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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1868)
LOCAL. rfnXETRSDAT, fgB.?9 , 188 f ... . t- t t c-.nk Deed?, Mortgage!, lmcuuqd., ivccyus, ".re ac. AC lor saie at mis vuicc rvPlELD & EATON. 124 Street and , WILLIAMS. M Chtu st, V. cor. ttk. " are toe author, Agent In St. Lonlf f0r this ,i .x.nii to miVtm collections andDorcbas , IdIM City St Loul r m .lrKTXRX if our authorized Arent to Jeive subscriptions for the Advcrtiwr in the Fair- ScbonU'i'trict. '.y rri-virn ur authorized Aeent to receive IwrirMoii for tbe .Arfrerf in the Highland waLIAMHOXBY is onr authorized Agent to 'Jeire subscriptions for the Advertiser in Nema . fifv 1'recinct. v' ' nALET Uour authorized A pent to receive , cription for the Advertiser, at Cliiton. j;is ha Dry Oak word fur sale. f&ESH Garden Seeds at Swan A Bro's. i jt;lL stock of Groceries at XIcGee fc Co. - YTOKKkai been resumed on the Court Dome. ' fresh Garden Seeds and Onion Setts at Bliss. JIQRE Mi Ik customers wanted by Ben Thompson. g q . Ljrtt, Land Agent, Dwnville, Nebraska. ' JBE beft Cider Vinegar fer sale at Swan & Bro. 'OUR articla on "BrowLTille" ii crowded out l j week. Osage Orange, Field and Garden Seeds on hand t J!cCrcerv's. GRADING baa been resumed on Fourth between Vm and Xemaha. Stationer, Blank Books, etc., full atock at Mo--eerj's. 500 obn Peere's genuine Moline Plows, at Theo. ZWiCo.'t. WM. S IIELLEN BE 11G E R i east after goods. ; L McGee has gone to recn?jlvania. ;00 P. A H. Smith A Co.'a Pekin Breakiag Tbco. Hill A Co.'s. Two Dwelling nouses for sale cheep ; also, one to tt, st Bliss's P. G. Store. A FINE assortment of Ca Goods including 'inslow'. Gresn Corn, Tomatos, Peaches, etc., at Erc'e. i Ifjcu want a good article of Family Flour, leave 'car orders at Bliss's P. G. Store, he Icepsthe beet rands. ' THE ccnelurion of the report of the M A M B i L K R Surrey will le found on our 4th page. TOE RAILROAD is in sight of town. The track , thrown cp, and ties laid as far as opposite North ur. Buckwheat Flour, Corn, Oats, Hay, Corn. Meal, -n, Short, Cob meal and Wood , for sale. at the C. Store. " JAMES M. BACKER, actiDg County Superin--Jeot, acd the editor of the "Advertiser" are in tid to address the London School on next Friday "caing. ' BAV FOR SALE. Persons desiring to buy Hay in prttxre it of the undersigned at his reei sacetbree miles west of this city on the Tecum hroai. n.O.MlX'CK. Jeb.2d, 18C3. 19-tf SEVERAL Communications and a portion of tbe ".durational are crowded out for want of room. To rure sn early insertion correspondents should get ,cir letters iu the Saturday or Mas day previa us to i.b!ic&iiou. t AY UP. All those indebted to McFall A Co., ill jJea call and pay up soon, or the amount will l placed in tbe bands of an oGcer for collection. l.EMEMHER tte meeting of;tbe Nemaba Coun f Agriculwral Society vn tbe 7tb &X Mnh to Wsuije riemiorn List , and ai-point Committees ,i tbe year of ISSS. TRE RIVER at this point is new rery unsafe t teims, and riky for foot paswngert ibe ice, t.Lg rotten, and in the middle of the day pearly cred with water. The ice broke ud at St. Jo j.b last MorUay. THE REV.BENJ. TRIP, a Christian minister icjDear Beatrice, Xebraka, died at London, in ii county, on the 17th. Dc had been recently n gd in holding a series of meetings at London ;th tbe Chris' ian Church there, when he caught lercre cold which terminated fatally. THE WEATIIER, for th paFt vcek baa been rj Springy, making many cases of Spring-Fever. it frofct is fast leaving, and everything now indi .:ei an early Spring, de?pite the ground hog sign, fc'ineri bare been sowing wheat the past week, z.e of our citizens have been making garden. J. E. CHAFFE, proprietor of the Brownville ectifying Estabrul.mcnt, is prepared to supply the ruand, o any xtent, for pure, unadulterated quors. Being thoroughly conversant with the BMDesi and having tbe latest and most approved ratus, he can warrant what he sells as pure 'i troe to tb brand. Those buying Liquor will II it tn tV; in xnll nn Mr PhnF K NORTH STAR, MO. This toarn vi now organ ti under tbe laws of the State of Missouri, and affairs are under tbe management of a Board of rustee? who have just appointed the following :n officers : IWwuii ng Attorney, J. K.. Tefft ; Clerk nd Treasurer, J. H. feiik ; Street Comniissioner, Goorge Uml ; Marshall, Charles W. Cross. BRICK MACniN'ES. Your attenUon Is called the advertisement beaded Brick Machine. 'Messrs luick A Co.. of Nctnaha City, hare these with cy other machice and farm implements forsle. last season were at ome pains to ascertain the ice and capacity of Brick Machines and there -ality of work, and we have heard of nothing so ttp letely answering tbe wants ci western brick kers. oORGIICM, when rightly made, is J good eat as any molasses. But this is seldom found. We Te been placed .nr.der obl'gations the past week 3Vm. Iluches for a sample of as fine orghura 1 was we ever saw or tatted. It has not that tagreenble green taste considered inseperable a Sorghum, but has pleasant, sweet, tootb etattfl. It is clean, yellow in color, and as vk as the sediment in Susr House MoUes. bat given us a promise to write for the Adterti- method fox malting it. 'TILDIXQ Is reviving. The last few days bve Tn our carpenters at work out doors in their shirt -s. A.W.Morgan is erecting a building on bill adjoining the t'ub'.ia Square, anl Dr. M ieroa ds havieg large stable reoted on the oer of Second and Water. A. P. Cogswel has "ore or more of hands employed in leveling his on Levee, between Nemeba apd Nebraska ets. Fratory to putting op one of the nest Rsi ufs in town, lie will commenne building ijn.' aiatelr. fitone is beicg procured in large ntitiei, and present indications are that the ";ne; mimd wilUv ouUWip the lasticoux W& I 'tnprovemettn- "aTER GRADING.-We iave heard many I California miners and otters- rpeak highly of Ostein cf wanhing .down aiUlby forcing a yem cf WRter again!t it and washing it away. - babsen often suggested as peculiarly a4pt ; to the rilge cn o,ur Levee, as the dirt would t into tbe river and wash away. Now, the "'"boat Iiona, belonging to Capt. Barrat, is at f Ltree, her "ocupaiion gone ; she cacriea a ,werful engine eapable of forcing a large stream ater considerable distance. As the means are trdy would it not pay for feveral J-jt owner on e Levee to club together, get theUMf the boat, care tuEcient bone to reach tbe bank and try it? suoens, if it resulted in making away with the would be of incalculable benefit to the city ie,uttiDJ money into the purses of lot owners FERRY FRANCniSE.-R. F. Barrett, of this cuy, cm purchased the ateamboat SBnset,t sjjd the charter for the ferry of the Missouri river at thia place, at a cost of 115.500, and will have the boat repaired as s, ferry boat, and lave it in oper at Inn mm iaah . . . . . . t-ae river opens in tne CDrinz The boatjwill carry oTer the river at one time one hundred bead of cattle and fifteen teams, and will be in condition to stem the current or wind at all hours and ceaioBi. She will be under the charge of Capt. James Emmons, an experienced steamboat man, than whom there is not a more honest, straightforward, bosiness-liko yoang man in the community. . KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Keata-k-y fot tery Scheme. Far jn for sale, Marble Works, for which M. F. PoyjJ. of this city, is agent. State mentof the Western Accident- and rire Insurance Ccmpanj j Virgil S. Flail, Agent. Pup Lost. A chance to make $200 a month. And Georce P. Berkley, Painter, - whom, from specimens of his work which we have seen, we" can recommend as thoroughly competent to do any and ail kinds of work in bis line. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REPUBLICAN CLUB Club net pursuant to notice. Vice-President Fairbrotber in the chair. . On motion the Treasurer was Instructed t$ con summate a contract with Cburcb, Cclhapp A Hack er fpr the rent of the City Book Store Reading Room for the use of the Club, at $15 per month. On motion the money subscribed this evening shall be paid in within twq weeks. On motion the Corresponding Secretary was or. dered to procure political documents for distribu tion and for the use of tbe Club. On motion the Treasurer was ordered to procure a transparency with the words "Headquarters and Free Beading Ro cm of the Republican Club," lettered thereon, the same to be placed over the front door of tbe City Book Store. On motion adj our d, O. W.FAIRBROTDER, Pres. Capt . Davidson , Financial, Brownville, Feb. IS, 1868. Daring the past week, contrary to expectations, there Las been a decline in gold of 12 per cent. It is reported that the Secretary of the Treasury has thrown upon the market a large quantity of the precious commodity, which may account fpr the decline. Government Bonds are also lower. The intro duction into Congress of a bill taxing these securi ties, may to a certain degree, have produced this result. In answer to an inquiry of a correspond dent whether Government Securities are not now selling rcry nearly as high as any point ever be fore reached, tbe Philadelphia Pre presents the following concise tabular statement of the highest and lowest points touched by Governments in the market sisee their first issue : Title. Lowest and date. Coup. 6s. pi 8Z June 18. 19, 1851. 5-20s, 18fi2 VI -Ian IS, 13-53. Ih64 iov. ZS, 1555. 18R5 Nov. 27,29, 1 8(55. July, 18C5 ,-103i Jan, 10. 1867. lbfi '"o'i vet. ia, isti, 10-40s t8l'? Nov. 27, 1865. June73-1 95' Noy. 23, 1S6S. July u 85 Nov. 15, 23, '65, Titles. Highest and date. Coup. 6s. 118 April 14, '64. 5-20s 1862 uaj-i; uct. 19, '65. 181 U15i Aug. 29. '66. 1K65 filial ept. 6,13, '67. July, 1865 .....110 June 29, '67. 1867 flUO;4 Ug. -8-V,'6T. 10-4oa 10:JJ Aug 11 to 31, '64. J'ne7 3-10 ,..-10 July 11, '67. July lOSJS July 11, 12, '67. Lx-Coupon. tSold at S9 ex-eoupen Mareh 21, '65. JSame price Sept. IS. '67. Oct. 31, 1S6P, Ill4 It will be seen that the 10-40s only are cow gell- ineat their highest point, and 7-30s very nenrly so ; all other bare been materially higher previously. It is a matter ol some surprise that, during the late financial and political ex;itement ia , there should have been so little uneasiness apparent among European holders of United States securities. It is en ti mat 8d tn( over oou,uou,uuu or our bonds are held in Europe, and with such a lanre vested interest in our U.iverment, it i not supposable that these investors do not keep attarplook out upon the course of our afiiirs. The singular fact, how ever, taee s us that, while mny of our own capit- Hlirtsand investors nave become, to say tbe least, very ncasy a, the present aspect of affairs, our foreign creditors maintain a remarkable equan imity. There are reasons which may account for this. The result of the war has done more, perhaps, toward establish ng the credit of tbe t'nited States (bliatious and strengthening European confidence in republican .government tnan is generally sup posed on this side of the Atlantic; and European investors having once placed their cou$4eace. are not in haste to remove it. Led In Karactcrs, GKiRnorrrit Borne, . ) l'bebeary wun, 1S63. ) Grashoptur hes sitisins ov oa,s well ej enny uther place ; the most yustfull ot those ar joe whitie. He are a stoor Reaper ov the fust woter, an alers wates on his kustumers in the most porlitest stile His stock ar awl the most faEtidyous cood desire konsistin in sope, shugar, long and short eweetin', 'koddfirib, nales, an menny uther artikels good fur body an seal. Es i ware citin moosin ontu mi self t i looked pp and seed cumin rile tu vhare i ware moosin a man. ne hed a pease or paper in his band, an seamed red in Lis fast, his i ware otta the sirth es f he hed lost sumthin. ne ar our lawyur O. C. FEINFLIKT. His name in full ar green leaf chitty skinfj int. ne arove in GraLop-ur at the tune be arriv, an hes Jain -bear ver sense, uply wen be ware knot at hum. He bes branes es well es a lo k in everyday fcr tnnar, whici.t will be an event long tu be rejnembered. He ar .moat sjckssessf ul wen be winds a case, iberefour, he bes mado.a host ov f rends. Cumin clost onto our Uwyur a' VISrER riLG ARLHTX, If. D. lie ar our doctur. He ar a naternl dnctur an kia kure enny ailin cept deth. He wares nicer close an yusesbook wc-ds tu thedoliti an astonishment nv, awl sitisins. In the age-r he ar hard tu be",t, e relics in awll kins ov fvers. Awlso. be ar fust rate in sore beds ov babyes. an wimin failins. Rntee in histiar kin bee1 the afickitid an bind up the wonded. He bes bin a grate help in settling up this kf mmnnity. an we hope he'll go on in the good work ov f-tchin 4'h numbers tu our bootiful bot'um, an aidia in euckoring the sickt an suffer inz. Jist as i ware .crossin mud Jioliar i knowtised a ole man with a gun ntoo his shewldar. This ar the huntar ariLLrSI BNOTTGRi.8. He ar the greatest koon hontw ov the nssbion an kin shutecloster tu the mark Ihio enny uther 1 vin ur ded man in the woureld. n dont like this k on try kase koop? is skase. Rusht botum he Kiis ar better nur Grafhrptur fur hjs favuritgaim. ne hes koon ontu the braae. I hern a loud speech in the skool boust an went tu sea what the mattr ar. i meat Josh Gxstub. Jie endforml i and endignaben meatjn ware .up onto tbe rale rode. The orter ov tne octasecn were JOCK 8LT. Now this Jock ar a snaik in the grass, ne ar so bj natur, a,n :wer Gahrel tute bis horn hel be the same old Jock Sly. He never beds enny ov his rone doins, O know. He pushes sum wun else abed, thin be kin keap ontu both sides. He ar a bully brave ov the kainine jpus. Tbee fellers whht ar gitin p .endeguashens agen the rale rode wants each wun on ns tu pay a taxt ov 10 dullyurs on each quarter seetshun or land to endvestugate the grate rale rode froai. irit the leckdU-oo -ware ahout takin plase those fel lers was pur. butt awl to wunst tha is richt- Awl i hes to sa ar, ef yoa let. Jock Sly plifox yu on the rale r-de, yu is tarnashion fules, fit for an lu xetick assilum, ur we moot spar a fu on em fur the fist uv tbe fele killer. Batter keap ynr tea skads. py yur rale rode taxt, jtop yur muth shutin an kut loost frum Mr. J. Sly Snaik. With this endi riduitlslle draw tt ani eeml . My neks will be ontu l'bisiognomiat the eng-liibt-ov whicht ar Uorg. Dr. N. O. baker M. D. N. BA errthe,wsoasst,io meatin -bes jist bin belt at Crust Stone. Hit ware a big thing ontu ire, an yu kin seeal! about bit in the Knewbr.nk.-y Presst. The krowd ware largo, konsistin Mostly in Red an Pen, Pen an Ked. r;um good gasia ware did by the enfooriatod assembly. Bille Goto hed I a number or moUwor, an he foels better es he never . - ft- . SPECIAL NOTICES. Drs. Wesley & Pierce , Have fer many years treated Private diseases with jonexaropted soccesa, having had twenty year ex ! periencrin the Hospitals of this and other conn 'tries. They have devoted theii whole time and enerizy to tbe treatment of private complaints ; their soccesa iu tbe treatment of those Ion? stand ing and difficult catea each as were formerly con. sidered incurable, la sufficient to recommend them to the public aa worthy of the extensive patronage which they have received. The universal and un failing success in the treatment adopted ty them, has proved, beyond a doubt, that a permanent cure for tbe worst cases of Constitutional Sjphilia, Gon orrboea, Stricture in any form, ali Mercurial affec tions, diseases of the Skin, Kidneys and Bladder ! also, the effect of a solitary habit ruinous to body and mind, producing blotches, debility, Jmpo. tency, dizziaess, dimness of sight, &c., &.c, and rendering marriage improper, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, miy rely upun a permanent cure. so charge for advice or consultation. All communications strictly confidential. Send two three cent stamra tor treatise relating to ail private diseases. No Mercury used. JJfflce hours fiom 9 a. m. to 7 p m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Office 413 Oiive St. Address all letters to P. O. Box 2603, St. Louis, Mo. 12-16 ij TjEAFffESS, OATABRH, CON- JJ SUMPTION AND CAKCEK CUBED. A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh Consumption and ancer ; their causea, neana cf speedy relief and ulti mate cure. By a Pupil of the academy of Medicine. Paris. Sent to arJy addres for 10 cents. Letter from Kob't McMqrdy, D.D., LL.D., Grand Prelate of Grand Encampment of U S, and Editor of the n ational t reematon : New Yohk: Sept. 17, 1867 Dr. Stillwell was In charge of Grace Church Uoupital, Alexandria, Va., during the war. I frequent y, almost daily, for months, visited this Hospital, and bad every me- uof km wing his reputation for zrncitsc and skill. It was of tbe most creditable character, and bis success In tbe treatment ot patients was remarkable. Eobebt licMURDT. Organic Tlbrator. It fits Into the ear, is nof perceptible, removet ting ing noises in the head, and enables deaf persons to hear distinctly at church and public assemblies. This in strument will often produce results almsst miraculous and indeed incases of long standing deatoess, uwill relieve in a short time. It may be adjusted with the ease of spectacles. DR. STILLWELL will be professionally at 31 East Washington place, University Building, N. X.. daily, 10 to 4, except Tuesdays, when he will be at his rooms 1032 Flue Street, f hlladelphia, Pa 2-liJy ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffcrod for years from Nerv ous Debility, i'rematuro Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion , will, for tbe sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who seed it, the receipt and directions' for making the sim; le rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tu profit by the advertiser's exporionce, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, 34 lyP 42 Ceder Street, New York DOCTOR WHITTIER ! HA S been longer engaged in the treatment of Chronic. Sexual and Female Diseases than any jther Physician in St Louis. (Syphilis in all its forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stri'-jure, Orchiiis, Diabetes, and all affections of the Urinary and Sexual Organs, are treated with jtbe greatest success. i Spermatorrhea, Sexual Debility and Im ! 'potency, as tbe result of self-abuse In youth, or i sexual excesfes in roaturer years, which produce -mnieof thetollcwing erl'ect", as blotches, debility dizziness, dimness or sight confusion of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion t society of females, loss or meniry and t-exual power, and rendering marriage tniproper can be cured. j Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, IJernia , Rup ture, or any other chronic affection, may rely npon rocelving a radical core. i Particular attentkn given to all Female Cem plaints; Inflammation and Ulceration of the : Womb. Leucorrbea. Cblorisis. Sterility &c. Most cases can be properly treated without an interview, and medicine sent oy mail or express, secured free frum observation. Consultation by letter or at tffli-e free. Charges moderate and cures guarrautieJ t n3"0ftice, with hospital accommodations for pa tien ts. No. 617 St. Ctartes street, tetween Sixth anl Seyenth. St. Louis, M- j fiVEBYBDUX can get, Jn a sealed envelope, niy Tbeeiy and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Diseases, cout;fiing full t-ymptoru lists, tor twe poiinge Ptamps ; also, my Paper relating to Chronic n4 Female Complaints, for a three cent stamp. i 12 17 lv. ' ADDHESS TO TITE NERVOUS AND DEBILITAT ed 'whoe eofTerings have been protracted irom hidleo causes, and whose cases require prompt tre4- m-tit to render oxistence desirable. Ir yon are sniTer- Jng or have suffered from involuntary diharges, what efiect dKs it produce np n yonr general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated easily tired? Dcealittle extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary orvans, or your kidneys fre- qcantly get out or order? is your urine sometimes thick,, or fl -cky, or Is it ropy on settinuX Or does a thick scum rise Ho tbe top ? Or is a sediment at the bottwa after it has etotd iwbi:e ? Do yoiPhare tpejts of short breathing; cr dyspep ia Are ynur bowels constiosted ? Do yon havo spells of fainting or rushes . f blood to th? head? Js your memory im paired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon mi uhje;t? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or life? Do yon wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any utile ming msxe yon sta'tor jump r jour sleep orocen or rsiess Is the lustre of your eye as brriliant? Tbe bloom on your check as bright? Do you enjoy your.--e;r in socie ty as .ve.l ? Do you pursue yonr .business with the 6ameenerpy? Do you feel as much cunflden'-e inyonr se'f? Are your spiritsdull and flagging, iven to fits of melancholy? if so, do not lay it to yonr Mvcr or dyspersia. Have you rettless nisats ? Tou- back weak yonr knees weak,' apd have b.ut litUe apetite, and ion attribute this to dyf pesia or liver complaint? Now, reader, selt-abu.e, venerial diseases baoly cured, and i-exual excese3, are all cupable f produc ing a weakness of the generative organs. Tbe organs of ge&eraUon, wbeu in perfect health, makeibe man. Did you ever think that those b-.ld, defiant, energetic, persevering. snccesruljbusiness men ate always thse whose getifrative orirans are in ptnect beatih ? Tii nevr aeu suiji men cvmplain of being melancbully, of nervousness, . f .paJpitativU of the hejrt. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in bnsiuess ; they don't become sadnd disc-uraitel ; they are always polite and plrasnt in the nn m y ul laCieti and look you and them right in the face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. Uo not mean those who keep the organs ir.flamed by ruumug to excess. These wu4 cot only ruin their cuiibtitut ons, but also those they do buMnesa with or for. H.jw many men from badly cored diseases, from tbe effects of self-abuse and excess, hae brought about that state of weakness in those organe 4bat has reduced the general system so much as to induce al most every other disease idioc y. lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and aiiuosi every other form of disease which Luuianvty ia heir to, and tbe real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspecteO, and have doctored f r a" but the right one. Diseases X these orga'S rqnire the use of a diuret ic. HELM HOLDS FLUID EXTRACT AUCHU ia the great Diu etic, and is a certain cure ror diseases of ihe Bladder Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weak-ne-8, Female Complaint. General Debility, and all diseases of theUrinry jOrAns, whether existing in Male or i-'emaie, from'ver cause origiuaiiaa a nd no matter or how long Handing. If no treatment Js submitted to, Consumption or In sanity may ensue. Oar flesh and blood ate supported from these mmrces, and the health and happiness, and thajor Posterity, d?yends upon the prompt use of a reliaole remeCy. Heimbold's Kxtraet Buchu, established upward of 18 years, prepared by If . T. BELMBOLD, Druggist. 69i Broadway. New T-rk, and South lOib st , Philadelphia, Pa. Piucr f.t 26 per bottle, or 6 bott.e tor $6 &i deliv ered to any address. Sold oy all Druggists everywhere. TO CONSUMP TIV Es. The REV. EU1TARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire the prescription with the dir-ctions for making and using the sim ple remedy by which be was cured of a lung affec tion and that dread disessn Consumption. His only object is tu benefit the dieted and he hopes everr sufferer will try this prescription, as it wilj cost them nothing, and my prve a blssin. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON , JS. li SouVb 2nd St.. WUliarnburg, New York I DOCTOR MOTT'S ! jCOXCCPTIOS rUETESTIYC IS used by over three hundred thousand ladies ,n tbe Atlantio Stites alone, and by a lrge Bnmbr ' in the Went, who would pot be wthont ,it,fvr 4en ' tiroes its eost. It is to this Preventive that the L mothers of those Stes owe tNeir immunity from Urge families. It is absolutely certain, c -ntenient to ne and wi'hal henedcial to health. AU.rt.i in is criaiinal. then nse means perfectly moral and pro per. Send stamp for pamphlet, containing fall particulars. Address, Dr. A. Uilber, - (POBox30eJ) 71 st. Charles treet. U-17-ly . ST. LOCis, JIO. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to prodnca a4uiuriant prowtb of hair upon a balJ head .or beardless face, a?so a recipe for the removal of Pimples, I lotches, Erupt ions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, and beautiful, can be obtained without ehure bj .addressinK. JHOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist ,8;3.Croad,waT.New Jo,rJ Plants. TI3C3. Trees Shral3 and FloircrS. At the request or macy wno are anxious to get reliable selections ef Tines, Trees, Shrubs, Flower?, etc., I nave consented to receive orirs, from now nntil planting time in the Spring. I repreient theextensi ve Nurseries known as STJKUYSIDE HUBSEBIES, Clinton, Ioa, J.R. A A. BaTH?H,;rroprietors. All stock ordered through me, wiH be furauhed at Nursery Prices, freight added. Catalogues, with pricen.can be bad by application to me in person, or by apply ing at the store of Kob't Teare & Co.,flrownville Neb. Evergthing furnished will be warranted true to name, quali ty, siie and condition as repre? en ted. ,4 j,f R. W.FURNAS. ErownviIle,pec.l2th.l867. ll-3ro At tlxo Big of the Bed Stead, Haa, Is the plase to bay FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY ! ! ! Keep constantly on hand a complete assortment .of 8ofas, Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs, Wash Stands Ilat Racks, Bedstead, Beaureaus, Springs beds, WhatNota Chairs, Kitchen Tables, Kitchen and Parlor, Siar- ble toped Stands and Parlor Tablj Metalio Cases, Lounge Lounges, 5 Octrees, Mattresses, .Springs Tete-tctes Swing Cribs, Office Chairs, Comforts, . Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands ; Rocking Crib?, Bed Springs, iniiaren-a Cabs and Gigs, Pisno Stools, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, SheeU, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc., eta. how Cases and office work made to order And anything and everything required to set nr. phiin or fancy housekeeping. All of their ware is either manufactured or put up nnder their special superintendence, which enable them sound articles at smaller prices than eastern manufactured goods. OUR HEARSE itthe service of the publio at any tioo it may be needed, and is gotten ap in as fine style aa any farther east, Hetalic Burial Cases. of all sizes constantly on hand, at eastern prices. We are doin buines on st'ictly cash principles, At a tmall proit. and by attention to business and the wants of the community, expect in tbo future as in the past to receive the patronage of the pub lic generally. JVPFALL & CO. REAPERS, Corn Shellers, Blacksmith's Drills Saw Gummers, HAY RAKES, Portable anl Stationray ENGINES, Constantly on Hand or Order ed at Siiort ?io tice. :'' ,-"SS EACH ARTICLE W 1 .- . , 12!-" I I;.? ii v'! 'I 1 i If -it Tl would caMarticnlar attention to our Self -Rating or Dropping Reaper which for esy draught, man- .'agement, jrork, etc., is fast sitpercedl ng all others. Price of combined Machine ,U9j. Alsc, THE EAGLE BKICKMAOHINE For whJch the nndersiened is Sole Asrent for the State of Nebrssk Price, with Tempering B .x. $193, without Tempering Box, $160. We invite all who intend making Brick Ihe coming season to call and ezsm ne the Machine. W teel confident that all who once see the Machine in operation and learn the eae with which it is nmnaged, price capacity, quality of work etc . will throw aside he old wav or making Brick by hand and all injections to Brick Mschines We WARRANT the Machine, to he well made, of good material and datable with proper care. That with one Team ami i'ive Hands it will make 15.000 Brick per Day, of a Better Quality than can be Made by Hand ! -w, do not, as other, claim more than the Machine can do, bnt what we claim we WARRANT 1 It For M1NICK 12ttl6m Wo laave on band a large and well sjsprted stpek of Staple and Fancy To which, we are making constant additions, and which we are selling at prices low as any establish ment west of the Mississippi river. us IH THE QUAUTY OF OUR GOODS WE CHALLENGE G0MPET1THJH. FLOUR OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAip FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ' . ... & 11, 8TATE32EXT 0fA Condition of the HOME INSURANCE CO , of New York, on the Jlrt day of January. A. D. IKCS, madetothe Auditor of the State of Itebratka, pursuant to the Statute of that State. Kame and Location. The name of this Company Is the HOME IT7SU BAN CIS COMPANY, incorporated in IS5, and located in the City of Mew Tork. Capital. The Capital ot said Company actually paid up in cash, Is $2 000,000 W The Surplus on the 1st day of January,1868 1,61S,40C SJ Total amount oi Capital and Surplus, $3,618,406 S3 Assets. Amount of Cash In Continental National BankN.T. 1S6,00 05 Cash In hands of Agents, and in course of transmission i ;,,3 118,513 21 United States Rscistered & Coupon Stock 1831, marktt value $1S,625 00 1,391,623 60 TTnited State Bonds. 6 20 1.134.993 60 Jiusonii Stte Bonds, 6 per cent. "I market vaine 19,860 00 North Carliaia Bonds, per cent 6,100 00 Tennessee Bund?, 6 percent li,250 Q0 Wisconsin State, S per cent 30?0(i0 f 0 Illinois, 6 percent 20,000 00 Rhode Island, 6 per cent - 49,35 00 California State Oond, 7 per ct 62.600 OO Connec icnt State Bnds, 9.000 00 NcwTorkCityaud County bond.-8 , 600 00 Queens County Bonds, 25,0(10 00 Richmond Cuunty Bunds, 23,750 00 B-ooklin City water Bnda, 9,650 09 Y 447,875 00 Bank Stocks, Loans on Bonds and If rtgage , heintr firsts 108,529 00 lien of record on tnincumoerea tteat i 051.015 0 I JE.Svaic, wjrm fc leas. 9i,ot,w, i rate of Irterest 6 & 7 per cent Jx Loans on stocks and bonus, payaste on demand, the market value of securi 3S0.0S2 66 46,796 09 66,986 31 7,161 06 ,947 5 21,353 46 ties oi edged , at least $471,104 Steamer Ksgoet and wrecking apparatus Other Property, miscellaneous Items Due for P'emiums on Policies issued at Office (Fire and Inland) Bill Receivable for Premiums on Inland Navigation Risks Interest due on 1st January, 1953 $3,623,893 73 Liabilities, Amount of Losses adjusted, due and unpaid Incurred, and in process of adjaslment 105,370 f35 Dividends deaved and due and unpaid 2,120 00 Dividends either or cash or scrip, declared but not yet due Al 1 other existing claims against tbe Co. Total amount of Losses, Claima and Li abilities $107,490 65 The createst amount insured on any one risk U $,75,000, but will not as a general rule exceed $10,000. The Company has no general rple as to tbe amount allowed to be insured in any city, town, village or block, being governed in this mtter in each case, by the general character of buildings, width of streets, jacilities lor putting out fires, &.c. A certified copy or the Charter or Act or incorpora ration, aa amend id, accompanied a previous statement. State of NiW York lft Ciitj and County of New-York, f, CHARLES J . M ALTIM, President, and JOHN H. WASHBURN, Secretary of the pome Insurance Com, pary. being severally ar d duly sworn, depot and say, and each for h!melf says, that the foregoing is a true, ful) and correct statement of the affairs of said Corpo ration, and that they are the above described oncers theaevt. CHAS. J. MARTIN, President. 1 H. WAS1IBURN, Secretary. Subscribed and tworn to before me, thit lth day 0 January, A. D. 1S63 TII03 F. t.OORlCII, Notary Publ c. Policies Issnetl, anil tosses Paid, ly JOII Ij. CARSUW. Agent, at Urownvillc, XebrasHa. vl2-n!9-4w-ad UNDERWRITER'S A. Gr E 1ST O "Y A&grrcffate Aeeetif S3, 505,C 10.55. ll,1jtril Stotsmnnt of the condition of the GEFt- MANIA. HANOVKR, NIAGARA and REPUBLIC Insurance ComDanies. of the'Oity of New Tork, on the 31st day of December, 1S67. CAPITOL Aggregate Capital $2 200 COO 00 Surplus 1 305 646 63 Total Capital and surplus $3 605 646 Co ASSETS United States securities $1 800 00053 Loans on Bond and Mortgage 443 00935 Loans on Cajl (amply secured) 4?8 376 90 Cash in Bank and hands of Agents 313 712 Cfi Real Estate 13"1 50J 0(1 JtUcelianeous Items 294 069 49 $3 5 46$ LIABILITIES Losses In Process or adjustment $223 170 36 Unpaid Dividends 680 00 10r4t-edd $228 860 36 WM. H. nOOYEH, Agent. IMarriage and Celibacy. An E33AT of Waeso and Ikstxuction for Vontq Men. Also, Diseases and Abuses which permanently prostrate the Vital Powers, with sure means of.reliof. Sent Free of Charge, in sealed letter envelopes Address, Dr. J. SKILLIX nOCGHTO.V. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa,. January, 1st 1SS7. 1-y MOWERS, Sylky Cultivators, FORKS, PLOWS, HARROWS. Farm and School house rJC&JfpUU. BELLS, v. . f m ttm sr mm A. rfeiS? AVVjDea PamcI. i m ' " 5af. le Cash Prices --f'--'Te.1--. WARRANTED!! Salo "toy" & CO,, MAHA OTY. NEB. F. A. TISDELL, Jr. & Co., - Keep constantly on band all kinds ot MRICOLTtffiAUM'LSM: III i A SKlKIfEU'S PRTtXirM GAKO HOW, warraalaakthe mnit nfrfwl Plow mad. WALKING AND RlDlXft C'U LTT VAT Oil , SFIOVEL AXD STIRS I KG PLOWS, MOLEBOARD ND ROD BREAKING PLOWj, WAGGON'S. RKAPER3 AND MOWERS, J. I. CASH k. CO'S THRESITIX J MACUIiTK3, nAN'D AND POWER CORK SUKLLKIid, WAGGON TU1MBLSS, a good assortment always on hand. SASH. DOORS AND BLIKD3, all slses and Itlnds, WOOD AND IRON FVX.PS, FAKIKG MILLS, ami everything the Farmer wants. Call and ee us, oa 1st, beiween Main and Atlanilo, BROWNVILLE, NEliliASKA. D0ESEY & BRO., 9 JIaia Street, BROWNVILLE. Dealers in Men and Boy's CLOTHING IF n Furnishing Goods C SjsjAM-apP aj i ai-aj .i.-wi sn m isi I U" ' H J hi n ' " " " --.f HSs and CS, t lL - fijTBi sJ Z rfciassfcart msTm is i i si ' 1 1 i aajai w c Ma BOOTS AND SHOES THUS. HIISCIS. CARPET-BAGS mm. HOSIERY. Blankets and Umbrellas Hxve jual received arid will keep con stantly on hand a large ard well assort ed stock of the abave, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they effer to the public at VEEY LOW-PRICES L- -mi UBS. ECXK! LtACH. JII33 VAST A. BIKfEOS LEACH & SIMPSON. Milliners & Dress-Makers WL-htoinfor tbe ladies of ErownviJIe and vicinity tht they hv'ja-t commenced" a first class MILLINERY & DRESS-MAKING S3! 0 3P Where wars will tt uuuu with great care and neat-nes-,..iJ utter t!ie hit est Laetern styles. liluttchin arnl Ceairjc Uone in the vtrj latest gtlfl k a i-Jij-t r.i.ti.-e. L.-vU?t: 2e of Lidjt 's ar,4 bi!Jren s Hats acd Bonnets constantly k-pt on hn4, alw latest fat terns of iJies Dresses, .Cloaks, and LiUlrens tlo thin;; cat on shcrt n-jtico Second Sneft. hftween Main i Water BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. r ' Ooda-Cmckera, Gingar Snaj s. an l Aerated Crnck U er?.at S7.VAS a'BWjy. 1.f? d Peaohj, if clcs, lackberriel, Cherr e J ' SWAX & BK es a Bnr'3 "VTwnrai Leaf. Fine Cut, Crefe Jnico and Navy h)t A.N UKU I7resli Tomatoe ia two ani tbree runl enj, ' SWAN t, EKQ'S. P: Mi ' 5C o !-! m ii iui -!r . i SHOKTEST ROUTE! Q,uicIvcot Time!! We return thanks tocurfriend3anfi the trading public for the libo ral patronjige they haye thus far extended us, Our sim shall be to sq conduct our business as to merit tho confidence of our customers. All represent tations guarrantied. We keep , on hand a complete stock of alj kinds of goods required for This market, and as to prices eill Not be Undersold Groceries, "Hardware, Queenswara, Boots &SI1003 Hats, Caps, &c. &c. &V AH liiutla of Pfcilnca f AKXJf In exchange for Gomit, tat wliicti tae kftl mai kel pries will be allowe4. ROBERT TEARE & CO, Corner If ala ani Saocol St?eJ Jannary tat. lati. IHIO. HILL ft C3., Daalart la DRY GOODS, Groceries, IIARDWAliB Ladies' Gent's eU Cblldraa'a BOOT9 ani SHOES, Queen sivarc, jGLASSWAUEJ, 'Z "t CJ a Capo Agricultaral I3IPLEHENT3. FURS. NOTIONS, CARPETS, Form I nr. pern apt, th pirat complete anl es tencive atock tffereJ to Wboleave or Retail jiurch ifera went of tnf KlMnri Kiver. Kvr having Neen entdine for extent of Stock or Fair dealings, they merit tbe eunaj nee and pitumage of A DEAXE.23 IN STAPLE AND FANCY tm mm Kmbraclagall the jjQjyjg of the Sfaaoa. Also, a large and we!l-elected stock of rajKis saaiakis) Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND OAFS. rt n t- f " n r -v r- rt r fd ' A XT) y Oar Ooh1s were bought of fir?l bands, and w think we can offer such indaemnt to parcbaeT as cannot (ail to suit .those wishing to boj. CaJl and see lor youreive. All kinds oi Produce taken ia exchange for Goods 60 PR0POS4L5 FOR CAVALRY HORSES HZADQCABTEBS DtPABTMEST OF THJ PlATTX.J Ocsaha. Xb Jn.9. hUj In (lanlii tm. with trntppinrAA ml- 4 j , B . . mm,, m, bw two rvgrvnsibT turti.l viH h tt-d r .VVVB v mm m) i ay oQce nntH 12 o'cluck, noon, oa Musiit, January io, iron, lor lae aeuTeryi umaaa,.braakaTo ir.our liundrcd (4UtJ) Uav.ilrv Ilorsca between tbe time of tbe award of tbe coctract.acl Each bidder will be require to depojii witi ii bid the top of one thoimnd dollars (SICOJ). law ful currency, aa aa additional warrantee, that sbould he be the saceesful bidder, be will ign tb contract and give bvo If as required ; suih deposil lobe forfeited sbuUld he fail to etaJjrJy with tks termi. ,dark colored, e!l broken, ia full flesh and good cfooiuon. iron n: teen la; to sixteen (15) bands" .- mf'S' M ' s K" J iiiiio ; jcn viai lua win aoai Ud lor caval.-y purpose. Njmareior slioa will be received. JUeborifls will be subjected to arfij jnspecj lion. Horses that have been sold bj the Ootera jaent will not be rweived. F.pH eonditioee of the contrast will bf tdid known on application at this o5ce. Bjdiers jnuft bo jeent ia porscn, er cJ pre sented by p-iwer of attorney. By order of Brevet ila). Usa. C. Afftnt. WJ1. UYEaS. 18-fit Bret BrigCcji. Ci. Qr.