..nvtt ccnrricii, Editor .cr MTTJfVILLE, THURSDAY, 50V. 23,U7. . .... nrtcnslrccllon, EfrlSSO Urg majority of the elcc st9 ef th United Slates roted for Ab rihra Lioola for President. The dem cr&u cf the North, in order to punish lb cia ftr txtrcbiDg thtir right of tvfTrmg in violation of tie tupposed ves tedrighit of the old Democratic party te potrer encoume the Southern faction ei their rr,T cde from the Uuion. T7e Btj ia crder te punish the nation, they iv this iacouragement, for we eta hardly brinj ourselret to believe i hxi tny coawderblr portion of the par tj really ratast to break up the Union, exi CzsStj the nation, but that they en osrcgd tie rebellion 0 far as they dar 1 te 0 witfcoff really accomplishing tie reiult, it undeniable. . In the Democracy met in a Na tiesal CcsTectiea at Chicago, and there declare! &at the war to preserve the TJarea w k failure, tad that the only -f untried method te accomplish uth rwult wa to restore the democ fftty to power, bt the loyal people of the fc&iUa'&&.x&t otherwise, asd as a con eiquence re-elected Abraham Lincoln ., T.-;.t TIi Tic.mocrAcv. North and A w y Guth, adia; their meana and strength "exhausted, -and the cation still contuma cious, ch&s'ed their uctics, and through r tttir rejTeaentative, D0,n delivered cf iitctmTes. A loraj Congress here comes to the Xtsctte rThey eo far shape the policy of hi country at this juncture of affairs ts i !c j the power of the nation under r-yiti tbwsy for the rebel States --) ti c-?:r tJifjttace to the uon "ifl l$ Union under lie old t ts, the. Detnccracy will hare -., ...iccrica frca the hands cf a 4 , fc--- tri aacdd. which shall preclude me T.fcuiiiity of enotner toiurrection, wnen trer such a punishment, in their opinion ie accessary. Now that there ts a pros peel cf the Southern States securing thtir eqtul representation on libera trrtnt ia the halls of the National Leg' ulattrrt finder the Congressional plan of rtceatuuctioD, the Democracy are mar .abalUcj their forces to prevent it. Con tentictts are being called in the South era C tales to de-rise means and measures te pretest the adoption of any and er sry Constitution which may be submitted - fr their suffrage by the Conventions now . is tian in the Southern States. The calling cf such meetings by the Democ racy, before the constitutions are made tad finally submitted, shows a determi catioaea their part to oppose the same, not from crracrpSe bat because they are irrevocably and politically bound to vote Ammm anv reconstruction not of their own :prc5etin. The military tyrany under Vv saw tfv mrm crrnAninc. and tie financial prospects of the country suf fering; is to them preferable to the best form cf government, if dirised andwtab lishei ly the cltmtncy cf a Eaditaf Con rts. nceilca Iri Kerc York. The New York Timts says : "The Tribuni attributes the loss of this State to the action of the Republi can, and especially uf the Republican journals, who are opposed to 'what they are pleased to stigmatize as Radicalism.' We prer utae it u tubstantially correct in ee doing. . We do not know that indors ing Gen. Gran alone 'kpt fifty thou exad voters from the pollr," as th- Tri bunt says it did, but we have not the elightest doubt that it kept enough awy te lose the State. We commend this re cult and this o inion concerning the cause at ii in t K ntrinl run LJernt inn nf thp fervid and sanguine gentlemen who man ge to get the control of the campaign into their own hands.' . "The subitance of the above is this: The Time's faction would not support the Republican nominess of the State of . -t I-.. t ; I liew i era ai me laia election oecause they were of the Trilvnt stripe of pol iticians, cr that is to say, if McKeanand and bi3l0.0G0 Radical voters, would not give way to the Time's faction cf fifty thousand, and give them the full swing of all the offices and emoluments of the State, then the Times faction would car ry a'l many cf its voters over to the De mocracy it' could. The Radicals, largely ffepoaderating, over.all others, taw no good raon for sacrificing their principles, persisted in making their &orniotun?, and the Times in the above exults over its success in defeating the Republican ticket and closes by virtually. yinz, "Now. Mr. Tribune, and you 310.003 voters for McKean for Screta ry of State, learn And ponder over this lessen. Yoo rausl hereafter Jet my fac." 'ton control the political' sentiment of Ylk, ad lr uf hare ihe offices. iU at joa by giving them to ! the Democracy every time you refuse". - We honor the true Republicans of cf New York for the course they pur seed they are stronger in defeat upon a square stand up fight, than they could possibly be if successful ith candidates who were more than half with the op positioa, and sever subject to the policy and control of the party. This course will drive the political stinks where they belong, and the voters who have been cc7rolled by this political legerdemain, will see that they have been gulled by trickery, and will hereafter drift into the right channel. In the meantime the Democracy will claim that the great po litical reaction long expected hfs taken place, and that the people are tired of Radical rule, and as a consequence are bound to hoist the Old Liners into pow er and plunder once more. Let them exult if they must, and attrib ute tSeir success to whatever source they may, their power is limited. The peo ple have not changed. Treason, traitors and their abettors are as odious to-day s in 1664, as the overwhelming Radi cal vote of next year will abundantly demonstrate Political. New Yobe, November 20, 1S67. last nicht nominated Hon. John H. An- thoo for Mayor. This is the fourth can- didate running for Mavor. Prentice is hard on Andy. He says : 'Our government, as administered for some years, seems to have been nothing better than a patent thieving machine." The patent expires March 4, 1869, and there will be no extension. The Louisville Courier thus alludes to! a speech of Gen. Sherman : 'When Sherman in his speech profes ses to wonder how any Southern man can speak of the 'lost cause' in language other than that of shame and sorrow.' we can find no words strong enough to Pinrpss onr :o(i!(rnntinri. lit RCirrmv in. deed, there is much at the South, and God knows it is not without abundant couse ; but it is as impossible to connect infammy with the 'lost came' as it is to associate vice with the holv religion T. c .u . ii .7 . i The Southern people know that the cause for which they so heroiealy fought is lost, and they have sinse accepted in gjod faith the decision of the sword. Bji there is not a man of them but glories in, and is proud of, tbe part be took in the war. Let them not, then, be insult- ed by such an ungenerous taunt as that convened in the words of General Sher- man.. Washington City propose to hold a con- vention of Souvhern Radicals on the22d v;ng problems involving millions of dol of February to bring forward the name Ars ,n SUCQ a manner as shall redoun to of Mr. Chase as Candidate for Presi- dent. Mrs. Jefferscn Davi a few days ago passed a night in Rutland Vermont, while traveling to join her husband in Canada. The Copperheads of the town brought out two brass field pieces and fired a salute, and in the evening with a few cracked instruments, serenaded the rebel's wife with the Confederate 'na ticnal' air cf 'Dixie.' Vallandigham has publicly announced himself a candidate for the United State Senatorship from Ohio. His claim are naseii upon nis martyrdom in benalf of tnereoeiion. ix uov: noiden or JNortn Carolina. says wnen ne was appointed provisional uovernor. rretiaent Jonnson gave mm -unlimited power" to seize property and cpnnscate it to tne use of tne btate gov ernment. He (Holden) furihermore says that Aydy told him in the presence of two witnesses that it was bis purpose to cut up1 the lands of rich rebel in the South and parcel them out among the poor neocle. declaring "with emphasis" that such should be the result of the twenty thousand dollar clause in the amnesty proclamation ; that the large landhold ers of. the South, who bad fomented the rebellion eo account of their Slave prop erty, should not live at their ease on their estates while thousands cf poldier's fami ies lacked homes and means of subsis tancfr. Foreign News. London, Nov. 22. Last night an ef fort was made in the House of Commons to save the Manchester Fnians from be ing hung. A large majority of the mem bers. how.er. manifested no disposition to interfere in the matter. An other demonstration against the execution of a V pnifln innlr mitr lst niaM in nna I or toe puonc nans, a committee was appointea to araw up ana present a pe 1 I tition to the Queen for mercy. Every. thing indicates beyond a doubt that the Government is determined not to par don on commute the sentence of the un- ortunate men. The petition was drawn and presented to the Queen at Windsor. ler Majesty in the most direct manner declined to answer the petition. Dispatches containing the gratifying intelligence of the safety of Livingston the celebrated traveler and explorer have been received. The particulars are few, but ihe Doctor is known to have been safe and vll in Aprrl last, and was then exploring the wastes of Africa hundreds of miles from tire soa coast. A cable dispatch says. Mount Vesuvi- ous is still pouring forth an immense vol- ume of fire. Seven distinct streams of the molten mass have been formed, and as they press down the sides ,of the mountain, the scene presented is ma?- i nincent to tne extreme. . The condemned Fenian.-AUen, Lar-1 ken .and Gould suffered the extreme penalty of England's law, on Friday, last, the 22d inst., at. Manchester, Eng land. ' The precautions taken by Gov ernment to guard' against an outbreak were effectual. There was a drizzling rain and dense fog, but notwithstanding the weather, the crowd gathered to wit ness the a-tvful scene was immense. The Pope, who at first was strenuous ly opposed to any conference whatever for the, settlement of the Roman ques tion, has at length withdrawn hi objec tion, and is in full accord with the prop oition of Napoleon. - The government of Bavaria has. signified its acceptance of the French plan. - Many of the details of the Conference have already been agreed upon. Munich has been already chosen as the place, and the 11th of December as the time. Since the last dispatches', the Govern ments of Italiy and Wurtemburg have siguified their intention of accepting places in the Conference. The Paris Pa'rie -denies the report that General Dix had expressed any de cire of representation of the United States in the Conference.-; Tbe Coaty Commissioners. The Commissioners of Nemaha Coun- lY convene next ivionoay in an aojourn ed session from the October term, for the Dumose of transacting such business as may legally come before them. The bonds of all County officers ought to be then presented for approval. We understand that a majority of the legal voters of the. county will pray the Board to submit to the electorr of the county, the question whether the county shall subscribe to the capital stock of the Brownville, Ft. Kearny and Pacific R.R. Company the turn of 300.000, and the KothoP thp hnn.l. nf ihoCmm. , . . J ww - the aueslioQ whether a certain tax shall be levied annually to pay the interest on these honda so sold, and the nrincinle whpn ,hev mature. . This is a question of immense mter- est to the county of Nemaha and of still more interest, if possible, to the coun- tie5 immediately west, and the electors $houW have lime t0 fuIly consider the ... ,-. , i malter Wllh, del'beration and calmness. It well to submit such questions at special elections, when all passion is al- ton oA orA nrlion man ran fnrm srmnri iud?ment, and exercise their right of franchise as business men capable of sol- Lhpir nlvn Mnrv ih (TPnpmi prosperity of the County and State. Congressional News. The Committee on impeachment were to report on th it is understood that five of the committee are in favor and four against impeachment. It is generally conceded that Congress will repeal the Cotton Tax. The President's Message was read in a Cabinet meeting, for the first time, on last Friday. Advance copies will be supplied to the press, to avoid errors in telegraphing. n a., ru .roMrJ on r. i ncvciu y i uuusuu wa pi Uument showins that the Prosident can- not be suspended during tbe trial of im peachraent, and that he can only be con vicled for lreason and bribery. Council Bluffs and St. Jo R. R. We learn from the Rockpori Journal that the St. Jo. and C. B. R. R. wil pass through that county on nearly an air line, on a grade of one tenth of an inch per hundred feet. The land owners7 south of the Brown ville road have given the right of waj to tbe company. Those north of this road are not willing to do so. Still, they do not show a disposition to obstruct the work and the contractors are pushing the grading to completion. If the good weather continues the grading through Atchison county will be finished by the first of January. Nebraska News. Pawnee county was visited by a very destructive prairie fire on the 3d. which is reported to have destroyed, in the eastern portion of that county, property to the value of between twenty-five and flftV lhnilSAnrt fnlTnra in hniia harm t, . , , , , , lhlft In Ipnrn IhA rmmoc nr ttnxr nf iKa to learn the names of any " ' "UJ w sufferers by the fire. Judge Lake sentenced Otway G. Ba ker, on the 20th inst for the murder of Woolsey D. Higgins to be hung on Fri day, the 17ih day of January next, by the Sheriff of Douglass County. We learn that Messrs. Presson & Rhodes are opening a kiln of brick at fecumseh. The citizens of this enter- prizing town take a lively interest in the ownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific It it. Nebraska is now aknowledged in St. Louis, to produce the plumpest, hand somest wheat of any Siaie in the Union. The Omaha tier aid says a fire occurred in - the Episcopal Cburch last Sunday m-or li'tr5 white the congregation were en ga? in religious service. Tha fire was speedily extinguished with but little dam- age to the building. It originated from " defective flue. " '' AVa.ii.aro of Nebraska, with Appandix, edited by Gen. Estabrook, of Omaha, ha been put on the market by the publishers. Culver, Page & Hoyne, of,Cbicago.: tThis work embraces the General Laws passed at the two subsequent sessions of the Leg islature ; Constitution of the United States; Con?titotion. of this State; the Organic Act ; Treaty : of 1S03 with Frace; Enabling Act ; Acts of Admis sion, Congressional and Legislative; &c. This is a valuable-work to citizens of Nebraska, . ; - According to the Springfield Republi can Mrs. Sumner has returned and pace upon honorable terms has been establish ed in the Sumner family. " Mr. . BeecberV novel, "Norwood" is about to be dramatized for the benefit of the theatrical world generally. I ; mm t - The formal transfer of Russian Ame rica to the United Slates took place on the 8th of October. Tht Shelby County (Mo.,) Clerk's office was entered recently, ihe safe broken open and'SlO.OOO in county funds stolen therefrom, The following from the Chicago Tri bvne, is to the point : In tho southern part of indiana, . Ohio and lillinois, where the corn crop was re garded as a failure, the crop has turned out much better than was expected. The yield per acre was not heavy, but as there was a greater breadth sown, the number of bushrls wU aggregate as much as in former years. The crop in Central Illinois and throughout Iowa turned out much better than the most sanguine ever anticipated, and take the the country throughout, it is safe to say that there will be as many bushels to te marketed as in any previous year. The new corn being 'marketed is of superior quality. The grain is large and well filled, andif it were only a litil-r drier, would readily inspect No. 1. Already it is having anl'eftect on the market fpr corn. The new crop rules steady and firm, while the old crop inspecting moat ly as No. 2, is steadily depreciating in price, and after the close cf navigation it would not surprise us to see tne old and new selling at nearly the same figures. - ' ' Concerning the business of pork pack ing, and prices in Kentucky, the Loiiis- vill Courier of last Saturday says : , Ihe Hoc slaughter. loe season is dragging and receipts light, with no slaughtering to day, excepting at Jeffer sonville. Trices ranging from o 1 4 to 6 1-2 gross, with tales of about 1,000 head in lots to packers ranging from 6 50 to 6 53 live weight at the packers pens. The receipts continue light with some 2,500 head in the pens this even ing. The impression now generally en tertained is that the packing around tbe Fulls this year, owing to the ad mitted short-crop in Kentucky, will be far lees'' than" that of last year. Martin & Sons, of JtfT-rsonville, killed 4C3 hogs to day, and the total slaughter thus far this season around the Falls sums up as follows : v : HoZ$ killed to Nov. 17. 1S67 11.013 Hogs in pen - 2,500 Total .. 13,514 Same time last year ' : 'none. The packing List season commenced on the 20ih of November. The opening: rates last season for hogs were 6 to 6 3 8 cts. gross.. The excitement among the negroes of Richmond on the subject of being caught alive for dissection, continues, Theybt lieve that fort? medical students from New Yok, are in Richmond for the pur pose of procuring material for dissec tion. Vry. few. are seen on the streets after night, and not more than fifty at tenJed n circus a few nights ago, while heretofore at fea.t a thousand have usu ally' been reseiot on such occasions. On Tuesday morning last, a train of emigrants passed through town bound for Nebraska among whom was a young man about twenty-seven years of age ; who had thirteen children, eipht of which were twin boys. Holt Counlv Sentinel. NEW ADVESEMENTS. JACOB MAROHN. Merchant Tailor, Main Street opposite McPherton't Block, BHOWN VILLE NEB. i jf t"::'-:X - '3 I; h - ALSO AGENT. FOR ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken op br the nndericned two mile foath of Glon Rock, Not. 12r.h, 1857. One Roan Steer two jeara old. Ko inarke or brands. S-5t . . UlLtS K. KEEDER. J1DMLVISTRA TORS JVO T1CE. To all whom it may Concern : UICB is hereby siren that tbe Probate Court of Johnson Countria tbe State of Nebraska, baa appointed the following times for ex.itn iainjr and allowing claims agin-t the estate of Jacob Clot fe!ter,decHeJ, lute of theid eountj of Johnson, to-wit. March 9rhT15VS; Ajril 13b, 1863. and My llih, iSrtS.at ten o'clo k. A. u..of said davs; the said ezamimit on to tkesI:iC9 before thj said Ctnirtatthe frobat C art rocm in Tecaroseh. in raid eountr i.f Johnson. All claioi cot creented for allnwnnre to tbe shid Conrt on or icfore tbe II th dao of Maj, isr,3, will be f-rerer bHired. (uvea under my ban-l lhi 7th dav of October. 1567. GEOKGE W.DELOXO. rrtliate JuJge. Jacob Clotpelteb; Administrator. 8-4t-o,nn 17lrC9h LaIUiaiaCttfranU.CkMaJbe.at- A SWAN k UliO'S. 3- IViid Ptacho Apple.,BlackberrieifCher,ie9t! J ' 8AJr BSfl ' JHtBttllcmcous. JONAS HACKER, Tax Collector for the City oCBrownTilIe, Will attend to the pmyment of Taxtt Jot non-rtridtn land owntr tin Amci"y. twro pondem e Solicited. Office on Jf in bt. lit nd M, . , BUOWNVJLLE, NEBRASKA. SMITH P. TUTTLK. rr e f.... Amti r mA Tlnim Aatnt. 1Y'Ut. tend to the Protection of Claim before the Depart ment for Ad Bounty Bark Fy ana rtnt'on to ike Collection, of SemUAunual Hue on Pentium, Office over Carnoas Bank Jfln ittreot, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. A. STAFFORD. PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Pertont withing Picturet executed in the latett ttyl of the Art wuipieate can ai my An umutrg. llaia stiet bet. lit and 34 Kreet. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. I.H. CLAGGET&CO.. BILLIARD HALL AND SALOON Basement f Whitney's Block, &aia bet. 1st fc 2d Si., BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. The Bett of Liquor kept Comtan ly on Hand. glacksmitl)0. J. H. BESOiT Will da BLACKSMiTIIING of all kinds. Make Hone Shoeing. Ironing of Wagon and SUigh end Mac nine nor a arc:uy. Staopun Main St., wwl of McPherson'f Blxk, BROWNVILLE KEBUASKA. J. W. & J. C. GIBSON. B ia O ICS M I T H S SHOP on 1st between Mala and 1, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. AH Work done to order Satitf action Guarrantied. (onfctionanc0 Proprietor of the CITI BA.KE1ZY. Fancr TTed dine Cake rirnUbed vn taort notice. Dealer in Confectkmarles, Fruiu a ad best Family Flour. Main Street bet. lit and id, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. mtMsc. GEORGE MARION, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries ISSH & Notions. Foof of Vain Street near Leree, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA EitabUihed 1858 WM. T. DEN, Wholesale and Retail dealer in GENERAL, MERCHHNDISE Corn Planters, Plows, Stoves, Furniture COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT Main atreet bet Levee and lt, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. H'ujhett market price paid for Hide, Pelt, Fur and rroauce,.oy WJd. T. VZiN. J. II. BAUER. Xanafactarer and Dealer la HjtRJVESS. BRIDLES COLLARS . -r . ; . . . IfendiagdoB te order lAfltfactioo rarranii4 Shop on Mam bet. lit and 2d .. BROWNVILLE, NECRAS2A. GATES & BOUSFIELD, P L A S TER E Tt S . Ilrownvllle, IVebraska, take coutract lor BrickUrin', Puuerin, building Ciiterus, and do anything in their line in tbe most tatutactor and workmanlike manner. A.3tf,lS5A. 1-47.17 GKO. W. PPBSET. LUTDtK BOADLIT. CHAS.O. DOJinT DORSET. IlOiDLEY & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and Dealers in Land Trarrants.and Agricultural College bcrip. Office, in Land Office Building t XJrownvlllo, TJ"ol3 . Boy end eelUmprarcd and animprored hand. Buy Sell,aod locate Land Warrant!, and. agri cultural college Scrip. ."iluke eareial releetioaa oi ferrnKt uoa for hwation, Homesteadn.aBd nre-enptiou. Attend to eonterred tvCr " Pj'a I cbpcs,ic toe ijaiia um. LetUrs ef inqnirj, prcisptry and enetrfulJyan swered. - - . i i tt3r Correspondence Set icited .25x1 X V. D. PATCH, KAXVPACTCRKB AND CLOCKS, WATCHES, AKI Sliver and Sllvcr-PIalcd ware, A'io- eonitantl j on hand, all mrietie? of SPECTACLES. BEPAIRINO lone In tho neatest ityle, and at SHORT NOTICE, CHARGES MGDZBATi: WOSX WAXR ANTZD. CITY DRUG STORE 23r owiivillo ZKTolo. CLOCK.a.WITEIIS, AND ft JOSEPH SHUTZ Has joit receired and will constantlr keep oa Land a large and well selected stock or genome ar icles in is line, ta One Door west of Grant's Store, Brown ville, Nebraska. 3R.o2AlxjLxie; Of Clocks: Watches and Jewelry done on tht short. est rfotice. WORK WARRANTED. BrownTille. Neb.. Varch 15th. 18C. lft.S5.lj HiHinrry & Dress- Making J1ISS MAR Y SIMPSON, Wishes to in for the lad ie. of Crownri!: ir Ticinity that she hs jast commenced a first rlass MILLINERY & DRESS-MAKING Where work will be done with great care and neat ness and alter the latest Faxtern sfjles. Uleavhinirand Ket-airine dons in t. i. i.... stle and on short BotK-o. ' Infest slj Tea of Lvik ' and nrUren a nU aad Bonnets e.,irUny kopt o hand. Utest pat terns.oJ .Ladies lr5s. Cloaks.aad Childrea clo thing cut on short nVties ...... Serond Sfieot. teweent Main & Water ucwceni iUBin & J BR O WmYVILLE, mYEBRJSK.1. Theo. Mill & Co., Dealer ia ii feeds mm PIONEER PAINT SHOP LOUIS WALDTER, 2IOUO 33 - mmmrn CO JL J3J -JL- JJ Grainer, GikTer, Glazii r, A.H9 PAPER-HANGER White Washing and Kalcemining done. All wprk done in a worlnsanlike manner ea the shorteit notice. TERMS CASH! SHOPoa Main street orer Monan'i Plow Fa ij. (1I"J17) Theo. Hill Co., Dealer ia Ira A A AND IMPLEMENTS EVAN WORTHING, BILUAEB BOOLI -7 o AM) SALOON South side Mainbet. ltaud 2d Droirnvllle, Nebraska, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia Wines, Liquors,Flemings na ocoicn aies, Juon don Porter, Doub Iin Stout, Cignj Theo. Mill & Co.. Tealert ia IT'S 5 AND J TEX oaxn. S. w. iranAt . BEIT. nOQEHS, Cc CO.. V4T Livery, Feed,and Sale Stabli', Main Street BROWXVILI.tf, NEBRASKA- Dealer lira!! kiadsof j5wk Horsa ItmrWr -nj lixcsanjwj, stoea aoaraea toe dr r C-.u m. . . . . ----r.- The Proprietors bar raeent'y erected' new,lrfff and eommodon Stable n .aia Street near the efi Brownriile Homo. -ThiHrw ;. .n Ia! w El IZESr "T- Theblie eaa he aoem-Ufa A Stock aorrall with an ahandaat stl of mu noarriaj or Dig&t. iiL,;:T'. mWm. SEPARATOR AND w a CD 00 11 4 H Z : J. GARSIDE ftV'l ATCHltOS. KANSAS TAB trial of this macaine at fi.,. ' ! Stat. Fair,. anl U,. MstV" ' fee aad asea it. mnite ia proo.,, " Corn saeller tbe but ever iiw00td w""S anjbell bia crop of corn at hii li-0'.. . ' cul vt a Shelter Thl Corn Sbeller tbrre rear p,t at tbe New rJr sui. .V bat partiillj perf,et. It b a Jegree cf rrrertitni. wa,. B nuke it . V The following t the rep.t (f lt, j macbine, at ibeirrfai trial ..f Aricni ' held at Aabnra.K T.' in Jar uill,11" pcef tbe Sew Tr S'aie Ainc-inc Among tbe nwebines oa X:.ioiu a i Sbeller. Separr iCitin. btb."'5,.i! erbff. Auburn. S T W. v.-'J , "T'1? . i ana tborougbly tete4 tbt taxzhin,. ,J J latton in pronoancinir it Ihe 8K3T ri.7. " WK BVSU AW. It relil, aa.pti ErV'Cs any aiie x abap, tbl 1 clean. mVA W.,T,! and eae, and tbe tame oprtia ejr!i. rrooa tne coo. ana tbe cba ir-m ue eLra . v tbe corn ret far market : and it r,.,. ?': b-r ef iot fne peraoa t perate it V. ? ? i U aimpie ta coutrtKti.. nj OanLi. 4. S. S.GOULD. FtmM.t.j B. F. JOHNSON. mr J. IV S. , TODD, - y' Report ef Afrlenltnral Fair Cmaijit,, ion ef ATibn:inral aad other J..m. . I m:trml: I C 9f utt" f V. S. Agencr lor Pans Uoiri tlM , j JSo. 4b Park X w.Time Bail V . . mm . MB. J. B&INKUhOFF, K,.; ter s., , ' rlory Coiumittee, appoinied u i .ifJ; ' Eihibiti.in at l ho I i k . . , " . "r af uf, u.D Himr ana recommtuded U CORX SHELLKE m tbe bet ia Aaieriu. beiler. if delivered here, ready lor n,J-- i naveaccepteu ineir reoort. and ni before Jaanary 1, XS67. Tuur.Trglt J. 0. DXHBI. U.ilp Price oi tne SnnkerboiT Ofjr rn 1 Corn SUe. ler, V-0.Ui' Sample s hellers ibippd oa receipt a tt ! warranted to give aiuwn, r ibt Hfciis , A ' i unun syua atuct t a reasonable time. Addrm J. OAK3IDE4C0. Alcb.tua, lutm. WLL T DEN.Ag't ! S-Uaa fda lrewcil, XMrim. THEO HILL & CO, Dealer ia . FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC 1 ! c 1 . . i! DN. I OAKPETS, FINE STOCK! . Call and SeeTfies. JACOB MAROILN1 ME R CHANT MUX STIiEET, BROWNVILLE, XEDSA lias now oa hand a fall Slock of PIECE GOODS. Which he U prepared to sell bj tbe jri. :' oat or make op ia the latest and tno f'l"'4V tyle. A!ao, a Urre lot f KeaJj Mad elected b himjtlf, which he eaa wam.' win sell CheaDer than was erer offered V it in this City. A23ft mo. im & Dealeri ia 1ST ,L X 0 Woodenvvare STRAY NOTICE Taker ao bT the andersizned i. 3-uh of Brownrtlle on tbe 4th dJ w ' tri I8i7re red and white linebae c. J otT right ear, aad anderslit in left; th.r,rssf. but irn. .- Nor. U, 18.17 5t p4 .BLACEEUEir.Ii1' J.W PENSIOS 'KliUISIXO SUSSEOJ- i Teodsrf bin r ifHiooa! serTic to tie ci rrownriiie ana Ticmij. ,f. UCCIVliAI s a a Mi . .-jx XT : w . i. . . vt. T : i m,,th liJ fst and to4r.- .inr it n nil 1 1 m . v 111. :m m - TTreih Toa5ale- i ti aad three psiIL (r v 1 rrt"toratawi H tit 8aVr. 41-I IT Viy