Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 05, 1867, Image 4
r, i i AUentionto Sheep. It it nut a good practice u let the thtzp run out oa poor, frost-bitten pas ture, as lon as they can maintain life, before taking them up and feeding them. Indeed, half the wintering of sheep de '. pmds upon the condition in which they are in on the first day cf December. If "V they.bave had to provide for themselves cptb this date, and even up to the first of January, as is frequently the case, they are in very poor condition to with stand the inclement season of winter, and many of them will come to an 'untimely ; grave. One of the great secrets of success with sheep is to begin to feed eatly in Autumn, just as soon as the pastures be gin to fail. If the pastures fail, the aheep will fail too. unless they have out ". aide aid. They cannot begin the winter in too good condition. If they are strong and fat, they are prepared to resist the cold and storms but. if weak and poor, tiey fall an easy prey to, the trying win der weather. "Every sheep' mm should thoroughly cull his flock at this season, and dispose Tcf all the old and poor sheep, at some prise or other. This is another secret , ,f success in theep raising sell ofl the v. poor ones keep the bpst ones. This is the season to cull the flock before the :.winter sets in. Don't fail to do this, if : you would be a successful wool grower. Another secret of success is to keep ' no more sheep than you can keep well. Have plenty of pasture for what you do keep, and plenty of hay and grain to r lo feed them in winter. If you want them to have heavy fleeces, they must have heavy feeding they can't have " them without It pays to feed all kinds of stock well, particularly sheep. Another hjatte of great importance rs. to have good shelter for sheep it is indispensable almost to success. Cheap sheds can be put up that will ward off the cold winds and rains. We do not advocate close yards for sheep. Exer cise is healthful, and if they can have the pickings to be found in the fields in our latitude in the winter tfie exercise and the grass they get, are highly bene ficial to them. Blue grass pastures, rye ' ' .'. fields, &c. are very desirable to the flock master. Valley Farmer. The Orchard and vineyard. The products of the orchard and vine- X&rd have been gathered, and operations are now in order to prepare for the com xng, season The tree is, in summer, not only pro during its fruit, but forms the buds that produce the leaves and fruit of the com ir.g season, and the young wood that is to maintain health, vigor and fruitful ness in the - tree daring years to come The course of the cultivator must be sim ilar to be successful. Now will be the time to search for the borer in the trees, and nests of insects in the old bark and branches ; and by the use of the plow, expose the egg.sde posited in the ground to the killing ac--lion of the frost. If the weather is fa verable, trees and vines can be planted, and all the preparations necessary for pring work arranged. Scions can be cut for future use. Winter has been of ten recommended: for top grafting but we have found the grafts are apt to be killed during the severe changing winter weather, and have always been rnosi un iformly successful in the spring and up to the development ct the leaves of the tree., ' We prefer the fall to prune the vine.' Ve can prepare the wood for future use; and if for eyes and cuttings, much it gaiuei in having all cut correctly and burried so as to callus. We have had the most uniform success in grafting the rine in November and December. Ten der vines should be covered for winter when pruned and we submit, if the sa ving of a crop once in seven years, would not pay for covering all the vari eties that are worth growing? the health and vigor of the. vines thus treated, will be a clear gain. v , We must avoid stirring the soil too early in the season, or when their is danger of rain and warmth. We have seen the enure crop of the coming sea son ruined by thus causing the eye to puh. It is a most important point to study the mean temperature at which all the functions cf the vegetable economy re performed. The Snowdrop and Cro cus, the Verbena and Phlox, the Saffron and Chrysanthemum, amoug flowers, well illustrates these points and all are governed by similar laws that patient in vestigation alone will enable us fully to comprehend. Cor. of Val. Farmer. Why Potatoes Should be Pared Thin. A scientific writer says : The fact is, almost the sole value of the potatoe is near the surface; so near that a very thick peel would take the largest part of V the nutriment. This is at once made obvious by examining a thin slice of po tato with a microscope, when the starch . granules will be found .lying in grat numbers in a belt just Under the skin, and decreasing towards the centre. They are placed here for nourishment of the the young potato, when it sprouts from the "eye," and which being like beauty, -"only skin deep, "is required to go no deeper for its food during the genrain ating process. This starch is for all practical purposes, the entire nutriment which the potatoe contains there being only 2 per cent of gluten, while seventy-five per cent is clear water. If it is werth while to eat the potatoe at all, it is obviously foolish to throw away the nu. triment and save only the water cells. When wheat has been sown early in September, and has attained a good may be pastured off in the fall cr winter, where the seasons are mild, without any damage to the crop of grain. In some States, as New Jersey, Dele- . war. MarylaLd, etc., sheep are kept on ' the wheat fields as late as April 16th, and as soon as they are removed, the wheat lakes a start, and soon reaches a - growth as large as if it had not been pastured off at all. See that your bees have plenty of hon . ry to winter on. Not less than twenty- ve pounds should be in the hive to be aura of enough. St Joe and St losis Business Houses. Nave, McOord & Co., ; WHOLESALE GROCERS And Dealers Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, &c. St JOSEPH. MO, 4T3Iy BAILY, KAY. WOOD, - - - Dealer In YANKEE NOTIONS, Exclusively at wholesale. Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Stock in Extent, Variety, and price Comparer rith best St. Lottie or Cuieago House. 137" Oiders Solicited. . 451y -o. S. Lemon. Isaac T. IIosua. LEMON, HOSEA & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC BEY &G0$S, Notions, Glot&iong &c. NO. 5 FOURTH ST. St Joseph, Mo. A Larje Stock always oa hand. Order solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. 45-ly j, a. rixta. T. R RE TSOLDS. SUBTIEO HOTEL PINER & REYNOLDS, PROPRIETORS, Eight Street, two blocks from it. R. Depot, O T. JOSEPH, IMO. 11-45 6m GEO. A. PRINCE & COS 39 Vaxietiei, with Patent &io Tenuto or Sub as. C0"School Organs and Melodeons. ' Finishedla Rlegrant Roscivood, TFalnut,or Oak Cases. JVb Charge for Boxing or Shipping. Now In lTse.5 AN ILLUSTBATED CATAIiOOUE.eon- taining a full description of 6tyle. ad teitinioniali of the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel tence of our instruments can be seen at tbls Office Address - GEO. W. HILL & CO Brownville Nebraska. FOUNDRY, AND MACHINE SHOP PUOI'IIIETOKS, Cor. 8th & Messanie Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. OTEAM miGmES TJADE U ASD ll REPAIRED ill IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. f.ULL WORKS OF ALL KINDS IRON FRONTS Made to order on fhort notice and satisfactory t all parties. A'soagents for GAKDNER A UOlJEUT SON'SIMPROVLD PATENT GOVEKNOK44-l R. T. Undebhill A. N. Eatok. UNDE RHII& EA.TON, ommissioiiivJierchantis. - -r TSo 2. City Bulldlngr ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES: Second National Bank, St LonU Allen. Copp fc. NUbet. St. Loots. Crrncb Stale Bank of luwa. Do -nqne. JobnKtoue &. Bacon. Bankers, f t- Uadisoa, la. ' Isaac Scarriit & Co., A1U.11, 111. B-lair bt At wood. Alien, 111. W.M.WY ETli&COT Whole se!a Dealers im DfiiWME CUTLBRY. SADDLERY "OODS, Harness, Skirting, id all kinds Saddler's Leather an Hardware. SADDLES, BRID. KS, 4'C, Agents for Disstons Circula Saws, and Martins Saje. Ko. South Third Street, between Feliz i Edmond ST. JOS Cm, no. 433y. i N m- Us J If CQ B a & g III a o i tjt.e..c e .eve St. JOo Busines Houses. WfjOLWORTH & .COLT, AND DEALERS IX 9 STATIONERY, Paper Hangings, And Printers' Stock, No- 12 Second Street. St. Joseph. Mo. Cash Paid for Rags. John w. h. dovulam. PINGER & DOUGLAS, "ITholesale Dealer CUEENSWARE GLASS WARtif ' PJC, NO. 7 Fourth Ttreet. St JOSEPH, MO. 45Iy VICTOR B. BUCH, Wholesale BOOTS & SHOES North West Corner 4th & Felix Streets, ST. JOSEPH, MO. f"Keeps much the Largest Stock West of St. Louis.and is prepared to effer unusual inducements ll-45-ly H ej 3 ti td CSS a 6 o o 5 J. PFEIFFER'S p r 2 3 Corner Ctli and St. Charles Sts. Also Dealer In Lime, Cement, Hair Wtite-Sand, Fire-Brick, II-45 Ij-rn.ia DK HENKY'S Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, AND U0OT& PLANT PILLS, Are the greatest Preventive and Curative House lolRcmcdies of the age, and are wonderfully ef ficacious in curing Dyfpeptis and Consumptive Symptoms, General Debility, Languor, Bilious Dis wen, affections of the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. Female Complaint, Scrofulous Affcc- ions,and all diseases arising from impure blood. na a sure, preventive or reverend Ague, Ohol era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, Ac. JSre circular around each bottle and box. Pre pared only by the Grafton Medicine Co., St. Louis, uissoun. bold by HOLLADAY & CO. Brownville, Neb. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. 6r ALL .SIXES. FAIttUANKS, GREENLEAF & CO. 225 Lakn Street. Chicago. 209 Market Street, St. Louis. BE CAKKFFL TO BUT OaLY THK GEKClRg..g : ,, Henry P. Sberbnrne, " SEALEB IN MTJIO Pianos &XtIeIodeons Musical lustruinents,Musical Merchandi OF. EVERY DESCRIPTIOX.. No. 33 Market Street, between Main and Second EttabHthed in 1849 ST. LOUIS ERRORS OF YOUTH. "A rentlcmem who suffered for years fross, Kerr. ous Uebiliijr. Premature D?cay,and all the effects of youthful indneretion, will, for the s&kt of?nj fering humanity, send free to all who coed it, the receipt and directions' for makinz the sisa le rem. edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wWhing t profit hy the advertiser's experience, can do so by addreasisg,ia perfect confidence. -JWHN B, OGDEN. 34 lyP 42 Ceder Street, Ne York N ails, Pails, Well Buckets, Selves, &c, at SWAN BRO'S. Ja jar Loaf Syrap, Serzhav, aad N. O. Mousses at SWA9 BiOg OJ(S o DC w mm IT , jGATESi & BOUSFIELD, -.:, ( X) . 1 Tf,t 1 ..J f - ' - DBICtl-LAYBBS AND P L ASTER EES. Drournvirie, Nebraska. "STJI take cootracts for BrickUyin;;, IWerirj, buildiDg Cisterns; and do anything in their line in the most satisfactory and workmanlike manner. Aag.30,1866. x-il-lj THE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION med on Billiard Table is the , CAT-GUT CUSUIOrS, Manufactured Vy KAVANAGII 4k DECKER, and Patanted Deo. 13,1866.. -(See Dciectifie American Vol. 16, No. 11) ' - It is the only Cu-hion that possesses an me quai ities esential to a PERFECT Cushion. It is the most elastic and most durable Cushion ever offered to the billiard-p'ay'Bg pnb lie, as Is abundantly pro ven by tne grtnt aimana tor u since r mvrwuc tion. The rjeculioriiv , which distinguishes the CAT GDT Cushion and renders it superior to al others, is the tightened cord or cat-gut wnicb overlies the face and edge of the rubber and aun ning the full length of the Cushion, which pre vents the ball from bddinr inty the rubber and jumping from the table. The addition of the oat- gut cord also adds mucn to tne elasticity oi tne Cushioon t - The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been ap plied to over 1.000 tables which are in constant nse. It can be applied tp tables of any make, for seventv five dollary per set. KAVANAGII A DECKER'S Faotorr, t the cor ner of Centre and Canaltreets, N. Y.,is themost complete of its kind in the world. The machinery is of the most improved character, tne lumber dry ing room tbe largest in the United States , the material uso the best that can bo purchased , and the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard Cloth, Hills, Cues, ann Trimmings, all of the best make, constantly on hand. KAVAMAGH A DEGKERare the only agents in this country for KAY'S CUK CEMENTdjvdged by competent authorities to be the be the best ce ment ever usedr K3Full Sissed Tables cut down for $10053" Send for Illustrated Catalogue aid price List. KAVANAGH & DECKER. Corner of Centre fc Canal Sts. New York ERIE RAILWAY THK BUOAD GAUGX- DoUBLK TBACC BOUTS TO NEW YORK. BO ST OK AND XEW E;i,4NO CITIIES. Dunkirk, to ev York, 4G0 Miles IlufTalo torvcw York 423 Allies, Salamanca to New, fork, 115 Miles ahd is FKOX -22 to 27 Miles the Shortest Route .""All Trains run directlr through to New-Tor, 460 Miles Without Change of Coaches. From and after August 20th. 18(7, Trains will leave in connection with ail Western lines, as follow; FROM DUNKIRK. AND SALMANCA By New Tork time from I'dioo Depots ; 7 30 A. M. EXPRESS MAIL from . ; Dunkirk (Su urtaya excepted). Stops at Salraan '' ca 10 00 A.M., and connect at Hornville and Corning with tbe ;.WI A. M. Express Mail from Buffalo, and arrives In New Turk at 1.09 A M. 225 P. M. LIGHTNIN(; EXPRESS, from Sal manca, (Sunlara excepted ) Stop at Horn, lavilie 5.2 P.M., (Supper) intersecting with the 2 SO P. M. train from Buffalo, and ar rives in New Turk at 7. CO A M 4.15.P. M. NEW YORK NIGHT EX- press, trom Dunkiik (Snmlay excepted) Stopn at Salmancn 6.65 P. M. ; Olean 7 So P. M. (Supper) Turner's 9 66 A. M. (Breakfast), and arrive in New T rk atl'i 30 P. M., connecting with Afternoon Trains an1 Steamer for B. ston and New tngland Ci'ies 9 50 P. M CINCINNATI EXPRESS, From Dunkirk. (Sundays excepted). Stop at Salamanca ll.6- P. M.,acd connects at UornelU- ville with tbe II ZO P. M. Train from riving in New Tork 3 25 P. M. FROM 13UFFAJ.O- By New York Time Depot cor Exchange and Michigan Streets 5.45 A. M. NEW YORK DAY EX. press. (Sundays excepted). Stops at Hornelle- ville 9 03 A M.. (Bkft.) ; Sosqnehanna 2 17 P.M (Dine); Tomer's 7 66 PM, (Sup.) an arrives in New Tork 10 30 P M. Connects at Great Bend with the Delaware Lackawanna & West em Hailroad, and t Jen ey City with Midnight Express Train of New Jersey Railroad for Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington 8.00 A. M EXPRESS MAIL. via Avon and Harnelisville (Sundays excepted). Arrives in New Tork at 7 00 A M. Connects at Eimlra with Northern Central Railway for Harriabnrg Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and points South. 2 20 P. M. LIGHTNING EXPRESS (Sundays excepted). Stops at Harneltsvi.l 6,25 PM.(6up. ), and arrives In New Tork 7 00 AM. Connects at Jersey City with Morning Express Train of New Sergey Railroad fur Baltimore and Washington, and at New York with Morning Ex press Train for Bosten and New England Cities 6 10 P. M. NEW YORK NIGHT EX- press. Daily. Stops ai Portage 8 65 P M (Sup) intersecting at Honielixville with tbe 4 15 P.M Train from Dunkirk, and arrives in New Tork ai 12 30 p M 11.20 P.M. CINCINNATI EXPRESS (Scndays excepted.) Stops at Susquehanna 7 30 A M , (Bktt ), Turner's 1.10 P. M. (Dine) anu arrives in New York at 3.2i P. M. Connects, at EIniira with Northern Central Railway for liar rbburg. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washingtuii and points South, at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad for Scranton, Trenton and Philadelibia. and at New Tork with Afternoon Trains and Steamers for Boston and New England Cities. Only One Train East on Sundey, leaving Buffalo at 6I0P M.and .reachine New York at 12.30 P. M. Boston and New England Passengers, with their Baggage, are transferred free of charge in New York. !CJ" To pleasure travelers tbe line of the Erie Rail way presents many objects of interest, passing through the beautiful valley of tbe Chemung. Susquehanna, Delaware and Ramapo river, an everchangiug pano lama of nature's beauties commands attention The Best Ventilatod and Mott Luxurious Sleeping Coaches in the World accompany all night Trains oa this railway. Bagr?a?c Checked Tlir on? And Fare nltcayt a Into as by any other Iiitnte Ask for Tickets via Hris Railway Which can be obtained a, all Principal Ticket Office in the West and South -West. H. RIDDLE, Genl. Supf WM. R. BARR Grn. Pass. Agt jorth njjissouRi rn AILHOAD TO ST. LOUIS, MO., And All Points East, Connecting with tho Hannibal and St J.wi.l.'lt u. at ijucon cuy,lJQ mnes Jbast of fit. Joseph and mrrns tne Only All Rail Route from Atchison and St. Joseph to St. Louis, Making direct a ad reliable connections with Kmous Express Trains , Leivinpr St. Louis at 2 o'c'ock in the afternoon. running through to all Eastern eities without a moneut delay . Passengers going to Than by any other route. I'asser eem eoinz tr points in Central and Southern Ohio. Central and Soathern Indiana, Southern Illinois nnd all points in Kentucky making several hour's quicker timo than can be made via. any other route. Through tickets can be purchased at all Rail Road Tiaket eCce.s in the West. Be it understood, that the Fare to all Points East is the Same via, the Kerth Missouri TtaiPRoad and St. Louis a by way of Chicago- or any other route. Go via. St. LtMBia Route. . ImmSC B. STURGEON, PresidctU and Gcn'l Sup"r. St. Lonis, Mo. H.H.WHEELER, Genl Ticket A gent, St. L nis, Mo. W. W.EUNIXGER, Genl Freight Agent, St. Loui. Mo. P. H. EmRLEY, Agent, St. Joseph, Mo. ,....A,QPPDni..;. (DOORIMfl STOYB li one of the most necassary and desirable ar ticles of household' econoraynd if properly xaansgcd,will promle tbe fort and happiness of every mem her of the family. ITO COOEIITG STOVE Dave ever been bronght befupe the public whitb. obtained sf7zrepcitt!arfty or met with vaof favor than the aKI- -Pit.moutli Rock OVB 100.000 OP TUKSE CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES ' Have been sold under full guarnantee, and wa offer them as reference wherever found. THE IMPROVED CHARTER OAK " With Extension Top, , Has but one damper, and is so simple in i's con strnction that a child can manaz it. The ovens are larger, bake more uniform, and the Stove heav ier than any Cooking Stove or corresponding rise ever made. Housekeepers, Stove Dealers cr Tinners ' Can rely upon being supplied at tbe lowest ratal and will find it to their advantage to send for aud examine our Price List and Catalogues before pur chase ig elsewhere. Address, Excelsior Manufocturing Co., 612 4 6U Main Street ST. LOUIS MO. &TSolJ by Shellenberger Bro., Brownville, JSebraska. 1.000,000 UaulU WW VUtJajUVSrWBl FOR SALE ON THE POPULAR ONE PRICE GIVING EVEBT PATRON, A Hnndsome and Reliable -Watch! For the low Price of Ten Dollars! Without Regard to "Value, And not to be Paid for unless per fectly satisfied. 100 Solid Gold naming Watches, $250 to 1 .000 loo Magic Cared Gold Watctes, 3M to 600 ICO Ladie Watches. Enameled. KO to 300 2tO Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches 250 to 300 200 Gold Hunting EriKlis Levers son to 260 SOO Gold Hunting Dnplex Watches, 150 to JOO 600 Gold Hunting Am'erican Watobes. 100 to 360 600 Silver Hunting Lever. 60 to !60 60i Silver 11 uutln Duplex Watches. 15 to 250 6 0 Gold Ladles Watch's, 60 to 250 1.000 Gwld II iintinc Lepines. 60 v ti l.OoO Miscellaneous la ver Watches, 60 to too 2 o,0 Uantlnii Suver Wat.hes, 26 u 2.0C0 A sorted Watches, all kinds, 10 to 15 53" Every patron obtaiiw a Watch by this airanze. oivul, ca.iti g tut $ .0 while t uw be worth $l,tXN No partiality shown 2 " : We wihh tu imniedtaieiy dUpe cf the above mag niflcent S ock. CertitTcates, niT)ii rhe articles, are placed in tsaledenvf lopes. airi well niised". Uulders are eutitlod to the rticies name-ion their certificate upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a Watch worth $1.0)10 orotie worthless. The return ot any of our certificates entitle yu t. tbe article named thereon upon payment, irrespective of its worth, .nd as nc article valued ie.-w ihn $10 is named oil any cer uncaie, it wii at once be t-cau that this is No Lottery bat a Straight forward legiti mate transaction, which may be participa ted in even by themost fastidious. . A single certifioaft will bo sent- by man, p.t paid, BiH-n receipt of 29 cw., hive i.r owudollir eieven for two dl!nr. thirtj-thrue ;in l an elrgml ivuuutn for five d l!ar.-; ilv six nn-t uire vaiu- abfe premium tor Tun dollar, ino hundred aii uwt su peril Watch tor fit teen dollars. To Agents or those wishing cmplovmcn , this is a tare oppor tuntty. It is a legititn ttelv cmtJucted . business, duly authorized by the Guverninvnr. and open to tbe most care ul scrutiny, iry WRIGHT BRU. CO., Imp ru rs. 161 BKOAllAV, Now Vork. EMPIRE SHUTTLE mmm iiaciiies ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS, For Family and Ma nuFacluring Purposes, AGENTS WANTED addren 616 Bniadway, New York. 27 SI5IILU SIUILIBUS CUKANITK HOI P II KEYS' UOMCEOrATIIIC SPECIFI C HAVE PROVEN, FROM THE MOST AMPLE experience , an entire success: Simple Prompt Efficient, and Kcliablo. They are tbe only Med icines perfectly adapted to popular use so simple tha. mistakes cannot be made in tsing them ;so harmless as to be free from danger,and so eEeieU as to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nos. Cents t. Cures Fevers, Coaeest Ion, Inflamation 35 8, Worms. Worm-Fever. Worui-Colic. 56 3, , 6. . t. 9, 0, 11. 12, 13, H, 6. 17. 18, . 20, .'1 22 23 24 23 8 27 23 29 30 31 33 Crying-Colic, or Teetbinx of infants, 35 Diarrcea oi cbildrts oraitalts. 25 Dysentery, Griping, Billious Colic 25 Cholera-M.'rbus, Vomiiin?, 25 Ueuralegia, Tooihache. Fsceacbe, 26 Headaches. Sick-Hndache, Vertixo 25 Dyspepsia. Billions SToroach & Surpresed, or painfnl Periods. 25 Whites, too prof used Periods. 26 it . Croup. Coi'gh diffleult Breitbins. 21 Bait ltheun, Krysipela, B. options 2 Salt Rheum, Erycipela, Eruptions. 25 Bheumatism, Kbcumatic Pains SO Files, blin' ir bleeJing 60 Optha!n: y and sore or weak Eres. 60 Catarrh, ute or chronia. Inflaemal 6u Whoop iiz Coueh. violent Coughs 6t Asthma oppresep Breathing 6 Ear Di scharges, impair-d Harinc 60 8crofua. enlarged Glands, Swellings la General debility, Pbysicial Weakness 60 Dropsy, and scanty .Hecie.lon to Sea-Sickness, sicknoss from riding 60 Kidney-Disease, Gravel 60 Nervous Debility, Seminal'Emia- sions involnniary Discbarges I,'-0 Sore Meuth, Canker 6J Drinary Weakness, wetting bed 6 Paintul Periods, with Spaauis to Suffeimgsst ffcjiue of !ife 1,00 lipilepisy, SpaMns St. Vitns' Dace ISO 33 U 44 Diphtheria, uUtrated Sor Throat 60 FAMILY CASES. Of 35 larpc vials, morocco caSCjCoislainlii a specific lor ever)' ordinary deseas a family is subject to, and a book ordirecllons, $lo OO Smaller . Famy and Traveling cases, wtth 20 to 18 vials, $5to$S Speciflcs ror all f nvate Deascs, both for Cm inz and for Preventavo treatment ia vla.s and pocket ce, $2 to $5 For Sale by 47 ly ". McCOMAS& Co.. Br ivill- N-t marriage and Celibacy. An Essay of Wahmxo axd Ixstbi-ction fob Vosv'O Mxs. Abo, Uireaes and Abuses which rxrmanently prostrate tho Vital Powers, with sore means of.relief. Sent Free of Charge, in scaled letter envelopes. Address. Dr. J. SKM.LIN nOUOflTO.V. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa,. January, 1st I SAT. 1-y TO CONSUMPTIVES. 7 Thm REV. EDWARD A WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire the prescription with the direct ioas for making and using the stm Dlo remedy by which ha was cured of a' lung affec tion and that dread disease Consumption. His only object is tu benefit the Sic ted and be hopes t-ai-v 8rer will trv this crcscrintion. as it wi II cost them nothing, and may prove a blessinz. Pleaseaddress Kfcv.tuwiiiuAviiUiUS, No. 145 South 2 ad Su. Williamsburg, New York. Stoneware, Basket. Washboards, Lanterns Ac. a SWAN & BROTBSE'S ; ' V .... r' . -v , ,i "... - ' ft " We have on hand a Jarge and5 well assorted of Staple To which we are making constant addition whiche are selling at ment west of the HI THE QSJAITY OF OUR GOODS EST FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST PRluE PAID FOR 5 Cr1 M O L E S DEALERS L Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirjmmense'stock of Drugs and Medicines, School Book?, Patent Mrdieines, Blank Books. Glass and Glassware. Writing' Paper, and Oils, Envelop. Spices and Dve-Stuffs, Coal Oil ind Pain Lamps, Pure Which weT bjVt forcah of Manufacture-?, favorable pri'jes. tkiying in large, quantities from mnta to the tradff. ' They ore the North-western WhoIe?;i!e Amenta rrf Pr.r). Jayre & Son, and of M C. Ajre k Co., nnd cun furnish their Medicines in hpv mi-inti'ie. nu. PA 1 U Q 7 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in lrc: STEEL and HEAVY HARDWAEE. Wi.goij, C rri.i', and nw Vt.. dvrks. AGRICULTURAL 13UPLEMKNTS. Spring?. Alec, Axel-1, Shovels and Sailis,FtIs and lift..', I,'!i'ins. (.'4rriiijj-a Wa'herj', Nails. Horse naila, Horse A Mii! Shty, Suw-. efcetc. Cabtins and Hollow Ware, Suyar Kin- Ati-'iru' Stew pot? IJk (vpti.. Fruit kettlns smd S;itl Irn.-. . BlaCkSClIlhS' TOOlS- Anvils. Strck and D-. 11 h.w... Sletlir autl Hai1 H iucr, Vises, I'incers, Kasps, Farriers' knives. Tuyere Irou.. U'rewe he. 0xxtS.ti32Ls: Groods Ox Yokes, Axle Urease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, 3Zt ulTosi. ,xx3. 23oxxt-s5stxxlT. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLI1MK.PLOWS '1 luat patented, and snt-crior to any yet invented ; and McCormlcIi's Mowers and Reapers, Iiailers Horse Corn rianlert Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Corn Shellcra. Fay Kakes, etc. etc ec. ILr To zxlj& SUEtnclt3caL seniles. Buying my goods ditect from the man ers, I offer great inducements TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. AM ONEY, FREE AS W ATER. 10,00t ACTIVE 1 LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Male or Fe male, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in ev ery City. Town. Village; Uamiet, RTorkshop and Factory, throughout the entire worlds fir the most saleable novelties ever known. 500- PER CENT, PROFIT an- READY SALE WHEREVER OF FERED '. 1 Smart men and women can make from 115. to $50 per day, and no risk of loas! A small citprtai required oi irom to iuu mo more money invested the grater the profit. Xo Money required in advance to- firit tend the article onb receitepay afterward 1 1 If you actually wish to make money rapidly and easily, write for fall par icu lars and address IJILHOR & CO., (From Paris,) 10 BROADWAY, New York City. DR. WHITTIER, T ONCER BY YEARS LOCATED IN ST JLjLOUIS than any other Private Disease Phy sician, is regular graduate of medicine, cures Syphilis in allits forms,Gonorrhoea,G!eet, Strict ure, Orchitis, Diabetes, Uladder and Lrinary diseases, Syphilitic affections of tbe throat, skin or bones. Thousands suffering self-abuse, excesses, ex posures and indiscretions in yoatl and ma imer years, producing some of the fallowing etjbcts : Blotches, bodily weaknttss, unmanliness, tosocicty.indigestion, eonstipation, dread offa--ture events, lom of roemoty, and finally impo fney, havi.igbeen cured. He can rclei to many old residents for past success and present position, also many phys icianshere and1 elsewhere. Occupying a whole bouse of twelve rooms,with competent assistant physicians; tho.-e requi ringdaily personal attention may remain- in tbe f,tshli-hmnnt. Medicine stpt everywhere by mail or express. His Theory an ' ExjHsition of Diseases, clearly delineating all the diseases conditions, may be h.-idin sealed letter envelope for 6 cents. Ladie's Circular, embraeini; all cbrooic diseases cents. Vdilross St. Louis. Mo, A' fricbdlv talk rosts notliing: charge mod erate ; cures suanate-!. Offij.1517 St. Charles street, one square south oi the Lindeil Hotel. Fe. 15 lv ' - 1 GET THE BEST .MRS, CHILDREN.- f. n trulv ai knowleJied a sup-ri-w preparation for all dicaw'S incident In innnn ana cnnarea. EYEIIV BODY brEAKb lne;al -d term of commendation of its truly won derful effects and medicinal virtues, and are do t;rktad with its use. Rf" Price. Only 2a cents per Bottle. JJ hy Sold by all dealer in madicin. Prepared on 1 J the Grafton Medicine Company, St. uis, Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. 6m Brownrille, Neb. IHrORTJATIOIT. Information euaranteed to pro-luce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, liotches, Erption8, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing. THOS. F.CUAPMAN, Chemist . ,. - aa iirtaiwsyew xot. . Ann ' and-Fancv 3 -nr ay prices low as any estatfe I Mississippi river. WE CHALLENGE COM?ETlTc:t APPROVED BRANDS 1 3 COUNTRY PRODUCE uuuu r-jr-i y v a f i Wines. Liquors, &c. Importers and Publisher!, and will besolj it ti brat uauJs,livy are enabled to oJor iit 3 fir A 1 (n h:'Tfi hi t'llTH t'oirn T'iiig in jwK. I T.rv H..U.S Xu:im Skll'ts.:,,iLi Ox Shoe nnil, Shovel. anJ lk'.U u,s. ESowesrs! RiTfllahlfi Mm Hair BsoiiJ O VIWI1IMII Has stood the test cf seven yen before the public; and no Hon for the hair has yet mZ. covered that will produce in beneficial results. ltinnlT net scientific discovery, combw J mawroftliemost Pogl''2nni i)fSi ha ttap.nfj ill the YECf '?..,. KINGDOM. It restores CRAY n TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUJHN COLOR. It makes the avM and clean; cures dandruff humors, and falling: . out of hair; and will make tt ffrow JJ baUl heads, except in very wk persons, as it e i Uve principle by which the to., nourished and supported. the- hair moist, soft, ana y" and is unsurpassejl as a u ' t DRESS IN G. It is the cj e preparation ever offered to wj'j lie as one bo fie will more and last longer bottles of any other preplan It is recommended the First Medical Authority, j The wowlerful results P'j If our Sicilian JIair J:elffLZr induced many to mfinujuctu.Tjr pnrationtfor the Hair, v"actoir ri'nis names; and, in order ts dace the'trturc ana we t". uw se their compound''' w resorted to falsehood' f,. pnrcha have claiming met were Ju"" :nr. cluimina their were tornt' tiers, or hail some couueti'"- our Mr. II all, and their pr tion was similar to ours. ' ty be deceired by them. I' arena original: it has never Vm equalled. Our Treatise on 'f ,l with certificates, sent free oy ,. See that each bottle has our P , the top imitaW Jierenue camp uuer bottle. All otJiers arc m R. P. Hall 5t Co.. Prop's. Nashua, la Sold by ell DrvtfUis and Ddert C. A COOK, 87" Dearborn St. ChldS Nataral Leaf, I in Cut. I ; AND "5) (K fn P7 d ' s v ' -r r x bi ll-