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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1868)
'i&brosuO'-'&Duttltsci' JAHTI5 S. CHURCH, Editor. t- DROWA'TILLR, THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1P67. Out -LX1 TO THE Railroad Meeting IN JlcPHERSON'S NEW HALL Satnxday Evening, Jan 4111,1303 Agreement UaovsviLLt, Neb. i Jan. 1st, 15G3. . 7i$ Agreement, made this 1st day of January. Ar D., 1SCS, ly the Officers and Directors of ihc 13rownviJle:Fi. Kear ney a ni Pacific Railroad Company with ihe County Commissioners cf Ntmaha County,' Nebraska, witnessed: "Thai the Officers and Directors cf the raid Company do hereby agree that the turn of S350,000 ia Bjnds, if voted by the people of Nemaha County, Neb., on the 7ta day cf January, 1SGS, ' iiiall in no esse' be called for as a donation to the raid company. And tve. the Oiiicers and Directors of lhe: aforesail company, further as rree that the Bond?, if voted by the people cf Nemaha County, Nebraska, shall" never be called for if the said company fails to cbiain a knd rant from the Congress of the United States to aid ia the construc tion of the said road. And we, the Officers and Directors of the aforesaid company further agree that in case we obtain the land grant as afore said, and the Bonds are voted by the people of Nemaha County, on the 7ih day of January, 1SGS, we will in no case call for .the issue of the said Bonds in eny amount greater thun will be needed to raise ia current funds the assessments dr entailments called for on the. stock laken by the County cf Nemaha in the samo proportion and manner as the as sessments are made on slock owned ly individuals, and by them pftid in cash, for the purpose of constructing a railroad from the eastern boundary of the county of Nemaha, Nebraska, to the western boundary thereof. ' And we funher agree, that for all the Bonds issued by the County of Nemaha, Nebraska, lo aid in the construction of the IlaiJroad aforesaid, we, the Officers and Directors of the' aforesaid Railroad Company, will issue to the County afcrn aid Certificates of Stock in the afore mentioned company to the full amount cf the- face of the Bands so issued ;o the Company aforesaid. And it is furthor agreed by the Officers and Directors cf the said Company that the conditions contained in the loregoiog article shall be and remain in full force cn all cur-successors in office as Officers and Directors in the Company known by the name and style of the Bxownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad Com pany. In Witness Whereof we the Officers and Directors cf the Company aforesaid hereby affix our hands this 1st day cf January, 1SGS. JOHN McPIIERSON Pres. R W FURNAS, Vice Pres. J W BLACKBURN, Sec'y. JNO. L. CARSON, Treas. L HOADLEY, ) J C DEUSER, ( Directors. THEO. HILL, ) Vie the Commissioners of Nemaha Co., Nebraska, do certify that the above Agreement of the Officers and Directors of the Brown ville, Ft. Kearney and Pa cific Railroad Company was made and rlaced on file for . STAMP ' tignti r. u. n. Jen. I, C3 - record this 1st day of January, A. D. J5GS. . : w -FRED G HOLMES, ) n n . i J L Ale GEE, Co' Cora 1 Certify the above to be a true copy of an article now on file in the Clerk'? Office -of the County of Nemaha and State of Nebraska. Witness my hand and Seal of said County, this 1st day of January. 1SGS. JAMES M. HACKER, ; County Clerk. A Card. Cocktt Clerk's Orricr. ) . Brownville, Neb., Jan. 1st, 1SCS. ) In riew of the fact that I have hereto fore opposed the issue of $350 000 in Bonds to the Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company, I wish to ray to ray friends and others, who may bate been for the same good reasons op posed to the measure, that the causes which led to the zealous opposition to this important proposition co longer exist, consequently all the argu ments Heretofore used against the pro position relative to the improper issue of the bends, cr the interests or security of the County, have lost their force. An Agreement made this day by thb Railroad Company with the County Com missioners," officially signed, stamped, ac cepted and filed for record, places the whole question, so far as the interests of the County are concerned, beyond cavil, and I now take pleasure in commending the question cf the Bonds to your favor able consideration. FRED'K. G. HOLMES. We print above the Card cf Comrnis eioner Holmes. A short acquaintance with Dr. Holmes has impressed us with the conviction that he is a straightfor ward, h'gh-minded and enterprising citi zec; His' objection to the railroad enter piie . prucg f rem the fact tha.t be did t-rr-r-f ,' ,-,---7 t - s ' , '.. """" not -censidertbe iniemts cf "ihocouiify sufficiently secure until the above agree ment was drawn up and duly signed by the company in the presence of the county Commissioners. .., We are glad the ccsipany' have 1.3 1 thw epportunity torlac ;- on record anoui er proof of their dii'aterestednets the premises. This, must .convince that their oljecj is tbe development" cf the resources of the county and refutes the contemptible insinuation that they only care to line their own pockets. To our Readers. The old year has passed away, and ve are now just stepping upon the borders of the new. The occurrences of the.past year are now rapidly passing" before, our mind. And as we contemplate eachisep arately, and reflect how brief the time, andjiow- mighty for good or - evil to ma ny souls these acts-of ours have been, we cpii tut excla:ni,uHcw frail is'manl' "How potent is his influence and exam ple."" He has lived in vain who has net improved his capacity for good by the experiences of the passed year. ' A' mo ment's reflection will suggest improve ment in every department of labor ia which we severally have been engaged, and bring in review the new ideas stor ed in the mind's treasure house, for fu ture use. Reflect as we may, the most fortunate cf our fellow men can but la ment ever time lost over opportunities wasted ever a constitution impaired. I and ever knowledge misdirected. Fig ure as we will, Time, the great pres sing Shjlock, whose drafts must be hon ored, makes constant and increasing de mands upon the balances placed to cur credit in each fleeting hour ; too soon the bond will be forfeited and the "place that now knows us shall know us no more forever." Then let us pause for a moment before entering upon the jour ney of another year contemplate brief ly the object of our existence the aim of life. Are we preparing ourselves for the great hereafter? Are we adding to virtue-, knowledge, and to knowledge temperance ? Are we by our influence, examples and virtues lifting our fellow man from the degradation of vice and crime, to that purer plane which he is destined to occupy"? Art we? If so, may we Dot redouble our efforts in the cause of humanity, as we enter upon and prosecute the duties cf the new year? Will not each strive to do more to lift up-the fallen, reform, the vicious, edu cate the ignorant, encourage the virtu ous, and improve Society. The history of 1S6S shall be our reporter. . Tlie Esllrcad Meetlnss. There have now been held at various points in the county a series of meetings at which the propriety of the county aid ing in the construction of the Brown ville, Ft. Kearney, and Pacific railroad to the amount of $3-50,000, payable in twenty-year seven per cent bonds, has been amply discussed, both pro and coo. This discussion for the most part has been conducted in a friendly spirit' with a view on the part of all to determined the best course to pursue. All unite in wanting the road built, and we think most of our fellow-citizens are willing to take the risks a3 great as they are repre sented to be by the opposition, and vote the issuing of the bonds and the tax for the aid of the road. It is thought by many that the condi tions on which the aid is to be granted, ought to have been more fully set forth in the order for the election. While ad mitting the force of this objection let us for a moment see how far it should con trol our action on the day of election. The County Commissioners are the a gents of the county. All parties deal ing with them are bound by the instruc tions we give them. If these instruc-. tions are full and complete, t is well, but it being so hard for finite man to provide f jr every human event, most trustworthy agents have to be given much discretion ary power. So ail officials are supposed after having faithfully complied with the tew to exercise a reasonable degree of discretion ia protecting the interests which they respectively represent. In other words, they are held by public opin ion to execute the spirit as well as the letter of the law. Our County Commissioners, and all who contract with them for the aid of the county on the adoption of this prop osition, are bound by the conditions in the order or notice of election as pub lished. The Commissioners may, or they may net, exercise the authority conferred upon them by our vote but if they do ex ercise this new" power, they must con form to the conditions submitted, and un der the general power to look after the in terests of the County, they may make such ether and further conditions not incon sistent with their duty expressed and set forth in the law as they in their judg ment deem best to protect the rights of the county, and as will carry out the wishes and will of the people in the premises. All will see, then, that we place this matter in the hands of the Commissioners, who are strictly respon sible to the people for the exercise of the power - -conferred." The question then arises, can the Commissioners be trusted with this further grant of power unless more definitely instructed? All who have witnessed the anxiety cf the present board to strictly comply with the expressed will of ;' the .people, and are conversant with their high etandicgr for tjvabllfty ana faithfulness in pri vate life, believe they can be so trusted. This being settled, then, we conclude that although there may be an apparent force in thor objection ".hat th? ccr. Jinc on which the aid is aiked are net so ft: I ly and definitely set forth as they miat a:.d ought to h&ve been, still,, under til have little or no weight in determining the question whether the county should grant this aid or not. : : : v : : ; i General; 3tars;v o v: - : Reports of the flood in the Sacramen to Valley indicate that it has been near ly as disaslrou3,as that in 1S61 and-lSQ2 The levees at Sacramento are safe. Such a disastrous storm was nev er, before ; known, m the- Nevada-range of .mountains, !.?.:;..'-;; vl? .'I I The Union Leagues of the South have generally declared in favor of.Chfef Jus4 tice Chase for the next .President. . . ! ' : great distress reported by 'the officers f the Freedmen'a Bureau among both the whites and blacks- in the'South. Thp Government tax on whiskey ,is S2 per. gallon." The 'Ways and Means Com mittee report that only eighteen cents per gallon has been collected. The Democrats have recommended the legislatures of New Jersey,. Ohio, and California to repeal the resolutions of those States ratifying the proposed 14th article of the national constitution. - ; It is understood that ihe new English Minister to the.'U. S. is armed with au thority to again open. up the negotia tions for a settlement on a satisfactory basis of the Alabama claims. - " The late fire at Quincy, fllinois, de stroyed S50.000 worth of property. . - The Telegraphic reports of the rising of the negroes in. the South side coun ties of Virginia are untrue. The M,iH; tary Headquarters and the Freedmen's Bureau know nothing of the roa.tten ; -Foreign News. A number of letters hate been receive ed in Dublin by prominent officials load ed with explosive' materials designed to. kill the persons" addressed. 'Several were exploded by opening.' but at.latest dates no person had been killed.'' This is said by the London press to ba ; "the latest Fenian outrage." ' J The Londoners are much.' gratified at the reception Dickens. received, in this country. Dickens thought years'ago thai th pocket nerve ' was the only cne of sensation Americans possessed. '. The Pope has enjoined the Rcthschield Bankers against paying the coupons of Italian Bonds. There is great excitement throughout Italy which may culminate in a rising against the Government. The Russian and Prssian Governments have sent orrit's to the Colt Patent Fire Arm Company, of Hartford, for large quantities of Berdan rifles, and Gctleib revolving cannon. .. Commnnications. Higiilats-d, Neb , Dec. 23, 1SG7. Mn. Cnuncn: Dear Sir Oa Christ mas morning the dwelling house of Hen. W. B. Phillips, of Glen Rock Precinct was burned to the ground. Nearly all the provisions, bedding, and clothing be longing to the family were also destroy ed. . The loss is estimated at two" thous and dollars. It was a sad Christmas to themselves and the peoplo of the vicini ty. The house was insured in the Amer ican Insurance Company a worthlss con cern I am informed. The cause of the fire ii not known. Mr. Phillips savs that he and Mrs. Phillips remained in bed until their son buijt a fire in the mor ning, so that they could. watch the ma neuvering of their two little daughters when they discovered the contents of their well filled stockings girls, on coming out of the What is that up there ?" The litde room cried. Mr. P. in ioo;iin in mat direction saw a sneet o r fire. Grasping a bucket of water he ran up stairs and found the fire pouring its hot, scorching flames from a closet where were deposited old papers and other com bustible material, and dashed the water oa the fast spreading flames. Mrs. P. took another pail and ran to the well for a bucket of water, but in her hurry she twjsted the brass line used on the pat ent curbs and' buckets," so thai she could not get the bucket up or down. Had it not been for this there is no doubt but that the fire would have been checked, and the property saved without much loss. Seeing that the I033 of the house was inevitable', the stage company's host ler was called from the. barn, and all three went to -work to save what first presented itself to view. The people of the neighborhood did not discover the fire until the roof and siding were envel oped in flames. I wa3 over a mile away from the scene of conflagration, when I first discovered that the building was on fire. . The flames seemed to be lapping the whole' building with its forked tongues. Mr. Camp and myself hurried lo the stable, bridled the horses, and gal loped one to the neighbors and the oth er to the fire, but too late, to save any thing, although the first present, besides the family. , . . With ropes the standing shell was torn down, the cross beams pulled out, and by this time water 1 was' obtained, and by some active working, the potatoes, pork, and canned fruit ia. the cellar were saved in slightly damaged: ccadlttoa.'' The liclTe molasses" and other provisions were en tirely destroyed. -The peofls'ffothe surrounding coun- Ury still gatheringJSn, showed by word nd deed t::athey were read to give a I wiping L-ci in every way possible -Mr. Pl.illipshas obtained a hojse and iv.the- ussistarcrcf kind neighbors ' is enabled to commenc house keeping with m m It & a tair aegree or cquuun. The ChrisUrfaT of 1S67 will long be remembered by-Mr. Phillips and family, as well as by this kind and -intelligent Yours. &c, B. P. ZUVER. The above is from one of our best SchcohTeachetsJSnd we heartily" thank bun for givingu's a- description of this most dreadful occurrence. We wish we coula'mauceTeVery school teacHer "the county-to give cs every item oMnterest ihjbeire?pVclive sodrr a3 they occur. Since we received-the above, we learn from-'Giies R. ;-Reeie i Esq: Vf Glen Rock, that; the friends of lhat section, are busy hauling-, 'hewing, framing, and raising another bouse for Mr. Phillips, and- that he soon'wiH have a hew- house aain. Doubtless Mf.? Phillips will have more faith hereafter io the virtues and, promptness of his neighbors than-in all the insurance companies ef America. Tlie Railroad. Mr. Editor: One word more upon the Railroad question and: I' am done, as the tiresome and' long-winded speakers say, when about making a new start. The question now pending before the people of Nemaha County, 'and to be de cided next Tuesday, is perhaps the most important so far as it concerns the ma terial interests of the county, or" any that ever has been, or'so far 3 I can see that ever can be prosented." It seems to -have, reduced itself' down to this that it is the question upon.which now depends the whole project cf secur ing to this county ihe inestimable bene fits which must result from-being on the line of one of the most important-if. not THE most important railroad line. in the world. For it is unquestionably. true that the line of commercial transit and travel which connects the largest and.most important-cities of this continenti-wiih Europe and Asia, is the most important in the world; and thaf this Mississippi and Mis scur? Air Line road projected as propos ed by the Brownville, Ft.- Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company, to a connec tion with the Union Pacific line, posses es this advantage, any can see for him self by looking at the map. And if we vole down tne proposition to aia in mis enterprise as proposed, we virtually say to Congress and to the world that we do not desire this enterprise., to succeed This, of course, will put the project en tirely out of joint; For Congress is not likely to assist' the enterprise by the necessary aid of a land grant, unless we desire it. Whatever favors of this kind Government may '"have to bestow,ushe has no disposition 'to force them upon a people or locality contrary to iheir wish es, especially when there are other.coun ties adjoining which have been most per- fistant. in tneir aemanas tor 'tne very thinfr we reiect. . t . The same, may, be said in regard to q .... J . . ! . i - 4 all the other influences which .would fa vor oar enterprise. . By -voting against the proposed aid : we spurn from us all the favorable and. friendly influences which we have enlisted and .might en list, and which have been, are .now and will be most seduously courted for oth er places and routes less favored by na ture but more alive, to,, their own inter ests. " ; II- Mr Editor: It was feared by .ma ny that the "country at large" would not survive the shock occasioned by the re nnrfihafCol. Parker of Gen. Grant's staff" "'came up missing" at an hour fix fnr Ins marriage with a "Dale face," at the "National Capital.'? ' The explana tion is -perfectly satisfactory at General Grant's headquarters. . The "Medicine Man?. of the '.'Six Nations," .accompani ed by ihe spirit of a "dusky maid,"who claimed the "tall chief," vent for him ; seized arid bound him ; conveyed' him to a secluded room in a secluded . hotel, "there then he" .mixes and administers the 'Drug" which causes a "deep sleep" and the wedding is! spoiled. The differ ence of opinion as to whether the "drug was an extract, of corn, rye or wheat, potatoes, or grape, ,will perhaps never be reconciled; unless "Oar Reporter" made the discovery when he "was arres ted in his course, by bringing up against a post at the "pavement edge," or when he "discovered that; he had landed in an In-laying Hospital for decrepid barrel?, decayed store goods, boxes, and oderous hen coops." -Did the Seneca ''Medicine Man! "go for" "our Reporter ?" , . 1 ' DA.T.: 1 Mr. Editor :-r-Th$. estimated cost of building the tB Ft K & P R'R.'SOO miles at S32.000 per mile, isS6?4Q0,000. Admit that it takes. sir years, to buifd this road, then there will be left oat of the twenty years in which the county bonds are to ron',' fourteen years. Grant thai the roads only pays tbrpe jper cenl dividends per "'year after completion. That will be lDQOQa, year, or S2,G3S, 000 in fourteen years One half of wiich or Sl.344,000 will then belong "-ia the tpunty at the end of twenty yeirs; f t6a j County investment, to- wit: UioU.uuu, leaving in we wjji) CO tre jury to the credit of the Rail r. id fun 1 the snug 1: file cf SD04,000. : The above fir ;r;iare rnade ""vper ;sc--osit'K)n"that ihe $350X00 from me County,-and the same, amount cf private sub; criptions,'' 'with the . land's v from the "general and State Governments will be sufficieut to build the road. I M CONVINCED. " Hon. T. W. Tipton spent the Holidays wth his-many friends-ra Erowaviile. He has now left for Washington. The Senator has the- good of the people at heart,. and is .-working -earnestly ia ths I cjjuse. pC humanity and for equal rights to all. Nebraska has no truer represen tative in Congress. The-Republican' par ty has jno more faithful advocate.'and the wishes' 'of RdpubliVarjmajoriiies are by no man mre; sincerely respected. 'Worthing and Vilcox are paying HQ cents pef busher for;ic'drn at Hamburgh the present terminus of the Railroad, By selling your corn" here for forty-five cents, you are losing 6ni every load of forty bushels, $6,0Q--enough to pay two years tax ca the proposed railroad : bonds Eugene" Casserly, one of the leading members of the Democratic. party of Cal ifornia, .has been elected ;U. S.-S?nator, io'siicceed Hon. John Connes?. Two communications, one from Peru v i - ----- - - - - and one from London, came loo Iate for this No., 1 Th'ey will 'appear next week. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. John McKinzie, riff., Helore A,. W. Morn, J. P. against ' '1 4 of, Xemah Cjuotj, S'ato Wm, Seymour, Df 't. ' . of Nebraska. r On the 2l3t &y ef December. A . D. "'1357 Slid Jastico issued an Order f Attach id cnt -in tbs above nction for the gum of Ninctea : dollars. Crovronie ,eb.. Deei 27th, 1357. k " " Wit HE WE1T & CHUKCB, Att'js fur Plff. , W. H.r KJMBERLIN. OCULIST AND AU11IST. Will Treat aHlDUeaw of 1te Eye nd Ear. . . . J --'- BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA- Tenjers'hf serFiaes tftho. eitiiensof thi City anil-Vicinity. " May be consulted at the above plao from tf e 1st totha 10th of 9ch month. A ,-at the Sftynv7ur;Uon3e,-5"Gbraka City rtritn the f 10 th to the -2.0 til,-' dt the Sflem 113 8a!m, ii)b arJson county, frorn the 20th to the 30th of each i onth. , ,12-11 ly . , . Proposals for inserting the' abbvo desired from the paprs of Nebraska., ' A J its to Siletn.". GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. ' To all whom it may concern ; . - - -i : , r Notice is hereby given that the Probate Court ef Nemaha county , Nebra?ka,baa appointed the second Monday in January, 1853, to hear a settlement from Virginia M. .Hunt, Guardian of Gsorga bba and LoriniLi Ebb, now Mrs. Godfrae. 5 Given under my hand this 23d day of Dec., A.D. 1S63. A.'W. MORGA2,Probae Judge. Virginia Hunt, Guardian.1 ; 13 2t - FRANZ HELMER, - OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, . B RWXTILLE, 'L?s ED KASHA. WAGOITS, BUGGIES. PLOWS, CUITI VIIOHS, kc, Repaired on short notice,at rorrare3 nd warranted to give satisfaction. ; x13-fi'nn AND 3" 23 TxT E3 JLmLSSTI ! , J O b lir ll :fc 11 U T Has just received' nnd will constantly keep' on Land a lar and well selected stock of genuine ar id es in i3 line. , . - OrJt Boor xctsi of - Grant's Sionr, Bioicm : , vilie Nebraska. 1 ' Of Cloclts; Watchesand Jewelry done on the ihorN estXotice. - WORK WARRANTED. Brownville, Neb.. March 15th, 18SS. . TO-25-ly aKJaatr.r-ii'ni StlOKTEST ROUTE ! .... . . , i - . i - J . (iiickct Time!! We retnrn thanks to our frieptls and tho trading public for the libe ral patronage they hwe . . thus far extended us. - v -f yr.rr: Our aitn" shall . ..... be a; . 1 .Conduct r:; : ; ; ; r.. .. our business . i as to merittho --o -s rjc confidence c our. ? - . ; customers r- AllrGpresen-' , ': .tations guarrantied. We keep on, : .hand ' a; complete stock "of . alt kinds of goods, required for this . , " market, and as to prices We Will Not be Undersold! Dry: Goods, ."u.":'; -iH-" Groceries, - iiardware,: ' : Qaeensware, Boots &Slioesv: - . Hats, Caps ' - : : &C. &C. &C. AH' kinds 'of 'Prodiice ' :, - . ' -1 '. - TAKES' la exrtange for Goods, for wfcicb th kisest maikt ptio will t allowed. ROBERT 1 TEARE . CO. Comer ilaia and Sseond Stmt -: .;---( , I-- i-:-';-. '! - " - . . , i i -. . n . j . -,- . ' -! ' JUMTJ Iff, 139. which deduct th CLOEK'&WST DE Eeglstrar's Notice. TTE ecrtify that the fcllowinj is a' correct lA r ,ua 1--1 t . 'iK- "i'ered in Brownville Pre- eint. Nenvi ' ;oua'7, ,i,ataof Nebraska, as retura- ed bj as t 3 CV er Tib, , , -1 ry C.erk for the annual eiec 37, aid a 10 names of voters s fevisin tha same for the f?r tho Jth day of January, ti ia of l . ial eleci.-.J'Ct'ile K, . 1S33:- ''i ' A ass Jac t Ileywooi Laaa. . - Hill GoorseW , Ulil Lewi j 11 Jl Theodore IJjSadley, Luther -1Iolbrok Wm II Holliday Andrew S Floover Wm H - Haddari Joseph " Hughes Geo Hughes Richard V Hunter Thomas . Jamison Sewell R Johnson J A Johnston J B Jobnsan Homer Johnson Oicar ii Johnson Wesley Jones Benj F . Jones D.ivid . . Jones John " - Jones Phineas Jones Thomas R 'I V Keuwiidter Charles !- HeUy Riley Kerrnedy Siephen W , I AMjrmin Hiram : A Lea tre icr io & Allen Iaac B ( Allen John Alien Aick: Allen William Atkinson Henry M Uaeon Amos I3a2on Charles II Baird JohnT Baker Georga Baker IlngH Baker Iaa Baker Joseph Baker Simnson BXraJ Michael Barber John C Barrett Tiichard F Bayless F J Beach Charley.,.,. . Beard Joseph A Beard Thomas Bervr Jacob iClV1:.' -Benson J rj o"'H !. v- Beckncl Robert Bedford Theodora V Bcnnedict JamejB'-1 kesi:rn Iti'-hardson Kin" Thns Henaett Geor?s (" ICnephcr Henry Bennett John W ? ; 'Landon Lumen L Benqett 'Wiiiianj n lit vLawrance SamuelB Bennett WiUiaia U 2d Lcach Joha Berger Jacob B Berger M ." . . ' 1 1 Berkley George . , Berkley JacobJJ Leaoh William Ri JLee-Thos - ' Lett Henry C . . . k; Lewi4 Daniel II , ( LowuW. U vi Ljniie? Wi'.liasa ;i : ".Linn Wm . . . . Ick -vood ' " .. Loranee W II . Lftve'e-H Jner)h - Jyowery Phillip Mahi Ciotlei'o j. ' . Manning II P . I;iri'p. Georjjo,r) ! Berry AndrcJ . ! Kerry r.'.l-4ar Berry J.iss Blnckbnra .1 eph W Illackbura W D -Bhcketeo Samuel Black -Isaao .. Biake Pirse r, v , Bliaa Joha . Bohond Juhn C , ;( . BoufBd.i Juha Boyd M F. - )m Bratt..n'errsal7 J ' Breg! Cbarles B-ewer Jacob , Brooklins Alien ' ' ' Brush John W' Bryant DC V ... Bryant fJeorc I Brvant Wil'iaru D Marlatte Jfrcur.ahJ Marnbs J vb r ( ! ; 1 Marsh A D '' ' Maryh il Georgo Marshal John C - , JIartin, Patterson Mitthews Homer L llank Is;ta - . McCabe C l: Cartey ! B.on M ' MuCoanoa iey James II -MCor.rMK JlcCreery Win n M.Fall Andrew J lIcF irlard D Geo James L : ; , : , MoG'iwen Mclnincb T.nj F.1 1 M ln? Wra. ' Meiwnsr-5 O ; M Kenzie jaraes JL-Ktfnsia John M " il.'Kiuaey IleianJer .Mt'Kvwj Vm -, 'J.Iehtughiin PitU li ' 'Mtl.'au-hliri Tit5:;thy .k-Iherson C i(ri4J ; IvPutrr)a Joha -;": T - M-.-Nniyrh ton James C .IMeWhbrsrAa Burhe?s E II . - " Barlich John 01 Caldwell He'iirjv' v ' UaMwell Jmca , . Caldwell Sumucl II Campbell Cliarles ' CiLepS-ell iKvid ; Catnpbujr Wiilsam Carp6ter Ja.per " ' Carpenter Jubn ' Ciirentef Peterson Carpenter. Willi . Oarrol! Frnk!in ("auon Jobii' L. It fi.. n V. CavenyJc.hil ' T ,' Ch inibet.ihv'lC.Fr. Cbureb arvU '; . CUggett J Ii CUrk Allen . !!(' Clark Jbn C Clark W II i I' CkrkWril:iaia.P. Clark Z W "... Clayton SimJn Q Ci CLn-Isaa . . , , . Coggdill Abraham Cogsi It Daniel Cogswell Anothy P Cole Je?se Sr. . Cole John Coleman James "W Culeman Nathan A Colhapp John L. . . Collins Thomaj Conner Aaron " Conner Moses it CockCbarlaaG Cotk John S Coons J W Coon WO Cotton Iral . -Coulton Dmry Coulton Jamos ' CoxJchnA Cox Joseph Crandal Willianj , Crane Jonas " Crane Samuel ' Ctanmer U T ' " Jlcdfrd James Medford Jo?pb .. Medlin JlTcrsan .. ' " Midi!etrn Ju'aj W : Miller 5e!s ' Sc . 1 '4 Miller Joshua Jr Mi! ion John Mil!ionJfA;:0 JlinpicK Biran) 0 ; MoTiCiuvie-Aohn 2. Money Edmufli Montieth John . Moqm B . : .Moore Ira iroore -lames . , . Moore Jno Moore Wm Morgan A W Morrison Jno II Morrison bert . . Morrison William - . - Morris WW' ' ' Muir R V . , Muntz John Nceley Goorgo W Nelson Robert Nelson Jimes Odel Jasper Opelt Alfred Opelt Joeph ' Opelt Wm E Palmer Jame3,C Parker Ira P-irker Fred Parker Simual ' ' Parker Samuel F Paris W F Partch Jjhn W I Patch J T ' .Patch J V D - - . - . Peck Pm-ry E ' ' ' PeckJL PcdiAi'i Henry W Penny Daniel : Fenny Wcyf'ey'' Perkin. I'iul Petry Thomas F "Petetn-M Andy- - " ' ' Ifc!crVnl" " Fierce Silas PieicaJohn ; Piefcay-Miathaa5 Pierce. T W Pennell Gea Ilasters D-riJoo ) '' Plasters Lemuel Platen LP P.IKjk Win-A' Pnn Frank Ponn.T-,haA lnr Jjioph Ilainiy liafus T Raudai llrru oa . . Reynolds .1 . : Kio Benjamin F ; ' Richar l-1 f b')j. Ri?'u S-imu:l M R.bbin? Th'-mas lUb rU Earces R'bius4iu J,iac Ii'iinoa LuiaerD - ifger iipj. '.liters Jwft i) R-.ers J hu -R ; t R J . .'..., )urr'V Kabva- ' i ' , : Rosel 4 iSliam R.y J..soi'h L Sainltrs Thorn vs Xewton odors JL-iwj T Fan-K-ra Wjj- ' ; ' Svp lk-.g IT ''auibafy Jimes ,ik : Sti1 lieijamin So-rilc J Schunrr IItraa Sch ri n er Conrad, " JSka? Jofeh , Soo;t Joh E Creason Joha Crissman John Crwty J M Crook J II Cross Daniel, Crow Georgat i . Cruniwcll Thomas Cuibcrt-on Cyrus J - Curdenbough J Dani?!s Wm. . . '. Dangherty Geo DaviJcn Andrew R Davis Geo Ii Deary Jacob. Deary John W 4 ' Dellaven C rie ": Denvss In Den Win T , Dcuser Ciis - - ; r Dcu?er JebaC ' -: 1 ' DcuserJ P ?r DouscrJ PJr Dimming Frank; - '" . Dodd Allien Dorsey Charles G Dorsey Geo VT. .' ' DruellWm Drury Jonas Dryden .MUtoo F Dubois L Dutton Geo W Dye Jai? Ii . Ebriht EdwarlE EJ wards I. G Edwards Talbird Eliis D itid II Emmtri in Henry Eutnmns James ' Enjuions 4amH Jr. Emp.u Getrg . Emj's.jQ Uatdua EniwistJs Jaihus Eruija Jacob John J - - : Fairlrother G W Ftlt Myr.,n 11 Fieldf Woa- ,,;:; ! Fimple G A Finck iliuhael ' ' Finck W-t ' " ' ' Fishburn E'i ,'. Fisher Thus R. Fier Job! ; Footer Joseph - Foster Ti.o:na Ii v Franklin AulrewJ Franklin Guusga Vi. First Kbert Furnas li W..O J v -') Gar?im Gcorg W (Jatea.Abjier-. , . r , ,tu t J .hn-T, Gibjoa 'Jarhts Y. : ' J ... Gibson ai C Gilhland .Hdaon II Gillmore Robert ' ' Graham J II Graat Byron . Grant James i Grant Wendel . Green I?aaj Grwn I C ' Hacker Frank A , . (lacker James M Hacker Jonas L " Hacker Theo C Hackney Walter W : Hahn Edward Hll Charles IUS1 C bar! ton Hall John It Se Jor s Alfred . . Sedoris Frederick "Sedoris JscksOn Sed ris Jbo Sedras Nathan Seem in iimanJ Sellers ... 5eymcrr Seyniur Henry Snaltey Daniel ' Sheldon Uroa Shell enberger Dniej" U Shellenberger W D ' Shellhorn G ShiaTsrlleiiry Shirtx John G Shirtx Robert T Skeen Andrew J Skeen John G- r Skeen Richard ' Slider Simuel ? Small Wra II Smith DaTiJ ' - 'i Smith Edwari'D . - Smith JobaL'G SmithJhnQA ' '" Smith IW., Smith Lriah Snyder U D Suf jrd Abraham .Stanley Joseph i- . Stanton J L Stanton William 31 Starry Alexander Siorras William II ' Strain Hiram - - - Strain John , Strong Charles " Stephens Gecrga Stephens Mark . SteTen? Jacob . . 4 Stevenson Jno SteTenson Janes 1 Stewart Charles J V Hall Wm R Halsey F P ' Hamilton Joseph O ( Handler Alexander liaaniford Iijchaxi S Ilardiog Fre4 , . HardrrgJoha Harper AW Harper Matthew Harris James Harris Wi'JiaraTT Harris Wm R Hauboldt Chria . ' Hawke Wm Haws Rarnett Haws David Hefraer Ciarlei I J Hekasr Fraai' ' Helmer Wei . H end em a GeK Henderson Geo ii . Henderson John Benton James ' ' lento n Jno W Henton T C " - : U?weit 0 B i-u!try.?y t "icr D 1 .l Wali-n ' ' al'iw & e oh tl. Air. "tloh Orr 7? If 'r:.a enui! i, Wi -1 1 Teft John K heeler VTi'.cox EliH l.ina J 7 . ilsn Si Wiln wm p - Winters a..?Uk Wit Riclard ' t - 5rtna Wo, Wrth,B?ET, Wright Jm, Zook Wii.'iaa f . al Elei - TerrelV 1 Th.irp'John Thomas Edward YT Thompson Renj B Thompson George . Thompson John Thompson Joseph Sr. Thompson Jos Jr Thompson Smith Thompson Tbomai Thurman H C Tipton ThomajW Tisdel F A Tracy J L Travia JSattblaj TriiDiner Thadieus Trip John Twrner Geo L La.. view., at ih S' a Li a oromissioai. at the meo-.inTof tv-, t. the Law OZheoflliwett A 3"rV5,u i Nebraska, on the Sth and Jfitof DT 1-' on ta 1st of Jan. law. betwn thB v. :Ki ji. and 5 t. V. of nH J iy. AU ro- istered. '' , '. .'. OBnKWET: - - RVhCr.iiEs; Registrars f r.r.rowuTi',1. Pf.ia,. THEO HILL & CO.! Dealers irr F0KEIGX AND DOMESTIC Vj - mi t ii. Dealers ia 1ST WooderiTvarc &c. Dealers ia " a I E EI SWIM dLASS 17 ABE lX)jlloairlDnrc, tic. Theo. Mill Co., Dea'au ia 1T2 , ) AN D - ! n H r: " ' " : -" Theo. Hill I X eaters in AND Theo. Mill t& Co- Dealers i a' LADIES', GEHT'Sj & GH:LD"iH s I f 1,1 s JACOB MAROHN. Hercliaiit Tailor, Afata Slrett opposite HcPlenoi't ZlxK BIlOWXVir.LE- NiiI3 - 9 JZ e ALSO AtJENTTOR SEJiliSEWIOSlME Stewart Miirj-ja ' Srms Alfred.. . Stonps nirain " ' Saaiaieri Ssmaal R SwadGeo Q Swan 8teton L SwattWiirum D Swan'Wi::imO Swaiti Fredenck Swam Hiram Sykea Francis & Taylor Tear Robert - . CountyXeb., ontaa 7th dayaf Jamvy r- 1 aborelbtof Toters ia BraTaviRa Pr'''. in September, will bg open for oorreV") Mil. W 1PLEMENTS m ) v.- m p a ehofee a- icla cf Tea, rgA y A Q-g. tf5 1 I'oioa i ..5uilt-u Ihe I rJ- i Tbe be V ; Salt a The an! ; Weir. jcrv'tf .' i tar;: a rat Place TV