if Qtujcvtiicv. , LOCAL. L.COLHAPP.EDITOR. IrSTILLE. THURSDAY, Al'Rl 16,1853 iwrTTTiD & EATON. 124 Pine Street end fi-if.LLAMS,'! Chtlnut St, A". . cor. 6fA '" .the authoFied Agent in St. Louis for tbli 11 attend to mating collection! and purchas Ite Cur St Locli. - tTtiaM nOXSV is our authorized Agent to ve fBbscriptions for the Advertittr inrema - v precinct. "IalT is our authorized .A pent to receive v,iptidni for the Adeertiter, t Clifton. jO G. START" cr auuionzea Agent at Aspin U''b- -tTED A girl .to do housework. Apply at 1 0lce orrry residence. J.L. CoLHirp. "Z POARD OF EQUALIZATION of Nemaha ,f will commence ifs session on the 3d Alonday month. All persons ihould be present and .t1 tLeir interests, or forever after hold their y order ef the Board. 1 J AS. M. D ACKER, Co. Cl. AY IT or McFall A Co. will gae J "IsDLL has Studebakor Wagons. DEL has Two Horse Corn Planters. AGE ORANGE SEED at HcCreery's. liri'ER TLOWS at Fhftllcberger Bro's. ;LEN ROCK FLOUR at Theo: Hill A Co. MUSLINS Full stock at Cainey A Lewis'. --t; jesT TEA in town is at Swan A Pro's. AKGAINS in Boots and Shoes at Teare A Co's. I J'. T. W, THTON has our thanks for Seeds. ALL and Spring Wheat Flour at iTGee A Co'a. ':3BSEV A I3RO., keep a full stock of Clothing. . C. LETT, Land Agent, Brownville ebraska. XWO FLORENCE Sewing Machines for sale at t cilice. rORK cn the Baptist Church will be begun in .w weeks. EIT.1NGFIELD CANDY of superior quality at fc3rro's. jIAILE SUGAR, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, etc, Jwsn 4 Bro's. JOHN PEERE'S genuine Moline Fkwi,500 at M.Hill A Co.'s. TESCE WIRE in abundance, galvanized and not SbcHenbergcr Bro's. TORN. Last week about 8,000 bushels of Corn re hauled into this city. .00 FERCli of Rock and any quantity of Brick sale by J. L, ilcGee A Co. TWO THOUSAND Bella Wall Taper just re nd at the City Drug Store . TOR BROWN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS, io ilanh's City Book Store. S3ELLENDERGER BRO'S hare received a ge lot of Hardware, Cutlery, etc. ITKIN BREAKING PLOWS J 00 T. r'uh t Co.'s make at Theo. Hill A Co.'s. & n. THE MACHINERY for a Carding Mill ia now on 2 Lerce and will be set up in this county. SnELLENBARGER BRO'S are Agents for the juld-rcnowned Chamjnon Jleapert and -Movcert. FOR SANDERS' School Book Serjes go to trsh's at the Post OCce, where ilcGuffy's complete -net can alio be had. FOR SALE CHEAP. Four 12 to 15 horse power rgines. Enquire of J-L. McGEE, S-3t Brownville, Neb. NEW RESIDENCE. Fredrick Sedorasbas just acted a new residence on 8th between Main and .'antic. FUR LAW or Medical Books, at publisher's rices, go to the City Book Store and k Dan how xn it can be obtained. FARMERS, send your orders to Wi. T. Den for eace Wire, Flora and Brown's Illinois Corn lanters. 26-4t ANY PAPER, Magazine, or Book can be had at ptll sher's lowest prices, by the year or single copy, Marth's City Book Store. LANDS RESTORED. See the advertisement of le restoration of lands along the Union, Pacito ilroad, in to-day's paper. FOR CIIROMO PICTURES which are taking a un like wild-fire examine catalogue and leave fieri with Dan or Marsh a t News Depot. QUINCY will, during the prcrcnt month, vote on ILe proposition of donating $100,d&0 to the Qaincy and Brownville, or Air Line, railroad. No doubt it Till carry. WE are prepared to do all kinds of StonoMson ork in this city or County. Our work for individ uals anl the county is our reference, j 21-St McLaughlin A Eripge. BROWNVILLE BRASS BAND What has be come o f it ? Has it played out ?' ' The season to I 'ay cut is near, and we make the above inqueries ty reqoeet. WE LEARN that Mr. Thomas and Mr. Lett con template erecting re?ider.ccs this season. Mr. Mor- fvi kjs he will build a Lxick residenceon the cor- ler of Nemaha and 3d. DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. One of the ntt Dwelling Housos in this City ; large grounds ; 'ruit treef, shrubbery and all out door conveniences JNO. L. CARSON, MULLINERY Mrs. Schenck at her rooms over the City Drug Store keeps a fall stock of Millinery Goods. Patterns . etc. Dresses mad .in the latest and most fashionable style. THOSE SHRUBS, VINES, etc-ordered through Furnas jj? on the way and expected daily. They will be epenel at Rob't Teare A Co's Store ; so keep your"eye pealed"and be on hind. CHANGE IN MAIL ROUTE. The mail from this place north now goes directly through Peru and the London c&ce U mf j.lUd once a week by the Grant Mail which goes out on Thursday. BLACKSMITH DRILLS, Farm, tanner and School House Bells, Farm Implements, and a great variety of other stock just received and for sale at H.T. Minick's Farm Implement Depot, Nemaha City. , - BLISS 13 GOING TO LON DON.-As an ener getic, reliable business man many will regret his departure. He has bought out Money, and will continue the Moceyystea at tie old stand in London. HACKNEY'S stock, is lar ger and his prices com paratively lower than ever heretofore. Prints, Cot tonades, St. Louis Flour, Muslins, Notions, Boots, Shoes and a full stock generally just received and going off rapidly. Drop in I WALDTER'S PAINT SHOP is now in the room Gently vacated by Shellenbarger Bro's on Main treet between Levee and 1st. He is good me cUnie, uses none but the best material and will do your work as low for ca as any other painter. 'FOR SALE. One Engine complete of 50 horse Power, with two Boilers, 38 inches in diameter, 22 feet long, in good order. Together with a largo lot o ( Copper and Iron Pipe,1 with valves, steam guf ges, k. The whole to U mid cheap for half cash, the balance on approved security. Apply to 3-4i - - - W'M.T.DEyErownviIle,Neb. CORN PLANTERS. Tha cheapest; and: most economical farm implement a man can buy is oe of Steward's Hand Corn Planter. It will save its cost on ten acres, besides doing the work neat and good and will last ten years. For sale mos t anywhere in the city. . LARG SALE. Shellenberger Bro's have sold during the past week, between thirty aud forty ton of Fence Wire to the farmers of Nemaha, Johnson Gage counties. Theirs is one of the largest Hard ware house in the West, and deserves the patron age of the public. BUSINESS. Last Saturday was one of the busiest days of the season. Every place possible to hitch to was occupied by teams and single horse: and our streets and stores were fall of busy men women and children. LOTS IX LINCOLN are to be sold at an ad j curned tale on June 9th. This is a chance to in vest money to advantage such as is seldom offered. Lincoln, as the Capital of Nebraska,' will undoubt edly become one of the most thriving inland cities of the west. See the advertisement. McFALL A CO., have just received'their Spring stock and their large store" room is crammed with as ne a stock cf Furniture and Upholstry Goods as ever gladened the eyes oi a good nouiewue. Their stock is full and will suit both high and lo end few men were ever made that will trade more liberally than Jack. A nALF HOUR in nipey"A"t Lewis store room will convince any one that this house is doing an immense business. Three or four clerks are kept tolerably busy daring fthe business hours of the da. and they replenish their stock quarterly. One secret of tbeir'Lssiness is accommodation, another is their low prices. HORSES.CARRIAGES, Ac FORjSALE De sirous of retiring from the Livery business, I offer for sale my half of the Elephant Stables of Ben. Rogers A Co., Brownville. If not disposed of at private sale before, the interest will be eold at pub lic auction on the 24th day of April, ISrS. B. W. FURNAS. Brownville, April 2d, 1S63. GEN. SHERIDAN passed down the river last riday morning on the steamer Colorado. Many were anxiously awaiting his appearance, not ex pecting the boat until afternoon, and their disap pointment can only be imagined when told that he had passed down on the Colorado early that mora - ng. A few "early birds," however, got a eight at him. PERU FTE MS. Peach trees in and around this place ard in full bloom. The main channel of the Missouri river at this place, which last season was on the Missouri side, is this season nearest the Nebraska shore. Hawley & Tynan are already compelled to enlarge their business room, and are now building a forty foot addition. SECOND STREET. Last Fall the City Council ordered that a street be surveyed up the hollow through North Brownville to the north limits. A road up that hollow, with but a small expenditure in grading, will maka a good road into town from the bottom, whence this city is mainly supplied with wood. All the necessary steps have been taken but the surveying." How about that ? NEW STORE. D. May, of St. Joseph, has just landed and is now opening up a largo stock of Dry Goods and Clothing in the building recently occu pied by Bedford A CoEncr. His stock is all late tyle and of the best, comprising a full stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Notion and Clothing. As a newcomer, pessesbing, we -believe, energy, integ rity and sound business capacity, we bespeak for him the favors of thepublio and wish him success. FINE FARM. Col. Furnas is making one of the Cnjst farms in the State of his place about a mile west of this city, and will this season erect thereon a fine residence. He has already upon it twelve or fifteen acres of grapes and other fruit and shrub bery in proportion. He has it also stocked vrith as fine blooded stock as ean be found In the West. He understands thoroughly what he is doing. RAIN, greatly needed, visited this section, ac companied by a slight sprinkling of bail, last Sat urday night. It was a regular soaker, and has done a great deal of good. It has been succeeded by several smaller showers. After the rain there was considerable frost, yet, fruit was not forward enough at the time to be injured, and a glorious crop may be reasonably expected. WE' ARE exceedingly sorry taieo tfaeJcarna come down so heavy on the show last week, as we believe the proprietors are gentlemen, performed all they profljlied to, paid their debts as far as they were able, and had" already been treated mean enonsrh in Nebraska. All who attended thorn we have seen expressed themselves satisfied, and kick n ing a lion's carcass won't pass for bravery, or lead to ri.fv.rm TheT evidently lilt more money in inn. community than they took away. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. We have during the wist week, as Secretary .of tha Republican Club, received from different members of Congress and the Secretary of the National Republican Commit tee several hundred copies of the Speeches of leading Republicans upon the issues of the day, a irreat nortion of which we have already distnoui- ed. Tet. as they still keep coming, we hopa our Re publican friends will assist us in this "labor oi in-." l.v calling, cettice a lot and aistriDUung to .v - j C 7 O - persons we would not be likoly to see. WE NOTICE that the Secretary of the B.Ft.K A P. R. R. has received a letUr from the Keystone Bridre Company, relative to building a lirid acrKS tha Missouri river at this po;nt, and has fur nished the Journal a copy for publication. We f;i in l.pin- able to thank its local for a copy. "We had expected a copy from the secretary," "but sup pose that he had forgotten that there are two' Railroad "rapers in Nemaha county." Owing to the mildness f our disposition and christian pro- ilifitiMawnn't "make a fuss." MM to uant airplay r "O, second Daniel" Ac. CHURCH BOARDING SUCOOL FOR UOYS. Talbett Hall, near Nebraska Ciiy, has now been in successful operation for two years, and is commend able cn account of the strict attention - paid to the the scholarship, morals and health of the students, who are here prepared for business or college. The sobool is in connection with the Episco pal Cb.arch and nnder the immediate supervision of Bishop Clarkson. New buildings for the aocomuwodation of twenty additional scholars will be finished this Spring. Students admitted at any time. For par ticulars address Rev. John O. Giimann, Nebraska City. LITERARY NOTICES. , Frank Letlit't Bo ft mnd GirTi Weelly. We have now been a constant reader of this publication for over a year and find no more welcome visi tor on our lkt. As its name Indicates it is intended for the instruction and amusement of the youth of the land, and with its large amount of reading matter and many illustrations it is certainly the most de sirable paper for that class of readers. Now is the time to subscribe. $2.50 per annum. Address Frank Leslie, 537 Pearl it., N. Y. KeUtft Weelly, though a new competitor for pub" lio favor, is already ope of the leading pictorials. Its reading matter aid illustrations are good, $1 a year. A. A.Kelley A Co.X. Y. VILLA. One of the best signs of the growth cf a city and of its citizens in wealth is shown when its suburbs are sought after by the wealthy and beautiful residences erected, with ground laid cf with an eye to beaut; nd coafort. Not less than three such Villas art in contemplation this season. Dr. McPherson is now clearing a forty susro lot ad joining this city, and is having it fenced, prepara tory to sowing blue grass, plantinglhrubbery and erecting a palatial nidew thereon. ' Sentto Tipton hal already fenced in one of the finest bloeki In the city and intends, we are informed, building a fine residence thereon daring the present season. Evan Worthing has also a. fine euburban tract of land which he is having cleared and put in shape for occupation. These residences will add much to the beauty of the city. - . -. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the B. Ft. K. A P. R. R- met at Republican Club Roans last evening. On motion the Secretary was directed to commu n icate with the counties of Johnson and Gage and urge the importance of immediate action in raising funds for the building of the road, "'- On moticn the Secretary was instructed to fur nish' the President of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad with the requested information in refer ence to the projects and financial bams of this com pany, and such other facts pertaining to the road as he may deem necessary. On motion adjourned. JOnX McPHERSON, Pres. J.W. Blackburn, Sec. , . NEVER BEFORE, in our experience, has there been such a genera Indisposition on the part of our citizens to beautify their homes by planting out evergreens, flowering shrubs, etc., many going into the useful as well as ornamental by planting ou t grape vines and fruit trees. A few weeks since Mr. Toft, resident agent for the Bloomington Norscryt received a large lot of Evergreens, etc.," which he hasold. A day or two since Col. Furnas, agent for the Clinton, Iowa, Sunnyside Nursery, received a largo lot of Evergreens, Flowering shrubs and saiall fruit, whi:h are going off like "hot cakes," those desiring anything in this line had best call immediately at Teare A Co's. Besides this the Colonel is alio offering such inducements in home raised Concord Grapes as place this delicious and hardy fruit within the reach of all. Nothing looks more pleasant, or conduces more to the genuine comforts of home 'than a well laid out garden of Frhjts, Flowers, Evergreens aad"Sass," THE JOURNAL, in its last issue, threatens "a fuss" because the Secretary of the Brownville Precinct Convention did not furnish it with a copy of its proceedings, and supposes "he had forgotten that there are two Republican papers in Nemaha county." We have no doubt that it was forgetful- ness on the part cf the Secretary, yet not, of course not, for the reason assigned by the Journal. We as an old "stager" in the business, have been re peatedly forgotten, yet never dreamed of "making a fuss" cr assigning it to such a cause as the above. For instance, a most dire ct thrust, unmistakable, was made at the Advertitcr a few weeks since, by the Democratic City Convention, by passing a mo tion "that the proceedings of this Convention be furnished the Brownville Journal for publication.' This we took quietly, not thinking for a moment of making "a fuss," or supposing that they "had for gotten that there are two Republican papers in Nemaha County." We hope under the circum. stances the Journal harbors no malice against our friend, the Secretary .referred to, as we fc4 none toward the Democratic City Convention. -' ' ; Financial and Commercial. Financial. A FRIT., 15th, 1868. Gold is steady, closing at 138. Governments are firm and higher, and have ad vanced to 1 percent. 5-20s in London ara quoted at7??i.. The following are Chicago quotations for Land Warrants and College Scrip : liuying. Deiiing College Scrip 160 acres) 5?135 160s,Warof 1812 163 $1S0 120's, War of 1S12-. 122 135 SO's, War of 1812 t 7 40's 41 47 lO'j l'H 175 120s US 132 The Exports of Specie from the port of New York for the week ending Saturday last was $1,271,052- Total since Jansary 1st, 1868, $16,193,827. The following is the statement of the Public Debt cn April 1st : DEBT. Bo-iring coin interest $1,944 440,811 83 I? ar.ng currency interes! 251,756,630 00 Mutured, not presented V,u.5t,.i-i l Debt bearing no interest 4U4,47a,4.0 si Total debt ..$2,641,710,332 38 AMOUNT IN TKKASCBY Coin $99.279.617 68 Currency 23,230,027 34 Total $122,509,645 02 To e amount of debt, ler s cash in the Treasury, has decreased during the month, $519,035 43. Erownyille Markets. Flour Winter ? sack $3 00&SS 00 " Spring sack" Buckwheat V E 6 00 6 50 7. 65 15 12 15 0 75 17 15 15 15 00 25 20 18 40 33 30 2!) Meal bushel Bacon Hams lb " Shoulders lb' Sides Canned LanU E 12 Golden Syrup f gal Sugar House Molasses ) gal Sugar New York A. l lb- " Brown Coffoe Java "j lb- " Rio V ft,.... 1 50 1 to 13 16 i 40 25 25 15 2 00 1 75 2 25 ' 20 12 1 59 15 75 75 10 35 25 1 50 .10 8 9 - 10 20 00 45 00 Cheese N. Y. Factory & u Country V) lb Tea Imperial $ lb " Black i lb " You n j Hyson & Candies V lb" Apples Dried lb - Green y bushel Dried Peaches y lb Potatoes ip bushel Coal Oil y gal 2 2 o 40 25 40 25 15 2 25 18 8) 75 10 40 $0 Lggs doz Butter lb Honey lb Onions y bushel m Bp 4 i - 2 00 " Setsqt' f 15 12 3 15 25 00 50 00 50 00 85 00 lieans 1 lb Kalt-0 fr... Pickets 4 doz-. Lumber Cottonwood ) 1000 " Oak . - Walnut- 45 00 " Pine-.- ........ Shingles Cottonwood $UO00 " Pine Lath Cottonwood "ft 1000 - " Pine V 1000 Wood 7 cord,-- Hides Dry $ Eb " Green 45 00 3 00 9 00 6 50 8 50 4 00 3 00 9 00 7 00 9 00 6 00 14 5 15 6 G K A N T'S CAEAP CASH STORE. Main Street bdwem First and Second, BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully inform, the Citizens of Brownville, and surrounding country that I have just received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of 5S f33 Of the latest styles and best quality, Mens heavy calf Boots, double loled Boots, Fine Kip Boots boys and childrens Dootsand bhoes. All kinks of La dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest and best quality India Rubber and Buffalo Orer Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Wooden Ware, Stone Ware, The Bost Quality of BEADY MADE CLOTHING, The best Woolen Under and Over Shirts,. Iea,ttL0r,. Of all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. SII0E3MKERS and IIJRXESS Jv KERS can rely upon' TiaTicgr theij orders tilled promptly on short notice and reasonable terms. Call before pur jchasing elsewhere. - WHICH HS OFFERS FOR SALB CHEAP FOR CASH - All of which he offers at t&e lowest prices, deter' turned not lo be uniersoli. GRANT. DEAT.T1B3 IN ' CX 4? STAPLE AND FANCY mi Embracing all the Qy"j"j ot tD Eaa,on Also, a large and well-selected stock of Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS -AJSTiy CAPS, 9 AND Our Goods were bought of first hands, and we think we can offer such inducements to-purchascrs as cannot fail to suit those wishing to buy. Call and see for yourselves. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. ' 50 TO PrUCIIASEHS SWING THE HA S AGAIN CARRIED OFF THE HIGHEST honors at the principal Fairs the present sea son, commencing with the New England Agricul tural Fair, at Providence, in September, where it was awarded the highest price, immediately which came the New York State Fair, at Buffalo, in Oc tooer, wliere tno committee awarded it the rirst Prire for a double-thread machine. Then coma the grea annual Faicf New Eng land, viz: that of tha . ;. , 3IccIianlcsMRsociationatX,oweIl Where the Highest Prize TUTJ ONLY GOLD MEDAL awarded to any Family Sewing Machine, was awarded to the , FBXiOHT02I- and that too after it had been on exhibition in con- petition withother First Class Machihes for five consecutive weeks, whero U had been ex amined by the best mechanics in the country, who pronouneed it the best constructed and most relia- L'lo Machine, and one that, on account of its sim- p!i ity would Accomplished a greater amount of v?orli, and in a mere satis factory manner, than any other Se wing Machine ever invented. At the Fair of the Maovland Institute, which closed a four weeks session at Baltimore on the 27 th nf November, the superiority ot the FLOR- bJStb was ngain confirmed by the commutoo on Sewing Machines, who unanimously awarded it the GOLD MEDAL, the highest prize the Institute confers. On the 12Lh of September the great Fair and Exhibition of the' American Institute w3 opened in New York. As usual, the display of Sewing Machines-Was large, and tho competition strong;; but after a six weeks trial, the friends of the FLORENCE ha.d the satisfaction of seeing their favorite again triumphant,and for the second time bearing oil tho highest honors of the American Institute. Btlow we give an extract from tho Report of the committee on Sewing Machine, read at the close of the Fair; ''Tho whole number of Sewing Machines on ex hibition is thieteen ; of iheso, twelve aro entered fnr competion. Tbe crticlo bearing the No. 730 (FLORENCE SEWING IACHIK5) is deoided to be the BEST on exhibition. It must also bo stated.incidentally, that Thit i$ better than any oj it elais Inotento the Judge. 'Its merits are : "1st. Good material and thorough workmanship. "2d. "More absolute nov elty than marks theusua improvements in Sewing Machine. 2d. The ingenious arrangement of a positive mo tions for adjusting the thread daring 'he passage of the shuttle and the gatheriog up of it in the -ish of the stitch. "4th. The reversible feed. "5i. The viriety of work that can bo done up on it. "We therefore deoide that it receive the award of first class. (Signed) WM. PRATT, . IRA S. CADY, L.J.KITIVLES." "This is to certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the Redort cf the Judges of Sewing Mashincs at the 37th annual Fair, 1367. JNO..W. CHAMBERS, Seo'y Board Managers. New York, Nov. Ilth, IS57." - It would seem as though this succession of tri umphs should be sufficient io .convince every un rreiudiced nerson cf the great surerioritv cf the FLORENCE over all others as a Family Sewing Machine ; and if anything more is needed to con firm the above, we might added that, i n 1S5I,' the "Co." only eo(d 50 Machines, whilst now there ax over 4.0,000 IN USE. thes establishing the success of the FMORENCE beyond all question. ; Every. 3XacliineI,'is TFarran ed. WHY E. PLANT, .... . ... General TTestcrn Agent, " " 612 y.Uih tt., east tide, lex. IVe&hington Ar. and Green. ST. lapis, mq.- Circulars, Trice Lists and samples of work fur OF ljVLj -'sit era tTy sv'girvga f-aas Lock-Shch Reverpalle Feed f Tv - Fi tj .11 IS T a f nished on application. , : JOHN W. HENDERSON, Agent for Brownvii and Nemaha County." SPECIAL NOTICES. A DDHESS TO THE NERVOUS JD DEB1L1TAT XX ed wb.ose sufferings have been protracted from bidden causes, and wosecaes require prompt treat merit to reader oxistence desirable. If too are saCer ing or have sabered from Involuntary discharges'. w$at effect does It produce upon your general ceaitrr vo Ton feel weafr. debiiitaled. easily tired? ltes aliltle extra exertion prclnce palpitation of the heart? Doe your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys fre- qnantly get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or flocky, or Is It ropy on seVfcjnK? Or does a thick tcnm'rise to tie top? or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Doyouhare rpells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are yonr bowels constipated ? Do you havo spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head? Is your memory im paired? Is yonr mind constantly dwelling npon this subject? - Do you feel dull, listlesn, moping, tired of comsiny, or life ? po you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody jjoes any mtie ining maxe you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless Is the lustre oi your eye as brilliant?. The bloom on your cheek as bri?bt ? Do you enjoy yonre!f la socie ty as we.l ? Do you' pursue yonr business with tbe same enerey ? Da you feel as much confluence in your self? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to Ota of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia, nave you restless nights? Ton' back weak yonr kneesVeak,( and have but little apetite, and Ton attribute this todytpepia or liver complaint Now, reader, qoit-atus, veneriat diseases bauly cured, and sexual excesses, ara all Capable of produc ing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, wben in perf ect health, make tbe man. Pid you ever think that those bold, deSaut, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect heatih S You never tear snch men complain of being melancholly, of nervousness, t palpitation of tbe heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant in tbe company of laiiies, and look you and them, rijht in the face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness abontthem. 1 do not mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. "These will not only ruin their con6titut.ons, bat also those they da business with or for. now many men from badly" pured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought abont that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce al most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every otber form of disease which bnuaui'.y is heir to, and the real canse of the trouble scarcely evqr suspeCfetT, and have doctoredfjr all but the right one. ' ' Diseases f these orsaDs reqnire the useof a diuret ic HELMBGLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, propsy, Organic Weak ness, Female Complaints, General Detllity, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or female, from whatever canse originating a ud no matter of bow long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon the prompt use of a rehaole remedy. llelmbold's Kxtraet Buchn, established upward of 13 years, prepared by U.T. IiKLMBOLD, Druggist. 69 1 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th St., Philadelphia. Pa. Price $1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6.50 deliv ered toany address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. TiEAFNESS. catarrh, con, jj SUMPTION AND CANCER CURED. A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption and aucer; their causss, means ot speedy relief and ulti mate cure. By a Pupil ot tbe Academy of Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address for 13 cents. Letter from Rob't McMurdy, D.D., LL.D., Grand Prelate of Grand Encampment of TJ S, and Editor of the Xalional Freemason t ' ' ' ' . New YoitK. Sept. 17, 1667 Dr. Stillwell was in charge of Grace Church Hospital, Alexandria, Va., during the war. I frequently, almost daily, for months. visited this Hospital , and had every rneina ot kn wing his reputation for efficiency and skill. It was of tbe most creditable character, ana ms success in the treatment ot patients was romarkabje. Bobe&t McMttbdy. Organic Tlbrator. It fits into the ear. is net perceptible, removtt lina- ing noisvsin the head, and enables deaf persons to bear distinctly at church and public assemblies. This in strument will ofteu produce results almsst miraculous aud indeed in esses of long standing deafness, it will relieve in a short time. It may be adjusted with tbe ease of spectacles. DR. ST ILL WELL will be professionally at 31 East Washington place, University Buildings, N. Y., daily, 0 to 4, except Tuesdays, when be will be at bis rooms 1032 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12-16- ly DOCTOR WHITTIER HAS been longer engaged in the treatment of Chronic, Sexual aud Female Diseases than any uther Fhysician in St Louis. Syphilis in all its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture. Orchitis, Dinbetes, and all affections of the Urinary and Sexual Organs; are treated with tbe greatest success. Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and In potency, as the result of Eelf-abuse in youth, or sexual excesses in maturer years, which produce some of the following effects, as blotches, debiii'y, dizziness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to society of females, loss of memory and texual power, and rendering marriie Improper can be cured. persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia,, Chronic Dian he3, Liver Complaint, Hernia , Rup ture, or any other chronic Ejection, may rely upon roceiviu a radical cure. Particular attention given to all Female Cem plaints; Ibilaratuatii.n and Ulceration of tbe Womb, Leueorrl.ea, Chlorisls, Stsrllity &c. Most cases can be properly treated withou t an interview, ard medicines sent by mail or expresssecured free from observation. Consultation by letter or at office free. Charges moderate and cure3 gnarrantied. J3OftIoe, with hospital accommodations for pa tients, No. 617 St. Charles' street, between Sixth and Seventh, St. Lruis, Mo : EVERYBODY cau get, in a sealed envelope, my Theoiy and treatment of Sexual and Urinarj Diseases, containiug full symptom lists. Jor twe postage stamps ; alsO, ray Piper relating to Chronic and Female Couplaints, for a three cent jjtamp. j 12-17-ly ERRORS'' OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for ye&rs from Nerv ous Uebiliiy, Premature Deoay , and all, the effects of youthful indiscretion , will, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it , tbe receipt and directions' for making the simple rem edy by which he ws cured. Sufferers wishing to nrbfit bv the advertiser's experience, can do so bv addressing, in perfect eonfldtrce. 311jP - . 42 Ceder Street. Xer York TO CONSUMPTIVES. The KEV. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire the prescription with the directions for making and using the sim ple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affec tion and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the nEicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a hlessicr. Fleaseaddress ''REVED WARD A WlLSUN, No. eb South 2nd St., Williamsburg, New York DOCTOR MOTT'S j COXCEPTIOX PREVENTIVE. IS used by ever three hnndred thousand ladies In the Atlantic States alone, and by a large number in the West, who would not be without it for ten tiroes its cost. It is to this Preventive, that the mothers of those States owe their immunity from large .families. It is absolutely certain, convenient, to me &nd withal beneficial to health. Abortion Is criminal, then nse means perfectly moral and pro per. Send stamp for pamphlet, containing full particulars. Address, Dr. A, G. Wllb.cr, (P O Box 3092) 719 t. Charles street, li-17-ly St. Louis, Mo. 1 INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, llotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, and ceautifuljCan be obtained without charge by addressing. THOS. F. CUAPMAN , Chemist 823 Droad way. New York. Drs. Wesley & Pierce ! Have for many years treated private Disease wi;h unexampled success, having had twenty years ex 1 perienceia the il jfpliais of this a ad other coun tries. They have devoted thcli whole time and energy to tbe treatment cf private complaints; their success in the treatment of these long etand irg and difficult cases such as were fofmerly con sidered incurable, is suXScient to recommend them to the public as worthy of the extensive patronage which they hava received. Tbe universal and un failing success In tbe treatment adopted by them, has proved; beyond a doubt,' that a permanent cure "for the worst cases cf Constitutional Syphilis, Gon orrhoea, Stricture in any form, all Mercurial affec tions, diseases ot the Skin, Kidneys and Bladder can be obtained. Also, tbe effect of a solitary babit ruinous to txvjy and mind, producing blotches, debility, lmpo tency, dizzicess. dimness of sight, &c., fee., and rendering marriage improper, whictj asnusliy ;swe?ps'to sn untimely grate thousands of young men of the innet exalted talent and brilliant intel , lett, may rely npon a permanent cere. . No charge for advice or consultation. All communications strictly confidential. Send two three cent stamr for treatise relatinz to atl private diseases. No Mercury used. Office bohrs f loin 9 a. m. to 7 p m. Snndny, 10 a. m. to- 2 p. u. Office 413 Oiive St. , Address, all letters to P. O- Box S603, St. Loais, Mo. 12-16-ly the BmrrxicniioFF SEP ARA TOR-AND CLEKER. O CO ft It ft Q W H H Pi CD " Manufactured and Sold by J. GAR IDE & CO., atchison; Kansas. TUB trial of this mscbine at various County and State Fairs, an l the judgement of every one trno sees and usea it, unite in pronouncing Brtn kern"ofrs Corn Sceiler the lest ever inr ented-. ita it a man can shell bis crop of corn at his leisure without an as sistant, and thereby save a ecort time more than tee cost of a Sheller. ' ' This Corn Sheller has taken the r.rst premium for three years past at tbe New Tot k State Fair, when bnt partially perfected. It has since been brought to a degree of perfection, which makes it complete. Tbe following is tha reporfofthe Judges on this machine, at the great trial of Agricultural implements held afAuborn, N. T. in Jury. 1366. nnder the aus- Dics of the New York State Agricultural Society : Among the machines cn exliioitijn wm a uan.i corn Sheller Separator and Cleane, exhibited by J. Brir.S erhop", Actum, N. Y We havo carefuliy examined and thoroughly testeii this machine, a l have no hesi tation in pronoinic;ng it the EEST CORV SHELLER WK KVtit SAW. It readily adapts itself to - ears of any size, or share, shellscleau. and with great rapidity and ease, and the same operation separates the corn from tho cob, and the chair froni tho corn, and deli vers. tbe Corn readj for market j and it retmres but the la bor of tut one person to operate it. The whole affair is simple in construction and durable. J. 8. goulu. Fres a. f. Mate g. so. B. P. JOHNSON, Sec. " " S. RO BISON, Ag. Ed. N. T. Tribune, p. K. TQDU; ' " Times. Report of Agricultural Fair Committees, and opin ion of Agribultnral and other Journals, nii?ht be cite ! at great length, bat w eContent ourselves with tbe fol lowing letter as capplsj thaui all ; " " Copy of Letter from If. S. Aaentfor Farts Univer- TJ. S. Agency fur Paris Uulversal Expositien No. 4S Park Row, Times iiuiiding. New York, Dec. 8th, 1S6S. MR. J. BJJINKERHOFF, Eq., Dear Sir: My Al vlsory Committee, appointed to sclent Implements for Exhibition at the L'nivrf.al xposit;on m I'aris, ia 1SC7, have ielected ard roconimendd to me,tjonr CORN SHELLER as the best ia America. I have accepted the:r report, and will forward your Sheller, If delivered here, ready for shipment on or before January 1, 1S37. Yours Truly, J. C. DERBY, U y. Agent, 3. Trice k5 and 30, According to finish and size of balance wheel. Sample sheller shipped on receipt of the pries and warranted to give satisfaction, or the Machine will be taken back and the niuney refunded upon notice withir a reasonable time. Address WM. T DEN, Ag't, lS-23-dnmf rownyll!e. Nebraska. .! X-iixxo SHOKTEST ROUTE ! Quickest Time!! Wc rctnrn thanks toourlnendsana tbe trading public for tbo libe ral patronage they have thus far extended us. Our aim shall . j)e to so conduct our business as to merit tho confidence of our customers. All represen tations guarranticd. We keep on hand a complete stock of all kinds of goods required for this market, and as to prices Will Not be Undersold ! Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswaro, Boots & Shoes Eats, Caps, &c. &c. &c. AH kinds of Produce TAKEN in exchange f-r Goods, for which thahiglCot maiket price wilJ be allowed. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Corner Main and Second Street XZlro"-7w-7"i.Xlo, TSJ"oT. January 1st. 1SS3. SIHILU SUILIBUS CUUAXTIU IIOIPIIREY OMCGOPATUIC SPECIFIC. HATE PROVEN, FROM TEE MOST AMIfLE experiance,an entire succes3; Simple Prompt ECcient, and Reliable. Thej are the only Med icines perfectly adapted to popular uje so simple that mistakes cannot be made in taing them; so harmlcsa as to be free from danger,and so efLcient as to be always reliable. They hare raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nos. ' Cent.. 1, Cures Fevers, Cvetin, Inflamatioo. 25 5, Worms, Worm-Fever. Worni-CoTlc. 25 3, " Crying: -Colic.' or Teething of inants, 'fo 4, ' Diarrpea of cbiblren i.r ailnlts. 25 5, ' Dysentery Gripiosr, Billions Colic 25 6, " Cholera-ItLrbus.Vonatin:, . 25 7, " Neuralggia, Toothache. Fbceache, 25 9, " Headaches. !ck-Healche, Vortijo 25 10, ? Dyspepsia. Billions STomach 25 11, " Surpre3?ed, or rainfol Periods. 25 H, " Whites too profuel PtTbxJs. 24 1?, " Croup. Ci'Sh, ;fSeult Ureathins. 25 II, " Salt Kheun, Erysipelas, B.cp'inne 58 16, " Salt Kheum, tryeitela.", Ernptl.of. 6 16, " Ttheumatism, ttheumatic Pains Co 17, " Piles. b';nd r blee-iinz frj 1 " Opthalrcy, and s ror weak Eyes. 6o 19, " Catarrb.a jute or chronla, Iuflienza 5o 20, " Whoopinc uonfcn. violent Uoagua o Jl " Asthma cppreanep BreatbinK bo 22 ' Ear DiJCharices. impilrd Iliarinj 5j 53 ' bcrofala. enlarge! QUnds, Spellings 6o 2 " General debility, Phrsicial Weakness 6o 25 " Dropsyf an scanty Secreik-oa So vS Sea-SicVnass, a.cksog from ndlnj 6o 27 ' Kidney-Disease, Grarel So 23 Kervoua Debility, SeminalHiaia- siori8 involuntary Discharges - l.no 1:9 Sore ilenth. Canker 6o BO Drinary Weakness, wetting bed 6o 31 " Paiiilul Periods, with Spasms bi 32 " Bufferings at change of life l,oo ?3 " Fpilepisy, Spavins, St. Vitns' Dhc l.oo 34 " Diphtheria, ulceratod Sore Throat FAMILY CASES. Of 35 lare vials, morocco caSc,containIna a specific for every ordinary clcscas . afaziiiiy Is sn5ject lo, ana aboQk.of dircclions, $10 OO mailer Famiy and Trareling "cases, wtth 20toi3 rials . $5 to $3 p ciacs iQr an x-nvare .ueasest cota fo CariDg scd for Preventave treatment. in viais and pocket cases, $2 to $5 I 1 ,". I J I urn M I J m .gnL w: V-.-.--: :. LL- : jif iiiii i-i-rr-iTnr'-F' - For Sale by 47-ly McCOMASfc Co.. Brownvilla Neb r M t -7- a a m s "c m D 31aln Street, BHOWNYILLE. 1 Dealers in Men and Boy'a IssM tdibJ vJ I ! I 1 -i ; v... J Eurni shing Goods "-- -"' '-'-L " -MTSTand Sim, T0TAlTiFsf0E5 G A E P E T - B A G S i i j . mj i , . i - . i. I,, . . in iwn uosinnY. Blankets and Umbrellas 1 Have just received and will keep cca stantly on hand a large aLd well assort ed stock cf tile ftbave, and all " other ar ticles in their line, which they offer to tie public at VERY LOW PRICES O 2TL LVJ rJt, !-v...vK -I J f At tho Bign of tha ig j3ed Stead. Is the place tobay FURNITUEE AXI) UPHOLSTRY!!! Leep coEtantlj on hand a complete assortxent iff pel faj, EedstaJ?, Beaureaui, Spring bedi, yhatXuts Wardrobes, Itov'kinir.Chairt, . Vaih SUndi Uit Racai, Chair , tables. Kitctin and' Parlcr, Mar- 6 bio tpd S tands LcunjjeF, Kitcbea and l'irlor Tabli MeUl'9 Cases, Lounge . - - . -"Tu '. Setrcos, Mattresses. KitcheD Safes, Plain Stinds; Iiockin- Ciibs, Bed SLricz. - r- - Tete-tcta Swint'ribs, Oilioe Chain, Coialort3, . Children's C.ibs and (iij?, Pianu Stoo!?, Teapoy Gilt anl no?ewr.od Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Piilow Slijs, eta., etc., etc, eta. Show Cases and ojice work made to order And anything and ererything required to get up pi i ia or fancy Loujokecricj. AH of their ware is either manaf.icf ar?J or pat up under their icial 3 aperioUn ience, which enable them sound artie!e3 at smaller prL'es thaa eastern taanufac.lutei goods. OJJlt HEABSE i0 0 AO o V is at tho serrice of the public at any tlina it may bo needed, ai d is gotten up in as fine stylo as any farther east. Eletalic Burial Cases, of all sizes ecntUnt! ca hand, at eastern price. We are doing business on strictly cash principle, At a unall protlt, an l by attention to business and the wants of the community, expect in tha futur as in the past to receive the patronage cf the pub lie generally. M'FALL & CO. Be. Kootai, B. W. rcaxat. BEN. ROGEHS, 6c CO., a. Liver)', Feed,ancl Sale Stablo, Main Street BROWN VII I.E. NEBRASKA. Dealer? in all kinds of Stock ILr??i Bc-oghtoM and Etc'aanjcJ. Stx.k boardei by the day or week." - . . ' The Proprietors have recently erected aa aatixsi new, largo and coiami-'dons Sttble on Msia Street near the oil Protnrilte Eoe. Their S?ok is all freih and Vehicles new. The pabiii can be accom modated at all hour'.day cr nizit. A StocV ccrTail with an abaniant suppl of pure wnteratachcd to the St3lle. 4l-lv TO THE LADIES. FOR OSE DOLLAR OXLY. WE are selling. SUU, Dry and Fmiy KouJi of every description, als. J"ar, Fttrniiwe, d e. V'naUe Vfsft, from S3 to SjOO, ient frtr of earj; t o agents ieniics eluba of tea and upwarJ. SBSa" -1 - Circulars eit i;.e ta anv n l irs. MKsr.vcrx a co 42 Hanover St. , HotJon, Jtiilt. r.O.SS221. L1-I3 5a