Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 21, 1868, Image 2

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    i i
For President In 1668,
Fr Vice-President,
Jaocrameoded fcy the State EepubUcao Convention cf
i- Kebraska.
rmiientUl Xlectors
- i. Jf. MAEQrETTB, cf Csss County.
- ' LOCIS- ALLGKWAHR, of Ricuardcn,Co.
J.T. VTAEN KB, of Pakota County.
Member of Coneress
JOES TAFFB. of Douslu County,
for tJcvenor
DAVID BUTLER, of Pswnee County,
ator secretary of 8tte
I. P. XZXXAKD. J TTasalnftoo County.
Jor Treasurer . , ..- ...
. j Aires swsrrof OtoeCountr. .
Tor Auditor of atate
JOHN GILLESPIE, ct XemiU County,
rutrict Attorney, Flrnt Judicial District .
. O; B. EE WTTT, of Xemaa County.
.Tfca ctearner Jacoh Sass struck a snag
near Onaha last Tuesdiy at five o'clock
A. ar immediately sunk. !
li. K. Griggs, Real Estate Agent of
Beatrice, was in town this week. . He
reports the tale cf real estate'as brisk in
' that section of csuatry. He has sold on
commission this spring orer three thou
. sand acres at prices raryiDg from 2,50
to 5 per acre.'
' The Western Union Telegraph Co. and
tire gentlemanly operator" at this place,
J, K. Bear, furnished us the result of
the rote on the eleventh impeachment
article at precisely 12 M. last Saturday,
which was just thirty minutes in advance
cf the time in which it was taken in the
Senate Chamber.
. A recent trip into the country enables
os to inform our city readers that pros
periiy is written upon every quarter sec
lion, every farm house, every wheat
field, every corn field, and upon every
rnans countenance throughout the entire
country. Wheat looks well, corn looks
vigarous and healthy, and the farmer's
Heart gladdens as his fat slick horse walks
briskly forward between the long straight
rows of corn. All aature is animated and
lively and the green pasture with the
feeding herds and the fresh breeze from
the growing fruit tree and. the living
fences, all invite us to the enjoyment f
country life.
- Every business man should go with hid
family into the country and witness for
himself the solid foundations for prosper
ity which are being laid in every nook
and corner, and see the evidence of
wealth growing upon evsry improved
farm, when he will return with enlarged
ideas cf his own occupation, and plan
for the future and not for to-day. En
terprise is bound to win, and we know of
none whose chances exceed the farmer's
cf Nemtha county
ThePresident has been acquitted as far
as relates te the 11th article. The South
ern Slates must and will be reconstructed
on the basis of impartial justice to all.
regardless of class or color, let who wil!
a (and m the road. It will not be done
bor will the obsticle in the way be re
moved until this nation is willing to come
square down 10 this platform. If this
cation has got to suffer further punish
ment in the way of inflictions of Andrew
Johnson before she is willing to espouse
the correct principles of an impartial
government, we say let it be speedily ad
ministered. Give us Andrew Johnson
cr.any other pains and penalties for the
correction cf our stubbornness and to con
'. querour prejudices; for it must needs
. be done before impartial suffrage is ac
.cepted as the corner tone of a recon
etructed nation. We have an abiding
faith that so soon as we do come to this,
then cur affliction will be removed, and
we , shall then enter , upon a career of
prosperity unexampled in the history of
eny .nation cr people, but cot a moment
' tooner.
; Increased Hall Facilities.
'; Increased mail facilities from Brown.
Tills west to Beatrice, in Gage county,
" cave hetn demanded for some time past,
and the Post Office Department has been
solicited by petition and by personal ap
- plication to meet the wants of the public
' .in this respect. Up to date the Depart
xnent has done nothing, but has permitted
..the interests of the public to suffer until
patience with those living on the route
has ceased to be a virtue. Private en
. terprise now undertakes to step in, and
ao. far as permitted do what the Govern
tnent should have done one year ago. A
line of triweek!y hacks will commence
running from Brownville to Beatrice next
. Monday, and the public are in hopes that
the Department will order a tri-weekly
mail on this route soon.
A daily line of four horse coaches will
run from this place to the terminus of the
railroad opposite here. This is an ar
rangement made by the western stage
company with the railroad company, and
it will have the effect cf giving us our
mail from the East one day in advance of
the usual time.
' .; The spirit cf enterprise is in ihe fore
ground, .nd if the Government will give
: permission the wants cf the public will
be provided for until the Department can
. wake up io the realization that there are
people in the southern portion of the
State cf Kebraaka, and that they have
wants and civil rights which the officials
cf the Government are eventually bound
to reipsct, "-
Falls City. !
This islhe county-seat of Richardson
county. It is situateu a tuon uiaiuuto
south and east of the centre of the county,
midway between the Muddy and the
Great Nemaha rivers, cn the divide. It
is a prairie chysurrounded by a rich,
productive, and well settled farming com.
munity, for whose trade it is without a
rival on the north and south for mmy
milea. .There is a large scope of well
cultivated country on the west tributary
to Fulls City and Salem, its rival sister.
It being the central point cf all business
transactions trade naturally centers here.
This is a strong inducement to men of
capital, energy, intelligence and good
business qualifications to, establish them
selves in business, and invest in the local
enterprises of this young, vigorous and
growing city. ' " '-
We find here that the Methodist are
the leading denomination of christiins.
They have just completed and dedicated
a church edifice at a cost of $5,000,
32x50 feet on the ground. It is built of
pine lumber throughout. The Rev. W.
A. Presson, the pastor, has worked with
teal and energy in forwarding this noble
enterprise, and his labors have been
seconded by the community at large. We
found him with sleaves up, paint brush in
hand, puting on the first coat of paint.
while A. Shoenheit was away in search
of an experienced grainer to put n the
finishing touch to the pews and other in
side woodwork. This is one of the most
convenient and best arranged church
buiftings in the Southern portion of the
A few rods to the south of this build
ing we noticed ft large stone basement
ready for the joice, to which the Rev.
Mr. Presson took us and informed us
that it was built for the superstructure of
an Episcopal church; the basement to be
used by that church for school purposes.
We were told that the Episcopal society
were numerous, and composed of the
best citizens of the place, and would un
doubtedly finish the building the coming
We next noticed the Court House
which occupied the highest point in the
town, and from which many miles of
beautiful landscape is observable at every
point of the compass. In front of the
court house and within the enclosure is a
large marble monument rising to many
feet in height, dedicated to the fallen
heroes of the Nebraska Regiments in the
recent wicked rebellion Before this we
pause, remembering the while that many
a friend and brother bad offered them
selves a sacrifice upon the national alter
of freedom, and that we now were enjoy
ing the fruits of their devotion to their
country, while they live only in the re
membrance of their good deeds. No
wonder then thai conspicuous monuments
arise as a reminder to the living that the
life and prosperity of the cation was ef
fected at so fearful a cost.
In entering the court house we find our
friend D. R. Holt as the chief money
changer and Treasurer. Mr. Man, the
County Cierk and Hon. Isham Reavis the
District Attorney, were absent. Across
the way we notice the residence of his
Hon. Judge E. S. Dundy, the District
Judge for the District of Nebraskaa
position he occupied with credit when
Nebraska was in a Territorial condition
and to which he has again been recently
In passing on up street we involuntary
pass into the office of the Hon. J. J
Marvin, now postmaster and news agent
of the city. The Judge is a genial tou
and takes to business to the fatisfaction
of the public. He can supply the read
ing public with any required article of
literature, periodical or magazine, at the
publishers prices.
We next stop a few moments to hear
that business man, known far and wide
by the . came of W. M. Maddox, ex
bneriil, &c, expatiate to a customer upon
the superior qualities of -his ploughs and
other agricultural implements in front of
his large and well filled dry groods store.
We next enter the large store room of
Messrs. Reavis & Cammeron, and find
in addition to the general variety of dry
goods they keep a good assortmment of
drugs. Messrs. Reavis &, Cammeron
and W. M. Maddox evidently do the
largest share of the legitimate business
cf the town, while a saloon or two on the
ether side of the street are draining the
people and the country to no purpose.' In
relation to such enterprises most people
art as though submission was the belter
part of valor, and that such intolerable
nuisances were a necessary evil. We are
thankful that we have cot part or lot
with sach thinkers. '
There is a Masonic Lodge organiza
tion here. Dr. tf. O. Hanna is the W.
M., and L. Van Deusen the W. S. It
rceets on the first Saturday after the full
We found here the shoemaker, the
harness maker and the blacksmith active
ly employed. The town has a general
air of thrift and enterprise. Mr. Rea
vis and Mr. Shoenheit are doing most of
the legal business. And last, though
not least, the traveler can have the
choice ot two good hotels in which to
make his home so long as he chooses to
stay. One is kept by J. G ; Goodthis
is our usual slopping place and the
other by Isaac Minick. Extensive ira
prorements are in course cf preparation,
and the people intend to meet the busi
ness wants of the country ; and if they
are as liberal in the future as they have
been enerretic in th . ifmmm
ars for the prosperity cf Falls City.
The Council Bluff and St. Joseph
Railroad is now completed from Council
Bluffs to a point on the east side of the
Missouri river opposite Brownville. Tha
passenger and freight trains came down
to the Brownville station this week for
the first time. The company hope to
complete the road to St. Joseph by the
first cf September next. We now have
direct railroad communication with Chi
cago by the Morth-VVestern and by the
Chicago Air Line.
St. Joseph and (St. Louis wholesale
dealers have hitherto furnished our
merchants their goods. Now if they do
so, it will be at Chicago prices. Chicago
men are already in town, and are mak
ing arrangements to advertise extensively
and taking orders from our merchants at
a shade lower figures than they have
been before bought. Chicago men are J
reaching after the trade f this section,
which is naturally tributary to the down
river cities. Thsy are bringing the great
advantages of their large wholesale
houses promptly before the public in
every possible way which enterprise and
energy cau invent; and there isa dispo
sition on the part of rur Brownville
traders to supply their customers the best
articles the market affords at the lowest
possible figure. To do this they are now
comparing the markets and freight be
tween Brownville and Chicago and those
between Brownville aud St. Joseph and
St. Louis, with a. view to ascertain
from whence they can lay down their
goods on the counter at the lowest cash
price. This cheapening of transportation
and the competition stimulated thereby,
and the known shrewdness and liberality
of aur business men, combine to make
Brownville a trading emporium second
to none in the West.
Pekv, May lStii, 1S6S-
The citizens of Peru are agitating the
subject of getting grounds for a Ceme
tery. A meeting is called for on the
evening of Monday, J una. 1st, fo deter
mine the best location, and make ar
rangements for purchasing and fencing
it. , ' '
If a cemetery is needed any place, it
certainly is at Peru. The citizens have
been hurrying their dead on a half block
adjoining the Normal School grounds on
the North. The ground lies open to ihe
common, and several graves are in the
street. We think we have never seen
a greater disrespect shown for the
resting place of the dead than is
shown by the people of Peru. It cer
tainly ought to make the cheek of every
christain burn with shame to visit it. The
most savage tribes of North America put
not their dead away with the indifference
about the location and care of their graves
that we see exhibited here ; and we
sincerely hope that every citizen who
feels the importance of securing proper
grounds for a cemetery, will attend the
meeting on Monday evening, June 1st.
Trcujisru, May 18th.
Editor Advertiser : We think it but
justice to our friend "The Corporal" to
call your attention to the fact that ihe
Tecumseh alias Brownville Journal omit
ed rrentioning amomg the Majors and
Colonels our friend : Corporal Charley
Jones, who should have ranked Lieut.
Colonel, or one grade above the Major,
who was but a private in the one hundred
day men. and a substitute at that
Tbtth Not Stuck Up.
A Minority Government.
From the New York Evening Pott,
The English, papers have not tired,
during the disputes between Mr. John
son andCougress, of representing the
possiblity of such a conflict between two
departments of our government as an
inherent fault of our institutions. They
have pointed iheir reproach by acontrasi
with the British constitubn, in which an
adverse vote of Commons on any impor
tant issue puts on end to the existing
administration, and is the occasion of
forming an executive in harmony with
the majority of the legislature.
Events, meanwhile, move rapidly in
both countries ; and, curiously enongh,
severely test both systems at the same
moment. An executive, with no consid
erable par:y in Congress, is still strong
enough here seriously to impede ihe will
of that body, and to stand resolutely
against them, month by month, until
the last reserve power of the legislature
under the Constitution is brought against
him, in impeachment.'
In. England the premier stands before
Parliament in a position not wilhout its
analogies to that of Mr. Johnson before
Congress. Mr. Disraeli has never had
the respect or confidence of the House
of Commons. . His personal character is
perhaps, as publicly reputed, no more
free from blame than that of our Presi
dent. He is freely charged in the jour
nals with drunkenness in cis place in
the House. In one respect he is notor
iously inferior to Mr. Johnson in the
sincerity and consistency of bis political
couvictions, which he seems to choose
from time to time, like his coat, by the
prevailing lasnion.
Mr. Disraeli defies the House of Cora-
macs; retuse9 to resign; sustains him
self by the expressed wish of ihVQueen,
which has. however, only the weight o
her personal character, and has no polit
ical significance ; and telb the maioritv.
if not satisfied, to pass a vote of want of
confidence. Should they do so, he will
probably disolved Parliament under the
pretext of appealing to the Deonle. Thui
he has the means of remaining in offlce
or many rnonlhs, in open opposition to
the well-known and expressed will of the
cation ; for no one knows better than him
self that, in the present temper of ihe
people, a newly elected Parliament would
be far more atrcngly pgainst him than
the present one.
Where, then, is the superiority of the
boasted English, svstein of government
by a cabinet? Is it not plain that a
man "in the place of :Mr. Disraeli, with
the control of the army and navy and of
air ihe machinery of government, might
become more dangerous to the liberties
of ihe people than any American Pre si
dent?. There is no constitutional method
of removing him whatever. If his sense
of selfrepect will not induce him to re
sign when defeated in the House, as it
does not induce Mr. Disraeli to resign,
the Houe may, in a year or less, by
withholding supplies, make it very diffi
cult to carry on the administration. 'But
mean while h9 may enirench himself
strongly against the nation; and, on any
threat of impeachment, he may dissolve
Parliament, . f ' '
.. All me dangers of usurpation and of
conflict, ihen. which our English friends
have feared in our Constitution, appear
to exist in a much higher degree in their
own. the excitement ana pasion surreu
among the people by the present effort
to remove ihe head; of tho government
are far more serious in Eogland than
here. And should an actual crisis arise
in which violence and unbridled ambi
tion should make a formidable effort to
seize the instruments of rule in thg
interest of tyranny, the experience of the
les;.i3vere tesis to which both govern
ments have recently . been subjected
seems to indicate that the power of self
preservation is at least as great in our
institutions as in those of Britain.
The Impeachment Articles.
As ihe ballance of the. Impeachment
articles are soon to be voted . upon, it
may be interesting to our readers to state
the nature of them briefly. ::
The managers first reported -ten ar
ticles, of , which the fifth and seventh
were almost identical, varying ooly in a
single detail. The sevenih was dropped,
and to the nine remaining there was ad
ded a new tenth article, on motion of
General Butler, and afterward ihe ele
venth article prepared by Mr. Sievens.
The first article of the series as it now
stands, charges 4he removal of Mr.
Stanton in violation of the tentre-of-ofilce
act and the constiiutijn.
The second charges the appointment
of General Thomas, there being no va
cancy in the offlce, as a violation cf the
tenure-of-ofSce act and of the constitution.
The third charges the same appoint
ment, wilhout consent of the Senate then
in session, as a violation of the constitu
tion. -
The fourth charges conspiracy to pre
vent Mr. Stanton from holding hii office,
in violation of the act of July 31. 1861.
The fifth charges conspiracy in ihe
same acts to prevent the execution cf ihe
tenure-of office act. -
The sixth charges conspiracy to seize
and possess the property of the United
States in the War Dpirtment. is viola
tion of ihe laws of 186 1 and 1S67.
The sevenih charges ihe same conspi
racy as a violation of the act of 1867
only tenure-of-offlce.
The eight charges the appointment of
Thomas, in violation of ihe law of 1867,
for the purpose of unlawfully controlling
the disbursements of money for the mili
tary service.
The ninth charges the attempt to in
duce Gen. Emory to treat the appropria
tion act of March 2, 1867, as unconstitu
lional, with: intent to defeat the
enforcement of the tenure-of-offlce act.
The tenth charges the language used
by the President in his speeches as in
tended to excite the odium and resent
ment cf ihe people agasnst Congress and
the laws by it duly, and constitutionally
And the eleventh charges the deter
mination and endeavor, after suspending
Mr. Stanton, under the ; tenure-of-office
act, to prevent him from resuming his
office as mat act requires, when such
suspension was not approved by the
It will be observed that the first article
which is often erroneously called the
basis of ihe whole case, is in fact the
weakest. Any Senator who doubt3 the
constitutionality of the tpnure of-offic
act caunot vote for it; and finally, any
Senator who believes that ihe said re
moval was not also contrary to the con
stiiution itself cannot vote for the article
The majority of the Senators, and near
ly all the Republicans, will vote for it
but there will not be two-thirds.
proves to be much weaker than severa
The second rests upon the illegality
of an appointment ad interim, there being
no vacancy, and therefore depend upon
the theory ihit a President cannot re
move, the Senate being in session, with
out its consent. - the third, on toe other
hand, rests upon the unconstitutionality
of such an appointment without consent
of the Senate. These articles aresiron
ger lhan the first, but it is not yet clear
whether either will have the number
required to convict. :
The conspiracy articles do not seem to
be as strong as the second and third for
technical doubts are raised as to whether
the acts cf the President and Thomas
constitute a conspiracy within the intern
of the act of 1861, and those entertain
ing that doubt caunot vote for the fourth
and sixth, while the seventh aud eighth
rest upon the theory that becretaty Stan
ton is covered by the tenure-of-office act
and some Senators have doubts on ihat
point also. As to the ninth, the evidence
of General Emory did net seeem to some
to fully sustain its allegation of the
rresidenf s intent to induce the General
to violate law.
The tenth article has been greatly
weakened in public estimation, although
very unjustly, by the shameful scenes
which have recently been premited in
in Congress. Very unjustly, for ihe
article does not allege as the impeachable
offense the use of indecorus language, but
the use of language, calculated to
lessen the authority of the legislative
branch of government and to excite re
sistance to the laws. The only possible
objection is that the language used does
not constitute by itself an impeachable
offence an objection which is based
upon a narrower view of the nature of
impeachment than we have entertained.
Nevertheless, the objection operates wilh
some Senators.
The last and eleventh article charges
a deliberate design and attempt to defeat
the enforcement of a law.: The fact is
proved by the President's own letter to
General Grant. As this by many
Senators has been considered the strong
est aritcla, and as the 'President has
been acquitted on this, it is fair to pre-
sume that ne win noi ots wumucu
any one of them. ' In view cf this we
are lead to exclaim what may not a
President- hereafter presume to. do. or
for what crimes may ihe House here
after have. the courage to prosecute an
impeachment, wilh any show of success.
We believe wiih General Butler, "never
again if Andrew Johusoa go quit and
free this day can the people of this or
any other- country by constitutional
checks or guards stay the usurpation of
executive power.': . ' J ' y
r. Washington, May 16,
The Senate met at 11:30. Galleries
full ahd policement standing in isles.
At 12 o'clock precisely, the Chief Jus
lice, wearing a silk robe cf office, tmter
ed and took his seat as presiding efficer
of the court , of impeachment, and dir
ected' the Sergeant-at-Arnis to make
The proclamation was make in the
usual form.
The Secretary then proceeded to read
the journal of th last day s proceedings
in ihe case of the United btates vs. An
drew Johnson. President. When the
. .Ill
icuuiug naj wuwiiuu,.iin
up me orur suomuieu, in tag louowmg
uraerea, mat - ins -uuiei jusucb Q
y.j..J .V- u:.f T..-.J-
directing tne secretary to reaci me sev.
eral articles of impeachmant, shall dir
ect him to read the ilth ariicie first, and
the questiou shall be laken on thai arti
cle, and thereafter on ihe oiher ten sev
erally as they stand. '
Then adressing . the Senators, the
Chief Justice said, 'Senalors: In con
formity to order of the Senate tho Chief
Justice will now proceed to take ihe vote
on the 11th article as directed by th
rule.' The 11th article was then read
by the Clerk. The first name on the
roll, Anthony being called, that Senator
rose, and the Chief Justice also standing,
addressed to him this formula
Mr. Senator Anthony, how say you,
in ihe arucle.' Anthony responded guilty.
and so the vote went on till all the Sen
ators had responded. . The vote running
up. Yeas, 35 ; Nays. 19, as follows:
For Cooviciion Anthony . Cameron,
Cattell, Chandler, Cole. Conknng, Con-
ne$s. Corbeit, Cragin, Drake, Edmunds,
Ferry, Felinghusen, Harlan, Howard,
Howe, Morgan, Morrill, Me.. Morrill,
Vt., Morton. Nya. Patterson. N.H .Pom
revy, Ramsay, Sherman. Sprague,
Stewart, Sumner, Thayer Trpion, Wade,
Willey-Wilson, William, Yates.
Against Conviction Biyard, Bucka-
lew. Davis. Dixon. Djoliitle. Fssnden.
Fowler, Grime, Hinderson, Hendricks.
Johnson, McCreery, Norton Patterson,
Tenn., Ross, SauUbury, Trumbull, Van
Winkle, Vickers.
The votes of ihe Senalors were waited
for wilh the utmost anxiety, though noth
ing more lhan a general motion of sus
pense it is believed, was made manifest
whtn the vote of a doubiful senator was
sriven. It was noticed that senator
Cameron voted ahead of lime. The
chief justice had not concluded ihe formal
question, before the Senator's vole of
grilty, was pronounced.
Seuators Fessenden. Fowler, Grimes.
Ross, Trumbull and Van Winkle, are
among the RepublicanSenaiors that votes
'not guilty.'
Senator Wade, when his name was
railed, stood up unhesitatingly and voted
guilty !'
Senator Johnosn asked that the vote
be announced.
Chief Justice The clerk will read
the roll.
The roll having been read by the clerk
the Chief Justice arose and announced
the result in these words:
' On this article are 35 Senators who
have voted g.uiltiy and 19 Senators who
have voted not guilty and the President
therefore is acquitied on this article.
ino manifestation o: resentment was
made on either side of the quesiion.
Whatever the feelings of Senators,
members and spectators they were
thoroughly repressed.
Williams made a motion to adjourn
until Tuesday, the 26th inst.
The vote resulted, yeas 32, nays .21.
Washington, March 16.
The Missouri delegation has prepared
the following:
To the Radical Union JILn of Missouri:
The Impeachment hasfailed on one
ariticle, and the final result is in doubt,
but the cause of loyalty, freedom and
right has not failed, nor is it in doubt.
The country looks anxiously to the pat-
riot, why stood by it in war to advance
ihe standard 10 ths front. Organize in
stantly and thoroughly spare neither
lime, labor, nor nieans trust no doubt
ful men ; you can thus help to convert
disaster into victory, and can bring glory
out or Missouri's humiliation Do it.
Signed, C. D. Drake. B F. Loau, C.
A. Newcomb. J. F. Benjamin W. A.
Pila.J. W. McCIurg, J. J. Gravelly,
ueo W. Anderson.
Washingtoji May IS,
A Washington special says there is
far more indignation than dispondency
among Republicans. The fact of being
-sold out is too well known to excite con
troversy or to admit of denial. More
indignation Is being vented on Rjss and
Henderson than on the rest. The Pres
ident's friends knew that Ross would
vote for acquittal. Dan W. Vorhies
offered 10 bet $10,000 that he would or
that he would not vote for any one of
the articles, notwithstanding Vorhies
inew that he had certainly promised
several Senators that he would positively
vote lor the llih article. Koss went
mmediately to the White House after
the vote was taken, and. said he knew
he could not remain in the ReDub-
ican party, and 'hat it was of no couo-
queoce to him whether he returned to
Kansas or not. It is said Johnson will
form a new cabinet as follow: For Sec
retary of State, Wm, M. Evans; for
Secretary of the Treasury, Groosbeck ;
Secretary of War, .Lx-Uov. Cox ; Secre
tary cf Interior, Catron of III., and for
Atiorney-General, Stanbeny. E. M.
General not mentioned. The Impeach
ment Managers are holding sessions and
preparing plans for taking testimony
relative to the improper means used to
influence the rote in the Senate. Indef-
intie leave . of absence was given to
Grimes on account of illness.
We have ruracrs by telegraph of the
formation of a "new pariy, with Chief
Justice Chase at its head. On Thursday
last, a committee from a Conservative
organization in Pennsylvania, called oq
the Chief Jcsiice and urged the use -of
his name a3 a candidate of. the People's
Conservative -'pariy for . the Presidency.
Mr. Chase replied that, although not
desiring the Presidency, yet he would
comply if ihe people called him to a high
er sphere. ' '
It is further stated that Chief Justice
Chase has intimated lha; he would con
sent to be the Democratic candidate if
he could secure a platform that would
suit his views; that if he could not work
with the Democratic party he would be
willing to run as an Independent candi
date. A gentleman who had a somewhat ex
tended interview with -Chief Justice
Chase last night states he feels very
much wounded by the denunciations
which he is receiving from hiYold politi
cal friends and associates but does not
complain, at ihi3 treatment. Chief Jus
tice said he had not believed in Impeach
ment from the srart aud had made no
improper concealment ni hi views. He
crnl iKa Irion that nnnPl has been
iwi nr will hf iwpiL maintaining that
" J
j aii. .vjenaiors.. will act upon tneir con
sc;enC83. he thinks it an insult to their
canm,a tn ,w,r-. iht lr,Wv cnuld
,fa j -
Ua Piprl nmnnrr ih .npmhprs -
W ! A n,n;nnan iKnt
ic icaiu iiuiu a. isuiuuc;
German was arrested recently in John
son county, for cohabiting with his
daughter. The daughter is said to be in
a fine way to become a mother.
. B. F. Perkins, Attorney at Jaw. is in
town and reports business lively in Te
jr. k. giiiggs.
Order of Attachment.
G. M. Henderson, P12T-, Charles Libby, Pelt.
Before E. V. Hngh. Justice of the Pence if Nemaha
Cvuntr, State of Nebraska. -
On the 18th Uy ft Mar. A.D. 1888, t aid Justice Is.
of action for theaum of $is,io and cost
sued an order of att-icbcient iq tbea:v6 entitled c-iuse
MM 1st, 1868.
jp. vi 'tt y 4
i H-tt H jU VI H
U fj Pi If B - l U
tA 4rV H. W
AT .
Hy Own Hanufacture,
jlfAr, oril ' Tfov's OlothinO
Which I oiler to th Public &t the
Very Lowest Prices
t Be Mm
31 Stock of Goods was made ap under my
own supervision, from Goods bought direct from the
ractorj, thus preventmr the asual Stock Jobber!
profit iMerrening betweet, rae nd my cqstopera.
Kuituiiiimct ui in 11 arraui ill uooas i aei, aa i
well and durably aa4,and Warrants me ia the
isertion thM I can sell my Good Cheaper than
sacn. Goods were ever ofiared here before I
n. J. S. HETZEL.
bliss & HUGHES,
Will attend to tbe sate of Real and Perianal
Property la the Xeaaht. Land District. Terms
J. w. BZ.IS3. TlS-tStf R.r.HTGHIS.
SJ uu
E 1
TI ll
the Western Uaiou Tclerapi Coa
r a i ui in lit.. . .
rrt t
Chicago. 20h, Kor 1
Ward, of New Jerspr rt,- "
the National Republican Conic-
itLi i . I i -twu'vuti ivj cnf
made a brief .address adraonMy..'
nor, political treachery could ".v
I win rv tr y-ir 1 1 ii f raiiiirk -
After prayer ly Bishop Siar,onf"fj,, 1
Carl Schufx pf Missouri, was ca-J t,!
porary Chairman. He waj condc-H I
to the Chair, and briefly, adj-ei 'i
Convention, 'returning thanks r.A v.-. 1
sketchirjg the hiitory c4 the Repul;'- t
A committee of . one tfrora each S-..J
I t 1 . -4,E S
- "fr""-' '--'"u-. j
OOUD ueiegauon irera ui;fur
occasioned a short debate, but ih? v.
i i .f. I ., """
suuirci was rejerren to me Urami-
on Credentials.
A motion to call the Stu:h-? .,.
I rn - . w
lerruories, was reierreu to ie p
- raittes oh Credentials.
The rules of the House of Reprp!e
tatives were adopted fur the go-erni
of the convention.
A committee of one from each dele
gation was appointed on feraaaest or.
A committee cn resolutions wsj .p.
pointedrand a motion aJopd to refupj
it all resolutions without debate.
Hn mrtfinr nf Clan C!k.iI. -
aen until fire o'clock
Nxw Yohk, May 23.
D. -1iy. Brownville ;
. Oa ihe strength cf tha late voteoninv
peachmeni goods of all kinds Lava f4;;eJ
twenty five per cent.
Stxwaet CuESTraSiCo.
, . RaowaviLLx, My 21. :
To ihe Public ; - ,
In accoi dance with the decline
am notified of above. I am now e!!;:j
all kinds of goods, clothing included att
reduction of . twenty-five per cent, fra
my prices of cne week ao, oratNi
York- prices. I will po don with th
decline as readily as other vutcKmU p
up. Call and price my good?.
Probate IVotice.
Estate or S. G. Dai'r, Jrc-a e.1.
Notice is hereby pivea tbat Wil liaa Dai r.j Si: a
V. PJiir, Ailti)ii.i5tratur ai d Adrjihlrntrsl ol he u;
of auiuei G. Daily, decea-et, bj e 8 t-l thirir
iitraii n accoutit fur fett enif nt wiib ih- Pr Lj'.t c-it
if Kemaba couulj, icbr.ka, an - that ibe i.dri
has appiateU the Sii Liy of J-iue. l--3, .t 19 'c. X
a. m., aa the time. tud the i rtle cf ita J Ui -il
court at Brownville, in said co mry Lcn.
esamining and allowing said acciuat. at "tub tin
and p ace auy parson lotercted may vcr aua cs eU
IUtei May 13tn. ISS3.
34-3t A. W. ilOSGAS, P.-cbatu JsA.
Sheriff's Sale.
Motice is hereby p.ven tbat u tbc Hi!) dy of J;zt,
ISCe. at l)'c:oc. P. 41. of said day, I wiilcar (jt:t
at public auction at the front entrance of ac"ii!
Hall, in Brjwn?il!e. NeiGuba Cuunty. Xebrjsk.i, tail
being the pla e In vbicb tbe last lerm ol iLel fir;J
Court for taid Cuunty waa he. d. the fii! w.ii i-c::
renl estate, tu-wit : Lot number uine (9) ui it,k n-u-ber
Ave (j ) in Mi 'A'e Uruwavill. and ui nuiuier ih e
(3) in b'otk number iweuty-three (-J3J in Brjwnni e :i
Nemaha Coumy, Nebraska ai! the -aid rea -e-uia.
inx been taken as tte pr prrty cf Ken;smia Hwmx.
an order if sale issued out oi the District Cvurt f N
maba County, Neh-ia. iu a cause wher.B Sifm
Socman i!P:aintiT and Beniiraiu HicW..x i VtfrmU
anl in (jvjr at said Sniuud Seemaa. a.iu to nt i.-e-.:rf
as Sheriff of sa id cunfy of Nccuba
GiTn under my hand thu Sib i:y of Miy, 1
SherlrT'a Sale.
KoUce is hereby Kivea tuauseil K. P.c4er. Xrp-H
Kecder, bis wife, L. W Uaunbeyar. 102.', i
I a Petition baa been nl- diu tiie ui trsct touruiJ
I l'x Nemaha County, Nebraska, in a cae wbwr.a K-wt-
ca Ifoumt, by her next irieiid. William Jl DW.i.
I p.aiotirT, aud ilusscll B. Heeler, Marvel Rcoiier. !li
Petition has been fil-diu ibe Di-trict Court
wife,. W HauKbcy, in baatrupicy ui
tateof saidBusse J B Reeder and M. U Voui:. "
fendjfit-- nravina that a .liurteae. made by tie
sell B. Racier a..d Mar.-aret Reede--1 tbo a.4 Iterrf
Yi. iin2 on the ea.l half of the ou'.heaot oaarre
tion ii9, town 6, range 11, east ; als, a tnp of ial
rods wide acroM tiie south eud vt the west fcaif
quarter section aforesaid a:ii;r the?ectin line
west half of thesontbwe-t quarter of swiiooji, !
range 14, eist; a!, aouii:-ait quarter vt sa:loi
quarter d( soctioo 23. town C. raiiee 14 east;
north half . tbo soutbwe.-t quarter t.f secfi-jn a, tk
S range 14, cast ; a I in saidcou.ity f Ncaiaha. to sees
the Dayme-iit of two Dri'tnioSjry atea tbf reia mea..i-
be foreclosed and the said premise d anJ lDe ?r' c"nJ
thereof at-plied to th- payment of the sum - f )h'M
with interest fmm Juiit K,h. 1S07 n l SwS'J W witi
terenfrum Aiwusi I3tb. lb7 the amouuudua
rwten bi said rLuei a cu. ed: aud that tic i
fendanU are req'iired t answer the sa d petltiua
befjie the I5& da of June. 1S
TlOJl A3 a. JiWMui,
Sl-4t Attorney f ..rFiatf
Pretcribinj the feet i Compcns&lto Crrtt
Sectios 1st. Be it Ordained bi the Cne'JM
City of Brownville That tb City"AUorni. o-wi-satMti
for b is services, shall be enti;!ed to recesva -
ary ol, for services as the leg-' alif J l"T
couusrl aod the cuy offlcra He sba 1 a!o be ""
to additional compensation for special eerrica MPf"
cutiug violations of the ciiy ordinance, and caJje 'it
auita in therourtaon the part of the o'T. s""
amount as may be ju.-t and reonbie in ecb c
Sec. 2 The City Marsh.i snail be entitled '
shall receive the sum of 52a per m mib for gene-l "
vices as Marshal and shall also D entitled to'"';ar'"
in making arrest, servini? papers avi attend .
ilayor' o.urt, as are avowed a onstab e fr nt1
hi mi arservic- aeeordina to the l.tuteof t"3'1'
ice 3 Th Pre Warden -hall be allowed tieiui -
ias Iee. fc-wit : For each an est, wbea tne imv
rested l convicted of a violation of tbe i.rdin. 1
the c ty relatire t tha prnventn of lire, a-"
shall be taken a prt f tb" coats in thecasa
5ec 4. The Street CommiMiooe1- b hi tw -
hi erv cm mmnnitii.i .( tk rst of faierJ ' ' .
each day of actual service in attending to tb dara
hi offlce. . ..
5 C 6. It ia fnrlhTonla;nfd that what er fu''
be duo ibe city n lieu of labor a sessed as Vjtl r"' w
nuy be col lei ted by tbe said Commi.Miier. i f tK
ahll keep an account aa a road fund, wbi h sba'' t
priate flr t to the p-yment t the said Stie-tuo-
s loner for his service-, and ec nd y to tbe Psn; r4
uch other expentes as ny be neceary " ry
treets in repair. G. W. FAIRtROTHs
Attest: J. C. HcVauchto.i, Clerk. -
nnniirr. ...
To Impound Sunne Found Running at 11 t0
Me City of tro-wnvult mnd to tU
IM Penally ini Cof of JCeeptM.
m n . r 1 . t 1 K a In m .71 v
ka and Cntnty of A'emaha, That "d.fle'
publication of ttis vrdinance, all Swine 'b.l B
cil of Ih fit,, itf lrn,rt.m"' ia hi. Sllllt 01
the ame are hereby prohibited from ninnma -
within the corporate limita ot aid citi- i-wowl
any and all swine found rnnninf at large wira
Stc. 2. The City Marshal shall tke ,M
corporate limits of aid city after the pasass
liciion of this ordinance.
tsi.i".s-:,r.r hecure r
and well fed and cared for. and' if not re,iemC''J
fifteen day after Impounding tbali be so d tr 'D .
Marsh. I at pnblic .aa.e. to the highest Bid-er
and tbe proceeds appropriated t the tWeD;. . a
expense 01 keeDina: ud the cou of iapouna-
"' ."f .VJP-1
iunu or me city
Xlc a An..-.)... in,..At h, virtue or
visions of thia ordinance may be redeemed &f 'r"fceis
or owners thereof at any time before tbe aais a j
provided, by payimr to the City Mar;bai E
two dollar per bead s tbe fee for iffiP"u0'rvI.r
swine, and tweuty-flvo cents per bead perdT
Ing tbe name. .(J
Stc. 6 The City Marsha', shall he ,Iu'r?
fifty ceata per bead of swine inipmnded cnJe 1
dmancoa. O W. FAlHBROrBZ. l
Attest: J. C. af cN'Al- SHTO.v, Clerk.
Prebats Xotlee.
State of Nebraska, County of Kemh -' v-o?'-1
XotlceU hereby given that I. A W. Jforf '" ' ja.
Ju.Jfte of the C-unty ot Nemah and 5tate ot
haveappointed tbe first day cf May I.68, as tne
heariuK the application of yathaa JfeaJer v jtf
pointed Administrator of tbe estate ofGwtn
deceased, lattof saidConoty anl Stata. Tuijje.
M-lt A. MOSGAK, r.-ots,uu
delegates to tak no step backward!
to demonstrate that ihe war wa? C5'".
ufe. He said neither Arr.oM tr..?1'
m '
; 5. '
i tla-
p. V'ij
; jua: