2 LOCAL- L-COLHADITOR. "Trwis MorUrages.Execntions, Replevins, Urriage "Afield & eaton, m pn srtmt 3E, ,f t ta MS. 7 CA.'u Sf, .V. E. cor. 6th. it T.TAMS '. S "1 .l..,.. eht lti St. Louis - for tbis will attend mltin8 wilection nd pwcbw f'. . st Louia. 1Btte"j fjjROWyVlLLE.TULK&i'Ai, o, icw. rl7 BLACKBURN is our authorized Agent to forth Ai.ert'srintheFair- I ieW School Ditrict. j p 2DVER is euranthoriicd Agent to receive LiriFtioa for the Adterti.cr in the Highland ChooJ District. I WILLIAM UOXBT if our authoriied Agent to re subscription for the Adverti$r icNema- C:yPrcinci. k nAwLtT is otr authorized Arent to receive ttcrt'puosi for tb. 4rir, atCUrton. "hTTDry Oak wood for eale. rcwder.Lcad.Sbot and Caps at Swan iBro'i. YonrattcnUon 'u called to new Adi in tbii number B.C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownville, Nebraska. Ct ji:e Green Apples fur Bale J M'Gee Co t 'ir Pieces and all kinds of ammunition at it'.letberger lWs. S.Seemanjs closing out hii magnificent stock 'Cl&ihiCg at cost. ICp, Clothing and Shawls at cost, and no mis fit J.L. 110006 4 00.2. TwoCwt''!nS Ho00 for sale cheap ; also, one to .at, t Uliss' A G. Store. I Tbme splendid Wardrobes that everybody is al s jasi C3 re made b7 McFall 4 Co. ITTm. T.Den is Agent for the test Corn-Sbeller ,ire ofered in this market TA Brinkerhoff ! i 1 SjurKraot, Totatoes, Buckwheat Flour, Beans, Hominy, Cranberries, etc-., at Swan & Bro's. IFa'.l stock Stationery just received and for sale, wholesale or rt tail, at redaced prices at iljCreer ' . j Sn the Statement of the Underwriter's Agency. Viisaund to the cire. Wm. II. IIooTer, Agant. If yon want a good article of Family Flour, leave -voir orders at Bliss's P. Q. Store, he keept the lett !' brtwf. TTntber pleasant till yesterday morning, when iDoid wicd wt in from the north , blew up a little Stow ani made it very cold . I Gracing cn the foot of Atlantio Street is still r;g'e;jin. Wilson is determine I that so ordi U7 obstacle shall hinder the work. j Uuwheat Flour, Corn, Oats, Flay, Corn Meal, I.-h, SborU, Cob meal anl Wood, for sale at the J.0. Store. Our Stock of Clothing will be closed rot at no ("tftirr.!cd'y low prices within 9 ' days to make ;.Bfur Spring Stocn. DORSEY A BRO. PiT Tr. All persons indebted to me are request ti to call immediately at the-CHty Drug Store and K'.t's. B.C. Lett is authorised to act in my ab- stLce. C. F.STEWART. Cpt Jns.L. Carson, Agent, ad vertises, to-day, '.be Financial Statement of the Iljraa Insurance rJBjrwny of Sew York , showicg incoctrover tally, -it this CiimpaEy is Bound beyond question. i ANw Stork of the Florence Machines, Clark's ThreJ, NetJIe?, Tuck Cr-asers, Ilemmers. Bind n,lc,l: will arrive at Theo. Hill & Co.'s in a swdnjj. Call and examine I S E-idwMter A Eri.rnsn, are paying, at their City I t Market, ths highest market price fct Chick ti.tjuaile, Ae. Bring them to the Meat Market fjiu with a ready sale at good prices. Cash paid hides. EkX FOR SALE. Persons deirii:g to buy Ilay s procure li of the undersigned at his resi l"ace three milca west f thia city on the Tecum rd. U. O.illX'CK. !eb.2d, 18SS. 19-tf PER SONAL. We rt-ceived a visit last Friday b Rer . A . R. Mother, Agent of the American Viiis Society for Nebraska and Coloraco. lie in 'rjetio arjd client in seeing to the advance f-ai of the good cause. , The DrowDvi'le Literary Association meets in IWon's Old Ballon neit Saturday evening. qoenion f or discussion: "Should suffrage be i fndtd irre ptive of sex-" Tba Public are in tu attend -especialy the ladies. SnfTwii.g from rLronic cteaoe sbould not Jin- j of tuiu.f relief unm tliey ,,tve ,e$ted tbe 0 !4u!y celebrated pbyH:iu, Due lor M biliier, of Uuu. Tue DiKtor putlUles a paper relating lo dUMto wUu.a r!ereae U made in his card in '-tet toluma. J-EiUon, of Nemaha City, is making prepara y lr building a large shop early in the Spring, !'CDh willle prrjred to do all kiud of w.,rk '" uth as making and rej.airirg Wagons, r'g", buggies, Plows, Cultivnt-rs, Ilrruw-, Tis will be a gocd tLir.g for the farmers in t Ticioitj at well tit for the city. .Whe-ler has jut returned from a trip to fJiO, where he weut to purchase the Putent t cf U. W.Smith's Patent Truss Bridge. He tw theexc!ui right to erect those Bri.iges '( southern Nebraeka and Northwest M issouri. tnerj i Vnij reppect will be a irmanent ben 1 to toij whole section. CARRIED. On Monday evening, at the Star 'LbyJoae A. W. Morgan. Abel Davie aud !a Grethouse, all of this coun?y. aongh Mr. Darii has already a Groathouse to t a Loaie kecpicg with, we doabt not be is Able senate iu tUe and make maoj additions thcre- J- II. Kennedy, Traveling Agent for the Flor Seir;Dg Machine, is now in t is city. He is 5 trip to ft-e to the general iaterests of thia ex t,1T "'Dufuctu i ing company, and be ing a prac workman jn baijaiBR ihe machinejj one part a trip is to look up ail machines that do not . t,lr (atUfactiofl and to remedy any defects f taj tiht and to give such ins tractions at ' B'ur their tucces(ful operation. He will rrijit this section quarterly. Word left obn W. Henderson, local Agent, will receive ueDtiGn, Wm. E. Plant, St.Louis.Gen- ernAgenU W4 attftririf at bnrclar vaa nul..i.l : C"J Un Thursday night. The store bf Rob'i jj. M "tered by the breaking of oot of rEroctwicdowlighU. fbe thieves aeem to err1 tt3nPt o blow the safe open "P0dtr . Wkinh tt i. -V u . b ok'-lWkened key hole, and by the burnt and quiii, around, several qui'.la " ' KmIM with powder and ready to touch w iem to indicate that the thieves were .. Tbey riEed Teare i, Cq'i drawer of . nioti baa been accidentally left there, . in T "d rolbei tbe drw of Jl .CO. This xotniLr was taken bv which t'm ej could be identified. MRS. BEN ROGERS.of this city, has purchased the Right for Nemaha County, to tell "LaVone'a Numerical Method of Cutting Ladies' Dress." It it the best method ever di?covered. By this'mcthod a perfect fit in every re?pect can bo secured. Mrs. Rogers is- prepared to give lessons to all who may desire to learn. She has also purchased the right to manufacture one of the best and surest Dyes ever made, which the keeps for sale. A clergyman, aged 42, had long suffered with Catarrh, wh" Ich had not only been a source of an noyance, but began to excite uneasiness in regard to its iffects upon bis general health. There was a frequent discharge from the head, frequent sneez ing, and an almost entire oti of smell. He pro cured a box of Humphrey's Specifio Catarrh Pills No 19 and was entirely cured, even to a return of his sense of smell in a few weeks. For sale at Ma Comas' Drug Store On our first rage, to-day, will be found a host of readable correspondence from Lafayette, Clifton, Fairview and this Precinct. They are such as we shall always welcome. "E. II. B."is one of our ablest Horticulturists, and is posted in matters he speaks of. "Lafayette" is one of the most intelli gent practical farmers of the Northwest, whose ex perience is not bounded by Nemaha county or Ne braska. He is demonstrating the truth of his fig ures, and his article is the best Herd Law argu- mett we have read. "G. J. Bryant" has doro a.: much, if not more, than any one man towards giv -ing Nemaha county live fences. "Junius" still en lightens our r eaders on law, a matter entirely too little understood b y the general public. A. R. Moshcr's sketch of theoperations of the American Bibie Society for the past year will be found on the fourth page. On the inside we have an inte rest ing letter from Washington, one from Peru and a Radical letter from this city. We return thanks to o or able correspondents and invite a continua tion of their contributions save "Indignation" we've enough of that and to spire. No mere criglral tewspaper was ever issued in Nemaha county than to-day's issue. In mechanical display, originality and news, it challenges criti cism and defys competition. TRIBUTE TO MERIT. I take pleasure In in forming the jub.ic that Dr. Kixberlin is in a fair way to accomplii-h what has been considered inv poat b le by many Doctors professing a deep knowl edge abiu t the organ of bearing. My wife was af flicted for twent -four years with partial deafness in both ears, threatening to destroy htr bearing sooner or later. I consulted Dr. Kinberlin in the matter, and ofter a thorough examination of the case, be undertook to treat her, aud with such ad mirable pnecess that he not only curod the inifUm mation in her ears, but there is also a fair prospect to restore my wife to her fell bearing, especially as Dr. Kimberlin does not save any pains or care to give all possibla relief to persons entrusting them selves to bis treatment. I would therefore reocm mend Dr. Kimberlin to all those aQictcd with dis e'ees of the ear, as I have seen what lie can accom plish. The undersigned will take pleasure in giv ing all particulars, if applied to. LOUIS WALDTER, . Brownville, Neb. BrownTllIc Art. No. 4. From July 12th, 1S57, to June 23 J, So3. July, 1857 Daily mail vemmcneed from Rock port on the let. The Court declared the forfeiture of the Charter of the Nemaha Valley Bank, and appointed J. L. Carson, O. B. Ilewctt and John S. Mir.irk, as liui-tce ; a Cu grtatior.al Church or ganized with Deacons II"iiJ!-y, Barne?, Arnold, and Likens, and Rev. T. W. Tipton, Pastor; IViS Deujcr started a Ciar Manufactory ; Crane &. Hill became Agents of the U. S. Express, the first office cf the kind, opened in this city. August Robert Mi rnsr n opened a Billiard Room in the Brownville Hou?e ; Mons. la'Marquc opened a Watch Shop in Maun 'a Drug St.ro, under the superintendence of Joseph Shut ;; Robt Morrison takei sole charge of the Brownville House. Septf mbcr C. R. Manning opened a Paint Shop McAllister & Ponn opened a new store on the Le vee, in McPhers.n's building. October The Brownville Library S--cietyin full operation, with Dor.-ey, Maun and McPherson. a Commission ers. and T. W. Bedford Secretary ; Jos Schutz buys out the Clock and Watch Shop ol La Maroue. November Crane A ItiU building their Waro ILu?e on the Levee; the First IVeabytcrinn Cbor?b nearly finished ; S. Balden bringj the Xemnla Ynl- ly Journalise to Erownville th e first opposi tion to the Adrtriiter ; ab'Ut this tlui the "Daily Snort" first makes its apiKsuran'-e- "Guff & Langdon.j Proprietors," and "David Uoph Publisher," we do not remrmbcr who was the ostensible Editor Louis Napoleon." "Queen Vic ,'an1 other distin guished individuals, were c'aimed amng its ''For eign Correspondents ;" the City Council were ma king preparations for grading, paving, guttering, MaSo street, Irom the river to Second street: the river closed on the 25.h ; MjGry A Uowett stick out shingle together. December--Dr. Gwin commenced practice; the First Presbyterian Church organized Lu'her Hoad l y and Alex. Williamson chosen Elders, and Jno Barnes and William Arnold, De.v?on, A. S. B 1. ling-ly invited to bocome P.wtor : the Brownville and Cherry Creek Stage Company was organ z"d; fi-st service held in the Presbyterian Church, Dec. 12th. Janaary Bratton and Favorite take chnrgo of the Brownville Nursery started tb year pref i u by R. W. Furnas; the first Sowing Circle organiz ed B. McPhcron Pres't, M, J. Favorits. Sec. Febninry The LfldrVs S-winj Circle bld a Fair and Ftivl on the 22J to raise mmcy to wards buildinglbe Corgregation! Chun h ; Rfv. S L. Collins oreanii'd a bnneb of the B:ipti(-t Church in this city : J. D Martin A Co. opened a biw Ftoic C r (f Fnt-t ar.d Main. Wheeler k Hairy tale charge of the Brownville ITouse ; Dr. McFherson opened vp a new Slora cn the Levee. April Joseph Scbuts completed hii new Jewel' ry Shop on Main street ; Bob Morrison and J.'hn Q. A Smith , opened a Billiard Rom ia the old Band building; aao.her City Dakary started by Wm. Comfort. Miiv J. W. M'ddletofl openrd np a Sal He atjd Harness shop : grading on Main an!2i wa tin ier way and nearly completed ; Buck MoDanniel start ed tbe first Barber shop. June Joseph L. Roy opened up a Barber shop ; TdeFnrland A Bond opened up new Dsguerrenn Gallery ; City Bakery entered by lurglcrs: the first Brownville Directory was pub'i.hed ; Camp bel'.ites or Christians preparing ior the eric Lion of a Church. Republican CIul) Heclln I OF Pursuant to call a cumWr of tbe Republicans cf this Precinct met at the City Book Store Rrading Room last Monday evening, to forma Republican Club. A temporary organisation was effected by calling O. W. Fatrbrother to the Chair, and C. O. Dorfey to act as Secretary. On motion, a committee of one was appointed to to dra't a destitution. Repoitmade and adopted. Tbe Constitution sets forth that: Th Dms of this organization shall b The Republican Club." Its "object shall be to do what shall be in its power to secure the election of Republicans to all cEees both State and Naiienal." On motion, proceeded to the e'ectioa of perma nent cCcers, which resulted as follows : Jno. L. Carson, President, George W. Fairbrother, Vice President, John L. Colhapp, Strretary, Jams McNaugbton , Treasurer, S. M. Rich, Corresponding Secretary. On motion, Secretary was ordered to procure as many Republican signatures to tbe Constitution as possible aud report at next meeting. Ob motion a Committee of two was appointed to raise a subscription to defray the cxpesscs of a Ea- purlicin Reading Room. Proceedings ordered published in Advertiser and Journal. On motion) adjourned lo meet next Monday even ioj. JOHN L. COLHAPP, Sec. COUNCIL PEOCEElllNGB. Matoks Offick, Feb, Sd, IS63. Council met in regular ecjsioc. Present J. S. Church, Mayor. T C Hacker, C F Stewart, C W Wheeler, A P Coprswell. A W Morgan, Councilmen. M F Boyd Marstial. W II McCreery, Cleek. Minutes of, previous meeting read and approved. .On motion, an order was granted to K. V. Muir for $150, to draw interest from ilay last as money due him for Ferry franchise interest. On motion, 0. B. Hewett appointed tt make an Exhibit of the financial condition of theCity, re ported aa follows : Amount of City Orders issued from November 1653 to April 8, 1867, and delivered to parties to whom they belonged $ I6,3S3 75 Amouut paid and canceled as ascer tained by warrants on file in Treas urer's oSee... 9,433 60 Leaving still outstanding $6,952 15 Since April 6th, 1867, there has been Issued a now series of orders as follows : . On the General Fund $1,630 00 Total amount of orders on theGene- eral Fund to Jan 1; I86C 18,018 00 Orders iwued sinoe April 1807, and canel!ed 612 00 Total Order cancelled 110,018 60 Leaving now outstanding Total orders issued on the Bond Fund : $7,969,40 $3,375 89 0 The following order are still outstanding: Issued 1Q 1853. $ 75 85 406 52 240 59 (I 1861. 83 50 From 1852 to April 8,1807 - 6,140 69 Issued in 1S57 1.017 l!0 Total $7,969 05 On motion, the Report of O. B. Hewett was adopted and ordered published in the Advertiser an1 Journal. On motion, tbe City Encineer was ordered to run v; i. i ,.. r .. . , , nis level over emaha htreet for th purpose of . ...... mo (nug iucicui us iar ua in riiiLi Street. On motion O. B. Hewett was allowed $30 in full fof t inancial Report On motion, Joshua Rogers was allowed $12 for rofi'J work. On motion, Ben. Rogers was allowed thirty-two dollars, rs City Marshal from May 1st to August 1st 1817. On motion, W. A. Polock was allowed ten dol lar for grading the L-iveo at the river, On motion, i! was proposed that the City Coun cil would sell the Ferry Franchise at Brownville to R. F. Barrett, for 3,000 dollars, on the following condition. t-wit: The sail Barrett to py into the City Treasury the sum of fire hundred dollars In ensb ; to pny o(T the orders given by the City to R. V. Muir fur tb said Fran. hise, and the order given for the interest due on sail order and all the inttrcFt iue thereon: and to pay cK all orders and 'he interest thereon given by the city to one Udno for a j art interest in said Franchise, and to deliver the SHtne lo the said City Treasurer free or all charges; also, that the said Barrett shall run a boHt on said Ferry, such sli the City Council Ehall drcide sufficient to do tbe business thereof, on a time table to be furnished and fixed bythes;iid City Council. The said Barrett to have five yeais to take up said warrants, on condition that h hold the City harmless, and pay all interest and costs resulting from su :h delay. Tbe City give the said Barret five days In which to accept this proposition, and will convey said Franchise, when said com-i deration is fully com j lied with, to b Void, if not complied with within the time. On motion, it was decided to in?ert aftet the word "ctsb," the Words-or City Ordors," as part of the proposition. The Ayes on this motion Were Stewart, Wheeler Haeker. W Nujs Morgan and CogTre!l. On ruction, 'i R Fisher ir,i a'liwed as City En gine. r. nine dollars end eighty-fivo cents. On morion W. F. Wilson wnalhwod for gral irifr 3;Ht(l yard ,f dirt, two-thirds of prii?e. On m,tion, Mr. M. F. Boyd was allowed a City Marstial th-r cam of sixty dollars, in full for throo mirth's salary, to J in 17th, "I 7, '63. On motion Council adjourned. - '. H.CUURCn, Mayor. W M. II. McrBKKRT, Cl- rk ' iN'olice to TAX-rAYKUS of Nemaha County. Tou will save (en jcr rpnf, by paying up your TnXvS bi.-t.iro the first iiay of 'iuy. and jtct per cent. ui'.ro will bo addtd ufter the fir.-td.iy ol June Ifi63. Is-3t-ted OEO. W. BKATION , Treas. UNIIED STAILS E2rBSS C05IPANY. J.I- CAHSON, AGENT, Office Caiwon's Bank, Luownviile, Nebuaska Carries Treight, Money and Small Packages to all pHrU cif the U intcd States. Estate of Elizabeth linker, dee d. NOTICE 13 nTeby given thit tho Pri.bateCour t of Jfemalia c unty, Neura.-ka, h;isa;?o'ntoI the 'Jin day ot March 16$, at iO Vls k,a. m.,as th ttmo fr examitiing and bll'.wing tfto final avmat f WiLiatu S. Horn, Exi-cut..- or' tho last will ani testament of tho said Elizabeth Baker, d ocoasdd. A. W. MOKO-AX. 18-3t-ted Probate Judge. Strayed or stolen From. the underia:rod. living at Nebraki City on Saturday 'night the 13ih, one medium siz d sor rel ran lL.rso. lour years o.d, and wm rouh shod allaro- nd;noo:her marks A lib ral reward ill begivtntoany one reiumieg him or giving in f "minion of his whereabouts. IS 3t-tbd W. C. SIIAXXOX. PJli:r0SLS FOR CAVALRY HORSES. Ii L ADlil" A KT K KS DEPARTMENT Of TI1E PLATTE ,i Vfiit Chi (Juart'.rmamtrr, Omaha, .Neb., Jan. V, 188. J Sealed biis in duplicate, with uarractre stgnl by twi- rfspotisthlosurot.es will b receive j at thi; Cioe until 12 o'cl x k, no(n, ou Mutid.y, Jauunry 2itb, letiS, lor the delivery at Omsha,ebrtka, of Four Hundred (100) C;iv.ilry liorsos between the time of the award of the contract, acd Mar;:h lt, lSS8. Ei.eh biddtr will be required to deposit with his bid Uouui of one thousand dollars ( flOoO ). law ful currency, as an additimial gu.rrut"e, that htiuuld be bo tl e suctsrfol bidder, ho will rign die c 'iitrHet and gjive bnnls a required ; puah deposit to be forl'viwd thjuid be faii tu oinly with ihse tenus. Ti e horses must be sound in every particular, dark ;ii n d. well broken, in fuil ilosh and cuiidition , trom titteca (15) to sixteeu (lti) h.md high, from fjie (5) to nine (9 ) years old, und well nol'teil lor c-.ualry purpus;8. marcs or stai.iou s will bo received. The horse will be subjected to a rigid inspec tion, liorves thxt have been sold by the Guferu uivnt will uoc be received. hull condition of the oontract will be made known on application at this c'JL-e. - Bidlers uu -t be j-refont in person, or ba repre sented by p .wtr of attorney. liy order of Brevl Maj. Gon. C. C. ArertR. 16-6t Brev. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. x Ch. Qr. Mr. LHCiAL NOTICE. John M. Graham, ll'ff,i In li trict Court of No va niiib I ucty, Mate of pSamuel South, D'ft, ) Nebraska. The said fumuel South, defendant, will take notice that John M. tiraham, th; said plaintiff, did on the 21st diy f Janu iry, 18;U, tile his petition in tho said Ditriet Court of sum Aemaha Ljuut) , State f el rarka, against the said amurl South. The object and jrsyerot said petition is toobtaiD a d-re of torelo!ire against the eiid Samuel S'Uth,Niid an onUr of sale of the weft half of tba south-vast quartor et" section twuty-twi (22) of township fivo(i)of range lilteen ( IS) east, ot the sixth principal mTi.iein, etmate in said County uuder a Mortg-igo exeeut d by tbe said Samuel South to the a nl Ji.hn M. Gruhjui on tho Sih dj tf September. It09, to soeure to said plain'iff the pnyment of 2jt).bOou the 2d day of August, ISM, and to appropriate the proceeds of id rate to the ayturnt of the coxts Lertin aud tbe payment il the said sum f 52 i0 00 and int- rest from the 2J day of Augut, iMO.and also for the payment cf money exptixled by plaint fl in iaurg the taxesoo said land. And the said Snmue) South is notified to appear and answer said petition on or before the th day of Mnrrh, IS68. TU'TO.N, HLWETT A CIlURCn, U-4t . Atfys for PPa. INFORLJATIOrT. Information cusranteud to produce a luxuriant rrowth of hair uho a bnlJ head r,r beardless face. a'.so recipe for the removal of Pimples, I lurches, L..upiions, rte.,on the sk.n. leavii.g the same soft, and bcautiful,can bo obtained without ebarae by addressing. TilOS. F.CQAPMAN .Chemist fc23 Uroadway.ITew York. SPEC Hants, Tines, Trees Slinx&s and FlOWerS. At the request of manyha are anxious to get reliable selections of Vine3, Trees, Shrubs, Flowers', etc., I have consented to receive orders, from cow oBtil planting time in tba Sprfng. I represent the exten .iva Nurseries known as 8UUKYSIDE 2STJESEEIES, Clinton, lotca, J.R.A A. Bateee, Proprietors. All stock ordered through me, will be furnished at Nursery Frices, freight added. Catalcgues. with prices.can be had by application to me in person, or by apply in: at the stofe of Kol't Teare & Co., Brownville Neb. Evergthing furnished will be warranted true to name, quality, size and condition as represented. R. W. FURNAS. Brownville, Dec. 12th. 136?. H-3m ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEB1LITAT el whose sufferings bave been protracted from fcidJen causes, and whose case require prompt treat ment to render oxistence doirab!e. It you are suuer ing or cave tufleredfrom ii. voluntary discharges, what eflect does it produce upon your general talth? Do you reel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Dues alittle extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your ktdoeys. fre quantly pet out of order? Is your urine sometimes tbick, milky, or flacky, or is it ropy on setting? Or does a thick scum rise to tbe top ? Or is a seJiinent at the bottom alter it has stood awhile? Dayou have fpel'.s of short breathing cr dyspep ia ? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you havo spells of faintiug or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory im- pai-ed? Is your mind constantly dwel ling upou this u'.eft? Do you feel dull, listless, mopine, tired of cocipany, or lfe ? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing make yon start or jump ? Is jour sleep broken or restless? Is the luKlreof your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do yotfenjoy yourjeif in socie ty as we. 1? Do you pursue your business with the same eueruy ? Do you feel as wuchcouQdeuce inyour telf? Are your spiritsdull aud flagging, given to fits of melancholy? if sx. ! it u or dyspet sia. Have you restless nights ? You- back weak your knees weak,' and have but little apctite, and jou attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint? Now, reader, belf-abu;e, vecerial diseases baaly cured, and t-exual excesses, are all capable f produc in a weakness or the generative organs. The orgaus cf geueration, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that thote bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those j wnose gen rauve organs are in ptrieci ueaitn ? Xuu , 'never near such men cnplain of being uieiancbolly, of whose gent rative organs are in perfect heatth ? Yuu nervousness, f palpitation of the heart. They are never afraid they caonot succeed in business ; they don't become sadnd discouraged; they are always poiito and pleasant in the n n pat y ot ladies, and look you and them right in the face none of your downcst looks or any other meanness abnt them. I do not mean those who keep the organs iLfiatned by ruimiiii? to excess. These will not only ruin their con slit ut.ous, but also those they Uo business wiihor for. Uow many men from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excess, have brought about that state cf weakness in those organs tba; has reduced tbe general sieui so much aa to induce al most every otner dis.eae idioc y, lunacy, paralysis, spinal atl'ections. suicide, and a. most every other form or diease which humanity is heir ti, and the real cauo -s the trouble scari.ely ever suspectet and have dtciored f jr all but the rixht one. Uise4K e f thee orcaiis reqnire the use of a dlnret ic. HELMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU i tbe great Diu; etic, and is a certain Cure tor tli.-ea.-es of the B adder Kidneys. Gravel, Dropy, Organic Weak-r.e-s, Female Compiaiius. General Debility, and all diea.es of theUnuary OrKaus, wbctber existing in ilaloor reiiiule, from whaiever cause originaiiug a nd no matter ct how loiip standing. If no treatment is submitted to Consumption or In sanity niay ensue. Our tleh and blued are supported from iht-e hources, and the beaith and bappluess, and that or Posterity, depends upon the prompt use of a reiiaole reruei.'y. llenubolu's Kxtraet Buchu, established upward ot IS years, pieparcd by M. T. HELM BOLD, Druggist. 631 Broadway. New Vork, and It. 4 touth lOtb st., Philadelphia, Pa. Price t 26 per boit.e, or 6 bottles tor $6 60 deiiv ereu to any address. Sold by all Di usgists everywhere. DOCTOR W HITHER j HAS been lonsor enSied in the treatment cf Chronic, Sexual and female Diseases than any ithc-r Ptivsician in St L uis Syphilis in all its form, Gonorrhea, Gleet, .Stricture, Orctii ia, tnabetcs, aud ail cirections of the Unnsry and Sexual Organs, arc treated with ;be treat et success. Spermaton hea. Sex-ual Debility and Im potent y. the ie-nlt cf eit-abu.e in youth, or f x ual est e?f e in maturer years, vlncii prixltire -tinecf tbe lull. wiDt; rrTpct-, a blo'cbrs. debiiity di y'z ness, Iinities ct sit-ht confusion of ideas, evil i ebiHin ps, aversion ! ejciey of fenia'es !' of mem ry jilJ ifxual power, and rendering maniuge tnuiroper c,n be cured. . 11 ... ... .. .i..n ri;irT-rFriiTiT.rTn, TTFptpja Chr-imc Diarrhea, J.ivcr Coipr.iiut, Uernta , Kd;i i'lrc, r any o'h-.v clir. tiic afieciin, may rely upon ro.. i i' R a ra'iii'ai i:re. Prucniar at?iMiM. u pivtn to ail 'Perriale Cem ,") i:illt.- ; It.rljiiia.ati n an! Uicerntiuii of the nib. L- ucorrhei Ctlloris s. S'ri i'y ic?. M. st ca.-es can te properly trr- tted witnou t an interview, I'd uifdiUnes t-ent bv inait or expre-s. hecurpd free in ni obe: virion. Consul tatioti by letter or at i.fflre I Hf r. Charces nio(ier.i:e and cure- i?uarra iti'i . 3Orrl e, with lici.-pitl acc:mmudatioiis for pi titu ih. Nu. 617 St. Ctarles fctteet, letween SiifTii and Scve'ith, St. L'mis. M luVEItY BODY tin ce;t, in a scaled envelope, nty TUexoi antl treilrnCut of Sexuil and Urinary liea-es. contaiUioi tuli lyniitoni litf. tor two rosiiice stamps ; al.-O my Paper ret.itinfr. to Chronic dtid Ki m.tie Complaints, lor a three ceut stamp. 1-2 17 lv - ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gct.tleman who suffered for years from. Nerv ous Debility. I'rem.tt'ire D?a:iy,anl all the elfocts of yt uthtul indiscretion , wiil, for tbe suke of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt und directions for uukin? the rim le rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wi.-hing tu profit by the advertiser's expcrientOf can do so by addressing, in perfect con Sd. ne. JOHN B, OfJDEN, 3 1 lyP 42 Cedcr S'rect, Ne v York BEAFMESS, UATAltUII, COK i! I cirf PTinv a vn c a Krvn rrpvn A Treatl-e on Deafness, C.i'arrh, Cor-jmniptton and nnccr; their canoes means or speedy relief and ulis niaiecure. By a Prpn of the ACeieuiy of Medicine, Paris Sent to 8iy a.Jdres tor 1 i cents. . l.ritfr iroiu UoO't McAfurdy, D IJ , LI..D , Grand Prela'eof Oriil Kncsini.runt of U S, and Editor of the Xatiunal Frerna3n : K i w oiiK Stt'. 17, ib7 Dr SIiLLweli. was in chre'e ot tirac Church lioiital, Alexandria, Va , di.ni.g the war. 1 f rrqueut y, aunost d iiy? ior uiomhs, viMicd t!ii Hospital, sn i hud every im nsof fcinwir:K hi- reputation ur rrriciKKCV ami sSill. It wa - f tbe nil ciediiable tliaiacier, anJ li succe-s iii the treiiniei.t cf patients was romaikabie. Kodeut AiCAlUttDV. Organic Vibrator. It fits into the e ir, is not perceptible, removes ting ing noise in the head, ai d mau.e: d at person.- to bear ui-tii ci1 at iiurih and pu ic .eS'Iilb!ies. This iu siruuieui will crteu prciuie results ainnst miraculous and ii.deed in e.e of ions ataudinR deime-s, i. jriil rrlieve iu a short time It may be adjusted with the ee if hpeetitcies. lH. STttXW "ELL wit: be professionally at 31 East Wa.-liuua on place. University Building, K. X.. diily, i 4. s.eit lued..J. when Lewiil be at hi rooins 11)32 Pine Stieet, r'hiiaue puia Pa 12 16 ly DOCTOR MOTT'S J o ci-:r r i a ia etext i vc. IS n-ed by over three bnnlret thoisana ladies n Cup At :'an;ij States al'Mie an I :' a lr;e uuiHbei ii ti e W.t. wls W9ii:d u t be w:thont ii f jr ten Hie- its cot. It i to ibis Pr-v?n ive a n the :uethers "f ho-e 5ta es ow thir imiuiinity from urise families. It is ah-ol'itely certain. c ntnient to u e and witb'il beiioucial to hea'tli. AlMirii iui riiuinal, ibe;i use means p.-r ecus tuiri and pro pr Send stains for psnihel coutaJniLg lull particulars. Address, 1 Or. A. d. Uilbcr, , j (P O Box J392) 719 st .Chart street, j ti-17-ly . ST. T.OVI MO. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TheHEV EhWAHD WILSON will fend (fro of cb;rg) to ail who deirotbe pres-ripti n with tbe dinctinn for unking and using the sim ple remedy by which hftwaseurrd of a lungnfftw tion and that dread diseai C rscmption. .II is only Wjt""t Is to benefit the dieted and h5 hops ever sufferer will try this prescription, a it wi ll cot them nothing, 'id may prove a b!esinr. Please aluress KEV KI)WAKC A WIf.SfJV, No. H5 South 2nd 5t'., Villiatnburg, Ne York TO BRIDGE "BUILDEHa. NOTICE is hereby given that by vrder of the County Commissioners of Nemaha County, Ne-bra-ka, Scale! Proposals will ba ro-'eivcJ at the Office of the County C erk in Dn.wnvill mtil the 6ih day i.f April. 189. at ten o'clo- k. A. M..to fur nish all of tht material neces ary and to build two 15riiis across the Little Nemuha Riv r in said County of Nemba; One at Pennett's Mill and the other at the old W-ldle Eri5e, according to the plans and specifications on file in the oQci of the satd lounty Clerk. The said C mm;Ff ioners reserving the right to reject anv and all bids offered. Iy order of the County ' rannssioDer. January , 21s'. ISoS. JAMLs 21. U MUMl, 17-ti County Clwk. Sugar Loal Syrop, SorghaiD, and N.O. Molawes at SWA & BK0'3 D0BSEY 'Cs BE0., Main Street, BROWNVILLE. Dealers in Men and Boy's Eurnishing' Goods HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES imm 1 1 m mm. ijiji. .. 11 i . 1 lIllaVfaHEHi CARPET-BAGS Euijisssymi jmt'n m a.w uimMmlnw wiuiatjwn m mwmvmmm T?? -jt"w - 'a -- - -- a, tJr EIOIIS, HOSIERY. Blanket3 and Umbrellas Hive just received and will keep con stantly on hand a large and well a?sort ed slock of the nbove, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they offer lo the public at VERY LOW PRICES i - . XI. To all Who Deeire to Save Icney S S E E I A N FIs jtift received from the East, a larja and well scleted lot of AND Which be oilers at Eastern "PriccSc lie defies competition and will convince all who will call a d eiamiue bis Stock ' He hy also large Stock of Hats, Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &c Come One, Come All tvho want to Keep iheir Bodies Warm, REMEMBER THE saiicianiSTei MAIN STKEKT, lSItOWXTILXE, XKI5 S. SEEM AN. If J O b E 1' 11 JS 11 u T Z Fa ja't received and will constantly ksp on Lard a lare and well selected stock of genuine ar ic.'os in is line. One Door west of Grant's Store, Brottn vitt. A'tbraska. XI opair inn Ot GI.kVs; Wii.teii'i Jeweirj u . ne on the short est NuticJ. WORK WARRANTED. Brownville. Neb.. March 15:h. 1SC6. T0-25-ly JtUS. IL'StCE I.KACH, MIS? JtP.T A.fclMftOJt LEACH & SIMPSON, Milliners & Dress-Makers WL-htoinfor the la.'b-s of rrrwr.vilTe and vicinity tht tliey has jQt e tuajt-need a urt la MILLINERY & DRESS-MAKING When work will Ov duuc wir,b ;rcat ruro and neat ness, and atterth latcft bartern stylos. E:earhinir and Reja?ritg doue in the very latest gtle and rn ithi-rt noiu-e. Ijitect ttjle of Ltdii ' and I hi'dren Hats ar:d Tlonneta ron-nty kpt n hr.d, alo lir.si pat terns of L4ie l)rtse. Cloaks, and Children clo thing cut on short notice Second Stiert. between Main &. Water ERO'VlLLE, XEBRJSKJ. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. To all wht m it i3;ty cr-nctrn : Notice i btri-bv zircn that the Prolate Court of Nem t county , ' b '?;. as appointed tb- ec nd M-'Bday in J Ji uary, 1SJ:, fo h"ar a .?tfK'ii) -at tr m Viri? nil M. H ir.r, '.'uir.ii in i.f Gcor.'d Ltbs ul L-mnda Etbs no-sv Mry. (i-idfre. (liven under my hand thi 2 day of tW., A.I). 1868. A. V. 3IOKGAN, Probate Jude Virginia U. Hunt, Guardian, 13 2t W I II 1 1 B t IM'IT I . 7 1,"n.e SHOKTEST ROUTE! st Tino!! We return thanks to our friends and the. trading public Jforjthe libe rdl ratronage they have thus for extended U3. Our aim shall be to so conduct our business as to merit tho confidence of our customers. All represen tations guarrantied. We keep on hand a complete stock of all kinds of goods required for this market, and as to prices i TCeTOXot be Undersold I Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Qiieensware, Boots & Shoes Hats,. Gaps, &c. &c. &c. AH kinds of Produce TAHEK in exrhanre for Goods, for which, the highest maikel price wil be alloweJ. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Corner ilain and Second Street Erownvlllo, TvToto January 1st. 1S83. HILI & CO., Dealers In DRY GOODS, Groceries, HARDWARE Ladies' bent's and Children's BOOTS acl SHOES, Quccnsvrarc, GLASSWARE, 231 at J and Caps Agricultural 13IPLE3IENTS, PURS, NOTIONS, CAEPETS, ronntriff, perh.ipii, tba ni'iM cornleic an t e tensive stock i ffore.1 to tl'noleave or Rcfatl puirhihem wp.t of tea ills.-uliri River. ti vr haviiix ! eea ct i: ne I'.r (itent of Stjkor Fair ie!ina, ttiey merit tbeo nQJ eiu jtud p itrona'e of uSk. Xa 3L I DEALERS IN A STAPLE AND FANCY Emoracinsa'.l taa aQyYj lt Season. Also, a large and well-u Jected stock of Gents FurnltLins Gnoda, BOOTS & SHOES, HiVTS AND CAPS. 1 x V 'U :d Xi Li xx i-) AND OESBE S" rrra OnGood werwbonht of Crrt hand, and we think we en offer aui-h induct mntu to jcrcLaser asennnot fai! to mit thoso wishicg to toy. Call andsee for jroarfelvea. All kinds of Produce taken in exchdr.ze for Goods . 5lf- Jihn McKirxie, HIT. J.'etore A. W. Mor,'.n, J. P. nr ; ot IV tnnha Cuctj, ii'ite Wm. Fovrriour. Vt't. of Ne! r.isia t)a tbe2Mdj of D?o mHer. A.D. lSf;7, said Ja.Htice ii"ne.l n Urii-r f Attachm-nt in thd ah'.veastion fur the sum of Nineteen duiUrs. Browtni;i Srb.. Dee. 27thr 1S87. 14-St EE Fr'ETT & CiiV&QU, Atfja for M. GLOTHIIMG At ti SIss. cf ti Big Bed Qtcad h tlia p!ao tatcy PTJHITITUIIE A5D UPHOLSTIT? ! ! I Keep constantlj oa hand a completa Uicrtaest .cf Sofss, bedsteads, Beanreaas, ' Spring beds, WhatNoti T7ardrobs, lvocyinC1ia!rf, Hit novkj. Chain, Kitchen . Tab!s, Kitchsa and Parlor, toped Stands Ltonge, and Farlof Tahls Cases, Lonnia Settees, Mattresses, Springs Tete-tetei Pwinz Cribs, Oilioe Chairs, ComtuiU, Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands; Kocking Cribs, Bed Springs, Children's Cabs and Gif Piino Stoolf, Teapoy Stanli, ftilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., eta., eta. A oti) Casts and cfjlcz Work made herder And anything ani eTeryjhin; required to let np pi.. in or fancy housekeeping. All cf their ware is cither rnanafAcfnrel or pot np under their special superintendence, whiei enabU them sound article at smaller prices thaa eastern icanafactuted goods. OUE HEAHSE i i ... rj;.Jw- ,,- . r 1 iJLJ. --TH.K s. is at the Service of the pnblh! at any time it may be nettled, acd is gotten np ia as fine style as any farther east. Xletalic Burial Cases, of all sises somtantly oa hind, at eastern prices. We are doin: ba-inei cn st'Jclly cash principles. At a im'iil profit, and by attention to bunine and tbe wants of the community, expect in tht future 3 in the pa;t to receive the patrona g9 of the pub lie generally. M'FALL & CO. The Bxowhvills, Ft. Kcrney and Pacific Railroad Compmy. N OTlt'K is hrthy i;iier), il.Jt, in juruunce of. the 0Denl I.:iw of t!m Ste of N-bra-la, Company bus bn inc'.rwirte'l an I th ee rit'i-Jto of si4 iri',i'rp.rni. u has br-n fi!i d in th" Cice of the ictaS-y cf St.it of 'he rotate f Nbr .-k;. The iiiiui'j of the si! I ccrp r i n 1 "The l:rn ? ilie, Yvrt Kearney nd Paciii: tiilrrn l C.ni;iny." It principal place f ba-incs thall bo ISruwnvilie, itrNetnahACi.un'y, !?:br.i-ka. fh. g -neral nirura of its t usine eh ill le the i'fin.-tp.icti"n, m tinfe Lan. e and cpemtit i f a r:i'.r ; 1 trm tlr .wr.riil in county i f N m il a, t' a p.ti.t i n th- Uni a ;in I IV-itk li.ii!nu i, the mur. -t pretioib!o t F rt Kearney in i id Si:ito it X ir-Ki, n ax fa intf rs-'ct the ouid U-it.in And I'-wiiti t ll i r 1 a i uri tKiint. Ttie capital s'tx k i tw nii!'.in UuI'jm, reu ptr cent, of whii-h is payal.1 ut the time f suts.:ribin, and tiiC b.!ariv at the eail tf tb IV.arJ of Dirtcturs. Thi bjjiney ant i' f said c rf.or:iti.u emtneni.e on the lith ly of -June. lSt)7, atd sid c-.Tpt-iafir n j. totuTtt jxrp-t ul duriitiuD. Th'j in iebteJzcss of tba c.r.wa tnn not io exjeed at any tiin two-thirU of its ciipital s ock, or the v.itu of its pr .t rfy bth real and peruLal. Ti e Lusincsi and atf-tir of thv Ci mpmy aro ti be c n iue'e i by a JJoird of s ca Directors, ho shall be elect d l the annual meU in; which rbill be h!d on tho first il onday of September of eai h v r. JOHN McrilERSON, President. J. W". Pi. ACSEVltN . Sfcretary . 17-1; LEGAL ISO TICK. Itcnbin T. Stephens is hcr!y nci'iCil thit Lo rinda M. Godfrey by Kran ;is !I. I). Hunt, her next friend, n piaiutilf. did on tee 22J dy of J inn ry , SI in :h Di.-trict Coi,r' of Nem ih. County nod S'nte Ntbrapkit, her pttiiion ain.t tr said Jicunin X. tep'jcriS. J-Fef.h S. I'.r ici, L onurd L. Fru.ii; A An -ih .ny P. L'o-wrll as d ftul ant. The object nnd piaytrf n d Pitiiii-n N0 btnin a judgment aHiit t lie !aid Jifnb-n T. Stej ben., Jo. ej h S. I'ars r.and Lfi naid L.l r-t fur waste Cuariiitt d -.n iril (Ijiid d by nil PiaintilT, wh r-in Pin in tit' cl urn 'lauiig' t the . monul f $ :G().0') ; un i li ubt.t:o an orl r of aid Courr d j'-lariD v il an 1 c.io lHrg a u rM'a Icd m.idc and siiftd by Perry U.-df - and fj rind M. Ufrey, wife of tn caid Perry (Jo-lfrey, t Jtnb!.-n T. Stehn. on tho ID h ility of I)-'m-b r, lSr?7, for the f .llowindi-ribi lir, 1. 1... it: The t. of tbe n w. of S' c'i r 3 3,tri town 4, n iu racge st ; hiid he n. of th- n. J f.f the tiai l n. w. ot sni l weti-on and t! e n.Jj of i he n. ?t of tbe a. w. J f f.vd ms.;tioH 35; ani the n ,l thf t. i of trie n. 't of Ptid a w. of nail t-ei'ti.-n ZJ in raid t'.wri -1 .nd ra:yw I') ; wn a!iii to ob'ain an order dti'!rir null nod rmd certain Deed m id by the said lubcn T. S ephei.a tn .Ii pojih rt. ..n the -M d..y of I) o-iuVt, IS7, for a a't of aid land; and a!' thuDel made by, tbo f ii i Ueubn T. n pbem to lv.ni J L Fru-t,oii the2th diyof Ducjiuixr, IviS, f,f another p; t of iaid land ; aljoa 'u iUr ord-r dt cUrir. voi In cerluin M.irf (C-ijc-j uul by the aid R. ubin T. .t'.b"ii t A. I'. Ciwe;I on ii. 2 h d;!T ol lKetinocr, lsC7, ft.r uLuiLtr txct of uii l:'.d And tbe said R.-ubin T. Steph"t f?r?q!i'red t-j jp..r aud ri(iv r ' iid petition on or l. t'.r tba Uih day ot Mt h, IM".. 17-U TU'lUN, HEWETT A CIll KC.'f Attcrm y for p.i-itiX notici:. Th rTdirr of I.'-ri lira I!?y, rTet"!, w'l t.-kf not"M- that the Pr bate "i nrt f miha County. Ncbr trk . b (.(4nfe 1 the I-rb d y ,,f July. ii'H, and ih- I0 h d-iy ltu-n-t, f, 4 a tn I ki and tb oUke f the !(, wte J u.Jje in P,r .rn vill. NVmtha county, Xetraka m t'i U;,t'-t the bearir-a ut c'aitua nca'rft tha F.tMf if den dc: t. Uforetbe ''n bi'w Jud t, snid Ntin i!. ro-ir.iy, 'eWrak . U:il". ?h :im of rr .lit..r at e prercnted to aaid I'm bite Jude f;;r a;l.)W-i,e ujnii. j.ne of theaaid Jjys they will n. b entitled to ray;ucnt. A. W. JIOIiG .V, rjbim Ju l e. P.r.,wnti:ie, Jan. l.tb,ir.?. Kt-lt Br. aoaza. Jt. w.;rriiAj4 BEIT. ROGERS, & CO., VN is .-fa.--'" LivciyFecdand Sale Stable, Main Street BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. Dealer in alt kinds of Stok II.Te Pou;h,.?o'J and Esvhanjtdi Stck boardad by thJ diyt week. The Propria?. .rj Lv? recent'y erect-! ah ntir new ;!irje an l c m j. d Sf V- "'ii "re- n e? thi? ol ! Pr wt i ! Ic I!:-use. T .e ir r" . 1 1 r t'.l tresh and VehicJes sew.- 'i'h' rsV.Is caa t ac-cji' ra dat-d at ail b.or,daj or nitst. A Stfrk corral! with an abauial s'j'fp' Ql pars tfalei stMLeJ Id li SUL:. il if " x - ,