. J i 4 i 1 ! I 5 I m I I I . i tit t Oh f 1 ; o. LOCAL. jOIIN I' COLHAPPjEDITOR DdiTiortfei.KxecutioBi, Replevin, TlIErrlELD A EATON. 1M rine Street tnd ? h ilUAMS. 7 CheeUnt St, It. E. cer. Uk. ITfc- r tk in Si. for to Is .tteiiU oikng collections a&4 parcfaas Mlaiba-Gitr.fti . WNVILLE, THUkSHAY.'lSOV. 23, lttfiT. 4U0 Ciiurctics. baptist. terice vn second Sunday and ---Illl BllJ - t nrti ' -DfAi. - Serif in iUru.rMMi' 11.11 ever .... II. tt,T. .r.rauowr t l"!-2 A.M., en eery SuoU.r -ir Sunday Sc"o I wIMf. St. ererybau a i a a u svi . . . u. . rtiie vci7 Sunday a 4 M BUJ .-St. baud if bcuwi t !i I jT. JVBfl A arrival and Departure of Mails. j,..rn Kail Cl 13 v'ciucK, !,.. " " " xi rrl Mtil cloivt Sciardan ttlf. K. oftc nD,B siTa truD ' t0 A. D. M1USU, P. II. Oo our fourth page will be found one column of Agricultural reading matter. The Advertiser for sale at the City JS'ews Depot, and Poit Office New TfesnksglTlng SerTlces will be tflJ twday. at 11 o'clock, P. M., in the Prebvteriao, in the Methodist, tntl tba Episcopal Churches. The Mite Society for the benefit of the Presbyterian Sabbath School will hold meeting at Col. Furr.a residence next Tupsday evening, Dec. 3d, at 7 o'clock, r. k. Mtss M. Allison, Pres. The Winter Tern of the Brown- Tille Union or High School will com mence duriug the 2d week in December. For a fine Cigar or a uice Pipe call on HurJci Dora. Tbco. mil & Co., are now In EcPherson 8 Bow. Cncberries at SWAN & BRO'S. All kinds of Couutry Produce bought asd o!d by TEA RE & CO. EntTalO EcI)CS. 4 No. 1 Robes for sale by R. W.. FURNAS. iS'o rhxldy lpt nt DORSEV S: BRO'S. TtC Best TraS n market at P. G. STORE. We will occupy our new Store room in McPher.xon's Block. nxt week. SHELLENBERGER BSO'S. Firs Brood Mares (wi'h fonl) for by A. P. COGSWELL. We will remove to our new Store Room in Mcpherson's Block next week J. L. McGEE & CO. . Fine lot of Furniture and Bedding jut received at McFALL & COS. Saur Kraot" and Pickies at the P. G. Store. First Premium Floor and New Corn Meal at P. G. STORE. 20.000 yards Flannels and Linseys. 10.003 yards Cloths, Satinets and Jtaus, at THEO. HILL Si CO.'S. Government Overcoats and Blankets, cheap at DORSEY St BRO.S McCreery has the choicest brands of Cijars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Cook Stoves in abundance at SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. If you wish a bargain in Boots and Shoes, you should go to TEARE & CO'S. Com find OatS wanted in exchange for goods at J. L. McGEE Si CO.'S. Coal Oil Lamps. McCreery's new lot of Lamps, aud Lamp Fixtures capti vate everybody. Go and see 'em. Keep Comfortable by buying a euit f Wiuter Clothing of DORSEY St BRO. Cashmere Goats. 10 pair Cash mr Goat Kid, old enough to breed ext Spring, for sale by R. W. FURNAS, Brownviile. Beans and Hominy at SWAN Si BRO'S. For fite sets of Harness go to W. D. MAHIN'S. Tha cheapest Tobacco in town at SWAN Si BRO'S. One desirable dwelling Apply a: this office. for sale. B, C. Lett. Laud Agtnt, Browuville, Iebraka. TCSre & CO., in their prices, keep Fce with the decline in the market, even to below cost. MtTliCVI. . " . kuuj &rb.jul -v.rr Sblilh ml 7 - ; W.S. LAtLbtt.1. rtiwr. TC Faj CCSll foreiter axd E-ru BUSS & HACKER, At P. G. Store. Subscriptions for the Advirtiser. cr any of the St. Louis or Chicago papers, and all Magazines received at the City Book Store and News Depot. BrinUerrioirs Ohio Corn ncsli- Cr The greatest a.siitani in husking ever invented, in abundance at r THEO HILL &.CO'Sv M'Phersoa'a Row. All kinds of Dried Fruits at SWAN&BRO'S. The purest stock of Groceries in this market, will be found at ".. . - ; TEARE Si CO'S. A fine lot of Christmas Presents for! sale at the City Book Store of BLISS & HACHER. ivoesier nunc rigs. Fa,r t Yr'i-1 nt - n : o mouths eld, price 20. tor sale by R. W. FURNAS, Browuville. 200Shawls:from$1.50toS20.00. 50 Cloaks, new styles, from $10 to $75. 100 Balmoral Skirts, from SI to $10. 200 pair Blankets, from S3 to $20, at .... . . THEO. HILL & CO.'S. Fish, dried and canned Fruits for sale low at P. G. STORE. A fine lot of Albums at the City Book Store. The Nicest X-mas presents but. For choice Teas go to SWAN & BRO'S. Christ Church, Episcopal, in this city, is being pushed rapidly to completion. It is now inclosed and will, perhaps, be finished yet this winter. For a good Comfort it takes 15 yards calico at 12 12 cents S1.S7 1-2 . Thread 12 1-2 Cotton 2 50 Total S4 50 Thai's just what they can be bought for at McFALL 8i CO'S. COOklng Apples and Sweet Potatoes at r. ts. aiuuiu. An exchange in recommending metal- ic burial cases says: no person having once tried these will ever use any other kind." Go to Dorsey Si Bio's for your Clo thing. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes 1. 000 John Det-re's Moline Plows. 3.000 yard. Carpets and Oil Cloths at THEO. HILL Si CO.'S. CsILand See McCery fine stock of Toilet Articles, Iluir.Tonth and Cloth Bribes. Perfumeries, Card Cases, fiue Soaps, etc For Cheap. Good and Well Madr DORSEY'S. Clothing go to Parlor Beating StOVeS will now be needed. For the latest nd best pat- erns go to SHELLENBERGER IJUO'S lMcCreery's stock of Wall Paper, Win dow Shades, Cord and Tassels is com plete Sararday night last, aUhough the air was freshly cool in this vicinity, we saw viviej flashes cf sheet-lightning gild up the horizon to the north-east and south west. LARGE STOCK of Under Shirts and Drawers at DORSEY Si BRO'S. Ten thousand dollars worth of Boots and Shoes at THEO. HILL Si CO.'S. Cash Paid for all kinds of country produce at P. G. STORE. Thanks To Uncle Samuel Snider for remembering us in the way of a nicely dressed fowl for a Thanksgiving Dinner. "Remember the printer in the hour of hv prosperity, as through him coraeth knowledge, comfort and peace. BllSS will have another Auction Sale on Saturday. Look-out for bargains. There is no reservt ! 20,000 yards Calicoes at 12 1 2. 40,000 yards brown and bleached Muslins, from 10 to 50 cents, at THEO. HILL Si CO.'S. The weather is still pleasant, to-day , the 26ih, with a few clouds hovering around, and all who depend on cisttrn water praying for rain ; Clothing deal ers look "down in the mouth,' and dottors nearly worried to death. It is rough, gentlemen, yet still the weather is beautiful. The number of eggs shipped from this point this fall must be truly appaliog to the lovers of hen fruit hereabouts. One firm alone, Rainey SiLewis-, have ship ped over 2 500dozeu, and Wonhmg Si Wilcox have shipped about 1.500 dozen. The shipments have been mostly to Om aha and destined for the plains. ; J. C. DeCSCr has now on band the largest stock of Cook and Heat Stoves, Tin aud Brass ware, Sheet Iron. Pumps, Wagon Timber, Bob SUigh Shoes, etc.. ever brought to this market, which he is offering remarkably low t cash pur chasers." '. ' igrlcsllaralficclctjs Biplcnns.- Those enmled to Diplomas, awarded by the Nemaha County Agricultural Socie- ty, will find tberar filled up, at the store Uf Ttate 4 Co., BroicnvilU. Those de siring Diplomas in place' cf Premiums awarded ihetn, will he accommodated by callirg or. leaving their names at the sa(uePiace- R.W. FURNAR Pres. A New Furnace for tec nigh SehOOL -A larg Wood Furnace, with ail th modern toiprovemeuts for heating the rooms of the Browuville Union or High School has been received during the past week!, and will be put in posi tion without delay. uave .ua .uujc guuu iiuyruTCiucui. m the road to their house of worship. They talk of getting a bell in the Spring. TVpfiflPi firflnt has iust received a I I t Iar-e stock of Leather, and Shoe Find. ings ; also a choice tstock of Groceries and Clothing. Grant cannot be excelled m ,n Ia,r sealing, ana oners gooa. at a pgain. . We have noticed many of our . ex- rhanrp uriP&lfintr nf a hri,lr div fnr .V ,u c a I (nrlfl in ihpirinnrn trmneTttllv Saiiirrfar'. " " 7 ' Z J J All our week days are Saturdays in this respett. Our merchants are all satisfied. money is plenty, building u still going on aud farmers are rolling in iheir pro duce. Verily, trade is trood. Street Contract. We learn that the Street Committee have let a contract to Dr. Blackburn for grading 4th and 5th streets between Main and Nemaha, o fi4 o ri Ti i nr rf om K katiMan ik I and 5th. Grading will eonraence nexil.J!ar Monday if the weather remains f avor- able. Pay Up. All pertous indebted to the late firm of Atkinson Si Co., either by note or account, will ave costs by paying up at once. We wi!l take Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Potatoes, or the money, and will allow the highest mar ket price for the produce. ATKINSON St CO. Pcrsecullou.-The St. Jo.eoh Her- - aid. of the 12lh. stales that the Steamer Jacob Sass explodtd One of her boileiS I at Jack Ass Bend near Missouri City; and iu a later issue that the Jacob Sass was aground a short distauc above St. Joseph. We are pleased to note that it landed a huge lot of goods here last Saiurdav evening, and left bound ud. fc . naluray a cosuve b a. Tableaux VlVantS. Quite an in terest is being Inunltettrd by the young folks of this cuy in the organization of a Tableaux Troup. The pft-linimitry tteps have been taken, and th- move is likely . I iu j'rove a Miixeas. e iiupe 11 wui, a with the talent in our city, it can It made better than nine-tenths of the tran- 6Cjelil sho" which but fleece the public. European Connection for the Merchants Union Express.-1" pur- tuaiice of au Agreement between the Merchants Union Express Company and The Morris European Express Company all packages received by the Agents of the former for Europe, the East or West Indies, Mexico and the Biazils, will be. transferred for forwarding to destination to Morris European Express whilst all packages received by Morris European Express for the Interior Of the United! Cm. ill K r,nH rtver tn ihft Mer. chants Union Express Company. THEO HILL & CO , Agents, Brownviile, Neb. TheO. Hill & CO., have opened up in McPherson's Block. Their room has been fitted up expressly for their use and is not excelled in finish or neatness ot arrangement in Nebraska. Their stock is in every way equal to the room. The right hand side of the first floor is aevoieu to uie reiau ury uuuus uc partment, where will befound large Stacks of Prints, of every shade from .r frtnrw fnre frn and dnraeRtie. J J' d Shelves fi.led with the latest styles and t t j j r n -i- IT I paiierna n jauies jlitss uwus. imu- dreds of boxes and drawers filled with Silks, Laces, Trimmings, Nations, etc. Piles of Muslins, Sheetings Flannels, Clo.hs, Blankets, etc., of every descrip lion and variety. The left side ts set apart for the retail Grocery. Queen ware and Hardware trade. Here will be found a full stock of Groceries. Queensware, Hardware. Glassware, Cutlery, etc Anything de- sired in the above line can her be found Uo Stairs will be found the IWOt and . I bhoe department, in WUltu siuo iicy i ior fif.v hTi.a of evetV varietV. '-v...- j j , i size and sivle. Carpets are displayed one. certain and ao-taal, tj which every sufferer, ' ' c-kjno Bw't'r WBf bb cnditin may be, may uro in this room, which, as soon as fiuished, will constitute the wholesale Dry Goods department. Th lower room, or cellar, with a front to the.siuth, i their wholesale room for Groceries, Hardware, Woodenware.etc, and is fi'.ted up in tip top style for this department. . Altogether their three - departments, contaium? $150 1 000 worth of Goods.oCer to both wholesale and retail purchasers inducernenss that cannot be excelled any where, and coupled with their fair deal ing, are bound to increase their already largo trad o ta imisessa properties. , CSjj Directory.-58 New Cards - in to-day YpiperTTIafid io your Card, gentlemen, every man doing toy kjnd of business should be here represented. D. B.' De Land & v Co., authorize those who sell their goods, tu tell pur- chasers to use one half of a paper of-their chemical Ssleratus. and. then if ihev are not entirelT satisfied with its superiority over Soda or any other brand Saleratus, to return toe balance and get the money for the whole refunded. This Saleratus is perfect, therefore they are wil ling to let it stand or fall upon its own merits. Oat centelroan says my doctors bills for five years, averaged one hundred and fifty dollars per year. Three years ago I j t r rr K-..t t per yeaf.t nd wft ha?e eoj4,yed almost uninterrupted health. Price S10, sent by express on receipt of the price. For sale by mcuumas &t;u.t I - At tlxe Sign of tlx Wig used Stead. la tb. jU to boy FURNITURE UPHOLSTRY ! ! ! WJUU Keep eonaUatlj a hand a cemplet. Msortmeat f Sofas, Bedsteads, Beanrraat, , Springs bed, WbalNoU Wardrobes, Raking Chairs, Wuh Stands llit Racks, Cbmirt, Kitcb.a ... a - Tables, Kitchen ana and A t Farlor Cen J tpd I ma tr Tabls S Unds , Lounge, -ff Settees, yJ. . Mattrertes, VC-V Kitchen Safes, Pls-i SUnds ; Kotxiss; Cribs, ., Bed Springs," M.ulie Cases, Loo nee Springs Tete-tetes Swing Cribs, Office Chairs, Comforts, Cbudrea a Cb and. (Jigs, Piano Stool, Teapoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, ete, eU.,eten ete. 1. ... . .. A:"a n' "?."!LniD T" 10 m iii iu wi mm -t uounkrc pinii All of their war. is either manoftnr.d or pat I un under thutr inMiil iin.nnt.nn n. ah ich up under their special superintendence, which enable them sound articles at smaller prices than eastern inanufactuted goods. OUR HEARSE itth. service of the nblcat any time it may bo nccdrd, and is gotten up in as fine styl. as any tanner east. Iletalic Burial Cases. ssnwsjcaJJav. a iijiiasasssaawaBMU a.w (MTMMuaJ"aBwtfdaaaBMBwAalvM of all sixes concUntly on hand, at eastern prices. We are doing bnn'n.n on st-ietly eash principles. At a tmnll profit, and by attention to business and tha want, nf th.itnmmnnitir TnM( tn fKn fntnr. " TenerX t0 " pub" MTALL & CO. Dissolution. NOTICE is bercbv rireo that tha Co- nartnerahirt heretofore .listing iahe AdTertiser Establish- meat known as Geo. W. Hill Ja Co., is dissolved M7 consent. Those indebted to as will confer a . great faror by immediately settling op. Any indebtedness against us must be presented at this Sic. within tw.nty days from this date, as our hooks mast b. squared by that time. 0 JOHN h. COLHAPP, GEORGE W. DILL. Brownrille.N.b Not. 7th , 1867. STRAY NOTICE. Taken up on the eighth dav of November 1807 at the residence of the undersined.two miles south nf ttrnwnvillo. nna rA ftim with hiu fnm mn off of, and swallow fork ia each ear, supposed to Il5pll0: STRAR NOTICE. Taken up Not. 2d,t87, by the subscriber liTing I ,n oeuii prewaTuia.oaa eow wita oiacaana wnit. spoU. She bad a bell oa fastened with a leather strap. Also on. ealf, beloren2 to th. eow. pioretabw i.is(wfl i. it yd The Great Cause OP HUMAN MISERY. as! Pnbtithed in Sealed Envelope, Price ix eente. A Lecture on the Katurts Treatment and Radical Car. of seminal weakness, or spermatorrhoea, induced by Self-Abue; Involuntary Emissions, ius potency, Nenou Debility, aod Isopedim-nta to MaTiaffa geaeraly ; Consumptioa, Goilepsr. and kob'.Jv CCLV'EtWELL,&I. D.( Author of th. ,Uw?rW-r.'nouae4 author, in jhis admirabl. in . aianr.i a mm art v.. mm a una wjm ia av ca lecture, clearly prwres trn his oi Xperian. that th. awful conarqutaca of Self-Abuse may be ceclaally remored witnuut mediOin.,6od wi bout ?"?ron' 'V1 .P6"1!0"; W,strments, rings, or coraiais, pointing out a moae ot cure at bim.-eir cneaply. prirately, and radical It. This lecture will prur. a boon to thouiiandsand thous. ands. . bent under seal, iaa plaia enrelope, to any ad drew, on receipt of sit cents, or two postage sumps, by addressing tha pab Wbera. Als. Dr. CULYERWELL'3 "Marriage Guide" price 24 kbU. . Addres the Publishers. . CII 48. J. C RIaISE h, Co.. 12T ilotTcry. Sew York, P.O. u.JX ' - 47 , LEGAL JfO.TiCE To all whoa it my concern ; Enow ye.th&t the second Monday nf ovember, A. D. 1667, la tha day appointed by the Prubate Coart of PaWne. C a nty, Nebraska, f or hearing the applieatioa ,for letters of Administration to ia to W J Robins f. r tb. ui. of A F Cromwell, 1st. of Pawn. County, Kebrka Pawnee City, Nebraska, Oat. llth 1S57 JO SDWARDS.Jaija cf fteiatf , - i . fc . I m J HRira DEARTHS ut c STAPLE AND FANCY ca-l a. JiYU' f K2J iPi jl WWW Esat)riclnf all th ' LT"I " S ' S,Mon- AIM, larga ni wIl-wlt2 itock of Gents Furnishing Goods, ' BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A.NJD OAFS. -AM) ro; mmvmm, 3 yi 9 9 AND Oar Goods wer. bought ef first hands, and we 1 inioa we can oner saen indaeemnts to Darsbasers cacnos laii u suit uos. wisaios; to say. Call . A M ft -.. . . . i ana tee iof jotmefref. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange ior uoous qj To The Public ! ! BROWNVIILE FERRY ! Hariaf purchased of J. O. Yantis, the Steam Fer tj Boat. I Trr ri lr 1 fifnmhAn Ton nnil hTZL' " V J TD andersijnsd Ukes this method of informing I th poblie gea.rallj that th. Jerry is now in com-I plet. RUNNING ORDER, And that b. will spear no pains or means to make this the most RELIABLE CROSSING On the Missouri River: and to satisfy all who may favor him with their oust- ness. Jfatronaze zolxciud. Satis fac- Guaranteed. 'L We propose buildinz a first Clars Boat f of more capacity than the present one) and placing in the same at an earls A sr. early day. JOSEPH WARD, Manager. Brownviile, Oct . J5th 1857 Theo. Mill Oo.. Dealers in LADIES', OEflPS, & CHILDREN'S o sTTmrj w at. 2?. TO 811 WHO DZZXZB tO UOneV. O L Hi M A IN Uas just received from th. East, a large and well scleted lot of un Lin AND y y u u j j Which h. oflers at Eastern Prices. lie defies eoiMpetitioa and will oocrince all wb . will call a d examine his Stock U has also a large Stock of Hats, Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks && Come Onty Come All who want to Keep their Bodi'e Warm. REMEMBER THE keq mmm MAIN STEEET, S. SEEMAN Nana,rails, W.U Backets, Soiree, 4c, at .SWAN A BR BRO'S SajiT LoX 8y?P, Eer'hias, and N.O. Uolafe i. i T I i m ii I: H I1V! Jt 1 1 m BOESEY &.3B9., IN t i Zlsxln Street, BROWNYILLE S Dealers in Men and Boy's HATS and CAPS, ;j BOOTS A1TD SHC 133 TEHEt FA1IECBS, CARPET-BAGS BLOflS. HOSIERY. Blankets and Umbrella f .1 Hivejust received and will keep con stantly on hand a large and well assort- . - P "ic at T7 TJ T T flTv PTfTPTS v m. m. w m m , jj , 3L HEAR YE I - ti'HM 'td If i Big Slock o r ine Good;. A I ow Prices! TEARS CO i5A FBEBH GOODS. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Corner SJaia and Second Street 33i-o-vt7-xoLxrllo, XSTola. Have received and opened their V?3 all 1? Which is in all re?pects the xnnxt rnfied and Uigest ever brought to thi market and th ir Uod arc offered at unpr cedented b.w Curcs. They ocl ask an elimination to Verify tb-ir aucrtson. Er ery article of trade demanded in thi-County will be found at their hou3ej vis : Dry Goods and Groceries, tlardware and Queensware, WOODEN and WILLOW WARE tlBoots and Shoes, HATS AID GAPS. PROVISIONS. October 1 0th 1857 SEED POTATOES. IbnTe fur sale PoUto4 of th followiDZ rarie- li.: Oat'o. I'rince Albert. Kuty Cat. Farly P.ve. Early Milier, Eariy Jai. r'iukr, Jlerr. Copnermioe. Pure Peah Hbw. Wbite Pccb EJw, Buckeye, and Garnett Chili, all of wnicb TieM we.'l and are frt. from disease. R. W. FUR.VAS. JfoT. 7. It Crvwnriile, Nebraska. DIssolulIun. The firm of Stanton, Perkins & Co.i tbfi day dissolved by nutnat caasent. Tb. as-ets nf the firm are placed in tie band of John L. Carson for rale. h will innl th nm J'4 rf 'm in 1!qulJJSf"ss,j5,j5yr lt9 cuarles dhavex, JUXXX LKAM5. DEXBVMATK15SON DrownTillc, Keb Oct. 25tb, 1T. . 8 Zl E.H.BURCHESS, Landscape Gardener, llll Tl I m.ill IJ T-. -J - , A!I Ltr'c?d t0Pnmin5and Plnt:nS VinyarJ I 1 OeZitr"11' tc; T) ATta K Id . "j lit . . J . . . I J. PPEHTPEIVD ii )) f ! i 1 i U' it A t J u J J J Corner. Clh and St. Charles w f J AUO Dealer In . , Lime, Cement, H Wllte-Sand, Eire-Briclr . rv i-" cjr. Vegetable Sicilian Hair Bender JTa$ stood the. test cf seven u'earn before the public; and no iirevcra- Hon for the hair has yet beets dis covered fhaUwill produce the same beneficial result. It is an entirely new scientific discovery 7 combining many of the most powerful avd re storative agents n the VECETACLE KINGDOM. It restores CrtAY; HAIfl TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. It mates the 'scalp teluta Mu7 T . . j proiM, furnishes the nutri tive principle by wtict fAe atr w nourlnea ana SUpporteU. Jt HUlhes ii-c nair inoi.fi f socj ana fiosy9 and is unsurpassed as a Il'A IIi DRESS IN G. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the pub tic, as one botile will accotriplislh more and last lonrrer thancthre bottles of any other preparations It is recommended and used by Vie First Medical Authority. ! The wonderful results produced bu our Sicilian Hair Uenewer have induced many to manufacture pre parations for the llair, under va rious names ; and, in order- to in duce the trade and the public to Jntrchase their compounds, they tave resorted to falsehood, bu claiming they were former .part ner sf or had some connection with our Mr. Ilallf and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Da not be deceired by them. I'urchase tha original: it has never . yet :hecr equalled. Our Treatise on the llair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our prirata Ilevenue Stamp over the. top of ti8 bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Ha!! & Co.. Prop's. Nashua, M. Hi Sold IjcU Druftists and Dealers U iledicinm C. A. COOK, 87 Dearborn St. Chicago, l!k Agent for tfe XrtJa-'V.atera tt- (i 11 A"NTf6 CAEAP CASH STORE.' -i Main Street between First and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully ififona th. "CitLfens ef Brownviile, and summed; as; country, tbatl ha just receired my fall i?tock of Goodi, eon8ltng of Of the latest styles and be( quality, Slens heary ealf Boots, double soled Hoots, Fine Kir'lAtos bofS and childrens Bwts and Shoes.. All kicks of La die' Boot4 and Shoes of the Siestaod best qu ality. India nubber ana liuUalo Uver Shoen for Gentlemen and Ladies . . Groceries of;. EveryKind, "Wooden Waro. Stone ' waio. The Bot Quality of READY MADE CLOTnitfOj The bert Woolen Ua3er and Orer Shirts, Of all kinds, Whole?ale ard Rai'ail, SHOEMAKERS and JARXESS MAKERS can rely upon taring their orders filled promptly on tbort notice and reasonable terms.. Call before nur- chasing elsewhere. - " wnicn ns orrxasroasiijc CHEAPFORCil$H Atlof wbicb be orer. at tb.Iowsrt ara. rfrt.r. laiaeJ swt to be uaierioli. G ft ACT. Henry P. S&erk"rn9, DEALER IT iltJItD' - Pianos &LIiBlpdeoii LI Jltsica! lasirnmrits.lliisical Merrt:ri IIP FYKHY TfFrTTPTTnv v Mvjaaa. Ko.S5 iUtkt Swet betweca Maia anJ-SeA Zttailitkei in ST. iosis - . J ATatural Leaf. Fine Cat Crape Joice and Ja- A. . Toba-o,at Stoneware, Baskets, "WasVooarls, LaQtere 4e. a SWAN A C-d Crackers, Ginger Snap, ami Aerated tm. V Tf,t SWAN, k tZVd. Brwms, Salt, Axe. Powder. 9t ar j J.d at STRAY NOTICE.' TAKENTPby thesuSycribeT.ljTio; firmiW south cf l-woTitteaD.l two ailei cort:i of (m-b City, tin th2ith day of October, Ofj B y P.jaey, twelr. tndbish, laid fc, n,Hr wiiu fett,?upposed to b. three yean el-1. - : 6 5c-pd . . JJ0SESBA5S." C.r a'choicea kl of Tea, go tn . . eass, IIsiia Lf J lt L-Lz3 La ) - 4 1 J I.. - I ; i- t l . tl i p., ft': I .rr: l ir: i f r. i c jj .: n' i i - I i'lT ' ; - A II 0