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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1868)
I rTO C .A- i t. ' f (I I1' ".. 3 C . res,; f ' .1 i ditotC s A i 'I rt.i :t .- i -I.N- -:3.tTi- t u CI . Li. - ? . : i'. i . ::vhs and purchas r-;; attend 10 C.S-t." i t '..V ! ft Lc-J- " Jtille, Thursday, jai;. a t C 7 . D CLACKE" cur authorize ' ' ., Wnctioo for tie 4Jrrrt.rer i atbe Tabr- ,5001 District. - p ZCrrRi c-r authorised Aect to receive Option fr lieUiwrtwfr ia U Clubland f'bLlAJl nOXSV is cor authorized irjett to rtplf'ripliott for tbe Advertiser in Neiaa- C7 rr'10 erad.Sbot and Caput S.wan & Ero's. foBTtttc-'ioB iscII to jets Ads. ia tbia naaX-j. 3 C.iu Lanl Agent, Erownri'da, Nebraska. Tioirt Green Apple for aa!e by J. L. il'Geo Jfc Co C -'b'r r ! f;' " Is st c;:t, eI r" raii- vt J.L. AlcUee ACo.'a. jPnJ;l:.2 IlVdsei for kI cieap ; idgo.cae to liUlti'tP. G.Siorc. faeries or meeting will te bell at the Chrie- jeburcbia teat tnriJV. j prrptrttio;? we teirf rrsdsta plater the Ef-U-! iCbsrch end the Court House Bui::; Eg. I rgll stock Stationery just received ail for sal, bMtJe or reUil,atredaced prices at l-Crecr'i. j y,irtrntk.tMr.Chafc;,wcuiii3 net c -.rr-er-,n b u doing w t II undci care of Lbr. Holladay- I jj invitation Judge HeweU will lecture before Fairris Literary association oa tbo fta cf Feb- - Ifyott ratt t pod uticle cf Fami! Floor, leare jur crden at Bii's T- G.Ste, kt keep the let ; Thi weatiw 4ritS tne Pa,t wcelt hat boea Tery foIJasd fretJy, efpcl !!j icc SuacUy. VTed iefciiy aiorcic tie mercery ttood 19 lelow 0. Out Slock cf Clotbics iriU be Closed out at ua ' ptttitz'M'J low pripes wstbia J3dajito Dalce s won fcr Spricj to'ct. ' 4 LHO. i ' ' r ; Eatkwbeat Fioor, Corn, 0U IIy ,Cora Meal, i Cta, ShorU.Cob meal and VoJ , for aula at tbo PQ. Store. . . , j . . '. ' . ' - " ? Thl Ct.Jospph Union comea to es in a new die and bfaatifnlly prtnid. Il ia thoroughly liepub ! Iia and ieaerrioj the f utronare rf loyal men I trrytaere. - - I J AT Cr. All persona indebted to c; are-eq'mt-I edUwllimmediaUly at the City Dreg Htore aad : Mttla. II. C. Lett ia aatborissd to act ia iny ab-!fV- T .nf.C.T.STEAKT. ! CITJE.-Tbe RfpuV.icana of tbis : City are rtqueitcd to meet cext llonday erening i the City Bock Store Reading Room to organize a BmV.ieaia!. " MAS 1 REFCULIGAXS . Fra ITonlioR taj his Ice House a!rAdr filled alia as jd ice at tftr va3 fi.u.a. Eras ij ccr U'il'; prrparin for a bot summer as we be tai packed twenty ton core tbaa usual. Etaiti. In tbe article oa'Fenc9e"cn flnt page Jir-ob miaul the writer Is dale to any tbat it ii "not indispensable ta haT beJe jUdU ol CLlformaixe, wbilo wUbed to aay that it -dltjt$al!e. r Eeifwetter A Eriiman, aro inyis;, at tbeir City 1'cit Market, tbe high eat market price for Click eai.QnaUi, Aa. Bring tbetn to tbe Meat Market Lry.o wisb a ready Bale at good priccj. Ca;h paid fprbidea." Ua. Editijb Jhe Brcwcvi'Je L'-tcrj tj Asocia tka are indebted to ? ecator Tiptoa for many vala able Cengrtiaional byoks, for' rbkb be kas tbe iitki cf tbe community. . '" '. E.W. THOMAS; ec y. We ieby enr ejebacgea that rnnny Balls will be iren oa tiie lli of Febcaary, A good Ball and a bg attendance could be bad here if gome one V4d start tbe ball in taction ia time. Try it, aonudyl 'r. Josicr", agent f tie' Amctitan Eib'a 3oaiety, ill prcb from tbe tef t Blessr re tbe Pure in Eeart, fr they aball aee God on Tkurday even ing, January SOlh, at tbe il. B. Cb-rch. The object ia cf intwett to all. Come and bar tdm. Tka follcwir are tbe bScera of tba American B.ble Society fu Kcruaba county: FrefideniU. F. tsxttin f;cr;cil-; t, Jeas Lcke;; e-reUry Smith p. Tntte ; Trt asarcr. Wni. Id. Hoover ; Ex ?utive Commiuee, Theodore Hill, John C.Decser, John Barnes, Geo. W. Dorsey, II. D. Snyder." R. F. Barrett, of tbis city, is cegoliatirg for tbe purchase of tbe unexpired leasj of tbe Brownviile fieamFarry fcaocbise. If be succeeds tbe steaai Wt fi w hi be tsci as a ferry boat. Mr. Ear ret baa an interest la tbe prosperity of tbis eectio of ctuntry, aid ia tbe rigbt&aa toadta'asc cox i terest as well as bis own. y.D. Mabia has ju?. finished a set of Boggy Harness for Col. R. W. Furnas taat excel aoytbing ta tbat line ever prosced in tbis city. TteCnidb aad .wcrkmjsb' j cjoc-t te cfcc"?I arywhera. 4Call at his abop' Maia street and exiiiine them and his general stock, be is as raasoalle a maa tc Aeal with as yoa ever met. "Jtecase cf tbe Cify of Erownville rt. John W. iuiddlrtoa,?.taken to tbe Dirict Court on error yDefen darts. District Court dood?4 th.U there ,aa error, 'taken ' to the upreme Coicrt by tbe Pity.' TbeSuprei-e Court d taotion of Defendaats at cost tl .cij, been j so c;'.y tad filed no petition ia error in court bl ;tr. Tbroogb CapUCarson-we Jera tht Qji, Fitai n. 1 . . . . 1 . na vt. lie lb erson reacnea asniogton just out week from tbe day tbey started, vicll an! egr to ccon:j'if!i tv.e!r V ission. Nebraska bas tbe rep tatioa of la-irg tbe best locking delegation in Wafbicton and tbe ia est eager for railroads. No , less tbaa four do-Ie ratlo-rs be;i" ca lar i rr&tt r.Is Sicns. Few prsoas bst fctPtT "contempt fcfa ven while tbey use I'.-a.' KM pJbl icben will be,r witss tbat 15 cents for tb : first end 10 cents fer aca additional inscrtiyc tst? iiUIe asLenalj cna be done for" if tbe laborer is erv'hy cf bis biro." W va'd insert tb-ta Lr no .'. I at If there be srv cf oar patrcr-B whose linf r (') wi'.l tot warrant .tbia ectlay we'd rather ia'iert f r'-'.blns ; it is . more b.eo?i to girt than rece'ae.? TDanrgtbe week we e ';i pledge a vieit rota St rimfl W.Cir-; bell, formerly tf tbis city, bat now clerking ifl Manif fll & Ellirgirood's Ilard- : .were and Iron 't ,r i a b' I. Josfrb, nts tbat bocs well atd t:t ; wbererer be is l r ?c. oar ta K..ovr-e Va-z, i. merger, is in our ciiy on a visit. T.uba h is aeca taaii aerv i:e aee k,j 1 Z i U I ... iotki rcca t'sa woks f cr er.r, . Tc'.'.oribcp ; tbe Jciat Ccrptyfor Ibecrec tica r f a I' 'tl v rue ! r ;'i s be- gub f r l-i: ling; a j el:;'; itorr; o-?.- Teda tbe Cvj ; tie raL- Hie u.uti vi ca tie 2J-, snia.l luildirg turned dora in tbe rear of tbo pest t nee. Ji.'. rrov-rii:3 j;:r c I I'r-r ' i c:- in bratirg tbe 4tb ; Vi'la. A. Ficney cpeced a Cozfe? tiorsry ; C(.l. Xiron ccncimci'.J -'?c'ir-' I:tl hi block iJ ; ta tbe 20 d tbe iscrcury r -8 to JJ3 in tb fcbEfe; Wm. A. Alderman opened a Grocery sl.or ; Eran TVcrtbirg etartti a Eakery llc.-i. C: 4 Lcsbbaogh were pre j.ariaj to build a Lambing Hon? j f.r t!. ro.u; n. i Auguit.--TLe Bocks and FlaEacf tbeLacd C.:.ce errivc d cn tbs f ;1 "wiatcrki::ci"b ; the lie Jtl Lottery jprouteia'd e;rre ire ft. Scptcnli,- Ilcncr J "ricd. 1 j t Dcrrey Lro'a, A. jioiiauay cor ; t c j ire L-y . . . ; j f .-.; ; ,-copie2 J.'cCrcery, ibo til bnl luiI fnislod ; Mr. Tbarpfipiibed bis re.-idenco cor. Atlantis and C-t-b ,Lu :ber Hcadley'a rcsi-'crcu f ni -'""l, Carsoa 4 Lufblau rb'a fcirkin." boui3 f be t 1 bui ll'.-s cr.ieraay f.r -G. Y. Brails a, E. B. Farkr. Ii. Brown, Ftrsoa T'ell? and Jaars Colemaa ; tbree concerts one organ griDde r and or s monky perform ed ia tbia city darirg tbe week ending tbe 3rd ; tbis section was visited by grastbopptrg ; Tj-ron 4 Caciney and Ilorback 4 Co. opened Land igen ciea ; A. Meraer opened Saddle and Ilarness Ebop ; Derger4Wcstfi!l fc-rd tbe second ki n of brick ; Jos. Thompson 4 Bro., opened cp a Blacksmith and Wagon abop; Brown 4 Ilallara'a Back was broken Into, tbe thieves getting only a gvld watch and some clothing, tbe safe was net entered ; Crane 4 Dill boogbt out McAllister 4 Dozier. October. The ScbooJ rJctsejOn 6ih street, eora p!etod ; a Crist Mill attached to Lake, Noel 4 Eai erjon'a Stcarn Saw Mill. November. Davis 4 Clark finished and moved into tbeir new store rccia; tbe rst Sabbath School was orgnaixsd; tbs first Bro nvil'e Stcaci Ferry boat, tba ''Xeniabs.,' rencbad our landing oa tbo 4th ; a portion of the Advertiser oCice eo'd to start tbe Jonmal at SemabaLV'y, "first No. cf irbicb edited by S. Beldea, appe.ctei daring this taonth ; sons of Malta, R. J. Whitney, G. R, J. 0. - , . - January, 1SJ3. Nemaba Valley Lodge, A. F. 4 A. M., No. 4, commenced work under dispensailon " Geo. W. Rratton, W. U., Brownvillo Lodge, No. 5, I. 0. or 0. F., instituted, R. VT. Furnas, N. U. ; Home Guard company farmed, M. F. Clark, Capt. February. M.E. Church organized ; tbe. Medical Department of tha Brownvilla College commenced its rt course f y Lectures ; Lutbcr Uoadiey began to agitate tbe propriety of erecting a cburcb ; D, C. Sanders, was elected Frcalent, U. W. Furnaj , Sereiary and R. Brown, Treasurer, of be Broa rille College. ' . . ' March. Drs. ndlaJay 4 Arnold joined practice . rt boat c-f tbe season landed at ourLevee the lS'h April. Bedford 4 Ceorge opened a Land Agency; J. D. N. A B.B . Their psoa opened a Land Agency; Douglas Saloon opened by GoTt Dbee, May. A tkjr-light Deguerriaa Gallery erected by Akin & Minic k ; 0. B. Ilewett commenced the prac tice of la ;C. V,'. V.'j?f:ef crmpletei 'his resi dence on Main ttrtet ; J. C. Deuser ard Jacob Marc-bn cor;etel t' rir tkepa and rcldcnces on Main elrT? : - - ' June.-J-Wra. Ros?ell opened -tbe Citjr Livery UUa; C.W. 7hce!er and Rr.b', M. rr,K i took charge of tbe Brownvillo UcU Jobn Jurrison bought cut M.F. Clark 4 Co "a Crocery Store. Literary Notices. . i THE LADIS'S FHIEXD, for February, is re- j casived. Its contents are, as usaal, of the fi rut or der. Tbe frcati.- ii:o U.el p '.at3trcpresoi.ting il.o j findrg of Jloses in tbe bullrajbc, iias na as art i can produce. Tba double) steel faibion y!at3 is eiegiai, ycd reprtS'.'nts to po fection tba latest modes in drcta. Beiidoj these there is a St. Val entino's Bay picture ; r.lo tbe !!etc;f.rt: Shcwer," and many otkrr Faebiai Tattern, Fancy ?ork, etc. Tbe readir.g matter is cxiensive, and fcm tbe tett aatbors. Fubliibo 1 by Doa?oa it Peter son, 319 Walnut flrret. rilladehbji. , Price $2.50 per Ecsani, cr f 1,10 if. tikea ia caneclloa with the Advertiner. FRANK LESLIE'S TIAGAZtE. Ia tbe press of Other master we have mittcd to notice the -greatly imprcyel Frank Lttlle$ iddtet1 Jt'iigazine for January. It greets n wirb'a ciost elegiint frof pajs, gotten cpia tbe bigbest style of tbe art. its double fisdnaned plate, colored, and six page fashion plate. plain, cannot be eicelltd. 1 hen come Jwelve pngs of smaller cuta of fashions, pit frns, fancy work, etc., witb full desr"l'l'n sides tbis are fifty rf-g"s of'closely printed reading matter, containin; Ystory, roraance. poetry and travel?, inking it as fine and valuable a collcciion cf good read'rg res tier as can ta found anywhere. : Term?, $3.? per annua. . . ; TnE ST. LOUIS f:OME. JOURNAL, paMished woeklyinSt.Ioaisby SbeSeld4 already entitled to a front ratk in tbo literary papers, acd as westera Hoe Joarnal, should fecei e tbe patronage of tbo We.; No reasoa exists way the West should always receive ber literature frotu tbo East, and if she will only patron'ze ber Own papers, a fete years would show a revolution in tbis respect bctb gratifying and profitable. $2 ptranacin. AMERICAN ACr.ICrLTCEIST.-It would al most i an atierrpt to paint tie i,'y,.ti comment oa tbe style, matter ar.d of tbe American Ajrieutturitt . 'published ..ontb'y by Orange Judd 4 Co., 215 Brop-J way, N. Y. Its forty lare pages are well ftcc;cd with reading ralttsr. rich in in terest to any trade and profession, yet, as its name indicates, of jartiralar valu t tbe agriculturist. Each nurr.lir ccntsins niany beautiful Illustra tions, specially gotten up and ttrue io nnre. 41,50 per acnu;.a. Tbis paper is t!a priattd in Garraan. IIARFLR'S BAZAR ijTxiking great strides ia tbe n Section? of the people, srd though only in ts jilrst ic'.f yfsr, iu firctbtisS already lived many of tb-e o'.irr faibioy pU;:icst;ori.. It weekly, -filed witi ibe latest fa.iocs, Wntifnlly l-eiirif man'- jMtrt, Janey v.-ore a'fcd other gcntral i'i.astral'iuns. Ll rediD,; m.fci ter is cf tbe fiit order. 1 1 per aansni.' ' EVERY SATUr-DAV-Pcl-.b-bcd' yttVj by Ticksof 4 Filds, 12? trerjr.t street. E-wtoa,! certainly ore of tbo rssst readable jeriodc!f of the ejre. S'otb; sr tra-by, all from tbe best aa- Lbojs v tbe time?, it is fast making itself a f.ioe a r, I c ' : c u ! . :j s 1 1 1 1 ' c f 'j f e i t b c n o Ii cnl eftbed.iy. S5 per annut". " d :ii.Ni: i.Ei.:.:r ro' 5 and cl;l;j is er- ftinlr deriirr- ef tbo r ki-ritT it hit gair e i w !ih t e j '' & f'lks f f '. te it n'rrs f-T yevrg f-1'. i 1. Tt Is rr C'' r ruVlisbed. , oai- il; w'k'u eb(.;?!. reidi .v t. is'rite j a . t raVr ,f t:g. It i. . r Ivi. v; :r:-:.-e t I win-j.-.ib '1 b 1-;,-witl illustittivt, Gcl- 2 ,: 1 sr.v i:i. , . ; . ; r.ff ive rV Tr1' v f I5 :.ii.v bv NlX;i POST still Vp? ! i re::: . J' canlicuel 'keb s. fire ft fr V. la . i ', n :. .- me b-. r a VS gi ; J. jr-rre.-.i-i ft. !S 1. re u i tr "t I t. Kil wiib b sr. i an aba 15 cost t.. jt: r, or .J2 i ...birco i f f ' r. ly ; ? c ' .:.bc:i v. ilk t. 'a here cCkl at a ; : rr i!. 52,55 per a- c:uxTP.r gen- . '. ' .6 t.j fr-ki.-,-;i L-e'H i i. 1KJ A. JLO.i!C- . i 1 1 At rcqueft cf many v.Lj a;'9 te tLxi-jui to get reiiat !a bral, Flower. ct. soljctioos of Viae . I r " ve ctat r; :rcr ; cw t lip 38 J I': 1 c lie ,-.-cicntl-- -.enii .ti ..S k i V as 3U2TIT YCIDE ITULSERIES, Cftaion, Jotra,- J.JJ. 4 A. Birr-H Fr-j.rief; rs.' i.11 stock orJsred through, sae, be fiimifbed at Nurjery Prices, frei ght added. Catalcgaes, witb prices. era la bad ly tp'iv.;ioa to ue ia .pcrsoc,trly a;; j -irg at tbo it: re cf Kol't Tsare & Co., Brownyille ' eb . Ii ei i'iir-j fern! bed will be warranted true to name, quality, size and condition as represented. . Pv. W. rURNAS, B.-ownvill,De3. 12tb.l5?. IKIa . ' - J nr.rsn to the rritTc:s axd rsrTi.'TAT- t-6 wtosO iufi-'rir-cs tave betn i rott ac s i t rom I llCcti causes, au-1 wU-.eca'-ea rtclfe pronpt treaU ment to rer dsr ojUienco ee-ittbie.' If ycii are s.ii!er lr or tave icTere 1 frcni itvoiuritary discbarges, what c 't c. . sU i rC; i : ' tp" your general heaith? Do t a reel wi-,.i, icbiinateJ, fasilr tired 2, Doea atittle titra excr luii (roiac palpitation of tte heart? Doeb yocr liver, or urinary organs, or ycer Kidneys, ire qanctiy c!t out vt order? Ia your urine sometime tui;i, miliy, or C cky, or is it ropy oa settirc? Or 3 'i a thie'e t. t rise io I e t. ; ? or i a tiC: nt t. t ttom. ":" it t ( footl iiwbi'e D i ; . y-.n.j iKtil" cf t'i ..rt I .-eaiL.ti; cr Jysp i-ta 9 ; :a you? bowels constipated ? Uo yon hsvo f( ells el feinting or rushes of blood to the I.eiJ 9 Is your memory im I aireu V . ypur mini c nstafcMy dweilia;? upon this sujof 1 11-Do yon fee-1 ctll, lisUess, roopiiip, tired of company, cr life ? Do you wish to fce left alone, to get away from every!o3y? Does aDy little tbinft make y&u Hart or'jcmp ? Is your sleep broken or rettesi t Is he iu.reof your eye as brilliant? Tba bloom on yocr cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yoorif If in socie; tyaswe.15 Do you pursue your liuir.eis witli -the sranfttpyj Do you feel as much conf, eiire In your sell? Are your spirits dull ard Caff !i.g, kSvcu to fits of melancholy? if so, do not lay it to your liver er dyspTt. Usv yon rettless nights? Joa cl wea your knees weak,! and hsva tut little apftite, , arid jotj attriscte tbis todypesia or liver complaint 5s " Xcw, reader, gen-abue, venerlal ditases biily cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable f produt Ir.g a we kaess of tbe generative organs. Theorgsna of ReutTration, when in perfect bealtb, make tbe man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business mn are always tbosa whoe generative organs are in ptrrect heatlh 9 Yun never near such men complain of beihg melaiicbolly, of nervousness, tf palpitation of the bert; Tbey are never a'raid tbey cannot succeed in business! tbey den'f becoruo sad and discouraged tbey are tlfrays x-llip and pleasant in tbe con;peny or laules, and look you and tbem right in tbe face none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about tbem. I do not mean those who keep tbe orenns iiEamed by rut.r.'n 1 1 f xcss. TLe e will-i ot ruia tbeir constitutions, but also tLobe they Co business with or lor. - Hcwtnacy men frorn badly ccred disease, from the t'ecU of iseif-atLie and excess,' hive 'brought boct tbat state of weakness in tiiose organs tbat bas refiucod the gerpral system so' much aS to Induce al niobt evsry oilier disease idioc y, lunacy, paralysis, spinal atTeclii-ns, suicide, and aim st every otber form of disease which huinanUy U heir to, and tbe real cause if the trouble scarcely ever 6iispectei", and have doctor rd for all bxtt t!ie ri;ht one. . ' Di.seis ps cf tbee ores ns require the use of a rtloret" lc HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCtW U tbe great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of tbe B adder. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Ofjtauic t?eax-ne-S, Fetuale Coiriplaints, General Debility,- and all dit-eajssof the Urinary . Organs, betLer existing ia Male or female, from whatever cause originating a ud no matter of bow leng standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In sanity may ensuo. Our flesi at.3 bloo-i are eurrrtrd from tbese eourees, anl tbe health and bap4:e, ai.d that of Posterity, depends upon the" prompt use of a reliable remedy. v lleimboid'a Extraet Bschn, e' t.Mished c: -rerJ of 13 ye. irs, pre-art J by . " M. T. IHLMI-OLD. Drugst. tSi Broadway. New York, and "TV.. V K touvh lOib St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frice 1 S5 per twttie,- or 8 iK.ttie for $6 6'J deliv ered to any addreis. Sold ty all Druggists everywhere. ..;:P0CT0R:WniTTiZii: HAS been lotiper enaaceJ in tbe treatment of Cbronc, Sexual and Female Diseases than any; otter Physician 4n?t 2)rTr". : t i y : s iiyphihi iu all lt ;i :t;s, Coik'.' rr., 'Gleet, Strirture,, I;betes, and ail tfe'-cli.jns f the t'ricsry and Seiuai Organs, are treated with tbe nreatet su:ess. - - . ., S r c rir, otorrhea, f csual rbility and In ' potency, fs tbe reinit. vt seif-nkut in youth, or f sfXiiii ec esse ia mat a rer yean, wbitbi produce some of tbe ta wi!ig rfects, as tlotcbes, drt iJity di MUness, diiiinjpss of sight confunson oM'lei!. eil foreliodlnj:?, averslou t- uCiety of fetialcs, loss of meai'-ry and vover,.tnd rendering marriage tnpropercan becired.- ' .. - ! Tereoiis auiIeriDg frcia Consumption, Cyiperia Cbrmic Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, Benin , iU:? ttire, or any otber cbri'riic aL'ecilja. may rely upon riK-eiving a radical rore. ' - - ' Particular auentitn giyen to alt TTemnde Cem- claiats; Ii;f.ammatirin abd t'lcPtattfln -of the I7jiub, Leocorrbea. C'tloris's, Sis-taty &.c. Most cises can be properly t.-eate i withjat ail futcrview, nd medicines sent by mail or express, aeCnred free from observation. Consultation by letter or at office rai:E. Cbarires moderate asd cures puarrantied ' JjOiTice, Tvitta bcs;iitsr soDimraod-i !tou tor r lieuts, o. 617 -St. Claries stiect, Ictweea Sixth and Seventh, S t. Ioni, i LIVIIIIYEGDY tsn ret, in a aaloa envelope, my Theory and treatment of Stxuat and - Urinary Disoares, containing fall -tymptoui lists, for twe rosiupe stinips ; also, ray Paper relating to Chronic nd FenaH Complaints, for a three ecut stamp. j "12-nay.'. j XNFOULSATXOir. Information cuaraatecd to vf ' lace a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald be ' or beardless f.-w:c, hlso a recipe for tbe removal of i'imptes, I lotchcs, Eruptions, ete.,ca tbe skin, Jesving tbe Jams soft, and beautiful, cart beobtpi-ed without bare by addressing. ' TCO.S. K.CUAPMAN, Chemist ; S23 Broadway. New York. ERROHS .OF YOUTH. A ecntleman wuo guETered for yeari from trr- ous DebilitV. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion , will, fir tbe sake ofsuf- ferir.g humanity, seaa tree po na wno necct h,ido receipt and directions' fop raakirg tbe siia. ie rem edy by which b w8 cured. Sutforers wishing to proCt by tbe advertiser's expet-lence, can. do so by addressirgin perfect ccnfidc; p. . 241yP.. ; ; 42 Ccdcr Street, New, York fEAFilsS.S, ) PATAiirtii,;-co A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh , Consumption and ancer tbfir causes, n eatis cf si eedy relict iid ulti mate cure. -By' aPuvsi of tbe academy of; Medicine, Paris. Sen to aldrefc f ir l.t cents! Letter from itofe't aicMury, D P., LL.D.7 Grand Preisteof Crai:d iT.r.fanimaDt V S, anJ Editor of lie tfationit Frtetiartx : ' " . - Ktw TOKZ:i:rt. 17, lt67 Dr. Stillwell was in cbarpe of Grace Church Uo;ital, Alexin1ria, Vi., during thewar. I frequent y,aim -.tiUilyiur nionshs, visited tbis Hospital , ndhail evf ry mo ns of kn n;g hu reputation for ErriciENC v a sd skill. It was f ite most creditable character, an t Li huccea in the treatment of patient was remarkable. EOJEBT Organic Tiajratcn- It fits into the ear. Is nof prclible, ftaovti ting? irg nsUvt in ;& I tad, and euaoies rt -af persorc to bear dir.uuc.tly at chorch and x'tiblic nunt i ics. This U will ..ft . i ll- ill l al.i:;-t Hi race !'! ltd Indeed incase of loon AeiiDe..ri. w ill relieye m a shurt time. Jt Biay be adjusted wita the eae of spe lacles. . .. . r. DR. STILLWttLX. wiV. e profes-4aiialiy at SI East Washington plac, .UniTerhity Building:, M. Y.. daily, 10 r 4, eaccpl Tue-daT. wttn te wi'.: be at hisro n;i 1022 Pine Stieet, fhiiade.pau, Fa i 12 IS ly , DOCTOR IJOTT'S; j cc cz;iti qts v: :it.y c tt i yd. j 13 used by ever three 'ar.r -ed ihonsa... Jadies. tn the Atiittie States aloi., anl by UT3 nanrfcer, !n tl e West, who would nt be without It for pn ilmci ttscost. It is to this Prevent-, e at the n)othirs of those o-" tbeir lmi..alty from large fam-.llf . It i- V.oi . -ly certain, c .ner.!ent to ae a-id 1 blt: heath. Abortionis criaiinal. tbci uce uiean periectly ui- r . i and pro per. find 'mp for cou aing full parl.tulara. Address, . ' ' lir. A. G. 1Ti:'-cr, (rOHox 3.'j T.? it. Ctrnt itwt, j H-17-ly .t ST. Loll. ilr. Tb? r.r.v, EDWAni) a I 'IT Oil will ffrnd ewrif t en 2: the ; ra iling p. " c tiin. . II i b bores iu. ' i Mire tb ? ; m n 1 j Mired f . i: Xfro f eh'--?) to all 'l with the dir tik'n foi tr ie rc inedy i y wti'-u b. . tion r nd tt t drt, oiiiy ..' j:t i tn h . crerv nffrr wi.' . '' rcsinpt. a t i 11 cost ricitt.ic t. a. fTOVO n l!''il. F;eaw.I.i:.-M KCV. Kii u AblJ A 11- w.i , f ifrr!,;'';T,r:Y",i d.L LU Mil', Um Street BROV.TNVILLE. NEBllASitA- Ecilrrnnallk'ndscf Ftock Horsts Eot-bt.rd end, I...cbirw 1. b'tock bcar!?d by tba day er week. Tba Froprieiris bire recently erected an entire rew,!ir-a an 1 coruodous Stable oa Main Street vesr tbe ! : . - Jb1-?'. Tu:r blfeek js all fresh and Vtbicli-a be. Ibe pubIo t-i l tvCtai njoaa: ? i at a a nr.ur?,aiy cr E!gn. A ?: e rrall '"'it'i an abundant sap'ly of pure v'suer aUvaea to t3 Mab.e. i-iy - v yjiid Fcsi-hes, Apples, Clackberriei, Cberr;ea ft SWAN 4 PRC'S At tbs Sign of tha 1 tbUC h tbe place to buy FUEI7IT.UI TIPHQLSTRY ! ! ! M " ' : ! Keep ctr'taatly ca band a oompleto assortment cf : s , . - - . v - . . Sofas, fccdsteaia, ' Eeaureaas, : Springs beds, i WbatNots Chairs, .. Kitchen and Parlor, fT8rdrobe3, F.ocking Chairs, 1 V" ah Stands I1.U Racks, Tables, J . ikitchan ; . and , . Ibrlor " Cea- ter Tabls . J KeUlio -Cases , ". - -Longo-b Springs . v ' Tete-tetes -. Swjng Cribs, OQce Chain, b!o y. trped S tands ' . Lonnge Settees,' - Jlsttre"?. - . k. . Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands;. Rockirg Crib?i - i'ed Spfingt, i ... Child Comforts, ; iren s t Cats and .Gigs, -i " ' Fiarjo Stools, Tea p"'y SUnd. b - . Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, .Pjllows, Pillow Slfp, etc., etc., ete'ete. A ot3 C2fs encf work nade toprder And anything and everything reqaired to set up pbin or fancy housekeeping. , , AH of their yrira is either isiaaafaetured or put up undsr their special guporintendenco, "which enabla thcai soupd articles at. smaller prices than eastern inaattfaotutci good. J ; OUR HEAESE 5o 0.0 o; is at the service of tbe tjablic at any time it may be needed, and is gotten Hp in as ue at; '.3 ts arj farther east. otalic Burial Ca2 eg, I i of all sizes coatUatly oa band, at eastern prices- We are doing business on st'Jctly eafb principles. At a rmall profit, and by attention to business and the W3ats tf the Community, expect in the future as in the pat to receive tbe patronage of tbe pub lic generally. . I t ?, .- ! ' ; . ..- .-M?PALL.! CO. PIONEER PAINT SHOP LOUIS AV AL D. TER, rsoua 23 1 ; ' fa-b?V--iL o 1.3 e . C3' - Orato, Gilder, Glazitr, -"P A PER- HANGER White vVashing and KalceminiDg done. ' All yor4 done In a workmanlike manner on the shortest Eot'tce. , , k : j -J TBEMSOA'SH! SllCPoti- Mair. street over Jlongan'a PloV Fao ij. , (11-22-yly) . JACOB MAROHN. : ' " Iloreliaiit Tailor, Main Slrett opposite Mcrherton'i Bloc$., BllOWNVILLE' NEB-' Q O ! 1 i --3 -;v i' r Tt"' 'r i ' ) ALSO AG EXIT FOR JOHN . Le J3 ARSON, 'TT-'-'i'-s brcbt and sold oa all (be t'inc' i.1 Ci- s. Also, d . 'ier n Cola aad'KHfer C:-in C-o".d fin an l " ' ' ' ' - " 1 .. , , Lejcsilt reeeivr.i9 piyalla at sight. cr qrec :cnf Taxes paid jcr ncnrciid - AH sand r - : u;s.i30NWs waited AlikTndscf LivciyFte(l,aiidLbSa i ) aSMaaHSMlaa ! - A t) ' - & i i i i ri sr - ! if-' "J BOOTC "TTI . U il U Lk U rf M I p.1 P U h V ' fj A 7 T) 7 Hss 6i S mum ma-'. -1 G- HI u v . M Ii V I r m y iJU Li ii ii .'..UUdJiiiii. Blanliete and Umbrellas t 5 Have just received and will keep cn staatly crl hand a Iarg;e anil well assort ed stoclt cf lb& above, and all other ar tides in tbeir line, which they ' cfTer to the public at ' : '.' , ' . ' ", . ?E?,Y.L0W PSIGEG f - . a 1 ' J Ca-..-J - mi r : i To all V7hD Desire "to Gave Llonsy S . :S:e E:M .A;.;R;v His juft received from tbe East, a large ar.d weir seleted lot of . , 1 w .. . V " 1 1 - 1 I i . 5 ! : iJ 1 J WLich be oders at Eastern.. IPriccSa -j f r. - IledeSes competition and will convince' all wbe will call a d examine his Stock Ha baa also a large Stock of ' - ' Hats, Caps andFurnisli ins G oods, Trunlis Etc Cams One, Com All tsho wit, to . . '.-..- Keep that Bcdies Wcnn. ; 1 1 MAIN STJIEKT, s." si!ii r I AI . p t npF n n JOSKPli SHUTZ Has dost received and will eonstajitly keep oa Land a large and well selected stock of genuine r- clea la is liao. ' " ' ' Ont Door vest of Grant's S!on, Brown ville.' vVe'raiA'a. ' ITToTorvifirrj Cf CbxSsj Waicbend Jewelry u ca tbs sbitt- '8kJ,:vo?j:-WArRA:;TCD,;.- BrownvHe, Xab..ilarca tSii. 12S3. i X 0-23.1 f iiss. rrxics leach, miss it ikt L.tinvs LCACH "2t SIMPSlN; uiffiners Bress-rialiefs tyt-h'tolafo'rtae iadsof Irownvlllo and vLiciiy that they bas just coramenoed a first rlsi rilLLINERY & DRESS-SIAKING - -r c--) tud -J 7h wftrnwill t. Utine aal tcat- -j,a-3 after the latest Ltera rtvles. Liieacbini and IZ..-: alrir- i;ba o tbe rery lUest, ne; ae er . abct cotice. . ' Lat: t stjf.s Gf Laiio's tad U.-r i a Hits aac. UoBnets constantly kept on band, Hiesfc pt ternstf Idiee Lvresbses, iC...'rt;.3 clo thing cut oa abort notice , ; . ,-,' Second Street, -bettreea iiaii U. TiltCr 7?rcsb Tomatoes, ia t-ro and tbr4 twind,- a ,Tail3,Fai;j, YVJ Backets, Pelves, i'c, at i', ... . . "rn'AlS" i r.C7'3. "Procr.3,ilt,alJ:ji Powd?r, M.ot and Le lr! r ! ... n i:r 7Hv..;.lln AND yhf v. txi 'iv- iL U il U y f 0 1, i, . " . . ,i C . A ii J C- V-V-. a-U. V 4- -v . 4, V , i a , - titio: Wc l:cc; .,. it.tili - 'A.a ca h.ind ii c: .1, T.I1 ......j iC,(-dlu l.;i ! TTe TTili lot be Undor:old ! Dry Goa( to, llaia ' lTi ()n -iTlTt'"1?" CV kjiit. -.5 cIC, LxC. O-C. 1 ' r 1 TAKFN" ia fTcbaT5F9f.-.rGo!3,f3rwh!cai tUl!:t ROBERT' TEARB & CO. Cerner L'aia and Second Street Jaauary 1st. 1-23. 0. HILL & C3., Dealers la : Wi f T v ffj La W Uu j : Groceries, . HARDWARE Ladles' Gent's a:.d Children's BOOTS - . ' - , and . "shoes'; QuecnsYvarc, GLASSWARE, And ' fiW ' l Agrieultunl I3IPiE:iEI3r FUR NOTIONS, CAHPETS, . ' ..... y Forinlnjr, perhips, the most complete aad ex tpnslve toct chared to Wnolesave or Ketail purcbsners weit vt the Jilssr-nri -Kiver. Hi vef having been outdone for extent of tocX or Fair dealings', they merit theeo'aUd em: a and patronage of .aO. ,x 2j ; A: v. f4 v. jr s EEALEHS III Vt- - STAPLE AND. FAIT OY i n rr n v"I TT!f of the JSaison. - ' Alio, i iifgs and weU-felctod stack of I r i ! w-..J i U i i Gents Furniihinj Gjcds, BOOTS SHOES, RiTS AND GAP'S. . jt D : t . i a rf 0 JvCooda b-Trbt rf rs5 bac., ar.d we tL.ix.Jt tre e'tMr ga-a iadbeea:-.-.'. to Sir Si car-rt f bl t-3 t'"'t .tbo;s iib:' t tay. Call! and see fcr yourselves. . Aa Inn 3 cf Trts taia feicL- 3 - ! frr G-o 3 . CO J:bHc:'vl!Lf.e,.l If. .si.;r i. V. -.'ofa, J. P. s.'-.i n-t i . ci' -x.-;b Coast ia;s Oa Vze2Ut day vf P-b'r. A. . lb'7, e'-M I ij; uj '. n Or l r vf lt-3.- .. 1x.t ta tba .M-- 1 doiUrs. " -I-'7. - - ib ne -:b-.-i f Ttbes'iru ' !'. . l;fT.M'.-;.,e.NfJ.-..d'.-.-2:-.-i iia L'FfItC 1 . C 5 .-4 trf-3 C) t0 AN I) . t f r " i .-i i i i . I a Tf iir-o tj r, cf -"v lr .i Stitil-ii.-?, a-. ! :. f"M 1 i i i , ur.-'-i .. r-r . : C. ! i '.; 5 1 i f r t .! !? I .'i'ff ; v f 1 1 r a 'e:..)A b: f-- ? cf c. :n d; I j '. s ' i:it, sr. : . y ji in.-. C. 51 f s .. ' . ". X..;3 C.rn i-.ller in tl. . ''. y-"f 1 -t t'-.-s b' V t . ; 1 'r..i ' '.. 1 1 i . ad. ,-ee cf r'"' -n, ? ' j Tl: ? foil j"- X 1 v i r- rt cf r-.a-'.:r.!, a; tl v- ce t i-f Ar. : al A.. .-1. i'.' In J - 7. 1 j..:?? of tl.e ;.'.r Tori ri'i-? A A: -.or. 1 tbe t-icbiaii .-: es..;.:; 1 1 l .1 i. i "Zt--'.:i7, i.;,7i' - ' .', c-1 f.-r:. Y "1'e tv c ?: i ... .. y : - i ' .. - t i. t ;i. n in r r t. --; i; ' " T ' r 'v.; ; Vf..; SAW. U re . i iy . suel-ic;...... a. . au 1 esse. :i i. i Fr:a ( -j -1 , frcu tre c-o'j, : i tLa cr: 1 rr. . tl. : the corn rea-J f- r r-jr;: : an it r !. ,r cf tut vi.o yorsva t t; --s'e 1:. 6.-, 19 in r r . :r" -. i ' ' 1 . J. j . 1 I.J. r- :. u.r. j 'irNo:-.', ; :. U. . -. , Aj. i. S. E. TUD, " Eeort of Ajrlcultaral Fair C-: m ion cf AribnUnrai a- ! '--'-J - z .-:.. at great le-i:'!!, tut we:." t ." lowing letter cat p.n; t:.v..j a'. i : i t: an J c; j; (Ccy 0 Idler fro n V. B .1 J - , r TJ. S. Aos-y for Pjr.i fr.uer! "s .- .:.t7. Jo. rar U rr.T, r.-i t Mr? l'o?.s, re:. -1. I ?. ) vi.-.ry Coaic.Vte-, i se'e-t I--r i r r ::v.:DUi.;a at b? l'i.;ve-,U i ' --" t ii tl tr .7, have Fr'f'.t ' a; ! r ....... i '. . i ti rr.',.; : r co:i: snKLb.i:t a t. j t . . '.: A . I bate ' ' 1 tl. :-.r re; -t, n.i . r-' . 7 : r i .ic v ? . r 1. "- i ri u" 5bei.t r, if dc.v v--before Jacciri- !, J- :T. ' Y:m Tr-:' f. J. C. IT .;iiT, L . . A.,:--, PricD Cf tb? r-:' Virr. Cora H.eiljr. i" '" f O J . w Sample shell?:) sbirre J ca re-'.Vpt r.f t. ;;: a t warrautei to give siU.'.i - 3 , or ta will t takeo bacir and the cicuey re.'uadel 5r-.a no;.c w.u 1 a rsiiouatls U ST"1 MOTICC is hereby given, tbat, ij 1 -; -e c t 11 tbo General Law cf tba Stile of .bibr.'-i, a Cobpacy bas been incorporated and tbs ej.ti.rit of said iacorporatioa has -been lcd ia tb o.tut? the eerctary of Stats cf the Stata of Nebrtcbi. The narae of tbeaid ccrp raiioa ii "Tba Lrowa. villa, Fort Kearney an 1 IbioiHi ".ailroad Cm- iny." Its priacipal place rf tusiaoss ebftU ta Erowav.lla, in Nemaha County, N jbra -ka. Tba g;-a oral c tt are of its business khall be tbe cca.uruction, n.uate nance and cperati-a of a railroad fr:-a ''.'.a ia sail co'untyof Nemaha, to ryt cu tie 1 and i'acirba Kailroal, the cear-.- Twib-tlle t3 Fcrt Kearney ia sail Slats cf NsbrAaka, 2) ti iateraecttb sail Union anl Fdciiia ibi.'r-.-U atsKi point. Tbe capital stock is two million d-ulari, ten per cent, of wbicb is pajabla at lbs tixi of sabscribic, and tbe balance at tbe ca'.l cf tbe Board of Directors. Tho bu.siaess anl power of said c-yrraUoa ccracer-o ca tv3 17t'ai?y c. June, 1So7, aad said corp.. at ion :j tdbara j :',-:!-aal duration. Tba Indebted c--s of tb cvrj-r-tirn ia rt tr eT2ceJ at any ti-ise two-tbirls cf its Septc-brof each yrar. nEroN.rrwi'eat. J. TT. r.'.ACKsr ::v , i-' ecretary. ' LEGAL NOTIC! Fujubia T. SUpber.j is hereby do-': ".el tbx.t Lo rind iJ. Godfrey by Francis II. D. Hunt, b.r: lpsS friend, as plaintiff, did on tao 12 1 diy cf Janary, ISoS.fcle ia the District Court of No a: ah County aad State of Ncbrajki, ber petition 8,-u:.;t the sail Heubia T. Stephens. J--?eph 8. larot, Le. onorJ L. Frost A Aaotbocy F. Ccgfwell as detVni anti. The object aad prayer tf sa: i Fef.t.-ti i3tj vbtajn a judgatent ejrainst tbe f il l Do-;b-;n 1. Stephens, Joscrh I'ars rs.i.r.l I.c, nud L.tost fur waste committ-d on bird.' clJ.-ad by sAii FiaintiJ, "wberoia Fkiiztil cdaiffis dauaea to UJ acionnt of an i alio to chUia aa tr jr tf said Court dtjcl iriri Void anl ci.vb.r' a ccrti.d Deed raado and signed by Ferry Go-if-ey ar.J L riadaM.Gidfrey, wifeof tha said Forry Go l.rey, to lieuben T. Stejbcns.r.a the U:h day of Docera ber, lsd7, for tba f vIIoTinj dc. Tib-1 1 ia 1 , to-i 1 1 The s. 14 of then. w.Kff S-Ge 3J,ia towa i, n in rango 13 wst ; an i ibe g. i i tbo n. H of the said n. w. ' of rail faction ::; anl tbo nj; of the n. i of tbefrtr. f slid ?c.-tiun 3o; ani tbe n. J f tho s. i of the'n. ; of laid a. w. of said tecticn 3 j in e.iid town 4 acd rir- 13 ; sni also to obtain an order declaring r.ull anl v ';d a, certain Deed tn.l by tbe said I.e iben T. S:cpber.i to Ji Scj. S. lbs.rsor.3, oa tho 221 J.iy cf D"-"ber, l5S7,for pan of sail InnJ; ani ao tb-D-! mide by tho gait Reuben T. Stqkeri i, oa thei21;h d.iy cf Pc-.-jraor, aaother part of gaid land air. ain-.-b-f crltr de claring void a certaia M irt-T:'- tr.ft i by t--5 'l licubio T. Stephens t. A. F. Cowill ca tbo 2ih dv of December, 15 37, for aaotber trs;'. of aa;i tel. And tbe said P.eubin T. Srbr.s s red t , pear and auirvrr D sill pcllti .a or. tr b t .rs t-"i 9 ta day tf Mart h, l-r.,3. ,7'i:r. - V Til'lON, IIZV-TTT A CHUUflJ Atit.TT.fys itr pIjiatiT. LEGAL NOTICE. Lydia E. Aaiick will take notice tbat Gljaca Amick .lid, on Jaruiry 2-tb. 1- in of the Clerk cT tb J Di strkt Curt of Netnafi i. , Nebraska, bis Fttitioa in wbk-b be pnya tbat tbe gid Court will grant birr, a r.ew trial in tbe etnie cf Gideon Amick vs. Lydia L'. Amick f ,r dlr: and care of children, which W2j tri-l ar.ld lied at tbe September Term, liI7, tf tbe raid Court. Tbe said lydia L. Ataick is retire 1 t- p'.-ad or ap ra'tosald Fetiticn on 9'h, IsCd. 'Attest. ' Vi'ILLI.VM il. Si'JOVL.'-, 17i ' Clerk ci" said Court : TO BRIDGEBUILDER. JiOTICI. is hereby given flat by crd.r cf the County CKmisriaers tf Nerxuba Gour.ty, Ne brika, Fealet FropoaIs will Is r:ciT;d at tbe CJ--e cf tbe Count v C.ori ia Hr jr.-.-r. -.b j in;;! the eibday f April, lb, at ten o't-rk,.V :i..t- far ni.'hallof tbe laatorial reccs ary ar. 1 to b '!! t' Ursine Across tbe Little N'rr.tb K r ia s'd Ccaatyof Ne:nab: 0;ie a: l'-: f.'s Ml as i the ether at tbe oil Wed die T-r i I . ?, ;r 11: t the plan asi pecivatd-ja3 on Jie i.-itbjo l..j tf tbi gai 1 County ("erk. ' Tbe es.d'iocjr3 refcrvi: tbe ribl to reject any and Tt.l blistUerti. Fy or rer of tie Cost7 U-.-z':-':-itr, Jioaarj 2iit, l-li, Ja-IS'J!; IlAfKC-. 17-ti Ccan'y Cfer. NOTICJ The trf-V.lcrf cf Levi Eral'y, d-c eased; r.i.I tike notke tbtt tbe Frtbala Curt rf N'rr.b C:aatf , Nebn..,'b i a: ptlit tbs I:; a c.ty cf July, IcoS, and tbelotb d.1'7 tf Aurruf,l: ta tir- fad tbe tb'..-e if tbe FrtbaU" J u i.r-i :i br; da v;.;'c;-ir.'.y, 2v.'.ri.-k &4 tb p're, f r tbe b -rtrirg '.f (.biiiii ag-.n tte L?r.tte of ';! ri;-jdaat. Uibrelba Fr b:3 J-i ! ;? cf aiil NV-'-.h ci.aa'y, N ;bn-ii. U .'. : -1 tb ? o.a ui tf croV.'ors tte'pro.aiel tj 1 lr-b..- Ji'- ."..r a'. ',.: s OTon cc j of tbe sa:i days tb 7 wi.j ts -t be c-rl e. j-ij C- raj-Lcr.i. A.V. M-Ji ' IN'," lb.: J.:: 15-,t j Brwav'.I'.v', J-.-.. l;b, !".. l.llUi.Ui o 1 0 .-r, tbit t.-.r j -b - .by :i. ; ;:e ! S'i ba ? ;.;ty, Moilw if 1 Vir.-:r.I.i Lu-t, . 3 L; ..." lc.-i n 1 br m'r , ... IU an ".rr r 1 ' rf.. 1 : ' . ' a. 223. Adres a-. .. -., T7LL T DIIT, Aj"., S-ll-3m fda Tr rnvil. N-::.rt' . capital a-ock, ortb Talae c: its irr.rty o-t.t rcil aad personal. Tbe bu:ir. rs ar 1 kIrs of lb 4 Company aro t.j be aonda-:te-i by a I; .ard of serea lJizfct.:r?,Jvba shall be e! ret- d al tba acnaal meet ini which shall be bob! ca tba f-rst MciJay of il J