. - . v t ...... : ,0 : ui : f. :v !j v , 2 J ril "tb,k .. ,at L' oV us to rrr rc-cr.t ' r:I- iV. C i:j (.z 11.. t : J arty cf ( e L-".d tt d idate f r 1' t.-can if a to a can-r-'ecre- . r. ' t'LL r Iltwlcr cf Cos fte-.f, Ccrerr-T, .:at. iniitjr.Trt'.-rer. 3 i'n tary c Lb'-? :r. tr.l the kratcs tivs eial clr-rict will rc-inmate a cuiifcl'.e rcTrs. fcr L:.-t,-', t Attorney, for their refrtire dittrLts. TL-3 Cnreatioa will c-rtsizsda S LlTv-wg nichv !: a County-"5 Keirr.La cnjcty b Jv ec:f!.ii, Richard?-:.., J L r -on. I I 'aw: - e,(je, JrT'-r- ' ca, L "tlino ar,d Lui- rR?tT '"l Cie 8l1 JtlTtrsca J i a .... I f- a i!ce, V.r.:J Kearney f. z. .1 I . 8 V ;"a I 1 : .6 I V.-s.-lirptca ...... .-2 Ta..ir.trfoD L'crt-I Ilall.Uu'jaloiSIi-rrickl lJurt andCauiiig 1 Dakota 1 Lixon, Celar i.zi U- Kau q.n court I Do'e.CuEric. Stan ton Dakota, Dixon, Cedar, LTau'juicocrt 'and Pierce I Pawnee ...I Total 52 Otoe Lancaster Cut Cas?, Sarpy, Sannders Duller and iSewarl Facnicrs,Sewnrd ai J U II AT . Ha tie, Merrick, Hal!, I;ufr..lo, Learncy and Lincoln -I A Sute Central Committee is to La elected fcr tie coxir) carapaija, th ilace cf bol-Iing" the E?lt Slate Cocreniivn deina ted, the La:s cf re- rro.'c icn fjr succeeding State Cc:.vt:.tiens ip-ced tpon.and ether importiat Lufcliess will te Lrouht before the Convention. Kej utlcane, teed delegates, enl 1st to cae coun ty be c nrcpreser.tr1 i. St. A. D EiLCOiiBZ, Chairman. Osaba, Jan. rCth.lSCS. . Lcctarc en Education.. . Trtf. J. U. HcITeczic, cf tJie Stat Normal and Jaie O. B. Ilewett, cf Drownville, j urp"?o fpeakir.gon the faljectcf Eiucation at the fu'i.iwir r1ace. ' ' ir-U-Li tfcLool IIcuEe.TbcrEdByeveur S.April l";h. Tect:s:?tl, FiidaY CYCLir.j, April IT h. ' Le&triee, Saturday erenin,j, April ISlti. lllae Sj'ri'isr, Uonday evening , April 3iiu .1'awnee City, Tuesday evening, April 2 lit. Halcta, Vt'eiritsday eveniccr, April "2nd. Palls Ciy, Thursday cveniE,' April 3ri. Afpinwall, Friday tveniDj, April 24th. It is bcpcJ that the people will give theee gen- llemen a hearty reception at the points above men tioned. S. 1. MAJORS, Pres. Board Education tate Normal Scnool. 'JAflTIS S. ClirUCIJ, Editor. . e::o.'vVnville, tiilt.sday, ArniL 15, lses. The St. Louis Rcjmdiator Las suspen ded. Good. Th'a Ohio municipal elections show Repulhcaa gain;. ' M Col. II. Eaird ia tho delegate from Dakota county ta the State Conveutica. The Judicial election ia Vvisccnsia ca the Gth, resulted ia the choice'ef the Re pullicaa candidates. The astassinatioa of Hca.Thcs. D'Arcy McGce, rnernber cf the Canadiaa Parli ament, has created great excitement throughout that domain. The Democratic victory ia Connecticut is a "big thing." By this victory the Legislature -on joint ballot becomes P.e publican, which secures the electica cf a . Republican Senator in place of Dixoa. S. B. Pound is the delegate frcm Lan . canster county to the State Convention The. conventica passed a .resolution ia- Etructicg their delegates to vote for the recommendation Gov. Rutlery Sec. Kennard and Aud. Gillespij. Elmer S. Dundy of Fal'3 City was confirmed on the 9ih inst, by the United Str.es Senate as United States Distrist Judge fcr the State of Nebraska. Thus eiieth the great political etrife between eeveraKof our eminent jurists and their friends. . TI:c i(ci7 Common Council. The new city cfUcers were sworn into cfuce on last Monday evening. They are composed cf the solid men cf Erown ville, and we doubt net their administra tion cf municipal affairs for the comiDg .year will not enly reflect credit upon the city and the parly, but add materially to our prosperity. Their proceedings wjll be reported in the Advertiser fcr the term cf their cfUcial career. Prof. IIcKcnzie aild JuaC UerCtt. Iu another column will be found a no- lice cf a series of appointments for these gentlemen throughout the Nemaha Land mill. The proprietors contemplate bund District. It came to hand too late last ing a grist mill the coming year. This week for a notice at our hands. is within an easy days drive cf the State These gentlemen are imbued with the spirit cf progression, and they will lay before their hearers a few facts ia favor cf a mere universal education. The Prcfesscr is. cne cf the Editors cf the Advertiser, and we bespeak for him a ccrdial reception and a good audience. The Judge is an old resident cf Brown ville, and cne cf its leading men touching all that is moral, high tcned and refined, Either cf these gentlemen are author ized to receive subscriptions far the Ad' verlistr. We are now offering the Ad' tertiter until after the Presidential elec tion ia November next fcr SI. Irtrrtfi'?iAf Is progressing to the satisfactica cf the managers. The rulings cf the Senate l ava much disconcerted Stanberrv. end - . - - 4 w the vct3 ty wnica tnese rulings were passed included ia the affirmative Jchn- eon, Dixoa, Doclittle and Davis in fact was unanimous rave four Dsmocrats. Gen. Thcmaa's testimony, called by the defence was most damaging to the Pres ident. It is egreed by all parties that t-2 ruling cf the 11th will exclude the ctrcrgct part cf the counsel's oral testi- One cf the counsel expressed himself lhal it was equivalent to decid- the esse ccainit them. The 11th is rer;iricd as 1L3 i:.c:t important day cf the trial so far. Three cut cf four cf the Chief Justice'3 rulings were voted down ca the 12th. This simply indicates that tl.2 Genua docs net mean to let all the ccver:2tic3 cf the President ia us fr. --- fir.-. .wit was a full diU rati:n at the county c; nvcr:.ti:n s-va t ii all tL s 1 1th in t., ::l: .1 ts .del ? -'Ve prii. end f.ve perfcr.s v... j rates id the Slats cenvt:. full minutes cf the f : cenventicn. Tln ccuv: nicus. end the electica :.on vrr.u n:ariy unani nous. There v;as a dec.: 'ii prefer er.ee fcr Gen. Grant fcr President, and fcr the re-electicn cf Gcr. Pjthr. In pri vate ccnversa'.ioawith the delegates they unanimously ezpressed a desire to work for the re-electi:a cf LIr. TipJca to the United States Senate, and to subordinate ell else to this iscuo. VTe were well plcastf with the spirit that perraded among all the delegates end the lobby members. It betoken? unity cf action, and unbounded confidence ia the success cf the party ia the coming campaign. ; ' . The Democratic cityconventica whi:h convened ia this city two weeks since passed a resclatica requesting their pro ceediegs printed in the Journal. Scon after we asked one cf the "hcai centres." cf the Democratic party why it was that! the Democracy supported tho Journal in preference to the Advertiser. The reply was that "if the Advertiser men would come to cur conventica, and hang around until tney coull get the minutes of our meeting, perhaps a resolution might have been passed to print :a the Advertiser also." In a few days after this the .Brown ville Precinct Republican Convention met and ths minutes were handed 10 the Advertiser for publication, and the local of the Advertiser furnisbed the Journal a copy thereof, whereupon the Journal discourses as follows : ; "We are ruder obligations to the local editorof the Adrertist? fcr a copy of the proceedings of the Republican Precinct convention ia Bruwnville. Vi e bad expected a copy from the Secretary of tho conTention, tot suppose they bad forgotten thit there are two Republican pipers in Nemaha coun ty. All ve want is fair play; and if w don't Lave it we will ruake a fuss.' Now, we have this to say in behalf of the Secretary cf the Republican meeting and to thi Journal men : If the Journal men had taken the same pains to obtain the minutes of the Republican convention as they did those of the Democratic con vention, they could have been obtained as easily. 1 Saline" Connix. This county is west of Gage and Lan caster counties. It is watered by the Big Blue river and its tributaries, the largett cf which is the Turkey Creek, which rises ia the nor.th western part of the county. The settlements in Saline county may be said to Ee cn the frontier; still there are a few settlers cow and then to be found much further west than they. The lands in this county are beiDg taker; by actual settlers for homesteads. For a new ccunty the political ground is being sharply contested.'Demecrats hold ing most cf the offices by sufFerence. There is much uncertainty as to which point will get and retain the hener cf being the county seat. At the present lime Swan City holds the stakes, and may for all time to come. So say many, if not all the one hundred people who now re side there.. If net, it will not' be for the want cf an effort cn their part. '. .Swan City Is situated -in the Eouth eastern portion of the county, at the con fluence cf Turkey and Swan creeks. There is a store here well stocked with goods. Hurlburt & Mack have a. good water power saw mill here. The dam i3 on the Turkey Creek, just below the mouth cf Swan Creek. They have ten feet head of water, which backs the water up either creek about three miles, but not out of their banks. There is sufficient water the year round to run other machinery beside the saw and grist Capitol, and one of their greatest wants is increased mail facilities. It takes the pcst cnice department some time to real ize that there can be settlers so far west, and longer to comprehend their wants, 1 - and a furiner indefinite space of time before they arrange to supply their wants. We suppose after the census of 1870 shall have been taken, compiled and published, the three Congressmen and two Senators from Nebraska will be an I v. . J fc ...... cent distances" called Washington and its to rnprpr" fr thnt ntv rr "ipn'-tnin. U. S. officials. May the ' time spei rapidly, end end the anxieties cf the frcntiermen. Our course for to-morrow lays in south western direction, to Big Sandy ia Jcne3 county, a distance cf thirty-five miles Congress has passed an act approved March 12th, authorizing fifty additiona clerks, to expedite the payment cf eoI dier's bounties. Dr. A. S. Stewart, cf Pawnee Citv was elected a delegate to the State Con vention by the Republicans cf Pawnee ccunty. The Florida Indians have declared war cn the United Stales, and have burned cne white man at the stake. An insurrection is ia full blast ia Mex ico. A big tattle i3 imminent. Tho revolt is led by Gen. Martinez, - Rev. Geo. C. Belts, cf Plat'.smcuth, bis been, transferred to Omaha. T:rn"icT.'t iv riitt'mcctatas electel htr entire Kepntl;:a tic: it, tax Street Cexalcstr. . LaS year it Tras mixed. There arc jet rear'j tw toimsli'rs cf putljo la. 1 in Ca;2 Doact. FCTere 1 rilstorn t ". lie I C: l;:t i t'r.ft -rpn but,', "ol eo '; -dp 1- re ra r3- rcr v I fcr tl-J U. P. I-. ItrJ i:hin Iwec : cf the real, will ber.itjrod tz scf.Um .1 on the 7th cf May. We lern froa S. S. Sogers, Esq., SheriT cf Johnston ccun'y, of the euicide of Mr. Stevens, of that county, oa Tuteday of this week. Mr. Ste vens lost an eje last f.-i'I, which baa cai?ei bin to fcaTe to. remain . in the bcua during the winter, and in bis confinement this together with other trestle k3 won-iei him until in a jit of menta.1 aberration, bo ended hU existence on Tuaa-' day ly hanging-, liis greatest fear seemed to bo that he would L-econe eo poor E3 to be dependent upon charity for living, and to avoid such an event, which it seen; was only a hallucination of bii mind, be perpetrated tk'3 cark deed. Prc. List Gf Taxable Incomes. The fellowing list of taxabU icconses is furnished os ty the gontlemanly Assistant Assessor, S. P. Tuttle, whoso cEce it in tbi city i Alcrhcr L. , Arsr-) .i.-SSSO lirooko, J. K 'aleia 135 1,575 5.220 1,775 1,820 1,314 1.5C0 1 ,200 1,200 7,33.1 1,110 1.2-0 1,430 1.2C 0 313 2.070 3,804 1,.V7 1,SCS 1,910 1.215 4,917 5,300 1,21)7 2, 'J SI 2,124 1,2'J 4 1,700 1,500 1,500 1.300 2 231 2.1S0 2,0 S3 1,372 1,500 1,507 l.SOO 2,233 2,491) 1,910 1,070 2.333 l,C3l 2,100 1,165 1,500 1.2C0 2,0 Cd 3,270 Brady, J. T..--. Pawnee City. Hut er, David Pawnee City.' Bi&kely, Nathan.. Beatrice. Baughn.J.D Pawnee City-. Colo Je.cs?, Adr3...'Browavjlle" Curti s II PawBce City.' Cody M. II Pawnee Ci ty Cody O. W-Pawnee City- Carson John L Prownville.. .... Clark V. S .Nemaha City Erismia Ilenry Browcville Fi-slds Wm lirowtvillo ra$nir. A. J Vesta --. . IVvler W. F Pawnee City Hoover Wm Erownrille. Hirir.3 Andrew. Brownville..- lloit John W Falls City..... Higging Thomas BrownTilla...' ILe vcr J. D. ' Nemaha City-.'.. Homewood George Browtville.... Hoover J. p.... ..Nriiiaha C ity llallem Thos. S Glen Piock lloadly Luther Browcvillo-. i Irvine Franois -Peru.. Lianr.ln J. C - Selena. Lewis W.D Rrownville. Maddox Wm. M Falls City... McPhersoa Cha8.-Ero wnviUo Pea vy John. .-Pawnta City. Presson J. P.. '. ... ..Tecumsch.. RobinEcn L. !) BrowBviile. Riehisca A. J Peru Reyno'cs J. A Ritter A. J. Brownville. St. Doroin 1 . . . . . Reavis Lha:n- Falls City Falls City .. ....Peru Brownville Tecumseh- Reavia Daniel ...... Rubbins Thos. J Roy Joseph ...... Rhodes Herman. Rainey It.T--.. ... Brownville Skeen T. B.. Brownville. Stewart A. S'Pawnce" City'-... Tisdeil F. A Browntilb Ticgla II. B Tecumreh - Weisocreder Ed Afpinwall Wheeler C. W ' Brownvillo Woodruffs. II Tecntaseh. Ward S. L. F Tecumseh- Wilcox Eli. .....Brownville. Worthing Evan Brownville. TLc Stale Kormal Scliool. This institution of learning is situated in Peru, Nemaha county, about eight miles up the Missouri river from Brown ville, and has cow just closed its second term under the tutorship of Mr.''&'Mrs.' McKenzie. Miss M. S. Huntley ha3 taught the primary department, .and Mr. F. M. Williams ha3 taught the class in penmanship and. book keeping. ' The teachers are laboring under many diffi culties which are scmewhat discouraging but not insurmountable. . . Thi3 school needs a library, and more philosophical apparatca. It shculd be provided with an endowmeut sufficient to relieve it of all embarrassment in a financial point of view. Prof. McKenzie i3 the nht man in the right place : and if the State secures to him cn adequate support, the whole bent and power cf his ripe experience will be at the disposal of the school ; and we doubt not that the next Legislature will place this institu tion above want. It should be" made a credit to the Slate. Good schools are our greatest necessity. Governments, by long practice, pay without thought or much comment , large sums , to punish criminals, but count the dollars and cents with some amazement at the extrava gance cf the times which are paid out to educate her population in useful pursuits Whea the child is so educated as to enable him to transact the business -of ife, you have removed from him the temptation, to commit crime, lie can then gain, without risk to his' character or his liberty, what under other circum stances he c-juld have reached only through theft or deception. The organ ization of society then is such that the Government must appropriate either argely from its treasury to punish crim inals, or a less but still generous svpi to banish the necessity from winch nearly all criminals attribute their downfall. And this State Normal School is but a small beginning oa the part of the Slate in the more economical and enno bling policy, and all true educators should see to it that she lakes no backward step. Lafayette Precinct Hcctlng. Lafayette, April 4ih, 1S6S. Editor Advertiser: Herewith I" send you & copy of the proceedings cf a meet ing held ia this precinct oa date as above. .' 1 Pursuant to call the ' citizens of this precinct met at the hbuse of Hon. C. F. Haywood, and on motion, David Wilkey was called to the Chair and R. V. Black was chosen Secretary. The object of the meeting was then briefly stated by Hon. C r . nay wood. On motion, the following named per sons were duly elected delegates to the County .Convention at Brownville : David Wilkey, Jonathan Higgins, . F. W right, C. F.' Haywood and Charles Blodget. ' -.-" On motion, if any of the delegates fail to attend tho County Convention, the ballance are instructed to cast the entire vote cf the precinct. 1 On moiicn, the delegates are instructed tc vote for U. S. Grant for President and T. W. Tipton for Vice-President. On motion, the delegates are instructed to vets for David Butler fcr Governcr cf the State of Nebraska. - Oa motion the Secretary was instruct ed to send a copy of these proceedings to the Advertiser and Journal for publica tioa. i f R. V. BLACK, Sec'y. ? r t County Ccimntlc:. . In pursuance cf a call mads by the republican O T.tral Committee, a Dele cate County Convention coavjn" ! at IL-ownville, "Nebraska, April 11th, 1SCS. . On notion, JarvisS. Church was called to ths Chair and Ceo, W. Fairtrjihsr wca -chena Secretary. On r;. st ion the Chair appointed the following : committee i on credentials : Messrs. Hay-rood,, Morgan, Sanders, Start and Stewart,' On-.mctic3f the Chair appointed the following committee of resolutions: Messrs. Rich, Hewett,. .Majors, Larkins. Reed and Crow. - On motion, the Chair appointed the following committee to appoint County Central Committee: Messrs.. Barns, Coleman and Stewart. . . Oa motion, DeForrest Porter was re quested to address the Convention while the Committee were absent. The Chair then Introduced Mr. Porter, who made a stirring sp"cachrwhich"vas frequently applauded.., " . . . The committee on Credentials reported as followows, to-wit: ' ' ' ' ' Mr. Chairman, -your committee cn Credentials beg leave'io report that they find the following named persons entitled to seats in thi'3 convention : " From Brownville Precinct J. S.-C'riurch, C. W. Wheeler. II. 0. Minick, , -H. L. Mathews, H. M. Rich, ' O.B. Hewett, D. II. Ellis, Geo. Crow, T. R. Sykes, J. W. Colemin, G. W. Fairhrother, . Conrad Sohrincr, W. Penny, J. II. Morriion, -II. M. Atkinson, W. Bryant, A. W. Jlorgan, G. W. Dorsoy, John hirain. A. P. Cogswell, ..... From Peru Precinct Henry Denaian, D.C.Cole, Henry Roberts, Moses Thompson, ' John Rich ardsoD, : . . - J. F. Neal, Thomas Robins, T. J. Majors, v . u. Uinsgow, J'. Vi . fciraw. J. P. liuidiek, y From Nemaha City Precinct . J. Drain, Jerome Hoover, John Barnes, - . .. Joha Piall, : , . ,' John b. Jhnick, . From St. Deroin PreciDct- Daniel Fraker, T. J. Prouty, Z.P.Thornton, J.F.Cooper, . A.J. Ritter, . . ; . From AspinTall Precinct .. W. II. Larkin.-, . . ( Geo. G, Start,, Isaaa Vaiidoventer, Thomas Higgins, V . JL. blagel, J . K. Larkins, Geo. V. Gulp, , From Glen Rock Precinct Wm. Raed, Frank Ited fern, Jacob Graham, , Wymaa Kent, , ,t John Ashley, ' ; .1 From Lafayette Precinct - David Wilkey, .W.-F. Wrijzht. Jonathan Higins,; C. F. Cay wood. ' Charles Blcdget. From Bedford Precinct . R. A. Stewart, C.Tucker, .1 rom Benton Precinct- Henry Stiaeman, " Ilenry Polphui, from Washington Precinct L. C. Mathews, Ilermia Utecht, From Douglas Precinct No Credentials. - C F. HAYWOOD, Ch'n. -On motion, the report was .adopted.- . The following persons, as , a Central Committee, was reported, to-wit: .: ThoTras J. Mjors -Peru Henry Rcdfera. . Glen Rook R. V. Black .. -Lafayette Herman Utccht Washington Wesley Dundas -. Donz'as J. L. Carson Brownville James II. Drain Nemaha City H. M. Jones - Aspinwa'.l A.J. Ritter St. Deroin - Bedford Henry btineman Benton On motion, the report was adjpted. The following letter was read to the convention by Judge Fairbrother : FiLiJ City, Neb., April 11th. 1SC3. WJT. II. Il03VEil.,CTA'j C. C. Ntmaa Co Dear : He hope you will take steps, for calling a District Convention for tho parp-sa of nominating a a.at irom our senatorial District, as we cannot consent to ttio action of Johnson County in the matter. W are will inz Johnson Connty shall have the float, but it w due us that we should have a Toio9 in the selection . . W. II. JIADDOX, . ' . Ch'a Cen. Com. Richardson Ce. It was then explained to the conven- that at a meeting of the citizens of Rich ardson, Nemaha. and Johnson Counties, it was agreed lhat Johnson County might select the Delegate for: this Senatorial District, and that ihe two other counties would ratify their action ; whereupon a mction was made and passed, that this convention do . ratify the action of the convention of Johnson County in the premises. v; : The Committee on Resolutions report ed the following, which were adopted by the Convention: Retolted.' That we approve of the Consressional plan of Reconstruction ; of the action of the Hour:e of hepresentauves in impeching the President of the United States of high crime and misdemeanors in office; of the dignified, intelligent and patriotic course purjaed by ou r Senatorial and Congressional Ue.egation wbo represent the btata of ISebrrsKi in the National Congress : and t( the administrative ability cf our State official, and that we believe. they, in the discharge of their duties as oScerS and as representatives of tho people, have all been ac tuated by a desire to promota the best mterests of tne country, the nauoa and the party they repre sent. liesolxtd, That wo look forward to the action of the Chicago National Republican Convention with a deep and an abiding interest, confidently expect ing tae arsemo.od .wisdom of the party and the Nation to survey the whole political fiald, and in a spirit of justiea select for us such nationalstandard beirers as the Nation may confidently expect will administer the Government in the interest of liber ty, loyalty aud tho expressed will of the people. f On moiion, the ccnveniion recommend ed the nomination and election of Gov ernor Butler. ; ' ' On motion, the convention proceeded to the election of delegates to the State convention. On motion the five persons who shall receive a majority of all the votes cast, shall be declared to be the delegate's elected. - - Resolved, That each delegate ia this convention is authorized to ' cast a ballot containing five names as aeiegaies to tne &tate Gonvention. . On motion, the Chair appointed C. F. Hay wood and A. W. Morgan a3 tellers The convention ihen proceeded. to the election cf delegates to the Slate conven tion. Jarvis S. Church, Thos. J. Majors, George Crow. J. R. Larkins and William Reed received a majority of ail the votes cast and were duly declared to be elected. On motion, the' following alternates were elected : Jonathan Hiins, Dan iel Fraker, Jno. L. Carsaa, J. S. Min- lck, and D. C. Cole. Oa motion" it was duly declared that thi3 convention is ia favor cf General Grant for President. . Oa motion, the convention adjourned. J. S. CHURCH, Ch'n. G. W. Fa 1RDROTHER. &ec y. GEO. G. STAET. A. A. START GZO. O. GTAP.T Cl BROTHEIl '. Dealers InU kind3 of . GHAIII AiiD C'CUIJfRY F.102U2H, ASPmYALL, NEBRASKA. JjTbe fcisbest market price paid for anything the Farmer can raise. Vf a wilt fcry and sel' erery -.hlng kjiowa totie maiket. ' Tl2-ni-U - BY TEL EG It APR W N-WX-r ---- Eu'--.iTri zxra-iY rex TE3 adte-l-:::i. TBEY LATEST ! ri Vl 1 Kill-").' -i -t . Efr rn..n rf fiTifron 13 (J I u ii .. tjuii.jU At 1 Liiniu 2 k. ".-i-- Nzw; York, Feb. 15. A fearful acciden. occurred on the Erie railway to-day, involvir the lives of over one" hundred persons. Nothing reliable,yet received by thu associated press agency. t ' YASuiKCTo?r, Feb. 15. War Office was closed to day through respect for' President Lincoln. In ths-Senate to-day the sutject of allowing additional managers and coun sel to participating in the final argument, was again introduced. After considerable discussion the whole subject was indefi nitely postponed.' - ' . Everets said Stanberry wa3 not able to be present, yet wishing to avoid delay the counsel would proceed. - After docu mentary evidence to-day they hoped they ou!d proceed with oral testimony to morrow, ' Executive clerk of the Senate verified he message nominating Thomas Ewing Secretary of War, received February Curtis offered ihe message dated Feb ruary 24th, in response to the Senate resolution concerning the removal cf Stanton. Butler -objected.' Chicago, Feb. 15. ; - A heavy storm is prevailing east and south. - ' ' ' Washington, Feb. 15: Stanlon has written a letter to Sen ator Cameron in reference to a communi cation from the Governorand Republican members of the Pennsylvania Legisla ture, declining to be transferred to the Treasury department, declaring that no consideration can induce him to assume the dutie3 of the Treasury department, or remain in the War department longer than required for the appointment and confirmation of his successor.' . . New York, Feb. 15. : The Herald has a sensation special to the effect that a Radical conspiracy has been discovered on foot, ta extend the terra of the President's office .tea years, to strip the Supreme Court of power to pass upon the constitutionality cf the acts pf Congress, and to fleet Grant in doubt ful States by unlimited inflation of cur-' rency by national banks. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE U. S. Land Ofice, Erown7ille, Neb., April U'th, I6C3. . Incompliance with instructions from the Com missioner of t'r General Land OSi.-e, undsr date of March 27th, 1S68. notice is hereby given that in ao cordance with the act of Congress, approved March cta,li!3,tne secretary of the interior dir.:?eU the restoration to rr-emptioa and Hi mesteai Entry at the rate of two do:lar3 and fifty cents ($2.50.) per acre, an tee evca numbered sections heretofore withdrawn frcm market by direction cf the Secretary of tne Interior, under date of December 5th, 1S67. lying witiim the limit of twenty.five milaa cn each sida and along the line of the Union Paci Go. Rail road. - That oa and after Monday the ISth day of 31ay, IbbS, we wul be prepared to receive applica tions for Pra-emptionandlloinesteaJEatries of such even sections so restored to market ca that day at tae rate of J.tJ per acre. , idfc.NKY M. ATKINSON, . Register. ' JOHN L. CARSON, ' " Receiver. Adjourned Sale of LoU liDcolD, Kcbraslta. THB UNEEH3IQKED WIIiL OFFER For Sale at Public A uction, a t LiUvQia, 2 ebraska, at 10 a. m.. " Tuesday, June 9lh, 186S, about Three nundred Lots in said town, being thencm" ber unsold at tne time of the adjournment ol the sale last fall. Tne lots are appraised, and wi.il be sold to the h ighest cash bidder above the- appraisement. Lincoln 13 the Capital of Nebraska, and was founded by anthority of the Lepis'ature. It is situated in the most fertile region of Nebraska, and at a point apparently designed by nature to be.thajnnc-" tion o' cot lesi than four uf five trnok tines of railwar. It is adjacent to the mot valuable raliae region In the west, of which the capacity for immense! j pronuble workui)? has al ready been i atisf actorily tet ted About one th-usand lots were old at public Fale last fail, at prices whicn ran from 20 to GO pr cent, above the appraisement ; -and this spring, so rapid has been the settlement aud growth of lb. e town, aud so fair and certain its prospects, lots have soM sc cnd-hanrteit at prices from Three to Six nahdred percent, in advance of their cost. The State House, baildint? from the pro ceed oJ the salea latit fall, is opproacbiog completion It will ce ready for occupation by Septeinbei, at whi.h time the State Government wlil be removed to Lincoln. At ihe Jaue sale there wilt also be uGered a Secticn of School Land, adjoining the city, in tracts of a few acres each. DAVID BCTLER, - V . ' "t.P KKSVARI), Commissioners. 2S-9tud ' JOHN GILLKSflE, J 7E ARE NOW M ANTJFA CTTJRING, T f COJSXilCTlON W1TXI THE - STsLOUISSTAIIPIXG COIPT,- A -new liix cf TIN2ii:D-& POUSiiED W11QUG1TT I20N- suitable alike for "HOUSEHOLD nUfERS' OR Ci2ll USE. And take pleasure Jn calling the attention Ol SXove, Hardware ami general dealers to the many desirable qualities of this NEW' WARE, . not only as an article of trale, but cf UTILl Tf , combining as it does, NEATNESS, CON VENIENCE and LAJCOIt SAVING in the care of utensils that are in every day r?e, in the most Important of all IIOCSLIIOLIJ DE PARTMENTS. We desire and realist every housekeeper to Boe our TJ5A KETTLE.S, SAUCE PANS. DIPPETtS, DISH PANS. AVA!I BASINS, POLISHED FUY and S Ili W PANS, as Tve are sure thev baye oaly to be aen to be appreciated. . Maayof tiie articles are made entirely of on piece of wrotijrht iron which, durirp the pro cess of manuiiicture, receives several coat inpc3 of block tinj this leavea asorfice, whea finished, perfectly smooth, easily ker t clean and entirely protected ajrainst rn.st. ihe cost is but little more than commoa tiixvare, and every article will do tea times the eervice. : Tat shape enables us to pack the various sizes ia nests so as to ocsnpy but liule space, and being but ft Lttie heavier LiRi ticware, Via eost oftransportatioa is very small. At pre-. nt otir a.a?ortniont conii-ts in part cf Ie liettle-H, Cnir Kettles . - ilei fan's, J;, -ia i'asis, Mattre ' . . I'ans, 1Ih! lieUW, Fry tri, ILfwile-, 3Dlpper, tte.Tve. Yhj are cowprepnring a new Cats-'osru and Trioii Liot, and believe Stove and iUriware Dealers will find it to their latere G to send, for a copy f-eaca before purthaa eLie wieve. - Adire ! Uxcelsior 'Iniif actarirs Co.s' SoId bf ' SHELLENBARGER BRO'S, ' " " " "" Brownville, Ntb. Ylhjk-Mfxjv 1 m " ' 'I V I T""' VOVjI TLAXj COTTON. CRIED i GF.LEN FI1UIT3, GRAi:, T7COL. rpULTRY, ravAL stc: nors, g:n,33G, teatiiirs. iicip, rr.o VISIONS,' LARD OILS, TAILOT7, TORACCO; SEEDS, GAME, roRGiior sroLASSES, TO JOSIAH CAririlrTTSE, ener;U vb o m ni Iss I o n La ercli ant, 42 ITasIiIugfcn Street, NEW YOEK CITY. And receive his weekly Price Currant of Produce and Groceries the most complete Price Current publish ed in ihe United States. SEXD FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Carda Furnished Free. Liberal Advances made on Consignments Established, flay Ist.lSCa. First class Rcfcrer.ee given vhen required. MR3. EUNICE LEACH, UIS3 1IAKY A.SIXF30S LEACH & SIMPSON, Milliners & DresMakers Vrijh to infor o tha ladles of Prownville and vicinity that they has just ci.roraenced a first class MILLINERY. & DRESS-MAKING 3 CO IP "Where work will te doue with great car; and noat nes?,and after the latest Eastern styles. Bleaching and Repairing dose in the very latest atle and on short notic j. Latest st les of Ladie's and Cbildrsa s Hats and Bonnets constantly kept ot hind, al.-" litest pat terns of Ladies Dresses, Cloaks, anl Childrens clo thing cut on short notice Second- Street, between Main Si'Walei BR 0 1VJYVILLE, NEBRASKA. " F. A. TISDSLL, Jr. & Co., ' KfTP constantly on hand all kinds of AGRICULTURAL OLE'.'.IHTS! III y' . -A'-.r'A. ( ! 'p .... 1 - t.i ". w-it.' v'T- -... ...jV,,. . ' ...V !, J3VV SKINNER'S PP.EUIUM GANG PLOW, warranted th : moxt perfect Fiow tn l ie. . -WALKING AND RIDIN t CCI.Tl VAT0H3, SnOVKL AND STIRRING Pf)'.7.H. MOI.EI'.OARD XD ROD EKEAKIN'G PLOWd, WAGGiJN'3, REAPERS AND MOWERS, J. I. CASE & CO'3 THRESniNvJ MACHINES, W .Ml' ft 4 t-,V,t' r, V S T UDEBAKER WAGONS, 0 - - 1 . t I 1 " . ' . . " TTANt A?TD 'POWER CORN WAGGON THIilSLES, a g-jd sssorticent alwsyi'oa bsod, SAPH, I.-OORS AND PLIND3, all slzSi and kind. ' V.OOD AND IgON PCitPd, fANINO MILLS, ' arxl everything the Farmer wantj. Call and aee ua, cn 1st, tetween Sain gni itliZ'Ap, usowyriLLE, li;i.asaa. ' 1 U w . . 1 i ...--- i --f 1 -r v - r I'1 I i t i I I 1 I "I " Of f ; 1 ;i t ', ( ,. : J:) --..4 , HARD WARE,' STOVES' Tiy- HARDWARE, STOVE 7n? HARDWARE, STOVES 50,C:0 Mibs Fen:a Wire -.30,000 Miles Fcr-3 Vure 50,000 Mil3 Tenc3 Wire 'riTTSBURG'ino riTTSBURG iro:; PITTSBURG IRON Mechanic's To:V5). . Mechanic's Ti !?, Mechanic's Tools, ii..r ?- All CHARTER OAF Stp-i CHARTER OAK STOV-1 CHARTER OAK STo Canton Clipper rio-.v?,-Canton Clipper . Plows, .:' Canton Clipper PIoa, Sole Agent in Southern Nelrij and Atchiscn and H;ii co v,"P" CHAMPION REAPER fcM(T.vr- CHAMPION REAPER MO'-Yri CHAMPION REAPERS MoWr The Ben in tbVwa,',i The Be,: ia th- ft The Best iA ti;2 v,-;:? Besides a full assortment cf ever'1' kept in a first clui AND SOTO v' 13 Which will be soil a3 low. as LVi 1-.. 3J1 O K G A S H To all who favcr us with a call. PAIRBANKS' . SCALES, OP ill. tlSZ3. fairba:,t,s, gheiisleaf & co. 22 Laks Htreet, Chie?-). . 209 lrarket Street, St Lcnii. B5 CAREFTTL TO BCT 0LY T3I GSNTH1. Tellers la DRY GOODS, Groceries, HARDWARE Ladles Gent's aa Children's BOOTS SHOES, Qitcciistvare, GLASSWARE, an 1 3 Tr0'',Ti-"r"iT ' '. .' 1iq11i.uhu1uI 131 PIE" EN 13, F U R ! NOTIONS, CAEPETS, F--'ifn?, pfrhsp. the ' v.' coi:p!e'e i f i- ton-i e : .ci c rrtT e-i t . "WiK!oaTe ...r F.ct.ii pcrrh-ier wf( f tUe ili.onri Riv?r. N nr havin? (eca onM'-ne t. r extent i . tU" k or nir ('.d'lri?, tlaey ajerit t.e c-t.Jl ence arid p itronie of SHERIFF SALE ; - Notice 1 br?,y p'vei that cn 5atitrt-..tl of May, 13.-.v, t one o'c'-uk. P. M., of said li?' uffcr for na:e at p'iMic -ic:ion, at the fri.-at en'.r- f McPhersoa'a UaU, ia. Brownville, Nenjafc1 c'fjl Nebranlr (iit fcin the pince in wfnc tne W of tae D 'rtcl Court f.-r aid County tl Nau5." held; ttt ..iiiiwiiii deirije-i rel e-tte. Iits one a:id tw: ia eitioa 13, Twa C, Ear9 l Lf.t 3 "23 Lt2 " 35 N V nr " t If s l " . It It it n 11 1 u m ii 1 Ijt. 3, 4 and 5 N W cf S W tit KIT V. ! m & .m ft l Also a tract of ;aad corsmencinst at tae eeote- tion 25, Town 7. Range IS east, ai:d rinuxi 1- eat 6D Tii. tteiice 8-oti. f.nr rods tben J e " u - " " JU. Ail of the aid real estate beia? ntu,i:d ia of the naid real estate beia? itu,i:di3j Z nty, Nebr.k. and having teen takea w of Wm.n. Dentri4it on an eeca.ti i?ine District Court cf Nflni iha Comty. I,e!,rr,jlr, County, crty of V the restrict judgment r ...... . r . i renaereo in a can wseretu McGee, and George n irci i. r''-" rir'r c ins under the tirm nun cf Frsrer trA plaintiffs ; and S. A. Irjbam and Freick ib partner in business nrnier tue miw ,'y!'!:n, Inzbam tt Co. and Wm. II. Venmta are d'T , and in favor of aaid Plai jt:fT, asd to tjl;Oi Vcndi'ioni Expcna n t to me a.reeted as 5"e" tbe said Connty of Nemaha. . ft. Given nrider tny bind fits l " ?rl"!l'f 1S6S. ' - D4VIDSON PLASTESf S2JJ- Brownville April S.t, Ifi) iv--J ' - i . Stoaeware, LakeU, Tsbnoardi. Utrr AjD J O S E P ii LTas Ja?t receive! and will hicdalar-e and well selctedstock of r-BBl" ol-es ia is line. ' r '--v One Door u:est cf Grant's Store, ht f Vi,t, Nebraska. ; Woiu-iiH.-J j-l... i ewe.ry Uvae oa t- est Noi:c WORK W A R R A NTLL- . , . Ero-mville, Neo.. Mrrh 15;h. lSSJU- giSar Loaf yrup, Svaus, VTataral Leaf. Fine Cat, Crape 3 ax IN Tobacco. an iW XJh . J. K. BEAR, 'AGENT FOR Td s-4 , V . Mcrcliant's Ucion Express Co-r X7E3TE UN UITICII ZZL'ZZ 7-Xf - Cact la M'r-ersca'l Blxk, 14 Zxt, KM 22 it :0 5. . i ' . ,.,";5 f . CM i ',YA- i ta'J a to t IIS- pes. faU a.c wo: ct"1' 2 . ; 1 I Jill oa Taeo. '... C.j . cc: 133 It TV' :"ivev ; re . S3 ' tt S! WOfli FC Mar Sen f erec i pric loci I r at 1 ' tb La l ) rx or. tb ai sr P b