Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 20, 1868, Image 4
tt siiMf yvTai.'lTnTTIlSDAV, FES,; ?0,lfP CCPOrrof Hie Prdfmlnsxx- Szfxtj , orthc.!ur& h; r. a. i. n. n.. - Joseph S.r5mltt,-ttilcr frislheer, II. Dail?, rrestdent. ' '(Cintfnadi from Uet weci.)- Sixth Tij'riWoafFron Albany, Gentry eonnty, to Nodaway River. .' length of DirUion 47 mile ; total distance, t H. 78 mile.) -Following tho bot tom lands lying batween the three forks of Wc.t Grand river, light grade end not very heavy w,.rk era found for nine nd a ' , half miles. Then bearing northwesterly, the lir.e nsciids gradually to Moran'a Branch. "by which a narrow and wind ing divide is reochrdV rendering cccessnry a great deal cf curvature to avoiih. deep ravines at tbo Leal waters cf,. the ?evcr.u branches,. Pacing over several ravines, Wildcat crfek is er ased one ai d a half mil south V.f .Sweet Hrfnic, to descend to the r.atto Kiver, by the Hcr.tlcy branch. A much less expensive ani'more direct, route can t thnd ny fol lowing Alauthus creek aulcnssing tha divide ner Sweet Ilonic, without materially Incroasiiig. tho dutaoce. . : ; . ' i !.. Ascending and descending grades bring us suc cessively to I-iong branch and M lii'go creek, ant to the Ono IIcidrtd r,d Two river., Aw nding to lUrjTi'iJceoanty eeatjf NcJaway, south of the Methodist church, the lice bears north westerly, eroding several tranches of Wtito Cloud and the main creek ; also, the bend wafers of Florii creek. On this portion we encounter heavy work and ome high trestle bridging, most cf which can I t Voided ateipense of distance. Sand creek wiUrcquiro a bigh crossing, as also the hetd waters' of the man branch, which were crossed to descend to Nol mway river, about three miles nurlh of Quitman City. Summary of Grades. Ascending. MILES. West. East. Grades. Under ten r From. 10 JoJU f.. From 20 to 30 Froia CO ta 4(V j fVom 49 t(5V " From, J to.CQ From' '79 to Frus - 80 to M From PO t'.l OJ From loo toli.5 AV FiYmlOOta 114.47 f e t it per mile 4 81 0.?5 0 00 1 01 1 12 O.fl 0.51 r.5s 0. 25 2 Pt 1. 7 2.12 I.b8 0.77 do do do do da do do d d do do djf do do di r - do do ..-2.14 .O.-S'J ..2.07 .- 1.44 1 OS ...1.3t ..-1.14 '...;2.Io .i 1,76 Level, I4.i 7 miles. - Z Z. K - ?. " n a rz - 5 ; 3? ' S - n cr t ..3 3 n - . J. 3 4 o 3 CD : c o c c t!F1 JO fl-X-Z "-133J iratnj njj, bmotj' . C C C J f C3 I C i 9 . c c c o o o mm:u-j'-k-m o w - c ; u' i; i: ! c:::m:c:2 1 os 3S e,r:S' 5 4 U -1 a 0 - ' Quantittei. Clearing 57.f 2 acres (Jrubbing, elope cbrpjing- fS.47 square chains. Embankment 812,757 cubis yard3. Excavation 172,0oo do do bard par, ag'jn'J-.'VJ do " do in f undations-- 1,035 do Masonry Inbridga abutments, . eecond cla3... 1.J35 do Tiles lineal feet. Timber in etructores. .5G3,7C9 feet b. in. Iron 21,0X7 lbs. Howe truss,' five Fpans, three of 150 feet, ono cf 110 feet, and one of 12 ) feet. Seventh DitUion (Nodaway river to FeoU City, n Jlissouri river, opposits Brownville, Ndraka. Length of Division, 31.44 miles ; total distane?, 279.20.) Leaving Nodaway rivep, the line ascends Iledrick branch, crossing the summit at tha cast county line of Atchison; then de-rends to the cast fork of Little Tarkco river, by one of its trib utaries. A vry fair route is found to the west fork of Little Tarkeo, with a moderate ascending crade westward to cross the summit and descend to liig Tarkco river. Ascending Cow branch, its wes:--cra -tributary, the lino rrosscj tho suciuui, tathe bead waters of tbe Vocgler branch, descending to Rock creek, about a mileeouth of F.ockpirt, county eeat of Atchison county. Turning south, the line follows tho creek, about ona and a half miles, to turn the Missouri blaTs, and a tangent of seven miles can be ba.1 across the wide bottom lands (crossing the. Nishncbotene river; below Union Jity)to3!ttCify. Summary 'of Grades. Ascending. SIILE3. Grades. Under ten West. llast,. 0 00 '2.4S 1.18 ; coo 0 H3 1.42 0.SI 2.50 - O.t'O o.K3 feet per mile- .0.P5 ..0 65 From 10 to From 20 to FrnV'30to' Frem"' 40 to Koai , 60 to 20 30 43 59" eo do do do dc" " do do 4 do do ,. do do do do do do do do 0i5 1.10 1.P7 2.2J 0.00 0 00 0 75 1.83 From f0 to 70 "From 60 to tO J'rtm CO to 100 From ICO to 105.C0 do Level, 2.47 miles. ... Tbe bridping on this division is light ; the cross ings of Rock creek and tho NUhnebutcno river be ing the most expensive. The east Forks of Littlo Tarkeo aad big Tnrkeo I have allowed each a j water way cf tcre hundred ftet.ooe spaa of fifty- fix feet, brace bridge, and twtaty spans of pile bridging at on elevation of cigb t feet. Jiock crecit calls for'one span of ono hundred feet of JIowo trust, at an elevatin of forty-two feet above tho bed cf the creek. This ran bo reduced on location V a less" elevation." "Tbe Xfchnebotece I have ' given a waterway of 675 feet, one span ' of liowe ' trusi, 170 feet, twenty-live spans of ile bridging, at la lcvaiioa of. fifteen feet above tha sarfoeo of the ground. Upon a further rev iticn cf tbe line, the bridging cn the whole rente may be reduced ; but tho great depth of overflow to which the bottom lands oL tho riverj are subject in extreme bigh water, renders c wide opening cecessiry to pass tho water. . ' Quantities ' Clearing.. 75. acre.' - Grubbing and close chepplj g-127.P5 square chains. EmbanVrneiit - -4RS.IS72 cubio yards. Excavation.. 53,703- " do ' Excavation in foundations.. 1,945 do ' Excavation, hard panned, as- cubio yards, somod 49,003 do Masonry in bridge abutments ' C second alass 1,421 -' do:; '. Hasonry in culverts, etc., 31 ' 'j . . . . ......... 01 . d tlx . Piles 17,74'i 1. fett. Timber In ttrcturc -323 .81.1 feet b. ta.- lro inatrnrture's lS.3llbs. , .JJewo truss, one span of 1C0 feet, and one of 170 ' Estimates. Total quantities on 279.2 milts. .:.:;- -. ' 1st. GRADATION. W4.71 acres common clearing at $20 per acr 1... 1 1794 20 : 1,113 aq.ebs. grubbing and close chop ping, at 50 dollars q. ch. "55,C50 CO 1 4,209,418 cub. yds. embankment, at 30 . cti. per yd-.-. 1,21.S34 40 4 T&0.55 cub. yds. excavation at 25 cents lP7,fifi:$ 75 ; j?9,VE0cuK yds, J ard pan, at 60 cents. .221,470 00 '170 eub. yds. loose rock, at J 1,25 212 50 I 7,000 cub. yards solid rock, at S2,50 17,500 00 ' $,64 cub. yds. in foundations at 75 cts 4.3U3 00 2nd. H1SONST. f ,C28 cTib.'yds. bridge abutments, in ce- tnent, at 15 dollars per yd Flfl cub. yds. in culverts, at $12,50... ft' CZ3 cub. yds. rip-rap, at $2,50 PS.416 00 10,200 00 1.C57 50 3 J. bhidgixo. piles,st 50 1 . ft - 80,823 00 8,707,005 ft:b. m. timber in structures, at 40 dollars per M. 143,20 20 t20,443 lbs. iron at 12)4 cU per lb 16,300 00 2,085 ft. lin. Howe trues bridge, at $44,85 'i. per 93,293 25 '. 2,2241130 grading, ma- Arerage ecit per mile. Vn if aid kuzi ,;iuo 4 -i ' "V ' Supcrsfuct r; per mile.- "- -L Qaantity. Trice. Arconn. 2.4'L tiod 5. .49 each. .1,050,40 l,2t tunij iff-n'rail, iity . ?.v pounds'per ;ard-- CO 00 ton. 8,48 00 7,020 fish plate joinis 7 llb 4al 7,253 rounds Fi ikW, 13 os. v, 5Jix9.1fl..".l 6 lb. 5 73 us(:::: . oo 00 Total cottof structure, per m'le $10,131 58 Equij.ment ' The following equipment will bo found iuHient to meet the lirst demands of the road, upon iU completion to tho Miicuri river. . i 20 Locmn itives, 3 lis g?iigo car, eight wheels, 3 Mail ar.d EspresJ cars, eight wheels,' 10 Passenger card, 10 Cutile cars, ' 1U Lex cars, Ksji'Utfirm cars, ' 70 HjcI cars, , T5 Hand trucks, for stion men, All cf which can, at p c sett prices, be eupplicd fur ?iJ0,0C0. ( Unfiling, dc. 3 Engine Ileuses and Turntables $ MachLO fhop aridjTools. 2 birst-clarassengcr Depots, $5,000 12 Second-class do- ... 3,00!) 13 Third-class do 2,000 35,0 W 35,50. 1006 35,00 2C.000 12,500 40.000 Freight Sheds and Wood Fheds 20 Water StatijcsVindmill l'ump, 3lh."Z' 20 Stock l'aris 15,500 g2Fencic, per miloy -' Total ....-..'.....v.'." 161,000 131,160 00 Otncral Summary r.f Custs. , '. Amount. Cradinr. masonry and bridging 279.5 1 miles 52,221,311 00 ?u:eist.i'-ture. 27f.5 miles main line, fl.Smi'iCs sidings 3,167,SP5 62 Fouipmetit 55H,C00 00 Ru.Idinrrs 155.000 00 Water .Station3 40,0('0 00 Stock Yards 15,000 Of Forcing 1C1,CC0 00 Ecciufctring, right of way and contin gencies ( ton per cent) 631,370 00 Grand total $5,915,078 00 Avenge cost ti grale, bridge and tia tha road, per mile, i 10.000. Uintincct Compircd sit otltrr Routes. Upnn the coTinlttion of tha riil to Ft. Kearney, correcting with th? Union Pac ific, wa shall havo tho f.Ilow iMtr as tha total disbnnco between Fort Kc-nrncy and .New York, by tba Mi&isiippi and Mig- soun Kiter AirLmo I.iilroaJ : f - , MILES First port Kearney to Urownville, net air linoj 170 miles, (-ay) Brownvilic to Quincy by prcl'miuiTy survey, 200 27 'J Ouincv to Chijao by A Q. 265 Chic-ijo tii New York by Pittsburg, Ft, W. A CLbfi'ro R. R. and Pccnsvlvania Cen tral Total l55 Fccond-Fi rt Kp.irncv to above.- 479 Quincy to New York by Toledo, Wabash and Western to Ft. Wayne; Pittsburg, Ft. V. Sl Chicago, and Pennsylvania Central" 1,145 Tote! distance .... 1,624 TniRn Route by Ilannibil & Ft. Joseph, R. ' R 1 ort Kearney via, Atchison and Cen tral branch Union I'acifij t St. Joseph, Ft. Joseph to Quincy Quincy to New York by No. 2 - SS2 206 1,145 1,635 Total distanca ForRTUFfirt Kearney to St. Josaph, via.w Leav3nworth ' 305 St. Jos et h to New York by No. 3 1 ,351 Total dhtance 1,655 Fifth Route by Hannibal & Ft. Joseph,. Misscuri Railroad. Ft. Loui, Alton and Tcrre Haute, etc., to New York : Fort Kearney to St. Joseph, 1 y C. B. U. P. St. Joseph to St. Louis, by North Missouri 232 304 1,0 S6 Ra;iroad St. Louis to New York Total distanco Sixth Missouri River Route from Brown ville to St Jos?ph,(by steamer) St. Joseph to (Juim'y by nannibal and St. 1,672 J120 Jcs-jU l.aurcal Total distance 32G Cnnectinj TloaJs. Tho North Missouri Railroad, croscI near Lan caster, is under construction from Maaon City to the Iowa liso. It there connects with the Iowa Central and St. Louij & Cedar Rapids Roads, both in process of construction. The Iowa Central con nects at Cedar Falls, I.wa, with tho Cedar Falls A Minneso'a Railroad being pushed forward to tho M r.nesota line, there connecting with the Min nesota Central. Thcao several links will f rm a great northern roata, from St. Paul to SW Louis, and will be a very valuab.e contributor to this Dal. Tho country through which tbey pass, '13 already ell settled, and a great producing coun try. The St. Joseph & Council BluSi Railroad, is also in progress. It will furnish trallio by giving transportation facilities and means of travel to the counties along tho Missouri, river. Others are' projected ; among many, the extension of the Kan pas City & Cameron rad to Ft. Des Moines. " The further extension of this road irom Brown- ille, Nebraska, to Ft. Kearney, thereby forming a Tacific connection, will be of inestimable valuo, and will euablo thisroidto obtain a fair share of the j resent business of thegojd mines of tha Terri tories, and on the completion of the Union Pacific, a share in tho great carrying trade from Asia and China, Owing to tho uncertainty attending Indiin mat ters in Nebraska, that portion of the survey will have to stand ever uutil spring. A much cheaper route per mile, with lighter grades, cai ba obtained across Nebraska, than through tho northera tier of counties in Missouri. f Business Froipccts of the Iioal. Although, before deciding upon tha construc tion of a railway, the Crst consideration would seem to boa careful computation of the amount of bigness already d ne npjn tho Una of road in tho transportation of freight and passing-rs, with a view of determining whether this would justify the imposed expenditure. Estimates of this character aff jrd a very uncertain index as to the actual buei hpsi that would result undor ihe new circutn tsnces. Judging from tbe effects produced on tbe business of the country upon the opening of anew rail-way in similar districts, we find new branches of trade starting up, and the older ones stimulated by the greater economy of transportation. Tha facilities for traveling, induce an increase of population, not only in tbo smaller towns ol the interior, but mora especially in tho agricultural portion of the coun try j and the vacant lands of the prairies become tlx-ifty farm, causing a corresponding increase in the agricultural products. Upon tho opening of this road, as one instance, the great bulk of merehandiso for tho towns of tho inter or, now transported from Ottumwa, on the north, and St. Joseph on tho south, by wagon, a distance of over one hundred miles, must necessa rily follow this roil to. Fine lumber, for building and manufacturing purposes, now almost impossiblo to obtain in the interior, will also form agreat item of transportation; avast emigration, even tending weptwor 1, not only into the Stato of Missouri, but still further, to Nebraska, Ivinsas, and the Territo ries, will be sources of revenue. Upon a careful consilcration of the tab la of sta tistics cf the population, agricultural products and taxable 'valuation of the property of tho counties' along the route, as w ell as those adjoining, both on the north and south, one can not bat conclude that tha revenue to be derived from the various sources will justify such an expenditure as maybenocos sary .to construct and equip this roal. Its trafn can not be influence! by other .rontes, there baing no nearer railroad on either side than forty five miles, at the closest poitt, and the early completion of this road will prevent the building of any railroad between the Burliugton and Missouri Rircr o 1 the north, and the Hannibal & St. Joseph on tbe south. Ia conclusion, 1 would etate that the limited sum placed at my disposal, caused by the non-tulfilling of their engagements in soma of the counties, and he departure of my prinoipal assistant, Mr. Geo. Brown, at a time when he could not bo replaced, has prevented such a thorough survey and recon noissance being made as the nature of the country requires. I would also state that 1 do cot consider this as the best route that can ba fonnd ; but con sider the estimites need not be exceeded to build the road. Tha grades can, I am certain, be mate rially reduced, and much of the heavy work avoided. Tbe altgneraent will compare favorably with other ronds. Tho county-seats have all been made points but direction has net been sacrificed for any minor towns along the route. In concluding mv report, I desire to express my thanks to tbo different members of the corps, for their promptitude and teal in tho discharge of duty under many trying circumstances, but moro es pecially to my assistants, Messrs. Brown and Grant; also to many gentlemen who sa kindly tssisted me as pioneers, and without whose valuable services I cculd not eo quickly have carried the survey through. Respectfully submittel, JOSEPH. SMlTn,'- - ' Ciril Engineer. -5 - J- S, 1 o 6 rg. w 1 "ptIMI ! SOJOB O;1 00 "cr : -c "s--. c.- ac Vs c c) 1 3 cj s i a 3-. Cm l'3 jop-jn sajoy C tf - C t c I Ct J CT S O O O "o n.indoj OP CC v " 0103 J" j rpqsng J p o 4 O O 14 cuc- aqAV J e;oqsng 3 j.: cc 30 W " ii V iTa . W .- O ; ; i O M 3 s d O O li C C3 '5- 1 to to t3 -i - -cox c 4- in C2 O ' f o o ts c oc c a c o re- sjaqsng -X- o o no o e c-. c M w o o ' C 5s y j 0 . 2 0 . j " "te "O o'c--l '': cV-ir-snrr o ooo c. -joo BI3HsnlI ' jo g -- sjaqsna ksmw oinSog ;cso wjz cc ec 1 oo , o 000 ""bso "o 000a.OOOOOJOO 9 ooouqoj, J I spunoj , o 3 N : cc o o TO "1 O. C 10 I. o "s "o "o "b b O i o JO SJOJl jl t-'J-' to to 0 WMw "5 o "-'b'"b -'"s "to "to uuu: 3 : -i too eil ! S3 iaa jo onruy I OO W SJS 3 W 1 "as o-o "b "b "b "t" o o I Xjadoij1 IBUOiJOJ i -' V- t- t cc"cc 2 u . o ccs"v ac; o 20 - c - to C to w tJJ' - c z. sou lo ic"b b "t-sb b "b "-1 b b 3 ! 1 ( J: J . a I a o 5 o a o o s s b - . d: jaqrajx Vj -j 4 05 o O ti S3 3 a S" B 3 3 r- t-- 0 o COCT3S-n-.-i32 c O .r- r. Q S -oao?s a o p D o P. a a 1 . o a a a c tr- o C : 0 ' & o a? B -1 a o c- HALF COUNTIES. (STATISTICS OP rROr-rCT3 IlirERPECT.) n , o o JTames cf Counties. 2 2 . 2 1 2. o - 11" 1-2 nt, - - - 157.360 7,200 1-2 Andrew,- - - 837 WU 150,000 12.010 1-2 T'eKaib, - - - - 2S2 210 6 750 1 2 Pavie-s, - 3S3 tto 10.03'J 1-2 GrunJy, - - - 2S1 CtJ s,n;o 1-2 Snlitvan, - 414 72 10,000 1-2 ArUir. - - S-OOi'OjlTO.OOf: 10 OOO 1-2 Knox, - ,-. '-1 .307. 00 9 .000 t 2.23,Sy;30O,C00' 71 950 B a - o o c D c p a -t r 23 o I 3 CO c to v b "31 cn "be b "o c - ; to u -1 - (. 3s u aojiujndoj ft to "to c to;i; jDiijo O' : w- y i. 13 cc tobs "1 "coi.-'b-.t-i C O Jt C - M o c -o 0 c 3 H ft JO ' ' J-' j -' ' ti "be - lo bs bn -CC JLtJCiiC cc 45 . 0 bs " cs bo "cc so ' "i CO paT! eqj jo.enin 1 co - c u 1 J 01 4. rf-Cnscto .crco j: X. tC CO 4 - to in "rf. j bn b to 31 W o. o o c 4. (.1 u m H - i 3. -J 31 J CO jj j-jO Oja 4 to bo o "x " '-2 ' bo cc to 4- co -o -i - w 4 O 'r 3 o cc "c to C7 -I CO Xl.doij jtjnos aoj jo onpsA ft o p4soioaopnrj o 1 C- - O & CI M M M 4. Ow,COOOWC--o tob tc to'to ccl--ib CO3itjCJ-'0O- CCC43i - Cn CO I sojniotjj -naspi on;uA o CO ' to I to co to bo 00 ft tO -H -c zs ao NM JC3 0,NX3 Y3 fpqjtia O . o 4 CO 7 30 c . . x c . n ci l-i "b: 00 b to"-Cn M -4 1 C" M -1 3 C 13 W C 'I 1 tj IBoqAi'qetia H I fiOOTnt-SKStO j5 5 O' ib j3 4I ji: "i. '' to :jo bo b; ci Oi 4- 30 tO 3 tv CtD 3 .O TO CO co to jo s j s q 8 n a CO JO b-t to co to CO 1 o. W tw Cl' 3; 4. bi b. b bo co b n o tO 4- JO d . d 4 -( C ti O to CO to CD C eivo jo bjo qsn a a o to Cn to CO "tn CO Vi xb Cn it- V 00 t3t24- f4-iC'COiO tec; c aax.5 j oA"a epqena CO CO O o K 3 Cn io o I co to 00 to o o to . Xapitia -qsna TO o 4 . a 5j- TO Co c cc Co PIONEER; PAINT SHOP LO'UIS WALDTER, hough 3 m C3 r-in . i- -p-j - . Graincr, Gilder, -Glazier, P'i P 72 -ArliVT i7 i2 White Washing and Kalcemining done. All work dono in a workmanlike manner on the shortoet notice. TEHMS, SKOPoa Main street over Morgan's Plow Fac .. .- f lI.22;Tlj) 0 ilkWMH K3 I'M: c .ituio v tO 1 Cn CO CACn CO to 1 1 5525--5 I -njoBuoi CO I " 3 K '1 4. W 4. X IO I 11 I Q3 c a 10 J o 1 CC I X ii to I TViavm Trirt ti c-KigocijMM 1 F33SIt!U nQ si MtsM-w i CO I CO CO 1 lo I ewrwH.ww I "to"- Mco -sVibocn s 000jqoj, TO CT to loo - go c-i a o o 3. ei 1 - 1 to I OSJSiMMWC" I I - m x e -j jj t,i : I 4 I O C" C-. O to Cn f 4 . C CO to to 1 iM Mm CO IO 4. 4. M to X 4 tO 10) V Ve'Mjb Vx4.-i ?ta fpunoj 1 to - e wxou K f St. Joe and St. liiuta. Baslcess Houses: BAILY, KAY & WOOD, r: "''-"' ' Dealer's in AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Exclusively at wholesale. Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, LIo. S lock in Extent, Variety, and price Compares with best St. Louis or Chicago Houses. ET Orders Solicited. 7 ko. 3. Lemon. Isaac T. JJosea. 'LEMON, H0SEA & CO. UrnOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN 5c DOMESTIC Notions, -GIotMong.&c; no.-5 fotjrth: ST. St Joseph, Mo. A Large Stock always vhatd.' Orders solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. 45-iy Nave, McCord & Co ., YHOLESALE GROCERS And Dealers. in Wines,. Liquors, Tobacco, cc St JCSHPII. 3XO. 451y Union Foundry, AND MACHINE SHOP BUIi:,SmE, CROWTIIER & ROGERS inoiiticTons, Cor. 8th & Messanie Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. OTEAM piGlMES MADE y asd b ni:iAiRED la IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS OF ALL KINDS IRON FRONTS Made to order on short notice and satisfactory to all parties. A?soagcntj for GARDNER A BOBERT SO N 'S I MPRO V h I) PATENT GOVEBN0R.-1 1-ly W.M.WYETH & CO. - - Wholesalo Iealors in IfflfflS CfflilY, SADDLERY GOODS, Harness, Skirting, i all kinds Saddler's Leather an Hardware. SADDLES, BRID. KS, Agents for Disstons Cireala Saws, and Jtfarvins Sajcs. N0.6 South Third Street, between Felix h Edraond ST. JOSEPH, MO. 45Iy. it. T. Underiiill A. N. Eaton. UNDERHILL& EATON, ommissioiiiMicrcliants, Tio 2. City Slaiiain ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES: Second National Bank, St Lonls Allen, Copp & Nlsbet, St. Louis. Brrnch State Bank of Iowa. Dunuque. Johnstone &. Bicon, Bankers, Ft. Madison, la. Isaac Scarrltt & Co,, Alton, 111. Blair & Atwood, Alien, ill. ' J , A. PINES. T. R REIS0LD3. SDITIIHSOTIL PINER & REYNOLDS, PROPRIETORS, Eight Street, two blocks from R. R. Depot, , ST- a" O 3 33 2P XX . I.IO. - ll-45-6m John pingeb. W. II. DOUGLAS. FINGER & DOUGLAS, Wlaolcsalc Dealers QTJEENSWAEE GLASS WAIti,., ' Ct-C., NO. 7 Fourth Ttrcct. St JOSEPH, 1MO. 451y . VICTOR B. BUCH, - - - TTIiolesale B.00TS& SHOES ITortb. "West Corner 4th & Folix Streets, ST. JOSEPH, MO. t3Kect)8 much the Larzest Stock West of St. Louis, and, is prepared to offer unusual inducements U-45-ly . Brooms, Salt. Axes, Powder, .Shot and Lead at SW AS & BROTHER' i Phi 54 I O O , lli 5s Qolllf i . . g :t $ W - . t g . i PFEII?FSE,S o I "3 I - Ccrner Ctli and St. Charles S(s. If SPV Also Dealer In Lime, Cement, Hair White-Sand, Fire-Brick, ic., Ae.', Ao.,Ao. 11- C3 w 13 H 0 H as P 0 0 0 rs: a o W00LW0RTH & COLT, AND DEALERS IN u 9 STATIONERY, Paper Ilangingrs, And Printers' Stock, No- 12 Second Street, St Joseph, Mo Casli Paid for Kaj?s. To all Who Desire to Save Money S S E E M A N Fas just receired from the East, a large and well eeietod lot of FALL AND WINTER 1 rdai't Which lie oilers at Eastern Prices. lie defies competition and will convince all who will call a- d examine hu Stock Ua has also a largo Stock of Hats, Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &c. Come One. Come All zcho want to Keep their Bodies Warm. REMEMBER THE UiliilDUii bilU I UUtil till) MAIIST STEEET, S. SEEMAN. Be. Rogers. r. vr. FCrnas. BEN. r.OGEHS, c CO., Livery, Feed3and Sale Stable, Main Street BROWXVILLE NEBRASKA- Dealers in all kinds of Stock. Fforsea Boueht.Sold and Exchaneed. Stock boarded bv tha d :iv or week. Tbe Proprietors have recertify erected an' entire new, large and commodous Stable on Main Street near tbe old Rrownville Ilouse. Their Stock is all fresh and Vehicles new. The public can be accom modated at all or nizht. A Stock corrall with an abundant surdr of pure water ataehed to tho Stable. 41-ly FAIRBANKS' OF ALL KINE3. FAIRBANKS, GREENLKAF & CO. 226 Lake Street. Chicago. ' 2C? Market Street, St. Louis. 57 BE CAEEFIX TO BUY GbLY THE QEXCINE.J Kentucky State Lottery PARTICUL4AH NOTICE. Remittances will not be Invest ed in our next Great DraivJnir a duplicate of the Grand Holiday Sclieme unless addressed, as usual, to the old established and only regular State 2Ianagers. - MURRY, EDDY & CO., COVINGTON, EY. Whole TIckesSl2; IlalvesC; Quarters-$3 11 utL CO cc: J r O 31 O f STANDARD fcSCALES TO FLRCIIASEIiS -OF a EV7IITG uVL-iCHniES THE u a a Zioct 5 i'cA Rever sails Feed ,S;'E WvI N:;G mm it i a -' J VJ HA S AGAIN CARRIED OFF TFiE niGIIEST honors at -the principal Fairs the present sea sonj commencing with the New England Agricul tural Fair, at Providence, in September, where' it was awarded the highest price, immediately which onrno the New York State Fair, aSL' Oc tober, where the committee awarded it tho First Prif o for a double-thread machine. Then come tho great annual Fair cf Jew" a? Iand.vii: that of tho Mechanlcs'Association at Lowell Where the Eighest Priio THE ONLY GOLD LIEDAL awarded to any r&siily sewing Machine, was awarded to the and that too after it had been on exhibition in con- petition withother First Class : Machine's for five consecutive weeks, where it bad been ex amined by tho best mechanics in the country, who pronrtneed it the best constructed and mot relia ble Machine, and one that, en account of itj aim- plh lty would ....... Accomplished a greater amount of wcrk, and in a more satis factory manner, than any other Sewing Machine ever invented. At tho Fair of the Mioyland Institute , which closed a fuur weeks session at Daitimere on tho 27th of November, the s jperiurity ot the FLOR ENCE was cgain confirmed by the committee on Sewing Machines, who unanimously awarded it the GOLD MEDAL, the highest prize the Institute confers. On the 12th of September the great Fair and Exhibition ot the American Institute was opened in New York. As usual, the display cf Sowinr Machines Wa3 large, and the competition strotgj: but ntter a six weeks trial, the friends of the FLORENCE had tho satisfaction of seeing their favorite again triumphant, and for the secocd time bearing od the highest honors of tha American Institute. Below we givo an ixtract from the Report of tho cninini t f r nn Sdin Xfaffiina tha .T.i.t i.f V V ' . ...ww V W .w y . ... UWU.MW,.wW. MM , Wt W VIVwV. W , the t air : 'The whole number of Sewing Machines on ex hibition is tbioteen ; cf 'heso, twelve are entered for ccmpet on. The ortiulo bearing the No. 730 (FLORENCE S2YIN0 MACHINE) is decided to be the BEST on exhibition. It must also bo stated., that This is letter than any its class Known to ti Judge. "Its mariU aro : . "1st. Good material and thorough workmanship. "2d. More absolute nov- elty than marks the usual improvements in Sewing Machine. v 2d. The ingenions arrangement of a positive mo tions for adjusting the thread djring ho rassaee of tho shuttle and the gathering UDof'it in the unisn 01 tne stitcn. "4th. The reversible feed. ''5th. The viriety of work that can be done up on it. "We. therefore decide that it receive the award of first claw3. (Signed) WM. PRATT, IRA S. CAD Y, L. J.KNVLES." "This is o certify that the foregoing is a trna extract from the Redort of the Judges of Sewing Jlaahlnes at the it th annual r iir, ldo7. JNO..W . CHAMBERS, Sec'y Board Maaagers. New York, Nov. Ilth, 1857." It would seein as th Ongb this succession of tri- umpns snouid De suiii .-ieni to convince every un- Frej ud iced person of tho great superiority of the LOUENCE over aM others as a Family Sewine jiaca:ne : ana 11 anytaing more is needed to con firm tho above, we might added that, i n I80I. the "Co." only sold 50 Machines, whilst now there ar over -.14 40,000 IN USE. theg establishing the ancoesa of tho FMj0RE.VCE beyond all question. , ETery laclilno U Warranted. WH. E. PLAHT, General TTcstern A sent, 158 Chestnut tt., ST. LOVU, MO. Circular?',' Trice Lists and lainplea of work for cifihed on application. - Jl 1 t I t .S JOHN W. HENDERSON, ' . Agent for Brownviua and Nemaha County. i" "Z.vJ --.L THE M03T RflLTADLE , .Billiard Tablet i iS CAT-fiUT Ti t,, Manufaotured ly KAVAN Kr,:i i. N I Vol. 13, No. 1I U" "asSeii -' It i3 the only Cushion tfut nr. ities escntia.1 to a PERFECT (' ,. -"If, ' most elastic and most dar.i- 't .'3, U k : to the bi'liard-plavins nnhi;,. eTt ' ven by the great demand for it , . bon. Tho peculiarity rhi-K a: ..' ' i CAT GUT Cushion arid rend,?. tSZ i others, is tho tightened c,rl , ' overlirs the face and e-tge of ftenV ningthe fall length cf the, JW W: ven;s me oaii irom neltin? in'i .1. ' : -i jumping trom tho table. The '.: ' " nu.coru. o aaas ciuca to tha Cushionn " ea-;j j . & j 1 1 -"" u ai it 'the CAl-tiLT Cushion U s3alT v. t use. . It can be artlied ta LiK'ao -V. 18 ''i. seventy-Sve d nlary per sot. K A VAN AG II A DECKER'S Fact,- , " ner of Centre and Canal Streets, X y'.5'' ' complcts of its kiclia tbe worli." T- ""t. ' is of the most improved chapter, the'' ' icg rr.o-n tha lare?t ia the Ur,-;';ej '"; matarial use the best that cin l.e'-'rt'"51' i the workmen thorough!? skillej. '-M'i, t Billiard Cloth, Rills, Cu-s, ana T-"--. " I of tbe best ni ike,consan:!y oo ban! """i"- KAVANAGil 4 DECKER are tha PP- in this country for KAY'S t'Ct CL'.JE.Nt"' by competent authorities to be the be ,' mn: ever uscdr N 13-Full Sized Tables cut down tcr -. ' Send for Illustrated Cataleg,, .rl ,'7'", KAVANAGII BEcvfo Ccrnsr of Centre 4 Cu, DH I-IEXBTj Worlds Touic and - .. Blood Ped- 1 D . ! IKOOT&PLLVf 1 PILLS. V Are the greatest Preventive nl Can:,7",J bol l Remedies of the age. anl are w'jiiv", fiiacious in curing Dyspeptic aal cV--' Symptoms, General Debility, LarrK-,3 e;vses,&kTect:ona f the Liver, Stouuchi i vTi'. ; Kidneys. Female Complaint. cr L n. tions, and all diseasps arising f r a '' ' and a sure preventive of 1 ever anl A-e, i ; era, Yellow Fever, Di!iuU3 Fever, 4.. : j See circular aronr.d Kttle i?l S pared only by the Grafton Medicine Co L ' u;... 1 1 .'llOUUll, L-IIU UV HOLLADAY&CO. Drownville, N-i GET THE BEST ai3 CHILDREN. If now truly a-kaw;e-lg-?-i a sap.rur p"-w for all diseases in.idept to iafaa't aal . EVERY BODY STEAKS In exalted terms of coKer.litu n oril'tn; derful effects ac l mtdu-iLal virues. :i 1 Iighted with its n--o. 15?" Price, Only 2- enfsper B t:.l !?oIJ by ad Jo i!er in melicin. ri.:r"i .: tho Grafton Med:i i:.e Compn-y. Li'". Sold by HOLLA DAY &. CO. Jan. 1st. Cm IJrownvilie. SD1ILIA sniUBis cinisr: IH'ZrZIRCTS o3ia:oiMTiiicsrLcin3j j AVE PROVEN, FROM THE MITi'" 11 exr-t'iAADC n entire ?ucov-i; '.id.: . Efficirnt. and Keiiao'e. ihey aretjeosj. i icines perfectly a lasted to p.- pa!ir a-?- '. i tbn'. mistakes cannot be ira-l j ia tsr ::i h-irmles as to be free from irittger.iL'i ' as to be always reliable. They have n'-ti hichest c iumendation from all, a w.lli rendersatbfaction. f Nos. J J of 1 rnrm Tpvprs. Ca:("n, Irf its 5 2, 3, Cryicqr-Colic. ..r Tee:-.''.? -t ' Diarrcea vt chiMren ..r.!ai'. Dysentery 'Jrij'iric. Bill; n C-lu, Ch-dora-U'rbui. V rii!';ni. JS'euralseia, T.ot. .nbe. Fj-.-e-!. IleadacLes. Swt-V-Ult. v,-.4J 1 Dyspepsia. BI!i.n. ST ..rujf? Surpresi eJ. .i.fil Pe-nU. VhltC5 t" Pt:N. Croup. O-i'Kh ii.Ef'1't Brmnis. Kalt Kheun.Krvve'i'. E ry-'t ' Suit Rheum, try ie Eiv, t.y. ltheuni iticta, Rii.-aant.-J'i." " 11 !es, b!in: jT b:eel;nj Opthaimy.anJ ;ror t Ej?- Citarrh. iif or Cr,.i:i. Ui-" "Whoop ne Cough, n. r.t c Asthma o;.te.-e; li-f Ear Discharges. 1 "4 Scrofu.a.;-! !. '-.tK General deMiitr. ly"' 1'3a' Dropsy, and s-vtry Se:re. -c Sea-Sicknesa, m- fr 31 r"" Kidcey-D'sea'?. Gm ct 1,'ervous Debinty. Se.r.- sions iJiv..iiiR:-y u.-i Sera Meuth, Ci-tser Uriniry U eaknes. e; - I'ainlui Fciicds, i;iv,:J .' S uR'er in g at c "-' f ::'e ,n, Dpilerisy, .i,.i-u-. St. vhm D'tathTil. T..traie l S. rj , 6. 6, 7, 9, 10, II. 12, 1. 15, J6, n, 1. 20, 11 22 23 2t .6 27 23 29 23 31 32 33 34 Of 35 Iar?re laU. mow' a P11 lor everj- ordinary ltfi. a book of dlrcciious mailer Fimiy and Trave.m; an' 20 to Vlali-. rec;tics for aii p rivite'Deascs. tc:1! Curing and r,r Preentave in vis.s aud pocket ca-e-t, For Sals McCOMASiC-, I). .. r-' A i 47-Iv- G R A N P CAEAP CASH BFtOWNVILLE, 1 j - I"Koald Respectfully Hrr, rnville.and sarrcundin 'n- just received my fall Stoci of 'J- Js f-- alio Of the latest styles and be? tv. Vic r calf Boots. CouLle sole.1 Hoots. and childrcns Boots and Sb'es. A T ,1 ; T),H,. 1 TIm'JiI.i U-c1 -1 for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of IivcrT Wooden Ware. St3fl The Bet Oaa!:?7 of READY MADE CL0i Tha best Woolen Under and vyi an kuiu:, ,f.v.w. if 7" SUOEJMKKRS an'i orders filled frcmy ! .--i and reasocahle terms ! chasiDfr elsewhere. i.L wniC-a-iJK orr.-" - -..( OHEAPFOll wnicn us or All of wbich beo;Test the K iained not to te uaJ8.-l--. .1 r at f 1 r E i