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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1867)
. - . t A TIlC LilCSt KliVTSaboot Westoa "or any other nun," can be fouud cn the Newt Table of T. C. HacLer'. City Eook Store. V . ' ' UMTED STATES BBASS AND CLOCK COHPANY; AUSTIN, ILLINOIS At the Sign of tbe 30ESSY & BIIO., 1 (JO IBif used Stead. ' Is the plice tolsy . - . FURNITURE c AND -. - . ' -- ' .'IJPHOLSTRY!!! Keep constantly on band a complete assortment cf t LOCAL; 4k. . . 4 V TO Ecnt The Shop and Lot. known as Morgan's- Plow Factory and Wagon Shop. : Apj'ly to ihe'under.igned: "Vi DEALEI13 d BRO WNVILLE a. w: morgan. "TrTrrrlEI.D A EATON. 124 fi Slrtel and STAPLE AND FAR OY Fhil Deuser is making extensive ar rangements to celebrate Christmas and New Years. 1 t.I II ,o lb utboifd Afut in St. Louis for tbi will fttuud to ukin collection and porch ' 3XaIn Street, 1 II Hi mi; litt CitT Loo" nnn nnn m mm iKOWNVII-LE, THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1857. Cliu relies. . . E;"st. Service en Srond Snndy and JJJe S-iu'tU.y f ech nuixb i S o'tiu-k P. M iu M1"1 tturtU itt Cro-uiIi. Kev. H. F. VlLLUKS. Pitor. VMhodist Episcopal.- Service ererv Sa.!y. t 10 I S A H ., m ' " Pwr Jleetins eeir tl..T Sunly Sxb-..l rri J-btlb i I H M. I'.- T- S- BLAtXCUliN. ! EniCOpal.- eTce KcMierMffl' Hall every ,1MT SioJW l id every Sunday ! "ir n SarJay tc'i ui4r.. suu 4,," Kt. Rev.G. K. DAVlS, alimoo.rr. . , v-ri P.erbTter an. Service every Sunday at H I 8 A 0'1 "a V- K- s,lud'T Scw L u . p'rarer mctiu every Mr'UueUjr at 7 Jf. iiiiitn Pidur. f. JUU-1 Arrival and Departure or flails. r.kirnMaii rivcsi:a: y.erpt Sunday, at l,p m. Northern lis 'ti- u p iu tTcitein Mail ee. v We.'ne ulj, p ui. .. i.(ij!tkC.r V.Kulif ri8. . ui. fratit M'l J1"ve'1 ". .iKl..y at 6, p. ni. r " !f,urK r Wti'utyiiS. a.m. Roc'wDort Mail '.re iey Sa.u:Uuy at 3, p. m. " m Pfrsot vfill.b!;e l.r?et'int tbei' tuail iu luily liru b-tir l.cryie iie ocpauutetrf nii'. i)Xct Suucaya f rai S to 9, a. m., ai.d ifoni 4 to ''P W' A.D. MAIiSlI, 1. U. The 'Atv crtuer" otfice has been ! rnnoved to McPhersou's lilock. 2d floor. 1st dsur to the left in the Hell eu-.ranca ClinrCS! Chums!! Patent Churns cbeap at J C DKUSER'S. BUSS & Hacker are selling flour at $4 5U per 10U. Tbeo. Hill & Co., are now In Kd'hcrsuu 8 Kovr. Cranberries at SWAN & BRO'S. nCK10T2l. J L MrGee &- Co.. are I removing into their new iore room iu Mcrberson's Block, to-day. Nick-Nacks and Chicken Fixins and oil kirs f Goodies for the Holidays at the P G Store. No hoddy kept at DO USE V Si BRO'S. j Flocr, Feed and Produce at the ! P. G. Store. We will occupy our St ,.r? roi in in McPherfon's Block n xtek. SH ELLEN HERGLR BRO'S. Five Brood Mares (with foul) for al ly . A. P. COGSWELL. Cook Stoves in abundance at SHELLENBERGER BRO S. Ordr all Boot. Papers and Mac-7inr-s ihr.uh your News Agents. The Guy Buck fctoit is ;Le old reliable. Buy your Flour at the P. G. Siore, tveiy suck wan anted as represented. Mn?InS. We learn that Mr. Lull it cichii zn.g a Cias-s m Voral Muic. Note b s. j patents, acd secure tickets. S;ur Krr.ui" and Pickles at the P. ; iO.COO ynrd Flannels and Linys. 10 000 yards Cloths, Satinets and Jrajj.. Al j THEO. HILL CO S. I G;f rnment Overcosts ,d Blankets. ' chctpit LHJKSEY St BRO.S ! 20 Bu!.el Bbick Walnuts for solr at i tht P. G. Store. . 1 20,000 yards Calicoes at 12 1 2. I 40,000 yards brown acd bleached j Muilins, from 10 to 50 cents, at ! THEO HILL & CO.'S. ! Com and OalS wanted in exchange ! for goods at J. L McGEE St CO.'S. Keep Comfortable by tuying a suit cf Winter Clothing of DORSEY S: BRO. ? flour, Corn Meal, Br;in. short?, Col Meal, Oats, Com and Buckwheat : Flour for caie at the P G Store of For fine sets cf Harners no to W. D. MAHIN'S. A good article of Smoking, Plug and , me tut mewing Tobacco at T. C. HACKER'S. Ten thousand dollars worth of B.ois ad Shoes at THEO HILL St COS. One desirable dwelling for tale. Apply n; ihis othce. II. C. Lett, Land Agent. Brownville, eoraka. , Pressed POUltri -always on hand at 'tie P i: 200 Shawls, from $1.50 to 820.00. W Cloaks, new styles, from S10 to Ho. lOOBalmoral Skirts, from SI to S10. 200 pair Blankets, from S3 to S20, at THEO. HILL & CO.'S. "u will find the genuine New York " T. C. Hacker At the Cny Book ot' "conftantly in receipt of all Books n oon as issued. Any book published Fromp:iy turuKueU to order at A Putlkhef Price. ICC The River at this point was full of Ice last Sunday morningraud cane near closing. Since which time the channel has beeu full of mush ice. Drlhkcriioffs Ohio Corn' II nsk- Cr The greatest assistant in hulking ever invented, in abundance at THEU HILL & CO S, M'Ph eron s Row. 1.000 John Der-re's Moline Plows. 3,000 yard? Carpets and Oil Cloths at THEO. HILL & CO.'S. Cash paid for Corn In any quantity at Me P G Sture. ' Coal Oil Lamps. McCreery's new lui or Lamp:?, at.d Lamp Fixtures capti vate everybudy. Go and see 'em. Enterprising Jue Shutz has just erected a laige Waich Sign in front of his shop on Main street. Thai's the true plan; invite custom in every legitimate way. Married. In this city, Nov. 27ih, by Rev. G. K. Davi, William Wallace, of Toronto, Canada, aud Miss Huldah Al derman, of this city. See the Card of Mrs. J. M. Graham, Teacher of Music, in another column. She is a thorough master of all she pro poses teaching." A Greal Lot of Dry Goods. Hard ware. Boo!?, Shoes, Ht, Caps, Notions, Glass and Queen?ware. selling of at Cost at the P. G. Stcre. Auction every Sat urday. . J. W. BLISS, Auction. McFall & CO., always up wiih the demand, have just received a large lot of Mirrors, beautifully framed and- hung. Tney are prepared to make all kinds of Picture or other Framing in Gilt, Rose Wood or Walnut, at reasonable rates. Call ! J. C. DeUSCr la now on hand the largest stock of Ciok and Heat Sioves. Tinatd Brass ware, Sheet Iron. Pumps, Wagon Timber, Bob Sfrigh Shots, etc.. ever brought to this market, which he is offering remarkably low to cash pur chafer?. The First SnOWf the season, in ihe? parts, fell hst Thursday afternoon, Nov. 2S h, and kept drizzling uunl night, yet Inrdiy fuceerded in whitening 'he ground. It was nearly a failure. ThC WealllCr, as noticed last week. w;s veiy pleasant and continued so un til Thursday nisht, wl ich was jut about as cold as mot winter n'ghts. Friday and Saturday were celd, on Satin day the wind changed to the scuih, moderating counderably towards night. Sunday was a very pleasant day. Monday and Tues day cloudy, eith a fair prospect for rain. The prnpret didn't pan." Wednes day ws a clear, pleasant day, and la day. it is blowing dust iuto evtryUdy'.s eyes. A Brilliant Mcteor.-AW 9 o. clock, p m .on the 27ih. we saw th most brilliant Meteor we have evr witnessed. t i t it appeared nisi about hair way up tne zenith northeast of here and descended neaiSy to the horizon in a northerly di rection and burst into seemingly a thou sand fragments. It was in view for at least ten seconds, making n light enough to see clearly very small objects.-, A rather queercharac:er. name un known to us, hailing from New York, has recently stopped in this city. He does nothing but pick up old shoes, buttons, pins and old vituals. He wears rings in his ears and sometimes a large brass rin in his nose. He has just finished a residence cave in the bluffs alon'j the river. Altogether he is a queer, diny, lazy character, half-witted and harmless. BirlhS. We have just learned of a pleasaut little "episode" in the affairs of one of tbe -wealthiest farmers on the bottom opposite this city. Although mar ried for thirty years he was never blessed witn a mail responsibility.'' This hap pened last week, after a nine years cesa tion of hostilities, and in the general jol lification that ensued the old ladies pres ent burned his old hat, which caused him to visit one of our stores early next morn ing, when the clerk, by way o: ascer taining his wants, remarked : Well, what is it. George ?" "Oh, it's a boy, it's a boy.'T exclaimed George in great lee, dnd Avith evident satisfaction received the congratulations on the event. Pay Dp. All persons indebted to the late firm of Atkinson & Co , either ry; note or account, will save costs by paying up at once. We will take Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye. Barley, Potatoes, or the money, ar,d will allow the highest mar ket price for the produce. ATKINSON St CO. For Cheap, Clothing x to Good and Well Made U DORSEY'S. I UfOfJfJ ft WESTERN MANUFACTURERS. As an instance of Western energy in a new direction, we would call attention-Jo ihe above Company. Within 'the. last year they have erected, on the -then 'un broken prairie, four miles west of Chicago, a flourishing and tasteful New England village of fifty bouse?, a mag nificent factory, employing 150 hands, turning out 1000 cldeks" per week. Tbe Company, like General Grant, one of its stock-holders, li;ive thought it best to fight out the success of Western manufactur ers again! Eastern wealth and monopo ly "on this line." " ' ' ' " The great Northwest cannot always send her rich products a thousand miles and pay tribute to the East on her man ufactured goods. Hitherto the Eastern States have grown rich in , receiving our products at, low rates and sending us high priced fabrics therefor. Every man, woman and child of Connecticut has earned SI. 50 to 50 cents of this same population of Illinois, and so it naist be till the West manufac tures her own goods, and enterprises likp this which takes our raw material (much cheaper here than eas ) and produces a line of goods wnich find their principal market in the west should receive our Personal. Rev. J. R. Hoag and Mr. Franklin Blackman called during the pas; week. They had just returned from a trip west locating Government land in Gage county and investing'in Lin coln Mr. Blackman. is a tourist, hav ing traveled over Europe and the East, and was most favorably impressed wi;h the richness of our soil and our pleasant climate. They started East on Tuesday Dr. McCasIand, of Pawnee City, calUj ed last Tuesday. We are pleased to learn from him of the rapid growth of Pawnee City, which has nearly doubled its population this season, and of the County, which is being rapidly settled up. The Dr. resumes the practice of medicine. . Dr. L. Rl e and Daniel Fraker. from the stanch Republican town of St. Deroin called on Tuesday. Good crops and business brisk is the word down there. Boots and Shoes. Now that cold weather is approachiug it behooves every one to sea'thai their feet are provided with good, substantial Boots and Shoes. To provide for this want Messrs. Tears St Co.. have laid in a very large and well selected stock, comprising all grades of Chicago Custom Made Man and Boys Bcots and Shoes, hich are now consid ered the: best article manufactured. Also a large and cemplete assoitnient of Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes from the. best manufactories in the Unued States. The plan of business with Teare St Co., is to sell a good' article at reason able rates, and thus build up a trade on merit and lair dealing. This, we are pleased to see they are accomplishing making new friends and customers eveiy djy. . European Connection for the Merchants Union Express.-1" pur suance of ati -"Agreement between the Merchants Union Express Company and The JUurris European Express Company all packages received by the Ai'enis of the former for Europe, the East or West Indies, Mexico and the Biazils, will be transferred for forwarding to destination to Morris European Express whilst all packages received by Morris European Express for the Interior of the United States will be handed over to the Mer chants Union Express Company. THEO HILL & CO , Agents, ' ' Biowuville, Neb. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Mayor's Office, Brownville, Nov. 12th. 1867. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present : J. S. Church, Mayor. Aldermen: T. C. Hacker, A. P. Coggs well and A.' W. Morgan. "On motion, the Mayor was authorized to execute an instrument giving the con scent cf the City Council to the assign ment of the Lease of the Ferry Fran chise at the City of Brownville by J. C Yantis to Joseph Ward acd Rufus Ford, Ou motion, Council adjourned to Nov. 30.h. JARVIS S. CHURCH, Mayor. W. H. McCreery, Cierk. Nov. 30tb, JS67. Council met pursuant 'adjournment. Present. J. 5. Chorch. Mayor, Aldermen ; T C Hacker, A W Mcr- r i. hearty support. The money paid them enriches and builds up the west. This new Company makes from West ern materials immense quantities , of German silver and sheet brass (the only goods of the kind manufactured West of Connecticut.) and fifty designs of clocks, beautifully finished, many of them new, and especially suited to the Western mar. !;et, Their regulators, as well as com mon clocks, are pronounced by jewelers and railroad men to be more reliable time-keepers than any in the market. There is no reason why they should be oiherwise, as all their machinery is new and of the most approved designs. It don't do clocks any good to be tumbled ab;ut a thousand' miles up. the Hudson river, ever the Erie' canal and around the hikes, as most of the clocks brought to Chicago are and we would rfccqmmend any house-keeper., wishing a :heap and r reliable and prettjr clock ta call for one of the United State's Clock Company's of Chicago; and every, Jeweler who would! consult the interest of his patrons, and has the welfare of the Wset at heart, to send to their General Wholesale Agents, Giles Bro & Co.. the well known je weirs of Chicago, for a catalogue. f gan, A P Coggswelland CF Stewart. Win H McCreery, Clerk. On motion, the City Council do hereby appropriate One Thousand Dollars for the purpose of defraying the expenses of two persons to go to the City cf Wash ington, D. C, to assist the Congressional delegation of the State of Nebraska in piocuring a land grant of Congress for the purpose ot building tbe Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad. The said two persons to be selecte'd by the City Council and Trustees of said Rail road Company. The yeas and nays being called on the above proposition, resulted as follows: Yeas, Messrs. Hacker, Stewart, Mor gan and Coggswell . : '''' Absent. C W Wheeler. ; On motion. Messrs. Cross St Stevenson were granted a five years le'a'se ot that portion cf the Levee sodth of Atkinson St Co's warehouse and north of .allry in block twenty in the City of Brownville. upon their paying a yearly rent therefor of the sum of five dollars. The said ground not to be used by them for any purpose whatever, and tobs kept always open for public use. On motion, the Council agree that Col. Furnas and John McPherson shall be theJ persons to go to Washington for the pur pose heretofore mentioned if accepted on ihe part of said Railroad company7 On motion. Council adjourned. JARV1S S. CHURCH. Mayor. Wm H, McCreery, Clerk. Mr. R. V. Muir, late of the Brown ville Advertiser, has been in town for a d'tyor'two. eadeavoring to convince the heads of the St. Jt sepli and Cf B. R R. Cjmpany ih it the line of their road sho'd run '.viihin half a mi:e of the river, op posite Brownville, iustead of, three miles back, as located at present. Mr. Muir states that within half a mile of the riv er there is much better grounds for a trick than can ba found further back, and he is confident that the interests of the Conqviny will be enhanced by chang ing to the point indicated. By so doing thi road will secure the freight of Brown ville, much of which would otherwise go up and down the river. Thisis a mat ter Tell worth the attention of the com pany. Mr. Muir lefton the steamer St. Joseph this morn ng. St. Joseph Union. North Fork of Platte. Nov 27. Spotted Tail expressed his willingness to visit Washington, if allowed to take five wives along. Geu Harney and Col. Tappan remain over to safisfy the clam mor of the Indians for their goods San born has gone to Omahi. The northern Indians are sttll beligerent. On the 6th inst a suttler's train, escorted by Lieut. Shirly and forty soldiers, was attacked on Penan Creek, twenty miles above Phil. Kearney, by R-d Clouds band. Lieut. S. was shot through the foot by an arrow. Two men were killed. Th Indians ran on six wagons and .S20.00Q worth of goxls. They nbmbered threi hundred' Some Crows, it was thousht. were among them. At noon on the 15'.h mst., fourteen Indians, led by Big B-ar's son, came within two mites of Fori Lar amie and ran off seventy head of horses and mules. The herders followed them forty five miles over the Black Hills', ac companied by Capt.- Well's company of the Second Cavalry, but they were not everhauled. Twenty-seven mules were found on the trail, some run through with sugars. . Three hunJred Indians, are on the war path, and it is supposed they are watioor. for the soldiers to come ud. and .i..rj..j -l i v ' then try to decoy theta into arap. Sofas, . Bed i tend ' Beaureaus, Spring bed?, . , WhalNoU Chair, . Kitchen , " 'ana - - Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs. rT -Wnsh Stands t Hat Racks, Tables. :yS-v.- Kitchen and I'arlor . Tab!s - Metalie Case?, Parlor : Mar bb toped.. .. Stand; , Lounge, SeUeef, : MattrcfSe?, Lonngo hprtngs Teto-teteg Swing Crib, JOffici Chairs, Comforts, Kitchen Safe?, I riain SjUnda: - ' Rocking' Crib?, Bed Spring?, uaiidren a Cabs and Gigs, . Piano Stool?, Teapoy Stanls, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheet?, PUIows, Pillow Slips t eto".i ttf.jetc etc how. Cases and office work made to order And anything and everything required to set np pi. in or fancy housekeeping- - , - Alfof their ware is either manafactnred or put p ander their rpeeial taperintendenco, ' which enablo them sound article? at smaller prices than eastern manufactutcd goods. bull HEAKSE is at tho service of tho -pnWic at any time it may bo needed, nud in gotteaup in ts Cne style as any farther cast. - Iletalic Burial Cases, of all sizes comtantly on hand, at eastern prices. Wo aro doing bu?inefs on st'ictly cash principles. At a fmftll profit, and by attention to business and the warns of the community, expect in tho future as in the past to receive the patronage of tho pub lic generally. 3VFFALL & CO. GEO. W , POKSEY. LUTTIEU HOADLEY. C0A3.C. DOBSSY DORSET. II0ADLET A CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and Dealers in Land warrants.and Agricultural College fa crip. Office, in Land Office Building, Buy and sell improved and nnlmproved Lands. Buy Sell, and locato Land Warrants, and agri cultural college Scrip. 'Make careful selections f government Land? for location, IlcmesteaJi, and pre-emptions. , 'Attond to contertec? i,'-n-e? irf,"C er'r.ra eases, ia tLe Lar.d offitt. Letters of inquiry, promptly and cnecrfuliy an swered. gj2T Correspondence. Solicited jgSoit Tlieo, Mill -& o., Dealers ia OEEIlWHiI J. V.D. PATCH, . , JliNT'FACTCnKR AND DEALEJ1 JTX ' CLOCKS, WATCHES, AKt Silver and Silver-Plated vare, A'so constantly on band, all Variolic? of SPECTACLES. REPAIRIM'l done in the neatest style, and at SHORT NOTIC3, CniRGES M'JDEICATC. WOKE VVARRAKTED. CITY DIlUG STORK Brownvilloi IoTo. PIONEEIFPSNTHOP LOUIS :'W ALDTER, HOUSE in,. . o SI m CO j2l X N T B R Grainer, Gilder, "Glaziir, AND PAPER- II A 1? G E R White Washing and Kalcemining done. All work done ia a workmanlike cracner on the hvrtest notice ' TERMS CASH! SH0Fs Main street over Mongan't Plow Fe- i.jy. (Ji-i2-Tiy) ; E. H. BURCHESS, Landscape Gardener, ijnovrxyiLLE; ivecraska , Will attend to Pruning and Plnnting VinjarJ "rcru y pan or tne country, at rc ienanie rates. All orders rromntlv attemleJ tr.. Otobi 25 th 1SC7 t.jy XPftr Embracinsall the iJQypjjJg of tie Season. Also, a large and we!l-occted stock of Fa 3 Gents Furnisaiug Gjcds, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. A5D Our Good? were bought cf Cr;t h.tnd?, and ws think we can offer such indecement? to purchaser? as cannot Jail to suit thoee;wjiLiiig to buy Ci'H and see for yourselves. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods 53 To The Public ! ! BROWNVILLE FERRY ! Raving purcliasoi of J. C. Yantis, tho Sieam Fcr ry Dual. Together with all the Charter Privileges to the saiuo belonging, and being hi r s If a Practical Steamboat 3Ian acd Fngineer E . The under?igned takes this mothod" o4 ir.forrcing tho public generally that the Ferry is now in com plete RUNNING ORDER, And that he will spear no p?in? or means to make this the most RELIABLE CROSSING On the Missouri River, end to satisfy all who may favor him with their busi ness. Patronage toliciied. Satisfac Guaranteed. We proposo building a first Cias Coat (of more capacity than the present one) and placing in the saino at an carlj day. JOSEPH WARD, Manager. Brownville, Oct 25th 1SC7 Thco. Hill '& Co Dea'.cr3 ia LADIES', G2rlt5, & CHILDREN AND L -rm I 53 Si? To all Who Desire to Save Money. ' S SEEMAN Has jnst received frcm tho East, a lare and well seleted lot uf n AND I .1 w $ Which he oilers at Eastern IPrices. Ilcdefies eonspctition and will convince all wh o will call a A examine his Stock IIo hx also a large Stork of Hats. , Caps., and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &a Come One, Come All tclio want to Keep iheir Bodies Warm. REMEMBER THE IIEIIHESTOI MAIISr STREET, BROIYXTIL.LC, SES-. S. SEEMAN. CLBCIWATCIES, 5T 3E3 "TST S3 2 2 . JOSEPH SHUTZ Ha3 just received and will constantly keep cn Lar. rarrj and welt soterted stock ftatLe ar icles in i liao. One Do6r tcest cf Gfanf s Sforf, Broxn . ville, Nebraska. Ot Clocts; Watcbesajad Jewelry doan tfcesburt- WORK "WAKRAKTED. ErrraviUe, Ke.. Marco lata. 1SC 1 C i f- j GLOTH 1 M S Dealers in Men and Boy's .i.! irf'-J ii J ii i J r Ljurnisni2g HATS and GAPS, 3 3C0TS AUD SHCI33 . . A Ml.. ..II THUMS. C A 3 P E T - B A G:S UMl, EIW. n m I I Ti I 1 Blankets and Umbrellas T .i r: ? ? . -r Jr .ri ir'i. . 1 -2 i - r .- H ive just received and will keep con sirtnily on hand a large and well assort ed stoclc of the above, and all other ar ticles in their line, which they offer to the public at VE3Y LOW PEICES nEAtt te : : i. i v - , . 1 f.m-ini Met Kfhl (U Big Stock ' Vi b- H?iae Goods -A1' i -a , r i T-r Low Prices! FEESH GOODS. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Corner llain so J Second Street Have rci:e!vcJ and opened their Wall BZo w ca r; Whijh ii ic all re?pec:s io lvsI vr""J! and hitt ev?r bruh; ti thi- uiirkct an 1 th ir ti-odj r i fTorttl at unpr eeIc:iteJ low figure. They Ktly ask aa es. .ni'ntiou to vtrrfy their aerta. Lv cry aitviv'i f tra-lc deni.t.air l iu tiii. Couatj will be found a: thiir Lous.-, vii; Dry Goods and Groceries, ardwarc and Quccnsware, WO 0 DEN and WIL LOW WARE (Boots ami Shoes, HATS MB APS, PESO VISIONS. Ocfher iOth. IST.T . ti 3IISS .TJ.4R.T SIJIPSQ, Wiihe? to infer Cit Winpf Srowrtrir- ar vicinify that jast cvaiucaeei 5rt rUua milu:;ery & dress-iaking V.'hcTS work wi'l be wi withgrcat rar ant bci' ne-,"l ttcr thn .'af.-st Sv.ifera t'j'es. lrc;ehio and ll-?p!i:rij: dthz ia ti tcry ?ae Bl: ffr.d en $1. jrt c-.t :.--. Uteri it I of Lt Irs U a:-I (. RiTdiffw s TU'.i nj Buna.:? r.t:?r:Uy krt - hn-1, af hir r tern f LaJie lJ;ts-w. CU.aks,and Chillr'1 thi i- cut r.-i ihrt n-.t;?j Second S-uct. 'leweroi Mara &. 'Tatar BROVXV1LLE. A'EBRJSKjJ. . imiEcis, J -j&, hJ J7Lli r4 m ' .11 . U I t " - - ' i - " - - J.W.I&ACEBUBH'III). PEIiSIO EX12IKIXG Sl'ECIQi Tec2?rs his pr fv-s ;nru sorvvie t tb ri!fzrxf OmCC AT C5TTT DCIG &TCI2t. . Nij!itral-i at Jii llwAear ua:ii i sLi frTAuv-. lie bt'.seeu ittaud 2dtreeti. . . ... FrcL Tocutoc, ia'.wa aai ttr mho js. al WAll k 9 i I : 1 t -t r C ( s:J loo. art. r? A3 t'. in- tba "rjrrt :crm t Wtt j fienf . we rs, at 0:; rrrcrj ' towi ! r.-n-- sto; ). at sbvi y at! 0d :ni' M n ieat 'feu.; ich i fre f i if r .'co: i : turt al re', i 5 i nr. ui. hi ci i n ' A at ni 3ri r' it I I ! A a J C t t