EcrSct tic First. Ch 1 be set tie 1 ret to discover A blot cd the fame of a friend, ' A w In the Icier,. Li. Whose heart may prove true to the end. When cone of m knew on another, And eft into rror we fall ; Tfcen let vt speak well of each brother, Or T6ik not about hint t alt- - A rafie er s'gh mt y awaken . Suspicion most false and ondue ; And thus nr belief maybe shaken. In hearts that are honest sal true-. IIow often the liht eraileof gladness It worn by tie fnesi thawe meet. To cover a soul fall cf f :rc??," Too proud to acknowledge tl .fcat. IIow often tie jigh cf dejection .---., It beared from the hypocrite' breast, To parody truth and affection, 4 Pt lull a suspicion to re-t. How cften the friends who beld dearest, Their noblest emotions conceal; And bosomi the purest, sincerest, . --. IlaTe secrets they cannot rereal. ,y"K Leare bare minds to harbor rurpicion, And sms.ll ones to tra:o oar d efecti Let ours be a nolle ambition, For base it the mind thai suspects. 7t sene of tt know one smother, ' And oft into error may fall ; Then let ns speak well of our brother,. Or speak sot about him at all. EcctliOTea's Jlcosllglit Sonata ' ' " r raOK THE CtRKiS BT ACBtR rOBESTIEa -,,,- u: u."-:'-' Before taking the position of Court Organist at Vienna, Beethoren was Irv ing in his native city, Bonn, in -the man straitened circumstances. " All day he sat at the old worn piano, from which he never parted, or wrote his great tone creations, and only under cover of the night would he venture without doors" for his long walks. A musician, his faith ful admirer and only friend, was" in the habit of accompanying hiai upon these nightly rambles. - ; . - Onca upoa a winter evening,- when the full moon ched its silvery light over the ancient houses and upon the glossy turface cf the froxen river, they heard, in passing a lowly cottage in the vicinity of the Hoblentz gate, music that caused Beethoven to stand still in amazement It was his F major s5mph;ony, played with the most astonishing fire and expression upon an old wiry harpsichord. . buddenly, while Jieethoren ana his friend stood listening, the "music ceased, and through the window out into ths i t i struet, where they stooa, they heard a suppressed sigh, and the voice of a young cirl broke the stillness of the niirht. It was thus she spoke : I can play no more, brother., borne other time, not this evening. (Jh, tni3 music is beautiful, it steals to my very heart, and implants there a feeling cf deep sadness. Beethoven pressed the hand of his friend. I must see this genius, he said, and without delay he entered the house, walking at once to the room whence the music had proceeaea. it was a. little shabbily furnished room upon the ground Jl 1 f 1 1. . J 1 I f I iioor, uuiy xa uuy iigmcu uy u urueu piece ci taiiu it;. young " wort-iaDie. nc was a buyemaker. vtoi . , , , , i , resting upon the old harpsichord, her head bent downward. forgive me,1 said Beethoren to the shoemaker, who had sprung so his feet in surprise I heard music here, and as I myself am a musician ' He hesitated a nxcnierJv then proceed ed ; "I should like to play you something. This certainly strange oner called a half mistrustful, half-ironical expression to the face of the young thoeniaker, who thus replied: You would like to play something" fcr me. Ah, our instrument is very poor, and, besides we have no n&tes. How!. You have no notes,' cried Beethoven, in an ecstacy of delight; and yet. Fraulien you may' He 6topped abruptly, for now for the first time he discovered that the maiden was blind. I could riot believe,' he eaid some- uhat embarrassed. that you were play; mg tne sympnonyvlrom memory. 'I once- lived with a lady in Bingin who p'ayed'this symphony very often,' the maiden replied; 'It impressed itself upon my memory, for I love the music. Let me play for you,' said Beethoven, and" without another word be seated him self before the harpsichord. He struck first a few simple chords, which gradu ally rose and swelled to symphonic form, and beneath the master touch, the worn. discordant instrument seemed to regain its original harmony. .. With every in creasing boldness and power did his phantasy find power and expression,; now it was stormy and passionate, now wail ing, dyin away, melting into the ten derest tones. ' Involuntarily all were spell-bound by by the happy flights of imagination. The shoemaker sat wiih his eyes fixed in wonder upon the stranger, his sister was lost in devotional feeling. Suddenly the lamp flickered up with a lurid glare, then went out. But Beetho ren did not cease; doubtless he had for gotten the realities about him. Softly the shoemaker stole to the window and pushed open the shutters, so that the full moonlight streamed into the room. ine glorious Iignt as it beamed upon the keys must have suddenly broken the chain cf Beethoven's ideas. He ceased playing, bowed down hi3 head, laid his j of hands upon his knees and seemed lost in thought. ' Finally the blind girl's brother stepped up to kirn, and said in a tone cf deep re spect : Who are you?' ' Beethoven raised his head and gazed absently at the shoemaker. Then he smiled and said: .-..': Listen' . He played a few passages cf the' F ma jor symphony, the cne that had but now so excited the blind girl. A cry'cf rapture ran from the maid en's lips. . : "You are Beethoven! Oh, niy God ! Oh, play morel". up greatly allectcJ into tto rlcaiir face Then a Cash 'cf lightning' crossed ihs starry bearers cf his brain; .the friers once r fell-upon' the ieys. Deep, cic :rLi-l lurrav- wcs tla r;ioi ' that now erose from the instrument, then fol lowed a pasajre cf lislt, almost wantcn coloring, like the dance of sportive elfs bylniduishi opoa' the surf fc;cr ca & des ertisland in the midst of the furling Ciena." Hew lha chords tut Izlo 'a 'nail ing lament, making the heart thrill with a melancholly yearning. A thrill, ghost litro rhnxA then Fps Wen srrn(r un. ipA hh -it. end turnpf to hasten a- - I way. 'Will yoa come' again?' asked the blind girl, in deep traction. - " - Yes, yes.' he called back as he dash ed away, 1 shall come again: . He 'hastened home to his wretched lodgings to'write tlown this "moonlight" fantasiawhile it v;as yet niaht. MnrninT was already breakin? in the:! o . j , East as he wrote the last notes o: this "C sharp minor Sonata." Billy Smith is a carriage painter in the shop of Pulford &, Co- ia.our viUiage. Billy is a genius, as the gorgeous red and yellow stripes on Pulford's wagons sho-v; and while couaterfening nature one day for his own amusement, in the rear of the "shop, his mind happened to run cn the subject of rotten eggs, and forthwith one cf those interesting objects appeared on the board be&eaih his mag ical brush. It was represented as bro ken, and wa3 so natural that any one observing"mightwfaLTcyr that it caused a disagreeable udor. The picture remained there seme time, all who had occasion to go that way not caring to disturb a thing so forbidding- to the delicate senses ol the nassal protuberance. . One day Squire M. saw it 'and ap plied his finger.- to his nose.. ; Billy saw hira and explained to him that it was merely paint. At first he would hardly believe, but finely convinced, he offered Billy ten dollars to paint a similar one on his doorstep. , JThe squire v was some thing ca vag, .and r wished; to see' the effect produced on the ladies and gentle men who had been invited to a party at his house that evening. Billy took the money and promised to have the painting ready ia time. , I Evening arrived, and so did the ladies and gentlemen ; and as each in succes sioa passed over Billy's painting ihey el evated their feel and skirts, and applying their peifurned handkerchiefs to. their noses, wondered if the squire was aware of the presence of that frightful thing on his' doer step. - - " "" ' The party progressed, and the rotten egg was tha subject of much remark. Squire M. heard and felt jolly over his practical joke. When everybody was chatting at the table after supper, and not a few cf them about the 'apparition" at the doer, the squire arose, aad utter ing a preliminary hem!" said : "I suppose you saw that on the door step, didn't you!' Everybody assented, some of the fe males uttered a slight scream, and all of that sex faned. themselves vigorously. The squire resumed : T tharl lliat r!ii1 tfioro I r illiictro to lhe p3wer of imagination, as I'll how yoa if you'll all adjourn to the door. tKn ; -A ha nira .;nrr rtl k:a snowy white handkerchief, you will see at this is not what you supposed it was. but merely a painting. illustrated spot, ana tnen raised it sud denly to his nose. "By Jupiter,' he ex -Ti.-l ,.t 1 claimed, It:s a rotten egg, afur all!' Billy had taken ' he ten dollars and broken a' bona-fide rotten egg on the door step. : Experience and observation have taught men that it is ;Hard to quit chewing tobacco. Jlard to keep from eating too much. Hard to drink liquor and Dot be intern perate. . Hard to pay our. debts. Hard to resist temptation. . Hard to believe' a man you know to be a liar. . . . . . . Hard to turn the other cheek when we are struck. Hard to borrow money from friends when we need it. Hard to love our enemies. It is a good sign to see a man do an act of charity -a bad sign to hear him boast of it. It is a good sign to see an honest man wearing his old clothes bad to see them filling holes in the windows, It is a good sign to see a man wipe the prespiration trora nis brow bad to see him wipe his chops as he, comes out of a cellar. It is a good .sign to see a. woman dressed with taste and neatness bad to see her husband sued for her finery. It is a good sign to see aman adver tise in the papersbad to see the sheriff advertise for him. It is a good sign to see a man serdinc? hi children to school bad to see them educated at the evening school in the street. Aemarliable InTcaHcn. It is stated that a German glass maker has lately made a remarkable discovery. He has invented a telescope, or ruagni- c: i i .u:i. .u - i j'usi Kiass, ov means o. wanu uie inosi intricate nerves and vessels inside of the I body may be seen from the -outside.- In fact the whole arrangement and action the interior-organs may, by means of this glass, be distinguished. , The discevery will probably be of im mense benefit to mankind, as by means of it the physician-will be able to deter mine with unvarying accuracy the nmure of any particular disease, and the proper manner fur treating the same. , ' The came of the inventor,' who ' will probably realize a fortune from his dis covery, is Gotlieb Juntz. He is very poor, but a well-read, and highly intelli gent roan. He has an 'aged mother, an invalid wife, six children and a' blind siste," all dependent upon him fcr sup. port. His mother was well acquainted with the poet Gothe, and it was probably hr niany anecdotes cf this illustrious The nisur 1 mi person that .first jn?p ire I her, ica.with desire t0"dosiUistL::?T'to win the'rer"": i-.Z'.2-l f 13 1. 4 low t A uU to iu. j iu una uiauc l.. wawiy place him .among the first, rank of.mven tars,itci'wWfcr tin the esteem cf whole nations. r - . A friend gives an amusirr account cf an old negro woman who w: i.ih up for Liberia, having heard the re;ent bclored preacher from that ecf:r.iry, who came here to muster -up recruiis the prom ised land.- Addressing herself to en acauaintacce. .she Ja'iJ." R "In niggers all rich;dey 1. . - ... r I i hab a lew wane; x anuees icr sercarn. When a cbga go dir. frc. : dis- kuntry, dey .woaH hardly r.otis hi:n at fusi; but soon he crit rich, and rule roun in de fashua. Dey don't die dar. A heap iy cullud niggers went dr on a ship, but none die on de trip, cept one ole woman ... . m . 1 datwas sick when she start; if she onij lib two or three days till she gndiV, she neber die. D cotton dar grow on trees, and de sugar cane tweuuy-nine feet high, Bress de Lor Va gwine darl,? 1 - St. Joe Busmes Mouse W00LWORTH & COLl AKD SEALERS IX STATIONERY, Paper Uangrlngrs, Andr Printers' Stock, No 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo. Casii Paid for Ragrs. JOHNPINOES. W. B. DOUGLAS. PINGER & DOUGLAS, . . lYliolesale Dealers OU EE NSW ARE GLASS WARb., ' C C, . XO. 7 Foorth Ttreet. St JOSEPH, IIO. 451y victor bTbuchT ! YFholesale BOOTS & SHOES North West Corner 4th a Felix Streets, ST. JOSEPH, MO;.' tiKeeps mnch the Largest Stock West of St. Loais,and is prepared to onur unusual inducements- ' '11-45-Iy : ' - " c5 (4 4 0 H fi4 - M - ts A P 0 0 0 Q Us o S5 w CsJ n o 5 t in 7 r y U il . CarnertJlIrXtRl St. CIiarlGS StS. i i "Js"! t smT ri ' 1 ; v. -i 3 n LaJ lira vU eD Also Dealer In Lime, Cement, iiair Ufcite-Sand, Fire-3ricir, ; r ... J. 4c, io.V&o.,Ae. "" Xtl-5l7-rn,ta 5 T .'fczl V. V.. SI. 0. 2 17... 'p. h glff -S Lsd CD tvT & - Is- n- v-; 'y' 5 '':-.:-.;c2.-- j-.-:;''uiI'' 0 v CO s . .ce ! o S-t 13 S3 - J VilMho "AH 7 uu St:.jc6.3 S-LciiisiBusi;;; IIcs. 3AILY, KAY'"::T?Ppi), :....;) J '.. -' - , -' " r f ... :, . .: , . Dealers in .;) . ;; :1l 1 9 YANKEE --HOTIONS; Exclusively, at .wholesale, j -. Third Street, ST, JOSEPH, ITo. - Stock in Extent, ; Variety, and prica Compares n'tK ne SS r,rtia nr th.saco Houses. ! Orders Solicited. : . ' " ' 'T 'so. S. Lemon. Isaac T. IIosea. LEMON, IIOSEA & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i : ': FOREIGN 5tDOIJBSTIC: 1 - - ' .Tl r q $J $X -00.I).S, Notions; ; Glot&iong &c.J; NO.' 5 FOURTH ST. ' St Joseph," LI6.;. ' . .. .,,'.,, . I. '- 1 ' - '' A Large Stock always on-hand. Orders solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. , , J, A. PIKER. T. K RET50LUS.. SOUTOREII SDTEL FINER, & REYNPLDS, , ; - P nXJZ. RIETORS,, Eight Street, two blocks from It. R. Depot,' . . 1 ,.. - i ' . . . . ..... j. 1 a 33 1: ll-45-6ni Nave, McCord Ca, , WHOLESALE G10CEHG And Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, &c. St JOSEPH. MO. 451yM; NlOMOB.DBTfv .ASS MACHINE SHOP iillliSSIDE. CUOU TI1E1 & KUUiiliS jjQPim'j'oilg ' Cor. 8th. & Jklessanie Sts., . . ' ' rj St. Josephs Mo. PTEAM TjriGIUES TTADE U AXD il REPAIRED iii IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS OF ALL K! I IDS iron fronts. Slade to order on short notice and satisfactory to all parties. Alsoagenta for GARDNER A ROBERT SON S IMPKOVKU PATENT UU VltNU!..-4i-l j E. T. Chdebhill A. N. EATOS. TTinrrTTiT v o m mat UllUbnniLL d LAlUlij . rn..'- Stew pots. J3ake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. nmTnicciA-n3"!lTorrlinTifc' BlacksnllthS, Tools, Anvils, Strcks and Dies, Beilows.Sledge and Hand Ham llltlUl5. mers, Vises, Pincers, Kaps, Earricr Knives, Tuyere Iron?, Wrenches.' Ao." 7 J"1 , TSo 2. City Building ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES:. Second Xationsl Bank, St Louis ' , i Allen; Copp ft NisBet, Sf. Louis. Brrnch State Bank of Iowa, Dunque. Jobnstone & Bacon Banters, Ft. Madison 17 Isaac Scarriit & O,, Alton, 111. ' Blair & Atwood. Alien, til. W JV1.W YETH& COT Wholesale Dealers in .... .. WSBttl .CJTLIPiY; SADDLERY GOODS, Harness, Skirting, t id ali kinds Saddler's Leather an Hardware. SADDLES, BRID. SS, C.r;- 1 Agents for Disstons Cirenla Saws; and " .Marvin's Safes, . No. 6 South Third Street, between Felix A Edmond ST.JOSCTn. BIO. 451y. G R A N T1 S cAEAPCAsn store;iT'J Jllain Street between First and Second.' BROWNVILLE, N. T: I Would Respectfully inform the Citizens of Brownville', and surrounding country that I have just received my fall Stock of Goods, Dsisting . of j ".."0 1 . ' . ,' Of the latest styles and be? quality, Mens heavy calf Boots, double soled Boots. Fine Kin Boots bova .nil .lilU.n. P....1.J .11 11 1 w U111UICU8 uuuuaau ouues. KICKS :0I dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest and best quality. India Rubber and BuflTalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies ' - -- Groceries of Every Kind, Wooden Ware. Stcno Ware. lot JJcst Quality or. READY MADE CLOTHING, Tne bert Woolen Under and Over Shirts,' m mm Avyt an Kinas, wnoiesaie ana itetail. SHOEMAKERS 'and HARNESS MAKERS can rely upon hatipgr their uiuejj iuiu rrorac ? on snorr nniirp and reasonable terms. Call before jmr chasing elsewhere: . i "fl 'Mi wnicn hb offers foe salb OHEAPFORCASH Xll of which! he offers at'tk-s lewet uric.'. ltr. lamed not lo usiei . .i . .1 v ' v.,-.-,-- G RANT. J . . v . . 1 . - . AH 1JIPK07EOTARM, of 435 acres ; 200 acres under cultivation, 13 acres in timber, two cofofortable country BofijeS .'Situate In the Missouri' room on what is know! &i HcKissick's Islatd is 'For Sale Rent, Ir Exchange' "-' for wild lands in Nebraska.! As a stoek farm it has uosnperior. For parti; nlars -enquire ef " , r a v trr- t rtn v.- . J i v . u i v ' i. BrcwnviileNeb.- . " crH.N.CORNEIX, . '-i- " '' . Uaniburs, low, r Deo. 26th,1857. ,:vr'J ; - - " Beans, Horaia Meal, Potatoes, Floor - Arp'esic n V t I V. . V . L- v We -have on hand a large and well acqortqd ctccli t.t... f., : : of Staple and Fancy - . . ; To1 wliicli we are making' constant additions, ancj wliiciLlwe are selling at prices low asli-ny establisli - I ment west'of the;Mississippiiriver. . ; . .: III TIE QUALITY OF CUR GOODS VE CHALLENGE COPETmpHs WFLOUR OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS. :; THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PUODUCE v T rn 1 1 i O L E S DEALERS II (ft 1 jst?i iw JO.- Would call the" attention of. DEALERS to theirjmmense stock df -r Drugs and" Medicinesr , f '.-,-'' School Books, Patent 'Medicines, " '' Blank Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Paper, Paints. and Oils, Envelops, Spices and Dye-Stuffs, Coal Oil and Lamns. Pure Wines Liooors. &c: j "Which were bought for ea?h of Mannfaetarers, Jmporters and rablishers, and will be sold at tne most I favorable prices. Bavin in lare quantities from first hands, they are enabled to oJfer extra nd ace- i9 ; . C Ajre & Co., and ean furnish A UXJ AID lllvj HUl ff 3 iriu il a fci mi m . ; ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and Wholesale STEEL and HEAVY H ARB W ASE. : . Wagon, , Carriage, and Plow Woodworks.- , ; AGRiCULTURlL IMPLEMENTS. fc6JSi- Spricga, Axe., Asel., Shovels and pade,Fiio3 and Ra?ps, ChalnJ, Carriage and Tire BolU, utt3 i asncm. ;aiu. Horse nau?, iiorse ;.juio onoc?. Castings and Hollow Ware, , Ox Totes, Axle Greae, Ox' chain?,. Wogon backs'. Ox Shoe nail, Shovels and Pick.,Ooli Pans,"etc. i;()OO CELEBRATED MOLINEiPLOWS ! , j... Jut patented, and superior to any vet icren'e l : and ; McCormlcIi's 3Ioxvci s and nrapcrs.MaHcris Horse Corn Planters Sulky Cora Cultivator, IJand Corn i iautcr, Corn hclloM, ray, eto. etc esc. : Buying mjgooils direct from tbe ma er, I oflTer great inducements !;: ., .; , . ; TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT- ' v . Constalbie's Iron and Steel Warehouse : ST. JOSEPH, MO. 1 T OXEY. FREE AS WATER. 10.000 ACTIVE 11 LOCAL and Traveling Asents. Male or Fe male, of all aces, are wanted to solicit trade in ev ery City, Town, Village; Hamiet, U'orksbop and Factory, throughout the entire world, for the most saleable novelties ever known. 00 PER CE.VT. PROFIT anil READY. SALE WHEREVER OF FERED !l Smart men and women ean make frera S3 to $30 Der dav. and no risk of lois! A snail capital required cf from $29 to $100 the more money Invested the grater the pro6t.- If Honey required ia ad vaueew firtt tetfl the article onb receive pay of t'erittrds I If yon actually wieh to make money rapidly and easily, write for fall par icular and address : ; j " . IJILKOR c CO., (From Paris,) . 10 BROADWAY, New York City. DR. WHITTIER, J OxVGER BY ' YEARS LOCATEO 'IN ST XLOUIS than any other Private Disease Phy sician, is a reenlar "ra.'Wate of medicine, cares Syphilis in atuts fonns,tioncrrhoeauleet, Stric ure, Orchitis, Diabete3, Bladder and Urinary ! disease, typnuitio affections of the throat, skin i - - or bones. .. : . Thousands suffering self-ahuse, excesses, ex posurcs sdu- iniiiscretions in yontn and ma- tnrcr ycars, prcducins some -of i the fallo wins effects : Blotches, bcdiJy weaknnts, nnnja'nlincss, to socictyndigestion, constipation, dread offu t ure:. events, loss or memory, aad finally impo- tency, naviogoeen cureu. . ; ,. . i . . . lie can rclei to many old residents for past success ana present position, also many phyi iciansnero ana eisewnere. - - - Occupyinz a whole house of twelve rtoms,with competent assistant physicians; tao;e requi ringdaiiy personal attention m3y remain in the establishment.. . ' - v ' - i . Medicine sent everywbw-by mail or express. , His Theory an.l Exposition of Diseases, clearly delineating all the diseases conditions, may be It Jin scaled letter envelope for 8 cents. Ladio's Circular, embracing all ehronio diseases. cents. I Address St. Louis, ilo. ' .' ' j .... A friendly talk costs nothing; charges mod erate); cures guaranteed. 05ce.)J17 St. Charles street, one square Bouta oi the Lindell Hotel. FeWlS If . . , , jj GET THE BEST u i Ia now truly acknowledged a- saperiar preparation for air diseases incident to infants and children. ETERY BODY SPEAKS In exalted terms of commendation of ile truly won- derfoltEects and tneaieinal virtues, and are d- lihted with its U39.; . , t t5F Price, Only 25 eents per Bottle.Fj by old by all dealers lnmedicma. Prepared a 1 y the Giafton Medicine Company! Ft. nip, V , SoJd by HOLLADAY & CO.,' Jap 1st. ;.6m. . TiBrownTille, Neb. IIIFOIIIJATIOII. Information guaranteed toprouca n lajariar.t growth of hair upon a bald Lead or beardless f;vc jr aiso a r&cipe tor tee removal of I imples, tlotche?, Eruptions, etc., en the skin, leaving thb- sar&e soft. and beautiful, ean be obtained without chsrie by f -?-b;ti Tims v raiP'.nv rv 'f fcEroadaj,New York. ' I V w 0L. " i- L..1 IT '"Jes 7 .7 AND r 1WIV3ID AVU X 1 I. W AJ UU a tJUU (jUU Vt their Medicines in any quantities. (ID .4' ' - ' d) and Retail Dealer in Iron, ."awj, ere. etc. J FAIRBANKS' . TA'DABD SCALES, Or ALL CINCS. FAIRBANKS, GREENLEAF & CO. 225 Iake Street, Chicago. 209 Market Street, St. Louis. t" BE CAREFTX TO BUY OaLY TDK GE,NCI.K.jyf; : To The Public ! ! BROWNVILLE FERRY ! Having purchased of J. O. Yantis, the Steaza Fer ry Boat. .. - Together with all the Charter Privileges to tho same belonging, and being his self a ... , , Practical Steamboat Han and Fnginccr, . .- . . E .The nndersi -Tied takes this method of Info-rain the public generally that tha Ferrj is now in eom Jpleto ' . RUNNING OHDElt, And that he will spear no pains or means to make V- this the most RELIABLE CROSSING On the . Missouri River, and ia satisfy all who may favor him with their busi ness.' ' Paironaze Solicited. Satitfar. Guaranteed. ' "We nronose buildin? a Crst Cla. Tt.t I ,t wwm capacity than the present one) and placing- in the cauia ui an eariy aay,. , JOSEPH WARD, jranacrer. ille, Oct. 23th 1837 ' . " ' BrownTl ERRORS OF, YOUTH. ;A gentleman who suffered for years from Jri ous Debility. Premature Dacay, and all lha effects ot youtnfBHnaiJcretion , will; for the Bike of suf fering humanity, send free to all wh ;ned it, tho receipt and directions' for making the ssm le rem edy oy which he was cared. Sufferos wishing t proSt by the advertiser's experisnce. can da so by addressing, in peTfectconfidTire, - JOiL is, OllDEX, 34IyP ' 42 Celer .Street, Nev York . Dissolution. t NOTICE is hereby riven that the Co- partner hin bretoforj existing between J. Y. Lliss iwv.l T. C. Diicker, on dcr th Crta ennseof Bliss t liaeker, is thi dav dis.-ol?ed by mutual wn-ent. .. w. v.Lmi.-s continuing m in iroeery Daiines',J W Tlf Vi . I g 9 a coiieciirg an (Jcms uue in late nrcr ani assuming all its liabilities : T. C. lLwkr takini the Book aD! Tews House. j. vr. cuss. T. C. HACKEH. 2rwaTitlyebiDec.tiilS37. Sugar Jiittles Andirons, Skilletsand Lids, u r . J U f - - - 1 I5very,Peed,andSaA ain Street . BROWN vii'Lii M r.;, Dele eriaa!l kinJj of j5t.;, & r and Exchar-eJj S'k boarl, week. . r-.-.a . 1 u 1 i(.pnei,.rs nave recent new,l;ira;e and c-ratn ! ,13. neur the ei t Irrowr.v iTe I?..".:. frerh aDi Vehielss tfeiT. J)if 1 - 1 . ... fni. miai'ni at au Dwiirv.iia r i.r r ; . A Stocls c.-rra'F with an su pure water ataebed 1j the tUc. " 41. GATES & EOITSvirTrT --i.y. n U 1 ,f1 IA H.A VP iii; 1 J D P-L A 3 i ' nroiTmille, Xebra.,-, bnilding Cistenis, and do anjthin' ! ' la the most -atbfactorr mnJ , . t:' Aog.3a, ;v TUEl'OST RELIABLE CCSSIoi Eilliard Table is the CAT-CUT CrsiUfiT Mannfactored by KAVANAGH ; p,-- PaUnted Dee. 13,1 SC 5. 'See Dci,ii.';: J,ir- It isvthe only Cah!on that pre. x, ities eaential to a PERFECT fashion, jf r most elastic and most durable Cashioa w-r to the billiard-p'ajing pub lic.ij ibntli--, 1 V 4 V .) 1 r . . u' non. ine peennanty waica diitlr ii.."r LAT tiLT Lnshion and render! it others, is the tightened cord of tii r overlies lha face and edje of the rab!',.j . n 1. ning the falllenirth of the Caihioe. . I vens the ball from bddin? intv th -avv ' jumping from the table. .Tae adilurf tU- Cushionn The CAT-GUT Caahion has a'.reaJT W ' plied to over I, CC9 tables which aw ia err; use. It ean be applied to Ubleef mj seventr-five doilary per set. KA VANAUII & DtCSEIJS FalT.i!.- cer of Centre and Canal Streets, X. Ti Lio complete of i ts kind in tba world. Tie n ; is of the most improved character, tht ; in room the largest in the I nited Sa:, : matarial oso the best that ea be purthueil, s the workmen thoronhlj skilled. . ' Billiard Cloth, Balis, Cues, anu Trimx:j.. of the best make, eonsUnt'Toa hol. . ,KAVAAGII A DEOKS are the in this eoatry for KAY'S CUt CEMESTI , by compotent authorities to be the b the W menr ever nscdr 1 53-Full Sized Table rat dawTi fcr Cr Send for Illustrated Catalpgae sr.d rr"iLi KAVANAGH& DECKER, j Core ?r of Centre 1 Cicii : EMPIRE SHUTTLE and ARE SUPERIOR TO ALLGTUEk For Family an 1 Mani:r :::: ' -t "AGENTS WAN TfiD adJres? (115 i. -...idwajjXT' SI3HLIA sniLicrs tiRin: iioicEoiMTiJic srccin c ! TT AVE PROVEN. FROM THS HOST 1""" il eiperiance'',an entire suecesi; Simp's-P's ECtint.and Reliable. They ars tht wiy icint-3 perfectly adapted to popular -e- r. tba';' mistakes cannot b inaio in tsinj ti-J " harmles as to be free from d;iagr.nd tif- r, . k f . . - K . V. ' T, n V i v. mCMl '' highest ccDimecdation from all, aad wiil T reudersaliafaction. Xos. f 1. Cares Feveri. Coaresion, Inflra-iro Worms, tm ifr, wuru-ci.E. -. ' Cryine-Colic, or Teetl' t in-'iaa, - 3, . . , 7. " uiarrcea ox ir.i wrcs i3iif. ' Dysentery, GTijjuiz. BUIU'W Colic " ' Clioier-ii'r bus, Vomitin, " IVeuraleKia, Toothache. Fictct, Headacces. Siok-Weljcte, Vcrii ' Dyspepsia. Billions STmicl " Suroreaped, or ficiui Xeriodi.' Whites, too prornsnJ PerlfJ. " Cvoup. Covsh. d.ffleuit Breitiiini. " Salt Ihcun, Kryipeit. K.aptwos ' ' Salt Rbeutn. tryiireia, I'runus. " Khfcumat:s.m, RaeoaiticP.M " Pile, bliii' jr bleeiinj " Opthalrcy and screor wek fres. " Catarrh. e:ui or eUroni. Iati-wnwl " Vhocp ng Ccagh. -ii?nt " Asthma opres?ef Breaitiin ' Uar Dijcharjres. impair-a flwrini Scrofuia, enisrued fiian'N, Sve'.Mt -'OenenU debtlitr, rtyK-ii fnW ' Dropsy, Dd scjniy ecrevioo " Fea-Sicktiess. sickns frutn ryi-t . 10. 1. 13. 13, 1, 16, n, i s ! j i j i 20. 22 23 24 23 '.6 I 27 23 " Kidney-Disease, Gravel . ' IV ervoiia Debility, Seminal!Iin . v aioni inTolnn'r Pi?ctirge " For Aleuth, Canker y Urinary Weakness, wetttn bea t 29 30 31 ". Jr'aintul JferiodJ, wun spaiins 32 turreriEgs t cbane or lite 1 : 33 ' 34 j;pilepi37, Spatn.. St. Titos' Pk Dijhtheria, cktratcd Sure Tit : j tazslt cases. or larsrc vials, taoroccir lor every ordinary deeai a Tamil y is nuhectto,ana a book or directions, Smaller Famiy and Traveling ce,t; 5 J 20 to 13 vUl.. . ; Specincs for all P rivate'Deases, lB Curing anj tor Pre'entave iretanr, In xiM and pocket caste, For Sal a by McCOMASS 47-ly rowcTi.l9 A in Emit of Va aviso aso iNsmrcTie xreMitx. A!3o, Dbea-w and Yo letter enrelcpea. Aih. Dr. J. S ' 1 Howard As5oc :iatiun,.rti!d!lhr vannary, 1st J?r. i-y ' to cor;sur.;?nvri- - The RT. XDVJALL :a ; WILSON '. (free of charge) to all wha dsi:e lb Fr4' s- wita tne direcnons for masiBianJ a;'ao r. rr. t-i..Tth k .V i..)i V a . . -. r ..I nf 'U 9 y w , t. 1 J vj uii... ii u i- t i ' " rj,..S. only object is f., benefit the ..ffiiet-d nJ a every sufferer wiil try thi pre'r1'"8; f,. eost tbem nothicg, and nnj jrr T b:"( Please adrirws - ItV. KiJ'vV A.r;! A y . No. Si.uth 2nd St., W.iiULO.-1-a';. i run an 3 tail ueaj ai3t?TS' t'C't ..lf S' one-tare, EakeU, :UbVaH. r.f'1' SV.'AN IKUi- It' II rtd reaches. &li.1c, l.ckoen-.". .. Soda Cracker s1, Uiager Sasrf. an ! Aer! j. .. . - SW. Aj Broom, Salt, Aies. Powder. ".'.,-)Ti:X.' , . .. SWitN A 1W-- i I L T , pre h Layer riiiss, CurnaU. C J Jj-J. Co.. . :