Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 02, 1868, Image 2

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Call for Republican County Con
vcutloc. A r.blican .County Ccnvertion will beheld at
rvuvii'.e on Saturday, April 11th, 1S6S, at 12
o'clock, M, to elect fire Delegates to represent Ne
. Ccutty In the Uepullican State Convention
t.-kteLe'.d&t Nebraska City on the 22th diy of
Apnl to do each other business as miy be
cf interest to the party .in this county. The Re
j ub'.iiias of each precinct in the County are re-cctil'-i
to hild meeting on the 4th of April to
c'lft Dc'.e-it'-s to attend sail County Convention.
tfcth jrtmct it entitled to Iho Lumber of dtlo-
jl'.c3 a.5 fc.Iows, tiz:
lera 11 G!cnRoclt 5
"Lr'Tctt3 5 ViaLjDcton 2
. lk-c::: 3 I'.rownvi.le 20
City 5 A-'f inwall ....... . 7
St. i'ercln 5 Bedford 2
cr.uicrtia made frra the vote
fT C cm err: I'.r, st the October election of 1?CG
tat bt;- t -e lit tirktly p-rty vote given in this'.t. tte';T!tu'fOia fail auenoance at iae
C'V.e'-ticn, a:.i tbat etery jrecmct will te fully
The C-tr-ca'.tee ctaimcus'.y adepted the follow
I refd'-'.-.-n :
V. e, tbe CecirVi C:tns"tt of Nemaha county,
in re:cx:ae; i to all ilerublicar-S to lay aside all
J etI-.-ir.-s esi 1-oaI prejudices, and come up as one
tar. to the rr.:?i support of Republican, ard Re-
pcc.icai y riri-ifisj, rejsralcM ol ail s;ae u?ues
aui !-:al iutcrci, and we j ledge curseirej to la
tvr fcr U-r e'Cccaplishairnt of this eni.
Commit too
O. TT. FaiEBKCinrB, Secretary.
llcpal)llcan State CQtcnUcru
A Ftate Convention will be bold at Nebraska
C ity on Wcdre sday , A I ril If t h ,1 eo$, at 12 o'clock
II., to elect iUle-atcs to represent tbe Republican
T-arty tf lutraika at the Netionul Convention to
be LelJ at Chiengo, M?y 20th, text. Also, a can
didate for Mettber of Con press, Governor, Secre
tary of State, Auditor. Treasurer, 3 Presidential
Electors, and tbe delegates present from each judi
cial dittrlet will nominate a t citable person for
Di'ri:t Attorney, for their respective distcts.
The C. nven'.ioa will bs orcaiixsda as follows:
IVubarisca County. --S
Saline, Lincoln and
Kearney I
Sarpy 2
Donr'.as 8
DoJge I
Platte I
Washington ..2
Washington arl Curt-1
na'J.BufTaloi Merrick I
Bert and Curtice; 1
Dakota 1
Dixon, Cedar and L-
Eau qui court I
Dodge. Cumirj g. Stan
ton DaVrta, Dixon,
Ceiar, L'Eauuicourt
and Pierce I
l'awcee - I
Total. 12
tn".ri c-"UTty
ICexiha, Richardson,
as! J tn-on I
rawnre.Giei. .'eder-
ron, a:
:d Lan-
Gae and J f erson
Gas?, Sarpy, Saun'crs
Butler and Seward---I
Sannicr,Seward and
Butlar 1
Platte, JVnick.nall,
Bafalo. Kearney and
Lincol a 1
A State Central Committee is to be elected fjr
the comic campaign, the rlace of ho'.d:r.T the
nXt State Convention desijrna ted, the basis of re
presentation for eaiieedicg Slate CcnverJirs
a,;r?od upon, an! other imp rtint busLiesa will be
trought before the Convention.
P.i'j.ub'cans, send delegate, tzi Ietro cae coria
ty be unrepresented.
St. A. D.BaiXCISZ,
Omaha, Jan. 20th, lc53.
A Rare Chance
FOR H ANT F A CT C RE RS cf Fannies Iap'.e
"ment5, N'crrery Men, Sewirg Machine Merchants,
Bock Venders, Merchants, Lawyers, Doctors, and
all Tenders of wirea and merchandise, to advertise.
We tare contracted to and will i?ru cne
thousand copies cf the Frecnium Lhi of the next
Kemaha County Agricultural Fair, in Pamphlet
form, tote distributed among the fanners cf this
axd adjoiniij counties. Under the contract we
are entitled to a few pages for advertisers, xricli
we ofer en the following terms. For one p-age cf
4 by 7 inches square $15. For one half of a page
S. . For ene-fourthef a page 55. All advemse-
xnenta mutt be in by the 20th of Jpnl next. I
TO Republicans I
A Precinct Conveniion will be held at
tha usual place cf voting in every pre-
cinct in this county, cn next Saturday, to ofiicers cf this District, at a cost cf seme
elect the requisite number cf delegates money and much valuable time, to rem
to the Republican County Convention to edy all of which it is proposed to ask that
be held ia Brownville one week later,
Let all Republicans remember the time
end t lace.
The Convention cf Brownville Fre-
cinct will be held ia the court house at
cne o'clock. Let there be a full atten-
danc2. Business cf importance is to be
transacted. Such business shouid not be
. ... .
left fcr a few to attend to.
The Cltj Ticket.
We present this week the city ticket
which was nominated by the Republicans
in a full convention cn last Thursday
evening. It is a strong ticket, compris
ing cur best men. who have the best in-
terestscf the city at heart; and when
elected will do what thev conceive to be
Lest to rrsmaie the honer. health, enter-
erise and rrosoeritv cf our vounir and
r-r rhr Th RpmMir.n Clnh nr
' crrraris-ta rive them a clean maicritv
oT fifty votes over all competitors. This
uill be a rain cf about twentv over last
Tear. Republicans, now is the-lime to
register, and April Gih is the time to
rote. This is your first duly : all else
ehould be secondary to this. Remember,
that a falling off will be claimed as a
"reaction in public sentiment," and an
increase will mean " impeachment."
Let us giveno uncertain sound on Mon
day next.
The Kcraalia Land District.
Th9 observing traveler through this
district will note with evident interest
the hedge fence in all na stages of
growth, and ihe extended and extending
preparations to encircle quarter section
tfter quarter section cf uncultivated
prairie with ihe best of all live fence,
This is emphatically a prairie country,
and ihe climate of this latitude being so
favorable to lhe growth and durabiliy of
th.8 hedge plant, it disarms ihis State of
the great dread all northern and eastern
men have of settling on broad prairies,
miles from timber, when ihey are made
to feel lhat no timber is needed for fen'c-
ing. Three years enly sufikes to make
a gcod fence, and seventy-five cents is
estimated as the entire cost of each mA.
There is a gcod and substantial sus-
pEnsica bridge ever the Big Nemaha
river near Tecumseh, end the citizens of
this town g've the citizens cf Brownville
rjreat praise fcr the aid and assistance
i-ey ren-erea in its construction.
-.. i
Our course cow lay up Yankee Creek,
one cf ihe best timbered stream in the
Slate. We rass many a fine farm nnd
much valuable land, oa our read to Ves
ta, which i3 situated on Yankee Creek,
about nine miles west cf Tecumseh, ca
eectioa thirty-one, in township five, range
ten. This town is surrounded by a good
agricultural aiid stock raising country.
The town site is a good one, and the
place must prosper. M. W. & R. Cook
have a large stock cf goods here, and they
supply the country north and west for
twenty miles, with such articles as are
demanded, as cheaply as at any other
point. We alsa noticed that the mill
yard belonging to A. J. Fassing was
well filled wiih good saw logs, which he
was fast convening into good lumber.
As this is tbe only saw mill between the
Nemaha river and the Big Blue river, it
evidently. must be a paying institution
All things considered Vesta has an air
of thrift and vigor which betokens enter
prise and progress. The people here
appreciate the good qualities of the Jld'
rtriiser, and many of them are our yearly
subscribers. They are an intelligent
and a reading people, and prefer to read
the paper that furnishes them the latest
After a brief stay and talk with the
citizens of Vesta, we nass on ud the
creek to Mr. Howabd's mill. We find
snuj Quarters wkh tbi3 cnlcrcrisinrr far -J
mer for the night; and here by cfance
learn that we are but a mile from Mr.
BErDicK's, whose lady known to us
seme twenty-four years ago as Misa Ju
lia Church, is a cherished cousin cf
ours, and must be visiied as soon after
day light the next mcrniDg as possible, as
the twenty mile prairie between U3 and
the town cf Beatrice must be passed be
fore nocn cf the morrow.
Beatrice Its rrospects, Mall Fa
cilities, Farming, dc.
Beatrice, Nebraska, )
March ID, 1SG3.
FJifsr ldv:riiser : For some time
past I have thought cf letting yea know
something of the wants cf this portion cf
cur growing State.
First and foremost we need inrreased
mail facilities. Business men here find
it next to impossible to reach Erovrnville
by letter inside cf one week by the most
expedition route, and if they are one
day late in mailing, then it is two weeks
before our mail reaches them. Now,
this is intolerable, and needs doctoring
from seme source. To whom are we to
apply. A tri-wcekly mail at least is
needed cn this route. We hope and
trust that t3 powers that be will soon
ccme to cur relief.
The lands in this District are now en
tered up to the Blue, cr nearly so, and
the business of the district will be from
,t . j
1 ..
west, l nose discing to nomesteaa ianas,
or enter the same, have to go to Brown-
viile and back, a distance of one hundred
and fifty miles, to communicate with the
the Land Office be removed from Brown-
ville to Beatrice. This will discommode
no one, and be of incalculable benefit to
the actual settler, who most universally
comes here poor and totally unable to
tramp to Brownviile to transact business
which we think could iust as weli be done
near ihe "seat of war." .,The interests
of the General Government, the interest
cf the actual settler, and the dictates cf
justice demand, as we think, its removal
Are the people of Brownville willing to
let it come ?
The Republicans of lhia county hold
their county convention the 11th day
APri1' fcr purpose of appointing del-
Z5 10 auena me preseniaure ana
Senatorial district conventions. The
C0UDlie3 of GaSe acd Jefferson compose
representative district, and held their
convention at Beatrice April llth, for
lbe Purrose cf pointing one delegate
10 lhe Slate Republican Convention
TIie Senatorial district is composed of. the
counties of Pawnee, Gage, Lancaster,
Jefferson and Saline, and will hold a
convention in Beatrice April lSth. for
lbe purpose cf electing a delegate to
represent the district in said State con
Our people patronize the press liber
ally. Most Republicans subscribe for
and take from two to five different papers
and our post master has just forwarded
the money for sixty odd Js'ew York
JPccAy Tribunes. We have a large list
of subscribers for the Press and for the
Advertiser as well.
Our merchants are doing a good bu
siness ; emigration is coming in and are
to be supplied with household goods, sta
pie articles, &c, so business begins o be
more lively. Stone is being taken from
the quarrys near this place for the State
Capitol. It is about fifty miles from the
quarry to ihe Capital, so the stone in ihe
wall must cost the State a large sura, bu
ihey are sure of a good article of stone
Small grain was generally sown in this
county in February, and I am told that
l lhe seed has sprouted, and much of it is
I urnr.d InnL-s well. A l.irrro hrondth of
land has been sown.
I I will endeavor to keep you posted ia
what transpires on lhe Blue lhe coming
summer, if this is acceptable to the pub
lie I an. cc.
Neniaiia Co. Teacher's Association.
The teachers cf Nemaha county met
in the chappel of the Brownville Semi
nary, on Saturday, March 2Sth, at ten
o'clock A. M., for the purpose of organ
izing a County Teacher's Association.
A temporary organization was effected
by choosing O. B. Hewitt Chairman,
and W. D. Blackbukx, Secretary; af
ter which a song entitled ".Marching
through Georgia" was sung by the
teachers present.
A draft of a constitution was then pre
sented by Prcf. J. M. McKeszie, which
was referred to a committee cf three,
consisting of O. B. Hewett, Thomas J.
Maj3bs and Miss Jexkie Ricuardsos,
who reported favoring the adoption of
the following
Art. 1. This Society 'shall be knowa as "The
Xtrtaha County Tt.acher' Attociation."
ART. 2. The officers shall consist of a Presid ent,
Vice-President, ttcretary, Treasurer and an Exec
utire Committee of three.
Art. 3. It shall be the duty cf the President to
r reside at ail meetings of the Association, and per
form such ether duties as may devolve on such
Art. 4. It shall be tbe duties of the Vice-President
to perform the duties cf tbe President La Lis
Akt. 5. It shall be the duty of the Secre tary to
keen the records of the association, and conduct its
Ar.r. 6. It shI! be the duty of the Treasurer to
receive ail conies Icrrnging ta the association, and
piv it cut as directed by the same.
AiiT. 7. It sLa'l Lo the duty of tbe Executive
Ccr-mittJO to U5ii;n to the members cf tha Uisc;i
atioa thtir respective duties, and transact such
ether business of the association, between its re
speetive nie:lin5, as sLail Le deemed important for
its success.
Aet. S. Any person may become a member of
this csjciatiDn by si-cinjr. it3 constitute.
Act. 9. This constitution may be altered or
emended at tny rc-u'ar xretUn cf tee aiscciaticn.
Section' 1. The regular cr stated mect!r?s cf
this association shall be ca tha first Saturday of
each month, at such places &3 may bo determined
by tno aeciation at eacn aciournmcnt. j ron-
dtd, TLat the first regular meeting after this hail
be in May next.
Sec. 2. The President, with the edfiee and
consent of the Executive Committee, may call
special meetings at such iime and place as be may
see prcpsr.
The constitution and by-law3 were
cn motion, adopted.
After the signing of the constitution
by those present, the association pro
ceeded to elect permanent officers, which
resulted in the election of
Prcf. J. M. McKexzie, (Principle of
the Stale Normal School) President.
J. S. Schesck, Vice-President.
W. D. Blackcurn, Secretary.
Mrs. C. B. McKeszie, Treasury.
On motion, the President, Secretary
and Treasurer were elected as the Ex
ecutive Committee.
On motion, adjourned to meet at one
o'clock, P.M.
Association met and was called to
crder by Prcf. McKexzie in the Chair.
Minutes cf morning session read and
Prof. McKeszie then entertained the
association with an appropriate address,
after which he took charge cf the exer
ci;63, consisting of spelling, reading,
gymnastics, and questions ia mental ar
i'.hrnetic and grammar.
On motion, agreed to hold our next
meeting at reru, ana tne next succeea-
ir.? cne at London.
Oa mcticn, the Secretary was instrut-
ed to furnish a copy cf the proceedings
fcr publication in the BrcTiville Journal
anil i icrssacL Advertiser.
TIi3 Executive Committee then re
ported the following programme for the
next meeting :
O. B. Hewett Short Address,
W. D. Blackburn Essay or Address,
Miss Lottie Giles Select Reading,
Miss Jennie Richardson Twelve
Words for Spelling,
Mcses Thompson Es'say on Hab:t.
W. E. Majors Short Declamation and
three examples in Mental Arithmetic.
W. E. Dom.mgton Two Sentences in
False Syntax.
F. M. Williams Essay cn Duties cf
Yountr Men.
Miss Melissa Iluntly Essay cn
G rammer.
Miss Alio Myers Six Questions in
Mrs. C. B. Mckenzie Unties r.e-
Port- . . .
Miss Anna bwan lwo questions m
J. M. McKenzie Address.
Thos. Majors Essay oa Importance of
Political Education.
W. H. Wiaters Two Questions in
J. fy. Williams Two Questions on
Orthography. .
11." Roberts Study of History.
J. Snow Declamation.
D. H. Huffman Short Address.
. Miss Maggie Tinkhorn Sentences cf
Miss Almeda Bagley Questions cn
Sounds of Words.
Miss Carria Fisher Questions cn
About thirty teachers were pressnt
and signed our Constitution, a majority
of whom are new attending the State
Normal School. A general educational
feeling prevailed among the teachers.
uur organization is a penect success.
and promises lo add materially to the ed
ucational interests of Nemaha County.
On motion, adirurned to meet at Peru
on ihe first Saturday in May, when a
general attendance is pxpected.
The celebrated Tyng case gives cut
loud threatening? o? a serious schism in
the Episcopal church ia the United States
It is announced that fifty Episcopal cler
gymen met, immediately after Bishop
Potter had got through admonishing
young Tyng, and gave notice that they
would not submit lo the verdict of the
court or lhe discipline of the Bishop.
Among them were Dr. John Cotton
Smith, Dr; Dyer, Dr, Canfield, Dr.
Ridgely, and others of eminence for
learning and influence.
Drs. Smith and Dyer spoke with great
severity against ihe result of the case
The aspect of the matter cannot be at all
agreeable to tha communicants of that
Mr. Gear, the tJovenior'a private Secretary, is
The foundition of the Capi to! at Lincoln City
has been completed.
Gen. G. II. Dodge'a report at Chief Engineer of
the U. P. It. It., is out of press.
ras3euers down from Caiiha to the M. E.
Conference at Peru, come cn naif fare ticket
The Aeics reports that the Republicans of Ne
braska City are working in tbe utmost harmony.
The bridge controrersey has beea finally tettled
in favor cf Omaha. Train Table is the place of
Elmer S. Dundy has been appointed U. S. Dis
trict Judge, for Nebraska by the President, and cow
awaits confirmation.
Jeff. Davis is in attendance uponjle impeach
men t trial.
The President vetoed the bill to amend the J a
diclary Acs.
The Bill to regulate the Jndiciary Teioed by the
President bat been passed over the veto.
Tbe Lake is now openod at BuSalft; such an ear
ly opening of navigation has not occurred for many
The President has assigned Gen. Hanocck to the
Department of the Atlantic, with heiiciilers at
Tbadeua Stevens writes totheNewTori Trxhnt
favoring Gen. Grant for President, and B.F. Wado
fcr Vwe-Presidcnt.
The Methodist Church in America comprises
within iU organisation 1,144,753 ncrnbarj, 17,CC0
preachcrsvll,003 church buildings, 113 schools, a nd
20,000 students.
No State will be admitted without a ratification
cf iU constitution by the people. Neither House
will make Alabama an exception.
Senators are questioning the Presidents right to
create tho Department of the Atlantic, and think
the assign ment of Gen. Uancock there means trou
ble. His own ounscj are vexed at the step at this
"v7asmxGTOX, March 30: -Gen. Buttler com
menced bis opening speech before the court of Im
peachment at a quarter to one. He reviewd the
impeachment trials cf other countries in order to
show in the light of those precedantj what really
constitutes impeachable offences, ne defined im
peachable high crime or misdemeanors to be acts
overt in their nature or consequences', subversion of
some fundamental or essential principle of the Gov
ernmant, or highly prejudicial to the public inter
est, consisting of a violation of the constitution, of
law cf an "omtil oath, of duty or of abuse of dis
cretionary powers from improper motives, or for im
proper purposes. He referred to tbe impeachment
of Lord Dolby, in which the judgments was that the
Executire Administration was subordinate in ail
great matters of policy to the superintendence or
crontrol of the two non?es of Parliament. He said
the people thought their Representatives had joined
issues with the President as to bis riht to act as
he has. He discussed at some length the power of
removals, and gave the early opinions and practice
upon the subject, all of which were against the
President's position.
Mr. Butler cited further acts cf Congress in sup
port cf his position, and after stating the events of
February last, the romoval of Mr. Stanton and ap
pointment of Thomas, and the interview with Gen.
Emory. Ho concluded his argum;nt a3 follows :
Who docs not knowtbat from the hour the Presi
dent began bis usurpation of power, he everywhere
donounccd Congress, the legality and constitution
ality of its actions, and defied its legitimate power,
and for that purpose announced bis intention and
carried out his purpose as far as he was able, of re
moving every true man from office who sustained
the Congress cf the United States; and it is to
carry out this plan cf action that he claims the un
limited power of removal, for the illegal use of
which he stands before you this day. The respon
sibility is with you. The safegards of the Consti
tution, against usurpation, aro in your bands. The
House of Representatives has done ita duty. We
have presents! tbe facts in a constitutional man
ner, we have brought a criminal to your bar and
demanded judgment ai your hands for bis so great
crimes. Never again, if Andrew Johnson go quiet
and free this day, can the people of this or any
other country, by constitutional checks and guards,
stay the usurpations of an Executive power. I speak
therefore, not language of exaggeration, but the
words of truth and soberness, in saying that the fu
ture political welfare and liberties cf all met,
han trembling on tbe decision cf tbe hour.
Mr. Wilson then offered in evidence certifiel
copies of the oath of oSce of President Johnson, of
the appointment of Sccretaiy Stanton by Prcsi-
iient Lincoln, and of the ratificatien of said nom
ination, of Mr. Johnson's communication to the
Senate, as igning reasons for suspension of the
Secretary of War, after which the Com t adjourn
ed to. twelve to-morrow , and the Chief Justice va
cated the chair. The president, pro tern, called the
Senate to order. The report of the Committee cf
Cc-Jcrcaee cn the bill to relieTe certain manufae
turesfrora internal tax was taken up, and after
considerable debatc,greed to, whereupon the Sen
ate adjourned.
31. 31. E. A. L. U. R.
It will be seen by reference to the
biii published to-day, that there is now
full authority given for extending the
line cf railroad from West Quincy via
Canton, lo the Missouri river, at Brown
ville, and all. that is needed fer the sue
cess of this great, enterprise, is a mani
fet'aticriJef liberality on the fart cf the
people who are to be benefitted by the
prosecution cf the work. President
Davis visited Quincy last wsek, and
after consultation with leading men, it
was resolved to call a mass meeting on
Saturday next, for lhe purpose ol consid
ering tbe propriety of recomroeiding a
municipal subscription cT SlOO.rjOO, to
be expended on the first fifty-five miles
cf the road. We have no doubt that this
will be carried with very little opposition;
nud it is now time for Canton and la
Grange to lake hold of ihe matter i
earnest, and render all needful assistance.
We telieve LaGrange some time ago
premised, ihruugh its official head, to
grade and lie ihe road between thai point
and Wesi Quincy, and we hope lo see
lhat premise verified in early and effi
cient action. Canton having virtually
cancelled ihe bulk of her former bonds,
is now in a position lo renew her sub
scription, and we hope to see these once
rival towns join in an enterprise thai
will unite them in iron bands and carry
them boih forward in the path of true
progress, until iheir consolidated corpo
rations shall represent one cf ihe lead
ing cities of lhe western tvorid.
The train is coming, and already we
can hear lhe whistle cf the locomotive
preparatory to lhe welcome cry of the
conductor, "All aboard." Cardon (.Ifj.)
Press t March 21.
We learn lhat about 100 families from
one neighborhood ia Illinois intend set
Uia8 fa'Cg. County. Keb. ttu. Sptisg-.
Chicago, April 1.
The Republican gives a full report cf
the proceedings of the secret session of
lhe Senate. The discussion was as to
the powers of lhe Chief Justice, and was
participated in by most of the benators
Ferry held lhat the Chief Justice had
the right of Vice-President had a cast
ing vote in case of a tie ; but had no right
to decide law points.
Conklin thought he neither had a
right to vote cr to decide law points, or
other points except pomt3 of order.
Sherman offered a resolution that un
der the rules the Chief Justice had no
right to decide law points. That this
right is vested exclusively ia the Senate
Upon this resolution an interesting de
bate sprung up, in which a majority cf
the Senators engaged. There appeared
to be a great diversity of opinion among
benators on this question.
The Chief Justice made a very good
tempered personal explanation of his
views regarding his position while pre
siuiug over iue court ol lmpeacuiuuLii.
j: .i. . c t i .
He was of lhe opinion lhat he was
clothed with certain powers as Chief
Justice, even when presiding over the
Senate as a Court of Impeachment.
Williams,Bayard and several other Sen
ators, maintained that the position of the
Chief Justice was correct. The Consti
tution was so framed lhat the Senate
might have the benefit of the suggestion
of the highest law officer cf the Govern
mem ; bui he admitted he had no judicial
authority, only advisory powers. Great
difference cf opinion prevailed.
Henderson moved lo lay Sherman's
resolution on the table. Motion carried
He ihen moved an amendment to tbe
Senate rule, that ihe presiding office rule
on all questions of admisibility of evi
dence, unless some member ask lhat the
question be submitted to tb.3 Senate for
decision, which shall thsu be done.
Sumner offered an amendment, setting
forth that the Chief Justice was not in
fact a member cf the Court of Impeach
ment, and nad no right to vote upon
any question; upon which the ayes and
nays were called which resulted ayes 22
nay 3 2o.
The question then recurred on Hen
derson's motion, which carried 2-5 to 19
The question whether the Chief Jus
tice had a right to vote, will be again
resumed to morrow. There appears to
be a considerable feeling upon the sub
Some Senators think the action giving
the Chief Justice lhe powers he now has
under the 7th rule, will be reversed.
The court returned to the Senate
Chambers at 6-31, and announced the
result of deliberations, which produced a
shade of disappointment on the part cf
the Radicals. The action virtually sus
tains the views cf the Chief Justice.
The court immediately adiourned un
til to-mcrrov.
By Eld. Ira Moore, at bis residence, March 23th
John R. Hall and Locsa 2f. WaiTLOw.both of
this county.
By the same, on the same day, at the residence
of the brfde's father, William H. Mokkison and
Makt A. Hall, both of this county.
NOTICE isbereby Riven teat the undersigned, Sber
iff cf tbe coar.ty of 'cmb. State cf Netraska, t-y
virtue of an orJer cf .e, made by tbe Distrtt: 'Cour
of said county, t the last term thereo:, and da'.y cer-
ti2ed to rae by tie Clera of faid court, in tbe proceed
ir.js of attarhsjent in tbe case o Sanmels, Steinberg
& Co., vs. Siptaond Seeman, will, at lwo o'cixk P. H
on Thursday the 16th day of April, A. D 1S63, at tbe
More bose cf T. . Bedford & Co., cn-Main street, in
BrownviKe, in saii county, cfTer for fa'e at Tcbiic
auction tbe following goods and caatteis. tj it : 1
stock of Goods and. Mertl:aalie. "consisting cf pentle
men's FurclsbiD? Goods, ucb as Stuns. Flannels
Handkerchiefs. G loves. Boots, Sloes. 4tc, taken on at
tachsiect a. tbe property of tbe raid SuujoodSeernan
and raid tale will continue from day today, until aaid
givJs are sold.
Dated Ibis 1st day of April. 1S63-n27-2t
JfMice Is hereby ciren tbat en Satnrday the 6'.h dy
of Hay, 1S6S, at one o'clock. P. af., of said day, I wiil
offer for sale at public auction, at tbe front entrance
of JlcPUersoa's Hall, iff BrownTille, Xeaiaia County
Nebraska, (that beiai tbe place in wbicb tbe last term
of tee District Court for said County cf Xemaha w&s
heloJ the following described real e-tate. to-wit-
Lot rne and two in eectit n 10, Town 6. Rasge 15 East
A w ir u i CT " " " " '
Let 3 " 16 " 7 " "
It a " 35 w "
X W qr " 1 " 6 ' " "
Ixt3,4and5 " " ' ' '
X W qr cf S W qr 6 " "
WhalfcfsKqr " " " '
aim a tract of land com men ring at the center cf sec
tion 25, Town 7. Range 15 east, and rnnnmi then-
eat SO reds, ttenre south four rods, theoce wet so
rcci, thence nortn fonr rods to the place i f becirnics.
All of the said real estate bein? utaatei in Xeniaha
County, Xerrafka. and baring teen tzSen as lbe pn
crty of Wm. H. Denraan, on an execo.inTi issued oat of
tfce District Court of Xtnaba Couniy, Xeraska. on a
juJenjent rendered in a case wherein M m. Prasber,
James L. McGee, and Ge;rge Humon, partcera ia fcui-in:-ur,2er
tbe firm came t f Frascer and McGee, are
plaintiff ; ani S. A. Irgham and Frederick Inpbatn,
partner in bcsiness under tbe name and cyieor S, a.
InhaiuSc. Co. aa.t Wtu. H. Deaniaa are 2rf ea-iaals
aod in (.wot of said Plaintiffs, and to me Erected a
Given unier ny batnl tb: 2x Jar of April, A. D
1S63. t D4VirSOX PLAST2R5, t-ier l.
Brownrille April 2J, JSCS n,.C7-5t
Registrar's N" otice.
NOTICli i hereby given to the leea! voters of tte
City of Brownville in Xeniaba County acd State
of Xebraska, that the Registrar's cf voterj of Brown
ville Precinct, in said cornty, will be in Sesaioa on
Monday and Tuesday tb S0:h and 31st dv of March
ardoa dnes.Liy, tbe Istdvrtf April. 1S5H. tetwen
the houraof 9 o'clock, a.m.. and 5 o'clock P m., of
each day, at tbe Law 03ee t,f Tipton. Ut eit It Church,
to make op and revise the Lijt cf tbe Leial Voter of
said City for tbe Corporate Elect ten thereof to be be Id
on Monday tte 6ih day of April. IS&3. All persons
claiming to be :eal voters at sud election are then
and tbeie required to be regis-errd.
O B. lIKVrKTT. )
2- R. T. nCt.HE3,j ResitTr.
Election Proclamation.
N'OTICS i herefy aiven to the registered rotera if
lt Ciiyof Brownville, tbat aa election will beheld
' Se ns-al place of voting ia raid citv, ca tia fi-j
d April, a. D. 1SS, for lit election ox
4 55S530R,
rive 3 coirvTsioyzs.
ialbade.1jn Wi" eorara'n- tbe time
tM ty
Witness our fc4 Mtrrt Ut lssg
WS. H. MccA.I.1? 3 CHCRCn, Kayor.
. ,?I,ertn all iluJ f
S""" 4-"' t'itSI
A new line of
WAUE, suitable alite for
And take pleasure jn caliin? tte attention
ot Stove, Hardware an t jrt neral 'n :i1ers to the
many desirable qualities c t this NEW V'AUK,
not only as an article of tra-1-, lut of U 1 IL1
Tl". combining as it lirs, NEATNESS, CON
VENIENCE and LADOIi SAVING in the care
of utensils that are in every I;?y us?, in the
rmft important of aU HOOtilOLJ DE
PARTMENTS. We desire anl reiu?t every
bou-tkeeper to se; our TEA KETTLES,
PANS, as vre are sure Uiev have only to be
seen to ba appreciated.
Many of the articles are made entirely of one
piece of wrought iron which, during the pro
cess of mannlaoture, receives several coat
ings of bloci: tin; this leaves a surface, when
finished, perfectly smooth, easily kept clean
and entirely protected acrainst rut. The cost
Is but little more than common tinware, nJ
every article will do ten times the service.
The shape enables us to pack tiie various sizes
in nests so as to occupy but little t-pace. and
being but a littlij heavier tha i tinware, the
cost oftransport&tton is very small. At prea
cit onr assortment consists in p.-.rt of
Tea Kettles, Camp Kettle.
- Mrs Pan. Binh Ia. Kanee
Pans Dish Kettle, Fry Pant
Ijt! le, Klppens Ar.
We are now preparing a new Cataln-nie and
Price List, and LtfUeve Stove and Hardware
Dealers will find it to their interest to send
for a copy of-each before purchasing else
where. Address .
ExcelsiorIaniifacluring Co.,
Brownville, Nb.
i!i53MAKT A. SlilFaOS
frJilliners k Dress-Makers
Wiih to inform the ladies of Brownville and
vicinity that they has just commenced a Erst class
S jZZL 0
Where wars will bo aoue with great care and neat
ne;?,and alter the latest Eastern styles.
L!eachir.g and Repairing done in the very latest
stle and on short notice.
Latest stjles cf Ladie's and Children Rati and
Bonnets constantly kept on hand, al latest pat
terns of Ladies Dresses, Cioaas, and Caildrens clo
thins cut on short notice
Second Stieet. between Main Sc Water
S1IIII151 Ml
50,000 Miles Fence Wire,
50,000 Miles Fence Wire,
50,000 Miles Fence Wire,
Mechanic's Tools,
Mechanic's Tools,
Mechanic's Tools,
Canton Clipper Plow?,
Canlon Clipper Plows,
Canton Clipper Plows.
Sole Agent in Southern NelrasLa,
and Atchison and Holt co., Mo. fcr
The Best in the World.
The Besi in the World.
The Best in the World
Besides a full assortment of everything
kept in a first class
Which willle soli a3 low as the lowest
To all who favor us with a call. G-ly
WTholefale and Retail Dealer ia
- a
la cvaey Tariety, forEANO JLSD POWS3.
Rubber, Ilose and PacUIns,
Xo. IS Third Street, near Eusioul,
J"J-Oriiers eondted and promptly ni!4 at lwixi
WANTED. Ttachrn. Stcntt, and otter
intellirrr.t Krn mi wvmn - . ;
irjtSlOOto $0O per taensh. ac rd;ca to atility
Fc-r particulars aJiret ZEiGLER, McCCRDT i CO
U-nsbard Block, Ctcapo, III. ll-l-ly
Frarcls3. D. Hunr, Guardian of Georxe" In'tie Dia-
VI"-'S a abos, nr. I trict Cnrt
719 VX? cfporre s- ott Geo. f Co.Siate of
Por?caat to the order of a:d coirt. ii fcrh
plve to the nest cl kia of tie faiJ Ge-.rreS. Mot
alias George S. bia. ar.d to a:i peraoca imerei;ej ta
tbe esU;e of tfce fi J vard, to appear before ifc aaiil
curt, iu Brownviiie, ia waslj of Xemaaa, on the
wi Aj'rii, a. u. imi, ii one C'Cxt, F. if.,
tien and ttere to aow cae I. j licea aicaia cot
be f'aateito (be a:J Gr.ardiaa lo ii.e rel eirtte
of mlwirJ, to;t: Tbe north half cf So.
23, in township Xo. 4 noriti, in ranse 15 eat, aitsate
in county of Nemaha and Sia:e t Net.-aki, or
each a part cf aai4 Ual aa may te necessary fcr Ue
epport aiKl e.lacnoa vf ajj wrd.
fRASCia H. D. HUM, Goirdiaa cf
Geo. S. Kjtt, aijaa Geo. 3. Ebbs.
j-er Tipioa, ueveu . taarci, tis AU'ra.
jr choice ax icla cf Tea, go to
If. A. TISDEI.T. tT?55!
Ze?? tautastly oa haz3 u . . t "
"s .nr ,aj
WALKINU an'O Kini:.'irri.T;7i i
- t
1;'; I'. AV
fi i - . - !
WAGGOX TElilSLES, a Atwituicat i'rV
hizi, (
R ASH, D"?.3 AN'P T.TVDS, ail J-ei U liJ
nd tTtfT;i,i5, jve Tarter vi:H.
Cal aal nSf 3 tetxtin 3fa;a a:! Af.t
AkL;31T CP V,'Ar.ViNJ AND J ;-t;;;,- !( J
Yoxra Mex. AUo, D:-cr..s ar. 1 .v-;j
ptrmanently prostrate t''? Viul 1'. ;n. wuf
means ofrcliuf. :vr.t i'ree of Chire, ia h
letter nve:opj. A:j-- J.
January, 1st 1557. l-j 1
u sir Loaf Sjruj, Svr;.uC, 81 N..
ATatura! Leaf. Fine Cut, Gnre ""'" ;
IN .l
Mails, Pails, Well Bucket, ?eirr. 4-.
IN .-WAX A-1
, llomia ilial, IV u; e'. 'ir!'.' !
CAZAP cash sTcnr. j
.Main Sirrd btteeen FirJcr.l
ITTcbII ReJTCCtf-rj :if:rr tl.e -. '
BrownviUe, ani f urrraci'i;.: c"''7
jnstreceived ccj fall t tck oi J c.----
Of tbe latest stvlcs asl berf .U
calf DoaIs, d:uMe so!e 3 f t ' .
r.j chi!Jren3 U.-itsani Sb"-". .r . .'
dies' Doots asi Sa-.-es of tbe : " ; t
India Rubber and Br.fJ V:r "j
Groceries of Every
Wooden V7arc. t:s
Tt.9 ter. Ti,a Liier as Ter ?"" '
Of all kird. Who!e:-:e ztA..
MAKER Sczurelj t: r-n 1 f 7 .' j
orders filled prctnpuy cn c:
and reasonable terras. Call U'---
chasiDj er?ewherf. i
WHICH nROFFt?.5f''55-ui r
XU cf wiica tec-JTersat tie ? """
lamed not lo te usierioii. - NT I
LOCi: ! ! LOOS :
. - - I
$500,GO FOR - 'y
By ubcr;tisa: fw a ie".ti'sVr
omettiisg new and iatereti.'-;- i: ' f i
TJps and Dowas in Ciryi
Sctne-.Mn? for every U'lr to reid
character mac.ty tf Lii oi : i,t 't:I ' i
an i i ure to pltae every U-'r l . ..-- 'Jf ,
tains iiO p.k,;eA t S-e pnat, ml')"-
cuss. lti
$I2,O0O liaTC been 4pFr0P
to te siven away tj icbwr;!"- -
first Prize, WI .a
" 4iX f-0
Tbird Jfl.W
Foarta Sim.f-3
Tifia " 100 00 .
To ever Bjcisr cf txa? --'
book. acd'a:i tKis are put c? ''"'
1 " t
tier BJ af tiro j-a to t-S cse- ft
rajtr or fcooss O-- - , t4 1
S1.W. ra:fen bo- ii. 5- iO. rra..- '
Xrj.e, cn rece;?;4 vf irue A : . r j
A10.N r.r.Z. Al V.- f
..v r . 1 thr: 7
reaa aoaiceft ia B
7 i -
Vesa UjerKaiilis.CarrangSS-"