc : Cilluc!) have just openel a New .Meat Market one j doorbulow Ilwliaday's DrugSttre. From what w ; hare seen thus far we think they unders'and tkeb ii j cen thoroughly and are eoin;)e:af to wait up,a the j public in good s yle. ! R0LBEKV: AT KOCKPOKT, MO.-W learn ; thti last Friday night tna Jewelry Shop of C Scboeider, at RdckpiTt, Mo was entered and rob bed ot Jen dry and Watches to the value of abi.ut CvO, the thieves eg raping with their bsoty,- and 8u' iu hare col iecn captured, j -- 1 i ' AIARSII'S ENTERPRISE is bound to "bring "him rtccew, ahiib be richly merits. A inorg many other : sew thing; we notice be has just received a c mi !ete I wtcf Ditken's Works, g otten up in splendid etylo. HiDow j umpired to furaib them by the single suinber or fall sott at PMiter trice ! COLONY. e learn that there is now in our i'7 gfntlema by tie name cf Stok' t, from Georgia, wbo is looking up land for the location .f large Colony. Mr. Stokes has iado a very fv Jr j sole Imtirewioa npn this community, and we hope f lewj'i tadlaqds in ihia D;itr;:l to I j;ate tia friends 1 j. ; -SWEEPSTAKES." See the Ad. in to dayVis. I of C. Aultman ACo's-SweepsUkea"Threhirg j iiacbine. The great reputation of this Machine c&Les it eoaecessary for us to more than ca1! attan- I tion to the advertisement and t the 'fact' that our j f7 reliable merchants Thee. DjII A Co. Lave than? ; for fle. : "VAN WANT'S BUT LITTLE nERE BELOW," ! je: heretofore that little has C'st him so much that ' t baj been furced to "en small even on that ; this ; tiaehas passed; ia Clothio, Piece Good-, Hats, Cwpi, Bts, Shoes, etc., I cm Et yoo oat at such i Prices as will warrant every man in going well and i eottforably clothed. D. MAY. TERU ITEMS. Tbe citizens of thU place are .jontto ctmmence tha erection ef an Episcopal Church, the material, we learn, is oa the ground, oi the foundaiion will be commenced nex week. 'ro is about t more in the matter of laving a Uiactery.M will U aaen oa our 2i page. , r" ARM. FOR S ALEl 40 acres lying within one f Nemaha City end three miles of Brownvillo a.l ia cultivation ; ha en inexhaustible stream of ,lerepring water running; through it; ecabinwi;a 'p'endid spring of water near by upon tbe prenj Uai- Apply to tf-. Q. W.FAlliBROTHEU, SHOT DEAD A.J the 4:iy-Iower is past, and Emulator played cut, W. T. DEN is now the Relator of the Corn and Calico trade, Ae. tc, A, u,T'Dg just returned from the East with a complete of Rummer Goods. Clothin Ladies Hats. 1c nwh defy competiuon, and will let be andcrsolJ ce. ... ... - w. T. DENV SO AP FACTORY .We learn rartie; 're cow 1 this citv desirnin" ta a'art a S.-n TaMAr fB of the opinion that such an institution'will V J tare. Our means of com uunlcation are such ' a Tt acepo cf country could be sopplied rom tbil cifJ, ni ihej re rowUntly cn Jhe in Crwe. Itwiflpsj! - - RICH, cf His city, having given himself lltdJ o the practice of Cases before the Und -oe is already rcctivicg v cry fair practice, and, believe, deservedly. He is a good law jer and "7 we re!if d on as capable and worthy.- Those bar jEtJ,,L,io2 a Ms line toatttcd to will Cnd tim 1 eCcrt Eocte Building 1st door west side. TWF FIELD & EATON. 154 Pine 1 iLl.IAMS.t7 Chfttnut Ht, .V. I . ,r U f u't" xed gent in St. Lou i .r rill attend to aiakmg Collections THE STEAliES St. Joseph, landed Hoar LarlTTT". . ' . darirffth.nacfv v.. ... .v.-.j i tv:. v. . now cMurpijea witn a ttmr e &ach Uie, which wonid certainly pay well. . eremr.g, delivered i ject "Shall we It From theertentcf her udicnwojudj9 tbii com- nunity as either very IndiJereat oa the"sutTect or : - v. having already made op i:s "mind for Grant. VtlpAr.rARlI rOIlbALE. Lies on Lon? Branch , awes wester Asjin wan, contains U3 acres. Most f Jt bottom, half or more-und.T cultivation, some umocranda good awellins noise and other, im- pioveictDU al a go'd ettlement, and good stuck rce." OfferfJ1 attest bargain. F,r furtbtr par tieuiars inquire of J. J. Pureell, at Lone Branch P a. , ijuer, lira wo Vliie. i WnOLESAtE GROCERY AND QTE ENS WARE STORE. We 1 earn that a gentleman by the name of Uoek, recent'y fr'cm New Orlcasand Dr. Jcnas Crane, of this -city, have doterainedio open -this Spring a large Wholesale Orocory and Q leeasware Store ia the rooms foroa?rly i-ccupied by ThecJore HU 4 Co. . ThU will t .... oe one oi tae niggest icings for this city, tho surrounding coaa'ry and propria tors, ererur-;erlaken here IMPROVED FARM FOR SaLE.-I will sell an improved farm of 160 acres, 9 miles west of this city, for $4.00- It has a hedge fence all around it aiii is hedged in 43 acre lota; each forty Las ron ing water on it; wi jh a No. I duelling houie,goi barn and tenant bouse on tbe premises. lfiO acree cf the best land in Nemaha County 14 miles west of; BroworUle' at $3 per acre 80-lf - CUAii. Mcl'IIERSON. IT GIVES US SINCERE PLEASUfiE to eall the attention of the publ ic to the lare stock of .Clothing sod Gcnt'a Furnishing Goods just received J and opened ly Dorsey &. Bro. They bare exerted 1 themselves to please the public both in tho extent j aiid varietv of their stock, and in the iow prioe at tfhiob. Ihcy are eniUled to sell them.' 'Their stock ii full, fashionable and nnirniueant. Call and ex amine goods and prices before purchasing. - THE MONTII OF MAY, casting o'er all the new dress of green, making nature sm.lo and man grow strong, happy and pleasant beneath ii sunshico.aad bowers, birds sing, children play, and happiness spreads throughout the lire-long diy; yet this is1 transient and evanescent compared to the pleasure excited in this community and for fifty miles in very direction from this city, at tbe low prices at which those splendid goods aie being sold at by , D. ..HAW : NEW CLOTIIING STOKE. See the advertise ment tf J.S. Heitil's New Wnolesalo and Retail Clothicg Store in to day' iper. Mr. ilotssl is certaiuly entitled to tbe condenee of any -cominu. nity this business, having b d twelve years experi ence in one of the unst extensive Cltthie? Houses in New York City." lie w.ll open op by the It .f Juue in ihu room directiv under t L ia cQoe a stocfv of CUiLing un.-urjned in the Wejt, of which we wLI duly apprauo the publio. PitOF. R. V.WILSON.of Chicago will Lectori in the City of Brownv;lle, on the evenings of the I 27ih, 2S:ti, 29th and 3u;b, inst. Subject: Harmo nial Philosophy mjro generally known as Spirit ualism. Mr. Wi!.ih has the reputation of being one of the most able and eminent Lecturers upon that subject ia the Cnit -d State. This will be something new in our city, and a rare opportunity t investigate, and lent, to some extent, a subject of which many have a curiosity to learn. A RACE FQR A HQilESTEAD. Oa the I2th install.-. Clinton Bakor, of Sali e County, Nebras Va, se! cted i Homestead, and then learning that another man expocted to start the sme day for tbe Lnd Oficc to enter the same tract. Baker imuiedia tely sUrlel on foo t for this city. .By travelling all night be reached this city by 7 o'clock the mDrning of tbe 13th, making the distance of 85 miles in 20 liourf, and loarinz hj competitor out of sight. It is nedlcsa t add that this Nebraska 4,WetoB se cured the Homestead , a d may be enjoy it and ptopT mtirh. A DUSKY A DUSKY HORSE THIEF CAUGHT. Con siderable rxciiement wascreawd in ourcity last eve ning hy the arrest of Tnornton Thorn i., a negro, on charge cf ttea'ing a horse fr. m J.hn Biwkr,of Rub'. When fiat nrrestisl by Sheiiff Plaste s, Thornton denied all kn wledge i f the borsc bat was soon made 1 to find Lu tongue, when he informed the Sheriff bat tbehore wns Linbed in South Brownville, where be was fi ur.d fcj the Sh riff and returned to Bowker who al.'o to4 charge-of the urgro and started fr Uolothismirning. Ther.egrobad al.o in bi cfrtet sack a lot of clotLiag which be had evidently stolen f r, m Mr. Darling vf White Cloud. Kas. I AM HE, of when; it was faid in the 4 ay of bard times, when the beel cf the depot, Avarice, was upon tbe neck of ibis people it !, 1 there hl c me nnto you an avenger of your wrongs, one who ,shH be guarded with tho nr of Fair Dealing, who shall gird jour loins 'with the fine fabrics of earth at 'ho tn;t rcaonab)e rates, wbo fhaZI whip thine enemy. Oh, touch abused Public, and lead thee up from the dark path ot IIrd Times to the bi'h nwd cf Twpwify, Prnce and ilenty. Unto bim ebll it te given to regulate Commerce and Traffic in raimantfor men and wouiinf lo, be shall come among With je the fabrics .f the wcrld, and je bll rvj?ce exceedingly ai.d aid him against jour old enemy, Did High Price.." a htre I : I V. MA 1 . PERSONAL. Geo. . Start, tf the firm of Start A Bro.rf Aspinw.ll, amor.g tue most liberal deal ers in Country Produce in our county, called oa us list Thursday, loekieg bale and Learty andover- Cjwiiig with good nature and ousmeas. C. G. D"f J, f Dorsey Jt Bro., has just returned from the East, whera be has been purchasing a Tery large and ppfendid stock of Clothing, intending not to be out-done in tho tualitj cf bis goods or the? lownesa of bis prices. - John D. Dopf, of tho Atchiton Cut at f Journal, called on us yesterday, . lie report matters cjur Jhinginand ebcut Rockporand on bis wayover be net tbe construction Liain cf tbe C. B. St. St. Jo railroad onnosite this city. ThinkVpa!scn'?r trains will bo down this far by the last of this week. ' a ' : TO TOE PEOPLE F NEMAHA AND ADJOIN ING COUNTIES. We have oponed a Wholesale and Reuil Furniture rioxeln Nebraska City where we expect to do busincsj, and ; by pacing our prices lower than any house this side of St. Louis, we ex pect to command tbe trade of all South Hatte Many have been buying in St. Joseph and other points on the Missou l river, paying mcA or more than tee tell for nearer home Our etock is large and coroplcte.and we assure you wo will always keep up wlth'jhe times in stck and prices. Tea years ex- pericnoe in the business and large cash purchases enable us to sell goods as low. or lower than any bouse in the West. We want jour, trade and ask roil to examine our stock. A. A. Nebraska City, Neb. LITERARY.NOTIOES:. " ; GvJeg'e Ladiet Book, for June, is on hand. contains such, aa array of beautiful engravings fashions, patterns, ladies' notjoos, and choice read ing matter, that no family who takes it can fail to be benefited an hundred times more than the price cf aaiitription. ' Now is a g'ojd time to subscribe as in the July number will be commence! eae of the best stories ever pnblishcd in this Magai'ne entitled "Ccreet.' It caa le bad for t2.f 0 a year if taken in connection with tbe JUvertiert The Ladiee'e Friend, true to ifs name, for June, is on hand, remitting, it) this number, notonejot from iU custom try excellence and interest, but ia creasing in both No family can afford to da with out. Iu engravings, fsshion plates, reading matter, end in fact everything about it, are first cls, -h eminations from the best minds in the country, I eomcsat SI. SO year if taken in connection with the Adtertittr, ' OCR STREET COMMISSIONESiierergetically et wna.ooiugiuucugooa. uewora. asi cn Atlactio. between ii and 4ih, U rcry jadioioui C. A. Welch, last TnJT co' be placed across Water street in front cf a Lecture in this city on the sub- tl1 Wf 'ho?- Tb. . 00f . " . "uiDg siienuon worn man anotner.and ive a military man for President." to which we oalled attention two ML-. .; i "" E" probability, preTent the rain frota graining the big fill, lie bas also worked lcwer uown on too nma street. On Watar .tri h. made it rood and passable between 2d and 3d, yet we 0Bbt much tbe permanence cf the benefit unless lt 'a". condition. ''The greatest" good to the T 7- Pr-BC,P,e. tn" eton:d certainly com- ! I P'J.i immediate attention ta-h and.leree, s treat to Main- Oa Levee street the Kr,-.. m . . j. .... v , I meat, intended to turn th tr.1.inn th. aiWtl oa ter ,treet u washed away. T open ditch, besides being a naisance is not deep enough. to carry oa tbe water, and evn if deepened if the sides are mi protected it will soon wah out a per fect gaily from Levee street to the river. Tbei:i- zezi along the street near the ditch ha.ea very goid reason to complain, and new that we have a wide-awake Sireet CommUsioners they ezpeet Liza to aueau to tneir neceuiues as soon as poib!e. Republican Qlub Proceedings, ': CU"8 R005t3,iiay 18 th. Club met puroaat to call. '. President Jco.L. Carson, in the Chair. S. ii. Rich , Secretary, pro. tern. On motion a Committee of throe was aonointed to 4 t - . . . . . - r r - T - - - - - I arait rcoiution eipreiiire of tho souse of the tuect'ngon Impeachment. i brreupon tbe Ubair appointed as such Commit tee Ii. LI. Atliiijon. DeFormt Porter and S. M. ltih. The Committoo reported tho following resolution : Kcnolctd, Tuat oa the Republicans of Nemaha County ia uuds convention aweiabied, do hereby en- d Te tbe action of those Senators who vt od that Acd.ew Johnaon was guilty of high crimes add mis demeanors iu oS -e. and w deprecate the action of tbOM wbo voted foracuuiltal. After much diwutiiua tio above res. lation was adopted. On mi tion. the neerotary was direotel to dispatch to our Delegation at tho Chicago Convention, the above reoiution. On motion, the President of the Club was direct ed to i.sus a call for a ma.19 meeting to be held in Browuville, May Oth, 18 :8, to ratify the OUteana National Republican nominees. On motion it was resolved that tbe Club adopt as a suitablo resolution at this time, the old soneom mending with the line ' Old Grimes is d;ad, ' Ac. Ou motion the Club adjourned to mt again on next tueoday evening. J. u. CAKau.x, S. M . RlCU, Secretary. " ' : Pre".J-nt. Fiuancial and Commercial. May 20, 1863. Go'd bat remained steady, notwithstanding the exciting impeachment news closing at '32. Governments are in fair demand and fhia. Tbe following are tha quotations : d,, now. IOS::SlUii Jl : do O. lua5iMlOi. lUe AssU'.arjt Tro.isurer redeemed $1 l.&U.OUU ot coup.n intercut notes with S percent, eortifi sates, and paid out S1CO.O0U in currer.cr, in odd amounts of accrued intcri.-t. Tbe compound notes wero chicCy turned in ly banks. He bougut no 7.J3s : A Philadelphia, exchange says Th G..v-rnment bond market maintains its strength. One cause of this firmness a the gold- bearm? bunds is tee near prospects taat me iuna- ing process will s.icn be at an end ; olar as tni. class of bond, is cencornd. abould a new secret , y come into administration, it is not unlikely that he lore-neglected sinking fund of 1862 will be es- th tablished, the application to which of a considerable nart of the Dresent heavv zold balance in the Treas- urv wt uld enable the Government to buy up and extinguish the principal of the old ve-twentie? nearlv oronitea.4 last as the new bonds are created by :be conversion of the 7.30 per cents, due in June and July, so as to keep the grand total f the jr-ld -bearing fuoded djbt within $3,0Q0,CU0,O00 . Tbe sinking fund has been wfcoliy ignored, ana ido hole principal dirC-.uragea uy me presoui oecre- larv: tut it is understoo mat neis not opp sua m a relaxation it the national banking system so as to make its circulation essentially free or flexible to suit tbe van ins demand and wants of the whole country from season to .eason, tne circulation w rise - . ii 1 with the m cement of tae eropj, ana to iau auring the dull months of the year, wtien currency returns uton the banks or their correspondent s in the great cities for redemption. BOWXVILLli MARKETS. Flour Winter "8 sack ' 50f8 CO Spring y jfaek u Buckwheat 9 lb CJ 6 50 7 65 65 15 12 15 12 I 50 i 10 13 16 40 25 25 15 0 65 75 CTn f? bushel Meal V bushel Ba con Hams lb 17 ShoulJur Id " Side. j3 lb 15 17 15 50 2o 20 IS Canned Lard ft Tb Golden Syrupy gal Sugr Hue Moliwe fi Sugar New Yoik A.B- lirown p To Cffco Javi To:" 40 " Rio lb 33 Cheese N. Y Factory H B Country f) lb 2 4' 25 40 25 fca Tmiterii! 3 lb--- 1 1 2 75 25 25 20 12 50 15 75 75 12 25 25 50 10 Blaek v t) Y..nn r II tf,in Tb Z tidies fi lb a 1 br l..,.l llr.u.l 53 15 Groen y bushel 2 Driod Heaohe 2) Potatoes bu.'hel 0 75 15 Coal Oil V gl"-? & -l-.a t " ... .... Butter ? !b tioncy yVb" 30 (HI 15 Joious bu-hel " beisqt lleanv Noue in market. SaltV bbl-- Picke.s d x . 4 50 . 10 -20 00 45 00 45 0l .45 OQ . 3 00 9 00 . 0 50 S 50 - 4 00. ; u 5 15 25 00 50 00 50 00 85 0 3 00 9 (JO '7 DO S 00 6 uO 15 6 Lumber Cottonwood y IP00 Oak Walnut - M -Pino - Shingles Ctt..nwood ICOO--- Pine Lath Cottonwood 1003 " l'iue lUUU Wood cord Hides Dry S"" "V " Greeu W OOD'S Bcaper and -: Slower ! WALTER A. WOOD Reaping & Mowing MacTriiie COMPANY, . HO OSXC FALLS, 5T. Y, This machine was awarded the First Grand Prize, - THE IMPERIAL CROSS, of the Lesion of Honor, asd two grand Gold Medals st the Paris Exposition of 1867, ' and Is pronounced the Best HacMne in t&e World. Catl and at a Pamphlet irtnnj cnU of Mich Lacs and iu parts, lth deUils as to superiority ROBERT TEARE &. CO., 83-tf ' Sole Agents. WANTED. In everr countr ia the United States, A GOOD MAN to sell br sample. Chamberlain! Combination Square, Plumb, Level and Bevel. The greatest invention cf the eve. and one that every Mechanic Workman and Farmer in the land iu tny. Send adire w.th nms S-t Conntjr ai.d P et Office , pUlnl rTT,uei. aLd we will send circu ar and terms i-t V- ff. BATCEELPSa CO., Pittsburg, Pl Coupons, of 1S31. 113(3H4; do V.2, 109 iCSUfda-'M,- 107!07:d.i 65. s, m?r r JrMQrJ : - m " "' Tuesday, June 9th. 1S6S. - frf - HJ ; llvVJ ahont Three Dundred Lots in said town, being the nnmr Qip ef -JiT' 'C&i5?'JfiJ. ber unsold at the time Of ttie aujournmept of the sale crJ ' yyi'-'..iigfo)ji last fait : The lots are appraii-ed.'and will be sold to s irf "rQ if H , t lbe bighwt caeh bidder above the appraisement. . - Lincoln Is the Capital of Nebraska, - C. AULTIXAI & Go's ; "SUEEPSTAHES.' hi . THE ONLY CEXriXB .. "SWESBSTAEES" TKRES2150 JIACHIXE. C. AULTMAlf, - Mauufucturer, . . . Cantca, Ohio. Hehst n. TaTtoa, Gcn'l Western Ag't. Chicago, Iil. TVO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS. t ' ' - - The Improved "Carey" Power, (Doth eight and ten horse.) - I TUB 'COMPEN'SATINO" " (Both eight and ten horse.) A laadahls tmbitisn exists among threshers to " ottii he lest machine ia the neighborhood."-- Hotting is - nora dieagreaalla to them than to lave farmers coa Iain that their work Is not properly flone, et to lose Talnatla time ly reason of treaiajtK, and tiey caa- uct be too carafal Eelacting a machne, - - ; Tho SweepstuVes rs tb accredfted fcead of the Threshing Machine family, and iuwprrtor stnncth, durability, simplicity, eas of draft, style if tiniih, and capacity for threshing aat cleapin (rrain faster and better than any other in tho world, are acknewledged. , . , Tl3 great reputation achieved liy.tb.Ia favoriTo niac-Iiiuehas led several unscnipulom mann vnctnrers, and numerous agents, to attach t lie nam Swekpstaees,' In one way and another, to thcii machines, and advertisements to mislead and deccivo. - This is the essence of meanness down right piracy, and sailing onrter false eolrs. To avoid the counterfeit, seo that evry macliinn has the card, " C. A U MM AX 4 CO., MajiurACTtBrjis, Can.a, O.'i.i.'.'ln pilt letters, conspicuously oa both sides of tho Separator. The Genuine Sweepstakes enables tho thresher to pick his customers, seidom stops for r- pairs, lats ipucn longer than others, haves much grumbling and vexation, (los the same amount of work with les labor, and enables him to select the best and most profitable jots. The farmers give it a preference, and often, an extra price per bushel, because it threahes cl-an from the ht-ad! s-paratM perfectly from the straw, cleans fit for market without waete. Saves all Hie grain, does its work with the utmost spei-d, safe ty ami economy, and does not keen a cans of men ud icaais about them on expense - - The elecant "Patent Pivot Sida Oaiw- ls to bo found only on thebwixreraxxs. Our " Patent Cleanine Armaratna n en able the operator to control the direction of the blast, and position of the selves, and clean eitbei neavy or iitit grain, without waste, as fast as ft an be thrwhed, the chuff and dirt being separated : . l 1 r ... . . .. toiu iuo grain irors u t:riki in setve at ail, . Serwrators. ITorsa Powers. Strkw Stack ers. Gears or Jacks, sold separately, wheu i;rru. j. wrmrn warranty aenvered witn every machine. The "SWEEPSTAKES" is usualvavcrv jcarce article after harvest, and parties should order trig. - Call or send and tret a Tjamnhlet clrcnlar. giving a full description and particulars, together with numerous certificates, and the names and resi dence of over three thousand persona who have n ugni ana usea the :weepstakei; in Illinois. Iowa. a;u.. wi !.. . , T- 1 UAUc.vva, n icuuoiii, auu jvanaaa, aione. For a!e by THEODORE HILL & CO., Xo. 76, McPlieroii'3 Blocli, n34-3m Brownville, Xehraika. Li em rvery stable. .rtXaZSQ a-IE -a. nous Dealer in ALL' KINDS OF STOCK. Horses Bought, Sold, or Exchanged. Stock Uoartleu. py tue uay or W eeac. MY STABLES are stacked with good horses and buggies. Persons withinc conveyance to any portion ol the Nemaha Land District can be acc-jmm dated . TliePEiiUaiifJ BSOWNTILLECOlCn Leaves M Y S T.A B L E S every morning at 10 o'clock, a M. Tassengers or packages safe 7 &n- veyed. Orrters left with the Postmasters wt! be pro pt- ly attended to. (x:i3)bm) ' CI1AB.LE3 GEaDB. M. WARNER'S patent ATiipapngaio Portable and Stationary SOD A. FOUISrT AIN Manufactured and soli by tbe Patentee, 5CS A 01 tlx Fortii St., St. Louis, Mo. This Fountain I admirably adaolei for nse in small towns and at public caterings Pull directions go with each, and recipe for making syrups. Price S J 5. Sc:id tor descriptive pamphlet. CLOCSaWllTCfllS, T ' "; ; AND : 1 JOSEPH SHTJTZ Has just received and will constantly keep on Land a large and well solectedstock of genuine ar- ioie in is line. . . One Door utst of Grant's Stored Brown Ville. JSebraska. Irlerxbirizie Of Clocks; WatUieiaad Jewelry done on the Short est Xotice. .. WORK WARRANTED. Brownville, Nb.. March ttth. 1866. 10-25-ly ' . Adjourned Sale of Lots iiucolq, Nebraslia. THE UNEESSIGNED WUjIj OFFER For Sale at Public Auction, at Lincoln, Xcbratka, at 10 a. m. . is situated in tbe most rertiie region or ixeorasta, ana at a point apparently designed by nature to be the junc tion o' not less than foaruf Ore trunk lineaof railway. It is aujacent to tbe most valuable saline region in tbe weft, ot which tbe capacity (or luimeusel) profitable working has already been latisractoriiy tested About one thousand lots ere sold at publ ic sale last fall, at prices which ran from 20 to 90 por cent, above lbe appraisement ; and this spring, so rapid bas beea the tsetllement and xrowth of th e town, aud so fair aad certain its prospects, lots have sold seound-handed at prices trum Three to Six Hundred per cent, in advance of their cost. The Stale HoUbe, building from tbe pro. ceeds or the ale last fall, is oppruanbing completion. It will be ready lor occupation ry septemoei, at which time the Sta'e Government will be removed to Lincoln. At the Juue sale there will also be offered a Section of School Laud, adjoining tho city, iu tracUof a lew acres each. DAVID BUrLta. 1 T.p KKNKAED. Commissioners. 8-9tnd JOHN GILLESt'IK, ) AGKXTS WAXISD TO SELI. THE IIISIOEr or TB E TVAR JJETTFEES THE STATES. Its Causes, Character, Conduct, and Results, By Hon. Alexander XI. Stephens. Abookfv all secll ns and all parties. This absorb ingly interesting book by "Th? GaraT StatlsmaSi' ot the South, presents the most complete and irapar tial austy.U of the cau-0 of th war hich has ever appeared from a Southern pecj it treaU i:hui par tixauif, aud in tbe utmost moderation of the charao terf the struggle; and ia its description ot the coo- duct ot the war, it sives those interior licuta and shadows of toe conflict only known tothoe faith officers who watched tb blocd-tide of revolution from iu foun tain springs, and which were so accsjible to IJr Stephens from his po6ition as second officer of the Con federate Plate. The resntu of the war, present and future, have never been treated by any e ther author. and Mr. S.ephsus' gTeat abilities have here found their fullest play. .The JtHeuse devire ererr wheje mar.ifcuf f d teoburn thlawoTk. lie oa. ll Cha-arter and ready sa'e. o.m tiaed with an iucreaaed CJtnmHtoa make it the beet sub-cr ption book ever published, ami ulert to Agecta the nnet i ppurtumty t. tnak mvcey ever heard ot in the bisiury of b.ka S. n l for dfcscriptivw Civcn'ar and Terms" to Aaents. Address, ZEISLEtt McCrKDT St. CO . 33- m Lom.ard Bicck, Chic-co. Iil. P IN ails,Pil3, Weli Iickets,ieivea, 4C., at iWAy & LEO'S, nuTO coLunii. 10, II. 12, . H. 0 IS, 2Q it 24 25' 27 23 30 31 32 33 14 n a1HBH Li t-si t r 1 r-3 l-T. la U . j lb 4 Aog.SOSSfl. x-47-ly EimiiA cmiLErs cumuli- nrzirmiETS ' noMtxoPATnic srEcinq AVE PTiOVEN. FROM TOE HOST AMPLE Tneriance.an entire soceess: Simple IVotapt r, Sclent, and tnaoie. iuey aratae on:y aiea Jcines perfectly adapted to popular cje sosicple than mistakes cannot be made ia tsing them ;so harmless as to be free from danger ,and so eScieLt as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. jVos. . Cents. 1. Cures Fevers, Cospestlon, Incarnations a," Worms, Worm-Fever. Wcrm-CoHc. 23 25 25 25 Ei 23 S3 X& 25 55 23 53 09 to 6? So 6o r CO to 6-i bo fie Co no So So 6 Si t,ce l.o So CryiDK-Coiic. er Teetniox or iniants, jDiarrcea of children or aJolla. DyssBtery Grlpins1, Billions Colle Choiera-ll'Tbus, Vomiting, Neuralsrgia, Toothache. Faceache, Headaches- Sick-Headache, Vertlga Dyspepsia, Billions STomach Surpressed, or painful Periods. Whites, too prof ued Periods. Croup. Copgh, d.ffleu'.t Breathins. Bait Kheun, Krysipelas, H. options Salt Rheum, srysipeias, Kruptuns. Kheumatism, KheuuiatlcPaias Piles, biinf; r bleeding , o. . t. t . , i . . 44 Optlial rsy. and sore or wea lyes. " CatarrM-iiJUte or chronla. Iafluoa1 44 Whoop ne Cough, violent Coughs - Asthma oppressep Breathing Ear Discharjr.es, inpaird Ujarlng . Scrofula, euUrged Glands, Swellings General debility. Pbysicial Weaknejs Dropsy, and scanty Secie.isns Sea-Sickness, sicknoaa from xjdlag Kidney-Disease, Gravel Kervous Debility, SeminalHiai3- eions involoniary Discharges Fore Henth, Canker Urinary Weakness, wetting bed Paictul Periods, with Spasoia Buffringsat rhane of lifa Epilepisy, Spasms. St. Vitns' Dace Diphtheria, clctrated Sore Throat It u FAMILY CASES. Of 35 large vials, morocco caSc,contniniti2 a speciuc for every ordinary descas . a family is subject to, aud a booU qf directions, $10 GO mailer Famy aad Travelicz cases, wtth 20 to -8 vials 5 to (3 peciflcs for all P rivate'Deases, both for tJuring ana for treveniave treaimeni in via ik and pocket cases. $2 to fS ForSal8 by McCOMASSc Co.. Brownville, Neb. 7yi TWEiYiT-EIGHT SIZES OF TI1E CELEBRATED Aie now made by the Excelsior Manufacturing Comp'y. ST. LOUIS. TnESE WELL-KNOWN AXD VERY POPU LAR COUKiXU STOVKS have been before the public since 1S52. Eacn succeeding vear had added to their popiUantr, until tji name has become fa miliar jn every household in the West anabouln. The demand for our ITew Charter Oak last vear was greater than we eeald supply with the sizes" then made; anticipating a still greater de mand during the present year, we bave made pat tern for several additional sizes,' and are prepared to manufacture ISO to KJO CHARTER OAK STOVES. per day, of TtVEXTY-EIGIlTDIFrEKEXT SIZES. Te guarantee the operation of every stove we manufacture, and offer aa reference any one or the manv thousands that have been boUI. wherever fliev'may be found. Neither labor or expanse has been spaced to make our NEW CHARTER OAR. 4 PERFECT COOKING STOVE, and we ofTer it to the trade ;8 the BEST COS SxRUtrrED, MOT DUKABLK and UMfOUM Ojwratins COOKING STOVK it, the mwket. in ad-Ution t oirr:.VrLNslL S10L BLfel SFS'weare prepared to offer to htove Ueultrs. Tinsmiths and other in the trade, the lai gi an. mo-t comulete assortment of Metal stock in the West, our arrangement witn the fct. Loui Stamping Company enabW ' ;5"'t VPKU rftscoutir to larsre buyera of FKLNCII bl AMi LU TlNi:t IUON'WAUE and Tinners- supplies. Ilavnsr recentl v reduced the prices of a.l articles or oueOWN-ilANlJFACTLKrJ.wbelrevedealersand housekeepers will find it to their interest to send for Catalogue aud Price List , aud examine our pnea bel'or purchasing elsewhere. Addr-B EXCELSXOIt MAXUFG COr, St. Louis, iliaaourl. Bold by SHELLENBARGER BRO S. Brownville. Ncb A. X DEJLXEK3 IN 4 STAPLE AND FANCY Embracing all the iQyYjr of t?;e Seison. Also, a large and well-e!ected stock of 1 if Gems Furnishing Goods, BOOTS &. SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, rKOC3B3El2SS -AND- n n r t " r- -v -i n D v I 1 "rfsar - W4 S mi a ' Sk - aa-ea.Aa sh.' . Our Goods were bouzht of rst bands, and we think we can offer such inducements to purchasers as cansot fail to suit those wishing to buy. Call and see for yourselves. All kinds of Produce uten in exchange for Goods 50 W. H. KIMBERLIN, OCULIST AND AUBIST. Vill Treat all Diseases of tie Eye and Ear. Room it the S.'ar Hotel, Tenders bis services to thecitixens of this rl:y and vicinity. May be' consulted attba above place from the 1st to the Htbof each month. And at 'be Salets Hotse, Sa.em. Richardton county. Xtbi&ika, from the laib t the laat of each mouth. 12-llly r a choico a tide of Tea, go to . SWAN K.:ti-'. Daniel Francis & Co., . STE4M MOISrUMEISrT.IL si a b bile -mim JEEPS ccpstantly oa band a large assortment Plain Ornamestal Mcancents. : The Trade supplied with Blocks and Slats. Sowing du&e to order. ." r . ST. LOUIS. MO. JJ. F. B0TD, igent, SrownTille, Netraata. a Tfc3 Brovnvilb Transfer Ccn.my ITudr the management of . JAC021 noGcns I ITo-w llunainz Ilcgular Oniriibasas frca EroaYilIeto Uie Ellrcaa temlni of the Council El uTs and St. Joseph Railroad, at Xorth Star, Atchisoa County, JIo. 2 miles from- Browning and North SUr Ferry Laadiag. Good Omnibuses. Close Coanectis:. 3C-tf Charges Moderate. 11- l.. m,mm i i I i iW i i CIO. O. STAET. A. A. STAAT GEO, G. START B 110X112111 Dealers in all kinds of ' GRAM I AISD COUHTRY PR0DU35, ASPiyWALL, SESIi&SKA. . . . CJ"The highest market price paid for anyth'n the. Farmer caa raise. We will bry and seP er.ryt'a.tg kuown to the aiatket.: . vl2-r.;3-lt , R. F. BARRETT, ; ' Proprietor ef the x NEW STEAIJ FEIiltY.EOAT, BVS SET, and owner of the entiie Ferry Franchise et nnawxviLEE, XEsmsiiA, Wouidrepectfuiry represent to the Trave:iat Pablle that they can be .ferried eve? the JL5oart fcier, at Brownrilie, prmpi'y and without ili'.ty, at all bjiira in the day time The capacity of the boat will accotnaiaiate " . Fitecn .Loaded -Wagons and Teams (QB 100 HEAD OF BEEP CATtE, AT ONE TRIP. XOaVG. IcPljcrson's Elocli. No.lG Tnso.nut&co., Dialers U DRY . GOODS, ' 'Groceries, HARDWARE Ladles'- Gent's aa Children's BOOTS and SHOES, Qucczuvrare, GLASSWARE, rm ' and Capo Agricultural IMrLE3IEXI3f FURS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, Forming, perhaps, the most complete an I ex tensive atock Orel to Wbolcaave or Retail purchasers went of the llissocri River. ' ' N tver bavin beea en'titone for extent of Stock or Fair dealings, they merit the con3J enee and patronage et yA. Xj 2j Z Ko.lG. 3JcPIicrson3 Ulccli.rfo.TG DORSEY & BRO,, lala Street, BROWNVILLE. 1 Dealers in Men and Boy's . SL9 y IH13 jj3 71 FurnisMng Goods, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AII3 SHOES HHHS. MIECES. 1 CARPET-BAGS SLOfES. HOSIERY. J Blankets and Umbrellas 1 Have just received and will keep coa stantly cn hand a large and well assort ed stock of the above, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they offer to the public at VERY LOW PEIECS 3 Gir uiss rrxicB lxach, miss mast a. sixreox LEACH & SIMPSON, Milliners & Dress-Makers Wi.h to inform the ladies of Erownville nl ticinity that they has ju3t commenced a Erst class MILLINERY & DRESS-MAKING 2HT 0 "Where work will be done with great care and ceat nes,and after tll', lrcjt Eastern styles. Bleaching and Hsj-airii done ia the very latent stle and on shoft notiee. Latest stjles of Laiie'sard Children's Hats and Bonnets constantly kept on hind, alJ- latest pat terns of Ladie Drt.'es. Cloak?, and Childress clo thing cut on sh'.rt ntic Second Snet. between Main Zl Water o o 9 9 ' O O 0 " e 9 i 9 1 8.i la n red ati Its. ! - ay, ack eat iei .old ab, sta for est, ."ha ma jry ter iv a -U res up jea em 3rd u AA t" jar ral .he :syi iv! tof ic:, el ra ic. . i ic iv )C. cr is as t t ' c c i c II. t. y C e e t c c t K e .f t L 3 ). t J i e 0