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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1868)
M,(BjllWBlmWI""Wll; : jaiiyjj r. crimen, renter. - l . - --. ' Til 'h - 4.. ff : i .1.. '-"i-; . jf .' EW)Wi;VILLVTIIULiDAV, JAN. 8,c 15,CZ; ka City cn the 4th cf douaty is allowed "cne" delegate" c-r ""as luany as, it his "members in. the lower house cf" the giila'.ure. v.The :tasis, of representitic'n. is upon- thr total popula tion of tho 'conaty as -estreated fcy the Legislature cf 1665-6;'. " ' 1 ' ' c The call fcr'the State Republicaq.cca; Tenticn held in BrownTiUe, September 6.h, 1SG6, fays : - ' 'It is hoped tLat the prirndry meet ings ia the various counties will Is gen erally attended to the end that the choice cf the 'Uuicn voters of 'Nebraska'may be fully reflected in the convention." ' "', This is a radically diilerent but much belter basis cf representation .than t.hq cne adopted by the ; Chairman .of; the present Central Committer?.' Why. was not this basis adopted in' the 'present call? This is' a. question the . Republi cans of this portion jef ,ths State would like to have answered. ' ' At the last State election; Nemina cast C05 Republican votes, (3toe 445, R Teh ardsoa Douglas G99, Cass 573., -, . By the present basis Otoe, county with 150 votes less than Nemaha has one more delegate and Douglass"1 'wittx 'less than one hundred more voters' has' two more delegates, and Otoe has cne dele gate mere than Richarson, and'one more than Cass,i while, she has at leas' cne Hundred and twenty-fire less Republican-YGtes'as shown ty,.bur last state eVq- tjcn..' There is co fairness In euch, a ba- sis cf representation, and we ask that iv be reversed, "by tfie State Central Ccmit tee. If anajorilycf thai Committee has edviccd that the call be cade as publisL .-. ....... : , cd, tlien we submit under protest.. .If a convention is. act so organized, as tore-. fleet th8 will cf these whece interests it represents, ihen its action will faif to command the respect and confidence cf the pecple.Repulhcan voters are gen era.lly of the in telligenjt -class of. commu nity, and when their' rights are re?pecf: ei the - octiGa of their 'Conventions' has the force of law' viih them,, and while, rather than lend their influence to disor gtinifing the partyr. they : -will submit. i.o roiae ' intrerchment -jopoh' their :claimr, ( T ti 11 , ; when oft r epe at e d ; sub m ission ceas- es to be a virtue. lions thculci be conducted with all. fair ces, aixl no cause. for! -complaint should be tolerated ;:' ' v:" - The committee have doubtless issued this call without much reflection, intend ing no wrong to any portion of the State, and will doubtless review their action in the premises, if they should be 'of the crimen on' more mature reflection, that -." . ......... ' - i. . . theCounties would be unequally rep resented under the present call. We have co objection to the time and place. - The Election The result of the election held in this County cn the 7th inst., for and against the isauicg cf the ' bonds cf the County to aid in the construction of the.B Ft K & P R R, is still in doubt. The friends cf the Railroad -and the opposition both . claim the election. 'It is impossible to eay at the present' writing which way the election has gone. Nearly eleven hundred votes were poll ed, tad almost fifteen hundred names registered. Nebraska. Neiis. Mr. and Mrs. N. P Isaac, of Omaha, celebrated their silver wedding anniver f try on the 2d inst. The presentations1 were valued at S 110. ' . The employees of the Union Pacific Railroad presented Mr. Butterfield the. Superintendent of bridgo building, with i an elegant watch and chain in token cf : their esteem. They also presented his lady with a beautiful silver table sett. A temporary bridge across the Mis cittippi river at Omaha h cow complet ed. By. this aarangement loaded cars from Chicago pass "oyer two great rivers and three State! to Cheyenne, without breaking bulk. . , .. IA. J. Ri'tcr, cf Saint Deroin,- in this ocenty, recently shipped to the eastern market a large number cf fat cattle. The health cf Major Taflfe, we learn, is" eo far improved that he contemplates starting for Washington next week. : The can of the U P R R, were thrown cST the track near Pine ;BIufT etaticn in .consequence of a stringer cf-the bridge being burned. The strength of the rail earned tie crgine safely ever, bat it 'gave"way under the load cf the baggage ear..' - : , , -The train ley Chsrles Kepyca bed an arm broken, and tlzr dhlocatsd.- Some cf the pssscrgers were &Z"7 jUThe Omaha Herald is cf the 'opinion tht there is a sharp rivalry; between Ce-atcrt Tipton and Ttayer, ana tajs that Ti'ptcn has the inside track. t""""T T77 ZT7 7 ' lY appraised and settled for the fees col ' " ' , . , . , ,. 0 Iccted, glJ esuay iiioney receiveu. Unnk1? The Chairman cfihe Republican State ' . 3 . ' , M. uuua. a Li cAVeWoi to be held at KeW " .f 'f1 uP""sr' "f 'f t r'faChTtoa LWhe - 1 -t. . . . !, J ' - - Ths County Commissioners cf Nema ha County convened on the 6th inst in regular session in Brownville. Present, F. G. HeW--h; Phillip Starr and Jame3 I ., 'rri&n.-.r.H ?e. ,y I 5 Three roa oads of local i ;poriar :3 j for, and ccr issiorl s ; ?r to viev., indicate Ld sarau- iff petitioned fcrpointea found practicable. I The agreement made with the R It Ccmp.ny.was read p r r cvg Ayjxnd-gprji ai-1 upon the records. The Justices cf the Peace of the Coun" tor laying out roao?, ana ior lue . i allowed. 4 Icrelgn'Kc " onnscn'lJuVlibsameo'um'nlster to China, h"as teen appoirifetl by the Em peror of that gqvefnment, asjpecial em bassador to the treaty .powers to revise the treaty hem een. the great powers and China, and. to settle the conflicting ques tion arisen the : All hcp"s c' J' .f ccaferei.Ctf to - -'i -jt .r.ti..) are now abacd.... The head-centers cf Ireland are giicg the English goverhmeriurouble. Arrest are beibg mcuie. daily; 1 ' ,' , The Fenian hea.d-cen'ter of 'Europe has been lately, discovered. to 'be -in Paris. The leaders have been seized by French authority and. forwarded to.Epgland. Dr. Livingtoa, the." Aflrican traveler, is alive and well. Positive advices just received from Affrica leave "'no longer any doubt of his safety. Victor Emanuel sraid ia a rpeech on the 2d ult., that it was'the'ecanimous decree of Italy that 'Rome must be the capital of the nation,' but'- that' the people must be patient. - - - - King Victor Emanuef caya that Italy is passing through a crisis, and advises the Parliament and people to be cairn. It is now known that the Itallian gov ernment fa vqred the. recent .movement of General Garibaldi cn Rome.' a. - Latest StatCCuS. The Democratic'"' State" Convention which met in .Nebraska, City; yesterday for the purpose of -selecting Delegates to the National Democratic 'Convention, elected Morten, Black and Crawford as Delegate?, and Smith, Porter and Miller Alternates. "r- ' General Kens. There is an irrprovVoT tone and feel ing in business circles, ; and money balance-sheet show better results than was anticipated on the heavy decline in mer chandise during the past year, and a more, hopeful feeling ir regard to the future is prevafent.-- r'-A It is said that Seymour gave'a favora ble reply to the request fcf 'prominent Democrats of New York that he should allow his. name Jo go 'before the Demo cratic Convention jas a candidate for the Presidency.- J. -. Gen. Grant. has .been nominated for the Presidency in various sections of the country, by parties who ignore all politi cal parties and platforms. . : Gen. Howard reports that the rumored destitution at the South". 'is greatly exag gerated by ' politicians' and planters who are interested in -reducing the "price of labor. :' 1 :; V: :- - - ' - " , - Communicated. t. CItII GoTerninent in tbe Unltefl 1 ..B tatC5u: Law, in a "general and comprehensive sense, signifies 'a-rule -cf action," and maV he applied toall kinds'cf action; ah imate and .inanimate. Thus we. say the f'.r- .V' ;J t-' ' L 'it .t . ' ' -f - jaws 01 me universe, me laws 01 nature the lavs of states' and cf cations. .' Al created existence is subject to law; law is everywhere, and everything is subject to it. . r ; - . n ' - When the Supreme Baing created ;the universe and all that it contains, He also established certain principles by which his rreation should be governed, which we call law ; and ihese principles which govern the material world around us, we call the law cf nature. These'laws are always the same they are as unchang'a ble as God himself ; thus Spring, Sum roer, Autumn and Winter follow in their regular order from year to year, and from age to age, without the least change cr variableness. And as we decend lower in the scale of creation, we see the same irrmutability -prevails every tree, shrub and plant springs from the earth. attains its growth ana maturity, accord ing to certain fixed laws. Thus 'the earth everywhere gies the most positive proof that nothing is the mere work of chance, but that an things are m harmo ny with cne another, and ia accordance with the great and nxeu principles which we denominate laws, rrominis we ob serve that God the.creatcr cf all'ihings, is the great law giver,' cr the great cen ter from which all' law eraenates. This is a matter uf necessity f rem the weak cess cf human nature' that the Supreme Being who is infinite in wisdom, good ness and poweri shoold be our law giver as well as our great judge and ruler. Law, then, is a rule of action, dictated by d superior for the benefit and govern ment cf an inferior, and these; creatures which have no power to think ' cr -will must necessarialy obey the law of the superior sq lccg as the creature continues to exist," for its existance depends upon obediance. And "man,' considered only' as a creature j must in the same manner be subject to the law of his creator. But man, considered intellectually and social ly, ha the power to choose his rules' 'of conduct,-of the laws ty fwhich' he' shall be governed in; his intercourse' with-his fellow mariwhiih ' laws are called hu c;an'laws.': ' -' :- ' : 'Human laws will bs lh&' subject cf ccr future investigation."" : JUNIUS." ca , It is belived that Jame3 Euchanan w ill cot 'live through the winter. i a A Washington special says Mr. Stan tec's rercrt will fully exhcnor&je him from all f e charges made against him hv r T'.'-M.' It '-jII thr -v.' tiuc lig. t upc: the secret uii :i cf the ?re: idc tonn .ny quertiensn: retof :re i .rou de indc b tnys? ry.v ; ' ' V - "General Ieau3 Has luen fen; to At- lanta by the Prestdent as comr.ander cf the Fourth Military District under f pec ia I j Mtruction o-follp r.tho-pel icyin- augurated by Gen. Hancock at New Or- Kaaay II il O ' 1 a - A .V O , acCount of a youn? mnn who committed 1 ' , e lert ; inat novel reading 'was "the cause 'of"' deed. ' That class pi books is (jne cf the causes of nns "jfy'in the world." Misery ' Who' can ever tell how much' humanity cansufte'r'T How the wail ofwoe is heard m every con- anion oi lire; yet man nana tne cup of sor'row'to his brother ? -V ." : ' He 'sup's ahd'suf- l . I ! J i ings cf humanity, let the cause of 'that sufTeringbe what.ijmay.' 'Nbman' can have ra uch - rooijuess. ; in j his 'character, who can know of the. wantlhe woe,. the heart aching, the spirit:longing lost cbijdre'a of eVrtb, ar.d not, feel pang? of grief pierce his own heart. fuc,i 4l3 . ' The ChrjsC our elder- brother, whose beautiful. character we should constantly study, and ever try to imitate;, carn.9 to. seek and aerv'e those who werejost... He wept over Jerusalem. 1 That cltylying in " S 1" : r j"' M Jill" i .3 Jt''Z.-.:J wicxeaness, anu uoomeu 10 uesiruciion. No man has much of a" claim to goodpess of suffering; therefoxe 'young men and womea 1 cuences. "Werf if no'' huniin : mind 'had ever'exprissVd i'tself :in written untiif hadAeen christianized-'unta it "had teen made ubnHis.VfTections are placedt 'opbnfof-) bidden objects; his 'spintual vision' is darkenedj.nayt riei3blina unUl his na- ture is spiritualized jay the .instruction tt- u- w: ' i.i-- t, L xn?: "rnr, J" V.a.f , '.V HYm lf.8 .ain- pr " tn Inst man. and until. he rtKsvt tha er spake,; ne is noi capaoteci gorernin t . 11. himself 'or teaching others. " There" js 'an u'ncontrolable'1 desire in the human minJ'to give utterance to its thoughts. ', Th .(s'.true, .ootji, to ; the gpod and th bad maDi.iTi is true-that there are many who hare'nerer penned' thSir iaspiratioo, yet there 13 -a'stranffeL'tnys-' " -' I terieus influence which compels some' lb " writer And therein- not a man. however' highly cultured his enure ratnre may be AviiQ uoes not ieei stuuc kiuu oi sn mnu- ' t. i..' mL'. l - n.-.f -:.'; i.j ... ; UCilV I'UC1 Ul llilUU. Ik WUUJJ BCCU, UaS I the miter to the reader; And' thooffh their minds are inditldualizedi yet:in a certain-sense, they are one.- This pow er of. individual minds, becoming one, was expressed by ine Saviour, asha was about to leave the world in ner'snn. ' tn n full "knowledge of the myaterv of "mind; the writincs of Paine ? His bold, rprlr- les attack upon'the Bible, was' worthy the deep nepravity or tne ivil Une." His reasoning shows, not only a misrepresent tat.ion. but an utter ignorance of the spir- it, of Chri"siianiiy, and the teariino-s of Christ, uncultured. reiiu ilia luiauiuus vvriimsis, ana wanafr I 1 V . , ' . " I ot a sensative nature jo ruins, ha nrn. duced breams of perfected trovernraenta. 1 and wild fancies of ideal beautv: men gaze" upon these bewildering ' picture '.. . s. ,. i . . r. ... V. until tne nenaisn cnarm draws tnem in- to th same wreck of mind with himseif. Voltaire, with his deep, hatred: for Christ, dressed up his blasphemous tho'ts in a brilliant drapery of expression, and who does not use h'13 talents, means and influence, xn removing the causesVf :,suf fpnn.. Novel readme is a frreat source " o ' , - - - - O , j o - . i:l V- ; ' !V " ,,ni1 1 '-'-"r1 tree, but if jadgeU according-' trj Scripture wo5ld 11 have ieinforeWorU we ihoi t!: anxentirely nouia es warnea 01 its, conss 1 .--.r-r -,r' va a partaker of the 'Divine nature... fiUan' 10 be, and occopy-morei space; ia' intellect is benighted; bewiidered, 'tis Per than lhtyl$$ morai'nature is fallen into' V low condi-' Soejt to sVy & waswell loaded. 'and he Draved to the Heaven v" FatW tr nowerstaiso appies ana candy. An- , rownTiji.Kb., his disciples might be one. :j .... other class of nine little girls received WitmbasV It has pieced U ., Who can ever tell ihe evil influnei nf frorri'their teacher' each an Alum Basket' the Universe, ihH is fasetaiab; men followed the false' slitter' to their and a Pasr of k,d b!oves aa1 a cravat, uretter &m w pred ti rowof glory in the,Cf ruin, and perhaps will follow it until the (Mrs. McKinztea n;b:i, dress pattern, ltiai ld-e aboT.. r-;-.r.r-- r r- MLord comes ia the clouds of heaven, to be admired of -all those who love his-ap. . rearing," and "takes vengeance on all who obPT not th truth." . nVhat 'have the coets rdone" for. tn world I . They are a strange kind of be mcs. iiis Gimcuit to rind a n ace fnr them. ,Thev are too refined and nin'-:i. i!o fnr fiifiK m'nA ' .:.;'.... i : l I " v.iu iwu uuk cjjuuuai ijiiuugti i for n par en. " riant wnnU Ko.a i I lage nis Inferno to find them a niche. - t7M. ' 1 . 1 1 J W " A Byron, with a sublimftv of thou writ eoscepvioh, and a refioeroeni of afTernnn 1 worthy of a woman's heart, vet he' ha weaknesses which placed him am on those cf the lowest moral attainment'' . ijurns, -caniy witty rhyming plough. man, possessed a power, perhaps une- oualled. with his simnla rivIp of trmr-.o. I l - - . . . A .-.w w .vuvuiut; i r n o r.nn-no n . wra niiavi v.. 1 1 n r .- i i mc twuiuj vi w ului i niiu ills niHinilra I sons; yet, nis piety and virtues were , I not cf the highest order. Sbaksoeare xht .trnnplv pifted man. vfm r . oj o---- r ; " I J end cf time, but whether any longer we j cannot human nature as nas no otner mortal, and then roted it to one of the gentlemen, at thir;y-eisat eenu was issued o th l&th day rf can infatuate his readers wiih his not five cents Vote; and S P: 1 Majors get l.M.VJ5ai7,S".ftV,,tie.V,.?h- i f-i . T ) , .t .. . ' . . .. fkA Feace foGago county, Ieh;,r:tarsab:e oatieJltt very classlcftl.ityle. It is? true,' nothing the cushion. vAftir ;singiDg aain the da7of Dec.,i867, and that eaid eaufe has bee" eo very bad has ever been said of hira. audiencq was dismissed, -arid all: weal adjourned to Jan. 30th, :o o'clock, a , Whdcarj finda heart-to;-find'fac!t with' home feeling that they, had , passed , a j ULHtljZ&i f 'V 1 Shaktpeare? -Yet the nature -cf the bok" very pleasant pvenicg : and no doabt ihe - : ,: . h has left to the worl.' is not calculate, children wiiralways IboVback upon it as , , . ed to elevcte anrTpury humanity. He, grgen fcpon'n tbeirlires: Total receipts fiO I OniIJL SQV S rriGIIu has carnec" k fame which he justly 'de-' cf.-the.eeeniog CS2,05.-; ' fnri'i ii-atvin rHuv "jo.,. serves he will have ihaf fame until the' We would have-been glad to have V ' ; ;f:iei'0 ' : 'r ot tayv It is not tb much intellect- here to enjoy; it r with,!bui we prje trecgth.'asciorRr culture,' and spir-' sume that home .attractions .proved tuo ual s i attainment, which carrya 'rain on to high1 destiny. '' ri' 1 'II'- in our dispainng. moods wccsld'titf dowrindweep our lives T away to think cf the many sources rf evil which exist, ac' thedepr'" ' - c! man. Rjt there is r '..right side - C picture. Although u. j is a wc ;i lying- in wickedn-' , v t lutiful spiiits ha ' pis llzzy beautiful spir r ? rr. vj brif 'a- sc over if c- it cor. tty to pwi; 3 in this life rsterv i.iuch of the anjiciic nature." E:t he mus; strive for it. j - i w He good, ancTc v e f w i 1 1 fail. i v.r. o t rrt 'j l" - -ir ' r-T mib xiXiiisJleiai-icjs andKtl humanity. VviL;ix v-ator Tipton. wilLpleAsa- accepts thanifs 'fof -'the toctidvolumes of the CongressionailGroba 'fcY:le Second Ses sion of jhe 39ih .Cocgre.s3 1 i ii m r . 'f VV- At ihg hour.-of. half past six o'c'oclJ: on Tuesday evening the 24'ifi ihsVihdocrs of the Semnary tiChapd!,fWere!j thrown open to'the'chirenAfierk'l.rush ensued ; alpressjoff eagerly,, for. the Christmas Tree, but tha fruit-wai hsf yet uforbidden',",fc(jAhat tf number had' to be sent miWti U '"rpa'r-' VW -.The Sabbah Schoel hildrenvvere seated on a" Vtatforni. ence, and white ath people ar- pouring through the large douSfe- doors we vill take a idok'ariterooni ings. In fro'n', cfltts.'.jyst Ibaclccf Jthe tree, we see sa largo white detteri on a dark grpund.'HAPPY ., GREETING TO ALL I'Iq front of thelatform, a "lue 10 "l8, ?H at differen1 j for. VftT was.verjrar from 1 fruit W0Uld longer thaa-I-wouU care In grearaxieryj .'Of '. -KUbaJcejjnr. Of Jsbm oMhe1 fruit -thd-diS u. s ir r 'cfcise3con3sttaMspeaicin! nrl clnrr.v i, :m.- Ar.. ... T.:: 6 - w vu""e: ".AUC;.iae' children Vf ft J -throUcrK ih'a ' trefi' tvnl I e t Tri U n T . JI. -iT!-J t -t"- -jwi-wa- caueu autr : " v" I S . V em wVa i3e pnru uurcn being ' . rJieu vnnsimas trees jrer? n.crc r;ue stthen thin liircfl, and sat do an;' -Yhe hearty laugh thaf'followed"- showed 'that tne audience' appreciated the speech. Rev. Mr. ... ... -. .- . ' , Jbhosbn also made'' some rem arks! ''after wfiich" SahtA-Ciausfe appeared to 'the 'in-' m amasementcor the'chiidrenVand , " -i. 'v-.t! 1 . ' i rS. - . hefan to 'distribute the nrespnf IVr. rm:-iKsV Vvritmoi' ykr.Ha" ; v'Li'i w -. . . 0 vuu A WUU" UUU seats' t. "' "" ' . Th6 Infant class receiveVJaiery pretty . ,. assortment of candy egs, besides little sacKS or canay una nuts, ana eacn scnoiar received .an. apple. Another class 're- UeivedJir.le toy-baskets. with birds.and containing wax fruit and flowers. Other classes received , book, Iwhistles knives, narp?,loic.,,ccc.l. . a,,, majors was pr se.nle . wj1. a. locomotive, a beast of burden," and a barrel of sour-krout. "TV Majors received a round comb, a net A,A"JU3 icnnt''M' u, a i J 1 I l J . Ml J , . , , 1 aoiis. ana one roi a ureuy nine mmen no doubt as a remembrancer. "Others got nijrht caps trimmed off 'in the bight of fashion. One young lady received a lit- I.t t . . : - C .U L I ue carmen represcuiauuu ,oi tme coony race Others received oreast-pins, Col- Mars handkerchiefs, etc., &C. Trofessorj McKenzie received a comb, clay pipe, cigar,1 part of a watch, two valuable books, d g'os. . . ,: These were a few cf .he presentsand yw maY ba 8Ure r,-any a nearty Jauga was raised. tlann r U-eif dHtribution. Mrs. Wa Daily, received a splendid 'Jpresent the 'most rosily of any .given, a copy ot.ine uipio u iu. ujuuica... . I am sorry' to1 add there were' some Vn - iftol tvnn ruthlessly nulled down the I --j j I irpP K&fnrft it WSJ faiHy fcmptV, and 8D I propnated wnat remainea. v it. is. a piiy thai all are not raen that, wear, ihe hu After the 'distribution cf presents Irnost of the audience repaired lo the re- freshment rooms, and-.pariook of the Ta- rious viands there provided. ; ;! , vl -,; Wnen all were eatisnea m tne re freshment rooms, a nice .bead rnf,ir.n n,' im tA ' rirtrotpd to same wmium ivi m f 1 IHilv l.TT jna rpniipmi'ii. a k icu a i . . . . A . m . . r. m .a a hrote, At the first ballot ' sixty-iat I J -J 8,- .-, - . votes were nolled. and Mrs. S..P. Ma- J - f.;r,-,w. Tho InrlJps . -v-' . i seen come of cut i Browntille strong, and we sincerelyhope all the children' cf Brownvilfe enjoyed ' the evening as; well ds these at reru aia.'"' must po to ths r:..rft whence the strength in? persons, under tweni)-on u .v. tr., -n:., after nine o'clock, without be n& a&. io : .T; . fr1. "rr A V 'r -V i cive-a xess-naVIe acmusi oMMni J- I ' adapted -ta tha wants Cf'msn. wlAll" 7 e 0 .nmited V r , . , A colony of Southerners have squatted other sources have failed to 1 . . rhd-is cnly -3-cenls i : -ti.v,,,, i Unlinn ' A Mutual Banevoleat Society exists at r ':m, 111., whose object is uto p t m; Tr rs in rnndtticn tohelo ther.sel? 'ara S,COQ rm.V?r?nr1 tha s: 1 xz' '.'.io' i hi cJj :ne'v I X' :itc .,b:ates. ; G 'a: ib ii'pror-" s: to ke i qui un Ths villse ci B:izh?'i Guernsey pour iv. Ohio, has an ordinance prohibit- j , - - r S years ui TJi p . Ji- : aazett ar.r. ounces c.iit.a- w i . . . a t j ; . . i. , t - 4 il tkVfte Tnrv of? ihewEm press of Austria. Jea"TbXlo cne Lirta .is.via rauu amonhncfoD.theiiihIands. The-A'-diplomatic-ciugnQa" ia. a--Paris inyentioD.3I30AH dAVlOl fciirrpet Ccicr.v-f.eti j..' Paris has -!a';; newspaper" -called "The Atheist a Journal cf.iSew. Ideas. man .v. Uit..!".; was y.ery; pVrsonaI:in..-.hi3 recollections S. S. Mafsbalj riteVTesleiiTaS-0jn.CQOr gress frotn((!?ei0kU'4iIiric cf Illinois 13 rnedas' ther Dsm9ciatieccandiat? fcr.iCJoTernor of ithat Statei j'5''"1''' The Canadiansjure.discussicga Pacific railroads The" Xhicagd-iTinles uggest thai they jnake fl7l?'F.01 I y JTJs ej Cqu nc i p f j FJi f e ? n; j ar q lopTci z about, lor'a new enian President, 'vice MilcheV'd"ecUaear'"' Miti eMcCooie weighs 2S7 pounds. r Wabash oysters"-is the pretty came . giveb bjValTerre iIaute;Lusihe3s'ihcbs Tbe'fiftW G'6verriof 'Geniral of Cuba has "set the example of smoking at fuher- aid. .'i The best cf ;thip carpenters ia New boryport, Massachusetts, era wexking for SI 25 .v&Mj':'" " T. Santl Anna owns a villa on the island of Sr. ThOTnas1n(f' may becorije a citizen of thr! United1, Sfates'by1 the' transfer hi thalisiand. " " y&mK.far Siwi pays s "Population is' upon us, chiefly from Southern tllP.nsylvania. These folks are :geaerUy pi sthe.right ,tripc, and come to'farra on ourhrscSs."; ;',: ; ? iii(u 4.1. Steam power ia successfully used in London in pulling :"doTnr'old houses. -t. -'"". I-.. I. 1 wuereiDe coqiracior cares . imie aooui pfeieHing the materiafs. . . . cure for, scrofula i , A female medicalcolle h a-bouf to be establiihed in Cleveland;1 Ohio. ' min cimkd !an(,? ;Un, has bwS sentenced -to 'itaid labor in a millitary prispn, for jearicg dowa th United" Stabs' flagr "' 1 ' ' J . nThe-Whitet Crook V is T-rritten hr n - NashViHe ' editor, and singular euoucrh is 10 perfurmed rfor the purpose of finishing artificiar legs A to' Confederate soiuiersa n "Tr CT7 . tlliU MQCjnnaii boot-blacks, sttrt their, ser I . tt ' ' t ' 1' 1 of !bcif rations vhea.deired.,fkt,f , OCITUARY. DIED, at tt residence of bis father la Brown viile, Nebraska , on Saturday morning. January 4th 1303, at mo nonror 3 o clocx, a. h.,;kt JfJxsoN r . .."'.. i . . Hall of Browntillb Lodck ao. 20,I.O.G.T.), 1SG3. ,.f Aim iglkty Kulei of wisdom and prorl denco to remove from oar midst oar worthy and be- lo red JJrotnerJliobert lx.lJJackburn, and s Whkbkas, The friend! j bacd erer opened to welcome the trieiiitt and distressed is now mo- tionlesstad itill; and.',a.BKih,er ,'wh'j;Td and practical trie Precepts of Temperance, and. who was goTerccd by Fal th , U6p8 and Chari ty id "his deal ii,. !..... r ii;. M:. j , "". .UMU vuvv V." JIICVIKIH UIlUVilL'lU UUOff sneieiorH ir i c:. ill U V. ' That we bnw in hnmVila tnVm!itA. n i ; i . i r . the Hrnf th. Afi.? -Krtt th. deodT feel and deniot .th i. ar nnf Brother who Laa. been o.enddeniT eaiied from n, widt. --.. 1 r .- T LT'"- faeMa.Tissw txHHy-and vafjectwtsateir sympathize with the bereared and heart-stricken Father, Sisters, Brother and Friends in their day f afflicuon,ttourning and fywjathisinjswjts them, batnot without hope, hambiybeiieTinithiiiar e,c,s " ;?0 H tne" rwoiatiom b. P; w. tbe .fiict.d family of th.' deceased; and our Lode room be draped in monrnicgand the officers and members wear the ;asxtat badge fur the same, for the space of twenty days. r, ,. r llttolttd, That theso resolutions Reentered in oar minutes, and also copies bo famished to & Browntilio papers' for publication. n i.:.A.i..i.:: i;;'...(. . Rttolvei, Thaf UsewB'siT.; Lodja No.' 23, 1, Cf. icDusrs its moss nearly ana sincers iVi.nV. iv- i . r j t ,-. .. . kindne ss rendered in paying the last tribute of re (peet to the mamory f the lamented dead. . JONAS IlACKER.1 ; S.'SbEJlASr ). Committee A, W.MCKELL. ) NEWWBRTISEMENm NOTICE. . . , , ' -j . . . r J Saraaet Gus$J m if : 'v - J , ; . J T3 . , J J , V , .To SamaalGan. Defeodant : Too are bersly c0,,aed ttat'M Order of AtUebment piBt yoar properly ior.iaa-am fcS irreatYtwo -aoiiara aad v r Sperime Copy 15 eta. , t j Thesa art farorita Periodicalj. - ; .-, --? 'Be'autifai premium J oSTered to getters sp of elub lists. Seai.fcr Specimen! to 7 The one who Ln acre . n'ght? snce Wayrif county, ,Ind: r e y i v a U & a d ' vihe a' naV.'.c a ci e io ' ' ie-told E11abcut:wahade;iKein.ViI.e friends " raaies .-.n.omq . i3icga2Uie. SPECIAL NOTICE. -"T0U3 AND DSl-ILITAT-ivi bren protrsti J trotn . jwi' r jUi"? prorapt trat ir yoo ret.offr Tjicr.tary !i?charse. -r!iat , j uc general bealth? T rily tired? D,esliUle , .atioaof tho heart? Vats .ans. or jour kidney, frr- rnfct to renrfi! ;rt ' n ir."- --r bve 5-1 -' :, e 'tie it "lot 4 ' r : sei utfi , jo-! or qna; r get c t;ic' -:i!lrr. ' Is yoururioa oracUn).'S ; li ii ropy on. setta;? Or f t rjs to Or is a serficieni i tbe attorn a..verU t ...kk1 wbi:e3 Vijon le r. .- prt,2 cr dypep.'l i Are your bow: cur.-t:; -ite-i 4 tX yon hiro pll8 of faintic or rushes liiood t lNuJ ? U your memory 1m Pired? Is your mind conunt!y dwel cpoo ttu iue t? Doyonfel dall, listip, niopinz,. Ured of w"r from everybcey? Docs iiy little tLinj ir.S8 on start or janip ? I yonr lcp broken or ret:es ? II it Inctreof your eye at brilliant ? T&e bloom on your che7k bright ? Do you enjoy yoorself in socie ty -. I? Do yo'J pursue your batiness with the gsme enerpy ? Do you t,ol as wxh -1Jnc i:j yoct teti?' Ar? your spirits Juil an! given to CU of meUsctoly? If so, do not lay it to yonr liver or toojcIj jl.ive jen ttiess Digbts? Toa back weak i job ?ers v at: itive duiiib mtis pruter o fcW, rea-er, se;t-utuie veaerlal dieaaes bd!y cured, and sexual esceises, are sll capable of produc in? wepSness of the pnpatlr 'f:?.'.,,Tl.-iirsa f r ie5erstlrr;"l-"i J;-i-jri, malcetbe man Did you ever ibink that those bold, del'ar.'. Tneretic persevering, ceceisfalt'W5:3s cnn a re always, those whose generate, a ior:4a- ia ; irf2cthe ..t h ? Tuo never near 6c& Taejic .n.pUis c? t caiancbollv, cf uervouaness, cf t.iviiiiijn cl ue ceirt. They ae ueverotfraii they ean-' v. succeed In business ; they don't become ad::Ji C .iciu'iiel i tlcy are alwsjs pollta -3lr!?n,3f3t i-i , t:3 .coinp-itsy t . -er.cT k;., j. 1 s t i jrl ri.'.'the jce "noue'of-yar: Cowncast looks or any oiher meanness about them. I do not mean those who leea-tne organs ly niacin titxeeirs;- Th:!B"yut cot oaty' rura their conttitutiODj but also tSoss ;':.,ry -io Insiaess wither for. .. . .'. How many rnsn fro 71 la lly !' disease, from, the r?c:3 of e!?-ahuio anl ctce3, feave brnusctt isu-ji tLa: stats cf -vraizr-i i thcs orsari tl t fcss re ioced tha pcne-cal systeai ej mu:!i as to ii; icce al pjost every ctifcxitjic-iie"'',-dCr' lanacyi pnraiysiW spinal affections, suicide, and ajnost every otter f-rm of diefaiei' whic'a 'tamaiity Ir hfir tos 3 1 tr,a reil cacse tf tiie trouble scarcely e?er sof ptet', and have docre4 fur.. at! but the right aitr, - - v,!! I xO Dise-'i? es'of t5ee orra-.s reirirn the nseof a dioret Id. HELMBOLWS FLUID EXTRACT EUCHU. i the press nii'0Uc at is a-ciftam aare ttx disenies of Iho Blalder. Kidnlys, .Gravel. JPropjyv Organic. Weak Besi.reniale Ccmplaims. General Debility, and-aii diseases cli the, Vmaryt rsarrr, whether existing in Sale or otnaie, lrom what ever cause Originating snd bo matter of tow long standing. ; If folrestianv !, submitted to, v Ai.?)i'raptIoaai Ii sahjty may' ensue."" Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, wmi the bearth and happiness, and thJitof Posterity,, depends, cpon he prompt use cf a re nable-remedy. k H - nelmbold'a-JCxtraet 'Buchti,stabIisLeJ upward of laycsrl, prepareU by . . . . , s t-.ol ' 'V.T.TISLMBOLt, Drngsist. 634 Brcalway Xew York, and nil South !0in St., Philaaelphia, Pa. Pkice $1 25 per (ttre, o 6 bo!es(r tJ.E0 deliv ered toauy addrof iJ, f.Taa.Ul.rp.cjistt everywhere. a m i i j 1 : t -. 1 O I . .n.W.l3lln..i fcm IT II f- T -L-4 AmmJI S HOKTEST ROUTE ! 'A , r. f Q;ufcIrcst..iI,.rir!n'8M ; i'.-: . . f f - .: ." " - We Yelnfn 'thanks, to.our friends and the trading public fur the libe 1 1 . Jral Tp itrcmngeihey have'1 ' thus far extended us . Our .aini $baU u. , .. , : -. - be to so - - conduct ! v. . . . ? . 1 i V n I ; ii cur business t'- . .. .. ns to merit the confidence of,;buf .i vcnstomer5.., Allrepresenr-.Vt. .iations guarrantiec). We keep -on hand a complete atock of aE ..kmds of goods required for this ' : .H'JmrUeV&Eid- as'td prides' i:-1'' fe Will k'ot be Uiidersold! Dry Groceries; 1 are: I . 7 ..... 1 . rr,- Boots &.Shoes '5--IIats,:Gapsrv :r.:v. v; .;. -. ..&C. &C. &C. AH Wnds ot PfC'Ince TAKEN" In exchange for Coeds, lor which the highest maikel price wiU.b allowed. ROBERT TEAEE & CO. ' , . . ,, j ' . ' i . ! , Corner 3Jaio nd Secoad Street 7;-u Jannary lt. 1S63. -A y -. -5 4f f K i STAPLE AITD FAWO Y- . i . : s. i l ii , Embracing all tha NOVELTIES pn i ti Season. " Also; a large and weli-e!ected itoek of r: Zz7T rt n - i i Gems Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, A AD Oi U s SRhS A wis! V: 9 9 9 VVH a H t t ' i Uti U v i a ill II rvv nan r ' ma aa a & iV f canaoi law io gnu taoe wiihinj to buy. Call d see for yosm aires. ' . . . .,.'.. . . . . .... . . r - . 11 kinds 01 .Produce, taken in TChant for Goods Ni.ri ,vo-'.:;i ; vi50, JJMk.U,. WhboH,f Utem, 4c a 5 - STTA.V 1 MOTHER'S 't ' ! Li I 3 w '2J 1 if c 1 roEEius iSD.D6aEs:ic.' J ry . . ' 'J , - 1 TBiniu Dealers ia .- - - ' v - n r J w - I?2ircri Fa h ni stVr "n 1 "v i Ul, . a J r2s ' --i VA N D. " Tlieo;::Hiir Co.f:- Sealers ia AND T'ticoI-IiH Oo..' t - Dealers ia. LADIES', GEnTSj&CiliLDnEO i J IT D V t-i I S.W JACOB MAROHN. Mercnant Tauor, Main Street oppesite MePherton't Block, BROWNVILLE- NKU- ALSO AGENT FOR ELIClsWlTEBS, - " - - Art - - JOSE P 11 11 U T Z Uaj foil reeeired and wiJl eoostaatly hnd a large and welt seIectedtoei of genaiaear ic.'ci in ii liae. s One Door, GtarXi Llort, Brow Of Clocks; WuaeiMi- Aewetry a o tbt loos est Notice. , . . ypEK WARRANTED. . BrowBTiiieNel..'Mafei 15th. 1SS. 10-25.1 ESTH AY. KO-nOEST" Taken op, by the aoders'zaed. li iog ia Precinct oathe25h !rof .Vorember, lSr, Steer, with a line back and' white belly, opp to be one year old.-" - - Taken np'by the'nnrlers!?ned' liVini in ''0, Trwinct, Neb., on the 25th diT of Member, I A 1 .... .. . . ' ue cnoaie nctier with gome apposed to bo one year old. 12-5t white oaberbclly TC KIV3ST. MS3. ICSICK LEACH i i '. MIES MIST A.f " REACH Sc SIMPSON, 5Iiffiners (2;Dress-Ha&ers TTubesti iafom the laiVsof Erowi' aal vicinity that aba baa just commenced a firsin" MILLINEI&JDRESS.JIKI0 Wer wctk. wili t -jne Hth rest cre-a BC,ari wftef the latest la strrt ftjf. ' 81 . aa on ao' notice,, ; . . . . j Latest stjle3 cf Ladie 'sand C'liiTJren ., , . . . constantly kept on l Da 0W . - rff ER O W.STJLLE, WEBMSTJL h Pfl ffKfiftMlil a " 1 - A. . .. Ii' - ; ; A. A. A . 4 I " '- "."'.''-. '! .U.;X'. ?; ;iu!!.;i,; !U f-r. ;. 'tl:fc p 3 I rift'; . t J p i i 1 i m