Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 23, 1868, Image 3

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..xy-S SS- S SSTVSS.S-VSy t.f .'SV
IrT TNT I j COI il IAI i . 1 V-J
' " V !irl.J-.yiTtcugfKxecution, Replevins,
VUa i ii-rn'e lc. ke. Ac. fur sale at this OEce.
lTiiZl,u '. ;, -
rrrFFI & EATON. 124 Pine Srectcad
A U 1LLIA11S. 17 CAf fr. 64.
,rC tte auUio'ted Apeut in St. Louis for this
'1, will t tend to making collections and purchas
foe Cay St L"-
rVl. lLACKDtTN is our arborized Agent to
;vc tubiin'i'-.ions for thg -iJDcrti'ser in the Fair-
Tiw -b.l lirtrict.
jj Zl'VEK is our nuthomed Agent to receive
h?(.r:., n '(or iho Alccrtitfr in the ilijhlucd
camel District.
.. ...xt-n- t : 1 1 i -
HUAIil IS OGr lUtilOIUVU .Bgtlll, to
receive ubserii.ti ons fur the Advert Ucr in Ncma
Pity IVeciccU
JdvcM c r Calendar .lanua r y.
Ttus. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
: : l 2 : ""4
G 7 8 9 10 11
13 1 15 1G 17 IS
0 '21 22 23 21 25
27 23 20 GO a I
Moons Phases. First quarter, 2cd ;
rJii Mon ' l luarler 1G:h ;
fc'ew Mocn. 24ih.
Vhc Ntmaha tounlj IJlble Kotic-
x trill liold its Annual meeting next
" Math evening, in the 1st Presbyterian
fjhurch in this cay, for the election of
officers for the en.'ning year. A. R,
Mher, Agent for Nebraska ao,i Colo
rado and other speakers, will be presant.
Jonas Hacker, Sec.
jlfcllns of the OfiiccfS or tlic
Kc nuha County Agricultural So-
(jCly, The Officers of the Nemaha
Cuui:'.y Agricultural Socieiy are request
ed to meet at 'his office on Saturday, Feb.
1st, at 1 oMock, r. m., to arrange and
prepare a Premium List for the Fair
ot l'irGc. A foil attendance is absolutely
necessary. '
Vice President.
Bliss las Dry Oak Wuod for sale.
McCreey las the choicest Cigars and
Tjliacca iu the city.
McFall & CO., keep on hand a fine
flock Furniture of all descriptions.
Spac? compels us to omit A. R, Mosh
tr's letter this week.
TWO DWCllil! HOIISCS forsake cheap;
also, o;.e U fiH, at Bliss's P. G. store !
The '-La;t
Hjo Store.
Sedation" ai the City
II. C. Lett, Laud Agent, Brownville,
A Flour thief is going Tor the profits
ot ibe L S V G Mi'Js. Look out !
IIorSCLS for gale Two span No. 1,
Horses for sale. Ei.q'iire at
Bll( It Wheat FlOUr, Corn. Oats. Hay.
Curu Meal, Bran. Sluris, Cob Meal and
Vood for sale at Bliss' P. G. Store.
Many of cur citizens have gone over
Jo the Railroad meeting at Rockport to
day. Ladies' Skates and the latest improved
Sausage Grinders and Sniffers at
Afbl! stock of Justices' Blanks at the
Ci'y Jjjok Store. Also.. Deeds and Mort
gages. IS there a man in this country that
want a pair ot B.tots or Shoes cheap, if at Teare&. Co's and procure them
If Yen Wailt a good article of Fam
ily Flour leave your orders at Z?tvs' P.
G. Store, he kcqis tht led brands !
TearC & CO, continue to sell their
lare stuck of Goods ciieatee than the
. led Cobs for Sale a pair of
nearly new, extra well ironed Sled Bobs
for sale. Enauire at
'ftlrigrti and Cutter Tor sale.-One
fine "two sealed Sleigh, and cue extra
fine, one-seat fancy Cutter for sale. En
tire at McFALL CO'S.
Notwfihstanains: recent advances in
Lotion hoods in New York and elsewhere
feateScCo. are determined to sell as
low as heretofore.
A look into Seeman's Cloihing Empo
Mum' ...i'l II - . .
rvuJ an ot h:s ability to
supply the world with Clothing at low
Swan & Rro., are constantly in re
ceipt of the latiest Novelties and Substan
tiahs in the -Grocery line. There you can
jfcti whatever you, call for.
Full supply of the standard Si hoc
"v)oks now used in this county constantly
usud and for sale low at the City Book
Trlblinc Almnnac We have re.
cvtd this valuable Almanac for 1SCS
. s .a statistical record cf political events
11 unexcelled. The Tribune. World
the Democratic Almanacs for sale
Lity BookStore.
KclSTVettCr & Erlsman. are pay
. - " v ysj l 1 I U I II 1 (t 1 A U I i 111
gaest market price for Chickens. Quails
I5rifrr ihein to the Meat Market i
Jou ui-h a ready sale at good prices
"so, cash paid for hides.-
ita such weather as we now have it
(eco:nes a dulv to humanity to call at
en.lV:!? 10 advertisement of D.rsey
"ro s stock of clothing. They have a
"g fctock, geod goods, end at lo
ftp" -
Our CorrcspcnfJciitS. We refer
to mem with pleasure, and thaf,k them
ffl T I K D 1 ! nUn . All
.v.. .vii atie ctuiriDuticns. ah mav
m L. . l : . J
see ttumiy ai a glance Uur aim has
teen and will continue to be to make the
Jidvcriiser an interesting, original news
paper, devoted to home news and aflairs
and to cultivate home literature, set up
anu printed at Lome ty resident , me
chanic? it is thoroughly Nebraskian.
It is useless to buy a Story, pay a bi
price lor it, read it, then lay it aside, aiu't
it Ihen patronize the City Book Store
Circulating Library, where you can read
two, or three, or four, or five, or six books
fof what one would cost.
Hon Jollll TaDTC, Nebraska's effi
cient Member ia Congress, has recover
ed, and is wow m his place in the House.
May his afflictions be few and far be
tween, foi Nebraska cannot afford to
lose such valuable services ai his at this
or any other lime.
ACCldeiitS. The team of Mr. Gilles
pie, of Nemaha' City, ran off while in
this city, last Tuesday. Nothing dam
aged but the wagon.
Mr Shafee, of the Rectifying Estab
lishment of this city met with a serious
accident this morning. A bocket revol
ver which he was carrying in his pants
pocket at the time, was accidentally dis
charged, the passing down through the
thigh, inflicting a very ugly and painful
A full stock of Standard works by the
best authors ; Bibles, Prayer Books, Dic
tionaries, Blank Books, Stationery ; Fine
Cut Chewing Tobacco, Sigars, Pipes;
and a nice, comfortable, cozy Reading
Room, furnished with the latest reading
from all points cf the compass, may be
found at the City Book Store.
District Attorney Grey withbis young
bride arrived at the Star Hotel in tins
city last Sunday evening, the Colonel
having just been married at Rub to Miss
Etta llullataugh. The happy couple
were ir et at the iiotel by the bride
groom's father, the Hon. A. W. Grey,
and other friends. Col. Grey and his
lady left Monday morning for Omaha.
At the City. Book Store can be
found, at all times-, the latest publications
both in the News and Book line, and
special inducements are there offered to
those depirirg to subscribe for any Mag
azine. News or Illusirated paper, or to
a I
send for any Bjuk, published in the
United Slates,
NCW Stores. We have been too
busy for the past weeks to thoroughly "lo
calize," and thus new Grocery Store
aarte-J some weels since, op the corner
ot Main and sixth streets, by Mr. W.
V. Wallace, thus escaped our attention.
W F Wilson, has also just opened up a
new Grocery Store on Main street one
door above Ben Rogers c Co's Livery
Personal- S B Harrington, formerly
of this city, now practicing law at Beat
rice, called on usja?t M' nday. We are
pleased to hear of the progress of that
section, and recommend Mr. Harrington
to those having legal bnsiness there.
Hon T B Stevenson, U S Commission
er for South Piatt, was in cur city last
Our citizens are making splendid t;se
of the present excellent bridge over the
river at this point. Q'me a number
think so much of it that they are putting
p a portion of it for summer use, while
others are laving in a supply of wood
rom the other ide. Thus it supplies us
good crossing now, and a protection
gainst heat and cold in future,' both to
couk atM cool our '-wittels."
As we believed last week the Com
missioners have granted the request of
the petition praying an appropriation of
200 to defray the expenses ot a survey
the route of the A. N. U.
lailroad through this county. Right.
As this survey is to touch all points be-
ow and above us it is to be hoped that
no idignaf.ion against this city may be
engendered thereby.
ThC Weather. Jan. 16ih, afternoon
lear and cold, with a north-west wind.
Jan. 17th, the coldest morning mis sea
son, the mercury at sunrise was 18 deg.
elow zero, the day -was clear, still ana
rosty. Jan. lSih, morning cold, with
a wayward ureezs ironi iuc suu-.ii anw
eat; mild and cloudy through the day.
Jan. 19 h, morning rather frosty, cloudy
and thawing a little through the cay,
Jan. 20th, mild and cloudy, a very slight
sprinkling of snow in the morning. Jam
21st, cold and clear throughout. Jan.
22d, cloudy and clear, with a thawing
ou'h wind making the roads a little
muddy and damaging slighing. Jan. 23J,
to day, plcataut," clear, with a keen west
TlltU Fire. The total loss in the
burning cf John Bennett's residence,
adjoining ihis city, will reach S2.500.
Mr. Bennett had barely lime to save a
bureau containing all his valuable papers.
Mr. Workman, who was residing there
with his family, lost all his furniture and
household good, and being a poor man.
with a large family, ihe loss falls heavily
on him. How the fire originated is a
mystery, considering the safety with
which the bouse was built. We are re
quested by Mr. B to return his sincere
thanks to his many friends for their sym
pathy and ofiers of materia! aid, and lo
state that he will be able to weather it
through, and intends to build a much
better house than the former so soon as
material can be procured. He's got grii
enough for two men, and we wish him
BrIdCS. Our fellow citizen, C. W.
Wheeler, isfast making Atchison county,
Mo , one of the best in Abe west for
good bridges over its numerous small
streams. He has just fmhed a Howe
Tss bridge, main span 120 feet, ajcrpss
the Nishnabatona river near Judge
Keedle's farm, and is building two oth
ers, one near Bill Lewis, at the Nar
rows, (a Smith's patent self-supporting
Truss bridge,) 190 feel long, with main
span 100 feet; and one near Muir &.
Stelner'a niiUs on High Creek, Zenith'?
patchl lruss,'ir0'feet long.
. We have been shown a drawing of the
style of the truss bridge patented by R.
W. Smith, of Tippecanoe, Ohio-, and
have never seen cnything seemirjg so
completely to comTime durability with
elegance and strength. Judge Wheeler
deems it the ultimatum .in its line, and
Mr. Clark, of the Brownville Distillery.
recently from where these bridges were
first introduced, pronounces it the best in
the world.
BroivwnTlile Art. No. 2.
From Jan. 7th 1856, lo Jan 12A 1S57.
. In drawing from the Advertiser as
good a record as could be kept we shall
commence with No. 1, Vol. 1, and give
it by the volumns of that paper.
The business of this city as appears in
No. 1, was as follows:
Attorneys: Thompson & Buxton and
D. L, McGary.
Land Agenls: R. W. Furnas and O.
F. Lake.
Physicians ; A. S. Holladay and E,
M. McComas.
JXilliner : Miss. Mary Turner.
Architect and Builder: C. W. Whee-
Carpenter and Joiner: T. S. Rcketts.
Blacksmiths : Jas Gibson and S. B.
Merchants: B. B. and J. D. N.Thomp
son and Win. Hoblitzell St Co., R. T,
Rainey clerking for the latteV.
Surveyor : A. L. Coat
Brownville Steam Saw Mill: IT. F.
Lake, Jesse Noel and Henry Emmer-
At this date Dr. McPherson had ex
cavated the lot on which the Star Hotel
now stands, and was preparing to erect
that building. Thompson &. Co., were
excavating the lot on the corner somh.
Westfall and Marlatt were preparing to
burn brick, and Mr. Fagan to burn lime
Mr. McAthron had arrived with a Nur
sery stock. And the City Council had
levied a tax of 5 mills on the dollar to
grade the streets and alleys of the cily
The ferry, run by Messrs. Plasters and
Baker, was doing a "Land Office busi
ness," and bright were the prospects be
fore all.
June, 1S57. During this month Dr.
Holladay finished, and I T. Whyte be
gan his residence on the bill. The
Brownville School District was organiz
ed, CapL Thurbur Suptinteudent, and a
Board cf Education chosen, consisting of
A. J. Benedict, R. W. Furnas and Ho
mer Johnson Dr Hplladay opened up
the first stock cf Drugs and Medicines ;
Messrs. Williams & Monroe opened a
Ddguerreau Gallery; McPherson's first
Hail was up and ready for a big dance
on the 4th of July.
July. A 12 inch vein of "Stone Coal
was discovered in diginj a well for Col
Thompson, on a corner lot, and proper
erty "rjs," especially "corner lots;' the
Air Line R. R. from the Mississippi to
the Missouri river, was discusssd at this
early period with lively interest.
August. J. S. Jionick circulated a
petition in thii city tobu;ld the old Long
Bridge, and raised the money ; a com
pany was organized and the bridge fin
ished that Fail. Westfall &. Marlatt
had ihe fim k.ijn of brick burned. J.
P. Samsell, Merchant Taylor, opened
his shop.
September. jGeo. W. Bratton open
ed a Cabinet shop ; Wm. Rossel opened
a Boot and Shoe Shop.
October. TbeNemaha Valley Bank
commenced the erection of its building;
its safe landed ; the fixtures for the
steam mill landed on the levee; McAl
lister, Djzier &: Co. opened up a slock
general merchandise ; W. T. Denset up
a Boot a1 Shoe Shop.
November. Dr. McPherson opened
out and sold a stock ol goods at auction
in his new building; Williams and Ba
con received a contract for grading Main
Street to western limits ; the Nemaha
Valley Bank commenced business.
December. Hoblitzell Sc Co.commcnc
ed packingpork ; Thomas Williams stpek
out a le;al shingle ; the first lyceum
was organized ; Seigel and Greenbaum
opened a Clothing Store ; Mrs. Thur
bur and Mr. Hanna gave the first Con
cert, in the parlor of the Nebraska
House; the Ferry changed hands, Cole
man, Finney and Brown, buying it; on
the lSihtbe Thermometer indicated 35
degrees below zero, whisky froze.
January. 1S57 C. G. Dorsey opened
a Real Estate Agency; It. Browi iung
out a Land Agency sign. - .
February A. S. Holladay, as May
or, gave Warrantee Deeds to lots in the
city of Brownville; R. W.Furnas pub
lished the first bosk printed in Brown
ville the "Pre-emptor's Guide ; the
Brownville and New Ft. Kearney R. R.
Co. was organized.
March Finny and Coddingtou bought
he Ferry; the Brownville Stone and
Stone Coal Company capital stock $50,
000, was organized ; tr.i-weekly mail
from Rockport established; South (now
miJdie) Brownville laid off in. lots;
Lake & Hoover opened up a Real Estate
April. Brovrnville Ferry Boat sunk ;
McPherson. Morrison Si Hutrhins open
ed a stock of Merchandise.
May. Land Office located at Brown
ville ; Jas. Coleman opened up a Livery
stable ; J. H. Maun &. Co., opened a new
Drug Store ; E. E. Parker, stuck cut a
Merchant Tailor's sign; Case St Plas
ters opened a Meat Market.
June. J. C. Deuser opened a. Tin
Shop ; the $tock.o erert the Brownville
House wa3 subscribed ; H. Daris open
ed an exclusive Grocery Store.
Demorest s Monthly for February
This Magztne has always ueec nearer
perfection than any otner. .mere is uue
admirable feature in it "an unwearied
cfTVn at, imnrnvpment." Most of the
Fashion Magazipes remain in statu quo
vc-'uh nnmher much like another
about Demcrest's there is a freshness,
rpfinpmpnt and truthfulness of tone
which fits it for its place a Parlor
Magazine for the Homes of America.
A new cover and large type are two of
the attractions of the new volume. Pub
lished by W. Jenpings Demorest. 473
Broadway, N. Y., 3.00yearly. .Single
numbers for sale, or subscriptiq recived
at the City Book Store.
We have received the January "num
ber of the Atlantic Monthly. It is pub
lished by Ticknor &' Fields, 124 Tre
mont street, Boston, and sent to single
subscribers at S4 per year. It is the
best magazine of the age. The pub
lishers spare no pains "or expense to
procure from the most able and popular
writers of America and England articles
embodying the best literary culture and
the freshest and most vigorous thought of
the age. They also seek to give yet
greater variety and value to the Atlantic
in future to make it ihe medium through
which the foremost writers shall commu
nicate with the public; and they are
gratified in being able topromise for the
coming year such contributions as cannot
fail to accomplish this result. The seventh-five
writers for this magazine ere
second to none in this country or Europe,
in literary and scientific attainments.
The publishers deem it one of the most
important functions of such a magazine
as they aim to make the Atlantic to dis
cuss frankly and temperately the great
political principles and issues thai agitate
the country, and they intend the articles
published shajl not only give a clear un
derstanding of the leading questions of
the day, but tend to settle them in the
interest of liberty and justice.
Specimen numbers sent to any address
for 35 cents, or can be had at the
City Book Store. '
Mayor's Office, Brownville,
Jan. 11, 1S6S.
Council met pursuant to the call cf the
Present : J. S. Church, Mayor. -
Aldermen: T. C. Hacker, A. P. Coggs
well, and A. W. Morgan.
M. F. Byd, Marshall.
T. R. Fisher, Engineer.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
On motion O. B. Hewett was author
ized to prepare an exhibit of the finances
of the City of Brownville.
On motion the following bills were al
lowed ;
Dr. Blackburn for grading ori Water,
Fourth and Fifth Streets, 1025 cubic yds,
was allowed 26 cents per yard as part
pay. amounting to S266. 53, on Bond Fund;
W. F. Wilson was allowed S147.15 on
Bond Fund, part pay for grading on At
lanlic street 545 cubic yards at 27 els;
T. R. Fisher was allowed 869,15 for
engineering, estimating, and assistance,
on General Fund.
On motion. Council adjourned to meet
Jan. llthi 1S0S
Wti. H. McCreery, Clerk.
Plants, Vines, Trees Shrubs and
FlOVi'CTS. At the request of many who
are anxious to get reliablj sele3lions of Vines,
Trees, Sbrub3, Flower., etc., I cave consented to
receive orders, friin nown! rluLtirg time in the
Sprinz. I represent the extensive Nurseries known
Iowa, J. R. & A. BATifjtUj Proprietors. All stock
ordered through me, will bo furnished at Nursery
Prices, freight added. Catalogues, with priccs.cac
be had by application to mo in person, or by app'j
ing at the store oc hob't Teare & Co., Brownville
Neb. Evcrgtliing furnished will be warranted true
to name, quali ty, size and condition as repre?on td.
Brownville, Dec. 12th. 1867. 11 -3ra
ed whose sufe'eriug have been protrude 1 irtiai
tiilden cu-es, arid whose cae require pruinpt treat
ment to rentier oxi-teuce desirable. It you re EuiTer
iiiB or have suffered iro:!i ii. voluntary d.acharge-i, wliat
elfett does it prwiuce up n y.ur getit-ral Lealta? Do
you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? alittle
extra exertion produce palpitation of tie heart? Due
your iivt-r, oruiinary oiuans, or your fcidDpys. fre
quantly cet out ;f order? Is your urine toiuetimes
thick, milky, or fl.cfcy, or is it ropy on FettiuV Or
does a thick ecqiu rise to tbe top? Or is a t-edmient at
ttie bottom after it stood awbi e? D j you have
ipelis ol short breatbing or dyspep ia ? Are your
bowels constipated ? Do you hav-o spells of laming
or rushes (f blood to the head? Is your memory im
paired? Is your mind constantly dwelling rpoU Uii3
u'jeit? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of
company, or lire ? Eojou with to be left aloue, t.j set
away t rom everybody ' Does any little thing mate
you start or jump ? Is our sierp broken or restless ?
is the lc.-tre vt you eye a bnliiatit ' Tbe bloom ou
your cbeek as bright? Do you enjoy yonr.cil in socie
ty as we. 1? Do jou puriue your bu.-ir.ess witb tbe
tame energy? Do you feel as muctjcot)3Uen-c inyour
rf!I? Ave your spi:itsdull and flagging, giveti to flts
of Telancholy ? tf to, do not lay U to your :iver or
dyspersta. Have you rettless niijiUs? Tour tack weak
your kneeseak, and have but little 'ptite, anU
jou attiibute this to dypeia or liver compla.ut?
Now, reader, teif-bu:e, venerial diseases baoiy
cnreJ, ami texual excesses, are all capable of produc
es a weakness of the genera-ive organs. The orgaDS
of generation, wbeu i:i perfect health, make the mau.
Did you ever think tbt those bold, denant, euergeilc,
persevering, successful Lusines men are alway those
whoi-e gentrative organs are in perlect heatih ? Tou
never near such mtn complain tf be:ns meiancholly, of
nervousness, f palpitation of the heart. They are
never afraid they cannot succeed in bnsiuess ; they
don't become cad and discouraged 4 they are always
polite acd pleasant in tLe comitnyot ladies, aud
look you and them right'in the face none of your
downcast looks or any other meanness ab ntthem.
1 do not tuesn those wao keep th organs iLflamed by
running to exees. Tbee will not only ruin their
constitutions, but also those they do business with or
IIow many men from badly cured diseases, from
the effects of tcif-abusc and excess, Lave brought
about that stbte of weakness in those organs that has
reduced the general system so much as to induce al
most every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis,
spinal a;!Vctions, suicide, and a. most every other form
or disease which uuianity is heir to, and tbe real
cause of tbe trouble scarcely ever suspectet", and have
doctored fur all but the ricnt one.
Diseases cf these orpans require the nseof a diuret
the great Diuietic, aud is a ceriaiu cure for diseases of
the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, ttropsf, Orgauic Weak
ness, Female CcmpUiPis, General Debility, and all
diseases of the Urinary (rrgans, whet iter existing in
Male or female, from wh.t' ever cause vriiuatins a nd
no matter ot how lcr.g standing.
If no treatment is subfcitted to, Consumption or In
sanity may ensue. ' Oar lleh an blood are supported
from these source, and the health and happiness, and
mat of Posterity, dtreuds upon the prompt use of a
reliaole retneCy.
Iieimboiu'a fe-xtraet Euchu, established upward of
IS years, l tepared by
" T " MlT. HKL.MBOLD, DTnggut.
. Broadway. .Htm York, anl
III touihic.h st.f Philadelphia, Pa.
raiCE SI 25 per bottle, or 6 boitles for $G 60 fleilr
ered loany address. Sold by ail Drnggiati everywhere.
Sugar Leal Syrup, Scrfc2!,'and N. il.' Molasses
Information guaranteed to produce a lnxnrianj
growth of hair upon a bald head tr beardless face,
also a recipe for the rcmovaLof Pimple?, tlotches,
Eruptions, etc., a the skin, leaving the same soft,
and beautiful, can beobtainol without charge by
addressing. 'IUOS. F. CHAPMAN , Chemist
823 Broadway. New York.
A gentleman who suffered for years' from Nerv
ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all tlje effects
of youthful indiscretion , will, for the sake f suf
fering humanity, send free to all who need it ,the
receipt and directions' for making the simi le rem
edy by which he wa3 cured. Sufferers wishing to
profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so b'j
addressing, in berfecf 'confidence,
34 lyP 42 Coder Street, New York
The REV. EDWARD A WILSON "will send
(free of charge) to alt who deiire the prescription
with the directions for making and rising the sim
ple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affec
tion and that dreal disease Consumption. His
only object is to benefit the afflicted and ho hopes
every sufferer will try this prescription, as it wi 11
cost them nothing, and mny prove a blessin?.
Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON.
No. 165 South 2nd St., Williamsburg, New York
Marriage and Celibacy.
An Essay op Warning and Instruction for
Toxug JIk.v. "Al.-o, Diseases and Abases which
permanently prostrate the Vital Towers, with sure
means ofrelief: Sent Free of Charge, in sealed
letter envelopes. Address,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa,.
January, 1st 1357. 1-y
PEAFMESS, OATAltuii, - cos-
A Treatise on Deafness, Catarrh, Consumption and
ancer; their causes, meaus or speedy relief and ulti
mate cure. By a Pupil of the Academy of Medicine,
Paris. Sent to any address for 10 cents.
Letter from Rob't McMurdy, V D., LL.D., Grand
Prelate of Grand Encampment of U S, and Editor of
the National Freemason :
Xtw vok.. Sept. 17, IS67 Dr. Stillwell was in
charge of, Grace Church Uospital, Alexandria, Va.,
during the war. I frequent y, almost daily, ior mouihs,
visited this Hospital, and had every raems of kn wn:g
his reputation for etficikncv and ssiiLL. It was of
tbe most creditable character, aui his success in the
treatment of patient was romaikable. RontKT
Organic Vibrator.
It fits into the ear, is nof perceptible, removes sing
ing no:se in the head, and enables deaf persons to hear
distinctly at cnurcn a;iu puunc assemoues. mis in
strument will often produce results aimsst miraculous
ai d indeed iu cases f lon stinging deainess, i. will
relieve in a short time. It may be au.iu&ten with tbe
ease of spectacles.
1R. ST1LLWKLL wit: be professionally at 31 East
Washington place. University Buildings, Nr. Y daily,
to to 4, except Tuesdays. y hen te will be at his rooms
1032 Pine Stieet, Phiiadelpaia, Pa. 12-IS-ly
At the Sign of the
ig used
Is the place to buy
Keep constantly on hand a complete assortment cf
Springs beds,
"What NoU
Rocking Chairs,
Wash Stands Hacks,
Parlor, iJtMth
Kitchen Safes,
Swing Cribs,
Ofnce Chairs,
1 lain htanns ;
Rocking Cribs,
Bed Springs,
(Jabs and Gigs,
Tinro Slorl?, Te.ipoy Stands
Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets,
Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc.,' etc.
h pw Cases arid office work made to order
And anything and everything required to set up
pi i ri or t'iiny hou-rekeej ing.
. . . . . .. t a 1 a
All of their ware is eitaer manut.ictnrea or ;)ui
up under their spe"ial superintendence, which
enable them sound nrfiules at smaller priods t'ian
eastern manufact Jtcd goods.
ia at thA ercicn of tha -nblie at anv time it mav
be Deeded, and is gotten up in as fine style as any
farther eat.
Uletaiic Burial Cases,
of all siies constantly oahaud,at eastern prices.
We are doing business on st'iclly cash principles,
At a Small profit, and by attentica to business and
the wants of the community, expect In the future
as in the ast to reccivo the patronage of the pub
lic generally.
1 s s r
Grainer, Gilder, Glazier,
White Washing aod Kalc'emininsr Ooiie.
All work done in a workmanlike banner cn the
stortest notice
T 111 VX S C A. S I-I !
SllOPja Main street over Mongan's Plow Fac
ay. t II-22-ilyJ
Blakely, Reynolds L Co.,
Samuel Ouss, . '
'To Sa.uael Qus. Defendant You are' hereby
notified that an (Irder of A tt.icLtaci.t against your
property for the rtlin tf stvtnty-two dollars and
tbiry-eiht cc:iU was issued on the 16iH day of
Dec, 1657, by Pkilllp Caecoiqa e, a Justice ot the
Peace for Gage county, Neb., returnable on tbe 21st
day of Dec, 18o7, and that said cmuse hitrf beea
afjotrtned to Jan. 30tb, ltS.nt 10 o'clock, a.m.
Beatrice, Neb, Dtc Z$iht liCT. 15 M
.(Tt.. "E
toped fe Tabls
Lounges, miA TCascs
Settees, S5 ;- -L-" Lounge
"Vox .JtiS."'-
' T'.'V
D0BSE7 & mo.,
3Ialn SJrect,
pealers in Men and B jy's
Furnishing' Goods
...i u,.i.i . W.I.I.I..H h.mii . ii' i . ; -f ..
ami wmi
Blankets and Umbrellas
Have just received and will keep con
stantly on hand a large and well assort
ed stock of the above, and all other ar
ticles in their line, which they cfler to
the public at
NOTICE is hereby iven, that on Saturday, the
ISth day of January, 1 o'clock, p. tn., tf
snid tl iy, I will offsr for ?ale: at public autin, at
the front entrance of McPhcison's Hail In Brown
ville, Neuviha e.m-'i'y, Nobra? a, (that being tha
place in which the la.-t term of the District Court
for said county of Ntfmihi was held,) the follow
ing described real ett ite, to-vit :
IjoI :s 1 and i -
nw. ' 1 T r,t. II
Lot a
Lit 2
see. l'O, town. fi, Rar.go 15,oat
do do do !'
2,5 7 do d.
S3 di d dj
1 6 d.) do
do do dj do
b do do d.
do do do do
L t 'A, 4 and 5
nw. J 1 of
1 .
w 'y, of sc. 1 ,'
Also a tract of land ci.mniencirig at the centre
of section 25, town 7, range 15, ease, aud ruiii.'ng
thence east bO rods, thence south 4 rods, thence
est'SO rods, thencu north 4 rods to the placo of
All of tho said real estate being situated in Ne
maha county, Nebraska, nnd having been taken as
thcpT'pcrry of William II. Dcnm in, on an execu
tion issued out of the District Court of Nemaha
County, Nebraska, in a case wlicren V.'i.iiatn
r'rasher, James L. Me'Jeo and G-jorga Harui-m.
partner?, in business dndcr the firm :, of Frn.-her
& MeUee, ate plaintiffs, and S. A. Ingham and Ir.gba. partners in business under the
name nr d style f S . A .Ingham & Co.,n;id William
II. Denman ais dtfcn lams, and in favor of fai l
piaiutiTs, and to ma directed as Sheriff of saiJ
county f Nf ui.i'n.
Given under my h.inl this l'lh day cf Dcooui
bef, 1&7,
12-4t-1.'s.00 Sheriff.
i C '
To all Who Desire to Cave LIchey
His just received frcm the Last, a large and wcL
seleted lot of
P4 i itxt m p
Which he ors at
Eastern Prices.
IledeSr-s crrflpctition an I wi-1 cor)vip?o alTwho
will call a d examins his Stock He has aisj
lar"- Stock of
Cnfri HlT" nnrl 77lTr-5-V The J'-lcrsTr.-J takes thU n.cthoj infrmr
nai,. oapo. ana Ux aisn- the utuo gcEe .- ni u i:if i B clu
ing Goods, Trunks &a et0
Come One, Ccni-i All who warj
Keep c7:f- Uodt'cs Warm.
TT) S SlpT? nHI-'f2 SFinnri' ell who may favor hi, viVi ih'ir b-:
I 511-. -tUj J.yj IjM tX i jnm. Pairing iciiriUl.
r T -V r 1 1 r-r-i - . i "
John JIcKinzie, Tiff. lJcIcro A. V. A! n .if 1' "
tgiinsr. ; of Netn-ibt r';!,.iiJi
1. iu. i:ciuMiui,i i k. Cf ii-rrasa.
Ju.-tu9 iisue.1 an Oruer t AtUcicht ii the
abovaa-tifn for the Mta o Nire!cen dotiars. I
lirowutiile .Neb.. Dec " th
ll-3t HL H'ETT i
:l A ii U - i( A .- M ii
Quickest T.imc'J
Wc return thanks to our fncr.di :md
the trading publicTof the libe
ral patronnge tliey h-A1)
thus far extended iw.
Our aim shall
be to so
our business
ns to merit tli3
confidence of ocr
customers. All represen
tations guarranticd. We ketp
on hand a complete stock cf dl
kinds of goods required for this
market, and as to prices
Fe Till Xot be Undersold !
Drv Goods,
Boots & Shoes
Hats, Gaps,
&c. &c. &c.
All Kinds of Frodncfi
T.AXET in exchanre fi.r Oucus, forwLkh the Lihet
tuai kct 111 ice wili to ai!owo J.
Corner Main ard Second Street
January 1st,
xy ex
y DEALE23 Hi C-K
V V U V: '11
Embracing all Ihe I'n flTlffof tLe 3.-ii:i.
AI30, a large and wcll-'clcctcd stock cf
Gents FurnisLiug Goods,
-.1 .VD-
Si's itvi rn, .rc "r r r f
Our Goods were bought of first har.l, and wo
hink wo can'(iiT..r Siidi indu :t toer. ts t urvLa-'-r
as cannot f:iij to tuit those wi.-hiLg l Call
fln.l se. f..r j"ur...!'.'e3.
All kinds cf Produce taken in exchnne
for Goct's
A S ri
s ji. o o jst
South si J e Mainbet. If t ami 'ii
Kroivavilie, cbrrtsfia,
Whuletale and Uetail Dealer m
Wines. Liquors,Fleming
and Scotch Ales, Lon
don Porter, Doub
lin Stout, Cigri
Caving urcha-el of J. C. Yantis; the Steantef
ry J5,af.
Together wit't all the Charter I'rlv;!- gj to
s:inc bc!o;:gin, anl brl:.4 hi t s--ll' a
Practical Steamboat JIaii a"iti
running Order.
Anl tfcjt ho will s j-ar r. yijim 0 cciii5 t tzi'v.n
On tht Jlissbvri Rifcr, ti:d ii sitlt j
an; it an 'ar'j day.
. -It, M. o;,',
x i.itftiu Kn. i.t.-r-? ..u:c-i ';"f
.ii i.tit, titij C'U (iT.-'r1; .Ii-i:c-3 .
; - .
O ' ,n 'AV i -.l"-A' '
v) . yr
;ir 'fv ;7 4
t'J. .: " " '. '