- J C ITXtitk pp. editor ' i?C?leTtFg', Execution, Replevins, 5 jSS for gll fct tbiB 05c TELD&EATOsTm S.'rt. i 8 SaIIS. 5, A'. E. f cr. 6a. J- -xloit Agent ia St. Loul. for thl. rt,r' ,i attend t maktns collections andpurcba" Sib. DtrjCj ' IWSVILLE, THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1S63. f dLACKBURN js our authorixed Agent to i . .ii. ii . it. i?- irerubjcript ions for the .4iwrlser ia the Fair- School Dift"ct- ' r 7CVER is our uthoried Agent to receive tbicription for tbe AdvcrtUer in the Highland i'jwol Patriot. , ! Tn the observance of the Week of Vnyer in Brownville there will be ''Jon religious cervices held in the rresbyierian Church on Salbath at the ( j hours, and on Monday, Tuesday and VedDeday eve-'iings at 7. P M. ; and ' ibfM- K. Chorchon Thursday. Friday Saturday evenings at the same hour. lie j-ubli: are earnestly invited loju Lj. ( Tbe order of subjects socgetted by f BriiUh tranch of the Evangelical fiance is as follows : fSabbatb, Jan. 5ih Sermons : subject, -Ce Person, Work aod Kingdom of our Vd Jus Christ. Monday, Jan Gth Thanksgiving for Ucial peneral mercies during the , year to Nations, Churches and Fam- '"?s. and confession of fin. f Tuesday. Jan 7th Prayer for Na oss. lor Kings and all in authority : for l... -nt.ru iic lh( I. cirri's r!av fnr 1K0 i OCMI OiJ- - j - - -.movftl of ol'stacles in the way of Mural i, j Kfliio'.is Prioress, and fgr internal 3j iMrm'ional Peace I Verfr.e;iiay, Jan S.h Prayer for fini.htrs, for Schools, for Colleges and I'Divtrsni : ari fr ons anc Daught- ,:!ti foreign coun'.rit's. j Thurso'ay, Jau 9 h Prayer for Chris- an Mimt r? and all pr.jraged in Christ vrnee: far C d's accent I.-rael and for. If cumit.g of th" Lord Jesus Christ. r Friy. J" 10 h Prayer for the sick :-A aflictei : for widow and orphans iii for tie persecuted for righteousness ";Le." SaiurJay, Jan 11th Prayer for the Christian Church: for increase of holi ;jar;d activity: fidelity and love: and vr grace qual to the duties and dangers i th-j times. ' Sunday, Jaa 12th Sermons : subject, risiian charity. 1 Cor. 13. ' Dress Trimrnincs Bugle, Bead and Jimp, at ' THEO. HILL & CO'S. ; Rev. Milton Mahin, of Logansport, id., is in our city cn a visit to a sick ra. He will occupy the pulpit of the Vesbyierian Church nextjsabbath day id evening. ! SchOOl BOOkS of all kinds found at IcCreery'a fcr the High School. EcIIdln?. Jacob Berkley is building l large new carpentershop on Water St., ttween 2i and third. . CcnHcmcn Don't Mistake the ClSCC to buy your Otter and Beaver in Caps and Fur Collars ; and .where j the place ? At Wm T Den's 50 per rJlcss than cott ! ; Wood CoQllS, all sizes, ready made. J made to order cn the shortest notice, a the lest style, by McFALL&CO. i We learn that Coflraan & Co., have s'.&lhsbed a first class Rectifying Es tblisbment in the Journal office room in Whitney Block. The location is a good -e and the business will flourish. C. Ldt, Land Agent, Brownville, vebraika. ; Telegraph OClce Recicred. We pleased to welcome the cffice of the. extern Uuicn Telegraph and its pres et gentlemanly operator, to McPherson's I j ock. The office is on the2J floor first -or ca the ripht in the hall entrance. , luji paid lor Corn m any quantity iuu; 1' U Store. Have you heard the latest news? rke loves.t priced Goods; the best J ' ds. and the greatest bargains are to found at TEARE &, CO S. Hil.ave rfceisvd No. 1 nf 7?rm - -.. ..v... ' Journal. published iu this city by leery T. Sanders audi edited by S. M. 'ch. This speaks well for our; young rd thriving city, uhich can now sustain fst class papers...;. ' :' . . ; Utiles Don't You Know That w Ieu is selling Shals and Furs Hoods -1 Gloves at half price. ' ' prownTillc Literary Association lhis orgaaizaticn comfosed of the ?autg men'cf' ott city will meet next horsday evening,' January 9th 1SC9. i McPhersm'slHall. The . public are -riiaJly invited to attend. - ' Kiss At the P G Store sells Back- Flour at SS per hundred. A Ml stock of Hardware, Tinware, aJPenter'gTool,,ctc.,at SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. J L JICGCC 4' CO., are decidedly rposed to blowing and believe that the P'e will find out of their own accord ;11 ley are selling Clothing. Hats. Caps -1 t cost. Strange, yet true, the peo e afe generally finding it out- Buliaicg.-A. P. Cogswell is ,ng the foundation for a large house 3 l"e corner of Nemaha and 1 tt streets. Ladies-and Gents cotton and uose-1 THPO. HILL & CO'S :h a scanners are laour-cuv 10- i . day, for ' 3 X- cse,"'ve ham, cf cr; .in-hirj-a CIa?;aic Chapter here: - Vtcr.i Uebi j a City are-O II Irish, cf tha Press, 'J W Moore, D Whitinger, John Reed aDd Lady, Henry Brown and L . y, ;Wm"ir Hill and Lady." From" 'Pbtts mouth, Gaylord Clark and D II Wheel-er,- who - favored us n-ith a pleasant call this morning., . r- , .. ... W D Scott, of-Ralo, g-ave us a 'genial half cur of bis presence this morning. Capt. Presson, cf Tecumselv is in town, McCreery has for sale at the City Drug Store a large variety of Christmas Presents. Call and see them before it i $ too late. -" - . - -- Mrs John Fallaflj desires to in struct a class'of Ladies in a system of Cutting and Fitting Dresses and Chil dren's cloths of all kinds. She also has a superior Dye to sell. The Ladies'of Brownville are invited to give her a call at the residence of Judge A. W. Mor gan on Water street near the Methodist church. Farmer's Don't Yon Know It. That W T Den pays the highest market price in cash for Corn, Pork and Hides in Brownville ? Blankets Blue, Green Red and White at THEO. HILL & CCTS. 20 Bushels Black Walnuts for sale al the P. G. Store. Falrbank'S Scales, were awarded the highest premium at the great Paris Exposition," tnd at most never failed in fair competition with any o'hers. But what ia of more practical value, as showing the estimation in which those scales are held by the public who have known and used them so long, js the fact that the Messrs Fairbanks' scales have steadily increased for nearly forty years, being the present year largely in execs of any former one. You will ficdauhe genuine Nevv York Factory Cheese at the P G Store. 4 200 or SCO Hogs wanted, for which we wll pay the highest market price. -J L McGEE & CO. The Brownrille Distillery com iutnced operations yesterday, under its new proprietor, Mr. John Clark, of Miami count yi Ohio. This will , ensure its being run to its full capacity, and create such a home demand for Corn as we have never had before. We have seldom ever had the pleasure of noticing so desirable an acquisition to our com munity as that of Mn Clark. He was a pillar cf strength, financially, where he came frcm, and his progressive mind and well filled coffers will soon make themselves felt here. 500 pounds Fresh Butter and 600 doz. Fresh Eggs, at WM T DEN'S. Cloak Ornaments all kinds at Hill's TliC Tableaux. The Tableaux troupe gave, by special request, a last exhibi tion on the evening of the 26:h ult., for the benefit of the Episcopal Church which exceeded the first in the perfec tion of its actors. When it is considered that this troupe but a month ago, knew nothing of the stage and were naturally timid as to appearing before a large au dience, their success is trully wonderful and reflects great credit upon Prcf. Dock er, by whom the troupe . was organized, instructed and exhibited." Thel exhibi tion was so well received that we have heard many wish that the troupe might be held - together that - like exhibitions might be given from lime to time. We hope it will be.? Felt, Cloth and Hoop Skirts at 1 THEO HILL&- CO'S. Ladies' Furs, . the best variety in the market, cheap for, cash, at ' WM T DEN'S Sme time since a hatter in Brooklyn for the - fun of the thing, promised' his wife that he would -make her a skirt such as was never before known. He took some felt, and adopting the beating process by which felt hats are made, he streaked the material over a frame and bfat it in" successive layers till a thick. full sized seamless skirt was made im pervious to rain or damp, warm and not heavy; it was regarded at a' wonder by the ladies of New-York. More were de manded. They became the rage, and an immense factory has been opened, on hundred hands employed, and the de raand cannot ibe'supplied.'; t ' To. keep up with the times, and within one month of the lime these skirts be came, he rage . ia i the? .east,' pur enter prising raerchanls.'Theo.VHill &"C6. received a full variety cf them, and have now'a full stock of these most comforta ble and durable Skirts ever invented. ThC Weather, Thursday after noon and Friday, cloudy and mild, wind in the northwest Friday evening blew a moderately cold night. Suturday morn mg fresh and V clear, yet -becarae warm by noon WTe heard cf several farmers plowing land on Saturday. A live fly was buzzing round in our office on the same day. Sunday morning chilly, yet became warm and pleasant by noon, clouding up towards n'ghL Monday was pleasant apd warm. Tuesday, bright and bracing. Wednesday New Y'ear arae in as beautiful and pleasant as a May morn icg, yet the celebration cf it was very quiet and undemonstrative. . v? :- t Carpets two and three ply at i THEO HLL & CO'S, - tin: Il-jcj are 'preset: jd , with an ankle free fcr the cike of forcing youlo b jy ! inc.:i Lcxarti. Jlt -when raerchacts have to come dawn and sometimes Jose, then we say News Dealers come dawn. Marsh says come down with the prices that were forced upoir us by the war. Everything elsa is (!ovrn,' Harsh U bound sell :at his published list of prices. . Come -and see!" " : l - " "" " ' " . The undersigned propose let sell News after the 1st day of January for the fol lowing prices : ' Harper's Monthly; 30 cents Frank Leslie's Monthly 30 " Gcadie's Lady's Book, 25 - Ladies' Friend, 20 . " Balou's Monthly, 15 . Harper's Weekly,- -10 ii Leslie's Weekly, w " 10' Harper's Bazar, 10 Police News, - - - 10 Ledger, 5 New York Weekly, I 5 Saturday Nisht, 5 CI r t - I ! II Saint Louis and Chicago Dailies SI per month or 5 cts a single copy." . These rules will be strictly adhered to until further notice. , A D MARSH, News Deal er. 1 2 Dwelling Houses and 10 Town Lots for sale cheap. Enquire of Bliss at the P G Store. Flonr, Feed and rrodace at the P. G. Store. For choice Family Flour go to Bliss'. The German Ball Given by the Brownville Harmonia Society, on New Year's Eve , in McPherson's New Hall, was decidedly the most pleasant affair of the kind which has transpired in this city for several years. The turn out was large, about eighty couple being in attendance. The Supper, prepared by- William Allen, was-gotten up in supurb and substantial style, and was stowed away by the dancers with great relish. Altogether the dancing community are greatly indebted to the Harmonia for the pleasure enjoyed upon this occasion. This first trial of the rew Hall was satisfactory in every respect The music sounded will, and when rnce completely finished this Hall will have no superior in the State. Ermine, Fitch, Canada and Russian Sable Furs, at Theo. Hill & Co V. Bliss at the P. G. Store is selling Flour at $4.50 'per 100. The officers and members of the Ne maha Valiey Lodge, with their wives, mothers and daughters, convened in Ma sonic Hall in this city on last Friday evening, December 27ih, whereupon A. P. Cogswell, W. M., announced ihe or der of business to be, ; the Installation of the Officers elect. Grand Master Fur nas being present the Installation cere monies were duly performed, and the following rerson3 were inducted into their respective offices, to-wit:. . Bro. T. W. Bedford, W. M. J, W. Bennet, S. W. Jarvis S. Church, J. W. Jonas Hacker, W. T. John H. Morrison, W. S. Rufus T. Rainey, S. D. Jacob K. Bear, J. D, Robert Teare, Steward. H. E. Mathews, Steward. Fred Parker. Tyler. Bro. T. W. Bedford then announced that the Stewards had prepared refresh ments for all present at the Star Hotel, and the ticket could be bad of .Bros. Ur. H. L, Mathews and Henry M. Atkin- . m 4 m 11. "I. son. Alter nriy-oaa nereis were pur. chased, the delighted company promena ded to the dining room of the btar Hotel, where all were seated "at the most ample board of refreshments ever set before rreh. The tables were liter ally filled with the products of every clime, gotten up in the best style and latest improvements of the culinary art. An hour or more was spent in discussing this splendid refreshment, until ail were satisfied. The company resumed ihe line of march and proceded to the. Hall, and were again called to order by the VV. M., who introduced Bro. Jams Church, the orator of the evening. Bro. Church delivered an appropriate address upon the history of the Fraternity, which was listened to with marked attention ; after which Uro. A. V. Morgan moved that the Secretary solicit a copy of , the address for publication in the Advertiser, which was seconded by several brothers and carried. -I'T.: . ' ."' J. It was also on motion ordered that the Lodge tender thanks to Messrs. Steven son & Cross, for the nrost excellent sup per furnished by order of the Stewards of the Lodge. An hour or more was then spent in social enjoyment and friendly greeting, and all appeared happy and delighted. The Bros. Rev; G. R. Davis and Father Conner and the ladies played and laughed as though old Father Time had dealt generously with them, and kept their souls and hearts fresh as in the days of their youth. May we all live to attend many more surh festivals together. ; J. II. MORRISON, Sec'y. : ; The work of grading on the big cut "at the foot of Alantic street was begun last Monday, and is in the hands of a live nan, W. F. Wilson, who will rush it through as fast a the weather will per mit. Already is there some talk of build ing business houses on Atlantic street in the Spring. Wei-are . also: pleased to hear moneyed men speculating as to t' e feasibility of grading dowaTIots. on the Levee. It will pay;-' v , - READING .ROOMS. Dory, Hacker is fitting up ai. room in therear 'of 'his News Room, for the accommodation of those wishing to spend a quiet, pleasant hour in looking over the latest St. Louis and Chicago Dailies, Illustrated papers, Magazines, Books, etc Call and see him. - . ' - Just, received, al the City Book Store J Whittiei'd ' Illustrated - Snow . Bounr', Tinted paper, beveled hoards, gilt edg, Frice So. A most beautiful present. Dry Hacker furnishes St. Louis and Chicago papers, by the month, week cr single number, and delivers them, at your, place of business, at Sl,25 per month, 30 cents a week, and 10 cetti. a stng'e copv. -jrS.; - ' TL0 fiarnenla. The Germaiis- of our city -have just-organized rtf Society uuderthis title.' Throughout theUnion hundreds of German organizations have been formed for-ihe "purpose of mutual enjoyment in their "own-way and custom, and to encourage German immigration. No greater power or iucouragement to immigration irom me oiu cuuuiry uas ever been organized than these Societies. This Jatter will be one of the main ob jects of; the Harmonia, and its influence will soon be felt by an increase of the German population of this county. And as to enjoying themselves, the New Year'8 Ball demonstrates their ability to get Tip a lively dance on short notice. Louis Waldter is President. , May they.. har monize ! Flannels plain, stripped and shecked at 1 HLU. IIIIjL. i JU &. Grading on 4th and 5th streets is still progressing, and if the weather holds good will go right on to completion. ; - I i ; ' Ptre Apple Cider and Pickles at Bliss' - - i .'A new lot of Jugs, Jars, Churns and all kinds of Crockerp at THEO. HILL & CO'S. ACAED. Db?. Chane-Sc Tract, Physicians aud urgecw?Haviirg en tered into copartnership, offer their pro fessional services to the 'citizens of Brownville and vicinity. - Chronicv diseases of all kinds, and those requiring an operation, will be re ceived and attended to, and we presume as skillfully, (having had a great deal of experience,) as can be obtained any where else. .Calls and consultations from a dis ance will be promptly answered. Headquarters, for the present,' at McComas' Drug Store, where one or the other may be found when not profes sionally engaged. Messages left there will be promptly attended to. A movement is on foot to establish a Democratic paper at Brownville. ! A straight "sheet-iron" paper in that burg would be of vast benefit to the party and the town and county in which it is publish ed. Nebraska City J'excs, 4" STAPLE AND FANCY fit wm Embracing all the Qy J fj of the Season. Abo, a large and well-jelccted. stock of " Gents Furnishing Goods", " BOOTS" & SHOES, HLA.TS ONTD CIS. fiOiCiSBaiES -A AT) 0 7 9 9 AND Our Oooda were booght of first hinds, and we think we cafl oiler fuch indncements to purchasers an cannot fail to suit those wishicg to buy. Call and e for-yourfp!e.. All kinds pff Produce taken in exchange for Goods , 60 ESTRAY NOTICES. Taken up, by the undersigned, living in Nemaha Precinct on the 25th day of November, 13C7, Black Steer, with a line back and white belly, supposed to be one year old. 12-5t TCKIJISEY. . Taken up by the undersigned living in Nemaha, Precinct, Neb., on the 25th day of November, 1367, One Brindle LL"'er with ome white on her belly, supposed to be one year old. J2-5t : T C KIMSET. Taken up, by the nndersfghed, in Tfemaha coun ty, Neb- Nov. 20ih, 18J7, One yearling Steer, mostly white ears red, branded on left hip ; and One red yearling Heifer, right OT cropped and alit and left ear underbit. , l0-5t-pd - G.W. FRANKLIN. JOHN I CARSON 112 iX fnM 3 Fffaai 9 Brownvillo, 3NTo1d E-rchaftge bought and soil on 'all the principal Cities. Aiao, dealer in Gold and Silver: Coin, Gold Dust and , ?- G0VEE1HIEIIT BOITDS. i . " i . - ' - . : " ' Deposits received, payable at sight, Interest paid on time Deposits by especial agreement ' Taxes paid for non-residenir, . .-All kinds of ; :. . US. BONDS WANTED . . . , ' JOHN U, CARSON. . J; V. D. PATCH, . KASCVACTCBSB ASO DKALXB IX CLOCKS; WATCHES, AND Silver arid Silver-Platcd rarc, Also eonstantly en hand, all varieties of SPECTACLES. RUPAIRHTG done in the neatest style, and at SHORT NOTICE, . " CaiZOXS XOBERATK. VOKK W1RHAKTID. : CITY DRUG STORT? I PirowaVUloi TO" o"fc. j 1 1 1 I 1 H SEPARATOR AND CLEANER r ... i-5 co to CO cc Xlanuiaciui ta una troia by J. GAR-SIDE & CO., ' -ATCHISON, KANSAS. THIS trial cf ttis machine at. various County and State Fairs, and the judgement of everyone who sees and uses it, unite in pronouncing Brln kerhooCTs Corn Shelter the best ever Invented. With it a' man can shell his crop of corn at his leisure without an as sistant, an4 thereby save in a t-hort time more than the cost of .a Sheller. This Corn Shelter has taken the first premium for three years past at the New Tork State Fair, when bnt partially perrctel. 1 1 has since been brought to a degree c f perfection, which makes It complete. The following i the report cf the Judges on this machine, at the prtat trial of Agricultural Implements held at Aabarn, N. YA in July. 1866, under the aus pices of the New York State Agricultural Society : Among tbe machine on exhibition was a Iland Com Shelter, Separator and Cleane, exhibited by J. Brink erhoff. Auburn, N Y We have carefully examined and thoroughly tested this machine, and have no best tation in pronouncing it the BEST CORV SriELLKR WE EVER SAW. It readily adapts itself to ears of any size. or shape, thellsclean. and with great rapidity and ease,, and the same operation separates tbe corn from the cob, and the chaff from tbe corn, and delivers the corn ren4j for market ; and it requires but the la bor of tut one person to operate it. Tbe whole affair la simple in constrnction and durable. J. S. GOULD, Pres N. Y. State Ag. So. ' B . P. JOHNSON, Sec. ' " -S. HOB1SOIT, Ag. EL. N. Y. Tribune, S. E. TODD, Times. Beport of Agricultural Fair Committees, and opin ion of Agribu'.tcral and other Journals, might be cited at great length, but w eContent ourselves with tbefol lowing letter as capping tbeua all : (Coyy of Letter from-U. S. Agent for Paris Vniver- TJ. S. Agency for Pris Universal Expoaitien No. 41 Park Kow, Times Buiiding, i New York, Dec. 8th, 1S66. MK. J. BIUXKERilOKF, Esq., Dear Sir : My Ad visory Committee, appointed to select Implements for Exhibition at the Universal Exposition in Paris, In 1867, have selected and rocommended to me, your CORK SHELLKil as tbe best in America. I have accepted their report, and will forward your hei!er, if delivered here, ready for shipment cn or before January 1, 1367. Yours Truly, J. O. DERBY, U. S, Agent, &c. TVm-; of the Brlr.kerhoff Corn Sheller.. Sample shelters shipped on receipt of tbe price and warranted to give satisfaction, or tbe Machine will be taken back and the money refunded upon notica within a reasonable time. Address . . A . . J. GAUSIDE & CO., Atchison, Kansas. WM. TEN, Ag't, 8-12-3mfdn Brownville, Nebraska. At the Sign of the ig:, Sed lead. la the pjace to buy FURNITURE1 : AND ' " ' UPHOLSTRY!!! S lIS a5 Keep constantly on hand a complete aaaortmcnt cf Sofa, - Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs, . AVash Standi Hat Racks, Bedsteads, Beaureaus, Springs beds, WhatNots Chairs, Kitchen - lables. Kitchen and Parlor, toped S tands and Parlor . Tabls Metalic Cases, Ixucro Lounges, Settees, Mattre??. - Springs Tete-tetes Swing Cribs, Office Chairr, Comfort J, Kitchen Safop, Plain Stands; Rocking Crib?, Bed Springs, Children s Cabs and Gigs, ) Piano Stoc'l?, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc, etc. h ov Cases and office work made toorder And anything and everything required to set np pi tin or fancy housekeeping. All of their ware is either manufacture! or put np under i their pecial superintendence, which enable them sound articles at smaller prices than eastern inanufactutcd goods. OUll HEAKSE r.' is at the seiriceof the pnblioat any time it may be needed, and is gotten np in as ine stylo as any farther "cast. Metalic Burial Cases, of all sizes constantly on hand, at eastern price?. . We are doing businers on st'ictly cash principles, At a imall projit, and by attention to business and tho want of the community, expect in the future as in the past to receive the patronage of the pub lic generally. - M'FALL & CO. PIONEER PAINT SHOP LOUIS W ALD TER, 2 ' . CD CO drainer, GilJer, . Glazitr, AKD t- P A P E R - II A N G ER White Washing and Kalcemininj done. All work, dene ia a workmanlike manner u the norcest notice. TERMS CASH! 'J?II0Poj Uaia itroet orer ilmsan'i Pjiw Fc- ay. -jly; 3iG J 'J i I mm-- J r?.' . , , J ' i .-'rt.. ''mi ni--" ' 3;0ES3iSY;ci;3E07 riala Street, - BROWNVILLE; . - Dealers in Men and Boy's Furnishing Goods HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AIID SHOES rais, mum. CAR PET-BAGS &L0FBS. nOSIBSY. Blankets and Umbrellas Have just received and will keep con stantly on hand a large and well assort ed stock of the above, and all other ar tides in their line, which they cfTer to the public at VERY LOW PRICES - j SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby eiven. that on SaturdaT. the ISth day of January , 18G3, at 1 o'cloek, p. m., of said day, I will offer for sale: at public auction, at tho front entrance of .Met hereon a liall in Drown- ville,Xemaha county, Nebraska, (that being the place in which tho last term of the District Court for said county of Nemaha wa3 held,) the follow ing described real estate, to-wit : Lots 1 and2 sec. 10, town. 6, Range 15, ea3t nw. Jof ce. J---- do do do do Lot 3 Lit 2 24 7 do do 35 do do do 1 6 do do nw. y. L t 3, 4 and 5 do do do do w J. of se. XI do do do do Also a trace of land commencing at the centre cf section 25, town 7, ranee 15, east, and running thence east 80 rods, thence south 4 rods, thence west 80 rods, theneo north 4 rod3 to the place of bejtinninj. All of the said real estato being situated in Ne maha county, Nebraska, and having been taken as the property of V illiam II. Uenman.on an execu tion issued out of tho District Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in a case wherea William rrasher, James h. iicOee and George llarman, partners, in business under the firm name of Frasher A McUec, are plaintiff"?, and S. A. Ingham and rredenck Icgbam, partners in business under the namo and style of S . A.Ingham A Co., and William II. Denman are defendants, and in favor of said rlaintiT, and to me directed as Sheriff of said county cf Nemaha. Given under tny hand this lvta day of Decem ber, 18 ',7, DAVIDSON TLASTEKS, 12-4t-13.00 SheriiL i 1 IP'T "J f To all Who Desire to Save Money S S E EM A N Hn juht received from the East, a large and scleted lot cf AND Tin ill ii Which he o3ers at Eastern lPrices' He defies competition an! will convince allwhe will call a- d examine his Stock. Ho had also larse Stock of Hats, Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &e- Come One, Come All tcho want t . Keep their Bodies Warm. BE SI EMBER THE UiiiJUU UUUIUIUUOlUiiU jMLIISr STJE.EET, BROITXTILLE, 7.-211. . - . S. SEEM AN. STRAYED. From near London, in thia Coonty, lometiaie last Fall, one sorrel mare eoU four years old in the Spring ; 16 hands high. A rai labia reward will t given for its retarn,oe any larrTnation whiea will lend to IU recovery. , 1 kLLV. rAUtK. N at3ral Leaf, Fin Cut. Grar Jaic anl Nvy It Tobaitt ' c AN A LKv . 1 1 to rrncn.isnrs or - THE Lcck.SLich Reversalh Fad : i!J( -1 : i vV S E W I N G Ml i lti J J Shi H A S AGAIN CAT. HI ED OFF TEE DICEES honors at the principal Fairs the tr;sent sea son, commencing with the New EcglanJ Agricul tural Fair, at Providence, in September, where it was awarded the highest price, Immediately whi -b. came the New York State Fair, at BuiTjJo, in 0: tober, wnere the eommittee awarded it the Firsi Prize for a double-thread machine. Then come tho great annual Fair cf New Eng land, viz: that of the ;:, : Mcchanlcs'Association at Lowell Where the nigtcst Prize THU ONLT GOLD I JED AL awarded to any Family Sewing llachlno war awarded to the jJ'LOH.SIrCH, and th:it too after it had been on exhibition in eon- petition with other First Class Machine rt for fiv con3ocutive week?, where if haJ been er- amined by the best mechanics ia the country, w'a. pronounced it the best constructed and most reua- b.e Machine, and on that, on account of its lizn plkity would Accomplished a greater araonatr oi woik, ana in a mors satis factory manner, than any '( . other SexTing Machine ever invented. ' ... At the Fair of the Maoylan 1 Instituo. whi A ' closed a four weeks session at Baltimero on th- 1 27th of November, tho superiority 6t the FLO-. iLcr. was again connrmetf by the committee cn Sewing Machines. who unanimonalva'.varJe.lit th 1 COLD MEDAL, the hi-he3t prii? tho lnsUiut- ' confers. . ; . On the 12th of September tLo rr. at F.i-ar-.l Exhibition of the American Institute was rpe ! in New York. As usual, tho display of Swir.;' Machines Was larze.and the cimDotlti-n strintr bui after a six weeks trial, tho fricnJj cf th- , FLORENCE had the satisfaction of seeing their favorite aain triumphant. and for tho second timr bearing ciT the hizheat honors of tha Arr.tri.ia: Institute. Below we cive ancxlract from the Report rf Iht : committee on Sewing Machine, read at the c!oi 3 cf a. I mo r air : The whole number of Sewinsr Macbini ca rr- hibition is tbieteen ; of lhese, twelve are entere I for comret on. Tbe orticle barir thn No. ?2i (F10SENCE SEWING HACHIHE) is decided to be the LLl on exhibition. It rauit ab- stated.incidcntally, that Thi it Utttr than anj rf it data inown to the JuJqcz. "its merits are : "1st. Good material and ' - - thorough workmanship. 4'2d. More absolute nov elty than marks the usual improvements in Sewin Machine. 2d. The ingenious arrangement of a positive nA tions for adj usting the thread daring .to pa5 of the shuttle and the gathering up of it in thi finish of the stitch. 44 4tb. The reversible feed. "5th. The viriety of work tLat can be Joaj up on it. "We therefore decide that it receive the award tf Crstclais. (Signed) WJI. Pr.ATT. IRAS. CAD V, L.J.KSWLE.-." . Thl3 it tJ certify that the fregoisg is tru i extract from tho Kedort of the Ju.1-cf Scwlaj Machines at the 37th r.nnul Fair, I7. JND. W. CHAMBERS. , Sec'y D;arl ilaaagfrs. New York, Not. 11th, H07." . . . It would seen asthco-h thij fuecesoinn of tri- umpbs should be sufDeisnt to convince every un prejud:ced person cf the great superiority v.( tb rLt)REX(JE over all others as a F.itrily'enin Machine : anJ if anything more is needs I to or. - firm the above, we might added that, i n 1? 11, th Lo. only sola 50 ilachices, whilst nor there ar-. over 40,000r IN; USB, thes estabrishing the inccess oT the FliORENCn beyond all question. EYery 31acblac l3 T5arrantcd. Circulars, Price Lift3and samt les of w:ri Tir- nibbed on application. - JOHN W. HEIiDERSOri 1 Ajent for Erowsvi::a anJ Neenha Couttj." EVAN WORTHING, BILLIAED EOOII A 5 D SALOON South side Mainbet. 1st and 2d Brovrnvillc, eljravka, Wholesale and Retail Dealerin Wines, Liquors,Fleming3 nd Scotch Ales, Lon don Porter, Douh lin Stout Cigrs Trosh Tonato??, a two and tr.rr rf Df er. a 5 - e e e 1 a I i I: ? ! a . :d . t fl IU ey p., j. a: he- he. r uid I. aetl of- riVa ast. 'ion. : r on csed Tha . t loo zart. I of. AJ took d ia- ;cted . i tha frcm f crni " pcof tfter ere ; d th Uid j th t . UJ I nedf x j sur ed ) he c!c- ft -'ere' ch ' el r a f e c s t)