dljc Ql&vcxliscx. LOCAL. Deeds, Mortgages, Executions, Replevins, s' i irerse. Ac. Ac. Ac. for sale at thia OEse. ;jarri FFFIELD & EATOX, 124 Fine Street and a MLLIA1IS, S7 Cht'lnvl St, X. cor. 6f A. re tbe au'U' ted Agent in gt. Louis for this , Kln attend to making collections and pnrcnas I li lBtMCity fet Louis. ' SUWM'ILLE, THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1S63 "r77l;LACKLrR our authorised Agent to -reive yubjcriptions for tte AdcerUier in tlie iair : School lintria. ' u i y'VEtt is our authorized Agent to receive j fubfcri; tion cr m .Auernw- u mo u.wuu i WILLIAM KOXBY is our authorized Agent to ! ftcf6 SJl,pr'-!-t'o0i ur Advertiier in Kema- . j'mwLEj'Isoiir authorized .A pent to receive i .r. irriluui.i tr ite Adoertuer, at Cluu.n. OUR tu a ful1 cf wil 1 Eame 1 EliM bas Dry Oak wood for sale, i . I carsitentisniscar.oJ to new Ads in this Bomber j B.C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownvilie, Nebraska. ICE on the river is cow twenty-two incbes 1 CAPT. JOHN L. CARSOX started Cast last I ol'K article cn 'Brownvilie" I crowded out ti'i wet k. I 0-ff Orange, Field and Garden Seeds on band '.tJIcCreerr'. i SUitier, Blank Bo As, etc., full stock at ilo- Crcers. f $00 Jibn Dc6re's genuine Moline Plows, at Tbeo. :gi:ico.. l P. A n. Smith A Co.'s Fetin Breaking Fit!.1 Tito- & Co.'s. ; LiN'PS, improved and unimproved, f. t le by ' JcLd L. Carson. . ', firo Dwellirg nouses for sale cheap j a4so, one to ! rut, at K'tP. G. Store. I liDS bought and sold, and taxes paid in all ; tie counties cf Jv'tbranka, by John L. Car.on, I If you want ar.y kind of Defk, you can get Eca-v-eide or made to order at LIcFall A Co's. j jyaS WORTHING bas sold out bis Saloon and ;jx:urc8to C;rui Cofman, recently froa Tippeca 'tje.OLio. Ifjou want a good article of Family Flour, leave joar orders at iiliss'a P. Q. Store, he iecjs the lent ; ifiCoO Acres of Land ia Nemaha, Richardson, ptcce, Jtbnson aDd Gage counties, for sale by J2d L. Carson. ; fciKUhtat Flour, Corn, Oats, Cay, Cora Meal, Eran, Shorts, Ccb meal and Wood , for sale at the P.G.Sre. ! JAilUS Ml-NAUGHTOX, Agent for National Life,' and "HartLrd Lire Stock" Insurance com- piirs. See his card. ! FC2 a thorough and truthful political record nd statistics, get the Trilune or World Almanac, &t Citj Buolt i:;orc. KIDLLEIOX, of this city,keeps constantly on Uzi a full stt'.k of Harness, and everything usu i. j sej t iu that iiae, waich tie offers low fur coh, Pat Tp. All persons indebted to ine are request ei to call ioi!ii diaiely at the City Druj rfCore and ret lie. li. C. Lett is authorized to act in iny ab ,ence. C. F. STEWART. : TCE REFCBLICAN CLUB will meet at the Ci; bck Sturc Reading R.cia next Monday eveoy i:g, at 7 o'cl-ck. Business of importance v,(J "coaie before tLe Ciub. J. L. Colmaip, Scc'y. - TM. H. LOOVER is representing Insurance CoiLiALies Laying a capiul stock of $ i,O00,COO and cm; tLe Aetna, the Undct writer's and the I'h tix. iltie yourself saf e against loss 1 EAT FOT. SALE. I'crsucs desiring to buy Hay fta jTcure it of the uudergned af bis reii dfnee tfcree miles west of thia city on the Tccum sthroai. 4. O.M1MCK. Hb.:i. 16S. 13-tf i. j ViE leern that preparations are beipg made for lie erection cf an EpieCupal and a l'resbj terian cbu'ca in the town of 1'vru, next Spring. Peru nil Ui.ikem tiig stride in improvement next ecas jn. Wiiiiuwe goud mo localizo for us thcra 1 j TISLEL A CO.'S Farm Implepcnt Depot bas sn edvcriiMuieLt in to day's issue, which ee. ( Thfy lire determined to keep a full ttock of all Iui j'n.aicnta'that may bo wanted by our farmers. Tis dil ii a live man, and aa liberal and fair to deal ,ilh ts tLe West alurd. - TCU.H. HOOVER, having purchased Durfee's .PutcLt Lelter Abstract fystcm, and having baen V.n. r.'.. . t I ... J . r r u:. services in the Real Estate, Land, nnd Tax-paying At iir j LuiiLCss. He is thoroughly reliable, and to man ij better posted than Mr. Hoover. i I'ULiAuti.uLU uuu o nave on nana as iarge rd comilcte an assortment cf hardware, tinware, f'-in pieces, ammunition, Carpenter's tools, aod stores, etc., as were ever displayed in this naarket cead them to the pairunag of the jutlic. J.T.D.TiTCn, the7ell known Watch Maker and Jtwcler, formerly frcui Nebraska City, now dtir.g liitincFs in the City Drug Store, keeps ctn itantly 4,n Lacd a good aortne&t f Ciock?, Jew rj.and Watches. As f-r bis ab ility in watt;h re ;irs Le u surpassed by tica. Ail work warrant ed oca year. rE::SOSAL.-IIon. A. W. Cray, cf Jobnsoa ernnty, was in the city thlj week. Mr. Gray is a r"J iulliigent gentiemn, of no orJinarjr ability, a:d is oLeof our most enterprising farmers, was a aenberof the rit SUte Legislature in lbCG.and 'fii tjgh where be is known as a man of truo 'r:h. I'yEY, DO AD LEY A C0.J.8nd Agents.Brown fi'la, NeLratka are prepared to make entries f the if st desirable Government Lands in Ntbras ka cn very reasonable terms. Persons in any part ef tho world who wish to invest in Government Lnls in Nebraska, are requested to correspond i'h tlem. . FIRE. We are informed that the dwelling Museon Dr. Keelirg's farm, about twelve miles outbwestof this city, was entirely consumed by re cn he 5th. It was cocotied at the tina bv Xr. Culp and family. Wa learn that Mr. Culp lost k-l hi household g.xds, save two feather beds. TLe house was worth about f 1,003. ill. Culp's Ml liiUe short of that. TES EEI.L for the Catholic church ia Ralo ar rired in mr city last week, at j. W. Middle-ton's I'cr thnp. Jt ii hrge-;Ud bell, and speaks eH for ici denomination ; tbey have now a very r-at edifi-eand are well established. We learn -"t the members of the Catholic denomination in lc, city and vkinity are quietly at work ir the section or a house cf worship. ' tWtY FRANXI1I3E.-R. F. Barrett, of this '7.bs purchaftd the steamboat "Sunset," and ,-- charter for .the ferry of the Missouri river at wii p,a?e ,tB cot of 15 5tp and haie tbe uu1 rpI-aired as a ferry boat, and have it in oper 'l,,n as eoca as the river opens in the Snrir.ir 6e ton will carry over the river at ore time pne --urea Leaa cf rattle and fifteen teams, and will in condition tn stem the current or wici at all l-ri and e asons. She will be under the charge t Cai t. James Emmons, an experienced steatcbopt than whom there is not a more honest. 'ghtforward, fepsinew-like yurg taua ia the "aaunity. - SWAN & 110. bare undoubtedly the mort complete stock cf Groceries and Provisions in the raaha Land District, and are selling at prices which make all feel that "peace and plenty" is the watchword. To country.iaerchants they offer great Bargains at wholesale, and their stock and prices are euca as to warrant ns in recommending them to tho patronage of both wholesale and retail gro cers. JOHN D. DOPF, of the Rockport Journal called cn ns last Monday, looking bale and hearty, as though the Missouri atmosphere was good for editors. Tie is getting up as neat and radical a journal as Sorth Missouri affords, and deserves, as he receives, a large and paying patronage. He ii looking forward to a big future for Rockport and the Journal. May be uot be disappointed on the Air-Line. ST. VALENTINE. To-morrow is the day cf this great Saint and patron of mirth, when every body is expected to get a joke on everybody else, or pay up some old score, by sending through the poEtofUce some caricature as a valentine ; agin, joung, bashful ladies or gents ay then breathe their love in poetry, prose or picture in sweel- scented cnvcKpes, to their heart's idol. A full ttcck of Valentines at the City Book Store, C. W. WHEELER bas the contract for erecting a Smith s patent truss bridge across the Nemaha river at Bennett's Mills, aod one cn the site cf the old Weddle bridge,near Thompson Bros.A Lovelets' Mill. These bridges have been much needed, and will be a gieat benefit to the public. Abridge is much needed near Dallam's Mill, which wiildoubt- Icss receive the early attention of our Goinnas sicners. MRS. BEN ROGERS, of this city, bas purchased the Right for Nemaha County, to sell "LaYone's Numerical Method -f Cutting Ladies' Dress." It is the best method ever discovered. By this method a perfect fit in every respect can be secured. Mrs. Rogers is jrcpartd to give lessons to all who may desire to le.u. She bas also purchased the right to manufacture one of the best and surest Dyes ever made, which she keeps for sale. Few institutions have been of more benefit to this City and County than McFall A Co's Whole sale and Retail Furniture Warerooms on Main st. Before their ojcning tho greatest drawback expo perienced by settlers and residents was to get a good complete set of Furniture. This want is no more felt, as they keep on hand a largo stock of alt kinds, und cf all patterns, plain and stylUb, from wLich you can suit yourself, as well as in St. Louis or Chicago. 'AN honest man is the noblest work of God." To deal with such is the aim oail. Call on Tbeo. Iiil A Co., where you will find one of the larg est assortments cf Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Furs, etc., ever crowded under one roof in the Nemaha Land District. His stock is full and compile, and be is offering extra inducements at wholesale. At re tail, you can get anything you call for at figures as low as can be had west of New York. THE QUESTION is being discussed by some "Will a Railroad benefit Nemaha county ?" Oth ers are asking "Whit does Brownrilie want with a Raf!road, when it bas the MusGuri River running pat tho wbelo length of the city ?" These and all Eimilar questions can be answered by Robert Tcr.ra A .Co. They want a Railroad to import crrf.la In rf.r.Tlv their tninemm custnrrors and -TJ their increasing demand far Dry Goods, Uroceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats snd Csps, Hardware and Q;e?nsware, and ail ether sorts cf ware, for men, women anicLiidrcn. T. n. Kennedy, Traveling Agent for the Flor ence Sewing Machine, is now in t is ciy. lie is on a trip to see to the general interests of this ex tensive manufactuiingcompany,and being a prac tical workman in building the machines, one part of Lis trip is to look up all machines that do not give entire satisfaction and to remedy any defects which may exist and to give such instructions as will ent-ure their successful operation. He will hereafter visit this section quarterly. Word left with John W. Henderson, local Agent, will receive prompt attention. m. E. Plant, St. Louu, Gen eral Western Agent. TRIBUTE TO MERIT. I take pleasure in in forming the jublic that Dr. Cjxberlin is in a fair way to accomplish what bas been considered im- possible by rnany Djtors professing a cisep knowl- tlge abou t tbe orgs of bearing, ily wile was al ii icte-J for twenty -four years with Tflrtial deafness in both ears, threatenii-g to destroy her bearing sooner or later. 1 cr.csuitea JJr. Jinbcriin in ttie matter, and after a thorough examination of the a?e. be undertook to treat her, and with such ad mirable success that be not only cured the imflim motion in bcr ears, but there is also a fair prospect to restore my wife to her full bearing, especially as Dr. Kimberlin does-iot save any pains or care to give all f ossibl e relict lo persons tntrusting them selves to bis trcf.imcnt. I would the eVe rc?om- mend lr. Kia.nct. a ir n I iur.-.e au c "m ?iua er - e? of the car, as I b wo ??fi wait Le c.u acioin-t-h. The c riders -?v2 w'H !.!. plcaa-a ia g all par';u!J- , ) ', "LOj-JS WALDTFR, E'own vi'. e, Neb. Troy. O., Januakt 3, 1313. We the andcr-igncJ,- C mnjissiom rs of Miami county, Ohio, having fivo of 14. W . hiaub s 1 .Uent Truss Bridges now in u-e ia our county, (eroctid bv the ttenU-e, ) do tct le.-itate to s;iy to the rublio that we consider iiicrn tne dsi wooden bridges that have cotne under our obserViition. V'e also consider K. V . !ai;tn ono ot trio most scientifij and lepcasiola mecaiunc in our ifecaon of country. Coats, V. M. K012F.R, Nathan Jkcos, Ccm'rs of Miiimi Cointv,Ohio. We the nnderFipred, citiiens of Mi.imi couiity, Ohio, fully concur in tbe tbove statement ol tne Commissioners of mi 'm' county, titm. Otoucs t". Clyde. Auditor. A. I: Mc'ivinnkt, Treasurer. W. N. Fostek, I'robHte Judge. J. L. Mekai'ITH, 1st N.-B. Truy. C W. Wheeler, cf this city, bas purchased the sole right to erect these bridges ia Nebraska and North Missouri, and bas just received the award for building two of them in this county. He has built inr-re briJges in thi region tlian any other man. and tbeya.ll attest his ability'as a scientific mechanic. He is prepared to take cc-ntracU for building bridg-s within the region above named, and will spare no pains to erect tho must improved and strongest patterns i nvnted. Financial, EETOBTED KIPBESSLT Ft) it THB ADVERTISE. Browktille, Feb. 12, 1S68. For tbe past wefk gotd has been steadily advanc ing, opening at 139J4 and doling at Uljg'. It will no doubt continue to advance until 1 4 i i reached. The main reason for the rise is to be found in tho Cact tbst the bill forbidding a further contraction of tbe currency bas become a law. All careful ob servers of the course of events and the current of exchanges, are ready to .concede that gold, at the prices ruling in December, was altogether the cheapest thing in the market. The speculators in gold wbobave operated wth a full understanding of Mtbe situation," bavo made jnoney easily ; those who have given attention to the cant about ring, combinations and corners, without at the same time fully understandirg tbe financial situation of the coun try, have lost heavily in their gold trans actions. G vtrnment securities were considerably ricset tled.and there was considerable reaction froia th late advance. The tcmiUatloa to sell, especially as the stock market was on the rise, was so strong that there was a ger.eral unloadirg of G.verrureat stocks, and prices materially fell cff. The old five twenties were es-peeial ly affocted. The First Natiinal Bank of Titusville, Penn, bas pone into voluntary liquidation. This bask w'-s greatly irjured ry the failure cf Culver, Penn U Co. It bas, however, met all demands, and re tires from business with a good nacre. OT ADVERTISEMENTS Notary Public anj Convey accer, Agent for "National Life" and "Hartford Live ziqcK ituurance" vompantet. CCce In J. h. Carson's Bank, BiiOWNVILLE , NEBRASKA, R. F. BARRETT, GENERAL LAND AGENT, AND LAND WARRANT BROKER, BROWNVILLR, NEBRASKA. will attend to paying Takes for Non-residents. Per sonal attention given to making Locations. Lands, improved an! ut improved, ror sale cn reasonable terms. v!2-n2o-lv R. F. BARRETT, Proprietor of the NEW STEALI FERRY BOAT, SUN SET, an 3 owner of the entire Ferry Franchise at BROWXTILXE, XEBR.4SIL1, Would respectfully represent. to ibe Travelinf Public that taey can be ferriel over tbe Mi?arl Kiver, at Brownvilie. promptly aud without dolay, at all tours jn tbe day time Tte capacity of the boat will accommodate Flllecn Loaded Wasons and Teams OR 100 HEAD OF BEEF CATTLE, A m Tn in I i ffTi P. A. TISDELL, Jr. & Co., Keep constantly on hand all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SK1XKEBT3 PRKMlXTM GAKG PLOW, warranted the mokt perfect Piow mnne. WALKING AND RIDlN'iJ CCT.TlVATOa3, SHOVKL AND STIRHIN'S PL'.HVS. MOLRbOARD t ND UOD BRSAlvIa PLOW3, WAG(rv)NS. REAPERS AND MsIWKHS. I. CASK i. CD'S THRESHING M ACQUf E3, . IIAKD ANO POA'KR CORN KHELI.KKS. WAGGON' TQiMBLKS, a good assortment always on h an d . SASH. DOORS AND BLIVD3, all sizes and kinds. WOOD AM IKON FUlIt, FAXLN'tf MILLS, nd tverythlrs; tb F'-Tucr trrt. Call aud ee us, on lt, between Main aal Atlantic, BRDWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. LOCK ! I LOOK 11 LOOK!! $500,00 FOR 23 CyTSP BT subfcritin fr a bea'itiully illustrated book. somctbiugnew m1 Interesting, entitle! Ups and Downs iu City Life. Sometli'nz f.r very body to real. It describes every character in a city of LtKti or low 'arnlins in oe'eiy, atid is snreto plesso every body tatTel'Is it. It con. tais XiO paej of fine pnut, auJ 3J beju'.i.'ul liie-like cuts. $12,000 Iiavc been Appropriated to le piven aay t subFcribers, as foliowe : First Pi ire, $5fo.(0 in Greenbacks. Second ' 4-iO r-0 ." Third " 3 KJ.00 F-Mirtn " . SCn.t-0 ' Fif'O ' 1)0 03 " And 2io Prizes of $5j,0G each, all in Greenbacks. To every namt)?r of books a Prize Is enclosed In tbe book, and all books are put op in etrong wrappers, eg tby (to afe through to the uwner. -v Pkici: of Booasr-Oiie XHit 25 cte; Five books, $l,Ou. FUweu bo-Ks. 42 50. mailed to miy adureis tree, on receipt i-f price Address aiONROr;, ATKINS t CO., Pubil-bers and Iicnksel ler.4, n20 5m-aJd 111 fit 1;3 u.oidway, X. T. Estate of Ellzabeih Daker, dee d. NJTICE ii hreby given thst the Probate Cur t of Neu. ha cm nty, Neuraka, hug a;i'OintoJ the u day ot .durch, lt)S, at tO o clock, a. m., a.1 tbe time for examining and allowing the final aoMunt of Wiliiaui . Uoin, bse. uu.roftbeIi.it will anl tesUmant of the said Elizabeth Baker, deceased. A. W. MORGAN. . I3-3t-ted Probate Judge. Strayed or Stolen From tbe undersigned, living at Nebraska City on faturdny eight the l3tb,one medium sized sor rel roan ib rso. lour years old, and wai roub hod allaroenl; no .other itarks A liberal reward wilt be given to any one returning him or giving in ioruiation of his whereabouts. 13 3t-thd W. C. SHANNON. -. LEGAL NOTICE. John M. Graham, PPff, 1 In Di.-triet Conrt of Ne vs maha County, State cf Samue' nh.D'fr,- ) Nebraska. Tho - .1 f.. miiel South, defendant, will take notice at John M, (iruhsm, the said plaintiff, did on the 'J . -t day of Jaa iry, 1363, file his petition in the .-' d Di-tr er t'oott of said Nemaha County , Stntc f ehr; sna, against the said Samuel South. Tbe ol jfet and j raytrof said petition if to obtain a dwi-etf fortciosure against tha saiJ Samuel Sou tit, ;i.d an order of saie Of the West half of the enu.b-' ii-t. quert- r f section twenty-two (22) of town-hii- five ( 5 nf range fifteen ( 15) east of tho sixth j r ir pil meridean, situate in ead County unier a Morij;Hge execntd fcy the said Samuel Suutli to "he fa ;.t J in M. Giabsm fn th 5th day kof Si-ptem'o-r. v '.' to serm" to said plaintiff the psyu;trit ot ' 1 1' i n the cbj cf Atjru.-.t, ImU and to nportpiia ? he vrf-cecds of said r4e to the. psiyuunt-f the co s herein and ths payment f the ta id iuro of i-L'lfl.OO and interest frm the 2d day of A'l-o-t, ltoO. and also tor tbe paywtnt of money exjunie.i l y plaint if in pa ir-g the taxes on said land. A.d tue s:-. 1 fc:nnel South is notified to npcar and anw-rsaid petition on or before the Sth day of March. l;oi. TU'TON. HE WE XT i CIlCT.Cn, 17 it - Att;s for Pl'ff. X ):f;j f .j 7W : J -vv?.&f'i.V Kv-- (( Xl :A V X SPECIAL NOTICES. piantsTKcsTTrees Shrubs and . . FlOHerS. At tLe request or. raarjy wn r inrinns ta ret reliable selections of Vine: Tret. Shmbs. Flowers, etc., I flve consented to ... receive orders, from row until planting time la the . . Sf ring. I represent tbe extensive urseriea anown as SX72JKYSIDE NUESEEIE8, Clinton, Tn-.i. J.R. &A. Batiieb. Proprietors. All stock ordered through me, will bo furnished at Nursery Prices, freight added. Catalogues, w-r.u pnceB.cao be had by application to me in person, or by apply i .t th BtrrA nf Rr.h't Tear & Co.. Brownrilli Neb. Ev'erirthine furnished will be warranted true O t to name, quality, sua na condition as representea Brownvilie, Dec. 12th.l8fl7.-ll-3ni ADDBESS TO THE NERTOUS-AND DEBILITAT ed wbose sufferings bave been protracted trom bidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treat ment to render osistence desirable, ir you are suffer ing or bave suffered rrom involuntary discharges, what rrrt ios it tirodnce uron your eeneral health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does alittle extra exertion prodace palpitation of tbe heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, xr yaut. aioneya. fre quently pet outer order is your unue sometimes thick, mllkv. or flicky. or is it ropy on-settrtiK? Or does a thick scum rise to tbe top ? Or is a sediment at tbe bottom alter it bas stood awhi.e . Lo yott Lave t Dells of slaort treatbing cr dyspep la ? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you havo spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the bead? Is your memory im paired? Isyourm.nd constantly dwelling upon ttii fcn'jert? D-i you feel dull, listless, moping, ured of company, or life? Do you wish to ta left alone, to get away from everybody Does any liitie taing muse you start or jump ? Is j our sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustreof your eye as brilliant? Tbe bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy your-self in socie ty as we. 1? Do you pursue your buiness with tha same energy ? Do you feci as much conndeu'-e in your self? Are your spiritsdull and flagging, given to fits of melancholy? if so, do not lay it to your liver, or dyspersia. Dave you restless nights ? Tou' back, weak your knees weak,? and bave but little aprtite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint Now, reader, sel!-abu:e, venerial diseases bauly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of produc ing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, when iu perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those told, denant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs aie in perfect heatlh ? You never near such men complain of being melancholly, of nervousness, cf palpitation of tte heart. They are never afraid they cannot sccceed in business ; they don't become sadnd discouraged they are always polite and pleasant in the ttn-ianyof ladies, and look you and them right tn the lace none or your downcast looks or any othtr pieanness about them. I do not mean those who keep ta? or3ns msamed by running to excess. These will not only rum their constitutions, but also those they do business with or . for. How many men from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, Lave brongnt about that Etste of weakness iu those organs that has reduce! the general system so much as to induce al most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysi3, spinal allections, scicide, anda.mosi every other form or disease which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever buspectei", and have doctored for ail but the risht tjue. Diseases of these orcans require the ureof a diuret ic. IILLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT LVC11U U the great Diui etic, and is a certain cure ror diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, iiropsy, Organic Weak ne?s. Female Complaints. General Debility, and all dUeases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in .Male or r emale, from whatever cause criminating and no matter ot bow long standing. - If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In sanity may ensue. Our tlesh and blood aie supported from these source, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, detends ujon the prompt use of a reiiaole reniecy. Ueimbold'a Kxtraet Enchu, established upward of IS years, prepared by M . T. EELilBOLD, Druggist. 34 Broadway. Nev l'ork, and lt-4 bouthlOib St., Philadelphia, Pa. FniCE $1 .25 per bottle, or 6 bottles tor $6 60 deliv ered to any addre-s. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. DOCTOR WHITTIER ETAS been longer engaged in the treatment of Chronic, Seiuil and Female Diseases than any V.her Physician in S t Louis. Syphilis in all its forms, Gonorrhea, Gleet. Stricture, Orchitis. Diabetes, and all affections cf the Urinary end Sexual Organs, are treated with tbe great et su'-cess. Spesimatorrhea. Bexual Debility and In potency, s the TesTiit cf self-abce in yoa'h, or sexual exces.-es in niatnrer years, which produce oiiieof the lollt-wipg effects, as blotches, debility dizziness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil torebodir.gs, aversion t- socie'y of females, loss of memory ai.dtexnal power, and rendering marriage improper can be cured. Persons suffering from Consumption, Dyspepsia, Chr-mic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint. JJerma, Rup ture, or any o'her chronic affeoiioa, may rely upon rocelving a radical rvro. Particular attriitii,n giyen to alt Female Cem plaints; IiiAarnmatlon and Ulceration of the Womb, Leucorrte.v Chlorists, Striiity &.e. Wnst cases can be proper'y treated withou t an interview, t:d medicines sent Ijy mail or express, necured free from cibk.1 li.n . Uisuitatia ty ltr fue e. Charns moderate and cure-g'iarrautied 3dm-e, with bo-pitl accommodations fir pa ticuiF, So 611 St. Charles street, between Sixth and Seventh. St. Lo'.:i-, Mj J2VEHY BODY no get, Jn a waled envelope.: my Tbeoiy and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Disea.-es. containing fi.I! fymttom list, for twe pc(Hge stanips ; ai'J. my Paper relating toCbronic andFera.ile Complaints, lor a three cent stamp. 12 17 lv ERRUJJS OF YOUTH. A gentleman v. hr tuffered for year3 from Nerv ous Debiliiy. Prematjre DeHy.anl all the effects of youthful inJi?cretion , will, f r the eaVo ofsu: fering bumanity, send fro to all who need it, tho receipt and directions' for waking the sim: le rem edy by which be w:i3 cured. Sufferers wishing tc profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect conh'dt nee, 34 ljl 42 Ccder Mreef , Nev York iEAFNESS, CATARRH,. COX- JJ SUilPTION' A1CD CAXCES CURED. A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption and ancer; their cates. means of speedy relief and ulti mate euro. By a Pupil of the Academy of Medicine, Paris. Sent to any address lor 10 cents. Letter from Hob't AlcMurdy, D D., LL.D., Grand Pretaieof Grand Encampment of U S, and Luitor of the Nationnl Freemasun: N'tv ioiiK.Se:!. 17, I6G7 Dr. StiLLwell wa In charge of Grace Chmcii Uospitsl, Aleiundria, Va , during the war. I frequent y. almoet diii.y, lor months, visited (his Hospital . and had every mo ns of knowing bis reputatiuii f .r efficilncv and skill.. It was of the mod cieditaole cbtracitx, and n;s success in the trejtmeut of patients was rcmaixable. UobBT Mciiciiuy. Organic Ylhralor. It fits Into the er. is not perceptible, remove tinn ing noises ix the head, and enaoieieaf persons tohear di.-iitictly at chnn-h and public s? PLitolies. This iti strumet'.t wilt often produce results almssl miraculous and imieel in cases of long Standing deafness, i.wjll relieve iu a short time. It may be adjusted with the ease of Kpeciacles. ... ' PH. STlLLWtLL wi'.: be professionally a 31 East Wa.hinton place. University Buildings, N". r.. daily, 0 to 4, excel t Tue-dj.vs, when te will be at his ro-.nit 1032 Pine .sucet. r-hii ide pnt Pa 12 1-? lv DOCTOR MOTT'S COCCPTIO.V PKEVCSTIVr.. IS used by over three hundred thousand ladies in the Atlantic States aloue. and by a lirge number j in ttie Ce.-t, whj would not be without it f ir ten ;iine its cost. It is to this Prpvemive ih t tti,c ; mothers of those States owe their immunity frooi. urge families. It is absolutely certain, c -nrenient to ai and withal te.iUc-.al to health. Abortion is riuijual. then use mean jriectty uinra! and pro ner. bend stamp for pamuhiet. contaiuuig full1 'particular. Address, I Dr. A. G. H ilber O Box'8092) 719 st. Charles ureet, j ii-17-ly St. Locis, ilo. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TbeUEV. EUWARU A WILSON will rend (free of charge) to all who desire the prescription Mrak the .directions for unking and using tbo sim ple rewedy bj which be was cured of a lung affec tion and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is tu benefit the : fiicted and be hopes every rufferer will try this prescription, m it will coat them nothing, and may prove s bkssin. Please rvddrefs PvEV. EDWARD A WILSON , So. 1 '15 South 2nd St., Wiiliamsbarg, New Vork TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. NOTICE is hereby piren that by order of tbe Connty Commissioners of Nemaha County, Ne braska, Sealed Proposals will be reeervci at the Office of the County Cierk in Brownvilie mtil the th day of April, 1858, at ten o'clock, A. M.,to fur nish all of tha material necas ary and to build two Bridges across the Little Nemaha Rir r in said County of Nemaha t One at Bennett's Mill and the ther at tbe old Weddle Bridge, according to the plans and specifications on lo intheoSce of ike said Ccusiy Clerk. The said Commissioners reserving the right to rejectany and ail bids offered. By order" of the County Comrnissvoer, January 21st. 1S63. JAMES ii. HaCKER, 17-td Ci-unty Clerk. ugarLoafbjrup, fcorghum, and N .0 fcrf Coantj. Yon will fare ten pr cenf. by p.iT5n nr jnv.r Talis before the rst Jay of Jiay,aDJ Jive pr c-at. ciora will be S-Jiii after the first daT of June 1533. I3-3t-ted OEQ. W. Trees,. 1 - v x ' Tlnln Street, BEOWNVILLE. 3 Dealers in Men and I3oy'3 gLjil;jl3jB Furnishing Goods 3 HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AHD SHOES flLIECIS. CflRPET-BAGS HBSIlfiY. '1 Blankets and Uinbrell as 1 H ive just received acd will keep con stantly on Land a large acd well assort ed stock of the above, and all other ar ticles in jtheir line, which ihey effer to the public at VERY LOW PRICES 2J" mi iiK i. ii 1 J VaJ V til i Wf t-Ji C To all Who Desire to Save T lonoy S SEE M"A N Flas just reoeired from the East, a larje and treli selet-jd lot of FALL AND WINTER Which te oiera at Eastern Prices lie defies competition find will convince all who will call a d examine Lis Stock ila hits als-j si large Stock of Hats, Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &c. Come One, Come AU icho tcant io Keep their Bodies Warm REMEMBER THE IICICMMIlffiffll MIlSr STREET, S. SEEMAN. S T A T E J I E T Of the Condition of the HOME JXSURAXCE CO , of New York, untte first daj of January, A. D. lS-jS, ma le to the Auditor of the Sicte of Stbretka, fiunuant to the Statute cf that State. Xamc and Location. The name of this Company is the IIOMG INSTJ ItAWCLi COAiPAlMY, Incoiporatea in and located iu tie Uty of .New Yurie, Capital, The Capital cf said Cuaipajy actually paid - c? in ca-h, ii $2 000,000 CO Tbe Surplus on tte 1st i!ay of Jantary.lSCS l,lo 4 Ji 23 Total amount ol Capital end Surplus, $3,516,406 i3 Assets, Amount cf C.tsb. In Continental National Uunk X. Y. $15C,009 C9 Cdj-h iu liaifia Jl Agents, and in course of iianou.Ssii'ii 118,613 27 Unite 1 Si-.tet KegistereJ fcConpn Stock ) Jbil. Mnike: vatue 6i5 oo l,331,C23 53 Tr.":U'1 Starts ilouJi, 6 20 i.Ul.Jbti 50 ) itusoiiti t.te b.'iiu, 6 por ceut. iiiarkt-t-vaiuo I9,SoO 0) Norib Carliuia Bonis, G per csnt 6,1X) 00 XeIl:ltfeP B-j.1:!-, 8 percent 6,5) 0-) Wiscii in Site, per ceut 3J,0(.n) fO S nerctir.t au.otw O'J Htioile I.-1 ami, 6 per cent 49.3 (5 0J V 447,S"5 00 talif-jrniaflJie Uji:J-, 7 per Ct G-,0W W Cuiinec icut S:a:e llouJ.-, 9J.o) oo .ewiork City aui C'-uuty oond.-S ,VW Oo Queeas tjumy JJoua, 20,ooo W) Kici.ui.n.i Couuiy Bon is, 23,7aO 00 li nok li'j Civ WAiBt Bjudj. 9.660 UK I liai.lt i'ocfci, 126,529 00 l,ja:i.Miu UiiJj aai Jlirtftage-, being flrt ) lien of recorJ on LTuinC'iinuerel Ke il I 031 015 03 3-ta:e woaU at let $1,57,400, f oa---uw rate or ir terest 6 St 7 per cent J Loans 011 Hecks and Louu?, payable on iteuiau i, tLe market aiue i f fecuri 3S0,OS2 66 ten pl-:ge i, at le-tst $:7i,tci J Steanir HKuei :J rreckiuj app.iratu O.Ler Property, Uibcel.nncom tieuis Due for -euuuni. ..n foiicies issued at 0;lUe (Kiioau-i InUn.lJ Bill Heceivabie for Preailuas on Inland Kavualiou ill.ti Interest due on lot January, 1S53 45,736 C9 6j,j&6 3t 7,161 05 9,9 H " tl,353 46 $3,623,504 73 aliilltics. Amnnt of Looses aiijn-ted, rtueand unpaid lncr.rre'1, ani la pr-x-e-s of a ija-iirn.vit bivi.jemts ire 1 an i due and unpjiij Diviilcnds either ir casa or scrip, declared tut not jet due All ether existing claims against tbe Co. 105 3T.7 63 2,120 00 Total amount of Losses, Claims and Li abilities $107.00 56 The greatest amount insured on any one rl Is $76,000, but will not as a general rule exceed $10,009. 1 ho Company has no general rule as to tbe amount allowed to be inswed ia any city, town, village or block, being governed in thU matter, in each case, by tbe general character of buildings, widtii of atreeU, jautitie tor putting out flro, &.C. A ccrti'dod CQy of lie Cbarter.or Act of Incorpora tion, n amend id, accompanied 3 .revious statement. State or KiW Tors I Ciifaud County of Nee-York, CHARLE3 J. AMLTIX, Presi-!e, and JOHN IT. WASIIBCHN, Secretary cf tte Home Insurance L I ary. t eing severally ard daly sworn, depon and say, nd each for b irni-elj says, that tbe foregoing is a true, fnil an l correct slate-nent of tie aJaira of said Cc. p rati.m, and tbat tbey are tbe above described sabers thereof. CIIS. J. MATtTlV, President. J 11 WASHRt-'RK, &eTe rr. Subscribed andnwom to b'iort me, this 164 diy cf January, A. D. l-6i JUvJo t.O'Jlt.UH, 2u'iiy PuLi c. fcy JOJ. cv42lsoY Agcn ut' iiroivnviiic rteurasua, mm: Ck.fi ' Iar-3 1 J tTTi -i. mo tpj SP3 XJq 1 1 !tp& Stoneware, Ilaskets, Vshhriard9. Lrtrri Ac. a SWAN it BROTsIEK'd Ft a choice ' iolo o Tea, go to gVVAX B?.03. li? .L t n i f :; (C ) - n ') SHOKTEST ROUTE! niclicst Time!! We-retnrn thanks toourlriciidsani the trading public for the libe . ral patromige they hayo thus far extended U3. Our aim shall . be to so conduct 0urbusinc3 as to merit the ' confidence of our customers. All represen tations guarrantied. We keep on hand a complete stock of all kinds of goods required for this market, and as to prices We Will Not be Undersold! Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots & Shoes Ilats, Caps, &c. &c. AH Kinds of Produce TAKEN in exrbanpe for Goods, for which the highest maixel price wil be allowed. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Corner Main and Second Street ErowTivillo, Iw"o"fc. January 1st, 1S63. THZO. HILL & CO., Dealers in DRY G00D3, Groceries, HARDWARE Lades' Gent's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, Quccissvrare, GLASSWARE, 2E2C cfc "t 3 nd Caps Agricultural I3IPLEMEXTS, F U RS . NOTIONS, CAEPETS, Forming, perhaps, the most complete anl ex tenive jtockiCered to Vnolesave or Ketail purchasers vei-t of the Missouri Kiyer. Never having hoen ont'luiie for extent cf Stock or rair fiealmss, tbey merit the confid ence and patronage of .4 jy DEALZES Iir A. 1 f - STAPLE AND FAIIOY Embr.cin5allthefQyf:LTE3cf tie Season. Also, a large and well-clected stock of -iJS td i ! id J '-J Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, -A ArD 11 Out Chu-Aa wr.re houht of first hands, ani wa think we can offer such inducements to purchasers as cannot fail to suit those whhicg to tuj. Call and see for jourtelTes. All kind! of Produce taken in eicnacge for Goods 0 U2TDERWEITEE'3 AGENCY Aggregate Assets S3,505,G1GJ5. Consolidated Statement of the condition of the GJ?a- 31 ANI A. RANOVta, KIA'iARA and REPCBLIC Firs Insurance Companie, cf the City of iew Tors, n tha 31st day of uecetnuer, 1301. 1 .in 1 ju ifCTeiatcCTit! $2 20O COO C?) Earplug 1 3)5 61S W Total Capital and surpTns $ j 505 648 C5 ASSETS fnit e-1 States e-nrlrieH $1 goo C0C53 Loan on Bond and Mort?ea 443 0i,t3i I.o uig 1 n Call (.imply sicnredj 43-5 375 03 Ch in Bank and Lands of Agents 3.3 T 2 3 lUal Estate is- ) 1 1) 1 Kisceifneous Items 294 u9 13 $3 5i,5 615 55 LIABILITIES Loi!ie p PmcM ot adjusiment Si23 I7i 3$ Unpaid Dividends bi lt,') I9-4tedJ .2:3fvi0 3o WM. n. nOOYEii, AKt'hl. T)rocms,Salt, Axes, Fowder, hot and Lead at 1 . j 10 EiOT7nTill3, Ft Ilczzizy rn:i PajillG Railrcacl Cc-ip-ny. ' "!J"OTICC is hrrcby jjiren, thit, in rnrsunnce cf ll the General La cf the fetate of ielrii, Compscy has teen incorporated and tha certi'lrdtt of said inccrporatson bts bep E!ci in th" c,T, -?tf the Secretary of State cf tba Stat 3 r.f Xchrasks, The name of tha3-.il cnrporau-ir. is "The I'-iot. Tijla, Fcrt Kearney and Faoiilc Kailrni llopar.y.'l ItJ principil place rf tasiceas shall te Dr jTtzn..3f in Jemaha County, Nebraska. Thet-neral nat'j? of its business sh-ill te the ccnafnii.tion, mair.te nance knd operation of a riilf jal from Hrownvi'Ia in said connty cf Semaha, to point on the Union and Pacific Lailroad, the nearest prac ticat'.s to Fort Kearney in said State of "ebr,iki, si a t intersect tbe said Union and FaciCj Iliilr ad at point. The capital stock is two million dollars, ten per cent, cf which is payable at the time of subscribing, and the ba'acco Li tbe call cf tbs said corporation commence on tha 17th lj cf June, 1337, acd said corpoiation ij to have perpet- nal duration. The indebted tess of tha corpora tion is not to exceed at any time two-thir's cf its capital stock, or the valus of its property both real and personal. The Business and atfirs of the Company are to be eoniaoted by a Board of seven Directors, who shall be elect- d a: the annual meet ing which shall be held cn the rst ilosiaj o September of each year. JOHN MePnEnSON", Fre.Mect, J. W. BlackeCK.v, Secretary. 17-43 LEGAL NOTICE. Lydia E. Amick will take notice that Gidee!) Amick did, on January 23th, 1S3, file in theoSa of the Work of the Distript Court of Xemaha Co., Nebraska, bis Petition in which he prji that th said Conrt will grant him a oaf trial in the cans of Gideon Amick rs. Lydia h. Aulck f jr dif oram and care of children, which was t;ie4 and daoi ki at the September Term, 1337, of the said Conrt. The s&id ydU . Amick is required to plead or ap pear to said Petition on or before Uarch Srh.ladj. Attest i WILLIAM II. UUOVEIi, 17-U :: Clerk of said Court. 5TS3. JTICS LEACIJ, MAKT A. BIXTJCt LEACH SMPSON, Milliners & Dressmakers Wish to inform tho ladles wf ErcnTil'.e ani vicinity that they has just oommen?d-l a fi.-jt class MILLINERY fc DRESS-MAKINQ Whtfre work will i uuue witb grsat c.u o aui nei nes.-,anii alter the latest Eastern stjUs. Uleachtn ' and uepamn done in the Tcry latest stle and on short notice. Latest stales of Lndie's and Children s lliti and Bonnets constantly k?pt ot hind,aNi litest, pat tf-rnsof Ladies JJ.-ea-as, Cloaks, and Childrcts clo thing cat on short notiaa Second Sneet. be tweert Main & Water BROWXriLLE, NEBRASKA. Qx Crackers, dinger Snaps, and Aerated Crack O ers.at SWAX A BliO'S. LEGAL NOTICE. Reubin T. Sterhens is hereby notiGel that rindail. Godfrey by Francis II. I). H int, her next friend, as plaintiff, did on tne 2-J day of Jnury t lcsS , file ia the L) istrict Court cf Aemaha County and Stato of Nebraska, her petition against th said Reubin T. Stephens, Joseph Parson, La onord L. Frost & Anothony P. Cogswell Qi defend ants. The object and piayerof said Petition ii obtain a judgment aiast th sei I r.eabfn Stephens, Joseph S. Parsons, and Leonard L. Frosl for waste committed on lands claimed by sail Plaintiif, whrroin PlaintiT clilaj daajai,-. tJ tha amonnt of S300.00 ; an i alj-'v to ohfaia an crJer of said Court declaring void and canoej'ing a wrUia Deed raaje and signpd by Perry Godf-ejr and Lo rinda 11. Godfrey, wife of tho raid Perry Godfrey, to lieuben T. Stephens, on the Ih dy .f Uoceu. ber, 1S67, for the following described land, t- i t : The s. of the n. w. , of occtioo 35, in town 4, n., in range 15 east ; ani the 3. of the n. 'x of the said n. w. Y of said section li; and th of the n. J of tho s. w. of said section 35; am tha n. i ot the s. $ n. 4 of sai l . w. yk of sail section 35 in said town 4 and rarge 13 ; Jul also to obtain an order dec'irirf null and void a certain Deed made by the said Kcubca T. Stoph.er.a to Joseph S. Parson?, oa the "3d d.iy of Deoeui'r, 13:17, for a part cf said land; and also tho Del made by tbe said Reuben T. Stephenj to Leonard L. Froon the 21th day of Deocniter, ISIS, f.r another part of said land ; cL:oa similar onjtr de claring void a certain JIortTa mi 1 j by the sn:d Reubin T. Stephens to A. P. Cogswell on the 2 U1 d.iv of December, lio7, for another true t of sail lani. And tha saidP.euhia T. Stephens required t ppenr and answr-r to said petition on cr before tha fllh day of Jfareh, lhC3. 17-4r, TIPTON, IIEWETT L CHUiiCII Attorneys fcr plaintiff. sniiLu sniuBus cumiuis IXlIPIIRETS' II03ICEOPATIIIC SPECiriCS Have rnoyEN, froii the host ample experiance, n e3tires;:?"es3; Simple Pft.ru p EEcient, and Reliable. They are the cny Med icines perfectly adapted to popular use bo sinipl tha mistakes cannot be rcatlt in Uing them; si harmless a3 to be free from (larger, and so tScier.1 as to be always reliable. They have raised th highest commendation froa ail, acd will always rendersatiafaotioa. Kos. Cen'. I, Ccr3 Fevers, Co8getion, lcflmatlnni 5. " VVcrzns, Wcrm-Fever. V7orm-C lie. zs St 35 25 25 2- 2 2-1 25 2 V to bv try C C It e b o tt it c to e i I.c I 3, . 5, . 7, 9, 10, II. 12, 13, 1, 15, 16, n, i iJ. n 52 23 U 2t '.6 27 23 " Cryicsr-Colic, or Teetbtnn of in.'ants, ' l;iarrcea of cbildrcn or adali. ' Iiysentery, (iripir.ir, Biiiious Colic " Cholera-iiir bus. Vomiting, " 1earalggia, TooUutbe. fceacta, Headaches. Sick-Ueadirlie, Vertija Dyspepsia. Eilliou STuinaa.'i " Kurpiesf-ed, or pamf i Periods. " Whiiesj too profiled PeriMi. " Croup- Covrfh, dif!eu:t Bre n'uins. !Salt Kheun, Ery.-.ii eia, E.u;i .OS " Walt Itr.eum, Erv.:i'ela, fcropti.-ns. " Kheurastibin, iiieumaticP;ii4 " Piles, bllnil r bleaiin Opthalrsy.and ureor weaS Eyes. C itarrh.o-'-itn or chronU. I:;i:a.i2if Who cp nr; Courrri. vi'.icnt CvuiLs AsthTia oijrerep fcre-.i:L:i: I.lar Liscliartres. imturd l:?i-i-3 ScrOt'utR. emerged !.nd, General del Mty, iiij-Ktal VTeaks I 'Tcrf 5 "Tlvl y Neci ei-. ns i''2a-iiC-iiOR', ikr' f r ui rj'Ilnj Kidncy-t. t a.'je, Grjvcl Kervo u.-? JJclji.'irr, timinr l12nl;3- Eions iva.:.ti!ary L);s-.aurjj Poro 2'r;v.ht Cmier TJrinary WeiikneiS, we't'rK tel Pamtul i'ei icd , w.:ii .'id.iij f'at'nr g at r(.ari;,e A l:te Fpii2riiV Spasm. St. Vitca' Dkc9 JJipiiUieiia, uUtratcd utt Irwit FAMILY CAS23. Of 35 Inrprc v!n!.i, morocco caSe,coiitalninii a. vpeciliu for every ordinary deseas a faniilj' 1 subject to, ant! aboali cf tiirctiiou, $10 CO mailer Famiy and Trovsliiig cases, wtth JO to -a vu, $j to $3 pecidcs f jr all P rirateTensep, roth for Curing and f .r rTeventaV triitaicnt. iu ia aud pocket cuei, $2 to $3 For Sale by 47-Iy McCOMAS Co.. lironnviiij Nb PRO?OSAL3 TOR CAVALRY HORSES. UsACQC'ABTF.as Dkfaiitmest cr T3K Plait .i i)Ji: CM'f Qwirt-rmatitr. l OmaLa, .Neb., Jan. tf, 1353. ) Sealed bids in duplicate, with rzarr ant svn.l by twa responsible sureties will ra received at this else unui i- o ciocx, noon, on iioaliv, Jaa.; 20tb, 1863, for thu delivery at Oxaha, ebra.ka,cf Four Hundred (400) Cavalry Horses between the tima of the aarl cf tho ec2tract,aai March 1st, 1363. - Each bidier will b'S required to dep7s:t with Li b!d the sam of one thonsasi dollars ($IC20;. U ful currency, as an additional guarrautee, tlTil snould ha be the successful bidder, a wil iga th contract and give bon'saj reqairad ; su;a atp'-s.t toko forfaited should he fail to ccaep! with t.ti: terms. The hor?es mn?t be sound in erery pariiaalar, dark colored, well broken, in fiili Soth a-d g"?od condition , from fifteen ( !5) to s.itoen tf) tc is htgh.from fiva (5) to nise (d) yeajj oli, aai well adapted for cavalry purposes, 'o mares tr sullion will b recbircd. Tte horses will be subjected to a rird in -ir-tion. Horses that bars been Sold by the G ir?,"a me'it will not tn rc.-ived. 1 u'l c.r,i;?i;,n cf the cnr.tri?t w'.Il bsuii koo.n oim j.Mint;. n at thi t.f!i '. tiid iers uia-l be rtsett iu p:ts, cr L rf r-cn-ei by p-.mT of at! )Piwv. L'y orcr tf Urevet Udj. Goj. C. C. Ar,;r-7t. lo-fii I'.rev. Rrig.Gea.U.S.A.i Mr. !) t i rauhei. Apples, li.a.jkhr'rri Cn a: i-;;t i JatarI Leaf. Fiae Cct, Gnpo Jn'te at I Z'..rj