i 1 i ) "I. ! 3 up a- -o. er- I. r r jl 1 0 LOCAL iL.COUIAPP,EDITOR. -A:'"nr. Mortpagcs.Executions, Replevins, :aBE T:-r,e Ac. Ac. Ac. for sale at this umce. :l A' Jt EATON", 12 Street end E. cor. btti ' lb B'l'0''d Affnt U SU LUi rl"r.., .ttmd to mkmg collection an ' r. WI.I ur' s fur this dJ purchas rXviLLE.TUCUSnAY,l)EC. 12, 1807. Cliurclics. I t;Kt Service on Second Santlay s'dc I Fir B5" Y,"t of e.cb month at 3 o'clock P. M l-'I.'MJBt nreh in BrowLvilie. Ecv. M. F "T.vs. Ptor. ...iiMS.Pni ' v,;;t Episcopal.-Services every Methodist 6 p M prtyer Mce!j ' 3 vfni'n ; Sunday School every 81 Sunday, n( every I ' - . im nj : ,TuiiU t w - . - - - - RMth at ir. 8. BLACKBURN, fastor. f' i Services in Mcfberson's Tlall every llV'rZ . 10 1-2 A.M., aud every Sunday at c'"f i Qundav School at 2 1-4 T. U. every Sun- ; ! rkv.G. R- DAVIS, Missionary. vai and Departure or JIalls. Vril arrives daily, except Sunday, al l, p.m. narts 1 1-2 at l .p.m atl 1-2 " I " - v.il arrives eFerv Wednesday at 4, p. m fstern(fc()arU everjr M,I1(iaT .t 8. a. m. "Tail arrives every To-day at 6, p. m. dei,arts every Wcdueday at 8, a. m 1 Mail arrive every Saturday at 3. i. m. :Porta'i Jn.rts " " 3 1-2, p. m villobhpe ty getting tbjir mall In folly ' ... hour t.fire the oepamirc i ci'tn Sauiaj Iroai H to 9, a. ni., an4 from 4 to I A. D. JlAIibll, 1. JI, . .Ae ebtisek" office has been ..red t3 McPherson's Block, 2d floor, iidaor to the left in the Hell entrance. I Tbe Registrars of this Precinct are -ik-iB" cut a list cf the voters therein. 'Keperson why were not registered last election and who are entitled to U registered now, had better see that :?y are enrolled immediately. Call on JjJje Hewett and R. V. Hughes, Reg U'arsfcr Brownville PrecincL GRAND TABLEAUX At MoPliorson'B Xlall, Monday, December 23d, 1867, far Ik Benefit of the Episcopal Church. I MlSuf (I. Nearly an arcident hap pfito Divid Campbell, last Saturday, tL!e diin u;rt on the corner of 3d Ld Main street. While digging under tank about ten feet high to cave it off :aved uto .-'o:i aud literally buried him. Z Mi;uinjd ua serious injury. rati ut C!.uras and Sleigh Shoes at J C DEUSER'S. Tlsfo. Hlil & Co., arc now In Irl'LiTiifta's Wow. i Crai.btirif - :it SWAN & BRCTS. Fur il,e choice st Fruits go 10 THEO. HILL & Co. Five Brood Mares (with foal) for sale H A. P. COGSWELL. j Godey, Peterson and Balleau, for Jan t-.ry. 1SGS, at "Dory" Hacker' News iboms. I Boots and Shoes in variety at TEAR Sc CO'S. j Wanted A few more Milk Custom' ?:s. B. B. THOMPSON. , Qaeensware and Glassware the larg- sutiock west at . THEO HILL & GO'S. ) The Yankee Rover Christmas pictori ' st for the boys, at "Dory" Hacker's x!ws Rooms. Portland Green Corn in cans very SWAN & BRO'S. I School Books of all kinds found at 'Creery's for the High School. larre and choir. stnrlr ftf Tlririta nnrl 9 m THEO. HILL & CO'S. V Flour, Feed and rroducc at the More. r-. - lm and OatS wanted in exchange foods at J. L. McGEE & CO.'S. i Gcaks and Cloak Tr imminjrs in van fT.at THEO. HILL & CO'S. It j uominy. Beans, Potatoes, Meal, and other eatibles, at ; SWAN BRO'S. j Fr fine Table Cmlery g0 to ! THEO. IHLL & CO'S. 'i,To Pr)jy the Holidays get one of 0J food, substantial, fashionable and ;'e?ant suits of Clothing at DORSEY & BRO'S. CpBr! els Black Walnuts for sale al r- Store. 1 Bern-Dec. 9ih, to the wife of Wm. er. a Fin J- a Son. .., i o the wife of Joseph L. cFall & Co. and Christmas - 'tt P ave jul received a new lot , niture, also a lot of Toy Gigs, Sleds, Stools, etc, the nicest kind 4 tfday presents. Drop in ! ! n . i M larT. . j c i r r t4ie8 Dr i h i . . i 1 1 fi u c v c 1 1 n ri i t n r m n ess Good?, &.c., at THEO. HILL &. CO'S. "Saur Kraut" and Pickles at the P. :T" . -PrAsbvter.an. Service! every Sunday at fTirst Jr"jJ ,.2P il. ; Sunday School at 2 1-4 i matins every Wednesday at 7 P. M. t "jonKT. BAIKD, Pastor, i 1 " ' TTU a n . . . j -v.vuia wum me uauu oi lUiss Eliza JoLnston, of this city. They are very fine and indicate talents which will place her yet in the list of most popular Artists of the age. Marsh is still recejviprj subscriptions for Magazines and papers for '68. Call on him and subscribe. What he tells you he will perform, The publisher's lowest price is his motto. Best Prints still twelre'and a half cts. at TEAR &. CO'S. Everything in the line of Fancy No. tions can be had at THEO. HILL CO'S. Those Chain Back Alb urns and Pho tograph Bibles Harding's Edition at the City Book Store are nice. Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Fruits, Can dy, Sec, at SWAN & BRO'S. Singing Class. J. R. Dye will give a term of twelve lessons on the rudiments of music, at the School House, one le?T son each week, on Saturdays, at 2 o' clock, P. M. He will commence Dec. 21st. All interested in music are invit. ed to attend the first lesson. Tickets one dollar. Buy your F'our at the P. G. Store. every sack warranted as represented. IT. C. Jjeltt Land Agent, Brownville, Nebraska. McCreery has for sale at the City Drug Store a large variety of Christmas Presents. Call and see them before it is too late. DreSSCd POUltri always on hand at the P G Store. By calling at tho City Book Store you can get any of the Magazines, Books or Newspapers published in the United States at publisher's prices. Empress Cloths, French Merinos, Al- paccas, wool JJeiaines all shades and colors, at THEO. HILL &, CO'S. You will find the genuine New York Factory Cheese at the P G Store. Christmas Is Coming, and J. v. Patch has just received a fine lot of Jewelry, Silver Wrare, etc., the most suit able, chaste and lasting Presents that can be made. Call and examine ! School BjoLs of all kinds, to be had y calling oa "Dory" Hacker at the City iook Store. Nick-Nacks and Chicken Fixins and til kinds of Goodies for the Hallidays at the P G Store. , Win KOSSCll has now a splendid va riety of Santa Claus articles. Besides a fiood stock of Confectioneries. Fre&h Oj'sters, etc. See hi3 Card. See the Card of G W. Garrison's Restaurant and Hotel. Everything is tip-iop, and this is a first class house. They do say that "Dory" HackerV Ci gar-case i3 a little the nicest in town; also his Cigars and Fme-cut Chewing Tobacco. Blankets full stock at THEO. HILL & CO'S. TO Rent The Shop and Lot known as Morgan's Plow Factory and Wagon Shop. Apply to the undersigned. A. W.MORGAN. The St Louis Home Journal, a arge, handsomely printed, thirty-two column story paper, to be seen at the City Book Store, 82,00 a year, 5 cents single number. EeniOYed. Shellenberger Bro's have moved their fine slock of Stoves, Hard ware and Tinware to McPherson's Block. Their stock is full and their dealing fair. J L IlcGee & CO , have removed to their store room in McPherson's Block, , . . , i . where their large stock displays to good advantage. Their old friends are invited lo call, which they will find it to their ad- vantage to do T f! TInrfcpr is constantly Dlacin2 us under many obligations for late Dailys and New York papers. He presents to- day the Chicago Rerublican, Leslie's Illustrated, and Godey's Lady's Book and Ballou's Monthly for January. He is a whole-souled man and deserves pros- penty. He receives supscriptions for the Advertiser. The Furnace for the Browuville Union High is in its place. It has cost the School District about 5G00. It is sup posed to be the first and only Furnace of the kind in the Stale. Brinkerliotrs Ohio Corn Hnsk- Cr The greatest assistant in husking ever invented, in abundance at THEO HILL & CO'S, M'Pherson's Row. Cash paid for Corn In any quantity at the P G Store. iiicrmc ArlS. We notice in Theo. Hill &. Co.,-several Oil Paintings and Cravnn SL-pI1 t- i j . - r A Great Lot of Dry Goods, Hard ware, Boots, Shoes, Hat, Caps, Notions, Glass and Queensware, selling of at Cost at the P. G. Store. Auction every Sat urday, J. W. BLISS, Auction. Flour. Corn Ileal. Bran. Short Cob Meal, Oats, Corn and Buckwheat lour for sale at the P- G Store of utuiui ana Aurisi. Attention is called to the Card of W. H. Kirnberlin, Oculist and Aurist, in to day's paper. Hehas received Lectures and studied un der some of the leading eastern savans on diseases of the Eye and Ear. and has several years successful experience. We have no doubt of his competancy. Pay Up. AH persons indebted to the late firm of Atkinson & Co., either by note or account, will save costs by paying up at once. We will take Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Potatoes, or the I money, and will allow the highest mar ket price for the produce. ATKINSON & CO. . One hundred dollars a year saved, is ten hundred earned, and this every re spectable family may do by having one of Dr. Humphery's cases of Homeopathic Specifics. With one you may treat suc cessfully nine-tenths of all diseases' oc curring in the family, thus saving this amount in pain, suffering, loss of time and doctor's fees. Price $10, sent by ex press on receipt of the price. Address II cmphret's Homeopathic Medicine Co., 562, Broadway, N. Y. One desirable dwelling for sale. Appiy a; mis omce. Holladay Lottery Attentien is called to the scheme of the Grand Hol laday Drawing of the Kentucky Stale Lottery in to-day's. Having had two year's experience in doing the'Drawing in this Lottery, we can truthfully and without hesitation recemmend its manner of drawing as fair in every respect. No better chance for try your luck exists. Read the Scheme. We stepped into G. M, Hendersoe's the other day and to our astonishment found thar he kept Bath Brich for sale, an article to be had no where else in town, and other useful and desirable No tions. Call for what you want, he has it ! The Ben Johnson isweather or ice bound at Arago. Several of our mer chants have had their goods hauled up from her. The Nymph' No. 2 having been repair ed and having received the boilers of the Denver, started up from St. Joseph last week, but had to return on account of an ice gorge in the river. It always gives U3 pleasure to call at tention to and .urge upon the public the necessity of patronizing home manufac turers. In this connection we would call attention to the two first class Boot and Shoe Maker's Shops of A. Robison and Charles Helmer, on Main street between ls. and oj. Thir stocks of matPrial arR . . . vr i tun nuu cumpieie, iuey uie iiu- i wuih.- men. and have each a choice supply of eastern make, which, having been selec ted by themselves, practical workmen, can be relied on as good. Many of cur farmers and others buy eastern made wagons, when Franz Hel mer, Wagon -Maker in this city, turns out just as good, if not better, wagons at a less cost than eastern make, while he is establishing a home manufactory, warrants his work and therefore should be sustained. The old reliable Grocery House of Swan & Bro., is constantly increasing in p-iblic esteem and gaining patronage by its untiring zeal in catering to the wants of the public. A full stock and fair deal ing must win success. Here you have both admirably combined. The Weather. Last Friday was blustry and dusty, with a clear sky, the clerk of the weather seeming to have a contract for moving dirt into everybody's eyes. Saturday and Sunday, pleasant, hazy Indian Summer like. Monday and Tuesday clear and frosty. Wednesday set in with a heavy fog, resulting in a smart bnow storm, wnicn covered the ground to the depth of seve- raiincnes. To-doy is bright and pleasant. w v The R. R. Delegation to Wash IngtOD. from the Council Proceedings published last week we learned that Messrs. Jburnas ana iviciaerson uau been appointed, if the R. R. Co. consent- ed, as relegates to Washington to work for the railroad interests of this county. We cannot refrain from congratulating the city upon this selection. Having both landed, here in 1S56, and having ever since that lime been untiring in their zeal for the welfare nnd establishment jf this community, their souls are in the task, and if ought can be accomplished they will it do. Fnrnnpjin Connection for the Merchants Union Express.-In pur suance of an Agreement between the Merchants Union Express Company and The Morris European Express Company all packages received by the Agents of the former for Europe, the East or West Indies, Mexico and the Brazils, will be transferred for forwarding to destination to Morris European Express whilst all packages received by Morris European Express for the Interior of the United Stales will be handed over to the Mer chants Union Express Company. THEO HILL & CO., Agents, Brownville, Neb. Wm. II. llOOTer. We are pleased to notice that this gentleman, with his usual energy and tact, is branching out into a new business, the thorough prose cution of which will be of immense ben efit to this community and the county at large that of a first class Real-E3late Agency. To this end he has bought Durfee's celebrated system of. keeping Title Abstracts, the most thorough, com-1 prehensive and compact system ever in vented. This, coupled with Mr. Hoover's long experience as Recorder of Deeds for this county, cannot fail to make him the most correct and reliable Real-Estate Agent inthis section. He will also set as Agent for several old reliable In surance Companies. We wish him suc cess in his new vocations. COUACIL PROCEEDINGS Mayoe's Office, BaowrsviLXE, Dec. 2, 1867. Council met in regular session. Present : J. S. Church, Mayor. Aldermenrr. C. Hacker, A. P. Coggs well, A. W. Morgan, and C. F. Stew art. T. R. Fisher,' Engineer. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. By order of the Board, the following bills were allowed : T. R. Fisher was allowed $21,05 for leveling, estimating and assistance on various streets. Joshua Rogers was allowed 853,50 for work done ou streets as per bill on file. Jacob Van was allowed on Bond Fnnd S95.00 for work done on Second Street, to be issued to Robert Tier. Earsman & Co., presented a pettion asking the privilege of slaughtering hogs at their place of business during the win ter months. It was moved and carried that said petition be lajd on ths table. The petition of Geo. Marion was also laid over to next meeting. J. L. McGee's account was laid on the table, till next meeting. J. Church was authorized to compro mise with Dr. Holladay a judgment held by the City cf Brownville against said Holladay. A. W. Morgan was granted the priv. ilege of clearing out Nemaha street be tween 3d, and 4th streets. Dr. Blackburn asked that he might clear 4th from Main to the Public Square and that City allow him $10 for same. The privilege was granted without any pay. The following resolution was passed: Resolved, by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Brownville, that the County Commissioners of the county of Nemaha, Nebraska, be requested to call a special election, and submit to the vote of the people of said county, on the second Monday of January, 1S6S, the following question, that is to say: "Shall the County Commissioners of Nemaha County in the State of Nebras- ka, issue the bonds of the said County of Nemaha for the sura of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, redeemable at iuc uuuuu ui iuc cam i;uuuiy vuiiiiiiio- i : r a i tiuueis ui twenty years iroiu uute or icsi nnrl tn nrnrirlp fnr trip nnvmpnt nf Jnfprpst ' r-j not to exceed seven per cent per annum on such bonds, and also a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds; shall a tax be imposed to be levied annually until all of said bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid : the said tax not to exceed ten mills on the dollar of the county val uation, in any one year; and the said proposed bonds to be issued to aid in the construction of the Brownville, Ft. Kear ney and Pacific Railroad from tbe Mis- souri River westward, to the western boundary of the said County "of-Nemaha. On motion, Council adjourned. JARVIS S. CHURCH. Mayor. Wm. H, McCreery, Clerk. E. H. BURCHESS, landscape Gardener, BROWXTILLG, XEBUASKA. Will attend to Pruning and T) inting Yinyard and Orchards in any part cf the Country, at rea onable rates. All orders promptly attended to. October 25th 1S67 .-ly GRANT'S CAEAP CASn STORE. Main Street between First and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. TWnnU needfully inform the Citizens cf Rrnwnville. and surroundinc country that I have just received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of Of the latest styles and best quality, Mens heavy calf Boots, double soled Boots, Fine Kip Boots boys Boots and Shoes. All kinks of La dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest and best quality. India Rubber and Buffalo Uver onoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Wooden Ware, Stone Ware, The Best Quality of READY MADE CLOTHING, The best Woolen Under and Over Shirti, Of all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. SHOEMAKERS and HARNESS MAKERS can rely upon having therl orders filled promptly on shorf" notice and reasonable terms, uu oeiore pur chasing elsewhere. WHICH HE OPFKBS FOR SALS CHEAP FOK CASH All of wbicta be offers at the lowet prices, deter- tamed not to be under soli. GRANT. B eans, Hemio Ileal. PoUtoes. Floor Apples oro BWAJT BKOTiiZS- THE CRirVIkEIXUOFF SEPARATOR AND CLEANER CO CO -(- CM H I i I it T T jjanawa l , , I 1 EH I " l EH S - to CO CO cn Manufactured and Sold by J. GARSIDE & CO., ATCHISON, KANSAS. TUB trial of this machine at various County ana State Fairs, and the judgement of everyone who eea and uses it, unite in pronouncing BrinkerbooSfi Corn Sheller the best ever invented. With it a man can shell bis crop of corn at bis leisure without an ts- 'istant, and thereby save in a short time more than tb cost of a Sheller. This Corn Shelter has taken the first premium for three years past at the N ew York State Fair, when bnt partially perfected.. It has since been brought to a degree of perfection, which makes it complete. " The following is the report cf the Judges on this machine, at the great trial of Agricultural Implements held at Auburn, N. Y .' in July. 1306, under tbe aus pices of tbe New York State Agricultural Society : Among the machines on exhibition wat a Hand Cora Sheller, Separator and Cleanev, exhibited by J. Brink erhoff, Auburn, N. Y. We have carefully examined and thoroughly tested this machine, and have no h eii -tation in pronouncing it tbe BEST COR.V SHELL R WE EVEH SAW. It readily adapts itself to ears of any size or shape, shells clean, and with great rapidity and ease, and the same operation separates the corn from the cob, and the chaff from the corn, and deli vers the corn ready for market ; and it requires but the la bor of but one person to operate it. The whole affair is simple in construction and durable. J. S. GOULD, Pres N. Y. State Af . So. B . P. JOnXSON, Sec. " S. ROBISOX, Ag. Ed. N. Y. Tribune, S. E. TODD, ' " Times. Report of Agricultural Fair Committees, and. opin ion of Agribu'.tural and other Journals, mi;ht be cited at great length, but wecontent ourselve with tUefol lowing letter as capping them all : (Copy of Letter from U. S. Agent for Parii Vnivtr tal Exposition.) TJ. S. Agency for Paris Universal Exposition. No. 45 Park Row, Times Building, New York, Dec. 8th, 166S. ) MR. J. BRINKERQOFF, Esq., Dear Sir : My Ad visory Committee, appointed to select Implements for Exhibition at the Universal Exposition in Paris, in 1S67, have selected and rocommended to me, your CORN SHELLER as tbe best in America. I haveacceptel their report, and will forward your Sheller, if delivered here, ready for shipment oa or b efore January 1 , 1367. Yours Truly, J. o. DERBY, u. s. Agent, &e T)maa of the Brlnkerhou JTlivy corn Shelter, $25.00. Sample shelters shipped on receipt of tbe price and warranted to give satisfaction, or the Machine will be taken back and the money refunded upon notice within a reasonable time. Address J. GAitSIDE & CO., Atchison, Kansas. WM. T DEN, Ag't, 8-12-3m fdn Brownville, Nebraska. At the Sign of the iued tead. Is the place to buj FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY!!! 1 ' j 4 3 KeeP constantly on hand a complete assortment .cf Sofas, Bedsteads, Beaurcaus, Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs, Wash Stands Hat Racks, Springs beds, What Nots Chairs, lables, Kitchen Kitchi i and and Parlor, Parlor bl"" W 1 r.-s-1i i f. Cen fed. 9 ter Tabls Metalio uuuugcr, Cases, LouDge Settees, Mattrefses, Springs Tete-tetes Swing Cribs, Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands; Rockins Cribs, Office Chairs, Bed Spring", Comforts, Children's Cabs and Gigs, Tiano Stools, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc., etc. how Cases and office work made to order And anything and everything required to act up pi un or lancy housekeeping. All of their ware is either manniaeiuroi or put un under tbeir special superintendence, which enable tbcra sound articles at smaller prices than eastera manufactuted goods. OUR HEARSE is at the service cf the publio at any time it may be needed, and is gotten up in as fine style as any farther east. Hetalic Burial Cases, of all sizes constantly on hand, at eastern prices Wa nr dnin? busineFS on strictly ca.b principles, At a ihioll profit, and by attention to business and the wonts oi the community, expect in iue iuiure a3 in the rnst to receive the patronage of the pub- lie generally. JVl AIiJj 6C UU. PIONEER PAINTSHOP LOUIS WALDTER, TTJ3 33 m o CO AINTB 4- Grainer, Gilder, Glazier, AND PAPER-HANGER White Washing and Kalceraining done. All work done in a workmanlike manner shortest notice. TERMS CASH! SHOPoa Main itreet over Mongan's Plow Fac-T- (11-22-yly) 4.111 vi DOBSEY & BBO., Ulaln Street, BEOWNVILLE. Dealers in Men and Boy's mm Furnishing' Goods HATS and CAPS, CWi'mUfMMl t'WHMl1!'l'l ! BOOTS AIID SHOES tIuhs, mmm, CARPET BAGS i H T 1 Blankets and Umbrellas 1 Have just received and will keep con stantly on hand a large and well assort ed stock of the above, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they offer to the public at VERY LOW PRICES r HEAR YE 1 1 Come and see m r ABigSlock V t o r Pine Goods A T Low Prices! At TEACE A CO'S. FRESH GOODS. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Comer ilain and Second Street Browxi7lllo, To. Have received and opened their Fa! b.a Which 13 in all respects the most varied andl.iigest ever hrougbt to this market and tbeir. Goods are offered at unpr csdented low figures. They only ask an examination to verify their assertson. hv- ery article cf trade demanded in thh County will be found at their house, viz : Dry Goods and Groceries, i lard ware and Queensware, WO ODENand WILL 0 W WARE oots and Shoes, HATS AHB GAJSy PKOVSSIONS. October 10th I8G7 fIiHinrry & Dress-Makini MISS 31 ART SI31FSOX, Wishes to in for r the ladies of Brownville and vicinity that she has just commenced a first class MILLINERY '& DRESS-MAIvlNG S3 jEEE Q 3 Where work will be done withgTeat care and neat- ne?,ani alter tue latest tastern styles. Bleaching and Repairing done in tha very latest stle and on sho:t notice. Latest stj'.es-of Ladie 'sand Children's Hats and Bonnets constantly kept 01 hand, alio latest pat terns oi iaaie3 messes, Cloak, and Gnildrens clo thing cut on fchcrt notice Second Street, teweent Main &; Water BROWXVILLE, NEBRASKA. J . T7. BLACKBUR1I H.D. PENSION EIAMS5G SURGEON, Tenders ,.,... .1.. vcownTille and Tiemuy. OFFICE AT CITY DXIFG STOHE. ' Night call3 at hi3 liesidence south side of Atlan tic between lai and 2nd. streets. Fresi Ttzaatees, ia two tzi three pound cans, at SWAK & BJLO'S. 1 ill ili y i OSIBBY. Urn J -j I,,,-- Ml V DEALERS IIT V STAPLE AND FANCY Embracing all the NOVELTIES " the Season, Also, lar 2 a-I r; . Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, BCA.TS .AND CAPS, -A VD 12 ma & 1 9 AND Our Good were bonbt of first hands, and w think we can offer sach indacements to rurcha.eri as cannot fail to suit those wishiDg to toy. Call and ee for yourselves. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange ror uooas 50 To The Public ! ! BROWNVILLE FERRY Having purchase! of J. 0. Yantis, the Steam Fe ry Boat. Together with all tbe Charter Privileges to tha samo belonging, and being his self a Practical Steamboat J?an and Fnslnccr E The undersigned takes this method of Informing the publio generally that the Ferry is now in com plete RUNNING ORDER, And that ho will spear bo pains or mean t -- this tbe most RELIABLE CROSSING Or. the r , 7?T; , CV i i ) 3 all W,10 7 1 f uess. raironaz cchcucj. ouiisic- Guaranteed. Werronosa buildins a first Class Boat (efecor capacity than tbe present one) and placing ia th same at an early day. JOSEPH WARD, Manager. Brownville, Oct. 25th 1S57 ft To all Who Desire to Save Money. S SEE M.A N Has just received from the East, a large and well selcted lot cf i3 MWM AND P 1$ & Which ho cflers at Eastern Prices. He defies competition and will convince all who will call a- d examine his Stock Ua has ' alio a large Stock of Hats, Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &c- ; Come One? Come All who tcani to Keep their Bodies Warm. REMEMBER THE BHIICLOimSSH MAIlSr .STREET, mtoiYXYiULE, xen, S. SEEMAN. CLiElMiTEIIU. AND 1 1 JOSEPH shutz Das just received and will constantly keep or band a large and well selected stock of genuine art icles in U line. One Door west of Grant's Store, Brown ville, Nebraska. Of Clocks; "Watches and Jewelry done on the iltort- est Notice. WORK W ARRANTED. Broiroville, Neb.. March 15th. 1368. JO-25-ly O EO . . DORSET . LUTHER EOADLZT. CIIAS.0.D0U3T . DORSET, HOADLET & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and Dealers in Land V7anant3md Agricultural Collcse Scrip. Oice, tn Land Office Building, Bny and sell improved and unimproved LandV. Buy Sell, and locate Land Warrant, and cultural college Scrip. Makeeareiui selections of government Land for location, Homesteads, and pira-emptions. Attend to contested UeMMtiXf rPtW3 cases, ia the Laal Si. Letters cf inquiry, promptly and cheerfiUij ta swered. t Correspondence SolieiiedgjQ-oW - For a choice ar icle of Tea, go to . - - SWl 4 IL iLU) vU) JRii A ULJ mm Sit U iJ 1 1 i e 1 . i t, e 1. a A ' ).'; C: i . : Jl t: tir t- 1 ! c. 1 fr. fcf .fit i I i tr. i ir. f t 4 r A , ir t vi ' 1 t !