Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 16, 1868, Image 1
i 5 mam m if-t r nt CUTIS Iti itAii-s, M , t Vi!;l I T , - - , - "Ctituertioa. " ' ' ' ' 'Ct .V one rear, fl" Unes oi lete 6 00 - - - v . ) - r --NX ' f 1 - v---"- ''4!- ''f 6f..!; , , -x .' , ..',,.. ;,. f f so oo , ; : 0 00 ', 80 00 ' 60 03 - cinjiicir& ' coLnAPP, cPherson's Ulock. 2dFccr,Har. Zctraa? (' .j - e 'TTT'"U' . .in rear. .. i...,n .ii nn.nth. . 30 00 . o...--"- flilfC'l'"n'thre" B,',nlh, : yrib CoJonin, one year, rrtli Column, til months, fl)arta (Xlumn, three roonttf i II to 23 00 7.'' 21 O0.-, : si oo ' ? 15 Ot 10 00 S J.6M : 3 00 ! r I' r T ( jlciah Column, U months J J.nm.lmdncCuiMiJ-:e''"-vfflt'e lt Copy, on JS3T, lu dTc, L $1 6 j,.,, ?ubsriptionw must invmiablj, bo In AJvanea i.;.-"" to" 6ook Work, nJ Plain nl Job WorE doa . 4 - tb fresl' t'ie- B(1 on short notice. t LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE NOW AND FORKVER;!' - if Notice u"" BRGWNVILLEi NEBRASKA; ' 'tSURSDAJ,, TANUARY;,1 0, 1868;- .. ... . - is :','. j t - t t ! , . , . i. r i .- . - i : , , . ! r : , . 4.(1 t:.l r t ! r-: !J -. .1-i I ' 1 ' i - -a- T - - -r- ' -1 I - 2 I . : ; rh at is. i a a "i t i .at t f i a ..,-.' "V V V . V V V nXGCTl-SlOVAL DELT!C3ATIOrX. Xf TirT'ii. . S Senati.r, ftruwuvUlf , ' j V ThaVER. ' ." OMiab. j0nN'iA" Uepretentative, Dkot City.' STATU DIRECTORY. . . juviu Bi'ixiK ivern-r. pjwuee City. c thus I'. K.knnab, Se.reirv, Oiiiha. jircisTi s Koustz Trpturer. S. fcix, jUi'rarmu. Oiuahm. . JUDICIARY. 0 p. MAtOK Jnucf lfci Jn Jicil District , - V!f ii i;oo is lin-t Cork ir Keuiah Co. LEGISLATURE. Its' .T J . MMOM Senat-r. fern. Kemiha Co. H;Eo 'ROw Rriierenitive. Furview di - oris Waudti r. 1 Biownvilie, do ChaS uavwuou, 3o timrit, !o VM . 5iilt,. Jo Peru, 'do rITED STATES DIRECTORY. ' jfjl Aitsox, Ke.iMer. C. S. JauJ vrz.ce, John I' Carson.' Receiver V Er.iwuviiTe. ' D i' IrTTLK, r S. A. Attso. BruwuviUe. 1 V. KAK&H, Post Metier, Browcville. ' s il. !khh Uesittef iu Bdt.kruptcy. .BOUNTY DIRECTORY. JamX li At ker. Clerk udKeiir of Deeds, j;. V. rattis, Treasurer. . ., , . jj r. Morgan Prtie JuJee. pAVlUSON PLASTtRi, SUer.ff. V.F. right. Surveyor. y G Holmes. 1 . - . rBiEi.i!' "STarb, County Commistioner. ' J. L Ji'Uee. J . " . iittNARU OTTERS, Coroner. CITY DIRECTORY: JasvisS. CHfHcH. Mttyor. . ' v Y. Eovi), NarLaM. jcas Ha ker. Collector. Vm. H. Hoover, Treasurer. I. r. risHEn Kncineer. ' j.n. reykoles. Attorney. f . F. Stewart, j t C. Backer. 1 ' c. V. wattLER, Alderma. a Morgan, i X. P. Cogswell. ) Churches. . Tirst Baptist. fcrvices in Serond Sunday and I fdiii.g S1 ut iiy of eth nioii.b ai 2 oVUnk P. VI June inii.iift fliuub iu Biouv,iie Kev. M. V. filuiMS- r.f t. . . ile'hJ'M Episcopal.- Servu'cs every Sunday, at ih : A M . C J - P. M PraerMeeiin eveiy Thu'Jv evf mvi ; Suuilii.v ! vvery StOalb t 112 a "i Bev. S. BLACKBCKN. Potior. EiNsuopAl.- Sevu-e i MiPtieran's Hail every cIm bj:. a' '"! 2 A M M ve-y S-'nrf.y l I Ml". B ' Snl.i tt.':i'Hl l 2 1-4 J evei Suu-ir-'. Ki. Kcv (i, R. KAVlS, UiK$ioary first Pit-sbyter nn Se. vnes eveiy Satiday at to l 2 A M "to -8 P.M. Mindly Sc!i.mI it 2 1 4 F. I ; Pra'er im-euii every W5dneUy al 7 P. M. kiv. T. tAU. P4i.uir. ' Aiiltal and licparturo of .Hails. LsicinMu..'rne- ia y,e. epi Sunday, at i, i iu. UaiKi l " ' J 1-2 ' r - at i p ta far.,3: I " at I 1 i WV'tei'O iltiil mrivi .- everv Vf 5::ewlay at 4. p in. ir- cvtfi v M -tidjv t 8. a. ni. Grat.t K nil "rune. i-M-iy iuf.-d.yal 6, p. ui. iici.ii it-1- "A't(iuci-d.y i ti a. ni. Sockport AlaU a::i.e iv .J SniU day al 3. p. in. :-ii.ii " 3 J-2 p in. - Priov'iiN il.i.f jie'liiifi ttieir mail iu luily u ii n. I if iu u,-aitu'el uihi'i. (fll r f it $ .it: a; Iivji b to 8 , a. iu , and ;roai i W a. i) JiAiisn, r. .m. ... L'AiCi: DIJtljCrORl'r N'inua I l.uixsi: N A FNi A U meet-. 10LU. rt' ; : 1 1 mi , i ' t ' . i 'I I'UI. IM'N . l.i.' r.. , iLil i . i - . Ol. I .. 'k H i ... , . lv t ' I -. . ... - 1 y : : . I." 1 . "Is; 41 . iifiuie .i. I'. ' ,. . . .a : y V I' I t ' 111) .V u'C i. a.7 i' ' . , - Cai u. ii ll:"i'.:'r. J' v.. . U ttl AlklilHN P A tkOMlj,L 1.11 Ett A U V AKSOl IA1 ION jit. IS fi,ucu) tiii"iia; J P M J. it. BKUAUV. Pits. ''J T Patch, 4-. Wi.iTtkN I'm on Telegraph t osipasy- urt ct ia Hi.i'e'.ii'. ii.vk. J. k.. lir.AH. ociau.i. D1U30. Store HOLLA DAY CO.. V'Li.iv:e ai.d Hciail Deaier iu DRUGS, Mb DICINK, PALNT, OIL; &c, P O Bufdinp, Main St.', ' " '- ROvVN VILLE, NEUUASKA. WM. H . y cC R F. E RY VLoleale aiol Retail Dealer in Dnijs, Bi)uks, Va!!-;iaper and stationery, Corner Main and lt Stg., BSOWXVILLE. NEBRASKA. Qlonfcctionauco. William rossell. CONFECTIONERY AND TOtf.SrORE Xrtth Oread, Cakes. Oysterf, Fruit, 4c.,' on hand. boulbfide Main between 1st and 2d streets, BROWN VI LLE, NEBRASKA. , J. P. DEUSER, Dealer in Confeetionarie Toys, Noliocs, Alain bet. Ut aud 2JS13 , BROWN VILLE, IJEBRASKA. t WM. ALLEN, i-ropnetor oMb.ClTX- BAKERY. Fancy Vtl ui 4g Cake toniished ou sbori not jce. Dealer ' '-"""iv-nnie. Fruits and bet Family Flour. -1ain Jfreef j,f;. tt cndZd, ' BIENVILLE, NEBrtASKA. Saiiiilcni. J H. iiAt'ER. Vanufkcitirr and Dealer in iURXESS. BRIDLES-Sr COLLARS esiditid. iie to oi ier ui.lact!iiii puarranued. Sh.p on Mam bet. 1st and ?d its.. livO VJLLE, NIiBi;Xt-'-, ! JOHN W.MIDDLETON AlaiiufitcmTcr snl I cmerln ' KSS. BR 1 1 1 a: s. a) r j. a t? s " ana i.M.ef r every df crii.ii..n, Piaste;in; Uair. d h p;d lor Hides. Ci iner Alain and M its., . Browpvil'c, i'ebrasaft. W. DmaThN, ": ...... v . Manufacturer a-d Dealer in n.'I ii aui.ll.-s, llarns, Whips. Coll iK, "'HS's ta1jt Trre IL.rkW, " ' . Nixoo-.s P.v.t. Trii Haci-les. A"rt Siilf Xtr-tt, BKniVN VILLE'.' EHH V'K A. ... . ' -'- uliii0tiirc0 joiin c. i)ku-i:h. s wvESi tinware, prjMfeC : ' Ol'poiisie McPUeton B fKk, i '. t , i T?':-b Tu..,.. .TT ' ' i- kWV"' iW0 ana T.e.? n,un f"-'; v Slouc aiiH J. w. BLACKJrJUR?-1: M:n. pENSIoa1 -r.-AIININO' gURGEQN. l ender hi pr.fesfional servioo ta tbo citiicnaof LrownrjUe "ind viciiiir. " " . OFFICE AT CltY DRUG STORE. V Night flt t ki UekiBoj tjutb 0f AUan fic between lt and 2nd htrecti. PHYSICIAN AND bUUGEON. ' O FFICE CITY r R XT Q K T O R B , BKOWKVILl-K, NEBRASKA. A. SHOLLOAVT M D (Graduated in 1S51 Located in P.rotcnviUe in 1S56 ) Plijhician,- Surgeon nnJ Obsleirician, Dr. FT. has on hand complete sets of Amputat bg, Trephining inatruments. . OClcei llollaeay Co's Drug Store. P. O. BROWKV1LLE, NEBRASKA. A.b. opecalattention given to Obstetric? and tne Ciscojosol women and children. x-44-ly C. F. STEWART, M. D Pliysiciaii and Surgeon, OP FICE : ." : ' -'outh East erirner of Main and First Streets BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA. TriCK Hocrs 7 to D a. M.aiyi 1 to 2 and 6l to i P. M. Blacksmith J. H. BESON. Will do BLACKSMlTJIINtJ of all kinds. Kaka Horse Shoeing. Ironing of Wacontand SUiaht if,r... II-.... J : C . J Sbopon Alain St., west cf McPherMin's Block, LI -OWN VILLE, XEUUASKA. J. W. & J. C. GIBSON, B I, A O K S M I T H S SITOP en; 1st between Main aud 2d, into ws vi i. l i: , n ji ii u a s k a . All Work done to order SatinJ action Cuarrentied. joiinTlorX U. L A U.K.S1 M I T H Siiop on IVhUt btrcct South of -American IJoute BOWSVILLK, Nt;BRASKA. f"Cui.tiii V.rk ot nil kinds .o. oiled. 12-12 7 i Vi RG1L S. HALL, Attorney and Cuunncllor at La:?. )iiico-vvr DuTsny A hm'r tiotLii Stoic, Ma n St., " ' UKOVTSViLLJi. NtLIlAbki " i. V. . Tit.ton O. IS. Ueaett ' .Church IIl'IUN. HE WE IT & CHURCHY Attoknevs a'j Law. , LliOVf N V 1 LLC, NKBitAfKA.. E W l H U.M AS, 'Hie' !Wer C.Uuiip S me, LhOM N VlLLK, NhliRA&KA. ' ' ; ' AVAI .' :McLL N AN, V iT,T' A 1 1 o i-11 (i ); : A t . L a w -m;kv.aica iTr. kkbrska. ' ' '' 1 Ciiio.Eii t N YE;, j (" y j v ljiw.iva:. . Wjiti CLAIM AG EXT, PA WNEt l ITY, MtBitASIiA. . , GEORGE MARION, i'?aler i i . . , , , Dry Goods, Grocelics" fJSS & " ' Xoliiius. Foot cf Main Street liear Levee, B:iOvxv:i.LE, 1350. ' 4 - Eitablishod-- ' 1S58- WM. T. DEN, . ' Vrhotesiie and Rta1l ileler fn ! GENERAL MEUCH I -IN DIS bZ Corn Planters,5. Flaws, Stove-, Furniture COMMISSION AXD FOR WA R DIX G MERCIIAXT Mam street bet Levee and lt, BR0WNV1LLK, .NEBRASKA.. -;-J Hirjhesl market price paid for Hides, Pells. Furs and Produce, by . VVJl.T.DtM. G. M. HENDERSON. Dealer in Foreign aud Dooieitic , DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES M,in bet. Ut and 21 Sts., 'x Brownville Nebrask. CHARLES BRIEGEL . BEEtt HALL, LUNCH ROOM AND UUUT GROCERY STORK, M in l.i'i li nd ad tin . . EEOWft VILLE, ME2EAlKA. j. L. Mcgee & coM .'. Dialers in GENEIJAL MERCHANDISE. iltlJberri'8 Blink, il.iin treet, ! ' ' ' BRONVILLB NKBRASKa." - wi G W. GARRISON, ' ; CITY R E 8 T A U-R A N T Southi-ide Miin between Island 2r,d ftrect. . BROWN VILLE. NEBRASKA. Meal? at ii!l Hcori, offer Rc-ruln P..:udfrS,8t the sual rates.- 12-1 1 -1 y : J . STEVENSON, ' -i V, O, CKOSS S T J I V I I O T K L- STEVENSON k CROSS.' ProprieVoi.s : On Lpvee St.; between Malh & Atlantic,' buownville Nebraska: :r .TliU Hiiu is convenient - tr the Steam B:tt Lrtnini, nd the iuine fwirt f Towi.. Tte Ket "tMHiiiiiodatinns in Um Uur.' N p.i n will be imr.l n mnin suet einii'iirtaVile. j Jr (''i-wi S.ahtH im1 O trril fmivonient ' 1.,'the 1I0G-. -i . iT!' .7 (;oil 'tent ann Lvrcty Sf-jMe in con- : vnfinn with the f louse. t.. B. ROBISOK," Propnt-tcr, . rroM .ir-v.- iWen ilu-H-and 'iert ........ tlttW KT1LI K, XORACA. . - Drwila, Salt. Axes. P.wder. .-hot and lad t J iv v v 2 piitm r .i 1 A a XJ V ' - " " - . iHiscellancbusV . ; JONAS HACKER, v - : r r Tax r !! r or f if tl.e Ciiv of Brownvi!! FKiZ attend tothe payment of Toxetfor non-retident lanaoxcncrtin flemana Lovnr. Lorres . j-jonden e Solicited.- ' ' Ofllce'n Alain Let. li ao 1 2d, : HBOWNVILLE,' XEHRASKA. . , . .S.MlTH.rP.- TUTTLjK. , I S. As.vntaut At&etstr and f'laxm Agent. W'l! at tend to the Prottcwion of nlm befir the Depart ment for Jld Bounty BackPay mnd Pension $ Also, to the Collection cf Semi-Aunual sue on Pentium, Office 'over Caracas Bank' Jlalti bt'reet, li ROWS V I LLE, NEBBASICA. ,r A. STAFFORD, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Persons wishing Pictures executed in the latest style of the Art ieill pteasecail at my Art Gallery. . ;Main siieet bet. 1st and 2d street.- ' BUOWy VILLE, NEBRASKA. I. II. CL AG GET &, CO., BILLIARD HALL AND SALOON Basement of' Wbitcey's. Block, Main bet. 1st &. 2d Sts BROWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. The Best of Liquors kept Const an' I j on Hand. - - MRS? j7ii.G RAH AM, TEACHER O F MUSIC LESSONS ClE.V ON THE PIANO," ORGAN, MELODEON. GUITAR AND VOCALIZATION. Having had eight years experience as Teacher o Music'in Xew York is confident cf giving satisfaction. Rooms Main, bet. 4ih&,-5-h sis. lo-ly BROlVXriLLE, KKDKASKA. J. W. SMITH. BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER Mwn St., 5th door rom S Y cor 2nd St. BROWN VI L.LE. NK13RASK A - ";r5rMAR S HV ' NEWS DEPOT NO I. SCIiCUL BOOKS, '-STATIONERY, &c., P-oft Office. Alain St., BROWI7 VILLE, EEBEASEA. CITY D O OK AND JfE WS DEPOT Til EO.C HACKER. (successor to A. D. AIARS'J & CO.,) Book-Seller, -Ftaiirner aiidNtws Agent, S jnth siue Main Street, BROWN VI LIjE. NEBRASKA. Hcai KEISWETTER i EARSMAN, ? , Butcher., A CITY MEAT MARKET, Main bet, ist'and 2nd Sts., BE OWL' VILLE, NEBRASKA. e. h: burchess, L AN DS CAPE 'ti A R D N E R 1 1 n o w x v 3 : li. 1:, x e tin a s k a . Will attend to Pruning nn l I'l-mtiii Vinyord and Oreim rds in any f rt f th Country, nt ie onibio r:;ti-s. All rdvrv yrnmptly BtttnJcd ti . O.-ti.hor 2t)'lC7" '.. . "'J -ly STORAGE, F0 II WA 11 D I KG axd Commission Merchants, "... , aivd Dealers in v ..Ml ' 1 - . . . . 1 ; 1 1 I 1 ' . All kind of Grnin for which thfypay th hijhpst Markfi Price in ta.h T r V BROWNyiLLE, NEBRASKA GEO. Vi. DOitSEV. LUTHER HO ADI.JKY. CHAS O VOKSET D0RSE1'. HOADLEV & CO., R EA L ESTATE AGENTS, and Eealers in Land warrants.aud Agricultural College fccrip. - Office in Land Ojjice Building, '" I3r o wiivlllo, TCTpt. ; Bey nd sell improved find ' nninvnreved Rands. Buy Seir.slnd loo;it Land Warrants,. and agri cultural ollrgo Scrip. - Make careful selections of government Land. for locution, Homestend, apd pro-emptions. Attend to ronfer'eil H"r' t 'c -rrrt;':"i cases, ic the Lm.A oEtt LetUrs of inquiry, prcmpny and cnetrfully nn swered. B3r Correspondence Solicited jg2ot CHARLES IIELLMERi Mam St 2 doors below BrowiiviU House, ' ' BRO VTI'TVILLE li T lias on hand a superior stock of Boots and Sb cs jnd tbiTXiest tonterial and ability fi.r doing CUSTOM WORK Repairing done icith neatness and dispalrh 'yr . rJoT-a-t3.3 CSiXilx. Jn.nn A.. "iU'imNSON, mm:- Main Between tt 84 2d Street Urownvillo Wotoraolttt iT.ike tbi. ni-thiid of infn minR the publn- 1 1 at be nag on band .vplt'ndii! ass.irtnJut of Gent'sand Ijldic's. Mis.-cs'aBd ChililreOs's . . .' . y HOOTS AND RHOKS. E3"C"ton t ork done lib nealreas and l"':patc43 T IJ"plrin5 dfttse n jhrt nntiee. . 10-20 (una Tin ft ttt ttlit n,Trn r ? FRAI-izj HELMER:--;'. i''' ",1 , TT..T :j OP rOSITE DEllSFJrS Tl N -SHO f , IVAOONS. RIGGIES. pr.otvs. CUf.Tf- VII O KM, ir. , Repan ed ..n hart notice, at low rates bd warrautedtoglvesaiialactloni x-U-ra,nn EITfil'SEllMES, , , i' iWiilten for the Advertiser. v i Tlie SunseMand. . If MAI.LTB. k, xnkrij an eve ivhen tbo fltj is bright, f "When the beavens are dceplj blue, , WLcu tb?" wind swimj up with a winsome ligbt, And tbo utars Mna brigbtlj through, I dream tlr, . ':.. .j . ( " . i': 1. 1 .: - ' (J-'.l back to mo ' my "A b nJ vu the sunset fhr-re, , Where wayo dark pines " ' ' . : O.'er hidden mines, " ( ' ' 11 1 feet bath t ressed before. . . : : 1 i . . ; ' . . . Atd many a morn when the eartb if fair And iho lark's wild or rings clear, Sweet visions steal through the empty air - Away from the finished years. .. ii Oh ! had I the wings ;... Of tbe bird that sings, ;i , , , . , , I would fpeed o'er the trackless main, , f . Where,' lingeringiy, ' ;, By the euaet sea, . Those years I'd woo agiLn. . . , But the voiceiess vears and the vanished elime, ' Of my lifo are a hidden past Fot tLcir m- in ry is dsmd with the tears of time And kept in uay sacred heart. ! .' Flow jwi'lly tear-s, .';- For the peerless years j. Are locked in eternal rest;' " , . ,- In dust they lio, . - . ( , Whilt musing, I , . , .. ; Look out to tie sunset west. , ? -,- When thd golden Oriolo plumbd bis wing, And the huntsman's hern was heard.- And the steam'.et? voiee in its wandering ' Was free as the kingly bird " ' '' ' Ou the mountains ercst, -! v ' ' ' fn the far ,ff West,: r '! " " Was my heme cf the cherished pa, 1 '. Where swift and sweet r. ' . Beneath my feet; 'I .1 - Lire's fiiweri were thickly ft.'f !, 7K.. The flowers have dropt from youth's fair shrine, , And ilic jears rill return no more, But theriigrant breath Of the wandering winds "Cvines, comes from tiie sunlit shore; ' !7And pnantnms fair ' - ' :i ' ' Through 'the hoiselc.-s nir, ' 0rircs3u.e with .-gret;: 1 - - T . 1 1 , . .. .. . ' -. ' - Sweet whipers coma ' ' From lips ntw duinb, tr.Whe-Ueris I novur can forget. . Oh ! linger winds of the far off land, . ; And voices of burried times, ,. . r. And blow ye waves from the golden strand, With the mui muring song of the pine ; fj , For unto me f , . , Thy songs sh.ill be . '(. , :, Arhttm wiih memories rifo . Whose melody . . -ShHll cling to mo . ' , " i - - ft ; ' , To the Sunset .Shore of Life I ' ' " : '- f Written for the Aavirtisir: :n t Pray tell us of Vavslf, w"a art thou, -we would "1 VII.';,. '. -! K.t know, i - , Why d in thii'n all tbii freedom taka with all both high and .W, You blaniti- Xi 10 cliecl-'orvirgins fair 'inake eben '-';-'-"hairtx.rn grey,"' ' r !: 7 The tn'gbti-st r;ne of earib yau bowiani kings t . must owii your sway. : ' '' ' V. ' (-::" -:'V,T " ; " T . ..-,.:"' Lured by the priia. in future .beJd, onr youth we glide away;,., ?.,';;,.. ,. ,', , -, Ttose good old.timss you gto I, from aP, and , lea vista present day, et- . .,. A.w.ll l..ved fiiend. the good old year, you would . not let rem iin, . , Round us its genial warmlb was cast, and fields ol golden grain. . You lookit your rekntless grasp, s:zeJ and bore it away',; ; '' ' P-'-'O '- o 1 And u.-hered in a saucy youth wh? tales wUh iron away;- - --- Ile seem resolved to try bis pjower,' binds a I ior'icy chains, .1 1 Thus far and near bis power7 is felt nnd over oil be : '. I-. . u.. "i reigns.. We hope yo'if influence he miy feel, as you havo -.i lived of yore, ' V ' - "- ; '- j'-'' Temper bis feeling, make him mi.d, we'll pine for past no more, ". Tell him the years now gone and dead, were unto '. , moHaU kind , -Thocrops with gentle showers blessed, ar.d tempered well the wind. ; , Say who art thou with power to do all, nil wq cnbe to thee, , Who bids renewed scenes ar'so, and bids tho oil ' ' ones fl-'a; ' Who maki s lffo youn-; man's hope to droop, tho o'J uiHn'ejears to fail, '' You" tuh'the bloom frn beauty's eheek and make -'' the boldest quail. ' : - ; . iy name ' iwe. I kneW thee well, was prj entat ; tby birth, . .... ; ..i ! ; - i; , - Was present at crcaton's dawn., will see the last of . earth. ; ; , ; t; ; Am with yon all, and. Lare niiU each, the crone or . viliag : bi'Uc. , i- . f . . i . .. In joy or grief the coming year kind friends 1'ni with you atill 1 1, . , r . Profits of tiie Pari E.xpo.-iTioy. It Bi piears' th.ii,, the Grerinii-rji ' "yf, h Coy of Paris n rid t'itt Coiiipaoy. or Soci cts dt Garaiiiie, will -ch have made a companies, having sohsrnbed oU0 ,000 .,a.:w..,u wiiuo vw nuo eacn meniner of the Itiinritl Cuii.rni3i(in hav. nig -u!.r-interd-25 000 Tranks S4Q0. iNeitner ihe fubsenner nor ihe' (Jompa nv will' h6evet4 accpp( th-ir sliafe 'of thtrprofitsi inasiinich as ih'y did noi wishi and "these three millions be deVate'd id .............. . . '.-.-.... some tlraritabi million ooilars ry tne late exposition, pf- . , , ' , . " ' ' notwrthstandtng the rroteciive tariff, and .er deducing" .fron. .the: receiuis the a:; u5f'. an.f al iCOfRten,ef?; it'istery natural foremen who have been mountsof their several, subscription.' or distances nops their Jines of travel.. reCeivicg sixty cents a pound to look 'm donation's ; "while" each of the "railway As these were flowing wells, trees were i forty cents as poor cav. Seme are r! 'P'lL-mr," 'VrVi -n wersadvanc- into the inteViof-failrng " niasters ta ab.n-' probable ihe Government and City will. - -. - I don ihetf plan.?, and tUncre iheif tr-ck - al-d feline their share of th- fits; 6 ?? ? f MTJQi. it fzvutJi uii,A tt l l.U. S Nebraska utilise I ii.: '- BRO VTN VILLE, ' KEl J AKCARY 131563.' FARMER'S DEPARTMENT Utllily of Forests In tiie Ecoaowj vv, ; of Nature. - - What is tlie use of Forests ? " What part do ihey piay in catare ?' Are tbey of any "utility 'to niaa. except in the pro' duciion of lumber aiid fu!?' Then ar, tiuesiions that until recently have but lit tle occupied 'the attention "of either, tl" Aoric;urtdriat'(jr Mjo'- Science. ' V av.i ' iircl' su-p'Ctfd thai trees had any n. fluency upon the. wea-h-r Th" ci-n.- of meteorology is even nov; in its mfan- cy. Lutuyii u nowever known to prove that Forests, anu" even fcat!'erinT Tree?, like mountains, under ' favoring circum: stances, cause tne formation of invisible vapor into' clouds." and the prec'ipilation of water to the eartn. lne attrospnere always contains niore'or Jes vapor, even '. '. , ,.At J-L .Li. .C ' ..,..r T-t ' wnen tne tKy appears uiu ntmesii. ili1 air is never to dry in the hfMiest' vved'heT but that a considerable reduction of tern perature in any stratum of the aimos- phf r,' will immediately form'clouds, and if the 'chaos a Ts great. or sufficipntty rap id, rain' is "pfecipitated ' to " ther eanh'. There are always" several distinct strata inl ine' atmosphere, generally'' moVing in different1 dfrectidns. 'and 'post'ess,if ,va" rious degrees of temperature. ''' When' these strata, fro,m anv cnu?e. are more or less, mied, .the temperature of .one or more is lowered, ciouds are, formed, and if r f . sufficient density, rain falls. Elecuiciiy has much tudo iu all meteor iiliijicl pht-nonieoa.; Dryiair is a poor conductor almost an absolute non-con ductor ofelecirici,;yTa.e.straU "of air are in various eJectrjcal conditions at dilferent times and generally difffrent rom the earth. .Uhftever. extends hih into the air has a consiant tendency f tualize the electrical cohdifions of the ower portions of the atmosphere , with the earth.. Tnus mountains, trees, spires. and ascending columns of smoke, are sometimes, conducting electricity to 4 jhe earth and sometimes from jt. The effect of this. is to facilitate -lhe mixing of the lower stratum nnd eir in higher regions: Maby 'meteorologists., believe that .'nb- ."traciing: ele ctrictty from the air lessens its capacity for moisture, and that clouds and rain are thus formed. I3e this as it rh'ajv:tha 1 'forests great' fires.'aid'' ascen ding colums of tmoke. more 'or less affect the weather, are'well known facts." V Large conflagration?, and great battles are a!mo' invariably followed by rain. Countries, once partially covered by for ests, and remarkable for fertility, after being detruded, have become deserts. Thus the Cape diVerde Islands so nim; ed from their greenness," have been strip ped of ' their uresis-bv their improvident inhabitants, since which time they suffer terribly, frpdi .periodic dioughts, some times no rain falling for three yars at a time, and 30 000 fob ah hints one-third of the pupulaiiin have, perished.?; Thus amine cuts duwii ih inriamtants as pit tilt-s?ly as they .cut down . the protecting irees. Palestine the jand of Canaan once the most favored spot of earth a land flowing with milk and hotrey since he Cedars of. Lebanot have-been swept away, is sterile aJmot barren, and ma ny cf the surrounding-., countries, once teeming with the densest populations, are now tmcklcss . de.-erts. over, which only wild beaf'.s and a few reaming Arabs evef pass. On the other hand. Egypt, which from the remote antiquity has been t-.p ! en of t a rainless region, since Moham et Ah, She present ruler,. has made his i - - . - - - - - . immeiise plauiaiiona of , irees, -. within a few, years, to the astonishment of the na tives, lias been visiied. by frequent show-, ers. The'grect desert of, Sahara, is be, ginning 10 give thai it can all be reclaimed and brought under cultiva lion... At the outskirts, cf soma of tha Oases the French colonists, a few years ago," commeiiced digging artesian wells. The Iohammedans.. seeing that water could thus be obtained, continued the! planted around them for shade, and thus nevy 0 i?es- wrtf arlifiCial!y produced. Bit -'- f - the most remlfkable eneci arising from. ! . - - ;.- - . - - ... these labors i.- thai in proponioii ai lhe. i trees planted around . ib . epges cf. the : since .the world bgari.- -rr-r".:. . - . .- -: , . V 'of sh.jv.ers, hut ..they ,ai-t like halanc wheels in machinery.. .-They prevent too sudden charges, and too great extremes either of wet or. drouth.. ,;They:crob ably do-, not increa63 .tna.terily.1h9.-. ao tual amount of raio.tha falls jn. the ATorld ': '"ll'" l... .1 10 any one .yeur .uui iixiey eijtiu.iiit; Jia distribution, both as, to time and place. They also prevent too rapid evaporation from the roil. Springs, aud streams are more abundant and , njore regular. in a timbered country ..before- the forest are cleared. away. ... It would seem unnecessary in this prai rie State, to assert the importance of. planting trees were it not thai our farm ers so shamefully neglect it. X.o, avoid j ,his Juggh i.ithy, they cannot be urg ed too often ; they should have line upon line and precept upon precept ; every ar-; . -t ij l." .'.''' .1 . ".." guineni 5110UIU ue ..uiuiifu iu i.ucir.cai'. until they fully awoke to the importance of speedy, and continued action in this matter. There is no crop, that will pay half so well in the lonrr run as Tree- ! Every tree that is planted not only in creases the value of the farm upon which it grows, but is of more or less benefit, to every individual in that community, . We know of farmers in this county, by' spending two or three days six and seven years ago. in planting young Cottonwood's, whose! farms' are thereby ncreised in 'market value, from ' five hundred to one thousand dollars. It was par: of the creed of. Zoroaster. a Persian j'hilosopner and tounder ot one 'of the purest forms of reTi'gion of any of the heathen nations thpt no able bodied man could be a saint unless ,he had, a mong other thicgs, been the father Of at. least one child, and planted at eat one tree.. . Jt.. would be . a great btjnefK tothe western country, if some super stitrousi notion, oonp;e!led ; every tnaa to plant and protect a hundred tree3.-. " : ,e are glad.-however, to notice thai farmers are paying more and tentioa-evory year to planting.; not only various kinds of fruit. trees, but ornamen tal and. forest trees. Many are trim ming up and thinning out the young lim ber that hasgrown spontaneously upon the -bluffs and along the streams, thus en abling the trqes that remain to grow as much in one yar as heretofore in three. Every yecr thousands of youcg ccttoV. wocds are taken from. the sandbars on the Missouri, and planted on the prairie. TJuL few now take a. homestead er cpen up;a new far.m, .without as socn as pas sible planting, a well selected orchard. We believe when orchards, hedges, and timber of vanouskinds, -are planted cn the plains back one or two hundred miles frum the Missouri river, the climate' v. ill be materially modified; there will be less danger 0: drought or wet tveatner, the winters will be warmer, and the sum- r.ieis not so extremely hot, and people will forget that they ever complained of this country being windy. If there is any portion of ihe country between the Missouri and' the-mountains,1 formerly known as -the great American Desert; that is sterile or unproductive, it will all be ' reclainied when" the plains 'become checkered with orchards and trees, 'unless it ts a few ". incrnsiderable streaks of sand; : ; The Wool,- TAnirp. The . impdria tiuas into the port of New York', for the first quarter .of 1SG7, as shown by the Custom House figures, were of raw wool, exc-pt .flocks. 5 242,315 pound-, and of manufactured wool S10.019 014 ; . for the second quarter, raw wool 8,512.021 -o-.icd;! and uf manufactured wool. t5, 195,063. making the aggregate imports fur ihe hrst b If the present year 13 754 336 pounds of raw wool, and of manufac tured wool to ile value cf 15.214. 107. Tads jt seen by reference to last year's siutisiics, that .he ftiliwg c!f from the imports of the first half of 1S6G has been 20.250.110 pounds, of raw wool. Kulher a clincher in favor of the effica-. cacy of the new lanff, and a showiiig which ought, to afford many grains of .t-vmfort to the wool growers of the coun try it they look into the future. Am. Agriculturist. ' - :' . . UALL w; e' Keep cp our Flcce3 t The '-Am. Agriculturist" says. -We're-gret the tone cf despondency which per vades so'many of our exchanges' in re gardb wool .gn wing. Wool is o'dwu, dicing iheir flocks, aud others are seliin, out entirely..- A few, and we think tbsy . 1 - V . t ot u.- iow . pi i.e vi tueep 10 increase iheir flocks, and be ready f0f the" Hie which th-y think is sufe toV! 1 Th - 1 - j - - - . ,w ..ii . . 1 . . t 1 . . : . . ry, ir.ej mobij tin. m .liuisun siiita? ltd ti ihai i-li; ::! v,--",;.lP ' ItitiKt-itiiibifh UnfJ ' ...... 1., 1 ... i - . . j id J a e-mail tec.; -on handful 'itty 7 for -'six'ii'',nf!is a pretty large bundle; twenty handfuPtV day for. six months makes c.'uii-jtailc If each',ha'nd;ul . weighs : a. poujid .ltoj stack will waigh'" pound's' "or.neaV.y tworons. (HoV nmy farmpf ,kepin, twenty .'animals allow eicfi' toitviste -i1 ha'pdful or a pound 0 h iy a-'fay-fvrrslha'i wa'nt of a little, attention u ih! -feediuo arrangenlems ! A few 'straws at a :i!nn dropped here 'and ' there, aiid trdrnV-Ie Jr under, the feet, will Uoo'n niake a" ha-xr-" ful, and; we have seen nbover whaMbd' hand;ful amount j.K -This ii a smali m'j ter says 'one', but . upon just MicU maU matters depends" a nian's .uccess or Yaif ure. One man attends' ro iheui, arnu' the end of twenty .oH thirty -yea i- his a pi V T A I K T b ' ft i tji T ' H A il n E L S . ' ; S P v e I i ier.-ons have .'sent -usi dh"ir -' j'net 1:J-J ft leaosicg Meal Btrrels. fro:1! uiiicii jtuj elect ihe f'o;Iowing. : E.' J. C;!e..,I -ivj,)i fa.-hes ih'e 'barret , .first, and cru-h-s jx ro'l of 'brimstone two inches "!onj. and p Hjj: -it on a snill fire, 'over-which 'he' ;ireris;. the barrel.; ;Tnen Vrick.-f njr placed updtr'.ihe edge of u'iflc.baifret.iar jive the' necessary draft. .The lirel K i I lowed "to remain', in this posMfoti until :he'brim?tone is consumed'.'. Another at Correy, Pennsylvania', ' says : tvFirP Mi"? "el, with -good h?y; (berd nsi .-m) pou,r on,, bailing ;atyry,,5 vf . '?b'.'. and iet'it'.Vtax.d until royl . be"; eperation if nt c'i?s'sa'ry.'r '.-'tj5;heY -Torrspondeni recommends soaking' thAni5 i.n boiling, hot : water.; and ashV. !Th essels ih:is treated m scalding; hix'J made sweet. Iu. ; , J .1 J Ji't "CuitRANT CuTriNGS Ai a late meeu; 2 -'"P the New Yorfc Farmer fChr a Mr. Quinn gave tha following dlft'CUinV for.m.inrrgiug- currant-' cutting"' Cl'rrant wood can be turned into a'phntUhpJyaVt t is 'grovn. by setting aiy,-rimejrq,rj' August to 'November." V would r'aka -fjuare, clean cut. have' the' g:Vo'dVJ.;ne, low that the young tootJets- thifif with co.; obstroctign, and . thn: vi& th 'Hrt cIoseiyaraTid. the bottqmSAbe um pr"r The full ;is decidedly jIiejloft t ;;.! w'corhrnetice' ope'fatio.ns,'.'becauVe in to doing,' one- gdts; a-'tw y eaH'rdu tf'irtj one. .If jt is -very. dry.: hh-- muiHrfr will be required. but generally; urthW "easoh the ground is ua.'mer f.hin-.tlia -itrndsphere and 95' per cen:isbci;iillive - Wool Giio'.vERS. The' Rational' As sociation cf Wool' Growers met'a'f.ntls. burga the last week in Noveh'ileV. Frilr!? the. published reports.; i: nay.b'e: inlirre-o? 'hat the attendaLce was not large, iL.tugui including some 'well knon x.r.mes.' committee Hvas appcinte'd""wj:th".pLver ta arrange with the Nationar Wool:'M,ti:y: ufacturesV Association fora'ex position. 'of .their respective - iLdu'strie at. such1 time and place r.s rr.ay. Ltva-frtieii upon. A-mee.irtg of the latter body his. mce been heM in New York,' at 'whi'Jh' itjvas vjted tj enter into ifse predict,' anl it is said ihat Chkgo'ihri piice selected for the purpose. ('owii- Gentleman. 1 . . , , . . -.. ; . . t ; -t :.l . Our agriculture has much'i a hcpaTrcra young men who having a Iov 'fcffirtP tng, the necessary cApnu-!, gooi fduca trion, and abundant energy., make upjheiw mfns to study farmir.g. su sune. jgrts;' ' ura I college, cf with some .'good pr.T' cal farmer, and theh seuii J tiowr. 'in "f country fcr life, determrxied h mkp f,;r ming, pay. It will ;iot be n-?Ly years? oeiore our.ngncuitural cii?z tutu ut hundreds of such iuzQL'-hru 'J-.'.'. , , : . .. ,.1. - jI ..-! - .. ' '.' -.-1 Li'.V:; Accoroing to Geofi'rey. Saia-. IIiIIare the highest authority' cd the :orig;:ij.c2 spciej.'the specu'i'j .thd: orila of our dc;neiia shsep, is unkn.orrrvA.ij that is certain is thai the preset .'rat:: originated far in the' Lasi ; Uie prj-j.i tivf. names 'Has and "Liouc, fot:ij irt the mo.-1 ancient Asiatic language, te mg preserved in cur own term Uj5!-. The choicest and probably the jargef. t lot of fine wool in the tvurtd, isr.pwHct, ed on the upper'fioor ot Jlessr.,. Davj,; Fis3 & Bane's exter.aive - warehouse. J a weighes abuut inree buridred th.j-ara pounds, and occupies a space ofli-fl estj in bight ; it 13 valued at about S175,Cu -' This is the consignment of a single deal-, er, and the product of-HarriiCiB-jd.Ij moat counties;,. Ohixi.. . II. W. BeecherVFarra . near PeeH kill has,35 acres. Th- sales ar-vuutijf to' about $3,750 in lS5j."anJaboui 3lV 000 the following year.' Six'Ijbrerraf.-v employed on the place, -which I?' ct.tV the secrets ol .it productivenssa: lr:it; tot about time to , discard tha ,cf: working a 200 'acre farm .witbctVlsirci man ? .'. . ... .-.. ...1 " ' '' '''' ' ' ' " -'''' -1 ' A ' The report of ih&'Cc.T.misiorl?r h5 General. Land Olilce shjvs, tbxt li:ierii iailliv,ns. of. acres crp-ullic li3 been disposed cf dur;r';; ;h5 pis: V?.ir; There is ytX rtuu.itz millicns cf acre, inri'-ding' tl tezi a-qairei 'Ru.ssran torn'tor i d 1. : .farmers 'icJ3 -tlsJar n:tj;iij fifty 6olits iu tilue ii h Cr,vv?.3i horse,- tieefi ti (-t.tDlj il" ,.-r? fthe Usstttft hi Lit hi:vj-.tH:';;i''J s Oi? E1 H A MJF C L ul ' 1 1 Y (a competence jfur. oidj ag-, au'ithnri ci4 elects' them., and is .always behti.dhif'it, he lives' a nef'dies. short in. pock an .1 short in .comfort.. ii! "J -r f "1 -1 : .. ; . ' )3 : 1 i 1 1 j . 1 ! hi ! j r; 1 ' rv 1 - .c . i ' ; r. "' ' 1 I J.tJ i i i I ! ea i ; r j r -i 1 j a- ' ar , 'at . 3 a " uj' e- U V3 'C, S 3; to , tJ I ca ; ia A jit t a- 1 tr nl :lf 1. 1 ti 9 CO i 31 t3 I ri ia cf ci f ci J 3- tr r t. a- - 0 1