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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1867)
Ucbraska dUucrlisct JAG. VIS S. CBtRCn, Etfltor. IROWXTILLE, THURSDAY. DEC. 5, 1S67. President Message received loo late for notice or publication this week. . . m m . Tbe LMe OElccrs orXemlia Coun ty. A man cliosen by ibe electors of a "county, to transact certain i" prescribe J du ties for the people, who does tie tame 'impartially, in a good businesslike 'man ner, and wnh strict integrity, simply per forms his sworn duty and executes tbe trust as. all good men are bound to do. But as tbu line of conducting official Lnriness Las long since ceased to bi tbe regular rule, tre take pleasure in com mending all such as in our opinion Lave heartily endeavored to so perform their official duties as to meet the approbation of their fellow citizens. William H. Hoover has now performed the duties re quired of him as District and County Cierk for the past six years. He has been faithful and attentive. He is a man of financial ability cf the first order. He is systematic and regular in all his hab its and thoroughly understand? his busi ness. His duties were, in part, to keep tb records of the District Court, of the Commisioner's Court, anJ all real es tate records. And these records, bocks and papers are cow a monument to his systematic, faithful and honest business habits, and as he delivers to his succes sor the records and papers of the Coun ty Commissioner's Court, and the Real Estate Records, all will award him the welcome applaudit well done.' He will still ret as Clerk of the District Court for this county. Judge Fairbrother has for the last two years presided S8 Probate Judge. It is the misfortune of this oSce to require the most work for the poorest pay of any en tbe list, though this was partially remedied by the last legislature. As the law gave the judge jurisdiction of all probate business ft is essentially an affair of grate responsibilities. The ti . tie to real estate became more or less in Tolved in many of the decisions and or ders of this court. The official transac tion of this court cocsequensiy assumes an importance, second only to that of the District Court, and we are glad to say that it is usually conceded by the lawyers- iu iuvcc icji autc id juuc luai Hie tf ords cf this court hare been kept wkh uncommon care and ability, and that their value as legal evidence cf the transac tions therein recorded is unsurpassable. That in matters relating to the sale of Re al Estate, every paper, decision, and or der cf the Court, prescribed by law, and necessary to convey good title, are all in proper form and carefully recorded and completely indexed. Such records are cnes greatest praise. Jcnas Hacker has held the office of County Treasurer for five years. He has been constant, in season and out cf season. His balance sheets give evidence of good business talents. His honesty and faithfulness are above suspicion. He thoroughly understands every branch of his business, and the funds cf the State, County, Precincts, and School Distrirts, have always been on hand when called for to tbe last farthing. He has been gentlemanly, courteous and obliging. The Sheriff. W. G. Glasgow, and the County Commissioner, S. W. Kennedy, have been officers in whom the citizens of the county have had the utmost confi dence. They are men of ability in their calling, and make good officers. The county will find more for them to do here after. We learn from Conrad Harms, of Douglas Precinct, in this county that the cattle are dying in that vicinity with the Dry Murrain. He reports that William .Watson has lost six out of thirty head ; that Walter Nichols has lost four out of twelve head, and that Bernard Otens has lost two cut of sixteen head. He also mentioned others that have lost cattle. They die in two or three hours after the first symptoms of the disease are obserr ed. On opening, immediately after dy ing, the lungs, liver, heart and intestines are spotted. Soon after they are taken with dispas, their legs become rigid, and they tumble end shake with pain and soon die. No pyrglive medicines can be made to op erate. The horse doctors seem to think there is "na cure after the disease has made its appearance. Since writing the above we hear of xaacy others loosing cattle with the same disease, among others, taat R. A. Stew art, near Shertran, has lost five head. We take the following from a treatise upon the subject: The diseasa was ush ered in with ihiverinjr, followed bv ex treme heat, great thirst, difficulty cf breathing, total lors of appetite, and ru mination, together with extreme de bility; a thick, foetid mucus discharge from the mouth and uostril's soon sue- ceded, ai also frequent bloody, and f X ... id digestion from the bowels, and the cattle afflicted die of recorer feet weea the fifth and ninth day afteK they hare been taken with the disease. As to the treatment of this disease all authors recommend bbeding in ih&ear, ly stages, afterwards sedatives and ton ics, according to circc nsiancej. The an imal infected to be. at once separated from the hearty, and to be placed in open and airy sheds. Preventive treatment consists in a care ful supervision of the cattle; the immedi ate removal of the animal at tbe very out set of the disease ; the fumigation and cleansing of the building, and the immed iate burial of all dead bodies with the hides uuren.oved. We hope the farmers v. ill "iep us posted on the progress of tLe disease. -and if cures are: efiectedr give-full par ticulars of the : treatment that we may publish them for the benefit of all con cerned. We were in attendance upon L ses-. sion of the County Commissioners on Monday of this week. The whole day was consumed in approving official bonds We observed A."W. Morgan, County Judge elect; Geo. W Bratton, Treasur er elect ; Davidson Plasters, Sheriff e- led; and .James W. , Hacker, County Clerk elect, and a "host of Constables, Justices, Road Supervi-or?, and other of ficials, with their bonds, ouths and Rev enue Stamps, ready to pass unurr the last reading and approval of the County Board, before they are prepared to us uire the functions of their several of fices. On Tuesday a petition of the B. Ft. K. & P. R. R. CoV, and cne from th citizens of the County, and one from th Council of the City of Brjwnvile. were presented before the County Commis sioners nskingthat th.y submit the que? lien, Avhether the county will subscribe to the capital stock of said company, the sum of S2-50.0C0, o "the legal voters of of the county at a special election. Af ter mature deliberation and argument of counsel, the Commissioners passed -an order granting an election. A procla mation is to be issued immediately. Articles of incorporation were duly passed giving to the citizens cf Peru a municipal Charter, un-Jer the style and name of the City of Peru. The Coun ty cf Nemaha now sports three cities. Religions News. The General Assembly of the Pres byterian Church, for the United States in session at Nashville, received a com munication on the 2oih ult., from the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, de clining further negotiation for a union between the churches. The pulpits in Ft. Wayne were gen ally filled on Sunday, the 24th u!t.. by members of tbe Lutheran General Cun ci! holding it session in that city. Their sermons were very favorably received. The Council prepared a Church Hymn Book of liturgy in both tiie German and English Languages. 'In the various Methodist SundaySchooh throughoujht the Unithd States about 1.000,000 children gather every Sunday. The Methodist Sunday School Union du ring last year, expended neaily SG0.C00 in assisting- feeble schools. The Socie ty issues 2 600 different publications, the annual circulation cf which is equivalent to 600,000.000 pages. , There is trouble among the Shakers at Canterburry New Hampshire. Their ruling elder. Robert Sheppard hi? join ed the '-world's people." The Methodist congregation of Ne braska City raised 82-50 for i'.s minuter and sexton in fifteen minutes last Sab bath evening in the meeting. The Cable Dispatches state that by latest intelligence from Shanghai it is learned that several vessels of the U. S. squadaon have gene to Formacca in pur suit cf the perpetrators of the outMirr on the crew cf the bark Rover. Addi tional accounts of tha disastrous inunda tion of the Island of Luzan, by which whole villages were overwhelmed are re-i ceived. The loss cf life is estimated at 10,000. KcbrasKa "Vens. We have received the first number cf the Omaha Tri-Wctkly Republican. It is a very neat paper, and fills a void in the Republicans issue. It speaks well j for the enterprise of Mr. Balcomb, and I in manner, matter and appearance de rerves the patronage of the Republican and business men of Nebraska. The enterprising managers of th? Union Pacific Railroad, we learn, intend building a pile bridge across the river at Omaha as soon as the river closes This, though it will give uninterrupted communication from Chicago to Chey enne during the close of the river, will wash away when the ice breaks. The Rulo Register, f the 2S:h, com plains of the many petty thefts commit ted in that vicinity lately, ted among other things chronicles the robbing of S H. Schuyler's store of a considerable amount of goods. The season of navigation is about closed, and with it has heretofore closed our business communication with the out er world. But this season hardly any difference in tarde is. to be seen. Our railroad communications keep cpen for us new chanuels of trade, and business fwr-lseecu to keep cp in uramer briskness. This is the advan'age of railroad ceto-1 muntcauon: jmanxx nejmoucan, rzcja. The Press says that Jennings &. Dill have begun the foundation of their Wool en Factory at Avoca, and are working a large force of hands. They expect to have j it couple lei .and in running order soon. . The Home 'Coal' Mining Cciipany of Nebraska Cn", on Friday, struck coal at the depth ul: two bundled and thirty one feet.' The drill passed through a vein six inches thuk, and is now boring in olate. There is so much oil in the shaft that it makes the slate dust of the con sistency of mud. - - - - - Governor Butler has brought his fam ily with h:in? as' we understand with the design of making his residence here, at least during .!i5"."continuance of his term of office. Republican. .r ; General Items.' ? John TV Hjunuan has been. re-elected Mayor of Ne jr. York. Ex-President Pierce offers five thou fand dollars for the Democratic campaign in New Hampshire next Spring. Vincennes, Jnd.. is spelled by letter writers in fifty-six different ways. A man in Gardiner, Maine, thinks he can fly. He flaps his arms, and tries bis best. . . ... - A burgler in "Brussels tied a servant girl's arms, with a curl cut from her own head. . A country fair in Mississippi offers premiums to the handsomest and health ie.t boy or girl, between the ages of three and six, born 10 the county. The mat rons of the county are competing active ly for the prize. It is stated by a Paris medical journal that sulphur is a cure for severe cases of croup, li is to be administered once an hour, in teaspojnful doses of a 'mixture of ateaspootiful of sulphur in a tumbler of water. , Lo.'k out" for counterfeit ten dollar bills on the First National Binkof Phil adelphia. Six different spurious bill were presented at one bank in Harris burgh in one week. The Italians are beinnin to suspect that King Victor Emauuel is not quite honest. Illinois is jubilant at having produced an excellent cotton crop this year. There were 3 000 bales raied in our county. Two hundred and fifty oil wells are now being drilled in Pennsylvania. Clay county. Ill, added to the attractions of a recent fair by a female foot-race. Prize a handsome dress, Vermont has not and never had a the atre of any kind. Mis3 E'cma Hardinge, the spiritualist is lecturing in London. The L'ni verse" of Paris, says that the American Consul in Rome fought in tjie battle of Nerola, by the side of the Papal troops and was slightly wou::ded. Chief Justice Chase could not attend ;he Trial of Davis at Richmond on tbe 2Gih ult, so the trial was postponed till the fourth Wednesday in March next, and the bail extended to that time. It is believed the. Convention in S. C. has been defeated for lack of the requi site majority of registered voters. Of 125.000 registered, only 24.000 are known to have vo'ed in twenty districts out of thirty in the State. Secretary McCullough is of the opin ion that a new consolidated five per cent loan can be" properly issued at this time and will recommend the same in his re port to Congress. He has bad frequent conference with various members cf the Finance Committee, all of whom have expressed themselves as favorable to the loan. It is thought that Congress will authorize the same in the coming session. It is said that there are more people out of employment in Philadelphia than there was in 18-57. Gen. Howard, of the freedmens bu reau, who left Washington about two week? ago. on a tour of inspection of the f reedrntn's schools, returned on ihe 27th, ult.. and had a lorur interview with Gen Grant H-i visiid the majority of t!if schools in W?s4 Virginia, Kentucky. TmnHe nni Missouri, and rep.-rt them in a highly procperou cor.dition. G?n. Howard is of the opinion that the frffdmen are properly protected in their rights, by the civil author ities.'and tha' ihe operations of the bureau rnicht be fiispened with in the above States, with the exception of Kentucky, where they are subject to gross outrages. The ne groes are comparatively free from annoy ance in the ether States visited. ' Railroad Heeling at London. On Friday evening last a R. R. Meet ing was held at London in this county. H. O. Minick was elected to the Chair, and D. H. Ellis was appointed Sec'y. There was a large attendance of the substantial farmers of that section, and a ood deal of enthusjtsm manifested on the part of those present, in ihfi affairs of the Brownville; Ft. Kearny, and Pa cific Railroad. The meeting was addres sed b Dr. McPherson Col. Furnas and H. O. Minick. A petition was circulated and unani mously signed, praying the County Com missioners to submit the question of tak ing S3-50.000 of stock rf said Railroad Company. The people of the county seem in ear nest, and we have long since learned that where .there s a will there's a way. So we feel hopeful that the interest of this part of the Stato will be well cared for. The' Lower "HoulVof'ihe Tennessee Legislature has passed a resolution in structing she Congressmen of that State to support Thad. Steven's confiscation policy -f The Mobile Register says th? Conser vatives of that State must organize to defeat the Constitution to beubsaittei for adoption by the present Radical Con vention.V Six hundred and three immigrants pas sed through Cincinnati the firki week in November, bound for the West. . The Constitutional Convention of S. C. has been voted down. A fire in Fabre's Lead Pencil Factory tu New YorkvNav-9, destroyed S47 .000. worth of properly Gen. Hancock has ar rived in New Orleans- Weston ar med in'Chicago froth" Portland. Maine, one and a half hours ahead of time on Thanksgiving day. During this feat he walked one hundred and five miles in twenty four hours. Com mimics km. A Trip to RIcnardson and Sontliern roriluns or Neznalia Counties Ma. Edito. The article in the rfd vtriiser oi the .l4rih inst., headed -Our Schools indicates something of the ar dent interest which you and your prede cessors have heretofore taken in matters which concerns the welfare of the pub lie and especially so far as relates to the subject of education and social improv menu. A recent trip to Falls City af forded the writer an opportunity to note some of the evidences of enterprise, im provement and. thrift with which our section of the State may truly be said to abound. On the broad stretch of Prai rie between the Liule Nemaha and the Muddy, where two years ago the travel er looked in vain for any sign of civiliz ed life, and nothing could be seen but a monotonous, expanse of prairie land, tum bled ocd rolling like the billows of thp ocean, may now be seen ridges dotted with farms, and farmers busy with thir hf rds and crops, or carefully gathering a-enud their bimeste?ds provision for winter comfort. The spirit of improvement is no less apparent in the towns. Falls City has cast off the antique and dilapidated ap pearance she formerly wore, and begins to present something of tbe neat and comely aspect so much in keepiug with her pleasant landscape surroundings. Two fine Church edifices are bMng built there. One by the Methodist Epis copal Church which is nearly finished. The other by the Episcopalians. The latter is designed for a Church and Sem inary. Dr. Hanna has just completed a fine residence, and also a large store building, with an upper story to be occu pied as a Masonic FLall. The new dwel lings of the HonyE. S. Dundy, Ishatn Reavis A. Schcenheit, Win. H. Mann, and others, evince that those gentlemen have a due appreciation of the value of substantial architecture and its most ap propriate use in furnishing tasteful and comfortable homes. Presuming upon our local knowledge and topographical .kill as sufficient to master all tae difficulties of finding and following the road to St. Droin, little pains was taken to make assurance dou bly sure by inquiry. It was soon found, however, that the spirit of improvement had sadly perverted the points of the com pas. and so confused the ways )f travel, as to bewilder and confound ihe most wa ry. However, by dilligent inquiry, and constant travel, we at last managed to wind into the labyrinth of bluffs and ra vines which environs the precmcis of St. Deroin. We were here struck with the improved appearance of the village not only the regulariy and order of the buildings, but also with the appearance and bearing of the people an appear ance that betokens thrift, industry, and good neighborhood, evinced by a lively public spirit, especially as regards their educational interest. Hillsdale came next on the route. This i i is a new town, about tnree miles above St. Deroin. laid out but a utile over one year ago, but hai gathered the elements of a good society ai.d is a thrifty village. A smgle fact speaks volumes for the in telligence, public spirit and good Amer ican character of tbe people, viz. They have built during the past season, a com modious, comfortable, convenient and iast- ful School House. One which may well serve as a pattern for older and larger places, until they build as good or a bet ter one. More credit is due the people of Hillsdale, because with much less means than other districts of the same needs, it has bad skill and energy to find the ways and means, for the want if which many of our school districts are or might as well be, without a School House. v ' The people of Hillsdale are much in need of a Post Oflice. They petitioned the Depertment at Washington sometime ago but it seems there is some rule or law which forbids. It is to be hoped our Rep rsentative in Congress will look into this matter. We found the spirit of improvement, morally and intellectually alive at As pinwall. but bound and in fetters. The propritors of the town for some inexpli cable reason, see fit to suppress every thing like public improvement, bv keep ing the real estate locked up, eo that title to lots cannot b-j procured. We were auured that this difikuky hid not caiy pre rented .bujldin gwtlUos and business houses.butalso that a School House and Churches would have been LVilt there, before this time, had the rVbple been able to procure lots upon which to build them. - - : ? 'vYcrs. &c, H U -j Pert?, Nkb , Not; 27h lSG7. , ' .The children-of thVPeru Sabbath School will have a "Christmas Eve Fes tival" for the purpose of raisiug funds to procure a Library, A cordial invitation it extended to all. The exercises will consist of speaking and sicgixjg by the--children-and on addresses by others. -Refreshments will be provided fofthose whe desire them jA Christmas Tree 'leaded witrVffbo'd things io bv distrihuud by. Sa Clas will form the chief attraction to the chil- Admittance 50 cents. ; V S M. MckEKZIE Sup. DAVD HART. Sec'y, The child renfof Peru ask us if we will publish the above. Most certainly chil dren, ve are glad to do so. What say the children of Nemaha City, Aspinwall. Hillsdale, St. Deroin, London, Fairview. Gleii Rock. St. Frederick, and other por tions of the county? If-you have any enterprise you wish advertised, send it along. You will find us always glad to welcome you. We have spent the hap piest portion of our life among good children in the school room, and never feel better, than when we administer to the wants and denre? of good obedi ent children, who are striving to become men and women, respected and beloved in society. : ' . ' No;y. which rf the children of Peru will give us ihe best account of the Fes tival, describing even thing exactly as it takes place. We will dtcide the mat ter for you and publish the one which we think the best. Will the scholars of ether Sunday Schools send us for publication an account of lhair Christmas Festival if they hold any. Report In Fa?or or Impeaclnaent. The majority report sums up and con cludes as follows; In accordance with the testimony her with submitted, and thu view of the law therein presented, the committee are of opinion that Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, requiring iha interposition of the Constitutional power of this House, in that upon thf final sur render of the rebel armies, and ihe over throw of the rebel government, the said Andrew Johnson, President of ihe Uni ted States, needed to convene the Con gress of the United Siates ; that by 1 s aid and authority legal and Couiitutiou ai measures might have leen adop ed for organization for ley tl and constitutional government in ihe States then recently in rebellion; in that his proclamation to the people of North Carolina, i S29ih of May. 1S65 he assumed that he had an thorny to decide whether ihe go rn mem of Nonh Carolina, ar.d whether any other government thai unshi be sei up therein, was republican 1:1 luim and that in bis tfTic, oi President, it was hi; duty, and within his pwer, 10 guaramee to j-aid people a repuiJican lrm of gov. ernment, contrary to ihe Coustiiunon. which provides that ihe United State ihall guarantee to eery State in the U ion a republican form of government ; contrary, aiso, to the delivered opiuion r .1 c i - l 1 oi me supreme iuurt, wnicn ueciares that Congres is vested exclusively wuh the power to decide whether the govern ment ol a State is republican or Dot. and that he did, therefore recognize and treai a plan of government set up in Nonh Carolina, und-r. and in conformity to. his own advice and directions, as re pub Iican in form, and entirely restored to its functions as a Sia'e. notwithstanding Congress is the government in which, by th Constitution such power is exclusive ly vested; and notwithstanding Congre-s dtd refuse loreci gmze such government as a legitimatp government, or as a gov ernment republican in form; and that by a public proclamation, and otherwise, he did in the y-ar 1S65, invite and convene in certain other States then in r. cent re bellion, conventions of persons, 1111. y of whom were known trrisor?, who had been organized in attempt 10 overthrow the government cf the United States, and directed such conventions vo frnue Con- stitutions for such Slates; in conformity to such order and direction, the eolire lion of money payable aud then due to the United States, was delated and post poned, and ihe inierest on such bond, of which he himself was a large holder, was paid according to the terms of his own order, thus corrpptly using his of fice to defraud and wrong the people 01 the United States, and for his owu per sona! advantage; that he has Dot only restored to tbe claimants thereof a large amount of coiCbu aud other abandoned property, that had been seized and taken j by the acents of the Treasury in confor mity to law. but has paid and directed to be paid, of the actual proceeds of sales made thereof, and this in violation of a law of tne United States, which orders and reqires the payment into tbe Treas ury of the United Slates of all iiimey received from such sales, and provided for loyal claimants a- sufficient and ea-y remedy in the court of claims; and in the manifest violation cf the spirit and meaning of the Constitution, wherein it is declared that money shall te drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of ppropnations made by law, and further. that the said Andrew Johnson. President of the United States, authorized ihe use of the army of tbe Untied States for the dispersion of a peaceful and lawful as sembly of the citizens of Louisiana, and this by virtue of a dupntch addressee to a person wno wa- cot an ofneer of the army, but who was a' public and notori ous tsator, and all with the intent to de prive the loyal people of Louisianca of every opportunity lo frame a State gov ernment republican in form ; and with t intern further, he continues in place of I 1 , , trim anu ecioiiiseni penoas . who naa government ol tae united states, expect- ing thus to conciliate such persons to. . . . -y. himself-and secuTe their aid insunoorii of his aforesaid unconstitutional designs, , , j - cf power, violations of his oath cf office, cf the laws arid Constitution of the Uni ted States,; by said Andrew Johnson, President of tbe United State?, have re tarded the public prosperity, lessened the public reveuues, disordered the business and finances.the country, encouraged in subordination in the people of States r. cently in rebellion, fostered sentiment of hostility between d fferent classes of citizens, revived and kept alive the spirit of the rebellion, huniiiimed ihe nation.iis honored republican insiiiuiions. obstruc ted the restoration of said States to the Union and: delayed and postponed the peaceful and; fraternal orgamzmon of the government of the Umteu States; the committee, thcrefprerejroxt-the-. lA lowing resolution, ana recommenu in passage ; Signtd . ' ' .'' GEO S BOUT WELL, FRANCIS THOMAS, THOMAS WILLIAMS, WM. LAWRENCE. JNO C. CHURCHILL. DIED la ttmCitr, "-r. 29, 13J7f t. M. littca ajed jtJM a o-l II raoathj. j Mr. beech w9 a nure of v or mo at. bat qutH while joavg to Ei!wortb, X.w York, where be a. lie leaaicg iiechao'c, cum ber of the M. E.Cburch, with which be jhe been ccnjccted for ike l.-tixtca years. . Ho mrei tt this pUce one jtar ej, win t le ieiign t-f miking a pertuaaeoi hime. Bat how ancertaia is Lum-ia life. From the midst cf V13 life and labur, alter a fhort iliDes cf TTphviJ Yevcr, he has been tak-tnfri-ni our iniJit. He leaves a wife and tlx chil dren t luoarn ihd lu;s of s kinl hashuiid and in dulgent fathei, beiUcj a Ire eirt:e of fr:e;iJi. NEW AD VEHTliSEMENm ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby t;ivea that. ir pursu ance pf and by authority of law passed by li'.e Legislature if Nebraska, and ap proved February 12ihrA D. ISCtT and tir-der a recuttoh of the tin fTZt the Coumy Commissioner of Nemaha Coun ty. Nebra-ka, adopted December 3 J, 1S67, a sp-ri-'al election will te h-li at the place of holding general elec tions in the usual election precincts i: Nemaha County, Nebraska. c;j Tuesday ihe 7th day of January. A. D. 156S ! from nine o'clock ir ihe forenoon, until six o'clock in the afternoon of that day for the purpose of determining the fol lowing question, which is subuiitted ti the Vcte cf the people of the said coun ty of Nemaha, thai is to say: - . , . 'Shall the County Commissioners of Nemahl County in th Statei ofNebras ka, issue the bonds of the said County of Nemaha for the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and redeema ble at the option of the said County Com missioners at twenty years from date or less; ani to provide for ih payiaent ot interest not to eiceed seven per cerr.. per annum on such bond-, and. also m sinking fund for the redemption of said bond )nds. shall a lax be imposed t i b- IrT - ? :U.y T i "U ? L'V -Tl' a.L"' ie the interest thereoii shall be raid: the aid tax r.oi to exceed ten mill- on the dollar of the county valuation in any one year: and the said proposed b t-d to be issued to a:d in the c-nsiructi-:t o the Hrownviile. F. K-an-y ani Pjc : ic Railroad in i's course through tbe d County f N-oiria. trojn the ea-trr;: b-mnday of the a i.i Couuy o i:i-v-js ens bou!td'r thereof. The lailot. voied a. .uid Kuc .-. " have written or primeii iriereo- th-? : . lowing, lo wit: h):e in fav.-r : sard (jues:ion, and in fav-.r imp. -sin.: and collecting the sud tax tne word-. For Bunds and Tmx." Those opposed to ihe question and opposed to imposing and col'ect.'ug the said tax. ihe words. Against Bonis and Tax." And said election be held and the returrs thereof made iq all respec t, or as n-ar as may be. according to ihe l-nvs g'.rerninz uen-ral elections. Dine ty ord-r of the Coon'y s sioners. ihi 3-1 day of December. 1SG7. Witness oir hartds ihfdate last Dim-d F G. HOLMES ) PHILLIP STARR Co ComVrs J. L. MtGEE ) Attest. James .M. HAcrra County Cl-rk. STRAYED. From near !ni.v , .iq this Ciua'jrvn?tini !t Fall, nn"? orrI mare colt fonr jrrold in tbe prin : Irh-nJs hi'h. A juiubl; reward i I b jriren for it renro, tt anj icf-nntti ia wh eb w:.;l caj to Vs recovery. I Khl. PAKKtlt. ESTKAY NOTICES. Takes cp bj the on ier-i;ni l t wo ml e r. th 1 n;eo rv'iCic, . o . i:a, is-;, oai uua Mc.-r two years olJ. Ji.j cat 'a or brarJ. a it GILES It. KEEPER. Taken op n the eifhth da of Tvovemtcr 15 37 at Ihe residence of tbe ar.derjinl.twu cailcs tu:j of tJr wnTi:!s, ona rJ c w witii Li:c fcs. c.- -- ff if,anJ w!lnff f..rk ia each -. soif r.; tj he fiFe rear 5i Ijitsprinj. V. PilN'NY. Nor. 14, IS67 ".7-i: jl Taken up Not. 2J, IS7, bj tbe nberiber lirtn; in Souti HmnnTi;ie.fre cow with blikasj wbHe rpoti. She bat a bell on f liteneJ with x leather klrap. A!jo one cI:, b!onr;nt t tb mw.- HKMiT SIIAFFEi:, Xoreniber 14.1S57 Xo 7, 5t pd 7AKEX UP by tie subscriber. livici tbrea ini:. inthcf Cn waviKe and two m;!e nrt of Xr-uh City, tji tbe2rh day i.f Octber, ISC, One loj PoDey. twelve kandbijh, laid face, foar white fett.? apposed to be three jet old. HOSES DAXKS. TakeL op by the nndenijned Htibj two esilei Sonth of UrowoTills on the 4:h day of Noreniber lx,onervd and white iinebar eo. with er oa right ear, and anderslit in left; three yean ld ia-trjnnS. W. FSXY. Xor. 14,135751 p4 Taken op, by the nnJ."r3l;Tj,1.4TTinr fnar mile north o Ir.BT :le, -n ibe 10th diy nf y.rem', ISH7,Oee brindeand white wttei S.'e-r.jnsr'f.d with nc lerblt in left ear, an4 bran lei n the left bip ?urpstd ts b a ,juie 6,i.ce ye. r !J. S. Ii. CLAYTON. Taken op, by the nrder.-incd. liiinj foam !o rwrth of U.-i.wnTiIIe.on tbe u'.th aay cl No-ember l!y17,One Red Hrifer, nje white it the f rbrd aad UcJty, oraadj oa t(. bip with a flir- t, oae jesroM. lC-It S.U.CLaYToN. Taken up. ty the uBder?2)H, lifinj fiur oiles "Br:h f rrvwni:ie..n the 10ih dar,d Nftretcbr It 7,(Jn j Red Heiier. t' tm-t whiiefpoi. nai oi n the lorehead, brard d on left h p wit) a fire C, one year old. 10-it S.1I. CLAYTON. Tak ea up, by tbe underr'scn'sl. Jii iny f r mi !$ n-.rth i f Hrowst oa the 16th diy 1 oretah-r 1SS7. One Red Heifer. n on the bely aad 1;, on onikj orbrandj.oBe year 1J. 15-St S.H. CLAYTOX. Taken np. by lh ond-rrche-l, in Seuvrco:ui- mostly white ear ri, hr OBff JrtrIiBj "if.ris and left ear nnderbit. ty, .eo jt. zr:a, l. une ywi;n; S eer. Ied em left bip nd! ght o r cropped and io-St-pd - - GTT.FIU.'LLLV T A C II R k v. - - ; . ''.Yr7 LESS05J CIVET cw L J 05 Tar M.,.t0"!)3r- cciT A ov; Hct tvr Sind ft lit veer Rooms Mam. bet t U-17 -BKOJP.VrLLE v ,lt4 .77 uriirin ana in.i BOOKS OF w II - Hulv - rv fr?. Il'JF. Cll l-lr r CIV Showic ..... . ... mr,n,c Titaj k.; m't rate.enelu.Mreani hihW int.'- or ww. " t j," 4 fW.!j where the li Lie ij ead. S-bSath Sihooi :Ml.r.ttfclie JS.' lirh-d or o!J i .t T ' m thf a4mnfer r,,. !' ' m .1 AiJr 1 '--, j-:u..!..CL' ;')v - i TSEO; EI1L t Hi! Dea! en :a Wood en ware JOHN L CARSOir tA 'l If yn Si-ownviUo,'. ticcan'c ooo'nj una s, j 0. .;i .v. t (Titie. A!o, dcifer 13 G:.i- ... C-oULuit al -. - " '',:-:- G0VSEHIIEIIT EOHi Deposits received, payable at ! Interest paid cn time Drponli h u agTi'cmtai j aiti pan jor non-rrr.'.- Ailkinhrf j U S.BON 1)5 WAME JOHN L CARSON j FRANZ HELMEIH mm Met ZJ., ... OPPOSITE DEUSEH'STINSHOP Bit TTTILL7C, .EBRISIL 'TVAGOS, MJGGJX3. FLOvTS CTirl v IT.OH3. -. Kepairrto fcort, b1 rrotf-l togie-si;.'jctKo. x-!l-na A. ROBINSON, Vain BMmd li M Sirrtl Hrownvillo TJoTbr&aki Take? tlii toelhiMl of infVrtcirg ihe puK !.' J ' h-,i' t-n ha" " t"''1 1 -'r!n: - ROOTS AND SIIO SIIOKS. J Jj C o-l o a werk doae wjih Deaiaes saJ i 'T - tfp.i;riu- d ne b tort mitire. -S THE0 Hill SCO. I Were ia F0KHG.V AND DDHKSTIC .1- n 7 CARPETS, &C- JVJILYlSrRJTORS X071CZ . f I. I. f.... J : ,W- r.'mr.i hruil.US c'aiuis ;iin l rhe e-a rf Jjc-bC" !.'ter.'jrc5iei. Uiof e-.c Y "-ts '-wit. Vir.-h :.'h, Isoj Ar:J i: b, Iar ll h. IV,i': lea o".- k- M.1 W the kii-J txjrr:'r.t oa tj t i'k bf'r? lij :..'art at ih I'r vit C urt n.oi ia T:tix'i. 1 ai 1 f J an -a. All cl-lx z: P'f'! f'-r wsi-ce ttbe3? 1 C urt n r ' iJih f !ay, IvS. w;".' te f-rjfer birtl. tJirea unit iltLw-I thi t:i 1 J 1557. " Gi:OKGE.'.V.UU)N. Frcbj:eJi- Jjicos CLOTrri-rrs. Aiv.nhirX'T. S-t:v EVAN WORTHING. m?T7AT37 BOOH AND 'jSl JLm O O N Soaib side Maiabet. lrttci nroiTnTille, .cbrasta Whcle?lrar:d Retiil Dealer i3 f Wines, Liquorslemic? nabcotch Ales.j-ioii-don Porter, Doub lin Stout, Cigrs m JACOB MAROHN. Llercliaiit Tailor, lfi Sirtrt oppor-itt yicTkiTtox't BROWNVILLi:- Nt:U J1 9 r, S t "i v 4 u ALSO AGENT FOR now wne u; lr.icn; th hi; I tit origin Kith t!e iDgpirr(i ' .-,w ' Hetelj iweri- e4Ta,! the Seriptarv-. U , or, - M O W TL "'.I f v 1 nf.i- w t f ! ; U 1 I . iT -f .... ii