Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 05, 1868, Image 2

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    JAIITIS S. CIILRCaT, Editor.
Call Tor Republican County Convention.
A Republican County Convention will behold at
Prownvilloon tSatuMrty, - Aprw ma, ,
o 'cloclr, M, to elect five Delegates to reprnt o
maraComty in the Republic State Convention
tobnhHdat Nebraska City on the 29ih day of
A -vil 18S. aid to Jo i uch other casings as in iv
f :,.iri.iHnth ntt? in this county. TheKi-
ruhii an3 cf ea:h preeitwt ia the County are rj
cached to bold m-.-ctin on tie 4'b cf April to
lct Dclo.tcs to attend s.iii County Convention.
Each preset is entitled tw the number of dcla-
rate as follow.', viz:
Peru U
Lr-fnyctte 5
Dou.rlas 3
Nemaha City 5
St. Droin 5
Glen Rocb
AvitiwaU- .
Benton 2
The abovo apportionment 5s ta tic from tbo voe
f.,r Ctnrefmi-.u. at tbo October el iicn ,f lSR
that I eifig tho last striitly party rote jr'.ven in this
O-unly. We hope to see a full attendance at ti e
Convention, an! that every precuct will Lo fully
'fho Cf ir.rci'tcc unanimously ad pled tbo follow
ing resolution :
We, tbo Central Com nitt 3 of Nemihi county,
do recommend to ell R.-publicans to la a-ido p.!1
ieal.u.-ic s and 1 eal pnjuJices, and C'ira : uv asoie
rcan to tbc united support of Kej ibli.-rtns, ari Rc
pul'kar! prin''ip'c., if rrill' of all fiJo issues
and local interest, and we pl'i.r3 ourselves tt la
ter for lliaeeom-.tlisbmsut .f tu i ot.d.
WILLIAM O. i;LS?iJ'.)'V,1
CJ. W. Faiebuoireh, Secretary.
Republican State Covectlon.
A Stale Conventi on will bo held at Nebraska
City on Wednesday , April L' 12 o'clock
M., to tlrvt Delegalrs to represent tbe Republican
mrty of Ntbmska r.t the National Convention to
lie b.-di at Chicago, May 20th, next. Also, a can
didate fr Member of Corrcs.', Governor, Secre
tary cf Stata, Au litor. Treasurer, 3 Presidential
Electors, and tbo delegates present, from each judi
ciitl distriet wi;l nominate a suitable person for
Di?triet Att rnoy. f.;r ibtir respective districts.
Tbo Convention will beo'iratiizid as follows :
Richardson County---i
Neniu.ha county 5
Nemaha, Richardson,
and J h:vn I
Pawnee, Gage. JeTer
pon, Saline and Lan
caster 1
Gage and Jefferson- --5
Johnson l
Otoo '
Lmeas cr I
Cass i
Ca. t, S ir; y, Saun If ra
Butler and Seward-"I
Saunders, Sewar J an 1
Batlar T
Platte, Mr rti -k, II ill,
Buffalo, Kearney and
Lincoln I
Saline, Lincoln ai.d
Sarpy 2
Dru.'hs H
le I
P.'t n I
Waib;i; 2
Was'uv'ori and Durt-I
HaI!,L'uJj!o Merrick I
Hurt tndCr.riin,; 1
l?a ..::. 1
rix.n, Cedar and L'-
Eau q ii court I
I)'-. Cuming. R t.i c
toa Dakota, Iiixon,
Cedar, L'Kau juioourt
and I'lttva 1
I 'aw ine - I
Total 52
A State Central Committee is to be e'ectcd for
tbe crniing cnaijuiign, th3 l.laco c.T h'Uing tho
nrrtStete Convention deijrriated, tbe basi3 of re
presentation for nucieeding Sure Cjnventior.s
H.reeduj on, and other ini! tant business will be
Iroiigbt bffore'tbf! Convcntk-n.
IvPf.ublcans, send d.-iegat-a, and lot no one coun
ty Le unrepresented.
St. A. D.DlI.COilBK, Chairman.
Omaba, Jan. 20th,
Tawncc Count.
This county ii situated diroctly west
of IlicLardiOn county. It is eighteen by
twenty-four miles square, and is on the
northern border of Kansas. Generally
speaking it is a prairie county. Long
llrancbjast entera the north-eastern cor
Eer. The North branch of the Great
NcmnE'a river atTyrds sufiicient water
for the four congressional town-hips in
the Dorth-easl corner. The South branch
of the same river waters the sDuth-eastern
portion of the count'. The Turkey
Creek, a stream of considerable import
ance, winds its way from Kansas up north
through the centre of the county, send
ing its numerous branches right and left
to the east and west, while Plum creek
and other eastern branches of the J3.g
Blue flow into its western borders for
many miles, thus affording abundance of
water for grazing, milling and manufac
turing purposes. It is cenepded by ell
that it is one of the best counties in Ne
braska fr farming purposes. It3 nu
merous treams are bordered by timber,
sufficient for fuel and for lumber, and
more than abundant for the present pop
ulation. Good well improved farni3 dot
the county over at less or greater inter
vals, without regard to timber. Most of
the farmers ure about removing the old
rail and board fences, which have served
the double purpose for the past three
years of protecting the growing hedge
and the grain. Eventually Southern Ne
braska will have the bet-t of all fences,
the live pnd growing hedge marking the
lines of each quarter section, and its
eub-divieions, when this heavy expense of
repairing and rebuilding at every decade
of years will be unknown, and from this
very fact a quarter section of land sur
rounded with a good hedge, must be at
least twice as valuable as one fenced
with the best of rails or beards, and as
we are informed the first cost cf the
hedge is only one-half that of the rail
fence. When one contemplates these
facts, it is a wender that lands so cheap
and well cituated, ' in a climate so well
dapted to the growth of every thing
the market demands, thould lay so long
trccaltivated as do the lands in Southern
Table Reck and Pawnee City are the
only two towns of much importance in
the county. At Table Rock will be
found one of the best water power grist
mills in the State. It is on the North
Branch of the Great Nemaha river, and
surrounded by a thriving farming popu
lation'whose centre of trade is at Table
Rock, where the Methodist arid Chris
tian churches have each active organiza
tions of working members and regular
services on each Sunday.
No sooner is a settlement formed on
the western pratres, than straightway the
enterprising settlers draw around them
all the evidences of their taste and civili
zation. If they are educated, moral and
refined, you will see first the school
house, then the church ; but more often
than otherwise one answers as well for
eamw una ms congregation as for
tbe ipBA.,H- u . .
the teacer and his scholars, until their j
more material wants-are supplied. So
we findit in Pawnee county. All are
endeavoring to make the same stone
bring down two birds; only here and
there is one enabled to combine the beau
tiful, ornamental add immaterial with the
There are large quantities cf corn,
cattle, horses and hogs raised in this
county for the eastern market, which
they reach either by way of the Missouri
river from Brownville, or by way of the
Kansas V. P. It. It., which runs through"
Kansas about thirty miles south. We
are informed by those in a position to
know the facts, that there are brought
into and sold in this county near S200,
000 worth of merchandise and abides
manufactured in other States per annum,
still leaving sufficient capital in the hands
of the farmar, mechanic and tradesmen,
for much valuable improvement for each
coming season.
When all the resources of this county
are fully developed, the aggregate of
population, business and wealth will be
immense, ana the Sute of Nebraska
will then command a wide and eitensive
influence in national a flair.
Uy reference to Governor Butler's dis-
mtch to the .frlverliscr it will be seen
that the Republican's cf Omaha carried
the city election last Monday, by 4S3
majority, on a square stand up light upon
principle. This is reaction with a ven
ence. The Ihrald admitted that Mr.
Itcberts, the Republican candidate for
mayor had been in the Slate cne year ;
while Dr. Miller, the UoiiaH ot Democ
racy and the Democratic candidate was
an "old citizen,-' an "lnnoenuai cnizeu.
n. "rernectable cnizin." an "original
Democratic citizen," combining the ele
ments of strength not only in his party,
but nmon? kind h arted and easy-going
Republicans. While tbe Republican
candidate, being compa ratively a new
settler, and but litle known, could
scarcely count on the full strength of his
own party, and nary a Democrat ; and
still, under all th se discouraging sur-
j: U i . : T
ruunu.iJijs, uio -xKiicn.jjj avciiit't-iti-y
were gloriously whipped, and a Demo
cratic cuv iuavcr and council are sue-
c.ieded by Republicans of the true metal.
While we rejoice ever the result, doubt
less none are so thankful as the citizens
cf Omaha, nhj were heartily tired of
the misrule of the Democracy. May
the Democracy continue to react until
their last vestage of power is gone,
when this nation may then be said to be
fully redeemed from the thraldom of sin,
slavery and bad government.
Senator Tipton.
Wc take the following well deserved
conpliment of one of our Nebraska Sen
ators from the Rocky Mountain Star.
Our Senators both s'and high in the es
timation of ail Union men, and what is
better, in the estimation of all their con
stituents: 4iWe are riea'ed to Fee by th5 Washington Globe.
that II n. T. V. Tlr.t-.nii not caly reeo'ni22d a9
oae of the pounde.-t of our Western Senators, who
commands the highest re?j:i3t aui eoLlida nee of bis
con:j -ers, bat also o:ie of tba working mcaibcrs of
that august boay.
For tbe A dvertiscr.
Tne Street Grading.
Mr. Editor: I noticed an article in
last week's "Journal" from a citizen who
appears to be in trouble about a certain
Ordinance passed by the City Ccunci
at their meeting of the ISth inst. Now
Mr. Editor, it appears to me that the
gentleman is rather hasty, for the very
things which he argues ought to be done,
were proposed at that meeting, and ar
rangements made for their performance.
Doe3 not the writer know that the coun
cil has made arrangement for the im
provement cf Main street, and has ad
vertised for sealed proposals for grading
Main street westward to the city limits,
to the amount of 6,000 yards?
Again, he ccmplains of an Ordinance
providing for grading the "streets run
ning north and south, connecting Nemaha
and Nebraska streets," yet he urges
finishing the work already commenced.
The council proposed to let a small a
mount of grading on one Street running
north and south. Does not the writer
know that this work is merely finishing
that already commenced ? Then what
can ail our "Citizen?" Is he crazy, cr
is ne a democrat, wishing to make polit
ical capital. If the latter, let him roll
up his sleeves and wade in. If the for
mer I would refer him to the Sanitary
committee lor medical treatment.
Our Citizen says the Council ought to
protect the work on Atlantic Street.
There it is again. The Council at the
time alluded to made arrangements with
Mr. Wilson to tunnel through the hill at
the foot of Atlantic street to convey the
water through to the river, so as to pro
tect the very work the gentleman'alludes
to. Does any one imagine that the wri
ter would have thought of the many im
provements that he alludes to if he had
not heard of the action of tue Council on
that memorable evening
I cannot imagine what ails out Citi
zen, unless he is opposed to the improv
ment of our City front. That must be
the trouble. He does not want to ex
pose our young city to the gaze of the
many travelers that throng our River in
the Spring and Summer. But our towns
man breaks out in the following lan
guagehear him: "The man who
doubts that the prosperity, commercially
and otherwise, of a place depends upon
its trade and trafric, is surely a fit sub
ject for a Lunatic 'Asylum." True! O
Kins ! but who doubts it. As Cartwright
would say, "This knocks things into a
gin-shop,"" if any body thought otherwise.
Again, the writer makes use of lan
guage of a volcanic character in regard
to digging down our hills and bluffs, and
filling up the hollows in the center of
the city. He 6ays it will not add one
dollar to the prosperity of the city.
What can the writer mean to convev
by that sentence ? Does any one know ?
Has he been dreaming, or has his mind
been wandering among the hills and hol
lows ? Perhaps the gentleman will get
his thoughts so composed as to allude to
",8 l"ou&"is so composed as to a
this matter again. We shall see
Nebraska Items.
Distriot Court is in session at Nebraska City
this week. '
Tbo Otoe Lodge cf Good Templers is in a flour
ishing condition.
A daily line of Stages is now running between
Nebraska City and Lincoln.
One hundred and twenty loaded cars from tbe
cast arrive in Omaha daily.
Tvc companies of soldiers rassei through
Omaha for Ft. Sedgwick, February 27th.
W. H. II. Wattcrs, formerly editor of the Prets
has returned to Nebraska City, to reside.
Sir. James C. Clark, mail agent for Son them
Nebraska, died at Nebraska City, February 25th.
There was a pinash up of a freight train on the
U. P. II. K. February 23d, killing a man named
Uice. v
The Gorm-vns at Nebraska City had a masquer
ade ball February 25th, which is reported as sue
Tho llasonio brethren residing at Lincoln City
ere tckieg'weasurea to establish a Masonio Ledge
at that point.
$5000 was raised at a meeting held in Nebras
ka City last Saturday evening for the Presbyterian
School of learning.
Tho County Cfir.aii3iioners of Otoe county
have appointed a board of appraisers for the School
Lands in that county.
Capt. Leo F.Gillit, formerly of the Nebraska
First, ba3 bean recently confirmed Captain of Lav
airy, ranking from June 8th, 1317.
Tbo citizens of Nebraska City aroendcavoring
to establish a school of learning under the charge
of the Presbyterian Synod of the State.
The Editor of tho Platt3mouth Herald is sup-
tilvins Lis oCbo with new material. This ebows
enterprise as well as success in business.
Tbe body of OtwayG. Eaker has been taken
up by iximi unknown person. The members of the
Catholic church aro Tery indignant over this.
We 13 am from the J'reis that a donation ras
ziven to tbe IW. Mr. Crrington. at F. N. Wood's
ehoA bouse, in Johnson county, on February 19th.
The Republicans of Omaha are pushing tbe
canvass for tbo election of Gjo. M. Roberts 03
Maysr of that city, with much earnestness and with
hope of success.
Dr. Rcnner, editor of a German paper in No
braska City, distributed under tho auspio'ecs of the
emigration society 000 German pamphlets to bo
sent to Germany.
On the 21st cf January tho St. Joseph State
Line and Lincoln Rail Ror.l wae, org vnizol, with
bead juartcr3 at Pawneo City. Messrs. IIoI!ing3
bead, Poavy, Curtis, S'tewart and others, incorpo
rators. Tbo Ja?on5c brotbroa of Tecumseh are working
undi.r a dispensation granted in D aeiaber lat.
Regular communication Thursday on or prcceeding
full moon. Dr. Ward, W. II.; Austin BuJum,
As Edwin Sharp, wife and chid were crossing
the Missiouri in a wagon on the ice at Oma 3i, the
ico broke. Mr. Sharp jumped with his child from
wag'.n upon the ice, but his wife was drowned, and
the team and wagon lost.
Quite a serious r-ccidn is reported in the
Plattsmonth ILrull. A delegation of Good Torn
pi era from that placo was visiting a lodgo at IWk
IilufTs, and on their return tiped their carriage over
a stctp embankment. The borsc-s breaking loose
ran away. Four of tbe ladie3 suffered mora or less
injuries, by b ing and dislocation of arms.
Ekou'd3rs, Ac.
The lion. John Gillespie Auditor of State, has
received re'urn? fron the Regnfftr of the several
land oPdces in the State the f "lowirg ttat'miat
of the private land entries in Nebraska in IS(37 :
Brownville 37 1,009 acri i.
Nebraska City 150,0:10 "
Om.-.ha 20.000
Dakota City 49 000 "
.Total 770,0U0 acres,
This i3 a very gartifying exhibit of tbo progress
ia settlement with which Nebraska was favored
in 1S67. The assessment of this aggregate at
J2 5J per acre a very lo.v valuation would in
crease our tot3l valuation $2,&25.C00. This is
so much more taxable property to lighten our burd
ens of taxation. Ouuh-i Ji. public an.
There was held at West Point, Nebraska, a rail
road meeting in the interest of North Platte, Feb
ruary 2Ct3", at wbieh the following preamble and
resolutions wcro aJopted :
"It having come to our kaowle dge that there is
to be an effort m ide by pirti"3 at Omaha, Platt3
month, Nebraska City and other places South of
us, at the next s. ssion of our State Legislature, to
apiropra'ethe five hundred thousand acres of
State lands sot as id by the U. S. government for
internal improvements in Nebraska, for the purpose
of aiding somo railroad company in buildiug a rail
road through Nebraska parallel with the Missouri
river ; and believing, as we do, that it is for the
purpose of enriching a few at tbo expence of the
many, and highly detrimental to the interests of
Northern Nebraska ; therefore bo it.
Jlaolccd, That we unite ia opposing any such
measure, and pledge ourselves not to support anj
man in our respect ive counties at the coming elec
tion for member in our Stute Legislature, "who is
not pledged to oppose w th bis utmost ability the
appropriation of the State lands for guch a purpose.
And be it futhcr.
Jleeohcd, That we wiil help, aid and assist, to
the utmost of our ability, any and all railroad
north of Douglas county, running east and west
across our State, and that wo will instruct our res
pective members in tbe State Legislature to insist
on a fair and just proportion of the Stato lands,
that wa may thereby better enabled to offer greater
inducements to any company orcompanios desiring
to build such rtad or roads.
Gage County.
Beatrice, Feb. 27, 1SGS.
Editor Advertiser : The perusal of the
report of the engineers of the M. fc M.
R. A. L. R. R. has caused considerable
comment among the citizens of this
(Gage) county, and there seems to be
universally among the people a feeling
of confidence entertained, that within a
few years the contemplated road will be
built. It is not the object of this com
munication to dwell on the great advan
tages which will be derived at once by
your city, nor is it expected by the hum
ble writer of these lines that he will
throw any new light upon the subject of
a raiiroaa rrom jjrownviue west to the
Union Pacific railroad. He simply de
sires to give a tew lacts in regard to
f 1
Gage county, leaving the inferences to
be drawn to the sound sense and discnm
ination of your readers.
This county extends from the Kansas
line a distance of thirty-six miles north.
It is twenty four miles in width. The
Big Blue river runs nearly through the
center of the county from the south,
which with it3 tributaries makes Gajre
county one of the best watered sections
in the State. That the valley of the Big
Blue is destined to become at no very
distant day the garden of the State, is
beyond dispute. The splendid water
power afforded by the Blue river, at
short intervals, the fertility of the soil,
its fine climate, unequaled health, recom
mend this valley to the seller, the man
ufacturer and capitalist, as the very best
ocation . for their interests. You are
already acquainted with the rapid im
provements of this region. We now
have flouring, saw, lath and shingle mills
in operation, thus furnishing the neces
sary materials for the emigrant to start.
The country abounds in the finest quality
flf KtflTIA fftT Ktlilrftnnr anr rtYi aw rtti mnc-no
whil hrirlr i,,1 in larrrl !
VV. Ul lltlQ .X.
quantities at Beatrice, the county seat of
the county.
In order that you may imayiuo bwi..-
.Vtnrr nf tVo rnnid frfOWth of this SeCtlOH,
I will state that according to the list ot
lands entered during the year l&o, iur-
nished by the Auditor of State, mere was
bought over 200,000 acres in this county,
making in all entered in uiw uu y-
ous years in round numbers over
000 acres now subject to taxation. With
these figures before us, I ask are we not
able to help build a railroad through our
county? I think we can; and if the
Brownville and Pacific road is com
monooA nn n substantial basi3, and lo
cated through this place exactly in the
fTonfrrnnh;! centre noith and south of
Gage county, I believe the people of this
rnnntv will resnend to trial action i a
tone not to be misunderstood. "By look
in"- on the maD vou will see that we at
this point are- not much out of an air
line with Ft: Kearney, and ail the dis
tance lost will be more than compensated
hvthe ndvantafres of route, lands, timber,
vratPr. and stone, to be found along this
ISnH runninc of . course 'up the Little
Blue, through a naturally rich and fertile
Very respectfully, H.
Marshal Rogers, W. N. Baring, Alfred Smith and
Francis Ooen, have, been arrested by tho Sheriff of
Mills county, Iowa, on a charge or robing the
County Treasurer's safe of that county of $15,00 0 .
The Democracy have decided to hold their con
vention in New York City, July 4th, in order to
claim the patriotism of tho Nation as tho joy cf the
people for Democratic leaders, after whicn we shall
have moro of the great reaction.
A proposition-has been submitted to thevcters
of Atchison county, Mo., to ascertain if the county
is willing to eubsoribe $100,OCO to the capital
stock of the M.&M. R.A. L. R. R., runing from
Quincy Bridge to Brownville.
Srocial Dispatch to tho Nebraska Advertiser.
Omaha, March, 3, 1S6S.
Glorious News! Omaha regenerat
TY-THREE (4S3) Republican major
ity at the corporation election ! Fight
sr.uare on princ'p'e! Concress fully
sustained. DAVID BUTLER.
Washington, March, 4, 1SG3.
The bill authorsing the Secretary of
War to supply counsel for defense of the
General of the Army or any other offic
er or person interested with the enforc
ment of the reconstruction acts has be
come a law without the President's ap
proval. New York, March 2d, 1S6S.
Gold opened at 1 11, and advanced one
fourth. It closed at 110 1-4 to 141.
Washington, March 1st 1SCS.
Ex-Gov, Ford, of Ohio died in Wash
ington, February 23ih of Pneumonia.
At the first commencement of im
peachment proceedings, the President
va3 defiant, but now great depression
prevail at the White House. Those
nearest to the President say that he has
abandoned all thoughts of resistance,
and feels that the army has deserted him.
He keenly feels the denunciation of lead
ing Democrats. It is known that a num
berof them do not hesitate to tell him
his case is hopeless and that they cannot
save him. Seward has given the mat
ter up. McCullock's recognition of
Stanton as Secretar7 displeases the
President. This, with the action of the
army and of Robert J. Walker, have all
combined to break down the spirits tf
Johnson amazingly.
B A T II R O O M S .
J. L. ROY,
North side Main St., between 1st and 2J.
Has a Splendid suit of Bath Rooms, Also a choice
fdock of Gentlemen's Notions.
Probate Judge & Justice of the Peace,
Court House Bulldirg, Main St.
Remaining in the Tost Office at Brownville,
5th, IBrlS:
Alexander Saml
B!y M. D. 3 Benedict Geo. L.
Butlor Edward Brown Cha's.
Coats Mr3. Nancy S. Collins Evaline
Coliins Lyda Clark Tho 's.
Camv-bcll H. 7.
Denfeldt Hon. Gustavns Diraock Mrs. Lattie
Doberty Dan'l
Ellis Mrs. Sarah M.
Farnam Archilaus
Fornam Jobnithan
Fleming E. S.
Gipson Startling
Gallp C. M.
Ellett John B.
Fuller Mrs. Mary
Forney A; C.
Grenhart Francis E.
Green Joseph E.
Harris Wm.
Hart Sam 'I B.
Kennedy T. H.
Montymnrg J. P.
Moore J. M.
McKeynolds Caroline
Moore Geo. F.
Perry James
Peaice Tho'a
Read E. and J. O.
Roivlanl Besy W.
Redding Charles
Smith Dewitt
Snider Henry
ThomtHoi. Willas A.
Oregens Jacob
Hill Wm.
Harris Miss Mary
Jenkins Cha's
Kceth Samuel
Lynch Wm.
Moore Mrs. Ellen
Miller C. U.
MoFiron Tho'a G.
Moore Wm. F.
NelT Jos.
Pepoon Mrs. Jessie
Pcrcival Mark
Reader Mrs. Eoia E.
Rhodes Miss Eiiiab6th
Raymond Samuel
Smith Miss Lucinda
Sevens Liizie C.
Short Miss A ma
Thcmest Cha's
Tauzcn Fracit
Wayland Stenbsn
West B. n.
Wilson Charles
Williams F. M.
Williams Mrs Mary
Wilson Mrs. Mary L.
Williams Miss Julia F.
WhinC Rev. M.
S"Person3 calling for these letters will please
eay - -advertised." A. V. il A.KSU, l M.
Bt order of tbe City Council of the Ciy of Brown
ville, I will offer for pale at public auction, to th
highest bidder, for cash in hand, on T osday, M arch
Street, between Main and Atlantic.
11. . BOYD, City Marshal.
LOOK! Anybody sending me 20 cent., I will
SfcSiSS1 "tQrn f thHm w miller00'' lD
Tl2-n23-6ra" Lock box 44, Readiajr.Pa.
K0' cacc T Iclo of Tea, go to
Ruben B. Presson, Plaintiff,
John Maul ling. John L. Carson,"!
Charles Montgomery, wimaui
B. Spears, Martha Jane Sample,
Alexander lUver.s, Wesley Blv
6D9, James Howorth, Kven Hays,
Isaac C. Laurence, and Francis
Uiuuiore, ,,.., To Sam
tion in tbe District Court of e ni
in and for Jhnson County, state 01 eui,
thP said defendants, the object and prayer of said pe-
i.,.; is. .,r.-i..nrn of a certain ceeu 11
llllOU 13 "I . ml
trust in the nature or a mortgage, 01 i"o "
quarter of section 23, township 5, range 11, east 01 mo
!lu.v. : aaleof me. Tbat deed of
n,. nil n ar-feWi 1 nit : 1 uulcuu - '
aii.i viv. .. . ,
Mauluin" to the said John L. Citrson, in trust, to Be-
core the parmoni or a cnia piuiui j
;, ' .. ...,.rii.n J MeS'aiizhton or bearer; 'est said
t t i4snd said deed of tru.-t to Cbarlea
Montgomery, and tho said Montgomery assigned U.e
. Plaintiff, with the note acconiparrn tue
same, and there is still dnc and unpaid on sa. . uoto
the sum of one hundred and thirty dolla.s, with inter
est thereon. The said William R. Spears and Martha
Jane Sample are req iired to answer said petition on
or bofore the lain aay or Apru, 1.
Dated this 6U1 day of March, 1SC3.
Vl2-n23-4w Att'ys tor PlalutitT.
Notice is toreby given that on the 30th day of March,
icm t 1 n'p!n.-t. P. M.. of Slid Uay. 1 win ouor iur
sale at the door of the Court Ilouse iu Tecuruseh, John
c.m mnntv Nebraska, the following describe! reil es-
,t GitnaiA in si.i cnuntv of Johnson, to-wit : The
south half of tha stuthweot quarter of section nve,
tnwnshin four ransa eleven ; all of said real es-
J tate being taken as the property of John D. Hard on
-Ttpcution "issued out of the Uistnci court or jonii-
son county, Xebra-ka, in favor cf the plaintiff ia a
raso whereiu Jotdiua Devuty is vlmtiff and Jol.u V.
Uurd and Jamos W. Deputy are defendants, and to me
directed as Sheriff of sdouii'y or j jaiioa.
Given under my hand this.: 1st day of February, 186.
22-4t-lad a. a. uttn, ancrm.
tr T RTOTTT rfrrs his Ftrm in sccticn 26, town 3,
R.tnge 15. in Richardson county, Neb , for sale, Bitu-
.in,i tfi:! -miM southwest or AsDiuwau. it w "
n-!or if.Tiro imi rnitiv:itii-n cxcett 15 ajre of ti mber.
Well watered. Persons deirins to pu;cha?c will call
nn Mr. Sfoutono mile south .f J. E. Crow's. Monte
rey, Richardson county, Nebraska. tl-6t
TTT ANTED-Teachers Students, and other
intelupfiisr Jieaami hvoujou. m a uuomv.-o vj
inrromn to OfJ rcr month, ac ordiiig to abili'y
For particulars address ZEWLfclt, McCURDY &. CO.,
Lombard niock, Chicago, 111. l---l-iy
Graincr, Gilder, Glazier and Pajer-LI(xnger.
All w .rk diie on Short Notice, Favorable Terms and
Warranted. Ore over Tere & C's St to. Main St.,
F. A. TISBELL, Jr. & Co.,
Kcp constantly on hand all kiuls of
SKINNER'S rRKSriTM GANG PLOW, warrantedjtha
most porfort Plow ina'e,
WA(JGON TGIilBLKS, a good assortment always'on
SASII. L'OORS AND BLIND3, all sizes and kinds,?
and everything the Farmer want.
Call and bee us, on 1st, between Main and Atlantic,
Main Street between First end Second.
'-ww w -9 a.AJjjLJj .1.1. J. .
I Would Eesrcctfullv inform tbn P;;tt,. r
orownvme, ana surrounding country that I bnvo
just roceived my fall Stock cf Uoods, censistin" of
Of the latest styles and be
calf Boots, double soled Root?,Fino KipIJoots boys
ana cnuarens uootsand hoes. All kinl nf T
India Rtibher nn? TtnfTnl n,-- CK.''
4uuiv vie kJiiUCS
for Gentlemen and Ladies
Groceries of Every Kind,
vvooaen ware, atone wnr
T-r I
The Best Quality of
ffV 1. a. TTT - t TT
auo uen ooien unaer anj Uver Shirts,
Of ail kinds, Wholesale and Retail.
SH OFMJ1 KT P T nnrl TJ 4 T? "V co
MAKERS Can relv UDOn harinrr iha',m
J jm.j '.,r ,
and reft5cnnbl terms. Cn 1! K q
chasing elsewhere.
"uica no oners at t nwmt
r. R A 1MT
t '' - ' L
ji 1 1!1
ft pnpi?-
,t'nieliest Time!!
y ?v ' , 11 i. J. mr fVTnnrlc: nr
We return thanks-to our friends and
the trading public for the libe
ral patronnge they have
thus far extended us.
Our aim shall
be to so
our business
as to merit the
confidence of our
customers. Allrepresen-
tations jruarrantied. We keep
o nnmrdnfn fttnck of all
UU uauu "
kind cA frondS reaUireU IOr lUiS
market, and as to prices
We Will Not be Undersold!
Dry Goods,
' Queeiisware,
Boots & Shoes
Hats, Caps,
wvw. -- -
ill iimn of Produce
. - . , . r..nA r. nrhirh thn highest
TAKEN in eschange for Goods, for which the highest
maiket price wil be allowed.
Corner Main and Second Street
January 1st, 1SG3.
rXi"J ky uUiLli
Ulaln Street,
Dealers in Men and Bay's
Furnishing Goods
r.; - .
JiSiiYii t lM II K N I! h.
mm. fMiscl.
Blankets and Unibrell
n r
Have just received and will keep con
stantly on hand a large and well assort
ed stock of the above, and all other ar
ticles in their line, which they offer to
the public at
liiit in A.
Fici's Illustrated Catalogue
o p
Seed and Floral Oniae for 136$
Is now published and ready to send out. It
mak cs a work of about one hundred lar-e r-ao?.
containing zuit descriptions 01 ino
Choicest Flowers and Vegetable
2 "rov.-n
with plain directions for Sowiasr Seed. Cu lture
It is beautifully illustrated, with more than ONE
Flowers and Vegetables, and a
Beautiful Colored Plate of Flowers,
Well printed, on tbe finest paper, and one of tbo
most beautiful as well as the mostinstm.-ti-rn
of tho kind published.
ii7oent t aJ who ar.rly, by mall, r-cst r-;,1
for TeQ
Cents, which is not Lalf th3 cost.
Rochester, N. V.
Be.i. Rogers. r. w. fcs.v j
V ,. ,'i-V
' '""-4, ir -
bivery-Feecland Sale Stable.
Main Street
Dealers in all kinds cf Stock. Horses Bongbt,3o!d
and Exchanged. Stock boarded by tho.yor
The Proprietors have recently erected an entire
new, large and commodons Stable on Main Street
near the old Brownville House. Their Stock is all
fresh and Vehicles new. The Dublin c Ka o.-.
modated at all or nizht.
l ivw iw.VU4'
paw wiSJatSid 7o the'suHi, f
Pre water atached to tho Stable. 41-Iy
Tl Pcaclse Apples, Blackberriei, Cherries a
Ctoaowaro Cajkcta, Wafbboards. Lanterns Ac. a
At the Sign, of the
la the place to bay
Keep constantly on hand a complots lasor '
Bedsteads, Warlrobg
Bcaurcaus, RooVicJn,
nat .oia
Kitchen Safes,
Plain Stand3 ;
Recking Cribs,
Bxd Spring,
Cab3 and Gig,
Tiano Stools, Tefpoy Standi
Gilt and Rosewood ilouiding, hist'j
Pillows, Pillow Siifs, etc, etc., etc Vt
h ft n Cntft ,nrt:l rifirp irnrl- J. j
And anything and everything require J u
pi .in or fancy housekeeping. S
Ail of their ware is eitner macufaartd or
I vuavic kucdj a'juiii anaicssii sma.itr rriccj (l
0uk heaese
is at tho service of tho ?cMi
iio at anr . i
be needcd,i
oe neeaco, ana is gotten up ia as ac ii-'.t M -,
farther east.
Metalic Burial Cases,
cf all e izes constantly on hand, at eaicra jr.
We are doing business on st-ictly cofb pric-'t
At a sm-tlt proIt, anJ by attenfiaa to t-a'u.'f.
the want3 of tho comraunity. cpcit ia t';,a f.--.
as in the past to receive the patron ;a of ibo p
lie generally.
. M'FALL & CO.
Daniel Francis & Co;
- 111 2 id L1 m if 1 11
K T7EEPS constantly on hai;J a lar;. :!-.
Plain and Ornasiental Mnne.
The Trade supplied with B 1 cks ai.1 S.'iU. !ij
doi.e to order.
31. F. BOYD, i:cnl,
BrcivcviKa, Sttrjirf
mro. nm & co.,
realarj ia
Ladies Gent's sa
Fjrminj, perhaps t!
most cump lete an i ex
tensive st jeii ' t! 're '- '
Vh.ile-ae or Kpti.1
purchaser- e-t i t lii-J
Missouri River.
Never bavin;? lotn
CLt'l ne f.r fitti.! t
toik or r Jir iSa'i:,
tl.ey merit ti.e c i : 1
Cuce ac 1 p itr-.'i.ije A
.Di-3. Wesley & Ke
ITavefer many years Ireatel Pr!f'ePiif,f.j
unexampiel unccess, h3vic had t'r"" " j
crienceia the n.jspiuU vt this
tries. They have devoted thei --J" ,:
energy to the treatment ot priva'i
their sncces in the treatment of t!w-";f t
mjr and diScult cases nch as were i
sidered incurable, is norririeDt to rec-m.
t the public as worthy of the ex:-,,ive ! ?
which they have received. Tie
failing sccceos In tbe treatment J F'1 "., : S
has proved, teyonda doubt, tbat a r"0',.;
tor the womtcieof Contituti -nj! zy'
orrfcoea, Stricture
e ia aDy form. ! '- ' ,' .
tlons, diseases of the Sin. ii'
can ba ob'.aiae-J. o
AIo, tbe eJact of a solitary tatitf'
body and mind, prodticinj blotches, (Je-)'"'4;.( -tency,
dizziness, dimmjis of siat. i-c ,'-:
rendering marrlatre improper, wbaa ' j,.s
sweeps to an catimelr grave tbon-an- f -men
of the most exalted talect an 1 bri". jCti:.
lect, may rely utK-n a pei manent cere- -j
for advice or consultation. AH C"""', .u?"
strictly coDfldeaiiil. Seud two ttree - .
tor treatise
relatki? to ail ul Tf
ed. Oftioe hours from 9 1 ;(i
i a. m. to 3 p. m. OtHce 4.3
Mercury used
Snnrlav. Ida
Ar!,iri .11 toff or fv P n. BX -t-
Mo. 12-1