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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1868)
Qlwcxtisev. "JHNL CO LHAPP, EDITOR. BROWNVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCO 19,18S8. "TTFFFIEIiD & EATON. 124 Pine S t R VVlLLlAMS.M Chetinvt St,Ar. E. hre the author ied Agent in St. Louis Street and cor. 6th. for this rPr will atteud to making collections and purchas- laibe Oty St Louis. I WILLIAM HOXBY is cur authorize Agent to receive subscriptions for the AJoertiter in N'cma ta City Precinct. a TIawlet is our authorised Artat to receive ,nhscript" tor the Adeertitcr, t Cliitou. A Bare Chance i . - ; fOR MANUFACTURERS of Farming Imple ' peots, Nursery Men, Sewing Machine Merchants, Book Venders, Merchants, Lawyers, Doctors, and fcU Tenders of wares and merchandise, to advertise. : fe bare contracted to and will issue one ; thousand copies cf tLe Premium List of the next v.roaha County Agricultural Fair, in Pamphlet form, to be distributed among the farmers cf this j md "sdjiinii-g counties. Lnder the contract re entitled to a few pages for advertisers, whict offer on the folic icg terms. For one page ol i fc 7 inches square f 15. For one half of a pag a Fnr-V-ftortb. of a page 5. All advertise ments m ustcraty th 20th of April next. ' SCHOOL LlW. We bavo published, In pam phlet form, tor gratuitous distribution, to all inte ttttei the School Law of Nebraska. We bare oblubedMn this form for the greater convenience of the public. To be bad at this cfice or City Book Store. TISDEL bas Studebaker Wagons. BLISS has Dry Qak wood for sale. FOR Rxk Jiland Hows go to Den's. TLSDEL has Two Dorse Corn Planters. OSAGE ORANGE SEf'd at McCreery's. MUSLINS Full stock at Rainey A Lewis'. THE RIVER fell ore foot at Omaha yesterday DORSEY A BROi, keep a full stoch of Clothing. jjHOWVS Illinois Corn Planters forsale at Den's. ' FREH Garden Seeds and Onion Setts at Bliss'. STATIONARY, Blank Books.ctc., at McCreery's. . H . C. LETT, Land Agent, Brownville, Nebraska. TRE beet Tea Imported can be had at Swan A Bro's. FIELD and Garden Seeds, full stock and fresh, at McCreery's. TICKLES, Sauees, Currants, Raisins, etc., at Swan A Bro's. J0I1N DEERE'S genuine Molina Plows, ,00 at Tho. Hill A Co.'f. ONION SEED One bushel Large Red Weathers 'eld at Teare A Co's. OXE Dwelling IIoubc for sale cheap ; also, one to rent, at Bliss's P. G. Sore. - rtKIX BREAKING JiLQW-203 P. A U. Smith A Co.'s make at Theo. Hill A Co.'s. i niUNKERHOFF'S Corn Sheller the best in the -it -on baud and for sale at Wm. T. Den's. Tlif. REPUBLICAN CLUB READING ROOM - r. nuved t j Tipton, Ilewett A Church's law oEce. KUMi;US wi!l End it to their interest to stop .. . . .t r ;n. tt tLe Mar notel uncn tncy come 10 wmuiuw. TLAKL' A CO., have just received and opened up t pc' and .Wuiid lot of Lry Goods. Call and see 1 JOHN BF.-NT received a very large andchoice t f pee luirlei 'at Monday for his new house. P.VINTK. Oil. 'V-nishei, Drugs. Medicine and l.itijiTo. jq baiiJ aJ -roirg at McCreory'a. He k''pf I'jO liff't. IK jo.; w ant sp.ol arti"ie of Fitmi!y Flour. leave y -r fr iers at Bliifs'e P. rt. Flor-:, he knjti the Lett trah'i't. TilE K"'irrt J'.urunl is a new paper published lu tbii city y IJlacl-urn A U:l,to iuauco imn.i igratioii. The idea is a Jo-e. BOSTON CASE COLLARS, faced with wool ; sue 20 to 21 inches; price $6.01) each, at 23-3t Middliton'b. BUCKWHEAT Flour, Corn, Oats, Hay, Corn Meal, Bran, Shorts, Cob meal and Wood , for sal at ths P. O. Store. I AM prepared to do all kinds of Stone Mason work in this city or County. My work for individuals and the county is my reference. Tim McLArrt hmn. I XEED MONEY, and those owing me will con fsra great favor by paying immediately. 23-St J. W. Middleton. TIM MCLAUGHLIN hu purchased and is now fitting up for store room and offices the Blake build ing on the oorner of Main and 3d streets. FINE DELANES, Fine Prints, Fine Muslins and a truly fine stock of goods, in variety and abund ance just opened and for sale by J. L. McGoe A Co. X CHOICE Lot of Dried Fruits counting of Peaches, Blackberries, Cherries, Apple, Raspber ries, Dates, Peeled Peaches, e to., at Swan A Bro's. BIBLES A large lot of rplenlii Bibles have just been received from the American Bible Socie ty at the City Drug Store, their Depository for this county. JAMES nOUGAN, of St. Joseph, invites the trade of ibis section through our columns to-day. Call and see him when in St. Joseph, or tend your orders. BUILDING ROCK. Already we see numerous pHes of building rock piled up in different parts of our eity. We believe this season will eclipse the last in bui'.ding improvements. BRICK. We . lean that Henry Shaffer will eemmenoe making Brick at his yards in Middle' Brownville, so soon as the season will permit. Qe understands his business thorough! . TRADE during the past weak has been lively, pi ae than any spring within our recollection. with many others predict for Brownville a Ivger trade this season than any previous year. CASHMERE MUTTON. Col. Furnas placed ns Jader obligation during the past week for a leg of Mutton from a half blood Cashmere Buck. It was delicious meat as we ever ate, "tender and true." THE Land OSce in this eiiy has beon literally swarming with Homestead seekers , contestants and others during the past week. The figures for March loom up well, especially on Homesteads located , BAY FOR SALE. Persons desiring to buy Hay can procure it of the undersigned at his resi nce three miles west of this city on the Tecum Ka. U. O.MIN'CK., 1SC8. y-tf A BUSY isCENE was our Levee last Monday horning. The steamers Sunset, Jacob Sass atd ft. Joseph landirg, within a few hours of each .other, about thirty ton of freight for our merchants. RESOLVED, That the Republican Club of the pity of Brownville extend a cordial invitation to all Republicans while in the city to visit their Read tv? nl enjoy its privileges; and to meet with "Ktn when convenient. THEO. KILL A CO. have just received i Urge id varied stock of Dry Goods. They are deter ttiaed to ake this line of business their specialty . rfter, and to this en J select with great care W.'ouiy from rst hand. THE LAND OFFICE. - .nvinr the whole lower flooof the building jait vacated by Dorsey K 4; Bro'i Clothing Store, has been fitted np in a com- modiom and comfortable ityle. Register Atkinson will have things comfortable and neat. TO ADMINISTRATORS and Guardians of Ne maha County, Nebraska. You are requested -to come forward and make settlement as the law di rects and as the tenure of your bond requires ; by lo doing you will save cost of citation. A. W. MORGAN, Probate Judge. A. u. ilAli;LI is now prepared to furnish any thing in the Book, News or Periodical line. He has already a superior stock, yet, in a few days, will receive a large addition thereto. The City Book Store rent must be ad heard to its prices will con tinue. The "further notice" mentioned previous before is therefore given. RAINEY A LEWIS hare just received their New Goods. This stock selected with a view to the wants of this market, and purchased and paid for seme time previous to the recent great rise in Dry Goods, will ensure to the numerous cus tomers of this houso a glorious "chance to select choice goods at most readable rates. BROWN VILLE HI GLfl&IIOOL. We learn from the School Board that the Spring Term of the Brownville Union Digh School will commence on Monday, April 6lb, under the charge of Mr. J. E. Moore, as Principal. Mr. J. S. Schenk will have charge of the Grammar School Department, assist ed by Miss Mprey and Ml Johnston. jeettpoTatoes. the following vari- ties of Seed Potatoes for sale : Pure Peach Blow, Early Dover, Early June, Mercer, Fluke, Early Miller, Coppermine, Buckeye, White Peach Blow, Garnet Chili, Prince Albert, Cusco, Rusty Coat. Applv at too Furnas Farm near Brownville, or by mail to ISAAC BLACK, Brownville, Neb. March 12th, 1868. 21 3t A REGULAR MAN-OF-WAR has re:eptly ap peared in this city, at McFall A Co's Furniture. It is ns beautiful as a picture, wi:h masts , spars and rigging complete, as beautiful a specimen of work as we ever saw. The builder, Mr. McFall, is looking every day now for the arrival of the cannon and other fixtures to place it on a war footing, to cruise in the war against high prices for Furniture. J. E. CHA FFE, prpprietor of the Brownville Rectifying Establishment, is prepared to supply the demand, to any extent, for pure, unadulterated Liquors. Being thoroughly conversant with tho business and haying the latest and most approved apparatus, he can warrant what he sells as pure and true to the brand. Those buying Liquors will find it to their advantage to call on Mr. Chaffe. tf MILLINERY. Mrs. Schenck announces 'to the Ladies of Brownville that ebebas just received erh first stock of Millinery Goods. The latest styles of Hatjand Bonnets kept constantly on band. She also has the latest styles of Dress Trimming and a sett of Illustrated Patterns an 4 is prepared to do Dress Making. Ladies, please call and see. Shop front room over City Drug Store. 21-tf SOLD OUT. During the past week the Adeer titer firm sold to A. D. Marsh all its right, title and interest in the City Book Store, and all the appur tenance thereto belonging. The retireing firm take this opportunity of thanking the publio for liberal patronage, and, also, to recommend to their favor the in"coming man,"' the Pioneer News Deal er of this District, who will continue the business at our old stand. BUILDING. Wo notice several new buildings going up in different forts of the City. A. W. Mor gan has just erected a cottage on his property cor -ner of Nemaha'apd 3rd streets. R. W.Furnas is building a new stable in the rear of his residence. E. H. Wilcox is bas built a neat sizsd stable just north of the Star Hotel. Besides these many others are building and many are putting up new fencos or mending old preparatoy to gardeciog. MARRIED Col. IIixjian Rhodes, of Tecumseh, Nebraska, to Miss Jlta M. Maxlove, of Rush- ville, Schuylar county, 111, on the 5th inst. The Colonel is one of tho prinoipal merchants at Te cumseh, and is a real live business man. By this the greatest enterprise of his life, he has in3reased his opportunitiei for usefulness, and if we mistake not be will leave his mark upon the records of Jvhnson County. May prosperity attend them in their journej of life. PERU ITEMS. The Annual Conference of the M. E. Church of Nobraska will convene in this place, Thursday, April 2nd. Preparations will be made to accommodate all who may attend. The Bell for the Normal School is n its way from West Troy, N. Y., and is expected to arrive during the present week. The firm which bought out Messrs. Majors has just received a very heavy supply of new Goods, dui&tless the largest ever opened in this place. THE SUNSET, commanded by Cap. Emmons landed ber secor I cargo of up freight at our Levoe lastMondiy morning. This is a Brownville Boat owned, commanded and manned by Brownville men. The Captain reports an abundanoe of water and freight, and a good season for business. Wo shall be gird to accept the Captain's invitation to take a trip to S t. Joseph during the season. We hope our merchants a nd business men generally of Brown ville and the county, as well as the traveling pub lic, will patronise this boat. NEMAHA CITY ITEMS. Some rascal, with malice afore t nought and incendiary proclivities, on the evening of the 12th, set fire to a stack of hay adjoining the stables of Burrel Hoover near the Hotel. The fire was discovered abou t 9 o'clock and it was only through the utmost exertions on the part of the citiicnc, continued till late in the night, that further destruction than tho bay stack was pre vented. ' Some burgler entered the store of Johnson Hoover la?t Sunday tight, carrying off a little money and afewartiolcs cf cutlery and notions. A MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. We take pleasure in announcing that there wnl be a meeting of tbecitixens of this place aj Harmonia Halloa to-morrow riday evening. The object is to take steps on the part of our citixens, in con junction with the German Association, to organise an Emigrant Aid Society in this oounty. The sub ject is an important one to ns, and we hope the ci titans will generally turn oat. A meeting wai held at Harmonia Hall on Tuesday evening, which was attended dy a number of our prominent citi xens, and a general and lively interest manifested. SACRILTGIOUS and dasterdly is the ao t of defacing the beauty of a Cemetry. We learn that some person bas been cutting out the timber out of the streets which bound the cemetry an d bas broken the fence ia several places. We have also hpard many complaints about persons plucking off twigs from evergreens, flowers and shrubs, and in some instances plants have been pulled up by the roots and left to die. Such acts are punisnable by law with a severe penalty, and we are assured by several cf ourcitisens, whose privatejots have been greatly damaged by this wanton practice that it only remains for them to catch the perpetrators to make an example. ' " . SEEDS FOR DISTRIBUTION. While-ar Washicgton, tie past winter, I procured from tt Agricultural Department some Seeds for gratuitous distribution among the members of the Nemaha County Agricultural Society. They can be bad by calling at the store of Kob't Tears, A Co, Brown ville. It is not the i ntention of the Department to furnish individuals with a ttock of Garden and Field Seeds, but simp'y small supplies with which to experiment. It is hoped those desiring so to ex periment, will -all and get Seeds, and be careful to observe, preserve and report results to the Society. R. W. FURNAS, President Nemaha County Ag. Soc'y. ATTENTION G. A. R. POST KO. 1, NEMAHA " COCNTl ,NEB. Uemberi will meett Harmoni Elall, McPherson Block, Brownville, at I o clock, P. M., Thursday, March 19th. V.u.u&w 5.1 1, r. u. "W. A. Blackburn, P. A. ' " ' SIDEWALKS. Weare pleased ty note that Ab. Gates and Dr. ThurmutT have graded down the sidewalk in frontef their property on the north side of Main street. With a few exceptions this side of Main street is graded, and as Louis Hill and Evan Worthing have graded up their sidewalks on the south side , no ood reason exists for delaying the paving of the walks acq guttering the streets According to our City Charter the owners of a ma jority of the lets bordering on any street or alley, not lees than a block, may by petition to the City Council, have the said pavements, streets, or alleys, graded, paved and guttered. We hope the rosi dents along Main street will awake to the import anco of this work, and have it done this season. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BROWNVILLE RE PUBLICAN CLUB -Club met in regular session alonaay evening, ilarch 15, laba. J arris S. Church called to the Chair. On motion of A. W. Morgan it was expressed as the sense of theCIubthata Convention be called nd that a straight Republican ticket be nominated or the City Election to be held April 6th. tin motion of b. M. Kich it was ordered that a Convention to Nominate City Officers be called to raoet at the Law OSjo of Tipton, Hettt A Church the evening of March 25th. After the transaction of tbe business of the Club On motion adj-urned to meet at the said Law Office on the evening of March 26th. J. S. CHURCH, Chairman. J. L. poLHAPP, Sec. PERSONAL. During the past'week we haye received a friendly visit from Nathan Blakly, of iscatnee, wn o reports matters in that section in a flourishing condition. Hon. Lham Reaves, District Attorney for this Judicial District, and one of its leading lawyers, gave us a call. Capt. Carson and J. L. McGee returned to their homes in this city during the past week. Both have been rusticating in Pennsylvania, among fam iliar scenes, friends and relatives, and return with renewed zeal to build tip their adopted home, Ne braska. Rev. J. R. Hoag, of Rochelle, 111., dropped into our sanctum yesterday. He is still engaged in the noble enterprise of advertising this Land. District and securing for it settlers from among the true men of his acquaintance. Financial and Commercial. Financial. . March, lgth, 1868. Gold has declined 12 percent, during the past week. Governments are a fraction higher and more active. In financial circles there is a more confident feeling, the decline in the premium on gold in face of the impeachment proceedings having reassured tne more timid. Much has been said and written about the pub lic debt) jet few persons who have not given much study to its complicated movements have any dis tinct notion of the embarrassmentsand responsi bilities which its vast and nnweildy dimensions have imposed a t various critical times, and espe cially at the close of the war. The Financial Chronical gives the following comparative statement cf its condition, (1) as it stood at the close of the war; (2) six months later, and (3) on the 1st of February last: We find from the debt statement of 1st of April, 1S55, tho aggregate debt was 2,421 millions of which only 1,100 millions were funded into long bonds. Tbeunfunied debt was 1,323 millions. A glance at this aggregate shows three very troublefcroe classes of obligations. First there were" oto hundred and fourteen millions of audited accounts which had been suspended for want of means to pay them. The next item is 221 millions of temporary loan and certificates payable on call or after a hort interval. Besides these thcro were over 400 millions of other manufacturing claims. To meet tne accumulated demands we had no more than 56 millions of cash in the Treasury. The rev enue from customs duties was falling off, that from internal revenue was uncertain ; almost everybody was gifted with the spirit of prophecy, and was an ticipating a financial crash like that which followed the war of 1812,0!'ly tenfold worse, bcoau33 our credit system was now mre inflated, and ourpape: money frightfully depreciated and redundant. Such was the condition of tbe Treasury in the cpring cf 1865. A month ag", on tho first of February, the seven ' thirties outstanding wero only 215 millions, and the aggregate of the debt stood at 2,651 millions, of which 1,634 millions were funded. The unfun ded debt was reduced to 717 millions, the whole of which, with the exception of the greenbacks, the fractional currency aad the gold notes, are so ar ranged as to be readily funded. In scarcely any conceivable contingency can any part of the unfun ded debt cause embarrassment to tbe Treasury', unless, indeed, Mr. hhermtn should succeed in passing the singular measure on which, totwith standing its unpopularity and its mischievous char acter, be once more ventured to address the Senate on Thursday. To give a more perspicuous view of the move ments of the aebt since the close 6f the war, we have compiled the following table: ' March 31. '65. Aug. 31, '65..Feb. 1, '68. Millions of dollars. Millions. : Millijns. Funded debt -1.100 1,109 1,931 Unfunded debt 1,323 1,736 '717 Total 2.424 2,845 2,651 Cash in treasury 5tt 83 121 Suspended claims- 114 2 Temporary loan and certificates-v 224 192 29 CrRRENCY OrTSTAKDIXO. Greenbacks . 433 433' 355 Fractional currency- '24 23 32 Intcrst bearing note? 527 25,0 4 Total Government currency - ....... S84 710 434 Crow nTlIIc Markets, Flour Winter sack $7 00$9 00 - Spring sack." 5 00 5 50 Buckwheat fc '' 8 10 Meal bushel 65 75 Bacon Hams $ lb 15 17 Shoulders $ ft- 12 15 Sides lb---i I 15 Canned Lard $ lb 12 15 Golden Syruptf gal 1 50 2 00 Sugar House Molasses gal 1 19 1 2o Sugar-New York A. $ ft 18 20 Brown ft -r tr 1 18 Coffee-Java $ ft - Rioftt ' 27 33 Cheese N. Y. Factory ft ....' 25 30 - Country? ft-- Ijj ,20 Tea Imperial ft 2 50 Black $ if- ...'.... 1 t5 2 25 Young Hyson & ft-" v 2 25 2 50 Candles $ ft ...V..... 20 - 25 Apples Dried ft 2 15 Green bushel-., - 2 00 2 50 Dried Peaches V ft 18 20 Potatoes?? bushel--'' i 75 0J Coal Oil V gal 9A 100 Eggidoi 12 15 Butter J ft .. r..V. 25 35 Honey V ft " 25 30 Onions bushel ' 1 SO 2 00 44 Setsqt 10 J5 Beans? ft '8 10 Salt $ ft - 3 4 Picke.s ?doi-... 10 15 Lumber Cottonwood " 1000 20 09 25 00 Oak - 45 00 50 00 Walnut -45 00 50 00 Fine 45 00 85 00 Shingles Cottonwood 1000-.. 3 00 "3 00 Pine 9 00 9 00 Lath Cottonwood ? 1000 50 7 00 " Pine $ 1000 ...V... 8 50 V 00 Wood V cord 4 00 S 00 Hides Dry? ft i'. - ' 14 15 Green 5 6 SPECIAL NOTICES. Iilarriage and Celibacy. An Ess at op Warxinq axd Ixstrcctio: por Yoxco Men. " Also, Diseases and Abuses which permanently prostrate the Vital Powers, with sure means ofrelief. Sent Free of Charge, in sealed letter envelopes. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Par Jannary. 1st 1867. 1-y - - Natural Leaf, Fine Cat, Grape Juice and Navy Tobacco, at SWAJi A BRO'S. A DDBESS TO TH NERVOUS AND pgBlLTTAT- f m l n a w a naan nrmrin s arwdw hliiea causes, and whose cases require prompt treaU men to render existence desirable. It you are suffer ing or cava sneered from ii. voluntary discharf es. what effect does it produce upon yourg:saeri uoaun vo tah feel weak, debilitated, easily tired?. Dues alittle extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kitlneya. fre- quantly Ret out of order ? Is your urine svmetimes thick, milkv. r flockr. or is it ropy on-setting? Or does a thick scum rise to tbe top ? Or is a sediment at tbe bottom after it bas stood awhlre? Da you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels const! oated P Do you havo spells of aiming or rushes of blood to the bead? Is pour memory im paired? Is your mind constantly dwelling: upon this anbject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or are vo pou wisn io oe ien aioae, to get away from everybody? Does any. little thing make you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is tbe lustre of your eye as brilliant? Tbe bloom on your cheek as bright?; Do you enjoy yourself in socie ty as we. I? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as much confidence In your self ? Are your spirits dull and flagging; given to fits of melancholy? If so, do cot lay U to your liver 'or dyspersta. Have you restless nights ? Ton' back weak your knees weaz,; ana nave tut 111119 apeuie, ana you attribute this to dyspepsia or nyer complaint? Now, reader, self-abute, Venerial diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of produc ing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when lu perfect health, maketht man. Did you ever' think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successfnljbusiness men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect heat !h ? Ton never bear such men complain of being melancholly, of nervousness, cf palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot' succeed in business f they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in tbe face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs Inflamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to Induce al most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and a 1 most every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of tbe trouble scarcely ever suspect et, and have doctored for ail but the right one. Diseases or these organs require the use of a dioret ic. HELM BOLD' S FL UID EXTRA CTE UCH U is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak ness, Female complaints, ueneral Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In- safiity'may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon the prompt use of a rename reraecy. Helmbold's Kxtraet Buchu, established upward of IS years, p repared by BI . T. EKLMBOLD, Druggist. 694 Broadway, New Tork, and 104 South ipth St., Philadelphia. Pa.. Price $1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6.50 deliv ered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. 11EAF.JESS, CATARRH, COX- jj SU3CPTION AND CANCER CURED. A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh,, Consumption and ancer; their causes, means of speedy relief and ulti mate cure. By a Pupit of the Academy of Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address for 10 cents. Lett or from RoU't Mcllurdy, D.D., LL.D., Grand Prelate of Grand Encampment of U S, and Editor of the Rational Freemason ; ttcw Yohk . Sept. 17, 1867 Dr. SxtLLwELL was in charge of Grace Church Hospital, Alexandria, Va., during the war. I frequently, almost daily, for months, visited this Hospital, and had every means of knowing his reputatiou for efficiency and skill. It was of the most creditable character, and his success in tbe treatment of patients was romarkable-Robert Organic Vibrator. It fits into the ear; is nof perceptible. remove$ ting ing noie in the head, and enable deaf persons to hear uistidctly at church and public assemblies. This in strument will often produce results almsst miraculous and indeed in cases of long standing deafness, it will reneve in a short time. It may be adjusted with the ease of spectacles. DR. ST1LLWELL will be professionally at 31 East Washington place. University Buildings, N. T., daily. 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, when he will be at his rooms 1032 Piue Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12-16- ly DOCTOR WHITTIER HAS been longer engaged in the treatment of Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than any other Physician in St Louis. ' " , Syphilis in all its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet. Stricture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of I the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with the greatest success. Spermatorrhea. Sexual Debility and Im I potency, as the result of self-abuse in youth, or ; sexual excesses in maturer years, wnu;u produce I some of the following effects, as blotches, debility. 'tlir.ziness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion la society or remaies, loss or meuR.ry and fexnai power, auarenaenog marriage improper can be cured. I Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia , Rup- I iture, or any other chronic affection, may rely upon 'roceiving a radical rure. Particular attention given to all Female tern- I! plaints; Inflammation and Ulceration of the ! Womb, Leucorrbea. Chlorisis, Steriiity Ac. Most cases can be properly treated without an interview, hand medicines sent by mail or express, secured free from observation. Consultation by letter or at office free. Charges moderate and cures guarrautied i BjOftlce, with hospital accommodations for pa- tieuts, No. 617 St. Charles street, r-etween Sixth and Seventh, S t. Louis, Mo I! EVERYBODY can get. In a sealed envelope, 'my Theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Diseases, containing full tymptom- lists, for twe I postage stamps ; aUO, my Paper relating to Chronic and Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp. 1217-ly i ERRORS OF YOUTH- A eentleman who suffered for years from Nerv ous Debility', Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion , will, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it .tbe receipt arid directions' for making' the simple rem edy by which be was cured, buuerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B, OGDEN, 34 lyP 42 Ceder Street, New York TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EPWARD A WILSON will" send ( free of charge ) to all who desire the prescription with the directions for making and using the sim ple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affec tion and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is to benefit the afSicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad dress. REV;'EDVARD A WLSGN, No. 165' South 2nd St., Williamsburg," New York DOCTOR MOTT'S CONCEPTION PREVENTIVE. - -1 IS used by over three hundred thousand ladies in the Atlantic States alone, and by a large number in the West, who would not be without it for ten times its cost. It is to this Preventive that the mothers ot those States owe their' immunity from iarge families. It is absolutely certain, conrenient to ut e and withal beneficial tf health. Abortion is criminal, then use means perfectly moral and pro per. Send stamp for pamphlet, containing full particulars. Address, Dr. A. G. TVIlber, (P O Box 3092) ll-17-ly 71? at. Charles itrret, St. Louis, Ho. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a Inxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples,- blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the' skin, leaving the same soft, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing. ' THOS. F. CHAPMA N , Chemist ! - 823 Broadway. New York. Drs. . Wesley & Pierce Have f r many years treated Private Diseases with ! unexampled success, having hadHwlenty years ex ! perlenoein the Hospitals of this and other coun tries. They have devoted their whole time and energy to the treatment of private complaints; their success in the treatment of those long stand ling and difficult cases auch aa were formerly con sidered Incurable, is sufficient to recommend them i to the public aa worthy of the extensive patronage I which they have received. The universal and un- failing success in the treatment adopted by them, bas proved, beyonda doubt, that a permanent core I for tbe worst cases of Constitutional Syphilia, Gon orrhoea, Stricture In any form, all Mercurial affee 'tions, diseases of the Sain, Kidneys and Bladder can be obtained. Also, the effect of a solitary habit ruinous to body and mind, producing Liotcbes, debility, im po tency, dizziness, dimness of sight, &c, 4tc, and rendering marriage improper, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young raea of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, may rely upon a permanent cure. No charge for advice or consultation. All communications strictly confidential. Send two three cent stamps tor treatise' relating to ail private diseases. No Mercury used. Office hours f torn 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to t p. ra. Office 413 Oiive St. Address all letters to P. O. Box 2603, St. Louis, Mo. 12-16 ly Beans, Homin Meal. Potatoes, floor Apples Jt SWAJS BROTBER- uo"' .0 SEP ABATOR AND CLEKER. n3 CO P3 CO Manufactured and Sold by J. GAR IDE & CO., ATCHISON, KANSAS. THE trial of this machine at various County and State Fairs, and the Judgement of everyone who sees and uses it, unite in pronouncing Brin kerhoofTa worn Sheller the best ever invented with it a man can shell his crop of corn at bis leisure without an as sists nt, and thereby save in a short time more than the costtpf.. a Sheller. i TBia corn Shener nas taken the nrst premium for three years past at the! New Tork State Fair, when bnt partially perfected, tit baa since been brought to a degree of perfection, wMcb makes it complete. The following :iis the report of the Judges on this machine, at" the great trial of Agricultural Implements held at Auburn, N. J. In July. I86f. under the aus pices of the New York State Agricultural Society : ' Among the machines on exhibition was a Hatfd' Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleanei, exhibited by J. Brink erhoff, Auburn, N. T We have carefully examined and thoroughly tested this machine, xnd have no hesi Utlon in pronouncing it the BgST CORSf SQELLXIl wk JCYKK saw. ii reaaiiy auapts itself to ears of any sise. or shape, shellsclean, and with great rapidity and ease, and the same operation separates She corn from the cob, and the Aaff 'from the corn, and delivers the corn ready for market J and it requires but the la borof but one person to operate it. The whole affair ia simple In construction and durable. J. S. GOULD, Prea N. T. State Ag. So. B . P. JOHNSON, Sec. S. BOBISON, Ag. Ed. N. T. Tribune, 8. E. TODD, ' Times. Report of Agricultural Fair Committees, and opin Ion of Agribultural and other Journals, might be cited at great length, but wecontent ourselves with toe fol lowing letter as capping them all : Copy of Letter from U. S. Agent for Paris Univer ' sal Expotitwn). '' ' ' ' - U. s. Agency ror Puns Universal Expositien. No. 44 Park Bow, Times Building, New Tork, Dec. Qth, 1S66. MR. J. BRINKEUHOFTYEsq.':, Dear Sir : My Ad-j yisory Committee, appointed to select Implements for Exhibition at the universal Exposition in Pans, in 1867, have selected and recommended to me,your CORN SHELLER as tbe best in America. . 'I have accepted their report, and will forward your Sheller, if delivered here, ready for shipment on or before January 1, 1S67. Tours Truly, J. O. DERBT, U. S. Agent, &c. Price cSSSIS 25.00. Sample shelters shipped on receipt of tbe price and warranted to give satisfaction, or tbe Machine will be taken back and the money refunded upon notice within a reasonable time. Address WM. m DEN, Ag't, lS-23-dnmf Brownville, Nebraska. "if? P st"1""'! ii ii SHOKTEST ROUTE! Quickest Time!! We retnrn thanks to our friends and . the trading public for the libe ral patronage they hayQ ' tl)us tar extended us. Our aim shall be to so conduct our business as to nierit the ? -, i : confidence of our customers. . All represen tation sguarrantied. VYe keep on nana a complete spopK 01 ail kinds of goods required for this" market, and as to prices W Will Not be Undersold I Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots & Shoes . Hats, Caps, &c. &c. &c. AH kinds of Produce . - TAKEN in exchange for Goods, for which the highest maikel price will be allowed. r ROBERT TEAR & CO. Corner Main and Second Street January 1st; 1863. THEO. HILL & CO., Dealers in DRY GOODS, Groceries, HARDWARE Ladies' Gent's an Children's BOOTS and SHOES, Quecnsiivare, GLASSWARE, and Agricultural IHPLEIIESTS, FURS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, m Forming, perhaps, the most complete an t ex tensive atock tffered to Wholesave or Ketail purchasers west of the Missouri River. Never having been outdone for extent of Stock or rair dealings, they merit the confid ence and patronage ot Ij XjAI i Qnzpx Loaf Syrup, SorjbuiD. and 5.0. llolasaea THE BniSIIEItllOFF A T CD 14 I . f n n r ' jl 2tj 7 i , imn, CD JJ0B3EY & BEO., FT- A V ! 1 , 1 . 1 ; 1 Slain Street, - - BEO7NVILLE. Pealpra in Men and Boy'a LO' 1 t Furnishing Goods HATS and CAP BOOTS AIID SHOES WIS, Mill C 1EPET-BA6S ELOFIS. Blankets and Umbrellas Have just received and will keep con stantly on hand a large and well assort ed stock of the above, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they offer to tne public at VEEY LOW PRICES At the Sign of tne Big used Stead. la the place to bu y t FURNITURE UPHOLSTRY!!! sx Keep constantly on hand a oompleta assortment f Sofas, PeiJsteaJj, Beaureaus, Springs beds, What Nots Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs, Wash Stands Hat Racks, Chairs, Kitchen and Parlor, Mar Tables, Kitchen and -Parlor Cen ter Tabls MeUlic Cases, Lounge ble ft toped S lands Lounge?, Settees, Mattresses, Tcte-tetes Swin Cribs, OHice Chairs, Comforts, Kitchen Safes, Plain SUnd3 ; Rtckin? Cribs, Bed Springs, Children s Cabs and Gigs, Tiano Stool?, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc.,-etc. h ow Cases and office vcork made (o order And anything and everything required to set up pi.. in' or fancy housekeeping.' All of their ware is either manufactured or put np under their special superintendence, which enable them sound articles at smaller prices than eastern manufactuted goods'. " ' ' OUll HOARSE is at the service of the public at any time it may be needed, and is gotten np in' as ne style as any farther east. Hetalic Burial Cases, of all sizes conitantly on hand, at eastern prices. - , We are doing business on strictly cash principles, At a nmill profit, and by attention to business and I the wants of tne community, expect in the futura as in the past to receive the patronage of the pub lic generally. M?PALL & CO. Be. Eooias. R. w. ruasAs. BEN. ROGERS, & CO., Livery, Feed;andSale Stable, Main Street BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. Dealers in all kinds of Stock Horses Bought,SoM 'and Eichaneed. Stock boarded' by the day or week. ' The Proprietors have recently erected an entire new, largo and commodous Stable on Main Street near the old Brownville House. Their Stock is all fresh and Vehicles new. The public can be accom modated at all hour?, day or niut. A Stock oorrall with an abundant supply 'of pure water atached to the Stable. 41-ly TO THE LADIES. FOR OXE DOLLAR ONLY. WE are selling Sllkt, Shawl, Dry and Fancy Vioode of every deserip'ion, also, SChr Ware, Furniture, kc. Valuable Pretentu, from $3 to f.500. sentre of charge to agents sending clubs of ten and upwards. Circu lars sent free to any address. 4IESSEXGEK & CO.. 42 llanotr St.,HoitontJUan. r.O. Box 2931. 12-13-6m couiirny rnciiAnTS. D1IRY2IO, KIOEI, oxsicji toua ASHES, EEESWAX, EZASS, BUTTE?., CHEESE, EGGS, FL0UH AND HEAL, FLAX, COTTC.V, DRIED & GP.EEN FRUITS. FURS AND GRAIN, WOOL, POULTP.T,' NATAL STORES, norst GINSENG, FEATIIEE3, HEMP, PRO VISIONS, LARD, OILS, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEDS, GAME, SORGHUM M0LASSE3, &0 T O JOSIAH CARPENTER, ueneral (0 ommlssloa iilcrclaiit, 42 VFasIilnton Street, NEW YORK CITY. And receive his weeklv Price Currant cf Produce and Groceries the mosi complete Price Current publish ed in the United States. S'- SEJfD FOR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Plates and Cards 7arnlssed Free. Liberal Advances made on Consiiinent3 Established, May at, 1860. First class Reference given uften reqv ireJ. GRAN T'S CAEAP CASH STORE. Main Street between First and Second, BROWNVILLE, N. T. LWould ReSDectfuIiV inform tint ("itiiima f Brownville, and surroundinir eountrv that I 1it just received mj fall Stock of Goods, consisting of Of the latest styles and best quality. Mens heary calf Boots, double soled Hoots. Fine KiD Boota bova and childreas Boots and Shoe. All kinks of La dies' Boots and Shoes of tha finest and bestquality. India Rubber and Buffalo 'Over Shoes s? .1' 1 T ' .1 tor oenuemen ana Lacies Groceries of Everv Kind. vyopden ware, atone Ware, "' The Bost Quality of READY MADE CLOTHING, Tbe bet Woolen Lndor and Over Shirrs, T Of all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. SHOEMAKERS and HARNESS MAKERS can rely upon having their orders filled promptly on short notice and reasonable terms. Call before pur chasing elsewhere'.' WHICH HE OFFER3FCRSALB CBCEAP FOK CASH All of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter lainednot to be undersold. GRANT. DEALEK3 IN STAPLE AND FANCY my mm Embracing all the Qyjy of the Season. Also, a large and well-selected stock of Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, H-TS AND CAPS. -A .VD- o: Our Goods were bought of first hands, and we think we can offer such inducements to purchasers is cannot fail to suit those wishing to buy. Call nd see for yourselves. All kinds of Pro'duce taken in exchanga for Goods ' " 50 JACOB MAROHN. Llerchant Tailor, Main Street oppotitt MePherton't Block, BIIOWNVIT.LE- NEB- a ALSO AGENT FOR S1EKEWIITJMH w nsoooo Irs France, Smith tt Co's It KN ICCICY lOTTEBT, drw tr.u the middle and last of each month, during the jer Send your adress for a Circular. Address FHAXC ISJtllTII & CO., i 24 3t COT1XGTOX, KT. f5 L"3 ' " - 7 ,', 3 ( iW ) P3 rUv. ;