Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 12, 1867, Image 4
GATES & BOUSFIELD, A GOOD St Joe and St. Louis Business Ileuses. : " I SEP The Great Cause OF B HI (DEMISES S'AW Mr. S. Newhouse of the Oceida Corn- raunity, in a took rccenily published, gives the following mode for cockicg fish, fitah, and fowl : "The rery test way of cooking fish and fowl ever devised is farciliar io woodsmen, but unknown to city epicures. It ft this; Take large fithtay a treat of three or four pounds, fresh from its gambols ia the cxl stream cut a email hU in the neck and abstract the iutea tinea. Wash the inside clean, and tea 1 aoa it with pepper and ealt ; or, if ccn Ttnitnt, fill it with nulling made of bread-crurubs or crackers chopped up ' with meat. Make a fire outtide the tent and when it has burned down to embers, raka it or-, and put in the fish, and cov er it j,vT- ,coa!s aud hot asbes, With is tiU c it frota its bed. peel eff the tkiu..t the clean fieth, and you will bare a trout with all its original juic and fiirors preserved within it ; dwJt'too good as Izak Walton would say, far any lot very henest rofa' Grouse, dacki, and various ether fowl can be coaked delkiously in a similar way. The intestines of the bird should be taken out by a email hole at the rent, and the ia aide washed and stuffed ns before. Then wtt the feathers thoroughly, and cover with hot embres. When the cooking is finished, peel off the burnt feathers and skin, and you will find underneath a lump cf nice juicy flesh, which when once tasted will never be forgotten. The peculiar advantage of this method of roasting is thut the covering' of embres prevents the escape of the juices by e raporation." St. Joo Busines Houses. W00LW0HTH & COLT, AXO DKAXE23 IM 9 STATIONERY, Paper rjansln?i, And Printers' Stock, Xio- 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo. Cash Paid for lias. JOHM riHOER. V. H. DOCGLAS. PINGER & DOUGLAS, TTUoXcsalc Dealers Q U E E NSW ARE NO. 7 Fonrfh Ttreet. St JOSEPH, I '0. 45Iy VICTOR B. BUCH, Wholesale BOOTS&SHOES Horth "West Corner 4th & Felix Streets, ST. JOSEPH, MO. EJJKeep much the Largest Stock West of St. Loais,and if prepared to offer unusual inducements M H LI Ui o f 0 02 s2 & 3 P o Q n 0 M IS3 o J. PFEIFFER'S I 3 0 L3 SB K Corner Cth and St. Charles Sts. Also Dealer In lime, Cement, Hair Ufcitc-Sdnd, Fire-Brick, Ac., c, c,b. ll-45.Iy-rn,rn Stave, McCord & Co., UHGISSAIE GEO GEES And Dealers in K7i?z, Liquors, Tobacco, &c. JOSEPH. BIO. 451y N all,r&Ils, Well Backets, Reives, 4c., at SWAN & IiKO'3. Loaf firrup, Sorghum, and N.O. Molasses at SWAN & imO'g 35 MAR BAILY, KAY & WOOD, Dealers la IFAK1Y"b YANKEE NOTIONS, Exclusively at wholesale. Tfclrd Street. CT. JQ3KPn. Ho. 3tck inEttert, Tarity, an! prk Comparca with "et St. Louis cr Chicago Uomei. Jif-Orders Solicited. -KO. 8. Lcmov. ISAAC I. DOtSA. LEMON HOSE A & CO. V7HOLESALE DEALIRS III FOREX62v& DOMESTIC BEY OODS, Hotions, Glotfiiong&c. jSTO. 5 FOUETH ST. St Jcsepb, Mo. A Large Ftock always on hand. Orders eoUc iUd Satisfaction guaraateed. 45-ljr t, a. ri3.. T. B BETKOI-ES. SOBTHBRH HOTEL PINBR & 11EYN0LDS, PROPltlETO'RS, Eight Stre-t, two blocks from It. R. Depot, 1327. 3"OGSrii IVX- ll-45-6:n GEO. A. PRINCE & C'OS 30 Varictiea, with Patent aaso Tenuto or bub ass. STSchool Organs 'and Mclodeons Finished In Elegant Roscirood, TJ'alnut or Oau Cases. No Charge for Boxing or Shipping. 133,000 Now In Usc. AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. con taiiiim a (all description of style, and testimonials of tbe mot! eminent MuslcUos, as to the superior excel lence of oor lcitrumentu can be seen at tbls Of flee A4dre?3 GEO. W. HILL & CO Crownville Nebraska. IN10N FOUNDRY, AND MACHINE SHOP BliijtilUE, tUOWTiiKii & ItOtiliiiS moi'RiiLTons, Cor. Ctii & Messanie Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. QTEAM PHGUIES MADE IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS OF ALL KINDS IRON FRONTS Made to order cn Ehort notice and satisfactory to all parties. A'pnacnts for UAftDN Kit ii UOUKUT- SON'SIMPUOVLD PATENT GOVUNOIi.-li-ly K. T. L'XDERKILL A. K. Eaton. UNDERHIL& EATOH, ommissiouiercliaiits, No 2. City Building ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES: Second KaUonsl Bank, St Louis Allen, Ocpp S. Xlsbet, t. Lools. Brmcb SUte Bank f Iowa, Dobnqie. Johnstone h. Bacon, Baxters, Ft. Madison, la. Ute Ccsrritt fc Co., Ai-.,n, JIL PUlr K Atrvood, Allen, HI. W.M.W YETH& CO. Wholosale Dealers io HWPJ CUTLERY, SADDLERY GOODS, Heme S3, Sliirtlns, t id all kinds BaUUIcr's Leather an Hardware. SJ2DDLES, BRID. KS, C, AjenU for Disstons Circala Saws, and Alarvhvs Sajey. No.6 Sosth Third Street, between Felix i Edaiocd ST. JOSEPH, BIO. 451y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who s affered for years from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay , and all tbo effects of youthful indiscretion , will, for th. sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it , the receipt and directions' for isSking the fio; le rem edy by which b. was cured. Suferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experienco, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B, OGDEN, Si 1P 42 Ceder Street, New York 5 if' J CQ . g - I o to ra is M S H " O 5 ? poa j;; S -'lb i?6h2J Qa iii-l :s$o?M 02 113 sita 3 6 sal - -Is HUMLlSr MISERY. utt Pvbltihed in a Staled Envelope, Price tixcente. A Lecture on tlie Xature, Treatment and Radical Car. of seminal Weakness, or rrmatorrhca, induced b Self-Abuse; IuroluoUry Emissioaa, 1m potency, 5'ertoai Iokility, and Impediments to Marriage cner!y ; Consuiaptioa, Eiiiepy, ad Fitj;Menrl and PbTPical Incapacy. Ao., fcy K01J.J. CULVLliWELL,M. D., Author of th. Tbevorld-reauucei author, in this admirabl. Lecture, clearly profes fram hia own experiance that tb. avful eotscqutncej of Self-Abase may be effectually renxx-ed without niedicin,fcnd Without d.tngcroas surjifal orratio&c, bogies, instruments, ric,or euidi-ls, joiiitftig out a mod. of cur. at otiea ccrtsia aad e-Jocti, by which erery sufferer, no tiattcr what hii condition may Je, may euro himself cheaply, priralely, and radically. This lecture will j-ror. a boon to thousands and thoua. nds. . Sent nnder seal, ma plain enTelope, to any ad drcr, c a receipt of aix cents, or two jostle sUops, by Rddree:nii the pubiihers. . " Also Dr. Cl'LVUVLL'S "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. . AdJrei the Publishers. CJMS. J. C. Kt,I!VE Si Co., 12T ISvircry, Xcw l'orli, P.O.Box 4586. TOR Cluirclics, ScliooH, rinntatioiis, Factories, &c, fi7"A!l Trices wilhia ths reach of allTI DAVIS &f OULMIN, Successors io J. B. Robinson. 38 Dey Street, isTew York. AMALGAM BELLS The beet and che-cst erer manufactured, coeting only 25 etiiti per pound, warranted. Their use tbrunjWt the Utittd States, Canada, Mexico South America. Ac. for the patit twelve years has proved them to CBibice the valuable qnalities of TOKE and DUIiAKILITV. Exrrience has shown tbey are not affected by cold or cot climates. Old Dii-Material taken in exeLange, or bought for Cash. Send for Disoriptiro Circular to the manufaotar DAVIS & T0UL3IIX, 3S Dey St., New Vork. SOMETHING NEW, USEFUL & SALABLE HAW XHUfiS'S Soluble Blue and XMcackfn? Povrdcr. "TABLE MANNA." fur Family Use. "NATION AL WASHING FLUID," Starch Polish," "Majr ie Soldering Fluid," Indian Pain Aniiihilator." "Good Samaritan's Lincment." "Silver Solu tion, A3. &0. FAMILY RIGHTS FOR SALE. 1 COO A 'genis traned, Jilah and Eemah. A food reliable aarent wanted in every town to take the entire control, for his neighborhood, of several of tbe best, most saleable and profitable ar ticles cf every ?-y life e7er presented to tbe public Profits large satisfaction guaranteed. Tha .right man or woman can make from $10 to $20 per week easily. Enclose stamps for full description and Hi unrated catalogue, fcvarapies scot irsa. i.xelu sive"confrol of territory piren. Ad Ire as, ' NEW YORK Manufacturing Co., 37-6 a 37 Tatk Row.'New Yo.k. Hannibal & St. Joseph . W art ' irr aKij ON MISSOURI RIVER. Tri-weekly TacUeti (Hannibal and St. Joseph U. B. Lin) Utv Omaha, Council i5Iufs, tlatts moalh, Nebraska City, BrownTiiie and iutermedi ate points fcr Kt. Joseph, connecting at St Joseph witn trains on uann-.'jai ana M. Jo&epn ii. It., tear ing &t Joscpn a. 11. 1 . Al., arriving at QUIXCY, CHICAGO & ST LOUIS On and af tor May 19tb, daily and close conne- tionsfrom bt Joeerjh to Atchison, V c? ton, Leaves worth, Yyandotto, Kansas City, Lawrence. Tor-oka o.,via Platte Country Ii. 11. and steamer Etuilie IU. & fct. Jo. Ii. Ii. Line ) Lrcnvo St Joseph 5.35 A. M., Leavenworth 8.00 A, M., Wyandatte 10.C0 a uity a. M.. Lnwrence at 5 00 r. M IxIHOUGH TICKETS EOS SALE by Porter k Deuel, Omaha, D. Y. Hitchcock. Conn cil Bluffs, E.C. Lewis, Plattmouth, E. S. Hawlev 'iuiJM xjuj. xjtkj iuiuujju uihvia ana tare mjnay. Extensive repairs on the Hannibal & St. Jo-srr-H Uailroad,dcw iron,t;es rrnd additional roll ing thera to offer thc.e imriortaat chan ges to raiiitate tkatelby ram route. C. W. Mead, (Jonernl Supcrint-nl'ct. P. P. Groat, General Ticket Agtnt. II II. Col'ktbigqt Gen'l Freight Agent. Ilanuibal, Mo, Capt. Rcfc8 Fosd, Superintendent Packet Line St. Joseph, Mo. THEO. HILL, Ag't Brownville. Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier a::d tm hoot & PLANT PILLS. Are the greatest Preventive and Curative House hold Remedies of the age, and are wonderfully ef- fioac'ons in enring Dyspcptin and Consumptiva SyujpU.ras, General Debility, Languor, Ililious Dis eases, affections of tbe Liver, Stomach, Dowels and Kidneys, reuiale Complaints, ticrofulous Affec tionp, and all diseases aiiag from impure L'ood,' and a sure preventive of fever or.d Am'-C. Chol era, Yellow over, Bilious Fever, o. See circular around each bottlo and box. Pra pnred only by tbo Grafton ileuicino Co., St. Louis, .Missouri. Sold by HOLLADAY & CO. Brownville, Neb. FAIRBANKS' r cTAPASD feSCALES, OF ALL IIND3. FAIttBANES, GREENLEAF & CO. 225 lake Street, Chicago. 209 Market Street, St. Loais lr7 EE CABT-FrL TO BCT OLY T.TS GXIN2 Henry P. S&er&nrne, Pianos &Melodeon Musical liistnimeiitSjMiLsieal Merchandise OF EVERY DESC2IPTI0N. No.3S 1'arhet Street, between Main and Second Etteblithed in I&:3 ST. LOUIS Dissolution. Tbe firm of Stanton, Perkins A Co is this day tns'oivea by mutual consent. Tb. assets of tae crin are r.aced in tha bands of John L. Car jo n for sale, who w.ll aDply tbe pro eeeds of saxe in liquidation of tbo debts of the firm. JUll.xi.MA.MU.N, paulpfj;:;in3. CHARLES DellAYEX, JONAS CRANE, - HEN RY U ATK INSON BrownviIle,Neb., Oct. 25tb, 1867. 6 Zt SEED POTATOES. I Lire for sale Potato of the follow! oe varie ties: Ouzoo, Princ. Albert, Rusty Coat, Early Dover, Ecrly Miller, Early June, Fluke, Mercer, Coppermine, Pure Peach Blow, White Peach Blow. Buckeye, and Garnett Chili, all of wnich yield w.Jl and are free from disease. 11. W. FURNAS, tfof. 7. It BrowovilU, Nebraska. V-'.i '' K:r-l Wo kave on hand a large and well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy To wbicli we are making which we are selling at prices low as any establish ment west of the Ill THE QUAITY OF OUR GOODS -FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR W EE 2 O I,"E S DEALERS A AND St. osepii? Would call the attention of DEALERS to their'iraraense'stock of Drugs and Medicines, . School Book3, Patent Medicines, Blank Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Paper, Paints and Oils, Envelops, Spices and De-Stuff, Coal Oil end Lamps, Pure Wines. Liquors, &c. Which were : bonehtforcahof Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the most :es. Baying in large quantities from first hands, they are enabled to offer extra mduce- favorable prices. Baying meets to the trade. Tfc. am th Nortb -western r tr.. t r nt cm fiimisri J XI J A V M V in O A 3 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and SSiolesale STEEL and HEAVY HARDWARE. Wagon, Carriage, and Plow Woodworks. 1 n-r-iTTTTT TTTD AT TlMTir T?1 TT?"TrFO On band and toamve AUlllbUlj 1 Ulllllj liUrriJCilUlLIN 1 O. Comprising in part Sprin??; Axes, Axels, Shovels and Spades,Files Wa!hers,'Nails, Horse nails, Horse A Mule Shoes, Castings and Hollow Ware, Stew pots. Bake ovens, t run kettles and &ad irons. BlackSDl! ills' TOClS, Anvils, Stocks and Dies, Beilows, Sledge and Hand Ham mcrs, Vises, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Iron. Yrenches, Ac. Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nail?, Shovels and Picks,Ould Pansetc. XXhTds, spolnos and. lOoxxt-sjixxfT, 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLINElPLOAVS TV B IT? 3t4 k3 J u?t patented, and superior to any yet invented ; and - 31cCormlcK, Mtm crs and ncapcrs,liallcrs Horse Corn Planters Su'.hy Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Corn Shellers. Vb. liakes, etc. etc esc. t2?l2ZilJs3 St23.clstrc3. Scales , Baying my sods direct from the man crs, I offer great inducemenis TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. f OXF.Y. VRKIZ AS W ATER. 10.000 ACTIVE 1V1 LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Male or Fe mnl. nf nil Rirr. are wanted to solicit trade in ev ery City. Town, Village; Damkt, Workshop and factory, tbrooKout tue enure wona, ir iuc mi saleable novelties ever known. 500 PER CENT, PROFIT an 1 READY SALE WIIEIE Hi ut FERED ! ! Smart men and women can make frcm $5 to $50 per day, and no risk of loss ! A small capital required of from 520 to 1UU tne more money invested tne grater me prouw required in advance w first tend the articles onb receive pav afterwards I If you aotually wish to mal:e money rapidly and easily, write for luu par icu i&rs and address MILNOK&CO., (From Pans,) 10 BROADWAY, New York City. DR. WHITTIER, X ONGER BY YEARS LOCATED IN ST. X J LOUIS than any other Private Disease Phy sician, ia a regnlsr graduate of medicine, eures Syphilis in ailils forms.Gonorrhoea.Gleet, Strict ere, Orchitis, Diabetes, Bladder and Urinary diseases, Syphilitic affections of the throat, skin or bones. Thousands snffering self-abuse, excesses, ex posures and indiscretions in youth and ma turer years, producing some of the fallowing effects : Blotches, bodily weaknuis, unmanliness, to society.ind'zcstion. constipation, dread of fu ture events, low of memory, and finally impo tency, tavingbecn cured. lie can refer to many old residents for past success and present position, also many phys iciansbara and elsewhere. Occnpyiflg & whole house of twelve rooms,with competent. assistant physicians; those requi ringdaily personal attention may remain in the establishment. Medicine sent everywhere by mail or express. Ili3 Theory and Exposition of Diseases, clearly delineating all the diseases conditions, may be hadra scaled letter envelope for 6 cents. Ladic's Circular, embracing all chronio diseases cents. Addross St. Louis. Mo. A friendly talk costs nothing; charges mod. erate ; cures guaranteed. OI5ce.6l7 St. Charles street, one square south oi the Lindell Hotel. Feb.lSIy GET THE BEST CTTTTTD'RETSr. Is now truly acknowledged a supcriar preparation for all diseases incident to infants and children. EYERV BODY SPEAKS In exalted term 3 of commendation of its truly won derful effects and medicinal virtues, and are de lighted with its use. Price, Only 25 cents per Bottle.FJl by Sold by all dealers injmodicine. Prepared on 1 J the Grafton, Medicine Company, St. ui?, . Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. 6m Brownville, Neb. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to Droduce a luxuriant growth cf hair upon a bald head or beardless face also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, tlotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, and beautiful, can be obtained without char&e by addressing. . THOS. F.CUAPM AN, Chemist S23.1;rea4way?New lor. - . rz rsa3 wsrl 3 constant additions, and Mississippi river. WE CHALLEHGtUUr.VtilllU.'ft APPROVED BRANDS. THE COUNTRY PRODUCE. 5 f V4 Wholesale Asents of Dr.D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. J their Medicines in any Quantities. (10 1-1; iri and Retail Dealer in Iron and Rasps, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, NutU and Saws, etc. etc. Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skillets andLids 01 d) d) mi M ALL'S Vegetable Sicilian Hafr Renewer Has stood the' test of seven years before the public; and no prepara tion for the hair has yet been dis covered that tvill produce the same beneficial results. It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and re storative agents in the VEGETABLE KINGDOM. It restores CRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. It makes the scalp uhito and clean: cures dandruff and humors, and falling: out of tbo hair; and tvill make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutri tive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a 11 A I It nit ESS IN G. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the pub lic, as one bottle will accomplish more and last longer than three bottles of any other preparation. . It is recommended and used by the First Medical Authority. The wonderful results produced by our Sicilian Hair Iienewcr have induced many to manufacture pre parations for the JIair, under va rious names ; and, in order to in duce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, bit claiming they were former part" ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Uo not be deceived by them. Purchase the original: it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private Itevenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Hall & Co.. Prop's. Nashua, N. H, Sold by aU Druggists and Dealers in Madicin. C. A. COOK, 87 Dearborn St. Chicago, Ilk Area Tor the Xort&Weatera State. Natural Leaf, Fine Cut, Urarxi Juice and Ny" Teboco,at SWAN EHO'S A If D PLASTERERS Crownville, Nebraska, WTll take contracts for Bricklaying, PUUerinj, building Cisterns, and do anytning in ineir nuo in the most satisfactory and workmanlike manner. Aug. 30,1866 x-w-iy .ff 5 : : rv r THE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used oa Billiard Table is the CAT-gut crsmosr, Manufactured ry KAVANAGH & DIXKEP., and Patanted Dec. 13,1S6C. (See DcientiSc American Vol. 16, No. 11) It is the only Cushion that possesses all the qual ities esential to a PERFECT Cushion. It is the most elastic and most durable Cushion ever offered to the biltiard-p'ayinj pub lie, as is abundantly pro yen by the great demand for it since its introduc tion. Tbe peculiarity which distinguishes the CAT GUT Cushion and renders it superior to ail others, is the tightened cord of cat-gut which overlies tbe face and edge of the rubber and aun ning the full length of the Cushion , which pre vents tbe ball from belling intv the rubber and jumping from the table. The addition of tho cat gut cord also adds much to the elasticity of the Cushionn The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been ap plied to over 1 ,000 tables whi?h are in constant use. It can be applied to tables of any make, for seventy five doilary per set. EAVANAG1I& DECKER'S Faotory, at the cor ner of Centre aud Canal Streets, N. Yis the most complete of its kind in tbe world. The machinery is of the most improved character, tbe lumber dry ing room the largest in the United States, tiis material use the best that can be purchased,, and the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard Cloth, Balls, Cues, ann Trimmings, all of the best mcko, constantly on hand. KAVANAGII & DEOKER are the only agents in this country for KAY'S CCrJ CEMENT.adjvdgod bycompetent authorities to be the be the best ce meni ever usedr Jj-Full Sized Tables cut clown for 510CJ3" Send for Illustrated Catalegue and price List. KAVANAGH & DECKER. Cornsr of Centre & Canal Sts. New York ERIE RAILWAY! THE BROAD Q AtJQB DwC3I.3 TBACK. BOUTS TO jXEW YORK, BOSTOJV AND KE,TE.GLAXD CXTIIES. Dunkirk, to Sew York, 460 Miles Buffalo to JVevr York 423 Miles, Salamanca to New 1'ork, 415 Miles AKD IS FROM to 27 Miles the Shortest Route All Trarinsi ma dtre-jtly thruuh to Xew Torx , 460 2IHes Without Change of Coaches. From and after August 20th, 1S67, Trains will leave ia connection with all Western lines, as follows: FROM DUNKIRK AND SALilAXCA By Xew Tore time from Union Depots: 7 30 A. M. EXPRESS MAIL from Dunkirk, (Saudays excepted), Stops at Salmac ca 10 CO A.M., and connect at ilorntville and Corning with tbe 3 OO A. ii. Express Mail trom Buffalo, and arrives in New Tors, at 7.00 A. 31. 2.25 P. M. LIGHTNING EXPRESS, from Salmanca, (Suniays excepted ) Stops at Ilurnfl svilie o.LftP. ii.t (Supper) iutevectin3 with the 2 20 P. M. train from Buffalo, and ar rives in New York at 7.00 A- M 4.15 P. M. NEW YORK NIGHT EX- prc9, from Dunkirk (Sundays excepted) Stop at Salmancn 6 55 P. M. ; Oiean 7.35 P. M. (Supper) Turner's 9 56 A. M. (Breakfast), and arrive in New York atl'J 30 P. M., cunnectine with Afternoon Train an1 Steamers for Boston and New England Cries 9 50 P. M CINCINNATI EXPRESS, From Dunkirk. (3undaj-s excepted). Stops at Salamanca 11.60 P. M., and connects at DomeHs villewith tbe 11 20 P. M. Train from Buflaio,ar riving in New Turk 3 25 P. M. FROM BUFFALO By New York Time Depot Cor Exchange and Michigan Streets. 5.45 A. M. NEW YORK DAY EX- press. (Sundays excepted). Stop at Hornellj ville 9 C3 A M., (Bkft.) ; Sas iut hanna i 17 P.M (Dine); Turner's 7 65 P3I, (iop.) and arrive in New York 10 30 P 31. Connects at Great Bend with the Delaware, Lackawanna Jt West ern Railroad, andatJeney City with MiJu;ght Express Train of New Jersey Railroad fur Phil adelphia, Baltimore and WabiOstoa. S.C0 A. M. EXPRESS MAIL. via Avon and Uarnelisvine (Sar.days exceptei!), Arrives iaJN'ew Yors at 7 CO A M. Connect at Eimira with Northern Central Railway fur Uurrifburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wahiastoa and points Soutli. 2.20 P. M. LIGHTNING EXPRESS. (Sundcys excepted). Stops at rjarnelisvi 1 5.25 PM. (Sup. ), apl arrives ia Ne Y.rk 7 00 A M. Connects at Jernty City with Murmns Express Train of New Sersey Railroad for Baltimore and Wajhicgton, and at New York with Mornins Ex press Train for Boston and New England Cities. 6.10 P. M. NEW YORK NIGHT Ex press, Daily. Stops at Pcrtase 3 65 P M (Snp ) inereting at II jrcellsville with the 4 15 P.M Train from Dunkirk, and arrives in New York at 12 30 P M 11.20 P.M.TCINCINNATI EXPRESS (Sundsys excopted.) Stops at Sanehanna 7 30 AM(Bift ), Turner's 1.10 P.-M., iDine). and arrives ia New York at 3.23 P. M. Connect at EIniira with Northern Ceuiral Railway forilar risburg, Pbiladelphi.t, Baitimire, Washington and points South, at Great Bend with Delaware, I.ackawanna it Western RailroaJ for Scrntr,n, Tieutoa and Philaielihia, aud at Ne Turk with Afternoon Trains and Steamers for Boston and New England Cities. Only One Train East on Sunder. livin? HnrTa'a at 6 10 P. M.aod ireachinz Xpw York t n.30 P. if. Boston arid Xew Eusiaiid Pisonri. wi;rj thpir Baggage, are transferred free of charge in New York. B3" To pleasure travelers the line of the Erie -Rail- " ay presents many fchjects of interest, pa-sin? throush the teautw'nl valleys of the Cbeinuni. Suaonthanna. Delaware and K.tmapo rivers,, an everthaDgiaz pano- lama of nature a beauties couitauds attentiun. The Best Ventilatod and ifoit Losnrl..n S'niii' Coaches in the World accompany all night Trains oa this railway. Hassle CliccIXed And Fare alurayt at low a ly any oiler Route Ask for Tickets via Erie Railway Which can be obtained at all Principal Ticket OrfleM in the West and South-Weal. H. RIDDLE, WM. R. I3ARR Genl. Supt- Gen. Pass. Agt pJORTH JJISSOURI AILKOAD TO ST. LOUIS, MO., And All Points East, LonneotiDff with the Uannibal stud t J ..m:7i R. at Macon City, 135 miles East of St. forms the Unly Jill Rail Route from Atchison and o:. Joseph to St. Louis, Making direct and reliable connections with Fraoas Express Trains , .caving Ft. Louis at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. running through to all Eastern cities without a moment delay. Passengers going to Than by any other rente. Pas.ser.ger go'n- te points in Central and Southern Ohio, Central nd Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois and all points in Kentucky making several tour's quicker timo than can be made via. any other route. Through tickets can be purchased at aU Rail Road Ticket effice.s in th V.'eat. Be it understood, that the Fare to aU Points East is the Same via, the Nerth Missouri Rail?Road and St. Louis as by way of Chicago or any oiTher route. Uo via. St. Louis Route. ImmSC H. STURGEON, President and Gen'l Sup't. St. L..nis. Mo, 11. 11. WHEELER, Genl Ticket Airent.St. Lenis, Mo. W- W.EUNI.NGER. Genl Freight A?ent, St. Iyui Mo. P. II. EmRLEV, Aent. St. Joseph, Mo. I 31. DVXN9 Is one of the most necessary t;,.u. .ri. i. u - ".n'1. ... "vunuuii economy jbj ; . k. managea,wni promote the b-.V "Wj fort and happiness of everj "' ber of the fami! j 110 C00EIITG ST07? Have ever been broy;ht bfuM toe r-v Hav rr"""i or nxt favor than the -ANI ! Plymoutli RocV OYER 1G0 CCO OF THESE CELKSE COOKING STOVES nve been soli nnler full z-nrrr.t oSer them as reference whrcv-r f ,u-. Ui THE IMPROVED With Extension Ton Has bnt on damper, and is to s.'lEi. j : . i strnction that a child can mina s if ti ! a ier than acy Cookisg Stove of corrcs-v, everm;i,1?. " Housekeepers, Sfove Dealers ft ft and will End it to their advsnt.i examine our Price List and Cat.-. cLasi -g elsewhere. A-ilrcss. -r o -r, waiter- Excelsior Maruifccturir.j Co 612 JL 614 Main Street ST. LCUlSlj I ggrSolJ ly Shellcnfccrger Er3 ' I ErovcnriUe, Iral 1.0CO.CCO ma SALE 0!t THE POPULia GIVING EYEI5Y PATP.0X, X Handsome and Iteliitle 7ati For the low Price cf Tea Dollars! Without Eegard to Valzs And not to be Paid for unless p$j foctly satisfied. ICO Solid Gold Earning Watches, IPO Slc Cuc4 Uold Wa'.ct, S ! fa 5 ICO Ladie Watches. Enameled, 210 Gold Hunting Chrououieter Watcbes 2C0 Gold Hunting En?lii-. Lerers " 300 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, 600 Gold Ilantio; Ataericia Watukes, 600 Silver Ilur-tm; Lever, 600 Silver lluutin Uupiex WatctM, 60O Gold Ladies Wjtches, I,C00Gold lluntins Lepine. 1.0C0 ilijcellaneoj Li ver Watches, 2,0?0 Hunting Silver Waubes, 2,000 As.-orted Watches, all kiDta, 'a ml a - : 2'- Mi a i Ml )' Ui a 1 Si i Kit 1 53 Every patron obtaius a wattb by tb: t;rv f meat, casii g bnt $ iO. while it nuy be wor-.i : a No partiality shown m ' j We wi,ii to imrr.e'.li.;tc!y dipo:e of tie '''( nificent S:ock. CeruflT.-ates, naciiu t ;:.: placed in tsaled envt lopes, an 1 eil tiux. U.r' are entit)ol to the articles luoieioa itt: tfr jcu upon piy meat of Ten DulUr-t. whether it be 1 1-) worth $1,000 or oDe worthless. Tj n r I of our certiScates e&titlei you t- tte e -c " thercoa upon paymect, irre-pectire of i:wrj as nc arucie valncl ie-s tha i'.U is DiCioLt ri tiUcate, it :' at usee be ?eeu tliat ttn n No Lottery, but a Straight forward tr mats transaction, wliioli may pirt: ted in even by the most fastidious. A sin-'!j eert;5 -ai will be - sent by cU; i paid, U.-a receipt o! 2i cts., fiivt :.r :. eleven f r two d-j'inr. t i;r'v- t.ire in 1 'i t'. . premium f.r five il'.ilar-; ahld pr'-':u!ui!i f.. r Ten ! unv-'t ?upf rk W.U- h !. .' ii. Or til. ?" W l.-t1!!'; ;: tunttj. 2 c i - a duly auth i iz .- l hv lu the m ist euro! u ! Mikity A ' ; 1 :' -. f WniGllTEIlO. CO., Imp kv. 131 LUn.iAV. N - EMPIRE SHUTTLE SEWIffG HACaiES ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTIIZi For Family and MasufadcriPcrvi AGENTS WANTED address ,ii :Thi 1 TIT, T" siiiiLii siniLicis craAsrc ! II03XCEOPATIIIC; srcnri c HAV ex AVE P HO VEX, FROM THE HOST A..- reriacce , an entire su.i;e.-3; lr.e-'' p Efficient, and IlcliDe. They are th n JJ ieints perfectly ad.ipiei to t cru ar n-.f-:-' s'-"" thai mistakes cannot be made in ti ); t-tJ ' harmle.-a as to bo free from dar ;er.n,J ) t-"s' a to he alwavs reliable. Thev have ri.-ti - hi jhest cr.mmeuditioa frcm al!, an! re:;d:riatiaUct:on. 1. Cores Pevfir?. Con?etiirt. Tf irrta 3 I, Worms. Worm l ever. V.",ru-i' " Crymg-Cilic, or TeetS.i.-j l ; " Diarrcea of children or u -.u':- " Dysentery Griiic. Brians IV " Choler.i-M-rbus.-v.:ti.!iR;, ' Keuralecia, Tv;h?.cte. Fceici, " Ileadacnes- 5;ck-lea lacte, Ver;.J Dyspepsia, BiIli"U4 icfi " Surpressed, or painful Periods. " V bites, t jo prof used Per: d. " Crcup. CoKh, d.fEen:t Brei-:a-" bait Hheun, Erysipelas, E.uwi' " Kfilt Kheum, try. Krr;::.'--" Kheuruatism, Rhenniatic Pi. " Pile3."b-.iii: jt " OptiJr.:m7,and reor weit Trf " Catarrh. ..-utecrcron i. 1. :: :"-! " Whoop nz Cough. vi:(: C---4 " Asthma ippresstp UreiiLiri ' Ear Discharges, imr'r' " bcrotu'a, euursed tii-nd-, i"e.-i--' " Ooneral debility, rty.-xul wej:--' " Dropsy, and scan:y Secie-.ivr-J " Bea-iSickriess, sicknr.s f:.-jj rt-Lcl Kidney-Disease, Gravel . ' Ifervou3 Debility, Seminarist eions inrolnniary li;cia.r;e , 6, 6. 7. 9, 0, II. 12. 13, J I, Id, 16, 17. H. IS, 0, 21 C2 2t 2 25 '.6 27 23 29 39 31 32 33 34 ; i " Sore Xieuth, C-cker ' Urinnrv Vv'pakncss. wettirs ted ' Pamtul Periods, with bpasius " burierir c at thane of life ' Kpilepisy, Spasm. St. Vitns' n 14 JJiF&tceria, oktratcd s.T3 i3-j FAZT.LY CASES. Of 35 large vials, morocco caSc,coniainin a specie for cverj ordinary dfnea a family H subject to, ana a book of directions Smaller Famiy and Traveling case, 20tiSvils " Erecirtcs for all H rivntp-Dpases, tOta W Carinsand ff.r Preventive i-e-'-'--in viais ai.d pvtket caaes, Fcr Sale by 47-Iy McCOMA5&Vfc marriage and Cclitacy- An Essay op Warxixij an J uir . : To.NTG ilEX. Alfo, Ii. ei-rs ai d A1'1" permanently pmsrsare thj Vi ai i'.--Tt. .3 . means ofrclief. Sont Free of C ha .-' 13 ' letter envelores. Aili-ei. Dr. J. SKILLIN UOV Howard Assi-iativu, PLiladci---' January, 1st 13r7. 1-y to consumptive-5. . I lheKLV. tlJWAKD A 1L?'-' (free of charge) to all who desire th JV,'.:3 wita the directions far making and "iE',j! pie remedy by which he was cured of 1J ii tionan that dread disease Crn.-uaJj - 'i. on!y object is to beneSt the . ffiicted i".J every sufferer will try this prescripti''"' f . m ! . . i ... . n - - Please ad dress REV. EDWARD .' . v rt - ax - . r . . No. 115 South 2nd St., Williamsburg V gtoneware, Ba.'keU, WashboardJ, U'l j SWAN I . -1