Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 16, 1868, Image 4
Late Koss Ecffing Circle. A'ts, and Hi. raj Sariour tlei Tor sacli ft wcrm aa I? " 'Bridget, put tha breakfast dishes to roak, and cut a lunch for my dear husband; sweep the cctwebs best room, atd open the window there, 'in it won't smell so-close.-" Then- mcp "the floors; empty the eld left disbes in the pantry, scour the Knives, .on' that cevv. I3aih brick, run over to Mrs. Buzzy's, and borrow ' her tea-spoons and .a Rouble drawin of tea; take ths .younj cues over to Aunt HannerV, so they won't EqyaTlborrow a clean table-cloth cf Mrs, Harlan, and get readyvfor the "Sewing Society this afternoon, while I go and Iarn -a few verses of the Bible, and a little snatch of three oc four hymns, to repeat and fin?; for you Tcncv7 I am an officer of the Sew . ing Society, and as it meets here to day, I must appear rather smart. And the minister is ccminj to tea, so you must bcrrow"an extra fpoca'cf somebody." YeVn." ' -1 " u-- Wits. Talky was a nice, pious sister cf one cf the ' Lake" Rosa churches. She he'd long been a lively ant in the Chris-tiah"sugar-bowl, and as 'she had thp longest tongue pf any sister of the flock, she could out talk the others, and thus the racked high. That, afternoon the Sewing Society met at her house, to make pin-cQshions for the heathen babies in Hindoostsn, and to patch the repaiaiions cfAthos8 who - did not belong to the Society. Bridget went hence to arrange for the fc&va ceremonissMrs.' Talky learned her lessons and two , o'clock found the dirt swept well behind the doors and under ihet bed - for Mrs.- Talky was marvel of neatness, and all was in readi lies, except the tea. , . -r- At three o'clock the female panorama of Samaritanism had gathered in Mrs. TalL-y'i ' parlorj eaclTwith her work. -' It. promised lobe a big day for the benight ed millions of the earth. ; ' Mrs. Talky was high wren cf the cage. 51is,r ;Wggle, a demure little, lady of cne baby and-prospects, was Secretary, and a vigilaut worker on a lamp-mat for a church in the interior of Africa. . Mrs Squawk, a long nosed sister, who knew much and wanted to know more, had a rlipper pattern for the King of the Can-riit-aj Islands..... .. ., , , " TvIri'Koall, a blooming widow of . fifty'. tvhokxiey more than the law allowed of sinful natures in general .was President, and did nothing. . ." . There were twenty-one ladies present. and much rood was accomplished At half-past three the labor of the day was finished, when the real object of the meeting broke cut. Mrs. Noall was folding up the work. when an allusion was made to Mr, Marm , . cue cf her neighbors. Oh, that horrid Mnrra!" said Mrs Noall. 'I have long been intimately . acquainted with him, and he is the worst man but ten in Lake lioss." Here the conversation became general and all the sisters took a shot at the bird ' on wing. .! . 'That is co I know , all about his ' doings, ... "And- that pocr wife of his'n! She actually .'mends' hi3 rants: and thev do faythey 'use :butter only, once a day." " Good enough for her she knew what he was, when she married him." r"I saw liim talkini: to Miss Jones, the other day; and he never seemed to care a bit, when I caught him at if Just like all the raea" ' "Except mine!" - vAud rnineP - r ; 14 Well, I don't care fcr Murm; but do yea know rhov Brown acts. Mrs. Talky, f- . -?'- - wnen ne goes in company should say. so, love! But they do say he xlrinks- (erribly.- - He 1 drinks so bad, and is so jealous, that his wife, poor woman, has to let the doctor in the back way, nights, to see him, when he is as leep. ; She thinks so much cf him." ;;vofwao?" . ' 'Her husband, of course!' 'Shaw!, I know : better. No woman can love a man who won't bay her more than four, new bonnets a year. That is impossible." , , .Di-yori see Bliss .Smith's bonnet, to-day? : Such o gawk! And old Smith is rich, but awful stingy. Won't his children be glad, when he dies5" "Well, : his money ain't his'n. It don'ti'belong to him it's mortgaged." '0h, did you know that Mrs. Black had a baby?"-. , -No;". : V'Dotell!" : . : - 'Yes it .was born to-day, and weighs ten pounds. It is a boy. I went over to borrow a churn, and asked. And I want ed to see if Mrs. Black had a new car pet: Mrs. White eaid she had. MrsV White ! Shaw! The proud thing! Beause she keeps a horse and two hired girls she needn't slick up her nose about other people. I know when she hadn't . -a: thilling to her. back and she never would have been anybody, if she ha'dnt married young White, who caa money, iney say sne Daa to marry hinkl You know their first child wasn't born till the second Winter, and that proves all I've said." "Oh; that's nothing to Miss Green. You know what she did?" 'Yea ; andthe more shame for her, to get their minister iu such Vscrape. Min isters is human, as we is human, aod I never blame 'em when they come around me." t'm 'Well, what do you think cf Rev. Mr Stone ? He goes U see Deacon Wood's vvife-every day.. She wants too much praying to suit me! They say he goes to give musio lessons on the melodeon, but 1 aon't"believe a word of it." t4I dca't see what there is so attrac tive about her ! I thought he had better taste." - - ShQ acts like Mrs. Jones, who always clicks her cose up when she comes in church. We wouldn't have her there and but her husband has get money pays." ... ,. Haveycu heard about Bliss Twigs V La, no! what is it?" , " Ahj it is a shame ! I blush to' tell it. You 'tnow she' was to be married to ir., Beans!. Well the wa tick,. last vreek. rMrs. Wile's hired girl-ttld my hired girl that Mrs. JNYggleV hired girl told ber that she had heard ihp A nrtnr "yihat th tid'beeaiibg too cuchj succotash. That's Beans! The doctor needn't try to lie out of it !'' "Mel'be he will marry that Miss Dix he used to go with !" "1 don't believe it. She has no taste in dress. And she is so nasty about the house. Thejast time 1 was there, she actually blacked the cook-stove" . wjtfi a rag!" . . Her father ought to be ashamed of himself!" 'Did you hear about Deacon Jenks ?" "No what is it ?" ' "Why I thought everybody knew it! You know he hired Matilda Miggles;to wash for him a year. When bis wife died, he said he wanted Matilda to take care ot the children. Oue night, as 1 was passing the house, 1 peekt d in tht kitchen window, and i-aw Matlda go i tp the parlor wLe.-e the Deacon was siting, and chut the duor. -I know a thing ur two. Now the Deacon hns gone to h water cure with his children, and takt-n Matilda along. I know what U what!'" "Can it be possible ?" ;-. - Do'tell!' . .1: ' : . . , "Well, I never!" "I can't believe tt !' . . , ; Nor I ; but you know that the Dra con had that reputation, before he evei joined the church !" : ' "IWoufdfr why Mrs. Judd dou't joiti the church ?" . Oh, her husband has failed, and can't buy a pew." TGoud enough for them. I shall coi visit them any more !" .Well, -I -'wonder-if Bill Birch, and Carrie Colton ever inteud to get mat r ed !" "I don't believe they do. Bill is ver tough- he laughs at nur minuter. -aii says wc'are'-a'ioi of old iiens ; and 1 havV told Carrie not to marry him !" : "Weil, what does he go to see Mr. Wriggle for? He professes to be such friend of the family and always spend his eve rung's, there." That means some thing!". ' ' Of course, it does !" ' '-Well, I never heard of it!" "It 's so, and I don't care wha kuow it!" - ! "There goes J Irs. Ochre. What hor rid table her old dress made over into a walking' one." "How I hate such snobbery !" , "And I!" "Well, that is all you can expect of ber ; or of any one who belongs to iha: church." "That's so !" .'Well, that church ain't so nice as onr. !" . . , Here compp the minister; ph! he" i tuch a dt-ar, good man, and 1 e has hi jpockets full of newfpapers !" V.We saw them seated at supper, admir; ing the conqured spoons borrowed from a returned Ci.aplain, and could not helj thinking that the Lake Ross Sewing Society was a big thing. Items at Random.. . Meal and salt are coated with butter in' 'Nashville and sold for the genuine article. The 4h of March is fixed for hoisting the American flag in Havana by tative Cubans in favor of annexation. An Omaha actress is laid up with inflammatory rheumatism, result of play in? Maz'ppa in such weather as this. Mrs. Pollock ha? ben arrested in Buffalo for attempting to chop off br hubsand's head with an axe. Boston is to have a skattinsr park at last, 2S,000 feet in extent. It will be open to the public every Saturday. The' Montreal postmaster has had the heads of his clerks examined phre nologically, and diml?.ied those who.-e bumps were not properly developed. The last word. of a little Galveston news boy, who died of yellow fevpr last season war, Hure'?your Bulletin!" Henry Ware: lieecnr has enemies at his own doors. A dramatic company is to play "Norwood in Brooklyn. Seven churchesare now being erected in New York city. Gen. Kilpatrick proposes to retire from official life next summer and stump the country for the Republican National candidates. It is said that the "census embraces seventeen million women. Who wouldn't be a census? LDicwen cnoiera is making great SMI "I t 1 t ravages among tne poultry of Ten nessee. - Bayard Taylor is seriously ill' at Rome ,auu .umu.a 7 "' "ws w" tt'Sn." . . i Half of the dress circle at the Gal- vpston Theatre. Texas, is reserved for freedmen. A co-operative store, under the 'name of the Acuehuet co-operative ?iore wa opened in New Btfbford. MaFSichusetis on Thursday last, in a convenient build ing constructed for the association, at a cost of S4 000.. Parties in Bridgeport, Ct., are engag ed in getting out a novelty in the shape of a wajron bouv The entire body is made of rubber, hardened br thw addition h.'SSd" ,he c""po5itio,,; ,td Mary-gold is a new intense color in silk. ll,c u" iuubuh u sirufi bi Albany tnat toot passengers can cross u, and at- Troy the river is crowded by teams . Ihe Danish treaty contains a provision 5 for the joint occupation of the Island of h San J.'ian by the United Slates and the w British Governments. cs Two little children cf Rev. E,W, Jack son, cf Gorhata, RIe, played with a load ed pistol. Saturday, till it went off and killed one of them. The poet who won the French Acade my prize for an ode cn the death of Lin coln, is going to send S600 to Mrs. L. Mayor Thomas, of St. Louis, declare es that the Nicholson pavement is the most economical and durable pavement S3 ever iriea iu mat city. toi Enormous supplies of cuano have hepn ciscorerea ia oouui Caroiiai. i . . . . " o i5 The ' benevolent ladies of Hartford, Conn., are about to esfalltsh an industri al school for vagrant girls. Fifteen thous and dollars have already been subscri ed A Quincy. Illinois, distiller thinks he can prove that government does nol get as revenue five cents a gallou oni the wiskey made in that State. '- Peat seljsjp Madison, Wisconsin, at six dollarsa cord, and is generally and satisfactorily used in that place a a sub stitute for coal and wood. , The bill, for the emancipation of the Jews has passed the Austrian Reichsraih. The-ram ; Stonewall left Rio Janeiro November 12ih for Japan. TIih Piruviau e-xplormg expf ditiou, under Adai'l fuuk ; -r, had reached Iquitos, whence it would descend the Amazon to Para. The Prussian railwny engineers have b'-en among ihe.firstlo. lay rails with'inA -tempers, planting them directly on ihe ballast, and it is said,, with, perfect Vuccess, - The Texa; election is to be heM the Kst Monday in January, , ' The' ! scholars in the public school ni Clinton, Iowk. attend schojl but htlf a d;iy, the b v morning and the girl in the afternoon, Thiny per cent, of the populations of Great Bruaiu are unable to write their ndino, Founiain County, Indiana, is di-graced by sixty divorces this year. At Chicago, on the lOth. Wm. And: rews attacked Win. Hamilton, bit a great .hunk out of hi lip and swallowed it, .noustache anJ all. ' They are tafking in Georgia abuit passing a lawmaking it a hi each of the reace todun a man for debt. The New York Herald proposes a pur base of the Sandwich Islands. . France has a navy of three hundred od foriy three vessels.' During the pres ent year which were built in this conntry. The Kentucky LegUlature is about to forbid a man to marry his cousin; ; The New York JocUy Club are to have a 200,000 club-house.. Salem is closing up its shoe manufacto ries.' 1. '.: ' Judge Bngs, of Lacon, III., who for -onie time, has been under medical treat ment at the Ke.noj.-ha Water Cure, say hi? disease was caused by wearing paper citllari, into the composition -of .wbich irsenic enters. - ' A Catholic church, for a colored coil 'r.c'tion '.xcltijiively, is to -be dedicaied in Cllarleon. r The Fret eh Blue Book informs us that ''e convent. of France supj!y a" very Iar:e portion cf the hair sold in market he tresses cut ofF when the novice akes the veil being saved forTaIe.'r A tobacco grower in the Connecticut ivalley has told hi 6rop of last year for seventeen thousand dollars. It amounted o twenty eight tous. . Accounts received at Massowah of he condition and progres of b.e British expedition in Abyssinia are all favorable. Xhe army was steadily advancing in the interior, and tip to the date of the latest despatches they had met with no opposi lion. ' " r The widow of Sam Houston died of yellow fever at Independence, Texas, on the 5ih inst. " .. The N.Y. Mail advocates the publica- Ion of engagements in order to provent flirtation, In California. "D. D."' after a man's name signifies "drunk arid diordrly." A Texas paper wants the Shakers to open a ; school for teaching domestic science. The Chinese in Sau Franci?co'are about buildinjr a magnificent theatre for their own u?e. Th-yhave tio alre;i('y The Rev. Dunbar, the Mineipoli? bis amist, is making barrels under the pat ronage of the S;ate of Minne.-ota. The free distribution of coal to the poor of Cincinnati has coaimenced. One hundred and ' fifty luads were delivered in one day last week. A Western paper has an article to Prove that ten years- of journalistic labor on a day will break dowrthe strongest constiiution. 11 was liuhop Home s own opinion that there was no better moralist then the newspaper. He says: "The follies. vices, and onsequent miseries or tnulti tudes, displayed in a newspaper, are so many beacons continually burnm? jto others from the rock on which they hve been shipwrecked. What more povyerjul ny., lhan lhe storr of one fr Pnd mur dered by another in n duel? What caution I more iiKeiy io ub eiiecuvB naiuM i : i i l . Jblinjj and profligacy, than the mournful relation of, an execution, or the fate of a despairing suicide? What finer lecture on the necessity of economy ihen the auction of e.tates. houses, and furhituj-.' Only take a newspaper, and consider it well, pay for it, aod tt will insiruct thee " St. Joe Businqs Houses. VICTOR B. BUCH, TFIiolesalc BOOTS & SHOES North "West Corner 4th & Felix Streets, ' ST. JOSEPH, MO m TT . .V. T n-r. C 1. rtr... r c Louia.inJ is Breparedtooncrnnuiual inilBcemenLi i.4i-ij , s - 0 A 4 Ul u a d O o n o- b; U2 o SL JCB ar.a St. Lods Business; Houses BAILY, KAY &y7QOD, i;u . :? Delerslnl0 .1'' ' - ' ' YAlfKEE NOTIONS-, . ' Exclusively at wholesale. -t Third Street, ST. '..JOSEPH, Mo. ; Stock in Extent. Vnetyr Jind.prke Compare with )et St. L-.uU or Uhic g? nouses, ; Oidcrs Soliciiffl. ' ' 'NO. S. LEMO.f. ISAAC T. llOSfcA. LEMON, II0SEA & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN. & 'DO IIVSFSTIC ;.-..' 1 : Notions, GIotMbn ISTO. 5 FOFRTH ST.. ; : St Joseph;- Mo; ; A Large Stock always on hand.! Orders fotict ted Sutifiiction guaranteed. .. , . Nave, MoCord & Co., VH0LESALE GEOCEES -i And Dealers in f K. Wines, Liquors; Tobacco, cc. St JOSKi'H.Jio. 45iy Union Foundry, MACHINE SHOP iitKNSlDE, CKOWTIIER & ROGERS Cor. 8th & Messaiiie Sts., Mo. tJNGlHES TTJADE : AND U EtfcPAlKED it IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS OF. ALL KINDS A N I IRON FRONTS ......... I , 3IaIe"to 'order i.n rhi rt notice find sari-sfnetory tr, UjMrties. A's si-m l.r (iAKDNtili A KOUEUT S O X 'S I Si V UO V h u fat en t uo V UN O K. -4 i I y R. T. VDtJtTiiLX, 'A. Eaton. ' UNDERHILL& EATON, ommissiofl&Vurciiaiits, Ko2. City Biiildlns ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES: Second National, St Iottis . Allen, Cpi & Nibet. St Lnus ; s r.rrncli State Kanfc ' Iiwa Du nqu. JnhliMime & Uacon . BintPrs, Ft MailisoQ, Ia. Isaac Scrriu & Co,. Aiti-n, 111. Blair & Atwood. Alien, III. . W.M.WYKTH&CO: Wholesale Dealers ia it il u SADDLERY 100DS, HarnetSi Skirting, ad all kinds 8atlUkT's Leather an Hardware. XjJDDLES,- DRID VS. $C, gcnip for Disstim CireulA Saws, aaJ '.Marvin's Safe. Xo.6 South Third, Street, between Felix Si EdinnnJ ST.JOSEriJ. BIO. 40Iy. J, A. FINER. T. R REYNOLDS. SOITflillfOTEl PINER & REYNOLDS, PHOPltlETORS, . Eight Street, two biocks from u. It. Depot, ST.. JOSEPH, 3VIO 11-45 Gm ' John pinqer. W. B. DOUGLAS. PINGER & DOUGLAS, llliolesalc Dealers P U EE NS WARE GLASS WAUL, 0 ScC, NO. 7 Fourth Ttreet. St JOSEPH, HO. 4-51 y J. PFEIFFER'S t ISO La Corner Gtu auJ St. Charles Bl5. Also Dealer In, Lime, Cement; Hair ster, ' Wlrlte-Sand, Fire-Bricli, a rx T l 3 oscph MlvMI CUTLERY. mt w 0 K We iiave on hand: a large aiid weiraVsgrteci stocl Si! of Staple I-.). .r.-iV - To which we are making constantadditions; and which ;we areiselling; at prices low as uny establish- j?i THE QOAufV OF Oiia GOODS WE MMiLErlGE OOPETlf IQH, " ? ESTFLOUR OF TUB 'MOST APPIt Vm. iVll'A NDS. " Till HIGHEST -'PRICE' PAID V(it COUXTJlY;i: PliODUCK., . ' -,f:v:ei 1- M-7. Z ml O V P3 If .v , W EC DEALERS IJ f ! ' Would call the attention of DEALERS to . teirjamense stock of Brills arJ School , Boolcs. ' Blank lW)ks. Glass and GwisSwarHVvriiin? Paper, ' Paints : and Oil?,' EnVelnp'. ' Spic?s and : Dj f -"Stuffs, Coal. Oil and . ' '' ' '- f i Lamps; Pure Wines. Liquors, &..C. .t , . "" r ' ... . ,, . Whjch-wcre-boug"" t fcTCPt cf.Mar.nfactnrc?. Irnrfrf-r? nft.l PubM.sT'.cfs, an.? w!!! be PnJtl at the U5i ruVi'trubtc prices. Buying in' targe 'quantities' frcsa first.hanJs, tliej siro : eaibIod ta offer extra inJuue mns.ta the trade. - . . , i:":-' ; . . . j , . ,.;,, iThty are the Nrirth-we?trrn Wholesale? A grit's of JJr. T. Jiyne & Son, and of I)r. .) C. yre & Co and cun furnish liie'ir Mc'iichicv: ia ar.y qurir.titTes. f-l" ; ': ; . STrJOSE"RH, MO. '' Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron STEEL and 'HE&VY ' HIED WAEE. . .' TVY giiii," C rri.i", n 1 llmv W iM.ii'M.rk.-'. AGR CULTUirAL :I?.iri:EJj.F,NTS. Spring?. Axes, Axel-, Sh'-v!. uu Sjals,Ftl.v ;ind riii...-, (-r. (T-irri.i-"asher.-, HmU, tr nH.," IIfM A.M'm1 Stite, S ere. !(. Citings and JEScllpw, Suirar Kii'I:.-i A'm S'tnv pnid Hkf ovHri. Frmi Ufi'iW ':t!i(i Sn-i lr l... . RlilfkKRiifllK' Tools .'Anvil. S? 1 wefi, Vi-c j, rincir;. lfap?, Knrfirr-' K?ir?v Tue ' Ox Yoke?, Axle Grease. Ox chutns. VCo.n J:u-k;. Ox ri l-. k.i v.-!-. ;n i'..-k:V5:.M I'-in.-, etc. Xltxlos, apokico find 33oii-t-t:5ji'. ' 1,000 CKLlJiBHATKD MOUrN-KiPLOWS! ' ' . , : , ,' : liy jnt ruled, ni d tu rnr to nity- ef ifit'si' J rid-' ' " ' ' McCormicIi's 3!owcrs and sSr;ici , Zwiliei s Horse Corn I'lnnti r Suiky Corn CulM-wor.- Hard (Ji'rr. ftfifirr, CVni Shc!lrr. Hnv K.k.-, ,.-. tr - " . ' . . ' i ' . i . . . . . ' r i . . .: . Uuyitig ij gooJS dirort fr-m Uie M ' ei'T'I fl.Ter.ral irtilrceiuciii . TO UHiiLESALE IH RCHASKIIS AT Constable's Iron and Steel-Warehouse - , , . . . ST. JOSEPH, MO. MOSEY, FREE AS WATEU. 10,000 ACTIVE I.OCaIj and Truvelinj Agents, ililo or Fe wnlf, of nil ages, sro wanted to solicit trade in ev ery City. Town Villtge; Ilxmiet. H'ortshop and Fuctory. thrtiugbout the entire world, fur the msr silfwhirt novelties erer known. 500 FEU: CENT. I'KOFIT an BEAliY SALE -WUEKKVEU OK FEUKI) i! miuttnen and w.tnen cun mike frm f 5 ti $50 per day, and no risk i.f lo?sl A -Miwli capital ri-quired f from $20 tt $100 -tho-more 1 min'y infected the grater tho . prfit. Ao Minfn required in adciHce io- fiftt tend the article onb receive pay nfierward I It you a5 ually with ti make money rapidly and easily write for full par icu lar and address . . ; MIL NOR & CO., (From Paris,) 10 BIVOADWAY. New York City. WOOL WORTH &COLT, AKD DEALERS IN , n ' If ' t. STATIONERY, Paper JIangnss. And Printers' Stock, No- 12 Sprond Si ret. Si. -Joseph.1 'Mo. Casli for Kasn. 1 CQ S" C o S 9 - ' it Q z 0 5 t-'H 05 ;5''s : -3 . 'H - " 1 - - U-jr-.--.CV V?-1. -j- Is s 1 rr35 n o Ti .. 1 j ..... . .. . ri a-. a a j. v. 07: Wii i ni l ' t T and Fancy '.iV.' UJ AND MerliciriP?, Patent Mfdicine?, - '' ' h ... i'3' R S3 Dn hn:;.l ;!nd to iirriv (.'ir;; riding p irl. 1 1 I T.r.-'i Xii!?.- ;ii iSk.'i.i'-'ts :i;(l Lhi- : .V.! H.V;. H.iu. iin - l J),- , - If. t.-. Wr FAIRBANKS' . 5XAVDKI SCALE S I1, "' OP ALL KINT-S. ! FAIUCANKS, GREENLEAF & CO. 1 ; . , 22fi Lake. Street. Chicago. . 1 209 Jlnrkct Street, St. Louis Ly BECAREFVt TO ECY OJiLT THE GENUINE. (Bi!!2rrfflRi$rfS rplIE MOST RELIABLE CCSHIOX. used on X BLUinrdiTiibic is the j CiT-CtT ctsmo, : "j !nnuf;torcd ry KAVAXAGIIrf DECKER, and M'aiai.ted Dw. 1 S,1SGG. -"See Dticnrjfic American Vol. K5. No' 11) ' i It is the Antj Cuhi.n tha If pjp?9e all tho anal it Ij.j ..oni;..! .... nrrrri'T l: . . most e!ari(7 ninl mi .-t dumMe Cushion ever i fiVred id (ho bnii;inl-p'fyin jmb Mc , a. is abond:intlv pro ven 1T ibcunat diinund forit .finen i'sf introt uo-to.n.-- Tl.a J c-i u.i..n.y :w!ik:Ii diiiugui9ii it9 CT (UT Cu$hi'o nnj renders it soj-t-rior to ail oihers, is lhe lightened p r l r.f f-Ht-ut which TerH9. ibe faroiwid ed b of lhcruh'cr' nn I a-in- I n?.-i the full length i f the Cu.-hion , which nr.'- ven.- th- oil I hldin inly tho nnd'm Ibumble; Tue addiiion of thet- rut cord ii.-o mudi tu the elasticity of the j . . . . Cii"hioiin The e CAT-Gl'T Cushion h.ij already been np tii ov r I 0l!t) i;illes iv'iiirh nre in co-istjnt use. u cn;i b jipplicj l MWcs of any ns.!;e. for si'vetiJv Cvn.'J.rljrv 4T i-t. J k wan a" i ' :::! Firs F.iot,irt i.-c,-r. nr of 'tVnirs .tnd f'n'-n Srr.'i, N.-V.,i thorn.-st ' :nlU Cf biudln tho .rM.: The mr..i(iinery is.i i, ihc ni nuwi-'Vi'd C'.ir.urfer. fe I loi'i r .1 r'v ' ii'tf r-i.h If.e !nrer in thj -Cnired 'St.ttw, the ii:'rfril u. th b -hrtl ni .r ur'n.vifd ,' it.i i tl work'iicn tiiroii'i- .-iiiiiJcd. ;: ' (JJ .i n. li s. Ccit. nnu Trioiminii, H of tho hi-vt u iks . cm.-Mirl v ; h'ni 1. 1 KA V.. Alill I'lv Kill; nn- ihe only ncnf-.' iajbi.-t vuiiir, faK.W Sl.Tr, CF.MF..N T aU-.1j-.-.l I 3 i.u;i t-nr Kiiiai.riticn ti. be ihe be, the . best e. in-'nivei uscdr' ;. sxj-i-'uii bized Tables rut douro for flOOrS"' ...n,i fj. in... -w... i i- . ...H..t ixu.Mii i n ii r i .riii. llv. KAVANALiHii DKCKKR; . New Wrk FrW I.nvr Ilii.-iii. urranii.Ciir' n &. at '. ! Nmura t l.tal,' I i (Jul, .r.) .luier Navy Toi,jc i.. WAN l;iU)'S. S"'n eware, U.ifitet.J, Wii.xr.ln .u.N. Lai, . D) Fur ft cUcieu : icl of Te, g to " : CAEAP CASH ST0S 'Main Street bttizem First tBROT7HVILLE.NV i ,J IWoaM'.'Hrsii'ecf'fnUy "j.'.r, r. fV. r,r I Hrownvi:!e,ajl Mirr- ut ,., ,, , just rvctivrd y I'i.'t St k .-) . , 1 (3f th? latest tv!vi sr- Jillf I'lldtS. ti'-lj'?,',. "I for (jriiii''i.t u .in.: I t Wooden Ware, The.lJo.i ti i . j V, ras lic.-t Vilei Lai 1 .r Or all Vlit.(K?,,i 1,. :; p .. SUPEjblKKilS and JLli v j '.'Itlrr- tVA ' fi iiiji'ly i i. . ,r," f : ' wirt(;n ni? tSK?KRSKr,R3U (: j . ,' . . . : i . 1 1 r Uei . Roger. R. W ?) BEN. ROGERS, & CO A . f Lively, Feea,and SaleStal Main Street ' i j i BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA I Dealers in all kinds nf Stock Hones RA; j .mi ExcbangeJ. Stock boarded by A week. I The Pn.'prieUirs have recent'j erected as rm j new,lrgs and commndous Suble on aia f,-r '.', near the olJ Drownvi'lc House. Their Svii.' fresh and Vehicles rcw. The public er.ntewji rnndatd nt a!l bour.',dny or ni,'ht. A riick cnrr.ill with :m :i:iu.',J.vnt ."itj.'j",' pure w liter ntached In the Stulln.-. 41V GATES -k DO l.'blTELU BRICKL4YEK &;SPLASTEKEj nroivitviile, Aebraka, I WJ'l taku imi riicl.t iuf ISrii'kii.y n, i'.i--i:, iiuilvJinjc li.-ternH, tmd di- i tl iri 'p t!;-r !.f 1 n th tiw:siiiilifactr7 and w-rV, ui:ini- iu.i t, A 11. :5it, I S'.iV. i-;7-h I31IL!A-' SI.'IIMEIS CUM'II! nvrtimuv.ii i:a; ivm si i r OAVK IT avk it i r ' ' ! v 1 .' b- U Z r . : rc'rid'T H'i'f ; ' 1 Cu e- Vc ' n ' ' V V C T V. 3, ' ' .Ci r !.- o . - .' r.'ir.'t.Oi;. ' 5. 4 IVVist iit-ry. u -.,v i I" t 7. ' rJiurn T- .;icte .Virk l'-..- .. v- . mi, ' L)ysp' Ii i n r.-i i ; i H. " S'.iri;r;H-ed. or I !'f;ii i .:- il ' w hiiet t'. pro' ii- i Pen. .!-. 13, C: oup l.i.iyli il i)i.La'lt.e'i .in II, ! .'.Sf.Ml Hhi-BQ, Kiy-Tf'4 E.'ifl '. - . " fxlt Uiisuin. ir i , f . ; -'8. . .UhtUmitlMn. KIh-Ciimih I' B !T. Piies..biin' . -r b-e?i.;u H, "' Opthil ir-' ami ri cV wpi fyr I '.) ' C.UPtrh. -lilo or enroll a lvl-::2i;' 20, " Wlioop Coul vi. phi C-'i-ii" I Asthma !;re!--f Urea'tiii e i-2 '"' iiar Di.chmices. Mii.'air i! !lMn: j " boi-olu a piii .i --P't '-;; .'! . i-'- '1 ' General leo i t:t-. Hiv-i-IjI WA.i.. '2- " I)i Clp y? atl sn y vciP l'''.' : " . ftft-" ICka JS.S, M' kM: - fr..i:i r: Kidrey-uisaase ir.vei --23 ; , Htfi vuai Debuity, t-Kirs' ITx ' fiCIis iiiviitiim! y U.-rt'j'SP 9 ' ?ert IIeutri, Cjntcr 3n T,i in-iy V eanes, wett.iu l eJ tl I Paiuiai jPericds. wuii Spain. !' u.d' ingHilt tnuiueoi FpslS'Msj'. ?j.i-t:w Sr. Vnis' n--f J4-. Di jilt her i a.. uiuifaU-ii bor Tiirwi Of S3 larsc liafs, n:oroffo . . cac.coiilainins a petiiic ' lor every orilinary desea.i ' a family In su bjecl to, and a book or directions, li c' SmaUer Fam'v and Traveliris cases w'.:!i - 20 to 18 U13, 5" for all erivata Peases, both i.r -Currrf? anj f..r Preventave trejtn:ent in viais anJ pocket case, For Sal$ by 'i 47-ly- McCOMAS&C?.. Rr.iwnvill'J rK HENEYb Worlds Tonic arid . r . ; Elood Purifer, Are Ihe jrreat-eol! Prevent'ire -tnd Curalif I; hold Kciniie of thani. nnd are w.-nd' rU ' . ' Sympfi ms, Gfnprxl ))!. iiiir. ,"", , JF easftarTetM.r. of the Liver, StincH. Kidneyt Fturiie CompLunl-4. Scndi' ' tion., and all diaspsi ariinj fr'ni iiD(ar 'j-, and a sure pn-veniive cf J ever rid A em. YeHuw Fever. Ciliou Fcvor. i-. ecirciilar around ouch boiilf" ,X j. p--rw ontj bj tbe(iriftt ii Medicine O'..1""- Mifuri - Sold hv n ' 11UI.LADAV& CO 13row ii viiit?, (JKT THK BlT Ii-cov. Tlj ai-knowje-i?-! Ui :' I for all a m..i.!.nf f..' n'"' I r' EYKn.V'lIODY SI'KAK f'"-T" ' .Ineialfd I J ' t -. . f . if v 11 ternv of f.vwrnvnd itmn 'r '. ,Y dfrlu; tff. clr Htd iu (! firtaf. lighrM -w tth iU u-e. . ' " -f ' lf l'riee.Ordy 2" cenr.or '"f ''-.- " J Sold by ill.du ili;r m,iul'0;n . Fr-T'.;'' ii r:..Ci.n r c....,, ni Jr. i' Sotd by HULL A DAY CU 1 Wto, iiuiin ' iieU, Pi.t F,:,urt..;Y" " " ' ' ' ' ' : Yw I Ooda Cracker. Gioz-r Scrs. and -?.r,yH. N.7 h ... JUOOT&PLAMI j fey PILLS, fe -a J