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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1868)
SELECT POETltY. "OLD TIKES.- rire li aa exquisite poem, which appeared'. In tie Chief jo Journal, ai ii j ratably from the pen ci D. F. Taylor: There's a boautious ects on tha slumbrous sir, That drift through the valley cf drcjjna ; It comes from the clime where the roses wort, An J a tuneful heart and bright Lrorn hair, Tb&t wavo8 la the morning learna. 8cft e yes cf tzure and eyos of brown. And enow-white foreheads ore there ; A glimmering Cross and a glittering Crown, A thorny bed end a couch of down, List topes sid lebJSeti cf player. A breath cf SprES n tho brcciy wood., Sweet wafts ffjo the quivering pine Dlue violet eyes beneath green hood-, A bubble of brooklet?, a ecect cf buds, Bird wsrbicrs and clambering vine. A torj wreath and a dimpled band ; A rlcg and a glittering vow Three golden links of a breken band, A tiny track ca the enow while sand, A tear anl a seniles brew. There' a tincture cf grief in tbe.beantifuI'oig That Bobs on the slumbrous air. And loneliness felt in the festive throes, Sink down cn the soul a it trembles alcrg From a clime w here the'roses wcro. We beard it ret at the dawn of day, And it mingled with matin chimes, ' , But years hare distanced tho beautiful lay, And its melody floweth from far away, And we call it eow Old Times. From (Ae Fairy Book of All Xation. By Edouard Lahoulayr, Jfentlcr of tile Institute of France. Tranbtl It Jfurg L. Booth, FMitltd Ig liar' per and Eroiiicr. YVON AND riSETIE, A FAIEY TALS Cr E2IIWNY. ( CisiiriudeJ.) When the eieward, the bailiff, and the eeneschal were experiencing these little unpleasantnesses, of which they did not think it proper to boast, preparations were being made fcr a great event at Kerver Cattle, namely the marriage cf Yvoa and tho fair-haired lady. Two days had passed in those preparations, and all the friends of the family had gathered together fcr 'twenty leaguet round, when, one fine morning Yvon and his bride, with the Earca and Baro ness Kerver, took their Beats in a great carriage adorned with flowers, and set out for the celebrated church cf St. Madcre. A hundred knighls, ia full armcr, mounted oa the horses decked with rib bens, rode oa each eide of the betrothed couple, each with his vizor raised and hia lance nt rest la tckea of honor. By the ide of each baron, a squire, ako ca horse back, carried tho seigniorial banner. At the head cf the procession to&q tho een echal, wxth a gilded staff in his hand. Behind the carriage gravely walked the bailiff, followed by the vassals, while the teward railed at the serfs, a noisy and curious rabble. As they were crossing a brook ,a league frcra the cafetle, one of the traces of the 'top. I he accident repaired, the coach man cracked hla whip, and tie horses started with such' force that the new trace broke in three pieces. Six times this provoking piece of wood was replaced, and Bir time it broke anew, without drawing the carriage from the hole where it was wedged. Every one had a word cf advise to offer ; evea tho peasants, as wheel-wnghts and carpenters, were cot the last to mako a show of their knowledge. This gave the tteward cour age ; he approached the barcn, took eff his cap, and, scratching his head, "My lord," said he, "in the house that you see 6hinicg yonder among the trees, there lives a woman who does things that nobody else can do. Only persuade her to lend you her longs, and, in my opinion, they will hold till morning." The baron mado a sign, and tea pea3 ants ran to tho cottage of Finette, who rery obligingly lent them her gold tongs. They were put in tho place of the trace ; the coachman cracked hii whip, and o2 went the carriage like a feather. Every one rejoiced, but the joy did not last long. A hundred steps father, lo ! the bottom of the carriage nave way ; lit tle more, and the noble Kerver family rrould have sunk quite out effstght. The wheel-wrights and the carpenters set to work at once; they sawed planks, nailed them down fast, and in tho twinkling of an eye repaired the accident. The coach man cracked his whip, and the horses tarted, when behold, half of the carriage was left behind ; the Bareness Kerver tat by the side of the bride, while Yvon and the baroa were carried off at full gallop. Here was a new difficulty. Three times was the carriage mended, three times it broke anew. There was every reason to believe that it was enchanted. Every one had a word of advice to offer. This gave the bailiff courage. He approached the baron, and said, with ft J-ito inns 'My lord, ia tho house that ycu sea ahining yonder among the trees, there lives a woman who does things such as nobody else can do. Only persuade her to lend you her door for the bottom cf the carriage, arJ, ia my opinion, it will hold till morning." The baron made a sign, and twenty peasants ran to the cottage of Finette, who very obligingly lent them her gold den door. They put it in the bottom cf the carriage, when it fitted as if it had been made expressly fcr it. The party lock their feats inthe carriage, the coach man cracked his whip, the church was in sight, and all the trouble of the journey teemed ended. Net at all! Suddenly the horses stop ped, and refused to draw. There were four cf them. Six, eight, ten, twenty four more were put to the carriage, but all in vain ; it was impossible to stir them. Tho mere they were whipped, the deeper the wheels sunk into the ground like the coulter of a plow. What were they to do ? To go ca foot vrculd have been a disgrace. To mount a horse, and ride to the church like simple peasants, was not the custom cf the Ker ver. They tried to lift the carriage, they pushed the wheels, they shook it, ut all in vain. Meanwhile the day was clinicg, zzi the hour fcr the marriage i Everyone had a word of advice to effer. This gave the seneschal courage, lie approached tho tarcn, alighted from his hcrte, raissd his velvet cap, and said, "My lord, in tho houjo-that you eee shining yonder among the trees, there lives a woman who does things such as nobody else can da. Only persuade her cow to draw the carriage, r and, in my opinion, she will'draw it" till morning." The baroa made a sign, and thirty peasants ran to the cottage of Finette, who very obligingly lent thera her golden-horned cow. - To go to church drawn by a cow wa3 not, perhaps, what the amhiticus bride had dreamed of, but it was better than to remain unmarried in the road. Tho heifer was harnessed, therefore, before the four horses, and every body looked cn anxiously to tee what) this boasted animal would do. Bat before the ccachrasn had time to crack his whip, lo! the cow started off as if she were about to go around the world anew. Hcrser, carrage, barcn, betrothed, coachmaa all were hurried away by the furious animal. In vaia the kni.rrb.ts spurred their horsc3 to follow the pair ; in vaia the peasants ran at full speed, taking the cross-road and cutting, across the meadows. The carriage flew as if it had wings ; a pigeon could not have followed it. Oa reaching the dcor of the church the party, a little disturbed by this rapid journey, would not have .been sorry to alight. Every thing was ready fcr taa ceremony, and the bridle pair nad long been expected; bat instead of stopping, the cow redoubled her speed. Thirteen times she ran round the church like light ning, then suddently made her way in a straight line across the fields to the cas tie. with such force that the whole parly were almo3t shaken to pieces bsfore thsir arrival. VII. No more marriage wa3 to be thought of for that day ; but the tables were set and the dinner served, and the Baroa Kerver was too noble a knight to take leave of hia brave Bretons until they had drank according to custom that is, from sun set till sunrise, and even a little later. Orders were given for the guest3 to take their seats. Ninety-six tables were ranged ia eight rows. In front of them, on a larcre platform covered with velvet, with a canopy ia the middle, was a table larger then the rest, and loaded with fruit and flowers, to ray nothing of the roast hares, and the peacocks smoking beneath their clumacre. At this table the bridle pair were to have been seated ia full sight, ia order that nothing might be lacking to tho pleasures cf the feast, and that the meanest peasants might have the honor of saluting them by em ptying his cup cf hydromsl to the honor and prosperity of the high and mighty house cf Kerver. The baroa seated the hundred knights at his table, and placed their squires be hind.their chairs to eervo them. At his right he put the biide and Yvon, but he left the seat at his left vacant, and call ing a page, "Child, " said ho, "run to the house of tho stranger lady who obli ged us only too much this morning. It was not her fault if her success exceeded her good-will. Tell her that the Biron Kerver thanks her for her help, and in vites her to the wedding-feast of hii eon Lord Yvcn." Oa reaching the golden house, where Finette, in tears, was mourning for her beloved, the page bent one knee to the ground, and, in the baron's name, invited the stranger lady to the castle to do honcr to the wedding of Lord Yvon. "Thank your master for me,' answer ed the young girl, proudly, "and tell him that if he is too ncble to come to my house, I am too noble to go to his." When the page repeated this answer to his master tho Barcn Kerver struck the table such a blow that three plates flew, into the air. "By my henor," eaid ho, "this is spok en like a lady, and for the first time I own myself beaten. Quick ! saddle my dun mare, and let my knight3 and squires prepare to attend me." It was with this brilliant train that the barcn alighted at the doer of the goldea cottage. He begged Finette's pardon, held the stirup for her, and seat ed her behind him cn hi3 own hcrse, neither mere nor less than a duchess in person. Through respect, he did not speak a single word to her oa the way. On reaching the castle he uncovered his head, and led her to the seat of honor that he had chosen for her. The baron's departure had made a great excitement, and his return caused still greater suprise. Every cne asked who the lady could be that the barcn treated with euch respect. Judging from her costume, she was a foreigner; could she bo the Duchess of Normanda or the Queen of France? The steward, the bailiff, and the . seneschal were ap pealed to. The Eieward trembled, the bailiff turned pale, and the seneschal blushed, but all three wero as mute as fishes. The silence cf these important personages added to the general wonder. All eyes were fixed on Finette, who felt a deadly chill at her heart, for Yvon saw but did not know her. He cast an indifferent glance at her, then began to talk in a tender tone, to the fair-haired lady, who smiled disdainfully. I inette, m'despair, took from the purse the golden bullet, her last hope. While talking with the baron, who was charmed with her wit, she shook tho little ball in her hand, and repeated, in a whisper: "Golden bullet, precox: treaicre, . Sara me, If it be tiy pleasure." And behold, the bullet grew larger and larger, until it became a goblet of chaced gold, the most beautiful cup that ever graced the table cf taron or king. Finette filled the cup herself with spiced wine, and calling the seneschal, who was shrinking behind her, she said, ia her gentlest tones: "My good senesc hal. I entreat you to offer this goblet to Lord Yvoa. I' wish to dr ins his health, and I am sure that ho will not refuse xae this pleasure." Yvon took the goblet, which the sen eschal presented to him on a salver cf enamel and geld, with a careless hand, bowed to the stranger, drank the wine, and setting the cup ca the table before him, turned to the fair-haired lady who occupied all his thoughts. The lady seem ed anxious end vexed. He whispered a few words ia hsr ear that seemed to please her, for her eyes epirkled, and she placed her hand again ia his. Finette cast down' her head and began to weep. 'All w&3 over.'" "Children, cried the taron, in a voice of thunder, "fill your glasses. Let us all drink to the noble stranger who honors U3 with her presence. ' To the coble hdy of the golden cottage!"" ' . ' . All began to huzza and drink." Yvoa contented himself with raking his goblet to a level with hia eye3. Suddenly ; he started and steed mute, his mouth open and his eyes fixed, like a maa that has a vision. It was 9 vision. In the gold cf the goblet .Yvoa saw hia past life as in a mirror: the giant pursuing him ; Finette dragging him along , both embarking in the ship that saved them ; both landing ca the shore of Bri'.any ; he quitting her for aa instant ; she weeping at his depar ture. - Where wa3 she ? By his side, of course. What other woman thaa Fmetto cculd .be b7 the side of Yvon ? He turned toward the fair-haired lady, and cried out like a man treading oa a serpent. Then, staggering as if he were drunk, he rose and looked around him with haggard eyes. At the sight cf Finette te clasped hia trembling hands. and, dragging himaelf toward her, fell ca :h;a knees and exclaimed, "Jb mette, forgive me !" To forgive is the height of happiness. Before evening Finette was seated rby the side cf Yvcn, both weeping and 6mil . ' .. , And what became cf the fair-haired hdy? No one knows. At the cry of Yvon sha disappeared: but it was said that a wretched eld hag was Been flying cn a broomstick over the castlo walls, chased -by . the dogs. And it waa tho coromcn cpinioa among the Kervers that the fair-haired lady was none other than the witch, the godmother of the giant. I am not sure enough of the fact, however, to dare warrant it. Iis always prudent to believe, without proof, that a woman may be a witch, but it is never wise to say so. - . What I can say oa the xvord of an his- toriaa is, that the feast, interrupted for a moment, went on gayer than ever. Early the next morning they went to the church, where,- to the joy of hia heart, Yvoa married Finette, who was no long er afraid of evil spirits ; after which they ate, drank, and danced for "thirty six hours, without any oae thinking of resting. The steward's arms were a little heavy, the bailiff rubbed hia back at times, and the seneschal felt a sort of weariness ia his limb3, but all three had a weight oa their conscience which they could not shTike off, and : which made them tremble and flutter, till finally they fell on the ground and were carried off. Finette took no other vengeance oa them ; her only desire was to render all happy arouniher, far and near, who belonged to tho noble house cf Kerver. Her mem ory still lives in Brittany ; and among the ruins of the old castle any one will shew you the statue of tho good lady, with five bullets in her hand. Tea Dctt o E:'CI3TT. Society may . all In making the I.ibcrera Tirtnou and happy, by bring iEg .children up to libor with steadiness, with oar and with kill; to ghcxr them how to do as many useful things a3 poi3ibie : to do them all ia the best manner ; to ret them aa example in ia dastry, sobriety, cleanliness and ncatce?; to make all these habitual to them, othat they shall never be liable to fall into the contrary. - "Goci morning, Undo Jim." "Good morning I" . " YVJ, yoa got your daughter married offjfcav8 you.?" "Yea." "Really, PrcTid6C89 gmilea upon yon." "Eailea ! no, bless you, ehe laughed right eat." A teacher aalted ft bright little girl, "What eona try is opposite us oa the globo ?' "Don'l know, sir," was tho answer. fcWeII, now," pursued the toacher, "if I were to bore a rele through the earth, and you were to go ja at this end, whore would yoa come out ? "Oat cf the hole, eh," replied tho pupil, with. a air of triumph. PIONEER PAIHTSHOP LOUIS WALDTE'R, 5 3. C3 CO Jim J-i JLr 5 Grainer, Gilcer, Glazier,. PAPER-HANGER White Washing and Kalcemininer done All wori done in a workmanlike manner on the - t . A. J. J . encnesi nouco. TERMS CASH! SHOP on llaia streot ever Morgan's Plow Facto ij. (11-22-yly) JA3IE3 TICK .. ' IMPORTER AXD GROWER OF FLOWER AND VEGETABLE 253 IS 3E2) ROCHESTER, N. Y. 9 Vich'a Illustrated C&talogut - . . OF Seed ana Floral Game for 1S63 Is now published and ready to send oat. It mak es a work of about cue hundred larse parros, containing iuu aescnpiions ox tna - Choicest Flowers and Vegetables grown with plain directions for Sowing Seed, Culture, Ac. It is beautifully illustrated, with more than OXE HUNDRED FIXE WCGD EXGRATIXQ3 cf Flo wcrs and Vegetables, and s Beautiful Colored Plato of Flowers, Well printed, oa the finest paper, and one of the most beautiful ag well as the most Instructive works cf the kind published. "Sent to all who apply, by mail, post paid, for Ton Cents, which is net half the co?t. Address JAMES VICES. 18' Rochester, N. T. CIMATffl JOSEPH SHUTZ Kas jost received and will eocstantlv Vnn in hand a large and well selectedatock of genuine ar- jciesia is line. One Dcor wtsi of .Grant's !ore, Broxn vilh, jSTelraska, ' 01 Clock! "WtttcfcesViia Jewelry dua on tha ikoTt. est Jiotic. WORK -WARRANTED. Brt'TnTllU, Nb.. Mrch 15tn, 1SSS. IO.SS.I7 1ST J? C LO St. Jos ani St-'Iccis Iksiness Houses. BAILY, KAY & WOOD, DeaIers in A SO YANKEE HOTiOHS, Exclusively at wholesale. Third Etres! ST. JOSEPH, Ho. Stock in Extent, "Variety, and prica Compares with best SI. Louis 0; Chicago Houses. ST Orders Solicit. : -l7 K0. S. LE310. .1 .- TSAACr.HOSEA. LEMON. HOS A. & CO. WHOLESALE DEA ERS IN rOHEIGH & DOMESTIC Motions,; GIotMong &c. : NO. '5 FOUETH ST. Ct Jossph, L2o. " A Large Stock always on hand. Orders solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. ' : 45 -ly Nave, McCord & Co ., WHOLESALE GEOOEHS ' ' And Dealers in Winos, Liquors, Tobacco, &c. St JOSUrH. BIO. 45Iy TQxiioii Foundry, AND MACHINE SHOP BURNS1DE, CSOWTHER & ROGERS rnopitiETons, Cor. 8tii & Messanie Sts., St. Joseph, Ho. STEAM miGINES U : AUD ii REPAIRED HADE IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS OF ALL KIEIDS AND IRON FRONTS Made to order on short notice and satisfactory to all parties. Ajpoaenta for GALDNER& ROBERT SON'S IMPROVED PATENT GOVERNOK.-44-ly W.M.WYETH& CO. Whole sals Dealers ia SADDLERY GOODS, 3, Skirting:, f nd all kincU Saddler's bu Hardware. SADDLES, BRID. ?S, 4C, Agents for Disatona Circula Saws, and Marvin's Safe. N0.8 South Third Street, botwooa Felix & Edmcnd JOSEPH, CIO. 451y. Q. T. Uxderhzlx. A. N. Eaton. UNDERHILL & EATON, ommissioDtiercnaiits, Io 2. City BulltSins ST. LQXJIS, MO. EEPERENCSS: Second Katlocsl Bsok, St Louis Allen, Copp & Kibbet, Bt. Louis. Brrnch State Bank of Iowa, Dubuane. Johnstone & Bacon, Backers, Ft. Uadlson, Ia. Ieaac gearritt St Co,, Alton, 111. Blair & Atwood, Alten, 111. , A. FI5EH. T. B REYNOLDS. PINES & REYNOLDS, PROPRIETORS, Eight Street, two block3 from R. B. Depot, o27. r o o zn rs:o ll-45-6ial John finger. W. B. DOUGLAS. FINGER & DOUGLAS, Wholesale D criers QUEENSWAEE GLASSWARE., $C fyC, NO. 7 Fourth Ttreot. St JOSEPH, ZJO. 451y VICTOR B. BUCH, . TTliolesalc TS&SHOES ircrtla West Comer 4th & Felix Etrc8t3, st.; josih, mo. tST"IIeepe much the Lar?eat Stock WmI rf S. Louis.and is prepared to cSeruiusuaJ inducements U-45-ly Brooms, Salt, Aie, Powder, Shot and Lead at DITIM UOTIL 2 un :ii 50 to maiii ; J -x&. . a " - 3 N o I Li w s a w J . B o eg n I fi 'A i"'7"ti i )) u w ii ii. ii ii 7 O , Comer Gtli and St. cnarlc3 Et3. f 3 C?3 1 Also Dealer In Lime, Cement, Mair 3rlco,, VTIiito-Sand, Firc-Briclr, Ao., Ae.,&8. 45Iy-ra,nn .53 a H o m a o m , Cm c o WOOLWOETH & COLT, F1 A i 5 ! irS m it a Si AK3 0IALZ33 Ut n w 5 STATIONERY, Paper ZZanglnsro, And Printers' Stock, No- 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo. To all Who Dsciro to Save Llonoy ' . SEEM AN Hjs just received froxa the East, a largo and wen seietea lot or FALL AND WINTER 1 "a f- 1 -ii u y , Wtioh be o2ers at ISastern Prices. He defies competition and will conri nee 'all who will call a: d ex&tmaa his Stock Ho hi3 also a large btocs 01 Hats, Capa and Fumisli- mg Goods, Trunks 6:a vjoms One, Vone AH icko icant to Keep their Bodies Warm. REMEMBER THE MLA.HST STREET. TT. r e rwr -w -r i S. SEEMAN. BS. BOOZR. b. W. FURSAi. BEIT. nOG2TJ3, & CO., Livery, Feed,and Sale Stable, Main Street BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA. sealers in all kinds of Stock. TTorP T?nnr.t and Exchacsod. Stock bnanr.,l v. wnntr . The Proprietors haro recentlv rrrcttvl n mftM uow,irgo ana cemmoaous atable on Main Street near the old Erownyille House. Their Stock is all iieau ana vesicles new. The public can be accom modated at all hoursiay or night. a oioca- oorraii wita an abundant mml A.f FAIKBAITKS5 STAKSAKD -.SCALES, Of ALL EXKD3. FAIEBANKS, GREENLEAF & CO. 223 Lake Street, Chicago. 203 Market Street. St. LnnTa. tST BS CAE2ITL TO BUT Oa.LT TUS GEXTINS.J Eentncliy State Lottery FAHTICTJLAIl - I70T2CI3. nemittances trill not be invest ed In our next CJreat Dra' a duplicate of tlie Grand Holiday Scheme unless addressed, a.i usual, to tlie old established and only regular State Slanajjers. HUEKY, EDDY & CO., covnroTorr, irr. Whole Tickets 12; Halves .$8; Quart ers$3 0 0 mm mm " " H'liHliiii ji.'i mm m' to ruacnASEiis OF- .V THE Lock'Stich Reversalh Feed S E W I N G j J u A S AGAIN CARSIED OFF THE HIGHEST honors at the princ:pl tair? the present sea- son, commencing wita ti iew .ogiana atkui tural Fair, at PrcTiilenco, in Seftembr, whera it was awaried the highest prioe, iEnediately which eame the New York State Fair, atEualo,ia Oc tober, where the committee awarded it the Firri Prise for a double-thread machine. Then come the great annual Fair cf Nov Eng land, tij: that of th. MeclianlcsAESo elation atLcvvell Where tho Highest Prix TEG OITLY GOLD LIUDAL awarded to any Family Sewing ITaohine, was awarded to tho and that too after it had lee a oa exhibition ia eoa- petition with.other First Class Machines for five oonseeutire weeks, where it had beea ex amined by the best mechanics in tha country, who pronounced it the bot constructed and most relia ble Machine, and one that, oa account of its sim plicity would Accomplished a greater amount of v7crk. and in a mora satis factory manner, than any other Sev7ing Llachina ever invented. AtthFa!r cf the Maoy land Inst! tuta, which closed a four weeks session at Baltimore on tho 27th of November, the superiority ct the FLOR ENCE was Bt-ain conSnued by the committee on Sewing Machines, who unanimously awArledit the GOLD iLLDAL, the Lichee prise tha Institute confers. On the 12th of September the great Fair and Kxnibition of the American Institute waa opened in .New lorar. As usual, the display of hewinz Machines was large, and the competition stro&gj; but after a six weeks trial, tho friends of the rLOiiENCE had the satisfaction of sein their favorite agnin triumphant, and for the second time bearing c'l the highest honors of the American Institute. Below we gire an extract from th9 Report of the committee on Sewing Machine, read at tho clcse of taefair: "Tho whole number of Sewing Machines on ex hibition is thioteen ; of 'heso, twelve are entered for competion. The crtiolo bearing the No. 730 (FL0SC2 SE vTTJJG IIACHIKZ) is decided to be the BLSTan exhibition. It must also be stated, ineidentally, that Thi it bttter than any of it ctajrnotmi9 ia juagtM. "iu menu are : c'lst. Good material and thorough workmaaship. 42d. More absolute nov elty than marks the uo'ial improve monts in Sewing Machine. 2d. The irrenloai a?rac?eTes8 ef a mitira mo tions ror aaj uswig the tnread during he pas3uge of the shuttle and tha gatheriig up of it ia the nnisn or tne stitcn. uith. The reversible feed. "5th. The TirietT of work that can be dona no on it. ...... "We therefore decide that itrccoire the award of Crst oifus. (Signed) WM. PRATT, IRAS. CADV, L. J.KJtWLES. "This Is to certify that the forrttoins is a true extract from tne neaort or tee Judges of Sewing 4ixu.uiiii at ut i ui anaai t irr iooi . JO.W. CHAMBERS, Sec'y Beard Managers. ITw Tors, Not. nth, I3o7. It would seem aa th traza this taeeession of tri umphs should be sufficient to eonvino every un- ! prejudiced person of the great superiority of the FLORENCE over all others as a FannW Machine : and if anything more is needed tn nun. firm the above, we might added that, i a 186 L the ' oyer 40,000 IN USE. thei establishlsi tha szaecit of tia FiiORSXCE beyond all questioa. Every 'lachlao' is TTarraatcd. WH. E. PMITT, General TTcslcm A?cat, 13 Chestnut U.t ST. LOUU, 2S0. Circulars, Prie Lista and ssj!ej cf Trcri fcr niehed oa application. JOHN W. HE2TDERS0N, ieat for BroTrmin t3 LJO'UUU J f 7 1 mns 11037 V" i milliard Table ij tha CAT It iathe calyCurt!oathM lion, ine tecuii CAT GUT Cushio a al r.,T,l ""--"t'ii ft: overlies the face and jD,lr9 of tv. Lif?T-i .1 CAT-GUT Cnshlon K. . plied to over I.GOO tables which : use. It can be applied to tables c' .' seventy-C7e dVilsry rer tt. KAVANAGH A DECXES'3 F.- lier of Ce&tr n Canal Stxta complete of iu kini ia theworTi' it l . -,iA. 5.1 the workman thoronzhly skilled uiu.lil viuia, ik.s, vues, aan T- oft-e be?t mir:e,coc3ian4JTon hrl J3-Pull Eizzd Tables czt dCTa f ' Ssid far Elustrate J Catalan, - ? . ' " KAVANAGH&Dlfe CcnerofCe-trsicV Dli HEKEy Worlds Tonic and Blood p AX3 TAAT C- T!T iiJVA ii PILLS, V Are tho greatest Preventive and Cwt ? s hoIdRemsdies cf tha aga, and are wo-j'-t fcacious in curing Dvpeptia a:l c"-j-Symptoms, General Debility, Larju.-.r v't ea-ea,a(ction3 of the Liver, Stoxvh' &... Kidneys, Femal ComplainU, Scf,hVt tions, and all diseases arluiL? fra ;x--, ! and a sure preventive of reversal-, -era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, A , neeeircuiar around each bcttl wi i red only by the Grafton Mdiois6 Colt' Missouri. HOLLADAYiCO. Erowavills, Jj j GET THE EEST CHILDEEN. is now iruiy acEaowie-jea a iurr.4r nw for all dLseaea incident to iufaau naia-'ii EYERV BODY SPEAKS j ISalted terms cf porz-jiendation of i: tr: derful effects and medicinal virtaej. iJ m lighted with its Cie. ( rT rrice, Only 2J e-ctsrer TyA'.'i. J! ( Sold by all dealer in melicina. PriW j the Grafton iiedicine Company, StLoai, I Sold by HOLLADAY & CO, ( Jan. 1st. 6a Brovtxville, ; s: mm smiLinrs cm:. no22cror.i.Tnic srrjcuici HAVE PROVEN, FROM TOS KO?TiT. experiance , an entire sD'-eejs; iiijWr. 15cient,and Reliable. Th?y are :bi oj'j: icines perfectly adapted to pipi!r Oi r. that mistakes cannot be made ia Uz i't harmlec as to be free from d;gr,a:d id: as to be always reliable. They hara rvsi highest cjmmenditioa from all, acd f.'i ! render satisfaction. i N js. . . Ct 1, Cures Fevors, Cneeeftlnn, Iaf inl!r3i , VVcms. WoTUi-yever. w,ra-Cj!t a, . 5. . 7. , 11. 12. 13, H, 15, 18, 17, 13, t, 20. 21 22 21 i i' t. t it Cryins-Conc, or Teeter. cf t.'tu, Diarroe a of children or .ta;u. Dysentery-, Gripim, B:!!!om Cclla Cholera-ilTbufl, Tomi:io?, Keuraiarsia, Toi&acte. rxn&t, Uea-dacnea. Slvk-Hpsach, Var.o Uyspepsia. CilUunK STvmaca B'irpre.H.-t?d, or Perils. WhitO?, t-Jo pron.-ied Peril it. " Croup, Coizh, HEec: BrjtJi. " Halt Khaun.Zryipe:M. K.opO:-a f tt t tt tt it SaH liheam. Kry:tei.w, XrcpiMa Plies. t;ini it b:pe-:.nt Ontha:i7 iV.. o: w?u It. Cntanh. i jut or c.'iron'.a. 1-2 11 i r tt It it .1 Asthraa rppresep brtntlrt liar Discharxea. la;p-iirM Iirl'4 bcrofu'a, euif.rjjei t:ar..N, Goseral debility. Py-iciI Vcix Drop!ry and snn"y Seoreloc fci a-iickTies3, alrknoss frm rl Ki-;iri?y-ljir;eaae. (JriTel . lYervouj Dsbiiity, Bemina;a Biorn iavolnnary Disciiarge Soro Lleuth, CacSier "L'rintry Vv'eaknesa, wei!e4 Painlul Periodi. wita Sywi Kuxi'erir a:s at cbane of Ufa Upaletisy, Spa.-ms. St. Titoa' Vk Dijlltiieria. tslcrattd Sf-ra Eiw FAIRLY CASEd. 24 2J 27 23 ?9 30 31 tt tt tt U 32 33 24 Of S5 larrc Tin Is, inoro caSe,contalnIaJ3 a pcci-c for every ordinary tlencs . . .. 1. : . in ft 7 2 a book of tllrectloas, maKer Famiy and Travellna its, 9 eciScs for all V rivite'D-jaees, tots to Curlnar c,l tvr Prevsntayo triB-. ( For Sate b? McC0MAS&s:l 47-ly G R A NT'S CAEAP CASH ST0S3. Main Sired between First and M7" BROWITVILLE.N.i- j I "Would Eas-ctfully inform tht Pj'i Brownville. and (rarrpnndic? country ..i just received my fall Stock of Gocdi, oosu- -LJ V -J V: J i ! J Of the latest styles and best qiT.-raV calf lioots. double soled Kocts.f ib -.T. Vi a T?.-v-, ha4 V r.U dies' Dor,tj U Shoes of'tla fiaejt ad .j India Kubber ard jjjnaio for Gentlersea and Ladies .1 Groceries of Every TVcodca Blczo The Bat Quality of ! READY MADE CLOTB' The beit Woolen Under and Over Of all kinds, Wholesala asd SHOEMAKERS and MAKERS rnn rplv urea - j a Vrt orders filled promptly ca "cV.;e and rea3cnible terzi3. Call te-- cnasing ei.?ewaere. tiTj All of -arnua teoorsat the Io Imaednot to te undersold. rTM' rllW "i -GUT rrc,. PaUnted Dec. 13338. ii. Vol. 13, No. in f,? itiea eeential to a PERFECT cZ'? most elastio and most darable Cu to th3 bi..rd-p:aymj publics, .7,? Ten by the great demand faitl'1''. am? tha ruii length ef the Cu.v i venu tha ball from bedllr? ia.t"' l- i jumpicg from the table. Th r- gut ccri alio adds each to iisT'5 rf i Cuahionn . Tha is ot ice most improved caaractsr t 1 " iegtoem the largest ia the rnCi,; maWri! use the beat that can ". 1 A ilM tm.. aA v AACiil Jk DECKER ar, .7, . in th s country for KAY ' CU2 CEh'-v7 ' by compotent authoriiiss to be tha bT-w most eveT useJr "