Nebraska Stitocrtiacr JARVIS S. CHURCH, Editor. BROWNVILLE, THURSDAY, J!AY 14, 186S. For President lit 16 69, GEN. IT. S. GRANT. For Vice-President, HON. B. F1. WADE. Becommended by the State Republican Convention cf Nebraska. EEPUBIIO AN STATE TICKET. Presidential Electors T. M. MARQTTETTE. of Cass County. LOCIS ALLGKWAHR, of Uii.hardsoll.Co. 3. F. WARNER, of Dakota County, ktember of Congress JO UN TAFFE, of Douglas County, For Govenor DAVID BUTLER, cf Pawnee County. Tor secretary of State T. P. K.ENNARD, of Washington County. iPor Treasurer JAMES SWEET, of Otee County. For Auditor of State JOHN GILLESPIE, of Nemaha County. District Attorney, First Judicial District . O. h. IiEWETT, of Nemaha Connfy. Onr Scliool Lands, The County Commissioners appointed Hon. D. C. Sanders, Hon. J. P. Crother, nnd J. Q. A. Smith appraisers of our Sthool Lands. By a constitutional pro vision these lands cannot be sold for less than five dollars per acre. The Land Commissioner of the State has reported to the County Clerk of this county that there are nine thousand and seventy-one acres of these lands in this county. We think that the Commissioner has under estimated the same. We have at least twenty-two whole sections and a part cf one more, which should give us at least fourteen thousand acres. Why the com missioner was unable to find this latter number of acres we do not know, we suppose perhaps that the nearly four sections lying within the Indian reserva tion may account for a portion of it. Now it becomes the duty of the three appraisers to estimate and appraise the value of the prairie land in tracts not ex ceeding forty acres, and the timber land in tracts not exceeding ten acres, a;id make due return thereof promptly to the County Clerk. They are al?o required to estimate the value of all improvements. They shall also assess all damages done to and waste committed on each tract as appraised. They shall itemize the im provements, and give the value of each. The County Clerk shall sell these lands at public auction for not less than seven dollars per acre in addition to the value of the improvements, and for not Jess than the appraisement, by giving teventy days notice cf the time and place of sale. So we see that all lands sold must bring seven dollars per acre plus the diference between seven dollars and the appraised value (if more than'seven dollars), plus the value of the improve ments. Any occupant of schcel lands may re move his improvements at any time with in six months, if he prefers to do so rather than accept the appraised value thereof ; or if they buy the land , at the eaieuhey are not required to pay the ap praised value of the improvements. It another buys it, then the County Treas urer is required to pay the appraised value of the improvement to the person occupying the land when sold. Purchasers of school lands must pay down on prairie land one-tenth, and on timber land one-half of the purchase money, and must give a note for ballance payable January 1SS0, bearing interest payable annually in advance on the first day of January of each year at t en per cent, per annum. The note jnust be in dorsed by two free holders of the county, and one additional endorser for each five hundred dollars; and incase of non-payment of principal or interest at maturity, the land and improvementsathereon be come the property of the State. The purchaser is to receive title in fee only upon full payment. If lands are not sold when offered by the Clerk, then it becomes the duty of the County Commissioners to lease such lands for a term not exceeding twenty five years, by the lese paying annually eir per cent, upon the appraised value. The lands to be 8ppraied every five years during the term cf the lease. . We call the attention of our citizen aoldiera to the following letter just re ceived from, the Second Auditor of the treasury department at Wahington, which hows how anxiously the department is to satisfy all; that every thing is being done that can be to adjust your claims : Treasury Department, Second Auditor's Office. March 12ih, 1S6S. : Sir: In addition to the ordinary busi nessof this Office, there are on file about 210,000 inquiries from the Paymaster General in relation to the claims of discharged soldiers (white) for the ad ditional bounty under the Act of July 2S, 1S66, of which over 153,000 have been received since October 1, 1S57. to which more than 1000 replies are daily fur nish the Paymaster General. These inquiries are not registered, and no action is taken on them until they have been reached for examination, when they are disposed of as rapidly as possible, in regular order by regiments according to the date of reception at this Office, and no case can be made special. No replies can therefore be given by this Office to the numerous inquiries of claimants and their agents in relation to cases. Respectfully. E. B. FRENCH, Sec. Auditor. Hewett and Thomas, Attorneys at this pltct, are attending court at Pawnee. Richardson. County. This is one of the largest counties in the State of Nebraska. It is about eigh teen by thirty miles square. It is watered by the Great Nemaha and its tributaries, and is bounded on the east by the Mis souri river. The south branch or the Great Nemaha enters the county six miles north of the south line, and the north branch enters the county on the north line near the north-west corner ; from thence thev run together a short distance south of the centre of the county where they unite, and from thence take an easterly course through the county to the Missouri river. The Muddy creek runs through the county ten miles west of and nearly parallel with the Missouri river, and empties into the Great Ne maha. These streams have branches on either side which reach nearly every portion of the county, so that there is no considerable section of country not sup plied by living water. There is good timber on all these streams, sufficient for the present and prospective wants of the county. Water power, where improved, is sufficient for an immense amount of machinery. The beet and the thickest vein of coal in the State has been found in this county, near the south-east corner. The nost reliable information we have upon the subject states it as about twenty two inches thick. Many affirm that somebody measured a vein of four feet thick. This somebody we could not find in Rulo, where he was said to live, though many had heard of him, and thought it was a certain blacksmith on the corner. This blacksmith had heard that there was such a vein, but never measured it. There is no doubt of the existance of the coal in abundance. Rulo and Arago, on the Missouri river, are large, thriving, business towns, and are the entrepots fcr all the ship ping to and from the county. Falls City, the county seat, situated midway between the Nemaha and the Muddy, a little south and east of the centre of the county, and Salem a; the confluence of the two branches of the Nemaha, and atone time the county seat of the county, ate the only interior towns cf much importance. This county commenced its first settle ments near fifteen years ago. The lar ger portions of her lands ore owned by actual settlers, and were entered, pre empted or taken as homesteads before the great speculation in western lands swept its baneful hand over the State of Nebraska. Corn, wheat, hogs and cattle are the principle productions for export. Many of the farmers have adopted the policy of feeding their corn to cattle and hogs, and find that their corn in that way pays them more to the bushel than they can realize by sale to the grain buyers. The county now contains a population of about eight thousand, three-fourths of whom are living by farming. School houses are frequent, and a gocd degree of interest is manifested in educational matters. The Methodist, Christian and Presbyterian societies have stated preach ing at various points throughout the county, consequently we find the people moral, intelligent and refined. The Rulo Register, a weekly newspa per, is printed at Rulo, and the Southern JWbraskian is a good and reliable paper printed at Arago. There is also a Ger man paper printed at Arago, which all of our German readers, and citizens would do well to subscribe for. These are the only papers printed in the county, and from the copies we saw in the fami lies where we had occasion to call, we should judge that they receive a liberal support. Richardson county is one of the best in the State for agricultural, manufac turing and commercial purposes. Good unimproved land may still be had at from three to eight dollars per acre, well lo cated to water, limber and settlements. Improved farms are occasionally offered at moderate prices. We give below a comparative state ment of the assessment of the personal and real estate of this county for the years of 1S67 and 1S6S. which 6hows an increase in valuation the present year over last of near 8300,000 : rERSONALTT. 186T. J322.540 - 69,G6l . 56.150 37,275 2S.405 - 11.070 - 28.760 21.665 i700 - 38,851 33,129 1868. $3 25. 80 89.S59 65.420 41.400 20 370 13,990 35.050 25,260 13,200 50.170 25,320 1869. 1396,940 119.010 82,290 116,800 34,390 65,260 53.430 57,840 65.430 82.070 6(5,4S0 BrownTille-- Peru Nemaha Aspinwa'I St. Deroin.. Washington Lafajctte Kent ;d Bedford Glen Rock Douglas EEALTT. 1S67. 5324,270 . 113,040. - 72.020 SG.SfiO 31,840 . 59110 49.040 55.5fJ0 65,600 80,f20 66,520 Brownville Peru Nemaha A?pinwall-- St. Deroia.- Washington' Lafayette Benton Bedford Glen llock" Douglas The Methodist General Conference assembled at Chicago on the 7th inst., at the usual hour, when Bishop Kingsley took the chair. The quadrennial report of the Mis sionary Committee shows an aggregete contribution of S2.511.43S 59. This amount was appropriated as follows: Liberia. S5S 855 ; South America, S79 9S0; China, SS4 725 ; Germany and Switzerland, S114.950; Scandinavia, 677,729 24- India, 821S.S94S5; Bui garia, 520,824 4S; Mexico and Central America, 10,000 ; Foreign population in the United States $229,525; India Mission, 818.000 ; American Domestic Missions, $1,182,200 ; Missons in South ern Territory, $423,640,17; Miscellane ous, 5552,224,81. NEBRASKA. ITEMS. The Omaha Repallican notes the heavy emigra tion into that county as the result of the construc tion of the railroad. Our loss is their gain. We notice in the Rrpullican that the U. S. Dis trict Court, Judge Dun dj presiding, is making good progress in clearing up tho paleoder. . The NcbrArka Citj, Plattmouih and Omaha pa per bring reports of myriads of grasshoppers in the Northern part of the State. The Nebraska City Newt is now an illustrated half sheet newspaper. Such was the appearance of the last issue. Lincoln City now contains a population of 800. There is now a prospect that Mesrs. Wheeler A Co., proprietors of the Kansas and Nebraska stag line, will run a line of daily stages from Rulo to Pawnee City. This is a much Lee Jed service for the accommodation of the public. Hon. S. Maxwell recently soli 1,250 worth of corn on his farm in Cass county. The Omaha Republican says that the even number of sections si1od the line of the U. P. K. U. are now subj jet to the pre-emption and to homestead entries, but not to private entry by speculators. The U. P. R. R. Co. hare reduced the fare and freight on that road twenty-five per cent. Our State exchanges are teaming with hearty ao cliinations in favor cf the State Republican Ticket. From a letter in the Chicago Republican we ob serve that there is a project on foot to test the right of Otoe county to ist-ue her bends to the Midland Pacific Railroad Company. Hichland, May 9th, 1868. Editor Advertiser: Enclosed I send you a copy of several resolutions which were passed, without a dissenting voice, at the last meeting of Highland Lodge, I. O. G. T. Resolved, Thas as the Nebraska Ad vertiser has ceased to act as a beacon to guide people to the open door of ruin, and has taken a bold stand in the cause of right and temperance, that it is not only worthy of, but shall receive, our undivided support, so long as it continues :o advocate the three great mean of im proving society, namely Education, Morality and Temperance. Resolved, That the ladies engaged in circulating a petition in favor of no more license being grated to persons to sell intoxicating liquors within the corporate limits of Brownville, are engaged in the most noble cause in which females were ever engaged, and that our best wishes are with them in their earnest labors. Resolved, That our efforts and assis tance shall be with the temperance peo ple of Brownville in every just and law ful measure that shall tend toward pro hibition in Nemaha County. On motion, the Secretary was instruc ted to furnish a copy of the resolutions to the Advertiser. J. H. D., Secretary, fro tein. s' "' " " " The Presojterlal College. The Presbytery of "Missouri River," met at Plattsmouth on the 30th ult., and continued in session four days. The Committee on education appointed at the fall meeting reported what had been done, and laid before Presbytery the resolution adopted by the people of Ne biaska City, at the meeting held in the Presbj'terian Church, February 29ih. The report was approved. The following resolutions were then offered, which were adopted seriatim, by Presbytery, after full and free discusion of the points involved. Resolved, That a Presbyterial Institu tion of learning be established in, or adjacent to Nebraska City. Neb, to be under the immediate control of this Pres bytery. Resolved, That the Rev. Sanders Diefendorf, D. D. is hereby appointed Principle of said Institution for the term cf four years from this date, who shall conduct the institution upon the general plan already agreed upon with the people of Nebraska City, pnder the control of Presbytery, until the expiration of that time, when the Institution shall ba sub ject to such changes a9 the Presbytery may at that time deem best. Resolved, That a permanent "Board of Trustees" be appointed by Presbytery consisting of fifteen members, whose full term of office shall be five years, so ar ranged in classes that the term of office cf three members shall expire each year. Resolved, That the Board of Trustees shall have full power and authority to prepare articles of incorporation, in the name of Presbytery, under the general incorporation laws of the State of Neb raska, and shall have full power and authority after 5uch incorporation is per fected", to hold property, to purchase a site for the buildings thereon and to do and preform all things that they may deem proper for the permanent establish ment and success of said institution. Resolved, That the Board of Trustees shall be required to give a full and cor rect statement of all their proceedings, including a statement from the Principal, of the proceeds and the expenditures of the in&ti'.ulion, in an annual report to this Presbytery. Resolved, That Presbytery enjoin Pastors and stated supplies to present the interest of this institution to their chur ches, with the view of securing scholar ships and scholars, and otherwise fur thering the welfare of this institution. The following Board of Trustees was elected: Rev. T. H. Cleland, O. H. Irish, Antony Laurance, R. W. Furnas, Rev. J. C Elliot, Thos. Officer. Rev. J. W. Clark. Dr. Bowen. Henry T. Clark, Howard Kennedy, D. J. McCann, Dr. J. W. Parker, Alex. Majors, A. S. Anderson, and J. F. Kinney. The following "Board of Visitors," was also appointed: Rev. J. T. Baird, Brownville. Rev. C. D. Roberts, Plattsmouth. J. B. Rue, Esq.. Council Bluffs. A liberal ofisr of two hundred acres of land adjoining the town of Bellevue, with other valuable property was made by Henry G. Clark, Esq, on condition that the institution be located at Belle vue. He argued that Nebraska City had not given what the institution should have received, nor a full equivalent for the great advantages the location of the institution secured. The proposition was referred to the Board of Trustees, who will soon meet at Nebraska City on ihe call of Rev. J. C. Elliot, temporary Chairman of the Beard. The Superintendent of the Chicago, Quincy and Burlington Railroad will ac cept our thanks for the pass recently sent us over that road to Chicago. Col. Furnas, the delegate from this place to the Chicago Convention, leaves to-morrow for Chicago. N GENERAL NEWS. An appauling darkness hovered over Chicago three timeimn i"t Tnearlar. without anv atmareat cause, to the terror of all the inhabitants thereof. The Republicans of Illinois have nominated for fJnvurnnr (i.n I i Pal mnr for Lieutenat Gover nor Col. John Daughcrty ; for Auditor, Gen. C. E. - i tj ........ - ijippincott ; lor Treasurer, wen. r... iu. , -u- Attorney General, lion. W ashington liusuneii; lor Congressman at Large, G-sn. John A.Logan. The Republicans of Iowa havo renominated their State ticket. The National Republican Coavention convenes in Chicago ntxt Wednesday. The Court of Impeachment has adjourned to next Saturday. After the great hurricane that passed over Iowa had subsidod, several stalks of ground cherries, per fectly ripo, tho leaves green, the pods yellow, were found by Maj. Chapmin six miles from Muscatine. This fruit being four iuonths in advance of thai lat itude, is supposed to have come from tho West In dia Island, where the storm originated. That sterling Republican paper, the Qaincy Whig, has changed proprietors, and is now owned by ilosrs Bailbacho & Phelps. Henry Lord Brougham died May 9th, at ninety years of ae. Geo. F. Train, in tho Bankruptcy Court of Dou blin, stated on oath that he had no property, nor had ho any control ever the property of his wife. Written for the vertlser. The Water Spoilt. Editors Advertiser: Sirs: As the meteorological phenomena witnessed in Johnson County on the evening of May 1st has excited a good deal of in terest, I will attempt to give, through your columns, a description of it as it appeared to me. During the afternoon I was traveling in the west part of Nemaha County, on the road, leading from Neb. City to Ta ble Rock. Appearances indicated rain. Thunder clouds were seen in the distance Clouds south-west of St. Frederick be gan to consolidate and combine into one. It was evident there would be a shower wherever it passed. It was moving in a north east direction, and as it was ap proaching me, I sought temporary shel ter. But the cloud suddenly changed its course, moving offtowards the east, grow ing larger and blacker as it went. It was this cloud from which so much rain and hail fell at Brownville on that day. In it electricity seemed unusually active, and the peculiar display of lightening was beautiful and sublime. But I had yet to see the most extraordinary part of the afternoon's phenomna. A small frag ment broke off from this cloud and re mained nearly stationary in the west, but increased rapidly in size. It belonged to that class of clouds which meteorolo gists term "Sirro-Cumulous." Sudden ly I heard thunder, which I thought hard ly could come from so small a cloud, but it was qnickly repeated, and very soon lightning became frequent. The cloud now had become long and narrow, the length being ten times greater than the breadth, and extended from the zenith half way to the western hornzon. I was afraid of the lightening, as my head was the highest object on the high prairie; and as it had also commenced raining, I hurried to the nearest house, it being the residence of Mr. Frederick Studheit. But the growth of this singular cloud from apparently nothing had arroused my curiosity, and I continued to watch it. I had not been here five minutes until I noticed apparently near the west end cf the cloud an inverted cone approach ing the earth. I called the attention of the inmates of the house to it, telling them I thought it was forming a regular "Water Spout. :' Soon a column or cyl inder began to rise from the earth, di rectly under the cone. It appeared to be hollow, the center seeming light and transparent, while the sides were much darker. Around this, near the ground, was a cloud or vapor, in boiling motion, resembling smoke rising from a distant prairie fire. The descending cone was a dense, deep blue, or black. It pene trated the center of the cylinder, and without touching the sides, gradually ex tended to the ground. About the same moment the ascending column reached the clouds. The sides then closed up forming a dense pillar or band connect ing heaven and earth. In a few minutes after its formation was complete it be gan slowly to move towards the N. E. The center moving faster than the ends, it gradualy became of a semi-circular shape. At length it began to grow nar row, changing color from dark to grey, and from pale to dark, sometimes swel ling out, in places, as if it was an indi-an-rubber tube. Finally the end seem ed to become detached from the earth and swung back in the air in an opposite direction from that in which the cloud was moving, appearing attenuated or thread-like, slightly resembling the tail of a kite. There were two currents in the column or "Water Spout," moving with great velocity, in opposite direc tions. At times, from my distance, I could see this motion, especially along the edges near the cloud ; but lower the the outlines were so uniform the motion could scarcely be seen. Just previous to its swinging round into the air, the end at the earth would bieak loose and catch again, as if dragging on the ground. During this time another Water Spout had been formed in cljse proximity to the first, and before it disappeared an other, and then still another ; making four in all formed in succession, but not more than two of them existing at any one time. They all moved a considera ble distance from the place where they were formed before they disappeared. The last two moving in opposite direc tions, crossed each other. They had not entirely disappeared like their predeces sors, when dusk and heavy rain obscured them from view. I glanced at my watch when I observed the first one. It was 45 minutes past five. Whan the last were obscured by rain it was half past six. To those watching, the time seem ed much longer. The four in their form ation and movements were similar, but not exactly alike. The third one was fully fifteen minute8 forming beforo any thing could be seen rising from the ground, and then it was at first so trans parent one could hardly tell whether he sawanythine, or whether it was all im agination. The only difference between it aud the surrounding air,' it seemed lighter and clearer more like glass. But it ultimately formed the same dark colored band as the others. From first to last their appearance was constantly changing, reminding the beholder of the ever-varying phases cf aurora-borealis. I have always delighted in watching dis plays of lightening, whirlwinds, "northern-lights," and meteoric showers, but I never beheld any natural phenomenon that appeared half so wonderful as this. To those who saw it from the opposite direction that is from the west side in Gage County and part of Johnson, its beau'.v was increased ten-fold by the ap pearance of a brilliant rainbow. In one locality the center or the bow crossea the Water Spout at right angles, form ing a cross in the heavens, which to ma ny would seem doubly emblematic, es pecially as this very day had been desig nated bv a remnant of Millerites as the time set by the prophecy's of Daniel for the final destruction of the world. The next day, business kept me in the neighborhood in which I was the day be fore, and I could learn nothing as to the location or character cf the Vvater Spouts. So I concluded to divert my course from my contemplated route. I found, on going into Johnson Coun ty that the four Water Spouts had all been formed within three or four miles of each other, and had each travelled three or four miles. The first one had started near Strawn's Mill ou the Great Nemaha.and had passed about three miles up the valley of that stream, crossing it several times, and twice keeping its bed for several rods. Every fence and tree in its way it destroyed. They told me that even fence posts had been lifted out of the ground by it. But I failed to see this, perhaps because there were no posts alons: the route where I traveled, and I followed its track for several miles. The tops and limbs of every tree were lorn off, and even the stumps of some of them partially barked. Some very large trees were twisted off at the ground, but most generally the stumps were from twenty to thirty feel high. When it struck the Nemaha the citizens thought it suckrd ud all the water, and also the mud and pebbles from ihe bottom. Pebbles. I was told, fell along with ram and hail, at the houses of Mr Webb and Mr Weaver. The water taken up by one current, would, much of it, be caught at different heights by the downward cur rent, and thrown with great force to the Ground. Iudeed there seemfd lo be tor rtrnts of water at times, forced down ward sufficientVin places, to make de pressions or ditches in the ground. The rapid spiral motion or the two currents, appeared lo those near it like the move ments of complex machinery, and the roarinz was heard around for ten miles. One man said he saw where a boulder which would weigh a hundred pounds had been moved over twenty feet. An other Spout passed so near a house as to take the roof on, and another struck a wagon, and carried most of it entirely away, but portions of the wheels were found, with every spoke broken. One tire was also found broken into four piec es, Must of the limbs which I saw were lying around the roots of the trees as if broken by the downward current, liail fell in the vicinity as large a3 hens eegs. The cloud extended from St. Freder ic to Crab Orchard. The Water Spouts were seen for 4J miles in each direction. Th AVELER. JTEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BLISS & HUGHES, AUCTIONEERS, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Will attend to tne sale of Rest and Personal Property in the Nemaha Laud District. Terms reasonable J. W. BLISS. vl2-33tf R. V. HUGHES. WOOD'S Seaper aud lower ! WALTER A. WOOD Reaping & Mowing Machine COMPANY, IIOOSIC FAULS, X. Y. This machine was awarded ihe First Grand Prize, THE IMPERIAL CROSS, of the Legion of Honor, and two grand Gold Medals at the Paris Exposition of 1867, and is pronounced the Best Mac&ine in t&e World. Call aiJd fret a Pamph'et girins cuts of Machines and its parts, with details as to superiority ROBERT TEARE & CO., Sole Acents. 33-tf WAXTEI).-In every connty in the United States, A GOOD MAN to sell by sample, CJianilterlaln'a Combination Square, Plumb, Level and lievel. The greatest invention of the age, and one that every Meanic, Workman and Farmer in the land will buy. Send address with name, State County, and Post Office plainly written, and we will send circulars and terms 83-4t W. S. BATCDELDER & CO., Pittsburg, Pa. m ! u Reported Expressly for the Advertiser by V CSl1" " e r Chicago, May 11. A Washington special to night says that Senator Grimes in his remarks on the secret session of the Senate to-day stated it as his opinion that Stanton's case was not covered by the tenure of office act, and argued that under the act of 17S9 the President had the right to remove h'tm. He also declared that the Senate not being in session at the lime did not effect ihe case. He freely ac quitted the President of all idea of con spiracy and of ell intention to violate ihe constitution or laws of the United States. Mr. Grimes said, laying aside all politi cal feeling, he could not in his judicial capacity vote for the conviction of ihe respondent. He thought a verdict for the impeachers would establish a prece dent for getting rid of an unacceptable executive. Washiitgto, May 11. While the Senate was in secret session great crowds were in the loby anxious to know the course of debate inside ; subse quent inquiries made of all those who were supposed to know anything of mat ters it was ascertained thai Grimes, Trumbulll and Fessenden had clearly ex pressed themselves against the conviction of the President, while Henderson was againsr the impeachment articles except the Uth; Sherman and Howe according to general accord supported only ihe 2d, 3d. 4th, 7th, and 11th articles ; Edmunds, Williams and Morrel will support all the ariieles while Hendricks, Davis, Johnson and Dixon opposed them." To-morrow has been set for the trial of Surratl and the prosecution are already having witnesses summoned. Not cer tain that the case will be tried as coun sel may show good reason for contin uance. On motion that the Senate meet at 11:30 to-morrow, lo sit with open doors. Agreed to. It is generally conceded the 1st article of impeachment will not be agreed to. Washington, May 12. The opinion seems general that Presi dent Johnson will be acquitted, the fol lowing Republicans are freely given as voters against the articles of impeach ment to-morrow: Grimes, Henderson, Trumbell, Vanwinkle, Fowler, Ross, An thony, Fessenden and Freeding. The following dispatch was received from Washington at noon to-day, the time at which the impeachment wis to have been decided. WAsniNCTOx, May 12. Senate adjourned to day at noon until Saturday, owing to Howard's illness. VERY LATEST ! GRmCSPAQALYZED!' IIOWAKD IXECOVERIXGX THE XATIOX 5S AROUSED ! IMPEACHMENT DEMANDED! CONVENTIONS OUTSPOKEN ! JOHNSON MUST COME DOWN ! Chicago, May 13. A Washington speciil says Senator Grimes to day received a severe stioke of ptralysis, and is thought to be in a dying condition Washington, May 13. Howard is improving, and will be able to nttond the Senate on Saturday. A special says the result of the canvas is favorable for convicting the President, Nearly every Republican Senator ex presses his opinion that the case will close with that result. The Missouri delegation succeeded in exacting a pledge from Henderson to vote for conviction on the eleventh arti cle. Congress considered the bill admitting North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia, Louisiana and Arkansas. No de cisive action was taken. Senate adjourned till Saturday. Chief Justice Carter refused lo admit Surratt to bail. Elgin, III, May 13. The Republican Convention of the Second District met this afternoon, and nominated Hon. J. F. Farnsworth can didate for Congress. Milwauka, Wis , May 13. The Republican State Soldiers and Sailors Convei'li n assembled to-day, and elected delegates to the Chicago Conven tion, pledged to support Grant for Pres ident. Strong resolutions passed endor sing Congress' Reconstiuction measures and Impeachment. Lewistojt, Maine, May 13. Large meeting here last evening lo protest agamst the acquittal of Johnson. Senator Fessenden's brother is one of t le signers to the call. Chicago, May 13. A Des Mo'ne?, Iowa, dispatch says the feeling against Senator Grimes is very bitter. His immediate resignation is demanded. AN ORDINANCE To Impound Swine Found Running at Large within the City of hrotenviUe, and to tell taxi Swine for the Penalty and Cost of Keeping. Section 1. Be it Ordained by the Common Coun cil of the City of Browivi.'le. in the State of Xebrat ka and County of Xemnha, That Iroiu ad arter the publication of this ordinance, all Swine -hill be arid the same are hereby prohibited from running at large within Ihe corporate limits of i-aid city. Sec. 2. The City Marhil shall tike cp and impound any and all swine found running at large within the corporate limits of ald city after the passage acd pub lic-iiion of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Swine taken cpand impounded according to the provision of this, utiall be securely kept and welt fed and cared for, ami if not re leemed wnhia flrieen days after impounding t-hall be fold by the City Marhil at public sale, to the hiirhest bidder therefor, and the proceeds appropriated to the tayment of the expanse oi keeping and the custs of imp-juiidins and Benin.? said swine, and the La'ance, if ny,.t.ha!l be piid over to the City Treasurer as a paut of the General fund of the city. 5.c. 4. Any swine Impounded by virtue of the cro- vistong of this ordinance may be redeemed by the owner or owuers thereof at any time before the sale as herein provided, by paying to the City Mar.-hal the sum of two dollars per head as the fee for iuiiKtuudinz faiJ swine, aud twenty-flve cents per head per day for keep- iu;; me same. Sec. 6 The City Marshal thai I be allowrd as fee fifty cents per head of swine impended undar ibis or dinance. ;. w. FAIItEKOTHEll. Mavur. Attest: J. C. McN'acgiito.v, Clerk. M. W. WARN E SI'S PATENT ATMOSPHERIC . Portable and Stationary soda. iouTviisr Manufactured and 8oH by the Patentee, 50S North ForUi St., St. Eoul, JIo. This Fountain i admirably adaoted for use in small towns and at public gatherings. Full directions so with each, and recipe for making syrups. Price 873. Send for descriptive pararhleV. TELE Probate Sotle.. State of Nebraska, County 0f Xemah Notice is hereby given that i Judge of the County of Nemaha and It aT?.B have appointed the first day of itT m i 7 hearins? the application of Xaihan H.'.V th t'm p .int ed Administrator or the estate of r??T 10 bta. ueceaseu, ittio oi saiu uon&ty anl State "u 33 31 A If U lT,r. . Siierifi Sale. Notice is hereby given that on the lit a 1S&3. at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, I 7of ' ' t public auction at the front en;raare or v 'i!'" ' Hall, in Brownville. Nem.tha County pi :.a'i teiriK the plate in which the at ttr'n m U Court for ta.d county was held. Hie fn ' k'": real estate, to-wit : Lot number nm terfive (.) in Middle Brownvili. ;irt,j ' n. (V, in b cck number twenty-three (23 1 in' B. kr Nemana Couaty, Nebraska ail theM r,..."avi!'' n ins teen taiieu as tte property if BIi;,m,n ! tir. property cf E.,Janil Ht. issued out or the Disi-lct iebraska. in a cai-e ,t.:.ttrI.'li(. an order of sale Seeman is Plaintiff and Benjamin nick.. , r, . 1 '1 aud in favor of said Stzni'uid Seeman, tl ,TeJfr1l''t, as SheriiTof said county of Neuuaa. '' '"'"w: - S:;, uiven under my har.a tms 6'h - ar..JtniSb-h.i..7orM17 ,r Davidson PLASTEks ap 3.1-d t probate Notice. Estate of Richard Woodard: Notice is hereby given to all whotn it rmyeo! ine i rooaie iouti or einciDa I iiintv a; p i:. ted the 2.M day of May, as th Nebr,,1 Ken. .. liUl lUVlUiUaUUUUl .H.ll Alll , 01H1.4T.1 t.. I - r.. f . . II" A. rix or the e-t.ito i f Ri. ...... . ue r... . " 'V. i- ed, late of eruaha count r. Nebraska Given under uiy hand thifCoth dav rf r,r,i . 31-31 A.AV.MorSkn,S,AeJDrl!sfll SHERIFF SALK - v . v r - . V. i) I A . of trie District Court for said County f etu 11 held; the following discribe-1 real estate. " W Lots one and two in section 10, Town 6 rarf'n' NWqr oINKqr " " ,rtl Lot 3 " 25 7 Lot 2 " 35 " " , NWqr " 1 " Lots 3, 4 and 5 ' " " , , NWqrcfS W qr " 6 " W half of E qr " " " " n Also a tract of jand commencing at the center r tion25, Town 7. Range 15 east, and rnnnin tvT east bO rods, thence south fonr rod thence , ' r.xia. thence north four rm4 tr fha .i... . . . , . .uv o v r ' i l2rr All of the said real estate bein situa'ei in x. J ' w..u.aacu U In. erty of Win. 11. Denman, on art execu.iuo ined ,. the District Court of Nemaha County, Nebr- judgment rendered in a case wherein Wm r-"? James I. McGee, and George Harmon, partners ifk ' iness rwder the firm name M Frastier ana H ."J' plaintiffs ; and S. A. Ingham and Frederick in -'k1 partners in business under the name and Hyittf i'11' Ingham it Co. and Wm. H. Dennmn are c"e.'e" 1 and in favor of said Plaintiffs, and to be Sold nc''' F'endifioni Expona-i and tome directed a. Stier"f the said County or Nemaha. ""' Given under my hand this 2d day nf Jn-ii , n 1S63. D AVI DSON PLAS7S33, Sh'erV Brownville April 8th, 1S63 ln2T-4-kj ' (Tnnntr. Xebra:-ka. and havimr h..n . . .. Adjourned Sals of Lot3 IN Lincoln, flfebrask THi; TJNEERSIONED WILL 0FF?2 For Sale at Public Auction, at Lincoln, UttrCu. at 10 a. in.. Tuesday, June 9th, 1563, about Three Hundred Lots in said town, being thini-. ber nnnold at the time of the adjournment of t he stt last fall. The lots are appraised, and will be toll b the highest cash bidder above the appraisemeat Lincoln Is the Capital ofA'ebrasia, and was founded by authority of the Leaisiit-,r. j is situated in the roost fertile renion of Nehruka, in at a point apparently designed by nature tube the uac lion o' not less than four of fl;e trunk lineuf ri.ii. It is adjacent to the most valuable saline reM in ;, west, ot which the capacity for immenr-eij, i working has already been tatisfactonly tested About one thousand lota ere sold at public .:.; fail, at prices which ran from 20 to 6 percent. the appraisement ; and this spring, so rai'M lu bei the settlement and growth of th e town, and u.r u certain its prospects, lots hive sold seci.d-haiWe'l u price from Three t" 9ia Hundred percent, ia iv,n of their co.t. The Staie UVuse, buildmu from the p ceeds ot the sales last fal I, is i pruathiui c..nip;e;:..i. U will be ready for occupation ry Septenr et, a w;,i i time the Sta'e Government will berem.ivHjtuLn.cja. At the June sale there will alao bettered a Sec:: .1 of School Land, adjoining the city, m tracts of a it acres each. DAVID BP I LER. T r K.K..N.HL). 23-Stud JOHN GILLEjtIH, Notice of Attachment. Wcndel Grant, Pifl", ) Eer re II M. iylv-"-, v s J. P. for Johnson c.tu'y, .VI Georce liii'xies. Pft Ou the I day of April, 1S6S, said Jit.-ticc i"K! w Order of Attachment m the above a,-ti for t! "; f $46 tS. WK.SbiiL Gtta.Nt. it F. Perkins, Attorney f..r P'ainti.T. Tecumseh, Neb., April 27l1i, Im 3I-3t 'A 4r em Uivery J table. Deaier in ALL, KINDS OT STOCK. Horse Ronsrht, fol!,or Kxc2irsr.l. S:otk liocidrd fry the Day or Wrtk. T.IY STABLES are stocked with .-! Iw-es ilI bng-ii's. Persons wishing Conveyance to any yi'L.nrf the Nemaha Land District caa be acoiLiu diied. THerEiil and BBOWSVILLECOUH Leaves LI Y STABLES every m m.-:.: 10 o'clock. A. M. Passengers or p.aXaf.-s s.i.'eyt' veved. Orders left with the Potm.i- e- wrlbej.-.-.-ly attend ed to. (iii3I6;ij) CHARLES utatii L.c?al Notice. Notice Isherebv given to Russell B KeHer. Jfrri : Reeder, his wife, L. W. Ila'i-hcy ai.d at. 11. a Petition has been fil'sl in the Ditn-t c'trt :ii'-i fr Nemaha County, Nebra.-ka, in a ca-e win-n-m R. ca Voumi, by her nest friend, William II. H-'' -' plaictitr, and Rnsf'-ell B. RftMer, Market Rrer. wire, i. W Hatighey, assignee in tiikrn;.:rT. if if" tate of said Russeil U Reeiler and il. II Youn:. " fendant-, praying that a Moruage. made by tte si-1'" sell B. Ree ler aod ilariaret Reeder to the 1 K (' 1 Young on the ea.-t baif of the soiiihea-t yiarrer a tion 29, town G, rarge 14, et ; a!-, a ''..; rods wide across thesou.h end of the e-t tf"' quarter section aforesaid along the.-ect:-n westhalf of the southwest nuarierof sfcC.i..u3J, t range 14, east; also, soathea.-t quarter of f-'''-" quarter of section 28. town 6, ran.e 14. ea?t ; north half of the southwest quarter of se-nn -"v ' 6, range 14, east; ail in said entity "f Ne:n 'divr-- the payment of two promi.-sory notes therein wc'i be foreclosed and the said premises sold an 1 'n'P'.'f," thereof applied to th payment of the Mini"' I1" with interest from June 8tb. 1567. and $537.50 tereet from Anut 13ih, 1S67. the a:ii."in:s '!'!' 1)1 notes by said Mortgase s cured ; and th it the fendants are required to answer the sa d petition before the 15th day of Jur .iff . , TUUMASi,,DT-., 31-tt Attorney ( 'fl'la XTataral Leaf. Fine Cut, Graf e Juice tA J1 AN OUDINiNlT Preteribinj the Fees and Compensate of C-A j vjjicert . Section 1st. Be it Ordainti by Ihe County - City of Brownville, Tliat the City Att. .ney.ass satioii r r his services, shall be entitle! 11 ary of $1 O OJ for services as the le-'ai 5 . . c u asel a id the city officers lie sha lal-o u - to additional compensation for special serviie i , eating vio'atious of the city ordin mce, at J " suits in the Courts on the part of the ci'y, : amount as nay be just and rea.-onable in era ; i.i Sec. 2 The City Mar-hal snail he e:"--- , shall receive the sura of &i.'0 per nj..tiiu f"r -e ; ... vices as Marshal, and shall also be e1"1''"',' V. " ' in making arrest, ftrin paiers SJd a:''-'' . Mayor's oart. us are allowed a n-tah similar service according to the ta'u"'-' f ' . Sec. 3. The Fire Warden shall he all M .. c. ing lees, to-wit : For each, arrest, :. ' aVt ,.;r ' rested is convicted of a violation oft!. t'''1:C..i the dtv reUIivp to th orrveijt.on t li'P'J ' shall be taken as part' f the c ,u in t! .? i Sec. 4. The Street' his serv ces compensation at tlie rile ' each day of actual service in ar.ei-d.ii,' to iA u his cfllce. S c. 5. It is further ordained that ' be due Ihe city in lieu of labor a -'--may tecolie ted by the sa.d CVt:;!:;i shil! keep an aroiint as a roid fu'd, ' priate Crt to the payment f the ?i. sioner'fi.r his service, and sec r.d y a-ever. -Lcr.'f ' i ' . : , 1 ' . y. -p. ! I a en other expenses as n:..y te net- ut st; eet, in repair. G. W. FAIH1 K' Hd-tt' 1 1 Attest: J.C. if cN'acshto.v, Uf AGENT3 WANTED TO SELL TilS of the -r iTE- WAU BETWELW THE 14 Its Causes, Character, Condact.. a i Be-" "' By IIu. Alexander II. A book for all ?ec'i n and all rr';"i'aTiis ingly intere-ting bock by "The ,,ke: aT " i . of the South, presents the ni -t c ! : . tial ai-.a'vMsof the c me cf the ,lL'V -..' ; appeared from a Southern per; it 1 tizauship, and in the utmost tn det terofthe struggle; and in its de re.'- . f tfe' . .tl ft duct of the war. it civrs those er.i'i shadows of tne conflict oniy kuo'3 t . ,;fc'- who watched the blocd-tide cf revulu' i tain sKfiiiirs. anil which were so S:PT.tlkw fr .m .w T.itl. M -ij twnlld fe-lerate .tate-. Tlie rc-ults of ihe r ruture. have never been irei'e'i'? ; jrtt-''' and Mr. Stephsus' greai abilities have fullest play. . v.-l The intense de-ire everywheie nia ' this work, its 0;!icltl Cha'acter and r?'?, :n bineil with an increased c muii:--!"3 b-' u a;'-, subscription book ever pub:i-hed ai d " j,f4ri - the finest opportunity to make eiouc the history of books. w' uoo-. Ta'll' w Send for descriptive Circu'ar and I i cj Address, T..i-Ti-a Vifl'lirV 33-1 m Lombard B., J' Notice 1 Pereby given that on S tturdiyth. ic v of May, 1S&S, at one o'clock. P. M., of 3j,i " , ilf ofTor for sa'e at public auction, ai the front' '' of McPheron'a Hall, in Brownville, Netiiaha r t