Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 05, 1868, Image 3

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    l7'!;vrlI.lE,IUUESPiT, MAKCn 5, 1638
3 "
EATON. 124 Pine Streeland
. 8 )'T'r .,i,f.ip,i icj.ut in St. Locls for this
60rfl1n .ttpU't to making collections and purcbas
..Vst Louis.
j;f ACKPUIiN is cur authorized Agent to
I ;utXrij'tione for tie .darertiW in tho Fair-
f ' p 7CVF.U is our authorized Agent to receive
R " fir tie Jie'fr in the Highland
'5fr;t'V r(n. "
.-bod 1 ' ..',- . ..t,:,,i i
" ' ."-;., .Cnns for tho Advertiser in Neaia-
. v. City I ret i
i ffLrT i pur authorized Apent to receive
'.iSlpt'-M for the A&vtrtiur, at Clifton.
EAl-EW IT.OrOALS will b' received by the
K:cceJ at tbe Mayer's OSco of the City cf
iU ;i ,.Mn r.f TuecJaT. March. 10. 1868.
o.-rnVUie " ' '
iT,.!n street cut and 11 between 7th
' t i v T.torn Hmit f,f the citv. Rids
j t jtate the price p-er cubic y.iri in Street Ini
?S ient Bonds, and the shortest possible time in
f.l thO COUtraCi IS 10 UO coliii'H.-vt--u. iiio nmouui
'i'tna out will not exceed 6000 yards. Frac-
i;k- f..r 1(00 yards will Lc considered. The
i . to rciect acy and all bids referred.
' A. P. COGSWL'LL, Street
T.C. HACKER. ) mittee.
jj-irt has Pry Oak wood for sale.
. , 1 T1 Han'a
fOIi Bock Is.ana i rjs "
-fU Cardcn Seeds at Swan A Bra's.
jv,j LATEST NEWS go to City Book Store.
jyS Illinois Corn Planters for sale at Den's.
FRESI1 Garden Seed and Onion Setts at 1315a?'.
' STATIONARY, Ulsnk Books, etc., at M;Crcery's.
VH. C.LETT, Land Agent, Brownville.Ncl.raska.
FIELD and Garden Seel, fall sto:k and fro3h,
JOaN i'-'iEF.S genuine M'jlino Plows. 500 at
fiw. r.w.L c.i.v.
riilN'TS. A ni-e lino of Prints and Colfon
Cis at Hackney's.
. I.KWAB'JS OF HE HIT, beautifully printed, at
tho CitJ 15ovk Store.
TiVZ I.Ivir Ir.fUTiinco to Trownvilio will bo the
S3io til year ai last-
J. T7. y.H'I LETON is uiaLing itrircveincnts in
tiitbop. lie's thriiEg.
ONE Dwelling Il uc fjr fa'c cheap ; also, one to
A D. MAKSII is ttill on hand with tho cheapest
tewiin tie west at tho Pott OSre.
Biaitb A Co.' make at ThtM). Hill & Co.'?.
DORSET & BRO., are ttill disbursing choice
well-nmJe Clothing on i..ost reaouAb!o terms.
r.KISKERHOFF'S Corn Sholler the best in tho
Wcst-on hand and for sale at Win. T. Den's.
FARMERS will Cnd .it to their interest to stop
at tie Star Dotel when they coino to Drownville.
IF Ttu want a good article of Family Flour. leave
yt.ur crdcrs at UHes's 0. Store, le keep the lent
Irmi'lu. 1
LTCKWriEAT Flour, Corn; Qatd, Hay, Corn
l,Hran, Shoits.Cob incaland Wood , for salo at
th P. (J.St ore.
KY invitation, tho Editor of the Adotrticr will
aJires tho Peru Lodge of Gjod Teinplora next
Satnrlay niglt.
E'J.STOX CASK COLLARS, faced with wool
'.ie:j to 21 iuches; price $G.OO each, it
FIRST IiOAT. The Ben Johnson Undod at our
Lfvre on the evening of M onday, the 2d ; being
tie tret boat up this 8-J3n.
SCHOOL MEDALS. A new lot of bcnutiful
Silver Modil Rewards of Merit just received and fox
ta'e at tbe City Bookstore.
1 NEED MOSEV, and th se owing mo will con
fer a great favor by paying iinaiodiatoly.
23 3: J. W. MlDDLETOX.
JOS. L. TwOY has just put oat a cplondid sign in
f'ontcT his Barber Shop aud Bath Rooms. See
ti? Card in to-day's paper.
WHEAT FAN'S. James Med ford has on hand a
lot of those excellent Wheat fans which ho will
closa out cheap for cash. 22 3
FAY UP. All those indebted to McFall A Co.'
will plea-io call and pay up soon, or the amount will
be placed in tho hands of an olhcor for collection.
THE EATIIKS. With tho exception of a raw
cold wind Sunday, which l!c np a slight Fnow
ttrm Sunday night, tho weather has been rather
J. S.HETZEL, wholesale and retail Clothing
Burchant who, last fall, rented tho ro j:a beneath
tLis tCoe wo learn will be here and open out in a
ftw days.
MR. WAIT, who has leael A. W. Morgan's
Plow Factory, is repjtel a No. 1 Carriago and Wa
grn Maker. Wc have litilo doubt but that his work
will estnin end itstlf.
AYE are p'eas:d to noto the fact that McCrocy is
enlarging his Ftorc room, making it about twenty
fct longer. This is bo come a necessity because of
of bis increased trade.
J.Y. D. PATCH. Jeweler, at the City Drug
fctore, is making cxtensivo preparations to enlarge
l'u room preparatory to bringing on a huge stock of
Jewelry, Watches, etc.
FRANZ IlELLMER, Wagon Maker, is still turn
ing eat first class work from hi3 shop in tho rear
cf Beason'g blacksmith shop just west of tho Court
House. Patronize homo industry.
KEMOYED. Do.-sey A Pro. bare removed their
Stock of Clothing to tho Masonic Hail building,
where they have a splendil room to display their
'pleadid assortment of Goods to advantage.
THE DISTRICT GOURT will commence its sos
fion for Nemiha County, in thiseity, next Monday.
It Uof the utmost importance that Clients, Jurors,
Witnesses and others be on hand promptly.
HAYE you ever read Doctor Whittier's Medical
Taperi relating to the disc isos nj3ntioned m bis
tard appearing in another column. The informa
tion imparted is invaluablo to all, and particularly
to young men.
FIXE SIGN PAINTING. We invite the atten
tion of all to the new S ign of J. L. Roy. We un
derstand it is from tbe pencil of Louis Waldter,
Hoaae, Sign and Ornamental Painter. It is a fine
piece of work.
DAY FOR SALE.-Persons desiring to buy Hay
"a procure it of tf undersigned at his resi
flence throe miles west of thia city on the Tecum
b. t-, H, O.MIN'CK.
J-B.J3HXS0N.Sr, lately returned to his home
inu city, from a visit to New England, says there
re maty tBXi0U8 enquirers" there about Nebras
' D(i tt&t large numbers are preparing to come
vae oprtag.
. VOI.K. W. Fiirnn. nJ TV '
rherson returned yesterday, well Batisfiod with tbe
situation of our affairs In Washington. -All's
ww. r . u. Uclmes returned last Sunday or
OTHINQ doeea community more good than a
a gooa lo-al paper, well filled with local news . local
improrements, local adrertisements and both print-
-J 1 V ! I . . .
cu u puojunea at Home. We shallTever aim to
make the Adceftiter just such a paper.
4 Co., Lave just received the first stock of Spring
Goods of the season Ladies' Dress Goods. Muslins
Ac. Their enterprise
thepatronage of tbe community.
been removed to tho Court House Building to tho
south room on the west side, where G. W. Brnton,
Treasurer, and his Deputy, Jonas Hacker, may be
found at all times ready to receive county fande.
CAPT. R. F. BARRET has just contracted for the
breaking of forty miles of hedge row this season.
He will have tet out this season, oa hedge row
broke last year, eeven miles of heJge. As aland
and real e tate agent the Captain is a shre wd busi
ues3 man.
Si RING has opened. Now is the time you want
to procure and sot out Plants, Yines, Trees, Shrub
and Flowers. See the Special 'oticoof Col. R. W
Furnas. He is prepared to furnish all with what
ever thry may waat from one of tha bettNurserya
in the west.
COUNTY, NEB. Members will meet at the office
of the Probate Judgo in Brownville, at 7 o'clock,
". M.,Taurdiy, March 5th.
W. A. Blackburn, P. A.
removed to the second room from sou ui end west
side Court Houso Building, where our efficient Pro
bato Judge, A. W. Morgan, may be found at all
times to attend to acy business as Probato Judge,
or as ex-offico Justice of the Peace.
PAINTING. We seldom call attention to work
unless it is very good in its line, and as this is the
fact with regard to tho Carriages and other work
turned out by Geo. Berkley, Carriage, .House nd
Sign Pointer, wo commend him to tho publio as
worthy and well qualified for any work in his line.
DONATIO N. JV. Editor : We hereby tender
our thauks to a number of tho citizens of Brown
ville for a liao isoma donation of Greenbacks, Dry
Goods and Edibles, tj tue amount of soveuty-Dvo
dollars. We will long remember tha donors.
W. S.Elackdcjjs,
E. J. BLALSiiL :;x,
THE LITTLE CORPOKL, for February, is a
very Cno number. The Publisher offers mjst beau
tiful premiums, and unusual inlujemoats to raise
Clubs. Terms, One' Dollar a year. A sample copy
will be sent froo to any oao w!io applies for it du
ring February. Address Alfrol L. So veil, Publish
er, Chicugo, 111.
GAGE COUNTY. Wo are ploased to place be
fore our r codi rsthe corro-spoLdc-nce, signed "II., '
from Beatrice ia the above named county. II. is a
gentleman of intelligenco and refinement from
whom we shall be pleaded to hear often, as his is
certainly one of the finest and most enterprising
counties in the State.
TnE FERRY STEAMED UP for the a3onla.-t
Tue.-day and made her fir.-t trip. Capt. Barret will
run the Idcna only until his Eew boat, tho Sunset,
arrives, which will bo in a few days. With, tho
Sunset this crossing will be second to cono in tho
State, and danger and delay will assuredly bo
avoided by crossing here.
NEW COMMERS . nro nlroaly rolling into this
county, rnd al! bring tho report of "mere corning ."
We learn of t-everal families Laving arrived during
the past week and fettled at Clifton in the north
woftof this county. The "Illinois" and "Wiscon
sin settlements contain some of tbe mott intelli
gent and thorough farmers in tho county.
AScertaia persons are losing much sloop and
vexing their waking hours about grading tho heil
of Main street, suppose they give their attention
to finding scnio contractor to do tho work, instoad
of curbing tho Council and deprecating tho bond,
and seo if that will not accomplish tho object.
Don't bo afraid, there ara enough bonds to da it
and complete all the other contracts.
J. E. CHAFFE, i-roprietor of the Brownville
Rectifying Establishment, is prepared to supply the
demand, to any extent, for pure, unadulterated
Liquors. Being thoroughly couvcrsant with the
business and having the latest and most approved
ap;Hratus, he can warrant what ho sells as pure
and true to the brand. Those buying Liquors will
find it to their advantago to call on Mr. Chaffe. tf
Brownville, Feb. 21st, 1SG3.
WM.T. DEN Sir, The Brij.kerhoff Hand Corn
Shtller I bought of you 1 would recommend to
farmers and others wi.'hing to buy a good Shcller.
It is the best Sbellcr I ever used. Three hands can
shell from 2C0 to 250 bushels per day. It shells it
clean off of the smallest ears, which I never saw any
Sheller do before. Wishing it and you sa;cess,
lam respect!' ull jours,
CORRECTION. Some weeks-since, ye Local in
serted an item to tho effect that C. W. Wh3c!er had
received the contract for erecting two of Smith's
Patent Truss Bridges on the Nemaha river. As in
this ho was mistaken ho assumes the privilege of
taking it ail back, savo his comments then and
there as to tho stylo of tho Bridgo and C. W.
Wheeler's ability as a bridgo builder.
GARDEN SEliDS. Our traders have noticed
the Advertismont in another column of James Vick,
importer and grower cf Flower aud Garden Seods
at Rochester, N. . nave they s?nt forhis'TiluJ
trated gua of Ssol.anl Flora Guide for
1S0S ?" "It contains a full description of tbe choiceet
Flowers and Vegetables grown." Read his advor
tisemc!.t then order your seeds immediately.
NEW MAIL ROUTJ. We aro pleased to eco
an awakening of oar citizens to tho necessity of
increased mail facilities with the iatorior, as shown
by tho petition circulated this week by L. D. Rob
in?on, for Tri-weckly Mail from this point to Be
atrice. Gage coanty. This routo is becoming an
ab'oluto necessity find will rcceivo tho hearty co
oDeralioa of cur Representatives in Washington.
THE GERMAN IIARMONIA, of this City, is
working for tho interest of this City and County,
by writing letters and circulating documents to in
duce Germans to settle here. As tho numW of
members is but limited and tho object aimoi at a
general good , wo hope all will aid this Society as
much as possiblo while in its infancy. Its beneuts
will soon bo apparent to all. It meets every Wed
nesday evening in McPherscn's Block.
Snider, of this county, we have roceivod tho above
entitled work, by II. A. King & Co., of Nevada, 0.,
ho will send a copy of this book frco of cbargo to
any bco-keeper. The Boston Oultivator styles mis
work "Bee-keeping in a nut shell. ' It is as con
densed and thorough a work on tho subject as wo
ever saw. Messrs. King A Co. aro also the patentees
for the American Boo Hive, which, with its lato im
provements, is certainly as near perfection as any
thing wo have yet seen.
TnE TUNNEL. As many of our citiiens seem
yery anxious and suggestive with regard to con
Teying the water down Atlantia gives us
sincere pleasure to inform them that Mr. Wilson, has
according to contract tunneled through tho hill at
his own expense a sufficient tunnel to convey off all
the water likely to fall before the whole street is
finished, and a firm ditch and embankment will be
made to turn it into the tunnel. It gratifies us
much to ease the minds of our tr'i'cal citizens, so
that they may turn their attention to other and
uccro prcfitable fields of investigation,
The Louisville Journal savsi "Don't advertise
it is a very bad plan. It will call attention to you
place of business, and it is much better for Deonl
who wish to trade with you to hunt you up. It
gives your customers exercise," and makes them
neaimy. uesides, ifyou advertise somebody will
ouy up au or your goods, and then you will have
w get more, and it will be a great bother to you.
Don't do it. Stowart, and Ayer, and Bonner, and
ociiuuck, ana or, :ers, never advertise. They have
u iuea mat it injures taeir business."
THE U. S. EXPRESS has expired on the Missouri
river ; in other words, by an arrangement between
the U.S. Express company and tho Merchant's Union
Company, the latter gets the exclusive right, as be
tween the two companies, to all the territory along
the Missouii river, tho former withdrawing entirely.
This is a Lugo joke upon Capt. Carson, who, as
Agent of the U. S.. took it in its infancy, made for
it frien ds and business, and ha to relinqush just as
we are expecting an increased business by reason of
an early railroad connection.
A DURABLE REPUTATION is rarely made in
a day; but Humphreys' Homoojpathio Specifics,
having been twcWe years before tne publio, and
tried by thousands in every part of the country
and in every form of disease, have won for them
selves a namo and reputation rarely acquired.
They are used by the most intelligent and appre
ciativo in every community, and praised by all for
their simplicity and efficiency in curing diseases .
Address Humphreys' Specifio Homoeopathic Medi
cine Co., 502 Broadway, N. Y. For sale by E. II.
McComas, Druggist, McPherson's Block.
WE, the Judges of the County Court of Atchison
County, Missouri, hereby certify that C. W.
Wheeleb has erected five bridges in Atchison Co.;
ono a Howe Trass, main span one huodred and
twenty feet, and is now erecting one v( R. W.
Smith's Patent Truss Bridge, one hundred and
eighty feet; that he has given entire satisfaction,
and finishes his bridges with dispatch, and is n 're
liable and safe contractor.
DAVID BERTRAM,- County" Judges
February 18th, 1863.'
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of Miami
county, Ohio, having five of R. W. Smith's Patent
Truss JJ.'idgos now in uso in our conn ty, (erected
by tho patentee), do not hesitate to say to the
public that we consider them tho best wooden
bridges that have come under our observation.
J. C. COATS, ) Coinruissioners
D. M. ROL'ZRR, V i Miami Co.,
PUBLICAN CLUB -Club met in regular session
Monday evening, March 2d, 1333.
Vico President, Fairbrothar, presiding.
On motion, the following resolution, introduced
by James McNaughton, was unanimously adopted :
Jieiolred, That the Republican Club of Brown
ville heartily endorse and sustain Congress in the
Imt caebment of Andrew Johnson ; also, the action
of thoso twin heroes in patriotism, and firmness
L . b. Grant and Ldwin ii. SUiaton.
On motion, tho Secretary wis ordered to write to
Senator Morton, of In liana, for a number of copies
of his fpeech on Roconstruction, to circulate as
campaign documents.
On motion,
licsolced, That tho Sccratory bo instructed to
see or correspond with at loa3t two R.p ublicans in
earn rreeinct, ana arrange wan tnetn tor tho dis
tribution of such documents as tho. Club may or
der distributed.
On motion,
Jiesolced, That tho Republican Club of the City
cf Brownville extend a cordial invitation to all Re
publicans whilo in tho city to visit their Reading
Room and enjoy its privileges; and to meet with ahem
On motion, C. G. Dorsey and Wni.n. Hoover
were appointoJ a committee to perfect this organ
On motion, adjourned to meet Monday evening,
March 15vh, to take iato consideration tha nomina
tion of a Republican City Ticket, for tho coming
city election.
BrownTlIIc Art. No. 6.
From July 12th, 1SC0, ro Jidy 1861.
July, ISS0. J. C. Douser let down his Tin and
Stovo storo nine foet to moot tho grade on Main
street : Evan Worthing opened a Ten-Pin Alley ;
the Telegraph Poles were put up through this city
on the 28 th ; 110 in tbe shado on the 20th.
August. W. C. Stout finished his residence on
Atlantic between 2d and 3d: lolcgraph Offico
formally opened on the 29ti; Mathew A Medford
started a Fanning Mill factory.
September. Richard Brown finishod his resi
dence oh Main street between 2d and 31.
October. Ben. Rogers bought out Wm. Rcssell's
Livery Stable ; a high wind on the 21st blow off the
spire of tho 1st Presbyterian church.
November. James Bedford commenced tho prac
tice of law in this city.
December. Jeff. Winchell gave a performance
in this city.
January, 1S01. reaso A Fowler op?ced a npw
Blacksmith shop ; Brownville Union Guards organ
ized, R. C. Bsrger, Captain.
February.--IIigh wind blow down the front of
Gibson's blacksmith shop ; Whitney's block caught
fire, extinguished with but little damage. . ..
March. R. T. Rainey built his residence on
Water street; J. W. Middleton built his residence
corner Main and 5th ; Dr. Thurman opouod a new
Drug Store ; Barney Haws got both feet terribly
inaDglcd in a shinglo machine ; Strickler & Brown
went into co-partnership ; Dr. Crim bought out R.
Brown's interest in tho city Drug. Storo.
April. Chambers A Noys, Cabinet makers, lo
cated and commenced business in this city ; Jesso
Noel bought the Nemaha City Steam Mills to lo
cate in this city ; llanna A Son set up a Shinglo
Machine ; Mathew A Medford's FanniDg Mill Fac
tory burned down ; W. Grant opened up a Boot and
Shoe Shop ; Somers opened a new Confectionary.
May Mathews A Medford rebuilt ; "Tho Union"
published ono week at Aspjnwall by Uolladay
& Maun, moved to Brownvillo ; Paddock Guards or
ganized. June. Co. C, 1st Nebraska, organized , Captain
J. D. N. Thompson ; Lovi Sprinkle's Brownville
Steam Grist .Mill building completed; Theo. Hill
greatly enlarged his Warehouse on tho Lcveo ;
Fred. Lczchti built a new Wagon Shop oa 3d str. et.
Mayor's Office, March 2d, ISC3.
Council met in regular session.
Present J. S. Church, Mayor.
T C Hacker, C F Stewart, C W Wheeler, A P
Cogswell. A W Morgan, Coanoilmoa.
T R Fitter, Engineer. .
M F Boyd Marshal. "
W II McCrcery, Clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
On motion, J. C. Dcusor was allowed $150 in ad
dition to $350 allowed by previous meeting ; in all
amounting to 500 in full of alldamago by change
of grado of Main street.
Accepted by J.C. Denser.
Jacob Maroha was allowod tho sum cf $150, in
all 350, in full of all damage sustained by him
by reason of a change of grade on Main street.
W. U. Valleau A Co. wero allowed a Li'ense to
sell Wines and Liquors to May 1st, 1SG3, they hav
ing filed proper bonds and paid county license.
On motion, J S Church, J X Reynolds and A P
Cogswell were appointed acommitteo to contract
with R F Barret for the sale of the Ferry Franchise,
and refer contract to Council at its next meeting
for its concurrency.
On motian,R. F. Barret was granted the privi
lege of putting wood on tbe Leeve above the Ice
House fur ferry purposes.
The request of R. F. Barret to storo wood cn
other portions of the Levee for ferry purposes wa3
referred to Street Committee.
Onmotiop,the Marshal was instructed to have
all obstructions removed from Main aud 1st streets.
On motion, Marshal was instructed to advertise
and ecll old jail on 2d street within ten days.
On motion, City Clerk was ordered to draw an
Order in favor cf W. H. Loranoe for Stcne delivered
on 2i street, when the amount la reported by th
City Engineer.
On motion, Street Committee were instructed to
have a ditch dug on the northside of Atlantio St.p
between Levee and First, to prevent water from
crossing said street.
The following correction was made ly O. B.
Hewettin his Financial Statement of the "ndebt-
ness of the City of Brownvillo: Amount of out
standing Orders to Jan. 1st, 1863,$.ftk101 99.
On motion, the following bills were allowed;
Theo. Hill A Co., for grading in fron of Mc
Pherson's Block, $25.
Mrt Blake for moving eighty cubic yards of dirt
from second street between Main and Atlantio
streets, $24.
McPherson, Leach A Co., for 1022 feet Lumber
for Culvert oa Atlantio strtot between First and
Levee, $25. .-"'. J !
Wm. F. Wilson, for removing one thousand two
hundred cubio yards of dirt from Atlantic street,
T. R. Fisher, for services as Engineer and for as
sistance, $19 3Q.
On motion, Council adjourned to March 9th.
Wm. n. McCreery, Clerk.
Financial and Commercial.
March, 4th, 1863.
There has been but litt'o change in Gold a
shade lower, but quite steady, since the empeach-
ment of tho Pro ident has become a fixed fact.
Government bonds are V cent lower than
last quotations, and havo a downward tendency.
Tho New York Tribune, in commenting upon the
financial situation says :
"The permanent effect of impeachment upon the
general business of the country is by no means sure
to be disastrous, but tho reverse. The deposition
of President Johnson, and the accession of Vice
President ade to the Executive chair, followed as
the latter would bo by reconstruction in the Cab
inet, would give the country a Government which
would be a unit, in place of the discordant elements
now controlling tho country. Under the new order
of things the material interests of the people
would revive, and long engagements for oapital be
made with the conviction that uudora Government
fully controlled by the Republican party, its pol-
tical and financial troubles would bo soon har
monized and obliterated. The peoplo throughout
the count rv already take this view of thecaso.and
feel relief that the discordant elements in the Gov
ernmental to bo removed, and stability and unity
of purpose secured, under which alone commerce
can prosper."
Brownville Markets.
Flour Winter $ sack-
7 00S9 00
. 5 50 6 00
8 10
75 1 00
. 17 13
" Spring i sack
Buckwheat "? E
Meal 11 bushel
Bacon Hams '1 Tt
" Sides 11 lb
Canned Lard V 3
Golden Syrup gal
Suifr House Molasses p gal.
Sugar New Y'ork A. J !!
" Btown y To
Coffee Java "g u;
" Rio "3 &
Cheeso N. Y. Factory p
" Country y Tb
Tea Imperial y lb
Black Tb
Y'oung Hyson & B
... 2 25
... 20
... 12
... 2 00
... 16
... 75
... 1)0
... 12
... 20
... 1 50
... 20
. 10
...20 00
-45 00
...45 00
...45 00
... 3 00
, .. 9 00
.. 6 50
... 8 50
4 03
... 14
2 50
2 50
1 0J
1 00
2 00
25 00
50 00
50 00
85 00
3 00
9 00
7 00
9 00
6 00
Candles "y lb
Apples Dried Tb
" Green t busnei"
Dried Peaches "tf E
Potatoes "tf bushol
Coal Oil 'tf gal
Lggs tfdz
Butter "JB
Honey yib
Onions tf bushel
" SetsTqt
lean y lb
Salt -aft
"ickols y doi
Lumber Cottonwood? 1000-
" Oak
" l'ino-.. .....f...
Shingles Cottonwood 1000
" fine
Lath Cottonwood "$ 1000."
Pino "tf 1000
Wood "tf cord
tides Dry tf II)
lants, Vines, Trees Shrubs and
FlOVferS. At the request of raaLy who
are anxious to get reliable selections of Vines,
Trees, Shrubs, Flowers, etc., I have consontcd to
receive orders, from cow until planting time in tne
Spring. I represent the extensive Nurseries known
Iowa, J. R. A A. Bather, 'Proprietors. All stock
ordered through me, will bo furnished at Nursery
rices, freight added. Catalogues, with prices, can
bo had by application to mo in person, or by apply
ing at the store of Kol't Teare & Co., Brownvillo
Neb. Everything furnished will be warranted true
to name, quality, size and condition as represented.
Brownville, Dec. 12th. 1867. ll-3m
ed whose sufferings have been protracted from
hidJeu causes, snd whose cases require prompt treat
ment to render oxis tence tieiraoie. ii you are iuner
ins or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what
effect does it produce your general neaun ui
vou feel weafe, delilitaieJ. easily tired? Doesalittle
- .. ..... i.-.,:..n..4VAKAn,ln.n
extra exertion produce paipuanoi ui tucucm.r
your liver, or urinary orcans, or your Sidneys fre
nuantly get out of order? Is your urine sometimes
thick, mi:ky. or 11 .cky, or is it ropy on settinc? Or
does a' thick senni rise to tbe top ? Or is a sedimeut at
the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have
pells of short breathing or dyspep -la ? Are your
bowels Constipated? Do you havo spells of fainting
or rushes cf blood to the head? Is your memory im
paired ? Is your raiud constantly dwelling upou tLH
bu-jet? D you feel dull, listless, mopiup, tired of
company, or life? Eo you wish to be left alone, to pet
away from everybody? Does any little thing niatce
you start or jump ? Is jour sleep broken or re.-t'.ess ?
I the lustre of your eye as brilliant? Tho bloom on
your cheek as bright? Do you youroell in socie
ty as we. 1? Do you pursue your bu.-incss wiih the
same energy 9 Do you feel as much conQden"0 in your
self ? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to ats
of melancholv? if so, do not lay it to your liver or
dyspersta. H ive you res-tless Dights? Tou' back, weak
your knees weak,; and have hut little apetite, and
you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint?
Now, reader, sc!t-abu:e, venerial diseases baoly
cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of produc
ing a weakness of tbe generative organs. Tho organs
of generation, when in perfect health, make the nin.
Did you ever think that thot-e bold, defiant, energetic,
persevering, successfuljbusiness men are always those
whose generative organs are in perfect heatlh ? Ton
never near 6Ul1i men complain of bem mclanrholly, of
uervousness, cf palpitation of the heart. They are
never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they
don't become sad nd discouraged ; they are always
po'ite and pleasant in the ccmpary of ladies, and
look yoa and them ritfbt in the face-none of your
downcast looks or any other meanness about them.
1 do not mean those who keep the organs itflamed by
running to excess. These will not only ruin their
con.titut.ous, but also thoso they do business wither
How many men from badly enred diseases, from
the effects of selNabuse and excess, have brought
about that state of weakness in those organs that has
reduced the general system so much as to induce al
most everv other disease idiocy, lnnacy, paralysis,
spinal affections, suicMe, and a.most every other form
of dUease which humanity is heir to, and the real
cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspectec, and have
doctored for all but the right one.
Dise e of these or?sns reqnire the use of dinret
the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of
the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak
ne?&, Female Complaints, General Debility, aud all
diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in
Male or Keroale, from whatever cause originatiu and
no matter of how longstanding.
If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In
sanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported
f rom these sources, and the health and happiness, and
that of Posterity, depends upon the prompt use of a
reliable remedy.
Helmbold's Extract Buchu, established upward of
IS years, pi spared by
M . T. HELMBOLD, Druggist.
694Eroadway. New York, and
1C4 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
PniCE $1 .25 per bottle, or 6 bottle for $6.60 deliv
ered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere.
"Tatural Leaf, Fino Cut, Grape Juice and Navy
11 Tobacco, at
Nails, Pails, Well BucUts, Seives, Ac, at
Soda Crackers, Ginger Snaps, and Aerated Crack
era, at SWAX A BRO'S.
I7rcsh Layer Rai sins, Currant rimn at
A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, 'Consumption and
cancer; tneir causes, means of speedy relief and ulti
mate cure. By aPopilof the Academy of Medicine,
rang, sent to any aacirens tor iu cents.
Letter fromKob't McXardy, D.D., LL.D., Grand
Prelate of Grand Encampment of TJ S, and Editor of
tne aaiwMit f reemason :
New YoitK, Sept. 17, 1667 Dr. Stillwell was la
charge of Grace Church Hospital, Alexandria, Va.,
during tne war. I frequently, almost daily, for months,
visited this Hospital, and had every me&ns of knowing
mi reputation for efficiency and skill. It was of
tbe most creditable character, and his success In the
treatment of patients was romarkahle. BOOE&T
Organic Vibrator.
It fits into the ear, Is nof perceptible, remove tina-
ing noiset in the head, and enables deaf persons to hear
distinctly at church and public assemblies. This in
strument will often produce results alnisst miraculous
and indeed in cases of long standing deafness, it will
relieve in a short time. It may be adjusted with the
case of spectacles.
DK. ST I'LL WELL will be nrofesslonallv at 31 East
Washington place, University Buildings, N. T., daily,
jw 10 4, except Tuesdays, when he will beat his rooms
1032 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12-16-ly
TTAS been longer engaged in the treatment of
! J-- Chronic, Sexual and Female Diseases than any
lother Physician In St Louis.
I Syphilis in all its forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet,
; Stricture, Orchitis, Diabetes, and all affections of
! the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with
Ltbe greatest success.
spermatorrhea. Sexual Debility and Im
: potency, as the resnlt of self-abuse in youth, or
sexual excesses in niatnrer years, -which produce
iouieof the following effect?, as blotches, debility,
dizziness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil
forebodings, aversion ta society of females, loss of
memory and sexnal power, and rendering marriage
tmproper can be cured. j
Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia,
.Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Hernia , Rup
'ture, or any other chronic affection, may rely upon
.roceiving a radical rure.
I Particular attention given to all Female Ceiri
jplaints; Inflammation and Ulceration of the
j Womb, Leugcrrhea, Chlorisij, Sterility &c. Most
cases cau be properly trusted without an interview,
and medicines sent by n?ail or express, secured free
from observation. Consultation by letter or at office
Flic e. Charges moderate and cures guarrantied.
JfjOfllce, with hospital accommodations for pa
tients, No. 617 Si. Charles street, between Sixth
and Seventh, S t. Louis, Mo !
.EVERYBODY canget, in a sealed envelope,
my Theory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary
, Diseases, containing full eymptom lists, for twe
postage stamps; alsO, my Paper relating to Chronic
ana Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp.
12-17-ly j
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nerv
ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all tho effects
of youthful indiscretion , will, for the sske of suf
fering humanity, send free to all who need it ,the
rocoipt and directions' for making the siuij le rem
edy by which he waa cured. Sufferers wishing to
profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by
addressing, in perfect confidence,
31 lyP 42 Coder Street, Ne.v Y'ork
The REV. EDWARD A WILSON will send
(freo of chargo) to all who desire the prescription
with tho directions for making and using tho pim
ple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affec
tion and that dread disease Consumption. His
only object is to benefit the effiicted and he hopes
every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will
cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSGN,
No. 165 South 2nd St., Williamsburg, New Y'ork
IS used by over three hundred thousand ladies in
the Atlantic States alone, and by a large number;
1 in the West, who would not be without it for ten
; times its cost. It is to this Preventive that the
mothers of those States owe their Immunity from
large families. It is absolutely certain, e nrenieut
.to ue and withal beneficial to health. Abortion is
criminal, then use means perfectly moral and pro
por. Send stamp for pamphlet containing full
particulars. Address, i
! nr. A. a. fVllber,
(P O Box 3092) 719 st. Charles street,
13-17-ly St. Louis, Mo.
i i
lnfcmation guaranteed to pro luce a luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face,
also a recipe for tho removal of Pimples, llotches,
Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft,
and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by
addressing. THOS. F. CUAPMAN , Chemist
823 Broadwav.New Y'ork.
"Manufactured and Sold by
T TIE trial of this machine at various County and
SiateFairs, auJ the ju-icment of everyone lio
sees and uses it, v.nite in pronouncings Br'wi kerriooff's
Corn Sheiler the best ever invented, with it a nun
can t-hell his crop .f corn at his leisure wUhvUt an as
sistant, anil thereby iave iu a short time ia jre than the
cost of a Sbellcr.
This Corn Shcller has taken tr.p first premium for
threb years past at tho New fork State Fair, whou
bnt j.artially perfciel. Ithts been brought to
a dcgiee of f;erfection, whi-.h nuke it complete.
The following is the report cf the Judges on this
machine, at the great trial of Agricultural Implements
held at Auburn, N. Y.' in J:Uy. 1S-36. un lcr the aus
pices of the New York Slate Agricultural S :iety :
Among the machines on ex'ii'iitim v-.u h lltrid Corn
Sliel'er, Separator nd Clcane', exhibited by J. Ki ink
erhoff, Auburn, N. Y AVe have carefully examined
and thoroughly tes'ed this machine, aii'l have n hesi
tation in it the BKST CO UN' SUULLKlt
WE LVER SAW. It readily adapts itself to ears of
any size, or shape, shells clemi. and with ?reat rapidity
and ease, and the same operi,ti'n separates the cm
from the Cub, and tho cb.ilT from tt:e corn, au.l delivers
tbe corn reailj for market ; and it reunites but tho la
bor of but one person to create it. The whole affair
is siiuulo in construction awT durable.
J. S. GOULD. Pres N. Y. State A?. So.
B P. JOHNSON, Sec. " '
S. ROBlON", Ag. F.d. N. Y. Tnbnne,
S. E. TODD, Times.
Report of Agricultural Fair Committees, a'ld opin
Ion of Atfribu'.tural and other Journals, micht be cited
at great ieimth, hot weconteut ourselves with tnefoi.
lowing letter as cappimr them all :
(Copy of Letter from 17. S. An ent for Paris L'n.'cer-
V. S. Agency for Pa
'aris Universal Exposition, i
Ri w, Times Buib'irijr.
w Vohx, I ec. Sih, )
No. 43 Frk
MR. J. BRIN'KERIiOKF, Eq., Der Sir : My Al
visory Committee, appointed to relert Implements for
Exhibition at the Universal Exposition ia Paris, in
1S67, have selected 8id recommended to me,,your
COftX SHELLER as the best iu America.
I have accepted their report, and will forward yon
Sheller. if delivered here, ready for shipment cn or
before January 1, 1S67. Yonrs Truly,
J. O. DKR15Y, U. S. Azent, Ac.
Price 0,c! 825.00.
Sample shcllers fhippod on receipt of the price and
warranted to give satisfaction, or the Machine will be
taken back and tbe money refunded upon notice withic
a reasouable time. Adtlress
WM. T DEN, Ag't,
18-23-dnm f Brownville, Nebraska.
WE are selling Silli, Shaitl, Dry and inry
Good i of every description, also, Silcer
Wu re, furniture, de. Valuable rrenentt, from $3
to 500,sentrert)ciarje to agents scadirg clubs
of ten and upwards. t .
Circulars sent freo to any address.
mgsenceh co.,
42 Ilanoter St. .Boston, Mass.
P.O.Box 2931. 12-13-6m
Suzar Loaf Syrup, Sorghum, and N.. Molasses
"geans, Homin
Meal, Potatoes. Flour Apples
Broom,, Salt, AiCj, Powder. Shot and Lead at
tj W4N 4 LTwOTUER-S j
co Xx CD
C Vi iT:' i' x.,m""r CD
'"'-'i'l fjJJ MMUt. t-T
Hit Co
If P
x-moraansautne rtir: "TZO ' th Season.
Also, a large and well-?elected stock of
w J i! J U a lLa
Gems Furnishing Goods,
Oar Goods were bought of first hands, and we
think we can offor such inducements to purchasers
as cannot fail to suit those wishing to buy. Call
and see for yourselves.
All kinds of Produce taken iq exchange
for Goods 50
Merchant Tailor,
Afain Street opposite McPherson's Block,
mmi urn
Insurance Co., of'Des loinevjla.
On tbe 1st day of January. 1S63. made to tbe Auditor
cf'the Slate of Nebratkapursuant to the statutes of
that State.
The name of the Company is the Western Accident
and Fire Insurance Company, of Des Aiuiues, Iowa.
The Capital Stock of this Co. is $500,00000
The Amount cf Stock 'paid in is $111,000 00
Cash on band and in hands of agents, etc.,
t 2 057 20
3,717 96
231 75
262 50
Notes taken for premiums
Invested in stocks aud other securities,
Office Furniture
Railroad Furniture
Persvnal Property
Dee Officer, Agents and other
Looses a-Uustcd and due
4,476 39
4C3 70
100 OO
Losses adj us ted and Lot due
Losses unadjusted
Losses iu suspense
The Iareu amount insured in one risk
afcaix.t Accidents
po do do Fire
6 000 00
4,000 00
Polk County,
We, Geo. W Clark, President and T. C. Snow, Sec
retary of the Western Accident and Fire Insurance
Company, ilrst being duly sworn, do depose and say the
foregoing statement is true, to the be.t or our unowi
elpe and belief. GEO. W. CLAIIK, Presideat,
T. C. Snow, Secretary.
1&2 Farnham street. Omaha, Nob.
C. T WH1TJIOHE, Gen. Agent,
YI2GIL S. HALL, Apcnl,
12-21-41 Brownville, Nebraska.
LOOK ! ! LOOK ! ! LOOK ! !
S500,00 FOR 2- CEXTS.
By subscribing for a beautifully illustrated book.
something new and interesting, entitled
Ups and Downs in City Life.
Something for every body to read. It describes every
character in a city of high or low standing in society,
and i sure to please every body that it. It con
tains 230 pages of rino print, and 30 beautiful life-like
S12,000 have Iieen Appropriated
to be given away to subscribers, as folio we :
First Prize, $500,00 in Greenbacks.
Second 4H).ro "
Third " 3J0.0O
Fourth ' 20O.CO "
Fifth " 100 00 "
And 210 Prizes of $50,00 each, all in Greenbacks.
' To every number of books a Prize is enclosed In fbe
book, and all books are put up tn strong wrappers, to
they pr safe throiich tor the owners.
1'KiLF or Books One book, 25 cts; Five books,
$l,oo. Filtceu books, $2 50, mailed to any adores-s
free, on receipts tf yrice A'!dres
Piibli-hcrs and Book-eller.
n20 2ni-al ! ' 111 & 113 Broadway, X. Y.
II cxperiance,an entire srecess; Simple I'rompl
ECicicnt,and Reliable. They aro the only Med
icines perfectly adapted to popular use sosimplo
that mistakes cannot bo made in ting them; so
harmlcst as to bo free from danger.and so efficient
as to bo always roliablo. They have raised the
highest commendation Iroin a.l, and will always
render satisfaction.
Nos. - Cent.
1, Cures Fevers, Coacest ion, Indamatl'-.ns
2, ' Worms, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic.
3, " Cryinp: -Colic, or Teething of infaatg,
4, " Dinrrcsa of chiMrtn or a'lulti.
5, ' Dysentery, Gripine, Billions Colic;
6, " Cholera-U..rbus,Vuuiiin,
7, " N euin:e.ia, TiK.ihicbe. Facoacbe,
9, " HbadacLea. Sick-Uea lat he, Vertiko
10, ' Dyspepsia. Billions STomacri
11, " Surpressecl, or painful Periods.
12, " W hiies, too protu-ed Periods.
1 3 " fjreup. CP5h, d'fReult Breithlns.
14, " bait Itheun.KrysipeU, K. options
10, " Se It liheum. Erysipelas, Krnptljns.
15, ' Jtheumatisin, Rbcumatic Pains
17, " Piles, blind jr blee.lni4
13, Optha1.rcynd soreor weak Fyes.
I. " Catarrh. a -ut or chronia, Ir.fluonia
1 .oo
20, " S'hoop n cougn. vio.ent ciougLs
21 " oppreseep ore uum
22. Ear Discnarges. lmpair.o U3armg
23 ' Ecrd'tlla, enlarged Giand.i, Swellings
24 ' General Oebllity, Physicial Weakness
25 " Dropsy and scanty Secietiona
'.6 " b'ea-bicltnegs, sicknoss from riding
27 " Ki.iney-JJtsease travel
23 ' Nervous Debility, SeminalTEmis-
bioes mvolnutary Uisciiarges
29 " Sore Meuth, Canker
30 ' Urinary W eakness, wettis bod
31 " Faintul Periods, with Spaauis
32 " Sulferings at change of life
33 " Kpiiepisy, asms. at. vnos- uace
34 " Diphtheria, clcerated Sore Throat
Of 35 larje vials, morocco
caSe,contaInla" a specific
lor every ordinary deseas
a family I subject to, and
a book of dlrccllons, $10
mailer Panaiy and Traveling cases, wtta
20 to 23 viaH, $5 to 83
p ecirlcs for all P rivataDeases, both for
Curing and fur Preventave treatment,
in via. and pocket cases, $2 to $5
For Sale by
I3rownviil9 Keb
t U Vi
TO purchasers
t i
i ..
EWII7G uVLjAcnxnra
i 1 1
Lock'Slich Reversalle Feed
honors at tha principal Fairs the present sea
son, commencing with the e hngiand Agricul
tural Fair, at Providence, in September, wbera is
was awarded tho highest price, immediately which
came tho New York Stato Fair, atBufa'o,in Oc
tober, where tho committee awarded it the first
Priie for a double-thread machine.
Then come the great annual Fair cf New Ezz
land. viz: that of the
Where the Highest Ftiia
awarded to any Family Sewing Machine, was
awarded to tho
and that too after it had been on exhibition iu con-
potition withaother
First Class Machines
for five consecutive weeks, where it had been ex
a mined by the best mechanics in the country, who
pronounced it the bust constructed and most relia
ble Machine, and one that, on account of its sim
plicity would
Accomplished a greater amount
of work, and in a more satis
factory manner, than any
other Sewing Irlaching
ever invented.
At the Fair of the Maoyland Institute, jrhleh
closed a four weeks session at B tl.imero on tho
27th of November, the superiority ot the FLOR
ENCE was aj?ain conSrmetf by the committee oa
Sewing Machines, who unanimously awarded it th
GOLO MEDAL, the highest priie tho lnstituta
On the 12th of September the great Fair and
Exhibition of the American Institute was opened
in New York. As usual, the display of Sewing
Machines was l.irga,and the competition atroi
but after a six weeks trial, the friends of tho
FLORENCE had the satisfaction of seeing their
favorite again triumphant, and for the second time
bearing oil the highest honorj of the American
Below we give an extract from the Report of th
committee on Sewing Machine, read at the close of
the Fair :
toTho whole number of Sewing Machines on ex
hibition is thieteen ; of these, twelve are entered
for comoet on. The ortiole bearing the No. 731)
to bo the BSSTon exhibition. It must also be
stated, incidentally, that Thia is than any of
its class i noitoi to ths Jad-jts.
"Ics merits are ;
"1st. Good material and
thorough workmanship.
'2d. More absolute nov
elty than marks the usual
improvements in Sewing
2d. The ingenious arrangement of a positive mo
tions for adj usiing the thread daring he i aas
of the shuttle and the gathering up of it in Uia
finish of tbe stitch.
a4fh. The reversible feii.
"5th. Tho viiicty of work that can bodone up
on it.
"We therefore decide that it rcceivo the award of
first class.
(Signed) WJ1. FRATT,
L. J.KNWLLrf."
"This is ti cer'ify that the foregoing Is a trja
extract from the Rodort of the Ju !.-is of Sewing
Machines at the 37th annail fair, 1337.
Seo'y Liuard Managers.
New York, Not. Ilth, loS7."
It would seetn as though this succession of tri
umphs should be sufficient to convince every an-
rcjud'ced person ol tne great superiority ol lh9
I.OUENCE over all others as a Family Se win r
Machine ; and if anything more is needed to eon-
firm the above, we might adioJ that, i n 131, th
Co." only sold 50 MacLiaes, whilst cow there at
40,000 JN USE.
thes establishing tbe success of th FH0ILZNC3
beyond all question.
Every Machine .Is TTarran cd.
General TFestern A?cnt,
123 Chestnut St., ST. LOU1J, MO.
Circulars, Trice Lists and saaplej of work fu
nished oa application.
2at for Crownviips
aai i"cai Cotin? j,
mint? nnj